We are in WI visiting our son and DIL. We came for the company picnic and yesterday we took a “Taste of Madison “ food tour which included a climb to the observation deck at the Capitol Building. Ann and Meade, I may have seen your house.
Why isn’t there an open letter signed by four hundred former prosecutors saying that Secretary Clinton obstructed justice by destroying thousands of items of evidence?
driver's license? We dont need no steenking "driver's license"!
governor Cuomo said he wants to make sure that federal immigration officials can’t access New York Department of Motors Vehicles records to gain information about undocumented immigrants.
Interestingly there has been ZERO Media coverage of the Nxivm Trial going on despite revelations of Sex Trafficking of children by top American politicians and the super-rich Globalists. Witchcraft Privilege.
Real life hellfire club, raniere is sebastian shaw for real, but it involves not one but two Mexican dynasties the gillebrands the branfman one crazy Libyan grifter
@narciso plus $$ to cankles, had chuckie's emails-- did you see the branding vid? KR wanted it to be satanic ritual-ish. we saw it. Over-dubbed/narrated in spanish. totally effed up
The hot Atlanta Braves are scoring 10 to 15 runs a game this month, almost like the Colorado Rockies do. They have a good mixture of veterans with their new guys.
would u be 'shocked' if Jellybrains and her mom and pop were just the tip of the NY iceberg? Schneiderman? Weiner? Chuckie? plus a host of other heavy hitters?
Where I live, on the edge of the Lake Michigan microclime, peonies and poppies are just coming out. Temps will be in the fifties tonight. Wondering today, how far behind inland Wisconsin our season is. Lake Michigan isn't really be warming up yet and it had an extra large amount of ice last winter. Is this how an ice age starts - the Lake cools the region and then the region cools the Lake which further cools the region and then one year the whole area just doesn't warm up?
leaked on twitter-- we didnt want to put the link for our host's sake. if we find it down the rabbit hole we can find a way to send it? 'beaner' may be useful. It was authentic. certain faces were intentionally blurred but not all.
KR discussed with Mack how he'd like it-- 'victim restrained on a table, submissive, "sacrifice'" sort of flavor, but the vid is more clinical/medical procedure-ish. cauterizing tool like a wood-burning hobby tool, not a one-piece brand like cowboys. gotta go puke now, sorry
When considering all of the great places in the U.S. and the world where one could vacation, who the heck picks the Dominican Republic (unless you're a U.S. politician looking for underage. . .)? Maybe these people should have gone hiking in Iran instead.
The area is sopping wet. You can pull up dandelions, including tap roots easily where usually it's too dry by now for that. Ferns look like the Carboniferous era. Yet very few mosquitoes. Oh, it's probably weather, not climate. I know. Probably I'm tired of clouds. If clouds must be there, at least let them indicate global cooling and join the political story and on the right side. Rain Non-PC rain. Don't just come around every day and rain for your own reasons.
Althouse's foolish take on Oberlin looks even more foolish in light of this https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2019/06/17/oberlin-college-administrators-were-in-even-deeper-than-reported-in-case-against-family-bakery/
any news Re: tanker? is this just iranian propaganda? Iran has dismantled a CIA-run "large US cyber-espionage" network, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) reported The Japanese state media agency has taken the line: “Tanker hit by flying object, not mine”, in quoting Japanese workers on the vessel. Spooks stirrin' the pot again? Ours?
Crowdstrike Italy hanging out at Link Campus? per Occhionero a campus more creepy than oberlin! didnt mifsud teach there for a decade while we sent all kinds of spooks there for seminars, etc? Now he's "mysterious" and "Russian"?? what a joke
Vance is playing the Hillary game with punishing Manafort because of "Orange Man Bad." Vance is joining the Weissmann brigade of criminals with law degrees.
I asked the same question of Fisher Steven's, maybe him trading in blatant antisemitic memes are problematic.
Right. Cusack retweeted an antisemitic cartoon I don't agree with, and I'll still watch a movie he's in. Radical notion, I know. To increase my vulnerability further, I'd even watch a movie with an actor who had retweeted a (gasp!) racist cartoon, or a (clutches pearls) sexist cartoon, or (shutters) a homophobic cartoon. Why is it that self-styled conservatives are so happy to mock SJW's on these matters, but if the accusation turns to "anti-semitism," they immediately want to turn into the thought police giddy over the demise of an offender's career?
Touchy touchy, hes always been a chomsky idiot, I think 2012 probably sank it. But he was of the cadre with Robert Downey who I really couldn't stand years ago.
Touchy touchy, hes always been a chomsky idiot, I think 2012 probably sank it. But he was of the cadre with Robert Downey who I really couldn't stand years ago.
Not touchy at all. Just pointing out a blatant double standard, which, if anything, only helps to nourish the kind of silly conspiracy theories inherent in the cartoon to begin with.
As for Cusack, he's hit or miss for me. I actually prefer his sister Joan. But I think he's certainly a talented actor with a solid body of work. Say Anything was a perceptive and endearing teen love story, especially compared to a lot of the teen sex trash that was popular at the time. I also enjoyed him in Gross Pointe Blank, Being John Malkovich, and High Fidelity.
Grosse pointed blank was probably his last good one, I didnt see John Malkovich
It's worth a look. If you're a music lover, High Fidelity is worth checking out as well. I agree that his career has been at a low ebb for quite a while.
I know this could be construed https://pjmedia.com/spengler/yes-the-iranians-are-crazy-so-was-hitler/?fbclid=IwAR0HUV4Z7GiXgvjWj-6NkiXT78nwEIKh5_DgkQA6tV80XVmdLrR39un8JW8
"Scott Adams is finding that he's being de-monetized on YouTube every time he brings up the "Charlotteville Hoax"."
Assuming he's got a true scientific causation relation: if he starts jabbering about "holocaust hoax", hopefully the same thing happens.
BTW. the only problem YouTube had w/ Crowder (such that he could be up and running re monetization) was that he was using the site's explanatory text to sell his merch shirt re evil FAGS, where it has a fig.
You need to be a total lamo to be the sorta person who falls for and regurgitates this trash. Put on yur thinkin' caps, folks. IMHO.
I know this could be construed https://pjmedia.com/spengler/yes-the-iranians-are-crazy-so-was-hitler/?fbclid=IwAR0HUV4Z7GiXgvjWj-6NkiXT78nwEIKh5_DgkQA6tV80XVmdLrR39un8JW8
Yet more evidence (as if any more was needed) why "Spengler" should not be taken seriously.
Ot in the kingsman/classic avenger mode they e done another batman prequel this one ostensibly about the butlers life in 60s England before he met the Wayne's
The NXIVM affair is natural tabloid tv fodder. It has everything. Pretty women behaving very badly. Rich people behaving very badly. A romance-novel bad guy. Truly disgusting implications. Connections to tease out, in high places. In the 80’s it would have run every night. In 2000/2001 it would have pushed sharks off CNN. Curious it hasn’t made much of a splash.
Maybe because there really are connections in high places.
All over the world from us to Canada to mexici to Libya (tangentially) a creepy inventor who creates this bizarre psychodrama right out of svu or even Bull.
The Wayne-butler thing would be a terrible stretch, no? Whatever. Back in the old Batman days in the 30’s they could maybe tie things to Sherlock Holmes, by making Alfred Watson’s batman (officers servant, ha ha) at Maiwand or wherever it was.
And it touches on Hollywood corporate America and politics, the first the bizarre twist of two players from small ville a subversive take on the superman origin tale.
In the magnum vein how Higgins ex sgt major a d mi 6 recent incarnations have been more a royal marine, considering the time period hed be a malaya and/or aden veteran
Before I watched the original avengers I didnt know steed like his protagonist Patrick macnee had been ex etonian and ex army (when he appeared in a view to a kill, I didnt get the meaning of the cameo)
Points need to be looked before investing in Binance Support Investment in Binance proofs to be an intelligent idea as you can sell or buy bitcoin. Binance is safe to use as hacking activities are next to impossible in this exchange. If you want to avail more reasons why you should start investing in Binance from today, go speak to the bunch of customer support officials who are knack and knows all the nitty-gritty about this exchange. Dial Binance Support Number +1【(877)-330-7540】 to get speak to them. Website: Dial https://www.cryptophonesupport.com/exchange/binance/
Oh you bet, the binance soammer reminded Me of the weirdest story today. Some hacked alleged that Greenwald sent 300 million to a rissian hacker bogachev back in March of this year
WASHINGTON POST Potent pot, vulnerable teens trigger concerns in first states to legalize marijuana JUNE 16, 2019
'...“The brain is abnormally vulnerable during adolescence,” said Staci Gruber, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School who studies how marijuana affects the brain. “Policy seems to have outpaced science, and in the best of all possible worlds, science would allow us to set policy.”'
'...Some physicians liken the states’ actions to a public health experiment, one that supports the cannabis industry’s interests while ignoring the implications for adolescents’ health.
“I hope we don’t lose a generation of people before we become clear we need to protect our kids’ brains,” said Leslie Walker-Harding, an adolescent medicine specialist who chairs the pediatrics department at Seattle Children’s Hospital. It also is seeing more teens with marijuana-related symptoms.'
'...Brown is hardly the only Montrose educator alarmed about students vaping cannabis. Matt Jenkins, who coordinates special education programs for the school district, mobilized after seeing students “going into the stratosphere, getting beyond way too high.” He obtained a $750,000 grant, funded by state marijuana tax revenue, to hire two social workers and a nurse to help with “the Pandora’s box we opened.”
Jenkins quips that the district is “using weed money to tell the kids not to use weed” — and to prevent or reduce substance abuse. Its strategies include events that bring together students, parents, public health officials and even former users, as happened on a misty morning last month at Olathe.
In the school’s cavernous gym, back-to-back assemblies were introduced to a 40-year-old author, speaker and drug-treatment consultant named Ben Cort. Clad in a blazer and jeans, he paced the floor and talked about how he’d kicked his marijuana habit as a teen — and why that was so important.
Cort explained which part of the brain controls which function. He focused on the frontal lobe, the area instrumental in problem solving, memory, language and judgment. Not until a person’s mid-20s is it fully developed, he stressed.
“Think about it this way: Your brain is my phone — it’s still growing and getting strong enough to handle everything the world will throw at it,” he said, lifting his black cellphone high over his head. “When you put THC in it,” Cort paused and flung the phone to the floor, eliciting gasps.
What will happen? he asked. His audience shouted the answer: “It will break!”
“Right,” he responded. “The bottom line is, weed ain’t for kids in any form — eating it, vaping it, smoking it. It’s not okay.”
The students bombarded him with questions: Is weed addictive? Is what it does to a teen’s brain actually visible on a scan? Can you overdose on it? His answer, again and again and again: yes.
Cort conceded afterward that his talks with young people are often the hardest. They think they know so much more than they do, he said, and don’t realize how vulnerable they are in a world of ever-more-powerful pot. The same applies to any state where pot is legal, he maintains.'
The story of the (TV) Avengers is odd too. As detailed in the late lamented Video Watchdog, it was originally a series called (I think), something like Police Surgeon where John Steed was a minor (and shady) character who got good reactions, with the show retooled around him. Then they added the 'M'an 'A'ppeal and the rest is history.
yes, adds, it is a hoax. If you want to go through it again for the nth time, let me know. Even the Bulwark article claiming that Trump really was praising white supremacists demonstrates that he was not, go ahead, read it. They guy says that he opposed tearing down the statues himself, and says that he is not any kind of white supremacist, just like the people interviewed by the New York Times who were there and opposed tearing down the statues.
Even worse, the lawsuit alleged that “credit was given to [Oberlin] students who attended the protest in lieu of classes, and administrators bought them food to support them.”
Brilliant! They tacked the protests onto the kids' student loan debt!
I am still sort of angry at Trump for praising AntiFa as “very fine people” though. Well, not really because I know that Trump did not praise either AntiFa or white supremacists.
Jack Black was perfect for High Fidelity. I mean he always plays himself, but in that movie, he was exactly right. Plus I knew nothing about him when I saw it, so it made the ending perfect. It’s almost like the movie was written for him.
It’s his only decent role, BTW.
was someone speaking about das boot last night, because hulu is remaking it
There’s a case where you should just read the book.
There was a very funny bit a while back pulling old news stories about how the drop in the level of the Great Lakes was due to global warming and they were going to all but dry up, and now more recently how the rise in the great lakes is due to global warming.
"Trump vows to deport millions starting next week - Drudge"
I will believe that when see the first 100 depart US soil. The Dems will place themselves in front of the bus. Trump will go to court and lose. And the beat goes on.
Your brain doesn’t stop developing until your mid twenties, you will never consciously miss the parts that don’t fall into place though, just like most people with low IQs have no idea how it affects them, so don’t worry about it, other people will take care of you in the future.
Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States. They will be removed as fast as they come in. Mexico, using their strong immigration laws, is doing a very good job of stopping people.......
....long before they get to our Southern Border. Guatemala is getting ready to sign a Safe-Third Agreement. The only ones who won’t do anything are the Democrats in Congress. They must vote to get rid of the loopholes, and fix asylum! If so, Border Crisis will end quickly!
Sometimes I spend time in Boston’s South End. You can see people near the methadone clinic walk into street signs, etc. But I am sure their brain has not been affected by drugs. That’s laughable!
So those zombies wandering around the South End, splayed out on door stoops barely breathing, walking into signs, (I have seen that happen) unemployable, accosting drivers at traffic lights, etc, etc. None of them had their brains affected by drugs? You’re right, the very idea that drugs could affect one’s brain negatively is laughable.
Like I said, if your brain has been affected in it’s ability to judge consequences and plan for the future, the last parts of the brain to develop, you wouldn’t know it and best serve as a warning to others.
Because I am a country boy at heart, and care for other people, I am one of the very few people who calls 911 when you see an addict (do they exist?) nearly dead on the sidewalk and waits for the fireman to come. Most people just ignore them. But it is laughable to think that drugs affect the brain!
I never would have guessed that anti-semitism would not have changed J Farmer's Smug.
Yep. It’s almost as if I don’t believe in convicting people of thought crimes. I get that in today’s climate such a notion is “very odd indeed.” So what do you think the appropriate response to someone retweeting a racist or a sexist cartoon is? Torches and pitchforks? My response would be “meh.” But I understand how that makes me a terribly hateful bigot.
Well luckily we have the good folks like you in the world to rail against the scourge of c-list celebrities retweeting antisemitic cartoons. Thank heavens. I know I feel safer.
Uhh...the entire conversation was about a John Cusack tweet. That's not deflection. So please tell me the appropriate level of outrage to express in response to John Cusack retweeting an antisemitic cartoon. I lost my SJW guidebook on the matter.
You used to own a SJW guidebook? Weird but I believe you.
As for outrage, who has the time? I'm saying things about you. I'm indifferent to you except as it provides me entertainment to accurately describe you.
Of course. It's a byproduct of being so right so often. Can't help myself. And as for prejudiced, I admit to being prejudiced against bullshit. I prefer the truth. I get how that's alarming to certain segments of the population. Oh will. I'll find the strength to carry on somehow.
I accept your surrender.
Trolling internet commenters for entertainment. What a fulfilling life you must lead, Birks. If it weren't so pathetically hilarious, I might cry.
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११४ टिप्पण्या:
Watching Rolling Thunder for the second time. The best thing out there.
We are in WI visiting our son and DIL. We came for the company picnic and yesterday we took a “Taste of Madison “ food tour which included a climb to the observation deck at the Capitol Building. Ann and Meade, I may have seen your house.
Why isn’t there an open letter signed by four hundred former prosecutors saying that Secretary Clinton obstructed justice by destroying thousands of items of evidence?
In Orlando a crowd of 150,000+ has already gathered for their beloved President's kick-off Rally tomorrow night. Summer love.
climb to the observation deck at the Capitol Building
Of the things in Wisconsin that i'm envious of; that Observation deck is about it.
driver's license? We dont need no steenking "driver's license"!
governor Cuomo said he wants to make sure that federal immigration officials can’t access New York Department of Motors Vehicles records to gain information about undocumented immigrants.
but he's signing the bill, so they can get the steenking license,
and make the data base the property of the state
...and how far off is the 'right' to vote?
Interestingly there has been ZERO Media coverage of the Nxivm Trial going on despite revelations of Sex Trafficking of children by top American politicians and the super-rich Globalists. Witchcraft Privilege.
Real life hellfire club, raniere is sebastian shaw for real, but it involves not one but two Mexican dynasties the gillebrands the branfman one crazy Libyan grifter
Commies help each other out:
Who knew there was no audience:
plus $$ to cankles, had chuckie's emails--
did you see the branding vid? KR wanted it to be satanic ritual-ish.
we saw it. Over-dubbed/narrated in spanish. totally effed up
Hes a fricking psycho, it would make a greatsvu episode, I think they got the idea from an original law and order one with Ellen pompeo.
The hot Atlanta Braves are scoring 10 to 15 runs a game this month, almost like the Colorado Rockies do. They have a good mixture of veterans with their new guys.
Is it on YouTube, there is some freaky stuff that they haven't deplatformed yet.
would u be 'shocked' if Jellybrains and her mom and pop were just the tip of the NY iceberg? Schneiderman? Weiner? Chuckie? plus a host of other heavy hitters?
That would be some nameless horror, which wouldn't surprise me:
Where I live, on the edge of the Lake Michigan microclime, peonies and poppies are just coming out. Temps will be in the fifties tonight. Wondering today, how far behind inland Wisconsin our season is. Lake Michigan isn't really be warming up yet and it had an extra large amount of ice last winter. Is this how an ice age starts - the Lake cools the region and then the region cools the Lake which further cools the region and then one year the whole area just doesn't warm up?
leaked on twitter-- we didnt want to put the link for our host's sake.
if we find it down the rabbit hole we can find a way to send it?
'beaner' may be useful. It was authentic. certain faces were intentionally blurred but not all.
Maybe it will be like ice 9 in player piano, where the water freezes 10 degrees warmer.
No that prudent.
Speaking of climate you notice the French and American revolutions occurred in the shadows of the little ice age?
KR discussed with Mack how he'd like it-- 'victim restrained on a table, submissive, "sacrifice'" sort of flavor, but the vid is more clinical/medical procedure-ish.
cauterizing tool like a wood-burning hobby tool, not a one-piece brand like cowboys.
gotta go puke now, sorry
It should be a bigger story, in New York it's on a 16, in other papers it doesn't even re register
Jellybrains pushing her #metoo bs. what a friggin phony--
that's why we joked when the phrase "tarnish her brand" would come up.
She kind of looks like Ellen Pompeo, before she was the neurotic doctor on the show that have shonda Rhimes a swelled head.
When considering all of the great places in the U.S. and the world where one could vacation, who the heck picks the Dominican Republic (unless you're a U.S. politician looking for underage. . .)? Maybe these people should have gone hiking in Iran instead.
The area is sopping wet. You can pull up dandelions, including tap roots easily where usually it's too dry by now for that. Ferns look like the Carboniferous era. Yet very few mosquitoes. Oh, it's probably weather, not climate. I know. Probably I'm tired of clouds. If clouds must be there, at least let them indicate global cooling and join the political story and on the right side. Rain Non-PC rain. Don't just come around every day and rain for your own reasons.
"Maybe it will be like ice 9..."
Ice 9 is scary stuff.
Althouse's foolish take on Oberlin looks even more foolish in light of this https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2019/06/17/oberlin-college-administrators-were-in-even-deeper-than-reported-in-case-against-family-bakery/
Vonnegut was nuts and it showed
Ot, was someone speaking about das boot last night, because hulu is remaking it
any news Re: tanker? is this just iranian propaganda?
Iran has dismantled a CIA-run "large US cyber-espionage" network, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) reported
The Japanese state media agency has taken the line: “Tanker hit by flying object, not mine”, in quoting Japanese workers on the vessel.
Spooks stirrin' the pot again? Ours?
Whatever to John Cusack's career:
He was every terrorists publicist in itaq
Whatever to John Cusack's career:
Wait. John Cusack the actor does not share all of my political views?!? Fuck him!!! I'm never watching another one of his movies.
Crowdstrike Italy hanging out at Link Campus? per Occhionero
a campus more creepy than oberlin!
didnt mifsud teach there for a decade while we sent all kinds of
spooks there for seminars, etc? Now he's "mysterious" and "Russian"??
what a joke
I asked the same question of Fisher Steven's, maybe him trading in blatant antisemitic memes are problematic.
Oh yeah think of it like hugo draxs lab in venice.
FortunAtely, somebody is blocking Cyrus Vance's Revenge squad move with Manafort.
Vance is playing the Hillary game with punishing Manafort because of "Orange Man Bad." Vance is joining the Weissmann brigade of criminals with law degrees.
Yes he went after weinsteins victims first:
I asked the same question of Fisher Steven's, maybe him trading in blatant antisemitic memes are problematic.
Right. Cusack retweeted an antisemitic cartoon I don't agree with, and I'll still watch a movie he's in. Radical notion, I know. To increase my vulnerability further, I'd even watch a movie with an actor who had retweeted a (gasp!) racist cartoon, or a (clutches pearls) sexist cartoon, or (shutters) a homophobic cartoon. Why is it that self-styled conservatives are so happy to mock SJW's on these matters, but if the accusation turns to "anti-semitism," they immediately want to turn into the thought police giddy over the demise of an offender's career?
Touchy touchy, hes always been a chomsky idiot, I think 2012 probably sank it. But he was of the cadre with Robert Downey who I really couldn't stand years ago.
"Ann and Meade"
Why use Althouse's first name, but Meade's last?
Maybe you were looking for Ann and Lary's house.
Or, Ann's house where Larry lives.
[Does anybody think Althouse didn't do a prenup?]
...aaaaand one more NXIVM piece as a bedtime story
nitey-nite! sweet dreams, kiddies!
Tmi, it is like Aztec rituals when you think about, well except for the beheadings and the carving out of hearts.
That 44 million settlement quieted so many voices did alred arrange it did bloom
Touchy touchy, hes always been a chomsky idiot, I think 2012 probably sank it. But he was of the cadre with Robert Downey who I really couldn't stand years ago.
Not touchy at all. Just pointing out a blatant double standard, which, if anything, only helps to nourish the kind of silly conspiracy theories inherent in the cartoon to begin with.
As for Cusack, he's hit or miss for me. I actually prefer his sister Joan. But I think he's certainly a talented actor with a solid body of work. Say Anything was a perceptive and endearing teen love story, especially compared to a lot of the teen sex trash that was popular at the time. I also enjoyed him in Gross Pointe Blank, Being John Malkovich, and High Fidelity.
Grosse pointed blank was probably his last good one, I didnt see John Malkovich
2012 is painful to watch and yet a whole bunch of channels bought it
Great Scot!
It made it into the NYT:
Grosse pointed blank was probably his last good one, I didnt see John Malkovich
It's worth a look. If you're a music lover, High Fidelity is worth checking out as well. I agree that his career has been at a low ebb for quite a while.
Hes done a lot of straight to video and dmstraight to Netflix, there was one with mother Freeman and Corey Johnson the contract
Scott Adams is finding that he's being de-monetized on YouTube every time he brings up the "Charlotteville Hoax".
How about the Legal malpractice by maccologh a and signer that made it possible.
I know this could be construed
I dont call something a hoax unless it really didnt happen. However why something happened as opposed to how it is portrayed is important
I know it probably goes in the other thread
"Scott Adams is finding that he's being de-monetized on YouTube every time he brings up the "Charlotteville Hoax"."
Assuming he's got a true scientific causation relation: if he starts jabbering about "holocaust hoax", hopefully the same thing happens.
BTW. the only problem YouTube had w/ Crowder (such that he could be up and running re monetization) was that he was using the site's explanatory text to sell his merch shirt re evil FAGS, where it has a fig.
You need to be a total lamo to be the sorta person who falls for and regurgitates this trash. Put on yur thinkin' caps, folks. IMHO.
I know this could be construed
Yet more evidence (as if any more was needed) why "Spengler" should not be taken seriously.
As opposed to the ones who lavished praise on Morsi and ignored his salafi ways. You have a better explanation,
As opposed to the ones who lavished praise on Morsi and ignored his salafi ways. You have a better explanation,
Nice attempt at deflection there, but pointing out that some unnamed group of people got something wrong does not say anything in defense of Goldman.
Ot in the kingsman/classic avenger mode they e done another batman prequel this one ostensibly about the butlers life in 60s England before he met the Wayne's
The NXIVM affair is natural tabloid tv fodder. It has everything.
Pretty women behaving very badly.
Rich people behaving very badly.
A romance-novel bad guy.
Truly disgusting implications.
Connections to tease out, in high places.
In the 80’s it would have run every night.
In 2000/2001 it would have pushed sharks off CNN.
Curious it hasn’t made much of a splash.
Maybe because there really are connections in high places.
All over the world from us to Canada to mexici to Libya (tangentially) a creepy inventor who creates this bizarre psychodrama right out of svu or even Bull.
Israel names a town after Trump.
Just like Hitler!!!
The Wayne-butler thing would be a terrible stretch, no?
Whatever. Back in the old Batman days in the 30’s they could maybe tie things to Sherlock Holmes, by making Alfred Watson’s batman (officers servant, ha ha) at Maiwand or wherever it was.
And it touches on Hollywood corporate America and politics, the first the bizarre twist of two players from small ville a subversive take on the superman origin tale.
In the magnum vein how Higgins ex sgt major a d mi 6 recent incarnations have been more a royal marine, considering the time period hed be a malaya and/or aden veteran
I only knew of the campy TV show then rhs moody noir animated series, and then the filns
Let's ponder this:
Before I watched the original avengers I didnt know steed like his protagonist Patrick macnee had been ex etonian and ex army (when he appeared in a view to a kill, I didnt get the meaning of the cameo)
Similar with mcgoohan of secret agent man, whi I only knew from far like scanners and a few Colombo episodes
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Investment in Binance proofs to be an intelligent idea as you can sell or buy bitcoin. Binance is safe to use as hacking activities are next to impossible in this exchange. If you want to avail more reasons why you should start investing in Binance from today, go speak to the bunch of customer support officials who are knack and knows all the nitty-gritty about this exchange. Dial Binance Support Number +1【(877)-330-7540】 to get speak to them.
Website: Dial https://www.cryptophonesupport.com/exchange/binance/
The recently concluded "Batwoman" comic (not TV) series had Alfred's daughter as Batwoman's support crew. Apparently the old guy got around.
Macnee apparently had a *very* odd childhood, even by English eccentric standards.
Oh you bet, the binance soammer reminded Me of the weirdest story today. Some hacked alleged that Greenwald sent 300 million to a rissian hacker bogachev back in March of this year
Potent pot, vulnerable teens trigger concerns in first states to legalize marijuana
JUNE 16, 2019
'...“The brain is abnormally vulnerable during adolescence,” said Staci Gruber, an associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School who studies how marijuana affects the brain. “Policy seems to have outpaced science, and in the best of all possible worlds, science would allow us to set policy.”'
'...Some physicians liken the states’ actions to a public health experiment, one that supports the cannabis industry’s interests while ignoring the implications for adolescents’ health.
“I hope we don’t lose a generation of people before we become clear we need to protect our kids’ brains,” said Leslie Walker-Harding, an adolescent medicine specialist who chairs the pediatrics department at Seattle Children’s Hospital. It also is seeing more teens with marijuana-related symptoms.'
'...Brown is hardly the only Montrose educator alarmed about students vaping cannabis. Matt Jenkins, who coordinates special education programs for the school district, mobilized after seeing students “going into the stratosphere, getting beyond way too high.” He obtained a $750,000 grant, funded by state marijuana tax revenue, to hire two social workers and a nurse to help with “the Pandora’s box we opened.”
Jenkins quips that the district is “using weed money to tell the kids not to use weed” — and to prevent or reduce substance abuse. Its strategies include events that bring together students, parents, public health officials and even former users, as happened on a misty morning last month at Olathe.
In the school’s cavernous gym, back-to-back assemblies were introduced to a 40-year-old author, speaker and drug-treatment consultant named Ben Cort. Clad in a blazer and jeans, he paced the floor and talked about how he’d kicked his marijuana habit as a teen — and why that was so important.
Cort explained which part of the brain controls which function. He focused on the frontal lobe, the area instrumental in problem solving, memory, language and judgment. Not until a person’s mid-20s is it fully developed, he stressed.
“Think about it this way: Your brain is my phone — it’s still growing and getting strong enough to handle everything the world will throw at it,” he said, lifting his black cellphone high over his head. “When you put THC in it,” Cort paused and flung the phone to the floor, eliciting gasps.
What will happen? he asked. His audience shouted the answer: “It will break!”
“Right,” he responded. “The bottom line is, weed ain’t for kids in any form — eating it, vaping it, smoking it. It’s not okay.”
The students bombarded him with questions: Is weed addictive? Is what it does to a teen’s brain actually visible on a scan? Can you overdose on it? His answer, again and again and again: yes.
Cort conceded afterward that his talks with young people are often the hardest. They think they know so much more than they do, he said, and don’t realize how vulnerable they are in a world of ever-more-powerful pot. The same applies to any state where pot is legal, he maintains.'
The story of the (TV) Avengers is odd too. As detailed in the late lamented Video Watchdog, it was originally a series called (I think), something like Police Surgeon where John Steed was a minor (and shady) character who got good reactions, with the show retooled around him. Then they added the 'M'an 'A'ppeal and the rest is history.
Yes decidedly eccentric
Cant forgot honor Blackmon then dianna riggs part, yes it start very hard nose policies a d went a little crazy.
Kingsman owes a lot of the imagery to the avengers the plot is more like the harry palmer tales
Teenagers must modify behavior to prevent becoming hairy palmers, narcisso.
yes, adds, it is a hoax. If you want to go through it again for the nth time, let me know. Even the Bulwark article claiming that Trump really was praising white supremacists demonstrates that he was not, go ahead, read it. They guy says that he opposed tearing down the statues himself, and says that he is not any kind of white supremacist, just like the people interviewed by the New York Times who were there and opposed tearing down the statues.
Even worse, the lawsuit alleged that “credit was given to [Oberlin] students who attended the protest in lieu of classes, and administrators bought them food to support them.”
Brilliant! They tacked the protests onto the kids' student loan debt!
I am still sort of angry at Trump for praising AntiFa as “very fine people” though. Well, not really because I know that Trump did not praise either AntiFa or white supremacists.
"High Fidelity."
I think that this a a really strong "read the book" (by Nick Hornby). Cusack was fine, but the rest of the cast seemed to be pulled from a grab bag.
Jack Black was perfect for High Fidelity. I mean he always plays himself, but in that movie, he was exactly right. Plus I knew nothing about him when I saw it, so it made the ending perfect. It’s almost like the movie was written for him.
It’s his only decent role, BTW.
was someone speaking about das boot last night, because hulu is remaking it
There’s a case where you should just read the book.
Trump vows to deport millions starting next week - Drudge
It leaves one wondering what the whole renark might have been, but not inclined to click on it to find out.
Oh, it's probably weather, not climate.
There was a very funny bit a while back pulling old news stories about how the drop in the level of the Great Lakes was due to global warming and they were going to all but dry up, and now more recently how the rise in the great lakes is due to global warming.
Think about it this way: Your brain is my phone
LOL. No, my brain is not your phone, my brain is bacon and eggs over easy with a side of Wonder Bread toast.
If he weren't ripping off tax-payers I'd guess that that goofball was trying to serve as an example of brain damage.
"Trump vows to deport millions starting next week - Drudge"
I will believe that when see the first 100 depart US soil. The Dems will place themselves in front of the bus. Trump will go to court and lose. And the beat goes on.
Your brain doesn’t stop developing until your mid twenties, you will never consciously miss the parts that don’t fall into place though, just like most people with low IQs have no idea how it affects them, so don’t worry about it, other people will take care of you in the future.
Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States. They will be removed as fast as they come in. Mexico, using their strong immigration laws, is doing a very good job of stopping people.......
....long before they get to our Southern Border. Guatemala is getting ready to sign a Safe-Third Agreement. The only ones who won’t do anything are the Democrats in Congress. They must vote to get rid of the loopholes, and fix asylum! If so, Border Crisis will end quickly!
Thus spake, er, tweetered, Orange Man Bad.
Sometimes I spend time in Boston’s South End. You can see people near the methadone clinic walk into street signs, etc. But I am sure their brain has not been affected by drugs. That’s laughable!
His pink kitty-cat ears are deeply cute:
A cat filter on a live stream of Shaukat Yousafzai on Facebook gave him ears and whiskers
"A Pakistani politician's live-streamed press conference descended into farce when a cat filter was switched on by mistake[sic]."
It’s his only decent role, BTW.
I’d add School of Rock to that list, which also seemed tailor made for Black’s particular blend of talents.
That’s laughable!
Your stupid comment was laughable.
So those zombies wandering around the South End, splayed out on door stoops barely breathing, walking into signs, (I have seen that happen) unemployable, accosting drivers at traffic lights, etc, etc. None of them had their brains affected by drugs? You’re right, the very idea that drugs could affect one’s brain negatively is laughable.
Like I said, if your brain has been affected in it’s ability to judge consequences and plan for the future, the last parts of the brain to develop, you wouldn’t know it and best serve as a warning to others.
Because I am a country boy at heart, and care for other people, I am one of the very few people who calls 911 when you see an addict (do they exist?) nearly dead on the sidewalk and waits for the fireman to come. Most people just ignore them. But it is laughable to think that drugs affect the brain!
The Day The Music Burned
A great article about a fire that destroyed all the recording masters in 2008.
Buddy Holly - poof, Decca - poof
I never would have guessed that anti-semitism would not have changed J Farmer's Smug.
Very odd indeed.
I never would have guessed that anti-semitism would not have changed J Farmer's Smug.
Yep. It’s almost as if I don’t believe in convicting people of thought crimes. I get that in today’s climate such a notion is “very odd indeed.” So what do you think the appropriate response to someone retweeting a racist or a sexist cartoon is? Torches and pitchforks? My response would be “meh.” But I understand how that makes me a terribly hateful bigot.
I was just watching Rick Beato’s video on the Universal fire. Awful.
No, you are not a prejudiced human because of that response.
I like a good straw man just as well as the next guy.
Imagine my lack of surprise.
I like a good straw man just as well as the next guy.
Of course you weren't trying to insinuate I was antisemitic. I've never heard that before on this site. Yawn.
No, I observe you have a prejudice.
I'm insinuating nothing.
Well luckily we have the good folks like you in the world to rail against the scourge of c-list celebrities retweeting antisemitic cartoons. Thank heavens. I know I feel safer.
Excellent deflection.
Well-practiced, it would seem.
Excellent deflection.
Uhh...the entire conversation was about a John Cusack tweet. That's not deflection. So please tell me the appropriate level of outrage to express in response to John Cusack retweeting an antisemitic cartoon. I lost my SJW guidebook on the matter.
You used to own a SJW guidebook?
Weird but I believe you.
As for outrage, who has the time?
I'm saying things about you.
I'm indifferent to you except as it provides me entertainment to accurately describe you.
Your Smug makes you a target, naturally.
I'm indifferent to you except as it provides me entertainment to inaccurately describe you.
J Farmer,
Your Smug is clear.
And the rubber/glue defense is trivial.
I accept your surrender.
You may now have the last word.
Your Smug is clear.
Of course. It's a byproduct of being so right so often. Can't help myself. And as for prejudiced, I admit to being prejudiced against bullshit. I prefer the truth. I get how that's alarming to certain segments of the population. Oh will. I'll find the strength to carry on somehow.
I accept your surrender.
Trolling internet commenters for entertainment. What a fulfilling life you must lead, Birks. If it weren't so pathetically hilarious, I might cry.
Ann and Meade, I may have seen your house.
Was Chuck hiding in the bushes?
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