this is weirdly terrifying
— andrew kaczynski (@KFILE) June 28, 2019
And here's a new NYT article, "Is Marianne Williamson a Fringe Candidate? Or a Likely One? After Donald Trump, what should a president be, anyway?" Excerpt:
A political campaign is also a chance to exhume everything a candidate has said in her career, from all the tweets to exactly what she meant 30 years ago when she called herself a “bitch for God” at a charity event.And click through to the thread here...
“I think it’s fair to say I wish I had never said that. Something was going on many years ago, in a situation that had to do with some AIDS patients. I would open my course with a prayer. There was something we were doing, and somebody was saying, ‘Marianne, I don’t think we should open with a prayer.’ And I said, ‘No, I think we should open with a prayer.’ And I was getting all this resistance to opening with a prayer. And they said, ‘You’re being a real bitch about this.’ And I said, ‘If I’m a bitch, I’m a bitch for God,’” Ms. Williamson said. “I think it was something about fund-raising, and some very chic people in Manhattan who were going to be there. And I just took umbrage at the idea, whatever.”
Her call for reparations, maybe the most radical yet timely point of her policy proposals, isn’t new to her either. She has been talking about it since the publication of her mid-1990s book, “Illuminata,” and she says that without it, America’s racial and economic divide will never heal.
— Ellie Hall (@ellievhall) June 28, 2019
The stuff is really amazing. I like:
Everyone feels on some level like an alien in this world, because we ARE. We come from another realm of consciousness, and long for home.That's a Marianne Williamson aphorism. She also wrote:
You're a lamp; God is the electricity. You're a faucet; God is the water. You're a human; God is the divine within you. ALLOW the flow.As Kirsten Gillibrand might say: The woman is on fire!
१५० टिप्पण्या:
"I'm going to harness love for political purposes."
That's kinda, sorta what Kamala Harris said to Willie Brown, way back when.
She's on fire with craziness. Like Oprah and a lot of lefty New Agers, she preaches on one hand a gospel of self-sufficiency (you create your own reality, and you can create it the way you want it); and on the other hand, we need the State to re-create the world the way WE want it.
I feel (feel!) like Trump would gladly trounce all over Joe or Bernie but he'd be gentle with this woman. I don't mean he'd refrain from calling her names, but he wouldn't spike the ball on her like he'd do with Kamala.
And not because he wasn't worried about losing to her, but because I don't think she'd reach over and push his buttons.
Maybe I have not read enough of her loony, maybe there is some mean in there.
By the way, as soon as I saw that quote about love, I figured at once that the author or speaker was probably a "liberal" (and by "liberal" I mean of course "tax-happy, power-tripping, coercion-addicted State fellator"). They always think Statism=Love. Orwell's Big Brother would have loved that.
MW may be loopy, but she did say this, which is ordinarily attributed to Nelson Mandela, but was originally said by her:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure..."
She has great wisdom. All she needs to do is add in Jesus' name. That would flat crash the NBC News coverage.
One of the best parts of the Dem debates is the fact that they'll let a certified loon or two on stage with them.
And then they all raise their hands together.
Trump is going to become emperor.
The side-eye look the other candidates gave her the first time she started speaking ("We don't need a bunch of plans!") was comedy gold. Gold, Jerry, gold!
Compared to the other Democrat political loons on the stage, MW does have a lot more endearing traits. Maybe, she should join forces with Wang to really harness the love.
Weirdly terrifying, yes. Increasingly common amongst people in leadership positions makes it more terrifying.
What fools we were! Instead of harnessing the atom to force Japan to surrender, we could have simply harnessed love!
> Her call for reparations, maybe the most radical yet timely point of her policy proposals,
Who decided Reparations is timely?
Did the American public, walking down the street, suddenly think "I would really like to absolve the sins of my forefathers. I want to PAY someone I've never met in a class I'm told I owe who were not alive when the atrocities happened."
Reparations are timely because the New York Times says whatever the Democrats want, and Dems don't want blacks voting Republican, so "free stuff" and "you aren't responsible for the failures of your race." such as fatherless families.
The opposite of love is not hate but indifference, as somebody said.
Can't wait to meet her tomorrow is Sioux City at the yoga place.
Or maybe she was talking about healthcare. All I remember was the side-eye from all the others.
The woman is a kook.
she says that without [reparations], America’s racial and economic divide will never heal.
Unspoken: with reparations America's racial and economic divide will never heal.
She's on fire. A regular Joan of Arc.
Her appeal is her courage. That shows a faith that drives out fear. But if she won, the FBI guys would get her out in a DC second on a trumped up prosecution for a process crime. They probably have already launched a Counter Intelligence Operation on her.
Shes like rena sofer in most soap roles a dark cloud,
“One of the best parts of the Dem debates is the fact that they'll let a certified loon or two on stage with them.”
And Republicans let Trump on stage to talk about his hand size.
She is Leo Buscaglia without the speaking talent
Inga...Allie Oop said...And Republicans let Trump on stage to talk about his hand size.
That was Marco Rubio, not Trump. Rubio conflated "Little Marco" as having to do with penis size and Rubio fought back. He should have just looked up and called Trump a big oaf.
If she's elected President, at least we'll know for sure that Someone up there is just messing with us.
Doin' the bull dance. Feelin' the flow.
Inga...Allie Oop said...The woman is a kook.
On this, we agree.
What the heck is she on about?
Life is a river , and we all need to come back to the raft.
Make of it what you will.
If she wanted to do some lovey good, she could start by thinking the best of Trump instead of the worst. That actually has an institutional religious background.
"She really seem to care, about what I have no idea'
She is more original than the rest.
That's something anyway.
And here's a new NYT article, "Is Marianne Williamson a Fringe Candidate? Or a Likely One?
1) Yes.
2) No.
"The woman is a kook."
Inga--It's your party. And you have Warren, Harris, Gillibrand, Gabbard, and Klobucket. I forget, is AOC in or out?
It's going to be a long campaign.
I think she's talking about a love harness.
But is someone from the Mysterious Island of Beautiful Women a natural-born citizen?
I like her:
1. She doesn't screech.
2. She says "love".
3. She's the same whether she's with elected officials or guesting a Ramada yoga class.
In college I knew a girl who said similar things. She was actually quite reasonable and was very open to discussions that sought truth. She was both passionate and naive about life, always seeking new insights. Her instincts were quite good and she had an ability to find the right side of an argument, but needed help pulling the pieces together.
From the little I've seen, Marianne Williamson would be my choice from the Democrat candidates. That's not to say I think she'd be a good president, but she'd do the least damage from among the Democrats. First do no harm.
Someone has read CS Lewis...
Your sophomore year girlfriend. She wrote you a poem titled “Mensch and Moonchild” and you were glad she spent the second semester on a field term in Ecuador.
Everyone feels on some level like an alien in this world, because we ARE. We come from another realm of consciousness, and long for home.
She'd be a disaster as president obviously, but that's not far removed from a historically strong Christian theme, that we're strangers here on Earth, the more so as we draw closer to God.
She's a hoot. I'm hoping she doesn't run out of money too soon.
She can shower all the love she wants.
She wants to use my money to feel loved and accepted and impoverish me. That I have an issue with.
The stuff is really amazing. I like:
Everyone feels on some level like an alien in this world, because we ARE. We come from another realm of consciousness, and long for home.
I'm not sure what to make of this.
My favorite part was when she called Presidents Trump, Obama, and Bush kidnappers. She was talking about the recent manufactured outrage regarding the separation of children from their parents at the border and aiming at Trump but of course, this was an extension of Obama's and I think Bush's policy, as well, so they must be kidnappers too. I was kind of excited to hear from her. I have heard about her for many years and seen quotes etc. and I had heard she had gone of the deep end politically but I didn't expect her to be this goofy.
Topping the list of things that Donald Trump has never said:
1. “I think it’s fair to say I wish I had never said that.”
I say here and now; I am ready to vote for Marianne Williamson for President. But only if Jack Handey is the Vice Presidential nominee.
@wwww, since you're around. I am reposting this from last night's cafe.
You've got a right to your POV, but I've got a right to my POV.
No you don’t, because your POV means unemployment and misery for Americans at the bottom end of the economic ladder. I used to wonder how women like you could be so casually cruel. Apparently the answer is that you can reason your way from A to B, and perhaps from B to C, but A to C is flat beyond you. You have to be stopped and shut down, because otherwise the pain and suffering you will cause in the name of — what? Doing good? Not being icky? What is the reason you draw back from seeing the logical consequences of your POV?
Added: I feel much the same about Williamson. Love is good, but sometimes you need to kick over a few rice bowls if you truly mean to be a servant to those deplorable people out in the flyover country in the United States.
Her proposal for reparations is an insult to the 350,000 Americans who gave their lives for an end to slavery.
She's weird and implausible. And yet I keep reading Oprah touted as the unbeatable candidate. And I'm not sure she's weirder than Ross Perot.
"You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won't have it! Is that clear?! Do you think you've merely stopped a business deal? That is not the case. The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country, and now they must put it back! It is ebb and flow, tidal gravity! It is ecological balance! You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multi-variate, multi-national dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and sub-atomic and galactic structure of things today! And you have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and You Will Atone!"
Network (1976)
One of the best parts of the Dem debates is the fact that they'll let a certified loon or two on stage with them.
Beat me to it. Maybe this is the mental health part of "Medicare for All."
“You've got a right to your POV, but I've got a right to my POV.”
“No you don’t, because your POV means unemployment and misery for Americans at the bottom end of the economic ladder.”
This is your brain on Trumpism. If WWWW doesn’t have a right to express her POV, neither do you. Has that occurred to you? Why not?
"without it, America’s racial and economic divide will never heal."
The racial divide will never heal because it's so easy to exploit for political or personal advantage.
@Mark: 4.17 PM.
"Love Trumps Hate" was the slogan as I recall. Except, of course, when the object of the hate is Donald Trump and the hater is a pure-of-heart socialist. In that case, extreme hostility by the hater is justified by the inhumanity of the hatee. Because Trump, of course.
And if you don't submit she'll brain you with a bicycle lock as she screams you're a nazi who hates ________ and wants to put _______ in concentration camps, you racist sexist homophobic toothless redneck deplorable who sleeps with his sister in his doublewide while dreaming of nuking Mecca.
(did I cover all the bases?)
Amazed that Democrats can be this noseblind.
Amazed than anyone is still willing to publicly admit to being a Democrat.
Whoa what is going on? Why are people talking about me? Why are you talking about economics or whatever? I didn't post anything about policy or economics last night. I didn't give a political opinion.
It was about what mommy friends were saying on facebook. & it was in response to how someone else's facebook friends were saying.
Then another commenter brought up a past post about my response. It was off topic, and weird to bring up again. I've got a right to my personal opinion about a public subject. Then someone was randomly against fostering children and thought only rich people volunteered to foster kids. That was odd and I thought the whole convo had jumped the shark. So I went to bed.
Now you're arguing about me AGAIN? Seriously, this is not healthy. Go to a BBQ or something. Naptime is over. My fam is going to play outside in the sunshine w/ popsicles. Move on already.
& one last thing: don't obsess over little things like someone w/ whom you disagree on the internet. If the thread is over it's over. Whatever, people have different POVs. If you're worried about politics go volunteer on a campaign. Arguing w/ people on the internet for multiple threads is not productive. Life is short. go outside with your fam and friends, have fun and have a great weekend.
IngAmanda: "This is your brain on Trumpism. If WWWW doesn’t have a right to express her POV, neither do you. Has that occurred to you? Why not?"
Ha! This from the woman who constantly tries to shame Althouse into censoring the rest of us.
LOL. Get fucked.
There's this new movie out, I think it opens today, "Yesterday" which, based on the trailers I've seen on TV is about a world where only one guy knows that the Beatles existed, the rest of the world has some kind of collective amnesia or something. Anyway, maybe Marianne Williamson is the only one who knows that all you need is love, that the rest of us don't know this but she does. And it's going to be this huge revelation, Marianne will teach us, all you need is love.
She's not saying that it's all you need, in fairness to her. I don't think that what she says is all that bizarre or weird. It's all very New Age, which has become fairly normalized I think, a lot of that way of talking and being.
If it's anything like the last time love won, the only difference we'll notice is that most of the people who haven't been kicked off Twitter yet will be kicked off Twitter.
What are the metrics for entry into the next debate? I'd be willing to send her $100 to get her on the stage again!!
You, like most people, forget the apostrophe. Add it and many of us are fully on board:
love trump's hate.
He hates all the right things. He is enough to actually go out and do something about it.
Nancy sez:
"jobs, jobs, jobs. Let's vote for jobs!
John Henry
Blogger Swede said...
One of the best parts of the Dem debates is the fact that they'll let a certified loon or two on stage with them.
And then they all raise their hands together.
Trump is going to become emperor.
Keep dreamin there, Butch. That's what your good at
"Her call for reparations, maybe the most radical yet timely point of her policy proposals"
If you are descended from African slaves you are likely descended from African slave lords as well.
Funny how, in their rush to shame white America, none of them want to discuss how common it was for one African tribe to war with the other for the sole purpose of selling captives on the slave market.
& thanks Inga. sometimes people here do a pile-ons for no conceivably good reason. Maybe it's the negative partisanship endemic to American politics.
Now we're going outside! have a good weekend all.
Sounds like she should join the Trump administration and put fear and hate behind her.
I think I want her to be the nominee. After that group answer on free medicine for five million plus new illegal aliens a year, I cannot see supporting any of these. But she'd be the most fun.
"Whoa what is going on? Why are people talking about me?"
I would opine it's because your "FB moms" are imaginary and conjured up for political posturing. That and the fact that you're full of it.
On a serious note, most of the Democrats strike me as hate-addled. She does not. Serious plus.
MW is 1000 times more palatable than clueless wreck Gillibrand or the angry block woman. The men were all forgettable last night except for their gaffes. I’d love to hear MW debate DJT.
Somebody set Williamson's ending comments to music from Twin Peaks and it is sublime.
She should offer to model lingerie at Bergdorfs.
I'd rather be weirdly terrified than deeply terrified. Best of all would be to avoid both wordly weaknesses.
Heavy Stuff, man
like love rules
“Ha! This from the woman who constantly tries to shame Althouse into censoring the rest of us.”
Censor you? No, not likely. I think it’s great to read the dreck you post, reinforces my opinion of you.
She was probably extremely good looking when she was younger. Some here who are currently mocking her would have hung on her every word back then. Lines about harnessing the power of love are irresistible when said by a pretty young woman. It's also cool when Marianne bares one breast and waves the flag. She'd be far more inspirational on the ramparts than Bernie.
'It's also cool when Marianne bares one breast and waves the flag.'
No link? ;)
heh, beasts, I guess it's out there, she wants to put chemicals back into the group, does she believe in magic,
"You have harnessed fear for political purposes and only love can cast that out.
She's close but no cigar.
Trump is about love. Love for America and Americans.
It's not something they can understand.
Loving the IBEW endorsement and the Voting Rights Act is as close as they can get.
No you don’t, because your POV means unemployment and misery for Americans at the bottom end of the economic ladder.
Everyone gets to state their point of view.
If we believe otherwise, we hold the door open for others to censor us for whatever criteria they believe are worthy of doing so.
@Inky, I grew up in a small quarry town. My father had a white collar job in the city and I was good at science and math, so it was clear that I would be getting out of town. I was also scrawny, so between being weak (as a child) and the likelihood that I would be able to escape the quarry my “white privilege” was to get beaten up pretty regularly. So I should be an elitist like you and wwww, Inky. I shouldn’t give a rat’s ass about my old tormentors. Like the two of you, I SHOULD be casually indifferent to the fates of people at the bottom of the economic ladder. But I’m not made that way.
I have genuine empathy — not fake emoting — for folks who want to work but there are no jobs. Or they are working, but for peanuts. I am intelligent enough to separate Trump the man from Trump’s economic policies. He gets it, in ways that people who are book smart (but ungrounded in reality) like, to name names, Trump’s predecessor will never get it.
So sorry if wwww’s feelings are hurt. She didn’t, she doesn’t, perhaps she never will, understand why I call her “casually cruel.” But dhe is.
crazy or cynical:
We come from another realm of consciousness, and long for home.
What you mean "we", crazy lady?
Some of us enjoy being mammals living on the earth.
a cabinet position. In a neighborhood food pantry
Greg Gutfeld and I have an almost identical take. It's a real-life 'Love Actually' and 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.' Williamson wins the primary, and somewhere along the way, during the debates, the pressers, the traded insults and tweets, Marianne and Donald fall in love. There are some rough spots, with divorces and a Constitutional Crisis, but in a heartwarming ending, they eventually become Co-POTUSs with a united nation rejoicing.
---Blogger jaydub said...
"Love Trumps Hate" was the slogan as I recall. Except, of course, when the object of the hate is Donald Trump and the hater is a pure-of-heart socialist. In that case, extreme hostility by the hater is justified by the inhumanity of the hatee. Because Trump, of course.---
I been thinkin' 'bout watchin' me some Justified again. This would be round 3. Lotta ass time.
Blogger Fen said...
"Her call for reparations, maybe the most radical yet timely point of her policy proposals"
If you are descended from African slaves you are likely descended from African slave lords as well.
Funny how, in their rush to shame white America, none of them want to discuss how common it was for one African tribe to war with the other for the sole purpose of selling captives on the slave market.
Bullshit, slave traders were not sending their family members on slave ships. Only a dipshit would ever believe that.
Bullshit, African slave traders have been a part of the conversation for a while. Even in the New York Times, even by a Harvard intellectual.
Quit looking for a cheap get out of jail card. Man up and embrace your white privilege.
Ending the Slavery Blame-Game HENRY LOUIS GATES Jr. APRIL 22, 2010, Cambridge, Mass.
Henry Louis "Skip" Gates Jr. currently serves as the Alphonse Fletcher University Professor and Director of the Hutchins Center for African and African American Research at Harvard University.
"There are many thorny issues to resolve before we can arrive at a judicious (if symbolic) gesture to match such a sustained, heinous crime. Perhaps the most vexing is how to parcel out blame to those directly involved in the capture and sale of human beings for immense economic gain.
While we are all familiar with the role played by the United States and the European colonial powers like Britain, France, Holland, Portugal and Spain, there is very little discussion of the role Africans themselves played. And that role, it turns out, was a considerable one, especially for the slave-trading kingdoms of western and central Africa. These included the Akan of the kingdom of Asante in what is now Ghana, the Fon of Dahomey (now Benin), the Mbundu of Ndongo in modern Angola and the Kongo of today’s Congo, among several others.
How did slaves make it to these coastal forts? The historians John Thornton and Linda Heywood of Boston University estimate that 90 percent of those shipped to the New World were enslaved by Africans and then sold to European traders. The sad truth is that without complex business partnerships between African elites and European traders and commercial agents, the slave trade to the New World would have been impossible, at least on the scale it occurred.
So how could President Obama untangle the knot? In David Remnick’s new book “The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama,” one of the president’s former students at the University of Chicago comments on Mr. Obama’s mixed feelings about the reparations movement: “He told us what he thought about reparations. He agreed entirely with the theory of reparations. But in practice he didn’t think it was really workable.”"
She's a rich white woman who knows no black people. Yet, she supporting "reparations" because "We" (not her) need to pay for "our" sins. She makes me want to puke.
The Liberal/left always knows how to manipulate the dumb-shits. Now, its playing the victim or saying you're motivated by "love" - when in fact its all about "hate".
Rage-a-holics tune into Rachel Maddow.
You really are stupid, Howard. Not many of us are descended from actual slaveholders. But we are in your mind if we are white. For the same reason, not many blacks are descended from black slave traders.
BTW, William: I’m not really up to cutting slack for formerly beautiful women, just because they are formerly beautiful. No one cuts Trump that slack — goose, gander.
@bleachbit: Ever notice that Harris takes fashion cues from Maddow? Same taste in drabwear.
I think the scariest thing about Marianne Williamson is that there are a lot of low-information voters out there on the Democrat side who might vote for her. They don't know much and they aren't deep thinkers, but they don't like negativity and they love them some New Age-y stuff. You know who I'm talking about, you have friends or relatives like that on Facebook, the ones who post all the magical thinking New Age-y stuff, and they are her natural constituency. Are there enough of them to come out and vote for her on primary day? Who knows? But that's how she could beat out the inevitables, much as Trump beat out the Jebs and the Rubios in 2016.
“So I should be an elitist like you and wwww, Inky.”
Oh please. Cry me a river. I didn’t grow up in a rich family and didn’t live in a rich neighborhood. And I worked my tail off for 35+ years as a nurse. Plus you still didn’t address why WWWW should not be able to have her own POV. YOU don’t get to decide.
Shes not unattractive, but she's seriously crazy, those things might go together.
They say lesser tier candidates are angling for a Cabinet position.
I say Ms. Williamson is hoping to become Secretary of Karma
An elitist is someone who does not give a damn about people less well off than they are. If you did give a damn, Inky, you’d appreciate what Trump has accomplished.
wwww’s POV is based on casual cruelty towards the working class. Do you think that’s a valid POV?
It sounds like dialog plagiarized from an 80's porn film.
No, no, it's not what you think!! I have a friend that watches this stuff.
She reminds me of Homer Simpson's Hippie Lady. Obama wasn't a loon; rather he was evil, intent on destroying America. This Marianne lady is a genuine loon.
The Trump precedent? A little less Republican. A lot less Democrat. No Comedy Narrative Network. NYT, if unavoidable. A good neighbor policy. America, first.
chickelit: "You really are stupid, Howard. Not many of us are descended from actual slaveholders."
Kamala Harris is.
I think Meade should set up a bot that will argue with the people who want to argue.
There are 2 types of people. People who watch these debates. And people who don't. But these clips of Marianne Williamson are hilarious.
Big Mike,
I'll be honest -- i haven't read much of this comment thread and I have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm saying this because you seem distressed. It's none of my business, but I'd advice moving on to something more fun for you. Watch a baseball game or go to a BBQ. It's a waste of time to be upset at some rando (me) on the internet. You don't know what I think, politically. You don't know if I bother to vote. That's because I rarely share what I think or how or if I vote. That's because I rarely debate political opinions.
I'm interested in (1) predictions and 2) a couple of other quirky things that strike me as interesting. I am interested in divorce and other social issues but I don't comment much about it, unless the comment thread is directly related. In real life I keep my opinions to myself. My husband knows what I think, not my friends.
But this I do know. Life is short. I took a friend's toddler to the children's hospital the other weekend. Some people have terribly sick children. If you and yours are in good health, you should celebrate life and not waste time getting distressed or angry. Certainly don't waste your time being angry at some stranger you've never met, don't know, and have zero investment in.
Howard: "Quit looking for a cheap get out of jail card. Man up and embrace your white privilege."
You first.
We'll wait right over here patiently for you to explain precisely how you "manned up and embraced your white privilege.
Seriously, break it down for us, all those amazing things you've done.
I'll bet its alot....
Come on. We both know that you want to purchase your lefty "salvation" not by giving of yourself but by simply yakking at other whiteys!!
You dont care about the facts, even when they are explained to you, which tells me you're trolling us,
@narciso: If that was directed at wwww, that's gotta hurt.
We’ll know she’s lost her mind if she starts going on about how she can stop the rise of the oceans.
chuck said...
Sounds like she should join the Trump administration and put fear and hate behind her.
I actually don't understand why Marianne Williamson was not named to fill Omarosa's position at the White House.
Damn Skippy!
You were catapulted into the headlines last July after you were arrested at your home in Cambridge, Mass., and President Obama publicly said, “Skip Gates is a friend.” When did you first meet the president?
When he was running for the Senate. The first party for him on Martha’s Vineyard was held in the house I lease.Have you seen James Crowley, the Cambridge Police sergeant who arrested you, since you sat down with him and the president and reconciled over beers?
Yes. We had a drink at my favorite pub in Cambridge. We met at the River Gods cafe several months ago, and he gave me the handcuffs.The handcuffs that you are wearing in that disturbing photograph of you held captive on your front porch?
Trump and that damn Blexit Schitt have ruined the beer summit gains.
Apparently - if the internet is to be believed - she and Salman Rushdie no longer speak. I always thought she was his new age muse.
"@narciso: If that was directed at wwww, that's gotta hurt."
no, mostly I'm confused why (1) Why you all are upset that my Mommy friends on facebook said something about fostering kids. It wasn't even my comment - I was quoting others in a discussion w/ another commenter who a similar subject come up with her facebook friends.
(2) Why are you talking about it a day later?
(3) Why are you upset by some rando on the internet. (Me.)
4) Why do you feel trolled by someone who was having a convo/ exchange with an entirely different commenter.
5) It wasn't even my idea to foster kids. So, why are you wasting your time being triggered?
6) Why is Big Mike randomly talking about economic stuff today? I don't care about the working class? Wut?
Ok, i'm interested because it's weird and I'm interested in psychology. I also feel kind of bad for you because you appear to be upset over literally nothing. At least if there is a political argument, it's not one that I can follow. So, you're arguing with yourself. Or, you're angry about mothers of toddlers you will never meet. I don't discuss politics with them. I meet them at parks for playdates with toddlers. So you gotta admit your anger and response is weird. Who cares this much about mothers of toddlers talking on facebook about fostering kids?
Conclusion: you're angry about something totally unrelated in your life because none of it makes rational sense.
It's really not psychologically healthy to argue about nothing. We're adults. Be well, move on, don't get so upset about something random on my facebook feed.
When we see what white powder has been delivered to the White House, when miss Cortez calls these facilities concentration camps when people have set fire to themselves outside the White House gates, because they have been outright lied to or certain facts omitted from the presentation
I'll answer in part, wwww: Why are you sympathetic towards women who want to assist attracting even more people to our border? They risk making the overall suffering even greater. Why isn't there sensitivity towards people in need already within the borders -- even illegals lacking healthcare? I asked over there whether this insensitivity was a female trait in general, but there were no takers.
I note also that Bernie Sanders -- even though he affirmed that migrants should get free American healthcare -- actually asked why is there so much suffering in those countries to begin with and should we do something about that?
:) . nah it's not meant that way. I am not interested in many political topics.
But I'm fascinated by people and people's behaviour. Why would someone argue w/ me about something I didn't say and don't have an opinion on? For that matter, why would someone be so invested they bring up (from my POV a non-issue I don't have an opinion on) a couple of days later?
That's interesting! OK, now I need to look up a you tube video on how to make a bunny cake for my toddler.
Miss Williamson in her perfectly sangfroid way we must have reparations now, from whom the plantation owners (how many of those are left) the companies that shipped the slaves, the universities no just the little people that aren't woke enough yet
I hear
Moon unit Williamson
Kim Jon meet Moon Unit
She is here to make love not war
Or is that E Carroll getting her Samantha on at Bergdorfs with Mr Mushroom
If we are all aliens, are we not all illegal aliens..or at least undocumented?
I'll answer in part, wwww: Why are you sympathetic towards women who want to assist attracting even more people to our border?
I said they were distressed and upset. They are my mommy friends so I'm sympathetic they are upset. (Why would men be surprised at this?) Mom friends on facebook don't care about attracting people to the border. That's my point. They are upset about stories of toddlers and young children w/ out child care or supplies. That's not surprising. You've met young mothers. Don't be surprised at a freak out when they hear that young kids are upset. We're hormonally and emotionally primed for it. Didn't you have kids? Don't you remember feeling upset seeing a young kid in trouble? Or don't you remember your wife getting upset?
One of my friends, after giving birth, can no longer watch any movies that suggest young kids getting hurt. There's that famous movie with the baby carriage rolled over & just an implied situation. She can't watch it anymore because it's too upsetting.
Anyways, they are busy mothers with young kids. It's no longer being talked about on my facebook feed. You're the only one still talking about it.
"They risk making the overall suffering even greater. Why isn't there sensitivity towards people in need already within the borders -- even illegals lacking healthcare? I asked over there whether this insensitivity was a female trait in general, but there were no takers."
Because they are mothers with young toddlers and infants under the age of five. Their focus is on young kids, not adults. Honestly get out of the political bubble and consider human nature. You don't want a society where young mothers are not obsessed about their young kids and their well-being. Of course this gets translated to other kids if they hear reports or see pictures about babies & toddlers. It's the most natural thing in the world. Mommies love their babies & other babies. You're expecting them to act against nature.
Except bring 350,000 unaccompanied kids into this country is problematic wouldn't you agree.
When you have family connections it's something different.
@wwww: Go ahead and answer narciso...unless you're afraid of reflection.
narciso said...Except bring 350,000 unaccompanied kids into this country is problematic wouldn't you agree.
My question last night was whether this "border crisis" was just a cover for an adoption scam; an adoption scam that circumvents legal channels.
You don't want a society where young mothers are not obsessed about their young kids and their well-being.
I certainly don't want a society where young mothers are more concerned about others' kids than their own. That's why I think you're trolling us with your story.
Harris seems like the perfect sort of woman to care as much for others' kids as her own. Both are abstractions for her.
We come from another realm of consciousness, and long for home.
What you mean “we”, crazy lady?
Some of us enjoy being mammals living on the earth.
Ha ha! I love some of these things that Marianne Williamson has said. (Not that I think she should be President….)
As for the foregoing reply to her, however. I too enjoy the ultra-fascinating experience of being a mammal — not to speak of sarcopterygian fish (such as our relative the modern coelacanth, still breathing with gills in the world ocean), whence our fundamental tetrapod (4-footed land animal) body plan originated some 400 megayears back.
However, the consciousness that inhabits that still-sarcopterygian framework is not the same as the physical biological organism itself — whose basics frogs, lizards and shrews also represent.
(Something like) human-grade consciousness, contrariwise, requires an advanced brain hosting such awareness and consciousness — particularly the human brain's speech-center supporting symbolic communication between individuals and across generations.
(Much like software vis-à-vis hardware in computers) this sort of consciousness really operates on an entirely different level of reality from the physical-chemical-electrical world that we see and feel (carried by electronic senses into our mental universe) around us — thus revealing a new innovation in the long evolutionary history of earth's biosphere.
As a result, I think Marianne is perfectly correct here in saying “We come from a different realm of consciousness….”
As for her additional “… and long for home,” that's no doubt true too. We humans do “long” for a world where our most loved mental abstractions (e.g.: “Peace”) rule — where the entropic, all-too (evilly) human and all-too (messily) physical world that offends us “deeply” — magically gets transformed (basically) into sublime Heaven.
Marianne's right about that. However, the modern-day progressive fantasy is that such common human longings for Utopia (or Heaven) — which naive children are perhaps most strongly subject to — are now being generally dusted off and proffered as supposedly serious policy proposals. “We can have it all now!” is the cry.
This really is nuts — because we really can't.
Those who were around in the last century might recall the Natural Law Party, followers of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. If I'm not mistaken, I believe there was talk of assembling a Yogic or Karmic Air Force of levitating meditators to defend the nation. Compared to Perot, Clinton and Bush they didn't sound that crazy.
> > She was actually quite reasonable and was very open to discussions that sought truth.
> “So Mr. President, if you’re listening, I want you to hear me please: You have harnessed fear for political purposes, and only love can cast that out,”
"You are evil and I am good" sounds reasonable to me...
Compared the other candidate proposals, reparations would actually be affordable.
I'll say it again: this hag ripped off dying AIDS and cancer patients by telling them her new age meditation could cure their diseases. She exploited terrified, dying people. She's a sick monster.
Sometimes, facts matter more than our temporary amusement at optics, right?
I certainly don't want a society where young mothers are more concerned about others' kids than their own. That's why I think you're trolling us with your story.
ok. Your opinion is your own business.
I think your upset over it is odd because I was having an exchange w/ another commenter about facebook feeds. From my POV you jumped in and got randomly upset. It's as if you want me to drop this mommy and her toddler from future playdates. Or say something to her. Or be responsible for what she said. It's not your facebook feed, it wasn't my comment on facebook, and you're not trying to arrange future playdates for your toddlers.
I'm not going to drop someone who has a kid that plays with my kids at the park because you are annoyed by 1 thing she said on my facebook feed. People pop off on facebook all the time. That's why I don't comment on facebook & didn't say anything on that discussion.
Again, Boundaries! You're not getting trolled, you're stepping over a social line in a odd way. Boundaries make life so much simpler.
Hey, Look everybody! Howard read a book! Good on ya Howard.
Now let us examine the slavery of the muslim states. How far more Europeans were held in slavery for a lot longer than blacks were enslaved by the British and Americans.
Or the French "blue laws" in the Americas concerning slavery.
Ya want repartions?
I got yer reparations right here.
Again, Boundaries! You're not getting trolled, you're stepping over a social line in a odd way. Boundaries make life so much simpler.
Agree in part. Boundaries are like borders. They exist for a reason. But your friends and possibly even you don't recognize nation's borders. All 10 Dem candidates openly admitted that they don't recognize in national boundaries regarding providing free healthcare. I find that profoundly shocking. I suspect others do as well. I suspect that you still don't understand the implications of your own thoughts. That is why I will continue to doubt your sincerity.
But your friends and possibly even you don't recognize nation's borders.
I didn't write anything in that facebook discussion. I've never talked about politics with the moms I meet at the park. You're trying to start an argument over a mom who asked if she could take a young kid into her home with her own to foster vs. leaving the kid in an institution. Family environments are always better then group homes. I am very big on being private and a-political with acquaintances and friends.
And there was NOTHING said on her facebook post about neglecting her own kids. When my sister's husband's mother took in a foster child she wasn't neglecting her own kids. It depends on the foster kid but it's good for most to have other foster siblings arounds and a family environment, unless the kid has particular special needs.
Do you realize you're freaking about about a facebook acquaintance who posted something on her facebook page that I saw in my feed? Do you not see that's behaviourally weird?
Do you realize you're freaking about about a facebook acquaintance who posted something on her facebook page that I saw in my feed? Do you not see that's behaviourally weird?
I'm not freaking out about you; I'm needling you in an informal way. I am freaked out about the Dem's political position, which apparently has gone mainstream.
And there was NOTHING said on her facebook post about neglecting her own kids.
You wrote that your Facebook friend was prepared to drop everything and FLY to Texas to save the children. That's when I snarked that she must be well off because: (1) The expense and urgency of flying, and (2) the support system needed for someone to care for her own children while she went on her mission. That is when you took offense in that thread. Was it because you believe that she would be doing something profoundly righteous?
"That is when you took offense in that thread. Was it because you believe that she would be doing something profoundly righteous?"
I wasn't offended so much as I was annoyed people were getting on MY case for something someone else said a facebook post that showed up in MY feed. I was talking to another commenter about people on her facebook feed who was talking about the Wayfair boycott. Then you come in and you're all offended by ME because of what an acquaintance posted that showed up in my feed. You acted like I was hosting a political action group with toddlers at the park.
& she wasn't going to MOVE there. She asked if anyone knew how to foster young kids so they wouldn't have to be institutionalized. She said she would be happy to fly down there & fly the kid back to her house. So a young kid didn't have to be in an institution without adequate child care or supplies.
The family isn't wealthy but they have expendable income to fly to vacations a couple of times a year. The expense of flying to the state and flying a kid back would be no big deal to them. It's NBD and you're flipping out over something that is a nice thing to do for a kid in an institution.
Are you one of those anti-adoption people. I know some people get upset when American Christians adopt kids from orphanages overseas because they aren't Americans. But they are still young kids in orphanages. I don't think it's any of my business when or where people choose to adopt or foster. It's a nice thing to do. Certainly not something to have a fit about.
My whole point was that my facebook feed is usually not political but mommies were upset seeing these reports. Now those posts have stopped and you are the only person talking about it. We're going to meet some people at a park today for the toddlers to play and I can guarantee you we're not going to talk politics. Frankly, it's not very fun and it's a good way to loose friends and create misunderstandings with acquaintances.
1) The expense and urgency of flying,
The family travels frequently. It's NBD. The couple flew to Ireland and Spain when their first kid was 8 months. Their kids fly all the time.
"(2) the support system needed for someone to care for her own children while she went on her mission."
She could fly down and back in 24 hours. NBD.
the bigger deal is being willing to host a extra toddler in her house for months. I think the offer was genuine, but who knows. As I said, people pop off on facebook all the time.
I'm not freaking out about you; I'm needling you in an informal way.
You're not needling me about MY position. You're upset about what an acquaintance wrote on her own facebook post that showed up in MY feed that I reported in a discussion about people freaking out on facebook.
That's what is behaviourally odd.
Then Drago brought up something from an entirely different OLD post and went off about rando things that didn't make any sense. So, yeah, from my perspective you are freaking out at me for no reason that is logical or rational.
Was it because you believe that she would be doing something profoundly righteous?
Answer my question directly and I'll consider answering a few of your new ones.
& you got upset about someone fostering a kid. You acted like it was a bad thing to do. It's never bad for a good family to offer to foster a kid and get them out of an institution or group home into a family situation.
Particularly young kids under the age of 5. But really, 8 or 9 is too young for a kid to be in an institution. But a toddler? Without constant child care 24-7? That's unfortunate. Babies and toddlers need constant care and good ratios. it's illegal for child care places to have ratios of adults to kids that are too high with the young ones. It's illegal for a reason. They need that family situation and constant caregivers.
Was it because you believe that she would be doing something profoundly righteous?
It's because I hate anti-adoption people and your anti-fostering stance was offensive to me.
Some people would rather leave young kids in orphanages then get them into family situations. They say Christians are imperialist for doing so.
I have contempt for those anti-adoption people because they are willing to put young kids in bad situations because of purity tests and ideology.
& this is why I have a policy of Not Talking about Politics with acquaintances or on facebook. Likely You misunderstood me and I misunderstood you. And it was all a huge waste of time talking past each other. Blech!!
@wwww: I got busy cooking breakfast and didn't mean to hang up on you I'll be back in an hour or so.
Was it because you believe that she would be doing something profoundly righteous? Answer my question directly and I'll consider answering a few of your new ones.
Aside from the anti-fostering/ anti-adoption people, who I find to be rather disgusting, I knew exactly why she was reacting as she did.
She is someone who cannot handle small children being in pain. I've hugged her while she cried because her own child was mildly sick and crying. She cannot handle hearing about these reports. It's messing her up. Has nothing to do with thinking about her being morally "righteous."
I thought she was so distressed she wasn't thinking straight. It takes time to sign up for fostering organizations. Your family needs to be screened. And there are geographical issues. Likely, to be able to foster these children one needs to be in a particular state that HHR contracts with. I know Bethany Christian has taken in some of the young kids and placed them with families. This woman isn't stupid; I'm sure she figured it out when she calmed down.
This I will say: I do not think some people get that other people, often mothers with young children, are deeply triggered by these stories about infants and toddlers. Has nothing to do with moral profundity and everything to do with a strong mothering instinct.
@wwww: I got busy cooking breakfast and didn't mean to hang up on you I'll be back in an hour or so.
It's fine. Honestly it's the weekend, we're going out to play and things are too busy. I don't like arguing anyways. Let's just drop it.
From what she says about trump, I conclude she either is consumed by hatred, or is trying to look the part for political purposes.
Better a Spiritual Justice Warrior than a Social one.
Hey, in the Good Old Days the "on fire" part would have been literal.
I don't even want a society where the mothers are obsessed about the safety of their own kids.
I want one, rather, where the fathers tell the mothers to chill out a bit and let the kids free range like we did when we were growing up.
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