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At last, it's Muellerday.
ADDED: I watched for the first 40 minutes, then bailed. Too much yelling by congresspersons. Too much stammering and "will you repeat the question" from Mueller. Mueller's testimony is the report. He's said that before and he's saying it again, over and over. With such a dull central character, the theatrical routine is boring and annoying.
५०८ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 508 पैकी 401 – 508I mean, I'm sure after everything the left and Democrats are saying about Mueller's cognitive abilities after today, I'll be sure to believe that the problem started only after he wrote his damning report.
When Mueller claimed to not know what GPSFusion was, I knew he was senile- you don't lie about something like that- he really didn't know, and you only don't know that if you don't really know anything about the thing you are investigating.
I hope the Senate judiciary committee subpoenas Weissmann, but I doubt they will. I know the Democrats won't subpoena him because he won't serve their purposes being an open Clinton supporter. If Mueller had been a long term Democrats rather than a described Republican, he wouldn't have been called today either.
MSNBC contributor and former Obama administration official Jeremy Bash said Robert Mueller's appearance before the House Judiciary Committee "sucked the life out of the report" and "set back" efforts to impeach President Donald Trump.
Bash made the comments Wednesday on MSNBC between Mueller's two testimonies.
"I have to say that far from breathing life into the report, he kind of sucked the life out of the report," Bash said in a video posted by the GOP War Room. "I thought he was boring. I thought in some cases he was sort of evasive, he didn't want to explain or expand on his rationale. He seemed lost at times, he was kind of flipping through the report trying to find passages that members of Congress were reading to him." - Washington Free Beacon
We all know that MSNBC is rife with pro-Trump apologists.
Hey, look. Politico managed to fit in one of their favorite words when a Republican pushes back forcefully: "Predictably, the Trump camp pounced on the narrative, pushing the notion that Mueller was out of touch in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways — and backing up their allegations that a biased team behind the special counsel did all the heavy lifting."
"Many Democrats saw the conservatives’ quick attacks on Mueller’s demeanor as a pre-planned strategy." -- In which they managed to recruit such Conservative stalwarts as Michael Moore and David Axelrod.
You don't really have to "pounce" on roadkill. You can just walk leisurely up to it- it ain't going anywhere.
Trump camp pounced on the narrative, pushing the notion that Mueller was out of touch in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways — and backing up their allegations that a biased team behind the special counsel did all the heavy lifting."
Mueller was not expah, err expuh..expulcated from that allegation.
Mueller forgets that it was Ronald Reagan who first appointed him to a federal job.
He looks like a guy you would take the car keys from, and sell the car, and hire a full time nurse if you couldn’t watch him every minute.
It doesn’t matter what his political affiliations are, he OBVIOUSLY didn’t run the investigation. The curtain is pulled back and it’s pretty clear that Mueller has forgotten a lot of whatever he used to know.
Yeah; the more I read this and re-read transcripts/watch parts, I kind of feel like my "Even Mueller doesn't know what Mueller knows" was kind of too dickish a joke for the circumstances.
Matt Sablan - heh. So tired.
Corrupt democrats get caught. MSM spins "Republicans pounce!"
You can set your watch to it.
Predictably, Politico used the “Republicans pounced” formulation.
Maybe Rachael Maddow can take him for a walk to get soft serve ice cream every afternoon, and tuck him in for his nap.
I never trusted Mueller.
1st, when the liberal MSM constantly, endlessly, and repeatedly say you're a "life-long Republican", warning flags should go up. Judge Walsh was a "Life Long republican" so was Justice Stevens and Justice Souter, James Comey and Andrew McCaabe. So was Bill Kristol who is now rooting for Joe Biden.
2nd - The Democrats/MSM kept talking about how "Honorable" he was AND a war hero. Shades of John McCain.
3rd. - Comey was his big pal. And we know what a lying weasel he turned out to be. Honorable men don't pal around with lying weasels. Or appoint them to their legal team.
"Can anyone tell me what's in the report?
Meuller? Anyone??"
Non-ferrous Meuller -- he's lost his mettle
Now, we know why Mueller kept out of the spotlight for 2 years. He's a senile old coot, who's delegated everything to his liberal/Democrat subordinates!
According to PBS Mueller big regret was he could never interview Trump under oath. Y'see there were so many "inconsistencies" and if only he could have grilled him for a couple of hours he would have FINALLY DISCOVERED THE TRUTH. Without this 2 hour interview, Mueller had to make due with a two volume 900 page report that took 2 years. Sad.
If I tuned into Maddow’s show tonight, it would be more of a cringe watch than a hate watch. The only hate watching I do is of the New York Yankees.
readering is upset.
Royal ass Inga abides.
Too funny.
Mueller - Conspiracy and Collusion are totally different dude!
Congressman - Uh, you say they're synonymous on Page 185 of your report.
Mueller - Really? Well, I guess I should have read the report before I came here.
Oh dear. Looks like Chuck Todd(D) isn't happy with the optics for his party, the democratics.
His biggest regret is not interviewing Trump, not somehow failing to capture the person who stole and used Powers credentials to break into high security government systems and obtain private data on American citizens?
Guy has got his priorities, I guess.
Optics... for times when the truth just won't do.
this may have been addressed before,
Mueller had failed at his job. Figureheads aren't asked to do much. Just be "honorable" stay out of the spotlight and when the report/investigation is over, APPEAR to be a credible leader. You don't actually be it, but you have to play one on TV.
Mueller failed. The liberals should have just hired a good actor. What about Gene Hackman?
I get the feeling that Mueller was spending most of time watching Matlock reruns and letting someone else run the investigation.
well as the assistant us attorney in boston, under weld, where he helped cover up barboza's crimes, blaming them on two men who died in prison, that's probably right,
Mueller: "We don't use the word collusion."
I'm curious -- if Mueller claims to not know who Fusion GPS is or the Steele Dossier -- who wrote the report, and why if he doesn't know these basic facts, should we believe him that Trump "welcomed" interference from Russians?
Lawyer Who Represented the Aide Who Destroyed Hillary Clinton's Cell Phones Sits With Mueller
During former special counsel Robert Mueller's testimony on Wednesday, Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.) took Mueller to task over the personal relationships between the special counsel's team and the political opponent of the candidate under investigation. He asked about the Mueller team members who attended Hillary Clinton's campaign parties, represented her and her staff in court, and contributed heavily to her campaign.
The most eye-opening question involved Aaron Zebley, a lawyer Mueller actually brought with him to the hearing before the House Judiciary Committee.
"Aaron Zebley, the guy sitting next to you, represented Justin Cooper, a Clinton aide who destroyed one of Clinton’s mobile devices," Armstrong noted. Fact check: True.
“Just another busted scene....
From the land of broken dreams...” - Night Life - Willie Nelson.
rcocean said...
"According to PBS Mueller big regret was he could never interview Trump under oath. Y'see there were so many "inconsistencies" and if only he could have grilled him for a couple of hours he would have FINALLY DISCOVERED THE TRUTH. Without this 2 hour interview, Mueller had to make due with a two volume 900 page report that took 2 years. Sad."
At the point Mueller requested the interview with Trump they had already concluded there was no collusion. The correct question was what was the purpose of an interview?
Mueller didn't write the report. His bitches, ho's and junkies did. They are all butthurt Hillary Klansmen.
Spare a moment for the guy who got the Mueller tattoo on his back..
He’s in denial.
On the strength of this bullshit witch hunt, a true believer took a weapon and shot up a baseball practice, after ranting about Trump’s treason, mouthing the words of Maddow.
To the Democrats and wishful thinking Liberals (Inga), if this is even possible, Mueller was a worse witness than Blasey Ford.
“The correct question was what was the purpose of an interview?”
Mueller’s only honest answer would be “I have no clue."
FBI records reveal that "Cooper did recall two instances where he destroyed Clinton's old mobile devices by breaking them in half or hitting them with a hammer." This news about Clinton's destroyed cell phones, along with other reports about the computer getting destroyed, inspired Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas)'s hilarious Office Space-style political ad in 2016.
Zebley's connection to Clinton arguably should have led him to recuse himself from the investigation into whether Donald Trump and his campaign conspired with Russia in the 2016 election. Yet he was far from alone.
"The correct question was what was the purpose of an interview?"
And the correct answer is: Perjury Trap.
““It is definitely embarrassing,” a 45-year-old Mueller aficionado told The Times. “It’s a drag knowing there are people out there who are gloating.””
If your schadenboner lasts more than four hours....
Mueller apparently testified his investigation was not "curtailed, stopped or hindered" in any way. So... why would Trump be charged with obstruction when he leaves his office?
Props to whoever it was wrote that Maria-Pia and Mischa are trying to locate Mueller's home address. That was fucking brilliant.
After hemming and hawing — asking for clarification and again asking who made the statement — Mueller finally responded that he did not fire Strzok because he was concerned about the appearance of bias in the investigation. Instead, Mueller said Strzok was transferred.
Armstrong also asked about Andrew Weissman, a DOJ lawyer who attended Clinton's election night party. The congressman also mentioned an email Weissman wrote to Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates saying, "I am so proud and in awe," after Yates refused to enforce Trump's ban on travel to countries of terror concern, often demonized as the "Muslim ban."
When asked about this email, Mueller responded, "I'm not going to talk about that." When asked whether that email shows a conflict of interest, Mueller added, "Not going to talk about that."
"Are you aware that Miss Jeannie Rhee represented Hillary Clinton in litigation regarding personal emails originating from Clinton’s time as secretary of State?" Armstrong pressed.
"Yes," Mueller admitted. Yet he insisted he did not know about Rhee's role before she joined his team.
"And you must be aware by now that six of your lawyers donated $12,000 directly to Hillary Clinton? I’m not even talking about the $49,000 they donated to other Democrats, just the donations to the opponent who was the target of the investigation," Armstrong pressed.
so much hackery and bullshit. The left is full-on corrupt.
“Zebley's connection to Clinton arguably should have led him to recuse himself from the investigation into whether Donald Trump and his campaign conspired with Russia in the 2016 election.”
Instead, he was running it “day to day” per Mueller today, of course who knows what that means given Mueller’s obvious incapacity.
@ Matt Sablan
Mueller apparently testified his investigation was not "curtailed, stopped or hindered" in any way. So... why would Trump be charged with obstruction when he leaves his office?
Because - "says so." = all the dems have left.
Its incredible that 2 FUCKING YEARS later, we are still talking about this Trump Russian crap. NO Democrat AG would have EVER recused himself and no Democrat Deputy AG would've given a bunch of partisan Republicans a blank check to investigate their President. Only the R's are this stupid.
That Goddamn Sessions was biggest most worthless AG EVER. He only had two answers to everything: 1) Refuse to help Trump and 2) Offer to Resign.
“So... why would Trump be charged with obstruction when he leaves his office?”
Pour decourager les autres.
Other people might run as a Republican and try to really win.
Remember Eric Holder, scandal goalie.
This wasn’t even a fucking scandal for the Trump administration. This was one more Obama era scandal. The biggest scandal I can remember in my lifetime, and the press won’t touch it because they are in it up to their necks, just like Wikileaks showed us.
Putin couldn’t have scripted what the Democrats have done better to undermine faith in American democracy. What would the Democrats have done any different if Putin were their puppet master?
"NO Democrat AG would have EVER recused himself and no Democrat Deputy AG would've given a bunch of partisan Republicans a blank check to investigate their President."
-- Given Obama DID fire an IG who was looking a bit too close to the imperial presidency, I seriously think Mueller and Comey both would have been fired if they had dared investigate a President Clinton in this manner.
"why would Trump be charged with obstruction when he leaves his office?"
In real life, people don't get convicted of obstructing investigations when THERE IS NO CRIME. And President's can fire who they like - in the Aminstration. They can shut down any DoJ investigation or ask that the Investigation team get a new leader. Otherwise, any low level DoJ flunky could start an investigation of the President any time they wished and the POTUS - nor anyone else -could do anything about it.. because it'd "Obstruction of Justice".
You can't blame your boss for "Obstructing Justice" when he fires you and keeps the investigation going.
While I'm sure you could find a jury to convict Trump of shooting Kennedy, I wonder if a judge would really agree to hear a case on obstruction when Mueller has testified he was not in anyway obstructed.
"In real life, people don't get convicted of obstructing investigations when THERE IS NO CRIME."
-- I don't believe this is true; if your company is being investigated due to financial irregularities, and so you lie to investigators and destroy some emails to hide an affair with the secretary, even if your company did nothing illegal, I'm pretty sure you'll find some obstruction and associated charges coming your way.
Is AAT a Ruskie plant or is he seriously that enthusiastic? He's like the goto loop from hell
“ Is AAT a Ruskie plant “
Everybody drink!
Matt Sablan said...
Yeah; the more I read this and re-read transcripts/watch parts, I kind of feel like my "Even Mueller doesn't know what Mueller knows" was kind of too dickish a joke for the circumstances.
7/24/19, 6:14 PM
Given that this douche not only prosecuted Trump's NSA and campaign workers with unprecedented viciousness, and covered up the obvious crimes of Hillary Clinton, he deserves so much worse. So let's get crackin'. I'm sure leftoids would say "but but he's lawful authority," which was the attitude that got Hebrews herded into cattle cars. Which Ilhan Omar hardly disapproves of. The past circles around to the future.
Howard is sad tonight.
Matt Sablan,
And then the Supreme Court reverses 9-0 like they did to Weissmann.
Matt Sablan said...
Mueller apparently testified his investigation was not "curtailed, stopped or hindered" in any way. So... why would Trump be charged with obstruction when he leaves his office?
7/24/19, 6:48 PM
See General Augusto Pinochet. Trump's crime, effectively standing up to the Democrats, is much worse. Yet I am grateful, because without rabid insanity President Trump might be persuaded to accommodate his enemies instead of slaughter them.
wwww said...
"Chuck where are you? "Inga where are you?" "What do you think" "I want to hear what you think!" "I want to dialogue/argue/interact with you!" "Where are you!?!"
"What, you're here? We told you to go away!"
The two responses are inconsistent.
7/24/19, 6:57 PM
If I bring up their argument, it's primarily to dispose of common arguments the left always makes. But only to a point: Media Matters is too smarmy and pathologically deceptive to pay serious attention to. And really, I'm much more interested in the alternative media showing me what the mainline reporters refuse to bring up. Take Salvatore G. Cuccinelli, a rather talented young government worker with a mysterious death, and a nearly scrubbed Internet presence.
Honestly, I like the rest of the Althouse commenting section much, much more. I don't think today has been a slow day, quite the contrary, and the overall atmosphere vastly improves without the trash about. (Not including Chuck, who is currently on a civil period, which is commendable.)
I have a wonderful neighbor, Earl - age 91. Missed WW2, but served in the Army under Truman in late 40s. His grandkids and my kids have grown up together from pre-school to college. He's like family.
Anyway, Earl can't drive anymore, so every month or so, I take him to Denny's for an early dinner. He has become irascible and ornery in his old age. (Although he is fiercely loyal). At Denny's, he gets easily frustrated. His hearing is poor, as is his eyesight, and he will literally argue and wrestle and curse the "Goddamn" menu for 30 minutes, before he orders. He gets mad at me, for suggesting he stick with the soup and a slice of pie. I can't help giggling, which just makes his confusion worse.
He hates that "Goddamn" menu, but once he gets his food, he calms down and his genial smile returns.
Today, Mueller at the House Committee was Earl at Denny's.
They tried the fast and furious guns in Guzman loera collection, they are probably in the new generation cartels arsenals.
I'd love to say I'm different from Earl, but once I get a truly good dish eating out, I can stick with it for a surprising amount of time. Mueller... never truly got comfortable unless the Democrats were hitting the softest of bunts to him. But in the end, even the slightest deviation from Hero Mueller Preparing to Indict confused him immensely, and he had to walk back the primary statement that MM is pitching their daily fit over.
"The two responses are inconsistent."
wwww, since I was the one that brought up both people, would you like to show me the inconsistency? I have never told either commenter to not comment or go away, though I did once make a bet with Chuck that required him to leave if he lost- he didn't lose the bet, and I wouldn't have made a big deal about him staying if he had lost- my long time stance has been an open forum for all is a good thing- it is always my problem to deal with if comments are bothersome.
Personally, I will not be entirely satisfied until the Omarosa tapes are made public.
Oh, and Tom Arnold's also. He has the PP tapes, right?
I decided to go back to the day on this blog that Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel. Here is Ms. Althouse's blog post Robert Mueller, Former FBI Director, Named Special Counsel for Russia Investigation. I scanned through the comments to see who got it right, who got it wrong, who was too naive, and who was too cynical.
Inga, whose name on the comments has turned to "Anonymous" due to a dead account, was laughably wrong in pretty much all the 30+ comments she made that day- most links to stuff I didn't even remember since they never came up again in the investigation.
Chuck was, surprisingly, balanced in his comments that day and made no predictions about Trump's demise.
My comments are embarrassingly naive, though my predictions about the outcome of the Russia Investigation component dead on correct. I fell for the "Mueller is a stand up guy stuff", and predicted the investigation would be over in 6 months. Had I known at the time who the staff would be and that Mueller was in early stage Alzheimers, I might well have been more cynical. Surprising to me on reading this again- my main problem I indentify a lot is that I am too cynical most of the time. Gotta work on finding a good balance.
A number of commenters were spot on how it would metastasize, in particular Matthew Sablan, but there were several others who foresaw it perfectly, even if they might have been a bit too pessimistic about the outcome for Trump.
Inga-etc.: Trump could be indicted, IF THEY HAD EVIDENCE . You need a modicum of evidence to bring charges.
Where's the evidence?
And on your list, where's the crime? How on earth do you prove that each of those items is criminal?
Mueller already indicated that they didn't find evidence of "collusion." Where do you suppose the evidence of obstruction is? Firing Comey? You'd have to be insane not to fire Comey.
"You'd have to be insane not to fire Comey."
-- Once Comey admitted to lying to Trump and smuggling sensitive documents out of the FBI to give to the media (illegally, mind you), he pretty much had no leg to stand on with the "shouldn't have been fired claim." Try stealing work product from your work to leak to the media or lying to your boss and see if you get a 6 digit book deal out of it.
“He was a figurehead and the day to day operations were performed by highly partisan Democrats. That’s what we learned today”
A lot of people, including yours truly, have been saying this for almost two years now. I don’t think that there is any real chance that Mueller picked his team - rather they picked him. McCabe and his people had this all set up and ready to go when Comey was fired. I think that the core of the team of prosecutors had already been picked. All they need was some justification for firing off the SC investigation and got it with Comey fired, Sessions recused, and DAG Rosenstein acting AG in this matter to authorize the SC investigation. The Strzok/Page text messages that week make interesting (re)reading.
"I don't believe this is true"
Yeah, I'm sure there a lot of things you don't "Believe". Given me real life examples of People getting convicted of obstruction of justice - when there was no CRIME.
I don't care that you can spin "What ifs".
"Focus on Inga"
Such a disingenuous statement.
Almost every day for the last 2 years, Inga has been playing her "...walls closing in, you cultists have no shame, just you wait..." mantra.
OF COURSE we are going to give her shit when her team chokes in the first quarter.
“OF COURSE we are going to give her shit when her team chokes in the first quarter.”
Self delusion, without it there could not be Trump Cultism.
Martha Stewart, I think, or did they end up finding her guilty of something else too I don't remember?
Come on guys. There is no way this is the first quarter. Please, dear God, don't let this be the first quarter.
Anyone who votes for Obozo the community organizer or Hildabeast who road her husband's coattails should never accuse anyone of being a cultist
It was a papadop type plea, not insider trading but misremembering certain dates, same with scooter libby (since eichenrode lost the 302 transcripts)
Inga: "Self delusion, without it there could not be Trump Cultism."
Thought you had better things to do than yell at Trump cultists every night for the last 3 years? LOL
Everyone who says Mueller has Alzheimer’s, or Mueller was fatigued, or Mueller was a lazy, incurious figurehead who let his underlings do all the work that went out under his name— you’re all kidding yourself. He knew the answer to every question asked today, inside out and backwards. And he knows how much trouble he and all his co-conspirators are in. His only concern today was how to get through the hearing without being nailed for another count of perjury.
Yes it's a clever ploy:.
Skookum John said...
Everyone who says Mueller has Alzheimer’s, or Mueller was fatigued, or Mueller was a lazy, incurious figurehead who let his underlings do all the work that went out under his name— you’re all kidding yourself. He knew the answer to every question asked today, inside out and backwards. And he knows how much trouble he and all his co-conspirators are in. His only concern today was how to get through the hearing without being nailed for another count of perjury.
7/24/19, 8:50 PM
At the cost of destroying his personal reputation. Even Democrats are likely to shuffle him into a retirement home instead of sing him incredibly childish paeans. Knowing how his grovelling and memory fog would be understood by every other person- I think an actual Marine would rather scream that we're goddamned right he ordered the Code Red.
I want Weissman to get the severe punishment he deserves, as a warning that future treachery against the American people will be punished by being stabbed to death in jail. If you're lucky. Making Mueller live out his remaining days as a punchline is worse than that.
Collusion/Hoax Dossier Truther Cultist Inga: "Self delusion,...."
Inga still (STILL!!!) Completely believes in the Hoax Dossier!!
Zero doubt her beloved hoax dossier "Precious" is absolutely true!!
To this very day!
So. Much. Winning!
Inga, you could be indicted for obstruction at a time when you are not President. BFD.
And on the very day that Boris assumes leadership in Britain on heels of Inga lecturing all far and near that Theresa May was the New Leader Of The Free World..after lecturing all far and near that Merkel was the New Leader Of The Free World!!!
The Inga Endorsement Political Kiss Of Death!!
(Recall also that in turn asserted that Macron and The Boy Trudeau were also the New Leaders Of The Free World!!!!)
It would be impossible to diagram a longer and more "impressive" list of predictive failures based on supreme ignorance and cultist vicious partisanship than that which Inga has magnificently provided.
Truly a new standard in failure.
Precisely the opposite of Trump.
But only precisely!
There is a cult alright. The cult of perpetual democratic corruption excusing.
"Although Mueller’s general demeanor was disturbing, it was also instructive. He did not project the mental and physical vigor of someone capable of leading the complex two-year probe into Russian meddling, possible Trump collusion and obstruction of justice.
More likely, the 74-year old former FBI director was something of a figure-head for an investigation that was carried out by the team of zealots he assembled.
That is not an incidental issue. As Andy McCarthy at National Review has written, and as Trump has repeatedly charged, the prosecutors were primarily people who had donated to Hillary Clinton and other Democrats or who otherwise made known their support for her.
Perhaps Mueller’s detachment explains his failure to remedy these obvious conflicts of interest that undercut his credibility from the moment they became known.
Oddly, Mueller removed agent Peter Strzok because his bias against Trump became public, but apparently had no concerns about public reports showing that chief prosecutor Andrew Weissman and others were in Clinton’s camp."
Inga believes the leftwing bullshit. She thinks Peter Strozk is a hero and all the various corrupt lies that spew forth from every corner of the left-wing universe are worthy of her absolute undying devotion.
Goodwin... cont...
"Mueller’s detachment may also explain the bizarre standard his team created, where Trump’s presumption of innocence was shredded because they could not find sufficient evidence to “exonerate” him. Several Republicans pointed out that prosecutors either file charges or don’t, but have never imposed the impossible standard of exoneration.
Those flaws are among many that undercut the report, including the fact that much of it reads as if it were written by Trump-hating reporters from The New York Times."
"As one GOP member noted, the report cites nearly 200 articles and broadcasts, giving the impression that the media set the probers’ agenda. At the very least, Mueller’s team and the media were joined at the hip from the get-go.
see also
Stammering, stuttering Mueller accused of being ‘lost’ during testimony
Because of its pro-Clinton bias, the probe was the evil twin of the initial FBI investigation it inherited. Recall that the crooked James Comey relied heavily on the infamous Steele dossier, which Clinton’s team funded."
Hacks, liars, government whores, leftwing propagandists and bullshit media assholes - tha't the real collusion.
"The other development is that Washington’s focus now shifts to the two investigations into the investigators. The first to drop will be the review of the surveillance warrants obtained against Carter Page, which is being carried out by the Inspector General in the Justice Department.
see also
Nancy Pelosi: Case to impeach Trump must be 'ironclad'
The chief questions center on what Comey and others told the secret court’s judges about the Steele Dossier. Did they disclose it was paid for by Democrats?
Did they concede that Steele said he was motivated to make sure Trump did not become president? And did the judges know the allegations were unverified before granting four warrants?
The ultimate probe, though, is the one Attorney General Bill Barr launched. He said he was appalled at FBI bias against Trump and that he wants to get his hands around the origins and scope of the initial scrutiny.
“The use of foreign-intelligence capabilities and counterintelligence capabilities against an American political campaign to me is unprecedented and it’s a serious red line that’s been crossed,” Barr told CBS in May.
He also warned of the dangers of weaponizing law enforcement against political opponents, saying “the idea of resisting a democratically elected president and basically throwing everything at him” is a real threat to our nation.
There is no known deadline for Barr’s report, but my guess is that he will work relatively fast, certainly faster than the special counsel. And because Mueller’s day in the spotlight turned out to be a dud, Barr’s findings have the potential to be the real bombshell."
*THIS IS WHY THE corrupt left attempt to destroy Barr. Fuck the left. Total corruption up and down. The left destroy everything they touch.
Quick note: Trump and Mueller are approximately the same age....
Dragon Energy combined with clear innocence combined with a fire in the belly and love of the arena/battle defeats piece of crap corrupt prosecutor participating im a coup with typically corrupt democrat prosecution team.
But only every single time.
Following up on Yancey about the thread when Mueller was first appointed:
In good faith Chuck said, "And I am surprised, based on what I know. Which is undoubtedly less than what the Deputy Attorney General knows. They must know a lot more, about some significantly more hinky shit, than is in the popular press."
This is NOT a criticism of Chuck, but simply an observation: that what many people assumed at the time, though of course not us cynical anti-anti-Trump conservatives, namely that "they" "must know" more, was completely false: they knew nothing, there was nothing to know, and the "investigation" was started on entirely false pretenses.
Of course, we cynics hammered away at the obvious over the years, and even some anti-Trumpers like Andy McCarthy came around, but the utter corruption of the whole process is enough to confirm my confirmation bias.
Self delusion, without it there could not be Trump Cultism.
I am concerned that Inga is starting to decompensate. She does not seem able to handle the collapse of her delusions. Her defensive projections are getting more obvious and incoherent.
"I'm fascinated by internet socialization."
Would you be offended if I pretended to be you?
Would you be even more offended if my game was weak, as if I were working under the assumption you were an idiot who could be easily manipulated?
How do you feel when someone insults your intelligence?
"It's consistent if you want to interact with the commenter. But, if you want to commenter to go away, it's not consistent."
Not necessarily. For example:
I do not want you at my party, you refuse to leave my party, so I follow you and harass you to make you feel unwelcome so you will leave. When you attempt to socialize, I interrupt and remind your audience that you are an unwelcome guest who is here under false pretenses, that you have been asked to leave and you rudely refuse to. The engagement is intended to create a sense of shame that will cause you to leave.
"More likely, the 74-year old former FBI director was something of a figure-head for an investigation that was carried out by the team of zealots he assembled."
Well, Mueller certainly wasn't Mr Smith goes to Washington.
We now know just how systemic the corruption at FBI is.
And Mueller was FBI Director for 12 years, 2001-2013.
That corruption didn't just crop up overnight, it was cultivated on his watch.
"Inga said..."Today was NOT a good day for Trump and those who think it was are astoundingly deluded."
This is comedy gold! Thx for the laffs, dumbbell.
Yesterday the Nats beat the Rockies by 11-1.
Inga: "It was NOT a good day for the Nationals..."
"I get the intellectual interaction, which can occur in an abstract environment like anonymous commenting. But the name calling?"
I've never name-called anyone here. Several months ago, I asked both of the people who are invoked most often who they thought of as their audience or who they're trying to convince of something. Remarkably, to me, both replied that they're not trying to convince anyone of anything.* I've just scrolled past them since then, but I can see how others could be irritated by posters who seem to be operating on a self-contained loop.
*The claimed Republican added something about sharpening arguments, but didn't say for what.
They're on suicide watch at CNN:
The Coup Failed
*"This has been a wall to wall failure. All these committees" - Jeffrey Toobin
* "You think this has been a wall to wall failure"????? sheepishly asks Anderson Cooper
" YES!!!!" pipes in terminal TDS victim Kirsten Powers
7:50 PM - Jul 24, 2019
Inga: "Today was NOT a good day for Trump and those who think it was are astoundingly deluded."
It takes some doing to be dumber and more deluded than a CNN panel, but Inga has managed it! Congrats, duckie!
"On the internet anonymously?"
Irrelevant. You are spending time and energy on me at this moment, correct? We're having a conversation. Does your time and energy have value?
What if you thought I misunderstood something and took time and energy out of your day to help me understand it, only to discover I was acting in bad faith and wasting your time and energy?
Would that irritate you?
And what if, instead of a single conversation, this occurred over weeks or months before you realized I was deliberately wasting your time and energy - how would you feel about me?
In real life, people don't get convicted of obstructing investigations when THERE IS NO CRIME. And President's can fire who they like - in the Aminstration. They can shut down any DoJ investigation or ask that the Investigation team get a new leader. Otherwise, any low level DoJ flunky could start an investigation of the President any time they wished and the POTUS - nor anyone else -could do anything about it.. because it'd "Obstruction of Justice"
(Pre AG) Barr criticized the Weissman/Witte Obstruction of Justice interpretation in his June, 2018 memo to DAG Rosenstein, on several grounds. One, I mentioned above, was that it essentially converted a specific intent crime into a general intent crime. That, alone, would have guaranteed that it wasn’t endorsed by the judicial system (esp after Weissman’s 9-0 Supreme Court reversal and slap down the last time he tried that stunt). But Barr also pointed out that their very aggressive Obstruction intrudes into the President’s plenary Article II powers. He is the Executive. All Executive power devolves from and is delegated by him. Without him, DoJ prosecutors have no power to prosecute, and no power to decide not to prosecute, because part of his Executive Power is that discretion. Yet, they were interpreting the Obstruction statute in question to prevent him from interfering in any criminal investigation, and, in particular, their own investigation of him. And much of the almost two years that the Mueller investigation ran, Trump was effectively hamstrung by this interpretation. Whatever he did to shut it down would be interpreted as Obstruction, allowing them to fly around the country taking hundreds of interviews, etc. All at the taxpayer’s expense. But Barr asked, how can that be legally justified under our Constitutional form of government? Unelected bureaucrats legally reporting to the President were putting themselves above being dismissed, or even reined in, by the person whose power they utilized to prosecute, or threaten to prosecute him. They were, essentially, usurping his power.
No doubt, the Mueller prosecutors would have been happy to keep the Mueller investigation open as long as Trump was President. One of its primary purposes, above and beyond possibly discovering grounds for impeachment, was to prevent investigation into Spygate, including, but not limited to, the four FISA warrants on Carter Page, as well as into the Steele Dossier used to support them. You can see this as late as last December, when the Republican House was holding hearings, trying to get to the bottom of the SpyGate scandal. As each current or former FBI employee was asked anything about Russian Collusion, the Steele Dossier, their FBI minder attorney would object, on the grounds that answering that question would interfere with an ongoing criminal investigation into Russian collusion (by Trump) - the Mueller investigation. Notably, it was precisely the same people who put together the Mueller investigation in the first place (McCabe’s cabal, including Strzok, Page etc), who were most at risk from the Congressional investigations being thwarted by the existence of the Mueller investigation, that they had put together and then launched, using the excuse of Comey’s firing.
But starting a bit over a year ago, in probably spring of 2018, Trump’s lawyers, realizing that Mueller’s prosecutors (apparently with LawFare help) had concocted this egregiously aggressive Obstruction interpretation, that they were now using to prevent oversight or being shut down. It essentially allowed them to run amok, with no effective oversight. Trump’s attorneys figured out that the only way to cleanly shut down the Mueller investigation was from the top, with a nonrecused AG taking over from the compromised DAG Rosenstein. Since Barr was the one who had written the memo eviscerating the Weissman/Witte Obstruction interpretation, and probably was involved with the strategic planning, he was the first choice to replace Sessions, and his promise not to recuse himself clinched the deal. He likely would have been confirmed before the election, except that the Kavenaugh nomination took precedence. And they were right, the Collusion investigation was long over, and the Mueller investigation was focusing on Obstruction, esp by the President. But that wasn’t their mandate, setting perjury traps for their boss, the President. Russian collusion was, and with that investigation effectively over, they had no legitimate reason to stay in business, so shut down. Unfortunately, too soon for them to transfer their mountain of evidence (much probably dating back as early as to maybe 2012) to the Democrats now controlling the House, for use in Impeachment. Hence the blizzard of subpoenas sent but Chairman Wadler, as well as the hearing today.
We now know just how systemic the corruption at FBI is.
And Mueller was FBI Director for 12 years, 2001-2013.
That corruption didn't just crop up overnight, it was cultivated on his watch.
The same names keep popping up in FBI and DoJ scandal after scandal. Mueller, Comey, Weissman, Bharara, etc keep popping up in scandal after scandal. They have all worked together for better than a decade, and seemingly work together to help each other along with their careers. In a perfect world, all would have been fired years ago, but they continued to rise through the ranks.
And one of the leaders of this corrupt clique was Bob Mueller.
Keep America Great!
yes ann, you couldn't stand seeing the train wreck that is the Dem party.
Interesting that Penzeys Spices (a longtime fixture in Madison) chooses to season its FB ads with anti-Trump barbs. Latest is an excerpt where Adam Schiff gets Mueller to say: "Trump and his campaign welcomed and encouraged Russian interference...and then Trump and his campaign lied about it to cover it up..." Actually these were Schiff's words to which Muller responded yes. Sleazy leading questions.
I do give Penzeys props for cleverness though. Their ad is for "Tsar Dust" Russian seasoning. Pictured is the container along with a hamburger topped with beets. They call it a Nothing Burger.
Trump could be indicted on Obstruction of Justice once he no longer is President.
Yep. And you COULD pull your head out of your ass.
But neither is going to happen.
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