I guess the old man isn't ready to deal with "a new thing."
I'd like to see him lean into that. Of course, a President must be able to deal with a new thing. But saying "This is kind of a new thing" doesn't mean he didn't anticipate the attack Harris let fly at the debate. It's rhetoric. He's saying he's been credited for many many years as a supporter of civil rights and he has a long record supporting that big reputation. That's a way of saying you know who I am and you can trust me. You don't know this other person who's leveraging her reputation, saying things about me that you know are not true, and all because I'm the front-runner, and she doesn't have a long record. You shouldn't trust her. That's what I hear. It's all implied, and he's reinforcing his strongest point: He's the one with the long, solid record.
He shouldn't punch down, but should he punch up? Now, I'm reading "‘I’d smack him in the mouth’: Biden seeks to dispel concerns about his ability to take on Trump after shaky debate performance" (WaPo):
“The idea that I’d be intimidated by Donald Trump — he’s the bully that I knew my whole life,” Biden said [in an interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo]. “He’s the bully that I’ve always stood up to. He’s the bully that used to make fun when I was a kid that I stutter, and I’d smack him in the mouth...."Okay. Trump's the bully, so punch him in the face. Yeesh. But what about Harris, the Democrat, the female can?
"I was prepared for them to come after me, but I wasn’t prepared for the person coming at me the way she came at me,” Biden said, adding that he felt he and Harris knew each other well and that she also knew his late son, Beau Biden.Not prepared? But I thought you had all that life experience with bullies? Don't bullies come at you when you're not ready to fight? Either you know the ways of the bully and are ready to go or you are not. I guess it's definitional. Who's a bully? Maybe the answer for Biden is whoever makes you want to punch them in the mouth.
६८ टिप्पण्या:
Joe Biden: "but I wasn’t prepared..."
We know Joe. We know.
Biden = Vapid^99
That is all.
What few people know is that Joe Biden used to swat bullies all the time. By the dozens. He'd get socked in the teeth, call around for Barry's help (what with the friendship bracelets and all...), and if he wasn't around negotiate for a do-over, or even 3-out-of-5. By the time he stopped talking the bullies had given up interest and moved on, whereby Joe declared victory.
If you aren't the kind of person who will actually stand up and take somewhat aggressive action when you see something you don't like, don't try to pretend like you are. It only highlights more to people that you are a meek person. One would think that having been on this planet for 70 plus years Joe Biden would have learned that by now. I'm reminded of Corety Booker's "I am Spartacus!" moment that flubbed for him. I am reminded of more than a decade ago when Joe Biden was also running for President and he was giving a speech and some college student was being disruptive and was taken into custody by the Police. This was the "Don't Taze me bro!" kid. When that started looking to some like the cop used too much force Biden tried to act like he tried to stop the police officer and intervene, but it didn't look like that to most and he again looked meek. Being tough and strong isn't something you should have to tell people you are. If you have to tell them that, chances are they will never think of you like that.
You guys don't realize that Joe Biden was using a time-honored strategy that night. He changed from Joe Biden into 'Joe Simple'.
Haven't you ever heard of clown nose on clown nose off? That was Joe's alzheimers on alzheimers off.
His third and even rarer persona is Old Joe yells at cloud, for which several tabloids have indicated they'll pay top dollar for footage.
He's got some macho image he's tryna project. He sounds like the bully, though, right. *Eye-roll.*
If a black liberal calls you a racist, you are in trouble politically, unless you punch back hard.
Kammy called him a racist by implication (you opposed busing 50 years ago!).
Biden did not punch back hard at all.
So, his poll numbers have dropped. And Kammy's have risen. And, the leftwing radicals in the Dem party kinda, sorta think he might Biden have a few racist, neanderthal instincts from the past (recall he saluted working with Democrat Senator Segregationists Eastland (Miss) and Talmadge (Georgia).
Kammy is a political sleazebag, but that's how the Left rolls. And, as Biden has learned the hard way, sometimes they roll over you.
Harris took Biden behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.
And the old guy thinks he can handle Trump...
He shouldn't punch down...
If he's not going to straightforwardly attack Harris's idiotic views on busing then he may as well just step away and let the crazies take over the arena. If any Dem feels that going into a defensive crouch on the subject of busing (busing! ffs) is the adroit way to handle it, he ain't the old white man for the job.
Which he ain't, lol. So yes, please, please keep playing defense, you pandering git. All you Dems: whatever you're doing, keep it up. Way up.
I’ve never been accused by anybody...
Now THAT'S a Democrat talking!
It's not what you've done. It's what you've been accused of doing.
You're terrible but no one will say it aloud? Great person!
You're great but constantly slandered by people who wish you ill? Deplorable!
No wonder he was unprepared...
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition
Prosecutor made up issue to get a reaction for the court
All the whites and half the blacks hated busing
But who can take a rainbow
wrap it in a sigh
Soak it in the sun and make a strawberry lemon pie?
The Kamala Gal can
Sort of elimination of private health insurance in 2020
Federally semi-mandated busing in 2020!
Talk about getting painted into a corner..............
Eh, I'd just as soon have a president that the bullies didn't think was an easy target. You have to admit he does look and act a bit like that 98 pound weakling on the beach from those old comic book ads.
These are all questions for women. What will women think? That's the play.
The North Korean newsbabe should get in the race. She'd deal with everybody.
Didn't we just go through two terms of a tough guy wannabe in the White House?
He’s the bully that I’ve always stood up to.
I never realized Biden and Trump knew each other, way-back-when, and that they had fistfights with each other.
He’s the bully that used to make fun when I was a kid that I stutter, and I’d smack him in the mouth...."
Mighty Joe Young, er, Biden is about 4 years older than the bully he claims to have punched in the mouth.
(Yes, I know Biden is lying, but they're such stupid lies)
So, Neil Kinnock had a stutter and punched bullies in the mouth? I did not know that.
He's the handlebar mustache of candidates.
“Shut up, you bigot!”
Sorry, Joe... I guess you didn’t know this is how the Big Media talks to — and about — white guys in America.
Pretty fun, huh? Are they hurting your feelings? You thought the (D) next to your name got you an exemption from this kind of thing, didn’t you?
Funny what can happen to “inevitable” Democrat nominees.
The only way to effectively fight back against a charge of racism is to call the fellow/gal out making a false charge of racism. (See, Gibson folks in Oberlin case).
Biden didn't quite rise to the occasion in that instance, now did he?
Russian Facebook Ad: "Were you punched in the mouth by Joe Biden as a child? Vote Harris!"
(bad grammar intentional)
Remember, he was an insurance policy.
Ah...now we know who hired Hillary's debate prep team.
And when Biden is done taking Trump out behind the gym and kicking his ass he should do the same to that pussy, Putin.
Personally I would rather see Obama and Biden in a brawl. Mommy, Mommy, he hit me!
Poor slow Joe. Can't keep up with the new Cultural Revolution. Pretty soon he'll be wearing a dunce cap and being paraded around DNC headquarters with a sign around his neck, confessing his "sins."
Biden is accused of being a rabid diversitist. The schism progresses.
Trump would beat the snot out of him in a fist fight.
And he should have looked Harris squarely in the eye and told her "If it wasn't for people like me you'd still be chopping cotton." Yes, I know she's not African and not descended from slaves, but it would have stopped her COLD.
Poor slow Joe. Can't keep up with the new Cultural Revolution.
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall... Not even his late term social epiphany forcing his conversion to the Pro-Choice Cult will save him now.
Humpty Dumpty vs #MeToo #HerToo #SheProgressed
Joe "I was Woke before I was Sleepy" Biden gets a rude awokening.
Now, anything he has done is nullified by being white, old and male.
Enjoy your Frankenstein monster, you old Libs!
He can't take on a little Jamaican gal but he's strutting like a bantam rooster when it comes to (absent) Trump? In college we used to call that "little man syndrome" - guy who talks tough until he has to back it up.
Putin and Xi would walk all over him.
I'm still astonished that Joe's medications didnt last for the entire interview and Sleepy Creepy Slow Joe blathered on about no russian interference in 2016 on the obama/"plugs" biden watch!!
Is it any wonder bidens team is trying to keep him under wraps like Bill Kristols beloved Hillary?
Who let him out of his sleep chamber, like the universal soldier,
He could have channeled Slick Willie and said 'Twenty years ago you'd be bringing me coffee.' That would have been good clean fun!!
Slow Joe has no brain power left. He is semi Alzheimer’s disabled that only tries to repeat his old skill sets that no longer apply.
If a politician is explaining and playing defense, he’s losing.
I saw Kamala in Iowa yesterday. Lots of energy. Joe wouldn’t draw a crowd like she had.
Some of his b-b-b-best friends are N-N-N-blacks.
David Begley: "I saw Kamala in Iowa yesterday. Lots of energy. Joe wouldn’t draw a crowd like she had."
Was her crowd bused in?
Poor Joe, he openly fantasizes about being a bad ass, like his openly fantasizing graduating law school at the top of his class. But then democrats have a habit of lying about being fighter pilots in Nam.
Biden is the typical chip on the shoulder parochial high school douche, he's never hit anyone in the mouth unless he had a posse of a dozen parochial high school douches covering him. Parochial high school douches were the bullies.
I find this campaign fascinating. You have all these candidates and no one wants to be to the right of Kamala Harris on busing. It's easy to argue against busing, but no one wants to do it. Are Democratic primary voters that radical? Yeah, probably.
No buses. But at least half (if not more) were from Nebraska.
Brown's "Sugar Magnolia"
Sugar Magnolia blossom's blooming
Head's all empty and I don't care
Knew she'd have to come up soon for air
She can dance a Cajun rhythm
lick a Willie in four wheel drive
ot, this is a scenario I had entertained,
Can we talk about Joe Biden? Joe's been around forever. He got elected from a small in the mid 1970's from a state that usually just keeps re-electing the same people over and over. He had a safe senate seat and had the job for life. He trudged along, ran for POTUS in 1988 and got laughed off the stage. In 1991, he pleased no one in the Anita Hill hearing. What he did in the 1990's is anybody's guess. In 2004, he popped back in view because of the Roberts Hearing.
At this point, the mid-2000's he was 60 something, and seemed to be headed for retirement. And then Obama picked him as VP because he was a "Safe DC White Insider". He made a fool of himself against Palin and then against Ryan, but otherwise kept a low VP profile.
Now, he's 76 and he's running for President. Why? Because he's the closest thing to a normal candidate the D's have. Trouble is, he's not Presidential material and never was.
Put another way. The D's could have nominated Joe in 1984, 1988, 1992, 2000, 2004, or 2008. And they didn't. They didn't come close to doing that. Now, after 30 years, he's the front-runner. That's pathetic.
First, Trump was the kind of guy that Football Joe would take behind the HS Gym and "kick his ass". Now, Trump's the childhood bully who "Made fun of my stutter". And deserves to be punched. Biden seems to have violent fantasies.
heck he couldn't get past his first primary, when dowd blew the whistle, one of his volunteers wrote an op ed in newsweek, saying how disappointed he was when he quit, his name was martin O'Malley,
I watched the entire interview that was posted, Biden is finished. He needed to have the courage and intelligence to really fight back while he was on the stage with his attackers last week, but he didn't do that, and this interview just compounds the image that debate set, and I write this as someone who did think that Harris' attack was illogical and now likely a bad lie of omission. However, none of that matters- the media don't want him, so they won't protect him from other Democrats- thus he is toast.
Slowly the mill grinds:
If Biden doesn't drop out, he will be the nominee. Wait for the super delegates. They won't nominate Harris or the Fake Indian. Sanders is history. Most voting Democrats are not Socialists.
No buses. But at least half (if not more) were from Nebraska.
The Big Money was behind her but she has stumbled badly so far.
Slow Joe is a fat target but showed no defenses. Bernie is looking a lot older. Fauxcahontas is shrill and hard to imagine but she might just pull those crazy lefties together.
But not in the general but I think, barring successful fraud, the Democrats have pretty much give up. They will be even more angry and crazy after they lose. It's a good thing we have 95% of the guns.
"If Biden doesn't drop out, he will be the nominee. Wait for the super delegates. They won't nominate Harris or the Fake Indian. Sanders is history. Most voting Democrats are not Socialists."
Good point. But can Joe take the hammering? He can't fight back against Harris - she's black and a woman. Joe can hit Trump - in his dreams - but he can't hit a black woman. And the same is true with people like Booker and Gay Mayor Pete. If these people keep hitting him with being too white, too old, too male, too sexist, too racist, too homophobic, I don't see how he survives.
On the plus side for Joe. He's willing to pander and agree to anything policy-wise to get nominated.
I can't see Bernie getting nominated. Harris, Booker, and Warren pretty much stole his Left-wing thunder. So, all you're left with is a super old guy with New Yawk accent from Vermont.
Joe's problem is that all the white Dems who agreed with him on busing back then are dead or Republicans now.
I saw Kamala in Iowa yesterday. Lots of energy. Joe wouldn’t draw a crowd like she had.
"Senator Harris, aside from Willie Brown, have you sucked any other cock to advance your political career?"
He can't fight back against Harris - she's black and a woman. Joe can hit Trump - in his dreams - but he can't hit a black woman. And the same is true with people like Booker and Gay Mayor Pete.
It's like "Paper-Scissors-Rock", but with Minorities-Women-Gays
He's got nothing today's ProgLibDem wants, yet is the most 'electable'.
They must be cursing their luck behind the scenes.
...then there's the " I'm With WH->ORE" bumper stickers. ouch
then there's this
NEWSBiden Dropping Hard In Polls, Black Support CUT IN HALF
"Election interference woudnt have happened on my and Barack's watch"
"Senator Harris, aside from Willie Brown, have you sucked any other cock to advance your political career?"
Won't work. Every female, and a few male candidates, have sucked cock to get there.
Remember, these are Democrats.
Let us just say house of cards showed a lot of transactional behavior.
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Joe is working hard to turn his legacy from Vice President to three-time Presidential loser.
It takes a certain something to keep running for President and getting your ass kicked in full public display.
It’s a certain something that tells you this time the voters will be different.
This time they’ll see all the qualities in you they missed before.
Running as a Democrat for POTUS is a money making adventure. Look at Sanders, he bought another house after he was eliminated.
Automatic_Wing @7/5/19, 6:05 PM: “It's easy to argue against busing, but no one wants to do it.”
It’s not easy for these radicals to argue against busing. Not one bit. They’re boxed-in, even if they wanted to take a different (read: sensible) position.
Think about it... if a Democrat primary candidate argues against busing, they are totally exposed as being against the entire Democrat legislative and regulatory enterprise. They’d be arguing against every cockamamie plan Democrats craft and use for just about any economic or social issue (and then insulate themselves and their own children from the ill effects, e.g. Sidwell Friends School in D.C.... where the elite meet).
Democrats impose bureaucratic socialism on America, and have been for 50+ years. Now they’re trying to act on their ideas out in the open by making socialism mainstream.
Only a rational person can argue against — and receive/accept the rational arguments against — busing. Democrat primary voters do not meet these qualifications. They are enraged, emotive, bat-shit crazy people.
Biden has the smell of burnt toast. The Dimmies will get the candidate they deserve, and it will be a hard core leftie. The MAGA-hatted will thrash the pussy-hatted....again
- Krumhorn
Remember, kids, that in the Orwellian lingo called "LibSpeak," a bully is someone who stands in the way of of you using the State to bully others.
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