"... so they can continue to rip off the United States. Of course, they do. Of course. I think if I heard that, I'd never vote for him. And then you have Bernie. Bernie. Then you have Bernie. You got some real beauties. Crazy Bernie. You got a choice between Sleepy Joe and Crazy Bernie. And I'll take any of 'em. Pick somebody, please. Let's start this thing. Let's start it. Pick somebody! We have a young man, Boot-edge-edge. Boot. Edge. Edge. They say: edge, edge. He's got a great chance, doesn't he? He'll be great. He'll be great. Representing us against President Xi of China. That'll be great. That'll be great. I wanna be in that room. I wanna watch that one."
Here, I clipped that part out for you:
I liked that. I like the colloquialism and the quick suggestion of ideas that are quite effective:
1. Biden argued against himself when he attempted to boast about all the world leaders who want him to win. They want him so they can get back to taking advantage of the United States and ripping us off.
2. There are a lot of Democratic candidates but they're all pathetic. It's the choice of no choice — "a choice between Sleepy Joe and Crazy Bernie."
3. Picture any one of them, in a room negotiating with President Xi, and it's obvious you need to keep Trump.
4. The fact that Democrats are considering the absurdly young Buttigieg shows how little they've got.
5. Trump will have no trouble with any of them. It hardly matters. Identify the candidate — come on, quit stalling — and he'll take whoever it is down.
It's funny, it seems like he's rambling and just gesturing at passing thoughts, but the argument against his opponents is very clear and very well thought out. You can see what's coming when the Democrats finally make their choice and he has his target and he can finally "start this thing."
१०१ टिप्पण्या:
The funny guy at the bar. That's why he is so effective. He's just the funny guy at the bar.
One of the Democrats today — it's a he — sleepy person — said that he heard from a lot of foreign leaders, and they want him to be President. Of course, they do...""
I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
This article will lay it out for you!
BREAKING CHINA –Posted@UrgentAgenda.com AT 12:30 P.M. ET: So, where are we? We've run into a rut with North Korea. Iran is being more difficult than expected. And, most pressing at the moment, our deal with China has run into new Chinese intransigence. And this is happening with a tough man in the White House and tough guys at State and in the national security adviser's office.
I can't give you a definitive answer. But I don't think it's coincidental that all this is occurring as the hard-left Democratic Party ramps up its campaign, led by Crazy Joe Biden, who has been wrong on every foreign-policy issue of our time.
Put yourself in the position of China. You've negotiated a fair deal with the US, something that gives the US real value. But now you see Joe Biden making a stunning speech, laughing at the idea that China is our competitor. What would you do? Would you go forward with the deal you forged with President Trump, or would you pull back, hoping that Biden becomes president? Of course you'd pull back.
Foreign countries read our political campaigns carefully, and act accordingly. At one time it would have been unthinkable for the "loyal opposition" to undercut a president when he was involved in a delicate negotiation with a foreign enemy. But I said loyal opposition. And there's the rub. The Democratic Party of today has the same loyalty to this country that Barack Obama has. It is a party that looks down on the American people and refuses to agree that this is an exceptional country. When Hillary Clinton used the word "deplorables" to describe our working people, she meant it.
If I were China, those Democrats are the people I'd want to deal with. And I wish President Trump would say that out loud, and make plain the harm the Democrats are causing.
Hillary is heading to New Hampshire....and LLR Chuck swoons.....
And the Democrats say he is just a stupid man.
What? Like Adlai Stevenson who flunked out of Harvard Law?
It's a political canard that remains from the 1950's.
This is the first time I plugged in and listened to him. He's got the sound and pacing of a stand-up comedian, reacting to the news like I would.
If you limit the debate about Trump to this particular piece, it would be difficult to disagree with him. Biden and Bernie do come off that way. And why should we let overseas leaders silently endorse our president? Can we even believe Biden when he says that? Buttigig (sorry, don't want to look it up) hasn't exhibited any spine, and the thought of a small-town mayor going up against the head of a nation with a billion people does sound absurd (I'm afraid, thinking about it, as absurd as Sarah Palin doing the same).
Wow, Ms. Althouse, this is big juicy bait for.........
Trump is the most interesting candidate in the Dem primary. He controls the process.
Kamala and Bernie want Trump to take out Biden for them.
Biden talked to Thatcher who encouraged him to run against Trump.
Biden is a fucking moron.
Trump is right on the Biden bit- that shows how politically tone-deaf Biden is. The last thing a US presidential candidate wants to be saying publicly is that foreign leaders prefer him to his opponent. Whoever suggested Biden play that up probably should be fired.
"And I'll take any of 'em. Pick somebody, please. Let's start this thing. Let's start it. Pick somebody!" - DJT
"You people have been led to believe that mediocrity is excellence. Uh-uh. Jericho is excellence. And now for the first time in WWF history, you have a man who can entertain you." - Chris Jericho
"When you walk around this world, and you tell everybody that you’re number one, the only way that you get to stay number one is to be number one." - Ric Flair
Trump's record as President does speak well of him.
Yes, you get different perspective on actually watching versus reading the transcripts. Now, I rarely actually listen/watch, but I do occasionally invest the time to do so, and not only for Trump, but for others as well.
Well, Trump's 100% right. Foreign leaders want a Democrat so that the USA will more easily be taken into the NWO. Trump's an American. The Ds are globalists to whom the Article VI oath of office means zero.
The most dangerous man in DC is not really William Barr. It's the man who weaponized a rebuilt DOJ for two years, neutered the FBI and finally named Bull Barr to fight the Deep State in the upcoming battles.
If Trump can do that, he can also deal with any man, woman or child the Dems send out against him in November, 2020. Hide and watch. What would really be interesting is to see if some Media guys or gals are smart enough to wake up and start to treat the weak Dem contender and the President even handedly. That would be like hearing Tokyo Rose switch sides in 1945.
Klobuchar was on yesterday and my wife turned the TV off, an unheard of event in our house.
I still think Trump should run for the Democratic nomination just so he can get on that stage. That would be quite a spectacle.
Of course Trump's disparagement of Boot Edge Edge has nothing to do with his age or his dweeby looks. It's just homophobic dog whistling or something.
Nope. Won't be Joe. I have it on heavenly authority that Mayor Buttgay will be the nominee due to his extremely good relations with the almighty as well as his strength of family values.
Watch this space. President Buttgay.
Still in it to win.
he heard from a lot of foreign leaders, and they want him to be President. Of course, they do...""
It's about time someone used this. I've been saying it for decades. Our representatives alone in the world negotiate against those they represent rather than the countries across the table.
Some elements of his father’s Gramsci scholarship do present enticing points of connection with Pete’s project. Gramsci did most of his work during a time of brutal defeat for the left; writing from a prison cell in Fascist Italy, he was trying to figure out how the left had lost so much ground, and what it could do while out of power to prepare for a comeback. The answer, he concluded, had a lot to do with culture—religion, civil society, literature, and intellectual work.
If culture shapes politics and economics, then what artists, intellectuals, and scholars do is absolutely crucial to any political program. Joe Buttigieg explained it this way: “Ideas matter at least as much as the direct exercise of power and frontal opposition to it.”
Pete is carrying on his father’s “long march."
Mayor Pete ended his candidacy when he said America was never that great.
And Trump has supported gay marriage longer than Buttigieg has been alive.
Trump was a hero to the gay rights movement in the 80's and 90's. Trump is uniquely placed to defeat Buttigieg.
Hillary is going to New Hampshire when all the Democrats are reading from the sacred right of Congressional oversight songsheet? Ha ha ha ha!
Oddly enough, picturing Trump in a room negotiating with President Xi doesn't really fill me with confidence either.
I'll give him credit for at least talking to North Korea, though we appear to be sliding back to the same stasis.
This is not surprising in the least. Foreign countries have their own interests.
Now here's something that actually interests me about Trump's speech: He made a point of pronouncing Buttigieg's name correctly -- exactly the way the Buttigieg campaign has pushed. I wonder if Trump watched the same announcement video I did.
Henny Trumpman.
Hilarious! Will any candidate ever do this again, this flat out simple talk like a regular person competing against foes that wish him harm. He's a braggadocious, flamboyant, billionaire who is also somehow completely unpretentious. One would think that's an impossible combo, but there he is. If he doesn't stop this stuff Democrat heads are gonna start blowing up like Jihadis on a rough road.
He’s like Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School.
I have a soft spot for Joe Biden, that amiable doofus. Our politics would be so much better and less toxic if we had a lot more Joe Bidens in the Senate and the House.
I won't vote for him but honestly I can't be mad at him either. I'm mostly disappointed or sad about what he has become -- confused, tired old man who's going to be utterly destroyed by his competition. Because (1) Biden, while a liberal, is far less ideologically left and (2) he's a white man. For this two unforgivable crimes they're going to tear him apart and he'll be humiliated. I don't care what the polls say. Biden is toast.
"Hillary is going to New Hampshire..."
Did a bag of cash fall off a Brinks truck up there?
Notice Buttigieg did not get a nickname ...
First, Trump thinks outside the PC box. Second, Trump deconstructs the secular cult and exposes its surreal interior. Third... Well, third, at the conclusion of failed witch hunts, warlock trials, prophecies, and a permissive press, the bullhorns are moderating, the occupation is ceding, the hunters are returning to their Dens, Caves, etc. Trump has the floor, and, hopefully, an unobstructed perspective. Good luck.
"Hillary is going to New Hampshire..."
The Dowager Empress of Chappaqua intends to become Queen Mother of Pemigewasset!
"Notice Buttigieg did not get a nickname ..."
Not important enough. Trump will probably keep calling him "Edge Edge" for now.
Henry said...
Now here's something that actually interests me about Trump's speech: He made a point of pronouncing Buttigieg's name correctly -- exactly the way the Buttigieg campaign has pushed. I wonder if Trump watched the same announcement video I did.
Mayor Pete wants his candidacy to be a referendum on republicans hating gay people.
Trump will treat him as an individual and turn the competition between them to accomplishments and capability. Trump is not a republican and has never bought into their stupid big government moralism.
Mayor Pete would be a good candidate against Mike Pence. Not against Donald Trump.
Mayor Pete is being set up to be VP and take on Pence for the contrast.
God I hope they replace Pence.
"I won't vote for him but honestly I can't be mad at him either."
That's because Biden has likable goofiness to him. But he's not a nice guy. That's just his manner.
Butt-edge-edge is a fraud. Take away the "awesome gayness" and he's a nobody. When he becomes older and more important, like Senator or Governor, then I'll pay attention. Now, he's just a novelty.
Buttigieg "is" a nickname. Sometimes, the jokes write themselves, and Trump knows it.
Mayor Pete is a cutie pie. That’s why he’s qualified to be president.
I read a joke somewhere (can't remember where) framing Buttigieg's candidacy as him doing anything to get out of South Bend. If I was a Dem, I'd vote for Bernie or Tulsi. It'd be very depressing if Biden was the nominee. Can the Democrats possibly be dumb enough to run another establishment, status quo candidate? Perhaps.
He should call him cutie pie. First though he has to win his lane over Mr Beto Gigol’ O’Rourke.
"when the Democrats finally make their choice and he has his target and he can finally "start this thing."
LOL! Finally make their choice??? Ugh I hate perpetual elections! Not one person has voted. Not one voter! No one will vote until January 2020. Until January 2020: Not one vote. Most normal people will enjoy the summer, plan BBQs, and ignore the news. People will talk about the Avengers, Game of Thrones, summer movies, summer travel plans, baseball, and any important weather situations.
I like the short, weeks-long election in Parliamentary systems. Call the election, fight it out for a couple of weeks. Vote. Move on. Don't discuss an election for two full years. Two years!!!
One of the things I continually pointed out during the last presidential campaign was how the Democrats liked to say Hillary was the choice of foreign leaders because she would be a better president for them. I want a U.S. President who understand that he needs to be a better president for Americans. President Donald John Trump understands that simple truth. He's not a dictator as Democrats accuse him of- elsewise they'd be in jail instead of being free to make baseless accusations. (BTW- in socialist Venezuela, highly admired by DEMOCRATS- opposition leaders are now being arrested and thrown in jail.) He's not accomplishing all that the American people would like him to accomplish because he's constrained to work within the law. Didn't bother the previous POTUS who issued unconstitutional executive orders that Trump isn't allowed to undo because courts have ruled Orange Man Bad.
Biden is running on ending coal mining and fracking in PA and giving tax cuts to wealthy Californians and Manhattanites. He is running on the Fuck You Industrial Midwest platform.
Don't discuss an election for two full years. Two years!!!
The reason why this has gotten to be so interminable is that so much is at stake. There is no fixed period between elections to Parliament. Hence the election campaign is short as the PM can call an election on a rather short notice. Thera May called a snap election and lost big
Trump is nice to Mayor Pete. Good for him. Young guy with his future ahead of him.
The two dinosaurs, Bernie and Biden, deserve all the derision.
But as noted above, Trump probably wants to run against one of them, so don't be too harsh.
Pete Buttigieg doesn’t talk much about his father’s scholarship or politics in his new memoir, [What a surprise!] Shortest Way Home: One Mayor’s Challenge and a Model for America’s Future. He briefly refers to Joe—who died on January 27 at the age of 71, having lived just long enough to see his only child announce a possible presidential run—as “a man of the left.”
He probably died with a raging hard on after hearing that! Like the guy in A Tyler Perry Funeral.
we already have an idea of how buttigieg will fare with Xi jinping.
just look at how china emasculated trudeau on the arrest of the huawei CFO.
Amy Klobuchar is not pathetic and can got to law with anybody including Xi.
roesch/voltaire try that one more time, would ya?
Gramsci is why they had to cancel Roseanne and Tim Allen’s show.
I don't think "well thought out" is in his toolkit.
Trump vs Governor Butt-a-Gogo would be a fun debate to watch. He'll never make it that far, though.
Biden, on the other hand, gets calls from Margaret Thatcher! That, my friends, is influence.
I got a letter from VP Dick Cheney once (truth) but he was alive at the time.
"There is no fixed period between elections to Parliament."
Yeah I agree. But the coverage is incessant. They could hold off until, I don't know, December 2019 at least. I don't want to hear about 30 random people who are running but won't go anywhere for a full year before anybody votes. All this coverage of they might run, they might not run. Or so and so doubled his polling lead--but in actually the guy is polling in the margin or error of zero. Ugh.
I get it sells newspapers or gets hits on websites. Fair enough. I like predicting things, but ugh.
America’s Politico said...
I don't think "well thought out" is in his toolkit
That’s why he lost to Hillary.
Trump - Live from Danno's winter bicycling headquarters. It is only 48 here in StP Minnesota today, came back too early.
I dunno. We are still in the 2016 election. The Democrats and Hillary didn't like the results and have been Stacy Abraming it ever since. So it's not too early for Trump to prep the battle space for the 2020 election.
And who knew that Joe Biden knew somebody with a Ouija board who could let him talk to Margaret Thatcher. It's nice that she's endorsed Slow Joe and told him what a bozo Trump is.
They could hold off until, I don't know, December 2019 at least.
Can you imagine the Democrat House majority actually settling down to consider some legislation that isn't about Trump?
My other point is that American politics is far more important than it was before Lyndon Johnson. The government is far too important now.
Sounds kind of collusiony.
Trump is the most interesting candidate in the Dem primary. He controls the process.
Wait until he's counter-programming the Dem debate.
Not to mention, they'll largely be debating what he says about them in his Tweets, rather than each other up there.
BERNIE: My proposal to let the Boston Marathon Bomber is NOT CRAZY. Also my healthcare plan. NOT CRAZY at all.
BIDEN: (Don't yawn, DO NOT YAWN! Oh crap, Harris is up next and I already feel a yawn coming on)
BUTTIGIEG: (Man, I'm excited to be here. Do I look too excited? Remember, America was kind of great, just not all the way great.)
Amy Klobuchar is not pathetic
Sounds like a new slogan to separate her from the pack.
Trump to 22 Dem candidates: Let's light this candle!
It's funny, it seems like he's rambling and just gesturing at passing thoughts, but the argument against his opponents is very clear and very well thought out.
Trump has never stopped campaigning. It's his favorite part of the job.
While he's been honing that ability, the Dems think he's just out talking to a bunch of yahoos.
Yahoos who just happen to be in all the states he needs to win.
Why do we have a 2 year campaign? Because there's a market for it. You're here. I'm here. A few other folk too - but not many in the scheme of things. There are enough of us to fuel a major industry - cable TV news. Except there just ain't that many of us. Scarborough is watched by 0.1875% of the population and we talk about it for a day. Putting the best light on it, assuming that the audience comprises only actual voters, the political shows reach about 5%, and they're mostly people who aren't about to be persuaded about anything.
Wanna know what the real game is? It's "Help Wanted" signs in store windows instead of "For Rent". It's your neighbor finding a job. It's you getting a raise. It's about a lot of things that ain't about politics. Peace and prosperity for the win.
Biden may be telling the truth (although I doubt it). Aren't "foreign leaders," in the main, statists? So if Trump is, say, a 5 on the Statist Scale, and Biden is an 8, wouldn't the Euros be drawn to Biden over Trump?
Because there's a market for it. You're here. I'm here. A few other folk too
There are other places where other subjects are popular. For example:
Technology and war.
Energy exports.
The Swedish economy.
That's the blog I spend more time at. No Ritmo or Inga.
It's not the only one.
Biden in the room with Xi might be better than Trump on his Twitter account.
"Chuck said...
Biden in the room with Xi might be better than Trump on his Twitter account."
Chuck, everyone's bottom.
(I'm afraid, thinking about it, as absurd as Sarah Palin doing the same)
Bill, Palin wasn't just a small town mayor, she was the governor/chief executive of a large and complex state. Absurd is a little hyperbolic, she certainly would have been better for the country than Obama turned out to be.
Chuck, like the GOP that cuckolds him, would rather China fuck us in his ass daily. And why not? He's been getting bet over and pile driven his entire life. That's why he hates Trump. Trump is what he is not. It's gotta hurt.
Chuck would sell out US industry to avoid roiling the stock market for a few days. That’s why your Republican Party is dead, Chuck.
r/V: Amy Klobuchar is not pathetic and can got to law with anybody including Xi.
So there.
BUTTIGIEG: (Man, I'm excited to be here. Do I look too excited? Remember, America was kind of great, just not all the way great.)
That was my favorite part. There is a "America Was Never Great But It Could Be" clip from The Newsroom posted on YouTube under the title "the most honest 15 minutes of television in history" or somesuch drek.
The commenters were all pretending it was so edgy and so woke, like we haven't heard this nonsense all our lives. But it happened in a fantasy movie, so the writers could direct how it would play out.
Then Candidate Buttplug tries it out in This Reality, not the Left's West Wing version, and destroys his campaign before it even gets started.
That’s why your Republican Party is dead, Chuck.
The best part comes in 2024 when Chuck implores his fellow Republicans to rally around the GOP Rino nominee for the sake of party unity.
I'm sleuthing out his address so I can ship him a cake. Already planned that out ahead of time with the caterer, the icing says:
What flavor do you prefer Chuck?
As Insty says, "Don't get cocky, kid."
That’s why your Republican Party is dead, Chuck.
Chuck's telephone booth sized branch of the GOP is recruiting a third party candidate, according to Limbaugh today. They want to run him/her in the swing states Trump won to try to throw the election to Buttplug or whatever D candidate survives.
Maybe you can recruit Bill Kristol
As mayor, Buttigieg makes South Bend Over.
Conserving Conservatism!
Its friedmans idea so its probably half wring:
Oh how about that;
BUTTIGIEG: (Man, I'm excited to be here. Do I look too excited?
I think there's an application here.
You can even try it in English
Hey now,
Pete handled himself well..bending over to get help from Sharpton.
Following up:
Good one tcrosse
Biden could work a relative or two into a lucrative consultant gig for a Chinese company..."or else!"
A long overdue "atta-girl" for your blog. Logical. Insightful. As a Southerner, Wisconsin seems very hard for me to understand. Liberal but maybe not. Union, but maybe not. But one thing is for sure: "gotta" be tough to live there, both politically and meteor-logically.
An aside: 30 years ago, in a typical Marriot "fitness room" I looked up and Tommy Thompson was on the adjacent treadmill. We had a great 30 minute conversation during the "cool down". Simply common sense.
Thanks for what you do.
good comments about Wisconsin. 30 years ago, a colleague of mine from Texas got an endowed chair at Wisconsin. Off he went. he lasted one year. I am guessing he didn't really know beforehand how it felt to go to work when it was 20 below.
The other countries are “tired of all the winning” one source averred.
Klobuchar IS pathetic. I watched her Town Hall on FoxNews yesterday... they went very easy on her. She had a lot of friendly questions seeded in the audience, yet she was so nervous her voice was tremulous and she literally could be seen shaking more than once. She also filibustered most of the questions, changing the subject to get her talking points out. She is not ready for primetime, and Trump would eviscerate her in a debate. Just as she wasn't ready for her cross examination of Kavanaugh, who made her look defensive and foolish.
Unless something drastic and true breaks against Trump, he is a shoo in for re-election.
This post is Ritmo bait. Since I'm such a charitable fella, I'll say it for him: Ann, you are being insufficiently critical of The Orange Bad Man and insufficiently supportive of that fine vintage wine of a man who will be our next president.
In short, Ann - you have garnered the #AlthouseInsufficient tag.
- Krumhorn
Of course Biden fell for the nuclear freeze against the nicaraguan resistance and every other fad of the 80
this is what you will get if you elect a virtue signalling, inexperienced guy to the highest office in the land.
Trudeau vs Xi Jinping
J. Farmer was quite the focus today while scanning comments at work, Tulsi rocks! (I guess, pretty cool compared to all the other Hawaii freaks we have).
Nice to see angry Inga and looney Chuck spewing their venom here and there.
MAGA 2020!!!
Didn't Trump already deal once with a third party candidate named Pat Buchanan, brutally, decisively, and successfully, even using an unfair smear?
What does Pete Buttigieg want, do you suppose? Sec-Def? HEW? My guess is that he would not want to be the Postmaster General.
Look, he's not going to be elected President; nor Vice-President for that matter.
In spite of what the Progs may think (or say) they want, the controversy would still be too intense and ultimately distracting during a post-primary national Presidential campaign.
Plus, the Democrats are going after a President seeking reelection, who can point to a considerable record of accomplishment. Like it or not, Buttigieg would be the perennial issue popping up throughout the campaign.
As for now, Buttigieg is already out there challenging other Democrats on their turf, so it may not be long before one or more of them gets annoyed and tries to turn the tables on him.
But why would any of the top tier candidates attack him? He's well under 10 points and seems to have already lost a few points (down to 6 or 5 points in a very recent poll).
Rule number one in primary politics used to be, "Never shoot down!"
And my guess is that it still is, especially with this crowded a field. So, neither Joe nor Bernie are going to risk attacking him. There's very little to gain in points, and, it would be risky to attack the openly gay candidate in a Democrat primary field.
Finally, when he ultimately drops out of the race, what will the headline be? Just imagine!
(By the way, that is the real reason he is not now, and never will want to be identified by his first name!)
Peter Butt*, He’s working both ends just in his name!
Per my earlier comment, above: In the latest NH poll, Buttigieg is apparently at 9, but nation-wide, he's at 5 or 6. He can't break into double digits -- even in NH. Which is why the top-tier candidates will not attack him.
On paper these guys (and gals) look ridiculous, but this is a different American electorate that that which resoundingly rejected George McGovern and elected Ronald Reagan. It is one that elects Bob Menendez, Kristen Sinema, Keith Ellison, and Jared Polis--all statewide, not in hard blue areas alone.
There is no idea too looney for an "enlightened" public to embrace--climate change, partial birth abortion, transgender nonsense, etc. etc. And it's getting worse. I don't see this being settled peacefully when one side is trying to shut down the other.
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