I passed on blogging this story earlier, and I'm trying to remember exactly why. Was it that I knew the young lawprof was going to get slammed and I'd have to join the pile-on? Something like that. The professor — Jeffrey Omari — scored a column in the ABA Journal. Excerpt:
I was unsure whether the student was directing a hateful message toward me or if he merely lacked decorum and was oblivious to how his hat might be interpreted by his black law professor. I presumed it was the former. As the student sat there directly in front of me, his shiny red MAGA hat was like a siren spewing derogatory racial obscenities at me for the duration of the one hour and fifteen-minute class. ...He was that angry, but he assures us he appeared perfectly calm and successfully delivered what others would receive as a joke. He knows what's in his head, and how he looks to others, which is reading the inside of their head. How could he know that the students didn't hear his joke as the sarcasm it was? He's sure he knows the student's grin was mockery? Did he consider that the student may have believed that outwardly he remained perfectly polite?
As my blood boiled inwardly, outwardly I remained calm. In an effort to assuage the perceived tension, I jokingly told the student, “I like your hat,” when he raised his hand to participate in class discussion. Without missing a beat, the student mockingly grinned from ear to ear and said, “Thank you.”
Anyway, all the lawprofs easily arrive at the opinion that a professor should allow students to wear their politically expressive clothing without regard to viewpoint and it was really wrong to publish an article calling a particular, identifiable student a racist.
I really don't see how a person can teach if they get angry at students. Even if you do have a superpower of preventing it from showing, you're the teacher, you're the one with the power. You shouldn't be getting angry at them.
His shiny red MAGA hat was like a siren spewing derogatory racial obscenities at me... MAGA hats are shiny?
२४३ टिप्पण्या:
243 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Wow, what a fragile professor!
What do you do when a black student wears a MAGA hat?
You can burn a flag, but can you punch a Trump supporter?
I reject the premise professor ( not you Dr. Althouse). First the MAGA hat is NOT RACIST, it is only played one on democrat propaganda outlets. So screw him.
To expand: The only response should occur if a student is actually disrupting class. If every other student were to complain about the hat, take action. If only a minority of students (a *numerical* minority, to be clear) complains, you tell them to suck it up and/or to read up on Freedom of Speech.
Imagine a Professor telling a female student that they liked their dress! Never compliment or comment on a student's clothing choices, ever. The one time I commented on what a student was wearing, it was because it was a T-shirt from my High School. I only said "Hey! I went there!"
What is the appropriate response?
"No hats in class."
The content message of the hat is irrelevant.
That poor professor, confronted with a MAGA hat without even a trigger warning.
"What Should A Black Law Professor Do When A White Student Wears A MAGA Hat In Class?"
The same thing when a black student wears an Obama shirt in class - respective free political expression and shut the fuck up.
It's OK, 'cause Slavery.
My jokingly is your mockingly.
This is similar to the old Mel Brooks definition of comedy, but without the self-awareness.
Oh Lord!
A typical university professor.
The "No hats in class" response is only appropriate if that was the stated rule before this kid showed up with a MAGA hat, otherwise it looks like petty retaliation.
Why does the matador wave his shiny cape?
Sounds like the prof was triggered. Perhaps some anger management is in order.
"No hats in class."
I would like a medical exception. (Produces note from dermatologist)
Sincerely, someone with northern European skin and a history of sunburn.
What if a white student wears a hat backwards?
No hats in class is valid if applied neutrally-- but, obviously, this Clown Professor ain't thinking that way.
Someone has to fill in the blanks. Something about academia going to war about about the most inconsequential non-problem.
How can a student wearing political clothing into a LAW class room, rise to a discussion at any level?
Idiot professors are too dense to understand that there is NOTHING that is not objectionable if those in power are allowed to define the terms. This is basic stuff I was taught in the 6th grade in a small rural school.
power defining the terms to strip citizens of their rights.
I really don't see how a person can teach if they get angry at students. Even if you do have a superpower of preventing it from showing, you're the teacher, you're the one with the power. You shouldn't be getting angry at them.
@Althouse, pardon me, but how many of your former colleagues could meet this standard? I mean you’re right, but how many professors actually care anymore?
I wonder if Mr. Prof is temperamentally suited to his job. Maybe he should consider applying to be Laurence Tribe's research assistant, where he can be glowingly praised as the best, most insightful assistant since You-Know-Who.
Anyone else uncomfortable that he essentially doxxed the kid by penning that piece?
She came into my class in a low cut dress. I could see her perky breasts, they were like a siren spewing lustful comments at me for 60 minutes.
"I really don't see how a person can teach if they get angry at students."
It's quaint, and certainly old-fashioned, but try to think of them as your CUSTOMERS.
You know, like, if they weren't there, paying tuition, you, like, wouldn't be there collecting a paycheck.
"No hats in class."
I actually own a set of 100-year-old wood and iron seats that a law school sold off when it renovated its oldest classrooms. There's a wire hat rack under each seat.
No fedoras in class.
Do sirens "spew"? Don't they just go "O-oohga" or "Whaaa-Whoo-Whaa"?
his shiny red MAGA hat was like a siren spewing derogatory racial obscenities at me for the duration of the one hour and fifteen-minute class. ...
The delusional person who said that should be involuntarily committed for treatment.
No, not really, but he should be fired.
Jeffrey Omari an assistant professor. He could have titled his article A Letter to the Tenure Committee...
Oh, and include me with the people who know that (1) making America great again is manifestly not a white supremist slogan, and (2) if the young, black professor allows explicitly racist T-shirts like “Black Lives Matter” in his classroom then he cannot legally exclude MAGA. And him a law professor!
The column was ridiculous and the ABA Journal should not have published it unless their intention was to demonstrate the idiocy of TDS and the immaturity of this professor.
Half the people who read it will see him as a partisan looney tune. Even worse, his peers who retain their sanity, like Althouse, will question his fitness to teach.
Obama fomented the ireconcilability of political left and right. Trump exposes the pathology of the left.
As the student sat there directly in front of me
his shiny red MAGA hat was like a siren
spewing derogatory racial obscenities
at me for the duration of the one hour and fifteen-minute class
Where have we head that verse before? "Carving deep blue ripples... in the tissues of your mind"
The tiny purple fishes
Run laughing through your fingers
And you want to take her with you
To the hard land of the winter
Its astounding that little drama went on his head, and he's proud to share it! My guess is that the Leftwing students were coming into class wearing "fuck trump" T-shirts or Red armbands or whatever, and so this guy decided to wear a MAGA hat. That's why the "just don't allow hats" thing was NOT implemented.
Bad link on: "Lawprof Paul Caron follows up"
Do what Rachel Maddow does - cry. Then lie. Then move forward with a Mueller investigation.
What is the appropriate response?
Put the professor on medical leave. He is delusional, needs medical attention, and should not be teaching students.
Fen: "Prof Althouse! Your red and black striped blouse conjures up Nazi imagery! I can't even..."
Althouse: "Campus Security? Yah, that Fen kid again. Code Red"
That MAGA hats are not racist should NOT have be said. Just mock them.
What Is The Appropriate Response When A White, Brown, Black, Yellow, perhaps Orange, Student Wears A MAGA Hat In Class? Don't indulge diversity.
That said, they are brightly colored red triggers. Ole!
I'm sure it won't influence the grading process. Nope.
It's the same thing as the delusional trannies demanding we deny reality.
You are free to live in your alternate reality where Trump is rounding up blacks for his KKK chapter to hang, but you may NOT force us to be active players in your delusion.
An emotionally mature person would look at the MAGA hat or Obama t-shirt and smile. Then they would move on with the lesson.
This professor is a narcissist. Not everything is about you, Bub.
The "No hats in class" response is only appropriate if that was the stated rule before this kid showed up with a MAGA hat
Or, this goes under the "things I should have learned (or been taught) in kindergarten" category.
I'm getting the distinct impression that something is happening to people at universities - something terribly damaging. The places are just dangerous to your mind and soul. This guy is one of thousands of examples. Don't send your kids there until things change. It's purposeful child abuse. For the love of God, don't send your money there. You are paying people to ruin each other and your kids.
What other people wear is all about me. When they get dressed in the morning, they're only thinking about me. It's weird how they are all like that because when I get dressed, I'm just picking things that please me. It's a good world when everything is all about me, me, me.
The proper response when your professor compliments your hat is to yeet a campaign pin at him. (Must yell "yeet" loudly as you do so.)
I'm curious how he said "I like your hat". Was it in an over-the-top-jokey way? Was it in a rage-suppressed-teeth-grinding way? Was it in a snarky yet challenging way? Or was it in just a neutral, bland way? Mind reading is hard.
"No hats in class."
That could work. Generally, a scientifically-approved neutral social theme. Perhaps burlap pants for the boys, burlap bags for the girls, or one or the other for both sexes to mitigate political conflict.
Make America Great Again is RACIST how??? These people are freaking nuts. It's a red baseball hat. Get over OUR "everything I don't agree with is RACIST" attitude. Trump is going to win in a landslide with crybabies like this.
He came into my class. His hat was on backwards. An obvious insult! My blood boiled with rage. I calmed myself with a sip of water. I hid my shaking hand. He sat and grinned, mocking me. "Hello Professor", he lied. I responded with cutting sarcasm "Nice to see you". He pretended not to notice, and smiled. I went on with the class, sirens of insults dancing from eyes. He left. I went home and wept.
"Even more interesting to us was the universal understanding that white people were not vulnerable to witchcraft and could neither feel it nor understand it. White people literally lack a crucial sense, or part of the brain.
A colleague pointed out a few weeks ago, after hearing this story, that if it is nearly pan-African then perhaps some of it came to the New World. Prominent and not so prominent talkers from the American Black population come out with similar theories of vague and invisible forces that are oppressing people, like “institutional racism” and “white privilege”."
Is there a photo? Did this really happen? Cause you know...
I had this upper division Econ class 30+ years ago, taught by a visiting Professor from Chile. A total right-wing nut -- unintentionally very humorous.
Two frat boys were sitting in the back row of class, manspreading, wearing ballcaps, generally dozing off, not paying attention. Professor stops lecture -- yells at the guys in heavily accented English, "What are you, Jewish? Take off those damn hats in my class!"
I seriously doubt he got tenure.......
The kid should come to class with a shirt that says "kill whitey" - just to test the issue.
[Omari] presumably will be hitting the meat market for a permanent teaching job in the next few years—this could make him toxic.
More likely- on the fast track to tenure..
The question is what to do when a White kid wears the hat?, but what if it was a student of color?
I'm curious how he said "I like your hat". Was it in an over-the-top-jokey way?
He said it in a dishonest, lying way. That's why we should believe him.
Now we've progressed from Hate Crime Hoaxes to Hat Crime Hoaxes. What are the odds this professor discovers a noose on his office door before his next article deadline?
I find it "incredible as a matter of law" that any white law student would be so stupid as to not realize the damage to your GPA a law school professor could wreak.
Bags it was the hat. Like all MAGA hats its a siren spewing insult machine.
So if these snowflake teachers can’t control themselves at the sight of a red cap, how will they keep from pissing themselves when confronted with real injustice, with real bigotry or really offensive speech? What relieves me is that so many professors had a similar reaction to mine. What bothers me is the lack of unanimity regarding free speech.
The next thing you know, people will be saying it's wrong to call Trump supporters deplorables and treat them disrespectfully.
I remember when it was fashionable in some quarters to wear 'X' t-shirts as in Spike Lee's Malcolm X. There is also the ubiquitous Che t-shirt. Are those offensive in a college classroom? How about a 'Hope' t-shirt?
Easy solution to the hat problem is: take off your hat indoors. End of story.
one of these days we'll get around to having these made:
bright, SHINY, Red
oh that Bartholomew Cubbins was a Trump supporter!
Omari would be the first person in line attacking anyone who objected to a Black Lives Matter or Malcolm X T shirt.
An interesting opportunity for a social experiment:
1. Take BART from/to Oakland and SF--wearing an Obama t-shirt
2. Take BART from/to Oakland and SF -wearing a MAGA hat.
See what happens.
would a "Beto 2020" sombrero be ok in class?
"I was in the first year of a two-year fellowship as a visiting assistant professor of law. Moreover, as an African-American male, I was one of an exceedingly small number of students, faculty and staff of color in the law school. From my (progressive) perspective as a black man living in the increasingly polarized political climate that is America, MAGA is an undeniable symbol of white supremacy and hatred toward certain nonwhite groups.
Although my position is at a private university, I understood that my lack of tenure, precarious status as a VAP and the hue of my skin meant that I would be fighting an uphill battle should I have asked the student to remove his distracting red hat during class. Surely, there must be protocol when African-American professors—whose presence is scarce in most law schools—find their authority defiantly undermined by an insensitive student.An informal survey of my colleagues revealed that no other law faculty had experienced any students wearing such propaganda in their classes, which furthered my contention that this student was indeed trying to intimidate and/or racially antagonize me. ...
In times of such heightened political disparity, decision makers in institutions of higher education should weigh the benefits of exclusionary, in-class political speech against the divisive burdens such speech places on students, staff and faculty.
In the meantime, faculty of color remain committed to professionalism, which also means peaceably coexisting with MAGA in the classroom. To be certain, however, in academic settings “making America great again” suggests a return to the days when women and people of color were denied access to these very institutions."
The Democrats in the room could put on their "No Borders, No Walls, No USA at All" hats. That'll learn 'em.
A story about a dumb black man.
"would a "Beto 2020" sombrero be ok in class?"
Oh, gosh, where can I get one?
I think it would be cool to have a 'Warren 2020' feathered headdress, too.
And one of those little Mao caps for Comrade Bernie's campaign.
I think a "no hats allowed" policy, except for religious reasons, is a sensible classroom policy. People shouldn't wear hats indoors, period, and it's mildly disrespectful to wear a hat in a classroom.
But if you do allow hats, you really need to allow all hats with some extremely narrow exceptions, e.g., a literal KKK hood. The MAGA hat is the official campaign hat of the duly-elected president, who half the country voted for. To stigmatize the MAGA hat like that is to stigmatize half the voting public. Like it or not, most people who support Trump do not think there's anything racist about the MAGA hat, even if some racist assholes have tried to appropriate it.
I guess if you can stigmatize the Betsy Ross flag because of some racist assholes, you can stigmatize anything. Personally, I prefer to assume something like the MAGA hat to be fairly mainstream and just a statement of support for President Trump and his agenda. You really don't have to be racist to support him. In a healthy society, people should try to be magnanimous or generous about their fellow countrymen, even when they disagree. Assuming the worst is basically a call to engage in hostilities, to smear the other side, to deepen the divide. It does nothing but make things worse.
Althouse serving up red meat... come and get it
Democrats made MAGA about race. This Prof's outrage is manufactured. Now, if a student wore a black power hat, that would be about race.
Bay Area Guy said...
An interesting opportunity for a social experiment:
1. Take BART from/to Oakland and SF--wearing an Obama t-shirt
2. Take BART from/to Oakland and SF -wearing a MAGA hat.
See what happens.
Better Use crash-test dummies. vary complexion (celebrity faces ? ) and hat placements
Now we've progressed from Hate Crime Hoaxes to Hat Crime Hoaxes.
Thread Winner!
Michael said...
Anyone else uncomfortable that he essentially doxxed the kid by penning that piece?
actually the kid invites it by his fearless behavior - he can handle it and even be ready for it. Would make nice entry on campaign staff application resume.
To be certain, however, in academic settings “making America great again” suggests a return to the days when women and people of color were denied access to these very institutions."
MAGA suggests no such thing except in your own deluded mind.
Make America Great Again is an economic and foreign policy message.
Economically, make America a great place to do business. Bring back businesses that have left the country due to over regulation and onerous taxes. Bring back and ENCOURAGE businesses that will employ people so that the entire economy will bloom.
Foreign policy, to make America great in the sense that the country is no longer being taken advantage of economically and in foreign negotiations. Bring back the respect and clout that America had on the international stage had in the past. Instead of groveling before other countries, be proud and be firm in negotiations.
None of those aims has anything to do with people of color, returning to Jim Crow, or any of the other delusions cherished by the Left.
"Make America Great Again" is about America, where we do not as a matter of Constitution and character indulge in diversity.
You only wear a hat indoors if you are under arms or carrying the colors.
A hang-up I acquired from military service.
Althouse writes the commenting lawprofs "easily" arrived at the opinion allowing the clothing and against writing the oped since the student is likely identifiable. But most of them minimize the problem as here:
One of his faculty members took to a national publication and called a student--unnamed but readily identifiable within a small institution (Gonzaga has about 350 students)--unprofessional, insensitive, disrespectful, and racist. For engaging in constitutionally protected speech supporting the sitting President. ...
The problem isn't just that the speech is protected. The worst problem with Omari's assertion is that the speech he alleges, racist speech, only occurred in his own head.
Here's another LP essentially supporting Omari in this element:
But wouldn't it mean that the student acted inappropriately here, in a manner that warrants at least some criticism, even if the student himself did not intend to convey such a message?
Only Turley deals directly with the most serious problem.
Omari should be removed from the classroom. Not because he is a leftist but because he has proven himself so biased he cannot interact reasonably with students (and likely others) who don't share his extreme political views.
Speaking of hats, Where are the Osundairo brothers when you really need them?
A guy willing to wear that hat in front of some jackass in a position of authority? I’m thinking that’s a lawyer I want to have on my side.
actually the kid invites it by his fearless behavior
This is reminiscent of the Catholic boy who stood for human and one-time civil rights, and the guy and the media who tried to force him to kneel.
"Or, this goes under the "things I should have learned (or been taught) in kindergarten" category."
Professor Omari wasn't pitching a hissy about the etiquette of wearing hats indoors, so unless he had a previously stated and consistently enforced policy against it, this would look like exactly what it would be: retaliation because he didn't like his hat.
And I agree that he shouldn't be wearing his hat indoors, but I doubt this was the first dress code faux pas that had happened in one of this guy's classes, or he would have discussed the dress code beforehand.
Hall Monitor Howie serving up one liner snark.
No doubt he's an Affirmative Action prof who can't do and apparently can't teach.
"I like your hat"
He should have said, "Nice hat. I couldn't wear it, but it looks good on you." then everyone would have known he was joking.
Except he wasn't joking.
Let's say, for arguments sake, that the kid was purposefully attempting to provoke the prof. By his reaction, including the published article about the situation, the prof conceded the power to the kid. Dumbass.
It was once the presence of a lady that required the removal of hats. British MPs flagrantly wore them in the House when it was all male. I guess the female law students aren't ladies.
"Anyone else uncomfortable that he essentially doxxed the kid by penning that piece? "
Yeah but..a little collateral damage is fine while Omari is advancing his career path with all his correct-think on display.
This professor just made the argument that we need to burn all of our universities to the ground and salt the earth where they stood.
While they can't ban just hats, or MAGA hats specifically, they could ban all clothing and accessories with political innuendo. They could demand a uniform code of dress with politically neutral shapes, colors, and symbols. Seriously, burlap pants for the boys, burlap bags for the girls, or, if they are sex agnostic, then one or the other for both sexes.
"The column was ridiculous and the ABA Journal should not have published it..."
They have to print SOMETHING written by Blacks once in awhile (wouldn't want to be racist, ya know), and what else do they write?
Except 13% of African American males voted for Trump.
Achilles said...
This professor just made the argument that we need to burn all of our universities to the ground and salt the earth where they stood.
I think the achievable goal is to split Universities into liberal arts and practical. Run them and most importantly fund them independently. By putting them together the powers that be use the value created by one to subsidize the nonsense of the other. But consider down the road a a university dedicated to STEM and business. They don't need multicultural requirements to prop up grievance studies enrollment and faculty. They don't need the thousand other hangers-on drawn to campus politics. Over time they can drop their prices to reflect the different cost structures. We'll see if the political side can survive without the value created by the productive side.
Saying "13%" when referring to African Americans is racist.
Toxic moustachulinity in a Person of Colors.
"On July 7, Vishal Singh Solanki, a social security officer (SSO) in Shrinagar, Ajmer, was served a show-cause notice by Jai Prakash Charan, deputy director, social justice and empowerment department for showing disregard to his seniors by constantly twirling his moustache during a video conference.
The notice further stated that Solanki has been seen twirling his moustache while working at office and even during conversations with senior officials."
(H/T Barry)
How good a constitutional law professor is this guy? From the original cri de coeur:
"In times of such heightened political disparity, decision makers in institutions of higher education should weigh the benefits of exclusionary, in-class political speech against the divisive burdens such speech places on students, staff and faculty."
Isn't that essentially a statement that those running the institution should consider banning Republican political stuff - or at least this particular symbol? Not even in high schools have courts taken the position that students' First Amendment rights allow the suppression of all political/controversial speech - although in recent years they have come close enough.
I cannot envision any institute of higher education attempting to make a rule that no political symbols/speech may be worn or displayed in the classroom. Indeed, it would seem impossible to get that through, especially in various types of classes in which issues of politics, sociology, history, government, civics etc are studied. Can it be possible that in a class studying modern history, for example, a student may be banned from wearing a current political party symbol while the class is studying past political symbols?
To me this guy just seems irrational.
They have a "social justice and empowerment department" in Shrinagar, which sounds like it's in Indiana.
The original piece at abajournal.com has multiple paragraphs not included at taxprof:
Seeing Red A professor coexists with MAGA in the classroom
Not sure what it is about the MAGA hat but no one wearing one is ever just smiling. They are “grinning mockingly” or “smirking” or “with a smug grin” or “with a shit eating grin”. Odd how a hat can change things......
Seeing Red A professor coexists with MAGA in the classroom
There's the problem, COEXIST is exclusive, missing an A, among other letters.
Blogger Achilles said...
This professor just made the argument that we need to burn all of our universities to the ground and salt the earth where they stood.
enough dynamite there Butch?
"What is the appropriate response?
"No hats in class."
The content message of the hat is irrelevant."
That horse escaped years ago. Except for military personnel, those who wear hats these days wear them everywhere.
So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, “RACIST.” Their disgusting language.....
....and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged. If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
Mark said...
What is the appropriate response?
"No hats in class."
The content message of the hat is irrelevant.
I started scrolling through the comments to find the one correct response. And I am glad that I did not have to go far.
[Note for those following my "count" in relation to Bay Area Guy's challenge; I screwed up. In a comment made over the weekend, I thoughtlessly commended {the host bloggress}, by name, for a sweet post linking to BBC video about divers who pulled a hook from the eye of a seemingly grateful and cooperative Manta Ray. My post was, in every clear sense, a breach of my agreement with Bay Area Guy. Although I proposed a 2-post penalty on myself, on reflection I think that a deal is a deal. I said that I could make 50 straight posts without mentioning the hostess or the Current Occupant, and so that is what I must do. So I start anew, to get to 50. Here is my Comment #20 that I confess was a beach.]
Althouse serving up red meat... come and get it
Yes, let’s just ignore that a law professor is clutching his pearls over a hat. Using smarm to hide your lack of intellect isn’t doing the trick...
Nobody clicks on your stupid links Howard.
Nobody cares about you douchey fucks or what you think anymore.
Everyone knows you are the party of Ilhan Omar now. A bunch of America hating globalist tools.
Trump is playing you people like a fiddle.
Saying "13%" when referring to African Americans is racist.
The label "African-American" is diversitist and exclusive of white, brown, yellow, and albino Africans. African-American is a progressive label that reduces people from whole Americans to 1/2 Americans. A shout-out to people, which is as urbane as it is counterproductive.
Finally, no politically-sensitive hats, shoes, dress, shorts, etc. Burlap in geometrically neutral cutouts for everyone irrespective of sex.
Prof has got a nose ring. Bleh!
The blue glasses say gay, but his beard's untrimmed.
Prof should have channeled Al Czervik, the Rodney Dangerfield character in Caddyshack:
"Oh, this is the worst-looking hat I ever saw. What, when you buy a hat like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh? Oh, it looks good on you though."
So I start anew, to get to 50
Was part of the deal if you screw up you get mulligans?
Howard said...
Althouse serving up red meat... come and get it
No you dumb piece of shit. This isn't red meat. This is red meat:
Traitorous democrats raise Mexican flag over ICE building in Colorado.
It is time for the democrats to lose another civil war they started.
MaxedOutMama, quoting: "...against the divisive burdens such speech places on students, staff and faculty."
"...[D]ivisive burdens such speech places..." What does that even mean?
Imagining that something is racist and going nuts over it seems to be the purpose of professional life for blackety-black-blacks.
The wiseass bit is wearing out Howard.
Try producing some content.
And that's why higher education is failing, children.
I'd bet the professors are criticizing him because he was too explicit.
He gives away the Leftist Collectivist game.
The goal of indoctrination is to pretend there is no indoctrination.
Leftist Fight Club.
You should be buying BAG his desired equivalent of the big ass bottle of gin you got, not merely zeroing the count.
But then, Obama got the Nobel based on hope.
From the original cri de coeur:
"In times of such heightened political disparity, decision makers in institutions of higher education should weigh the benefits of exclusionary, in-class political speech against the divisive burdens such speech places on students, staff and faculty."
Isn't that essentially a statement that those running the institution should consider banning Republican political stuff?
Worse. He is making the same argument other leftists have made - that __X__ should be suspended because of the "extremus" they are pretending exists.
X = rules, objectivity, ethics, truth, non-violence, etc.
Extremus = someone disagrees with them
You think there should be immigration laws and those laws should be enforced.
They pretend this means you want to put refugee children in concentration camps.
This justifies suspending the Rule of Law to murder you.
Law student sitting before a black law prof wearing a MAGA hat. Dumb move -- he will never prove that course grade was result of prof's (stupid) rage. Wouldn't want him as my lawyer in any situation.
Black law prof wearing his perceived grievances on his forehead (in bright neon) for the whole world to witness. Dumb move -- he will never prove that not achieving tenure was the result of this incident. Wouldn't want him as my lawyer in any situation.
Have met many of these two types in many courtrooms over the years. It is fun to work their weak points without much ado. They stuck the stilletto into themselves, a little twisting finishes the job.
The student should have alternated hats: MAGA one day, X the next.
"Liberals" . . . still the stupidest people on earth.
You think there should be immigration laws and those laws should be enforced.
They pretend this means you want to put refugee children in concentration camps.
This justifies suspending the Rule of Law to murder you.
This type is easy to out - just ask them if the KKK should be allowed to march.
Was part of the deal if you screw up you get mulligans?
Heh! I am waiving Chuck's breach, commending him for transparency and endorsing his re-starting at 1. I do hope this isn't a Sisyphean effort, though. 50 big ones, big fellow.
However, I am placing him on double-secret probation:)
At least nobody could accuse the guy of kissing up to the prof for a grade.
A maga hat is a political statement, perfectly fine indoors provided political tee shirts are allowed.
Maga is consumed with hate is just a bad reading. No more magnanimous movement exists.
As a political statement it means not going along with PC as truth. It doesn't mean hate.
A soto voce remark made visible.
Black Lives Mutter.
Law Profs Weigh In: What Is The Appropriate Response When A White Student Wears A MAGA Hat In Class?
Why is it appropriate to identify the race of the student?
Would the professor identify the race of a black student wearing a MAGA hat?
Would the professor identify the race of a black student wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt?
The law prof is offended by the hat. I'm offended he got a degree that allows him to be a law prof. I've met too many people with advance degrees, who have the mistaken belief they possess the talent to read minds, and in this case, they think others possess the talent too and use it out of hand.
Heh! I am waiving Chuck's breach, commending him for transparency and endorsing his re-starting at 1. I do hope this isn't a Sisyphean effort, though. 50 big ones, big fellow.
Geez, you're tough. I called him in bounds but you're the head ref.
Oh, this baby loves the slob, loves it, eats it up. Eats the slob.
Born in the slob. His father was a mudda'.
Guy: His father was a mudda'?
Kramer: His mother was a mudda'.
Guy: His mother was a mudda'?
If Chuck falls off the wagon again, the next penalty will be to re-start again at 1, and wear a MAGA Hat while commentating.
If an attorney shows up in Federal court wearing his best tank top, flip-flops, and yoga pants, how will the Federal judge react?
Ok to be angry at stars and bars hat? At swastika hat? People in power are allowed to be angry. POTUS seems to be angry at least half the time.
Another reason not to read my ABA journal. There used to be a really good monthly column on trial practice, but that is long gone.
"I presumed it was the former."
The root of most drama is a failure to apply the principle of charity.
If a student shows up in Che T-shirt, am I to assume he wants to kill little ol' bourgeois me?
The real problem is that this educated man has been brainwashed to believe that Trump and his supporters are racist.
The leftist MSM has convinced many (without evidence) that wearing a MAGA hat is like calling someone a nigger.
And they are continuing to do it.
Most law professors are losers. I was in the top 1% of my profession (Major international law firm) and I cringe when I recall how poorly most of them taught. There were a few notable exceptions. I would always gage my professors by: could they really make it practicing law? I would say 85% could not. This debate shows how clueless they are.
Could a black student wear a MAGA hat in the class? How "black" must he be? More or less than Obama?
I couldn't help but think of the line from Full Metal Jacket on "The duality of man"
I went back to college in my late 30s, and if I got mad at every, little shithead leftist running around in their Che t-shirts, I would've never had time to do anything else.
I have no desire to buy or wear a MAGA hat, but with each passing day I'm getting more tempted.
You leftists need to get a fucking grip.
“Democrats made MAGA about race. This Prof's outrage is manufactured. Now, if a student wore a black power hat, that would be about race.”
They made it about race because that is essentially the only play in their playbook. They have nothing besides decisiveness left to run on. They tell everyone else that race is the most important thing to consider when voting, but they tell middle class whites that they can’t consider race when voting, because that would be racist.
The thing though is that the only place this works is with low information upper middle class voters. Lower middle class voters typically don’t care, and they are the demographic that the Dems need to win back.
Suck it up, Buttercup.
Chuck must be a golfer - he called a penalty on himself. Very nice!! No one likes a golf cheat...
I'm reminded of Steve Martin.... "These cans! He Hates these cans"!
That's it... leftists have no grip! Life is all wrong.
Death by antifa mob?
I love hats! Here in NW Montana, I either wear a ballcap or a western (cowboy) hat. And nearly everyone here, men and women also wears hats. Decades ago, when working for an engineering firm in SoCal I posited to my manager the idea that in order to tell people apart (clients/employees, engineers/support staff, managers/executives)everyone should wear a hat, of different size, shape, color and ornamentation. Just like WW1 aristocrats before they all got blown-up! The clients of course would have the tallest, gaudiest, most colorful and ostentatious hats! And down the chain of function, status, education, social connections, etc. Think of the hats and costumes worm by the showgirls in Busby Berkeley films and you have an idea of what I was thinking. Maybe American society should adopt my idea and then, at a glance anyone could discern who is important and special and who is deplorably ordinary. Worth a try!!
I hate it when Trump supporters get uppity.
“Another reason not to read my ABA journal. There used to be a really good monthly column on trial practice, but that is long gone.”
WTF do you maintain an ABA membership? By doing so, you are funding this sort of nonsense.
My view maybe a bit extreme, but after my free LS membership ran out, when I got my first real invoice from the ABA, I took it outside and burned it.
My pet peeve is with integrated bars, like AZ, where your mandatory dues support a left wing monthly bar rag that wallows in victimhood, some real, mostly, as here, imagined. The CO bar rag was much better, mostly probably because CBA membership was voluntary, unlike in AZ. But the AZ bar rag was much glossier.
Luckily, whenever an employer offered to pay ABA dues, I was always able to get them to allow me to substitute either an engineering society, or an IP related professional organization (such as the AIPLA - until they sold out to their big corporate sponsors to support the “First To File” AIA patent legislation).
No Chuck, you didn't find the one correct response; "No hats in class" would be appropriate only if that was the real reason he wanted the student to remove his hat, and we know that's not true because he wrote a whole ABA article about the reason. Hint: it wasn't about the dress code.
He didn't write an article bemoaning the woeful state of dress in the classroom, he wrote an article calling one of his easily identifiable students a racist. The appropriate thing to have done was not to go all Carnac the Magnificent and pretend to know exactly what the student's motivations were and call him out in a nationally published journal.
Please consider that "Ctrl-Left" conspirators like @AriShapiro etc. @NPR "news" and @NYTimes are gleeful at this professor's anguish, glad to see their effectiveness in conditioning the Amygdulas of America to trigger so perfectly.
Read his description again; put simply, this man is hallucinating: " his shiny red MAGA hat was like a siren spewing derogatory racial obscenities at me for the duration of the one hour and fifteen-minute class. . . As my blood boiled inwardly," . . .
The "Ctrl-Left" has successfully wired our reflexive brain to explode with big yellow tape marked "DANGER!!! EVIL!!! BE VERY AFRAID!!!" and they have been working at this for years. i have recognized the ailment in my democrat acquantances since Obama's years.
I remember, summer 2009 or 2010, @JakeTapper stayed at the White House with no News while some young dame covered the Hamptons vacation for his "TheNote". She mentioned a "lunch with family friends" and named 5 folks. But if you searched out those folks, they were part of a "little known, works in the shadows" company of communications pros that did special projects, yeah, haha. dark ops all the way down, and they have our American Minds on the ropes.
May "Powerful Goodness" save us all, despite @NPR and @nytimes.
A MAGA hat is now racist? I shouldn't laugh at the mentally and emotionally challenged, but it's just so much fun...
Blogger Sheridan said...
“I love hats! Here in NW Montana, I either wear a ballcap or a western (cowboy) hat.”
Betting that I am sitting within 100 or so miles of you right now.
My partner won’t let me wear a cowboy hat, except when I am working in the yard, or on a farm, like her ex has a bit downriver from here. Her grandfather was a cowboy, and I am not. I was a software designer, then a patent attorney. He rode ditch horseback, and broke horses as a hobby. Her mother was probably one too - probably akin to the young woman out front at the pharmacy wearing a rodeo belt. But I have plenty of pictures of me and my next brother in boots and hats before she was born. That was when men still wore hats outdoors as a matter of course, and I never saw my grandfather w/o his Stetson Open Road (like the one LBJ wore). Still, I am not considered authentic enough to wear a cowboy hat except to work in the yard. So, it is ball caps most of the time - mostly involving shooting somehow, though I am wearing one today from the Coeur d’Alene resort.
,,,In an effort to assuage the perceived tension, I jokingly told the student, “I like your hat,” when he raised his hand to participate in class discussion. Without missing a beat, the student mockingly grinned from ear to ear and said, “Thank you.” ,,,
Suppose the student had responded "I can get you one"
The black law professor should do the same thing as anyone else: Mind his/her own business. If a hat can trigger you, you're a weakling.
the student mockingly grinned
Illegal smile has taken on a new meaning from what it used to be.
"Won't you please tell the man I didn't kill anyone
No I'm just tryin' to have me some fun"
Bruce - I wear ballcaps mostly (with logog from bars, shops, gunsmiths, co-ops, you name it) but in the yard I wear those funky boonie-type hats from Costco. We're at about 3000 feet ASL so I'm mindful of UV effects. My son-in-law is a for reals rancher (black angus cattle) and my SoCal valley-girl daughter has turned herself into a rancher as well. Their 3 YO daughter is already riding ponies and helping dad drive the tractors, semis and windrowers. They all wear ballcaps and western hats and no-one draws any distinctions. Of course, at rodeos, western hats are the custom. Not quite the same for gunshows. I'd wanted to be a cowboy (almost succeeded in Kansas when I was in the USAF and helped my sergeant manage a dude ranch for a Cessna Aircraft exec but my ex wanted more so back to college in San Diego I went)and now that I'm here in Montana and retired, I wear my cowboy hat for fun and shits and giggles. I'm letting my self-consciousness recede as I grow into my new job as an old man.
“A MAGA hat is now racist? I shouldn't laugh at the mentally and emotionally challenged, but it's just so much fun..”
What everyone needs to remember here is that the left, the Dems, etc, wallow in their projection.
They know that they support the party of black slavery, that opposed fighting the Civil War, both in the north and south, the war that freed the slaves, engaged in Jim Crow, used the KKK as their storm troopers for better than half a century (ignoring the occasional lynchings to keep the upedy Blacks in their place), voted against the Civil Rights laws of the 1960s, enacted legislation that effectively destroyed the majority of Black families, and celebrated former Klan leadership well into the 21st Century. Instead they call members of the party that fought and won the Civil War, enacted the Civil Rights Amendments, then laws a century, etc. racist.
As I said, wallowing in their projection.
“I love hats! Here in NW Montana, I either wear a ballcap or a western (cowboy) hat.”
We need to immediately start production of MAGA Cowboy Hats. Nobody fucks with men wearing Cowboy Hats.
We will make a fortune. Who's with me?
p.s. Here in California, for purely marketing purposes, we should test the waters with MAGA Pussy Hats. Don't want to get ahead of the market.
Too much red meat today on Althouse. The commentariat might spontaneously combust. Haha
It's okay if he's also wearing a "Fuck Tha Police" t-shirt.
Heh! I am waiving Chuck's breach, commending him for transparency and endorsing his re-starting at 1. I do hope this isn't a Sisyphean effort, though. 50 big ones, big fellow.
Geez, you're tough. I called him in bounds but you're the head ref.
You guys leave Chuck alone. I am enjoying the new Chuck, (although I suspect he really is just using a ghost writer).
New Chuck is funny, makes some pertinent, on topic comments and has developed a very nice ironic/sardonic sense of humor.
Let's enjoy it while it lasts :-)
Everyone stay on their meds! Except for Laslo. Not sure what happened there...
We need to immediately start production of MAGA Cowboy Hats. Nobody fucks with men wearing Cowboy Hats.
We will make a fortune. Who's with me?
MAGA Hard Hats with optional beer can/straw holders. Oh damn. Too late. Already invented
@Sheridan - grew up pretending to be cowboys. My father’s parents left their respective farms in OK, met in teacher’s college, and moved to Denver for careers in education. Their retirement dream was a girls camp, a small ranch, an hour from Denver. That is where we spent every summer weekend, between the time I was born, and when I went into HS. That meant a string of horses, and riding them from not too much after we learned to walk. That also meant, when we were little, that along with boots and hats, we also had gun belts with cap guns.
Closest we come here to real cowboying is that her ex has a deal with a neighbor where they share his hay and alfalfa, and part of the deal is a grass fed cow every year. Next town east of here is much wider open, so they have a lot of horses, and some cattle, but here the woods are too thick most places for that to be successful. Funny thing though is that there is a sign over a log building between the two towns with a sign that says “guns” on one side, and “ammo” on the other. Stopped by there out of curiosity a couple years ago. It is run by an old cowboy, who still openly wore his traditional six gun. Turns out, he raises longhorns. The funny part was that he had a couple of them out back, loose. Just laying around and eating. Not going anywhere, because they knew where their food came from. He did have to corral his horses though, because of their tendency to wander off.
I agree with you, Bruce - and I think the constant projection has left them unable to process reality. It's a hot mess.
The young man from Covington was also described as smiling mockingly.
Dumbplumber (my sweet husband) doesn't wear ball caps. Hates them. Doesn't like advertising on his head. Tee shirts...yes. Head no. Go figure.
He wears a Monterey style type Mesh Sun Hat. Like this. A dirty walnut color is the best color because the iron in the water and on pipes is going to stain it orange anyway.
Great because they provide shade AND you can get them wet for an instant evaporative cooling effect.
He does have a nicer one that he wears for "good" when we go out or to car shows. Quite handsome and dashing if I must say so myself!
What Is The Appropriate Response When A White Student Wears A MAGA Hat In Class?
When will the Radical Left Congresswomen apologize to our Country, the people of Israel and even to the Office of the President, for the foul language they have used, and the terrible things they have said. So many people are angry at them & their horrible & disgusting actions!
If Democrats want to unite around the foul language & racist hatred spewed from the mouths and actions of these very unpopular & unrepresentative Congresswomen, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I can tell you that they have made Israel feel abandoned by the U.S.
“We all know that AOC and this crowd are a bunch of Communists, they hate Israel, they hate our own Country, they’re calling the guards along our Border (the Border Patrol Agents) Concentration Camp Guards, they accuse people who support Israel as doing it for the Benjamin’s,....
....they are Anti-Semitic, they are Anti-America, we don’t need to know anything about them personally, talk about their policies. I think they are American citizens who are duly elected that are running on an agenda that is disgusting, that the American people will reject......
....What does it mean for America to have free Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants, no criminalization of coming into our Country - See how that works for controlling Immigration! They talk about Israel like they’re a bunch of thugs, not victims of the entire region. They wanted...
.....to impeach President Trump on DAY ONE. Make them the face of the future of the Democrat Party, you will destroy the Democrat Party. Their policies will destroy our Country!” @LindseyGrahamSC Need I say more?
Hey DBQ I've been hands-off Chuck since the started. Even gave him a few compliments for making some benchmark numbers :)
Folks picked a funny morning to express surprise that make America great again coming from Trump has implications of racism.
"New Chuck is funny, makes some pertinent, on topic comments and has developed a very nice ironic/sardonic sense of humor."
Hell yeah. Wry, even.
I am Laslo.
That supposedly educated people just assume MAGA symbolizes racism is a real problem. I hope this article haunts this man and he is not given any power over his fellow human beings in any capacity whatsoever. He is obviously a mentally unbalanced individual. Whether that is because of his own mental illness or because he has been fed the unhinged ideology that led him to his racist and bigoted beliefs is the only question.
Hey DBQ I've been hands-off Chuck since the started. Even gave him a few compliments for making some benchmark numbers :)
Nice :-P. I wouldn't want to have to use the same tone and words my Dad did when us kids were fighting in the car.
Never failed to make us laugh/snicker and stop fighting. Not sure if that was his intention but at least we stopped.....for a while :-)
Not to engage in Civility Bullshit but the appropriate response is to Calm the Fuck Down.
Wow.. the hate is not in the MAGA hat wearer.. SHE HATES HIM.. and reads all kinds of thoughts into his actions. He could be the most polite person in the room but she will find SOMETHING in his demeanor to be insulting.
TDS is real folks...
"New Chuck is funny, makes some pertinent, on topic comments and has developed a very nice ironic/sardonic sense of humor.
Let's enjoy it while it lasts :-)"
Quite so, which is why I am voluntarily "participating" by not stoking the flames during this clearly welcomed respite from the typical back and forth.
Folks picked a funny morning to express surprise that make America great again coming from Trump has implications of racism.
Why don't you enlighten us as to how MAGA is racist, his tweets are racist and everything is racist tickles your funny bone?
readering: "Folks picked a funny morning to express surprise that make America great again coming from Trump has implications of racism."
Fresh off her performance as a leader of the hoax gang rape lies against Kavanaugh, readering struggles to regain the self-anointed moral highground.
And fails.
This just in: the clearly communist pro-ISIS Squad will be responding to Trump at a press conference this evening!
Will Omar's brother/husband be there?
Will jews be allowed in?
Will American flags be safe?
Its as if they are all full of buttons and Trump knows just which ones to push.
Trump will come right back at them forcing Nancy and pals to defend the defenders of ISIS and open borders.
Amazing that the law professor doesn't understand that he is the one with the power in the student-professor relationship. Just amazing. I also suspect it is not uncommon. I heard a second hand story about something that happened in a local university classroom. It is second hand so I can't vouch for the truth of it, but the person who told it is known to be trustworthy. In this case it was a lesbian professor who told a Christian student how much she hated Christians because "they" hate people like her. She did this in front of the class after they had to share some biographical information about themselves. What is it with these professors? Do the universities have no standards?
Folks picked a funny morning to express surprise that make America great again coming from Trump has implications of racism.
That's not surprise..that's indignation, and we've been expressing it since the first ignorant Lefty said the slogan was racist, long before this morning.
readering said...
Folks picked a funny morning to express surprise that make America great again coming from Trump has implications of racism.
Look at the disgusting worm accuse everyone who disagrees with her as being racist.
You are terrible people.
If you can’t be decent and civil Take your Mexican flags and go to Mexico.
It's sads when Achilles can no longer hold his mud.
Blogger rcocean said...
Do sirens "spew"? Don't they just go "O-oohga" or "Whaaa-Whoo-Whaa"?
Depends on whether they are American or European.
readering should expound on Pelosi's racism but chooses to feign agita over the most mundane of campaign slogans instead. Even Clinton/Gore ran with that one for a bit.
Ol' Read doesn't strike me as a person who argues in good faith. Maybe the salary requires that.
Didn't Althouse have some weird stats a few years ago about who visits the blog and from where. Does my memory fail, or was Russia kind high on the list.
Or was it a dream? Or is this the dream?
Time for some cheese curd snacks...Wisconsin Caviar doncha know? Or maybe some frozen custard.
The MAGA slogan enrages the dimwits because it vaguely fits the definition of fascism (as defined by progressive historians). Supposedly fascism sets utopia in an imagined past, while marxism sets utopia in an imagined future.
This, of course, implies that there is such a thing as real past and real future, in contrast to imaginary ones. I don't think that historians believe this anymore. It is all imagined, past and future. There is no place where real, 19th century cowboys ride the range, any more than there is a place where workers order society to perfection.
Creating the future does not require allowing something called "history" to act through us; this is nonsense, an intellectual fad of 19th century German philosophers who wanted to replace God with some other sense of narrative order. Creating the future (as Orwell reminds us) only requires power right now. Power is the only thing that is non-arbitrary.
Blogger Fen said...
Hey DBQ I've been hands-off Chuck since the started. Even gave him a few compliments for making some benchmark numbers :)
Gosh darn, Skippy. That's mighty white of you.
Blogger Drago said...
"New Chuck is funny, makes some pertinent, on topic comments and has developed a very nice ironic/sardonic sense of humor.
Let's enjoy it while it lasts :-)"
Quite so, which is why I am voluntarily "participating" by not stoking the flames during this clearly welcomed respite from the typical back and forth.
Chuck behave himself's, Drago's comment numbers hardest hit.
The appropriate response?
Maybe lead with the first amendment, fragile law professor guy.
Why is Howard not allowed to post any actual content? Or is he being given the 'special tee boxes' to use so that he can keep up with the rest of the players?
Oh, now I feel sorry for him.
Sorry I brought it up, Howard. You go on. Keep at it! You are a hero and a example the feeble-minded, bless their hearts, can look to. You show the rest of the world what real courage is just by showing up. Why, look at all your trophies for doing just that!
We are all proud of you.
Howard: "Drago's comment numbers hardest hit."
This "arrangement" coincides with an extended vacation, which impacts the comment count.
I dont expect 1-dimensional "thinkers" to understand multivariate scenarios.
Stephanie Delmonico: They told me that you had gone totally insane, and that your contents were unsound.
Howard: Are my contents unsound?
SD: I don't see any content at all, sir.
Leftist sees MAGA hat: OMG, I am triggered by that symbol of racism and oppression!
Conservative: Sheesh, what a snowflake.
Leftist hits a person wearing a MAGA hat over the head with a bike lock.
Conservative: You shouldn't do that! That's a violent, vicious physical assault on someone who doesn't share your political views!
Leftist: Sheesh, what a snowflake.
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Blogger Drago said... multivariate scenarios.
Next you'll be proposing eigenvalue decomposition to get a faster convergence of Navier-Stokes.
I have to apologize for mocking the people who claim that men can have periods.
I was unsure whether the student was directing a hateful message toward me or if he merely lacked decorum and was oblivious to how his hat might be interpreted by his black law professor. I presumed it was the former. [Emphasis mine]
This part of the law professor’s narrative bothers me. Why would he assume that? Do students normally set out to piss off the person who will determine their grade and class standing? Note to Neff Omari — not everything is always about you all the time.
That's weird: part of Althouse's post appears in Caron's post that she linked in this same post. Must be an update, or Caron is a prophet of the Goddess.
he MAGA hat is NOT RACIST,
So, is a racially hostile work environment like a sexually hostile one?
That it; does it only matter what the offended person is offended by?
Is there a 'reasonable person' criteria?
More to the point; if I'm teaching, and a student comes in wearing
Black Lives Matter hat
and an OFF THE PIGS! t-shirt
can i do anything about that?
Leftists live in a cult where anyone who disagrees with whatever the cult leader tells them is automatically an unperson, evil, etc. They literally can't think any differently.
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