AP reports.
ADDED: The NYT examines the "potential" of this image of the end of potential:
Like the iconic photo of a bleeding Syrian child pulled from the rubble in Aleppo after an airstrike or the 1993 shot of a starving toddler and a nearby vulture in Sudan, the image of a single father and his young child washed up on the Rio Grande’s shore had the potential to prick the public conscience.Yes, but which way are you pricked? You cannot help the dead. You can only change the incentives that bring desperate people to this place.
Representative Joaquin Castro, Democrat of Texas and the chairman of the Hispanic Caucus, grew visibly emotional as he discussed the photograph in Washington. He said he hoped that it would make a difference among lawmakers and the broader American public.Human bodies, your soapbox. You grow "visibly emotional" and invite us to grow visibly emotional, to admire ourselves in our empathy. You can create political energy with a photograph, but energy to do what?
“It’s very hard to see that photograph,” Mr. Castro said. “It’s our version of the Syrian photograph — of the 3-year-old boy on the beach, dead. That’s what it is.’’
Deterrence has been a favored strategy among American officials seeking to stem the tide of migration, even before President Trump took office. In 2014, President Barack Obama pressed Mexico to do more after tens of thousands of unaccompanied children turned up along the southern border searching for loved ones in the United States....
Under sustained pressure from Mr. Trump, Mexico has been stepping up its own migration enforcement in recent months.... As of Monday, the Mexican government had deployed more than 20,000 security forces to the southern and northern borders to try to impede the passage of undocumented migrants toward the United States, officials said.
But human rights experts, immigrants’ advocates and security analysts warned that the mobilization could drive migrants to resort to more dangerous routes in their effort to reach the United States....
१७८ टिप्पण्या:
There's no money in the millions that don't die.
Did AP also report on this?
"A 32-year-old disabled woman in King County, Washington, was the ultimate victim of both weak-on-crime policies of local officials and sanctuary city status. The woman, of White Center, Washington, whose name remains unpublished, was raped by Francisco Carranza-Ramirez, 35, a citizen of Mexico, last fall. He served only nine months in prison. Last Thursday, he was released from prison without local law enforcement notifying ICE, and he allegedly went straight to the victim’s home, dumped her out of her wheelchair, and assaulted her in front of her three-year-old son."
But I love how you posted AP's emotional appeal without comment.
As if you realize it's just propaganda, not journalism.
And the left and NeverTrumpers are gleeful about another strike against Trump.
AP reports on Micheal Brown:
"A man was shot and killed today for refusing to pay for a cigar. Micheal Brown had a bright future and often talked about being a doctor. Now he leaves a community in uproar over the prospect that America values a cigar over black lives: "He forgot to pay and was running to his grandmother's house because she fell and could not get up, and her cute kittens were about to starve. Mr Brown is survived by his 12 starving sons and 14 daughters who will be forced to sell their bodies for money because White People still cling to outdated beliefs about criminality and the rule of law"
AP reports on Charles Manson:
"A new petition has started circulating, demanding the pardons of Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten on the basis that they are hot girls who have re-dedicated their lives to sheltering cute lost kittens. Ms Van Houten is the subject of a GoFundMe group raising money for her breast augmentation, under the org "Cute Chicks Should Serve Dicks" who believe that sentencing guidelines should take a woman's attractiveness and sex appeal into consideration at parole hearings."
"perils faced by mostly Central American migrants fleeing violence and poverty and hoping for asylum in the United States"
Then of course we must take them all in, and to, hopefully, eliminate these tragic deaths we should provide boats or planes to transport them across the river...
It is tragic that these people die, but that is the result of their own actions and of those that encourage them to come here.
Word should go out that trying to cross the US border illegally is dangerous too.
John Cooper epitomizes this drek:
"The tragic deaths of this 2-year-old child and her father can be blamed directly on Donald Trump’s heartless immigration policies. How does Trump sleep at night?"
"For months, advocates have been warning that deaths at the border would increase, as migrants are forced to cross in more dangerous areas by US policies that make it harder for those seeking asylum to turn themselves in at ports of entry."
In related news, a burglar fell down the stairs and snapped his neck because the homeowner forgot to leave the hallway light on before going on vacation. You Republicans are heartless. I can't even... So I await Chuck for another "have you no shame!" lecture.
Officer: Please step out of the car, Sir.
Cooper: You're going to arrest me?! Wait wait! See the cute little girl in the back seat?
Officer: Oh. My bad sir. Carry on. But get that human arm removed from your grill.
Cooper: Will do. First chance I get.
Officer: Have a nice day, Sir.
Who was the “foreign policy expert” who shipped arms into Syria pouring gasoline on the fire there anyways?
“who believe that sentencing guidelines should take a woman's attractiveness and sex appeal into consideration at parole hearings.”
Howie Carr is their leader.
Some shutterbug campaigning for a Pulitzer exploits the dead and employs elected officials to assist. Kind of sick.
Representative Joaquin Castro, Democrat of Texas and the chairman of the Hispanic Caucus, grew visibly emotional as he discussed the photograph
But when invited aboard a Cajan flotilla embarking to rescue drowning illegal immigrants and return them to the Mexican side of the river, Representative Castro responded:
"No comment. I'm too busy using dead kids as political props"
If you want to see heart wrenching photos, why don’t you look at the pictures of boats full of refugees fleeing the tender ministrations of Hillary’s foreign policy expertise in Libya?
“It’s our version of the Syrian photograph — of the 3-year-old boy on the beach, dead. That’s what it is.’’
Of course leftists use the event to further their political goals rather than try to prevent it from happening again. Their priorities are clear.
“Officer: Oh. My bad sir. Carry on. But get that human arm removed from your grill.”
So you live in Massachusetts? To be fair, the cops are alright, it’s the judges that are the problem there.
10% of the fatalities were from India. High does not share our southern border in any way.
That’s burying the lede right there.
Of course there were no pictures of the seven dead motorcyclists in New Hampshire killed by the drunk resident alien who was on his fourth or fifth offense but ICE was never notified by Mass authorities.
As soon as we get rid of Trump, the Dems promise to fix the problem at the border.
Hispanic Americans are seeing this kind of news on Spanish Language TV every day, which is why the support for Trump in that community is rising.
perils faced by mostly Central American migrants fleeing violence and poverty
So why don't they stop when they get to Mexico?
If I was fleeing violence and poverty, I would stop once I got to Mexico. Might work my way over to Cancun because American tourism incentivises authorities to maintain some rule of law.
I mean the article inadvertently makes the point - "mostly central American migrants fleeing violence and poverty", not "mostly Mexicans fleeing". Sure, Mexico is not a winning Lottery ticket, but it's not Venezuela or Ecuador either.
AA Posted before 5 a.m.
Call this early bird post.
Bird =>>> vulture?
Part of the new immigration bill circulating among AOC and her following is money for a series of microtels along the Rio Grande. Additional funds have been allocated for the building of tent cities patterned after the ones spontaneously erected by the homeless in LA and San Francisco. These too will constructed along the southern border.
It was reported the homeless in these two cities were offered free air to assist in construction, but declined due to previous commitments to their drug suppliers.
So parents willingly expose themselves and their children to dangerous, literally life-threatening risks, and the US is to be blamed because we have rules against illegal immigration? It is certainly sad that the man and his daughter died, but only he and his wife are to blame. Arguments like the one being made in this article expose the weakness incumbent in most leftist thought. So many on the left view everything in lens of power dynamics, and it is always assumed that the powerful are always exploiting the weak. So the left is emotionally pushed into viewpoint that because the US is the powerful and entity and the illegal immigrant are weak that therefore the US must be to blame for the deaths. Even though it was Mom and Dad who had control over the situation that led to the deaths at all time.
Representative Joaquin Castro, Democrat of Texas and the chairman of the Hispanic Caucus, grew visibly emotional as he discussed the photograph
He encouraged them to come here and enabled their illegal attempt to enter the country so he could enslave the child to a lifetime of welfare dependency on the Democrat party. And now he can't because the kid drowned. What an evil creature.
United States, and the tragic consequences that often go unseen in the loud and caustic debate over border policy.
This sentence just goes to show that they are completely deaf to us. People on the right have been yammering about the human cost of the US’s de facto immigration policies for years and years. Our betters at the NYT simply refuse to hear.
23 months? Here that means almost 24 months too old for any sympathy.
It's called a blood price, I got it from that slot history and applied to charlottesville.
Can the *coyotes* and their NGO financiers be sued for manslaughter / attractive nuisance or is it the USA that is the attractive nuisance!?
POTUS sees photo. "She's not my type."
Mr. Martínez quit his job at Papa John’s, where he had earned about $350 a month. By then, his wife had already left her job as a cashier at a Chinese restaurant to take care of their daughter.
The couple lived with Mr. Martínez’s mother in the community of Altavista, a massive housing complex of tiny concrete houses east of San Salvador, according to Mr. Beltran.
Though Altavista is under the control of gangs, the couple was not fleeing from violence, Rosa Ramírez, Mr. Martínez’s mother, told him. Rather, the grind of surviving as a family on $10 a day had become unmanageable.
So no valid asylum request, just the knowledge that the Democrats in the US had fixed the game so that it didn’t matter. And they knew that if they brought the child, they were home free.
So parents willingly expose themselves and their children to dangerous, literally life-threatening risks, and the US is to be blamed because we have rules against illegal immigration? It is certainly sad that the man and his daughter died,
It's assumed that's his daughter. Border agents have reported an alarming trend of illegal immigrant males kidnapping young children along their way north to use a "family" props to better their chances of being let off when caught and captured. Kinda like this reporter and congressman are doing here.
And it many actually be the man's daughter, but I guarantee you if he kidnapped her to be his sex toy to pimp out once he got to the states, the Associated Press would never report it.
If you're wondering why so many of us are so cynical, it's from experience. The Left has a long history of using children to stage photo ops to pull your heartstrings.
Don't fall for it. Ignore emotional appeals. Do it for the children. ;)
You know who doesn’t have any sympathy readering? The people who insist on the policies that create the incentives for the child’s parents to drag the child thousands of miles. If having the child them. didn’t guarantee entry, the man would most likely have just come here, got a job, and sent money home.
We should have a way, say, work permits, to allow that legally with the US having the ability to vet applicants and reject or send home the problematic ones, the rapists, the drug runners, the thieves among them. Anybody who has dealt with them knows that many Mexicans are hard working, nose to the grindstone types who should be welcome here under some legal framework that serves the interests of the United States.
Since were exploiting this for political gain I recall Trump early in his first term extending an open invitation to Democrats to work out a new immigration policy that included amnesty. Instead Democrats wanted a wedge issue - exploiting the current situation for the optics and import voters.
Interesting that the presence of an immigrant from India passes without comment. That doesn't fit the narrative. How many other borders was that poor child dragged across before being forced to walk into the summer heat in Arizona? I hope someone gets prosecuted for child abuse in connection with that child's death, but there's no immigration policy failure there.
In fact, many people who have jobs to fill that go begging among our own youth, would be happy to trade millennial sociology majors for hardworking Mexican immigrants any day of the week. What is asked is a legal framework that allows the US to sort the human traffickers, the drug runners, yes the rapists and the plain scum from the vast majority.
Start letting migrants know they will NOT be allowed into the USA first. If they want to claim asylum, they must register in one of the places in Mexico where they are supposed to. Congress has A LOT of work to do. Instead of bashing whomever is President at the time, they should sit down, shut up and do their jobs. If they can't....get the hell out of Congress and let us get people in there that CAN do the job. This has been going on a lot longer than President Trump has been President.
Here's the short and more entertaining version of my "why we are so cynical" vid upthread.
I'm skeptical if the man and daughter are even real.
Would it surprise you to see that raw footage? An actor and actress laying down together in the mud for several takes until they get it just right?
It is kind of odd - I have ZERO forensic experience - but is it common for people who have drowned to wash up on the shoreline in an embrace? Is that the official cause of death?
As noted in the 9ther thread, there is evidence Islamic state stragglers are in the undertow
What really tips the hand of Democrat racists on this issue is that they think that the most heinous lawbreakers among the illegal aliens are welcome among the immigrant groups themselves and so they protect them. I am pretty sure that communities of illegals would be very happy to see these violent criminals removed from their communities, but the racist Democrats can’t see that.
The compassion from you people is truly uplifting. I'm pretty sure this is the Pavlovian response (mine and yours) Althouse was shooting for.
You know what could have prevented this? A wall.
An uncle drowned presumably in the Florida straits in the 70s, no notice was taken or considered
The compassion from you people is truly uplifting. Constant attempts at emotional manipulation have made many people suspect of expressing unreserved condolences. Especially when the tragedy can be linked to politics. And it seems like everything is politics now.
The 3arliet link:
The same behavior across the pond:
And the “compassionate” Democrats ran the author of the above debacle, Hillary Clinton, for president.
The Democrats are destroying our future for short-term political gain.
Omar Koko, a coastguard commander in the western city of Zawiya, said more than 30 women and nine children were among those feared drowned.
At least 11 bodies washed up on nearby beaches and were recovered by the Red Crescent, while at least 7,500 migrants have been rescued ...
Foreign policy expert’s doings, the one readering believes should be president now, instead of Trump.
The compassion from you people is truly uplifting.
True compassion is not a Virtue that needs signaling.
And you only "care" about these people as a new generation of welfare slaves forever dependant on Democrat largess, to replace the African-American communities you destroyed with the same welfare dependency.
In my world you would be put down alongside the sexual predators of children.
Try to at least mimic and reflect some shame.
What was the lesson of Iraq, have the disaster closer, and give the weapons directly to al queda?
I am pretty sure that communities of illegals would be very happy to see these violent criminals removed from their communities, but the racist Democrats can’t see that.
Excellent point.
The Democrats claim to care, and yet they silence refugees who plead: "we fled violent thugs and corrupt gangs. Please don't let them FOLLOW US here!"
Something you will never hear reported by our media. Or the GOPe, who want slave labor.
Howard: I'm pretty sure this is the Pavlovian response (mine and yours) Althouse was shooting for.
Really? I think she posted it to provide you with an opportunity to virtue signal: "Sure I may have made a pass at our babysitter, but I CARE about anonymous refugees, so I can't be a total douchebag, right?"
Or was it the neighbor's daughter? Everytime we dig into a Virtue Signaler's private life we find a nightmare of abuse and perversion.
Still waiting to buy a bus ticket for my much nolle prosec'ed illegal immigrant serial rapist neighbor. He's still on an ICE hold but never say never. And I don't dare even write about his case for fear of drawing the attention of the activist bar to his case. It's happened before.
Any takers among the bleeding hearts here? I'll pack snacks. Put your money where your mouth is.
Your daughter's mouth will work too.
It's sad. A terrible tragedy. That does not involve us.
Activists, as always, work backwards from a conclusion to find the justifications they need to "win."
Did the Times offer any solutions?
Didn't think so.
As the story shows, encouraging illegality is a crime against humanity.
Round up the usual suspects.
A wall could have prevented this. On both sides of the border.
Why do the Democrats insist that children die?
The liberal narrative is that ms 13 was made in this country, but that doesn't explain why they are more savage than any other gang.
Still waiting to buy a bus ticket for my much nolle prosec'ed illegal immigrant serial rapist neighbor. He's still on an ICE hold but never say never. ... Any takers among the bleeding hearts here? I'll pack snacks. Put your money where your mouth is. Your daughter's mouth will work too.
Inga might be up for it. She lives in a nice little white community surrounded by walls, gates and armed security. She's always lecturing us about "those poor refugees" and she has several daughters.
"The liberal narrative is that ms 13 was made in this country, but that doesn't explain why they are more savage than any other gang."
They more astute students of the innate American character than the other gangs.
As for MS13's American roots being a "liberal narrative," what does that mean? Is it a "narrative" of any kind to point out they formed in Los Angeles?
Howard: "The compassion from you people is truly uplifting. I'm pretty sure this is the Pavlovian response (mine and yours) Althouse was shooting for."
There are literal slave markets in Tripoli and elsewhere in hillarys/obamas Libya for those that are "lucky" enough to not have died by the thousands in rickety boats attempting to cross the Med.
Democrats and LLR's refused to even acknowledge the parents of teenagers who were slaughtered by Pelosi's "spark of divinity" MS13-ers.
Even worse, LLR Chuck's beloved dems refuse to meet with other groups of family members who have had loved ones brutally murdered by illegals.
Worst of all, democrats and LLR's, like Howard, actively protect violent and vicious illegal alien criminals and purposely work to release these dangerous thugs back into the community resulting in astonishing numbers of devastating assaults and murders of American children...who are then also ignored by the dems/LLR's.
Tell us more about compassion...and how many illegals you have taken in to your home to support.
Is there a counter example where you have a less ruthless gang, the Mexican mafia are no slouches
Turns out the dead father is going to be just fine. Praise God! It's a miracle!
And welcome back to Paliwood. We missed you! Enjoy your stay.
(yes, I jest, but the point remains - be skeptical. Nothing is how it's being portrayed)
Recall how they went after the fellow karsenty who unravelled the al Duraa affair.
Howard, what's compassionate about bringing a child all the way from India to Mexico, then sending him or her out to die in the desert?
The ability to emotionally manipulate people is running out.
“Only 2 rooms left? They don’t expect me to believe that do they? You see that everywhere.”
I leave with a wry smile. The client won’t be happy, but at least the project findings are becoming clear. Companies in certain sectors use the same behavioral interventions repeatedly. Hotel booking websites are one example. Their sustained, repetitive use of scarcity (e.g., “Only two rooms left!”) and social proof (“16 other people viewed this room”) messaging is apparent even to a casual browser.
For Chris the implication was clear: this “scarcity” was just a sales ploy, not to be taken seriously.
The AP realizes all of these poor Central Americans paid 6k to the cartels for the privilege, right?
Howard said...
The compassion from you people is truly uplifting. I'm pretty sure this is the Pavlovian response (mine and yours) Althouse was shooting for.
I'll explain this for Howard. Most of the commeters already understand at an intuitive level.
Oh, well... I don't have to explain, just quote from our host directly from the post.
"Yes, but which way are you pricked? You cannot help the dead. You can only change the incentives that bring desperate people to this place."
So everyone can understand Howard. He's the guy that puts in a great swimming pool, refuses to build a fence because the fence offends the aesthetics of his property, and accepts the death of half dozen kids every year, instead of hiring 24/7 life guards. Because Howard is cheap and doesn't value life.
It is truly despicable that the Democratic Party trumpets invitation for anyone anywhere to come to the Unites States by any means available and they will be taken care of by benevolent State governments (funded by the Federal Government) while at the same time refusing to fund the border protection agencies to handle the resulting alien invasion and also wages lawfare against the agencies to make it as difficult as possible, and indeed impossible, for the agencies to do so as required according to the laws enacted by this same Democrat Party.
The picture should be shared far and wide in Mexico and in Central America. The coyotes are telling everyone it will be easy to cross. But things are changing. The parents need to know it's not going to be rainbows and moon beams.
They should declare that the USA is an "attractive nuisance", like an ex wife, and shut it down.
This is why I have stopped looking at the news for the past year. It is full of emotional manipulation in many cases not even based in real incidents, combined with a total contempt for common sense.
I wonder who in their right minds would bring their (or someone else's) children into this mess. Common sense answer: the children are a means to an end.
Note the LEFT Never discuss why these people are leaving their home countries>>>
SOCIALIST HELL HOLES. Run by armies of Bernie Sanders/Castro types.
Well Guatemala is center right, the un commission is doing the Mueller jig, the two leading candidates are under criminal investigation for one reason or another
These "undocumented Democrats" are just cannon fodder in the Democrats' war on the United States, its Constitution and institutions.
El Salvador after having been run by the ex guerilla party for a dozen years that funs the ms 13, has a center right businessman
Is the "Wayfair walkout" for real, or is it an "Onion" piece of "news"?
Readering looks at photo and says, "she's my type. " Because a dead girl whose father took her into dangerous waters rather than wait in line excites readering. Her dead corpse is a political bludgeon to use on people who wouldn't make such a foolish choice. Such bravery from readering.
One glass of root beer and two scoops of baby. So to speak.
Missed by that much:
Those that cross with children are guilty of child endangerment.
Those that traffic in illegals are human traffickers, no more, no less. Just as bad as dope smugglers and should get the same sentences.
Confession: I'm surprised by how much John Kerry's infamous use of "seared" has prejudiced me against all variations of that word, even when used in reference to a photo of a dead man and his presumed child. I might've used "hideous," but even that has lost its power in this era of hyperbole.
Such blatant, manipulative propaganda--it's really stunning.
The Media falling all over itself to say "we can't look away" and "it's important everyone see this image" while simultaneously suppressing huge number of other images--of murder victims killed by MS13, of the dead bodies of Americans killed by many-times-deported illegal aliens who drove drunk, and on and on...those images would be "inflammatory" and so must kept hidden, but when pictures of dead kids serve some ideological purpose the Media supports it's color picture time, no blurring, no content warnings, baby!
Every time I think I hate the Media as much as I can they find a way to prove me wrong.
I’m getting the impression getting time to reverse commute.
On a similar track:
Compassion would be building the wall.
Democrats have made the US an attractive nuisance. They should be sued.
"Yes, but which way are you pricked? You cannot help the dead. You can only change the incentives that bring desperate people to this place."
What's important is how one feels about the photo. You are supposed to be emotionally triggered to outrage!
You are not supposed to think about the expected consequences inherent in creating incentives likely to result in more such photos.
The same Media that spent the last 5-6 months shouting "there is no crisis at the border, this is all a manufactured problem, nothing is different or extraordinary, it's all just hype!" as loudly as they could now say, with a straight face "the crisis at our border is a humanitarian disaster and it's all Trump's fault!"
Seriously: take 30 seconds and Google "no crisis" + border and you'll be showered with articles from late last year, tons from January and February of this year, and several from just a few weeks ago...when it was politically expedient for the Democrats to say there was no crisis that's what the Media said but now that the opposite is true we get big pictures of dead migrant kids. What an astounding coincidence!
As for MS13's American roots being a "liberal narrative," what does that mean? Is it a "narrative" of any kind to point out they formed in Los Angeles?
One might come to the conclusion that violent aliens, here legally or not, should be deported for the good of the rest of the community they prey on, as I said. But nooooooo! That would be racist!
I saw the picture today on CBS This Morning, and I knew they were trying to turn it into a turning point. Yes, it's very sad. But this comment from the article
“It’s a horrifying image,” Maureen Meyer, a specialist on immigration at the Washington Office on Latin America, which advocates for human rights in the region, said of the photograph. “And I think it speaks so clearly to the real risks of these U.S. programs that are either returning people back to Mexico seeking asylum or in this case limiting how many people can enter the U.S. every day.”
confounds me, because while we can perhaps see the risk, it doesn't give us any answers.
But as Althouse points out (to paraphrase)....perhaps the only answer is to feel solid in your own empathy. It seems to me of late, if you have enough empathy you are absolved from actually trying to solve any problems. You are also absolved of having to think any good thoughts about people who may not see it the same way you do.
Neontaster, a great Twitterer, said as odd as it may sound, a wall would actually stop this or at least deter it. But people don't want to save lives *that* way..
Fuck their propaganda.
Let me get this straight, the media decided that the 9/11 falling man photo was too graphic...but a drowned child is not?
This is not going to play out as the Dems think it will.
Blogger Amadeus 48 said...
This is why I have stopped looking at the news for the past year. It is full of emotional manipulation in many cases not even based in real incidents, combined with a total contempt for common sense.
How many bad policies began with sympathetic photos used to manipulate public sentiment?
I can think of CNN and the starving Somalis. Then the drowned kid in then Med followed by mass Muslim Immigration to Europe.
How many more ?
A couple of people have mentioned that a wall might have saved these lives and they are absolutely right.
But you know what else probably would have saved these lives? 15,000 MEXICAN TROOPS PREVENTING PEOPLE FROM REACHING THE US/MEXICAN BORDER That would be the troops deployed last week.
Dick and others have been mocking PDJT for claiming that Mexico would pay for a wall. "Oh how stupid that bad orange man is for thinking that Mexico will give a nickle to pay for our problem. Oh, what orange idiocy! It is to laugh and mock!"
And here they are paying millions of dollars a day for 15,000 MEXICAN TROOPS TO SECURE THE US/MEXICO BORDER Nobody wants to talk about it but they are there, already patrolling, already reducing the people getting to the border.
We'll need to see that they are not temporary and that they do the job but it seems like it is a long term serious committment.
Mexico won't pay for the wall? In some ways this is better than a wall. If we got the money today, it would still take a year or more to get enough wall up to make much difference. It would be fought every foot of the way and we would be lucky to ever complete it.
I think we do need to view this as temporary. We need to build the wall. Troops are great for immediacy and flexibility but can't be a long term solution. Sooner or later we will both get different presidents and one or both could decide to go back to a porous border or worse.
To paraphrase Trumpson last week at the rally "Abracadabra this, motherfuckers!"
An y thoughts on this "green wall" that Mexico is paying for, Dick? I hate to say I told you so... Well, no, that's wrong. I lovesaying I told you so.
John Henry
Let me get this straight, the media decided that the 9/11 falling man photo was too graphic...but a drowned child is not?
Yeah, that was an issue I had the with the photo, too. I don't think they would have published this photo if it were the lily-white father and his daughter who died at the beach or in a boating accident or a backyard pool.
Do newspapers publish photos of dead American children very often?
A+ comments on the 9/11 falling man comparison.
Wow on how anti the dead family the comments are here.
It’s obvious he was an economic refugee, not fleeing violence or starvation, and most voters per polls already think there is too much immigration, hence the lack of sympathy.
My guess this picture won’t get the results the msm wants, orange man bad, and will soon be memory holed.
Ray- I'm not anti the dead family. My heart breaks for them.
I'm just not going to be manipulated by the people trying to teach me -- something-- by spreading the photo around.
Wola has always been enablers of Marxist gurrillas they've never been about human righrs
With literally billions of people out there who would like to come to the U.S., and policies that give them benefits which instantly push them to the top of humanity in virtually every measure, how can there be any other solution besides a strong border and eliminating incentives. You have to have an IQ around 50 to think there is any other nonviolent way to stop millions from coming and draining this nation. I don't understand how purposely hurting Americans for the sake of unknown foreigners is a winning position. It is like leaving your front door open with a sign saying "Welcome, help yourself to whatever you find inside, and stay as long as you like." Is anyone willing to do that at their house? Bernie? Elizabeth?, AOC?, anyone? Then shut the hell up!
"This is not going to play out as the Dems think it will."
Does anything anymore? It's not becuase they no longer have a media and cultural advantage, they do more than ever, but the ideas are just getting dumber. "You never go full retard." They are now stuck there, with any looking back considered treasonous to the cause. Bless their hearts.
It is like leaving your neighbor's front door open with a sign saying "Welcome, help yourself to whatever you find inside, and stay as long as you like."
Blogger Ray - SoCal said...
most voters per polls already think there is too much immigration, hence the lack of sympathy.
Is that really true, Ray? My understanding is that most people think there is too much illegal immigration, including myself.
But we also allow @1mm legal immigrants per year into our country and have for a long time. My understanding is that most Americans are more or less OK with that. I certainly am.
We could quibble about what is the right number: 1mm? 1.5mm? .75mm?
Somewhere in that range does not seem to be a problem for most Americans. Certainly not me. If we could get rid of the illegal immigration, I would be OK with even more legal immigration. Perhaps even 2-3mm/yr. I am open to argument on what the right number should be.
John Henry
Blogger Tom T. said...
Howard, what's compassionate about bringing a child all the way from India to Mexico, then sending him or her out to die in the desert?
I don't know Tom? What sort of man wouldn't try to get his family out of a violent turd world narco-kleptocracy?
"It’s a horrifying image,” Maureen Meyer, a specialist on immigration at the Washington Office on Latin America, which advocates for human rights in the region, said of the photograph. “And I think it speaks so clearly to the real risks of these U.S. programs that are either returning people back to Mexico seeking asylum or in this case limiting how many people can enter the U.S. every day."
This surprises/angers me everytime I hear it. We are not allowed to regulate how many people move to our country.
Bidibidi refugee camp in Uganda, where my son occasionally works for NGOs, has something like one million refugees from “poverty and violence” in South Sudan and Congo. I guarantee Joaquin Castro and the other Democrat open border whiners have never seen anything like it.
Are they advocating for airlifts to the US to relieve the suffering or are they racists?
Need to post that meme of 'Here are 14 heartbreaking photos that will have you saying 'Fuck having borders and laws and shit'".
Looking at a map its hard to think the best way to solve the problem is the Rio Grande crossing or some Chihuahuan Desert path. We obviously can't expect them to stop trying given the incentives.
Howard: What sort of man wouldn't try to get his family out of a violent turd world narco-kleptocracy?
And yet, you are still registered as a Democrat?
Michael K said
How many more ?
ITN's infamous "death camp" photo on the cover of TIME from the Bosnian war comes to mind.
Serbian emergency shelters for Bosnian refugees sold to the public as a concentration camp to win public support for international intervention.
The ITN crew filmed from inside a fenced-in storage area. By shooting through the fence ITN created footage that gave the impression that the Bosnian men were imprisoned...hello? Sound familiar? AOC?
Another was the photo of the execution of Nguyễn Văn Lém during the Tet Offensive.
The media has been agenda driven and patently dishonest pretty much from the get-go.
Compassion would be building the wall. On the Mexico side to prevent people from trying to cross a dangerous river.
The majority of Puritans who came to Plymouth died the first year. A lot of westward-bound pioneers died in their quest for a new adventure in a new land. Emigration has its risks.
Ah, yes, remember the women and children waterboarded in the Mediterranean.
Planned parenthood with an expectation of population replacement.
That said, defending American civil rights and lives is the fetal stage of emigration reform, which will evolve as foreign intervention (e.g. Libya, Ukraine, Syria, Somalia) or foreign assistance to aid nations and communities to care for themselves.
"On the Mexico side to prevent people from trying to cross a dangerous river."
Why would they cross the river to stand on a 100 yard wide strip of land in front of a wall?
"I wonder who in their right minds would bring their (or someone else's) children into this mess. Common sense answer: the children are a means to an end."
Perhaps someone fleeing a situation far, far worse.
"Howard: What sort of man wouldn't try to get his family out of a violent turd world narco-kleptocracy?
Then, it must be justifiable for a ghetto youth to rob a seven eleven. The owner has stuff and the youth wants it. If the youth gets killed in the attempt, oh well, he had to try.
I'll grant you that Fen, but I did move out of the Peoples Republic of California to a red enclave in Taxechuessets... for the children
15,000 MEXICAN TROOPS PREVENTING PEOPLE FROM REACHING THE US/MEXICAN BORDER That would be the troops deployed last week.
Mexico also has a compelling interest to pursue emigration reform in nations south of their border, beginning with their neighbors, and, apparently, global immigration reform, driven, presumably, by NGOs and others.
That all you can come up with of bagoh2o? Escaping tyranny by crossing a line on a map is not the same as assault with a deadly weapon. Doesn't even reach the level of a strawman
I think any poor American family looking for a better life should feel entitled to move into one of Biden's houses. Or Pelosi's.
I have known many illegal aliens in my long residence in L.A. Most of them are not fleeing a terrible situation back home, it's just so much better here. Kind of like breaking into a richer family's house and making yourself at home, becuase they got better stuff. Have any of you bleeding hearts invited a homeless family into your home? Why not? Seems like that would be an imperative.
Emigration is normal. Mass migration or immigration reform is abnormal. The defenders of the first and advocates for the latter are, in fact, asking for a foreign intervention. No gerrymandered districts. No more women or children raped or aborted in America. No people... persons trafficked. No woman sexually exploited. No child left behind.
Howard, I don't think you understand the term "strawman". The border is not just a line on a map any more than your front door is just a turnstyle. The difference is that on one side of each is stuff that belongs to other people. Do you have locks on your doors? The border prevents people from stealing what we have built for ourselves, just like your locks. We can offer some help, and we do to millions, but taking is stealing. Put your own resources where you mouth is, or stop hypocriting.
You either believe people have rights to the fruits of their own labor or you don't. Without that right, there is little else to civilization but slavery and barbarism.
Howard said...
The compassion from you people is truly uplifting.
How strange Howard believes "compassion" means encouraging more tragic deaths. Some people's ideology has such a lock on their thinking they can't think rationally.
The democrats/LLR's are also very well known for compassionately tearing unborn babies into pieces and selling those pieces for fun and profit.
They think they are doing it for the children.
Howard, India is not a "narco-kleptoctacy," and someone with the resources to bring their child halfway around the world had the resources to find a safer alternative than turning their child loose to walk across the desert. Your animosity is turning you cruel.
I am not sure why you people engage with an obvious moron like you know who. What does he add?
Howard, Mexico requires the equivalent of US$2500.00 a month income deposited in a Mexican bank to grant residency to foreign nationals and they must pay into the healthcare system to receive same. There is no free anything for non-citizens.
There isn't any First or Second world country that doesn't require immigrants to enter legally, be economically self-sufficient and/or sponsored by an employer. Are they all heartless bastards too?
Everyone of those dead people are on the hands of the open border democrat party.
Hey Howard! I had no idea that India was a violent turd world narco-kleptocracy. Thanks for the knowledge!
AKA shit-hole country, Howie?
We need to make illegal immigration for folks without contiguous access to our border easier.
Begin the airlift from Venezuela now!
Meanwhile, what is being done about plights. It's not all plight one's troth in the modern world.
But I was told repeatedly that there was no crisis at the border. That it was a manufactured crisis.
Has that now changed?
It's a sliding scale "manufactured crisis" vs "humanitarian crisis", depending on the angle du jour to never let a crisis go to waste.
Nobody wonders: I am not sure why you people engage with an obvious moron like you know who. What does he add?
I agree. After all there are enough of us less-than-obvious morons with whom to engage.
mockturtle FTW!
“From June 18 to June 25, DHS released about 3,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into various American communities. The federal data indicates that DHS is releasing about 375 border crossers and illegal aliens every day — a 65 percent drop in catch and release since the first week of the month when more than 1,000 border crossers and illegal aliens were being released into the U.S.”
It’s almost as if the tarrif threat worked! Trump found a policy that the Democrat judges couldn’t block.
It doesn’t take a flight of the imagination to see that the deaths of these two can be laid at the doorstep of Federal judges who block sensible border policies at every turn and their enablers in the Democrat Party and the press (a redundancy, I know.)
“The compassion from you people is truly uplifting. I'm pretty sure this is the Pavlovian response (mine and yours) Althouse was shooting for.”
Empathy seems to be sorely lacking in most Trumpists. How else could they be Trumpists? If they had empathy, they would be liberals. With every day that passes, every blog post written and comments responding, it becomes clearer and clearer that Trumpists are probably psychopaths or share one too many traits with psychopaths.
Emigration reform to mitigate the collateral damage from immigration reform and social justice adventures. No more human trafficking. No more sexually exploited women. No more waterboarded children. No more violating civil rights and placing American men, women, and children at risk. No more Planned babies.
You're being manipulated by the power of the press. Whenever trump tries to enforce the immigration laws, then we get "Babies at the Border" stories. And ALL the MSM, joins in. Don't talk about illegal immigration and its bad effects on the USA. Don't talk about all the Americans who've been hurt by it. Don't cover what Trump says.
NO! You must concentrate on "Babies at the border" & they're DYING! BABIES-DYING-AT-THE-BORDER. And its TRUMP's FAULT!
What about the Children!!!
You'll also notice that when Trump's poll numbers started to rise, then Immediately we get a "Trump is a racist" "Trump Russia Collusion" or "Trump grabbed me by the Pussy" story. Again, the MSM is at war with Trump and they want to keep his approval numbers down.
When one has run out of sound arguments, but still can’t accept that one has lost the debate, one resorts to name calling.
the deaths of these two can be laid at the doorstep of Federal judges who block sensible border policies
Judges, NGOs, churches, synagogues, mosques, and chambers, social organizations, immigration activists, foreign and domestic. Fortunately, Mexico has come to terms with a good neighbor policy, and has reached the conclusion that emigration reform is good for nations and their citizens, and that immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises, mass migration) poses a clear and progressive risk to civil and human rights. Baby steps.
I mean everybody knows that there is an easy feel-good solution to this crisis which is so obvious that it never needs to be said out loud!
That's the true power of the Press and how they push the USA ever leftward. Any story that hurts the liberal narrative gets buried or minimized. Every story that helps them, gets Headlined.
Remember that old TV program "There are 7 million stories in the Naked City - this is one of them" - Well the MSM ALWAYS picks the one out of 7 million that pushes the liberal narrative.
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
1h1 hour ago
The Democrats should change the Loopholes and Asylum Laws so lives will be saved at our Southern Border. They said it was not a crisis at the Border, that it was all just “manufactured.” Now they admit that I was right - But they must do something about it. Fix the Laws NOW!
Inga and her ilk would rather faux virtue signal, but never fix the problem.
Whenever trump tries to enforce the immigration laws,
The latest, desperate warlock trial and a persistent emigration avoidance was likely prompted by a discussion and order to restore price transparency in the medical sector. Another step to diagnosing and treating Obamacare and ensuring affordable, optimal medical care without single, monolithic, central solutions.
This wouldn't have happened with emigration reform. This wouldn't have happened with a wall to direct their travel to an authorized immigration center. This wouldn't have happened if Mexico had not indulged in shared responsibility. Democrats, Republicans, and affiliates, foreign and domestic, placed the lives of men, women, and children at risk at both ends of the bridge and throughout. Now it's time for them to step up and remedy their poor choices.
If they had empathy, they would be liberals.
So what are you doing about the border crisis, leftist?
Didn't realize we had a border with India.
Bago: it is just a line on a map and you had the luck of being born on the right side of it and think you bootstrapped the whole motherfucker on your own.
Blogger Howard said...
Didn't realize we had a border with India.
I propose that the 2020 ballot in every State include the following question:
The United States should allow EVERYONE who wants to immigrate to the United States to do so. YES or NO.
The one thing I can't look at easily is a bloody body.
Once it's cleaned up though, a dead body is quite fascinating. It's like a well built German car.
So when it's blown up and parts distributed, it still remains fascinating. Not so if the hydraulic fluid or the engine oil is obfuscating the wonders of the form.
The US should allow as many non-citizen people in, as were fetuses scraped from the womb of citizens.
White for white, black for black. No Chinese though.
Blogger Jim at said...
If they had empathy, they would be liberals.
So what are you doing about the border crisis, leftist?
We do our own gardening and house cleaning.
If we did do the aborted fetus exchange with Chinese, they would have to be all female. I think that's OK.
there are migrants as far as china and Bangladesh, there is a particularly interesting cohort of arabs, who transit through the darien camp in panama,
No. the deaths can be laid at the door of the Democrats in Congress and RINO's like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan who REFUSE To make minor changes to the immigration and refugee laws that make it impossible to keep these people out.
And if I ever hear another supporter of illegal immigration yapping about the "Rule of Law" - I'm going to puke.
4.5 BIllion to help take care of illegal aliens at the border
ZERO to build a wall to keep out illegal aliens and Prevent the whole problem.
rcocean just keeps repeating hypnotic suggestion of the "wall". This form of mass mind control of low IQ/Low self-esteem whites is explained by Scott Adams.
ZERO to build a wall to keep out illegal aliens and Prevent the whole problem.
Civil rights were historically a secondary issue for Democrats. They still are.
I won't deny it: I am not a straight rider (you do wanna fuck with me)*
I like death, so I encourage the progs to kill as many unborn babies and children as possible.
I am a bad, bad man. Me. I am.
But one thing I would never do: fight back against progs. I really, really just want their approval. Just once. And until I get it, the killings will remain my proudest moments.
*HT Tupac
My status as indentured servant/pauper does not affect my taking Rich Mellon Scaife's position as evilly defined incarnate.
You shall all blame me, and me alone, for all the world's ills.
You know.
This blatant propaganda disgusts me.
How many children died crossing the desert during the Obama years? How many died under Obama due to Dem polices that encouraged people to illegally cross the border with children? We'll never know because the media and the self-proclaimed decent people didn't care back then. They didn't care about the kids in cages back when Obama was president either.
These phonies still don't really care about these kids or they would work with Trump to enact policies to discourage illegal border crossings. Instead they prefer to use dead and suffering children as props in their ongoing anti-Trump act. Leftists sure do love victims that their "decent" liberal hearts can bleed for. So they can't help but do all they can to create as many as possible.
Elian Gonzalez and his mother unavailable for comment.
assistant ag eric holder, who signed Elian Gonzalez's arrest warrant to send him back to the communist-dictatorship island-prison, horrified by the inhumanity of Donald Trump.
A uniter, not a divider!
WASHINGTON (AP) — The GOP-held Senate on Wednesday passed a bipartisan $4.6 billion measure to deliver aid to the southern border before the government runs out of money to care for thousands of migrant families and unaccompanied children.
The sweeping 84-8 vote came less than 24 hours after the Democratic-controlled House approved a similar measure backed by liberals. The House bill , which contained tougher requirements for how detained children must be treated, faced a White House veto threat and was easily rejected by the Senate. [emph added]
Pretty impressive. PDJT agrees to stay deportations by 2 weeks and the Senate passes 84-8, an immigration bill that may give him a lot of what he wants.
Back to you, Nancy. Not nervous, are you?
This and the 15,000 MEXICAN TROOPS ON THE MEXICO/US BORDER should be very helpful in preventing or reducing future deaths on the border.
John Henry
One of the smart guys want to explain why I can't find the debate on Pluto's MSN channel.
I know.
I just talked to a buddy who told me.
They all know the shit on stage is embarrassing. They need editorial control. They have, are, and will continue, to kill to achieve this evergreen goal-for-power.
John Hink en looper just projects horribly.
Good enough guy, for a prog, really, but my golly what a dufus.
John, think of Trump's handling of his 10,000 things to your 800.
He is a better man than you or I, no shame in that.
"The national government should be doing for America, we're only as strong as our weakest link."
"I was raised to restrain anger and hold that back in, maybe I need to ...
Funch Hink. But nobody, EVER, call him Hick.
That is way beyond dead baabies or dead featus' or dead pioneers.
"John you brag you got turned down by every bank around, and the taxpayers paid for your fancy start-up to repress the other business' you repressed because of your tax-payed privilege.
What reparations, John, are you willing to concede the Denver power players refused to pay to the black and Hispanic business' that your white greed prevented from existing?"
Don't treat blacks as too stupid to see the Democratic ever-present griftings.
I've seen Willie Nelson and Snoop Dog (Calvin Brocsious or something) the same way, and that pattern recognition is helpful. Other, pre-packaged already-sold patterns abound, but not without hints of truths like Tupac knew.
314,000' view three levels deep is: We know we are shit, so we have to make everything shit so we don't stand out as shit but indeed can take immeasurable pride in being the "least stinky" or "most symmetrical" or "most colorful" or "best use of color" shit.
Marrianne, do you like boys who wear Abercrombie and Fitch?
Howard said...
The compassion from you people is truly uplifting. I'm pretty sure this is the Pavlovian response (mine and yours) Althouse was shooting for.
6/26/19, 6:09 AM
Clown nose on, clown nose off. The one thing that's impermissible from you is to be boring, and you're just about there.
And compassion? Coming from you? Doesn't your tongue turn black from the sheer hypocrisy?
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