Joe Biden: "There has never been a President in American history who has been so openly racist and divisive as this man."— The Hill (@thehill) July 15, 2019

blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Joe Biden: "There has never been a President in American history who has been so openly racist and divisive as this man."— The Hill (@thehill) July 15, 2019
Unfortunately, many of you will vote in the poll without watching the video and that will invalidate the results of this utterly unscientific poll.
He was vice president to a guy that was extremely racist and divisive. His DOJ pick "Just Us" Holder, the Pigford payout to people who never attempted farming, etc. It is a very long list.
will vote in the poll without watching the video and that will invalidate the results of this utterly unscientific poll.
As I did. But I already know the answer without watching: Biden made some recent gaffes with the african-american community. So it's not unreasonable to assume his handlers pushed him in front of a mic to say things that might repair the damage he did.
Any republican President is divisive because a ‘rat didn’t win.
James eastlands tennis partner said what?
I'm confused. I thought that Thomas Jefferson and the other slave-owning Founding Fathers were irredeemable racists. To learn that Trump is even worse than they were is really taking me for a loop.
Cool, calm and collected seething outrage.
The media and the democrat party frame it. They get it wrong.
Says Biden without evidence.
The NYT did an extensive investigation of President Trump being labeled as racist. They failed to find evidence.
But, if he is racist, he is in good company, with the speaker of the House, Pelosi.
Well it was obvious he'd bring up Charlottesville. Biden founded his campaign on it.
Here's something I've been wondering about the past few days. Since when did Press let have to do with any of this? It's always been AOC, Omar and Tlalib, but now there's this new person I've never heard of. Is that intentional by the left? Omar isn't really connecting with the African American voters so they need someone else?
He invoked, once again, the Charlottesville lie. He's a despicable phony, slandering not just Trump, but half the country.
So the first one.
He is so so white and so so male and so so old and has so so many skeletons. None of those things polls well with lefties. He's gotta do something. That said, none of these things will keep him from his role this cycle, either as the coronated nominee or Hillary!'s snowplow, but still, he's gotta do something or the riots in Milwaukee will get out of hand. Out of hand out of hand, not made for TV simulated out of hand.
*Pressley not Press
The collective left are so handcuffed to politically correct-speak, they cannot fathom someone who cuts thru their bull. So - RACISSSS!
I think that soon everyone will be doing a mental word substitution. Instead of "racist" we will hear "plain-spoken."
It sounds like his heart just isn't in it, this nonsensical line of reason.
Biden is a placeholder until the inner Democrats' circle decides who they're going to run. He's fluffing for Obama by praising his policies and dumping on Trump when there's an obvious opportunity in hopes of getting Obama's endorsement. But it's not ever going to come. The Obamas aren't going to endorse an old white guy. They're the king and queen of divisive politics and choosing Biden as VP was politically expedient. They don't need him anymore. I started watching the video, but then I decided I had better use for my time.
Trump is blasting to hell the Democrats' 60s nostalgia and racism panics.
We're at peace. Racism isn't a significant issue in the U.S. Everybody's working.
I don't understand this "divisive" BS. We disagree with one another on political issues. Who in the hell said we're supposed to line up and pledge allegiance to a single worldview?
The rest of the world seems determined to immigrate to the U.S. They're lining up on the border.
So, the message to the rest of the world seems remarkably positive.
I thought we learned from Kammy Harris that Biden flirted with racism by opposing busing 50 years ago and also flirted with Senate Democrat racists too.
How divisive!
Did he resegregate the federal government and host a special viewing of The Birth of a Nation in the White House like Democrat Woodrow Wilson?
Did he round up and forcibly deport tens of thousands of people because they weren't White and force them to walk hundreds of miles in the winter, killing many men, women and children like Democrat Andrew Jackson?
Did he round up thousands of citizens and put them in concentration camps because of their ethnicity like Democrat FDR?
Of course he pronounces "divisive" the same pretentious way that Obama does.
Most racist?
Hmmmmm, apart from assuming a fact not in evidence, let me think about.
Maybe it was that guy who hosted a showing of The Klansman at the White House.
Shortly after the Los Angeles launch, Thomas Dixon Jr. convinced President Wilson to screen the movie inside the White House, arguably the first time that was ever done. President Wilson reportedly said of the film, “It is like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true.”
Although the quote’s authenticity has been disputed, there is no debate where Wilson stood on the issue of race. “He re-segregated the civil service,” says McEwan. “It’s not unreasonable to conclude that he thought the film was amazing.” And of course, a movie screened at the White House was going to be perceived as an endorsement of the film; one white supremacist in Georgia understood this implicitly.
William Joseph Simmons is considered to be the founder of the 1915 modern Ku Klux Klan. While recovering from a car accident, the local preacher in Georgia followed the Birth of a Nation’s nationwide success. There were KKK-inspired aprons, costumes and regalia that glorified the defunct organization. Simmons seized on the film’s popularity to bolster the Klan’s appeal again.
What a moron. Has he forgotten who he was Vice President for?
Meanwhile, he wants us to know that in his Administration, if you like your [health insurance] plan, you can keep your plan.
Cluelessness or mendacity? Let's have a poll on that.
Unfortunately, many of you will vote in the poll without watching the video and that will invalidate the results of this utterly unscientific poll.
Need an option for, “I won’t watch the clip but wanted to vote anyway.”
Pssst, Woodrow Wilson was a DEMOCRAT,
Joe. Talks. So. Slow. Ly.
We're at peace. Racism isn't a significant issue in the U.S. Everybody's working.
Yah, that's just it. When the economy's good history says the incumbent wins. Dems are trying for an Obama win where they piece together disparate groups of voters who don't normally vote- minorities, immigrants, young people. Clearly with the policies they've chosen they won't be pandering to a squishy middle later on. Well, they'll do that but it'll be as prevent defense rather than a major offensive.
Joe. Talks. So. Slow. Ly.
That's from candidate school, too. Talk to voters like they're seven and hard of hearing.
I've spent my 60+ years of life thinking that being a racist was bad, and trying in my own life choices (where to live where to worship, etc) and in my personal interactions to be a non-racist -- so that my behavior would lead in some small way to peace and comity among races.
Now I've slowly come to understand that in the eyes of many on the left, I am a racist. And to square that with my belief that my behaviors have been good, I am left to conclude that being a racist really isn't that bad. As long as "h is the face of racism" then you can't convince me that racism in the US is a problem.
So when BIden says "Trump is a racist," I now think: "yeah, so what?"
Poor Joe. He just doesn't understand his party anymore. He has always been a liar but now he is just swinging in the wind.
"There has never been a President in American history who has been so openly racist and divisive as this man."
Lincoln's got Trump, and nearly everyone else, even Biden(!) and other Dems, beat by a mile in any measure of racism.
Pull the string and the Dem says, "Racist!"
Lincoln's got Trump, and nearly everyone else, even Biden(!) and other Dems, beat by a mile in any measure of racism.
That's true, by modern standards.
When I have my students read Lincoln's speeches from the Lincoln-Douglas debates, some of them actually cry. I point out that as offensive as his statements seem to us today, he was still considered so radical by the Democrats that his election caused the South to secede.
Ann, you’re correct. I voted without watching.
So I watched. My vote was not changed.
The racist charge has moved from ...
Stage 1 (circa 1950): Meh.
Stage 2 (circa 1990): That’s gonna leave a mark.
Stage 3 (circa 2016): I’m a Deploarable!
Stage 4: (today): The Book Of Esther.
It’s not only losing its currency, it’s becoming a gun with a hidden barrel pointing the wrong way, Dems better figure this out.
What I got out of the video is that it's not so bad if you're racist and divisive as long as you aren't all that openly. Then it's...embarrassing. Not appalling or terrible or unacceptable. Just embarrassing, maybe in the same way this tired old man trying to convince people he'd make a better President is embarrassing.
"There has never been a President in American history who has been so openly racist and divisive as this man."
Somebody tell Joe previous presidents owned slaves.
He’s apparently unaware.
Ace, as usual, is spot on:
"Once again, Donald Trump's mere presence in the White House and more crucially his willingness to defend himself, his policies and by extension defend all real Americans and this nation loudly, proudly with Queens accent and all, is what got us here. And thank G-d for it!
It needs to be emphasized here that the President did not instigate this. He was reacting to the lies being perpetrated by Chiquita Khruschev and her cohorts about "concentration camps" and other phony "crimes against humanity" allegedly perpetrated by ICE, DHS, CBP et al on the illegal alien invaders who are the real criminals here for trying to jump our borders and abuse our amnesty laws.
At the same time, these four have been able to turn almost their entire party into a veritable Greek chorus of anti-American, anti-Semitic, racialism and historical revisionism that heretofore went unanswered and allowed to fester."
Soon Trump will be “the most racist President ever re-elected!” 🤣🤣🤣
Democrats are idiots.
Because Althouse warned us, I watched it. My thoughts:
"There has never been a President in American history who has been so openly racist and divisive as this man."
I thought Bush was literally allowing blacks to drown and starve during Katrina?
The Manchurian Candidate just blathers. Joe ain’t getting the nomination. He’s too low energy.
He was reacting to the lies being perpetrated by Chiquita Khruschev and her cohorts about "concentration camps" and other phony "crimes against humanity" allegedly perpetrated by ICE,
It needs to be repeated that the Antifa terrorist who attacked ICE was parroting the "concentration camp" talking points put out there by Cortez and Omar.
That's why they were asked to denounce Antifa's attack on ICE. They refused.
I can't vote because I can't assed to watch Biden.
No actual quotes of Trump, I notice. At the end he kind of zones out, but he does put in the part where the opinion of people outside of the US is the most important thing, so he is on message there.
I don’t see how this gets him past the need to choose between steelworkers in the industrial midwest, and energy extraction types as well, and the children of the awokening. It looks like his hand is being forced though.
Biden is a ridiculous tool.
"Divisive" appears to have become the duckspeak of choice for the Dems. It makes no sense, but I guess cant doesn't need to make sense. "Divisive" Trump is using "divisive" speech to appeal to the assorted racist, white supremacist, etc. demons and orcs that make up half the population in the Dems' apocalyptic fantasy Amerikkka. (H.Bosch! thou shouldst be living at this hour.)
But if that's the case - there's an extant sizable population of these creatures to appeal to - then the country is already divided. So which one is it Dems? Trump is trying to divide a united people, or he's targeting and whipping up that large (apparently entirely white) chunk of the evil and vile who aren't part of Who We Are. Can't be both.
Yeah, I know. As I said, it doesn't have to make sense at the rational level. We know that progs believe that only words are real, so if you can control speech and make the bad people shut up, then there is no division, whereas speaking to or for the bad people will introduce division, which did not exist before such words magicked it into existence.
“They’re gonna put y’all back in chains” divisive? That divisive?
Biden is a placeholder until the inner Democrats' circle decides who they're going to run.
Yes. So there is no point in watching or voting.
He looks OLD!
I will take History of American Presidents for $200 Alex.
The answer is: "A racist DW Griffith movie which helped revive the KKK, praised by Woodrow Wilson as like writing history with lightning?”
"What is ;Birth of a Nation’”?
“That is correct sir!"
America, love it or leave it, isn't a racist slogan. Plenty of "whites" hear it too.
America. Love it or leave it was actually a popular bumper-sticker used in the early 70s to shame white liberals who sympathized with the USSR.
Powerline has a photo of it on their main page this morning.
I can't isolate the pic on the Powerline site, but here it is again.
The idea that the slogan is racist is a lie. It was used to shame white liberals for a decade.
Everyone who picked #1 voted without watching. Everyone who picked #3 watched it, then voted. Everyone who picked #2 watched it, but covered his or her eyes and ears.
Let me add on to what Michael K sad --
Poor Joe, he's pissing into the wind, and telling himself that it's raining.
Truly living up to the name of Slow Joe. He was picking his words as he spoke. Sounded tired and disjointed. He’ll be campaigning like Hillary: 3 days a week.
I voted before watching, but went back and viewed it. It would not have changed my vote. Contra Joey Plugs, the only embarrassment is that this relic is their front runner.
Creepy Uncle Joe is thinking, 'two can play this game Trump!'. But he's wrong and oh so very bad at the game. Trump is the master. He's got all the politicians and media saying what he said is racist and a xenophobic, but a straight reading of what Trump tweeted doesn't support the accusation. Winning.
Here is the Powerline article itself:
"This was a popular bumper sticker during the late 1960s and early 1970s. It was aimed at discontented left-wing radicals who claimed not just America was wrong to be fighting in Vietnam, but that it was evil for that reason and for many others.
I also believe there may be something to Steve’s contention that Trump “has now forced [Nancy] Pelosi and every other Democrat to come to [the] defense [of the four congressional rads], elevating their profile further and cementing them as the authoritative face of the Democratic Party."
...note that this is by Paul Mirengoff, a NeverTrumper that so irritated regular commenters with his TDS that a mass banning took place. Even he sees the "racist" angle is bs.
Go home, Joe, and fix the problems in Delaware.
Trump has the Democrats and media talking about issues that will hurt them in November of next year. The progressives have convinced themselves that calling someone a "racist" is an effective response to Trump pointing out their hateful, politically correct socialist policies.
Trump is directing the conversation to topics that the Democrats should avoid. At the same time, the Democrat playbook is empty.
Leftists DO hate it here. They want to transform us an put everyone in chains.
Go back to East Germany, assholes.
will vote in the poll without watching the video
Properly chastised, I went back to watch it. What stood out to me was the last few seconds where Biden makes a fist and mumbles something close to "I should restrain myself"
That came across as choreographed to me, posed and practiced: "See, as President I will maintain professionalism and decorum, controlling my emotions".
Really hard not to be cynical these days, especially considering Biden's history of emotional intemperate (This is a big fuck deal!) and foolish remarks (shoot a shotgun in the air).
So, looking back at the poll, my choice "cynically posing as something he's not" is not represented in the selections. The closet to that is my initial choice,
#1 "He's doing the very thing he purports to decry — deploying racism and divisiveness."
Although I grant my initial choice created a bias before I watched it.
“Everyone who picked #2 watched it, but covered his or her eyes and ears.”
Both of them?
"Divisive" appears to have become the duckspeak of choice for the Dems.
It really takes alot of nerve. From the day he announced the Left went out of their way to make Trump toxic to voters, even throwing a temper tantrum and playing the "she was asking for it" card.
They refused to accept the results of a legitimate election, engaged in divisive rhetoric and violent attacks on Trump staff and supporters, so they could turn around and claim Trump is divisive.
Like the child who murders his parents and begs for leniency because he is now an orphan.
These people have no shame, no honor, no good faith. They cannot be reasoned with. That leaves very few options on the table for dealing with them.
I feel we are headed toward s history lesson in which Trump will remind the nation that Democrats in fact are the authors of the historical sins they crow about so much. The GOP was founded as the anti-slavery party and the first Republican elected (Lincoln) was met with a huge Democrat freak out and SECESSION. Since causing a civil war, DemocRATS have brought America such innovations as the KKK, laws to keep Chinese from immigrating, Indian massacres, segregation, Jim Crow, forced segregation of the Civil Service, Japanese-American internment, CPUSA, Weather Underground, massive efforts to oppose acceptance of Vietnamese refugees, the anchor baby rule in the ‘65 immigration “reform,” Obamacare, open borders, AntiFa, and the Clinton Crime syndicate. I’m sure there’s more.
It is guaranteed that the more the Four Horsewomen of the Democrat Apocalypse crow about being on the “right side of history” the more REAL history Trump will remind Americans of.
Damn. I was hoping I was the only one to vote Good.
What Henry said. Unless he was talking about Obama, he's just lying
@Althouse, I certainly did watch it. That's 30 seconds of my life I won't get back so thank you very much.
I stopped when he started waving the bloody shirt of Charlottesville. Make that the bloody HOAX of Charlottesville. But if it wasn't for lies and junk science, there would be no Democrat party, would there?
I so want Biden to win, because he's the best of the Democrat field, but he's so hopeless. We've seen this formula before from Democrats, and it is just doesn't work anymore.
This is bad. Biden likely remembers when Woodrow Wilson went on TV and argued for segregation.
Mr. Biden, your homework assignment for today is Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the interment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II. Next week, we'll do Woodrow Wilson. The difference between ignorance and stupidity is that ignorance can be fixed. With all due respect, I hope you're just ignorant.
"Divisive" appears to have become the duckspeak of choice for the Dems.
Divisive comes from pointing out people have choices.
The Dems would rather we all goose-step off the cliff from fear of being called racist.
Write this in your journals and diaries: On Tuesday, July 16, 2019 — almost one year to the day before the fact — Quaestor predicted the 2020 compromise Democratic nominee: Albert Gore, Jr.
Wilson (D) and FDR (D) for starters.
Classic Biden: Pig ignorant, stupid, projecting the evils of his side onto the innocent other side
OK Ann, I watched 30 seconds 2/3 of the clip before I could not take it anymore.
Biden is a former VP. For this reason alone he will never be president. There's plenty of other reasons too.
I don't understand why people are so dumb as to keep pushing him and giving him publicity.
Last week my wife was watching CNN and there was an interview of Biden and wife. It was so hilarious I started laughing out loud and could not stop. I have no idea what they were saying but Ms Biden was on a chair talking earnestly to the interviewer. And I do mean "earnestly" from the look on her face.
Sleepy Joe was sitting on another chair beside her and the look on her face was priceless.
The thing looked like a Saturday Night Live sketch from the 70s. Ms Biden is explaining to the 8th grade principal that her son Joey is really a good boy. He didn't mean anything by setting your cat on fire again. You really need to give him a third chance. I am sure he has learned his lesson.
Joey is sitting there with a hangdog look on his face like "It was probably wrong of me to set Mr Weatherbee's cat on fire again. Not as wrong as getting caught. I sure hope my mom can talk him out of expelling me and calling the cops."
If someone knows the interview I am talking about, I'd love a link so I can download it. I might be able to do something with it.
John Henry
Someone should ask Sleepy something like this:
"You come from a slave state, Delaware. How has this affected your views on blacks and race relations."
Or maybe
"Kamala Harris, Brack Obama, Robert O'Rourke, Mitch McConnell all had slave owning ancestors. Are there any slave owners in your family tree?"
Along the lines of LBJ's "Make him deny he is a pig fucker"
John Henry
Under Donald, “in chains” means jobs and the Golden handcuffs.
Well I watched the video--but the sound was muted. That's a blessing when observing Slow Joe.
Name calling is a schoolyard trick. I was a playground recreation leader as an afterschool job in my college days. I still remember a little 6 year old boy coming to me crying, "Coach they said me f#ckerface"!
AOC and her Squad don't rise much higher than that. But at least they have more game than Slow Joe.
Unfortunately, many of you will vote in the poll without watching the video and that will invalidate the results of this utterly unscientific poll.
I watched. I voted bland.
More importantly what we have learned with Trump's campaign style is that Biden's whole statement will do nothing more than cement the words "divisive" and "racist" with an image of Biden. Using the phrase "this man" to refer to Trump means that all we hear is "divisive" "racist" and see Biden mumbling. I can't find the whole clip but the reporter himself even tries to circle back around at the end to point out Biden never actually uses the word Trump! "Mr. Vice President you're talking about...." It's cut off, but one assumes something on the line of, "President Trump's statements yesterday about the squad of democratic freshman, yada yada yada"
Our brains will take away 3 things: racist, divisive, Biden. Not Trump. Trump wasn't even mentioned! Contrast with Trump's statements about Biden? "Sleepy Joe". Not "he's sleepy". It's "Sleepy Joe". Who's sleepy? Joe. And looking at the clip all I can see is "Sleepy Joe". It's sticky.
Way to brand yourself Joe! Sleepy Joe has a Bland Brand.
I don't know Joe; the Founder of the Democratic Party and Seventh President, Andrew Jackson, was plenty racist and divisive.
When has Joe Biden EVER been "sharp pointed, calm and mature" C'mon man. Lets be serious.
What's Joe's program for America? What's his vision? Oh, that's right. He doesn't have one, except "Orange man bad". And free everything. And open borders.
I watched it and its typical Biden. He's a loser.
Wilson (D) and FDR (D) for starters.
For Biden history begins anew with every dose of Memantine.
I think it is unfair to single out Trump as a racist, when according to liberal Dems, EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD WHO HAS EVER LIVED IN THE PAST 5000 YEARS IS A RACIST!!!!!
He looked like he was having trouble remembering his lines...
When I think about Andrew Jackson, I always think about the Fort Mims massacre and the start of the Creek War in 1813. Those Untaxed Indians were plenty pesky.
The Dems run on divisive identity politics, and Trump pushes back against it. But Trump is the problem?
I could jokingly ask if Biden slept through the two terms of the Obama Administration when it comes to racism and divisiveness .... but in all fairness, he probably did.
Biden knows as much about history as he does about being appropriate with little girls.
"I don't understand why people are so dumb as to keep pushing him and giving him publicity."
With the crazies to the left, it's hard to keep in mind that title to the Democratic Party is still held by the plutocrats who pay for everything.
Who's Biden?
I think he made it through the whole thing with uttering his fallback "Come on, man..."
I'd better restrain myself (or words to that effect).
WTF, Joe, I was thinking you were going to nod off mid-sentence and you feel the need to RESTRAIN yourself?
I think he interrupted himself, and then lost his ramble.
Calling him Slow Joe is an understatement.
I'd better restrain myself
Shorter.....I've got nuthin'!!
Why is "divisive" an inherently bad thing? The Founding Rebels divided the Tories from the Patriots and forced them to return to the Mother Country that they apparently loved more than the free country of the New World. I'd like to divide the liberty-phobic New Tories from those of us who actually value liberty and ship them to the statist Utopia of their choice.
I am sorry Ann, but I must cost you ad dollars.
Holy fuck. Are you Americans truly that ignorant of your own damned history? I am Canadian and I know what a crock of shit that is. Just off the top of my head: Andrew Johnson.
Let Trump try to top him for division and racism!
Or Andrew Jackson. You had any Nullification Crisis or Trail of Tears under Trump yet?
Hard to beat Lincoln for divisiveness, in case anyone considers that a bad thing ipso facto. FDR was pretty divisive too, and signed the Japanese quarantine order. Had one of those under Trump?
He must think you people are ignorant as fuck.
Most racist President? I was taught that they were Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, and Bush. Does Biden really mean that Trump is worse than all of them? If so, maybe he really IS a moderate.
Based on my own reading, I'd add Jefferson, Jackson, Buchanan, Wilson, and FDR. Obama was a (moderate) pro-Black racist as President, but maybe that was just politics.
And can someone please explain to me why Trump's response to critics of his policies is "racist" if he never mentioned the critics' race?
He looks like he is having trouble thinking.u
the man from the party of racial persecution
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