Drudge's link goes to a UK paper, The Sun, which is, I guess they can't help it, focused on British royalty: "COMB ON OVER Donald Trump sports slick new ‘hat hair’ before flying to meet the Queen." But Trump's hair has nothing to do with the Queen. It has to do with wearing a hat — he'd been golfing — and then finding himself in a situation where he had to take off the hat. You can get this info just from reading The Sun: "Trump had come straight from a game of golf and had only just taken off his baseball cap when he got in front of the cameras at a Virginia church." The Sun goes on to survey social media, where the most common joke seems to be about how, unlike usually, he looks "normal."
What Trump was doing — apparently spontaneously, without taking time to do his hair — was attending a church memorial service for the victims of the Virginia Beach shootings:
Trump's lack of vanity is a bit disarming (considering how much effort he's put into maintaining his trademark elaborate hairdo over the years), but it's really nothing compared to the profundity of the religious observance for the recently murdered human beings.
Trump haters who feel disarmed — because they can't lob their usual "narcissist" insult — could say that he deliberately suddenly changed his hairstyle to get people to talk about it and then he'd win in the end because he'll be able to call them trivial for not respecting religion and murder victims. Because that's the kind of thing he does, right? Like the way he wants to be impeached.
UPDATE: Here's how Trump actually looks with the Queen today. The hair is pretty much back to his usual swooping, sweeping style, maybe slightly more sedate, but the best part of the video is when Melania comes into view (looking more magnificent than ever):
१४५ टिप्पण्या:
Trump has to protect his real estate investment in Scotland. Only reason to visit that declining island.
England is dying. Peace Be Upon It.
He's almost unrecognizable. One or both of his older sons has a coiff like that.
I thought that only female politicians had their looks scrutinized.
Isn't that what they always whine to us?
Give that man a mullet.
Old style back today.
How else does one deflect from Trump's surprise attendance at a memorial service for the VA Beach victims where the pastor prayed for him?
When Boris Johnson becomes Prime Minister of the UK, that is going to be a fantastic Leader of the Free World Hair Show.
Drudge links a lot of fake news.
Like Trump not wanting to lay eyes on McCain ship.
Not true. The McCain ship (the boat is named after john McCain's father)
was being repaired because it was smashed on one side. The ship was involved in a collision. That's why the tarp was covering part of it.
The media got it wrong, and Drudge got it wrong.
We live in such incredibly stupid times.
As long as he doesn’t cut it shorter. Trumps strength is in his hair.
The Church in Mclean (or was it Vienna? reports are confused) is about 200 miles from Virginia Beach where the shooting occurred.
Is there some connection? Or is it just a more or less random church? Did PDJT say "Find me a church nearby that is having a memorial so I can get a photo-op.
The whole thing feels a bit tacky to me.
John Henry
A little dab will do you, and drive the Trump haters to put their irrational obsession with all things Trump on full display. He doesn't even have to try, they do it to themselves. I find it embarrassing, for them, they can't help themselves.
He looks like Johnny Cash.
Trump hatred is akin to burning when doused with holy water.
Think about Peter Fallow in Bonfire of the Vanities. That's your typical Brit newspaperman. Better yet, read Scoop! by Evelyn Waugh.
The UK newspapers are very lively (except for the Guardian), and all are entertaining. They specialize in making up feuds. Only a fool takes anything he or she reads in a UK newspaper seriously.
They are going to go all out on Trump's visit. London Mayor Sadiq Kahn writes an insulting op-ed about Trump in the Guardian, and Trump as he is getting on the plane, says that Kahn is a shorter version of de Blasio. UK headlines: TRUMP INSULTS KAHN!!!
Trump, hearing for the first time from The Sun the insults that Meghan Markle had lobbed his way, muses "I didn't know she said that about me. I didn't know that she was nasty. But I think she'll do excellently in the Royal family." Headlines blare: TRUMP SAYS MARKLE "NASTY"!!!!
Yup. It's going to be a trans-Atlantic love-fest. But don't take it seriously. The Trumps will get along great with the Queen.
Craig: Trump is the first feminine President, so if the Merkin fits, ...
I mostly like this post, Althouse.
You've called out Drudge and The Sun on their odd presumption(s) that Trump calculated a new hairstyle that had lots to do with "copious amounts of hair gel" instead of the fairly obvious answer that Trump had been wearing a hat in warm weather for perhaps the previous six hours or so.
What I don't get is your inferring that this is a Trump-hatred pathology. Drudge seems to love Trump and mostly avoids any serious criticism of Trump. The Sun is a Murdoch property, and is mostly favorable to Trump. I will note that The Sun is a lot like The New York Post; catering to low-information working class nationalists. But since The Sun's nationalists are all wound up in British xenophobia while the Post caters to its New York/American nationalists, there is always likely to be a peculiar UK-centricity to whatever they do in The Sun. That's what Murdoch pays his editors at The Sun to do.
Drudge is not a Trump fan. He often attempts to embarrass him.
I'm sure all of you deplorables just love the fact that you're cuckservative chicken hawk and chief sports in majestic mullet.
Yup. It's going to be a trans-Atlantic love-fest. But don't take it seriously. The Trumps will get along great with the Queen.
I suspect she finds most of her family tiresome, too.
A scotsman playing a round of golf at his own golf course and being a humble Reformed Christian all in one day , and then it's off to see the Queen.
His hair looks fine. The Sun will be the Sun and comments on looks and superficial stuff.
Meghan Markle has not said a word about politics since she started dating Harry. She's on maternity leave. Sun's trying to make a story out of nothing to sell papers. The entire story is stupid. She wasn't going to "move" to Canada; she had been living in Toronto while filming her TV show "Suits" for years. She met Harry through her Canadian/British connections.
... and then he'd win in the end because he'll be able to call them trivial for not respecting religion and murder victims.
Of course they’re trivial. And they’re realizing it, and they just hate him all the more. Democrats in Congress want to impeach Trump essentially because he’s smarter than they are.
Blogger Amadeus 48 said...
Better yet, read Scoop! by Evelyn Waugh.
Or anythign else by Evelyn Waugh for that matter. I am particularly fond of the Sword of Honor trilogy on a number of different levels. It's a different book each time I read it. Always better than the last time.
Terrific writer.
John Henry
Wow. Even his hair-do gets the #FakeNews treatment. The Media are insane.
"I didn't know she said that about me. I didn't know that she was nasty. But I think she'll do excellently in the Royal family."
Is he saying that the whole royal family is nasty and that she will fit right in?
Works for me.
John Henry
Hair we go again..
Howard--Why are you so hostile? Trump is Trump.
Personally, I thought Obama is as empty a human being as has ever trod the earth. I think Trump is a huckster who is doing some things right and some things wrong. I think a lot of people here have a lot of mixed feelings about both Obama and Trump.
Why have you got a bug up your ass? What is with the mullet crack? It's incoherent.
Having seen her in part of a Hallmark movie (before I turned it off in disgust) I Hope nasty Megan Markle is a better Duchess than actress.
What I don't get is your inferring that this is a Trump-hatred pathology.
Screams the Trump hater. Do you wipe the spittle off your screen or just leave it there?
Hey John Henry--Sword of Honor is fantastic. Great call!
This version of Trump actually does resemble the men in my family . Birthdays are coming up next week for The Prez and for the son and I. We will have to play us some golf.
I thought that only female politicians had their looks scrutinized.
Isn't that what they always whine to us?
This is important. With the 2020 election cycle spinning up, we are getting, and will get a lot more whining from the female stable of candidates that they are unfairly being judged on appearance.
But, the left with their history knowledge being wiped clean every day at sunrise, will ignore what President Trump has had thrown at him.
The queen has spent a lifetime with Prince Phillip. Nothing Trump has said, or even the lies about what he's said, comes close to the crap Phillip has said so she's not going to be influenced by random comments Trump has made.
Michael K said...
What I don't get is your inferring that this is a Trump-hatred pathology.
Screams the Trump hater. Do you wipe the spittle off your screen or just leave it there?
For someone with an ego as large and as fragile as yours, you sure are a nasty prick.
I don't think this is about TDS. Posting a link saying "Check out Trump's new hairstyle" is an easy way to get a zillion clicks.
History has shown that HMQ digs Bad Boys. It runs in the family.
Damn that Trump!
Forcing, FORCING, us to report on his hair, his ice cream scoops, his skin tone, his....
Damn that Trump!
"Hair, you must go in search of the optician."
I've never embraced Trump's completely coiffed look, and I hope he adopts this new hair style.
Full disclosure......Twelve years ago, my son came home from school, and made the comment "Nice comb-over!! Dad!!".
That was all the more motivation I needed. I went outside, and shaved my head. It covers up the gray, and the bald spot is gone. Win-win!!
Remember when cocksucker Chuck told everyone to vote Democratic for the Midterms?
The mark of a "real" Republican.
Amadeus, it's not Trump carnival, it's the true believers who worship it whom I have to take issue with
Now, let’s talk about Warren’s, Harris, Gabbard, Klobuchar and Gillibrand’s hairstyles. Oh, wait a minute, that would be sexist...Progs and media are FOS.
The press likes to split hairs
Careful, Darrell. Chuck might show up at your door. No, but in a comment where he shines.
Now, let’s talk about Warren’s, Harris, Gabbard, Klobuchar and Gillibrand’s hairstyles. Oh, wait a minute, that would be sexist...Progs and media are FOS.
Howard--Fair enough.
Cory Booker has no comment
For someone with an ego as large and as fragile as yours, you sure are a nasty prick.
I am now convinced that you are truly a leftist Moby. The use of projection is endemic in that set.
The real reason for the visit? Trump is going to steal the Queen's Jewels. They always suspect the Butler, but NEVER the President.
Trump's in England and his hair is as before.
Howard may kiss my ass.
I hate Howard back and forth.
@Francisco D., it took you this long?
The Hillary Clinton corruption machine was halted by the ORANGE MAN BAD. He had a TV show once, where he was celebrated and the show was based on raising money for charity.
Oh the horror.
The Royals Prefer Obama.
Alternate theory: he was checking the box on a campaign promise. Remember when Trump told the Des Moines Register that he'd be too busy working as president to have time to maintain the combover? He said he would probably start combing it back.
He doesn't look like Johnny Cash at all. Cash had that nose.
A nose that would have put him in incel-territory, had he gotten obsessed by it.
Orange Man, Orange Man, where have you been?
I've been to London to visit the Queen.
Orange Man, Orange Man, what did you there?
I frightened a journalist under her chair.
His hair looks better that way. Appropriately Jacksonian.
Donald’s vibrancy vs. Putz Charlie.
We want the name Elizabeth. Who approved helping the attempted coup?
Think about this; 75th anniversary of D-Day eeek and the Brits are involved in an attempted soft coup against the US president.
Typical Brit headline:
How could you?
Oh, Donald--what you have done to Melania!
Why is the band playing "Wild Blue Yonder"?
"Nothing will stop the US Air Force!!"
It’s interesting to think about how many US Presidents Elizabeth II has met.
I count every one since Eisenhower.
I don’t think she met Truman, but I may be wrong there.
McLean Bible Church is a big church, wide net, lots of PR, etc.--so going there reaches a lot of evangelicals across the state.
Trump's appearance has sent many into convulsions for years, esp. the hair. The idea that he would change his hair for the Queen is pretty weird, esp. inasmuch as he already met her last year (with Trump-standard hair), but then again, Drudge has been weird for awhile.
'...the Brits are involved in an attempted soft coup against the US president.'
Trump has to be reveling in the dynamic.
Two comments on Waugh's Sword of Honor:
1) There is a movie/mini-series version of it that I saw a few years back. I think this was when I was getting DVDs from Netflix. Doesn't seem to be available on Amazon. There are a few clips on YouTube. Not as good as the book, of course, but pretty good and I was not disappointed.
2) I first read the 3 separate books from Books-On-Tape and the library. Then, about 20 years ago, I found a single volume version. Waugh had done a bit of condensing for this and I don't think anything important was left out but there are a couple bits missing. I have the single volume version on Kindle.
Something else that occurs to me is that Dick reminds me of Apthorpe, personalitywise.
John Henry
Prof. Althouse wrote, "the best part of the video is when Melania comes into view (looking more magnificent than ever)."
I agree. Magnificent is exactly the word I'd use, too.
I imagine that if the president were a Democrat, the press would be giving Melania the full Jackie Kennedy treatment.
I don’t think she met Truman, but I may be wrong there.
In October 1951, as Princess Elizabeth, she visited President Harry S. Truman in Washington and gave him a gift from her ailing father, King George VI.
Was anyone offended by Chuck's remarked about "low-information working class nationalists"? I was always taught that the mark of a gentleman or a lady was not to make others feel uncomfortable--
If so, another test failed....
Blogger wholelottasplainin' said...
Why is the band playing "Wild Blue Yonder"?
He is there because of the 75th D-Day anniversary. The 8th Air Force turned England into a massive air base (US Army Air Corps) during the war. 26,000 US and even more British fliers lost their lives flying bombing raids out of England.
Just speculation on my part but I suppose that may be the reason.
It was originally "Nothing will stop the Army Air Corps".
John Henry
And that reminds me of a great line from Sword of Honor:
Guy Crouchback and another British army officer are in an RAF hospital visiting an injured friend. The enlisted orderly gives them some lip and Guy asks his friend if they should report him for insubordination.
"Not an offense in the airforce, I am afraid"
John Henry
"Was anyone offended by Chuck's remarked about "low-information working class nationalists"?"
Only if I was reading Chuck's comments, which I don't. He says nothing worth talking about and I avoid people whose sole schtick is to provoke fights.
The same goes for Inga, Shouting Thomas and a couple other commenters.
John Henry: thanks. I think you've nailed it.
I should have remembered: I went to Normandy two years ago.
He looked like a greasy evangelical preacher in his post baseball cap hair.
Question: where is the Queen's husband?
Trump, hearing for the first time from The Sun the insults that Meghan Markle had lobbed his way, muses "I didn't know she said that about me. I didn't know that she was nasty. But I think she'll do excellently in the Royal family." Headlines blare: TRUMP SAYS MARKLE "NASTY"!!!!
A48, a better headline: Trump says the Royal Family is nasty.
"I didn't know that she was nasty." : she was nasty.
"But I think she'll do excellently in the Royal Family" : a nasty person will do excellently in a family of nasty people.
OT, but I am reading a series of novels written by an English writer and about England's navy and the RFC in WWI.
He is an excellent writer and reminds me of WEB Griffin's novels about the US military. He has immense detail about the subjects, like Griffin (Butterworth) did. His name is Andrew Wareham, and I just ran across him.
I don't read much fiction but do admire good research. That was something Tom Clancy was good at.
Gene Weingarten, the humor columnist for the Post, has a thing which he calls [something I've forgotten because I'm old] which is a combination of words so rare it can't be found by Googling, therefore has likely never been used before.
I want to congratulate Ann for having created such a combination: "Trump's lack of vanity".
elkh1 said...
He looked like a greasy evangelical preacher in his post baseball cap hair.
Question: where is the Queen's husband?
If you haven't been keeping up, he's retired from public life and ceremonies due to health issues. Even had to recently give up driving- after another accident.
Here is a bit about what we should be thinking about Thursday.
elkh1 said...
He looked like a greasy evangelical preacher in his post baseball cap hair.
Question: where is the Queen's husband?
Prince Phillip retired from public life and public appearances at age 96.
Melania not my type but she does look great in that video. Love that wardrobe for the occasion. Of course, over the years she has kept a lot appointments with cosmetic surgeons.
One unfortunate effect of TDS is fashion bloggers not covering Melania the way they did Michelle Obama. I would love to read Tom and Lorenzo's take on Melania's wardrobe on these official trips, but they won't come anywhere near it. The only thing they commented on was that jacket she wore with the off-putting message on it.
All this to say, Melania really dresses spectacularly and her outfit here is really not exceptional -- she always looks this good -- but I do really like the hat.
I doubt the fashion bloggers will ever relent, but the designers who dress the First Lady aren't suffering in the least.
@Francisco D., it took you this long?
Sorta. He talked like a true conservative during the Kavanaugh hearings, so I bought into his spiel that he was an LLR with a very personal vendetta against Trump only.
I must have missed all the times he supported Dicks Durbin and Blumenthal among others.
Better late than never, eh?
Did the staffs of FLOTUS and the Duchess confer in advance regarding colo(u)r?
I remember Weingarten, when he wrote for the devil, yes wareham's china series, is a little like flashman in the navy.
a friend knew butterworth, in argentina, when he was starting his honor series, which is kind of retconned biography, to world war 2, the last one that his son butterworth jr plays a fair bit like hawkeye in the early days of the cia in germany, if hawkeye looked like steve mccqueen,
I liked the London destruction scene in London Has Fallen (2016).
"It’s interesting to think about how many US Presidents Elizabeth II has met.
I count every one since Eisenhower."
Probably the only head of state, titular or otherwise, to survive more presidents than Fidel Castro.
"It’s interesting to think about how many US Presidents Elizabeth II has met.
I count every one since Eisenhower."
The only one she never met was LBJ.
The Royals Prefer Obama.
Nah. I don't think so.
Remember when he was running his mouth during God Save the Queen? And screwed up the toast. And wouldn't shut up because it wasn't about the Queen? It was about him?
I don't think they cared for either of the Obamas.
Francisco D said...
@Francisco D., it took you this long?
Sorta. He talked like a true conservative during the Kavanaugh hearings, so I bought into his spiel that he was an LLR with a very personal vendetta against Trump only.
I must have missed all the times he supported Dicks Durbin and Blumenthal among others.
That is because I sided with Durbin exactly once. Once, because it was impossible not to side with Durbin since Lindsey Graham essentially agreed with him and no had the guts to disagree. It was when Trump used the phrase "shithole countries," and then the White House tried to wiggle out of it.
And I sided with Blumenthal precisely once as well. And even clearer occurrence. It was when Blumenthal met with then-Judge Gorsuch before his confirmation hearing and Blumenthal emerged from the meeting saying that he had asked Gorsuch about Trump's trashtalk aimed at various federal judges and Gorsuch responded that he found the Trump remarks "disheartening" and "demoralizing." Trump immediately took to Twitter to claim that Blumenthal had misrepresented Gorsuch. Then, a three weeks later under oath on national television, Gorsuch used the same two words in answering a repeat of the question from Blumenthal himself who sits on the Judiciary Committee.
And no one here can point to another time that I sang the praises of either Durbin or Blumenthal.
Despite repeated lies to the contrary.
The best part is the royal marching band playing the US Air Force song.
And Melania looks phenomenal!
Jim at said...
The Royals Prefer Obama.
I know, huh?
It cannot be understated how much the Queen cherished Obama's precious gifts of unplayable CD's of his speeches.
Andy Ruiz is 6' 2" and weighed 268 for Saturday's fight. I believe POTUS is 6' 3" (although guys in seventies often lose some height). Looking at the video at the Palace hard to believe he weighs much less than Ruiz.
Will Trump give Da Queen an iPod of his rallies?
readering is doing the important forensics.
Of course, over the years she has kept a lot appointments with cosmetic surgeons.
Any facts or are you just being a shit ?
a friend knew butterworth, in argentina, when he was starting his honor series,
He got me to read some Argentina history. The Presidents Agent series brought the history up to date.
The late books in the last series deteriorated as his son, like Steve Ambrose's son, are not up to the task.
This guy Wareham is as good as early Butterworth. He has me looking up early WWI planes, for instance
Of course Chuck was pleased by weasel Durbin running for the cameras.
You get the sense Chuck was a weasel kid running to the teacher to tattle.
but the best part of the video is when Melania comes into view (looking more magnificent than ever):
She does always look magnificent. This is another reason I no longer trust the MSM. All those years of being told how beautiful the first lady was then crickets when a real fashion model becomes the first lady. They aren't one bit honest.
Hes worked with Papuan police among other consulting work overseas, you'd think that wasnt a thing.
Biff: I imagine that if the president were a Democrat, the press would be giving Melania the full Jackie Kennedy treatment.
Sydney: She does always look magnificent. This is another reason I no longer trust the MSM. All those years of being told how beautiful the first lady was then crickets when a real fashion model becomes the first lady.
A pity, isn't it? It really speaks to the pettiness and nastiness of the press that its fluffy fashion-and-lifestyle division isn't all over a woman who is probably the most beautiful and elegant first lady ever.
These are people who thought Hillary Clinton belonged on the cover of Vogue, lol. (Which publication, iirc correctly, was very fond of Trump's wives back in the day.)
From news article:
"The YouGov survey data reveals only 21 percent of U.K. residents had a positive opinion of Trump, compared to Obama, who had a staggering 72 percent favorable rating. . . . However, U.K. support of almost every other foreign politician outside of Obama was notably low. In second place among public popularity is Hillary Clinton, who only enjoyed favorable opinions among 29 percent of U.K. residents in the YouGov surveys."
I think POTUS looking better than HRHPOW, who is also now past 70. (Must be so tired of waiting his turn.)
I know I'm not original in this, but doesn't Boris Johnson look like a chubbier, pastier, less dashing version of Trump?
I think the Queen wants to outlive Prince Charles. I hope she does, the Prince of Wales is a lightweight.
"the best part of the video is when Melania comes into view (looking more magnificent than ever"
Indeed. He should have her out front more often.
The Telegraph noted that Melania's black-trimmed white outfit and wide-awake hat was a shout-out to Princess Di, and thus a thumb in the eye of Chuck and Camilla.
Isn't anything a possible thumb in the eye to someone else? Oh the indignity. Esp if it says so by some expert in the hack press.
If Spell Caster DR GBOJIE turns Chuck into a toad, I predict he will never lack for business.
But he'll get better no he wont.
QE and DJT did fist bump!
Bay Area Guy -
Boris should dye his hair orange and become an orange man bad.
Boris should dye his hair orange and become an orange man bad.
And move to Northern Ireland and become an Orange orange man bad..
Some persoective:
The Queen always gets three lumps of sugar in her tea. Everyone else gets two.
but she likes her coffee strong and black. Like her men.
compared to Obama, who had a staggering 72 percent favorable rating.
Shows you what PR in spite of zero accomplishments can do.
How many more votes will Trump Garner if Magnificent Melania wore Xena costume for Halloween 2020?
Shy Brexiteer ==>> shy Trumpster
If you want some feel good stories, read the late editions of the Daily Telegraph and the Dail Mail on line. Now English papers will do cheer leading, but it appears that Team Trump--including the minor leaguers (his four adult children) have been hitting it out of the park. At least according to the papers. Lil' doggie in the manger London Mayor Sadiq Khan has been barking, but he's not getting much ink. For the moment the papers are agreeing with Trump that Sadiq is a "stone cold loser". Things will be back to normal next week in the papers but for right now Trump is doing more than okay.
readering said...
From news article:
"The YouGov survey data reveals only 21 percent of U.K. residents had a positive opinion of Trump, compared to Obama, who had a staggering 72 percent favorable rating. . . . However, U.K. support of almost every other foreign politician outside of Obama was notably low. In second place among public popularity is Hillary Clinton, who only enjoyed favorable opinions among 29 percent of U.K. residents in the YouGov surveys."
Nobody believes you or YouGov. Leftists are just liars and all you have is crappy propaganda pedaled by globalist media.
If this is true there would be no Brexit or Brexit party. 6 weeks old and they doubled the second place party in the latest polls.
Boris Johnson is going to be PM as long as he delivers Britain out of the EU and the elites that run that useless YouGov poll are kicked out of power. May is out and the two mainstream parties in Britain are finished.
Barrack Obama was a traitor that worked with British intelligence to spy on a political opponent and undermine a lawfully elected president.
Only doucheweasels would support Obama at this point.
Asswipe Democrat party members still trying to pretend that the rest of the world was as much of a deepthroat whore for a faggot-ass liver-lipped liar Li'l Barry as they were/still are.
Megan Markle overheard asking Melania if it was true that she actually fucked that stinking pile of entrails
Howard is just a nasty troll and a waste of time to even glance at his turd comments while scrolling by,
Glad to have Doctor Mike's endorsement
Trump's lack of vanity is a bit disarming (considering how much effort he's put into maintaining his trademark elaborate hairdo over the years), but it's really nothing compared to the profundity of the religious observance for the recently murdered human beings.
I love Trump, but I think a vain man appearing to refuse an act of vanity is itself an act of vanity. Like when I grow proud of how humble I've become.
It's the Vices. Once the Devils draw you in you can never get out.
Plus, you start randomly capitalizing words to give them more power.
It's a vicious circle.
Howard: I'm sure all of you deplorables -
Dude, trying too hard. You might as well walk into the jungle with an open wound.
Shove a tampon in and try again. Subtlety is your friend.
I dont think she knows the meaning of the word:
Blogger Howard said...
Glad to have Doctor Mike's endorsement
Oh yes. The streets of San Francisco are your natural home
Why not make an intelligent comment ?
I never tire of seeing Melania. Such beauty and bearing as well as fashion sense.
Howard is just a nasty troll and a waste of time to even glance at his turd comments while scrolling by,
Indeed, Michael. So why did you? ;-)
A woman as a bobble is the most magnificent form of a woman. For at least one woman. According to lawprof.
Presumably we won't need to hear anymore from Althouse re so-called feminism, of any variety.
So the Sunday pastor Trump visited writes to his parishioners to explain how he was surprised by WH short notice demand for prayer for POTUS.
Bill P. re; the usual suspects.
What does that say about them? Trump is in their heads all dayand all night.They think about him constantly. He is in thier heads. Buzzing around like an anoying tune they can't get rid of. And occaisionally thay have to let these thoughs, such as they are, out. Then the beclowning ensues. Sometimes they're entertaing, but mostly they're just tiresome. I suspect that they are very boring people in person. I'm embarassed for them.
Drudge has gotten tiresome. I stick with Instapundit and Althouse.
It's already been mentioned here; now I wonder if, having done this post, Althouse will follow up with another post about the MacLean Bible Church's letter to his parishioners about the unscheduled Trump visit.
They didn't use it to pray for Virginia Beach shooting victims. The shooting victims were not mentioned at all while Trump was at the church. The White House staff appears to have requested prayers for the President.
"Megan Markle overheard asking Melania if it was true that she actually fucked that stinking pile of entrails"
I'm sure any carnal knowledge between Donald and Melania ended years ago.
They didn't use it to pray for Virginia Beach shooting victims. The shooting victims were not mentioned at all while Trump was at the church. The White House staff appears to have requested prayers for the President.
What's funny, Chuck, is that you deny that President Trump has any religious sentiments whatsoever. If true, a man with enough religious feeling to request prayers is not the man you described.
I'm sure any carnal knowledge between Donald and Melania ended years ago.
Robert, don't you realize how you lower yourself with such remarks?
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