Said Boris Johnson.
Trump only proposed making America "great" (and only "again," that is, only as great as it was in the past). Boris goes for the superlative, "greatest," but he ties greatness to aspects of ordinary life — just living and having kids and breathing fresh air. That's not the mode greatness that characterized Britain's past. There's a smallness to the greatness.
९७ टिप्पण्या:
I like it. It shows pride in his Britain. And it's about damn time that the Brits got some of their swagger back. They need to find their old self again, and it's not going to come via mass immigration.
I wish for them the same thing I wish for us: Be great. Be the greatest nation you can be. And don't forget where you came from.
Nothing in his past suggests he can make this Britain's future.
The nation of shopkeepers!
Boris Johnson stuck on a zip line
He'll immediately have to remove millions of immigrants (and now citizens) from Britain to achieve his goals. Good luck Boris!
It’s smart. Britain is never going to return to the greatness of the British Empire. Positioning it as the greatest place to live and raise a family is a concession to changed circumstances and a hopeful and possibly achievable goal.
In a technical but very real sense, Johnson is running to be PM. But that is only because the Tories have the majority in Parliament. What Johnson is actually doing, in the sense of American politics, is running in a primary election. A primary election for the support of a party that is now losing because it has been split between mainstream conservatives and nutball Brexiteers, and that the Tory party’s future electability hinges on that break.
Put The Great Back In Britain! PTGBIB!
OK, needs work.
Que es mas macho?
The great Englishman H.L. Mencken (from Baltimore):
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”
Boris is gonna have a hard time with his promises ("greatest place on Earth") given all the intent-on-murder-for-the-sake-of-Islam Muslims running around the UK.
The most popular name for newborn boys in England is Muhammad in all its variations. So too late Boris. Allahu Akbar.
"Make Britain Great Again" would be pretty easy: just use the full name.
Like Melania says!! BE BEST!!! Good luck competing with the USA!!
Chuck refers to Brexiteers as nutballs.
Chuck apparently believes that it is the heart of conservative policy for Britain to cede its sovereignty to a bunch of leftists in Brussels.
Thus proving, without caveat, that Drago has been correct in every single thing he has said about Chuck being operationally on the Left.
But only every single time, on every single issue.
MTUKGBBENI - Make the United Kingdom Great Britain by Excluding Northern Ireland.
"I will set out a vision for Britain as the greatest place on Earth."
I immediately thought "greatest show on Earth".
Barnum&Bailey, apt for Clown World.
Temujin: And it's about damn time that the Brits got some of their swagger back. They need to find their old self again, and it's not going to come via mass immigration.
Be the greatest nation you can be. And don't forget where you came from.
I doubt Boris has any interest in restoring the national self-respect of the natives, or reversing the official program of vilification and memory-holing of their history and heritage. Won't do do diddly to slow down the ongoing massive annual intake of immigrants, either.
"just living and having kids and breathing fresh air. That's not the mode greatness that characterized Britain's past. There's a smallness to the greatness."
But that's not exactly what he said, and I am not sure it's different from how superpowers boast on the world stage. He said the greatest place to send your kids to school. The greatest place to raise a family. It's a big deal if your nation is the BEST place to send kids to school or the BEST place to live.
During the Cold War, the US-USSR had the kitchen debate. Literally a debate about who had the best kitchen. Who can afford to support a stay-at-home wife. May seem small, but we spend a lot of time in kitchens. Who has the best kitchens or the best schools or the best lifestyle: it adds up to envy from the rest of the world.
Wikipedia: "The Kitchen Debate (Russian: Кухонные дебаты, romanized: Kukhonn'iye dyebat'i) was a series of impromptu exchanges (through interpreters) between the U.S. Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev at the opening of the American National Exhibition at Sokolniki Park in Moscow on July 24, 1959. For the exhibition, an entire house was built that the American exhibitors claimed anyone in America could afford. It was filled with labor-saving and recreational devices meant to represent the fruits of the capitalist American consumer market. The debate was recorded on color videotape and Nixon made reference to this fact; it was subsequently rebroadcast in both countries."
And...small compared to? It would be a little bit odd for him to make a speech announcing that Britannia should re-exert rule over India or the 13 North Americans colonies.
Chuckles was an advisor to Marie Antoinette is a past life.....
He'll immediately have to remove millions of immigrants (and now citizens) from Britain to achieve his goals. Good luck Boris!
Yup. England currently resides in the south west from Sussex to Cornwall. The former industrial north is Muslim. London is everything and nothing. Sort of like New York City.
There is a lot of money in London but not much in the north. I don't think he can do it.
He needs something like fracking to set it off.
A day late and a dollar short, I'd say. Nice sentiment, though.
We are all Little Englanders now.
The personal life will live and, moreover, thrive. To Hell with the nomenklatura.
I don't know that much about him, but he's entertaining to watch. That counts for something. May was boring, but not in a reassuring way. Corbyn is actively hateful. I hope Boris wins. A joint press conference with Trump will be a ratings grabber.
Dick drops in to quote Mencken. I’ll just note two things. First that the quote’s focus on “democracy” is apt: direct democracy is mob rule and leads, as the Federalist Papers elucidate, to tyranny of the majority. Second that neither Great Britain nor the USA is a democracy: one is a constitutional monarchy and one a constitutional republic.
Deliver Brexit, Boris. Then talk.
Another possibility I’ve not heard talked about: free trade. Great Britain, United States and Australia. All the stars are in alignment: Johnson, Trump, Morrison.
That’d be a nice support for Brexit, and a cultural, foreign policy, economic and military victory for Trump.
This was never a possibility with Theresa May.
Marie Antoinette was a fine person all things considered.
Friendly, kindly, with few airs, chaste, modest, a good mother and quite courageous.
An excellent wife to her excellent husband, the King, who was very much like her, in his own virtues.
The worst thing that can be said about the poor innocent woman is that, like her husband, her virtues were too ordinary to deal with the extraordinary situation.
A day late and a dollar short, I'd say. Nice sentiment, though.
If only Tony Blair's mother had had access to abortion.
They were much better off when the saying was "The WOGS begin at Calais."
Greatness does not usually go along with ordinary virtues.
There is always something off, a brutality, a ferocity, a single mindedness overriding such minor matters,q often concealed in ordinary circumstances. Great men are often sexually obsessed, or lax, or repressed, showing it in other ways. There is some eccentricity in them.
It pays to examine biographies. There is no ordinary great person, there is no happy cheerful domestic husband and wife like Marie Antoinette and her husband, who would have made excellent, pleasant neighbors in some American suburb.
An unrepressed "great man" is more along the lines of the Duke of Wellington, a workaholic, endlessly energetic, calculating cold fish with a reputation for rudeness. And also a great womanizer, who had women throwing themselves at him. Very much as Trump described it. And moreover he could be very cold to his ex-lovers. "MeToo" would have had endless material to work with.
Napoleon Bonaparte was all that, and much more so.
Small goals? I assume that given your restrictive notions of travel that you have not been in England recently. These are good, laudable goals that are being mentioned only because of their current lack.
My idol, and the mentor of my mentor when I lived in England and worked for a Tory, was Margaret Thatcher.
Mrs. Thatcher strongly advised against the UK’s deep involvement with the EU. But having had that involvement, the Brexiteers are not the answer. As ever, the real answer is serious and nuanced and complicated and is poorly served by the Nigel Farages and the Donald Trumps of current politics.
Says something about the way things are right now a promise to make the ordinary things "great" is so appealing.
From the woman who voted for the weatherstripping president?
I’m a huge BRAFTA supporter.
Serious and nuanced without bringing the people along does not work.
Nor does it work when the demand is something that has actually arisen among the people.
Reality does not give the statesman the abilities of a player of Sid Meiers "Civilization". There is no hope, ever, of a cabal of experts working in isolation for he good of the nation. The "experts" are never expert enough, nor are they ever disinterested. Indeed it is normal for such cabals to find themselves in opposition to the interests of a large fraction of the people.
People who excel in minutiae are normally hired for specialized work by people who have a broader view. This often annoys the experts in minutiae. Extraordinary people, "great men", are often both, capable of deep understanding as well as perspective, but they are rare.
People who excel in minutiae are normally hired for specialized work by people who have a broader view. This often annoys the experts in minutiae. Extraordinary people, "great men", are often both, capable of deep understanding as well as perspective, but they are rare.
And this was certainly apparent with Eisenhower as Supreme Allied Commander in WWII.
"There's a smallness to the greatness." Yet I have it on good authority that fidelity in little things points to fidelity in big things, and there was also something about "the one who wants to be greatest..."
Families are foundational--if you can't raise or educate kids well in a land, how will that land ever be great?
Napoleon Bonaparte was all that, and much more so.
I disagree here. Josephine was next thing to a whore and Napoleon tolerated it. He might have taken out his sexual energies on war.
Churchill was also no sexual athlete. Clementine almost certainly had an affair on her long cruise in 1935. Churchill was reputed to have had an affair with Maxine Elliot, the actress and lifelong friend, but there was never any evidence.
Britain could use a dose of greatness. Her only current greatness is found in Queen Elizabeth, who, among other things, continues to save the country from Prince Charles, and the Special Air Service (SAS), the last vestige of her past military prowess.
The gates have been too long opened. Enoch Powell foresaw precisely. Plus the PC culture is codified there and wrongthink or wrongspeak can land you in jail.
“As ever, the real answer is serious and nuanced and complicated and is poorly served by the Nigel Farages and the Donald Trumps of current politics.”
As ever, Chuck Channeling Schumer weighs in with the pussies who, feigning intellectualism, favor “nuance” over boldness.
Boris used to write for the London Speccie--maybe he still does. He was clever, and needs that and more.
Most of our anglosphere pols these days remind me of Widmerpool from Powell's slow and precious epic. I can't recall if it was his line or someone elses's that the fellow "rose without a trace."
Wellington's a classic! "Publish, and be damned!" That's the way to deal with tiresome hos and bimbos.
Neither Boney, Wellington, nor Churchill had children of particular note
Napoleon had numerous paramours.
He certainly wasn't faithful even to Josephine.
When in Egypt for instance, missing Josephine, he took Pauline Foures, an officers wife, as his mistress.
Roberts says about two dozen payoffs are recorded in the Emperor's accounts; how much he got for free is anyone's guess.
Not a Genghis Khan, that's for sure
Boris probably belongs to the last generation where the values of Little England are at least fondly remembered, if not actually practiced. Not sure nostalgia is a winning political strategy. I doubt it, but who knows?
You know, Chuck, that you think Brexit is "nutball" sort of makes me think Drago has been right about you all along.
Yancey Ward:
Welcome to the party, pal.
Touché, Birkel, touché.
Napoleon had numerous paramours.
He certainly wasn't faithful even to Josephine.
When in Egypt for instance, missing Josephine, he took Pauline Foures, an officers wife, as his mistress.
And Catherine the Great had her host of lovers.
Not that Catherine the Great was actually great. Now, Elizabeth I was great.
Yes, let's continue what a 1,000 years from hastings to sea lion protected them from
Yancey Ward: "You know, Chuck, that you think Brexit is "nutball" sort of makes me think Drago has been right about you all along."
I would think LLR-leftist Chuck's continuous linking and referencing of Lawfareblog and MSNBC and CNN and parroting far left talking points would be more than enough to have convinced you of that long long ago.
LLR-leftist Chuck: "My idol, and the mentor of my mentor when I lived in England and worked for a Tory, was Margaret Thatcher.
Mrs. Thatcher strongly advised against the UK’s deep involvement with the EU. But having had that involvement, the Brexiteers are not the answer."
Once again, LLR-leftist Chuck is opposed to the ONLY people fighting to achieve outcomes in alignment with actual conservative vision and philosophy.
So typically Chuck.
"The Conservative Case For Why We Can Never Actually Have Conservative Policy Outcomes Cuz The Wrong People Are The Ones Who Would Be Achieving It So Lets Just Give Up But Keep Talking About "Muh Principles"'
Trump AND Boris in the news cycle...this is gonna be lit AF.
LLR-leftist Chuck: "A primary election for the support of a party that is now losing because it has been split between mainstream conservatives and nutball Brexiteers, and that the Tory party’s future electability hinges on that break."
Brexit passed with 52% of the vote, followed by 2 other elections where the winners campaigned on delivering Brexit.
Failure to deliver Brexit would destroy the Conservative party in Britain.
LLR-leftist Chuck knows this. Which is why he want's Brexit to fail.
LLR-leftist Chuck knows that failure to fulfill immigration promises in the US could doom the republican party.
LLR-leftist Chuck is fighting tooth and nail alongside his dem allies against stemming the tide of immigration because that would lead to his ultimate goal: Dems winning
Given these indisputable facts LLR-leftist Chuck's intents and purpose are quite clear and irrefutable.
More bad faith posturing as a "conservative" to help bring about leftist policy wins.
Brexit, as such, isn’t necessarily “nutball.” Lots of Brexiteers are. International trade agreements will always be evolving. You’re making me out to be an extremist that I’m not.
An example of how hard it is to have any sort of nuanced discussion of anything among the Althouse Trump Cultists.
The biography I read of Catherine claimed that she only had seventeen lovers. That's not chastity but, for a crowned head with absolute powers, that's not rampant lust either. People tend to exaggerate the sexual excesses of women in power. Marie Antoinette was formally accused of seducing her five year old son....Of her various contemporaries, Catherine was about the most enlightened and judicious monarch. She tried to call together an Estates General to address the grievances of her people. The middle class felt oppressed because they weren't allowed to own serfs. The aristocrats complained because she tried to curtail their God given right to beat their serfs to death. She dissolved the Estates. It's hard to be an enlightened ruler when your subjects are assholes.
When in Egypt for instance, missing Josephine, he took Pauline Foures, an officers wife, as his mistress.
Yes and I suspect his affairs might have been more numerous when he was losing, as he certainly was in Egypt. He slept with most of the wives of his aides in St Helena, for example.
LLR-leftist Chuck: "An example of how hard it is to have any sort of nuanced discussion of anything among the Althouse Trump Cultists."
It is always, ALWAYS, impossible to have any "nuanced discussion of anything" with admitted Smear Merchant/liars who also state they are only here to drive a wedge between the blog owners and their readers.
You've yet to fully explain why you believe it is your duty to "drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers" and what the purpose for that wedge-driving happens to be.
Spoiler: We already know.
Well, if Brexit passes, Ireland will once again get screwed. Screwing Ireland is what made Britain Great.
Brexit, and the EU, are not about trade but power.
Trade is the mcguffin, the pretext. The substance is something else entirely.
This is why minutiae-specialists are properly in the background.
You can “win” on trade rules, technically, but lose on everything else.
And lose on trade anyway once someone else’s foot is on your neck.
she only had seventeen lovers
Human lovers, you mean. There are stories. Have you seen her penis furniture?
Wasn't it a drunken Stringham who said to Jenkins after a reunion dinner; "Widmerpool, once so derided by all of us, had in some mysterious manner become a person of authority. Now, in a sense, it was he that derided us."
Screwing Ireland is what made Britain Great.
It certainly filled her army and Navy with volunteers, including probably one of my ancestors.
The creation and expansion of the EU is simply an attempt to create the German Empire via non-violent means that war has previously failed to deliver for the Germans.
That the French go along with it as they do is because they have been quite well trained to satisfy the Germans over the last 100 years.
Chuck believes Brexiteers are nutballs because they don't buy into Chuck's consistent principle that there exists an obligation among conservatives to preserve leftist political victories for all time. No fiercer defender of the one way ratchet of leftist political advancement exists.
If Thatcher was right about the EU forty years ago, Chuck (and I agree she was), nothing that has happened since has failed to strengthen that conviction. But you are willing to give up and accept and put all your effort into preserving the Left's temporary victory from decades ago even as Thatcher's view is ascendant. This makes you either a moby, a surrender monkey, or the true nutball. I can think of no circumstance where you would make a good ally in a fight for ANY conservative principle.
Qwinn: "This makes you either a moby, a surrender monkey, or the true nutball. I can think of no circumstance where you would make a good ally in a fight for ANY conservative principle."
I disagree.
LLR-leftist Chuck has made the best possibly ally for the dems/left in these battles over conservative principles.
And LLR-leftist Chuck clearly has every intention of continuing in the vein.
BTW, there remains ZERO evidence LLR-leftist Chuck ever voted republican or has ever been a conservative or has ever advocated strongly for conservative principles, much less fought tooth and nail for them.
Recall that just prior to the election in 2016, LLR-leftist Chuck was counseling any and all republicans to simply accept that a wipeout of republicans was on the way and to give up and begin thinking about how to regroup after that defeat.
As you can see, over the last 3+ years, LLR-leftist Chuck has been engaged in a non-stop effort to demoralize republicans, undercut all conservative policies and twist himself into pretzels to defend the actions/statements/policies of the left/dems.
This supposedly fanboy of Thatcher (LOL, who does he think he's kidding?) doesn't want Brexit to succeed in achieving Thatchers explicitly stated goals.
LLR-leftist Chuck thinks he can continue to fool people.
No one is. Particularly his astonishingly large fanbase on the far left of this blogs readership who recognize him instantaneously as a valued ally.
Buwaya asserts: Brexit, and the EU, are not about trade but power.
Trade is the mcguffin, the pretext.
Of course. Just as we were discussing yesterday [?] regarding Ayn Rand and philosophy. Any blatantly selfish act must be presented in such a light as to make it look altruistic or at least somehow beneficial to others. While the Left is particularly adept at this, they don't hold a monopoly on it. While I consider Ayn Rand's characters 'soul-less' and her views in The Virtue of Selfishness too dogmatic, she certainly understood the motives of the political elite.
Human lovers, you mean. There are stories. Have you seen her penis furniture?
I call BS on at least some of it.
It's not by the greatness of the ruler but rather by the greatness of the bards who celebrated that ruler that history remembers the great. Napoleon captured the imagination of Goethe, Byron, Beethoven, Heine and, in his era and immediately following, was considered the Man of Destiny who overcame the most formidable challenges in his rise to power.....But, when you stop to think about it, the ruler who overcame the most challenging obstacles in the rise to power was Catherine, She was a woman, didn't speak the language, was raised in a different religion, was wed to a psychotic half-wit, and didn't have a single friend at court when she arrived. She was the Woman of Destiny, but, back then, bards didn't celebrate such things.
Wellington was the younger son of a minor Irish noble. His path to power was also something of a long shot. That Man of Destiny as regards Napoleon is something of a literary invention.
Pitt the Younger was England's youngest serving Prime Minister and held office for the second to longest time. There is no record of him ever having a consummated love affair. He sometimes drank to excess but he never made any scenes. He was an honest man who did not enrich himself in public office. He was right about most issues, although his monarch George III did not allow him to press forward with his reforms....Of all the figures of the Napoleonic era, he is the least likely to ever get a movie or BBC series celebrating his achievements. History, or anyway Hollywood and the BBC, do not celebrate the virtuous and the good.
Chuck refers to Brexiteers as nutballs.
Yep. He's a globalist POS. No wonder he hates Trump.
The one exception is Lincoln. He's the uncommon common man.
She did groom several advisors, ahem, notably prince potemkin, with his aide she conquered half of Ukraine and part of the Balkans
Napoleon was the mule an aberration in eurooean history a warlord but not a king.
Of course the security services seem to be intent in sabotaging boris
He can just cut and paste David frum and his goosey twin, Michael gerson
Has Pitt even been a bit player in films about British history
Oh he was in a film in the 40s, and in madness of king George and amazing grace (about wilberforce)
She was a woman, didn't speak the language, was raised in a different religion, was wed to a psychotic half-wit, and didn't have a single friend at court when she arrived.
She did have talents on the order of Kamala. Another was Lady Jersey who had screwed every man in the aristocracy, including the Prince of Wales. Her husband, asked why he put up with a notorious affair, replied that if he challenged his cuckolders he would have to duel every man in London.
Can't you see the greatness in that smallness? What better goals for the leader of a nation?
One might say her suitors, who were Potemkin, platon, and yermalov, the latter ended up the conqueror of the Caucasus were in that role,
We have Zero real democracy in either the USA or the UK, but just mention the word and the usual suspects show up to blather about "The tyranny of the Majority" and quote Mencken! Y'know Mencken wanted to stay out of any war with Nazi Germany. How do like him now?
The only thing that matter with Boris is will he get the UK out of the EU. There can be no *Great* Britain when its laws/policies are dictated by EU bureaucrats and Judges. Somehow a trading bloc was transformed into s EU superstate with the UK as a province.
Chuck refers to Brexiteers as nutballs.
Nigel Farage is fighting to achieve Maggie Thatcher's vision for Britain and is the most dynamic game-altering force in British politics in a generation.
A Maggie Thatcher that LLR-leftist Chuck claims to idolize and a Maggie Thatcher vision that LLR-leftist Chuck claims to agree with.
Naturally, LLR-leftist Chuck hates Farage with a passion and wants to see him fail.
If you, the reader, happen to notice a rather glaring discontinuity with that logic, you are not alone. It is inexplicable......except under one condition and one condition only: LLR-leftist Chuck is a Moby who is secretly desirous of far left/globalist victories.
England, Your England -- George Orwell.
rcocean: "Somehow a trading bloc was transformed into s EU superstate with the UK as a province."
A vassal province, existing to serve its Brussels masters only and act as a cash cow for European continental interests and priorities.
thats because the real architect was not monnet, going forward but aldo Spinelli, a former?? Italian Marxist, you see why they don't want the uk to leave, the funny thing was the 39 billion pound ransom, may was offering,
As a sign of gratitude on how my son was saved from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) , i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this.
My son have been suffering from ADHD since the year 2016 and it was really tough and heartbreaking for me because he was my all and the symptoms were terrible, he always have difficulty with communication,and he always have problem paying attention . we tried various therapies prescribed by our neurologist but none could cure him. I searched for a cure and i saw a testimony by someone who was cured and so many other with similar body problem, and they left the contact of this doctor who have the herbal cure to ADHD. I never imagined ADHD has a natural cure not until i contacted him and he assured me my son will be fine. I got the herbal medication he recommended and my son used it and in one months time he was fully okay even up till this moment he is so full of life.ADHD has a cure and is a herbal cure,you can contact the doctor for more info on on how to get this medication, Thanks.
To me it seems like game of chicken as in Rebel Without a Cause. The EU does not want to lose the UK contribution and the UK does not want to lose all trading access to the EU. But no one wants to concede first and so they are heading off the cliff. But deeper than today's politics, the world is moving and all the pieces are already no longer in the post WW II alignment. So really the Remainers have no case because the world they want to remain in is already gone. Only the Leavers have an idea about an action or motion to make the motion of things better, not just swirling about the drain.
Quick catchup--the Widmerpool quote may well be Stringham. It has been a long time.
FWIW no one will separate me from the Prof. (Maybe the Prof., but when I see what she accepts . . .)
OH yeah. Catherine the Great--the Origins of Stallionism in Russia.
I'll be here all weekend
> "Somehow a trading bloc was transformed into s EU superstate with the UK as a province."
The Great Deception: The Secret History of the European Union -- Christopher Booker, Richard North
Booker who passed away this week,
Ireland and Scotland and Wales were conquered by William the Conqueror and his Plantagenet heirs. ( The only thing wrong with Scotland is, that it is full of Scots!) If you don't like that, don't complain to whitehall. My ancestors of the 15's and the 45's lost so why should I care anymore. All the non English UK are net collectors of London taxes, in Scotland they don't like to take Northern Ireland Pound Notes. Let England rule others at a net loss.
Thank you very much Bonnie Prince Charley!
Compared to the current state of ridiculousness, England allowing it's people to do silly things like owning knives or spoons, to be able to raise a family untroubled SEEMS a great thing to them...because they lack it so badly.
Make England Great Again would have been a fine slogan. MEGA!
But with all those Mohammads currently living there he'll be lucky to make it Tolerable Again.
Of relevance:
Five ex-heads of Scotland Yard call for public inquiry into state of policing as they warn country has 'descended into lawlessness'
“The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.”
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