So some guy with a rifle and "incendiary" devices attacks an ICE detention center in Washington.
He has joined the ranks of the non-breathing.
What are the odds that Democrats/liberals/leftists who've been demonizing ICE for the last several months, but in particular the last several days, will be held accountable for their disgusting rhetoric?
Now, imagine if this was somebody from the right. It will be interesting to see how this gets covered in the media but I'm laying odds that it will be short, swift, and NEXT. Just like the violent lefty softball shooter who tried to kill those Republican congressmen.
A new world’s record for the mile by women runners was set last week Sifan Hassan of Netherlands ran it in 4:12.33. This was just slightly slower than the mile ran by Finnish man Paavo Nurmi in 1925 (4:12). The current men’s mile record was set 20 years ago 3:43.13 by Hicham El Guerrouj of Morocco. Now that men are permitted to run in women’s races, we should expect the women’s record to drop precipitously over the next few years, and the 30 second difference between men’s and women’s records should be reduced significantly.
“I was sitting at my computer, and all of a sudden, it went down,” said Eddie Borges, a former Daily News reporter who lives in a 44-story building on W. 55th St.
Schmucky Schumer hangs out w/sex predators and accepts their donations
Schumer's former chief counsel Preet Bharara had all this case evidence for years that Epstein is charged with, and Preet was the US Attorney for the SDNY from August 13, 2009 – March 11, 2017 and did nothing while this predator operated in his backyard
Lots of campaign donations from Epstein. $23,000 worth of them, the max he could legally give, every year.
Chuckies's friend Cyrus Vance Jr. letting Epstein operate all these years in his backyard, isn't he the Manhattan District Attorney who he endorsed yearly?
Friend Harvey Weinstein sex predator donated yearly
Bill Cosby--predator/donor to Schumer and Clintons
Oh, dont forget Carlos Danger-Weiner, YOUR PROTEGE
Was Chuckie being blackmailed by NXIVM? They had the financial records of six federal judges and Sen. Charles E. Schumer according to the court records.
The NYT writes about a party at Jeffrey Epstein's house attended by, among others, Chelsea Handler and Woody Allen and his wife, Soon-Yi Previn. The spacey Ms. Handler recalls having asked Woody Allen and Soon-Yi, "So how did the two of you meet?"
Now that men are permitted to run in women’s races, we should expect the women’s record to drop precipitously over the next few years, and the 30 second difference between men’s and women’s records should be reduced significantly.
That's an interesting sentence. Men are going to bring the women's records in line with the men's records. But still call them women's records, even though they will be broken by men.
In 10 years will female athletics be dead? And it all started with Title IX demanding equal funding for women's college athletics? How did it ever morph into their destruction?
“I was sitting at my computer, and all of a sudden, it went down,” said Eddie Borges, a former Daily News reporter who lives in a 44-story building on W. 55th St. You sure he didn't just try and play and play a flash video?
Just like he covered for Madoff, till the walls came tumbling down, just like he provoked a run on indy bank in California that Mnuchin had to work fast so it wouldn't capsize
Saw the video of Tyler Skaggs' mother throwing the first pitch in the Angels' first home game since his death. She threw it from the mound and it was a strike. Emotional moment and a fine arm, too. Tyler's Mom
I dont doubt it, you look at not only bhaara but khuzaimi at the sec, didnt really target any major players except sac Cohen who was no one in the big scheme of things
Fen asks: "In 10 years will female athletics be dead? And it all started with Title IX demanding equal funding for women's college athletics? How did it ever morph into their destruction?"
I don't think it's title IX so much as the glorification of trans-sexuality. I agree title IX creates an incentive for a man who is a strong, but not "world class", athlete to discover that he is actually a woman trapped inside a man's body and use that discovery to compete against women. But without the social order that accepts "self-identification" of sex as inarguable, title IX, would provide the incentive without providing the means to cross the boundary.
The verifications on this blog are a pain. Sometimes you have to go through 3-4 pictures Xing out storefronts - Eastern Europe I think. Tapping the box with the bicycles until the bikes disappear. Wtf
Last night sojourn Into scifi reminded of an interest alt history v-s day by Allen steele, it has Goddard enlisted by the airforce to fight von Braun's attempt for a space borne attack on america.
will "Deep Fakes" be used as an excuse if photos/videos surface re: epstein and his friends/targets, aside from these CD's?
"...his butler said that his computer was full of underage sex. What has been highly speculated around Epstein is that his underage parties were used as a source of income against the wealthy and elite. His island and homes were known to have hidden cameras as well as having a tech person fly from New Albany, Ohio to his home in Florida to maintain the computers. New Albany is where the man who made him, Lesley Wexner, hails from and he has also been accused of being with underage girls. With the latest indictment as well, there were disks in his safe titled “Young [Name] + [Name]” indicating a potential source of blackmail. This could be the answer as to how he has made his money. It is a pretty simple scheme: Invite someone over, have a drugs and alcohol, wait for them to do something stupid, and have them pay to keep it a secret.
Thinking about it further, this would be more powerful as a defensive measure for Epstein and company. If they had the ability, they could cry, “that is a Deep Fake video.” What is good is that if the computer was handed over in 2007, the material would predate Deep Fake Technology. What is also good is the seizure of the CD’s from Epstein’s safe is now in federal custody which means there are no more means for it to possibly be tampered."
I keep forgetting the quote, something about "the more your local officials talk about things like Climate Change, the less you can expect in basic city services like water, sewers and roads". I guess we can add power to that.
To be fair, I'm not sure his presence would have prevented the blackout or gotten power restored more quickly, but the optics are bad:
"Where in the world is @BilldeBlasio?🔌🤷🏼♀️
Oh, that’s right...he is in Iowa.🌽
You can keep him Iowa. 🙄
Motel 6 does a better job of keeping the lights on."
"In 10 years will female athletics be dead? And it all started with Title IX demanding equal funding for women's college athletics? How did it ever morph into their destruction?"
Pretty standard outcome for all leftist ideas when they get taken seriously. If you want to ruin something, get leftists or feminists involved in making it more fair. And, these stupid changes cannot be fixed. You cannot un-ring these bells. Maybe they ruin pedophilia now that it's so well connected with the left's powerful people - their "elites".
Now with the violent wing of the left engaging it's enimies, we can look forward to a great 2020. Hey losers, the 60's called, and they want their social strife back. All we need is some decent music.
I thought it was awesome that Trump came to Pelosi's defense about Occasional Cortex calling her a racist, and just a day after Pelosi said Trump wants to make America White again. That would never never happen the other way around, despite the fact that the charges at both of them were equally baseless. Trump just has a lot more class than his enimies. When he said "you can grab them by the pussy", at least he was talking about adult women, and when he brings a younger woman to the White House for sex, at least he marries her first, and doesn't need to use a cigar to satisfy her.
It got up to 114 today at my home in Vegas. The pool water is amazing about 90 deg. Like a Jacuzzi, and when you get out of the water, there is no chill, no reaching for a towel. It's all just warm and delicious summer heat. The house is nice and cool, when you want that, but we are all just spending most of our time outside in the heat which is still around 95- 100 at night. It's very soothing and relaxing, a dry heat. We sit and talk and play games in the pool all night. it's heaven right now. Hey, I just noticed: I probably should get a bra.
There's a tiny hole in the Epstein Blackmail Operation theory.
Assume the Epstein had sex tapes to blackmail lots of very important officials and politicians.
Assume that Epstein also had some kind of deadman's switch, ie. if he should suddenly be killed in an "accident", all the tapes would be released. Just to keep his blackmail victims from trying to murder him.
But Russia has mastered the Honey Pot Trap, and it stands to reason their intelligence networks would be aware of Epstein's game.
What was Russia's goal in that last election? To sow chaos. And what better way than to assassinate Epstein and have those tapes released during the election?
How about 2020 when those two guys running as girls in Connecticut make the women's Olympics team.
And note how that destroys the transexual's own argument - if their is no difference between genders, how come no women have been able to pose as men, sneak into men's sports, and break men's records?
@Fen said ... What was Russia's goal in that last election? To sow chaos. And what better way than to assassinate Epstein and have those tapes released during the election?
Are you proposing identical game matrix ? for Trump wins v Hillary wins
I'm not following what you mean.
My understanding is that the evidence reveals the Russians were not attempting to help one candidate over the other, but to hurt both and sow discontent.
Although maybe I'm committing a fallacy - there could be dozens of reasons for Russia NOT to do that, reasons I can't even imagine.
But still... that's a very dangerous game for Epstein to play. And wasn't he some kind of genius with math? He would know the odds were that some agency or individual would find a motivation to trip any dead man's switch he had in place.
"I was in Vegas, once poolside in may, and I already felt like an ant under a magnifying glass."
We all feel that. It's the aliens.
Funny story. In 5th grade I would walk home half a block from school. On my way, on the other side of the street, lived a girl I had a crush on. I could see the wooden shutters inside her window as I walked home every day.
One day I got a strange vibe I was being watched. And felt it came from her window. So I would stare back across the street as I walked past her house. Then I grew self-conscious about it, and every day became an ordeal of being disciplined to NOT look in the direction I felt eyes staring at me.
Turns out, early on in this little drama, she had seen me glace at her widow one afternoon and every day after she would camp out in her window and watch me from behind the blinds to see if I really was trying to look in her window from across the street.
So I WAS right ALL ALONG about the weird feeling of being watched, and my efforts to determine if someone was watching me confirmed HER suspicion I was trying to watch for her.
Oh, we did hook up in high school 6 years later, but kept it discreet because she was a year ahead and that would have been social death to be dating an underclassmen her senior year.
Passed a farm near Dekalb, Il that had an older style Beetle parked/on display that was completely painted as a US flag. At first, I thought it was inappropriate to do up a foreign car like that..then I reconsidered it...
Spring Tide (Springfloden 2016-) (first season DVD) is good. What's with the superiority of foreign films. 430 minutes without appearing to be pointless sitcom crap like Breaking Bad. A slight tendency to cliff-hangers though.
Subtitles but I use subtitles even on British films.
Carrell (Hathaway jogs into him): Sorry. Hathaway (looks at watch): That was my last mile. I have no idea how fast it was. Carrell: You were moving. It's not easy to knock me down. I have a low center of gravity. Pretty solid. Hathaway: I'm just gonna call that one a 4:50. Carrell: Impressive. I once ran a 5:16. Hathaway: Oh, really? That's, uh, slower. Carrell: Not everything's a competition. Hathaway: Well, if it were, I'd win.
“Schumer's former chief counsel Preet Bharara had all this case evidence for years that Epstein is charged with, and Preet was the US Attorney for the SDNY from August 13, 2009 – March 11, 2017 and did nothing while this predator operated in his backyard”
Think about it for a minute. Dem Senate leader Schumer’s former staffer, the guy who put fellow Indian Dinesh D’Sousa in prison for about as long as Epstein served, but for the crime of writing books critical of Obama (and two de minimis campaign finance violations), seriously believed that he would be the one US Attorney, out of more than 70 in the country, to be retained by Trump. He had to be fired, and all but escorted out of the building by security. As that latter article pointed out, USA Bharara had enough dirt that he could have put half of Wall Street in prison because of all their financial fraud that became evident after Puerto Rico went bankrupt. Instead, Dem Sens Schumer, Blumenthal, Warren, and Feinstein authored legislation that protected the bankers and wiped out the bond holders who had been swindled. We are talking these four Senators protecting Wall Street while they defrauded school district pension plans around the country, and Bharara was their front man, the guy who protected the Dem establishment in NYC. And he seems to have had good reason to believe that he could continue doing so under Republican Trump.
We are talking about massive, unprecedented, corruption. The world monetary capital, NYC, is run as a private fiefdom by a small group of insiders, who do whatever they want, and allow anyone who gives them enough vigorish to do whatever they want, regardless of who else in the city, country, or even world, is injured. If anyone ever wonders why Schumer is the Dem Senate leader - that is the answer - he likely controls more political money than anyone else in Congress, because he represents Manhattan, where huge amounts of money from all around the world is churned. (Feinstein and Pelosi are close behind him, representing the Silicon Valley billionaires).
As a note - I found it interesting that Fauxhauntis Warren had joined the august group of corrupt Senators pushing the PROMESA mentioned above. I think that we can see from that where a lot of her support is coming from (Wall Street). Soon after coming to the Senate, she seems to have seen where the really serious money was, and did what it took to join up, to get her share. And is why she may be one of the most dangerous Dem candidates for President.
Let me add the obvious - Trump fired the Manhattan/Wall Street cabal’s hand picked federal protector, former USA Preet Bharara, and in response, their hand picked local prosecutor, DA Cyrus Vance, Jr is going after Trump for all that he is worth, with, among other things, demanding his tax returns. And their hand picked governor pushed and signed into law legislation that opens up Trump’s NY tax returns to the Dems in Congress. These people play very dirty, and very hard. They play to win at any cost.
“It's less an identity test than an intelligence test”
Not even that. Really. I think that they must be using some sort of automated shape recognition, because I just failed their test. I was asked to pick the pictures with busses. There were two. I picked them. Nope. Needed to find one more. Closest thing was an RV that was as blocky as a bus. That was the trick. Humans familiar with both probably rarely have a problem distinguishing them apart. For one thing, their coloration is usually quite different. This RV was light brown, with splotches of dark brown. Probably one of the more popular RV color schemes. Making matters worse, it wasn’t a Class A motor home, the type that do look like busses, but rather the left rear side of a smaller RV.
Or, maybe that was the human test, that I would be told to pick all of something, find two of them, be told there was one more, and pick the photo that was closest, though not actually being what was asked for.
In any case, I think that the quality is declining. I went through five iterations yesterday to post one comment. My eyesight is not nearly that bad, though the resolution of the photos seem to continue to degrade. Presumably in a war against bots that are presumably increasingly good at shape identification.
Fen said: In 10 years will female athletics be dead? And it all started with Title IX demanding equal funding for women's college athletics? How did it ever morph into their destruction?
The patriarchy wins out in the end. Men will continue to take whatever steps necessary to remain at the top..... even if they have to become women.
Via Fox News – […] According to Nunes, the Russia investigation was an “obstruction of justice trap,” that started without evidence of collusion and ended in an “awful situation” that could only be fixed by jailing the people who “perpetuated this hoax.”
“These are all a bunch of dirty cops and I’ll tell you,” he told Fox News’ Bill Hemmer on the latest “Hemmer Time” podcast. “We’re going to go down in a spiral in this country because you will not have a Republican that will trust the FBI or the Department of Justice for generations to come.”
Nunes specifically mentioned Andrew Weissman, one of the Mueller team’s top prosecutors who briefed AP reporters in 2017, before Mueller’s team was assembled, on “something to do with the Trump-Russia investigation.”
Authorities, Nunes said, hid that fact from his committee — something he said was inappropriate given that Weissman was briefed on the Steele dossier in the summer of 2016.
At Mueller’s hearing, Nunes plans to ask him whether he knew that Weissmann had been briefed on the dossier. Weissmann’s early involvement with the chain of custody, according to legal advice Nunes received, effectively disqualified him from serving on Mueller’s team. (read more)
Well worth the time to listen to.
Here is one of the takeaways to keep in mind. The Republicans want to ask Mueller when did they know that there was no Russian collusion by the Trump campaign. The reason for that is that at least the House Intelligence Committee (which he headed at the time) and the Gang of Eight (of which he is still a member) knew at the time that Mueller was appointed Special Counsel, that there was no Russian Collusion by the Trump campaign. So WTF were they doing for those two years, besides preventing Congressional committees from asking about Russian Collusion (because that might interfere with an ongoing investigation- Mueller’s)?
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८० टिप्पण्या:
Karma! There is no more sexist air conditioning in the NYT Building.
Armed man tries to set fire to ICE building in Tacoma, WA.
The first shots in the civil war have been taken.
Again by the democrats.
They didn't learn the first time.
So some guy with a rifle and "incendiary" devices attacks an ICE detention center in Washington.
He has joined the ranks of the non-breathing.
What are the odds that Democrats/liberals/leftists who've been demonizing ICE for the last several months, but in particular the last several days, will be held accountable for their disgusting rhetoric?
Now, imagine if this was somebody from the right. It will be interesting to see how this gets covered in the media but I'm laying odds that it will be short, swift, and NEXT. Just like the violent lefty softball shooter who tried to kill those Republican congressmen.
Memory hole achieved.
A new world’s record for the mile by women runners was set last week Sifan Hassan of Netherlands ran it in 4:12.33. This was just slightly slower than the mile ran by Finnish man Paavo Nurmi in 1925 (4:12). The current men’s mile record was set 20 years ago 3:43.13 by Hicham El Guerrouj of Morocco. Now that men are permitted to run in women’s races, we should expect the women’s record to drop precipitously over the next few years, and the 30 second difference between men’s and women’s records should be reduced significantly.
Previous thread's emphasis on music compels me to offer this...
Good question:
NYC blackout, like you were there
“I was sitting at my computer, and all of a sudden, it went down,” said Eddie Borges, a former Daily News reporter who lives in a 44-story building on W. 55th St.
Schmucky Schumer hangs out w/sex predators and accepts their donations
Schumer's former chief counsel Preet Bharara had all this case evidence for years that Epstein is charged with, and Preet was the US Attorney for the SDNY from August 13, 2009 – March 11, 2017 and did nothing while this predator operated in his backyard
Lots of campaign donations from Epstein. $23,000 worth of them, the max he could legally give, every year.
Chuckies's friend Cyrus Vance Jr. letting Epstein operate all these years in his backyard, isn't he the Manhattan District Attorney who he endorsed yearly?
Friend Harvey Weinstein sex predator donated yearly
Bill Cosby--predator/donor to Schumer and Clintons
Oh, dont forget Carlos Danger-Weiner, YOUR PROTEGE
Was Chuckie being blackmailed by NXIVM? They had the financial records of six federal judges and Sen. Charles E. Schumer according to the court records.
The NYT writes about a party at Jeffrey Epstein's house attended by, among others, Chelsea Handler and Woody Allen and his wife, Soon-Yi Previn. The spacey Ms. Handler recalls having asked Woody Allen and Soon-Yi, "So how did the two of you meet?"
Reminder That Obama Placed Migrant Children With Human Traffickers
DNA tests reveal 30% of suspected fraudulent migrant families were unrelated
Now that men are permitted to run in women’s races, we should expect the women’s record to drop precipitously over the next few years, and the 30 second difference between men’s and women’s records should be reduced significantly.
That's an interesting sentence. Men are going to bring the women's records in line with the men's records. But still call them women's records, even though they will be broken by men.
In 10 years will female athletics be dead? And it all started with Title IX demanding equal funding for women's college athletics? How did it ever morph into their destruction?
Blogger rhhardin said...
NYC blackout, like you were there
“I was sitting at my computer, and all of a sudden, it went down,” said Eddie Borges, a former Daily News reporter who lives in a 44-story building on W. 55th St.
You sure he didn't just try and play and play a flash video?
Just like he covered for Madoff, till the walls came tumbling down, just like he provoked a run on indy bank in California that Mnuchin had to work fast so it wouldn't capsize
what do you make of this?
The real reason New York US Attorney Preet Bharara was asked to resign?
Saw the video of Tyler Skaggs' mother throwing the first pitch in the Angels' first home game since his death. She threw it from the mound and it was a strike. Emotional moment and a fine arm, too. Tyler's Mom
I dont doubt it, you look at not only bhaara but khuzaimi at the sec, didnt really target any major players except sac Cohen who was no one in the big scheme of things
They have a deep state too:
was Arlo Devlin-Brown not doing the right thing while representing Weiner?
He got a slap on the wrist, fot the penalties he could have incurred?
Picnic point?
Fen asks: "In 10 years will female athletics be dead? And it all started with Title IX demanding equal funding for women's college athletics? How did it ever morph into their destruction?"
I don't think it's title IX so much as the glorification of trans-sexuality. I agree title IX creates an incentive for a man who is a strong, but not "world class", athlete to discover that he is actually a woman trapped inside a man's body and use that discovery to compete against women. But without the social order that accepts "self-identification" of sex as inarguable, title IX, would provide the incentive without providing the means to cross the boundary.
The verifications on this blog are a pain. Sometimes you have to go through 3-4 pictures Xing out storefronts - Eastern Europe I think. Tapping the box with the bicycles until the bikes disappear. Wtf
steve you can skip them and just hit publish
Captcha is dark magic conjured up on mt doom.
A new world’s record for the mile
Amateurs. The route from my couch to my fridge identifies as 1 mile.
You laugh but this is where we are headed. First they came for biology, then math.
Last night sojourn Into scifi reminded of an interest alt history v-s day by Allen steele, it has Goddard enlisted by the airforce to fight von Braun's attempt for a space borne attack on america.
will "Deep Fakes" be used as an excuse if photos/videos surface
re: epstein and his friends/targets, aside from these CD's?
"...his butler said that his computer was full of underage sex. What has been highly speculated around Epstein is that his underage parties were used as a source of income against the wealthy and elite. His island and homes were known to have hidden cameras as well as having a tech person fly from New Albany, Ohio to his home in Florida to maintain the computers. New Albany is where the man who made him, Lesley Wexner, hails from and he has also been accused of being with underage girls. With the latest indictment as well, there were disks in his safe titled “Young [Name] + [Name]” indicating a potential source of blackmail. This could be the answer as to how he has made his money. It is a pretty simple scheme: Invite someone over, have a drugs and alcohol, wait for them to do something stupid, and have them pay to keep it a secret.
Thinking about it further, this would be more powerful as a defensive measure for Epstein and company. If they had the ability, they could cry, “that is a Deep Fake video.” What is good is that if the computer was handed over in 2007, the material would predate Deep Fake Technology. What is also good is the seizure of the CD’s from Epstein’s safe is now in federal custody which means there are no more means for it to possibly be tampered."
Well that was the weiner excuse in 2011 was it, before we knew about such technology
CAPTCHA is a bot that asks if you are also.
maybe it's lonely!
Is he a deep fake:
NYC DeBlasio caught out on campaign trail during NYC blackout.
I keep forgetting the quote, something about "the more your local officials talk about things like Climate Change, the less you can expect in basic city services like water, sewers and roads". I guess we can add power to that.
To be fair, I'm not sure his presence would have prevented the blackout or gotten power restored more quickly, but the optics are bad:
"Where in the world is @BilldeBlasio?🔌🤷🏼♀️
Oh, that’s right...he is in Iowa.🌽
You can keep him Iowa. 🙄
Motel 6 does a better job of keeping the lights on."
Yes, mayor bane is quite useless. So is Gov insulin who Wants tank girl as his secretary of state
"In 10 years will female athletics be dead? And it all started with Title IX demanding equal funding for women's college athletics? How did it ever morph into their destruction?"
Pretty standard outcome for all leftist ideas when they get taken seriously. If you want to ruin something, get leftists or feminists involved in making it more fair. And, these stupid changes cannot be fixed. You cannot un-ring these bells. Maybe they ruin pedophilia now that it's so well connected with the left's powerful people - their "elites".
Now with the violent wing of the left engaging it's enimies, we can look forward to a great 2020. Hey losers, the 60's called, and they want their social strife back.
All we need is some decent music.
I thought it was awesome that Trump came to Pelosi's defense about Occasional Cortex calling her a racist, and just a day after Pelosi said Trump wants to make America White again. That would never never happen the other way around, despite the fact that the charges at both of them were equally baseless. Trump just has a lot more class than his enimies. When he said "you can grab them by the pussy", at least he was talking about adult women, and when he brings a younger woman to the White House for sex, at least he marries her first, and doesn't need to use a cigar to satisfy her.
Just sayin'
hat tip to Trooper York.
Maybe they ruin pedophilia now that it's so well connected with the left's powerful people
lefties-- they even ruined pedophilia!
Esther Beach Park?
Oh how about that:
It got up to 114 today at my home in Vegas. The pool water is amazing about 90 deg. Like a Jacuzzi, and when you get out of the water, there is no chill, no reaching for a towel. It's all just warm and delicious summer heat. The house is nice and cool, when you want that, but we are all just spending most of our time outside in the heat which is still around 95- 100 at night. It's very soothing and relaxing, a dry heat. We sit and talk and play games in the pool all night. it's heaven right now. Hey, I just noticed: I probably should get a bra.
So that all bases are covered/cleared : can Bharara claim "not federal jurisdiction"
Does potato stay hot if nobody catches / get burned?
In 10 years will female athletics be dead?
How about 2020 when those two guys running as girls in Connecticut make the women's Olympics team.
Sounds wonderful bagoh20
We enjoyed our tropical weather day today also.
I was in Vegas, once poolside in may, and I already felt like an ant under a magnifying glass.
The 1977 blackout was on July 13th, too. Someone sabotage something?
There's a tiny hole in the Epstein Blackmail Operation theory.
Assume the Epstein had sex tapes to blackmail lots of very important officials and politicians.
Assume that Epstein also had some kind of deadman's switch, ie. if he should suddenly be killed in an "accident", all the tapes would be released. Just to keep his blackmail victims from trying to murder him.
But Russia has mastered the Honey Pot Trap, and it stands to reason their intelligence networks would be aware of Epstein's game.
What was Russia's goal in that last election? To sow chaos. And what better way than to assassinate Epstein and have those tapes released during the election?
If it was fsb but it could be any number of services, he dealt with a large number of foreign countries,
How about 2020 when those two guys running as girls in Connecticut make the women's Olympics team.
And note how that destroys the transexual's own argument - if their is no difference between genders, how come no women have been able to pose as men, sneak into men's sports, and break men's records?
"I was in Vegas, once poolside in may, and I already felt like an ant under a magnifying glass."
We all feel that. It's the aliens. They watch us incessantly. You get used to it, and they make great jerky.
@Fen said ... What was Russia's goal in that last election? To sow chaos. And what better way than to assassinate Epstein and have those tapes released during the election?
Are you proposing identical game matrix ? for
Trump wins v Hillary wins
Ok then, I thought it was just me, Vegas reminds of that line in Casablanca, 'mr Blaine why did you come to Casablanca,'
'I came for the waters'
'There a tree e no waters in casablsnca'
'I was mistaken'
Are you proposing identical game matrix ? for Trump wins v Hillary wins
I'm not following what you mean.
My understanding is that the evidence reveals the Russians were not attempting to help one candidate over the other, but to hurt both and sow discontent.
Although maybe I'm committing a fallacy - there could be dozens of reasons for Russia NOT to do that, reasons I can't even imagine.
But still... that's a very dangerous game for Epstein to play. And wasn't he some kind of genius with math? He would know the odds were that some agency or individual would find a motivation to trip any dead man's switch he had in place.
"I was in Vegas, once poolside in may, and I already felt like an ant under a magnifying glass."
We all feel that. It's the aliens.
Funny story. In 5th grade I would walk home half a block from school. On my way, on the other side of the street, lived a girl I had a crush on. I could see the wooden shutters inside her window as I walked home every day.
One day I got a strange vibe I was being watched. And felt it came from her window. So I would stare back across the street as I walked past her house. Then I grew self-conscious about it, and every day became an ordeal of being disciplined to NOT look in the direction I felt eyes staring at me.
Turns out, early on in this little drama, she had seen me glace at her widow one afternoon and every day after she would camp out in her window and watch me from behind the blinds to see if I really was trying to look in her window from across the street.
So I WAS right ALL ALONG about the weird feeling of being watched, and my efforts to determine if someone was watching me confirmed HER suspicion I was trying to watch for her.
Oh, we did hook up in high school 6 years later, but kept it discreet because she was a year ahead and that would have been social death to be dating an underclassmen her senior year.
Good thing this all happened before the SJW mobs.
@ Fen ...
My question was about gaming it before 2016 election when sowing discord could be payoff vs after election depending on who wins.
Hillary managed to disrupt Trump's first term. Does The game resets for 2020 re: Deadman switch.
Passed a farm near Dekalb, Il that had an older style Beetle parked/on display that was completely painted as a US flag.
At first, I thought it was inappropriate to do up a foreign car like that..then I reconsidered it...
'There a tree e no waters in casablanca'
'I was mistaken'
I was misinformed.
Trump Administration Wins Sanctuary City Case.
Hillary managed to disrupt Trump's first term. Does The game resets for 2020 re: Deadman switch.
Ah I see, good point.
And kinda wrecks my theory - it would be more useful to capture Epstein's blackmail vault rather than have it released all at once upon his death.
Also (Wall Street creature) SDNY may not be good custody for trove from Trump MAGA pov.
I'm getting suspicious about Barr also. He could be another insurance policy for Deep State.
Spring Tide (Springfloden 2016-) (first season DVD) is good. What's with the superiority of foreign films. 430 minutes without appearing to be pointless sitcom crap like Breaking Bad. A slight tendency to cliff-hangers though.
Subtitles but I use subtitles even on British films.
Carrell (Hathaway jogs into him): Sorry.
Hathaway (looks at watch): That was my last mile. I have no idea how fast it was.
Carrell: You were moving. It's not easy to knock me down. I have a low center of gravity. Pretty solid.
Hathaway: I'm just gonna call that one a 4:50.
Carrell: Impressive. I once ran a 5:16.
Hathaway: Oh, really? That's, uh, slower.
Carrell: Not everything's a competition.
Hathaway: Well, if it were, I'd win.
Get Smart (2008)
Can someone explain Barr doing recusal+un twirl on the Epstein case?
It may be the personal injury lawyers who bring Jeffrey Epstein and his friends and associates to justice.
(Every cloud has a silver lining - even the legal profession!)
“Picnic point?”
No. Tag is a clue.
“Schumer's former chief counsel Preet Bharara had all this case evidence for years that Epstein is charged with, and Preet was the US Attorney for the SDNY from August 13, 2009 – March 11, 2017 and did nothing while this predator operated in his backyard”
Commentary: The real reason New York US Attorney Preet Bharara was asked to resign
Think about it for a minute. Dem Senate leader Schumer’s former staffer, the guy who put fellow Indian Dinesh D’Sousa in prison for about as long as Epstein served, but for the crime of writing books critical of Obama (and two de minimis campaign finance violations), seriously believed that he would be the one US Attorney, out of more than 70 in the country, to be retained by Trump. He had to be fired, and all but escorted out of the building by security. As that latter article pointed out, USA Bharara had enough dirt that he could have put half of Wall Street in prison because of all their financial fraud that became evident after Puerto Rico went bankrupt. Instead, Dem Sens Schumer, Blumenthal, Warren, and Feinstein authored legislation that protected the bankers and wiped out the bond holders who had been swindled. We are talking these four Senators protecting Wall Street while they defrauded school district pension plans around the country, and Bharara was their front man, the guy who protected the Dem establishment in NYC. And he seems to have had good reason to believe that he could continue doing so under Republican Trump.
We are talking about massive, unprecedented, corruption. The world monetary capital, NYC, is run as a private fiefdom by a small group of insiders, who do whatever they want, and allow anyone who gives them enough vigorish to do whatever they want, regardless of who else in the city, country, or even world, is injured. If anyone ever wonders why Schumer is the Dem Senate leader - that is the answer - he likely controls more political money than anyone else in Congress, because he represents Manhattan, where huge amounts of money from all around the world is churned. (Feinstein and Pelosi are close behind him, representing the Silicon Valley billionaires).
As a note - I found it interesting that Fauxhauntis Warren had joined the august group of corrupt Senators pushing the PROMESA mentioned above. I think that we can see from that where a lot of her support is coming from (Wall Street). Soon after coming to the Senate, she seems to have seen where the really serious money was, and did what it took to join up, to get her share. And is why she may be one of the most dangerous Dem candidates for President.
Let me add the obvious - Trump fired the Manhattan/Wall Street cabal’s hand picked federal protector, former USA Preet Bharara, and in response, their hand picked local prosecutor, DA Cyrus Vance, Jr is going after Trump for all that he is worth, with, among other things, demanding his tax returns. And their hand picked governor pushed and signed into law legislation that opens up Trump’s NY tax returns to the Dems in Congress. These people play very dirty, and very hard. They play to win at any cost.
"steve you can skip them and just hit publish"
It's less an identity test than an intelligence test.
“It's less an identity test than an intelligence test”
Not even that. Really. I think that they must be using some sort of automated shape recognition, because I just failed their test. I was asked to pick the pictures with busses. There were two. I picked them. Nope. Needed to find one more. Closest thing was an RV that was as blocky as a bus. That was the trick. Humans familiar with both probably rarely have a problem distinguishing them apart. For one thing, their coloration is usually quite different. This RV was light brown, with splotches of dark brown. Probably one of the more popular RV color schemes. Making matters worse, it wasn’t a Class A motor home, the type that do look like busses, but rather the left rear side of a smaller RV.
Or, maybe that was the human test, that I would be told to pick all of something, find two of them, be told there was one more, and pick the photo that was closest, though not actually being what was asked for.
In any case, I think that the quality is declining. I went through five iterations yesterday to post one comment. My eyesight is not nearly that bad, though the resolution of the photos seem to continue to degrade. Presumably in a war against bots that are presumably increasingly good at shape identification.
Fen said: In 10 years will female athletics be dead? And it all started with Title IX demanding equal funding for women's college athletics? How did it ever morph into their destruction?
The patriarchy wins out in the end. Men will continue to take whatever steps necessary to remain at the top..... even if they have to become women.
I probably should get a bra.
I think Seinfeld called it a bro.
I think Seinfeld called it a bro.
Kramer called it a man-siere. There was a fine scene when George's Mom walks in on Frank Costanza trying one on.
@ Bruce Hayden :
If you're able to see your name and email address near the comment box / Captcha then just hit publish.
Do not go through Captcha cycle.
Report what transpires!
“It's less an identity test than an intelligence test”
Yep. If you don't ignore it, you've flunked.
Ok, here goes. Just hitting transmit.
Seemed to work. Is reCAPTCHA broken, or has it always worked this way?
CAPTCHA has been a No Op button for a long, long time.
Interesting PodCast linked to at CTH: Devin Nunes Has a Warning for AG Bill Barr: Without Prosecutions None “will trust the FBI or DOJ for generations”…
Via Fox News – […] According to Nunes, the Russia investigation was an “obstruction of justice trap,” that started without evidence of collusion and ended in an “awful situation” that could only be fixed by jailing the people who “perpetuated this hoax.”
“These are all a bunch of dirty cops and I’ll tell you,” he told Fox News’ Bill Hemmer on the latest “Hemmer Time” podcast. “We’re going to go down in a spiral in this country because you will not have a Republican that will trust the FBI or the Department of Justice for generations to come.”
Nunes specifically mentioned Andrew Weissman, one of the Mueller team’s top prosecutors who briefed AP reporters in 2017, before Mueller’s team was assembled, on “something to do with the Trump-Russia investigation.”
Authorities, Nunes said, hid that fact from his committee — something he said was inappropriate given that Weissman was briefed on the Steele dossier in the summer of 2016.
At Mueller’s hearing, Nunes plans to ask him whether he knew that Weissmann had been briefed on the dossier. Weissmann’s early involvement with the chain of custody, according to legal advice Nunes received, effectively disqualified him from serving on Mueller’s team. (read more)
Well worth the time to listen to.
Here is one of the takeaways to keep in mind. The Republicans want to ask Mueller when did they know that there was no Russian collusion by the Trump campaign. The reason for that is that at least the House Intelligence Committee (which he headed at the time) and the Gang of Eight (of which he is still a member) knew at the time that Mueller was appointed Special Counsel, that there was no Russian Collusion by the Trump campaign. So WTF were they doing for those two years, besides preventing Congressional committees from asking about Russian Collusion (because that might interfere with an ongoing investigation- Mueller’s)?
I've never used that stupid feature.
Seemed to work. Is reCAPTCHA broken, or has it always worked this way?
It broke just last week and will now always work this way.
(trust me, you'll be much happier if you just believe that)
It is valuable information Thanks For sharing keep sharing.
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