"I’m not at a point in my life or my career where I’m looking for a way to make a fool of myself... Nothing is as it was. I already work in another way, and the problem doesn’t lie outside the political sphere. Outside the political sphere, we’re a cool country. It’s inside that the problem exists. But I know very well that if you really want to transform your life, you can’t just tweak things on the outside. You have to take a deep look at yourself. America has to take a serious, fearless moral inventory, whether it’s a Catholic going to confession, or a Jew on Yom Kippur, or someone at a recovery meeting knowing you have to take a really honest look at your character defects. If America is going to transform — genuinely transform — we need to do more than tweak things here and tweak things there."
From "68 Minutes With Marianne Williamson The self-help guru makes a case for a recovery presidency — and sees 'both sides' on vaccines" (New York Magazine).
१६० टिप्पण्या:
That will get some stupid women to vote for it.
And she is a victim.
Losing your Pro-Choice quasi-religion ("ethics"). As for vaccines, they are, in the best case, immune system primers, not magical elixirs, part of a risk management protocol.
I skimmed one of her books, I forget the exact title but it was something like "Healing America." My suspicion was that what she wanted to "heal" was liberty. Sure enough that was it, although for all her New Agey mindlessness, she was canny enough not to say this bluntly, but dance around it.
See? Already I like her more than Warren.
If America is going to transform — genuinely transform — we need to do more than tweak things here and tweak things there.
We already have a President with the message of Make America Great Again, and his tweaks seem to be working very well.
I can see why the Dem establishment wants her off the debate stage.
The idea the left has any defects or issues to consider is an anathema to the Party.
Hell, Joe Biden just learned the idea the left HAS EVER had any defects or issues is an anathema to the Party.
Here's a preview of the Democratic debates.
"Look at me. Look at me. Don't look at anybody else...
Don't look at the fat-ass losers or freaks. You look at me!"
You have to take a deep look at yourself.
Excuse me, that should be "You have to deeply garner a look at yourself", thangew.
She's right that real transformation comes from within.
But what to do when you've searched and found not an iota of racism in yourself, yet believe it's everywhere around you?
That's really the question today's latte-sipping NPR listener faces: how to exterminate all the damn racists.
This is a campaign event for Marianne Williamson, the self-help author and now semi-serious Democratic candidate for president. She’s very much in the “long shot” category, but she has gathered enough support to qualify for the first debate — which is more than the sitting governor of Montana and a congressman from Massachusetts can say
The Democratic nomination contest is now officially an early Woody Allen movie.
I was sinking into depression as I read the first few paragraphs until I realized that what we have here are pro-abortionist anti-vaccinationists. What they can't kill at birth they will destroy with preventable plagues soon thereafter. And, as a bonus, it will be concentrated in "blue" coastal regions.
"Your relationship to your body might be an area where your nervous system has lost the memory of its divine intelligence."
And that's why you're fat.
"As you remember your own divine truth, the cells of your body will remember theirs. The goal of this course is to remind your body of its perfection by reminding your mind of its perfection. By resetting one, you reset the other."
I've done a fearless moral inventory, and it seems we're low on self-righteousness and obtuseness. I suspect employee shrinkage. H.R. has been notified.
Is it cultural appropriation to use "guru" like that?
Bill Maher says the Democrat Party should nominate Oprah Winfrey.
If America is going to transform — genuinely transform
Why would anyone vote for this promise? Not only do most people not want genuine transformation at least half of those who do want to transform the other direction. It seems a stupid premise to base a campaign on.
If America is going to transform — genuinely transform — we need to do more than tweak things here and tweak things there.
They want the US to be more like the world.
The left hates freedom.
Funny, isn't this exactly what Andrew Dice Clay was saying?
Clay: "Whoever is running the country, nobody else's life changes."
Williamson: "Outside the political sphere, we’re a cool country."
Where they different is in their realism.
Say it again, George -
"It would help enormously, for instance, if the smell of crankishness which still clings to the Socialist movement could be dispelled.
If only the sandals and the pistachio-coloured shirts could be put in a pile and burnt, and every vegetarian, teetotaller, and creeping Jesus sent home to Welwyn Garden City to do his yoga exercises quietly! But that, I am afraid, is not going to happen."
I am hoping that out of these 20 or so candidates the democrats can find someone that will separate their stupid voters from the globalist cabal that rules them.
This woman is not that person as she is making clear.
If she's a self-help guru, no wonder the country is a mess. She's so clueless it's frightening.
"This is a campaign event for Marianne Williamson, the self-help author and now semi-serious Democratic candidate for president."
Good Lord, She isn't nor does she thinks she is. Once a primary has more than a dozen contenders it just becomes a venue for arrant self-promotion. Spend a few bucks and pretty soon people will start giving you money to self-promote. It's probably a fun and interesting little gig, you get a few local TV interviews, a little extra name recognition, and you bootstrap a little weight for your ego and your opinions. No harm done.
She’s a friend of, and former spiritual adviser to, Oprah Winfrey; the person who officiated Elizabeth Taylor’s wedding to Larry Fortensky; and a onetime congressional candidate from L.A.’s 33rd District whose supporters included Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, and Chaka Khan, and whose campaign anthem was written by Alanis Morissette (“We’re going down / Unless we move to new ground … Unless we revive this Constitution / From sure disintegration / Live out this revelation / Today”). In that race, she also received an endorsement from Dennis Kucinich, who remains an admirer.
If somebody asked me to create a fictional character of a modern elite progressive with a new agey feel, high political ambitions, connections to all the right left wing power players, and a vaguely vacuous messaging, I doubt I could construct one as good as this.
When Williamson saves all the LA homeless or all the LA Democratic politicians (both groups being street-pooping, civic defilers) by leading them into a deep moral transformation, I will vote for her even though she will still have 320 million left to save. While not-waiting for that not to happen, I'll go on thinking salvation is artisanal and retail, not machine-made and wholesale.
I heard a bit of that south Carolina convention, good grief they are stark raving mad,
I remember reading that passage in The Road to Wigan Pier and woondering what was so bad about pistachio colored shirts. I love Orwell but he was a bit of an uptight crank.
'Outside the political sphere, we’re a cool country.'
So we got that going for us...
Isn't she the Crack Emcee's ex wife?
Run, Marianne, run!
You can do it, girl!
You have to take a deep look at yourself.
Take a look at yourself
And you can look at others differently
Put your hand in the hand of the man From Galilee
Oh, scratch that last part: Democrat.
She's an anti-vaxxer nut.
I plan on seeing her in Iowa. If anyone has a good question for her, post it here.
I'm really looking forward to seeing her.
what was so bad about pistachio colored shirts
Two "dreadful-looking" old men got on the bus in Letchworth, which is a fine name for a towne:
"They were both about sixty, both very short, pink, and chubby, and both hatless. One of them was obscenely bald, the other had long grey hair bobbed in the Lloyd George style. They were dressed in pistachio-coloured shirts and khaki shorts into which their huge bottoms were crammed so tightly that you could study every dimple. Their appearance created a mild stir of horror on top of the bus. The man next to me, a commercial traveller I should say, glanced at me, at them, and back again at me, and murmured ‘Socialists’, as who should say, ‘Red Indians’."
How come self help guru are always telling everyone else how to? Shouldn't they be too busy self-helping themselves?
Dave Begley said...
I plan on seeing her in Iowa. If anyone has a good question for her, post it here.
Did President Trump rape you in a changing room or on a plane or in some other public space 20+ years ago?
And follow up:
How many dumbshit leftists do you think you could get to believe such a charge?
bagoh20 said...
How come self help guru are always telling everyone else how to? Shouldn't they be too busy self-helping themselves?
Does seem a bit of a misnomer.
America's MSM has to stop pandering to women.
Thanks, Althouse. Good to be reminded time-to-time segments of America are frighteningly detatched from reality.
"You have to take a deep look at yourself." Indeed. And then explain who or what entitles you to force other people to do what you want.
Her use of the terminology of 12 step cult, that utterly fails at keeping people off drugs and booze, is all I need to know about her
the Bobbsey twin sister:
I'm thinking of the following: Green New Deal advocates claim that they are firm believers in Science. So how is it that you are an anti-vaxxer?
"Transformation" = is lefty speak for Transform into communism.
Self help writers haven’t got a chance. We want government help.And we want deferred help called reparations. Big ones.
Like Kato Kaelin... she's a Life Coach. What is to be transformed into what? Last "transformation" we experienced with the dumbocrats led to the abrogation of our (everybody's) freedoms and republic. The current list of "candidates" look to me to be self-shitting droolers. No, America did quite well as the founders proscribed it.
"Her use of the terminology of 12 step cult, that utterly fails at keeping people off drugs and booze, is all I need to know about her."
I know several people who are successfully maintaining sobriety (for years) via their 12 step programs. They know many in their programs that have failed to maintain sobriety. Nothing is a panacea, and different approaches work for different people. 12 Step programs are one method, and they work for some.
Trump is the recovery president. Still at #1.
He is a mirror which reflects and amplifies the utter fecklessness of the political class. They spent two years trying to prove that their humiliation was a criminal act. Mueller despite extraordinary efforts couldn't assuage the anguish.
By the end of his second term media will have reformed itself, the Democrats chastened, the bureaucracy clipped.
"Outside the political sphere, we’re a cool country."
What does she think she means by that? The truth is, we hate politics and politicians for the same reason we hate lawyers. Because they have chosen to take upon themselves the largely thankless task of making us occupy the same piece of dirt without killing each other. That "political sphere" is the bubble you live in, Lady. If somebody pops it, you'll find out what a "cool country" we are.
I won't even start anything that involves more than 4 steps. If getting sober is so important, lets git-r-done! Then go celebrate.
Is Maryanne from CA?
This CA?
Because we all should understand that the modern left want all of America to be a third world country. Beggars are easier to please and all that.
Blogger Dave Begley said...
"She's an anti-vaxxer nut.
I plan on seeing her in Iowa. If anyone has a good question for her, post it here."
Why do you want children to die?
There are fabulous qualified therapists all over the place.
We do not need a therapist running the country. But thanks.
alcoholics anonymous does work, but not this pagan foolishness, that would prove orwell right about intellectuals,
Her use of the terminology of 12 step cult, that utterly fails at keeping people off drugs and booze, is all I need to know about her
Working AA twelve steps has never failed. People attend AA and refuse to work some or all of the steps and keep getting drunk. That's not a failure of the program.
well she probably vaccinates herself, though, not against rabies though, that's the progressive disease.
Maybe, Christy Blasey Ford will throw her pussy hat into the ring.
Here's a question for Marianne: All her teaching points to the need for people to change themselves from the inside out. They can't rely on others or the rest of society to change first. If real change in people's lives comes from personal transformation, how would reparations help transform people any more than the current welfare system does? Doesn't providing financial compensation to the distant relatives of former slaves only reinforce a sense of victimhood? Where is the inducement for those individuals to transform their lives?
Outside of politics we're a cool country? Is it really for people who live in poverty and in violent neighborhoods?
I took Williamson seriously for a while until the glaring contradictions started surfacing.
I have alky friends who swear by 12 steps, so I won't knock it.
If it works, subjectively, well, great.
At the presidential level, though?
umm, no.
'both sides' on vaccines
She called vaccine mandates “draconian” and “Orwellian.”, which is true unless you happen to be livestock on an Animal Farm.
but not this pagan foolishness
Not a pagan:
"described herself as a “bitch for God”
that would prove orwell right about intellectuals,
Not an intellectual:
"After graduating from Houston's Bellaire High School, Williamson spent two years studying theater and philosophy at Pomona College in Claremont, California." - Wikipedia
It's like Sybil the soothsayer, from that network film, but really they never contemplated anything this strange,
jenner and Pasteur would disagree, vaccines are a tool to further public health, I'm talking about the people who buy her shtick,
From her website:
"The United States and world must take unprecedented action between now and 2030 to actually bring the carbon we put in the atmosphere back into the earth where it came from—to reforest, transform our dirt back to soil on our farms, restore wetlands, peatlands, and increase phytoplankton and fisheries—among other critical measures."
More below. She's a complete loon.
"There is a growing consensus in America that climate change is an existential emergency. As President, I would argue, in no uncertain terms, that rapid, man-made climate change and global warming represents a clear and present danger to our people, to our democracy, and to the world at large."
All her teaching points to the need for people to change themselves from the inside out.
I find it curious but lawful that the vast majority of those we could categorize as "new age gurus" promote, like Williamson, a leftwing agenda. Just more evidence of the religious nature of lefty beliefs, in which the discerning citizen can discover yet more evidence of the pernicious impact of postmodernism on our culture through its determination to obliterate Reason in favor of Emotion. Too bad the pomos don't have a 12-step program that helps them uncover and confront their projections.
When liberals say "we need to do a thing" they mean "other people need to do a thing."
does she think she possesses the timestone, that can reverse events
the lessons of romans 1, seem so on point, also a degree of scientific obscurantism, that would be fatal on a large scale,
'...to actually bring the carbon we put in the atmosphere back into the earth where it came from.'
Sounds like a whole bunch of shovel-ready jobs!!
She actually seems like less of an insane nutball vaxxer than Trump was/is. She's not a serious person, and should not be a serious candidate. But again, there was Trump.
This is nothing more than a publicity stunt for her.
Her next 3 books will be calling her "former presidential candidate".
Not my problem.
After reading up upon all 23 of the democratic candidates, I believe we should resurrect Hunter S. Thompson and install him as a permanent moderator of all the debates
well kostak (sic) makes 25, that's outside of the hunger games scenario, but kingsman provides a solution,
The 12 steps of a spiritually-based program have helped me stay sober for 25 years and two months now.
But that's just me. Nothing else I tried worked. In fact, I just got back from one of those meetings that "don't work".
Blogger Dave Begley said...I 'm thinking of the following: Green New Deal advocates claim that they are firm believers in Science. So how is it that you are an anti-vaxxer?
Only settled science, Dave. And settled is what they choose to say is settled.
Lysenko looks at them and says, (what's the Russian word for pshaw)
She actually seems like less of an insane nutball vaxxer than Trump was/is. She's not a serious person, and should not be a serious candidate. But again, there was Trump.
It's a comfort to know that inspite of the President's being an insane nutball vaxxer, Comrade LLR voted for him and helped him carry Michigan.
There are three sides on vaccines: pro-vaxxers, anti-vaxxers, and rational-vaxxers.
Her first. Transform into what? I kept asking that 12 years ago and no answers thru the last administration.
Transform. Bollocks
Marianne Williamson is in her heart a liar and a fraud, because she has no true compassion for the victims of abortion. Unless I missed it, not once has this phony woman said something true about this plague that has rendered so many women childless, so many men victims of violence, and so many of our fellow humans killed when they were young, , often as the result of a painful procedure that took them by storm, they could not have expected it, the safest place in the world should be the womb of a young fertile woman, but because of abortion supporters the womb of an American woman is less safe than the least safe parts of New York City were at the height of the crime wave.
Perhaps one day she will repent - after all, God loves us all, and worse people than her have heeded the call of God to feel love in one's heart for everybody
especially for those who have been least loved in this world.
I feel so sorry for her, she is stupid, selfish, and dishonest.
What was that creature ik that terrible suicide squad film
Chuck said...
She actually seems like less of an insane nutball vaxxer than Trump was/is. She's not a serious person, and should not be a serious candidate. But again, there was Trump.
Are you one of those buffoons that thinks vaccines cause autism? Come to Seattle, you can get your share of diphtheria or measles now, since there are so many idiots here who think vaccines are bad. But the, what would expect from a progressive paradise like Seattle. At least we don't yet have a rat problem in city hall. Although the place is overrun with socialists.....
The blade runneresque future:
“Marianne Williamson is in her heart a liar and a fraud...”
Yes she is and we Democrats know it and will reject her, unlike you Trump Cultists who still support your cult leader, Trump.
alanc709 said...
Chuck said...
"She actually seems like less of an insane nutball vaxxer than Trump was/is. She's not a serious person, and should not be a serious candidate. But again, there was Trump."
Are you one of those buffoons that thinks vaccines cause autism? Come to Seattle, you can get your share of diphtheria or measles now, since there are so many idiots here who think vaccines are bad. But the, what would expect from a progressive paradise like Seattle. At least we don't yet have a rat problem in city hall. Although the place is overrun with socialists.....
No I am not one of those buffoons. Far from it; I am relentlessly critical of those buffoons. Donald Trump is one of those buffoons.
My suspicion is that Barron Trump is autistic -- something that lawyers hired by Melania Trump (but really Donald Trump) have specifically denied in writing. But I don't know, and I think it may be some time before we would ever know. Because no matter that the President is the odious, press-disparaging Donald Trump; the press is going to observe a strict rule of personal privacy for Barron Trump.
In the end, I expect that if and when Barron Trump is acknowledged as being on the autism spectrum, the story will not be Barron. There are dozens and dozens of celebrities who are parents to autistic children, who participate in autism awareness programs and charitable work for the condition. Donald Trump is not one of those people. Because I think the real story, the interesting story will be how Trump did his best to bury the story for as long as possible. A story that could have been a story of humanity and vulnerability will instead be a story about managing a family image. Straight out of the Kennedy family and daughter Rosemary who was quietly committed to a lobotomy and institutionalization. One of the darkest chapters of the family's seeping American story.
The origins of Donald Trump's autism/vaccine theory and how it was completely debunked eons ago.
And when my detractors arrive to attack me on the issue of Barron Trump, let me say that I just do not know enough to make any sort of declaration about him. I have only my suspicions, based on published information. I do not know whether Barron Trump is autistic. I am not making that assertion. Others have done that. It is no crime to be autistic. It is a human condition, deserving of understanding and care. Whether or not Barron Trump is on that spectrum.
What is a crime -- a crime against science and medicine -- is to suggest to credulous citizens of the world that modern pediatric vaccines cause autism. Because irrational fears of vaccines are causing ill;ness and death on a daily basis. And that, my friends, is what is important about the story of Donald Trump as Vaxxer.
What a weird typo. In the foregoing post, the Kennedys' "sweeping" story in American history came out as "seeping."
Maybe airship one (from the version of 1984 with Richard burton and johj hurt)
Insanity in stereo:
"Williamson, a small, trim woman, is wearing tight jeans under knee-high suede stiletto boots and a narrow, fitted blazer, and when she takes the stage, she is swift and businesslike; there is nothing of the playa about her. Her watch pokes out from her sleeve and twinkles as she strides forward and seizes the mic."
When it becomes really apparent a woman wrote the article.
Inga - God loves you.
Trump has more respect for me than I do for him. (or would, if he knew me)
If you aborted a child back in the day, you were wrong, but God loves you, and God can restore to you all the years that the locust has eaten.
The idea that I, Stephen Cooper, am a Trump cultist is perhaps the stupidest idea that anyone has found it in their heart to state today, on the entire internet. But I do not need to prove that ---- anyone who reads what I have written with a heart that is not deformed by malice knows that ----
And God loves you, Inga, and tomorrow will be a better day if we pray, because that is what God wants.
Good luck, my friend!
Let us all be mindful of those victims of abortion who Marianne W. has ignored all these years, and may she one day feel that love in her heart for the unloved that she has so long claimed to feel!!!!!
I have only my suspicions, based on published information.
Despicable is the term that comes to mind. Is this what they taught you in ambulance chasing school?
Blogger iowan2 said...
Her use of the terminology of 12 step cult, that utterly fails at keeping people off drugs and booze, is all I need to know about her
Working AA twelve steps has never failed. People attend AA and refuse to work some or all of the steps and keep getting drunk. That's not a failure of the program.
Brilliant. The same is true for Cold Turkey. Interestingly enough, they both have the same low low low success rate.
I am close enough to 1-- sp it don't matter: What difference from CIA is J. Farmer?
Watch yo'self in answering now.
Gotta agree with the Doc. Chuck's curiosity with the Trump child is disturbing like a stalker and pedo, but not unexpected. Chuck is a republican, after all.
Got re-vaccinated today for MMR.... recent physical showed “reduced” immunity for measles.... I will keep the group posted as to any adverse reactions.
As the great Bu Bu said, the Book of Job.
Shakespeare too.
Stanzas announced with pride.
Best be ulta-advanced if you wanna have fun 'round these parts. Our way.
Michael K, LLR Chuck delights in attacking and smearing children almost as much as he enjoys threatening physical violence against conservative women almost as much as he likes lobbing racist attacks against conservative African-Americans almost as much as he hates military-veteran conservative politicians who fight back against LLR Chuck's beloved dems.
Just a few more reasons, I suspect, that Althouse and Meade requested admitted Smear Merchant and Bad Faith Poster Chuck to leave this blog.
stephem cooper: god hates you but he loves me. he keeps telling me you need to stop assuming you know what he wants, thinks, desires, expects. that's why he hates you. once you stop and own your own shit and quit using his name to control people, he might take you off the naughty list. he thought that the coal would be enough of a hint, apparently not.
Howard: "Gotta agree with the Doc. Chuck's curiosity with the Trump child is disturbing like a stalker and pedo, but not unexpected. Chuck is a republican, after all."
LLR Chuck is every bit as "republican" as Senators Eastland and Talmadge were....
....every bit.
Marianne Williamson sounds like a LLR to me.
Chuck identifies as a republican and we must honor his gender choices.
I've never seen a more CIA op than with the farmers of the J, than when I read J. Farm. I'm a Buckley acolyte.
It all revolves around Jews as Jews and not a state or any person or any groups that had/have/will form around an identity I've long envied.
If we could just teach 'he rest.
Michael K said...
"I have only my suspicions, based on published information."
Despicable is the term that comes to mind. Is this what they taught you in ambulance chasing school?
I am not claiming that Barron Trump is autistic. Others have, but I have not.
I do think it is very odd, that Donald Trump would involve himself in such a profoundly weird and unsound way, with the purported link between vaccines and autism. And to me, that is the really important thing. The only important thing.
I think that the possibility of Barron Trump's being autistic is ONLY significant insofar as it informs us about the President of the United States and his possible policy position on something as important as pediatric immunizations and communicable diseases.
For your part, what I'd like to hear from you has nothing to do with Barron per se; rather, I'd like to hear what you think of Trump's vaccine theories.
Howard: "Chuck identifies as a republican and we must honor his gender choices."
Chuck pretends to be a republican but his deep affection for dems/lefties and his reflexive and passionate defense of those dems and their policies (the more extreme the leftist policy the more passionate Chuck's defense) gives away the game.
Not all Moby's are created equal.
Well, the world needs "ditch digger" Moby's too.
Howard - I get it.
Seriously, I have not had a pain free hour since 1980.
and I pray a lot.
Sure God does not like me much, but God has given me one gift.
I like people whether they like me or not.
I like you Howard.
But please for the love of God do not mock people who simply point out that it is WRONG when people who are healthy and have been given many gifts in life ABORT and DEPRIVE their own children of life.
Like I said, I like you but I have lower standards than God does.
That is why God likes me less than God likes you.
I know what it is to have been a child whose parents argued over whether the child should be aborted.
I have more forgiveness in my heart than you would think, my young friend.
and Howard, God does not hate anybody.
Howard, as you can see, Chuck's own sickness precludes any possibility for him to cease attacking children.
Its clear he enjoys it immensely as part of his admitted Smear tactics.
"Sees both sides on vaccines"? One the one side, we have horrible preventable diseases; on the other, we have gullible humans who think vaccines may or may not have side effects worse than the horrible preventable diseases. Fair and balanced, eh?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Marianne Williamson is in her heart a liar and a fraud...”
Yes she is and we Democrats know it and will reject her, unlike you Trump Cultists who still support your cult leader, Trump.
Inga aborted your sentence, Coop'.
And only to reproduce her standard trope.
Drago: Instead of LLR, I consider Chuck Widestance to be a toe-tapper republican, NTTAWWT
Given Chuck's recent blog "performances", we cannot discount the role alcohol may play in Chucks non-stop attacks on children and women.
One strongly suspects there are no women nor children in Chucks life which might help explain Chuck's inability to grasp how inappropriate such attacks happen to be.
i mock for the love of god
and , Howard, my friend - this does not need pointing out, probably, but I will say this because this is the internet and people get carried away ---
feel free to disagree with what I say but for the love of God
as much as you want to say that I am a poor messenger, that i am someone who God does not want speaking for him, as much as you want to say that "my soul" is not admirable, that I am "wrong" when I try to say what God thinks is good (well, read the Bible and ignore me, if that is what you think .... or even if that is not what you think)
for the love of God do not say that God hates anyone
God is my friend and Death is afraid of me
God is your friend and Death is afraid of you
abortion is such a sad thing
wake up!
God does not hate anyone
God loves us all
Blogger Marty said..."...Comrade LLR voted for him and helped him carry Michigan."
I think this is the root of his problem.
if u believe in the trinity, then god is also a man and if god is a man, he hates, ergo ipso facto
"I mock for the love of God"
Rabelais did that, and God loved Rabelais
it is good when people know that important questions are important
God loves you more than God loves me, Howard
and I am fine with that
Howard: "Drago: Instead of LLR, I consider Chuck Widestance to be a toe-tapper republican, NTTAWWT"
Hmmmm, that would explain quite a bit. You might be on to something.
He might just have a "wide stance".
Ken B said...
See? Already I like her more than Warren.
That's a low bar. If you were casting for Katharina in The Taming of the Shrew, Warren would be right at the top of your list.
Drago: one would hope women and children are not exposed to that
Blogger DavidUW97 said..."Question upon the birth of my first, a boy, "Are you going to vaccinate him?"
me, bewildered, as this friend had a real science degree (chemistry), "Of course, I don't want him to die.""
I understand, and sympathize, with the general public who don't understand this issue. They are "informed" by journalists, who are dumber than dirt. So called scientists who hold anti-vaxxer "beliefs"; I just don't know what to think.
Howard: "Drago: one would hope women and children are not exposed to that"
Unfortunately, the dems/Left/LLR-left bathroom policies have given men access to womens bathrooms.
No you are a good messenger Stephen cooper
There was a time, when people were conversant enough in the Word at least as literature if not as revelation that these concepts were not foreign, Williamson is exactly who chesterton was speaking off.
Stephen: sounds like you are living the suffering life of Buddhist nirvana.
"No you are a good messenger Stephen cooper"
If "good messenger" = "do not read", well then yeah.
Blogger Drago said...... bathroom policies have given men access to womens bathrooms.
You mean besides the peep holes? I was born too late.
In broad strokes,
Some might compare her to aime McPherson, but are there enough people literate enough even in southern California, she also sounds like Arianna Huffington in her first iteration as culg leader.
Brilliant. The same is true for Cold Turkey. Interestingly enough, they both have the same low low low success rate.
"The same is true.." What the hell does that even mean? Cold Turkey is will power.
What you fail to understand is, working the steps in your daily life is the answer to the ism. Booze is just the symptom. Cold turkey just gives you a dry drunk, not recovery.
somewhere in America, in a half lit room, someone with a pair of scissors string and thumbtacks is arranging on the wall a big circle of all the crucial pieces.... candidate Williamson whose tied to Alanis morrisette whose tied to jim carrey whose tied to Jenny McCarthy whose tied to autism whose tied to Trump whose tied to celebrity roasts who tied to bob saget whose tied to full house whose tied to alanis morrisette whose tied to Katy perry whose tied to snoop whose tied to celebrity roasts whose tied to Trump whose tied to p-- which is tied to Jenny McCarthy whose tied to jim carrey whose tied to Amanda donohoe whose forever tied to the white worm ....which is, must be, clearly, Trump.
Alanis had like three phases of a music career. You could use the upbeat generic corporate dance beat she started with back in Canada. Or then the sullen "You oughta know" stuff for getting the vanguard riled up. Finish with the pensive worldly women Ironic for the finale.
Howard - close, my friend. 1980 was a long time ago. I worked it out once - if I walked at one mile an hour around the world for every hour I have not been free of pain since 1980 I would have walked around the world - at just one mile an hour - well, let's just say, more than once.
Original Mike - all of us have friends who care about us, and all of also spend some time, willingly or not, with people who do not care about us.
I certainly do not want anyone to think that I want to be listened to by people who do not care about me, or who have many many friends who are nothing like me, and who do not want to listen to me because their friends are better people than I am.
You are like the thousandth person who has mocked me when I said what was in my heart, in some small neighborhood of the internet, I dob't care, my best guess is that you are a good person who has been kind to the people who are important in your life.
But when you mock me you mock the losers in life.
Remember that.
I have written a million words on the internet and I have never once mocked the losers in life, to the contrary, I have always said that
God loves us all and
it is no small thing to be a friend to creature who never had a friend in this world
I dont think hes mocking you, Stephen cooper, but your method may need some refining see how diplomatic I can be.
What drove this country at least at the outset was faith, certainly the pilgrims variety but later Quakers baptists and catholics
My life has been more of the intellect, more of observing rather than doing, you might have gathered that. As such one might consider any transgressions I may have made small, but then there really are no small sins in point of fact, not by the more exacting standards
For your part, what I'd like to hear from you has nothing to do with Barron per se; rather, I'd like to hear what you think of Trump's vaccine theories.
I haven't head any and I guess I don't hang out in the pervert circles that you do.
"Because no matter that the President is the odious, press-disparaging Donald Trump; the press is going to observe a strict rule of personal privacy for Barron Trump."
We are so lucky to have such a respectful press, never deserving such ire from Trump. Never.
Chuck said...I think that the possibility of Barron Trump's being autistic is ONLY significant insofar as it..
is a means to smear Trump and prejudice people against him.
Long, time has shown, is the advantage of the Jew.
Long, time has shown, is the advantage of the non-Jew.
Both are true.
I know why.
And I honor Jewish PM of Israel Nettinyauh. Or whatever. I don't care, as long as they support Trump and the Trump Estates in Israel.
"I don't think he's mocking you, Stephen"
well you are probably right
1980 was a long time ago and it has been a long time since I was a good judge of character
narciso you know this:
everyone who has mocked me is someone I can see in the best light
of course I am a loser who cannot see my fellow humans the way God sees them. though I try
if I WERE NOT A LOSER those dreams where everything makes sense - those dreams one has at night where we wake up in an apartment or a house or an angelically approved barracks - where one has those conversations with people who tell you
where dreams where you hear such things seem so real ...
and then you wake up and you notice that 19 out of 19 Democratic Party candidates are scared, like sad unkind people, to say a single word about how the GREATEST PROBLEM of our time is the GREAT ENTHUSIASM so many people have to profit off supporting abortion
abandoning those of us who most need love and companionship and support
it is no small thing to be a friend to a creature who never had a friend in this world
let us care about each other
narciso I know you could quote
almost anyone you want to quote if you want to disagree with me
or quote anyone you want to quote if you agree
God loves us all
we do not won 2019
2019 is a gift from God, destined for all of us who
at the beginning of the world
when our pal Adam and our pal Eve
remembered what the future should have been
tell me again I need refining
tell me again
and for the record Narciso
better people than me long ago made sure that your sins would be forgiven
Hes like apparently Joaquin Phoenixs creepy stalker version of the joker.
I think I made that clear, just providing some friendly advice.
Buckley is an interesting fellow the som of Texas wildcatter expelled from Mexico, he had better grasp of French and Spanish than English, he attended a Tony birding school had his brief war jaunt. Then yale where he faced the post war anti western and antichristism climate, then he joins the company under Howard hunts supervision. This has been touched on in the recent novel boomday. Where eudocio ravines dissident Peruvian marxist shows how Marxism gets a foothold in the third world
I was referring to our michigsn marauder.
Michael K said...
"For your part, what I'd like to hear from you has nothing to do with Barron per se; rather, I'd like to hear what you think of Trump's vaccine theories."
I haven't head any and I guess I don't hang out in the pervert circles that you do.
I can help you.
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!
5:35 AM - 28 Mar 2014
Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
Lots of autism and vaccine response. Stop these massive doses immediately. Go back to single, spread out shots! What do we have to lose.
9:10 AM - 22 Oct 2012
The rest of the Trump autism oeuvre on Twitter; it's pretty fabulous.
And why? Why this bizarre cause for Trump to have latched onto? To me, the most direct and easily-understood link would be if Trump was enraged and furious with a diagnosis of autism in Barron. But only the Trump family can clear that up.
In the meantime, it would help the cause of national health and worldwide healthcare for the President of the United States to reverse himself and state clearly that there is no vaccine/autism link, and that all children should be vaccinated absent a special medical reason that would contraindicate standard vaccinations.
the typos were on purpose.
God loves you,
And of course, if you think I am not a good messenger ...
well maybe you are right.
I have never claimed that God loves me more than God loves you.
I am not important in your world.
I am just some loser (trust me) who will never have a single moment of triumph in this world (trust me, I will never make a single cent from the fact - if it is a fact - that I can ramble on about God's love for us - trust me on that, NOT A SINGLE CENT, and not even, as God is my witness, A SINGLE MOMENT of pleasure in this world - I am not that sort of person who goes into preaching in order to romance a woman who likes Preacher Men - just trust me, I am not -----)
Can I say one thing, here, tonight, almost 40 years after 1980, a year in which I experienced the last hour I will ever remember on this earth where I did not live a life of pain ....
can I say this ///
no matter how hard you tried to mock me or criticize me, I know this ....
God loves you.
I have tried for YEARS AND YEARS to find someone who could mock me on the internets and make me think that, hey, that person really does not like me ....
let me tell you this my friends ....
all of you are kinder than you think
nobody has ever hurt my feelings on the internet webs
God loves you all
there is hope for you all
if you feel alone tonight try and think of ALL THOSE YEARS where hour after hour Pain accompanied me and refused to leave me in peace
I forgave Pain Long Ago
God Loves Us All
I can't promise I will pray for you but I can promise that there are saints who watched me, year after year, desperately wanting not to experience physical pain EVERY HOUR OF MY LIFE since 1980, and I can promise you that those saints will
Pray for you and will pray for everyone you care for.
of course I will pray for you but I cannot make promises
God did not make me the sort of creature who can make such bold promises
Trump is as real a President we'll ever have.
I use the enemies language because I was:
A) Taught it.
B) Not taught it.
Buckley foresew these ticles of rage with their tick masquerades-as-substance.
Kind of a difference between advocating a staggered schedule vs non-vaccination...the latter seemingly popular among Cali folks with "dough".
Short: Nobody wants Lime from tick.
I processed these details through the positronic maze, while watching his appearance on off all things laughin on the decades channel, Rowan and martin thought they had cornered him, but he was just toying with then
It depends..are they bringing the Tanqueray and tonic?
"The God of Israel slumbers not nor sleeps"
See Howard?
LLR Chuck cannot bring himself to stop attacking children.
One can only imagine the twisted joy he gets from doing it which is ironic as it destroys the entire faux online persona that Chuck no doubt believed he had effectively cultivated, only to see it all come crashing down.
LLR Chuck is basically Inga now.
Watch Howard, I'll bet he does it again too.
Let's watch closely.....
No it's more like in Pacific rim, when two minds are linked.
"If America is going to transform — genuinely transform — we need to do more than tweak things here and tweak things there."
Hence, Trump.
Years ago Williamson wrote a book about The Course in Miracles called a Return to Love. I enjoyed it and did not consider it New Age at all. What she has done in the last 20 years may be but I thought that book and some of those early (late 90's) interviews were very thought provoking.
What is a crime -- a crime against science and medicine -- is to suggest to credulous citizens of the world that modern pediatric vaccines cause autism. Because irrational fears of vaccines are causing ill;ness and death on a daily basis. And that, my friends, is what is important about the story of Donald Trump as Vaxxer.
Then again, maybe Barron is just a shy kid. Sheesh.
Chuckservatives are often either toe-tapping Republicans or David Frums, Bill Kristols, Mona Charens, Ben Shapiros, and Jonah Goldbergs. The deranged who impotently wish death on the President can't think of a reason for President Trump's vaccine agnosticism beyond "maybe his son secretly has it?!" But I have a different theory: one that plays into Trump's overall appeal.
Donald Trump makes a career out of listening to people who are ignored at best, openly suppressed at worst. This is mainly seen with abortion and free trade, both of which Trump adamantly opposes, but also finds its way into vaccine policy. The small number of often liberal women who hate vaccines are only becoming fanatical thanks to the absurd suppression by every media outlet, especially ones like HuffPo that used to make the hard pitch for anti-vaccers. Personally, I like some vaccines, though no discussion of immunization policy can go forth without saying:
1) Public hygiene played a much greater role in reducing mumps and polio than vaccines, which is why mainly third world shitholes like San Francisco are at major risk for the old diseases.
2) Something makes European children much less likely to have autism than American ones. Is it their less strict vaccination schedule? Who knows.
Anyways, the more liberals and chuckservatives (BIRM) scream violently about the unvaccinated despite their own presumed vaccination status, the more you wonder what the screaming is about.
Inga the State's Handmaiden says about Marianne Williamson being a fraud: "Yes she is and we Democrats know it and will reject her, unlike you Trump Cultists who still support your cult leader, Trump."
(A) Can you name some actual Trump Cultists on this board, and what characterizes them as such (as opposed to people who simply support Trump in his fight with the "liberal" Hive)?
(B) Since when do Democrata reject frauds? Your gang has been pushing fraudulent economics for decades,
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