The Airforce cadre got a salute with the warm handshake.And that came 2 days after Trump shook hands and handed over the diplomas to all 1100 US Naval Academy's newly minted Midshipmen. He must have a bionic right hand. But it reminds us that this man is a persistent long distance runner type. Add a proven superior intellect to that and we have a winner.
Wonderful, inspiring behavior from a head of state. As for a head of government, who gives a fuck?
Maybe, just maybe, the people for whom he will be their commander-in-chief? You know, the guy who may, some day, order them into harm's way? They may appreciate the fact that he sees the value in their service.
I predict that someone in the MSM - maybe Rachel Maddow - will comment that this is typical of dictators who want to hypnotize the armed forces into a cult...
As Trump said yesterday , " Russia did not make win me the election, I made me win the 2016 election." He did in fact take his own 757 to 24 Rallies in the final week of the campaign including 1 in Wisconsin, 2 in Michigan, and 3 in Pennsylvania. He did the last 6 of those rallies on November 7, 2016. The soon to be 73 year old still has a wrestler's mind that works harder in the final round.
West Point, UNITED STATES: US President George W. Bush (R) reaches out to hug the last cadet after shaking hands with all 861 graduates during the commencment ceremony 27 May, 2006, the US Military Academy at West Point, New York. Bush on Saturday said the absence of freedom and democracy in the Middle East remains the key source of threats to the United States. "Decades of excusing and accommodating the lack of freedom in the Middle East did nothing to make us safe," he told graduating cadets. AFP PHOTO / TIM SLOAN (Photo credit should read TIM SLOAN/AFP/Getty Images)
Maybe, just maybe, the people for whom he will be their commander-in-chief? You know, the guy who may, some day, order them into harm's way? They may appreciate the fact that he sees the value in their service.
Two points: (1) the head of state is typically the commander-in-chief; (2) in six years (assuming a reelection) then what? A head of state should be more permanent than an election cycle.
"Two point: (1) the head of state is typically the commander-in-chief; (2) in six years (assuming a reelection) then what? A head of state should be more permanent than an election cycle."
Sounds pretty Monarchist to me. I take it you would like to amend Article II, Section 2, Clause I of the Constitution?
Sanders shows a similar energy level, but Sanders' problem is that his base is too small to win the nomination. He only got as close as he did in 2016 because Clinton was truly loathsome and the only opponent. I can see Sanders winning 15-20% in primary after primary, but that won't win the nomination. But Sanders does make Biden look like a corpse.
Sounds pretty Monarchist to me. I take it you would like to amend Article II, Section 2, Clause I of the Constitution?
Yeah...the idea that head of state "should be more permanent than an election cycle", or that it's even separate from head of government is a pretty weird take from an American.
Yancey Ward said: "His energy at that age is almost inhuman."
I agree especially for a guy who apparently does not work out or watch his weight.
I am a few years younger and walk 4-5 miles on a treadmill 4-5 times a week and I could not wait til the med school graduation at Johns Hopkins was over last week. It lasted 2.5 hours and I was sitting down in a nice comfy balcony seat.
Before the long line ceremony, President Trump promised them that he would not send them into wars for the benefit of other nations. They are not going to be rent-a-warriors sent as paid for mercenaries for The New World Order with payment coming by secret cash transfers to the personal accounts of the last 30 years of the DC Uni-party.
Which explains why the Germans, the British Royal family, the Bush Gang and McCain all intensely hate Trump. Before he ran and won for us Deplorables, they all loved the man.
Washington Examiner Regretful Trump voters hard to come by in Michigan by Daniel Allott May 31, 2019
'...“When you drive down 8 Mile [Road], 9 Mile, 10 Mile, a lot of those small industrial shops were closed a few years ago,” he said of the manufacturing-heavy southern part of Macomb County. “But now you see them being reconstructed to get new tenants in there.” [Robert] Rasch and his wife Laurie’s small business, LR Embroidered Creations, paid less in taxes in 2018 thanks to tax reform. “We’ve felt the difference,” Rasch said.
“On a scale from 1 to 10, I think he’s doing an 8,” Rasch said of Trump’s overall performance. “He’s making a change for the good for everybody. I think he’s growing on people here.”
Rasch sees that growing support at the Anchor Bay Pit Stop Diner, where he and his friends talk politics on weekends. And he sees it among his store’s customers.
“One gentleman came in and asked us to print that Trump hat,” Rasch said, pointing to a display case featuring red ball caps with white lettering that says, “TRUMP: Elect That MF’er again! 2020.”
“The hats sold like crazy,” Rasch said. “And the guy’s been in numerous times and re-ordered. It’s been a big seller.”'
Sanders' problem is that his base is too small to win the nomination. He only got as close as he did in 2016 because Clinton was truly loathsome and the only opponent.
I agree and we are seeing it in his poll numbers. I don't see another serious candidate as Biden looks old and probably does not have the energy. Maybe the Democrats will bet the farm on impeachment and then, when that fails, go for Michelle in hopes of holding the black vote.
readering: "I wonder if he had any therapy to get over his famous aversion to shaking hands before entering elective politics. Or just realized it was dumb."
Hillary famously ordered White House staff to vacate hallways when she walked thru and those staffers were also directed not to make eye contact.
Hillary also ordered mid-grade officers to stand in and serve drinks during White House receptions.
Extroverts are strange to me, energized by their interactions with other people, including strangers. The interesting thing about Trump is all that time he spends alone for such an extrovert. He's so ENTJ: this guy is very good at MeyersBriggs typing.
Sanders shows a similar energy level, but Sanders' problem is that his base is too small to win the nomination.
That's precisely what everybody was saying about Trump.
The difference is, the Democrats have already proven that they are willing to cheat to keep Sanders from winning. I don't really blame them though...they should just ban him from running because he isn't a Democrat.
Meanwhile, Obama's buggerers are in Iran giving aid and comfort to our enemies, then briefing Democrat party members of Congress. Despicable Democrat party members are traitors.
I have been fortunate enough to know some very successful people. Successful in their trade. Usually that translates to money, but not always, ie academics,etc. The common denominator with those individuals is they work the hell out of the details. Details that some of lesser success would farm out to underlings or let slide as not important enough to get more attention. They also don't make assumptions. President Trump did not assume his presence was good enough for who it was. He made sure he committed to each of them as individuals. Detail. This is the President of the United States working the hell our of the details, others see of little import.
The sort of energy required to greet and shake the hands of so many cannot be faked. I'm convinced he is sincere, that he genuinely likes and respects the cadets, and all the other run of the mill citizens he occasionally comes in contact with.
While I myself would happily accept a suitable constitutional monarchy, to Farmer's point, there are democracies with elected heads of state who aren't also heads of government (Germany, e.g.).
traditionalguy said... Before the long line ceremony, President Trump promised them that he would not send them into wars for the benefit of other nations. They are not going to be rent-a-warriors sent as paid for mercenaries for The New World Order with payment coming by secret cash transfers to the personal accounts of the last 30 years of the DC Uni-party.
Which explains why the Germans, the British Royal family, the Bush Gang and McCain all intensely hate Trump. Before he ran and won for us Deplorables, they all loved the man.
5/31/19, 12:39 PM
Agree, disagree or indifferent... I hate everything you write.
I like that we don't have to endure seeing any mom jeans now. And who thinks Trump would miss 20 out of 22 shots at the basket? Half the nation thinks Trump is embarrassing and Obama was impressive. I don't see it that way.
Half the nation thinks Trump is embarrassing and Obama was impressive.
Obama was - and still is - a condescending prick who was propped up by a slobbering media who fought over who got to throw their panties at him the most.
If (and that's a big IF) Obama would've done something like this? It would've been for the optics and the optics only. Trump does it because he enjoys it and to hell with how it looks to the media.
Half the nation thinks Trump is embarrassing and Obama was impressive. I don't see it that way.
I've never quite understood why it really matters what you "feel" about someone. I find having warm personal regard for a politician to be odd. I don't know them. And I would much rather prefer a prick who did what I wanted to a great guy who did't. They're tools to enact policy; they're not my dinner guests.
While I myself would happily accept a suitable constitutional monarchy, to Farmer's point, there are democracies with elected heads of state who aren't also heads of government (Germany, e.g.).
Most countries have separate people as Head of Government and Head of State. That wasn't Farmer's point. He said: A head of state should be more permanent than an election cycle.
Which means he's basically a Royalist, since they're the only Heads of State that aren't Heads of Government and aren't elected.
Most countries have separate people as Head of Government and Head of State. That wasn't Farmer's point.
That actually was my point. And I've made it a number of times. I think one of the flaws of the constitution is that it fuses the head of state and head of government into a single executive. I do not think this is a good arrangement, because a head of state should largely be outside of (and above) politics. A head of government is a political role. I do not have a great deal of problems with a constitutional monarchy so long the monarch's powers are very strictly limited. Of course, I have no illusions about such a system coming to pass here. But I could imagine some potential alternatives, like perhaps requiring a person to receive a super majority in both chambers of Congress and serving for 25 years.
"I've never quite understood why it really matters what you "feel" about someone. I find having warm personal regard for a politician to be odd. I don't know them. And I would much rather prefer a prick who did what I wanted to a great guy who did't. They're tools to enact policy; they're not my dinner guests."
I totally agree, but showing respect for the military people who you may send into combat at any time is important to being effective as a commander in chief and not at all trivial. I don't have to like the President, but I think the soldiers and their families need to if possible when they may die at his command. It's not the same as him being a womanizer, or some other irrelevant fault. I would prefer a President that does the right things even if he disrespects the military, but I don't see how that would ever be a necessary compromise.
I find having warm personal regard for a politician to be odd. I don't know them. And I would much rather prefer a prick who did what I wanted to a great guy who did't. They're tools to enact policy; they're not my dinner guests.
I agree. The problem is that many politicians want to be A-listers invited to dinner parties by the moneyed, intellectual and artistic aristocracy. They really seem to do whatever they have to in order to gain their approval.
Is that why he keeps destroying your people? Democrats are so arrogant in their ignorance, 3 years in and they still can't understand why Trump keeps winning.
I totally agree, but showing respect for the military people who you may send into combat at any time is important to being effective as a commander in chief and not at all trivial.
I agree with that completely, and I certainly don't think it is "trivial." It is an essential role for a head of state to honor the nation's military. But again, a head of state should be an apolitical position. And the decision to go to war is a political decision. It's another example of why co-mingling the two roles can be antithetical to their respective ends.
Who, in your opinion, does have a superior intellect? The cyber experts who invited the reckless moron criminal Hillary to be their meeting's keynote speaker?
The problem is that many politicians want to be A-listers invited to dinner parties by the moneyed, intellectual and artistic aristocracy. They really seem to do whatever they have to in order to gain their approval.
That's because the Establishment are the primary benefactors of the political class. And the Establishment is socially liberal and loves rent-seeking, globalization, and foreign militarism. Trump has only pushed back on a few of these things and pretty slightly, too, and you see the Establishment is all-hands-on-deck in trying to stymie him.
Field Marshall Freder: "Too bad Trump doesn't have a superior intellect."
It takes a "superior intellect" to take the actual results of a court case, say like the Bundy case, and purposely mangle and misrepresent the actual legal outcomes of that case just to serve a political purpose.l
He wins because he is superior to his opponents. In his person, in his mind (intellect, if you prefer), and in his politics. There is no other plausible explanation.
Who is the silly ass who said Bernie Sanders has energy comparable to the president? Bull fucking shit for all to see. Getting red in the face calling for revolution and shitting yourself is not energy, it's a spasm.
He wins because he is superior to his opponents. In his person, in his mind (intellect, if you prefer), and in his politics. There is no other plausible explanation.
True, but that could just be a function of his opponent's weakness rather than his greatness.
Who is the silly ass who said Bernie Sanders has energy comparable to the president? Bull fucking shit for all to see. Getting red in the face calling for revolution and shitting yourself is not energy, it's a spasm.
I think the comparison was more to their campaign itineraries than their styles. Sanders is also five years older than Trump.
One more example why people who make their fortune in the real world before coming to government are often superior leaders to those who make their fortune after entering government. For the former, it can be about giving; for the latter it's about taking.
And make no mistake, right now the Deep State is doing everything they can to dissuade people in the former group from ever wanting to serve in government, at least in the role of change agent.
I nominate Nancy Pelosi as Farmer's proposed Head of State (HOS). But only after she's passed-away and mummified ala Lenin. She could be posed in her favorite position (standing up, as if she's behind a lectern, making a speech) with her gavel in her right hand and pointing her left-hand forefinger at some audience miscreant. Her eyes wide and mouth pinched as if hectoring. Whenever the President needs to involve the HOS in galas or gatherings, he could roll Nancy into the room in her sealed glass case. No need for 25 year terms! Forever! Beats QE2 and her Corgis!!
OK J. Farmer, how slice what is now a unitary executive? AF1 on alternate weekends?
The Constitution would have to be changed, and as I said, I do not see any prospect of the situation changing in the foreseeable future. But I still believe it was a mistake nonetheless.
"And make no mistake, right now the Deep State is doing everything they can to dissuade people in the former group from ever wanting to serve in government, at least in the role of change agent."
You are absolutely correct. Trump's triumph should have led to a few corporate titans jumpig into the race. But they and their companies get gutted ASAP. I assume that is why the Starbucks guy has gone into hibernation.
Farmer - what if the HOS goes bonkers ala Nero? And has also bought-off the security and military organs of the nation similar to the Praetorian Guard in ancient Rome. What if the HOS declared themselves a Sun God ala Louis XIV and usurped the Head of Government? I think the Founders were way ahead of you on this score.....
Farmer - what if the HOS goes bonkers ala Nero? And has also bought-off the security and military organs of the nation similar to the Praetorian Guard in ancient Rome. What if the HOS declared themselves a Sun God ala Louis XIV and usurped the Head of Government? I think the Founders were way ahead of you on this score.....
Those are critiques you could make of any potential executive. The answer was the separation of powers. They put in a mechanism to remove him. Your complaining about the Executive being a potential usurper of power, but my favored position would have resulted in a less powerful Executive.
"He wins because he is superior to his opponents. In his person, in his mind (intellect, if you prefer), and in his politics. There is no other plausible explanation."
Do you honestly think "winning" can have "no other plausible explanation" than that the "winner" is superior in intellect, character, and politics than the losers? Hoo Boy!
"Add a proven superior intellect to that and we have a winner."
Freder Frederson said... Too bad Trump doesn't have a superior intellect.
I know its just mindless retort. But just for giggles, who in politics to you think has a superior intellect? I need something to judge against, to know where President Trump rates. Hoover was perhaps the President that accomplished the most intellectually. In this generation who in politics would be of "superior intellect?
"'Too bad Trump doesn't have a superior intellect.'
"And yet he still beat the vile scrunt you voted for. What does that say about you?"
Why would it say anything about someone who voted for a losing opponent?
In this particular contest, both candidates were dreadul, (and they both remain dreadful human beings), but the losing candidate drew a couple of million more votes than the winner. But for the Electoral College, Trump would be the loser.
My understanding is that the Constitution represented the Founders beliefs in strong state governments and a relatively weak "central" government. A strong or even corrupt HOG in a weak central government was a threat but not an existential one. I recommend (I know, it seems too late) to reestablish the primacy of the states, just as first envisioned. No need for a HOS then. Sigh...
My understanding is that the Constitution represented the Founders beliefs in strong state governments and a relatively weak "central" government
Yes and no. The preferred solution for those that favored a weak central government was the Articles of Confederation. The antifederalists opposed ratification of the Constitution mainly because they saw it as creating too powerful a centralized federal state.
Hey!! Look at the news feed banner running across the bottom of the screen. "The WH has reportedly ordered the John McCain covered"......on Fox News no less. I guess CNN is no longer filling that market niche.
But for the Electoral College, Trump would've run a different type of campaign.
And voters would have changed their behavior. I live in California, so my vote doesn't really matter. I voted for Johnson. Without the Electoral College, maybe I would have voted for Trump. On the flip side maybe some Stein voters would have voted for Hillary. There's really no way of knowing how things would have turned out.
The military overwhelmingly loves a president that loves America.
Picture 2 presidents:
One goes on an apology tour at the beginning of his presidency, and his wife is telling the world that she never had a reason to be proud of her country. He says he's going to fundamentally change America.
One runs his campaign on making America great again, doesn't apologize for shit, and tells allies and enemies alike that the fuckings are over and this is how things are going to be.
I agree completely. He doesn't have to win versus the perfect opponent, just the ones he actually faces. And that is a decidedly weak bunch, IMO.
Agree about the weakness of the field. That and incumbency in general are reasons enough to bet on a Trump win in 2020. Among the field, I would most like to see Trump debate Bernie Sanders. And that is probably the person I'd most likely vote for after Trump, and depending on what happens between now and 2020, perhaps over Trump.
But for the Electoral College, Trump would be the loser.
But for California, Trump would have won the popular vote. California is a failed state, along with New York and Illinois. Thank G*d for the electoral college.
I don't agree with Bernie on much of anything related to governing and policy and such, but I do think he is the most principled and sincere of the Democrat bunch. Really unsure about his ability to run a large, complex enterprise as headed by POTUS. And I suspect he would be overrun by the lifers in our Federal government, to the point of ineffectiveness, at minimum.
Yes, I get that the constitution would have to be changed, J. Farmer. I thought it would be interesting to hear something specific as to the HOS/HOG proposal.
Narr We should at least have a presidential sash, like civilized countries do
Watching Roast of Trump on Comedy Central now on Pluto TV.
He knew. They hadn't the first clue. These supposed comedians.
The Situation I missed this showing, but remembered. Worst performance ever. I wonder how many others remembered some clip of Trump without really remembering Trump?
He's been in hundreds of movies/tv/commercial scenes, just being Trump. Sex and the City and Home Alone 2 come to mind.
Yes, I get that the constitution would have to be changed, J. Farmer. I thought it would be interesting to hear something specific as to the HOS/HOG proposal.
Never really gave it much thought, but the one I proposed off the top of my head was having the head of state chosen by a supermajority of both houses of Congress to serve a 25-year term. Some kind of dynastic option would probably be ideal, but I doubt any such arrangement could ever be implemented in the US. Ultimately, the goal would be to split the ceremonial/figurehead role of the President from the head of the executive branch role of the President.
Drago said... Cookie: "But for the Electoral College, Trump would be the loser."
Just bask in the stupidity..... **************
But for the NFL rule that the team scoring the most points wins, the Patriots would have lost many times to teams with higher passing or rushing yardage during a particular game, but fewer points.
Those comedy central roasts are pretty hit and miss. Seth MacFarlane, Jeff Ross, and Lisa Lampanelli were the standouts if I remember. And as for foretelling all, here's Adam Carolla on his radio show back in 2008:
(Venezuelans are still asking themselves that question..)
First, Sanders' domestic agenda is going to be hampered by Congress. Second, even if he got what he wanted, it would not turn the US into Venezuela. ***********
JFC with the morons praising Bernie fucking Sanders. We have the best economy in many generations and an American president who supports America and Americans, but the brain-dead can't tell the difference between Obama's economy and Trump's, so the spittle flecked crook screaming for revolution, utter upheaval of the American economy, and fundamentally transforming our nation into a socialist paradise looks good to them.
It's not that Sanders went to the Soviet Union and praised communism and the efficiency of the state when the previous year saw Chernobyl, and the following year saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and the communist Bloc. See, he's not just a crook, a traitor, a hypocrite and a kook, he also has shit judgment, ignorance of history and human nature, and the inability to see what is right before his eyes.
Oh, don't forget, Bernie said enough about Hillary's emails! That right there shows his good character, unerring sense of justice, and wisdom in politics...
The motherfucker's a fool. President? WTF is wrong with people?
Did the Obama deficits bother you? If so, what about Trump's? Economies are cyclical and everyone was going on about the hot economy of the late 1990s until it came crashing down. Bush's "ownership" society was getting rave reviews in the mid-aughts until it crashed head first into the Great Recession.
Bush's "ownership" society? Who was raving about that? Answer: nobody. Obama's deficits? How about funemployment and staycations? How about 10% real unemployment, stagnant wages, industry closure?
It is Donald Trump and his policies of low taxation and pro-American economics that has given us this unprecedented economic success. People are coming off disability to enter the workforce. It wasn't Obama that did it, wasn't Democrat party politics, and it wasn't a magic wand.
"Bush's "ownership" society was getting rave reviews in the mid-aughts until it crashed head first into the Great Recession". Only Barney Frank liberals were excited about the "ownership economy", which was entirely the result of progressive policies, that came predictably crashing down when they ran out of pockets to pick, and CAUSED the "great recession". That obervation just shows how deluded liberals are.
Only Barney Frank liberals were excited about the "ownership economy", which was entirely the result of progressive policies, that came predictably crashing down when they ran out of pockets to pick, and CAUSED the "great recession". That obervation just shows how deluded liberals are.
Pollsters are showing studies that perceptions of economic success has grown strikingly partisan. That's interesting. Economic strength was a strong predictive factor of election outcomes.
Pollsters are showing studies that perceptions of economic success has grown strikingly partisan
I do not doubt it. Everything has grown striking partisan. Who would have ever thought that imposing massive demographic change on a society would result in distrust, partisanship, and polarization?
Yeah, Bush's economy held up, dinit? And Obama, that was 8 great years, we can all agree. But Trump, he's just more of the same, as long as you discount the historical employment numbers, the billions in repatriated corporate money, the tax policies allowing people to keep more of their own money, rejuvenated industry and manufacturing businesses, and more.
But, it's really nothing but a tiny tweak to the marginal rate what done all that.
Don't worry though, when Bernie gets elected he promises high taxes again and investment in the Green New Deal, so we'll all be saved from this unprecedented prosperity that Obama gifted us.
The first estimate for June quarter’s GDP growth was released Friday morning, showing growth of 4.1%. This was a solid increase from the 2.2% first quarter print, but a little short of most projections. To smooth out any one quarter’s spike or drop, the U.S. economy grew 2.9% on a trailing four quarter basis, matching 2015’s result. This Forbes article does an analysis of the quarter's growth.
Hourly wages have moved up from the 2% zone during 2009- 2014 to the 2.5% to 2.9% range the past three-plus years. One reason they haven’t moved higher (as many have expected they should due to the tight labor market) may be due to higher paid individuals leaving the workforce who are then replaced by newer entrants at lower wages.
Yeah, Bush's economy held up, dinit? And Obama, that was 8 great years, we can all agree.
I think you've missed my point. Someone in the late 1990s or mid-2000s could point to a "hot economy. Yet what does that say about the economic impact of Clinton's and Bush's presidencies? Not much. Because economic gains, in a cyclical economy, have a way of undoing themselves later. And if you would like to do a deep dive on the tax cuts, by all means:
Yes, your link proves my point. To quote your quote: "the U.S. economy grew 2.9% on a trailing four quarter basis, matching 2015’s result." And from the study I just linked to: "In 2018, gross domestic product (GDP) grew at 2.9%, about the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO’s) projected rate published in 2017 before the tax cut. On the whole, the growth effects tend to show a relatively small (if any) first-year effect on the economy."
And on wages:
"Figure 4 shows the growth rate of real wages compared with the growth rate of real GDP for 2013-2018, indicating that wage growth has sometimes been faster than GDP growth and sometimes slower. There is no indication of a surge in wages in 2018 either compared to history or relative to GDP growth. This finding is consistent with the CBO projection of a modest effect."
It's the least he can do before sending them off to die in a ludicrous and unnecessary war to prove that he's better than the Iranians.
The shit that interests you fascinates me. Anything to keep from a serious discussion of policy - domestic or foreign - or the conflicts of interest and constitutional spectacles that bedevil this cretin's presidency.
With Trump’s approval at 48% people are getting desperate to tamp down any feel good stories about him.
No one and no story will ever make Trump feel as good about himself as when he looks into a mirror and masturbates. And makes pouty kissy smooches at himself. And tells himself how great he is.
You guys are basically cheering audiences to these spectacles!
He relates to people who went to military school given that his own parents couldn't stand him and had to send him away to a boarding academy themselves.
"Too bad Trump doesn't have a superior intellect."
Compared to who? You. Show us your millions baby. Show us your super-model wife. Show us your Presidency. Oh, that's right. You're a "secret king" - a super-smart dude who doesn't need y'know *accomplishments*, to know he's smarter than Trump.
Look, Trump is smarter than Hillary, smarter than Schumer, and smarter than Pelosi. Who else you got? Slow Joe Biden?
Anyone who thinks Liberals are smarter than Conservatives should look at that Senate Judiciary Committee and the Kavanaugh Circus. Except for Feinstein, the Democrat Senators were the biggest bunch of fools, freaks, idiots, and liars ever seen outside of a County Jail. Or you take that dummy "Dr" blaisy Ford - y'know the moron who was caught in one lie after another, and couldn't remember her birthday but somehow remembered that Kavanaugh groped her 32, or 33, or 35 years ago at someplace in DC. Y'know at the party at whosits house.
"Too bad Trump doesn't have a superior intellect."
Compared to who? You. Show us your millions baby.
Trump inherited those all throughout his life, somehow "earning" $200,000 annually (in 1949 dollars) by the time he was 3-years old, and "earning" more from the source of "Fred Trump" each year thereafter.
So this doesn't demonstrate anything admirable - unless by admirable you mean lucky enough to have Fred Trump as a daddy.
Is that what you consider to be virtuous?
Conservatives have to be really dumb if that's what earns their respect.
Farmer@8:29PM Trump's policies are driving the growth and the economic optimism of this recovery. Bernie Sanders policies would have the exact opposite effect.
Tax cuts are an important part of the policies, but deregulation is equally important, as was the tariff disparity adjustment. All part of what Trump brings. Sanders already promised to raise taxes all around. Think that'll help?
Notice he often snaps off his salute first. I know Trump doesn't care much for military courtesy, but the lower rank initiates the salute and the higher one returns it (the unofficial exception is Medal of Honor winners, whom even flag officers salute by custom). Watch the brand new 2nd Lieutenants just about break their arms trying to beat him to the punch and avoid the gaffe of receiving the salute of the President of the United States.
"Hillary is president of California,. And it looks it. I understand why you want to suppress votes for candidates you don't like.
"But it is not the way the country has been run for 200 years. Why don't you find a country run according to your preferences?"
I don't want to suppress votes for anyone. What makes you draw such a daft inference?
I certainly wasn't rooting for Hillary to win, either. She and Trump are both wretched. I was merely pointing out that the person who wins any contest is dependent on many different variables, including chance, and that voting for the candidate who ends up losing says nothing about the person who voted for the loser. If you paid attention to the comment I responded to you might have realized that. I thought doctors were supposed to be attentive to telling details.
"I don't agree with Bernie on much of anything related to governing and policy and such, but I do think he is the most principled and sincere of the Democrat bunch."
That's not saying much. Sanders was highly critical of Hillary during the run up to the nomination, and Hillary and the DNC conspired to hamper Sanders' chances at winning the nomination. Yet, subsequently, he was all in for promoting Hillary for office. Such deep convictions...not.
I prefer the custom of civilians not saluting, even if designated in the Constitution as commander in chief. I think Reagan started changing the custom, but at least he had lots of practice as an actor. Most, including this one, make it look dorky. But definitely the handshake a good move.
Why is this a story? Obama did it; Bush did it. I suppose that it is remarkable that with his medical history of military-disqualifying bone spurs, Trump was able to stand that long. But Althouse didn't mention that part.
Maybe it is a remarkable story because Obama and Bush were both younger and more vigorous than the older and technically obese Trump. And that it is surprising that Trump can do this still do this sort of thing given how flabby he is.
Fair enough Robert Cook. He does seem to pander - that is, espouse ideas, policies, and principles simply to win votes - much less than the other Democrat candidates. Damning with faint praise I am.
I think Reagan started changing the custom, but at least he had lots of practice as an actor.
He learned to ride horses in the US Cavalry. Cavalry! Cavalry! He learned to ride horses in the US Cavalry.
I agree, it isn't needed now, but it was in the early 80's after Vietnam and Carter budget cuts and wimpiness. Another morale booster was that RR allowed the DC military to wear their uniforms daily instead of the low profile, Wednesday-only of the 70's.
When our battalion arrived at Da Nang, directly from jungle training at Schofield Barracks in Oahu, the Americal (23rd Inf. Div.) C.O, General Samuel Koster, individually shook hands with all of us as we descended from the plane: which bizarrely, was a chartered Branniff jet with the Alexander Calder deco paint job and the stewardess all decked out in full Pucci gear. Indeed, the least he could do as we were about to go off into Harms Way under his command. Gen Koster met something of a sad fate when several years later, the My Lai outrage was uncovered (it actually happened before our handshake event), and Koster —who was never shown to have willfully suppressed the details, nor even knew of it— was ignominiously fired from his later position as Superintendent of the USMA, West point, and busted several grades.
Chuck wrote: Maybe it is a remarkable story because Obama and Bush were both younger and more vigorous than the older and technically obese Trump. And that it is surprising that Trump can do this still do this sort of thing given how flabby he is.
I think we need to know Chuck's BMI in order to fair assess his criticism of Trump. Even Lena Dunham isn't as dumb as Chuck in this regard.
Trump is simply showing his profound love of the American military. This is also why he was so upset with the NFL's disrespect for the sacrifices made by American patriots serving in uniform since our country's founding. He is going out of his way to show these young graduates at our elite military academies that they are valued and respected by him and his Administration.
"Or just realized it was dumb." Sort of depends perhaps on how many non-handwashing toilet users, sloppy sneezers, nose pickers, and those engaging in who-knows-what-else-in-semi-private one observes walking around out there.
"He's already doing that. That's why we're continuing to keep soldiers illegally in Syria." Guy who supports insubordination of permanent state apparatus against elected Executive feigns concern about elected Executive's actions and inactions in office.
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१८७ टिप्पण्या:
These are fine young men and women, who give me hope for the future.
Wonderful, inspiring behavior from a head of state. As for a head of government, who gives a fuck?
His energy at that age is almost inhuman.
He really into dexiosis. Impeach!!
The Airforce cadre got a salute with the warm handshake.And that came 2 days after Trump shook hands and handed over the diplomas to all 1100 US Naval Academy's newly minted Midshipmen. He must have a bionic right hand. But it reminds us that this man is a persistent long distance runner type. Add a proven superior intellect to that and we have a winner.
That's leadership!!
If I'm going to ask you to stand in-harm's-way, then the least I can do is shake your hand.
>His energy at that age is almost inhuman
Which is why "Sleepy" or "Granpa" Joe is going to be super-effective.
Tiny hands makes it easy. (Inga, circa 2019)
Good job, Mr. President. Something they will remember all their lives.
J. Farmer said...
Wonderful, inspiring behavior from a head of state. As for a head of government, who gives a fuck?
Maybe, just maybe, the people for whom he will be their commander-in-chief? You know, the guy who may, some day, order them into harm's way? They may appreciate the fact that he sees the value in their service.
traditionalguy said...
But it reminds us that this man is a persistent long distance runner type.
Well, except for the heel spurs...
Bill Clinton shook my hand as he gave me my Dartmouth diploma in 1995. I used to have a photo of it but ...
Yancey Ward said... His energy at that age is almost inhuman.
Heard earlier in the day -
Trump - Melania - you promise??
Melania - yes - if you ....
Can anyone imagine Bernie doing that? Or Biden? Or Harris?
This is wonderful. True leadership. So Trumpian!
I predict that someone in the MSM - maybe Rachel Maddow - will comment that this is typical of dictators who want to hypnotize the armed forces into a cult...
As Trump said yesterday , " Russia did not make win me the election, I made me win the 2016 election." He did in fact take his own 757 to 24 Rallies in the final week of the campaign including 1 in Wisconsin, 2 in Michigan, and 3 in Pennsylvania. He did the last 6 of those rallies on November 7, 2016. The soon to be 73 year old still has a wrestler's mind that works harder in the final round.
West Point, UNITED STATES: US President George W. Bush (R) reaches out to hug the last cadet after shaking hands with all 861 graduates during the commencment ceremony 27 May, 2006, the US Military Academy at West Point, New York. Bush on Saturday said the absence of freedom and democracy in the Middle East remains the key source of threats to the United States. "Decades of excusing and accommodating the lack of freedom in the Middle East did nothing to make us safe," he told graduating cadets. AFP PHOTO / TIM SLOAN (Photo credit should read TIM SLOAN/AFP/Getty Images)
@Ignorance is BLiss:
Maybe, just maybe, the people for whom he will be their commander-in-chief? You know, the guy who may, some day, order them into harm's way? They may appreciate the fact that he sees the value in their service.
Two points: (1) the head of state is typically the commander-in-chief; (2) in six years (assuming a reelection) then what? A head of state should be more permanent than an election cycle.
"Two point: (1) the head of state is typically the commander-in-chief; (2) in six years (assuming a reelection) then what? A head of state should be more permanent than an election cycle."
Sounds pretty Monarchist to me. I take it you would like to amend Article II, Section 2, Clause I of the Constitution?
I like President Trump and think he's good for the country.
But I am really impressed by these youngsters. That's our future.
A modern Augustus. Not because he wants to be. But because we need it.
Trump = Octavian
Hillary = The Gracchi
These people shriek that Trump killed the 'republic', but they in fact made the weather and stand out in the rain and shriek 'holy shit it's raining!'
In a more civilized, ancient time we would be hanging them by their own entrails by now.
Four. More. Years!!!
Sanders shows a similar energy level, but Sanders' problem is that his base is too small to win the nomination. He only got as close as he did in 2016 because Clinton was truly loathsome and the only opponent. I can see Sanders winning 15-20% in primary after primary, but that won't win the nomination. But Sanders does make Biden look like a corpse.
Another example of Farmer saying something stupid, and then moving the goalpost when called on it.
Sounds pretty Monarchist to me. I take it you would like to amend Article II, Section 2, Clause I of the Constitution?
Yeah...the idea that head of state "should be more permanent than an election cycle", or that it's even separate from head of government is a pretty weird take from an American.
Yancey Ward said: "His energy at that age is almost inhuman."
I agree especially for a guy who apparently does not work out or watch his weight.
I am a few years younger and walk 4-5 miles on a treadmill 4-5 times a week and I could not wait til the med school graduation at Johns Hopkins was over last week. It lasted 2.5 hours and I was sitting down in a nice comfy balcony seat.
"The President, a mighty man is he,
With large and sinewy hands"
We've shaken that hand, and it's true
Before the long line ceremony, President Trump promised them that he would not send them into wars for the benefit of other nations. They are not going to be rent-a-warriors sent as paid for mercenaries for The New World Order with payment coming by secret cash transfers to the personal accounts of the last 30 years of the DC Uni-party.
Which explains why the Germans, the British Royal family, the Bush Gang and McCain all intensely hate Trump. Before he ran and won for us Deplorables, they all loved the man.
I wonder if he had any therapy to get over his famous aversion to shaking hands before entering elective politics. Or just realized it was dumb.
New MAGA hat alternative may be catching on...
Washington Examiner
Regretful Trump voters hard to come by in Michigan
by Daniel Allott May 31, 2019
'...“When you drive down 8 Mile [Road], 9 Mile, 10 Mile, a lot of those small industrial shops were closed a few years ago,” he said of the manufacturing-heavy southern part of Macomb County. “But now you see them being reconstructed to get new tenants in there.” [Robert] Rasch and his wife Laurie’s small business, LR Embroidered Creations, paid less in taxes in 2018 thanks to tax reform. “We’ve felt the difference,” Rasch said.
“On a scale from 1 to 10, I think he’s doing an 8,” Rasch said of Trump’s overall performance. “He’s making a change for the good for everybody. I think he’s growing on people here.”
Rasch sees that growing support at the Anchor Bay Pit Stop Diner, where he and his friends talk politics on weekends. And he sees it among his store’s customers.
“One gentleman came in and asked us to print that Trump hat,” Rasch said, pointing to a display case featuring red ball caps with white lettering that says, “TRUMP: Elect That MF’er again! 2020.”
“The hats sold like crazy,” Rasch said. “And the guy’s been in numerous times and re-ordered. It’s been a big seller.”'
Before the long line ceremony, President Trump promised them that he would not send them into wars for the benefit of other nations.
He's already doing that. That's why we're continuing to keep soldiers illegally in Syria.
Sanders' problem is that his base is too small to win the nomination. He only got as close as he did in 2016 because Clinton was truly loathsome and the only opponent.
I agree and we are seeing it in his poll numbers. I don't see another serious candidate as Biden looks old and probably does not have the energy. Maybe the Democrats will bet the farm on impeachment and then, when that fails, go for Michelle in hopes of holding the black vote.
readering: "I wonder if he had any therapy to get over his famous aversion to shaking hands before entering elective politics. Or just realized it was dumb."
Hillary famously ordered White House staff to vacate hallways when she walked thru and those staffers were also directed not to make eye contact.
Hillary also ordered mid-grade officers to stand in and serve drinks during White House receptions.
readering thinks Hillary is the cats meow.
"Sanders' problem is that his base is too small to win the nomination."
And usually high on something.
@Yancey Ward:
Sanders shows a similar energy level, but Sanders' problem is that his base is too small to win the nomination.
That's precisely what everybody was saying about Trump.
Wonderful leadership. You really get the feeling Trump cares about our Country and the men/women in uniform.
Also shows that Trump is "high energy".
Extroverts are strange to me, energized by their interactions with other people, including strangers. The interesting thing about Trump is all that time he spends alone for such an extrovert. He's so ENTJ: this guy is very good at MeyersBriggs typing.
A head of state should be more permanent than an election cycle.
OMG..on top of everything else you're a royalist?
Sanders shows a similar energy level, but Sanders' problem is that his base is too small to win the nomination.
That's precisely what everybody was saying about Trump.
The difference is, the Democrats have already proven that they are willing to cheat to keep Sanders from winning. I don't really blame them though...they should just ban him from running because he isn't a Democrat.
Meanwhile, Obama's buggerers are in Iran giving aid and comfort to our enemies, then briefing Democrat party members of Congress. Despicable Democrat party members are traitors.
It's not the first time he's done that. The Vigor of that man is astounding.
I would venture to say that Trump enjoys being President -- revels in it -- more than anyone else who has held the office.
The difference is, Trump did that because he genuinely wanted to.
Not for political optics.
Huge difference that people notice and appreciate.
shaking hands with every cadet
Minor nit
"every graduating cadet" e.g. 900ish
rather than "every cadet", e.g. 3800ish
That's nothin'. You shoulda seen Joe at Bryn Mawr, sniffing every grad.
I can't wait for the WSJ or NYT tomorrow so I can find out why this was a bad thing, and grounds for impeachment.
Drago thinks readering. Aw shucks.
Sniffy Joe would've 'caressed' the female graduates. He's such a smooth ombudsman. What a smoothie. What a softie. What a 'letch'.
I have been fortunate enough to know some very successful people. Successful in their trade. Usually that translates to money, but not always, ie academics,etc. The common denominator with those individuals is they work the hell out of the details. Details that some of lesser success would farm out to underlings or let slide as not important enough to get more attention. They also don't make assumptions. President Trump did not assume his presence was good enough for who it was. He made sure he committed to each of them as individuals. Detail.
This is the President of the United States working the hell our of the details, others see of little import.
He's infecting the troops per Putin's orders!
The sort of energy required to greet and shake the hands of so many cannot be faked. I'm convinced he is sincere, that he genuinely likes and respects the cadets, and all the other run of the mill citizens he occasionally comes in contact with.
Sniffy Joe.
That's a keeper.
While I myself would happily accept a suitable constitutional monarchy, to Farmer's point, there are democracies with elected heads of state who aren't also heads of government (Germany, e.g.).
traditionalguy said...
Before the long line ceremony, President Trump promised them that he would not send them into wars for the benefit of other nations. They are not going to be rent-a-warriors sent as paid for mercenaries for The New World Order with payment coming by secret cash transfers to the personal accounts of the last 30 years of the DC Uni-party.
Which explains why the Germans, the British Royal family, the Bush Gang and McCain all intensely hate Trump. Before he ran and won for us Deplorables, they all loved the man.
5/31/19, 12:39 PM
Agree, disagree or indifferent...
I hate everything you write.
They may well remember this when the next democrat expects them to hold his umbrella.
This is the man the left loves to hate!
I like that we don't have to endure seeing any mom jeans now. And who thinks Trump would miss 20 out of 22 shots at the basket? Half the nation thinks Trump is embarrassing and Obama was impressive. I don't see it that way.
Half the nation thinks Trump is embarrassing and Obama was impressive.
Obama was - and still is - a condescending prick who was propped up by a slobbering media who fought over who got to throw their panties at him the most.
If (and that's a big IF) Obama would've done something like this? It would've been for the optics and the optics only. Trump does it because he enjoys it and to hell with how it looks to the media.
Half the nation thinks Trump is embarrassing and Obama was impressive. I don't see it that way.
I've never quite understood why it really matters what you "feel" about someone. I find having warm personal regard for a politician to be odd. I don't know them. And I would much rather prefer a prick who did what I wanted to a great guy who did't. They're tools to enact policy; they're not my dinner guests.
He da man.
It’s a nice bonus if you actually like the man.
While I myself would happily accept a suitable constitutional monarchy, to Farmer's point, there are democracies with elected heads of state who aren't also heads of government (Germany, e.g.).
Most countries have separate people as Head of Government and Head of State. That wasn't Farmer's point. He said: A head of state should be more permanent than an election cycle.
Which means he's basically a Royalist, since they're the only Heads of State that aren't Heads of Government and aren't elected.
Most countries have separate people as Head of Government and Head of State. That wasn't Farmer's point.
That actually was my point. And I've made it a number of times. I think one of the flaws of the constitution is that it fuses the head of state and head of government into a single executive. I do not think this is a good arrangement, because a head of state should largely be outside of (and above) politics. A head of government is a political role. I do not have a great deal of problems with a constitutional monarchy so long the monarch's powers are very strictly limited. Of course, I have no illusions about such a system coming to pass here. But I could imagine some potential alternatives, like perhaps requiring a person to receive a super majority in both chambers of Congress and serving for 25 years.
"I've never quite understood why it really matters what you "feel" about someone. I find having warm personal regard for a politician to be odd. I don't know them. And I would much rather prefer a prick who did what I wanted to a great guy who did't. They're tools to enact policy; they're not my dinner guests."
I totally agree, but showing respect for the military people who you may send into combat at any time is important to being effective as a commander in chief and not at all trivial. I don't have to like the President, but I think the soldiers and their families need to if possible when they may die at his command. It's not the same as him being a womanizer, or some other irrelevant fault. I would prefer a President that does the right things even if he disrespects the military, but I don't see how that would ever be a necessary compromise.
I find having warm personal regard for a politician to be odd. I don't know them. And I would much rather prefer a prick who did what I wanted to a great guy who did't. They're tools to enact policy; they're not my dinner guests.
I agree. The problem is that many politicians want to be A-listers invited to dinner parties by the moneyed, intellectual and artistic aristocracy. They really seem to do whatever they have to in order to gain their approval.
Add a proven superior intellect to that and we have a winner.
Too bad Trump doesn't have a superior intellect.
Sanders shows a similar energy level, but Sanders' problem is that his base is too small to win the nomination.
That base will expand dramatically if and when the Mainstream Media gets behind him.
Freder: Trump doesn't have a superior intellect.
Is that why he keeps destroying your people? Democrats are so arrogant in their ignorance, 3 years in and they still can't understand why Trump keeps winning.
"Another example of Farmer saying something stupid, and then moving the goalpost when called on it."
I have never seen Farmer say anything stupid...which is not to say I agree with everything he says.
I totally agree, but showing respect for the military people who you may send into combat at any time is important to being effective as a commander in chief and not at all trivial.
I agree with that completely, and I certainly don't think it is "trivial." It is an essential role for a head of state to honor the nation's military. But again, a head of state should be an apolitical position. And the decision to go to war is a political decision. It's another example of why co-mingling the two roles can be antithetical to their respective ends.
The good news: I got to attend a nephew's West Point graduation a few years back.
The bad news: Obama spoke. I managed to escape for a smoke..,
Who, in your opinion, does have a superior intellect? The cyber experts who invited the reckless moron criminal Hillary to be their meeting's keynote speaker?
@Francisco D:
The problem is that many politicians want to be A-listers invited to dinner parties by the moneyed, intellectual and artistic aristocracy. They really seem to do whatever they have to in order to gain their approval.
That's because the Establishment are the primary benefactors of the political class. And the Establishment is socially liberal and loves rent-seeking, globalization, and foreign militarism. Trump has only pushed back on a few of these things and pretty slightly, too, and you see the Establishment is all-hands-on-deck in trying to stymie him.
Field Marshall Freder: "Too bad Trump doesn't have a superior intellect."
It takes a "superior intellect" to take the actual results of a court case, say like the Bundy case, and purposely mangle and misrepresent the actual legal outcomes of that case just to serve a political purpose.l
(2) in six years (assuming a reelection) then what? A head of state should be more permanent than an election cycle.
How long are you going to whip this mule? My bet is the mule has no idea of where you are trying to drive him, I know I don't.
He wins because he is superior to his opponents. In his person, in his mind (intellect, if you prefer), and in his politics. There is no other plausible explanation.
How long are you going to whip this mule? My bet is the mule has no idea of where you are trying to drive him, I know I don't.
Just an observation. I don't expect anything to change, but occasionally a situation arises (like this one) that allows me to point it out.
Who is the silly ass who said Bernie Sanders has energy comparable to the president? Bull fucking shit for all to see. Getting red in the face calling for revolution and shitting yourself is not energy, it's a spasm.
He wins because he is superior to his opponents. In his person, in his mind (intellect, if you prefer), and in his politics. There is no other plausible explanation.
True, but that could just be a function of his opponent's weakness rather than his greatness.
@Michael Fitzgerald:
Who is the silly ass who said Bernie Sanders has energy comparable to the president? Bull fucking shit for all to see. Getting red in the face calling for revolution and shitting yourself is not energy, it's a spasm.
I think the comparison was more to their campaign itineraries than their styles. Sanders is also five years older than Trump.
Too bad Trump doesn't have a superior intellect.
And yet he still beat the vile scrunt you voted for.
What does that say about you?
One more example why people who make their fortune in the real world before coming to government are often superior leaders to those who make their fortune after entering government. For the former, it can be about giving; for the latter it's about taking.
And make no mistake, right now the Deep State is doing everything they can to dissuade people in the former group from ever wanting to serve in government, at least in the role of change agent.
OK J. Farmer, how slice what is now a unitary executive? AF1 on alternate weekends?
Would we have a Prime Minister or Chancellor or High Buckalorum?
Obama did the same thing in 2016. I think it’s a president thing, not a trump thing. And a good idea it is.
Cook: "I have never seen Farmer say anything stupid."
Shrug. He sometimes smells like a Concern Troll. That's exactly what Chuck use to say...
But unlike you, he hasn't called our boys "parasites" for serving during "peacetime".
I nominate Nancy Pelosi as Farmer's proposed Head of State (HOS). But only after she's passed-away and mummified ala Lenin. She could be posed in her favorite position (standing up, as if she's behind a lectern, making a speech) with her gavel in her right hand and pointing her left-hand forefinger at some audience miscreant. Her eyes wide and mouth pinched as if hectoring. Whenever the President needs to involve the HOS in galas or gatherings, he could roll Nancy into the room in her sealed glass case. No need for 25 year terms! Forever! Beats QE2 and her Corgis!!
OK J. Farmer, how slice what is now a unitary executive? AF1 on alternate weekends?
The Constitution would have to be changed, and as I said, I do not see any prospect of the situation changing in the foreseeable future. But I still believe it was a mistake nonetheless.
"True, but that could just be a function of his opponent's weakness rather than his greatness."
This. In 2016 both parties nominated the one person on the planet that the other side's candidate had a chance of beating.
I get the joke and all, but choosing a politician would not fix the problem I am talking about.
EDH said:
"And make no mistake, right now the Deep State is doing everything they can to dissuade people in the former group from ever wanting to serve in government, at least in the role of change agent."
You are absolutely correct. Trump's triumph should have led to a few corporate titans jumpig into the race. But they and their companies get gutted ASAP. I assume that is why the Starbucks guy has gone into hibernation.
Farmer - what if the HOS goes bonkers ala Nero? And has also bought-off the security and military organs of the nation similar to the Praetorian Guard in ancient Rome. What if the HOS declared themselves a Sun God ala Louis XIV and usurped the Head of Government? I think the Founders were way ahead of you on this score.....
"But unlike you, he hasn't called our boys "parasites" for serving during 'peacetime.'"
Neither have I. But you know that. ("Our boys." There you go again with the bullshit rhetoric of propaganda.)
Farmer - what if the HOS goes bonkers ala Nero? And has also bought-off the security and military organs of the nation similar to the Praetorian Guard in ancient Rome. What if the HOS declared themselves a Sun God ala Louis XIV and usurped the Head of Government? I think the Founders were way ahead of you on this score.....
Those are critiques you could make of any potential executive. The answer was the separation of powers. They put in a mechanism to remove him. Your complaining about the Executive being a potential usurper of power, but my favored position would have resulted in a less powerful Executive.
"He wins because he is superior to his opponents. In his person, in his mind (intellect, if you prefer), and in his politics. There is no other plausible explanation."
Do you honestly think "winning" can have "no other plausible explanation" than that the "winner" is superior in intellect, character, and politics than the losers? Hoo Boy!
"Add a proven superior intellect to that and we have a winner."
Freder Frederson said...
Too bad Trump doesn't have a superior intellect.
I know its just mindless retort. But just for giggles, who in politics to you think has a superior intellect? I need something to judge against, to know where President Trump rates. Hoover was perhaps the President that accomplished the most intellectually. In this generation who in politics would be of "superior intellect?
"'Too bad Trump doesn't have a superior intellect.'
"And yet he still beat the vile scrunt you voted for.
What does that say about you?"
Why would it say anything about someone who voted for a losing opponent?
In this particular contest, both candidates were dreadul, (and they both remain dreadful human beings), but the losing candidate drew a couple of million more votes than the winner. But for the Electoral College, Trump would be the loser.
My understanding is that the Constitution represented the Founders beliefs in strong state governments and a relatively weak "central" government. A strong or even corrupt HOG in a weak central government was a threat but not an existential one. I recommend (I know, it seems too late) to reestablish the primacy of the states, just as first envisioned. No need for a HOS then. Sigh...
But for the Electoral College, Trump would be the loser.
But for the Electoral College, Trump would've run a different type of campaign.
Just. Stop.
My understanding is that the Constitution represented the Founders beliefs in strong state governments and a relatively weak "central" government
Yes and no. The preferred solution for those that favored a weak central government was the Articles of Confederation. The antifederalists opposed ratification of the Constitution mainly because they saw it as creating too powerful a centralized federal state.
Hey!! Look at the news feed banner running across the bottom of the screen. "The WH has reportedly ordered the John McCain covered"......on Fox News no less. I guess CNN is no longer filling that market niche.
Ken B said...
That's nothin'. You shoulda seen Joe at Bryn Mawr, sniffing every grad.
But for the Electoral College, Trump would've run a different type of campaign.
And voters would have changed their behavior. I live in California, so my vote doesn't really matter. I voted for Johnson. Without the Electoral College, maybe I would have voted for Trump. On the flip side maybe some Stein voters would have voted for Hillary. There's really no way of knowing how things would have turned out.
But for the Electoral College, Trump would be the loser.
And but for the law, Cook would be hanged until dead.
(what point are you trying to make? President Trump was elected like every single President ever)
The military overwhelmingly loves a president that loves America.
Picture 2 presidents:
One goes on an apology tour at the beginning of his presidency, and his wife is telling the world that she never had a reason to be proud of her country. He says he's going to fundamentally change America.
One runs his campaign on making America great again, doesn't apologize for shit, and tells allies and enemies alike that the fuckings are over and this is how things are going to be.
No mystery.
@J. Farmer
True, but that could just be a function of his opponent's weakness rather than his greatness.
I agree completely. He doesn't have to win versus the perfect opponent, just the ones he actually faces. And that is a decidedly weak bunch, IMO.
the losing candidate drew a couple of million more votes than the winner. But for the Electoral College, Trump would be the loser.
Hillary is president of California,. And it looks it. I understand why you want to suppress votes for candidates you don't like.
But it is not the way the country has been run for 200 years. Why don't you find a country run according to your preferences?
I understand Venezuela rents are low.
I agree completely. He doesn't have to win versus the perfect opponent, just the ones he actually faces. And that is a decidedly weak bunch, IMO.
Agree about the weakness of the field. That and incumbency in general are reasons enough to bet on a Trump win in 2020. Among the field, I would most like to see Trump debate Bernie Sanders. And that is probably the person I'd most likely vote for after Trump, and depending on what happens between now and 2020, perhaps over Trump.
But for the Electoral College, Trump would be the loser.
But for California, Trump would have won the popular vote. California is a failed state, along with New York and Illinois. Thank G*d for the electoral college.
@J. Farmer
I don't agree with Bernie on much of anything related to governing and policy and such, but I do think he is the most principled and sincere of the Democrat bunch. Really unsure about his ability to run a large, complex enterprise as headed by POTUS. And I suspect he would be overrun by the lifers in our Federal government, to the point of ineffectiveness, at minimum.
Bernie being elected would do wonders for the economy.
Yes, I get that the constitution would have to be changed, J. Farmer. I thought it would be interesting to hear something specific as to the HOS/HOG proposal.
We should at least have a presidential sash, like civilized countries do
Hail to the Chief!
Watching Roast of Trump on Comedy Central now on Pluto TV.
He knew. They hadn't the first clue. These supposed comedians.
The Situation I missed this showing, but remembered. Worst performance ever. I wonder how many others remembered some clip of Trump without really remembering Trump?
He's been in hundreds of movies/tv/commercial scenes, just being Trump. Sex and the City and Home Alone 2 come to mind.
Marlee Matlin is signing like Chip does now.
Cookie: "But for the Electoral College, Trump would be the loser."
Just bask in the stupidity.....
Yes, I get that the constitution would have to be changed, J. Farmer. I thought it would be interesting to hear something specific as to the HOS/HOG proposal.
Never really gave it much thought, but the one I proposed off the top of my head was having the head of state chosen by a supermajority of both houses of Congress to serve a 25-year term. Some kind of dynastic option would probably be ideal, but I doubt any such arrangement could ever be implemented in the US. Ultimately, the goal would be to split the ceremonial/figurehead role of the President from the head of the executive branch role of the President.
walter said...
Bernie being elected would do wonders for the economy.
Yes! As in , "I wonder where our economy went"?
(Venezuelans are still asking themselves that question..)
Drago said...
Cookie: "But for the Electoral College, Trump would be the loser."
Just bask in the stupidity.....
But for the NFL rule that the team scoring the most points wins, the Patriots would have lost many times to teams with higher passing or rushing yardage during a particular game, but fewer points.
Yes! As in , "I wonder where our economy went"?
(Venezuelans are still asking themselves that question..)
First, Sanders' domestic agenda is going to be hampered by Congress. Second, even if he got what he wanted, it would not turn the US into Venezuela.
Like others before it, the CC Roast of Trump will go down as the best comedy ever.
None of these people had a clue, even though Jeff Ross (holy God funny) literally said it, DJT is going to be potUS.
He foretold all that was to come.
I'm not taking that chance, and you don't really see anything wrong with Venezuela, as long as they commit suicide with a straight razor,
Jeff Ross was so perfect it makes me feel bad I can never approach that level of perfection.
That link is "Sweet is the Melody" by great Iris DeMent.
Those comedy central roasts are pretty hit and miss. Seth MacFarlane, Jeff Ross, and Lisa Lampanelli were the standouts if I remember. And as for foretelling all, here's Adam Carolla on his radio show back in 2008:
Adam Carolla, in 2008: "Donald Trump is gonna be president in 8 years."
I'm not taking that chance, and you don't really see anything wrong with Venezuela, as long as they commit suicide with a straight razor,
There's no chance for you to take, but by all means keep doing you.
J. Farmer said...
Yes! As in , "I wonder where our economy went"?
(Venezuelans are still asking themselves that question..)
First, Sanders' domestic agenda is going to be hampered by Congress. Second, even if he got what he wanted, it would not turn the US into Venezuela.
Well, OK then!!!!!
Could Kamala Harris command that sort of respect?
Wow! I'm about Trump's age and I get tired just watching him greet all those young graduates. He is incredible.
Well, OK then!!!!!
I submit that a word, socialist, that describes Venezuela and Sweden does not really tell you much about those respective countries.
Is that Impeachable? What does the Muller-Hillary-Maddow Private Server for Russian Cash 8-ball have to say?
Meanwhile, lets send a pedophile in to speak to 3rd graders about how to stay safe on the playground when a stranger comes close.
Bernie will "have a pen and a phone"
If it even looked close, you'd see preemptive measures.
He already has the phone
JFC with the morons praising Bernie fucking Sanders. We have the best economy in many generations and an American president who supports America and Americans, but the brain-dead can't tell the difference between Obama's economy and Trump's, so the spittle flecked crook screaming for revolution, utter upheaval of the American economy, and fundamentally transforming our nation into a socialist paradise looks good to them.
It's not that Sanders went to the Soviet Union and praised communism and the efficiency of the state when the previous year saw Chernobyl, and the following year saw the fall of the Berlin Wall and the communist Bloc. See, he's not just a crook, a traitor, a hypocrite and a kook, he also has shit judgment, ignorance of history and human nature, and the inability to see what is right before his eyes.
Oh, don't forget, Bernie said enough about Hillary's emails! That right there shows his good character, unerring sense of justice, and wisdom in politics...
The motherfucker's a fool. President? WTF is wrong with people?
Look if we call "satan" me, and I kill before born and unilaterraly disarm others, wn''t my will s in?
@Michael Fitzgerald:
Did the Obama deficits bother you? If so, what about Trump's? Economies are cyclical and everyone was going on about the hot economy of the late 1990s until it came crashing down. Bush's "ownership" society was getting rave reviews in the mid-aughts until it crashed head first into the Great Recession.
The lives of these men and women are more valuable than any Middle East shithole they get sent to.
Bring them all home. Fortress America.
Or send the trannies. We don't really need them.
It is funny to think of Jew Chuch Schumer.
It is funny.
Bush's "ownership" society? Who was raving about that? Answer: nobody. Obama's deficits? How about funemployment and staycations? How about 10% real unemployment, stagnant wages, industry closure?
It is Donald Trump and his policies of low taxation and pro-American economics that has given us this unprecedented economic success. People are coming off disability to enter the workforce. It wasn't Obama that did it, wasn't Democrat party politics, and it wasn't a magic wand.
"Bush's "ownership" society was getting rave reviews in the mid-aughts until it crashed head first into the Great Recession". Only Barney Frank liberals were excited about the "ownership economy", which was entirely the result of progressive policies, that came predictably crashing down when they ran out of pockets to pick, and CAUSED the "great recession". That obervation just shows how deluded liberals are.
@Michael Fitzgerald:
Bush's "ownership" society? Who was raving about that? Answer: nobody.
Stephen Moore, for one. Trump's recent pick for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.
How about funemployment and staycations? How about 10% real unemployment, stagnant wages, industry closure?
Yes, what about the effects of the Great Recession.
It wasn't Obama that did it, wasn't Democrat party politics, and it wasn't a magic wand.
No, it was tiny tinkering to marginal tax rates. Right. Neither wages nor growth have grown above the trend seen since before the tax cut.
Only Barney Frank liberals were excited about the "ownership economy", which was entirely the result of progressive policies, that came predictably crashing down when they ran out of pockets to pick, and CAUSED the "great recession". That obervation just shows how deluded liberals are.
Bullish on Bush: How George Bush's Owenership Society Will Make America Stronger by Stephen Moore
Pollsters are showing studies that perceptions of economic success has grown strikingly partisan. That's interesting. Economic strength was a strong predictive factor of election outcomes.
Pollsters are showing studies that perceptions of economic success has grown strikingly partisan
I do not doubt it. Everything has grown striking partisan. Who would have ever thought that imposing massive demographic change on a society would result in distrust, partisanship, and polarization?
Yeah, Bush's economy held up, dinit? And Obama, that was 8 great years, we can all agree. But Trump, he's just more of the same, as long as you discount the historical employment numbers, the billions in repatriated corporate money, the tax policies allowing people to keep more of their own money, rejuvenated industry and manufacturing businesses, and more.
But, it's really nothing but a tiny tweak to the marginal rate what done all that.
Don't worry though, when Bernie gets elected he promises high taxes again and investment in the Green New Deal, so we'll all be saved from this unprecedented prosperity that Obama gifted us.
Neither wages nor growth have grown above the trend seen since before the tax cut.
That was easy.
The first estimate for June quarter’s GDP growth was released Friday morning, showing growth of 4.1%. This was a solid increase from the 2.2% first quarter print, but a little short of most projections. To smooth out any one quarter’s spike or drop, the U.S. economy grew 2.9% on a trailing four quarter basis, matching 2015’s result. This Forbes article does an analysis of the quarter's growth.
Hourly wages have moved up from the 2% zone during 2009- 2014 to the 2.5% to 2.9% range the past three-plus years. One reason they haven’t moved higher (as many have expected they should due to the tight labor market) may be due to higher paid individuals leaving the workforce who are then replaced by newer entrants at lower wages.
@Michael Fitzgerald:
Yeah, Bush's economy held up, dinit? And Obama, that was 8 great years, we can all agree.
I think you've missed my point. Someone in the late 1990s or mid-2000s could point to a "hot economy. Yet what does that say about the economic impact of Clinton's and Bush's presidencies? Not much. Because economic gains, in a cyclical economy, have a way of undoing themselves later. And if you would like to do a deep dive on the tax cuts, by all means:
The Economic Effects of the 2017 Tax Revision: Preliminary Observations
Tax cuts, of course! I'd never heard a Republican president propose that before.
Lightweights defining you had lightweights defining not all, them.
Us, we, cook it all the way through.
We cook it all, us.
@Michael K:
That was easy.
Yes, your link proves my point. To quote your quote: "the U.S. economy grew 2.9% on a trailing four quarter basis, matching 2015’s result." And from the study I just linked to: "In 2018, gross domestic product (GDP) grew at 2.9%, about the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO’s) projected rate published in 2017 before the tax cut. On the whole, the growth effects tend to show a relatively small (if any) first-year effect on the economy."
And on wages:
"Figure 4 shows the growth rate of real wages compared with the growth rate of real GDP for 2013-2018, indicating that wage growth has sometimes been faster than GDP growth and sometimes slower. There is no indication of a surge in wages in 2018 either compared to history or relative to GDP growth. This finding is consistent with the CBO projection of a modest effect."
It's the least he can do before sending them off to die in a ludicrous and unnecessary war to prove that he's better than the Iranians.
The shit that interests you fascinates me. Anything to keep from a serious discussion of policy - domestic or foreign - or the conflicts of interest and constitutional spectacles that bedevil this cretin's presidency.
@Michael K:
"That was easy."
Yes, your link proves my point.
Michael K. couldn't interpret his way out of a beer brawl. He misintrepets EVERYTHING.
He wins because he is superior to his opponents.
Republicans are figuring out just how far a lack of any ethics or decency can get someone in life. And they like it!
Bernie's hands are always shaking.
But as for Trump--
he aint fakin'--
whole lotta shakin' goin' on
he loves to be loved by those who love him, and loves them back
t looks like Ritmo's shift at Mickey D's is over.
He is just getting started.
I submit that a word, socialist, that describes Venezuela and Sweden does not really tell you much about those respective countries.
They're both, like, uhhhhh, not Amurrica, right?
What more does an Amurrican need to know? They must be the same thing!
I'm sorry to have interrupted your productive evening of contemplating different suicide techniques, Fran D. Carry on. Don't mind me.
With Trump’s approval at 48% people are getting desperate to tamp down any feel good stories about him.
Trump likes his job.
With Trump’s approval at 48% people are getting desperate to tamp down any feel good stories about him.
No one and no story will ever make Trump feel as good about himself as when he looks into a mirror and masturbates. And makes pouty kissy smooches at himself. And tells himself how great he is.
You guys are basically cheering audiences to these spectacles!
He relates to people who went to military school given that his own parents couldn't stand him and had to send him away to a boarding academy themselves.
"Too bad Trump doesn't have a superior intellect."
Compared to who? You. Show us your millions baby. Show us your super-model wife. Show us your Presidency. Oh, that's right. You're a "secret king" - a super-smart dude who doesn't need y'know *accomplishments*, to know he's smarter than Trump.
Look, Trump is smarter than Hillary, smarter than Schumer, and smarter than Pelosi. Who else you got? Slow Joe Biden?
Anyone who thinks Liberals are smarter than Conservatives should look at that Senate Judiciary Committee and the Kavanaugh Circus. Except for Feinstein, the Democrat Senators were the biggest bunch of fools, freaks, idiots, and liars ever seen outside of a County Jail. Or you take that dummy "Dr" blaisy Ford - y'know the moron who was caught in one lie after another, and couldn't remember her birthday but somehow remembered that Kavanaugh groped her 32, or 33, or 35 years ago at someplace in DC. Y'know at the party at whosits house.
"Too bad Trump doesn't have a superior intellect."
Compared to who? You. Show us your millions baby.
Trump inherited those all throughout his life, somehow "earning" $200,000 annually (in 1949 dollars) by the time he was 3-years old, and "earning" more from the source of "Fred Trump" each year thereafter.
So this doesn't demonstrate anything admirable - unless by admirable you mean lucky enough to have Fred Trump as a daddy.
Is that what you consider to be virtuous?
Conservatives have to be really dumb if that's what earns their respect.
Well they saw the anita hill script and dusted it off, you saw how much the press covered up the story with a cloth.
Smug, the Commie, and the Crazy.
I still prefer the Smug, the Bad, and the Ugly.
But for internet threads it's not so bad.
Farmer@8:29PM Trump's policies are driving the growth and the economic optimism of this recovery. Bernie Sanders policies would have the exact opposite effect.
Tax cuts are an important part of the policies, but deregulation is equally important, as was the tariff disparity adjustment. All part of what Trump brings. Sanders already promised to raise taxes all around. Think that'll help?
Notice he often snaps off his salute first. I know Trump doesn't care much for military courtesy, but the lower rank initiates the salute and the higher one returns it (the unofficial exception is Medal of Honor winners, whom even flag officers salute by custom). Watch the brand new 2nd Lieutenants just about break their arms trying to beat him to the punch and avoid the gaffe of receiving the salute of the President of the United States.
...there are democracies with elected heads of state who aren't also heads of government (Germany, e.g.)...
Question I'm always interested in.
Which system makes it easier for Statist policies to take root and flourish?
Have always loved ya, Ann..
Do not doubt this President
Have always loved ya, Ann..
Do not doubt this President
"Hillary is president of California,. And it looks it. I understand why you want to suppress votes for candidates you don't like.
"But it is not the way the country has been run for 200 years. Why don't you find a country run according to your preferences?"
I don't want to suppress votes for anyone. What makes you draw such a daft inference?
I certainly wasn't rooting for Hillary to win, either. She and Trump are both wretched. I was merely pointing out that the person who wins any contest is dependent on many different variables, including chance, and that voting for the candidate who ends up losing says nothing about the person who voted for the loser. If you paid attention to the comment I responded to you might have realized that. I thought doctors were supposed to be attentive to telling details.
"I don't agree with Bernie on much of anything related to governing and policy and such, but I do think he is the most principled and sincere of the Democrat bunch."
That's not saying much. Sanders was highly critical of Hillary during the run up to the nomination, and Hillary and the DNC conspired to hamper Sanders' chances at winning the nomination. Yet, subsequently, he was all in for promoting Hillary for office. Such deep convictions...not.
Smug, the Commie, and the Crazy.
I still prefer the Smug, the Bad, and the Ugly.
But for internet threads it's not so bad.
Almost the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me. Hug and kisses, Birkel. Hope you have a great weekend.
I prefer the custom of civilians not saluting, even if designated in the Constitution as commander in chief. I think Reagan started changing the custom, but at least he had lots of practice as an actor. Most, including this one, make it look dorky. But definitely the handshake a good move.
Why is this a story? Obama did it; Bush did it. I suppose that it is remarkable that with his medical history of military-disqualifying bone spurs, Trump was able to stand that long. But Althouse didn't mention that part.
Maybe it is a remarkable story because Obama and Bush were both younger and more vigorous than the older and technically obese Trump. And that it is surprising that Trump can do this still do this sort of thing given how flabby he is.
Why is Chuck here? And lying again?
Fair enough Robert Cook. He does seem to pander - that is, espouse ideas, policies, and principles simply to win votes - much less than the other Democrat candidates. Damning with faint praise I am.
Bernie "does seem to pander - that is, espouse ideas, policies, and principles simply to win votes - much less than the other Democrat candidates."
Because FREE EVERYTHING for EVERYONE (and the rich will pay, not you, oh no, never you) isn't trying to win votes? Is that your position?
I think Reagan started changing the custom, but at least he had lots of practice as an actor.
He learned to ride horses in the US Cavalry. Cavalry! Cavalry! He learned to ride horses in the US Cavalry.
I agree, it isn't needed now, but it was in the early 80's after Vietnam and Carter budget cuts and wimpiness. Another morale booster was that RR allowed the DC military to wear their uniforms daily instead of the low profile, Wednesday-only of the 70's.
When our battalion arrived at Da Nang, directly from jungle training at Schofield Barracks in Oahu, the Americal (23rd Inf. Div.) C.O, General Samuel Koster, individually shook hands with all of us as we descended from the plane: which bizarrely, was a chartered Branniff jet with the Alexander Calder deco paint job and the stewardess all decked out in full Pucci gear. Indeed, the least he could do as we were about to go off into Harms Way under his command. Gen Koster met something of a sad fate when several years later, the My Lai outrage was uncovered (it actually happened before our handshake event), and Koster —who was never shown to have willfully suppressed the details, nor even knew of it— was ignominiously fired from his later position as Superintendent of the USMA, West point, and busted several grades.
Yet, subsequently, he was all in for promoting Hillary for office. Such deep convictions...not.
Where do you think Bernie's six houses came from ?
Chuck wrote: Maybe it is a remarkable story because Obama and Bush were both younger and more vigorous than the older and technically obese Trump. And that it is surprising that Trump can do this still do this sort of thing given how flabby he is.
I think we need to know Chuck's BMI in order to fair assess his criticism of Trump. Even Lena Dunham isn't as dumb as Chuck in this regard.
Trump is simply showing his profound love of the American military. This is also why he was so upset with the NFL's disrespect for the sacrifices made by American patriots serving in uniform since our country's founding. He is going out of his way to show these young graduates at our elite military academies that they are valued and respected by him and his Administration.
Margaret Hemenway
"Or just realized it was dumb." Sort of depends perhaps on how many non-handwashing toilet users, sloppy sneezers, nose pickers, and those engaging in who-knows-what-else-in-semi-private one observes walking around out there.
"He's already doing that. That's why we're continuing to keep soldiers illegally in Syria." Guy who supports insubordination of permanent state apparatus against elected Executive feigns concern about elected Executive's actions and inactions in office.
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