No, I'm not going anywhere. Maybe for a walk after I decide this blog is off the ground for the morning, on a morning when I feel you guys are all off and running somewhere.
But if you're looking for conversation, I give you this tidbits:
"Julián Castro calls July 4th parade a "waste of money" meant to boost Trump's ego" (CBS):
Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro...chastised Mr. Trump's administration for reportedly diverting $2.5 million from the National Park Service to the celebration and focusing on a military procession instead of improving conditions for American veterans."Trump's July 4 extravaganza sets a political trap" (CNN):
"Instead of addressing something like veteran homelessness, he's spending it on boosting his ego with a parade that's fundamentally about him," said Castro, who served as secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Obama administration....
His latest grandiose photo op appears to be a reflection of his own vanity, obsession with crowd sizes, craving for the spotlight, penchant for military hardware and his flirtations with authoritarianism.From "3 Reasons Not to Worry About Trump’s Fourth of July—and 1 Big Reason to Worry/Other presidents have celebrated the Fourth. It's hard to think of one who has less sense of what it's about" by Jeff Greenfield (Politico):
But from the President's perspective, he's on to a winner. Cries of outrage from Democrats and the media at Trump's hijacking of the July Fourth celebrations will not offend all Americans. For a lot of them, it may be a welcome display of the country's strength.
And by serving as the arbiter of patriotism -- as he did during the controversy over kneeling NFL players -- and as a strong commander-in-chief, Trump is also laying a political trap.
There’s also a more personal dimension to the Trumpification of the Fourth. Throughout his presidency, he has taken outsize delight in over-the-top celebrations and honors given him by foreign governments, a delight that seems to translate into bizarre foreign policies. Receive the Gold Medallion from Saudi Arabia, and you brush aside the kingdom's murder and dismemberment of an American resident. Enjoy lavish banquets in China, and the brutal crackdown on a million Uighurs goes unmentioned. Get a “beautiful letter” from Kim Jong Un and maybe North Korea can keep its nukes. (And would you really be totally shocked if Kim showed up at the White House to help Trump celebrate the Fourth?)
३२७ टिप्पण्या:
327 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»CNN's right, sort of. Trump has the left railing against the 4th of July. His ability to make his critics dance to his tune is a never-ending source of amusement.
A caring Democrat president would have just pocketed the 2.5 mil. So no one gets triggered.
Independence Day celebrations large and small throughout the country feature parades with floats, bands, vets and soldiers. The MSM should get out more.
Tanks get taken to recruiting events as well.
Checkmate: Trump Positions Tanks and Jets for Final Takeover of USA
—Ace of Spades
@tim maguire , I was thinking the same thing.
2.5mm is all? Sounds like PDJT is getting a lot for the money.
Good for him. If the federal govt can't celebrate our national day of independence, who can.
I approve, Sherman tanks and all
John Henry
Like Jeff Greenfield, the Spirit of Trump lives in my brain-pan, influencing what I think and how I feel about nearly everything.
Wait..they're attacking Trump for being nice to our enemies...after what Obama did for eight years!?!
Looking forward to a nice cookout for the 4th, and hanging out with my SO’s family. Also, the chance to sleep in!
In Boston, good left-wing patriots know the best way to celebrate American Independence is with a concert on the river playing a classical anthem celebrating a Russian military victory, ending with canons firing across the river at Cambridge to start the firework display.
I have to admit the tanks seem a little over the top to me.... and I assume he won't repeat the Dukakis gaffe.
I love flyovers though - thrilling and awesome!
Lucky for us, Julian Castro, CNN, and Politico are not in charge.
Trump is.
I suspect it cost Obama that much to close all the national parks and monuments. Renting the fences to bar vets from the open air monuments wasn't cheap.
Julian, mi amigo. Mi nombre es David.
Vengo por ti en CB en 7th.
Trump has basically continued the Obama policies toward Saudi Arabia and China. If Jeff Greenfield really thinks that's because of some silly gift or a big meal, he's a pretty silly man.
I suspect he's just whoring for clickbait.
They have this thing called the internet
I'm old enough to remember when Obama cancelled all fly-overs at sporting events.
I'll take a 'tanks on parade' over a gay sex parade all day.
##Two weeks before inauguration, Trump recalls Clinton's canceled election night fireworks##
How much did Trump pick up from that sale - has he used them all up yet?
Jeff Greenfield is the man who squats behind the man
Who works the soft machine.
Frederick Douglass:
"What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour."
People used to write really well.
I get the point, che loving julian Castro isnt in any position to lecture.
Nothing tarnishes the reputation of our elites more than their own words.
I'd forgotten how fucked up that movie was.
If Trump announced a Mexican Fiesta for the 4th, the media would have a collective orgasm!
Back in the 90’s we would take the kids to participate in the neighborhood 4th of July parade, put together by a neighborhood group and the SF Dept of Rec and Parks. We had the SF Fire Dept., Police, and Civil War re-enactors, and a Filipino brass band at the head, followed by all the kids in their bikes tricked out in red white and blue. It would end at an SF park with a hotdog cookout and etc. with Fire trucks for the kids to climb on.
Given the kibosh a few years later, both as the neighborhood changed, the old Filipinos died, and SF Rec and Parks decided it didn’t like the 4th of July. There is no such thing anymore, in SF.
They're right, it's a trap. And one they all too willingly jump into.
The folks that write this stuff are fuct in the head. As McSweeney's might say, It's Independence Day Mother Fuckers! Celebrate as you may, in keeping with your own particular idiom.
Off to the Cape. This is Massachusetts where private fireworks possession, and deployment, is illegal. In spite of that ban there will be a great number of them set off tonight and tomorrow up and down Buzzards Bay. Can't wait.
Happy 4th to all.
An ego is when you, as a D-pol, have to be an asshole about it.
4th of July is a celebration for everyone. and guess what? The guy who beat Hillary gets to enjoy it too.
*Castro - what a perfect name for the jerk.
Somebody tell Castro that if Trump tried to take $2.5 million from the National Park Service to put towards veterans, some judge would enjoin him and prevent it.
Roger Sweeny,
Trump has continued Obozo the Magnificent's policies towards Red China? LOL. You get the clueless award for today. I think the Chinese would beg to differ. Tariff's anyone? Shutting down Chinese left of US technology? North Korea?
Mueller was a fraud and a waste of tax payer money.
WE can list a huge pile of waste of money, little Castro man. Progressive corruption thy name is Lizzy.
It'll be fun to watch and then we get the bonus of watching TV fake-newsies writhing about like slugs with salt on them instead of having fun. Maybe some lefties assisting the Trump re-election effort by beating up MAGA people and posting video of their liberty-beatings. Maybe someone laughing in AOC's presence and her going into her 19th nervous breakdown. Couple of the Prezzie-Cans trying to get some coverage by some outrageous stunt. All part of the great pageant.
What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim.
I guess it's a good thing there aren't any slaves anymore.
It's almost funny listening to government whores and corruptocrats whine about government waste.
Michael K said...
I suspect it cost Obama that much to close all the national parks and monuments. Renting the fences to bar vets from the open air monuments wasn't cheap.
7/3/19, 8:56 AM
AND all the ready made signs and guards!!!
Trump has stepped back from most of the celebrations. These assholes who write commentary for the hivemind have it 100% backwards.
Traffic over the Cape bridges was shockingly low on Saturday - hopefully that holds true today as well!
You want Marianne Williamson's take?
It's always amusing whenever a Democrat talks about wasting money. $2.5 million? Julian Castro probably spends more on lifts.
I can hardly wait. I am looking forward to a story in which a 28 year old White House Communications staffer called a dozen military museums to find a couple of cleaned-up Sherman tanks, so as to allow Sean Hannity to roll some video of them in the Mall, saying, “See, the President was right! They had brand new Sherman tanks!” Whereafter we will find that the rush project to find some old Shermans began after the President’s Oval Office comments, with staff shaking their heads.
$2.5 million is less than Barack Obama spent for that "date night" with Michelle when all the costs were factored in.
Want a flyover, go to an airshow. If you need to get your chickencuck nut off, go to a civil war reenactment
It's wrong to Love America?? President Trump exposes the hate every day. If you can't see it, YOU are blind.
LLR Chuck is in full blown panic over the exposure of his lefty dem allies as anti-American hacks.
I expect non-stop whirling dervish spinning to try and keep the focus off the lunacy of LLR Chuck leftist pals.
Case in point: Chuck's lies just the other day regarding a hoax Trump Admin Federal Busing Plan, for which Chuck has never apologized for offering up.
But then, proudly admitted Smear Merchants like LLR Chuck always simply move on to the next hoax or lie, and LLR Chuck and his dem buddies have a million of them.
At least Obama banged Moochelle at the end of the date, while trump gets a Greggy handjob that fails to launch
Does Hillary still have that warehouse full of fireworks that she was going to use to celebrate her victory?
Expropriate it and add it to our Nation's celebration.
And actually, today — July 3, 2019 — is a kind of historic day. Because the last time we had a July 3 where we hated our fellow Americans this much was in 1863. At Gettysburg.
Chuck: "And actually, today — July 3, 2019 — is a kind of historic day. Because the last time we had a July 3 where we hated our fellow Americans this much was in 1863. At Gettysburg."
Leftists like you have long hated your fellow Americans. It goes all the way back hundreds of years and reached full flower in the 60's.
Yes I pointed out Gettysburg two days ago, it was the farthest northern Confederate advance.
and I assume he won't repeat the Dukakis gaffe
I suspect Trump would carry it off with panache [panache, I tell you].
I do admit to some bias.
Forget it Dave.
Julian doesn't speak Spanish. He has no idea what you are saying.
It's due to Gringo oppression or something.
But he says he plans to learn Spanish so he can take part in the debates.
John Henry
Frederick Douglass' "What to the American slave is your Fourth of July?"speech was given in 1852. While an indictment of the Democrats'abuse of slaves, it included a defense of the country's founding documents and the founders. Douglass recognized the United States was a young country and had hope for its future. In a way it predestined Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Both their optimism was justified. Of course, both were Republicans. As Douglass later stated, "I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress."
I don't like this one thing.
I'm not going to watch it, buy it, participate in it, nor will it have any effect on me whatsoever.
Therefor it must be banned. What part of 'I don't like it' don't you idiots understand?
-Every liberal
It would be very cool to have a few Sherman tanks in a 4th of July parade.
There are several “runners” in the US IIRC, and a 105mm SPG derivative on the same chassis, and I think a tank destroyer.
Also a few running M3/M5 Stuart’s. And even some functional artillery pieces. They could call the Youtube guy “The Chieftain”, who knows everyone in that scene. I suspect the owners would be overjoyed to participate in such a high profile display.
He does speak fluent gibberish though.
Browndog: "-Every liberal"
-Every liberal/leftist/LLR-leftist
Also the UK tank museum at Bovington, Dorset, that keeps track of all vintage tanks globally.
On the one hand you have Trump, spending (as Michael K pointed out) less than Obama spent “closing the parks” in his BS political theater during the govt shutdown, and the left rails...
No president celebrates the 4th like this
He’s taking over DC
OMG the money he’s spending while kids die in concentration camps on the border
Tanks? What are we a military dictatorship like NK?
On the other hand you have Nike canceling their new shoe line because the American flag homage might offend a washed out football player, and the left cries out in joy....
Look how woke we are
Fuck this racist country and its deplorables who support trump
Gimme my free shit
And if you disagree with me I get to attack you and throw shit at you and bully you like mobs do -all while hiding behind masks and being protected by a fascist crowd
Oh, and climate chaos will end the world in 12 years
Happy Independence Day Althouse commentariat!
U - S - A. U - S - A. U - S - A.
buwaya: "It would be very cool to have a few Sherman tanks in a 4th of July parade."
It would be awesome to have a multi-generational aircraft flyover as well, from WWII/Korea to present.
How about a couple Mustangs flying with other aircraft all the way up to F-35's over the Capitol.
What jet jockey wouldn't want to be in that historic shot?
I know it would make LLR Chuck rush back to his bottle and therapists after seeing something like that, but it would still be worth it.
These Leftwing morons, like Julian Castro, ought to celebrate the 4th by reading: (1) The Federalist Papers, (2) the Dec of Independence and (3) the US Constitution.
A better, more productive use of time than whining about Trump.
Happy 4th!
SF ‘s (the city) policy and attitude towards your old civic religion and tribal customs is the accurate reflection of the state of mind of your elite caste. All that red white and blue is deplorable.
Note the recent controversy over the George Washington HS murals in this city.
The students and their parents, mostly Chinese immigrants, are all for George Washington and the American history murals. The city powers that be hate it all however, and are willing to override the will of the locals.
They hate this country, and it’s “other” people, and have done so for decades.
I have offended the moral munchkins of Facebook by posting a photo of Sophie Scholl, a REAL anti-fascist and comparing her with Antifa. As of this morning, NONE of the photos I have ever loaded into Facebook are available for me to see. I think I will load a photo of my naked ass, so that the progressive totalitarians of Facebook can keep it in their archive for eternity and imagine kissing it.
Happy 4th of July, Meadehouse and commentariat!
Never underestimate Trump.
I hope someone drives a Sherman tank over Jeff Greenfield's foot.
Those are e pleb nista for him.
“Other presidents have celebrated the Fourth. It's hard to think of one who has less sense of what it's about.”
Evidently, Greenfield doesn’t do much thinking or is badly confused. Even if one is wholly ignorant about Obama’s origins and upbringing his words and deeds as President evinced his ignorance of the traditions and meaning of Independence Day. Unless, of course, it’s “about” globalism, mistreating veterans at the VA, arming federal bureaucrats with hollow point ammo, etc.
BTW, for any regular Althouse lefties who may be posting, Independence Day is the official name of the day you watch fireworks. It’s called that because .... Oh, never mind.
Once you realize all Leftist/Liberals hate Trump and will never praise him and are only interested in finding some reason to attack him, then its impossible to care what they write. They don't seem to have a true, honest bone in their bodies. Everything is filtered through the Party line and pushing "The Narrative". I've come to feel the same way about the Never-Trumpers. They've become crashing bores and I simply skip over David french or Jonah Goldberg. Who wants to waste time with their dishonest bilge?
@Oso Negro, that’s the White Rose Sophie Scholl?
The Sherman weighs 30 tons but that's rather small compared to Modern tanks.
Get a “beautiful letter” from Kim Jong Un and maybe North Korea can keep its nukes.
Umm, Jeff; at least Trump got a beautiful letter. W and Obama got nothing, and Kim got to keep its nukes. Actually, Iran got billions from Obama, and they just announced they kept their nukes. So get a little perspective, Jeff.
Can you imagine the Liberals and Democrats EVER putting politics aside and just joining Trump to praise America? Of course not.
They slobbered all over Obama whose ego was like zaphod beeblebrox
We should also celebrate our increasing diversity during the parade.
For instance, we should construct a float depicting the now accepted practice, on the left and LLR-left, of a sister and brother marrying each other and then filing false tax returns in order to skirt and violate our immigration laws and then having the sister get elected to congress!
Now, sisters and brothers everywhere around the world have an operating template for how to get into the US!!
Isn't that wonderful?
Lob in some standard lefty and LLR-lefty issue "some people did something" 9-11 remembrance and you will have completed the presentation.
rcocean: "Can you imagine the Liberals and Democrats EVER putting politics aside and just joining Trump to praise America? Of course not."
Can you imagine the Liberals and Democrats and LLR-leftists EVER putting politics aside and just joining Trump to praise America? Of course not.
Circle jerk.
Final post. Greenfield's comment is a perfect example. If Trump was bashing Putin, Saudia Arabia, and attacking "Rocket Man" then Greenfield would be writing about how Trump was a belligerent Xenophobe who was trying to start WW III and losing us friends all over the world. It's so fucking boring.
As often stated over many years, the conflict here, highlighted by any sort of "American" symbolism, was ongoing for decades. This is the visible part of that cold civil war that pre-existed Trump. Trump just brought much of this into the open. It is not quite all in the open yet.
readering: "Circle jerk."
readering approves only of Antifa celebrations.
"Circle jerk."
Argue in good faith. Only one side is willing to try that.
Why did they hate Nixon so, even though he went along with money of their policies like wage and price control and affirmative action?
There is, besides, a conflict of ethics in all this.
The traditional western intellectual tradition of argument is unevenly distributed, to put it mildly. This is not just a matter of two sides in the US differing over US tribal customs and culture.
This is a general crisis of Western culture. One side has largely abandoned it. Readering is a troll, but that's what we have. On that side nothing but trolls exist. This is truly a war of light and dark (not black and white, that is a nice Jesuitical distinction).
I'll hand it to Trump - he recognizes how fun and easy it is to make the lefties reveal their true hatred of the greatest country in the history of civilization. Suck it, commies.
narciso: "Why did they hate Nixon so, even though he went along with money of their policies like wage and price control and affirmative action?"
Nixon was hated because he was an effective anti-communist and he helped expose Alger Hiss.
That's all it takes for the left/LLR-left to target you for life.
Beasts of England: "I'll hand it to Trump - he recognizes how fun and easy it is to make the lefties reveal their true hatred of the greatest country in the history of civilization."
I'll hand it to Trump - he recognizes how fun and easy it is to make the lefties and LLR-lefties reveal their true hatred of the greatest country in the history of civilization.
"diverting $2.5 million from the National Park Service"
A mere bagatelle.
Eight out of seven days I'd rather spent that money Donald's that than on welfare.
“Argue in good faith. Only one side is willing to try that.”
More circle jerk...yawn.
Antifa Nazi blackshirts are going to get together to burn flags and any black or gay conservatives they can find.
They want to throw acid, it's a charming tradition they imported from the uk
Hoax Collusion Cultist: "More circle jerk...yawn."
Inga is always at "her best" when she can just cut and paste from someone else.
Safer that way.
Exposing the fake Republicans and conservatives is Trump's finest accomplishment so far, Drago. :)
My active duty Navy Chief daughter said she’s wearing her USS John McCain t-shirt all day on the 4th.
“Two veteran-led organizations are planning to honor late Arizona Senator John McCain by handing out T-shirts during President Donald Trump’s Fourth of July speech in Washington.
Rags of Honor and VoteVets are both participating in the distribution of the “Big Bad John” shirts, which feature the destroyer that was named for the late senator’s grandfather and father — before the younger McCain was added last July as a namesake by Navy Secretary Richard Spencer.
Some members of the organization are also planning on passing out shirts at the House and Senate buildings, The Hill reported.
“At this year’s national Fourth of July celebration we’ll be distributing T-shirts that feature the USS John S. McCain," the VoteVets website says.
"We may have had political battles against Senator McCain, but what has bound us together since 1776 — the belief in something larger than yourself — is always worth honoring on the Fourth.””
"It would be very cool to have a few Sherman tanks in a 4th of July parade"
Not just one parade in DC - I'd like to see them in parades across the whole country. But I reckon they don't have enough of the brand-new ones made yet to appear in all 57 states.
Lasting Peach
Beasts of England: "Exposing the fake Republicans and conservatives is Trump's finest accomplishment so far, Drago. :)"
And most transformative.
The hoax LLR "conservatives" have been fully exposed and there is no "Reset" button that can turn back time to recover what those closet-lefties are all about.
Of course Trump isn't the creator of all of this. This is happening globally. Trump is simply better at exposing the hack LLR Chuck's of the world for what they really are than the other western leaders at the forefront of this shift.
The Canadian War Museum in Ottawa has at least one functional Sherman tank. They also have a running T-34, in case you’d like to use that and the the Sherman to re-create the Korean War.
Ah votevets the ones who condemned the war in Iraq, and whose frontman Friedman covered for the va scandal when he was HUD spokesman
"Why did they hate Nixon so, even though he went along with money of their policies like wage and price control and affirmative action?"
It's a great question. Partially, Yes, Alger Hiss case in late 40s.
He also abolished the Draft! And got no credit (except a 49-state landslide victory in 72).
My soft hypothesis is that they hated him for: (a) not surrendering in Vietnam and (b) winning that big landslide in 72.
In general, the Left hated LBJ too and America, in general. Nixon was also an obstacle blocking their quest for power.
Happy 4th!
This shirt!
More circle jerk...yawn."
Then argue. Thesis antithesis synthesis.
" I'd like to see them in parades across the whole country."
It would be nice to see them once in a while. You don't need new ones.
As I understand it there are several "runners" in California.
Indeed, the City of San Francisco may want one, should it ever choose to put as much effort into Jul 4th as it does into "gay pride". But all its efforts in that vein go into suppression.
But as always, the rest of your statement is in very bad faith.
'The hoax LLR "conservatives" have been fully exposed and there is no "Reset" button that can turn back time to recover what those closet-lefties are all about.'
But enough about Mitt Romney... ;)
Just left the Nats game, and we were greeted by Trump's tanks rolling through just outside the ballpark
The hawks were upset over China (the Radford spy ring was a result) felt was upset over getting ignored, he nearly brought down the whole temple around him.
Inga the Forgetful: "Some members of the organization are also planning on passing out shirts at the House and Senate buildings, The Hill reported.
“At this year’s national Fourth of July celebration we’ll be distributing T-shirts that feature the USS John S. McCain," the VoteVets website says.
"We may have had political battles against Senator McCain, but what has bound us together since 1776 — the belief in something larger than yourself — is always worth honoring on the Fourth.””
Well Inga, the FIRST thing you ought to tell your daughter is that the USS John McCain was originally named after Adm John S. McCain, Sr. and Admiral John S. McCain, Jr.
So while your daughter and pals are out there celebrating their Ship, perhaps they could focus on the 2 American hero Admirals that the ship was really named after for their accomplishments in combat.
Senator John McCain was added later due to politics.
In the future, when you mention a USS, perhaps you ought to reference the real heroes.
Talk about making the 4th political.
Wish he had found an Ontos for the parade, USMC always has great visuals. Also awosome when all barrels fired at once...
“Well Inga, the FIRST thing you ought to tell your daughter is that the USS John McCain was originally named after Adm John S. McCain, Sr. and Admiral John S. McCain, Jr.”
No kidding. Yawn.
Inga the Forgetful: "No kidding. Yawn."
And yet you made no mention of the 2 Admiral McCains.
Only Sen McCain.
Because that was the point.
The efforts and sacrifice and achievement of those 2 Admirals mean nothing to you. That's why you didn't mention them.
One commanded forces in the Pacific threatre the other forces in Vietnam
Blogger Beasts of England said...
I'll hand it to Trump - he recognizes how fun and easy it is to make the lefties reveal their true hatred of the greatest country in the history of civilization. Suck it, commies.
President Bone Spurs? Is that who you’re talking about?
narciso: "One commanded forces in the Pacific threatre the other forces in Vietnam"
A "tad more" accomplished than Sen McCain.
LLR Chuck: "President Bone Spurs? Is that who you’re talking about?"
This is all they've got.
And thank you for service, LLR Chuck.
Perhaps the 4th of July would be a fantastic time to republish your War and Peace length treatise on your personal inner struggle over whether or not to join the military and after an agonizing series of self-appraisal sessions you simply decided the world needed LLR Chuck without the military background.
Such courage.
No wonder you hate conservative military members so much.
So much Freudian stuff happening in there....
Needless to say the vast majority of retired and active duty military members will once again vote for Trump over any of the LLR approved open borders/pro-MS13/infanticide supporting marxists on the dem/LLR side.
There is a reason for that.
In fact, there are many.
Huh. Happy Fourth, y'all!
The USofA: the first, largest, and still the best free speech zone around!
I don’t hate conservative military leaders, Drago. I am very interested in all of the conservative military leaders who served in senior positions in the Trump Administration and who think Donald Trump is an idiot.
I don’t hate conservative military leaders, Drago
But you did keep your distance, Chuck, you are about as informative on military matters as transgenders on guns.
'President Bone Spurs? Is that who you’re talking about?'
I'm sorry, Chuck - didn't mean to trigger you into a non sequitur...
And now we find that the Betsy Ross flag that has all the lefties and LLR's in a snit was actually prominently used in obambi's second inaugural ceremony.
Because, you see, the Betsy Ross flag was totally cool and fantastic and wonderful and "magnificent" when obama used it (as LLR Chuck might claim).
But once obambi left office, the Betsy Ross flag became a very horrible thing.
Of course, for Inga, history began this morning so she doesn't even remember it.
Another day, another self-own of the lefties/LLR-lefties.
LLR Chuck: "I don’t hate conservative military leaders, Drago."
Yes you do.
You have proven it time and again....usually around the time you defend Stolen Valor dems and dems calling US troops Nazi's.
Which seems to be one of your major calling cards.
It's hardly surprising you would lie about doing it. Your fall back lies are often more amusing than your kick off lies and smears.
And it always leads to hilarity!!
Senator John McCain was added later due to politics.
If John McCain were not so politically well connected, he never would have been:
1. admitted to the USNA;
2. graduated from the USNA;
3. Allowed to fly in Viet Nam after three crashes and
$. elected US senator.
Trump is able to get the liberal media to show just how anti-American they really are, they're so revealing. They think the silent majority are too dumb to see what they're about. They hate our country and they hate the regular people too.
Running Sherman tank in Texas -
A lot of people ignore politics in everyday daily-life. Just because someone wants to make something political doesn't mean you have to listen or buy into it. Many will not allow politics to determine what cultural things we do or how we view cultural events or tastes.
Books, movies, sports, music: these are things that should be chosen by the individual. Cultural events and holidays are celebrations we participate in with our families, friends, and neighbours. I do not allow other people or partisan politics or the media or politicians to choose my books, sports, movies or music. I will not allow politics to define my holidays, cultural and social events, or my social circle. Individuals have the ability to create boundaries in their daily lives that is separate from partisan matters, and many choose to do so.
LLR Chuck: "I am very interested in all of the conservative military leaders who served in senior positions in the Trump Administration and who think Donald Trump is an idiot."
Your lack of military understanding is once again showing.
Military members think all civilian leaders idiots to some degree! As they have across all cultures and nations basically forever.
The military perspective on Jimmy Carter is still legend.
2a. Accepted into flight school.
Speaking of tanks, several years ago before he got booted Piers Morgan (a Brit who replaced Larry King) was debating gun control with someone. Morgan was for it of course. Because England is such a safe and crime free country. The other guy was against it.
Morgan: "Next thing you know you'll be advocating for private ownership of tanks!!!"
Guest: "Morgan, American citizens have always been allowed to own tanks."
I wonder how many other countries that is true?
We have hundreds of operable tanks in individual civilian hands. They used to go out in the California desert and play war games. Do they still?
Tom Clancy had several including a Sherman that his wife gave him as a wedding present.
It is a very expensive hobby, though.
One can also own artillery, though it has to be deactivated or one has to have a federal permit. As far as I know no permission is required to own a tank if the guns have been deactivated.
Tanks and artillery in private hands? Is this a great country or what?
Happy Happy Independence Day!!!
John Henry
Beasts of England: "2a. Accepted into flight school."
Very true.
He was at the very bottom of his class: 894 out of 899. Usually that wouldn't be enough to get into flight school (all the slots would be taken by then).
The show down comes at High Noon July 4th when the Love America Patriots at last stands up to the hate America Globalist Communist Party EDU crowd and reclaims the United States for our posterity.
“This looks like it’s becoming much more of a Republican Party event," says one retired general.
(“The president is using the armed forces in a political ploy for his reelection campaign and I think it’s absolutely obscene,” added retired Army Maj. Gen. William Nash, a veteran of Vietnam, the Gulf War and peacekeeping operations in the Balkans.”)”
Inga wants to play the "Which officers support this and which oppose it".
The vast majority of active duty and retired military support Trump and this 4th of July effort.
Game Over.
“This parade is a charade,” Will Fischer, an Iraq war Marine Corps veteran and head of government relations at veteran organization VoteVets, told VICE News. “It has nothing to do with dignity and respect.”
“The thing that people need to remember and realize is this has nothing to do with Donald Trump saluting our military but everything to do with our military, very publicly, being forced to salute him,” Fischer said.”
Thanks for the clip. The HOA is not happy and at first I was on the guy's side.
Then I watched the video.
He is parking the tank on the street, not in his yard. I would be pissed off if he did that in my neighborhood.
But if he put it on the front lawn, I would think it way cool.
John Henry
John McCain is dead. He died almost a year ago. Just sayin'
A bigtime liberal kook co-worker went down there with her kid to look at colleges. Her kid wants to major in political science [been brainwashed by her liberal kook mother I guess]. I hope the traffic sucks for her [not the kid] and a tank scares the crap out of socialist ass.
7/3/19, 10:50 AM
Blogger buwaya said...
Running Sherman tank in Texas -
What I want to know is where can I get a “brand new Sherman tank.” I am willing to pay over the sticker price.
“The United States doesn’t need to show off its hardware to show off its strength,” said retired U.S. Navy Adm. John Kirby. “This is not how a superpower behaves.”
Similarly, Republican Sen. John Kennedy told reporters Wednesday, “Confidence is silent, and insecurity is loud. America is the most powerful country in all of human history; you don’t need to show it off.”
If the military community’s rejection of the parade isn’t enough to dissuade Trump, well, even "Fox & Friends" host Brian Kilmeade said the parade “seems like a waste of money.” And Fox News anchor Shepard Smith separately mocked the idea of a parade.
“He could go see the tanks at a military base if he wanted to,” Smith said. “Or they could give him replicas. Little mini replicas. I mean, he wants to see what he has. I had some of those when I was a kid.””
Has someone brought up Hitler or Nazi's yet? Cause that always comes up to.
A very small group of lefty vets and Inga thinks they speak with authority!!
Too funny.
Suck it up buttercup.
The parade is happening and the vast majority of retirees and Active Duty personnel will celebrate.
I realize that is a tough break for you and Chuck. You'll just have to get over it.
It seems like just yesterday questioning the President's spending was racist. But I guess it was 3 years ago.
It will be a welcome departure from the multi-million, multi-trimester witch hunts and warlock trials.
n.n: "It will be a welcome departure from the multi-million, multi-trimester witch hunts and warlock trials."
You'd think the lefties and LLR's could get over their disappointment by perhaps whacking a few more born alive babies and selling off the body parts. That usually does the trick.
But nope.
They are in a bit of funk that they just can't shake.
It will be different in the future when the holiday is renamed "Colin Kaepernick Day" and people will cheer the Google Facebook Nike Chinese tanks.
I am Laslo.
It's always funniest when Inga goes rapid fire cut and paste. A sure sign she is fresh out of ammo and LLR Chuck is unable to pass her the lefty talking points quickly enough via their almost certain email backdoor comms channel.
narciso said...
Yes I pointed out Gettysburg two days ago, it was the farthest northern Confederate advance.
minorest of nits. The Gettysburg Campaign, rather than the battle site was the farthest North. The Confederates were considerably North of Gettysburg the previous couple of days and marched into Gettysburg to the Battle from the North, while the Feds came from the South.
I am willing to pay over the sticker price.
You can use some of that $Billion you are always betting Trump for a round of golf.
Or are you one of those cocksuckers that bets what you don't have?
Darrell: "You can use some of that $Billion you are always betting Trump for a round of golf."
Don't get LLR Chuck started with his golf delusions of grandeur. Not that its easy to pick those out amongst all the other delusions.
Enjoy lavish banquets in China, and the brutal crackdown on a million Uighurs goes unmentioned.
I wonder why Jeff didn't mention Hong Kong? And a million Uyghers? Does Jeff know about China's Great Leap Forward?
Oh I'm sorry; we were supposed to be talking about Trump and how crazy it is a President of the United States would celebrate the 4th of July. In DC. And the US military putting vehicles on the DC mall? I mean, have you ever seen such a thing?
I do have to laugh that Inga is now quoting favorably those that consider 4th of July a Republican Party event. Trump has so owned these people's feeble minds.
I don't know. I used to go to air shows a lot and it seems like military equipment is kind of a cool advertisement for the military. Like, kids might watch the parade and think they want to become a tank driver. I think it might be very motivating for some kids.
(We're All Living in) Amerika by some jealous Nazis.
"What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham;
It's obviously true the Declaration didn't meet its own ideals immediately. But a more thorough analysis would recognize the espoused ideals as critical hooks used by both the abolitionists and the later civil rights activists to achieve first freedom and then equality for everyone. As such it is an important step along the path to freedom and equality for everyone. This is similar to how the Magna Carta is understood as an important step for everyone even though the overwhelming majority of people were unaffected by it.
" I will not allow politics to define my holidays, cultural and social events, or my social circle."
Whatever you decide is irrelevant to the degree that the outside world does not cooperate.
And many things are collective by nature in any case. Then what you do doesn't matter.
I could decide to parade down Market Street in San Francisco should I choose to, dressed as George Washington and carrying the US flag, but if I am not killed by a Muni bus the police will arrest me anyway.
Who can forget Ron Silver's (now deceased) statement made during the 1st Clinton inaugural when a military flyover occurred and Silver, at the time a leftist, relayed how he was angry at this jingoistic and militaristic display until he suddenly realized, and in his own words, "those are OUR planes now".
The complaints that the Inga's and LLR Chuck's and others have with this is not that it is a display of military might, it's that Trump is putting it on.
If Obama had ordered it every officer Inga quotes be scrambling to get a coveted seat along the parade route. And so would every single hollywood whackjob that is complaining now.
These lefties/LLR-lefties are so hilariously transparent.
Trump's success in exposing them has been "magnificent".
“The United States doesn’t need to show off its hardware to show off its strength,” said retired U.S. Navy Adm. John Kirby. “This is not how a superpower behaves.”
Kirby is an idiot.
The Spithead Naval Review - from when Britain was a superpower - an annual event
The Great White Fleet - Teddy Roosevelts idea.
Poor left-wingers get the vapors on a National Holiday that celebrates OUR freedom - all because their corrupt private server rice bowl Mueller-Mccabe-Stozk choice didn't win.
@The Drill SGT
Sirius' Classic Radio is running a series of patriotic radio plays from the CBS Workshop. Yesterday's selection was a 1957 CBS radio play titled "Gettysburg" that recounted the battle from various perspectives, a woman in the town and officers/soldiers from both sides. It will repeat tomorrow at 2:00 AM. I thought it well done.
Thursday at 9:00 the play is "Sounds of a Nation".
“The thing that people need to remember and realize is this has nothing to do with Donald Trump saluting our military but everything to do with our military, very publicly, being forced to salute him,” Fischer said.”
That is true, and that is traditional. It is important for the military to make a public show of obedience to the commander in chief. Every military in every age.
This is why the President of France leads the parade on Bastille Day, and then takes the podium to receive the salute, in review, of every element of the French Armed forces.
This is why the Queen of England reviews her soldiers regularly, takes their salute, presents them with new colors as required, receives their commanders and approves their appointments, and presents them honors, etc.
The symbolism is normal and important. The complaint is idiotic.
Fox News anchor Shepard Smith separately mocked the idea of a parade.
Did he get all misty-eyed?
Obviously, the Left would praise Obama for the same parade, but OrangeManBad.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“This looks like it’s becoming much more of a Republican Party event," says one retired general.
(“The president is using the armed forces in a political ploy for his reelection campaign and I think it’s absolutely obscene,” added retired Army Maj. Gen. William Nash, a veteran of Vietnam, the Gulf War and peacekeeping operations in the Balkans.”)”
In the rank and file armed forces there few people hated more than Obama and Hillary and democrats in general.
Those people are DC Generals. Odd how the media always finds one of these people to trash Trump.
The overwhelming majority of service members and vets love what Trump is doing and they hate democrats.
Because they see you fucks trashing everything we do and us.
Every time you talk about gun control the white hot hatred burns. Now we see you leftists beating journalists.
We fought for freedom. We know you are our enemies too.
The party of AOC, Antifa Nazis, and Rachel Maddow(D) - interrupted by some Hispanic Pastors.
Hispanic pastors tour border facilities, expose AOC as a fraud: ‘Shocked by misinformation’
The entire hack-D Brian Ross-Maddow press happy to run with misinformation.
as pointed out upthread, by Jeffrey lord, they had such a parade 28 years ago, after a much more brief interlude, which ended up benefiting the likes of bin laden, and khalid sheikh mohammed, residents of the kingdom and Kuwait, respectfully,
The mspms talking heads and guests are all in an uproar. Claiming that President Trump is politicizing the Holiday. One, an elected politician was spending part of the day MARCHING in her local parade. They have no idea that they can't go 90 seconds without contradicting them selves.
Also learned that one of the Dem contestants running to overthrow President Trump, said the way to clean up immigration is for the USA to pump money into the offending nations and.... run the gangs out of the country. So now the Democrats are advocating using military action to fight the gangs. Interesting times
Inga: "Fox News anchor Shepard Smith separately mocked the idea of a parade."
Has Shepard Smith fully recovered from all his LLR-like hoax reports of babies being eaten in the Superdome during Katrina?
back then did General Nash object, rhetorical,
Jeff Greenfield (Politico) said:
...(And would you really be totally shocked if Kim showed up at the White House to help Trump celebrate the Fourth?)
It would be more startling if Her Majesty the Queen showed up for a cookout.
Welp, one has to admit that the Obama Administration did try to remedy the homeless Vet situation by allowing them to die while waiting for medical treatment.
“He could go see the tanks at a military base if he wanted to,” Smith said. “Or they could give him replicas. Little mini replicas. I mean, he wants to see what he has. I had some of those when I was a kid.”
He used to stick them up his ass when he was exploring his sexuality.
Maybe Trump could invite these guys:
Foreign Legion in Bastille Day Parade.
"This is why the Queen of England reviews her soldiers regularly, takes their salute, presents them with new colors as required, receives their commanders and approves their appointments, and presents them honors, etc."
The USA has no King. Culturally, that is a huge difference. Perhaps the biggest difference and ingrained into the American character. No Monarchists in the USA. But it's not just about "no King." It goes beyond a rejection of monarchy to a rejection of a culture of deference. Republican virtue has no VIP box. No one gets to budge in line because of your family line or $$. Thomas Paine. The performance of equality, liberty, and republican virtue vs. Kingly pretensions. Many of the early Founders were careful to avoid appearances of King-like behaviour. "The Revolution of 1800" Jefferson and Liberty."
Rejoice, Columbia's sons, rejoice!
Join with heart, with soul and voice
For Jefferson and Liberty.
France is old Europe. Different culture then the republican virtue of the USA.
" I will not allow politics to define my holidays, cultural and social events, or my social circle."
It's easy for left wingers to accept this since conservative artists are not using their fame as a political platform. So promoting this norm supports the one sided nature of political promotion including the discrimination against non-leftists like James Damore and Kevin Williamson.
Every President of anywhere wwww
It’s not just Kings.
I remember tiny little Corazon Aquino on the podium at the Luneta taking the review of the armed forces, cheerful men who had previously done the same when the dictator was in her place. They do it every June 12.
"Howard said...
At least Obama banged Moochelle at the end of the date, while trump gets a Greggy handjob that fails to launch
7/3/19, 9:26 AM"
Because a flatulent mind is a terrible thing to waste.
My active duty Navy Chief daughter said she’s wearing her USS John McCain t-shirt all day on the 4th.
She can spend the day inadvertently bumping into other people.
Blogger Francisco D said...
Obviously, the Left would praise Obama for the same parade, but OrangeManBad.
And if Obama had something as shit-stupid as “brand new Sherman tanks,” Sean Hannity would have devoted an entire show to it. Because, MAGA.
Cute how CNN thinks they figured out the trap they used to jump into head first. Bet they spot 200 of the next five traps.
If you wear a Senator John McCain T-shirt long enough, what are the odds democrat operatives working with Putin oligarch pals will request you help them distribute a hoax dossier they have helped prepare?
@Madtownguy....not really, the Queen is fond of family cookouts at Balmoral. Long a tradition began by her parents King George & Queen Elizabeth; she's been known to handle the tongs. A tradition carried on by the Cambridges and their children. However, given the nature of tomorrow's celebration highly unlikely is putting it mildly.
One can never say never re Whoa Fat.
“The thing that people need to remember and realize is this has nothing to do with Donald Trump saluting our military but everything to do with our military, very publicly, being forced to salute him,” Fischer said.”
Actually, it has everything to do with creating an opportunity for the people to salute our troops.
You'd think both parties might focus on that, but it would undermine their ability to take yet another swipe at Trump.
Messages for Deplorables:
The chair is against the wall.
John has a large mustache.
LLR Chuck: "And if Obama had something as shit-stupid as “brand new Sherman tanks,” Sean Hannity would have devoted an entire show to it. Because, MAGA."
Obama said "corpseman" 3 times.
But no Chuck insults because why would Chuck insult a fellow leftist?
LLR Chuck has become the Hannity of the Left!!
Well done Chuck. You may have displaced your "brilliant" Maddow in that regard.
Celebrating the 4th of July by showing the military might and prowess of the United States is entirely appropriate. Our history is Military.
Speaking as a descendant of Revolutionary War ancestors....We fought the British, one of the premiere military powers of the time. And kicked their asses. We did it through the military that was cobbled together with volunteers. Most of whom were using their own weapons. (Hence the Second Amendment)
The United States was BORN in military action. We went to multiple wars and skirmishes afterwards to preserve the country and make it what we are today. TImeline of American Involvement History bitches...learn it!
A parade with marching groups of historically accurate military representations of groups..... from the Green Mountain Boys of Vermont with muskets through WWI, WWII, Korea to current military armaments with flyovers from fabric covered bi-planes to current state of the art jets. AND YES freaking Sherman Tanks..Chuck. If we could float a USN Battleship down the road that would be even better!!! Would be awesome.
Followed,of course, with fireworks, BBQ and Beer!
Achilles at 11:36; when I posted my comment about July 3 and 1863, it was you and people like you that I had in mind. I could not have remade my own point better than you did for me.
MajMike: "Messages for Deplorables:
The chair is against the wall.
John has a large mustache."
A Red Dawn subreference.
LLR Chuck won't get it because it wasn't something issued out of the DNC or Media Matters.
Chuck, please enlighten us by sharing the identity of "all of the conservative military leaders who served in senior positions in the Trump Administration and who think Donald Trump is an idiot." Be sure to point out who out of that set of "leaders" actually reached his position during the Obama admin. Would you be fine with Trump purging the liberal/phony conservative military leaders?
Disappointing that Tank has not been contacted to lead this parade.
Obama said "corpseman" 3 times.
You could have a CBS TV series of Shit Obama Said. And two for Biden.
Chuck would have to use typos that were corrected in seconds. Or made-up crap.
LLR Chuck: "...when I posted my comment about July 3 and 1863,"
You know nothing about July 3 and 1863.
But I find it funny how you try and pretend.
You and Inga, as fellow leftists, are quite similar in that way.
The United States was BORN in military action.
Say what?
*checks notes*
Nope. Turns out it was founded via slavery, protests, diversity, and immigrants.
wwwww: "The USA has no King. Culturally, that is a huge difference."
How profoundly ignorant. The fact that the CinC is a civilian and the uniformed military leaders defer to him is entirely the point. It has nothing to do with royalty or kings, it has to do with the US tradition of civilian control of the military. We retired veterans learned that on our first day of service. The US military do not swear allegiance to a king or a president, we swear allegiance the the constitution and vow to support it against all enemies foreign and domestic. And, there seems to be a plethora of domestic ones these days.
Browndog: "Nope. Turns out it was founded via slavery, protests, diversity, and immigrants."
And muslims. According to LLR Chuck's "magnificent" obama, it was founded by lots and lots of Muslims.
Which is why obama directed NASA to make its primary mission outreach to Muslims.
Needless to say if obama and LLR Chuck and Inga were coordinating the parade there would need to be a large koran float with lots of burka clad gals walking in front and a special female genital mutilation section behind.
"Then what you do doesn't matter."
No. What individuals do matter the most. Individuals use their liberties to decide for themselves what to read, what to watch, with whom to associate, who to marry, who to befriend. That is freedom. That is liberty. No master rules the citizens.
I will not judge the 4th party planning in Washington City prior to the events. I will give them the benefit of the doubt they have planned well for their local citizens. I assume the planners have made sure there will be no infrastructure damage to the Mall, and have organized a wonderful celebration for the good residents of that metro area. It could be a wonderful celebration for those citizens; but it is a local business and none of my own.
I most likely will have no opinion on or after the event. My eyes will be oriented on celebrations in my hometown. It's the resident citizens who should determine their own response to the local celebrations. The celebration, after all, is for the citizens. Locally towns raise $$ and donations for fireworks; towns plan their local parades. Event planing is the business of the residents of that local area. My family will be celebrating with our own family and friends and neighbours.
4th of July events are local events. We participate in the event, we don't watch the event. It's not a game we will watch on the screen. We don't wait for the capitol to celebrate. We are republican citizens and we organize stuff ourselves. We go to picnics and parades and pancake breakfasts. I will bake a flag cake. We'll attend the local fireworks.
" We participate in the event, we don't watch the event. It's not a game we will watch on the screen. We don't wait for the capitol to celebrate. We are republican citizens ..."
So are the French - extremely Republican. They show the Bastille Day parade on TV and the streets are full of out-of-town spectators.
The military is a national institution, the most critical institution in any state, no matter if it is a republic or a monarchy. The nation, the state, and the military go together in one piece by nature.
buwaya: "The military is a national institution, the most critical institution in any state, no matter if it is a republic or a monarchy. The nation, the state, and the military go together in one piece by nature."
Not according to LLR Chuck who once, very very briefly, pondered ever so slightly the possibility of joining the military before deciding not to.
Later, LLR Chuck would pen a 37,000 word opus on this brief 47 second period of his life.
You know who really, really loves a parade?
Not soldiers.
Swede: "You know who really, really loves a parade? Not soldiers."
It's sometimes hard to march after a hard night of partying in the DC area.
It's even harder to run the Bay to Breakers in constume after drinking heavily and eating Chinese food until 4am.
But that's when the training kicks in....
There was a time when the Fourth ranked right up there with Christmas in terms of celebration. There were parades, games, fireworks, readings of the Declaration; just good clean fun celebrating America, and how we started out, in almost every town in the country. The Dems have got their heads so far up their collective ass that they don't know when it's a good idea to keep quiet. Sure Trump is going over the top; when doesn't he? It's about time we got back to honoring the principles on which this country was founded .
"Frederick Douglass:
'What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.'
"People used to write really well."
Yes. And it's tragic 'cause it's true.
At Ft. Hood, doing PT on Monday mornings was all about positioning.
You wanted to be at the front of the formation. If you were in the back, the stench from the alcohol sweat could knock you over during the run.
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