The NYT is reporting that Jeffrey Epstein paid the young women the same as the young men, and provided them with free reproductive care including abortions.
Naaahhh....I'm just kidding, but this is how the white wash will begin.
This I'd close to rolling snakeeyes:
Google speaks truth to fascism, presumably under its umbrella corporation, Alphabet. Planned Parenthood Federation seems to be more about incorporated rites, reduction and recycling. And it's not the night of the planned, but rather the twilight fringe. Demos-kratos is aborted in darkness. h/t WaPo
...Also, After serving a 13-month sentence and a subsequent year of house arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, Epstein in late 2010 hosted a dinner party in honor of his friend Prince Andrew at his 71st Street mansion in New York. Among the 15 to 20 guests, the New York Post reported at the time, were Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos."
Today, CNBC did a piece on killer weed, the illegal pot dispensaries and why tax revenue was lower ($345 million) than California’s projection of $1 billion in 2018. Watch the segment and substitute or add alien after illegal.
The arguments made sounded positively conservative!
My day was made when Trump, gentleman that he is, defended Pelosi against the racism charge of AOC. He has a spontaneous genius for throwing fuel on the fire. Leftists on Twitter were going nuts. "Pelosi must go. She's compromised." Best presidency ever.
Here's a Village Voice article from 2007 that literally mentions Mossad, NXIVM, Spielberg, Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Scientology, Caribbean islands, the CIA. Mind blowing.
AOC sacrificed children's lives and welfare for political leverage.
That said, whether it is allegations of racism, sexism, genderism, witchcraft, or some projected phobia, people have developed an intolerance of allegations, misattribution of diversity and other labels and judgments.
steve uhr said... I hate to say it but I would not be surprised if the sweatheart plea deal for Epstein was bought and paid for. Things don’t add up ________
The Epstein story will launch a thousand conspiracy theories....Here are some things I don't understand: why did it take for twelve years AFTER the sweetheart deal was reached for the press to raise a ruckus. I understand the scandal has some present currency in undermining Acosta, but, even so, it was an outrageous scandal twelve years ago. Why wasn't it a big scandal then? Why doesn't anyone question those professing outrage as to the timing of their outrage....Epstein had many accomplices. I don't understand why they are not charged. That one woman, Maxwell, seems particularly sleazy.....I recognize that up until recently Epstein had some protective coloration, but he seems to have been treated gently not just by the legal authorities but also by the media. Why such benign neglect of such a sensational story? Maybe a hundred years from now our descendants will know the full story, but I don't think we ever will.
Who knew Chuck would work so hard for free booze? Most street drunks have more self respect. Not that I’m complaining...the count on each post is a downer though, like counting down the months till Trump leaves office.
On hearing that tax revenues on pot in California have not proved to the expected windfall: narciso said... You can't say [California's] 'gone to pot' because they even screwed that up
@William same as Weinstein. About 6 yrs ago we flew to St thomas for a party-- we hired a local cabbie to take us around, show us the sites-- he takes us to a vantage point and points to Little st james island, about a mile offshore, and spills the beans basically what we're all hearing now. This was just 'joe six-pack' on the island, not a detective/etc. Everyone seems to turn a blind eye until it's under the spotlight. The hollow distancing/denouncing from those (tangentially?) involved will be just as nauseating as w/weinstein
I began to read the article - I guess Epistein was some sort of "humanitarian" for modigying a submarine so that Hawkins could experience his first underwater "trip".
Carrying over from last night, al queda is a umbrella operation, with access to multiple furnises algerian Libyan Tunisia, the other thing they have in common is the moslem brotherhood.
"Epstein’s pimp girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, a very well-connected Brit socialite cannot just walk free. This woman is his pimp. She pilots planes to and from the island. I know because she told me. She is a sex trafficker.
ghislaine's his handler? Her dad was linked to Save the Children, Oxfam and other NGOs used to cover for trafficking??
rehajm said... Who knew Chuck would work so hard for free booze? Most street drunks have more self respect. Not that I’m complaining...the count on each post is a downer though, like counting down the months till Trump leaves office.
How hard am I working? I’m getting paid for this post. What did you get?
By the way; I want readers here to know what a 100% standup guy Bay Area Guy is. I’ll have more to say in comment #51. Bay Area Guy is the real deal.
Went to the WCS when it was at the Senator's college.
Bill Armstrong.
Good guy. Saw so much after a decade and more as a Senator in D.C. he got the Hell out.
He will forever join our Lord resting in peace.
Jarid Polis spoke. Brilliant.
8000 anythything to do with Trump or his staff.
Polis is free. I like him but hate his hatred economically for everyone that didn't inherit mommy and daddy's business.
Same thing with Hick: the ad says banks turned me down cause I was a yellow-toothed loser yet the city gave me $125,000 because they hate blacks and want to see them suffer unpriveledldly..
Blogger Chuck said... I’m getting paid for this post. What did you get? -- You're getting paid for that which you haven't posted. Which with the Trump/Ryan dustup..equals many ft. lbs of sphincter pressured bile not spewed. Drink up!
probably just the tip of the iceberg for elite's Titanic
Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein never once checked in with city cops in the eight-plus years since a Manhattan judge ordered him to do so every 90 days — and the NYPD says it’s fine with that.
#RKelly's former manager Derrel McDavid and employee Milton "June" Brown have also been indicted in Chicago on allegations they helped Kelly pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to recover kiddie porn tapes and pressure witnesses in his 2008 case.
The Jeffrey Epstein investigation has expanded into New Mexico. NM attorney general's office says "We have been in contact and interviewed multiple survivors of alleged abuse here in New Mexico" & they will turn over any evidence they discover to the feds. Epstein didnt have to register in NM
Harvard science professors kept meeting with donor Jeffrey Epstein despite his sex offender status.
"Euphoria" The sexualization children of children is becoming the new normal. 30 penises in one episode Features multiple male genitals, rape and graphic sex scenes.
The plague in Los Angeles isn’t that unheard of. I remember there was at least one when I was growing up in the 70’s. I remember the warnings at Sycamore Park in Diamond Bar.
"Justin, what did Hyeckk von Misesly Chigago shool derp derp derp Friedman (Milt) say and alghorithym to that exent ist' all bullshot" so nevermind you hating the people that voted for you.
And mocking because those who taught you how to be stupid are merely confused.
Martha Stewart is Ann Althouse.
Stewart withstood her jail time okay...
Ridiculous anybody not shit is subject to scrutiny. Glad I am a despondant broke joke cunt of a loser and not someone with authority who created this shit.
the people in the media are vile, hypocritical scum.
They will vilify Trump for a "grab 'em by the pussy" line, yet they, like Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos, have no qualms about hanging out and dining with a known, convicted, unreformed PEDOPHILE/SEX TRAFFICKER And we are only just beginning to see into the depths of his (and maybe their) depravity. Their milieu is an adder's den of perversion and criminal activity, and they have the gall to point that bony, accusatory Bill Clinton finger in our face.
If you eat a couple of pieces of cake with brightly-colored icing, don't be surprised when everything comes out a dark, chlorophyll green on your next restroom visit. ("What the hell did I eat that turned it green? Oh, yeah, that cake...")
The Los Angeles Angels have just no-hit the Seattle Mariners on the night when they honored their late pitcher Tyler Skaggs. His mother Debbie threw out the first pitch, all of the Angels players and field personnel wore uniforms with Skaggs' name and #45 on them, the team scored seven runs in the first inning and the Angels won the game 13-0. Now the players are all taking off their 45 jerseys and placing them on the pitcher's mound. It's wonderful and kind of eerie at the same time. Things like this normally don't happen in real life, but there you have it. RIP, Tyler Skaggs.
Saw this in A&L Daily: "The Murderer, the Writer, the Reckoning", by John J. Lennon. The A&L Daily tease is "In 2001, John J. Lennon killed a rival drug dealer. Eighteen years of incarceration later, he reflects on the trials of literary life behind bars... " What John J. Lennon has written could be a study in the unreliable narrator. Lennon writes reasonably well. His model is Jack Henry Abbot, a murderer who was released from prison in the early 1980s due to the efforts of famous literary figures (like Norman Mailer) who had admired his literary talent and had befriended him. Within a few weeks of his release, Abbot had killed again. The murder was sordid, Abbot killed a restaurant employee in an alley way, for pretty much no reason at all. Lennon admits to the crimes that landed him in prison (including the murder of a fellow drug dealer), but he does not really take responsibility. He blames the way he was raised, the situations he put himself into. One of his stepfathers was an alcoholic who glorified the Westies criminal gang. The drug dealer he murdered had been shaking down one of Lennon's pushers. The murder was brutal and premeditated. Lennon does not present a balanced self-history. He describes a lower middle class childhood that he would like us to believe was hard scrabble. He describes behavior problems when he was young teen, and an adolescence spent in reform schools as though they were unrelated. Lennon is an okay writer. Not great. Not remarkable. The last paragraph in Lennon's article is "I think about the people I hurt. I never want to do that again, and I’ve made a pledge to myself not to. Alex had siblings—he was closest to his younger sister—who miss him and will hate me fiercely and forever. I know that. I think often of something Alex’s sister quoted at my sentencing hearing: 'Only the man who has enough good in him to feel the justice of the penalty can be punished.'" So Lennon claims that his punishment is proof of his goodness. This reminds me of the way Dante described the souls that populated all the levels of Hell. They hated their punishment, and they knew why they were there, but they never actually regretted the sins that damned them. They thought that were doing good. Like Lennon, they try to express penitence without expressing regret.
Chuck: By the way; I want readers here to know what a 100% standup guy Bay Area Guy is. I’ll have more to say in comment #51. Bay Area Guy is the real deal.
Congrats on making it to 16. And you're having fun along the way, yes?
My day was made when Trump, gentleman that he is, defended Pelosi against the racism charge of AOC. He has a spontaneous genius for throwing fuel on the fire. Leftists on Twitter were going nuts. "Pelosi must go. She's compromised." Best presidency ever.
Yup. Ace had fun playing out the Liberal Outrage Mob's six degrees of separation.
Accordingly, since Trump stood up for her, Pelosi must now disavow her association with David Duke. And re-disavow her link to White Supremacy 4-6 times over the next decade.
So, the anti-ICE protestors decided to rip down the American flag and raise a Mexican flag at a facility in Colorado. I'm hoping that every media outlet shows that picture. I want maximum saturation. I suspect it will be embargoed because of the imagery, but I don't think the mainstream media isn't that smart.
The twitter account for House Democrats is an interesting read. There are now several different Dem House caucuses each accusing each other being racists.
The twitter feed feels it necessary to remind everyone, in meme slogan forms, that "we are a diverse family, a large family, and a passionate family united to fight a common enemy. Diversity is our strength"
But it's really not, else the Left wouldn't have need to create "intersectionality" to keep all their different tribes from squabbling over Victim Hierarchy. This is the end result of identity politics, of teaching people to divide along race and gender lines. You wind up balkanized and all it takes is someone with a match to start everyone napalming each other.
Worse, wars between more than two factions go on forever. Because before the odd man out can be eliminated, deals are brokered and the alliance is flipped. Last one to take advantage of that is now "it"
And Cortez will chant "we are at war with EastAsia. We have always been at war with EastAsia. Those of you who provided aid and comfort to EastAsia and spread propaganda that we were allies back then will be rounded up and disappeared... wait..."
(shuffles papers)
Cortez: " bad, I meant Oceania. No, that can't be -- that's us, right? Oh! Here we go... Eurasia. I meant Eurasia. We are at war with Eurasia and have always been."
Blogger Fen said... “The twitter account for House Democrats is an interesting read. There are now several different Dem House caucuses each accusing each other being racists.”
Well expressed post. My natural response to that is to ask to pass the popcorn.
And being late at night still for me got me sidetracked onto popcorn. And maybe into the over sharing that some of my detractors have recently criticized. One of the nice things about living in MT are the Town Pumps you find all over the place. Think of a kinda hick 7-11, with an attached casino with maybe a dozen slot machines. Always separated, of course, due to gaming laws that prevent kids from being around slot machines. And, the Town Pump side is always bright, even in the middle of the night, while the casino side is inevitably dark and cool.
The popcorn angle is that Town Pumps have popcorn machines. Always, it seems. We get out of town every other weekend, and I pick up a bag for the trip when I gas up before leaving, then my partner doles out my half as I drive. And she feeds some to the cat, since he seems to think that he should like everything that we do. I think that he mostly likes the crunchy sound. Then, if we have driven to either Kalispell or Missoula, we pick up popcorn on the way back. Esp Missoula, that seems to have almost as many Town Pumps as Phoenix has Circle Ks. And we always stop in Dillon on our way up or down I-15 as either the first, or last Town Pump on our trip to pick up popcorn. Life’s little rituals.
Making things worse for me, I tend to stop at our local Town Pump several times a day for something, whether it be coffee for my partner, or pop for me. It is the first commercial establishment on our way into town, and maybe a ten minute walk. And the popcorn machine is at the end of food row, that has the pop and coffee machines, on the way to the rest rooms. What is so bad for my resolve, is that they pop it right there. Partly, it is the sound, but more, I think, that it is the smell, of fresh popped popcorn, that I find so hard to resist. To my credit, I usually do. But it isn’t always easy.
This has gotten me thinking about getting dressed, jumping into my truck, and driving into town for the Town Pump popcorn. Luckily, at this time at night, they have quit making popcorn for the night, unless I sweet talk them into making a batch for me.
Took another handgun class last month from our local Justice of the Peace. Interesting dynamic there with the lower court judge teaching the class required for a CCW license. But before being elected the JP, he was the detective for the Sheriff’s office (meaning the only detective in the county).
In the class, we shot at shapes for awhile, but ultimately transitioned to shooting at large pictures of armed people. Transitioning into that phase, he told us that during WW I, WW II, and Korea, probably a majority of our troops wouldn’t actually shoot at the enemy, but rather would just shoot in their general direction. And they were seeing that in Vietnam. They diagnosed it to our natural dislike at hurting other humans. And partially solved the problem by teaching our troops to shoot at human silhouettes. And police train shooting at the sorts of human pictures we were shooting at that day.
Then he digressed a bit. Late one night, when he was still in the Sheriff’s office, he had been trying to get a car to stop. He tried to ram it off into the river, etc. The car stopped in front of our local Town Pump a 10 minute walk from our house (hence the tie to my previous post), and a woman got out and commenced shooting at him. Which legally justifies, for most everyone else, law enforcement or not, the use of deadly force in response. Except that he couldn’t shoot her. He likely would have hit her - he is an NRA certified instructor with his own shooting school. But he couldn’t shoot her. He froze. If the person shooting at him had been male, he would have double tapped to center mass, reassessed, then repeated as necessary. But not a woman shooting at him. Mentally healthy males are just programmed not to harm females or small kids. The solution to that is to train by shooting pictures of women pointing their guns at you, mixed in with the pictures of the guys doing the same. And he made sure that the two of us guys in the class had a selection of bad women to shoot at. The women in the class mostly got guys to shoot at, since they don’t have that sort of programming that kept him from shooting that one that night shooting at him in front of our neighborhood Town Pump.
As a side note, he apprehended her later that night, and she has spent most of her time since then behind bars, never staying out of trouble more than a couple months on the rare occasions when she had been released.
Spelling used to be a somewhat useful clue but with spellcheck even an idiot can look educated. Conversely, voice recognition can make fools of us all.
Remember those fake German dialogues in the Saturday Evening Post, the ones you could decipher if you were weird enough? That was Siri’s dad wrote those.
You’re doing tricks for a free drink, not being paid to post, Chuck. You’ve compromised your primary mission to smear Trump and undermine this blog just to get your drink on.
during WW I, WW II, and Korea, probably a majority of our troops wouldn’t actually shoot at the enemy, but rather would just shoot in their general direction...
and before then, it wasn't a problem 'cause guns were SO Inaccurate that it didn't matter WHAT you were aiming at, just Where you were aiming at.
They always talk about how they'd just line an army up in a line, and have them fire. Pretty easy to fire straight ahead of yourself, if a thousand other men are standing next to you.
Reported overnight: MA Senator Ed Markey visited three facilities along the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday, as debate rages over Republican President Donald Trump’s harsh treatment of migrants who enter the country illegally. “It was heartbreaking and enraging to see the conditions within which they were being kept,” Markey said in a telephone interview from Texas.
This is from a report in an online news site called MassLive. The top liked comment to the article:
"This has been going on for decades . Why all of a sudden do people pretend to care ? Cause they don’t like Trump and they need votes."
A scan of the comments shows many to be negative toward the illegal immigrants and Markey, lots of the "quit your whining and do something" variety. Probably not a majority here in good ole' Mass, but encouraging that folks are willing to speak up so.
Meanwhile in Boston, Mayor Walsh (not a close relation) is fretting about the coming ICE raids. Interesting that the local news coverage mentioned that the targets for apprehension and deportation are folks that have been properly processed through the system. Still, local pols a worrying about separating families.
people say that Rapist Bill Clinton took scores (hundreds?) of trips to Lolita Island Bill says, he took "a total of four trips" Wonder about the disparity?
Here's Bill: "a total of four trips" with Epstein in 2002 and 2003.
So, no mention of how many times he met Epstein there: Only four trips with Epstein no mention of how many times he was there before 2001 (or after 2003!) I guess THAT'S the definition of IS
A controversial psychological examination of how soldiers’ willingness to kill has been encouraged and exploited to the detriment of contemporary civilian society.
Psychologist and US Army Ranger Dave Grossman writes that the vast majority of soldiers are loath to pull the trigger in battle. Unfortunately, modern armies, using Pavlovian and operant conditioning, have developed sophisticated ways of overcoming this instinctive aversion.
The mental cost for members of the military, as witnessed by the increase in post-traumatic stress, is devastating. The sociological cost for the rest of us is even worse: Contemporary civilian society, particularly the media, replicates the army’s conditioning techniques and, Grossman argues, is responsible for the rising rate of murder and violence, especially among the young.
Drawing from interviews, personal accounts, and academic studies, On Killing is an important look at the techniques the military uses to overcome the powerful reluctance to kill, of how killing affects the soldier, and of the societal implications of escalating violence.
Mad Men reference: After prescribing Joan birth control pills, the doc (with cig dangling from mouth) said something like you don't need to become the "Town Pump" just to get your money's worth
have developed sophisticated ways of overcoming this instinctive aversion.
good old fashioned, effective ways: firing artillery planting mines firing in lines oh! and uniforms! You only fire When you're in a uniform, and you only fire AT uniforms
At Fredericksburg* the Confederates complained (moaned? bewailed?) that it wasn't fighting, it was simply Murder Many people read that, and think that they were bragging, they weren't
Fredericksburg* Seven Union divisions had been sent in, generally one brigade at a time, for a total of fourteen individual charges, all of which failed, costing them from 6,000 to 8,000 casualties
About what? Whatever they are willing to sacrifice Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew for? (I know, but this is foreign policy that is important to the Democrat establishment too.)
"people say that Rapist Bill Clinton took scores (hundreds?) of trips to Lolita Island Bill says, he took "a total of four trips" Wonder about the disparity?"
What's the big deal? Either way, according to Inga, it was literally just "one trip too many"!!
She literally wrote precisely that. Clearly she did not want to get too specific about what Billy Boy has been doing for a long long time.
Not surprising really since every lefty voted for Billy Boy and now wants to soothe their own consciences by transferring guilt to republicans.
I did teh google on part of his statement and on the first page it returned two links about Shakespearean drama and another about how to write romance novels.
Cernovich claims it was his recently-successful lawsuit to release sealed federal records. State records might be more interesting, but they were probably careful.
Primary concern in time of war, would quite reasonably be to get your people home alive. Lotsa Heroin, acid and reefer goin round in Nam as well as the booze. Many areas saw close quarters ambush in jungle, of under 25 yards. WWII vets I've talked to from the European Theater described much longer range combat. Asian theater, much more like Nam. I'd say jump shooting charlie on his own turf at under 25 yards could fuck up your head. Back then Marine vets would tell me "they gave me an "on" switch, not an "off" switch". Norm, a good man/friend, R.I.P.
Trump took Pelosi's part in the AOC race-baiting incident. No conservatives or Republicans made a stink about Trump siding with a Democratic. Not even a Democratic who gets in the way of Trump's preferred legislation. We imagine taking her side might make getting legislative compromises passed easier.
All the above is true.
Homework for Leftist Collectivists: Now do Putin. Now do Kim. Now do Xi.
Cernovich claims it was his recently-successful lawsuit to release sealed federal records. State records might be more interesting, but they were probably careful.
How could they have been careful if they did not indite. The state courts of FL will have a hard time saying they knew nothing, Acosta has been removed and is not an MSM useful whipping boy to assault Trump.
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१०९ टिप्पण्या:
The NYT is reporting that Jeffrey Epstein paid the young women the same as the young men, and provided them with free reproductive care including abortions.
Naaahhh....I'm just kidding, but this is how the white wash will begin.
I'd like to comment, but I demand to be sworn in first...
I tried Google for the FLA judge's name in the Epstein case this morning. Got the wierdest mashup of links ever! It was snake eyes.
Blogger Browndog said..."I'd like to comment, but I demand to be sworn in first..."
Do you promise to covet property, propriety, paralyty, surety, security, and not hurt the state? Say 'What?'
The Plague is in Los Angeles.
This won't end well.
Now let’s not make this a fecal matter
We woke up during the 4.6 earthquake last night. Some swaying and pictures moving.
Just enough time to realize what it was
Also, you’re providing free labor to google during every verification to train their AI models. Screw em
That's how fear the walking dead began right?
Oh gosh
This I'd close to rolling snakeeyes:
Epstein... provided them with free reproductive care including abortions.
So, he's sexually and socially progressive, and an enthusiastic advocate of women's reproductive rites. #NoJudgment #NoLabels #PC #HerToo #LoveWins
narciso said...
Isn't there a 'BOMBSHELL'? Wasn't this 'the being of the end'?
It's one of those wet fuses, also the 9th circus saw reason re sanctuary cities, that's as rare as a cicada.
That's how fear the walking dead began right?
Google speaks truth to fascism, presumably under its umbrella corporation, Alphabet. Planned Parenthood Federation seems to be more about incorporated rites, reduction and recycling. And it's not the night of the planned, but rather the twilight fringe. Demos-kratos is aborted in darkness. h/t WaPo
Most be the weather:
Jeffrey Epstein Moved Freely in Hollywood Circles Even After 2008 Conviction
who would want to hang out with a convicted pedo?
...Also, After serving a 13-month sentence and a subsequent year of house arrest in Palm Beach, Florida, Epstein in late 2010 hosted a dinner party in honor of his friend Prince Andrew at his 71st Street mansion in New York. Among the 15 to 20 guests, the New York Post reported at the time, were Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos."
why do the entertainment elites feel qualified to lecture us?
“R. Kelly” Charged with Racketeering, Including Predicate Acts of Coercing and Transporting Minor Girls to Engage in Sex
When the heck are they going to indict the island version of Cortez, mayor Yulin?
I hate to say it but I would not be surprised if the sweatheart plea deal for Epstein was bought and paid for. Things don’t add up.
"I hate to say it but I would not be surprised if the sweatheart plea deal for Epstein was bought and paid for.
Ya think?
Cognitive Dissidence on display; did I laugh:
Today, CNBC did a piece on killer weed, the illegal pot dispensaries and why tax revenue was lower ($345 million) than California’s projection of $1 billion in 2018. Watch the segment and substitute or add alien after illegal.
The arguments made sounded positively conservative!
sweetheart deal cuz he's 'intelligence'-- but who's? Derp State?
'intelligence' = blackmail??
he's somebody's useful tool, so is Ghislaine
Or it was weed killer.
You can't say the states 'gone to pot' because they even screwed that up,
now that he's got a couple of 'black eyes', Mayor Pete goes Pander-Bear
My day was made when Trump, gentleman that he is, defended Pelosi against the racism charge of AOC. He has a spontaneous genius for throwing fuel on the fire. Leftists on Twitter were going nuts. "Pelosi must go. She's compromised." Best presidency ever.
Here's a Village Voice article from 2007 that literally mentions Mossad, NXIVM, Spielberg, Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Scientology, Caribbean islands, the CIA. Mind blowing.
defended Pelosi against the racism charge of AOC
AOC sacrificed children's lives and welfare for political leverage.
That said, whether it is allegations of racism, sexism, genderism, witchcraft, or some projected phobia, people have developed an intolerance of allegations, misattribution of diversity and other labels and judgments.
Where are the elephants?
steve uhr said...
I hate to say it but I would not be surprised if the sweatheart plea deal for Epstein was bought and paid for. Things don’t add up
Bipartisan bagmen!? Dershovitz and Starr.
The Epstein story will launch a thousand conspiracy theories....Here are some things I don't understand: why did it take for twelve years AFTER the sweetheart deal was reached for the press to raise a ruckus. I understand the scandal has some present currency in undermining Acosta, but, even so, it was an outrageous scandal twelve years ago. Why wasn't it a big scandal then? Why doesn't anyone question those professing outrage as to the timing of their outrage....Epstein had many accomplices. I don't understand why they are not charged. That one woman, Maxwell, seems particularly sleazy.....I recognize that up until recently Epstein had some protective coloration, but he seems to have been treated gently not just by the legal authorities but also by the media. Why such benign neglect of such a sensational story? Maybe a hundred years from now our descendants will know the full story, but I don't think we ever will.
And black and lefkowitz, and back in the day, Jerry belcourt, the attorney for the Panthers that Tom wolfe, depicted at the Bernstein benefit.
Who knew Chuck would work so hard for free booze? Most street drunks have more self respect. Not that I’m complaining...the count on each post is a downer though, like counting down the months till Trump leaves office.
On hearing that tax revenues on pot in California have not proved to the expected windfall:
narciso said...
You can't say [California's] 'gone to pot' because they even screwed that up
Oh, well played, sir.
same as Weinstein.
About 6 yrs ago we flew to St thomas for a party-- we hired a local cabbie to take us around, show us the sites-- he takes us to a vantage point and points to Little st james island, about a mile offshore, and spills the beans basically what we're all hearing now. This was just 'joe six-pack' on the island, not a detective/etc.
Everyone seems to turn a blind eye until it's under the spotlight.
The hollow distancing/denouncing from those (tangentially?) involved will be just as nauseating as w/weinstein
A rather sad look:
"..a huge relief for the President"
SDNY is "unlikely to file ANY charges"
No-- how about "a huge failure for the derp state/media"
narciso said...
A rather sad look:
I began to read the article - I guess Epistein was some sort of "humanitarian" for modigying a submarine so that Hawkins could experience his first underwater "trip".
Such a good man is Mr. Epstein.
I couldn't read any further.
The "best and brightest". Sad, indeed.
Well for hawking, not Epstein,
Carrying over from last night, al queda is a umbrella operation, with access to multiple furnises algerian Libyan Tunisia, the other thing they have in common is the moslem brotherhood.
Daniel Bodini was in Epstein's black book.
His helicopter crashed into an office building in Manhattan on June 6th
He was not in it.
Founder of American Cont. Properties Group
Ambassador of the Rep. of San Marino to the UNITED NATIONS (2005-2016)
The trudh id, that Trump, he xoploitl
All dem.
They sufff. Trump bad man wit mitty hair ornage.
He bad.
And the mullahs were engaging in deception, exactly where Netanyahu had pointed out
what's ellen barkin' about now?
"Epstein’s pimp girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, a very well-connected Brit socialite cannot just walk free. This woman is his pimp. She pilots planes to and from the island. I know because she told me. She is a sex trafficker.
ghislaine's his handler? Her dad was linked to Save the Children, Oxfam and other NGOs used to cover for trafficking??
Yeah, I saw the story about the SDNY wrapping up the Cohen angle. If true, it will be another white knuckle weekend for Inga and Chuck.
Bob Marley the gest genius all credit for song
"Don't let them change ya,
(oh oh oh oh oh)
Or even, rearrange ya.
(oh oh oh oh oh)
We've got a mind of our own,
So go to Hell, if what you're thinking is not right.
Love, will never leave us alone,
Against the Darkness,
Their must come ought the Light.
Could you be loved?
Oh yeah.
THen be loved.
Could you be loved?
Oh yeah.
Then be loved.
Don't let them change ua/
fool ya
school ya
rearrange ya
no no.
Go to Hell, if what you're thinkkin',
Is not right.
Love, would never leave us alone,
Against the darkness,
There must come out the Light.
If I did even a fraction of what these guys get away with, they'd yank my San Serafino Order of Purity and Truth (Third Class).
If the sky is clear, go look at the Moon, Jupiter, and Antares
Apparent ian Robert Maxwell, Czech name escapes me now, was partially the basis for elliot Carver in the bond film, he had multiple allegiances
rehajm said...
Who knew Chuck would work so hard for free booze? Most street drunks have more self respect. Not that I’m complaining...the count on each post is a downer though, like counting down the months till Trump leaves office.
How hard am I working? I’m getting paid for this post. What did you get?
By the way; I want readers here to know what a 100% standup guy Bay Area Guy is. I’ll have more to say in comment #51. Bay Area Guy is the real deal.
music lover or kiddie lover?
cabin by the junior girls camp
Epstein Had His Own Lodge at Interlochen’s Prestigious Arts Camp for Kids
Went to the WCS when it was at the Senator's college.
Bill Armstrong.
Good guy. Saw so much after a decade and more as a Senator in D.C. he got the Hell out.
He will forever join our Lord resting in peace.
Jarid Polis spoke. Brilliant.
8000 anythything to do with Trump or his staff.
Polis is free. I like him but hate his hatred economically for everyone that didn't inherit mommy and daddy's business.
Same thing with Hick: the ad says banks turned me down cause I was a yellow-toothed loser yet the city gave me $125,000 because they hate blacks and want to see them suffer unpriveledldly..
Blogger Chuck said...
I’m getting paid for this post. What did you get?
You're getting paid for that which you haven't posted.
Which with the Trump/Ryan dustup..equals many ft. lbs of sphincter pressured bile not spewed.
Drink up!
Call Now! If you see something, say something!!!
Colorado abuse hotline emails went unchecked for 4 years
A lot of the links here could be chopped after either the ".html" or the first '?'.
After 16 more years of the Trump era, I would be okay with Jarid as potUS.
He likes money and success, as does his country.
probably just the tip of the iceberg for elite's Titanic
Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein never once checked in with city cops in the eight-plus years since a Manhattan judge ordered him to do so every 90 days — and the NYPD says it’s fine with that.
#RKelly's former manager Derrel McDavid and employee Milton "June" Brown have also been indicted in Chicago on allegations they helped Kelly pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to recover kiddie porn tapes and pressure witnesses in his 2008 case.
The Jeffrey Epstein investigation has expanded into New Mexico. NM attorney general's office says "We have been in contact and interviewed multiple survivors of alleged abuse here in New Mexico" & they will turn over any evidence they discover to the feds.
Epstein didnt have to register in NM
Harvard science professors kept meeting with donor Jeffrey Epstein despite his sex offender status.
The sexualization children of children is becoming the new normal.
30 penises in one episode
Features multiple male genitals, rape and graphic sex scenes.
I know it's a petty thing to worry about, but I can't help wondering what happened to R. Kelly's dog.
The plague in Los Angeles isn’t that unheard of. I remember there was at least one when I was growing up in the 70’s. I remember the warnings at Sycamore Park in Diamond Bar.
Boy that Ross really showed his colors.
"Justin, what did Hyeckk von Misesly Chigago shool derp derp derp Friedman (Milt) say and alghorithym to that exent ist' all bullshot" so nevermind you hating the people that voted for you.
fate of R.Kelly's dog:
I had about 8000 words of genituic brillance: erased.
Toughds thing in m life.
fate of R.Kelly's dog:
Yeah, I suppose I deserved that :-)
just messin w/ya-- thanks for being a good sport.
Have a good nite.
It is not a metaphor it is real: theft.
And mocking because those who taught you how to be stupid are merely confused.
Martha Stewart is Ann Althouse.
Stewart withstood her jail time okay...
Ridiculous anybody not shit is subject to scrutiny. Glad I am a despondant broke joke cunt of a loser and not someone with authority who created this shit.
So much for that:
what's cookin'? did you ever finish tweaking that smoker?
Do you promise to covet property, propriety, paralyty, surety, security, and not hurt the state? Say 'What?'
(and shoes for industry!)
one last parting shot--
the people in the media are vile, hypocritical scum.
They will vilify Trump for a "grab 'em by the pussy" line,
yet they, like Katie Couric, Charlie Rose, Woody Allen, Chelsea Handler and George Stephanopoulos, have no qualms about hanging out and dining with a known, convicted, unreformed PEDOPHILE/SEX TRAFFICKER
And we are only just beginning to see into the depths of his (and maybe their) depravity.
Their milieu is an adder's den of perversion and criminal activity, and they have the gall to point that bony, accusatory Bill Clinton finger in our face.
Well, we got your finger right here
I can't help wondering what happened to R. Kelly's dog.
Goddamn bitch set him up!
Or was that Marion Barry?
If you eat a couple of pieces of cake with brightly-colored icing, don't be surprised when everything comes out a dark, chlorophyll green on your next restroom visit. ("What the hell did I eat that turned it green? Oh, yeah, that cake...")
The Los Angeles Angels have just no-hit the Seattle Mariners on the night when they honored their late pitcher Tyler Skaggs. His mother Debbie threw out the first pitch, all of the Angels players and field personnel wore uniforms with Skaggs' name and #45 on them, the team scored seven runs in the first inning and the Angels won the game 13-0. Now the players are all taking off their 45 jerseys and placing them on the pitcher's mound. It's wonderful and kind of eerie at the same time. Things like this normally don't happen in real life, but there you have it. RIP, Tyler Skaggs.
Rich millionaires and rich billionaires.
Rich rich millionaires and billionaires.
My millions are legit Hillary paid up fair and square.
Rich millionaires and rich billionaires!!
Vote for me I'll help you!
Rich millionaires and rich billionaires.
They are all too rich, the rich millionaires and rich billionaires.
Saw this in A&L Daily:
"The Murderer, the Writer, the Reckoning", by John J. Lennon. The A&L Daily tease is "In 2001, John J. Lennon killed a rival drug dealer. Eighteen years of incarceration later, he reflects on the trials of literary life behind bars... "
What John J. Lennon has written could be a study in the unreliable narrator. Lennon writes reasonably well. His model is Jack Henry Abbot, a murderer who was released from prison in the early 1980s due to the efforts of famous literary figures (like Norman Mailer) who had admired his literary talent and had befriended him. Within a few weeks of his release, Abbot had killed again. The murder was sordid, Abbot killed a restaurant employee in an alley way, for pretty much no reason at all.
Lennon admits to the crimes that landed him in prison (including the murder of a fellow drug dealer), but he does not really take responsibility. He blames the way he was raised, the situations he put himself into. One of his stepfathers was an alcoholic who glorified the Westies criminal gang. The drug dealer he murdered had been shaking down one of Lennon's pushers. The murder was brutal and premeditated. Lennon does not present a balanced self-history. He describes a lower middle class childhood that he would like us to believe was hard scrabble. He describes behavior problems when he was young teen, and an adolescence spent in reform schools as though they were unrelated.
Lennon is an okay writer. Not great. Not remarkable.
The last paragraph in Lennon's article is "I think about the people I hurt. I never want to do that again, and I’ve made a pledge to myself not to. Alex had siblings—he was closest to his younger sister—who miss him and will hate me fiercely and forever. I know that. I think often of something Alex’s sister quoted at my sentencing hearing: 'Only the man who has enough good in him to feel the justice of the penalty can be punished.'"
So Lennon claims that his punishment is proof of his goodness.
This reminds me of the way Dante described the souls that populated all the levels of Hell. They hated their punishment, and they knew why they were there, but they never actually regretted the sins that damned them. They thought that were doing good. Like Lennon, they try to express penitence without expressing regret.
What in the world is that tree or bush in the picture with no leaves and the orange spheres?
Chuck: By the way; I want readers here to know what a 100% standup guy Bay Area Guy is. I’ll have more to say in comment #51. Bay Area Guy is the real deal.
Congrats on making it to 16. And you're having fun along the way, yes?
My day was made when Trump, gentleman that he is, defended Pelosi against the racism charge of AOC. He has a spontaneous genius for throwing fuel on the fire. Leftists on Twitter were going nuts. "Pelosi must go. She's compromised." Best presidency ever.
Yup. Ace had fun playing out the Liberal Outrage Mob's six degrees of separation.
Accordingly, since Trump stood up for her, Pelosi must now disavow her association with David Duke. And re-disavow her link to White Supremacy 4-6 times over the next decade.
Mike Trout mentioned that the Angels scored 7 runs in the first and ended with 13. 7/13. Tyler Skaggs birthday, which would have been today.
So, the anti-ICE protestors decided to rip down the American flag and raise a Mexican flag at a facility in Colorado. I'm hoping that every media outlet shows that picture. I want maximum saturation. I suspect it will be embargoed because of the imagery, but I don't think the mainstream media isn't that smart.
The twitter account for House Democrats is an interesting read. There are now several different Dem House caucuses each accusing each other being racists.
The twitter feed feels it necessary to remind everyone, in meme slogan forms, that "we are a diverse family, a large family, and a passionate family united to fight a common enemy. Diversity is our strength"
But it's really not, else the Left wouldn't have need to create "intersectionality" to keep all their different tribes from squabbling over Victim Hierarchy. This is the end result of identity politics, of teaching people to divide along race and gender lines. You wind up balkanized and all it takes is someone with a match to start everyone napalming each other.
Worse, wars between more than two factions go on forever. Because before the odd man out can be eliminated, deals are brokered and the alliance is flipped. Last one to take advantage of that is now "it"
And Cortez will chant "we are at war with EastAsia. We have always been at war with EastAsia. Those of you who provided aid and comfort to EastAsia and spread propaganda that we were allies back then will be rounded up and disappeared... wait..."
(shuffles papers)
Cortez: " bad, I meant Oceania. No, that can't be -- that's us, right? Oh! Here we go... Eurasia. I meant Eurasia. We are at war with Eurasia and have always been."
Thanks, Clyde, for commenting about the Dodgers game. I took a look at the game videos. Wow.
Blogger Fen said...
“The twitter account for House Democrats is an interesting read. There are now several different Dem House caucuses each accusing each other being racists.”
Well expressed post. My natural response to that is to ask to pass the popcorn.
And being late at night still for me got me sidetracked onto popcorn. And maybe into the over sharing that some of my detractors have recently criticized. One of the nice things about living in MT are the Town Pumps you find all over the place. Think of a kinda hick 7-11, with an attached casino with maybe a dozen slot machines. Always separated, of course, due to gaming laws that prevent kids from being around slot machines. And, the Town Pump side is always bright, even in the middle of the night, while the casino side is inevitably dark and cool.
The popcorn angle is that Town Pumps have popcorn machines. Always, it seems. We get out of town every other weekend, and I pick up a bag for the trip when I gas up before leaving, then my partner doles out my half as I drive. And she feeds some to the cat, since he seems to think that he should like everything that we do. I think that he mostly likes the crunchy sound. Then, if we have driven to either Kalispell or Missoula, we pick up popcorn on the way back. Esp Missoula, that seems to have almost as many Town Pumps as Phoenix has Circle Ks. And we always stop in Dillon on our way up or down I-15 as either the first, or last Town Pump on our trip to pick up popcorn. Life’s little rituals.
Making things worse for me, I tend to stop at our local Town Pump several times a day for something, whether it be coffee for my partner, or pop for me. It is the first commercial establishment on our way into town, and maybe a ten minute walk. And the popcorn machine is at the end of food row, that has the pop and coffee machines, on the way to the rest rooms. What is so bad for my resolve, is that they pop it right there. Partly, it is the sound, but more, I think, that it is the smell, of fresh popped popcorn, that I find so hard to resist. To my credit, I usually do. But it isn’t always easy.
This has gotten me thinking about getting dressed, jumping into my truck, and driving into town for the Town Pump popcorn. Luckily, at this time at night, they have quit making popcorn for the night, unless I sweet talk them into making a batch for me.
/end of digression
Ok, another, slightly related, digression.
Took another handgun class last month from our local Justice of the Peace. Interesting dynamic there with the lower court judge teaching the class required for a CCW license. But before being elected the JP, he was the detective for the Sheriff’s office (meaning the only detective in the county).
In the class, we shot at shapes for awhile, but ultimately transitioned to shooting at large pictures of armed people. Transitioning into that phase, he told us that during WW I, WW II, and Korea, probably a majority of our troops wouldn’t actually shoot at the enemy, but rather would just shoot in their general direction. And they were seeing that in Vietnam. They diagnosed it to our natural dislike at hurting other humans. And partially solved the problem by teaching our troops to shoot at human silhouettes. And police train shooting at the sorts of human pictures we were shooting at that day.
Then he digressed a bit. Late one night, when he was still in the Sheriff’s office, he had been trying to get a car to stop. He tried to ram it off into the river, etc. The car stopped in front of our local Town Pump a 10 minute walk from our house (hence the tie to my previous post), and a woman got out and commenced shooting at him. Which legally justifies, for most everyone else, law enforcement or not, the use of deadly force in response. Except that he couldn’t shoot her. He likely would have hit her - he is an NRA certified instructor with his own shooting school. But he couldn’t shoot her. He froze. If the person shooting at him had been male, he would have double tapped to center mass, reassessed, then repeated as necessary. But not a woman shooting at him. Mentally healthy males are just programmed not to harm females or small kids. The solution to that is to train by shooting pictures of women pointing their guns at you, mixed in with the pictures of the guys doing the same. And he made sure that the two of us guys in the class had a selection of bad women to shoot at. The women in the class mostly got guys to shoot at, since they don’t have that sort of programming that kept him from shooting that one that night shooting at him in front of our neighborhood Town Pump.
As a side note, he apprehended her later that night, and she has spent most of her time since then behind bars, never staying out of trouble more than a couple months on the rare occasions when she had been released.
Spelling used to be a somewhat useful clue but with spellcheck even an idiot can look educated. Conversely, voice recognition can make fools of us all.
Remember those fake German dialogues in the Saturday Evening Post, the ones you could decipher if you were weird enough? That was Siri’s dad wrote those.
You’re doing tricks for a free drink, not being paid to post, Chuck. You’ve compromised your primary mission to smear Trump and undermine this blog just to get your drink on.
I’ll have more to say in comment #51
We’re overwhelmed with anticipation.
Bruce, you make me miss Montana, especially Kallispell.
Also, you and Fen would enjoy Sailer today.
during WW I, WW II, and Korea, probably a majority of our troops wouldn’t actually shoot at the enemy, but rather would just shoot in their general direction...
and before then, it wasn't a problem 'cause guns were SO Inaccurate that it didn't matter WHAT you were aiming at, just Where you were aiming at.
They always talk about how they'd just line an army up in a line, and have them fire. Pretty easy to fire straight ahead of yourself, if a thousand other men are standing next to you.
I got halfway through Bruce Hayden’s 4:39 am post before I realized “town pump” had a different meaning in MT.
Reported overnight: MA Senator Ed Markey visited three facilities along the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday, as debate rages over Republican President Donald Trump’s harsh treatment of migrants who enter the country illegally. “It was heartbreaking and enraging to see the conditions within which they were being kept,” Markey said in a telephone interview from Texas.
This is from a report in an online news site called MassLive. The top liked comment to the article:
"This has been going on for decades . Why all of a sudden do people pretend to care ? Cause they don’t like Trump and they need votes."
A scan of the comments shows many to be negative toward the illegal immigrants and Markey, lots of the "quit your whining and do something" variety. Probably not a majority here in good ole' Mass, but encouraging that folks are willing to speak up so.
Meanwhile in Boston, Mayor Walsh (not a close relation) is fretting about the coming ICE raids. Interesting that the local news coverage mentioned that the targets for apprehension and deportation are folks that have been properly processed through the system. Still, local pols a worrying about separating families.
I think Acosta indeed was told to back off Epstein back then, and he could not admit to that now as it would be like throwing gasoline on the fire.
And I do wonder why the build up for lynching Epstein now and what it might be ultimately aimed at.
Not that he does not deserve it, but so he did 11 years ago too. What changed?
it depends what the definition of is is
people say that Rapist Bill Clinton took scores (hundreds?) of trips to Lolita Island
Bill says, he took "a total of four trips"
Wonder about the disparity?
Here's Bill: "a total of four trips" with Epstein in 2002 and 2003.
no mention of how many times he met Epstein there: Only four trips with Epstein
no mention of how many times he was there before 2001 (or after 2003!)
I guess THAT'S the definition of IS
I got halfway through Bruce Hayden’s 4:39 am post before I realized “town pump” had a different meaning in MT.
Perhaps he'll tell us about "Village Bike" next.
Mr. Forward said...
I got halfway through Bruce Hayden’s 4:39 am post before I realized “town pump” had a different meaning in MT.
me too! here in iowa they're called the "Kum and Go" [i am NOT making this up]
Roughcoat and many others disputes this thesis. It's from 1996, just after the peak US murder year of 1993, so some of the conclusions are dated.
A controversial psychological examination of how soldiers’ willingness to kill has been encouraged and exploited to the detriment of contemporary civilian society.
Psychologist and US Army Ranger Dave Grossman writes that the vast majority of soldiers are loath to pull the trigger in battle. Unfortunately, modern armies, using Pavlovian and operant conditioning, have developed sophisticated ways of overcoming this instinctive aversion.
The mental cost for members of the military, as witnessed by the increase in post-traumatic stress, is devastating. The sociological cost for the rest of us is even worse: Contemporary civilian society, particularly the media, replicates the army’s conditioning techniques and, Grossman argues, is responsible for the rising rate of murder and violence, especially among the young.
Drawing from interviews, personal accounts, and academic studies, On Killing is an important look at the techniques the military uses to overcome the powerful reluctance to kill, of how killing affects the soldier, and of the societal implications of escalating violence.
Mad Men reference:
After prescribing Joan birth control pills, the doc (with cig dangling from mouth) said something like you don't need to become the "Town Pump" just to get your money's worth
As little kids, we looked forward to being old enough to pump Ethyl
have developed sophisticated ways of overcoming this instinctive aversion.
good old fashioned, effective ways:
firing artillery
planting mines
firing in lines
oh! and uniforms! You only fire When you're in a uniform, and you only fire AT uniforms
At Fredericksburg* the Confederates complained (moaned? bewailed?) that it
wasn't fighting, it was simply Murder
Many people read that, and think that they were bragging, they weren't
Fredericksburg* Seven Union divisions had been sent in, generally one brigade at a time, for a total of fourteen individual charges, all of which failed, costing them from 6,000 to 8,000 casualties
Not that he does not deserve it, but so he did 11 years ago too. What changed?
They’re desperate?
About what?
Whatever they are willing to sacrifice Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew for?
(I know, but this is foreign policy that is important to the Democrat establishment too.)
"people say that Rapist Bill Clinton took scores (hundreds?) of trips to Lolita Island
Bill says, he took "a total of four trips"
Wonder about the disparity?"
What's the big deal? Either way, according to Inga, it was literally just "one trip too many"!!
She literally wrote precisely that. Clearly she did not want to get too specific about what Billy Boy has been doing for a long long time.
Not surprising really since every lefty voted for Billy Boy and now wants to soothe their own consciences by transferring guilt to republicans.
Billy Jeff can't get figuratively strung up soon enough. Maybe then Hillary and Huma Huma Huma will come out
MA Senator Ed Markey
I did teh google on part of his statement and on the first page it returned two links about Shakespearean drama and another about how to write romance novels.
Cernovich claims it was his recently-successful lawsuit to release sealed federal records. State records might be more interesting, but they were probably careful.
Primary concern in time of war, would quite reasonably be to get your people home alive. Lotsa
Heroin, acid and reefer goin round in Nam as well as the booze. Many areas saw close quarters ambush in jungle, of under 25 yards. WWII vets I've talked to from the European Theater described much longer range combat. Asian theater, much more like Nam. I'd say jump shooting charlie on his own turf at under 25 yards could fuck up your head. Back then Marine vets would tell me "they gave me an "on" switch, not an "off" switch". Norm, a good man/friend, R.I.P.
Trump took Pelosi's part in the AOC race-baiting incident.
No conservatives or Republicans made a stink about Trump siding with a Democratic.
Not even a Democratic who gets in the way of Trump's preferred legislation.
We imagine taking her side might make getting legislative compromises passed easier.
All the above is true.
Homework for Leftist Collectivists:
Now do Putin.
Now do Kim.
Now do Xi.
Cernovich claims it was his recently-successful lawsuit to release sealed federal records. State records might be more interesting, but they were probably careful.
How could they have been careful if they did not indite. The state courts of FL will have a hard time saying they knew nothing, Acosta has been removed and is not an MSM useful whipping boy to assault Trump.
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