"Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important than getting that mean-spirited, embarrassingly gauche, wishy-washy blowhard out of the White House. All of the Democratic fuming about staging a political revolution, shaking up the power structure, fighting the fossil fuel industry, taking down Wall Street, busting noses of the corporate elite, launching ground assaults on power and wealth-transforming the country — all that should be given over to building a well-planned and well-staffed presidential campaign apparatus that can support the candidate best able to do something about what’s happening now.... This is no time for Democrats to humor the ambition of newbies seeking to enter the big time or to pamper grizzled veterans out for a last hurrah... Democrats simply don’t have the luxury of engaging in months of intramural infighting that ends up trashing those most electable against Trump. The last thing they need is a battered nominee limping into the general election...."
Writes Colbert I. King in "All these wannabe Democratic nominees are wasting everybody’s time" (WaPo).
That's one very obvious position, but who's the pampered "grizzled veteran"? Isn't it Biden, and isn't he also the one who's supposed to be the closest to a sure thing that everyone else can get behind? And how can Trump-haters really believe that the blandest choice is really best?
King lists the ones he thinks are the extras who need to get out of the way: Bill de Blasio, John Delaney, Julián Castro, Tulsi Gabbard, Jay Inslee, Tim Ryan, Michael F. Bennet, Kirsten Gillibrand, John Hickenlooper, Eric Swalwell, Marianne Williamson, Andrew Yang. Why isn't Buttigieg on that loser list? Why isn't Klobuchar? And why is Hickenlooper there? He could emerge as the serious, stable alternative to Trump that everyone could get behind.
Even if Trump opponents agree that what's crucially important is to beat Trump, plenty of them will say that a more excitingly progressive campaign is the better bet. Look at how Trump himself won (and look back to how Obama won). You have to look at what Americans have become and try to figure out what will be moving us 16 months from now. It's not easy, and it will take some magic.
I'm using the word "magic" to evoke President Trump, who recently asked about Biden, "Where's the magic?"
२१२ टिप्पण्या:
212 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»mean-spirited, embarrassingly gauche, wishy-washy blowhard
A that's-not-funny person.
Absolutely right. The party establishment should pick the candidate that can win and ensure that he/she gets the nomination and not waste time on a distracting primary competition. Just like they did in 2016.
"mean-spirited, embarrassingly gauche, wishy-washy blowhard "
Isn't "wishy-washy" out of place with its fellow words? The others are so definite, nothing wishy-washy about them
I’ve seen 9 in person. No magic. But Tulsi is beautiful.
I suspect King's criticism of that many lunatic lefty dem candidates all at once represents a Significant LLR Chuck Triggering event possibilty.
Thoughts and prayers for Chuck and a hope that he has sufficient alcohol and "meds" to get him thru this trying time.
Make that 10. Forgot Warren.
“Pampered grizzled veterans” would be Biden and Sanders. I like Bennett, but I see he’s on this cut list with his fellow Coloradan Hickenlooper.
He forgot kneeing Christian bakers in the groan, karate chopping wall builders and taking out Chic-fil-A with an atomic elbow drop to the skull.
Pimpled grizzled veterans could also include Warren.
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
"The sheer volume of noncompetitive competitors is a distraction that Democrats can ill afford, given the enormity of disaster at hand."
He should have used the phrase "caliber of disaster."
'Why isn't Buttigieg on that loser list?'
Historic first, for the win!!
The funny thing about the Democrat's current angst about too many candidates and the idea that they should get rid of the novelty/impossible candidates cluttering up the stage is.....that in 2016 it was Trump who was the novelty/impossible candidate.
Ha Ha. And look what happened.
The Dems and the Media (but I repeat myself) at that time thought it was a big joke to encourage Trump to run because there was NO WAY he could possibly be elected. What a funny joke on the Republicans :-)
How about instead of the candidates being selected by committee or in the case of Hillary by the Super Duper Delegates...they just let the people do the picking? Na. Those stupid voters. What do they know?
Afirmative action far left liberal Wapo columnist is questioning the meritoctracy of the primary race. And he refers to Trump as "wishy washy". It that a new liberal meme?
The word that best describes the Democratic field is "hubris".
I'm surprised there aren't thousands of candidates. There is plenty of hubris these days. The defaut idea seems to be that anyone can do that job, but it should be that virtually nobody can.
The very premise -- that a hard primary battle will hurt the eventually nominee -- is so historically wrong that everything that follows is laughable.
Recent candidates that had hard primary battles:
* Barack Obama (facing the Clinton machine)
* Donald Trump (facing everyone)
Recent candidates given a gilded highway to the nomination:
* Mitt Romney
* Hillary Clinton
Don't forget the wilted garden vegetable, Michael Bennett.
I guess Trump is now wishy washy because he didn’t nuke the Iranians the other day.
I think they are attempting to crowd out Hillary Clinton Crime Syndicate. She still dying to be crowned.
I think Warren is gaining because she is lefty enough and Bernie and Biden are looking very old.
I see her as a disastrous general election candidate but that is not my problem.
Kamala flamed out early. Booker ruined himself in the Kavanaugh hearings.
Does it really matter which of these competitors wins the Poisoned Chalice?
"Democrats simply don’t have the luxury of engaging in months of intramural infighting that ends up trashing those most electable against Trump."
You say that as if it were a bad thong.
As it’s all just entertainment, I’m rooting for the good looking girls.
The last thing Dems want is an intense discussion of their ideas by those making up the party leadership.
They need to keep the focus off themselves if they’ve any chance of winning.
What do we want? Power!
When do we want it? Right now!
Amazingly, I might watch the debates.
Michelle is Magic! And Historic!
We need a good drinking game for the debates!! It can't be too obvious - like 'Trump' - because I hate hangovers, but it shouldn't be so obscure as to prevent a buzz...
Mayor Pete has morphed into Dukakis but gay and cute pretty quickly.
Trump is wishy-washy? On which planet?
Doesn’t “grizzled veterans out for a last hurrah” cover Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Liz Warren? And aren’t they #1, #3, and #2, respectively, in the polls?
I barely know how to spell Hickenlooper's name. The only thing I know about him is that he got booed at some Dem event for boldly stating that socialism is not the way forward. He's my definite favorite among the Dem candidates. Courage and vision.....I also like Delaney. He's bald and dull. If people really want a change from Trump, they should go with the bald, dull man....I find Warren to be the most annoying. That augurs well for her candidacy....
You are going to need a good buzz to watch this.
So this guy wants the corporate elite, power and wealth-transforming-backed Democrat party to win the White House? So they can......what? Bust the noses of their own backers - the corporate elite? Do we really expect the Democrat party to launch a ground assaults on power and wealth Democrat backers that are transforming the country?
This guy seems confused as to who is doing what.
As Democrat FDR said there is nothing to fear except Democracy itself.
Good looks seem to be pretty important to Democrats.
It's messaging people! Learn to lie better.
All of the Democratic fuming about staging a political revolution, shaking up the power structure, fighting the fossil fuel industry, taking down Wall Street, busting noses of the corporate elite, launching ground assaults on power and wealth-transforming the country
"On the other hand, it would be a mistake to regard the book-trained Socialist as a bloodless creature entirely incapable of emotion. Though seldom giving much evidence of affection for the exploited, he is perfectly capable of displaying hatred— a sort of queer, theoretical, in vacuo hatred— against the exploiters. Hence the grand old Socialist sport of denouncing the bourgeoisie. It is strange how easily almost any Socialist writer can lash himself into frenzies of rage against the class to which, by birth or by adoption, he himself invariably belongs." -- Orwell
This is no time for Democrats to humor the ambition of newbies seeking to enter the big time
Don't let the newbies get some practice running and the Dems will continue to struggle to get a good candidate for the next few elections. No one will build up experience and exposure so all they will have are the "pamper grizzled veterans".
All of the Dem candidacies are doomed for one simple reason: They all are afraid to address the pressing problem of immigration in a meaningful way except for the AOC chorus which advises opening the barriers wider. I say watch them fail and enjoy it.
If a candidate is good at tree-shaking donors, but given to clunky performances in person, the very thing that person wants is a bunch of crowded debates. Kamala Harris?
David Begley: "Michelle is Magic! And Historic"
If Trump and Barr don't formally expose the shenanigans of LLR Chuck's hero obama and his minions prior to the campaign conventions, Michelle will emerge as if from on high to take up the fight for Chuck and his dems.
If Trump and Barr are successful (causing LLR Chuck's therapy costs to skyrocket), then Michelle will not enter the race but will use the entirety of their illegally acquired intel from the improper FISA database searches to attack every republican in sight and Hillary is a 25% probability of just taking the nomination from these midgets.
'You are going to need a good buzz to watch this.'
That probably won't be an issue... These debates have been on my calendar for a while, and I eagerly anticipate two evenings of free entertainment. :)
Where "has-bens" and "never-was" losers
exactly what winners should do
Upstream, I really missed a rhetorical flourish. Given how the Clinton machine attempted to game the Republicans in 2016, I could easily have written:
Recent candidates that had hard primary battles:
* Barack Obama (facing the Clinton machine)
* Donald Trump (facing the Clinton machine)
The AOC refrain is mi pais es su pais. They might even revive the Woody Guthrie song to sell it. Watch.
Mi pais es su pais
There's only one problem with AOC's brain fart: Why haven't all Central and South American borders dissolved already?
Boring... this is the same "yadda, yadda" op-eds recycled from the 2016 Republican Primary. And what happened in 2016? They trashed not only the most electable candidate, but the candidate that won; when none were really expected to win.
As noted above, the key point in this mass of confusion is "embarrassingly gauche".
Granted this is a piece of propaganda, but even so truth often shines through. The propagandists are only human after all.
The personal aspect of hating Trump is based on caste and class and amour propre. Trump is a personal affront, a challenge to perceived status.
You left out Bernie.
This article is so typically progressive - pick a candidate that I think can win, don't even consider letting the voters' preferences sort it out. It's no different than crazy Bernie asking "why do we need so many deodorants" and never considering the possibility that we have so many because the customers want something other than the one he uses. Commies always believe their opinions are infallible whether it's assigning which candidate to vote for or which product the market should get. Here's hoping the Dem party commissariat follows his advice and ignores the political market just like they do the consumer markets.
Orwell is still the guide for our time.
He was heavily promoted during the Cold War, understandably, but not so much over the last 20 years. Perhaps there are reasons for this.
I don't care who they nominate, they are all perfectly awful. The entire policy agenda of the Democrats would be an economic and social disaster, putting us on a fast path to economic oblivion. Truly a bunch of clowns. If any one of them gets elected, and they also take the House and Senate, and manage to push through some of their really looney ideas, like the "Green New Deal" and shutting down production of carbon-based industries, I think my wife and I will be leaving. And unlike all the progressive celebrities who claimed they would leave if Trump was elected - and didn't - we're not kidding.
Colbert I. King removed all melanin-deficient candidates.
The "There's too many Democrats running for President!" piece is a recurring theme in my regular clown car updates. I am not entirely unsympathetic, as I'd love to be stop writing about Swallwell (The Man From Dunning-Kruger), Tim Ryan, Michael Bennet, etc. (And she doesn't even mention Mike Gravel, Wayne Messam, Steve Bullock or Seth Moulton).
But this is America, damn it! Let the voters decide! Buttigieg was a longshot who caught fire, and three months ago the author would be calling for him to get out of the race. Who's to say another longshot won't catch fire?
Also, isn't this the same party in 2016 that told voters "Shut up and eat your Hillary!"? How's that work out for them? Nobody gave Trump a chance to win in 2016, when everybody was supposed to step aside and let Jeb! be coronated. How bitter would Trump or Cruz or Paul supporters be today be if the RNC had promulgated criteria to exclude them?
Besides, some of the supposed no-hopers are interesting weirdos with unorthodox policy positions that Democrats probably aren't hearing from anywhere else ('m thinking Yang, Gabbard and Williamson here). Even John Delaney's comparatively sane policies (he's what an actual moderate would probably look like if Democrats had any of them left) are something Democratic voters should be exposed to.
Ignoring those voices is basically saying "Cut it out with all the democracy and let the party bosses, pollsters and big money donors pick your candidate for you."
"You say that as if it were a bad thong."
Precisely! That's just how it looks to me.
Small-d democracy is such a pain in the ass when you're a big-D Democrat.
"Pampered grizzled veterans”?
Grizzled veterans in Pampers???
"You say that as if it were a bad thong."
Every four years, since at least the 1980 election, the Democrats and their media friends declare “this is possibly the most important election of our lifetime” — meaning that the gloves should come off and the civility bullshit rules that they pretend they usually adhere to must be abandoned.
The Magic is always the Bankers giving out or taking back money from the wealth hoards of the world. That is what makes a Nation's economy into a sudden success or a sudden failure. That wealth is 100% Never Trump because that Bastard Trump is outflanking them and using American Power to make peace with our long designated enemies and not make wars after wars after wars intended to destroy us.
From Madam Blavatski, to Alistair Crowley's Thelema, to Bush's Skull and Bones, to Dulles' CIA, all of the boys are suddenly powerless losers in a panic.
Ergo: they want to run Buttigeig who alone can combine a Religious teacher's magical role with raw political Power and an appearance of youthful innocence
It's possible, especially against someone as widely hated as Trump, but I don't see how you win an election when you are calling for letting in as many foreigners as want to come , and then giving them free benefits like healthcare, education, and welfare at the expense of American citizens. Liberal hearts or not, that is just obvious suicide. You have to be pretty dumb and overpowered with hatred to vote for that.
Put any one of these so called candidates on the ticket against Trump and watch how fast they become flawless and immaculate.
Bubonic Plague(D) vs Donald Trump(R):
No other candidate in the history of our democracy has the ability to effect change so quickly and thoroughly as Mr. Plague. Universal healthcare from day 1, with full bi-partisan support. Migrants and refugees from all over the world will be treated as equals in America under Bubonic's anti-discrimination policy.
Mr. Plague will take a hard line against anti-vaxxers. Above all, Plague is the only candidate with the ability to stave off the threat of climate change within the 12 year window.
Plague 2020!
"shaking up the power structure, fighting the fossil fuel industry, taking down Wall Street, busting noses of the corporate elite, launching ground assaults on power and wealth-transforming the country"
As Quayle observed above, the Democrats are the power structure. During Obama's reign of error, they attacked the fossil fuel industry (higher gas prices for the poor), protected Wall Street, and worked with the corporate elite at Facebook to gather data on voters, and transferred wealth from the middle-class to the welfare state and illegal immigrants on the rolls.
Is King stupid, oblivious, or deliberately lying? Maybe all three.
Run Hillary, run!
I seem to remember that Bill Clinton wasn't given much chance at the start of his first run in a rather large field of candidates.
You can extrapolate the dominoes from how that worked out.
I am Laslo.
Further extrapolation: would Howard Schultz step up to be the Ross Perot?
I am Laslo.
You say that as if it were a bad thong.
Is there such a thing as a bad thong?
More extrapolation: if Buttigieg becomes the new Bill Clinton, does that mean his husband will covet the Presidency afterward?
I am Laslo.
None of these people get what is going on here, most especially the writer.
“Elect me because I’m not that guy” is not persuasive. It’s a loser. Their entire platform is based on “not Trump”, and the things they are for, most people don’t care about. They’re kidding themselves.
Then we have the language they use. Do they believe their list of unflattering adjectives describing the president tells us more about themselves, or about Trump? Again, not persuasive. It’s preaching to the choir who already hate him. And it’s so arrogant and off-putting.
Lunatics, the whole lot of them.
The obvious answer, Bill, is deliberately lying.
This all is propaganda, and that is the propaganda line, so it is repeated dogmatically. It is not an argument nor can it be argued with. These are one way communications.
In between the cracks though one can find instructive points that define the more personal nature of the propagandists or of those that give them their party line. The gauche thing for instance. That is certainly not a message meant for the general public.
This author like every other proponent of “Democratic reform” chooses the least democratic way forward, having party apparatchiks choose the best nominee, as Ambrose noted immediately, “just like 2016.” They don’t trust voters. Why voters can’t see that there’s one party who despises them and another that takes them for granted, who knows? In time they’ll swap positions anyway.
"Is there such a thing as a bad thong?"
It's more about the operator. If you put me in an F-16 fighter, I'd make it look like a poorly thrown rock. I would, however rock a decent thong.
does that mean his husband will covet the Presidency afterward?
Is there such a thing as a bad thong?
ever read the Thong of Tholoman ??
“I barely know how to spell Hickenlooper's name. The only thing I know about him is that he got booed at some Dem event for boldly stating that socialism is not the way forward. He's my definite favorite among the Dem candidates.”
Voted against Hickenbooper for governor, but he was a lot better than either his predecessor or his wacky successor. Definitely my favorite Dem candidate because he actually did something with his life besides either spending it on the public dole (Biden, Sanders, Harris, etc) or in academia as a fake affirmative action hire (Fauxhauntis). Hickenzooper is a decently nice guy, who has a kittle more modesty than many of those Dems running. And, yes, I have been messing up the spelling of his name for years.
Hillary's slow thighs are beginning to move.
I can't imagine why they wouldn't just rally around the inevitable candidate and kneecap everybody else.
Fingers crossed that Trump live tweets the debates. That could be wildly entertaining
Michelle O will be brought in against her will. A grass roots draft campaign in March 2020.
Only Michelle can save America from the horror of four more years of Trump. Barack to State. Twofer.
Barack to State?
Barack to Head of CIA.
Loose ends can be tied up more efficiently.
I am Laslo.
With Barack at State it is much easier to shake down foreigners for bribes. See, e.g., Hillary Clinton.
CIA? Sasha. Or Oprah.
embarrassingly gauche,
Who gets things done.
Plain speaking is a nice change.
Disaster = Democratics lost power
"All of the Democratic fuming about staging a political revolution, shaking up the power structure, fighting the fossil fuel industry, taking down Wall Street, busting noses of the corporate elite, launching ground assaults on power"
They are going to Anaconda Vise racism
They are going to Angle Slam homophobia
They are going to Batista Bomb Islamophobia
They are going to Camel Clutch transphopia
They are going to Figure Four Leg Lock confederates
They are going to Bo-Dog deplorables
They are going to Calgary Crab Vise the Catholic Church
Yancey Ward -- Very funny allusion use!
“As noted above, the key point in this mass of confusion is "embarrassingly gauche”
That’s what leapt out at me. Given the challenges a POTUS faces, the accusation of, oh dear, gaucherie, is an admission of how unserious the accuser is.
My rant, now in convenient blog form:
The Case Against Narrowing The Democratic Presidential Field.
Why are the 2 grizzled veterans even on the stage? Biden is disqualified by virtue of having been VP.
Bernie is not now and has never been a member of the Democrat party. More importantly he has never done anything for the party.
The Dems can't stop them from running as Democrats, just as they could notstop me in 16. But they should treat both as they treated me. Total non-acknowledgement of my existance.
I hope, but don't expect, that someone at the debate will ask Bernie why he is running as a Democrat.
Ditto Biden "As a former VP why are you running?" Does this represent a triumph of hope over experience? As Dr Johnson said. "
John Henry
The one I really want to see is self-help author Marriane Williamson. She's spending lots of time in Iowa but hasn't been over to the western side of the state.
I need a good question for her and I don't have one yet.
This sounds like a complaint from someone whose candidate isn't getting any traction. What I detect in this is someone who is probably a Harris supporter.
the accusation of, oh dear, gaucherie, is an admission of how unserious the accuser is.
It suggests that this is really a casting exercise to choose somebody to play President on TV.
They need to be photogenic, to know how to hit a mark, read a teleprompter convincingly, and not frighten the snowflakes.
he AOC refrain is mi pais es su pais. They might even revive the Woody Guthrie song to sell it. Watch.
Only because they refused to vote for independence.
Wake me up on July 13 when we're one year from start of Democratic Convention.
Give them back to Spain.
They are going to 450 Splash America First Committee
They are going to 619 Atomwaffen Division
They are going to Accolade Christian Defense League
They are going to Ankle Lock Einherjar's Honor Wotansvolk
They are going to Atomic Leg Drop National Alliance Reform and Restoration Group
They are going to Attitude Adjustment Noble Breed Kindred
They are going to Backstabber Revolutionary Order of the Aryan Republic
magic - glamour is from scottish for magic, enchantment, (magic) spell
They are going to Bank Statement Old Glory Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
They are going to Big Ending Traditional Confederate Knights
They are going to Black Widow White Knights of Texas
They are going to Bonzai Drop Endangered Souls RC/Crew
They are going to Brogue Kick National Socialist Freedom Movement
They are going to Bull Hammer Nationalist Initiative
They are going to Calf Crusher Vanguard America Women's Division
They are going to Chokeslam Wolfhook Life Clothing
They are going to Clothesline from Hell/Wall Street American Vikings
readering: "Wake me up on July 13 when we're one year from start of Democratic Convention."
What? And possibly miss Hunter Biden getting coked up and impregnating another chick in-between cashing in on all his and Sleepy Creepy Joe's pay to play schemes?
I mean, can you really take that chance?
They are going to The Code Blue Auburn White Student Union
They are going to Cobra Bob's Underground Graduate Seminar/BUGS
They are going to Codebreaker Center for the Advancement of Occidental Culture
They are going to Crippler Crossface Center for Perpetual Diversity
They are going to Cross Rhodes/The Queen’s Crossbow Confederate Patriot Voters United
They are going to Crossface Chicken Wing Conservative Citizens Foundation, Inc.
They are going to Curb Stomp Council for Social and Economic Studies
They are going to DDT Counter-Currents Publishing
They are going to Dirty Deeds Delaware Advanced White Society
They are going to Edgecator European American Action Coalition
Birkel: "Disaster = Democratics lost power"
Recall that LLR Chuck literally and explicitly defined "disaster" as republicans winning elections.
That was one of many moments when he forgot he was supposed to be playing "principled conservative republican".
Sometimes Chuck just forgets. I am going to just assume those forgetful moments involve alcohol.
They are going to F-5 Exodus/Americanus
They are going to Figure Four Leg Lock Faith and Heritage
They are going to Final Cut Family Home Northwest
They are going to Frog Splash Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
They are going to Glam Slam Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas
They are going to Gory Bomb Free America Rally
They are going to GTS (Go To Sleep) Free American
They are going to Gutwrench Powerbomb Free Edgar Steele
They are going to Hell's Gate H.L. Mencken Club
They are going to Jackknife Powerbomb Heritage and Destiny
They are going to Killswitch Identity Vanguard
They are going to K.O. Punch Kinist Institute
They are going to Lionsault Malevolent Freedom
Good grief shes almost as bad as tim Kaine and the latesr Kennedy whelp.
Calling Meade - cleanup on Aisle 9...
They are going to Last Ride Middle American News
They are going to Mandible Claw National Association for the Advancement of America
They are going to Meat Hook Clothesline National Right
They are going to Million Dollar Dream National Youth Front
They are going to Natural Selection New Albion
They are going to Neutralizer New Century Productions
They are going to Paige-Turner Occidental Dissent
Booker need to get married, pronto...to a dude.
What about Montana? We got an incumbent Congressman who's going to give up his seat to run for governor, because going back to DC is a pain and he's more of a CEO type.
Yeah it's Greg "Body-Slam" Gianforte, Sen Daines' old boss. I think he just can't stand Daines outranking him now.
And we have a perfectly good candidate, Tim Fox, who has paid his dues as AG for a couple terms now. State GOPers are extremely pissed off...
It has been reported that 92% of lefty activists live with their parents.
LLR Chuck, which room do your parents let you live in?
Asking for a friend.
They are going to Pedigree California Skinheads
They are going to People's Elbow Confederate 28
They are going to Pop-Up Powerbomb Confederate Hammerskins
They are going to Perfectplex Crew 38
They are going to Punt Die Auserwahlten
They are going to Ram-Paige Eastern Hammerskins
They are going to Razor's Edge Firm 22
They are going to Red Arrow Golden State Skinhead
They are going to Reverse chokeslam facebuster Golden State Solidarity
They are going to RKO Golden-State 45/Kindred 45
They are going to Rock Bottom Hated and Proud Skins
They are going to Rough Ryder Lone Star United
They are going to Running Knee Nord Herrenvolk
They are going to Scissors Kick Northern Hammerskins
They are going to Sharpshooter Old Glory Skinheads
They are going to Shattered Dreams Orange County Skins
They are going to Shellshocked Supreme White Allianc
They are going to Sister Abigail Vinland Clothing
They are going to Skull-Crushing Finale Warlord Skins
They are going to Skywalker Warrior's Pride Clothing
"distraction the Democrats can ill afford, given the enormity of the disaster at hand"
Every tick tock, exposes the idiocy of that single lie.
The left is never ending in explaining to us, the coming disaster.
What's going to happen? Cut unemployment in half? Double the amount of manufacturing returning to the United States? Trim the China trade deficit by $20billion? De-nuke Iran, and the NORKs? Put a man on Mars? Write and pass immigration laws for the future? Can we absorb one of these disasters?
Tick Tock Dems, every single breath proves your prediction a lie.
Thought I'd let people know a few WWE wresting moves and inform them of a few hate groups lurking out there. Those Dem girls and guys are fighters.
The one I really want to see is self-help author Marriane Williamson. She's spending lots of time in Iowa but hasn't been over to the western side of the state.
I need a good question for her and I don't have one yet.
Didn't she wiff on the important."what's your favorite comfort food?"
What's going to happen? Cut unemployment in half? Double the amount of manufacturing returning to the United States? Trim the China trade deficit by $20billion? De-nuke Iran, and the NORKs? Put a man on Mars? Write and pass immigration laws for the future? Can we absorb one of these disasters?
Those are definitely disasters for Democrats. If you think they care about the country of Democrats are not running things, I have some Arizona waterfront property for sale.
Skull-Crushing Finale Warlord Skins
They make good stuff but I don't like their line of yeasty codpieces.
So oil price panicked yet gas prices went diem, same for tariffs goods,
Just heard Buttigeig on the radio. Smart SOB huh. He sounded like a seasoned statesman and all.
Enough to fool me anyway.
The Democratic Party has gone full retard, which means they may represent a majority of the American electorate.
One thing that has been puzzling me is why the Democrats didn't (after the 2016 election) change their nominating process to a national popular vote method. Allow each state to hold primary or caucus and then, the nominee is the person who gets the most votes in all the states cumulatively. There was so much self-righteous anger about how the best election method is one where the Presidential choice is the person with the most popular vote (Hillary!!) but this was expressed as a matter of principle. So why didn't the Democrats adopt this principle for their own nomination method? I suspect the answer is the it would erode the power of party leaders and elders. But preserving power for party leaders is not much of a principle is it?
"Just heard Buttigeig on the radio. Smart SOB huh. He sounded like a seasoned statesman and all. "
Buttplug is as unhinged as the rest of them.
I agree with my mom about Hickenlooper, and also, why isn’t Bernie Sanders on the list? I’d argue he’s more of a distraction than everyone on King’s list combined!
In response to the suggestion that everyone on King’s list should drop out to let the other ones do better, we should ask: if all but the strongest contender on the list (“Candidate X”) dropped out, how much better would Candidate X be doing, and would that person be justified in staying? If so, repeat that question for the second-strongest person in the list, etc.
There is a certain amount of panic setting into the liberal commentariat as they see a "sure thing" slipping away like Bush/Kerry in 2004. The Mueller report has hit a dry well so they are going back to baseless "rape" allegations like they did during the election. They know the more democrats talk about what they want to do to the country the more it scares the normals. Having a stage of radicals and mensheviks isn't helping their chances.
Hickenlooper and Gabbard are the least cuckoo cray cray leftwing. They will never make it past the cray cray leftwing litmus test provided by in insane Maddow base.
How about letting The People decide? Now there's a thought.
President Trump is keeping us out of Mideast wars. The job market, stock market and economy are good ...
Who will vote to take the country backwards?
Shorter King: The number of Democrats running is too damn high!
I’d argue he’s more of a distraction than everyone on King’s list combined!
A. Bernie and his policies are a distraction.
B. Bernie and his policies are the future of the Party.
Democrats, discuss amongst yourselves until January 2021.
"And how can Trump-haters really believe that the blandest choice is really best?"
They don't, which I'm guessing is your point there. Most of them hate the fact that Biden's in the race, that's why the lefty media is trying to cut him off at the knees.
Well this guy King will get his wish! As time goes on the money backing these 'wannabes' will move over to front-runners. I guess that's just to much common sense for people like King to understand.
Most of [the Trump-haters] hate the fact that Biden's in the race, that's why the lefty media is trying to cut him off at the knees.
Except that if Biden really does win the nomination, their attacks on ol' Sleepy Joe Biden will practically guarantee Trump's victory -- and by a substantial number of states, not to mention with coattails to enlarge the GOP margin in the Senate and retake the House.
I'd like to propose a moment of silence in honor of the mean-spirited, embarrassingly gauche, wishy-washy blowhards the world over, except for Colbert I. King.
Of course, Trump would not have won had the Democrats had a better candidate. I have to believe that letting the voters sort through the options will result in a better candidate this go-round to challenge Trump, which is definitely going to be more difficult than defeating him in 2016.
King seems to be advocating for an in-party selection of the candidate rather than an open primary process ("Party leaders organizing and directing the primary season should act like it."), but that would be a repeat of the previous debacle. In 2015/2016, the dogma of the inner circle was that it was all about money and process and the right team, rather than the candidate. Well, that dogma got exploded in 2016.
It never made sense as dogma for something calling itself the "Democratic" party. And it infuriated the voters. It's a dogma apparently created and promulgated by nothing but people who make their livings off elections! Professional wanna-be kingmakers. What do they know about what the real voters want, anyway? Any even slightly objective look at the last presidential election would imply that the political functionaries don't know what they are doing, don't know how to poll, don't know how to craft political messages, and don't understand how the average voter makes his or her decision regarding a candidate. Or at least, their skills in this regard are less than Donald Trump's, who had never run for elective office in his life. It's a very bad record. The Super Delegates turned out to be the Party-pooper delegates.
No matter who the Democrats pick in this process (I have no idea who it will be), the candidate WILL NOT BE AS BAD AS HILLARY. Trump's victory, no matter how execrable some find it, demonstrated that it IS the candidate who matters and not the political team running the election bid with a whole lot of money. It turns out that the candidate has a whole lot to do with winning. One would think that Obama's first election had already demonstrated that fact, but for the slow kids, Trump's surprise election should have ground the lesson in. If the Democratic party tries to obstruct the candidate-picking process, it will earn itself another two scoops of Trump. Or should I write "garner" itself? Something like that.
Thank you, Ann, for highlighting this piece of stupidity. It's stupidity that matters.
Gentlemen Ann is trolling . In typical fashion she takes a most outlandish anti-trump article from her trusted sources ( NYT & WP), presents it word for word of it 's most vitriolic attack on Trump and at the end goes into a cute word lesson. If she thinks she will get her readers to go against Trump by sheer repetition it doesn't seem to be working. If it is for click baiting it is a success . No matter what it is getting obvious and boring. Also note hardly anyone pays attention to the "word" lesson.
"The sheer volume of noncompetitive competitors is a distraction that Democrats can ill afford, given the enormity of the disaster at hand."
Some of those competitors are as noncompetitive as a kid born with a vagina in a Connecticut High School Girls' Track Meet.
I am Laslo.
Why do Democrats fear the thorough vetting of their candidates?
"...who's the pampered "grizzled veteran"?"
Colbert I. King. Still sucking that sweet teat at the Post as he hits 80 this year.
"The sheer volume of noncompetitive competitors is a distraction that Democrats can ill afford, given the enormity of the disaster at hand."
I would say the entire Democrat Party is a fucking disaster, including the lapdog journalist who wrote the piece.
pretty much so,
if read the next link, gabbard endorsed sanders, which makes her irrelevant,
The Democrats are placing all their bets on "Orange Man Bad". They did that in 1972 with "Tricky Dick". Nixon won 49 states and 60% of the popular vote.
but seriously-- havent the Dem's secretly written off this one?
dont they really want one of their Crazies to take the helm, versus
a 'grizzled, old, WHITE, straight, male veteran' ?
Isnt Herr Pluggs just the 'safe, familiar' wrapper covering the flaming
NutBar inside?
Isnt Joe Sniffengroper the ablative heat shield/booster rocket/Trojan Horse for the REAL lefty they want in?
Is this go-round really just to introduce/familiarize the future lefty?
look at the prevailing lack of enthusiasm, esp compared to Trump:
remember-- the Dems can never be out front with their real intentions
Rachel Maddow's guide to facial expressions.
this is like the political version of A Chorus Line
Once upon a time, there was a French mathematician named Condorcet who developed a mathematical equation , now known as the Efficiency of Voting Paradox. The Condorcet winner in an election is the candidate that would defeat each other candidate by majority rule in a series of pairwise elections. If you get past two candidates all hell breaks loose. Even ranking three candidates as number one, number two and number three can result in no winner if the voters happen to rank the three different candidates so that the total vote scores come out the same - sort of like a rock, paper, scissors game.
How-some-ever, with 24 different candidates running, our handy mathematicians tell us that there are 620 billion trillion possible rankings. A study by University of Delaware researcher William V. Gehrlein calculated the probability that there is no Condorcet winner, a candidate who would win a one-on-one election against any other candidate. With two dozen candidates, there will be no likely Condorcet winner 70% of the time.
Bottom line, in order to compete, goofy DNC leaders need to change the rules to reduce the debates to one-on-one televised exchanges between the topmost popular candidates, four max - which would still require 16 one-on-one debates. "Unfair in a democracy," as the libs would scream - or "decidedly practical" as we democratic republican's would suggest?
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
but seriously-- havent the Dem's secretly written off this one?
That's why i felt (Still feel, though maybe not quite a strongly), that it will be Kamela and Booker
Then; WHEN they lose; they can blame it on 'racism', and say:
Even though Trump got 500 electoral votes, and 65% popular vote; he is is STILL NOT MY PRESIDENT
Let's look back:
1992: newbie and relatively unknown Gov. William Clinton (D-AK) decides to run against Pres. George HW Bush when the latter has a 90% approval rating. Serves two terms.
2000: VP Al Gore, consensus Dem candidate, runs and loses to GW Bush.
2004: Sen John Kerry, well-known Dem candidate, runs and loses GW Bush.
2008: newbie Sen. Barack Obama, still in his first term as a US Senator and known really only for his talk at the 2004 Dem Convention, wins. Serves two terms.
2016: Hilary Clinton, former First Lady, former US SecState is pretty much coronated as the Dem candidate from day one, despite the pesky and persistent efforts of Sen. Bernie Sanders. Loses to Donald Trump.
Dems win with newbies precisely because, put bluntly, the media does it best to bury anything negative about them. The problem with the 2020 election cycle is that with so many candidates, they're in the process of outing each other.
Pass the popcorn. Should be lots of fun.
have you noticed this? It has been cited that there is an odd 'tracking' of Booker and Harris tweets, involvements(ie Smollett), etc?
"They make good stuff but I don't like their line of yeasty codpieces."
gadfly said...
Once upon a time, there was a French mathematician named Condorcet who developed a mathematical equation , now known as the Efficiency of Voting Paradox. The Condorcet winner in an election is the candidate that would defeat each other candidate by majority rule in a series of pairwise elections
BUT once they get their 270 votes for the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact; NONE of that will matter; because their compact says that WHO EVER 'wins' the popular vote (the candidate with the largest national popular vote total across the 50 states and the District of Columbia)
NOT the majority, just the largest popular vote. SO, if we have 20 candidates running in the General election, and they're all about the same; a candidate that 'won' with 5.02% of the popular vote WOULD be our president (even though 94.98% of voters didn't pick them)
There appears to be another way to get gifts from Qatar. When the president threatens them as "funders of terrorism," suddenly Jared gets a Qatar loan to refinance 666 Fifth Ave and Donald sells expensive digs to them in Trump Tower.
gilbar said what?
SO, if we have 20 candidates running in the General election, and they're all about the same; a candidate that 'won' with 5.02% of the popular vote WOULD be our president (even though 94.98% of voters didn't pick them)
Last time I checked, only one candidate for president from each party in the general election. The 24 Dems are primary candidates!
It's important to understand that Colbert King is 79 and has been a curmudgeon for all the time he's been writing for the Post.
Sort of like gadfly, except gadfly doesn't write for the Post.
If Butterig gets elected he will be the first POTUS and First Lady combo in US History. He's the "Wife" in the marriage.
It doesn't matter how many candidates the Democrats run; they are all campaigning on the same thing. There isn't any real difference in policy positions amongst them, they are all interchangeable on policies. Boiling the positions down not one Democrat has proposed anything that will grow the economy faster than what Trump has done and wants to further implement. Nor will anything they are proposing will lower unemployment lower than what Trump's policies have already achieved nor will any of their proposed policies bring more people into the labor force that are presently not included in the labor pool. So what are they counter Trump and the Republican's with? Higher taxes, higher unemployment, lower economic growth and unlimited illegal immigration?
Just raise the bar for the Debates to 5% - you'll get rid of most of them.
'So what are they counter Trump and the Republican's with? Higher taxes, higher unemployment, lower economic growth and unlimited illegal immigration?'
Sounds about right. And they're still guaranteed ~45% of the popular vote...
Beasts of England said...
'So what are they counter Trump and the Republican's with? Higher taxes, higher unemployment, lower economic growth and unlimited illegal immigration?'
Sounds about right. And they're still guaranteed ~45% of the popular vote..."
Yep. Romney was right about the 47%. Grifters and rent seekers and those with larceny in their hearts. Trump has simply exposed them, like roaches in the light.
They need a bigger clown car.
one of those double decker buses,
Gadfly said...
Last time I checked, only one candidate for president from each party in the general election. The 24 Dems are primary candidates!
Last time I checked, there were AT LEAST THREE CANDIDATES for every presidential election i can think of; How many will there be after the 270 law takes effect?
"Pass the popcorn. Should be lots of fun."
That's what Hickenlooper said to his mom.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more important than getting that mean-spirited, embarrassingly gauche, wishy-washy blowhard out of the White House.
I still don't like Trump much, and I probably never will. But he sure has the right enemies, doesn't he?
They laughed at our clown car in 2016.
The Democrats want:
1. Higher taxes
2. Open borders
3. Tax-payer funded abortions - up thru birth
4. A racial spoils system
Culturally, they want a more "European" type of man - more atheist, more socialist, more bisexual.
Who would vote for these idiots?
wild chicken said...
They laughed at our clown car in 2016.
Mega Gumption =>>> "Republican clowns" should each offer to debate two "Democrat clowns"
As I read the piece my first thought was “Did Hillary write this?”
And why is Hickenlooper there? He could emerge at the serious, stable alternative to Trump that everyone could get behind.
The dude couldn't even get behind capitalism against socialism.
He's Biden 2.0 (or maybe Biden 3.1, given Biden's last two runs).
Reject Biden if you want, but don't go looking for another one.
For better or worse, mostly for the worst, the country is wedded to high-definition politics -- candidates who appeal to the polarized bases of each party and therefore push to the fringes.
Comfortably fuzzy doesn't really do it nowadays.
"Bottom line, in order to compete, goofy DNC leaders need to change the rules to reduce the debates to one-on-one televised exchanges between the topmost popular candidates, four max - which would still require 16 one-on-one debates. "Unfair in a democracy," as the libs would scream - or "decidedly practical" as we democratic republican's would suggest?"
Nah, better would be to put them on an island with no tools or food, and last one alive wins the nomination. If you did it today, you would have a winner by October.
The Religion of Tolerance is free to do their two minutes
This is why
They secretly LOVE Trump
He lets them drop the mask
When people like Cobie
describe their hatred of Trump
Its really hatred of all you here
Just put your own name in for his
Casey Stengel had a famous quote when managing the (terrible) New York Mets. Someone pointed out that he had three promising first basemen, and he responded with
"If you've got three first basemen, you've got no first baseman."
His point being that having three candidates for the job means that nobody has come along to decisively claim the spot.
Likewise, the Democrats' problem isn't that they have too many candidates. It's that they haven't found one they like. Do that, and the other 19 won't matter.
The Dems need a dark-skinned, beautiful nominee who grew up in a multicultural, multiracial home in Hawaii, who boasts an exotic background and a mother with roots in the American heartland, and who embraces an Eastern religion.
Vote for Tulsi.
It's for the children!
At least the Democrats admit their opposition to Trump has nothing to do with what's best for nation. Fucking traitors are only in it for power. Someone should the author he has a hoc mike.
Has any Democrat VP ascend to P except through death of the P ?
P is dead!
Long live P!?
Bay Area Guy: "The Democrats want:
1. Higher taxes
2. Open borders
3. Tax-payer funded abortions - up thru birth
4. A racial spoils system"
You cannot speak of the dems and the left without including the LLR-left that has been completely exposed.
Witness our own now fully exposed fake "conservative" Chuck.
Booker need to get married, pronto...to a dude.
He should proposal Mayor Pete during Debate when his turns come up. To hell with Debate questions.
Excitement. Rating Bonanza.
If you listen carefully you can hear the sound of Democrats clonking.
None of them are qualified. Problem solved, everyone can go home.
embarrassingly gauche,
I Call misuse of le Langue Francoise ?!!
Trump is embarrassing the Left (Gauche) by being a-Droit
Narayanan said... Has any Democrat VP ascend to P except through death of the P ?
Andy Jackson's VP, Martin Van Buren did; that's the only democrat to to it
George HW Bush seems to be the only Republican to do it (besides Ford, after nixon's resignation
Blogger narciso said...
pretty much s
if read the next link, gabbard endorsed sanders, which makes her irrelevant.
Amazing . Narcisso - I'd never hold it against anybody if they rejected Hillary.
It doesn't matter which one gets the nomination because the polls are clear: they can all beat Trump. Between now and the election, we will have to listen to thousands and thousands of words about the polls and how they show Trump will lose. Just shoot me now. Not dead. Just with some kind of Cosby rape drug so I can sleep though until election night when I can laugh my ass off again, but no touching while I'm out.
The current Democrat Party platform is Open Borders plus Communism.
It doesn't matter who the nominee is. Voting Democrat simply means voting for open borders and Communism.
I never have and never will never use the word "gauche", becuase I don't know how, unless you count this comment.
iowan2 said...
The one I really want to see is self-help author Marriane Williamson. She's spending lots of time in Iowa but hasn't been over to the western side of the state.
I need a good question for her and I don't have one yet.
Ask her opinion on who needs it more - Flyover Deplorable or Woke Coastal
You might wonder what kind of people would vote for these lawless hypocrites? The kind of people who do this:
""We got guns too," said one of the many citizens in Sacramento, California harassing and taunting police after the shooting of a female officer this week.
"Whatever officer getting shot, need to be. Y'all all need to be. Y'all all need to," said another person.
That officer, 26-year-old Tara O'Sullivan, died later that evening. She had been shot with a rifle while responding to a domestic violence call. As O'Sullivan and other police were helping a female victim gather her belongings and leave the home where the domestic violence allegedly occurred, the assailant opened fire."
Our fellow citizens - good upstanding Americans.
Have RNC brain farts figured out to park GENUINE ClownCar at Debate Venue for photo-booth ?
"iowan2 said...
The one I really want to see is self-help author Marriane Williamson. She's spending lots of time in Iowa but hasn't been over to the western side of the state.
I need a good question for her and I don't have one yet."
Do you believe in self help or Big Government? If people adopted your self help plan, by how much could we reduce Big Government?
Maybe sometime you could handicap the field so far as you have seen it, especially if you think anyone could break out. Who is there but you who has seen twelve in the flesh? Have you seen Hillary, Michelle and Oprah?
Wow. Three days ago Trump was going to restart the Crusades. Today, he's wishy washy.
Trump is wishy washy because he hasn't started WWIII. But he still might. Whatever he does is bad. The Democrats have covered all the bases.
Trump is holding his fire on the Democrat contenders. What he said about Warren was that he jumped the gun by eliminating her early with her Pocahantas fakery. She has had time to recover and show some strength. That actually goes for all of them. As you may have noticed, Trump hasn't said much about any of them. They do have a point that a clear front runner might have the possibility of survival and a come back against Trump.
I'm looking forward to the slug fest between Warren, Sanders, and Biden.
Just raise the bar for the Debates to 5% - you'll get rid of most of them.
If you are going to apply litmus tests...shouldn't the first one be: Is a member of the Democratic Party?
Too many candidates? How can anybody say that now, when E. Jean Carroll is ready to jump into the race and walk off with the nomination?
years from now, people who cared about the poor, and the unlucky in life, will look back at this collection of moral preeners who are "Running for President" as Democrats, and one horrible fact will stand out.
While they all signal their virtue all day long and at every speech they give .....
not one of them has spent a single moment of their public life protecting the women who are not strong enough to avoid being forced into having an abortion by the unkind people who have power. Not a single one of them is pro-life.
bagoh20 said...but no touching while I'm out.
Just today you've enticed with your throngdom.
For a party so heavily focused on equality issues, it's pretty snobbish of King to label so many of the equally awesome candidates as noncompetitive. What the Democrats really need is transcandidatism to get going. It would be hilarious if one of the old white guys decided to identify with Elizabeth Warren's gender, Kamala Harris's race, Pete Buttigieg's sexuality, and any other needed checkbox on the diversity scorecard held by another candidate, and make a name change to include parts of all such names.
Democrats could make this so much easier on themselves by eliminating the pesky process of asking the voters for their opinion. They already know most of their voters will vote for the name next to the D regardless of who it is, why waste millions and spend months attacking each other when they could just have an internal schmoozefest and announce the anointed one?
The biggest problem the party has in trying to thin the candidate ranks is that the score is still 0-0. Sure, there are polls out there suggesting a certain bunch of candidates have virtually no support, but do the Democrats really want to piss off any of the identity groups that might take offense that the party is oppressing someone and not giving them a fair shake?
I do hope Barr becomes a Mannekin Piss above Schiff, Brennan Pee-Losi and Shoe-murr's heads.
They disdain coalition building
for the purifying fire required to
heat up the base
They had a well-staffed presidential campaign after an easy primary in 2016. How'd that go?
. What the Democrats really need is transcandidatism to get going. It would be hilarious if one of the old white guys decided to identify with Elizabeth Warren's gender, Kamala Harris's race, Pete Buttigieg's sexuality,
I should do that. I have cherokee cheekbones (no really)... I could wear blackface and a blonde wig for the debates, and work out a #MeToo rap about out Buttigieg pinched my ass when we broke for commercials. Go Fund Me future?
That officer, 26-year-old Tara O'Sullivan, died later that evening. She had been shot with a rifle while responding to a domestic violence call. As O'Sullivan and other police were helping a female victim gather her belongings and leave the home where the domestic violence allegedly occurred, the assailant opened fire."
I really hate arm chair quarterbacks, and I have NO police experience so I should keep my trap shut, but... really? You consider the perp dangerous enough to provide police protection during her evacuation from the scene, but that caution did not include sticking an officer on the perp so he couldn't fish a shotgun out of the closet?
Likewise, the Democrats' problem isn't that they have too many candidates. It's that they haven't found one they like. Do that, and the other 19 won't matter.
I'm told by my Russian Honey Pot Mistress that most of the 19 Dems are just in it to either:
1) establish name recognition for 2024, or
2) get "former Vice Presidential Candidate" added to their introduction, apparently it dramatically increases the amount they can charge to be a speaker at some liberal function.
Natasha also advises that since the Democrats refused to accept the last election, we should execute the top 3 democrat candidates before they get Secret Service protection. Rinse and repeat until the Dems vow to respect the civil handover of power.
She claims to be Putin's niece twice-removed, which I think means you guys better not fuck me with me.
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