That's from "Inside the effort to build suspense — and crowds — for Trump’s Fourth of July," where the Washington Post titillates its readers with hopes of what could go wrong. The headline is very restrained, but I read that as self-protective. The Post doesn't want to look bad if things go really well. But it has its own "effort to build suspense," as it shows Trump-hating readers how to enjoy the otherwise irritating "Trump Fourth." It might be a screw-up!
And the end of the article pushes back the Trump haters, hinting of the risk in over-dramatizing:
“Panicking partisans that think this is the cinematic beginning of a military state need to grab a sparkler and a Bud,” [said Will Ritter, co-founder of Poolhouse, a Republican ad agency]. “It’s much bigger than one person, much more important than showing off metal, nailing the president or ‘owning the libs.’ It should be an unapologetic celebration that we are blessed to live in the greatest nation on earth, during the best time in human history. Have a hot dog!”So, WaPo readers, wait to see the screw-ups, and then pounce.
The president’s advisers say Trump sees the event as a way to associate himself with the flag and patriotism, which will resonate with many Americans the way his comments criticizing National Football League players for kneeling during the national anthem did. After wading into the anthem debate, according to two former senior administration officials speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations, Trump told his aides, “It’s a winning issue for me.”
“What are they going to say? I’m being too patriotic? I believe in America?” one official recounted Trump saying. “Give me a break.”
१४१ टिप्पण्या:
Out: Independence Day
In: Into Trump Day
The Trump of July
It's the Trump haters who are making this all about one man.
Happy 4th of July to everyone! Can't wait for the big celebration in D.C. tonight!
Happy Independence Day! The American experiment in Liberty, federalism and a Constitutional Republic has been an epic success (despite a few rough patches). And a lotta brave men fought and died to build and preserve this great experiment.
Nobody cares what the WaPo thinks about the DC celebration.
I shall celebrate Trump of July with morning golf in a fivesome. Lots if mulligans. Next viewing a parade with lots of cool tanks. Then cookout with lots of people and tons of fireworks on the reservation. It’ll be huge!
WaPO- the house organ for the corruption party(D)
TDS parades through Washington every day.
It is inherently partisan.
First, North Korea. Now, Washington, DC.
"For a public gathering that is ostensibly targeting an audience of hundreds of millions of Americans, the display of weaponry, aircraft and pyrotechnics has been scripted primarily to satisfy an audience of one."
Yeah, because nobody likes that kind of stuff on Independence Day, only Trump.
Well at least I won't have to watch it this time since spouse hates Trump and all his pomps. Usually execrable pop music and stentorian narration.
It would be better to just let the music happen without all the mansplaining in between.
It might be fun to go watch, but D.C. traffic sucks.
> The Trump of July
The Trump of Messidor.
Seen on Facebook: “Trump has the left protesting the Fourth of July!”
We should all take a moment to consider that on this day of celebration, celebrating America's founding, the lefties/dems/LLR's in the media just yesterday took the occasion, once again, to tell us that America was never that great.
Meanwhile, Mayor Pete yesterday forcefully came out against honoring the memory of Thomas Jefferson, dems/lefties/LLR's are removing/covering up a mural of George Washington, the dems/left/LLR's are sliming the founding fathers and demanding that the US abolish its borders to take in the world as a penance for being the worst nation in the world.
How does Trump do it, you ask yourself. How does he so easily get the dems/LLR's to lay bare how insane and anti-american they are?
By simply being pro-American and fighting back against the dems, which is what drove the hoax conservative LLR's out of the republican party.
That's all it took.
One guy.
Fighting back against those who would turn the entire nation into their personal piggy banks for the benefit of themselves (Clinton's and all the establishment types) and those in elite positions in other nations around the world (China/Japan/EU etc) who benefit from Trade deals that lock in American economic defeat.
One guy.
Fighting back against the weaponization of the entire federal and many state and local govts against domestic political enemies.
Something tells me TradGuy would say that Trump would say that his "only regret is that he has but one life to give to his country" and that he has gladly "pledged to our nation his life and fortune and sacred honor" to support our troops (living and dead) who have made this nation possible despite being despised by the left/LLR's.
Meanwhile, certain lefty/LLR quarters praise the likes of Dick "US Troops are Gestapo" Durbin and Stolen Valor Dem Da Nang Dick Blumenthal and Brother-marrying/tax fraudster Ilhan "some people did something" on 9-11 Omar and Alexandria "The US runs concentration camps!!" Ocasio-Cortez.
I was going to comment that some moron might stand in front of a tank holding a bag in each hand. Decided not to venture into the theater of the absurd.
Then I just saw this:
Laurence Tribe
Verified account @tribelaw
Laurence Tribe Retweeted MSNBC
The resemblance to days before Tiananmen Square is chilling.
Laurence Tribe went Full LLR Chuck and thus, insane, long long ago.
I can’t wait for next year when he brings a submarine!
Mad Magazine is ceasing publication. Since it's been all Trump all the time since the election, I'll give Trump yet another win.
I should go back through the media reports at the time, because I recall before the inauguration, that there were many demonstration set up to intimidate potential attendees. To choke off mass transit, etc. But that could never have happened, amiright. It would have been so out of character for the #resist types.
Mad Magazine is ceasing publication. Since it's been all Trump all the time since the election, I'll give Trump yet another win.
While it always feels great to make your appeal more selective, it’s really hard to monetize once you have succeeded, unless you are a trendy nighclub in Manhattan, or have a really high end appeal otherwise. Not sure that Mad Magazine was going to get by on ads for fractional jet ownership and yacht manufacturers anyway.
i am grateful today that somehow I got to be born -- a girl!-- in the United States of America. Incredible, wonderful America.
i love Jefferson's opening words in a speech to the nation (was it his last as he left office?) that is something like, "Americans, to the 10 thousandth generation, I salute You."
That's some vision right there, and I can't help but stretch my own Mind to meet it.
Happy Fourth of July!
It's Trumpmas in July.
All you guys have a great fourth. Especially those of that have served. Thank you.
And try not to burn anything down with your fireworks.
Mayor Pete yesterday forcefully came out against honoring the memory of Thomas Jefferson,
If you have a problem with what Buttigieg said, your problem is not with him. Your quarrel, sir, is with his creator.
So argue with his parents.
You can't spell MAGAzine without, what, class? Anyone? Besides Bueller?
"Yeah, because nobody likes that kind of stuff on Independence Day, only Trump."
I'm impressed how well Trump has gotten people to openly admit they hate celebrating the 4th of July, because the US can't be great and worth celebrating... Oh and Trump.
The point of a WaPo article like this is to provide content for its "soap opera women" readers, like Laurence Tribe. Secondarily, to get clicks from "conservatives" looking for a rage fix.
No reason for anybody else to read or analyze.
WaPo is ostensibly... is targeting American pride, and the president for a revival of inauguration day "festivities". The violence of that day, and the multi-trimester witch hunts and warlock trials that followed, are fondly remembered by WaPo et al. They are still deeply bitter that Deep Plunger exposed Water Closet, and persists to plunge the dark depths of democratic derision.
Between Trump getting the lefties/LLR's to attack the 4th and our founding fathers and the nations founding in general and attacking our founding fathers and demanding they be removed from our history and Trump celebrating the flag in a way that drives the lefties to want to burn even more of them along with Trump's defense of Christmas itself, he really is the Stuff of Nightmares for the dems/left/LLR's.
The left/dems/LLR's chose the form of their destructor when they called every single republican Presidential candidate and President since Dewey a literal Hitler.
Truman did one better by calling Dewey both Hitler AND Stalin!! And of course the left/LLR's have duplicated those charges against Trump.
In fact, the lefties/LLR's actually attempted to frame Trump with such charges....cuz "patriotism".....LOL
Such a great 4th ahead of us today.
WTF is wrong with these libtards?
They are already review his speech that hasn't even happened yet. For forks sake. Wait until the speech occurs before having the vapors.
Trump is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and if he wants to make a speech about the country, about the United States at a time when we are celebrating the birth of the United States of America and the joining of the 13 Colonies.........that is what Presidents do.
Showing off the military might of the country at a time when we are celebrating the Revolutionary War and the resulting independence of the Colonies from Britain (First Brexit ever!) is something that almost every other President has done.
However, when Trump does what other Presidents have done it is somehow the worst thing ever and his motives must be to take over the world and be the next Hitler....or something.
Geeze liberals. Give it a rest for one freaking day.
Today, pro-democrat fake conservative Justin Amash has announced he is leaving the republican party to become an independent........after every single republican in sight abandoned him!!
Amash's republican support has dropped below the LLR Chuck Hoax Conservative Maginot Line so he decides now would be a good time to leave the republican party "on principle".....
Many many more LOL's! Infinite really.
I sure hope the dem candidates are able to stop campaigning for votes in Mexico long enough to get back to the US to trash our nation on our own soil.
The Trump phenomenon is rooted in patriotism and pride in being American.
I didn't realize this fully until I attended a Trump rally. Trump rallies aren't about Trump. They're about America.
Good article:
The Lessons of the Declaration of Independence"
Money Graf:
In his 1837 speech commemorating the Declaration of Independence, John Quincy Adams coupled the laws of nature with the dictates of justice and proclaimed: “In the annals of the human race, then, for the first time, did one People announce themselves as a member of that great community of the powers of the earth, acknowledging the obligations and claiming the rights of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. The earth was made to bring forth in one day! A Nation was born at once!”
this is OUR 'Pride' parade
" We're here, we cheer--deal with it!"
The left would help their cause if they would (secretly,of course) take just 3 days a week off of inspecting every twitch, belch and glance from President Trump for ways to say, "SEEEeeeeeeee! Can't you shaved apes SEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeee?"
But they won't. They can't.
By executive order, I hereby rename this month Trumpidor.
has been scripted primarily to satisfy an audience of one.""
They just made that up. I'd love to hear their justification for claiming it. Probably need a few days to come up with something plausible.
Important Note on the 4th of July: "It Turns Out a Russian Oligarch Paid the Man Hired By Hillary Clinton To Claim Trump Colluded With Russia"
See Ace of Spades.
I hope some stores are open today (perhaps Amazon can offer one-hour shipping on Althouse's portal) so that Lefties can purchase American flags to burn today.
To all Americans who stood, did not kneel, to their Posterity, and to the American flag in all of its revisions that is still there, we celebrate Independence Day!
Trump really wants a big party on the 4th and somehow it's a bad thing. Oh brother.
Celebrating the “First Brexit”? Excellent, DBQ!
The interesting thing is how much the entire events unfolding are like 1776 with Trump playing the ersatz Commander of an Army supported by 1/3 of the people at war with the European Empires and foreign money and foreign troops supported by the other 2;3 of the people . That’s how the whole thing started from a support for Bostonians against military rule that Thomas Paine’s Common Sense pamphlet had transformed into a Nation State with a Presbyterian Army.
Adams who said we would always celebrate the anniversary day also predicted we would suffer a nasty war but would win. Trump is telling us the same thing.
Besides watching the parade and blowing things up, I'm going to do something else the Coastal Media Elite considers low class: watch Independence Day.
Isn’t the real story here that Trump failed, in rolling out a large military parade? His moronic crowing about “brand new Sherman tanks” and “brand new Abrams tanks...”. There were two old Bradleys, and two old Abrams, brought in on flatbeds and parked on the mall. Uh, okay. Sounds like the Nebraska State Fair. Or some banana republic. Not a superpower poised on militarization.
Birches: "Trump really wants a big party on the 4th and somehow it's a bad thing. Oh brother."
Sorry Birches. Your comment doesn't begin to capture what the left/LLR's are saying about this.
Trump really wants a big party on the 4th and it's literally Hitler/Stalin/Tianneman all rolled into one, not to mention the start of a military coup and placing of all people of color into concentration camps.
This is not hyperbole about hyperbole. This is an accurate characterization of what the lefties/LLR's are actually saying.
Althouseblog PSA
Just so everyone is fully caught up from the earlier threads involving new LLR Chuck admissions:
In summary: our racist poster Chuck has openly admitted the following:
He is ONLY here to
1) knowingly and purposely smear and lie about Trump
2) drive a wedge between Althouse and her readership (note: one of the few blogsites that is not skewed to the far left)
That is precisely the sort of assignment a far left Moby operative would be assigned.
Many of you may be wondering, why would a self-declared LLR like Chuck make it a mission to "drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers"?
Doesn't that strike one as a bizarre goal?
Relevant questions spring to mind:
For what purpose?
For the benefit of whom?
Of course, with LLR Chuck being an Out and Proud self-declared Smear Merchant who is happy to lie to advance the lefty narratives, I'm afraid we will never be able to trust any answer he might proffer.
tsk tsk
Such are the wages of Smear Merchant-ry.
I put on my "Proud Deplorables" tee shirt this morning. Nothing special planned. The fireworks will be far enough away tonight that they won'r scare the dog, Mow the lawn. Try to fix the drip irrigation line before it get too hot.
Isn’t the real story here that Trump failed, in rolling out a large military parade?
No. That's the narrative you wanted but didn't get. Instead, we found you to be crying about Americans celebrating Independence Day; and we found you lame.
I'm glad Chuck took time out of his busy schedule to come here and repeat the same bullshit he's been posting for the past several days. You can go back to trying to suck your own dick now. Surely, you will succeed one day.
Do the scolding Progressives even know the fireworks are symbolic of “bombs bursting in air”? And it’s an eternal truth that children, men and boys are ALWAYS fascinated by oversized equipment. That’s why local parades feature fire trucks and farm implements and if those aren’t available at least convertibles and a tractor-drawn hay wagon. It’s in our DNA.
On July 4, 1776 the feisty America first patriots had already been at war for over a year with Concord , Bunker Hill and Washington’s Continental Army besieging the British Navy and British Army in Boston. The Declaration was meant to publicize to France and others that we had a government and an Army they could enter into alliances with. Ergo, the Day was always a display of organized military might and the will to fight the G D British.
Trump: "My fellow Americans, on this July 4th, I ask you for only one thing. If a census form arrives at your address, do not fill it out unless it contains the citizenship question. If a census taker arrives at your door, do not answer any questions unless they begin with the citizenship question. Thank you!"
Kamala Harris will organize a Halloween speech.
Given that it is the lefts/LLR's tactic to increase illegal immigration massively in states controlled by LLR Chuck's beloved dems and then to have those illegals be counted for census purposes to shift apportionment and electoral power to those states, there is some movement afoot that if the citizenship question is not included in the census for all republicans in blue states simply refuse to answer or turn it in as a counterbalance to the illegals who will be counted.
On this 4th of July, wouldn't it be considered patriotic to do just that to help stop the unconstitutional actions of the left/LLR's?
Trump's trolling is no great feat. Anyone can do it. Just simply express patriotic ideas or appreciation of America in front of any leftist, or even many "moderates", and you will immediately be told how you are neglecting to consider some negative aspect of America or its past. This is partly a normal human reaction to anyone being sure of anything, but the response will usually be delivered with anger and personal disparagement as well. They now hate you, assume you are a fool, and will talk about you behind your back. Congratulations, you are a deplorable American.
rhhardin: "Kamala Harris will organize a Halloween speech."
Given LLR Chuck's penchant for assigning wonderful adjective descriptions to all his beloved dems/lefties..
(examples include: "Magnificent Obama", "Brilliant Maddow", "Professional John Harwood", "Competent Dick Durbin", you get the drift...)
...we should start a pool to identify what delightful and positive and uplifting adjective he will use to identify Harris.
We should probably not consider anything that would signify deity status for Harris, since LLR Chuck and his left pals burned that one up for obama.
I'm thinking LLR Chuck will try to find some descriptor that will indicate Harris an extraordinary intellect and/or beauty and use that to attack Melania, since Chuck likes attacking women and children.
That would be my guess.
Again, its just a guess. Don't hold me to it.
"Isn’t the real story here that Trump failed, in rolling out a large military parade?"
Hint: The real story doesn't even involve a man named Trump except as a small footnote.
We're going to have COWBOYS!
A New Mexico-based group called Cowboys for Trump is in D.C. to show the president support on July 4.
Founded by Couy Griffin, a county commissioner from Alamogordo, New Mexico, the group will ride 20 horses in Thursday’s Independence Day parade.
“We’ve got about half of us come from New Mexico, the other half are patriots from out here. We’re going to be flying our American flag, our state flag, and we’re going to be riding in support of our president and it’s going to be amazing,” Griffin told WTOP.
After creating a GoFundMe for their cause, the group came to D.C. to show support for the president in February — and managed to catch his eye. Nine days after their visit, Trump called Griffin and the two spoke on the phone for 30 minutes, Griffin said.
Browndog: "We're going to have COWBOYS!"
I can just see LLR Chuck and his lefty allies out on the veranda getting the vapors!!
Drudge report text in Red and Blue today.
LLR's and lefties completely triggered.
Wear these! -- Make Kap's 'fro explode !
I had a tea party shirt but it wore out after 9 years.
Rocking my 'Peace Love AR15' tee shirt.
Can you imagine the reaction among Marines, past and present, if a Marine (who did not get a dishonorable discharge) ever spoke of the Marine Corps in the terms the Dems are using about the US. Then why shouldn't Americans react in the same way. I think most of them do. No one would ever claim that the US is, or was, perfect at any time, but we do pretty damn well trying to live up to the principles on which the country is founded. Powerline has a good piece today on a Lincoln speech on the meaning of the Fourth.
Ahhh, the WaPoo WaPooping.
Tanks! And fireworks on the Mall! And beer! And Cowboys! And Lee Greenwood! And the Beach Boys! And US Marine Corps marching band! And Nathan's hot dogs on Coney Island! And more beer!
If you can't enjoy this American holiday, you're just hopelessly lost.
Happy birthday, America! 243 years strong!
The MSM has refused to cover Trump
"I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more."--John Adams
Need some dwarves for the show. Maybe dwarves on stilts.
Let’s have some fun.
Trump should go shirtless and wear a Stetson.
Keep the Chinese guessing. We had been too predictable.
The MSM has refused to cover Trump because covering the Presidency in an election mode while being impeached and facing down China, North Korea ,Venezuela, Iran and the UN world wide CO2 hoax might be political. That from a cabal of fake news propagandists that are always political all of the time.
Call every mayor, every county commissioner, every sporting venue and tell them to stop those jingoistic, warmongering, wasteful, divisive parades, static displays of military equipment or fly overs.
Fleet week in San Fran? The horror?
Blue Angels? I'm triggered just imagining the strafing about to start.
What? Those are OK? No wonder I missed the outrage over the years.
Then it must just be TDS.
[To those conservatives, I know,"Thank you Captain Obvious". But the left really can not see.]
Last night, it was tanks rolling, bombs bursting in air. Acrid smoke. Turns out I didn't turn the oven off. Did I dream Donald Trump, or did Donald Trump dream me?
-Scoops McDemocracy (Dying in Darkness)
'I sure hope the dem candidates are able to stop campaigning for votes in Mexico long enough to get back to the US to trash our nation on our own soil.'
Perfectly captured!!
Last night, I kept passing gas in bed (bad kale casserole).
It was nothing, or maybe it was everything. It went off: 'Why do you have to do that here?' 'What the f**k is wrong with you?' 'Why did I even marry you?'
I made my way downstairs. I stared through the slits in the blinds for a good hour. Trump was out there.
Overwrought tripe.
In the not distant future someone will collect the anti-Trump articles from the WaPo and the NYT. Unabridged it will run to thousands of pages.
3 hours in. Kundalini retreat. Community? Not so much. Sore joints and an unquiet mind. No, I'm not rolling the mats up this time, Karen.
Fuck Donald Trump.
JEB! has something on his mind today.
How much he loves this great country?
Let's see...
Jeb Bush
Verified account @JebBush
Three Presidents Die on July 4th: Just a Coincidence?
?Blogger Unknown said...
Rocking my 'Peace Love AR15' tee shirt.
I have a AR 15 and Colt 1911 Christmas sweater. I wear it every year so my leftist trial lawyer son sees it.
His brother says If I ever turned communist, he would become a conservative,
Breaking: More layoffs. RBG biography busted. Oversaturated market. No CNN face time. F**k Bob Woodward and his Georgetown digs.
Thinking of driving up to Yale. Crawl back inside.
Upriver, they found me, starving hysterical naked. 2008 Altima blared the Beatles until the battery died. My battery's dead. The river flows on.
Upriver, where the racists are.
"Yeah, because nobody likes that kind of stuff on Independence Day, only Trump."
Deplorables, by definition don’t count.
What the left seems to be missing is that Trump isn’t doing this for himself, but for his base - all the deplorables out there who had the audacity to refuse to coronate Crooked Hillary. Trump is a showman, and that means giving his audience that they want. Showmen who don’t, don’t last very long in that profession. Wonder why he almost always has sellout crowds at his rallies, and the Democrats running against him have a hard time filling small rooms? Because he is a showman giving his audiences what they want, and his competitors are not.
Signing off for the last time. It's a pure, uncut democracy if you can keep it you filthy animals.
WASHINGTON – CODEPINK, the activist group bringing the "Baby Trump" blimp to protest President Donald Trump's 4th of July speech on the National Mall, will have another prop as part of their protest – a 16-foot-tall "Dumping Trump" robot.
The robot caricatures Trump and depicts him sitting on a golden toilet wearing a MAGA-style hat saying "Make America Great Again: Impeach Me." The robot says "No Collusion," "Stable Genius," and "Fake News," references to some of the president's catchphrases.
It also makes flatulence sounds.
"Code Pink stands up for what we all want – peace, harmony and tolerance. The best way to get that is to flush Trump away,” said Don Lessem, the creator of the robot.
Lessem says that the robot was made in China for a cost of $25,000 and is actively soliciting GoFundMe donations for the robot to tour the United States.
I'm hoping for some good old-fashioned topless nubile protests.
"I'm hoping for some good old-fashioned topless nubile protests."
Umm, have you seen Leftwing women protestors lately? Not so nubile......
“The robot caricatures Trump and depicts him sitting on a golden toilet wearing a MAGA-style hat saying "Make America Great Again: Impeach Me."“
I am sure that they thought that was cute. But they ultimately have the problem of showing why America would be great again if Trump were impeached.
Reduce unemployment? Nope. Record low unemployment.
Economic growth? What, with wanting to raise taxes, and esp corporate taxes?
Runaway illegal immigration? All on the Dems who encouraged it, then blocked stopping it.
Safer world? After Obama ignored NORK, then gave Iran pallets of money and green lighted their nuclear program?
Energy independence? Fracking under Trump did far more for that than anything Obama did, or has been suggested by the Dems running against him.
By most metrics our country is in a better place than it was three years ago when Trump was running for President, and the places where it is not, such as boys hanging out I girls bathrooms, and beating the in girls sports are all on the left. And, that is why their suggestion that impeaching Trump would make America Great Again will inevitably make them look like fools to much of this country.
Yes..the qualifier suggests the Femen imported sort.
Gotta set standards to get the desired cog diss.
Because the Patriarchy and stuff.
"Code Pink stands up for what we all want – peace, harmony and tolerance. The best way to get that is to flush Trump away,” said Don Lessem, the creator of the robot.
Did anyone else see the Code Pink girl on Tammy Bruces' show last night ? What an idiot.
Tammy kept telling her she had a national audience and should make her argument but she kept on with obvious scripted lines and filibuster. No sense at all. At least she is better looking than Medea Benjamin who looks like Bella Abzug,
...we should start a pool to identify what delightful and positive and uplifting adjective he will use to identify Harris.
Harris the Chaste! What do I win?
Happy 4th! I'm still undecided if I'm braving the outside for fireworks. Frankly, I don't want to go anywhere near crowds.
Also, I remember the left having these self-same concerns under Bush, to suddenly not care about military shows of force under Obama, to suddenly caring again. There are some who have been consistently against it, but for most of them, it is just a standard "-R bad, -D good," reaction.
Just think you can enjoy this type of event at times other than July 4th! The Miramar Air Show warms my heart. As a little boy my son loved getting a chance to touch a tank, a helicopter, and an F-16. He had to wear ear plugs once the show started. We lived right in the flight path of the base and some people would complain about the noise. 1. The base was there first. 2. It’s the sound of freedom.
Happy 4th.
The parade is awesome btw. It's like a regular small town parade, but in DC. The Salvation Army was playing "Onward Christian Soldiers." They had a jump rope group. It's so fun.
where the Washington Post titillates its readers with hopes of what could go wrong.
Lot's of mind-reading and wish casting going on there. This is why the time I once allotted for the pages of WaPo and the NYTs is now filled by fiction. Because if I'm going to be reading fiction either way, I want to be entertained by Stompy Robots and Steamy Sex (or Steamy Robots and Stompy Sex) not some hack writer trying to imagine what Donald Trump is thinking. That's as boring as it is useless.
Jeb Bush
Verified account @JebBush
Three Presidents Die on July 4th: Just a Coincidence?
Are you serious?
It's amazing how the crowd claiming that Trump has no class keep showing us their ass.
Trump is the Great Unmasking.
Just think you can enjoy this type of event at times other than July 4th!
I recommend Chino Airport and their air shows.
‘John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, that the 4th of July "ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more."’
Look for Soros/DNC-funded Antifa or Pussyhat types to disrupt the celebration with violence or a pretext to martyrdom. Trump is counting on it.
In other news:
Sounds like the Nebraska State Fair. Or some banana republic. Not a superpower poised on militarization.
So there aren't enough tanks on the Mall to satisfy Chuck.
Do you realize just how stupid you sound?
Fen said...
Jeb Bush
Verified account @JebBush
Three Presidents Die on July 4th: Just a Coincidence?
Are you serious?
It's amazing how the crowd claiming that Trump has no class keep showing us their ass.
Trump is the Great Unmasking.
For a 4 to 6 year old boy all air shows are fun, but getting to spend the day at MCAS Miramar was a treat in itself.
Comedy is dead:
One wonders what would happen if the Trump H8Rs simply ignored all the tweets and bluster and so on. It would result in less news coverage I think, less talk, and more happiness. Especially on a day like today when there are so many positive things to engage in and do.
Avert your eyes!
Justin Amash
Verified account @justinamash
Today, I’m declaring my independence.
4:15 AM - 4 Jul 2019
Is there going to be goose stepping? I want to see goose stepping.
Mirimar is cool even without an airshow. I used to live in North County.
"Justin Amash
Verified account @justinamash
Today, I’m declaring my independence."
Too late Justin. Too too late.
The Republican base had already declared their independence from you Justin......
The Republican base had already declared their independence from you Justin......
But did he declare his independence from China where his money comes from ?
BTW, has anyone checked to see if the economy that would never recover (per LLR Chuck approved Krugman) has actually recovered or not?
I can tell by watching the MSM outlets. They never talk about it.
It would be nice if we could celebrate an America on the ascendance again, if only there were some data or evidence such was the case......
MK: "But did he declare his independence from China where his money comes from ?"
That is locked in.
getting to spend the day at MCAS Miramar was a treat in itself.
Good, but if he likes that stuff, Chino airport has a great set of static exhibits everyday, So does Pima Air Museum but Tucson is very hot right now. I think the only B 36 west of the Mississippi, I think.
Enjoying a beautiful day on Lake Douglas. Family, friends, fireworks, booze, and bud. Could not care less about any of this stupid bullshit. Happy 4th to all of you.
Reading that fencing has blocked off military vehicles around Lincoln Memorial from view of unticketed general public.
stevew found a PURPLE ELEPHANT.
Nobody pay stevew any mind.
readering will never spot the PURPLE ELEPHANT.
It's behind the fencing in her own mind.
just goes to show you how much of sysgy one has between corporate media and government,
Before LaGarde went to IMF she was managing partner (? Top dog whatever title) of one of the world's biggest law firms.
20 years in Chicago.
Same time Obama was there.
John Henry
she believes in the wrath of the sky dragon, now Osborne the feckless chancellor is running for her job, like signing on the titanic after the iceberg hit,
When I was ten or eleven in the early 1970s, I remember a great parade in my little town which included tanks, APCs, other military hardware and soldiers. It was awesome. Ever since I've been consistently disappointed by parades made up of high school marching bands separated by the car dealers, the "queen" of some town and an occasional politician.
they don't inspire confidence in our intelligence services do they
But did he declare his independence from China where his money comes from ?
Libertarians with a capital "L" like free trade where there is labor and environmental arbitrage.
I recall a Fourth at Waikiki which is a beach in a town that happens to be our biggest Navy and Air force base in the Pacific Ocean.
The Golden Eagles in F16s did a 45 minute imaginary dog fight over the ocean from sea level straight up on after burners and breaking the sound barrier and coming back down to leve off and criss cross and do it over.
It made you feel sorry for our enemies.
CSPan is live from Lincoln Memorial - wonderful scene. Yes, the tanks are there and the military band is warming up the crowd. Lotta flags, lotta Vets, lotta ordinary folks. Trump is set to speak at 6:30 (east coast time).
Happy 4th!
I never heard of any of this while Obama was president, as he referenced himself countless times in extemporaneous speeches (which he sucked at, by the way).
The Big Media is so transparently ideological. They should get real jobs.
Amash......... the king of principle whose fortune is based on labor arbitrage. Wow, what a man!
They need the tanks to be moving. Mobile tanks on the Mall would add some pizzazz.
I didn't watch all of it but then ending was great, Lee Greenwood should have been there but the Marines and all.
The problem is that Trump doesn’t have styrofoam columns. Real statesmen use styrofoam columns.
I bet he also had two scoops of ice cream!
They need the tanks to be moving. Mobile tanks on the Mall would add some pizzazz.
...and an aircraft carrier in the Reflecting Pool !
Does this make Trump The Music Man who gave DC its Marching Band!
From across the atlantic, the sight of the Democrats denigrating their country on behalf of their partisan schtick is nauseating. Self-hate and pessimism are unhealthy and unappealing. Why do I think the Democrats are locking themselves out of power, perhaps for a long time?
If only that weaponry, aircraft and pyrotechnics had been used to intimidate tax payers and peaceful gun-owners!
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