And, btw re the image re the sign re the stream re identity politics (which I know Althouse already highlighted): I have personally seen dozens of those in Seattle. Maybe more than thirty.
Incl in places where houses cost many millions.
When I saw Althouse's consternation bait re this, I assumed MadTown is less lib than our conurbation. IOW, maybe these signs are less common there.
Maybe mayor yulin is organizing this:
And, btw re the image re the sign re the stream re identity politics (which I know Althouse already highlighted): I have personally seen dozens of those in Seattle. Maybe more than thirty.
Incl in places where houses cost many millions.
Must be all the Californians I read about, invading other states to turn them blue. Def not native born.
tcrosse - I hope he did not die painfully, that it was just a simple heart attack while on a walk in the fields.
Seinfeld, the show, seems like it was not all that long ago, but the internet tells us that somewhere near 80 or 90 guest actors and actresses who had speaking roles on Seinfeld have passed away.
80 or 90!
I would have guessed 20 or so at most .... I am not a huge Seinfeld fan but he gave a lot of work to lots and lots of older comedians, out of the goodness of his heart, God bless him for that. Hence the rather large count of comedians who (a) appeared on Seinfeld and (b) have passed away ...
There is a moment in each of our lives, sometime before we die, when we understand why God created us, and where we are able to feel so much gratitude for having been created to be who we are ....
Memento etiam Domine Famulorum Famularumque Tuorum Qui Nos Praecesserunt in signo Fidei
Well, well, well. There is now evidence that Seth Rich really was the source of the DNC Emails to Wikileaks. If this is verified, it still does not mean that young Mr. Rich was necessarily murdered by vengeful Democrat apparatchiks, but at least we now know that it was not a Russian hack.
(N.B., if you can find an international Internet connection that can upload data at the rates detected (22.6 MB/sec, or 181 Mbits/sec) you please let me know.
Ellen Ratner will deny, isikoff was sold these magic beans by the prosecutor Deborah sine (miss tangent wasnt available) they arent going onto another limb.
Fun fact ---- me and Seinfeld both spent the first semester away at school in the same dormitory at the same university
(Scales Hall, at Oswego State - different years, but same place)
back in the day
He was dumped by some girl and, according to his bio, he went to the library and sat in a corner and wept
I spent time at that library, in my three short years at SUNY Oswego
I never shed a tear in that library
But I know exactly what it looked like
Look, we were all poor kids, nobody gave a fuck if we would be successful in life if we were not super energetic but there was this weird vibe around the SUNY campuses, they treated you well for not much money
of course it was a disaster for almost all of us
we could have stayed in our home towns and could have spent those lost years at SUNY campuses , back home, with people who knew us and cared about us
but that was not how it worked we were the forgotten ones the unrespected ones I remember
we were encouraged to "go to a SUNY campus upstate"
fucking sad
I wish someone had said hey you do not need to go a few hundred miles away to some mediocre university at a young age
but nobody cared about any of us enough to say that
“Well, well, well. There is now evidence that Seth Rich really was the source of the DNC Emails to Wikileaks. If this is verified, it still does not mean that young Mr. Rich was necessarily murdered by vengeful Democrat apparatchiks, but at least we now know that it was not a Russian hack.”
“For a solid month in early 2017, Fox News, and host Sean Hannity in particular, obsessively covered the death of Seth Rich, a young staffer for the Democratic National Committee. There was a strong chance, according to Hannity, that Rich was the person behind the massive leak of DNC e-mails during the 2016 presidential election, and if that's true, then isn't it very suspicious that he was killed on the street shortly thereafter. During one of his nightly broadcasts, Hannity called it "the single biggest fraud, lies, perpetrated on the American people by the media and the Democrats in our history."
This version of the story of Rich's death, the version that strongly implies that Hillary Clinton had a hand in the revenge killing of a DNC staffer, is unfounded. In fact, Fox was forced to retract their reporting on it, and Rich's family even sued Fox, claiming that reporter Malia Zimmerman and Ed Butowsky, a frequent Fox News guest, intentionally fabricated the story to make Rich seem like the person responsible for the leaked e-mails.
That seemed to be the end of it. But the Rich case turns out to be much more deliberate than that. In an extensive new piece out on Tuesday, Yahoo News reports that the story actually originated as part of a Russian disinformation campaign. Per Yahoo News:
Russia’s foreign intelligence service, known as the SVR, first circulated a phony “bulletin”—disguised to read as a real intelligence report—about the alleged murder of the former DNC staffer on July 13, 2016, according to the U.S. federal prosecutor who was in charge of the Rich case. That was just three days after Rich, 27, was killed in what police believed was a botched robbery while walking home to his group house in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C., about 30 blocks north of the Capitol. From there the story started popping up on small blogs, citing Russian intelligence. Over the next two and a half years, the Russian government–owned media organizations RT and Sputnik ran multiple stories suggesting that Rich had provided leaked DNC e-mails to WikiLeaks.
At the same time, online trolls working in St. Petersburg, Russia, for the Internet Research Agency (IRA)—the same shadowy outfit that conducted the Russian social media operation during the 2016 election—aggressively boosted the conspiracy theories. IRA-created fake accounts, masquerading as those of American citizens or political groups, tweeted and retweeted more than 2,000 times about Rich, helping to keep the bogus claims about his death in the social media bloodstream, according to an analysis of a database of Russia troll accounts by Yahoo News.”
Poor sad Inga. Seth Rich was actually murdered. Which means nothing to poor sad. Because Russians!
In Inga's small Russians under ever bed mind, she still thinks Russians stole the election from wonderful entitled Hillary. So Inga goes along with the leftwing mocking of Seth Rich's murder. She swallows whole, still, the Rachel-Russian under every bed conspiracy lie.
“After the 2016 election, Ecuador, which was hosting Assange in their London embassy, hired a Spanish company to look into this question and to assess his true loyalties. Their report has been obtained by CNN.
These stunning details come from hundreds of surveillance reports compiled for the Ecuadorian government by UC Global, a private Spanish security company, and obtained by CNN. They chronicle Assange’s movements and provide an unprecedented window into his life at the embassy. They also add a new dimension to the Mueller report, which cataloged how WikiLeaks helped the Russians undermine the US election.
An Ecuadorian intelligence official told CNN that the surveillance reports are authentic.
The security logs noted that Assange personally managed some of the releases “directly from the embassy” where he lived for nearly seven years. After the election, the private security company prepared an assessment of Assange’s allegiances. That report, which included open-source information, concluded there was “no doubt that there is evidence” that Assange had ties to Russian intelligence agencies.
According the report, in the critical month of June 2016, Assange had “at least seven meetings…with Russians and others with Kremlin ties, according to the visitor logs.” He also had “five meetings that month with senior staffers from RT, the Kremlin-controlled news organization.” One of those meetings should be of particular interest:
In June 2016, RT’s London bureau chief, Nikolay Bogachikhin, visited Assange twice, and gave him a USB drive on one occasion, according to the surveillance reports. That five-minute visit was hastily arranged and required last-minute approval from the Ecuadorian ambassador.
The report also details extensive in-person meetings with two hackers in the June-July timeframe, and the following information is particularly interesting:
The trio of hackers — Assange, Müller-Maguhn and Fix — then gathered on July 14 for more than four hours, according to the security logs. The special counsel’s report indicates that on this date, Russian hackers posing as Guccifer 2.0 sent encrypted files to WikiLeaks, with the title “big archive.”“
Days later, on July 18, while the Republican National Convention kicked off in Cleveland, an embassy security guard broke protocol by abandoning his post to receive a package outside the embassy from a man in disguise. The man covered his face with a mask and sunglasses and was wearing a backpack, according to surveillance images obtained by CNN.
The security company saw this unfold on surveillance footage and recommended that the guard be replaced. But the Ecuadorian government kept him on the job.
On that same day, according to the Mueller report, WikiLeaks informed the Russian hackers that it had received the files and was preparing to release them soon. It’s not clear if these incidents are related, and the contents of the package delivered to the embassy are unknown.
The outlines of what happened are really coming into focus. Assange was clearly working in close coordination with the Kremlin and Russian state-sponsored media. It’s implausible that he didn’t know the provenance of the hacked material. It seems clear that he was a knowing and key part of Russia’s effort to throw the election to Trump.
This is a completely different kind of activity than exposing governmental or elite wrongdoing. It is siding with a foreign and hostile intelligence agency and government against one American political party. This is not something that can be justified on the basis of WikiLeaks’ supposed principles.“
When Assange compromised the names, personnel records and operations of us intelligence agencies the left was fine with it, when It came to one pols dirty laundry then they got scruples. And then they reverted witn the Panama paradise and Dubai papers.
We want to update you on a story you first saw on FOX 5 DC. We want to make an important clarification on claims that were made by Rod Wheeler
Wheeler, the private investigator hired by Seth Rich's family, whose services are being paid for by a third party.
What he told FOX 5 DC on camera Monday regarding Seth Rich's murder investigation is in clear contrast to what he has said over the last 48 hours. Rod Wheeler has since backtracked.
In an interview Monday, Wheeler told FOX 5 DC he had sources at the FBI confirming there was evidence of communication between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks. This is the verbatim of that exchange:
FOX 5 DC: “You have sources at the FBI saying that there is information...”
WHEELER: "For sure..."
FOX 5 DC: “...that could link Seth Rich to WikiLeaks?"
WHEELER: "Absolutely. Yeah. That's confirmed."
In the past 48 hours, Rod Wheeler has told other media outlets he did not get his information from FBI sources, contradicting what he told us on Monday.
Since Rod Wheeler backtracked Tuesday, FOX 5 DC attempted incessantly to communicate with him, but he didn't return calls or emails.
On Wednesday, just before our newscast, Wheeler responded to our requests via a telephone conversation, where he now backtracks his position and Wheeler characterizes his on-the-record and on-camera statements as "miscommunication."
When asked if Wheeler is still working for Seth Rich's family, Wheeler told FOX 5 DC the contract still stands-- ties have not been severed.
We reached out once again to the Rich family, and through a spokesperson the Rich family tells FOX 5 DC, "The family has relayed their deep disappointment with Rod Wheeler's conduct over the last 48 hours, and is exploring legal avenues to the family."
Why is there so Little money spent on presidential elections compared, for example, to annual ad budgets for McDonalds, Coke, or Anheuser-Busch? Hypothesis one: decreasing marginal utility of political ads. Hypothesis two: the difference between candidates of party R and party D matters so little to bottom lines that further expenditure is not warranted.
1. Lectured Mitt Romney that the 80's wanted their foreign policy back when Romney said Russia was our enemy.
2. Promised on video tape more flexibility to the Russian president after the election.
3. Did everything in his power to cut US domestic fossil fuel production and bolster oil prices for his ally Putin.
4. Started numerous wars in the ME for his ally Putin overturning several regimes opposed to Russia.
5. Shipped cash to Russia's ally Iran illegally without the consent of congress.
6. Signed specific agreements for Uranium mined in North America to be shipped to Russia.
All of that changed in one night when Hillary, who took 145 million dollars straight from Putin's oligarchs, lost an election and needed a scapegoat.
Especially since we learned that Hillary and Obama team up with the Russians to destabilize our legally elected president including paying numerous foreign agents to build more than one fake dossier.
After all of that Inga says Ecuador determined Assange was a Russian agent.
Well Obama grew up surrounded by left sympathizers in his family, including Frank Marshall davis who was a stalinist, only exception was his stepfather who had killed communists in the Indonesian army, he left the least inpression.
He was halberstam source that shaped such events as the diem coup:
Ecuador was firmly in the Russian Cuba Venezuela axis, now it's more in chinas although the IMF came up with an emurgency passage when they kicked Assange out
The DJT supporters (like Althouse) are supposed to say that DJT agrees w/ the libs. IOW, yur supposed to pretend that y'all don't support getting rid of the four POCs. Y'all just want them to go on a vacation, and then come back w/ wisdom and/or a photo w/ a dead trophy.
Now, yur saying it's not good for the libs since the libs said it's not good for POTUS to say POCs should leave America (something y'all used to deny he said.)
Option 1: DJT didn't say POCs get out -- he only suggested a temporary trip for them, hence the libs are screwed cause DJT actually said that he wants the POCs in America. So, everyone, on all sides, supports these four being free in America. (This is the BS Althouse was pushing on us): IOW racism is not popular.
Option 2: DJT did say POCs get out -- so the libs are screwed cause they oppose racism, but America doesn't want these POCs here cause they're the opposite of MAGA. Only the libs want these four usurper POCs to have the rights that only Real Americans deserve, and DJT sussed out the lib's support of equal rights for POCs.
Cortez has been supportive of the Maduro regime, Omar browbeat Abrams over his support of efforts to crush leftist guerillas in central America, tlaib can be counted to cheer Hamas and pressley follows suit.
Raise your hand if you are looking forward to the lefties claiming Amy Coney Barrett led a Rape Gang for 20 years after she is nominated to the SC by Trump in 2021.
I have to admit, the dems embracing open borders/MS13, infanticide, ISIS-supporting congress-woman who married her own brother and committed Tax Fraud all the while antifa stars are gunned down attacking federal facilities and Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden re-launches "If you like your doctor you can keep your dictor" under his "new" health care proposals was a "bold" set of moves.
'...But revolutionary carnivores are rarely sated. Once they run out of easy hostile targets—and they have with the collapse of the Mueller hoax and all the other impeachment melodramas—they get hungry and as cannibals start to eye their own.
We have already seen that autophagy in the initial primary debates in which all the major Democratic presidential candidates—Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Robert O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren—shouted out the most outlandish agendas possible in a desperate effort to ensure that no rival could possibly pose more to their left.
Poor, condemned Joe Biden renounced almost everything he once believed in and yet still was reduced metaphorically to screaming for his life on the guillotine stage that he was a revolutionary after all! Had Biden in his first debate only yelled back at his attacker, Harris, “If you really want the return of federally mandated busing of school children, then go out and run on busing and see where it gets you!”
The candidates, of course, were the cleaned-up versions of their handy Jacobin street fighters, the thugs of Antifa, the motley remnants of Occupy Wall Street, the loud ranks of Black Lives Matter, and the assorted provocateurs who inhabit the activist groups and most college campuses, and who do the dirty work of kicking incorrect enemies out of restaurants, stalking conservatives, beating up journalists, shouting down speakers, swarming the homes of incorrect politicians and newscasters, and taking over coffee shops and intersections.
All the while, Pelosi, Schumer, and a host of old Democrats enjoyed the new energy that was directed against the evil Trump. To revolutionary cheers, one million illegal aliens crossed the border in the first six months of 2019. The media-leftwing-celebrity nexus sought to devour Trump through impeachment, law suits, evocation of the Emoluments Clause, the Logan Act, and the 25th Amendment, the unleashing of special counsel Mueller, the pathetic coup attempts of a discredited FBI, and the circus of Stormy Daniels, Michael Avenatti, Michael Cohen, and Jeffrey Epstein.
Once all these efforts to destroy Trump failed, so too waned superficial revolutionary solidarity. After all, the subtext of the new revolutionary progressive party was that a changing demography brought on by open borders, a new diversity chauvinism, and the suicidal tendencies of a supposed shrinking, embittered and white working class had permanently changed America. A series of identity candidates would both follow in the footsteps of Barack Obama, and also make him look tame in comparison, in the way the Black Panthers, H. Rap Brown, and Stokely Carmichael once used to mock the “appeasement” of Martin Luther King, Jr.
In the manner that Robespierre and his Committee of Public Safety guillotined naïve Girondists, so too, “the Squad” of Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) are now damning Nancy Pelosi as a racist. No matter that just hours earlier Pelosi herself had called Donald Trump a racist who wanted to turn away all nonwhite people at the border simply because they were nonwhite.'
Lucien said... Why is there so Little money spent on presidential elections compared, for example, to annual ad budgets for McDonalds, Coke, or Anheuser-Busch? Hypothesis one: decreasing marginal utility of political ads. Hypothesis two: the difference between candidates of party R and party D matters so little to bottom lines that further expenditure is not warranted.
7/15/19, 10:01 PM"
Why spend any money at all on standard agencies ads when the Russians will work for next to nothing and they get real results? Heck why would anyone spend money on conventional ads of any kind when the Russians are unbelievably effective and cheap? Corporate Boards of Directors should be firing senior managers and officers for squandering the shareholder's equity on ad agencies instead of hiring the Russians. Maybe Putin should send all major advertisers his card with the logo " Dirty deeds done dirt cheap". "We get success".
The intelligence assessment was a big promotional brochure for rt, as it was for progozhin (you know hos hard it is to stand out in a city with 300 oligarchs)
Now his other project the Wagner corps was obliterated outside deir era zour near the Iraqi border with Syria, they sent some units to Libya and the sudan
If Trump had listened to the Civility Watch Republicans, Rep Ilhan Omar would never have taken a press conference where she:
1) refused to condemn the Antifa terrorist attack on ICE 2) refused to clarify whether she supports ISIS 3) proclaimed that Muslims should not be asked to denounce Islamic terrorist attacks
This is why the GOP Cucks were always in an orderly retreat on their Surrender Gracefully Tour: if you never take the field, you never force your enemy to make an Own Goal.
This is why we are never going back to the Failure Theater of McCain and Romney, post-Trump.
I read a funny joke yesterday, refine it for your liberal friends:
Late October, 2020.
A time-traveler appears in Bill Kristol's study. Brimming with hope, Bill pleads with the man: "Please tell me! Is Trump going to be re-elected President?"
The time-traveler responds: "Which Trump do you mean?"
That "squad" press conference was something else. If you haven't seen it, find it and watch it. Besides the repeated debunked lies in their statements, their answers/non-answers to the press were damning to any decent American. Yes, make these four women the face of the Democrat party. Keep talking, ladies. Keep talking. Please!
"It’s not clear if these incidents are related, and the contents of the package delivered to the embassy are unknown.” - Lead Pipe Cinch!
"This is a completely different kind of activity than exposing governmental or elite wrongdoing.” Yeah, it’s getting the truth about Democrat wrongdoing, unforgiveable.
Read Inga’s cut and paste and it’s all more four flushing.
Madame Secretary [Hillary Clinton] - Harvey was hopeful that you would see his great interview with President Clinton last night!
Forwarded message:
Dear Capricia,
Not sure if you were able to catch my interview with President Clinton last night on Piers Morgan Tonight. Do you think calling Secretary Clinton the greatest Secretary of State of all time shows just a touch of my bias? Pres. Clinton is incredible. I hope our current president, who is as busy as can be, gets to see it. I did my best to flatten Romney in a cool kind of way, and talked about how Donald Trump was uncool was the least I could do. Below is a link in case you missed it. Piers Morgan Tonight: Harvey Weinstein Interviews President Bill Clinton [link]
All my best, Harvey [Weinstein]
It’s really really bad for democracy that we know that the above letter was written!
"But does the term nonsensical really mean what we think it does? Robert Cook takes a look back and, with just a dash of sophistry, causes us to pause and consider that it all may just depend on what the definition of is is."
"Tune in, 2AM as always, at the Gaslight Workshop. We take liberties with rhetoric that would make even Aristophanes blush! Just remember to bring a pint for your Thought Leader!"
"Fail? Does the term carry an undue stigma? Benjamin Franklin failed. Thomas Edison failed. Even Thanos, the Mad Titan failed. So failure can be more readily perceived as a patriarchal and systemic affirmation that one is actually striding in the company of great people.
For instance, some might claim that Venezuela is a failure, but is it really? It's people are finally returning back to harmony with Mother Earth, sometimes even inside her, as they take that long and well-deserved rest, a rendezvous with Eternity.
So remember, it's not necessarily a failure to fail."
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I hope you don't get basil sill carcinoma
In other news:
This image's frame should be squared-up re the horizontal crosspieces re the windows.
Likewise, re the pic before this one, re Althouse's photo stream: that image should be made plumb w/ the vertical edge of the door.
Details r make r break.
Unfortunately, the remains of Charles Levin, who played the Mohel on the Seinfeld episode The Bris, have been found somewhere in Oregon. RIP
And, btw re the image re the sign re the stream re identity politics (which I know Althouse already highlighted): I have personally seen dozens of those in Seattle. Maybe more than thirty.
Incl in places where houses cost many millions.
When I saw Althouse's consternation bait re this, I assumed MadTown is less lib than our conurbation. IOW, maybe these signs are less common there.
I dunno.
Reminds me to go water the herbs.
A couple of bushels of the stuff and you can make a cup of pesto.
Shame about Charles levin.
"A couple of bushels of the stuff and you can make a cup of pesto."
Stick it in the freeze to feed Meade if that gal's gota leave.
I’ll eat almost anything with basil.
Maybe mayor yulin is organizing this:
And, btw re the image re the sign re the stream re identity politics (which I know Althouse already highlighted): I have personally seen dozens of those in Seattle. Maybe more than thirty.
Incl in places where houses cost many millions.
Must be all the Californians I read about, invading other states to turn them blue. Def not native born.
tcrosse - I hope he did not die painfully, that it was just a simple heart attack while on a walk in the fields.
Seinfeld, the show, seems like it was not all that long ago, but the internet tells us that somewhere near 80 or 90 guest actors and actresses who had speaking roles on Seinfeld have passed away.
80 or 90!
I would have guessed 20 or so at most ....
I am not a huge Seinfeld fan but he gave a lot of work to lots and lots of older comedians, out of the goodness of his heart, God bless him for that.
Hence the rather large count of comedians who (a) appeared on Seinfeld and (b) have passed away ...
There is a moment in each of our lives, sometime before we die, when we understand why God created us, and where we are able to feel so much gratitude for having been created to be who we are ....
Memento etiam Domine Famulorum Famularumque Tuorum Qui Nos Praecesserunt in signo Fidei
Ipsis, et Omnibus in Christo Quiescentibus
Locum Refrigerium, Lucis et Pacis
ut indulgeas, deprecamur
Well, well, well. There is now evidence that Seth Rich really was the source of the DNC Emails to Wikileaks. If this is verified, it still does not mean that young Mr. Rich was necessarily murdered by vengeful Democrat apparatchiks, but at least we now know that it was not a Russian hack.
(N.B., if you can find an international Internet connection that can upload data at the rates detected (22.6 MB/sec, or 181 Mbits/sec) you please let me know.
A good portion were older character actors, I gather wasnt lloyd bridges one at the end?
Quite a list:
"I gather wasnt lloyd bridges one at the end?"
Yes. Seinfeld is mind boggling as to the number of recurring characters they created, family and neighborhood people.
Ellen Ratner will deny, isikoff was sold these magic beans by the prosecutor Deborah sine (miss tangent wasnt available) they arent going onto another limb.
Purty funny and impressive control
Some guy loads a drone with bottle rockets and disperses annoying party goers
Fun fact ---- me and Seinfeld both spent the first semester away at school in the same dormitory at the same university
(Scales Hall, at Oswego State - different years, but same place)
back in the day
He was dumped by some girl and, according to his bio, he went to the library and sat in a corner and wept
I spent time at that library, in my three short years at SUNY Oswego
I never shed a tear in that library
But I know exactly what it looked like
Look, we were all poor kids, nobody gave a fuck if we would be successful in life if we were not super energetic
but there was this weird vibe around the SUNY campuses, they treated you well for not much money
of course it was a disaster for almost all of us
we could have stayed in our home towns and could have spent those lost years at SUNY campuses , back home, with people who knew us and cared about us
but that was not how it worked we were the forgotten ones
the unrespected ones
I remember
we were encouraged to "go to a SUNY campus upstate"
fucking sad
I wish someone had said hey you do not need to go a few hundred miles away to some mediocre university at a young age
but nobody cared about any of us enough to say that
We believe science is real, and reporters always get it exactly right!
“The Photo Adorning The Economist's Article on Jeffrey Epstein Features the Billionaire Not With Bill Clinton But With Donald Trump”
Because, journalism.
“Well, well, well. There is now evidence that Seth Rich really was the source of the DNC Emails to Wikileaks. If this is verified, it still does not mean that young Mr. Rich was necessarily murdered by vengeful Democrat apparatchiks, but at least we now know that it was not a Russian hack.”
Hahahahaha, what gullible fools you people are.
“For a solid month in early 2017, Fox News, and host Sean Hannity in particular, obsessively covered the death of Seth Rich, a young staffer for the Democratic National Committee. There was a strong chance, according to Hannity, that Rich was the person behind the massive leak of DNC e-mails during the 2016 presidential election, and if that's true, then isn't it very suspicious that he was killed on the street shortly thereafter. During one of his nightly broadcasts, Hannity called it "the single biggest fraud, lies, perpetrated on the American people by the media and the Democrats in our history."
This version of the story of Rich's death, the version that strongly implies that Hillary Clinton had a hand in the revenge killing of a DNC staffer, is unfounded. In fact, Fox was forced to retract their reporting on it, and Rich's family even sued Fox, claiming that reporter Malia Zimmerman and Ed Butowsky, a frequent Fox News guest, intentionally fabricated the story to make Rich seem like the person responsible for the leaked e-mails.
That seemed to be the end of it. But the Rich case turns out to be much more deliberate than that. In an extensive new piece out on Tuesday, Yahoo News reports that the story actually originated as part of a Russian disinformation campaign. Per Yahoo News:
Russia’s foreign intelligence service, known as the SVR, first circulated a phony “bulletin”—disguised to read as a real intelligence report—about the alleged murder of the former DNC staffer on July 13, 2016, according to the U.S. federal prosecutor who was in charge of the Rich case. That was just three days after Rich, 27, was killed in what police believed was a botched robbery while walking home to his group house in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C., about 30 blocks north of the Capitol.
From there the story started popping up on small blogs, citing Russian intelligence. Over the next two and a half years, the Russian government–owned media organizations RT and Sputnik ran multiple stories suggesting that Rich had provided leaked DNC e-mails to WikiLeaks.
At the same time, online trolls working in St. Petersburg, Russia, for the Internet Research Agency (IRA)—the same shadowy outfit that conducted the Russian social media operation during the 2016 election—aggressively boosted the conspiracy theories. IRA-created fake accounts, masquerading as those of American citizens or political groups, tweeted and retweeted more than 2,000 times about Rich, helping to keep the bogus claims about his death in the social media bloodstream, according to an analysis of a database of Russia troll accounts by Yahoo News.”
If anybody knows about aggressively boosting conspiracy theories, it’s Inga.
The economist is the kind of trash bagehot would regret having come up with.
Souter was almost killed one morning while jogging
that was downplayed
The only surviving cast member from the old Hogans Heroes sitcom is the guy who played a French resistance member
Would you be surprised if I said he actually had been in the Resistance back in the day?
Actually the justice department admitted there was no such connection, unlike say fusion GPS that traded on Russian dezinforma.
Robert clary he died in 97, he survived the holocaust.
Correction, his wife did, imagine surviving that experience, then recreating it 20 years later.
Poor sad Inga.
Seth Rich was actually murdered.
Which means nothing to poor sad. Because Russians!
In Inga's small Russians under ever bed mind, she still thinks Russians stole the election from wonderful entitled Hillary. So Inga goes along with the leftwing mocking of Seth Rich's murder. She swallows whole, still, the Rachel-Russian under every bed conspiracy lie.
tony* basil !
it's so fine, it blew my mind !!
*adj. fashionable among wealthy or stylish people.
I'd blame spetznaz, but they haven't been very good at hitting their targets lately.
Seth Rich was never actually murdered. It was a figment the Russians for Trump imagination.
They had witnesses, got a suspect, those are tell tale signs you've even worked on the case.
Seth Rich, Democrat and whistle blower - just happened to be "killed" in a "botched robbery." Perfect timing!
But - Russians did steal the election for Trump. Even though Hillary would have made the perfect fod-poodle for her petrol pal Poot.
Meanwhile the new Ukrainian prime minister got around to firing the ambassador who was colluding with the dnc.
Poor stupid gullible Trump Cultists. Seriously folks, aren’t you embarrassed?
Isikoff who not only bought steeles lie, but got confirmation from winer who was actually representing Russian interests
We are all embarrassed for you, Rachel. I mean, Inga.
Hahahahaha, man you people are dumb.
“After the 2016 election, Ecuador, which was hosting Assange in their London embassy, hired a Spanish company to look into this question and to assess his true loyalties. Their report has been obtained by CNN.
These stunning details come from hundreds of surveillance reports compiled for the Ecuadorian government by UC Global, a private Spanish security company, and obtained by CNN. They chronicle Assange’s movements and provide an unprecedented window into his life at the embassy. They also add a new dimension to the Mueller report, which cataloged how WikiLeaks helped the Russians undermine the US election.
An Ecuadorian intelligence official told CNN that the surveillance reports are authentic.
The security logs noted that Assange personally managed some of the releases “directly from the embassy” where he lived for nearly seven years. After the election, the private security company prepared an assessment of Assange’s allegiances. That report, which included open-source information, concluded there was “no doubt that there is evidence” that Assange had ties to Russian intelligence agencies.
According the report, in the critical month of June 2016, Assange had “at least seven meetings…with Russians and others with Kremlin ties, according to the visitor logs.” He also had “five meetings that month with senior staffers from RT, the Kremlin-controlled news organization.” One of those meetings should be of particular interest:
In June 2016, RT’s London bureau chief, Nikolay Bogachikhin, visited Assange twice, and gave him a USB drive on one occasion, according to the surveillance reports. That five-minute visit was hastily arranged and required last-minute approval from the Ecuadorian ambassador.
The report also details extensive in-person meetings with two hackers in the June-July timeframe, and the following information is particularly interesting:
The trio of hackers — Assange, Müller-Maguhn and Fix — then gathered on July 14 for more than four hours, according to the security logs. The special counsel’s report indicates that on this date, Russian hackers posing as Guccifer 2.0 sent encrypted files to WikiLeaks, with the title “big archive.”“
“Then there is this:
Days later, on July 18, while the Republican National Convention kicked off in Cleveland, an embassy security guard broke protocol by abandoning his post to receive a package outside the embassy from a man in disguise. The man covered his face with a mask and sunglasses and was wearing a backpack, according to surveillance images obtained by CNN.
The security company saw this unfold on surveillance footage and recommended that the guard be replaced. But the Ecuadorian government kept him on the job.
On that same day, according to the Mueller report, WikiLeaks informed the Russian hackers that it had received the files and was preparing to release them soon. It’s not clear if these incidents are related, and the contents of the package delivered to the embassy are unknown.
The outlines of what happened are really coming into focus. Assange was clearly working in close coordination with the Kremlin and Russian state-sponsored media. It’s implausible that he didn’t know the provenance of the hacked material. It seems clear that he was a knowing and key part of Russia’s effort to throw the election to Trump.
This is a completely different kind of activity than exposing governmental or elite wrongdoing. It is siding with a foreign and hostile intelligence agency and government against one American political party. This is not something that can be justified on the basis of WikiLeaks’ supposed principles.“
Except there is no actual proof the hack came from Russia because the bureau never looked at the servers, they palmed it off to crowdatrike.
When Assange compromised the names, personnel records and operations of us intelligence agencies the left was fine with it, when It came to one pols dirty laundry then they got scruples. And then they reverted witn the Panama paradise and Dubai papers.
It's ok to publish purloined documents only If you dont like the target.
Oh you poor gullible fools.
We want to update you on a story you first saw on FOX 5 DC. We want to make an important clarification on claims that were made by Rod Wheeler
Wheeler, the private investigator hired by Seth Rich's family, whose services are being paid for by a third party.
What he told FOX 5 DC on camera Monday regarding Seth Rich's murder investigation is in clear contrast to what he has said over the last 48 hours. Rod Wheeler has since backtracked.
In an interview Monday, Wheeler told FOX 5 DC he had sources at the FBI confirming there was evidence of communication between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks. This is the verbatim of that exchange:
FOX 5 DC: “You have sources at the FBI saying that there is information...”
WHEELER: "For sure..."
FOX 5 DC: “...that could link Seth Rich to WikiLeaks?"
WHEELER: "Absolutely. Yeah. That's confirmed."
In the past 48 hours, Rod Wheeler has told other media outlets he did not get his information from FBI sources, contradicting what he told us on Monday.
Since Rod Wheeler backtracked Tuesday, FOX 5 DC attempted incessantly to communicate with him, but he didn't return calls or emails.
On Wednesday, just before our newscast, Wheeler responded to our requests via a telephone conversation, where he now backtracks his position and Wheeler characterizes his on-the-record and on-camera statements as "miscommunication."
When asked if Wheeler is still working for Seth Rich's family, Wheeler told FOX 5 DC the contract still stands-- ties have not been severed.
We reached out once again to the Rich family, and through a spokesperson the Rich family tells FOX 5 DC, "The family has relayed their deep disappointment with Rod Wheeler's conduct over the last 48 hours, and is exploring legal avenues to the family."
Dang - Muller and his crack pot team must have missed all that.
When Assange compromised the names, personnel records and operations of us intelligence agencies the left was fine with it...
Indeed. But never let go that Russians stole the election from poor poor poor Hillary.
Why is there so Little money spent on presidential elections compared, for example, to annual ad budgets for McDonalds, Coke, or Anheuser-Busch?
Hypothesis one: decreasing marginal utility of political ads.
Hypothesis two: the difference between candidates of party R and party D matters so little to bottom lines that further expenditure is not warranted.
23% of immigrants in US are here illegally
Try Assange for publishing secrets, but the times, the post the guardian Spiegel in the Sam's docket, that would be fair game.
Nobody knows what Ecuador knows.
It is illegal to embarrass the Clintons.
and Podesta, the evil vampire, he's just a moron with an easy to crack password. Only a total moron uses "password" as a password.
fishing expedition. But that's OK - the Kremlin sees all. RUSSIANS! KREMLIN!
Nevermind the giant pink GOOGLE in the room.
Worst Russian pawn evarr:
Who spent the money from the Russians on lousy art, and the bratva didn't come and pay him a visit.
In the 30s through the 50s, there were Soviet agents in the state agriculture commerce in the company, even an assistant to drew Pearson,
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Hahahahaha, man you people are dumb.
We went from Obama who:
1. Lectured Mitt Romney that the 80's wanted their foreign policy back when Romney said Russia was our enemy.
2. Promised on video tape more flexibility to the Russian president after the election.
3. Did everything in his power to cut US domestic fossil fuel production and bolster oil prices for his ally Putin.
4. Started numerous wars in the ME for his ally Putin overturning several regimes opposed to Russia.
5. Shipped cash to Russia's ally Iran illegally without the consent of congress.
6. Signed specific agreements for Uranium mined in North America to be shipped to Russia.
All of that changed in one night when Hillary, who took 145 million dollars straight from Putin's oligarchs, lost an election and needed a scapegoat.
Especially since we learned that Hillary and Obama team up with the Russians to destabilize our legally elected president including paying numerous foreign agents to build more than one fake dossier.
After all of that Inga says Ecuador determined Assange was a Russian agent.
You are just a piece of shit Inga.
Ecuador already was tied to Cuba and to Chavez,
Well Obama grew up surrounded by left sympathizers in his family, including Frank Marshall davis who was a stalinist, only exception was his stepfather who had killed communists in the Indonesian army, he left the least inpression.
Of course maraniss, whose bio conveniently came out in 2012, had far left affiliations in his family tree,
For 50 years, they outright denied that alger hiss had been one, groomed to be secretary of state, maybe president down the road.
Trump checkmates Democrats and MSM by sacrificing four pawns HaHa!
Of course rubbottom and Weiland had more ambiguous ties, but their damage was just the same.
He was halberstam source that shaped such events as the diem coup:
Hoax Dossier/Hoax Collusion Truther Cultist Inga: "Oh you poor gullible fools."
What an absolutely perfect way to end the day...with the biggest hoax conspiracy Truther attempting and faiing to lecture everyone else!
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Inga! The last person in the western world to still believe in the debunked hoax dossier!!
Go ahead, just ask her!!
So. Much. Winning.
Yet I am not tired of all.
Inga is still clearly reeling from the SDNY announcement.
So much disappointment for Inga!
OrangeManBad!!!!!!...yet he persists.
Ecuador was firmly in the Russian Cuba Venezuela axis, now it's more in chinas although the IMF came up with an emurgency passage when they kicked Assange out
FYI FullM,
The DJT supporters (like Althouse) are supposed to say that DJT agrees w/ the libs. IOW, yur supposed to pretend that y'all don't support getting rid of the four POCs. Y'all just want them to go on a vacation, and then come back w/ wisdom and/or a photo w/ a dead trophy.
Now, yur saying it's not good for the libs since the libs said it's not good for POTUS to say POCs should leave America (something y'all used to deny he said.)
Option 1: DJT didn't say POCs get out -- he only suggested a temporary trip for them, hence the libs are screwed cause DJT actually said that he wants the POCs in America. So, everyone, on all sides, supports these four being free in America. (This is the BS Althouse was pushing on us): IOW racism is not popular.
Option 2: DJT did say POCs get out -- so the libs are screwed cause they oppose racism, but America doesn't want these POCs here cause they're the opposite of MAGA. Only the libs want these four usurper POCs to have the rights that only Real Americans deserve, and DJT sussed out the lib's support of equal rights for POCs.
Let me know when y'all settle on yur option.
Cortez has been supportive of the Maduro regime, Omar browbeat Abrams over his support of efforts to crush leftist guerillas in central America, tlaib can be counted to cheer Hamas and pressley follows suit.
Raise your hand if you are looking forward to the lefties claiming Amy Coney Barrett led a Rape Gang for 20 years after she is nominated to the SC by Trump in 2021.
No they'll try a new tact for her, witch burning or something
S(h)itter thinks POC is the only distinguishing quality of those 4.
I have to admit, the dems embracing open borders/MS13, infanticide, ISIS-supporting congress-woman who married her own brother and committed Tax Fraud all the while antifa stars are gunned down attacking federal facilities and Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden re-launches "If you like your doctor you can keep your dictor" under his "new" health care proposals was a "bold" set of moves.
Lets see if it pays off for them Cotton!
Toughest question for a dem to answerin DC tonight: Do you support Al Qaeda?
Tough, tough, tough!!
Epic rant by Victor Davis Hanson:
Of Progressive Carnivores and Cannibals
'...But revolutionary carnivores are rarely sated. Once they run out of easy hostile targets—and they have with the collapse of the Mueller hoax and all the other impeachment melodramas—they get hungry and as cannibals start to eye their own.
We have already seen that autophagy in the initial primary debates in which all the major Democratic presidential candidates—Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Robert O’Rourke, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren—shouted out the most outlandish agendas possible in a desperate effort to ensure that no rival could possibly pose more to their left.
Poor, condemned Joe Biden renounced almost everything he once believed in and yet still was reduced metaphorically to screaming for his life on the guillotine stage that he was a revolutionary after all! Had Biden in his first debate only yelled back at his attacker, Harris, “If you really want the return of federally mandated busing of school children, then go out and run on busing and see where it gets you!”
The candidates, of course, were the cleaned-up versions of their handy Jacobin street fighters, the thugs of Antifa, the motley remnants of Occupy Wall Street, the loud ranks of Black Lives Matter, and the assorted provocateurs who inhabit the activist groups and most college campuses, and who do the dirty work of kicking incorrect enemies out of restaurants, stalking conservatives, beating up journalists, shouting down speakers, swarming the homes of incorrect politicians and newscasters, and taking over coffee shops and intersections.
All the while, Pelosi, Schumer, and a host of old Democrats enjoyed the new energy that was directed against the evil Trump. To revolutionary cheers, one million illegal aliens crossed the border in the first six months of 2019. The media-leftwing-celebrity nexus sought to devour Trump through impeachment, law suits, evocation of the Emoluments Clause, the Logan Act, and the 25th Amendment, the unleashing of special counsel Mueller, the pathetic coup attempts of a discredited FBI, and the circus of Stormy Daniels, Michael Avenatti, Michael Cohen, and Jeffrey Epstein.
Once all these efforts to destroy Trump failed, so too waned superficial revolutionary solidarity. After all, the subtext of the new revolutionary progressive party was that a changing demography brought on by open borders, a new diversity chauvinism, and the suicidal tendencies of a supposed shrinking, embittered and white working class had permanently changed America. A series of identity candidates would both follow in the footsteps of Barack Obama, and also make him look tame in comparison, in the way the Black Panthers, H. Rap Brown, and Stokely Carmichael once used to mock the “appeasement” of Martin Luther King, Jr.
In the manner that Robespierre and his Committee of Public Safety guillotined naïve Girondists, so too, “the Squad” of Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez(D-N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) are now damning Nancy Pelosi as a racist. No matter that just hours earlier Pelosi herself had called Donald Trump a racist who wanted to turn away all nonwhite people at the border simply because they were nonwhite.'
Lucien said...
Why is there so Little money spent on presidential elections compared, for example, to annual ad budgets for McDonalds, Coke, or Anheuser-Busch?
Hypothesis one: decreasing marginal utility of political ads.
Hypothesis two: the difference between candidates of party R and party D matters so little to bottom lines that further expenditure is not warranted.
7/15/19, 10:01 PM"
Why spend any money at all on standard agencies ads when the Russians will work for next to nothing and they get real results? Heck why would anyone spend money on conventional ads of any kind when the Russians are unbelievably effective and cheap? Corporate Boards of Directors should be firing senior managers and officers for squandering the shareholder's equity on ad agencies instead of hiring the Russians. Maybe Putin should send all major advertisers his card with the logo " Dirty deeds done dirt cheap". "We get success".
The intelligence assessment was a big promotional brochure for rt, as it was for progozhin (you know hos hard it is to stand out in a city with 300 oligarchs)
Now his other project the Wagner corps was obliterated outside deir era zour near the Iraqi border with Syria, they sent some units to Libya and the sudan
Geez, Inga stinks of desperation and gin. Wisconsin is the drunkest state in the Union. Thanks to Inga doing her part.
Time to start throwing cats, Inga.
When have you been right about anything the last three years?
And you have neither the brainpower or honesty to recognize that.
Anybody, besides me, planning on hitting the Wisconsin state Fair in a couple weeks?
Maybe a meet-up? There are a few commenters who also aren't too far away from Milwaukee from what I gather.
Just a thought.
Party at Inga's place
(AYCE sour grapes)
Geez, Inga stinks of desperation and gin.
Inga stares with glassy eyes, defies the empty page
Her hair is white, her face is lined and streaked with tears of rage
Thirty years ago how the words would flow with passion and precision
But now her mind is dark and dulled by sickness and indecision
And she stares out the kitchen door, where the sun will rise no more
You are just a piece of shit Inga
Althouse needs to sell t-shirts on her Amazon portal.
If Trump had listened to the Civility Watch Republicans, Rep Ilhan Omar would never have taken a press conference where she:
1) refused to condemn the Antifa terrorist attack on ICE
2) refused to clarify whether she supports ISIS
3) proclaimed that Muslims should not be asked to denounce Islamic terrorist attacks
This is why the GOP Cucks were always in an orderly retreat on their Surrender Gracefully Tour: if you never take the field, you never force your enemy to make an Own Goal.
This is why we are never going back to the Failure Theater of McCain and Romney, post-Trump.
I read a funny joke yesterday, refine it for your liberal friends:
Late October, 2020.
A time-traveler appears in Bill Kristol's study. Brimming with hope, Bill pleads with the man: "Please tell me! Is Trump going to be re-elected President?"
The time-traveler responds: "Which Trump do you mean?"
Althouse needs to sell t-shirts on her Amazon portal.
She made it into the Madison Downfall parody.
Only a total moron uses "password" as a password.
Oh it's even more delicious than that.
He used "p@ssword"
He must have thought he was SO clever.
That "squad" press conference was something else. If you haven't seen it, find it and watch it. Besides the repeated debunked lies in their statements, their answers/non-answers to the press were damning to any decent American. Yes, make these four women the face of the Democrat party. Keep talking, ladies. Keep talking. Please!
I'm reading that Nancy Pelosi wants House resolution to condemn certain Tweeter personality.
I hope Republican with gumption if any can be found should invite victim statement from those injured.
Who will take the mantle?
VDH misses that this leftward competition is for the women's vote.
“no doubt that there is evidence” - Bwa ha ha!
"It’s not clear if these incidents are related, and the contents of the package delivered to the embassy are unknown.” - Lead Pipe Cinch!
"This is a completely different kind of activity than exposing governmental or elite wrongdoing.” Yeah, it’s getting the truth about Democrat wrongdoing, unforgiveable.
Read Inga’s cut and paste and it’s all more four flushing.
Madame Secretary [Hillary Clinton] - Harvey was hopeful that you would see his great interview with President Clinton last night!
Forwarded message:
Dear Capricia,
Not sure if you were able to catch my interview with President Clinton last night on Piers Morgan Tonight. Do you think calling Secretary Clinton the greatest Secretary of State of all time shows just a touch of my bias? Pres. Clinton is incredible. I hope our current president, who is as busy as can be, gets to see it. I did my best to flatten Romney in a cool kind of way, and talked about how Donald Trump was uncool was the least I could do. Below is a link in case you missed it. Piers Morgan Tonight: Harvey Weinstein Interviews President Bill Clinton [link]
All my best, Harvey [Weinstein]
It’s really really bad for democracy that we know that the above letter was written!
rhh and VDH misses that the lefty lurch is also for the Millennial vote. 83 Million Millennials versus 75 Million Boomers
"Toughest question for a dem to answerin DC tonight: Do you support Al Qaeda?"
Why, Al Qaeda is as American as Scrapple and illegal invasions of other countries!
Why America Is Just As Bad As Al Queda, a deconstructionism by Robert Cook.
Paid for by The American Marxist Party
"We'd go back home but we wrecked it"
"Paid for by The American Marxist Party"
A nonsensical non-sequitur. Fail.
"But does the term nonsensical really mean what we think it does? Robert Cook takes a look back and, with just a dash of sophistry, causes us to pause and consider that it all may just depend on what the definition of is is."
"Tune in, 2AM as always, at the Gaslight Workshop. We take liberties with rhetoric that would make even Aristophanes blush! Just remember to bring a pint for your Thought Leader!"
"Are nonsensical non-sequiturs really so bad? A thought experiment in 3 parts"
The rest of the story:
"Fail? Does the term carry an undue stigma? Benjamin Franklin failed. Thomas Edison failed. Even Thanos, the Mad Titan failed. So failure can be more readily perceived as a patriarchal and systemic affirmation that one is actually striding in the company of great people.
For instance, some might claim that Venezuela is a failure, but is it really? It's people are finally returning back to harmony with Mother Earth, sometimes even inside her, as they take that long and well-deserved rest, a rendezvous with Eternity.
So remember, it's not necessarily a failure to fail."
- The Gaslight Workshop
Find me a Marxist country where people flock to live. The nearest one to us has snipers on boats to shoot swimmer escapees.
- Alan Turing, who cracked the German military code in WWII and invented the Turing Test...
- That's how you know when you're pregnant
Armstrong and Getty
No, that proves whether you're a bot or a real person
I love fresh basil.
Inga doesn't think or reason, just posts what others think - under the mistaken impression that we care what reporters report.
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