2. Joe is trying to intimidate Bernie by looking at him.
3. Kirsten Gillibrand gets away with interrupting... for a while, and then she's cut off. I don't listen to what she says because I'm noticing she's got the same mascara problem Amy Klobuchar had last night — just a few blots in the center of the lower lid. I assume that's accidental transfer of upper lash mascara. She also seems uncomfortable with her false eyelashes. She's blinking furiously. Oh, now she's interrupting again. So annoying. I'm literally getting a headache.
4. Andrew Yang is not wearing a tie. He's asked a question and he acts like he hasn't heard it.
5. Swalwell picked out his orange tie. He's also got an orange ribbon. Must mean something. I'm reading the Wikipedia article on the meaning of the orange ribbon. There are a lot of possibilities, including: "In the 1920s, an orange ribbon was used [in Sweden] for the national association of overallklubbar, clubs promoting a radical change in fashion meaning everyone should wear jumpsuits."
6. They're all talking at once! It reminds me of last night's audio snafu. Pure chaos. Kamala Harris gets off a joke: "America does not want to witness a food fight. They want to know how we're going to put food on their table."
7. The tension and anger is cranking up, and I blame Bernie Sanders. It's catching, and several of the others are infected, notably Joe Biden. When they yell, I can barely listen.
8. The subject of health care is going on and on. I consider this mainly a legislative matter. I'd rather hear them talk about things that are specific to the executive power.
9. On the hand-raising question, Biden has a halfway gesture, holding up an index finger at nose level. Is he trying to say: I have a special statement to make. I guess that's okay. Why force people to accept or reject a dictated statement?
10. The Democrats are embracing completely open immigration, as far as I can tell. It seems that anyone can decide to move here and be welcomed and supported. I can't believe that is what Americans will vote for, and neither can Trump:
All Democrats just raised their hands for giving millions of illegal aliens unlimited healthcare. How about taking care of American Citizens first!? That’s the end of that race!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 28, 2019
11. Marianne Williamson is weird, but I find her eerily fascinating. And I love her outfit.
12. Kamala Harris is doing pretty well, but I didn't like her yelling at Biden. She did kind of get under his skin though.
13. Bennet looks like Karl Malden. And he speaks in a voice that's the voice most people use when saying the word "duh" sarcastically.
14. Biden is doing a good job of not looking like an old man. And it's late.
२२१ टिप्पण्या:
221 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Missed Part I, but this looks like the 'Main event'.
Haven't watched MSNBC since election night to witness the melt down.
Looks like the melt down has not subsided.
LB: "Haven't watched MSNBC since election night to witness the melt down."
The night republicans swept the House, Senate and the Presidency....
.....which LLR Chuck explicitly termed a "disaster".
Because thats what REAL conservatives do...they lament democrat losses.
Best viewed on Twitter. It reduces cringing.
Assuming you follow the right people of course.
Warning. Alternate Reality Bubble approaching. Hide the women and the children.
Bernie immediately deflects the question and goes to the stump.
Biden is pumped up and wants to fight Trump tonight. Better pace himself.
These people are losers. Kamala Harris is an angry Jamaican woman.
Hickenlooper is the best of a sorry lot. He doesn't like socialists.
Is it gonna be 2 hours of anger?
I used the mute button.
Whew, better.
The New York candidates are not waiting to be called on; Gillibrand doing like DeBlasio just butting into the discussion.
No tie.
Casual debate night.
Looks like slow joe just has to stand there and act normal and he'll win.
Yang needs to get out of the dem party.
Bernie adds some passion and cuts through the crap. Kamala is passionate. Hickenlooper and all the other are dullsville. mayor pete is already bringing up his husband.
Good thing I didn't pick 'FREE' as a bingo word; I'd be shit faced already
Wow no name calling, no discussion of hand size just policy what a difference the Democrats can make.
2. Joe is trying to intimidate Bernie by looking at him.
He should just pay Bernie off.
Bernie sells out pretty cheap. Another nice beach house or immunity for his fraud wife would probably do it.
Woo hoo. Bernie adding some spice. This is the food fight debate!
The moderators suck too.
When does Marianne get to speak? Are they saving her for a relief role?
If Elected the D candidates will:
1) Give you free College
2) forgive your college debt
3) Give you free health care
4) Cut your taxes
5) Give you a free abortion -with a coupon
Lots of crosstalk. Harris had a good line about no food fights.
Joe's brite white uppers don't match his mostly natural yellowed lowers.
Marianne will sing God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch
Gillenbrand is such an irritating wench that anyone wanting to re-elect Trump should send her a dollar tonight.
Biden has been a politician for 47 years. Please just go the fuck home. I promise to stop making fun of Delaware.
5. Swalwell picked out his orange tie. He's also got an orange ribbon. Must mean something.
I am going with gun violence protests.
In the United States, the orange ribbon has become a support color for the following:(ripped off from wikipedia)
"Kidney cancer[8]
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD)[citation needed]
Hunger and malnutrition awareness[9]
Multiple Sclerosis and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (formerly known as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) awareness, as well as Cancer/Lupus/Leukemia Awareness[10]
Gun violence protests[11]
At-risk animal awareness. The orange ribbon has been officially registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as the Animal Guardian Ribbon. It was created in 2003 by Rational Animal, a nonprofit media animal advocacy group in conjunction with the Mayor's Alliance for New York City's Animals. At-risk animals are defined as those "non-human animals who suffer from neglect or abuse or whose very lives and well-being are in jeopardy."[12]
The ACLU Close Guantánamo Campaign.[13]
In the San Francisco Bay Area activist group Act Against Torture uses it as part of their campaign to close Guantanamo Bay and other U.S. detention facilities, in reference to the orange jumpsuits which detainees are made to wear.[citation needed]
Work zone safety awareness. A reflective orange ribbon is used by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association Transportation Development Foundation to promote awareness and to honor roadway construction workers who have died at work.[14]
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder[citation needed]"
Go Bernie! He cuts the air with his hands. He cuts through Biden's crap.
Now, Williamson an "author" speaks. Okey-dokey. I thought she was someone's girlfriend. but you go girl!
Sorry for dissing Marianne, she's got game!
Marianne is bit goofy - but at least it's a refreshing change of pace.
Quit making fun of roesch/voltaire, guys.
It ain't cool to laugh at the idiots.
He thinks discussions of policy that don't involve payment for free shit is cool.
What a maroon!
So many causes, so few colors to use...
Wow, she's a real shortie.
Marianne! Yoga woman.
Williamson makes her point.
Joe's gotta nickname all these flunkies
Wow, Marianne Robinson brings a dragon to a bubble fight.
Marianne on Saturday. Amy on Monday. Harris on Thursday.
Senate Bennett wants you to know that no one - i repeat no one - has been sicker then him. He's an EXPERT in health care. Kamala breaks in and says she will DRIVE YOUR KID to the ER if elected POTUS.
Coverage for Illegal aliens? Of course. But the real problem is that anyone is illegal. Amnesty for everyone. And free abortions. And tax cuts. And college.
Not watching and so am not qualified to comment. I'll be over here reading a book by Clive Cussler. Ah, made a tee time for tomorrow afternoon too. And watched episode 6 of "Window" with Kate Beckinsale.
Kamala has to keep it one notch below 'pissed off', and less pointing.
She gets through to next round.
Slow joe blathers. Its obvious that Bernie or Kamala would chop him to pieces if they did a one-on-one.
The subject of health care is going on and on. I consider this mainly a legislative matter
Except, of course, when it comes to abortion.
Kamala, it’s the illegals what want to hear about how you’re going to put food on their table. Americans are worried how you’re going to take food from theirs.
I can’t figure out what Biden is trying to say,. Harris will bring us back to focus.
Free, free, free.
Our values.
Joe is coasting, the Republican MSNBC wonk, Rick Wilson, said the other dems needed to go after him. But Brian Williams reminded him Joe would get 30 seconds every time they use his name.
r/v loves the policy. Ann hates it. Everyone else is in for the snark.
Day 1 - Kamala will executive order Amnesty and then go down to border and get those kids out of cages. And then drive them to the ER for a free abortion. And then enroll them in college!
Elian Gonzales had no comment.
Hickenlooper blathers some white man stuff about humanitarian....zzzz.
Brian Williams is still employed? WTF?
They're just talking about Trump. Yawn.
I just hear them all saying in unison: Open the borders and fund assistance. Not gonna work.
What happened to Yang?
State sponsored crime,yawn for the Republicans.
Have they gotten to their plan about abortion rights for trannies?
Proud to be a Democrat. LOL.
Last night I was bored, tonight I'm bored-annoyed. Tomorrow - free at last.
Every D wants to "Decriminalize" the border. That means open borders. Solve the border crisis by letting anyone who wants to, walk in. Its like "decriminalizing MJ" - its legalizing it. Without saying so.
Oh well, that's Ok with us, says dumbshit bourgeois america. They won't move next to me. Yeah, okey-dokey.
Joe trying out the 'Angry Joe' motif.
Biden - solve the illegal immigration crisis by just let everyone come here. Problem solved.
Can't argue with that logic. No immigration laws. No illegal immigration.
Open the borders! Bring them all on, they're saying. Bring them all on!
Bailed to watch The Office. How’d Marianne do?
They are all the same!!!
If one dem said something sensible about the border crisis, he/she would shoot to the lead.
Kamala ignores laws!!!
Jose, “Deported 3 million Americans.”
If you are an American, you CANNOT be deported. And men can’t have babies.
Harris’ good looking days are behind her.
Whose pearl necklace is Harris wearing?
Death camps in Poland are detention centers at the border? Fuck you!
Yang finally gets a question - about China. Talk about racist!
Are they being asked the same questions as the previous day?
I tuned in for about five minutes. And it was Biden talking, and Bernie talking and Kamela talking. Then back to Biden and Bernie. NBC playing favorites again.
Commercial; Yang should go put a tie on.
Each and every one of these candidates is wrong about the border and immigration. Who is driving them all in the same direction?
Buttigieg things we're paying more for imports because of tariffs despite the FACT the prices of imported goods have fallen, as measured by the federal government.
Math is hard.
"Open the borders! Bring them all on, they're saying. Bring them all on!"
Yep. Bring them all in. Then give them "Free" Medical care, education, college tution, and abortions. We haven't gotten to "free" jobs - but that's on the table too.
And well they've given them all the free stuff, they'll give them a tax cut!
I would suggest the Leftist Collectivists and the Chamber of Commerce are pushing.
Americans who care about Americans are pushing back.
Please tell me how Joe Biden is the moderate "Grown-up". He's agreeing with every crazy Left-wing position. He's Bernie with a lower IQ.
Holocaust - drink!!
I noticed that Buttigedge has that sweaty upper lip thing going on.
The better question is who's pushing them in the opposite direction? Answer: No one in the D party. Rich billionaire donors, Hollywood fat cats, etc. all want massive immigration - legal or illegal.
Trump beats all of these clowns.
Maddow is better looking than Harris.
Sad but true.
Mark said...I noticed that Buttigedge has that sweaty upper lip thing going on.
He looks like early Nixon on TV.
I hope all these wonderful people can move on and be contributing members of our society.
But they are not going to be president.
Yeah, you're angry, Kamala. Where does that get you?
Sadly, Marianne is also passed her sell date.
What’s wrong with her make up?
This open borders shit is a poison pill for the Dems. Just as the Dem leadership lost touch with working class whites in 2016, they seem to be in the process of losing touch with blacks, too.
Blacks really don't like large-scale immigration. Not just by Latinos, but by any body, including Caribbean & African blacks. They think (with much justification) that it's going to be them who ends up competing with the immigrants for jobs & housing.
The Dems are now engaged in a major game of chicken. They have to bring in & naturalize enough Latinos to turn Texas blue, thus ensuring enough electoral votes to lock up the presidency before their pandering to the Latinos makes their black turnout drop into the low 80 to high 70 percentile, at which point they are electorally dead.
If I was Trump & the Republicans, I'd be out there glad-handing blacks at every opportunity & reminding them of who's for open borders, obnoxious LGBQT activists harassing Christians, and who runs all these cities where young black men murder each other as regular as clockwork. "What have you got to lose?", indeed!
Marianne Williamson:
I do not believe Americans are racist.
I do believe white Americans should pay reparations.
The only people who ever discriminated against me in employment (based on race) was a white guy.
Mayor Butt offers some smooth talk about his cities blacks vs white cops problem. He feels everyone's pain and he hates racism.
Williamson decides we "average Americans" aren't "racist" (thanks!) but are woefully uneducated about race. Unlike her. Anyway, nobody loves her black maid more then her. And she can judge us all - because of that.
Kamala might have mistakenly thrown Joe a fat pitch
Joe hits back hard at Harris's emotional rant. Good good him.
Why waste time watching these idiots and Communists? I believe them when they tell me:
1-we are gonna raise your taxes at the margin to 70%
2-we are gonna tax your wealth
3-we are gonna put you on Medicaid for all
4-we are gonna curb your freedom of travel and how comfortably you live.
Am I missing anything?
Joe: I marched with MLK!
Kamala: I can't believe your gall. Old White man.
Biden is losing the Woke Debate.
Harris is unhinged!!
So I turn back and . . . it's still Biden talking and Kamala talking.
I thought there were ten people at this debate.
Kamala Haris isn't having ANY of Slow Joe's explanation.
cubanbob said...Why waste time watching these idiots and Communists?
Because they deserve opposition.
Necessarily you are missing many things.
Democratics hide most of the things they want to do to you and me.
rcocean said...Kamala Haris isn't having ANY of Slow Joe's explanation
Her emotional rant should disqualify her.
Kamala has a coating of make-up on that would choke a horse. Somehow she survives.
But seriously, Ladies, if you're gonna lay it on that thick, why not just wear a mask. They make really nice ones nowadays.
Joe: I marched with MLK!
Kamala: I can't believe your gall. Old White man.
Well, she does have a point. It probably was a lot more pleasant to march with MLK than to have adulterous sex with Willie Brown.
Kirsten Gillbrand:
The problem is money (and greed?) in politics.
Give me all your money.
Question to ask: If you win and the Republicans have been paying attention and they tie up everything you try to do in court, how will you proceed? If you try to nominate people and the Republicans drag out high school yearbooks and thirty year old memories, and if the Senate refused to allow your administration to be populated... What is your plan to deal with that?
Kamala is on the edge. You can't win the nomination tonight, but you can lose it.
Bennet slurs his words....is he drunk?
No Democratic these last two days has been within shouting distance of reasonable.
Joe is a swamp creature.
He is given the grasshoppers a lesson.
He didnt actually March with king, that's the beginning of the problem
Sen Bennett is boring. Sen G is even more boring. Joe BIden defends himself by saying he got Republicans to help fight cancer. yeah, that must have been tough!
Watched about 5 minutes passing through the room. Harris is a nasty woman. She does herself no good with that tone and the facial expression.
Kirsten Gillbrand:
Corruption is real.
Expand the power of the federal government.
Give power to 18 year olds who want to subvert the 2nd Amendment.
Sorry, Gilly: You can't bring up Koch without mentioning Soros. Hypocrite.
Maddow amazes me. I can’t see how she can show her face after that Al Capone’s vault debacle with the Mueller report.
Harris is a nasty woman. She does herself no good with that tone and the facial expression.
Bears repeating.
"He didnt actually March with king, that's the beginning of the problem"
maybe he just meandered with MLK down a bike path for a few minutes. Anyway, he was there in '68 supporting civil rights!
I want to rotate Supremes off the Supreme Court.
I want RBG to retire in one fashion or another.
At least it's not boring this evening... :)
Now on abortion. I will skip this, since every D candidate will come to your house with a doctor and give you a free abortion if elected President.
Does Yang get the home version of the game for playing tonight?
Gillibrand's lipstick is smearing. She looks battered.
Republicans want the pill sold OTC.
Democratics want to preserve Planned Parenthood profits.
I fought for contraception (profits for PP).
Do you have any kids under 3, you want to get rid of? Bernie will shoot them for you. And pay for the burial.
Forest fires caused by lack of logging in California proves glowball warmening.
Harris is a nasty woman. She does herself no good with that tone and the facial expression.
Bears repeating. Again
Buttigieg practiced serious mug.
Kamala - Climate change a threat? How about Donald trump? He's in the pocket of Nk and Putin and is a traitor or something.
Let's move onto gun control, shall we? There will be no surprises.
Colorado has a much needed snowpack this year. So does California.
As a scientist I know energy must be reduced until Americans return to the caves God gave them.
Did I get that paraphrase right?
Concrete is the biggest source of CO2? I thought it was SUVs driven by Trump supporters.
Free money!!!!!
I want to hear Yang's plan to give everybody $1000/yr
That'll pay for my smokes
Embrace the new Green Future with Electric Cars powered by coal-fired power plants. -- Joe Biden
I don't see how anyone could take any of these idiots seriously as a presidential candidate. Liberal losers.
Who better to corral than a stable genius?
$1000 per month would pay everybody's student loans.
Yang is a piker.
Hickenlooper was a scientist. So, even though he's been a politician for 20 years - he's an EXPERT on climate change.
JOe will do blah, blah. Bernie cuts through the crap. We got 12 years and he will spend less on defense and get together "with the world" and solve this problem.
Buttigieg is tiny.
Fragmented priorities much?
Now we're on to free daycare and paid leave for everyone - even Trump.
Sorry that's enough. Not sure I will watch another one. Bernie, Kam, and Biden would be interesting. All the other D's are boring losers who have no policy differences and little personality.
Not one Democratic talked about freedom.
Mayor Butt is a bore. Just like Beto he's VERY overrated.
"Not one Democratic talked about freedom."
Not true. They will give foreigners the freedom to walk into the country at anytime for any reason and work and vote.
Andrew Yang is winning the debate according to Drudge!
Also they will give the American people Freedom from want and freedom from fear. No longer will you have to wonder how to pay for that abortion, college tuition, transgender change operation. Nor will you have to fear climate change, Putin or paying back your college loan.
And to top it all, you'll get a tax cut!
I'm disappointed that the women are not better looking. I think the best looking is probably Gillibrand, but...she is a moron. Also, two scoops of crazy.
Again, Yang did not wear a tie ! Idiot.
Will I also get a genie in a bottle?
Or at least a fairie?
Bernie reminds me of my 92-year old Grandpa, who used to forget his pants and shuffle around the house in his jock strap.
Joe took a nap while Swillwell talked, he's fresh and ready for another round
Mayor DumbPeteAss
Guns don't make us safer.
Also, I have a police detail that keeps me safe.
These people suck. And, Maddow's nerd glasses are not sexy. We used to call those "birth control" glasses.
The stuff the dems say are bad things sound good to me
Mayor Pete is the most feminine woman on stage. And he plays a perfect Church Lady schtick.
Sanders Communist hatred shows in every thing he says. The jerk is a crazed hater.
Biden is a withered away has been. Trump will bury him.
"I noticed that Buttigedge has that sweaty upper lip thing going on." At least he has lips. Bennett does not. When it comes to lips, he has the David Corn look.
I watched about 20 minutes while eating dinner. Bernie needs the 70s to sound sane.
Swalwell will ban assault weapons again, if only someone can describe them.
Did not hear a good idea.
Who would have guessed that open borders, infanticide, hatred of law enforcement and socialism could ever sound this sexy! Talk about having your finger on the pulse of the average American voter!
So they have given Biden nine more minutes to talk than Yang.
Nearly 12 minutes to a little over two.
Mayor Pete called himself a "parent." Whose the mother ?
Oh, while I was typing Biden was given another full minute.
Can we strip Leftists of US citizenship and start deporting them before they further fuck up this country?
You would need the alien mothership just for your town
Mercifully, it's over. I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
(Apologies to Airplane)
Birkel said...
Necessarily you are missing many things.
Democratics hide most of the things they want to do to you and me."
Not really. Most of those who support these things assume it won't apply to them. You, yes, them, no. Basically they are grifters, they have larceny in their hearts.
I believe it was you who posted on this blog several years ago to the effect that the US is about 3.1 million square miles and the Native Indian population is about 3.1 million so everyone who isn't a Native Indian is occupying one Indian's square mile. Someone should ask the Democrats why they are encouraging even more illegal occupation of the Native Americans lands.
"chickelit said...
cubanbob said...Why waste time watching these idiots and Communists?
Because they deserve opposition"
They do. Any sentient person who isn't a grifter knows this. Why be a masochist. Just show up and vote against the Democrat-Communist Party.
Warren in a way is the best qualified Democrat. She is a bankruptcy lawyer. And that is where the US will be if the Democrat-Communist win the trifecta next year, bankrupt. At least Warren can file the paperwork with the courts.
Watching CNN now, they have declared Kamala the overwhelming winner, and are burying Biden.
Marianne has deep, dark, penetrating eyes. It's as if she is looking into the bottom of my soul.
Her teeth are pretty good too.
Warren in a way is the best qualified Democrat.
She doesn't seem driven by retribution like Harris does. Buttigieg has a mean streak too. Probably because he feels persecuted as a gay. I would vote those two off the island.
Biden is doing a good job of not looking like an old man.
Powdered chimpanzee glands, no doubt. Who is Biden's Dr. Morrell?
Watching CNN now, they have declared Kamala the overwhelming winner, and are burying Biden.
Of course they do. She's also the most polarizing of the bunch. The most passive-aggressive as well.
And Trump is of course correct in his tweet. Those candidates tonight -- unanimous in their support for open borders -- are not running for President of this country; they're running for someone else. That's not who we are.
Yeah, both MSNBC and Fox are saying Harris was the best. So much for m y skills as a ;pundit. I just don't see moderates warming to her, if there are any left,
The Democrat's plan for the border: Let's pour billions more dollars into the border to accommodate and give not a single thought to how many more millions more people that will attract. Who wants that?
rcocean said...
Also they will give the American people Freedom from want and freedom from fear. No longer will you have to wonder how to pay for that abortion, college tuition, transgender change operation. Nor will you have to fear climate change, Putin or paying back your college loan.
And to top it all, you'll get a tax cut!"
If they were sharp, I mean really sharp, they would get the Top Men at NASA to figure out how to send rockets into space to scoop up all that money in Heaven to pay for everything for everyone except those Evil Rich Old White Men. Those guys, can pay their freight for everything themselves.
I have a hard time believing independent voters will see anything positive or uplifting from Kamala. Yikes!!
Can we strip Leftists of US citizenship and start deporting them
In what sense are we part of the same country? Here's the debate question I'd like to hear:
Suppose China were to announce that due to concerns over America's nonparticipation in climate control treaties, it was taking military action - but because the Chinese recognized that many Americans shared their concerns, they would restrict themselves to targeting Sarah Palin's Alaska and George W Bush's Texas. They would cease hostilities as soon as the Green New Deal was passed into law. How would you react?
I think most but not all of the people on stage the past two nights would have enough awareness of how their answer would play in the general electorate to make nice noises about there being neither red states nor blue states but only united states. I also think they would be audibly booed by the live audience for a Democratic primary debate for suggesting they'd side with a red state against a foreign power.
Indeed; like a stopped clock that is right twice a day, Trump's tweet nailed it. Is that supposed to be the great countering argument to Donald Trump's plain incompetence in office? That we will all "show" Donald Trump by giving free national health care to illegal immigrants?
btw; National Review has a very funny Twitter roundup of the debate.
It’s all in for Kamala in post debate coverage. When is her inauguration? She will be the first half Hindu from India and half Jamaican black. The Globalists admire a sock puppet with that pedigree.
Chuck said...Indeed; like a stopped clock that is right twice a day, Trump's tweet nailed it.
You might see a bit of yourself in them, Chuck: Trump must be wrong and so they will jump through hoops to prove that and end up looking silly.
I wouldn't piss on National Review if it was fire. Did they agree with free Abortions for everyone? OR open borders?
So long as you recognize my sarcasm about "ownership" of what is the US, fine.
Otherwise, Democratics want to imprison you...
I call her sybill the soothsayer, good grief what a bizarre crew;
"Yeah, both MSNBC and Fox are saying Harris was the best."
Without the sound, in her closing statement she looked like a hooker making a come on.
Maybe she is the best.
Well you play to your strength like pam Grier from some alternate dimension.
I've never seen so many freaks on one-stage. They truly are space aliens. THe D's had to appear somewhat normal in 2012 and 2008, things hadn't reached the tipping point. But they feel its coming. They Think the USA will be just like California in 2020 or it not then 2024.
So, they can go full out open borders and socialist. There were no moderates. Biden, Harris, Booker, Warren, Bernie. Left-wing peas in a pod. The RINO's will now start talking about how Biden or whoever is just "playing to the base" and saying "they're REALLY moderate". Lies.
Best part of the debate(s) was the absence of Hillary Clinton. Let that realization sink in for a moment. We don't have to see her on stage anymore. We are #blessed, as they say on the left. I enjoyed the new faces: Swalwell, Hickenlooper, Buttigieg.
What's amazing about Biden is I can't think of a single thing he did while VP. What did he DO exactly?
The debate should have ended with the candidates, in unison, bidding one and all a good night, since they plan to play Santa Claus with our tax dollars.
I don't think there are any moderate democrats left. Baby boomer democrats have never been moderate and the ignorant millennials think climate change is the greatest threat to our country. After Trump is gone, we're doomed.
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