Thank you, Amy Sohn for this article. Thank you. And thank you for naming the work of 4thwavenow. The health impacts of experimental transgender medicine on children and teens very much needs to be brought to the public's attention.Another comment:
From the doctor [quoted in the article]: “It’s strange to me that someone would think of a binder as being a form of self-harm when there are so many other garments used by gender-typical people to change their appearance that are also extremely uncomfortable (hello high heels …).”"
Everyone should be concerned about this blase attitude from clinicians with regards to potential harm being done to otherwise healthy bodies. And the bodies of children at that. High heels are not benign. High heels hurt women's feet, backs, knees, and can permanently change your physical structure. Binders should be seen as yet another way of "fixing" the female body, when there is nothing wrong in the first place.
Again, thank you.
Thank you for this article , it’s the first time I’ve seen the Times recognize (if ever so slightly) the epidemic of teenage girls suddenly identifying as trans. Breast binding, cross sex hormones, double mastectomies (what you call “top surgeries”) and phalloplasties are dangerous, invasive interventions with lifelong consequences. None of these coping strategies for bodily distress are healthy or sustainable. There is little proof that they are even effective at relieving dysphoria / dysmorphia. Teen girls that are in distress about their bodies need loving and intense therapeutic support. If they aren’t heterosexual and/or feminine, they need and deserve full family acceptance of this. Parents should never enable or validate self harm or self hatred. These kids deserve better care that teaches them to love and accept their bodies and themselves. If they decide to medically transition as adults, in full understanding of the risks and benefits , that’s their choice. But kids should not be pushed onto this beltway.And:
Kudos to the NYT for finally giving a voice to those of us who are concerned about the rush to medically transition gender-nonconforming kids and young people. There are many, many of us, and our numbers are growing.Even though I check the front page of the NYT several times a day for new stories that I might want to blog, I did not see this story there. I found it because I happened upon a criticism of in on Twitter. How dare the NYT be transphobic!
We are left-leaning, often lifelong Democrats who recognize that the push to automatically affirm a young person who believes they are transgender is leading to a groundswell of false positives -- especially among same-sex-attracted girls....
From the article:
Made of thick spandex and nylon, binders resemble tight undershirts, creating a masculine profile.... Binders are not classified as medical devices, but some doctors and parents have concerns about their safety.... Some transgender teens say they buy binders so that they can “pass” as male or to diminish feelings of discomfort with the body known as body dysphoria...
Tami Staas, 51, a schoolteacher who lives in Tempe, Ariz., and is president of the Arizona Trans Youth and Parent Organization, has a 21-year-old son who was assigned female at birth and who started binding at 12. He wore a binder about 12 hours a day for five years. He had trouble in gym class and breathing trouble....
Though there have been no studies on binding and adolescent health, because of ethical concerns about research on minors, a 2017 study by students at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the Boston University School of Medicine, and the Boston University School of Public Health looked at 1,800 transmasculine adults with a median age of 23. Seventy-eight percent of respondents said they had bound for over a year, over half bound an average of seven days a week....
Participants reported a statistically significant improvement in mood after binding. They also reported decreased gender dysphoria, anxiety and depression. As for physical effects, 97.2 percent of the group that bound reported at least one negative physical symptom, such as back pain, overheating, chest pain and shortness of breath. Other symptoms included numbness, bad posture and lightheadedness....
[S]ome worry that parental efforts to affirm a young person’s identity by supporting binding may contribute to self-hate. Jane Wheeler, a co-founder of an organization called Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics, which examines standards of care for gender-variant children and youth, said binding “feeds into a normalization of body hatred, that some forms of body hatred are O.K.”
Brie Jontry is the spokeswoman for 4thWaveNow, which describes itself as “a community of parents and others concerned about the medicalization of gender atypical youth.” Her daughter, now 15, told Ms. Jontry that she was trans at 11 and wanted a binder.... She stopped running, rock-climbing, backpacking and swimming.
“We would go for our evening walk and she would get winded and dizzy,” Ms. Jontry said. “She stopped climbing trees. She stopped doing things where any degree of upper-body flexibility was important.” “Binding is not benign,” Ms. Jontry said. “It encourages the idea that people’s distress and anger and trauma should be turned inward toward their own bodies instead of outward toward the culture that feels oppressive to them.”
७७ टिप्पण्या:
Maybe they should do feet-binding too like in ancient China.
This transgender shit is nothing more than a slow suicide with spectators.
.....with spectators cheering you on!!
Nobility is now being asserted by NYT in children doing suicide as a public virtue signal. The combination of Trump in power putting America First and and Jordan Peterson teaching them Reality First has driven them all insane.
Allowing actions that avoid surgery for children going through a confused period while not necessarily good, may be a better option.
the epidemic of teenage girls suddenly identifying as trans.
I remember when girls just got pregnant to attract attention. Folks back then were smart enough to isolate these pregnant girls in special schools. They didn't want any copy-cat pregnancies.
In other news, genital mutilation is fashionable. Can Sharia be far behind??
Or as Camille Paglia might have put it,
Where have all the tomboys gone?
Long time passing
Where have all the good dykes gone?
Long time ago
Where have all the good dykes gone?
gone for trans men every one.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?
I suffer from dysmorphia. It was particularly bad in adolescence. My sexual longings were not outwardly matched by my sexual magnetism. It's hard to attract beautiful women when you're 6'2, weigh 130lbs,and have lots and lots of acne. These problems have persisted in later life. My inner beauty and moral grandeur are in no way commensurate with my outward appearance. I have tried haircuts and freshly laundered clothes but nothing seems to work. I'm trapped in this body.
"a 21-year-old son who was assigned female at birth"
What does this even mean?
"assigned female at birth"
The NYT risks looking Orwellian with their Newspeak. Wonderful, wonderful Newspeak.
People who use binders report symptoms like back and chest pain, overheating and shortness of breath.
Oh my gosh! Hiding your tits so people won't know who you really are must be, like, rilly super important.
6'2, weigh 130lbs,and have lots and lots of acne.
You could add some real diversity to that Miss India show.
"a 21-year-old son who was assigned female at birth"
What does this even mean?
She was born with a vagina, and so the doctor pronounced her to be a girl. At some point she decided she would rather be a boy, and so now people are pretending that she is a man.
This shows the next prog offensive is not yet a done deal. Attacking biology and common sense might be a step too far.
But make no mistake: prog intend to devastate the culture, and collapsing basic standards of sex and gender is just the latest maneuver. Trannies are tools in the culture war.
I encourage EVERYONE to have a look at this link about language in the New York Times:
I encourage our hostess to have a look at it. It is right up her alley.
Note: It reads so much like a conservative "just so" story, that I admit it could be fake. But really.
"Chest binding"?
What ever happened to a good old-fashioned "getting your tit caught in the wringer"?
"if you are XX"
This gets me, the "XX" talk. How many of us have had our chromosomes checked? Obviously, the idea whether we were to be considered male or female was arrived at when we were born and our genitals were looked at. There wasn't a chromosome check.
302.85 is the DSM V code for gender dysphoria, still listed as a mental disorder right up there with body dysmorphic disorder. The social approach to this psychiatric problem is astounding.
Binding may lead to physical issues in later years. But flushing your body with hormones to delay puberty? Sounds like a nightmare for the future. Not to mention (essentially) irreversible surgeries at such young ages.
If we don't all perish in 12 years due to climate change, /sarc, we'll look back at the horror we have perpetrated on our children.
The most interesting thing in the article was the American Pediatric society estimating the rate of transgenderism in teens and tweens at .7 percent. I could swear I've heard several doctors mention that the overall rate of transgenderism was previously estimated at something like 100 times less than that. That it was just a handful of people per 100,000 that were transgender. I can buy the argument that a society that more openly talks about something and is more accepting of an issue will see an increase in people coming forward with that issue, but a hundred fold increase? Something else is going on here. And I wonder if it is more of social contagion effect where lots of these kids feel like they have meaning, specialness, and a unique identity by saying they are trans.
"Allowing actions that avoid surgery for children going through a confused period while not necessarily good, may be a better option."
I left out the last lines of the article, but you make me feel it's necessary to include them: "[B]inder use in teenagers may become a thing of the past. Ms. Staas, the Arizona teacher, said that several members of her group take hormone blockers to prevent developing female sex characteristics. Those youths, she wrote in an email, 'will not develop breast tissue and therefore will not have a need to bind their chests.'"
I'm concerned that young people are wearing a garment that's so constrictive that they don't participate in physical activities. But on some level, if it's not too tight, the garment is basically a sports bra. I'd like to see kids able to play and run around and do sports. Going through puberty is awkward (to some extent) for everyone, and anyone who develops breasts is going to have some issues of self-consciousness and uneasiness. That's why you start wearing a bra, when you don't even need one. A garment that flattens whatever you have there is something anyone with breasts might want for a lot of different reasons. I think the key is to have something that's not unhealthy, and I think the issue of drugs and surgery at an early and highly impressionable age is *much* more of a concern.
@ Vault Dweller - year, that was before being a "victim" became an exalted status in our society.
@dgstock - I have zero doubt that activists are working feverishly to ensure that is removed as a disorder in the next edition of the DSM
This gets me, the "XX" talk.
Because it's unchangeable, physical biology and not a bizarre fantasy?
How many of us have had our chromosomes checked?
Kinda like how most people just assume they have human DNA without checking it. However -
How do you know if your baby has a chromosomal condition?
Chest binding is proof of the inherent contradictions within the "trans" ideology because it is based upon "binary" presumptions of gender/sexuality/the human body. If people with developed/developing milk-producing breasts and vaginas can be men, then there really is no need for them to alter their bodies to conform to outdated, oppressive ideas about what a man's body looks like.
That they feel the need for a flat chest and surgically-created facsimile of a "penis," then they are indicating that deep down even they know that this whole "trans" thing is a farcical lie.
"High heels are not benign".
At least the government doesn't pay for Prada shopping therapy, yet.
The life-destroying evil abuse that this ideology is putting people through is horrifying. Especially when they are doing it to little kids.
I still can’t reconcile the social aspects of natural and organic and Eastern medicine as superior to those who provide direct or tacit support for permanent surgery and bioidentical hormone therapy in children (up to 18 years old) as a viable and recommended path.
Further this has been “mainstream” long enough now where if the theory it would reduce suicide and depression rates held true that you could show it. I feel confident in guessing that trend is not emerging.
It’s as if medical and societal acceptance of some people not feeling right in their natural bodies
Was not the root cause of their depression and suicide rates
This gets me, the "XX" talk. How many of us have had our chromosomes checked? Obviously, the idea whether we were to be considered male or female was arrived at when we were born and our genitals were looked at. There wasn't a chromosome check.
Even circumstantial evidence can be compelling. If someone has a vagina, it is a near certainty that she will have XX chromosomes. So, no, this talk of XX is not some fantastical, unsupported, irrational leap.
I'm concerned that young people are wearing a garment that's so constrictive that they don't participate in physical activities.
Others are concerned that young people are wearing a garment that's so constrictive of mind that they don't have a true conception of who they truly are.
“...left-leaning lifelong Democrat...”
If there was ever a disease that needs curing, this is the differential diagnosis that identifies the symptoms of the psychopathology that ails us and may likely kill us.
- Krumhorn
Some divergent attributes (e.g. sexual orientation) in the transgender spectrum are more stable than others.
"Where have all the tomboys gone?"
Tomboys are athletic. I like to see boyishness expressed in athleticism.
This chest-binding practice -- if it restricts athleticism -- seems like another manifestation of our unhealthy obsession with how we look. It used to be a joke to say "It's better to look good than to feel good," but now we've got a culture of selfies with all the heavy makeup and surgery and body modification. That's not just transgenderism. And I don't think it's making people happy.
“Everyone should be concerned about this blase attitude from clinicians with regards to potential harm being done to otherwise healthy bodies.”
Dogshit. They’re doctors, not your Mom. If you insist on being batshit, I’m sure they can refer you to a specialist. But don’t kid yourself that they really, really care whether or not you actually go see that specialist.
Is this trans-gender thing an epidemic? Should it be treated as one?
This is all a fashion, a mania.
The origin of this evil meme, nor its influence, is explicable.
These things come from nowhere, fail or prosper for no apparent reason, and eventually die. Often leaving bodies and the mutilated behind.
This sort of mysterious social phenomenon I think is an open manifestation of the work of Satan.
This is crazy adults acting out their fantasies on the young.
@SDaly - I would think that your wife is correct. Dunno about men, but on the female side I would guess there were two girls in my high school of 1,700 students who I suspected might have an extra Y chromosome, but they were females for sure. Having been around high level women's athletics in the past it is no secret that not all girls are created equal. And I don't mean the boys who are faking it.
"Assigned female at birth . . ."
There's that lie again. Sex is not assigned at birth. Sex is a biological reality, like having two arms and two legs. It's unscientific bullshit spread by crazy people in positions of authority.
BTW in an interview Judy Garland mentioned that they bound up her chest for Wizard of Oz and the Andy Hardy movies.
Ann Althouse said...
"if you are XX"
This gets me, the "XX" talk. How many of us have had our chromosomes checked? Obviously, the idea whether we were to be considered male or female was arrived at when we were born and our genitals were looked at. There wasn't a chromosome check.
I'm sure I could have missed some variations, but with a little digging I found that babies who appear to have male genitalia but have either XX, XXY or XYY chromosomes, and babies who appear to have female genitalia but have XY chromosomes account for 0.3% of births combined.
Does it really get you that people assume something to be true if there's a 99.7% likelihood that it's true?
"Where have all the tomboys gone?"
These girls were told by right-thinking society that their tomboyishness is indicative of trans-ism and that they are really boys. In their innocent naivete, some buy into it. Which then leads to cognitive dissonance and other emotional distress due to the incongruence of their objective nature and what they have been encouraged to subjectively believe.
Is this trans-gender thing an epidemic?
When a rare phenomenon skyrockets to higher and higher incidents practically overnight, and when trendy moral superiorists in every societal institution immediately jump on the bandwagon to show how tolerant they are, is that a sign of epidemic?
'Binders' full of women??
The origin of this evil meme
It is the same existential relativism that has plagued humanity in so many areas especially in the last 150 years, but also throughout all of human history. It can be characterized by one historical figure asking, "What is truth?" and began when humanity ate the fruit of thinking they could choose their own truth.
It is the same existential relativism that has led to easy divorce, homes without fathers present, exploitive sex that treats others like sex objects, and the dehumanization of blacks, Jews, the unborn, the elderly, the disabled, etc., as well as the false equivalency between the joinder of man and woman, and that of man and man or woman and woman.
It has been called the dictatorship of relativism. An apt description.
But I thought gender was fluid. There seems to be many examples of people transitioning from one sex to another which seems pretty binary. Nobody keeping their breasts and adding a penis. Seems like they’re would be some examples of that but don’t hear of any.
then there's this:
in the Dominican Republic, this sometimes won't happen until a child reaches puberty when some girls quite literally transform into boys.
There is no biological test that can determine whether or not an individual is transgender. That's because "transgenderism," as currently defined, is not a biological state, it is a mental state. Some might say that if you believe yourself to be female when biology says you are male, you have a mental disorder. If you reveal this inner mental state to the world -- your belief that sex is biologically determined, and that transgenderism is a mental disorder -- you may well be fired from your job and made a social outcast.
These girls were told by right-thinking society that their tomboyishness is indicative of trans-ism and that they are really boys.
They're needs to be a separation of gender and social. Climbing a tree, working on a car, wearing a dress, and similar, while having a sex (and social) bias, are not gender attributes.
if you believe yourself to be female when biology says you are male
Transgender/neo-sexual may be a special class of transgender/homosexual, where the incongruity is engendered by a conflict between a homosexual orientation (i.e. mental) and physical attributes (and function).
Tomboys are athletic. I like to see boyishness expressed in athleticism.
Sweeping statement of fact.
My youngest sister was a tomboy. I adopted her as my only brother. Climbed trees, catch frogs and crayfish in the creek, fishing, hunting, etc.
Athletic, she was not. Not even remotely.
I had often wondered how it was that Sir Oliver had such a very short tail; it really was only six or seven inches long, with a tassel of hair hanging from it; and on one of our holidays in the orchard I ventured to ask him by what accident it was that he had lost his tail. "Accident!" he snorted with a fierce look, "it was no accident! it was a cruel, shameful, cold-blooded act! When I was young I was taken to a place where these cruel things were done; I was tied up, and made fast so that I could not stir, and then they came and cut off my long and beautiful tail, through the flesh and through the bone, and took it away.
"How dreadful!" I exclaimed. "Dreadful, ah! it was dreadful; but it was not only the pain, though that was terrible and lasted a long time; it was not only the indignity of having my best ornament taken from me, though that was bad; but it was this, how could I ever brush the flies off my sides and my hind legs any more? You who have tails just whisk the flies off without thinking about it, and you can't tell what a torment it is to have them settle upon you and sting and sting, and have nothing in the world to lash them off with. I tell you it is a lifelong wrong, and a lifelong loss; but thank heaven, they don't do it now." "What did they do it for then?" said Ginger.
"For fashion!" said the old horse with a stamp of his foot; "for fashion! if you know what that means; there was not a well-bred young horse in my time that had not his tail docked in that shameful way, just as if the good God that made us did not know what we wanted and what looked best."
"I suppose it is fashion that makes them strap our heads up with those horrid bits that I was tortured with in London," said Ginger. "Of course it is," said he; "to my mind, fashion is one of the wickedest things in the world. Now look, for instance, at the way they serve dogs, cutting off their tails to make them look plucky, and shearing up their pretty little ears to a point to make them both look sharp, forsooth. I had a dear friend once, a brown terrier; 'Skye' they called her. She was so fond of me that she never would sleep out of my stall; she made her bed under the manger, and there she had a litter of five as pretty little puppies as need be; none were drowned, for they were a valuable kind, and how pleased she was with them! and when they got their eyes open and crawled about, it was a real pretty sight; but one day the man came and took them all away; I thought he might be afraid I should tread upon them. But it was not so; in the evening poor Skye brought them back again, one by one in her mouth; not the happy little things that they were, but bleeding and crying pitifully; they had all had a piece of their tails cut off, and the soft flap of their pretty little ears was cut quite off. How their mother licked them, and how troubled she was, poor thing! I never forgot it. They healed in time, and they forgot the pain, but the nice soft flap, that of course was intended to protect the delicate part of their ears from dust and injury, was gone forever. Why don't they cut their own children's ears into points to make them look sharp? Why don't they cut the end off their noses to make them look plucky? One would be just as sensible as the other. What right have they to torment and disfigure God's creatures?"
Why can't teenage girls just barf and starve like they used to?
Bulimia could be defended in this regard, too.
Women who have had a male child are changed, biologically, by the experience of sharing their blood stream with a testosterone emitting baby. These effects are real and measurable, and do not occur when a woman has had only female children.
I suppose the effects could be reversed by assigning the baby "female" at birth?
Magic becomes possible when everything is words!
was derived as a result of studying that condition in the Dominican Rep.
Having my chromosomes checked: I recently learned about a rare medical condition known as "chimera" in which one person has two separate and different sets of DNA in different parts of their body. So DNA tests (taken from a cheek swab) determined that a woman was not genetically the parent of a child to which she had given birth. The woman got pregnant again so the doctors were able to run a new test on a baby (or foetus) that knew was growing inside the woman -- same result, she was not "the mother". The explanation was that she had two different types of DNA - one found in her cheeks, and another in her reproductive organs. (I'm sure I've messed up some of the details here.)
Also, if some organized religion like the Catholic church was pressuring children to become trans, it would be roundly condemned. What makes it okay in today's society is that those promoting trans declarations are SJWs.
The obvious is overlooked here: instead of binding to flatten, a confused teen could ADD a huge beer gut. Problem solved! What is more masculine than a massive beer gut? It could be filled with air - nice and light and easy on the body. Leave the boobs alone - just call them 'man boobs' as they will be dwarfed by the massive gut. These teens are not being very inclusive to go right to the 'slender' male look - why not the 50-something, divorced overweight dude look?
How much is this costing US?
We are not talking about a biological condition. That would be too simple and would be ineffective. It would give you refuge in a truth defined by biology. You could say "That is not a woman, this biological test proves it!" The goal of the SJW's is to force you to acknowledge something you know is not true. They will tell you what the truth is, and you must accept it.
A commerical chicken sexer can sex about a thousand chicks an hour, approximately 3 seconds a piece, with 98% accuracy.
Oso Negro said...
@SDaly - I would think that your wife is correct. Dunno about men, but on the female side I would guess there were two girls in my high school of 1,700 students who I suspected might have an extra Y chromosome, but they were females for sure. Having been around high level women's athletics in the past it is no secret that not all girls are created equal. And I don't mean the boys who are faking it.
Both XXY (Klinefelter syndrome) and XYY conditions are found only in men. There is no YYY syndrome.
However, YY syndrome is found among characters in the "Alien" movie series.
"Double-Y syndrome is a genetic mutation present in some males in the 22nd century. Specifically, it is a deformity of the X/Y chromosome pair, resulting in the YY pattern. This pattern gives the afflicted person (who, by definition, will always be male) a predisposition for antisocial behavior, specifically very brutal crimes, including rape and serial murder of women."
So it's males....all the way down.
(I'm sure a lot of SJWS would argue that ALL men are essentially YY, that it's a feature--- not a defect---producing "toxic masculinity".)
When I was in elementary school, my mother would never allow book reports from the Reader's Digest.
There are other sources than Newsweek re: this condition
We share your aversion
Hasn't it always been the case that as children grow, their confusion about sex has always been present? Eventually, you grow out of it - or grow into it, so to speak.
Allowing children to remain in this confused state prolongs the angst they feel, and causes these mental disorders (perhaps not literally, but results in them needing some kind of psychiatric help). Or, as we see now, blame society for not accepting who they are, when they can't even identify who they are.
There will never, ever, be a time where this sort of thing will one considered normal - because it isn't. There is absolutely no way society as a whole can accept this as normal behavior. Continuing to attempt to do so just creates a more discordant society.
This is stupid stuff.
Thanks to a shropshire lad.
Romney used binders.
Tanx for the Mammaries !
"Tanx" --> "Spanx" for your tata's!!
Sara Blakely,(biological female) founder of Spanx
High heels, originally worn by aristocratic men(biological males)
High heels are considered to pose a dilemma to women as they bring them psychosexual benefits but are detrimental to their health.
maybe high-heels, cosmetics, slimming/shaping garments, etc should come with a warning from the Surgeon General
it's our right to choose... our Jimmy Choo's!!
The comments on that article are gone and have been turned off. I guess it didn't go the way they wanted it to
The comments on that article are gone and have been turned off.
You tricked me into looking.
Comments are not turned off and there are 129 comments, the last one 20 minutes ago.
I guess it didn't go the way they wanted it to
I guess. Evidence of non-absence or something.
“She asked a few colleagues and one of them had seen one case where genetic testing was needed to correctly identify the sex of the child at birth, and no one had seen a pubescent child who turned out to be the other than the sex identified at birth. So the "XX" talk can "get to" you, but it's how the world is and deforming language to account for an infinitesimal possibility of being wrong in a particular case is silly.”
You’re missing my point. All I’m saying is that we assume a child is a particular sex because of the way the genitalia look, so I don’t like the XX talk, because almost no one is looking at that. Like you, I assume the chromosomes, if checked, would confirm the opinion arrived at by looking at the genitals. Not always, though. There are some conditions. I don’t like the talk, because the tone is one of someone flaunting science in a haughty way that I find irritating and insufficiently fact based. It’s better to talk about what you know precisely, which is the look of the genitals.
When I look, the comments are gone.
Glad I preserved 3 of them.
If you can see the comments, save them.
We're all Green Grocers now.
At least the government doesn't pay for Prada shopping therapy
Here's a thought:
If you're a woman, and want larger breasts
Your insurance Won't cover it...
Unless you're a woman, then they will
If you're a man, and want a larger penis, insurance Won't cover it...
Unless you're a man, then it will.
Got it?
The transgender spectrum is diverse and notoriously "=". The neo-sexuals will have to discover allies in a more inclusive, less judgmental group. The Rainbow is dominated by the interests of the transgender/homosexual elite.
This is our culture’s version of FGM.
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