July 3, 2019

"I’m sick of being told I should like penis. I don’t like penis. That’s why I’m a lesbian. That’s the whole point."

Says a lesbian quoted in "Some women have penises. If you won’t sleep with them you’re transphobic/87.5 percent of respondents to a recent survey said they would only consider ‘cis’ people as potential sexual partners" by James Kirkup (in American Spectator), which I'm reading because it's linked at Instapundit ("21ST CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: Some women have penises. If you won’t sleep with them you’re transphobic").

But is it really true that, for everyone who is a lesbian, the reason is the utterly genitalia-focused notion "I don’t like penis"? To be fair to the quoted individual, she did say "That’s why I’m a lesbian" (emphasis added). She doesn't purport to speak for all lesbians, and she can't from her own personal experience exclude the possibility that other lesbians are attracted to other aspects of a woman, perhaps subtle qualities that we label "gender."

I'm not sure what exactly that is, and it's hard to put it into words without coming across as sexist, but what are transgender women feeling when they say that inside they feel like a woman? I'd like to think that women come in infinitely variable forms, so that it doesn't make sense to say you feel like "a woman." Which woman of the infinitely variable forms of women are you talking about? But people do talk like that. It's not just for transgenders. We hear the song "You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman," and we understand — in fact, we find it especially deeply meaningful. It's standard movie dialogue for a female character to say that a man makes her "feel like a woman" (or for a male character to say that a woman makes him "feel like a man"). If it were all about the genitalia they wouldn't long for confirmation like that. They could just take a gander at their nether regions.

But nobody should bully anybody about having sex, and you're entitled to say "no" for any reason. You don't need to offer an explanation. You have the right to say no. Every young person should be taught that. Anyone who doesn't accept that you've declined the invitation and starts accusing you of having bad thoughts — including being "transphobic" — is a manipulator or someone who does not understand boundaries. With sex, you should be turning down almost everybody. There can't be a presumption that if you say "no," it's for any particular reason. And if they persist and demand justification, that's another reason for saying "no."

People often say "no" when the precise reason would be very rude to say out loud! It might be "transphobic" to tell a transgender person bluntly that you would never have sex with a transgender, but it's other kinds of -phobic to tell somebody who wants you that they're fat or old or homely or poor or too religious or a race you don't like. You still get to say "no" for any of those reasons.

Your body is not a social justice stomping ground.


BarrySanders20 said...

I think every woman should be proud of her penis.

Bob Boyd said...

Why should people be deciding who they have sex with? Countless studies show that people, when left to their own devices make bad decisions on almost everything. Credentialed experts should decide who does who and when using the latest scientific understanding and the tenants of social justice.

Sexual reparations are owed to the trans community.

Leland said...

The point of calling it phobia is the I. If people are allowed the choice to reject, sex in this case, then they can reject the same for other reasons. So they must destroy the I.

Expat(ish) said...

Best chuckle of the day:
perhaps subtle qualities that we label "gender."


Swede said...

I LOVE how stupid shit like this always circles around and bites liberals / the aggrieved right on the ass.

Sorry, sister, but now some of your sisters have wieners.

You're a hateful, despicable human being if you don't embrace your sister's wiener.

Embrace it!

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Only heterosexual men are supposed to be called out for their likes and dislikes.

Shouting Thomas said...

I prefer sex without all this ideological ranting that you do, Althouse.

Don’t you ever give it a break?

I prefer sex in the wild without schoolmarms working overtime to make it literary and ideological.

You’ve already got taxpayer supported feminist indoctrination centers on every campus. What level of ass kissing of schoolmarms and commie indoctrination would satisfy you?

Ice Nine said...

Since I read it I keep thinking about (and I fear an earworm) the odd phrasing of, "I don't like penis." It's very stilted. Really, can't she just say "I don't like cock" like anyone else would? Don't be weirder than you already are, babe.

Laslo Spatula said...

Transgender people can decide what set of genitalia they want to possess, and this is a good thing.

Cis people can decide what set of genitalia they want to have sex with, and that is a bad thing.

Once we are all surgically altered at birth to possess the All-Gender Sex Hole everyone will be happy.

If only I could post a picture.

I am Laslo.

Fernandinande said...

Some women have penises.

I wish they'd just bring back the old county-fair freak shows so people would have a healthy outlet for their perverse curiosity.

Rob said...

Of course you're correct that nobody should bully anybody about having sex. But this is America, where assuming the moral high ground and bullying others is the default position. Americans want to live their lives as they choose, and they want everybody else to have to live it that way too. It's not enough to choose to bicycle to work; you must advocate for policies that make it difficult for others to drive. The analogy works for dozens of other choices one makes. We've become a nation of scolds and wannabe benevolent dictators.

jaydub said...

I must be a lesbian too because I'm not fond of penis either.

Shouting Thomas said...

Does anybody just fuck anymore?

Without all this tedious bullshit?

Mark said...

What a tangled web.

Fernandinande said...
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Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Is it REALLY all that hard to just come out and say that a person with a penis IS NOT A WOMAN? And will NEVER be a woman?

Don't ignore the elephant in the room.

YoungHegelian said...

You don't need to offer an explanation. You have the right to say no.

Oh, Woe unto Ye Who think that the Party Line must needs make Sense!

Fernandinande said...

Why should people be deciding who they have sex with?

In Brave New World it was naughty to not have sex with whoever wanted it.

"Lenina Crowne?" said Henry Foster, echoing the Assistant Predestinator's question as he zipped up his trousers. "Oh, she's a splendid girl. Wonderfully pneumatic. I'm surprised you haven't had her."

Fernandinande said...

I prefer sex without all this ideological ranting that you do, Althouse.

Then don't read it. I stopped after the false statement about penises.

Anonymous said...

Spending too much time trying to arrange some relationship that "gets you off" in a way that you can accept, borders on the self serving dysfunction of sexual addiction. Its a tough situation in any case but this whole trans, cis, business is gladly something left to the future. I did my thing and had three kids the old fashioned way.

Big Mike said...

Now see, Althouse, this is why the Isthmus insists on calling you "conservative."

Okay, that was thought number one, snark full on, when I was about a third of the way through your post. By the end I thought, damn! It's been a while since you had a post this magnificent. Thank you for your common sense, and what you wrote should be page one in every sex ed textbook in the world.

Original Mike said...

I'm still trying to learn the terms. A "transgender woman" is a man, right? And "cis" means heterosexual?

BtC said...

Thanks for saying two very obvious and common-sense things that are rarely stated these days:
You don't need to offer an explanation. and
With sex, you should be turning down almost everybody.

One of the best things I learned a million years ago (when I was young), maybe from Miss Manners or perhaps even Ann Landers, was to decline any unwanted/unwelcome invitation without giving a reason. "No, thanks!" is all that ever needs to be said. Don't invite any further discussion by adding any kind of reason. I don't have to wash my hair, I don't have a headache, I don't have another commitment, I don't dislike the event/venue/type of music/activity, I'm not horribly sorry or grieved - Just a simple "Thanks, but no."

Don't be manipulated into excuses, true or not, and anyone who tries to do that just proves you don't owe any explanation, ever.

TML said...

No "born" in that title

Mark said...

I'd like to think that women come infinitely variable forms, so that it doesn't make sense to say you feel like "a woman."

The conclusion is that there is no such thing as "woman" in the objective sense. The dictatorship of relativism on display.

Not Sure said...

Your body is not a social justice stomping ground.

Agreed. Now, what about my bakery?

Fernandinande said...

A "transgender woman" is a man, right?

Pro tip!

Replace "trans[gender/sexual]" with "not".

As a side benefit "trans phobic" becomes "not phobic".

WK said...

What does it mean to “feel like a woman”?
Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy, forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts, short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action, feel the attraction
Color my hair, do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I want to be free yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!
- Shania Twain

traditionalguy said...

Chaos City is all we end up with by demanding that all honor and give special acceptance for every new Category of human sexuality that can be devised. Many suspect that is so stupid that it really has to be a big smoke screen seeking approval of sex with children that has ruled our European hegemonic authorities for centuries.

Trump’s America First includes restraints on sexual immorality and that alone has them all in a desperate last ditch fight for survival of their preferred lifestyle.

Some one will win and someone will lose this wrestling match.

Mark said...

And "cis" means heterosexual?

No. "Cis" means real. A "cis" woman is really and truly a female by every objective and scientific definition -- XX, ovaries, vagina, etc.

Swede said...

Remember that scene in Kindergarten Cop where the little kid raises his hand and informs Arnold Schwarzenegger that "boys have a penis, girls have a vagina".

Yeah, today that kid would be chastised and sent to the reeducation camps.

Original Mike said...

Got it. Thanks, guys. And by "guys", I don't mean to be presumptuous.

Rory said...

"Oh, Woe unto Ye Who think that the Party Line must needs make Sense!"

It's even better if the line doesn't make sense. The Party knows who it owns when it sees who cheers for its nonsense.

Static Ping said...

Part of the problem is no one know what it is to feel like a "man" or a "woman." A person knows who how it feels to be that person because that is the only true frame of reference. When a man says he's a woman, this is a ridiculous claim not only because he has no way of telling what it feels to be a woman, he also has no idea what it feels to be any other man than himself. This gets reflected by transgenders turning themselves into caricatures of the opposite sex because they have no frame of reference other than social cues.

To state the obvious, people who try to force you to have sex with people you do not want to have sex are called "rapists."

WK said...

Static Ping said...
Part of the problem is no one know what it is to feel like a "man" or a "woman. A person knows who how it feels to be that person because that is the only true frame of reference.

Yes. This.

Fernandinande said...

Here's another Pro Tip!

When they babble about stuff like "non-binary genders" or "gender expression", they're really just referring to personalities, which, duh, are not "binary".

PM said...

I don't like penis either, save mine.

Fernandinande said...

Part of the problem is no one know what it is to feel like a "man" or a "woman."

I'm having a wallet-enlargement procedure so I'll feel like a billionaire.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Sharon Blair, whose blog post is being pilloried in the Spectator, only suggested "hypothetical" consideration. The out is to give the "Stripes" answer:

Recruiter: Now, are either of you homosexuals?
Winger: You mean like flaming?
Recruiter: Well, it's a standard question we have to ask.
Russell: No, we're not homosexual, but we are willing to learn.
Winger: Yeah ... would they send us someplace special?

WK said...

Binary is out. We have moved from binary to octal or hexadecimal.

Original Mike said...

"I'm having a wallet-enlargement procedure so I'll feel like a billionaire."

Are we paying for that?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Who Cares? The future belongs to the heterosexuals. The rest may as well be Pterodactyls!

Lucid-Ideas said...

...And I don't like Halibut. Are we even now?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"87.5 percent of repondents"

So, adjusted for signaling, we're probably saying about 97% of the population are rancid bigots. The trans thing as a social/political cudgel is a huge real world loser. But carry on.

Fernandinande said...

Are we paying for that?

With systemic money.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Feminism is about a woman's equal freedom to be forced to like transsexual penises.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Feminists share the rest of the gay community's responsibility in opening 'Pandora's Box', They just didn't think that box contained penises. Boy don't they have egg on their faces!

madAsHell said...

I can understand it. There's a lot of gratification realized when you've got a woman cuming all over your face.

Rick.T. said...

Fernandistein said...

"I'm having a wallet-enlargement procedure so I'll feel like a billionaire."

Get one made out of elephant foreskin leather. Give it a quick rub and....BOOM!

Lucid-Ideas said...

"If you want to know what the future looks like, imagine a 'female with a penis' in high heels stepping on a Trans-Exclusionary Reactionary Feminist, forever."

mikee said...

All I know about this subject is expressed in the song, "Lola."
And knowing a guy in high school who, after graduation, came out as a cross dressing, gay-bar-stripping, Donna Summer lip-syncing, male-prostituting, professional sex deviant. This was just before HIV and AIDS became a thing.


Christopher said...

Of the 12.5% claiming they would consider dating various transgender types 12.4% are lying because they think it's what they're supposed to say.

It's the equivalent of all of those bisexual women out there who also just happen to only date guys.

J. Farmer said...

Some women have penises.

No they don’t.

When Norm Macdonald interviewed Caitlyn Jenner on his YouTube show, he asked her a question that she couldn’t answer: “what is a woman?”

Professional lady said...

I guess this is one reason why I find all those rainbow flags all month so annoying.

Vance said...

I think America's patience and tolerance for militant perverts is waning fast. It's one thing to "live and let live" but entirely another to be told "shut up and you must have sex with me because I demand it!"

State enforced rape is what the transgendered movement wants, and the leftists love it because hey, they want to rape whomever they want too without fear of the law.

wendybar said...

Have sex with whomever you want. I REALLY don't care. It is supposed to be private and intimate, not yelled about from the rooftops and put on the front page of every newspaper.

Bilwick said...

Is anyone really asking her to like penis? She's really missing out if she wouldn't like mine, but I'll survive. At least me mum likes it.

Lucid-Ideas said...

So many many years ago there was a pretty well-known and famous lesbian bar in my city that was quite famous across the larger Midwest. The funniest part was that it was the most happening spot in the city largely because it was quite literally taken over by everyone else. Straight, gay, pyrofox otherkins, you name it. It was even for a time the #1 location for bachelorette parties in town which must've really put the squeal on the lesbian owners and regulars who were being teased by 20-something bimbettes who wouldn't fuck them. (P.S. that was also the #1 place for straight dudes to get laid...it's why I would go).

But I'm losing my overall point...

They just let it happen. Their joint stopped being theirs in the name of poly-acceptance and tolerance. Every other demo just marched right in and took it over and they let them. On any given night I ever went there I'd say 10% or less were genuine sapphids. The owners - not having any balls - didn't even complain and one day many years back they just put a sign on the door and then - no kidding - put out a big op-ed in the paper talking about how abused they'd felt from the local community.

I keep trying to think of what crazy thing forthcoming generations are going to seize on that will 'exclude transsexuals from their own spaces' and I shudder..."transsexuals should be forced to have sex with us!". It's quite the race to the bottom.

Bay Area Guy said...

Stay away from crazy women who either: (a) have dicks or (b) don't like dicks on men.

It will save you time and energy.

bagoh20 said...

I know exactly how she feels. We never need more than one in the room. Sometimes that's too many and I leave for quieter digs.

Gulistan said...

"Your body is not a social justice stomping ground"

Can we get John Mayer to update his song?


Ralph L said...

Everyone loves penis. Some don't like the asshole behind it.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Sounds like some lesbians want to build a wall. The bull dykes can help fill sandbags while the cute ones can distribute MWWA hats (Make Women Women Again).

Henry said...

Misanthropy is a good fallback.

Sydney said...

J. Farmer said,

When Norm Macdonald interviewed Caitlyn Jenner on his YouTube show, he asked her a question that she couldn’t answer: “what is a woman?”

Exactly. No one can answer that.

Birkel said...

Her body, her choice.

All except when the Left is pursuing power.

Beth B said...

Ah, for those heady days of yesteryear, when "No Means No!" was the order of the day. How did we get to "Sorry, Lesbian Person, but you must accept my Lady Penis or you're a big fat bigot"?

So now it's, "No Means No, Except When Your Refusal Can Be Construed As Intersectionally Offensive, Then You'd Better Just Take It"? Golly, if only Harvey Weinstein had thought to put on a dress, he could have spared himself a lot of legal fees.

BarrySanders20 said...

J. Farmer said...
When Norm Macdonald interviewed Caitlyn Jenner on his YouTube show, he asked her a question that she couldn’t answer: “what is a woman?”

Should have asked "Now that you are a woman, can you tell me the answer to the age old-question: 'What do women want'?"

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...Your body is not a social justice stomping ground.

I think Blogger must have cut off the * and footnoted "Some conditions and exceptions apply" after that sentence, Professor.

Howard said...

It's why I'm a male lesbian

Darkisland said...

Never stick your dick into crazy.

Or allow crazy to stick their dick into you.

John Henry

richlb said...

Is it OK to not be sexually attracted to someone because of their race? Discuss.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...You don't need to offer an explanation.

Why not? Isn't it true that some preferences--some opinions or feelings related to association--are inherently ugly and would require explanation??

If a person wrote an article saying "I don't find people of X race attractive" where X = any minority would you react to that by saying "you don't need to offer an explanation?" I'm skeptical!

If you choose to date people only of your racial/ethnic group then you're a racist. If you choose to live in a neighborhood or send your kid to a school that's populated mostly by people of your racial/ethnic group then you're a racist. If you choose to socialize only with people of your sexual orientation and you're straight then you're homophobic. This is all pretty well-established at this point, Professor, and nice centrist people agree with the Leftist members of the Academy and Media that those choices, feelings, and decisions are ugly and must be both explained and corrected.

Why should one's choice of who to have sex with be any different? The logic is similar in both cases: if "I only feel comfortable with people of X race" is impermissible why is "I only feel attracted to people with X type of genitals" ok? One offends you but the other is self-evidently correct...but why?

Scott M said...

I'd like to think that women come in infinitely variable forms, so that it doesn't make sense to say you feel like "a woman."

You might like to think that, but it's not true. There is a finite number of permutations. Sure, it's currently impossible for us to know that exact number, or the number of women that would Venn diagram into different groupings based on various things.

Perhaps only Kevin Nealon's Guardian Angel character knows the correct number, but I assure you it's finite and I'm not splitting rhetorical hairs here (okay...maybe a little). There simply aren't that many different types of people or different types of x about people. There are bell curves for every facet of human existence and most of us exist in that big bulbous part.

tcrosse said...

Found a penis, found a penis, found a penis right now.
Just now I found a penis, found a penis right now.
Didn't like it, didn't like it, didn't like it right now,
Just now I found a penis, didn't like it right now.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Original Mike said...

I'm still trying to learn the terms. A "transgender woman" is a man, right?

What does that mean, Mike. Do you mean to say that a transgender woman is a man pretending to be a woman? Or a woman pretending to be a man?

Whenever I see this "transgender woman"/"transgender man" BS, I get confused. I have no idea what people are talking about.

Is Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner a transgender man or a transgender woman?

We need better terminology.

Me, I think I am CIS-Normal. But I am confused by the terminology and don't know for certain.

I'll settle for just being called a "Normal Man"

John Henry

Fen said...

No no. These are the her rules. Not only does she have to tolerate tranny dick, she has to like it, and bake them a fucking cake. Or she's a bigot and her life is ruined.

Scott M said...

I'm still trying to learn the terms. A "transgender woman" is a man, right? And "cis" means heterosexual?

No, "cis" is just the shortened/slang version of sister if you have a spelling impediment.

Freeman Hunt said...

I don't think there is some deep inner sense of being a certain sex.

Gay makes sense. A straight person can understand that by imagining that he was expected to be sexually attracted to his own sex and seeing how obviously impossible that would be.

But does that work for trans? Have someone imagine that everyone told him that he was the opposite sex. I think he'd say, "Well, then I would think I was the opposite sex."

Scott M said...

I honestly love the term Ace (of Spades HQ) came up with to describe the issue. It's note perfect. He refers to a man identifying as a woman as a man LARPing a woman. (Live-Action-Role-Playing). If you need to know what LARPing is, just watch a couple youtube videos and you'll see just how far from actual sex all of this is.

TrespassersW said...

Your body is not a social justice stomping ground.

That's where you're wrong, Althouse. To the SJW, EVERYTHING is a social justice stomping ground.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

What was the old joke--something about homosexuality being overlooked, then tolerated, then celebrated, but the guy resigning before it became mandatory?

"If you're not attracted to transpeople you're a bigot" seems laughable, but here we are.
Hey good thing we, as a society, have decided that being a bigot is the worst thing a person can be and should be met with exclusion from employment and complete ostracism! That really helps raise the stakes on otherwise-idiotic squabbles like this. Good times.

Tank said...

Roy Jacobsen said...

Your body is not a social justice stomping ground.

That's where you're wrong, Althouse. To the SJW, EVERYTHING is a social justice stomping ground.


Roger Sweeny said...

Your body is not a social justice stomping ground.


Ken B said...

Your body is not a social justice stomping ground? Why yours and not Andy Ngo's?

Anonymous said...

You argue against these people as if, in your opinion, they're wrong...but you're just now noticing that they may perhaps be wrong in ways that could be, well, not as positive as one would like. But still people worth taking seriously and respectfully enough to carefully analyze and address their positions with thoughtful counter-arguments. Arguments presented as if they're probably not obvious to the man on the street, who might otherwise find assertions that it's morally wrong to refuse to have sex with chicks-with-dicks perfectly reasonable.

At this hour.

Jayz, Althouse, just how screamingly in-your-face do very mentally and emotionally fucked and up and malevolent people have to get before you realize that you're in Crazy Town?

tcrosse said...

...it doesn't make sense to say you feel like "a woman." Which woman of the infinitely variable forms of women are you talking about?

It's usually Joan Crawford.

whitney said...

I'm halfway through this interesting and well-written memoir by a woman with three children under 12 dealing with the disintegration of her 20-year marriage when her husband decides he's a woman. Highly recommend

Sex Changes by Christine Benvenuto


Kevin said...

Your body is not a social justice stomping ground.

I love how women live with the illusion that social justice stops at their bodies.

They think this even after reading the latest article on "Are Men Necessary"?

Rosalyn C. said...

For the terminology challenged, a primer:

A transgender woman is a person who was born a boy but identifies as a woman. Often they start out as children liking feminine things like clothing and makeup, dressing up in girls' clothing, and sometimes labelled as gay men. But at some point they decide they are truly a woman. The biggest difference is that trans women are deeply unhappy with their male anatomy and secondary sexual characteristics. So they want to transition into appearing like a woman. And after transitioning they get to complain about sexism in society and how badly men treat women. They often end up as sex workers. Remember the film, "The Crying Game?" Ironic and sad. If they are lucky they find a lesbian partner or transgender male.

A transgender male is a person who was born a girl but identifies as a man. Often they detest feminine things, womens' clothing and want to "present" as a man. Often start out as butch lesbians. The difference: they are deeply unhappy about having breasts and proud when they are able to get rid of the boobs and able to grow facial hair. Once they start appearing like men they get to complain about being called sexists and having male privilege. They also realize they have no idea how to hang out with heterosexual cis men and are mostly rejected by gay men. If they are lucky they find a lesbian or bisexual partner.

Cisgender means your physical sex and gender identity are congruent.

One of the strangest Youtubers I ever watched is a lesbian transwoman who explained she does not use "her penis" during sex but instead uses a dildo on her girlfriend.

LA_Bob said...

"I'm sick of being told I should like penis. I don't like penis..."

"Just close your eyes, and think of the British Empire..., uh, I mean, the children..., uh, I mean, the LGBTQ community!"

David Docetad said...

"Your body is not a social justice stomping ground."

Ha ha! Oh yes indeed it is!

You body may not be a justice stomping ground, but "social justice" knows no boundaries.

Dude1394 said...

"Your body is not a social justice stomping ground. " Not according to the democrat party. If you aren't willing to have sex with a man, you are homophobic. If you aren't interested in having sex with a black person, you are racist.

It is their go to political argument.

MartyH said...

How many people complaining about transphobia have actually dated a transgender? If they haven't they should shut up already.

Anonymous said...

R.J.Chatt: For the terminology challenged, a primer:

A transgender woman is a person who was born a boy but identifies as a woman. Often they start out as children liking feminine things like clothing and makeup, dressing up in girls' clothing, and sometimes labelled as gay men[etc., etc.]

I don't think that's a very accurate description of the phenomenon we're witnessing now. I do think there's a deliberate attempt to get the public to conflate two different things. There are people who really are out on the far tails of the gender bell-curve (very effeminate boys and masculine girls, who really are "born that way"). Compare and contrast with some of the aggressive trans activists garnering attention lately. One represents an unusual but natural condition; the other looks a lot more like personal and social pathology.

Fen said...

"For the terminology challenged, a primer"

That's a trap. The terms are grounded in delusion. What was doubleplusgood today will be HateCrime tomorrow.

I'm sure some sci-fi writer has a good quote for what happens to those who live in a fantasy world based on whim.

In this case, the game is too control you, to dominate you, to make you agree that 2 + 2 = 5. But these little Red Guard authoritarians are control freaks. They won't stop at 2 + 2 = 5

Howard said...

It be always floors me how you people get off on lgbtq

Greg P said...

I'm not sure what exactly that is, and it's hard to put it into words without coming across as sexist, but what are transgender women feeling when they say that inside they feel like a woman? I'd like to think that women come in infinitely variable forms, so that it doesn't make sense to say you feel like "a woman."

Ah, but unless you accept "sexist" tropes about men and women and their differences, then tire's not the slightest shred of sense to the whole "trans" insanity.

If men and women are the same, other than their genitals, then yes "being a lesbian" is about having a vagina and preferring other vaginias over penises.

And if women and men are inherently different, such that it can make sense to claim "I feel like a woman, even though I have a penis", then all claims of discrimination based on "disparate impact" are obviously false.

Because if men and women are inherently different, then it's entirely reasonable that they will be hired, fired, and paid differently. And evidence of that happening is merely evidence of rational employers, not sex discrimination.

Pick one

AllenS said...

When two lesbians are having sex, they use an object that looks like a penis? A fist? A baseball bat?

I'm going with looks like a penis.

Rosalyn C. said...

@Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard Very true observation. I see many transwomen activists are typical aggressive dickheads -- the product of their socialization as men isn't something they can remove with hormones or surgeries. It is very hard to understand their claim they deeply feel they are women. I've asked a few transwomen what makes them feel they are women and have never gotten an answer. Is it just about the clothing? IDK The rehearsed response I get is, imagine if you woke up one morning and discovered you were in the opposite sex body, how would you feel? They expect me to say, horrified! But actually if something like that happened I think I would be more amazed and curious by the opportunity to experience life so differently.

I recall a the very shocking Youtube video @2:07 where transwoman Zoey Tur threatens Ben Shapiro with physical violence because Ben expressed his factual analysis of biological reality.

Narr said...

I ain't touching this one.

Not with your dick!

Greg P said...

Blogger BtC said...
Thanks for saying two very obvious and common-sense things that are rarely stated these days:
You don't need to offer an explanation. and
With sex, you should be turning down almost everybody.

One of the best things I learned a million years ago (when I was young), maybe from Miss Manners or perhaps even Ann Landers, was to decline any unwanted/unwelcome invitation without giving a reason. "No, thanks!" is all that ever needs to be said. Don't invite any further discussion by adding any kind of reason. I don't have to wash my hair, I don't have a headache, I don't have another commitment, I don't dislike the event/venue/type of music/activity, I'm not horribly sorry or grieved - Just a simple "Thanks, but no."

That's awesome! Because "No thanks, I don't like that music" says "you can invite me on a date to a different concert", but "No thanks" means "stop wasting our time".

I always appreciated such honesty

Greg P said...

Blogger R.J. Chatt said...
For the terminology challenged, a primer:

A transgender woman is a[n] insane male who, instead of believing he's Napoleon, believes he's a woman, despite the fact that he has a penis and the vast majority of his cells have Y chromosomes. (FIFY)

A transgender male is a[n] insane female who, instead of believing she's Joan of Arc, believes she's a man, despite the fact that she has a vagina, doesn't have a penis and almost none of her cells have human Y chromosomes. (FIFY)

Cisgender means you are not a freaking lunatic. (FIFY)

Fen said...

Sorry, but your comment gave me ear worm:

"I don't have to wash my hair, I don't have a headache, I don't have another commitment, I don't dislike the event/venue/type of music/activity, I'm not horribly sorry or grieved - Just a simple "Thanks, but no."


Original Mike said...

Blogger Fernandistein said..."Pro tip!
Replace "trans[gender/sexual]" with "not"."

I employed this method while reading today's comments and it swept the confusion away.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Blogger Fen said...
"For the terminology challenged, a primer"

That's a trap.

No, a trap is something completely different.

Bruce Hayden said...

I find this absurd. I think that I can speak for a majority of the guys here in saying that I won’t willingly have sex with anyone with a penis, and similarly our gay brethren won’t willingly have sex with anyone without one. And wouldn’t knowingly have sex with a fully transitioned trans woman. About all that they are going to get to happen if they force this sort of thing is that some trans people are going to end up dead because they went too far with some cis person before that cis person figured out that their partner is a tranny. Maybe not that way with cis women dating trans men, but definitely the case with straight cis men dating trans women.

TrespassersW said...

Fen said...
In this case, the game is too control you, to dominate you, to make you agree that 2 + 2 = 5. But these little Red Guard authoritarians are control freaks. They won't stop at 2 + 2 = 5


gg6 said...

Does any one at all sane and healthy give 1/10th of a rat's rear end about this?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman"

(Written by a woman who is a King.)

rhhardin said...

I don't go around feeling like a man.

Wittgenstein got mad at some woman for saying she felt sick as a dog. You don't know what a dog feels like. She wasn't taking language seriously. I think it's in Frankfurter's On Bullshit as an anecdote.

rhhardin said...

Make you feel like a woman means be treated like a woman, for a woman. It could, today, be positive or negative.

rhhardin said...

Sexuality for a man is a wired-in attraction to pussy. Which, he well knows, makes no sense at all. He's able to consider it objectively aside from the wiring. It must be wiring, he thinks.

I'd guess lesbians share the wiring, a mistake in wiring for them.

rhhardin said...

The priest of religions heads the procession, holding in one hand a white flag, the sign of peace, and in the other a golden device depicting the male and female privy parts, as if to indicate that these carnal members are most of the time, all metaphor apart, very dangerous tools in the hands of those employing them, when manipulated blindly to different and conflicting ends, instead of engendering a timely reaction against that well-known passion which causes nearly all our ills. To the small of his back is attached (artificially, of course) a horse's tail, thick and flowing, which sweeps dust off the ground. It means, beware of debasing ourselves by our behaviour to the level of animals.


William said...

If you want to play the percentages, it's probably better for women with penis to dress up as a man if they want to have sex with a woman. Maybe the person with a penis is part of some absurdly small subset that is attracted only to lesbians who are attracted only to lesbians with a penis. I guess with the internet it's possible to find someone to hook up with, but you're not going to have many choices, especially if you live in a small town like South Bend......I started and gave up on the Netflix series Sense 8. The show features a transgendered (if that's the word) woman. So far as I know, it's the only series that features a transgender as a hero. The show became increasingly fantastical to the point of silliness. It's not science fiction so much as some kind of weird sex fantasy.

Dude1394 said...

I bet there is a well used strap-on with her name on it.

ccscientist said...

Ah, but they want EVERYTHING to be about politics, even your love life. You would think that marrying someone of another race would be a good thing, would show how open-minded you are, but you would be wrong. They will accuse the white member of the pair of "poaching" and the black one of being a traitor. If a white man marries an asian he has "yellow fever". If you are not attracted to the fat, you are fat-shaming.

n.n said...

Transgender classes, including transversal sexual orientations, are abnormal, but some are more tolerable than others. So, they appropriate labels, and symbols, to project themselves in a welcoming, if not gay manner. It's a Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice world.

rcocean said...

Are women told they should like "Penis". Who knew?

rcocean said...

Sorry I can't interested in the new Sexual minority that's being oppressed. I'm still trying to work up an interest in Gay Marriage. Wake me up, when men who like long legs and big boobs going to be an oppressed minority.

gilbar said...

Remember the olden days?
Back when, if;
Someone wanted to put their penis in you, a s you didn't want them to, they had to Not?
And if they kept talking to you about how they thought they could/should...
You could put them in prison?
After you put them in a hospital?

In the immortal words of S E Hinton...
That was Then, This is Now

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"... a man makes her "feel like a woman" (or for a male character to say that a woman makes him "feel like a man"). If it were all about the genitalia they wouldn't long for confirmation like that.

is it confirmation, or a sense of coming into the fullness thereof ?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

The NYT has a columnist who had two sons as a man with his wife.
He transitioned..

out: "Honey, I'm home!"

in: "Honey, I'm homo!"

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Your body is not a social justice stomping ground

"but what about our little bodies?" ask the babies in utero

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Your body is not a social justice stomping ground."
But it will be. The SJW's will stop at nothing to make this a not-free country.
You know how the Nazis were better than the commies?
The Nazis killed people because those people were their racial enemies. The commies killed people because those people stood in the way of mankind's destiny.

LTC Ted said...

From 60s college days, I recall many XYs using the "If you won't sleep with me, it means you're racist/Lesbian/frigid/repressed/unsophisticated" ploy. I don't recall the XXs doing that, but I was a Chemistry/Physics student detesting my slide rule, making nose prints in texts at 3 A.M.

Szoszolo said...

I think you're overthinking this, professor. My reading is that the lesbian quoted was using "penis" as a synecdoche for "male persons in all their unattractive-to-me maleness."

If you asked a group of resolutely straight women if they'd like to go to bed with another woman, I bet there'd be at least one who would say, "Sorry, no -- I like dicks too much."

It wouldn't mean "I am utterly genitalia-focused." It would mean something more like "I'm attracted to men, and since you put this in terms of a potential sex partner, I'm responding with a comment referring to something I consider an important part of having sex with a man."

AndyN said...

I'm not sure what exactly that is, and it's hard to put it into words without coming across as sexist, but what are transgender women feeling when they say that inside they feel like a woman?

I wish I'd made a note when I read this years ago, but there was a female psychiatrist, I think at Johns Hopkins, who said she stopped treating transsexuals because every time any of them talked about how it felt to be a woman, everything they said was a cliché of how men think women feel.

Kevin said...

Brenda : Wait! I'm starving, you'd rather throw it away than give it to me?

Hot Dog Vendor : I work on a cash-only basis.

Brenda : But it's a perfectly good check!

Hot Dog Vendor : No! I'll make it very clear. You slip me the cash, and I'll slip you the weiner.

Brenda : But I don't have any cash!

Hot Dog Vendor : Then I don't have a weiner!

n.n said...

A female transversal in a male transversal pride parade? Where else is the penis normalized? Normal people do not obsess about the means to evolutionary fitness. That's what bedrooms are for.

cyrus83 said...

Why are any reasons to decline "phobic"? I mean by that logic gays are heterophobic, people who decline sex with children are pedophobic, and those who decline sex with corpses are necrophobic. The phobic claim in general is bullshit on the order of civility bullshit, usually employed by someone who is not a little hypocritical in using it.

I don't know where this quaint idea of the body not being a social justice stomping ground comes from. It has been that way forever, the marketing just changes over the years. Years ago it was "liberating" to be wearing immodest fashion, though arguably it was a trick by the men to get to see a lot of skin without much effort. The marketing now is more that the body can be re-shaped by doctors and plastic surgeons into any shape and color you want, as though identity was only skin-deep and can be changed by such machinations.

mockturtle said...

AndyN reports: I wish I'd made a note when I read this years ago, but there was a female psychiatrist, I think at Johns Hopkins, who said she stopped treating transsexuals because every time any of them talked about how it felt to be a woman, everything they said was a cliché of how men think women feel.

Just as transvestites parody how they think women should look and act. I've never met a woman who looked or acted like a drag queen.

n.n said...

The female must not only like, but worship the penis. Are all transversals similarly transphobic and hysterical? That may explain the politically congruent ("=") "pride parade" in an effort to normalize, not the transgender spectrum, but the transversal orientation specifically.

Joe said...

I've noted this before, but several months ago, I radically changed my settings on a dating profile, before deleting it, and inadvertently opened it up to matches from transsexuals. All of them were male-to-female all still had their penis. I'd guess half were prostitutes. What I noticed about the other half is every profile, without exception, was a male profile in language, tenor, focus... all of it except the name and photo were overwhelmingly guy. These were not women trapped in a man's body, they were not feminine in any way. They were cross-dressing guys on hormones with breast implants (mostly, one said he wasn't on hormones anymore due to health reasons, so he was just a cross-dresser with implants.)

Kirk Parker said...

"Wittgenstein got mad at some woman for saying she felt sick as a dog. You don't know what a dog feels like. She wasn't taking language seriously"

Wow, if you want some insight into what's wrong with linguistic philosophy, you could hardly ask for a better example.

Wittgenstein is the complete fool here, the one not taking language seriously, by thinking--or, perhaps more likely, pretending to think--that the woman was making the slightest assertion about how dogs might feel.

Nichevo said...

If Wittgentein had ever actually seen a dog being sick, i.e. vomiting, he wouldn't have carried on so.

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