Inga gave me the strength of righteousness (or, the strength of the righteous as you like) and a sense of purpose, which is why Althouse had to do what has now been done. I see future Guildy-dreams stomped on, just for kicks like Frank said.
You people keep this up, and I just won't divine my wisdom unto you, and then you'll be in a world of shit, just like Private Pyle.
Don't go 'round claiming I by God didn't a warn ya!
Browndog: when Angle-Dyne says you can ignore the robot thing, that “ignore” is accomplished by writing your comment and then selecting Publish Your Comment. FYI.
Fen to 4dub: "It's too bad that things have gotten too contentious here"
They haven't.
No, they haven't. What is "too contentious", anyway? Sez who? Sez "*I'm* uncomfortable so we have to turn up the thermostat for everybody in the whole building", that's who.
(Ever notice how bloody bossy and control-freak soi-disant nice people can be?)
""WHy not ban all commentators who say that the report was "total exoneration" on obstruction,""
The decision to exclude Inga has NOTHING to do with the substantive position she took. It is ALL about form -- personal insults and pointed intentional disrespect to me when I said I needed something better. She DEFINED herself as a troll, which, in my way of thinking about it, is someone whose intention is to hurt this forum.
Charlie Eklund: Browndog: when Angle-Dyne says you can ignore the robot thing, that “ignore” is accomplished by writing your comment and then selecting Publish Your Comment. FYI.
Not sure if you were suggesting otherwise, but I can also preview my comments while ignoring the robot-guard, no problem.
Browndog: when Angle-Dyne says you can ignore the robot thing, that “ignore” is accomplished by writing your comment and then selecting Publish Your Comment. FYI.
I know. Been doing it for years.
For whatever reason, it wouldn't let me this time.
Thanks Angle-Dyne, I did leave that info out. I guess I never preview, just proof-read what I’ve written in the box I wrote it in. I may take a walk on the wild side and preview this one, though...with no robots!
"But that's exactly the point: counter-trolling over the years has taught me how to handle the left's debate tricks, thickened my skin, perceive false debaters."
You thought Althouse was Inga to get clicks, so your false debaters perception was aimed inward. But it was accurate in this case.
"Definition of decisive 1 : having the power or quality of deciding The council president cast the decisive vote. a decisive battle 2 : RESOLUTE, DETERMINED a decisive manner decisive leaders a decisive editor 3 : UNMISTAKABLE, UNQUESTIONABLE a decisive superiority
It matters. A resolute, determined troll (such as moi) has lots to offer, but we can't make you "horses" drink either.
I can draw attention to the term "horseplay" and why it is more apt now than ever. Law favoring lawyers has dertimined horseplay is so dangerous it must be demonized.
Horses just like to enjoy the life given if given the chance.
This is my place, and once I've said I want you to stay away, you should accept the decision and go away. Find somewhere else to write. I have worked hard for 15 years to maintain a forum, and I have to use my own judgment. If you disagree with me, just accept that this is the way I am running MY life and IT'S MY CHOICE who I want in this space I have created and maintained. This forum is here to be used by many people, and. I only exclude people I think are running it down intentionally. If I've said that about YOU and you still come back, you are reinforcing my decision. You are deliberately doing what I have defined as harassment, and you know you are harassing me because you are on notice that I regard it as harassment.
AA: The decision to exclude Inga has NOTHING to do with the substantive position she took. It is ALL about form -- personal insults and pointed intentional disrespect to me when I said I needed something better.
I'm ljl at the energy being poured into insisting that a brutishly stupid and malign poster was just expressing her opinion like anybody else here.
How terrible of Althouse to practice viewpoint discrimination against the loud, incessant banging together of garbage can lids.
This is my place, and once I've said I want you to stay away, you should accept the decision and go away.
Yep. I have no reason, nor should anyone else how our Host, Hosts. I have tried once or twice to engage in good faith with those on the left of the spectrum. I have never been rewared with a reasoned response. I truly believe you can't have spent much time looking at history and examining human incentives to end up voting Democrat. It makes no sense. I wish their were honest Dems, I haven't run across them yet. Just look at Universities that have instituted speech codes on campus. Universities restricting free speech. That is an indefensible position.
Sorry but Inga serves as Althouse's mouthpiece to spew her real views that she conceals . Whenever she lets the mask slip there’s is an explosion as happened in the splooge stooge incident. If Althouse stayed her real views her can boys would shit a brick.
I don't think anyone who has been here for a long period of time are unaware of what Althouse's views are. It's the reason I always put long pants on before I comment on this blog. But seriously, I don't have a problem with her worldview because she has shown that she is open to opposing views and allows almost total freedom to her good faith commenters.
There is not another liberal site anywhere on the web that is philosophically secure enough to tolerate that.
"Topic for debate: Can someone who was first in her class at a top-ranked law school properly be dismissed (or dissed) as an "affirmative action hire"?"
Sometimes students who show up first to class (with an apple even) are indeed dismissed and dissed by others, including peers.
The student first accepted to class not so much, but only because of the lack of knowledge. If it were known who got in first and who was chosen last, there would be drama.
Yet again, I don't know shit about any school much less law much less top-ranked (anything) so you best get you some salt girl* (or boy as it were).
*Just saw the opening of Charlie's Angels. There were called "little girls" in the opening, which shows well-developed, oh so very, very well indeed, stars.
Why the inaccurate label?
Dramatically, it is more interesting for "little girls" to kick ass than fully grown women. As women age, they live so much longer than men, having had so little to sacrifice for except the undeniable impulse to nagg and complain, old women winning just ruins the narrative build-up, as it matches reality too closely.
Imagine all the Leftist Collectivist voices are here talking more or less cordially and going back and forth without name calling. And as they're doing that, they're complaining about how that never happens.
4dub: Steve says so. He's been around longer then most.
I enjoy fun, quirky, policy, or intellectual debate. It's no longer a fun, intellectual debate...
So you and Steve then. Well, all right then. I was unaware that somebody had died and made you and Steve co-god arbiters of what is "too contentious".
Do you show up at parties somebody else is hosting, where people are having a rip-roaring good time, and start telling them that they're drinking too much and demanding that the music be turned down? All the while defending the genuinely drunk-out-of-her-mind attendee who's slurring at the hostess that she's a stupid bitch, throwing wild punches at her, and then puking all over her beautiful Turkish carpet before passing out on her nice white sofa and drooling all over it?
Do you then march over to the stereo and turn down the volume before stepping up onto the coffee table and proceeding to lecture everybody on what *your* idea of a good party is, and *your* standards of party decorum?
Althouse is remarkably consistent in her promotion of the feminazi and homosexual agenda. She only quotes Scripture in the way the devil did. She is completely opposed to traditional values and slyly mocks them in her posts and comments.
She doesn’t want a chicken in every pot but a dick and in every asshole.
Regarding Ann's views: I always thought Ann did an effective job of masking her actual views on all but a hand full of issues (which are well documented here).
Many good teachers avoid broadcasting their personal views, which facilitates more open classroom discussion with greater diversity of opinion. A lawyer doesn't always know which side of an issue he'll be promoting, so seeing all sides in law school is always a good thing.
I don't think anyone who has been here for a long period of time are unaware of what Althouse's views are. It's the reason I always put long pants on before I comment on this blog.
4dub: However, as Steve and others have written in their comments, some of us get targeted and harassed by a minority of people.
So what? Seriously, so what? How does that in any way prevent you from continuing to argue your case, if you actually have a case, or blithering on about whatever it is you enjoy blithering on about?
It's a very simple matter to ignore people who you think are unfairly or maliciously "targeting" and "harassing" you.
Anyone remember Cedarford? He was more a muse than a troll. His comments inspired the best put downs. People who wanted to insult him put care and effort into their insults. Over the years, I've also enjoyed some of the many insults directed at Chuck, but the ones directed at Cedarford had the most bite..... There was a Punch and Judy show aspect to Inga's arguments with the commenters. All the insults seemed rehearsed and predictable. Some credit should be given not only for saying something original but for inspiring genuine agita. Even among trolls there is a hierarchy. I'm surprised she got banned, but I guess slow and steady can win the game. She was definitely persistent. She did succeed in getting banned. For a troll that's a form of distinction. Attention was paid.
No, it's not but being abusive to not only the host, but her family, is just not the proper thing to do, maybe it's a tourettes thing that you can't control,
If you disagree with me, just accept that this is the way I am running MY life and IT'S MY CHOICE who I want in this space I have created and maintained
You may not be a fan of libertarian politics or Ayn Rand, but you seem to be growing in that direction.
There are commenters here who receive abuse. Steve uhr is not one of them. He wilts at the first sign of disagreement (which he does, legitimately, get a lot of).
“but she was too proud to explicitly walk back her point when using them”
Wow! An actual relevant response! I never thought I’d see the day.
I thought “stupid lazy thinking” was funny, because, as the French say, few things in life are more delicious than being called an idiot by an imbecile. But now I see that it wasn’t because Inga was too stupid to see that her argument was absurd, but she was too proud! And for that reason, she kept making a fool of herself by repeating something that had been explicitly corrected as if it had some meaning, therefore some other meaning had to be assigned to it, you know, like Mueller’s staff couldn’t prove Trump innocent under their extremely partisan and aggressive standard for obstruction, and the dotard in chief, Mueller himself, well he couldn’t remember if he was appointed by Bush or Reagan, but dammit, he was a Republican so this whole thing was on the up and up!
I take Inga at her word that she was just here to disrupt, but it was a handy way to get the latest talking points from Democrats.
Trust me. I have zero interest in being an arbiter of what is allowed on this blog. Outside my job description. I just tune out when I see drago, etc refer to me. As I said I rarely read comments on my comments. Not ideal for a rigorous debate but my choice.
Sure, it gives you a lot of leeway for partisan bullshit. That’s why after people egg houses they speed away. It’s easier than explaining to the owner why you did it.
This is from a comment I posted over six years ago...
"Inga, one thing that bothers me when I read your writing on this site is that you sometimes have, for lack of a better term "lucid moments". It happened before the election when you said you would not vote for Obama after his race baiting video came out and with the abortion discussion. However, it seems like you very quickly return to "shrieking harpy" mode.
"While this site has its share of right wing folks who comment in good faith, there is a lack of that on the other side of the aisle. There are moments when you fit that role. Unfortunately, they are few in far between.
"One thing that would help would be if you didn't assume the worst from the start. As you said, from the first query I sent you your instinct was to ignore it. Why? It was a simple, pointed question that lacked a lot of the invective elsewhere. Each response you gave ignored the original question and instead attacked."
"It's too bad that things have gotten too contentious here"
Things were fine when leftists could call us deplorable teabagger racist nazi KKK bigots.
Every republican presidential candidate was a racist misogynist bigot for the last 50 years and their supporters were all racists KKK nazis.
Every. Single. one.
Obama sicced the IRS on us and you all cheered. Every year I was in college you shitheads called me a racist bigot misogynist.
We have been taking this crap from you jackasses for decades. Now we are running concentration camps on the borders and are racists for wanting the same immigration policy of Canada.
The deplorables have become tired of this and only a few years ago really started returning fire.
You trashed and smeared Mitt Romney, Bush, Bush, Dole, Mccain. Every single one.
Now you got Trump.
Fuck off. You did this. You made it this way. You chose the form of your destructor.
I once read that Mao preferred dealing with people from the right, rather than people from the left. He supposedly said that at least "with people from the right, you knew what they wanted. "
"Regarding Ann's views: I always thought Ann did an effective job of masking her actual views on all but a hand full of issues (which are well documented here).
Many good teachers avoid broadcasting their personal views,"
Honestly Althouse is her name, she's broadcast that is what people who respect her call her, not Dr. or Prof. or Prof Emiritus, just Althouse and not Ann.
Too tough for many, many, many of her readers to comprehend. Can you and others call her that, Althouse, unless you've had a convo in person?
I feel as bad a idjit as I've felt in a while, defending one of the very few lessons Althouse has genuine hope her readers learn. I am a purpose driven troll though so I can overcome this brief discomfort.
Don't call her Ann, and wait to call her a racist cunt until after a hundred or two comments.
Don't fuck up a thread early because you can't contain your emotions beyond a teenage level.
“Att. The difference is that I don’t egg houses. I just comment in good faith”
So you do read comments on your posts. You just don’t respond when you don’t have a good answer to criticisms. For instance, when people pointed out the one sidedness of the report from Mueller’s staff of partisan Democrats, and that it hardly mattered if all of it was true if it was only a small part of the truth, not to mention that the second part was only a compendium of the opinions of partisan Democrats, you had nothing to say, but if you do think of a response, you are right on it.
What follows is technically off-topic, but since the subject is Inga specifically and trollery in general, I think it fits.
Today the Los Angles guerilla artist known as Sabo struck again. This time his target was unchecked pedophilia among the movers and shakers of Hollywood; his medium, the advertising for the new Tarantino flick, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. In the case of a roadway billboard, the faces of Bradd Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio were replaced with those of Jeffery Epstein and Roman Polanski.
Another defaced advert replaces an actor's face with what I take to be the face of Adam Schiff. I do not like Adam Schiff. I considered him to be a liar and a treasonous conspirator against the Constitution and the Republic, but I know of no accusations against him of a sexual nature. Perhaps I've misidentified the face, so I'm linking to the image for other opinions.
You are deliberately doing what I have defined as harassment, and you know you are harassing me because you are on notice that I regard it as harassment.
It is comments like this that prove just how Lefty Althouse really is. Does anyone want to live in a world where everyone gets their own definition of harassment?
This blog used to get the aggressive lefties trying to hang a few conservative scalps from their belts. The smart(ish) ones left a long time ago because they kept losing. Inga stuck, either because she was paid to or was just too stupid to see that she was being made a fool of. What's left are the passive-aggressive lefty weenies like (but not limited to)readering, wwww and Howard; unable to go toe-to-toe so they resort to shit and run tactics.
And it's hilarious too see the same crowd clutching their pearls over their newfound respect for civility and decorum. Good odds that half of them are Inga LOL!
Please don't delete or refer to commenters that I always delete. I have to delete you too when that happens. As for the speculation that a troll that I always delete could ever come back, the answer has always been no and will always be know.
Just one Covington boy. Court's Opinion has a handy chart of all the allegedly defamatory statements. Most are not about the boy. Most of the rest are statements of opinion. The rest are not defamatory. Or multiple grounds apply.
Patterico caught a bad case of TDS and banned me. I went back the next day and posted, unaware that I had been "banned" - apparently because his banhammer software glitched, or because my cellphone provider was rotating ISPs, not sure.
Anyway, all hell broke loose on his blog because the "ban" didn't take affect. Once I realized what had happened, I graciously abided by the spirit of the ban, even though I disagreed with the reasons for it, and self-banned myself.
It's not rocket science. And Althouse has made it clear in the text above every comment window: "If you see that your comments are always deleted, get a clue and find somewhere else to write. Once you've fallen into the always-deleted category, there is no way to get back out, and continuing to try to comment is harassment."
You know? Speaking of harassment, if I were Inga, I’d say Althouse was inviting her commenters to harass Inga. What was the purpose of this blog post anyway?
It is possible to create a new google account, then log in to blogger with it using an entirely new username. But one's style, if obnoxious enough, could give one away.
Some people want to not just be the person to put a live cockroach up their own ass, but for people to WATCH them put the live cockroach up their own ass.
For these people, the idea of others watching this act may indeed be more exciting than the inserted cockroach itself.
This is the social media dynamic that has been built: it is more important to be seen inserting the cockroach in your ass than just simply putting the cockroach up your own ass in privacy.
Because if you put it up for public consumption there is now PRIDE involved. There is EMPOWERMENT.
And there will be Haters.
And being the center of the Haters' hate feels as good as the cockroach wiggling and twitching in your ass.
Your kink has shaped the world to yourself, dressing the fetish in the costume of a Powerful Statement. The cockroach in your ass is TRUTH TO POWER.
Soon, the TRUTH is such that the cockroach itself will almost be irrelevant.
Understood, but then you probably need to be explicit about (her)apparent new status. Sorry.
Blogger software does not allow for automatic blocking of particular account. Althouse must dele bad faith commenters individually. Catching each and every banned commenter in real time would require 24/7 vigilance.
Not hard to game the system by posting when Althouse and Meade are elsewhere.
The banned people will be deleted in the end, whatever the delay. I have a method to find all the posts and I take them all out. I never read them. It’s just dirt to be cleaned up when I get around to it. Non-trolls will try to help me out by skipping these posts and never responding. As for me, I’m probably never going to write about trolls again!
If you disagree with me, just accept that this is the way I am running MY life and IT'S MY CHOICE who I want in this space I have created and maintained.
Inga has been aborted.
We’ll see if she truly respects Althouse’s right to choose.
Gahrie @ 6:59 Basically Althouse has one rule for this site. Don't be a dick. So don't be a dick. And what is it to you what Althouses' politics are? Who cares? She posits a scenario. Comment on it, or not. We are here for her amusement. Not ours.
I always felt bad about Inga. She was obviously a very intelligent person and had a great deal of empathy for people. But then she would let the propaganda voices in her head take over and become very dismissive and, sometimes, hostile to people with different opinions.
Why does the blog not attract liberals as commenters? Most commenters post intellectually interesting or otherwise responsible comments. But a minority of commenters post a barrage of adolescent comments targeted at individuals who step outside of the blog's political POV.
Yah I'm starting to get tired of your bullshit. And I've bent over backwards to give you the benefit of doubt, even when others told me I was being played for a fool. But your little narrative reminds me of Eddie Haskel telling Mr Cleaver that gosh he doesn't know how that baseball broke through the window, he was at the Library tutoring blind immigrant children.
First off, no one is "targeted" for stepping outside the "blog's political POV", whatever that is. People have always disagreed about politics here, and those that are deemed to be operating in good faith have always been treated with respect. The problem in your argument is that very few left wingers here argue in good faith.
If you step in here and try to play the "Trump sat next to Esptein so Trump is a pedophile" bullshit, you are going to get called on it. And yes, people are likely to come across very terse and short and rude with you. BECAUSE they are sick of having to explain basic fricken logic to you, because you know your stupid talking point is bullshit, and because they know that you know your stupid talking point is bullshit. So you don't have any right to whine about "adolescent comments" that basically consist of "aw hell not this shit again" when you are the one who keeps bringing the shit expecting everyone else to pretend along with you that it's not shit. IE people are being treated with contempt not because of any POV, but because they are wasting our time and insulting our intelligence and we are all sick and tired of having to treat you like 5 year olds. GROW THE FUCK UP.
he patrol of individuals
Patrol? Like an organized militia running around Althouse launching coordinated strikes at anyone who has a different opinion? Hyperbole much? If it looks coordinated it's because MOST NORMAL PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF YOUR BULLSHIT and move in apparent unison to shut you down.
determine to be "on the other side" justifies, in their mind, verbally abusive language
Wrong again. And this is so typical of the Left, they never seem to grasp: HISTORY DID NOT BEGIN TODAY. There are people here that I treat like shit even when they are playing nice. Why? Because I still remember that just last week they danced on my father's grave, or they slimed our troops as parasites for serving in peace time, or they called me a racist sexist homophobe for merely disagreeing. You want to pretend that you and Howard and Farmer and She Who Can No Longer Be Named have always been angelic little cherubs who don't deserve to be treated with hatred and contempt. Bullshit. Your actions have consequences - when you say things that destroy your credibility, you don't get to whine about how unfair it is that you are no longer trusted. When you treat people like shit, you don't get to complain when they remember you are a person of low character and treat you accordingly. ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Like your attempt to float this turd. It makes you appear dishonest and deceptive. Which makes me trust you less, which makes it less likely I will give you the benefit of doubt and assume a your honest mistake was really a honest mistake. You don't have the right to whine about that either. Again GROW UP.
And it's really odd how the banning one of the most vile and hateful commenters here at Althouse spurred this sudden faith in all things civil and polite. Like the mean girl who goes all sugar and spice because her bestie just got suspended for bullying nerds. "See Mr Rooney? We just waved at those nerds and they cussed us..."
Yet they repeatedly called out a commenter, hoping for a fight.
Yes, again HISTORY DID NOT BEGIN TODAY. When you come here and talk trash and thump your chest and taunt "just you wait" for 6 months... on game day when your team falls flat on it's face and gets crushed 56-3, people are going to remember all the shit you have been spewing and your absence will be conspicuous, as in "he doesn't even have the decency to walk all that back and eat a little crow". So yes, trash talkers will get called out because again - people grew tired of putting up with the constant chest thumping and insults, and now is their chance to smirk and get a little payback. And you don't have the decency to give what you owe. Also, you act like the commenter in question hasn't called us Nazis, idiots, cunts, cultists, immoral, stupid, morons, assholes, etc.
If he spends 6 months taunting everyone about how the NY Court is going to be the end of Trump, calling people stupid for disagreeing, and then the NY Court lays a big goose egg, he should expect to take some shit. If he is too chickenshit to show his face and endure a few of the jibes that he tossed out, then he is of low character and will be treated with contempt. ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. It amazes me too, because I have made so many enemies into friends simply by saying "hey I screwed up, sorry". Why is that so fricken hard for some people? It's not like you have much credibility to begin with, it's like a guy with 300 credit score refusing to consider bankruptcy because that will destroy his credit.
I've been called "weeny.
Really. Oh my. I've been called racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, redneck, nigger, cunt, hillbilly, fuckwad, twat, asshole, mother fucker, Nazi, sister fucker, and been told to go kill myself, kill my children, and go fuck myself.
Your like a new recruit complaining about a blood blister to a soldier WHO IS MISSING HIS FUCKING LEG.
BTW, you know who taught me to be such an asshole online? The people you are defending. When I first came to Althouse I was a naive little doe who anticipated many intense civil debates. Everything I know I learned from the Left, from them attacking me.
I refuse to get down into the mud with them and fling vile and adolescent insults.
Because you are playing a different game, all concerned about the recent banning, all sweetness and light as you revise history to craft a narrative where She We Wont Name is some kind of misunderstood hero. And you and Howard and Farmer are SO put upon by the evil nazi patrols who refuse to let you float your bullshit in peace.
THAT is what has a bee in your bonnet. The Left can no longer play their stupid reindeer games here without people calling them out on it, rudely and harshly too, because they are sick and tired of having to dispel whatever illusion you are trying to will into existence that justifies a coup attempt on the President of the United States, a 3 year temper tantrum, decent folk being chased out of restaurants and fired form their jobs and silenced and shunned.
The people you want are over there -> Mittens Romney and Maverick McCain and David Cuck French.
which I believe has grown worse over the past two years. The electorate has grown increasingly partisan.
More equivalency revisionist bullshit. Like the Media that equate Trump to Hitler for 3 years and then have the nerve to complain that *Trump* is the divisive one. Might as well fault the rape victim for wearing a dress torn up to the crotch. The problem is that the Left has refused to accept the results of the legitimate election of Donald Trump. And they are cracking our skulls open with bicycle locks because people like you stood by and did NOTHING when they said it was 1) okay to punch a nazi and 2) gee those Trump people sure look like Nazis.
You know what you can do with your concern trolling. Doesn't fly here.
The reason there are no intelligent leftists here is because there are so very few leftists who can withstand a venue that allows for direct feedback. Why the fuck do you think Google and Twitter and Facebook are shutting down conservative speech any way they can? Because none of their leftists can effectively challenge the IDEAS of the right, probably because "Racist!" was their universal response for so long.
I have been at Althouse since 2006. There have been some intelligent Leftists, but there has NEVER been a Leftists on par with the likes of Bruce Hayden, Freeman Hunt, and some others who are long gone.
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«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 301 पैकी 201 – 301langford peel said...
“Wow, 200+ all about Inga comments. She must be gratified at all the attention.”
Are you kidding me.
She is masterbating with an aborted fetus even as speak.
That was the point of my rather long winded post. Disappointing, but that's where we are now.
Inga is not the problem. She's a result. Focusing on her IS the problem.
Browndog: Yea, and if this "I'm not a robot" thing continues as is, I won't comment again.
You can ignore the "I'm not a robot" thing.
Inga gave me the strength of righteousness (or, the strength of the righteous as you like) and a sense of purpose, which is why Althouse had to do what has now been done. I see future Guildy-dreams stomped on, just for kicks like Frank said.
You people keep this up, and I just won't divine my wisdom unto you, and then you'll be in a world of shit, just like Private Pyle.
Don't go 'round claiming I by God didn't a warn ya!
Browndog: when Angle-Dyne says you can ignore the robot thing, that “ignore” is accomplished by writing your comment and then selecting Publish Your Comment. FYI.
Fen to 4dub: "It's too bad that things have gotten too contentious here"
They haven't.
No, they haven't. What is "too contentious", anyway? Sez who? Sez "*I'm* uncomfortable so we have to turn up the thermostat for everybody in the whole building", that's who.
(Ever notice how bloody bossy and control-freak soi-disant nice people can be?)
""WHy not ban all commentators who say that the report was "total exoneration" on obstruction,""
The decision to exclude Inga has NOTHING to do with the substantive position she took. It is ALL about form -- personal insults and pointed intentional disrespect to me when I said I needed something better. She DEFINED herself as a troll, which, in my way of thinking about it, is someone whose intention is to hurt this forum.
Charlie Eklund: Browndog: when Angle-Dyne says you can ignore the robot thing, that “ignore” is accomplished by writing your comment and then selecting Publish Your Comment. FYI.
Not sure if you were suggesting otherwise, but I can also preview my comments while ignoring the robot-guard, no problem.
Charlie Eklund said...
Browndog: when Angle-Dyne says you can ignore the robot thing, that “ignore” is accomplished by writing your comment and then selecting Publish Your Comment. FYI.
I know. Been doing it for years.
For whatever reason, it wouldn't let me this time.
Topic for debate: Can someone who was first in her class at a top-ranked law school properly be dismissed (or dissed) as an "affirmative action hire"?
I say no. (Even if she is a scurvy prog.)
Browndog: For whatever reason, it wouldn't let me this time.
Sorry for adding to your frustration by giving pompous know it all advice that doesn't work!
Thanks Angle-Dyne, I did leave that info out. I guess I never preview, just proof-read what I’ve written in the box I wrote it in. I may take a walk on the wild side and preview this one, though...with no robots!
"But that's exactly the point: counter-trolling over the years has taught me how to handle the left's debate tricks, thickened my skin, perceive false debaters."
You thought Althouse was Inga to get clicks, so your false debaters perception was aimed inward. But it was accurate in this case.
Does "Decisive" here mean the troll was:
"Definition of decisive
1 : having the power or quality of deciding
The council president cast the decisive vote.
a decisive battle
a decisive manner
decisive leaders
a decisive editor
a decisive superiority
It matters. A resolute, determined troll (such as moi) has lots to offer, but we can't make you "horses" drink either.
I can draw attention to the term "horseplay" and why it is more apt now than ever. Law favoring lawyers has dertimined horseplay is so dangerous it must be demonized.
Horses just like to enjoy the life given if given the chance.
This is my place, and once I've said I want you to stay away, you should accept the decision and go away. Find somewhere else to write. I have worked hard for 15 years to maintain a forum, and I have to use my own judgment. If you disagree with me, just accept that this is the way I am running MY life and IT'S MY CHOICE who I want in this space I have created and maintained. This forum is here to be used by many people, and. I only exclude people I think are running it down intentionally. If I've said that about YOU and you still come back, you are reinforcing my decision. You are deliberately doing what I have defined as harassment, and you know you are harassing me because you are on notice that I regard it as harassment.
Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
Browndog: For whatever reason, it wouldn't let me this time.
Sorry for adding to your frustration by giving pompous know it all advice that doesn't work!
Oh, don't apologize. I discovered it by accident. You never know how that helped people that don't comment here just for that reason.
AA: The decision to exclude Inga has NOTHING to do with the substantive position she took. It is ALL about form -- personal insults and pointed intentional disrespect to me when I said I needed something better.
I'm ljl at the energy being poured into insisting that a brutishly stupid and malign poster was just expressing her opinion like anybody else here.
How terrible of Althouse to practice viewpoint discrimination against the loud, incessant banging together of garbage can lids.
AA said: "I wish there were more liberal commenters. A lot more."
"Why does baloney avoid the grinder?" --Wm. F. Buckley Jr.
This is my place, and once I've said I want you to stay away, you should accept the decision and go away.
Yep. I have no reason, nor should anyone else how our Host, Hosts. I have tried once or twice to engage in good faith with those on the left of the spectrum. I have never been rewared with a reasoned response. I truly believe you can't have spent much time looking at history and examining human incentives to end up voting Democrat. It makes no sense. I wish their were honest Dems, I haven't run across them yet.
Just look at Universities that have instituted speech codes on campus. Universities restricting free speech. That is an indefensible position.
langford peel said...
Sorry but Inga serves as Althouse's mouthpiece to spew her real views that she conceals . Whenever she lets the mask slip there’s is an explosion as happened in the splooge stooge incident. If Althouse stayed her real views her can boys would shit a brick.
I don't think anyone who has been here for a long period of time are unaware of what Althouse's views are. It's the reason I always put long pants on before I comment on this blog. But seriously, I don't have a problem with her worldview because she has shown that she is open to opposing views and allows almost total freedom to her good faith commenters.
There is not another liberal site anywhere on the web that is philosophically secure enough to tolerate that.
That’s simply not true.
"Topic for debate: Can someone who was first in her class at a top-ranked law school properly be dismissed (or dissed) as an "affirmative action hire"?"
Sometimes students who show up first to class (with an apple even) are indeed dismissed and dissed by others, including peers.
The student first accepted to class not so much, but only because of the lack of knowledge. If it were known who got in first and who was chosen last, there would be drama.
Yet again, I don't know shit about any school much less law much less top-ranked (anything) so you best get you some salt girl* (or boy as it were).
*Just saw the opening of Charlie's Angels. There were called "little girls" in the opening, which shows well-developed, oh so very, very well indeed, stars.
Why the inaccurate label?
Dramatically, it is more interesting for "little girls" to kick ass than fully grown women. As women age, they live so much longer than men, having had so little to sacrifice for except the undeniable impulse to nagg and complain, old women winning just ruins the narrative build-up, as it matches reality too closely.
No escape.
In case you missed it, I would encourage every one who may or may not question our hostess's decision to briefly refer to this post:
7/26/19, 2:42 PM
It should remain there as part of the permanent record since it proves the point far better than anyone else could.
Imagine all the Leftist Collectivist voices are here talking more or less cordially and going back and forth without name calling. And as they're doing that, they're complaining about how that never happens.
This may be the most amusing thread ever.
4dub: Steve says so. He's been around longer then most.
I enjoy fun, quirky, policy, or intellectual debate. It's no longer a fun, intellectual debate...
So you and Steve then. Well, all right then. I was unaware that somebody had died and made you and Steve co-god arbiters of what is "too contentious".
Do you show up at parties somebody else is hosting, where people are having a rip-roaring good time, and start telling them that they're drinking too much and demanding that the music be turned down? All the while defending the genuinely drunk-out-of-her-mind attendee who's slurring at the hostess that she's a stupid bitch, throwing wild punches at her, and then puking all over her beautiful Turkish carpet before passing out on her nice white sofa and drooling all over it?
Do you then march over to the stereo and turn down the volume before stepping up onto the coffee table and proceeding to lecture everybody on what *your* idea of a good party is, and *your* standards of party decorum?
Althouse is remarkably consistent in her promotion of the feminazi and homosexual agenda. She only quotes Scripture in the way the devil did. She is completely opposed to traditional values and slyly mocks them in her posts and comments.
She doesn’t want a chicken in every pot but a dick and in every asshole.
meanwhile back at the ranch,
Cherish Althouse blog. Protect it.
It's becoming one the last bastions of public free speech.
I'm reminded by the sub-heading of Canada Free Press:
Canada Free Press
Because without America, there is no free world.
Have a good evening.
May im to emulate carniso will take time.
Regarding Ann's views: I always thought Ann did an effective job of masking her actual views on all but a hand full of issues (which are well documented here).
Many good teachers avoid broadcasting their personal views, which facilitates more open classroom discussion with greater diversity of opinion. A lawyer doesn't always know which side of an issue he'll be promoting, so seeing all sides in law school is always a good thing.
Heyboom said...
I don't think anyone who has been here for a long period of time are unaware of what Althouse's views are. It's the reason I always put long pants on before I comment on this blog.
This literally made me laugh out loud!
4dub: However, as Steve and others have written in their comments, some of us get targeted and harassed by a minority of people.
So what? Seriously, so what? How does that in any way prevent you from continuing to argue your case, if you actually have a case, or blithering on about whatever it is you enjoy blithering on about?
It's a very simple matter to ignore people who you think are unfairly or maliciously "targeting" and "harassing" you.
*We can call this forum my forum or Guild's Place iffin' we want to too.
Nobody can stop us!
Really, only Trump attaches his name to anything like books or blogs or buildings anymore.
Can you image Titus thinking it was hot?
"is it possible that "troll" and "liberal poster" are synonymous? "
-- No; there are some that, while I disagree with, haven't been deliberately obtuse.
Anyone remember Cedarford? He was more a muse than a troll. His comments inspired the best put downs. People who wanted to insult him put care and effort into their insults. Over the years, I've also enjoyed some of the many insults directed at Chuck, but the ones directed at Cedarford had the most bite..... There was a Punch and Judy show aspect to Inga's arguments with the commenters. All the insults seemed rehearsed and predictable. Some credit should be given not only for saying something original but for inspiring genuine agita. Even among trolls there is a hierarchy. I'm surprised she got banned, but I guess slow and steady can win the game. She was definitely persistent. She did succeed in getting banned. For a troll that's a form of distinction. Attention was paid.
No, it's not but being abusive to not only the host, but her family, is just not the proper thing to do, maybe it's a tourettes thing that you can't control,
If you disagree with me, just accept that this is the way I am running MY life and IT'S MY CHOICE who I want in this space I have created and maintained
You may not be a fan of libertarian politics or Ayn Rand, but you seem to be growing in that direction.
I like that.
I expect Cory Booker at any moment to announce “ I am Inga!”
There are commenters here who receive abuse. Steve uhr is not one of them. He wilts at the first sign of disagreement (which he does, legitimately, get a lot of).
Girls can want all kinds of evil, all kinds.
Horses just want to have fun.
That is truly why they horseplay: fun.
Wait -- people referred to readering as a woman? I never noticed that. I'm terrible at paying attention.
wwww is the one who purposefully misinterprets well known jokes and turns of phrase so she can take offense.
So there's that.
And I've been here as long or longer than anybody.
Can calling readering a Xer be wrong these days?
“but she was too proud to explicitly walk back her point when using them”
Wow! An actual relevant response! I never thought I’d see the day.
I thought “stupid lazy thinking” was funny, because, as the French say, few things in life are more delicious than being called an idiot by an imbecile. But now I see that it wasn’t because Inga was too stupid to see that her argument was absurd, but she was too proud! And for that reason, she kept making a fool of herself by repeating something that had been explicitly corrected as if it had some meaning, therefore some other meaning had to be assigned to it, you know, like Mueller’s staff couldn’t prove Trump innocent under their extremely partisan and aggressive standard for obstruction, and the dotard in chief, Mueller himself, well he couldn’t remember if he was appointed by Bush or Reagan, but dammit, he was a Republican so this whole thing was on the up and up!
I take Inga at her word that she was just here to disrupt, but it was a handy way to get the latest talking points from Democrats.
“Can calling readering a Xer be wrong these days?”
Now that readering has declared his pronouns, I will respect it.
Trust me. I have zero interest in being an arbiter of what is allowed on this blog. Outside my job description. I just tune out when I see drago, etc refer to me. As I said I rarely read comments on my comments. Not ideal for a rigorous debate but my choice.
I was able to elicit information on a few occasions, when the sandwich boards dropped, but that's really what's important,
“Not ideal for a rigorous debate but my choice.”
Sure, it gives you a lot of leeway for partisan bullshit. That’s why after people egg houses they speed away. It’s easier than explaining to the owner why you did it.
This is from a comment I posted over six years ago...
"Inga, one thing that bothers me when I read your writing on this site is that you sometimes have, for lack of a better term "lucid moments". It happened before the election when you said you would not vote for Obama after his race baiting video came out and with the abortion discussion. However, it seems like you very quickly return to "shrieking harpy" mode.
"While this site has its share of right wing folks who comment in good faith, there is a lack of that on the other side of the aisle. There are moments when you fit that role. Unfortunately, they are few in far between.
"One thing that would help would be if you didn't assume the worst from the start. As you said, from the first query I sent you your instinct was to ignore it. Why? It was a simple, pointed question that lacked a lot of the invective elsewhere. Each response you gave ignored the original question and instead attacked."
From this conversation...
Can't believe it has been six years since that and Inga was still continuing the same schtick.
Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
wwww said :
"It's too bad that things have gotten too contentious here"
Things were fine when leftists could call us deplorable teabagger racist nazi KKK bigots.
Every republican presidential candidate was a racist misogynist bigot for the last 50 years and their supporters were all racists KKK nazis.
Every. Single. one.
Obama sicced the IRS on us and you all cheered. Every year I was in college you shitheads called me a racist bigot misogynist.
We have been taking this crap from you jackasses for decades. Now we are running concentration camps on the borders and are racists for wanting the same immigration policy of Canada.
The deplorables have become tired of this and only a few years ago really started returning fire.
You trashed and smeared Mitt Romney, Bush, Bush, Dole, Mccain. Every single one.
Now you got Trump.
Fuck off. You did this. You made it this way. You chose the form of your destructor.
No seriously fuck off.
I once read that Mao preferred dealing with people from the right, rather than people from the left. He supposedly said that at least "with people from the right, you knew what they wanted. "
Your perception differs from mine then, Langford. I stand by my observations about this blog and it's hostess.
@Annie C:
Thanks! I finally got someone to laugh at one of my corny jokes.
What Achilles said. And I'll add; And the horse you rode in on!!!!!!!!!!
Att. The difference is that I don’t egg houses. I just comment in good faith
Carter appointed senior judge. I think he will be reversed because there was clearly libel.
"Regarding Ann's views: I always thought Ann did an effective job of masking her actual views on all but a hand full of issues (which are well documented here).
Many good teachers avoid broadcasting their personal views,"
Honestly Althouse is her name, she's broadcast that is what people who respect her call her, not Dr. or Prof. or Prof Emiritus, just Althouse and not Ann.
Too tough for many, many, many of her readers to comprehend. Can you and others call her that, Althouse, unless you've had a convo in person?
I feel as bad a idjit as I've felt in a while, defending one of the very few lessons Althouse has genuine hope her readers learn. I am a purpose driven troll though so I can overcome this brief discomfort.
Don't call her Ann, and wait to call her a racist cunt until after a hundred or two comments.
Don't fuck up a thread early because you can't contain your emotions beyond a teenage level.
Steve Uhr: "I just tune out when I see drago, etc refer to me."
I dont blame you considering how easy it is to call you out in your serial play-dumb comments.
“Att. The difference is that I don’t egg houses. I just comment in good faith”
So you do read comments on your posts. You just don’t respond when you don’t have a good answer to criticisms. For instance, when people pointed out the one sidedness of the report from Mueller’s staff of partisan Democrats, and that it hardly mattered if all of it was true if it was only a small part of the truth, not to mention that the second part was only a compendium of the opinions of partisan Democrats, you had nothing to say, but if you do think of a response, you are right on it.
What follows is technically off-topic, but since the subject is Inga specifically and trollery in general, I think it fits.
Today the Los Angles guerilla artist known as Sabo struck again. This time his target was unchecked pedophilia among the movers and shakers of Hollywood; his medium, the advertising for the new Tarantino flick, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. In the case of a roadway billboard, the faces of Bradd Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio were replaced with those of Jeffery Epstein and Roman Polanski.
Another defaced advert replaces an actor's face with what I take to be the face of Adam Schiff. I do not like Adam Schiff. I considered him to be a liar and a treasonous conspirator against the Constitution and the Republic, but I know of no accusations against him of a sexual nature. Perhaps I've misidentified the face, so I'm linking to the image for other opinions.
You are deliberately doing what I have defined as harassment, and you know you are harassing me because you are on notice that I regard it as harassment.
It is comments like this that prove just how Lefty Althouse really is. Does anyone want to live in a world where everyone gets their own definition of harassment?
Schiff linked to bullshit QAnon pedophilia-by-Democrats stories. Hard to understand why someone would undermine his own work that way.
SD: (yawns)
Fen, is your German that good
LOL no. I just found a script from Downfall and cut n pasted it.
I can count to 4 in German because I was Baron Von Steuben in a 5th grade play.
That's about it.
Oh, and "get on your face". Thanks to the Marine Corps I can say that in 14 languages :)
This blog used to get the aggressive lefties trying to hang a few conservative scalps from their belts. The smart(ish) ones left a long time ago because they kept losing. Inga stuck, either because she was paid to or was just too stupid to see that she was being made a fool of. What's left are the passive-aggressive lefty weenies like (but not limited to)readering, wwww and Howard; unable to go toe-to-toe so they resort to shit and run tactics.
And it's hilarious too see the same crowd clutching their pearls over their newfound respect for civility and decorum. Good odds that half of them are Inga LOL!
steve uhr: Trust me.
Just for the record, do you self-identify as a Marxist or socialist?
I keep losing track of who is who in this puppet show.
Because she is so forthright, when she goes off on one of her feminist jags I tend to stop and read her carefully.
Yup. And she's even turned me around on a few issues.
Amazing what a dedication to Free Speech and basic logic can do.
Even Fen can be taught some new tricks.
(we now return to Clutched Pearls & Fainting Couches, a sockpuppet theatre courtesy of the BBC)
Wait a minute, I just saw a post from Inga. I thought she was banned and was in mourning. Never mind.
As for the Covington boys lawsuit:
They have stupid lawyers. one thing you do is judge shop. Why did they think this Federal Judge would support them? He's a Democrat.
Please don't delete or refer to commenters that I always delete. I have to delete you too when that happens. As for the speculation that a troll that I always delete could ever come back, the answer has always been no and will always be know.
Just one Covington boy. Court's Opinion has a handy chart of all the allegedly defamatory statements. Most are not about the boy. Most of the rest are statements of opinion. The rest are not defamatory. Or multiple grounds apply.
Please don't delete or refer to commenters that I always delete. I have to delete you too when that happens.
Roger that. Sorry.
History repeats itself:
1. Tragedy;
2. Farce;
3. Kafka*;
4. Kerfuffle.
*I bet on Pornhub you could find a video of someone putting a live cockroach up their ass.
You can see where I am going with this.
I am Laslo.
There's a separate post up now if you want to talk about the Covington schoolboys case.
Patterico caught a bad case of TDS and banned me. I went back the next day and posted, unaware that I had been "banned" - apparently because his banhammer software glitched, or because my cellphone provider was rotating ISPs, not sure.
Anyway, all hell broke loose on his blog because the "ban" didn't take affect. Once I realized what had happened, I graciously abided by the spirit of the ban, even though I disagreed with the reasons for it, and self-banned myself.
It's not rocket science. And Althouse has made it clear in the text above every comment window: "If you see that your comments are always deleted, get a clue and find somewhere else to write. Once you've fallen into the always-deleted category, there is no way to get back out, and continuing to try to comment is harassment."
No one can be banned on this Blogger format. Just deleted consistently, but consistency seems to be lacking here.
You know? Speaking of harassment, if I were Inga, I’d say Althouse was inviting her commenters to harass Inga. What was the purpose of this blog post anyway?
It is possible to create a new google account, then log in to blogger with it using an entirely new username. But one's style, if obnoxious enough, could give one away.
Some people want to not just be the person to put a live cockroach up their own ass, but for people to WATCH them put the live cockroach up their own ass.
For these people, the idea of others watching this act may indeed be more exciting than the inserted cockroach itself.
This is the social media dynamic that has been built: it is more important to be seen inserting the cockroach in your ass than just simply putting the cockroach up your own ass in privacy.
Because if you put it up for public consumption there is now PRIDE involved. There is EMPOWERMENT.
And there will be Haters.
And being the center of the Haters' hate feels as good as the cockroach wiggling and twitching in your ass.
Your kink has shaped the world to yourself, dressing the fetish in the costume of a Powerful Statement. The cockroach in your ass is TRUTH TO POWER.
Soon, the TRUTH is such that the cockroach itself will almost be irrelevant.
I am Laslo.
Discussion of cockroaches up the ass doesn’t hurt this blog, proceed. Deeply intellectual.
Looks like a troll fest. I even detect one that smells like Ritmo.
Mommy saved you cucks from mean old Inga. Now get on that porthole and make it rain
And, really? We're not to talk about Inga anymore? Like it or not, at this point she's become mythic. (Sorry again.)
Understood, but then you probably need to be explicit about (her)apparent new status. Sorry.
Blogger software does not allow for automatic blocking of particular account. Althouse must dele bad faith commenters individually. Catching each and every banned commenter in real time would require 24/7 vigilance.
Not hard to game the system by posting when Althouse and Meade are elsewhere.
RE: Laslo @7/26/19, 8:41 PM
I couldn't have expressed it better myself.
The banned people will be deleted in the end, whatever the delay. I have a method to find all the posts and I take them all out. I never read them. It’s just dirt to be cleaned up when I get around to it. Non-trolls will try to help me out by skipping these posts and never responding. As for me, I’m probably never going to write about trolls again!
Calm down, Althouse.
Inga’s Wake.
It wasn’t a bad thread. A couple of commenters revealed themselves beyond their reflexive trolldom, which was a good thing.
If you disagree with me, just accept that this is the way I am running MY life and IT'S MY CHOICE who I want in this space I have created and maintained.
Inga has been aborted.
We’ll see if she truly respects Althouse’s right to choose.
Mommy saved you cucks
I wonder why people piss on the left wing commenters? It's inexplicable.
Gahrie @ 6:59
Basically Althouse has one rule for this site. Don't be a dick. So don't be a dick. And what is it to you what Althouses' politics are? Who cares? She posits a scenario. Comment on it, or not. We are here for her amusement. Not ours.
I always felt bad about Inga. She was obviously a very intelligent person and had a great deal of empathy for people. But then she would let the propaganda voices in her head take over and become very dismissive and, sometimes, hostile to people with different opinions.
Why does the blog not attract liberals as commenters? Most commenters post intellectually interesting or otherwise responsible comments. But a minority of commenters post a barrage of adolescent comments targeted at individuals who step outside of the blog's political POV.
Yah I'm starting to get tired of your bullshit. And I've bent over backwards to give you the benefit of doubt, even when others told me I was being played for a fool. But your little narrative reminds me of Eddie Haskel telling Mr Cleaver that gosh he doesn't know how that baseball broke through the window, he was at the Library tutoring blind immigrant children.
First off, no one is "targeted" for stepping outside the "blog's political POV", whatever that is. People have always disagreed about politics here, and those that are deemed to be operating in good faith have always been treated with respect. The problem in your argument is that very few left wingers here argue in good faith.
If you step in here and try to play the "Trump sat next to Esptein so Trump is a pedophile" bullshit, you are going to get called on it. And yes, people are likely to come across very terse and short and rude with you. BECAUSE they are sick of having to explain basic fricken logic to you, because you know your stupid talking point is bullshit, and because they know that you know your stupid talking point is bullshit. So you don't have any right to whine about "adolescent comments" that basically consist of "aw hell not this shit again" when you are the one who keeps bringing the shit expecting everyone else to pretend along with you that it's not shit. IE people are being treated with contempt not because of any POV, but because they are wasting our time and insulting our intelligence and we are all sick and tired of having to treat you like 5 year olds. GROW THE FUCK UP.
he patrol of individuals
Patrol? Like an organized militia running around Althouse launching coordinated strikes at anyone who has a different opinion? Hyperbole much? If it looks coordinated it's because MOST NORMAL PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF YOUR BULLSHIT and move in apparent unison to shut you down.
determine to be "on the other side" justifies, in their mind, verbally abusive language
Wrong again. And this is so typical of the Left, they never seem to grasp: HISTORY DID NOT BEGIN TODAY. There are people here that I treat like shit even when they are playing nice. Why? Because I still remember that just last week they danced on my father's grave, or they slimed our troops as parasites for serving in peace time, or they called me a racist sexist homophobe for merely disagreeing. You want to pretend that you and Howard and Farmer and She Who Can No Longer Be Named have always been angelic little cherubs who don't deserve to be treated with hatred and contempt. Bullshit. Your actions have consequences - when you say things that destroy your credibility, you don't get to whine about how unfair it is that you are no longer trusted. When you treat people like shit, you don't get to complain when they remember you are a person of low character and treat you accordingly. ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Like your attempt to float this turd. It makes you appear dishonest and deceptive. Which makes me trust you less, which makes it less likely I will give you the benefit of doubt and assume a your honest mistake was really a honest mistake. You don't have the right to whine about that either. Again GROW UP.
And it's really odd how the banning one of the most vile and hateful commenters here at Althouse spurred this sudden faith in all things civil and polite. Like the mean girl who goes all sugar and spice because her bestie just got suspended for bullying nerds. "See Mr Rooney? We just waved at those nerds and they cussed us..."
Yet they repeatedly called out a commenter, hoping for a fight.
Yes, again HISTORY DID NOT BEGIN TODAY. When you come here and talk trash and thump your chest and taunt "just you wait" for 6 months... on game day when your team falls flat on it's face and gets crushed 56-3, people are going to remember all the shit you have been spewing and your absence will be conspicuous, as in "he doesn't even have the decency to walk all that back and eat a little crow". So yes, trash talkers will get called out because again - people grew tired of putting up with the constant chest thumping and insults, and now is their chance to smirk and get a little payback. And you don't have the decency to give what you owe. Also, you act like the commenter in question hasn't called us Nazis, idiots, cunts, cultists, immoral, stupid, morons, assholes, etc.
If he spends 6 months taunting everyone about how the NY Court is going to be the end of Trump, calling people stupid for disagreeing, and then the NY Court lays a big goose egg, he should expect to take some shit. If he is too chickenshit to show his face and endure a few of the jibes that he tossed out, then he is of low character and will be treated with contempt. ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. It amazes me too, because I have made so many enemies into friends simply by saying "hey I screwed up, sorry". Why is that so fricken hard for some people? It's not like you have much credibility to begin with, it's like a guy with 300 credit score refusing to consider bankruptcy because that will destroy his credit.
I've been called "weeny.
Really. Oh my. I've been called racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, redneck, nigger, cunt, hillbilly, fuckwad, twat, asshole, mother fucker, Nazi, sister fucker, and been told to go kill myself, kill my children, and go fuck myself.
Your like a new recruit complaining about a blood blister to a soldier WHO IS MISSING HIS FUCKING LEG.
BTW, you know who taught me to be such an asshole online? The people you are defending. When I first came to Althouse I was a naive little doe who anticipated many intense civil debates. Everything I know I learned from the Left, from them attacking me.
I refuse to get down into the mud with them and fling vile and adolescent insults.
Because you are playing a different game, all concerned about the recent banning, all sweetness and light as you revise history to craft a narrative where She We Wont Name is some kind of misunderstood hero. And you and Howard and Farmer are SO put upon by the evil nazi patrols who refuse to let you float your bullshit in peace.
THAT is what has a bee in your bonnet. The Left can no longer play their stupid reindeer games here without people calling them out on it, rudely and harshly too, because they are sick and tired of having to dispel whatever illusion you are trying to will into existence that justifies a coup attempt on the President of the United States, a 3 year temper tantrum, decent folk being chased out of restaurants and fired form their jobs and silenced and shunned.
The people you want are over there -> Mittens Romney and Maverick McCain and David Cuck French.
which I believe has grown worse over the past two years. The electorate has grown increasingly partisan.
More equivalency revisionist bullshit. Like the Media that equate Trump to Hitler for 3 years and then have the nerve to complain that *Trump* is the divisive one. Might as well fault the rape victim for wearing a dress torn up to the crotch. The problem is that the Left has refused to accept the results of the legitimate election of Donald Trump. And they are cracking our skulls open with bicycle locks because people like you stood by and did NOTHING when they said it was 1) okay to punch a nazi and 2) gee those Trump people sure look like Nazis.
You know what you can do with your concern trolling. Doesn't fly here.
The reason there are no intelligent leftists here is because there are so very few leftists who can withstand a venue that allows for direct feedback. Why the fuck do you think Google and Twitter and Facebook are shutting down conservative speech any way they can? Because none of their leftists can effectively challenge the IDEAS of the right, probably because "Racist!" was their universal response for so long.
I have been at Althouse since 2006. There have been some intelligent Leftists, but there has NEVER been a Leftists on par with the likes of Bruce Hayden, Freeman Hunt, and some others who are long gone.
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
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