Pelosi is right. Trump's and Barr's blanket refusal to honor subpoenas is itself obstruction of justice.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) May 2, 2019
Note to erstwhile liberals: Any attempt to assert your rights against demands from the government will be regarded as a crime in itself.
१४२ टिप्पण्या:
OMG! Look how AUTHORITARIAN Trump is being!!!!!!
Releasing the subject of the subpoena would include grand jury matters, which would cause Barr to break the law. I'm happy to think he will follow Eric Holder's example and tell the House to FOAD.
This is about the law and authoritarianism....and the Barr investigations.
These lefties/LLR-lefties seem awfully certain about what Barr's investigations will show, don't they?
She can impeach him for wearing his tie too long. I imagine Paul Ryan is Chuckling to himself right now.
The notion that Barr refusing the House subpoena is obstruction of justice is ridiculous. So many blue-checks who are ignorant of law and unwilling or unable to do the work to get the facts straight.
With the stepped-up banning of conservative voices (e.g., James Woods recently), Twitter is rapidly becoming nothing more than an echo chamber for ignorant progressives.
Something tells me we are about to start learning in amazing detail what all these dem/lefties/LLR-lefties have been doing with their surveillance powers and selling of their govt position to the highest bidders over the last decade and during the obama admin in particular.
The dems/left/LLR-lefties declarations of "Trump--emoluments!!" Appear to be pre-emptive bits of projection for what will be exposed.
And just yesterday a brand new meme/narrative began on the left/LLR-left: Trump will "weaponize govt" against his opponents!!
Also there was another pre-emptive narrative by these lefties/LLR-lefties that somehow Trump is going to nail Jie and Hunter Biden over their Ukraine shenanigans...
.....well. THAT'S an interestingly specific "Pre-Complaint", isnt it?....
Remember when Eric Holder refused to provide documents? He was censured and the usual suspects said it was “rayceiism!”
I love AG Barr. I can hardly wait for the next IG Report, and Barr's press conference, where he ascends the podium, smiles, and simply says, "Checkmate, Morherfuckers!"
When democratics ignore subpoenas - it's all cool.
peace: " So many blue-checks who are ignorant of law and unwilling or unable to do the work to get the facts straight."
The blue-checks know the law and facts perfectly well.
They simply fear what Barr will expose.
So they are taking their LLR Chuck-approved lying to new heights.
So many dems/left/LLR-lefties have their futures and funds at risk here that I truly hope Barr and Trump have adequate physical protection.
IF, If, Barr is serious.
The swamp is behaving as if they are pisitive he is...
Submit to the eternal Hillary lost embarrassment revenge show.
Hasn't this been going on for a while? Unless I'm much mistook, Reason magazine has covered the criminalizaton of REPRESENTING alleged criminals--i.e. lawyers "conspiring" with their clients--for many years. So this is just variation on a theme.
For House Subpoena, roll on Cleric/Mage table, -2drm if Gnadless
Marshall forgot his #hangthemall hash tag.
Pelosi looks really old.
I think the collective left are terrified this thing might blow up in their faces. They have no choice but to slime Barr.
It has been said that a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich. Pelosi goes one better and has her democratic congress impeach a ham.
Where and what is the "lie" that old Pelosi is yammering on about? I'd like a complete contextual account of her accusation.
So many blue-checks who are ignorant of law and unwilling or unable to do the work to get the facts straight.
Oh no, they're just "reporting the news" that Nadler has demanded the entire report to conduct oversight and Barr refuses to do so.
It's also the news that Nadler is demanding the AG break the law and the AG refuses to do so, but that version doesn't cast Democrats in a very good light, does it?
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Where and what is the "lie" that old Pelosi is yammering on about? I'd like a complete contextual account of her accusation.
Good thing I have a coffee proof keyboard because I read that with a sip in my mouth.
I noticed that. It's great testimony to the way people these days have lost the ability to see and hear the multiple meanings in their own expression. They're so sure of the thing they want to say and secure that the people they want to communicate with think the same way that they don't perceive all the other things that are there.
Oh no, they're just "reporting the news" that Nadler has demanded the entire report to conduct oversight and Barr refuses to do so.
When did oversight become suddenly so important? They didn’t bat an eye when Hillary deleted those emails.
How is Jerry Nadler gonna enforce the subpoena that hasn't, but might one day be served on Barr??
Anyone?Anyone? Bueller?
Here's a hint. He'd refer it to the US Attorney in DC, who works for.......
Of course, Jerry Nadler does have the option to impeach Barr, which will die in the Senate.
You think fatboy Nadler has the cojones to actually do this during a presidential campaign? Perhaps, he is merely posturing at a press conference.
Barr has gobsmacked these poseurs upside the head.
Sounds like Barr is over the target.
Obstruction of oversight.
Pelosi is right. Trump's and Barr's blanket refusal to honor subpoenas is itself obstruction of justice.
The slogan of the Democrat Party has openly become "by any means necessary".
I'll say this for Nancy P - she is one good looking 79-year old woman!
The Obama administration wrote the book on ignoring and slow-walking Congressional subpoenas.
AG Holder was held in contempt of Congress for failing to respond to a House subpoena on Fast and Furious. It meant nothing.
Josh Marshall is a pretty smart guy. He has lost his mind here. This is just stupid.
Certain phrases have quickly become cant. "Hate". "Racist." "Diversity." Now "Obstruction of Justice."
When did oversight become suddenly so important? They didn’t bat an eye when Hillary deleted those emails.
When did lying to Congress become important? Wouldn't Even if she had a case, Barr would be in line behind Brennan and Clapper.
When I lived in IL, I had a neighbor come over to my house to tell me I had to stop putting kitchen scraps into my compost pile because her dogs were eating them and getting sick. I asked her how it was that her dogs were eating them. She said they were getting out of her fenced back yard and getting onto my property and I had to stop. I asked her, "Did you hear yourself just now? You are telling me I should stop doing something because your dogs are escaping your property and running loose onto my property and you want me to stop doing something on my property because you can't control your dogs." She stared at me blankly. So I told her, "How about we do this: You keep control of your dogs, and if they come onto my property I'll catch them and send them to the dog pound." (Couldn't shoot them - not rural enough.) She said that wasn't very nice...
Mueller wrote Barr a letter saying he was unhappy that Barr's summary did not fully express the "nuances," etc., of the Mueller Report.
Testifying before the Senate committee, Barr smiled and said he did not quite know what this was about.
Pelosi: "You lied! You do so know what that was about!"
Something tells me we are about to start learning in amazing detail what all these dem/lefties/LLR-lefties have been doing with their surveillance powers and selling of their govt position to the highest bidders over the last decade and during the obama admin in particular.
Battlespace prep. Wait til Horowitz' report comes out. Panic in the streets, of DC anyway.
FEAR THE BARR. This is like Hitler’s reaction too Patton’s Third Army. He blamed everybody but himself.
Now how will Pelosi ever get all her stolen cash to fit on the escape U-Boat for Argentina.
Social justice, perhaps. However, justice does not honor warlock trials. #HateLovesAbortion
But is she moist?
Only when thinking about (impeaching) Trump...
Andrew McCarthy:
Three days after Barr announced the report’s conclusions, Mueller sent his letter, undoubtedly written by his staff. Mueller could simply have called Barr on the phone, as he has done a million times; but the staff’s partisan Democrats wanted a letter, which makes for much better leak material. (The letter was, in fact, strategically leaked to the Washington Post Tuesday night, right before Barr’s Wednesday morning Senate testimony.) The day after receiving Mueller’s March 27 letter, Barr called Mueller and pointedly asked whether he was claiming that Barr’s March 24 letter articulating Mueller’s findings was inaccurate. Mueller responded that he was making no such claim — he was, instead, irritated by the press coverage of Barr’s letter. Mueller suggested the publication of additional information from the report, including the report’s own executive summaries, to explain more about why he decided not to resolve the obstruction issue. But he did not claim Barr had misrepresented his findings. (See Barr’s Senate testimony, starting at 39-minute mark.)
McCarthy goes on to explain what this BS "Lie" really is.
You can just smell the desperation.... and the insanity. Desperate people look insane.
Pelosi looks really old.
OMG she really does there. Probably an unfortunate point of the video, but still. She really should step down at the end of this term.
The Democrats have reached peak insanity. That nearly half the voters support these idiots is scary. The 22 or so announced candidates for President are truly a clown car. They have succeeded in making Trump look like one of the few adults in Washington. God help us if they ever get the power they so desperately crave.
Blogger Michael K said...
"Battlespace prep. Wait til Horowitz' report comes out. Panic in the streets, of DC anyway."
Michael, please don't make "Inga-esque" predictions.
If you have paid attention to the Dems you have seen that they actually have no purpose except the destruction of the United States from the inside of its hijacked government. They actually value that role. After all they are paid hundreds of millions for doing that by the international money flow controlling Globalist cabal and the same foreign governments our military is supposed to fight.
Trump has a plan that includes their elimination as a power on this planet. Stay tuned.
The democratics are revealing their true selves. They really are totalitarians and dictators. They are corrupt to the core. They are power seekers, and little else.
But he did not claim Barr had misrepresented his findings. (See Barr’s Senate testimony, starting at 39-minute mark.)
Graham has now invited Mueller to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his concerns.
Calling his bluff.
It time for the DOJ and FBI to start an Obstruction of Justice investigation into the Democrats. Clearly the Democrats are attempting to interfere in the investigation of the illegal spying of an opposition presidential campaign.
We need to get all their emails and telephone calls. Start pressuring subordinates and their children who have legal problems.
Yes it's coming unraveled
"If you have nothing to hide, you should ALWAYS be willing to talk to the police."
I'm pretty sure some ACLU lawyer said that.
Mueller is a coward like most Althouse trolls. He should have ordered Trump arrested and tried for numerous acts of obstruction of justice. He should have also ordered a special presidential orange jumpsuit to match his orange "bozo the clown" hair.
"Graham has now invited Mueller to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his concerns.
Calling his bluff."
Yep. The last thing Mueller wants to do is to appear anywhere under oath.
Its that French proverb, only applied to conservatives.
Note to erstwhile liberals:
Finally. But note that according to themselves this includes both centrists and moderates.
Trumpit has provided an insightful link to the Bozo the Clown wiki page.
If you are ever on Death Row, facing the electric chair, and you need some high powered legal acumen to mount a defense, it would be a tad risky to pay Trumpit a large retainer.
Calm down, Trumpit.
What do you do for a living? Are you a college professor? You talk politics like one.
That is not a compliment.
Mueller is a coward like most Althouse trolls. He should have ordered Trump arrested and tried for numerous acts of obstruction of justice. He should have also ordered a special presidential orange jumpsuit to match his orange "bozo the clown" hair.
Life would be far less amusing without Trumpit.
Every circus needs a few clowns.
What is a "Numerous acts of obstruction of justice??
Is that code for "Hillary lost and we cannot abide and Trump must pay?"
Cet animal est très méchant,
Quand on l'attaque il se défend. - Traditional
Yes that's the one, thanks.
You have to say “numerous” because that way you don’t need to give an example. It would take too much time.
Why is Mueller so butt hurt over the spin, anyway. I mean it’s not like he was just trying to score partisan points all along, was it?
Trump isn't asserting rights. He's making them up. And ruining constitutional and political precedents that preserve separation of powers and the co-equal status of all three branches in the meantime. The fact of the matter is you have no legal limit or limiting principle in mind that you'd assert against his own powers, and therefore support a lawless, theoretical tyranny whose power you can assume should only be checked by his honoring an election result that doesn't go in his favor.
I've never heard you once assert a single law or practice that he is obliged to respect or how another branch could check and balance him when he doesn't. Even the worst of the "unitary executive" theoreticians in their ivory towers don't go that far.
You really are on the abysmal Nixonian "if the president does it, it's legal" bandwagon. Pathetic.
Michael K said...
But he did not claim Barr had misrepresented his findings. (See Barr’s Senate testimony, starting at 39-minute mark.)
Graham has now invited Mueller to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about his concerns.
Calling his bluff.
5/4/19, 8:51 AM
It's really not Muellers' bluff, its the Dem's on the Judiciary Committee' bluff, isn't it?
Here is the little gem that the HACK PRESS(D) and the CORRUPT Pelosi TOTALITARIANS are missing...
“When Barr pressed him whether he thought Barr’s letter was inaccurate, Mueller said he did not, but felt that the media coverage of the letter was misinterpreting the investigation, officials said.”
Now were cooking with gas:
I have been wondering for some time whether we are going to see a spate of "former high government officials" suddenly deciding to take an extended vacation to warmer foreign climes - preferably someplace without an extradition treaty with the US.
Perhaps Trumpit can interpret the gobbledygook just posted by TICS? Is it another talking point from DNC/MSM Central?
Like run guns to the cartels arm Islamist militias (who later murdered an ambassador) but the tea party in a head lock re the irs?
The Democrats have reached peak insanity.
Not. Even. Close.
Wake me when they put the first Jew in the oven.
I have been wondering for some time whether we are going to see a spate of "former high government officials" suddenly deciding to take an extended vacation to warmer foreign climes - preferably someplace without an extradition treaty with the US.
You'll know the Republicans because they were dumb enough to believe in the system and do actual time.
They made such a stink over the Hughes loan to nixons brother which happened 15 years before Watergate while they do the bidding of soros Steyer et al, compare Robert vesco and John Corzine, they stole proportionally the same amount.
Strange.. Didn't Dollar Bill Clinton refuse? Oh, right, Democrats are special.
Hasn't 'executive privilege' been used by Presidents for many many years?
So what's the problem Nancy?
Trumpit has provided an insightful link to the Bozo the Clown wiki page.
Trumpit is the neighbor who informs the Stassi you tell jokes about Dear Leader over the dinner table, resulting in you serving life in the gulag while your children grow up in an orphanage.
Laugh at the bozo if you like, but never forget the weasel under that rubber nose.
It's really not Muellers' bluff, its the Dem's on the Judiciary Committee' bluff, isn't it?
No, Mueller, or somebody on his team, leaked the letter complaining to the WaPoo.
That leak, and complaint, is the source of the Demopcrats' hysteria.
Come on desperate liar democratics - read the whole report and subpoena Muller.
do it.
Whatever happened to the bleach-bitter who wiped Cankles' server when he defied a subpoena from Congress to appear and explain how that actual crime- destroying subpoenaed evidence- occurred and who told him to do it?
Nothing. Nothing happened to him. No consequence, no repercussions, no punishment, no justice, no peace.
Zebley muellers lieutenant represented him.
quote: "Nunes asks Central Intelligence Agency Director Gina Haspel, FBI Director Chris Wray, National Security Agency Director Paul Nakasone, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to hand over all documents they have on Mifsud by May 10."
What is "Misfud"?
The former Maltese foreign ministry official with Saudi UK Italian and Russian contacts
Nevermind - got it.
thanks, Narciso.
HoaxDemPutinCollusionDossierPPT: "Trump isn't asserting rights. He's making them up."
This is where we find ourselves now.
In other insane lefty news, Chris Hayes is literally asserting that obama's economy, which every leftist used to say was fantastico, was actually crapo but only because there was a nationwide conspiracy by US businesses and banks to keep the economy down during the obama regime.
Once Trump starts declassifying the lefty/LLR-lie filled documents exposing our would-be Stasi-types activities, they are going to go even more insane.
Its curious that the other time the name comes up is in the frederick Forsyth tale the fourth protocol, which was about a Soviet plot to being a far left govt to power in the UK,
A govt that Theresa May might very well empower
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
quote: "Nunes asks Central Intelligence Agency Director Gina Haspel, FBI Director Chris Wray, National Security Agency Director Paul Nakasone, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to hand over all documents they have on Mifsud by May 10."
What is "Misfud"?
5/4/19, 10:05 AM
Misfud could be the guy who blows up the whole FBI/CIA/IC cover story. Strangely, the guy's been missing for over two years.
I was struck at how over the top the DNC staffer with a Press pass was in the set up to her question.
"unprecedented obstruction of justice?
He could be in any of a dozen safehouse represented by any of those services mentioned above.
"Any attempt to assert your rights against demands from the government will be regarded as a crime in itself."
Couldn't be more true nor better said.
Bleachbit: "What is "Misfud"?"
He's the long time CIA and MI6 asset used by Brennan and MI6 types to setup Papadopoulis.
Mifsud has been hiding out since the election but has been located living just 1 block away from the US embassy in Rome and is being protected by the Italians.
But that jig is up.
Why is Mifsud so important?
In Mueller/Team Dem's hack report, they call Mifsud a long time Russian agent. Which is a lie. A lie that Mueller and his team knew was a lie. But that was a lie Mueller and his team of hacks have to protect, because since every other nonsensical "after the fact" rationale offered up by these Keystone Kops morons for their illegal spying on Americans and Trump has been destroyed, this is all that's left.
Nothing else exists.
Which is why Devin Nunes made the specific demand of the State Dept and CIA and FBI to give up their Mifsud info.
And it looks like Barr and Trump are going to do it.
Hence the dems/left/LLR-left going to DEFCON Eleventy(!) starting just a few days back.
They know it will be coming out, and then............
It's a rather fascinating story, and typical of il estado profundo which has a very long pedigree going back to the 48 election, where Angleton cut his teeth.
In other "happy coincidence" news, Hunter Biden has relinquished his $50k per month sinecure with the Ukrainian energy company (with deep Putin ties), a role he was offered within hours of VP Biden giving the Ukrainians a billion or so US dollars while simultaneously threatening to pull the cash from the Ukrainians unless the Ukrainians reined in one of their prosecutors who was investigating that company for corruption.
What a happy coincidence all around, eh?! What what a great and "lucky" break for Team Dem/Cash/Bidens! (why should Bill and Hillary have all the corruption fun?)
cocaine addict and "kicked out of the Navy Reserve" Hunter Balso recently announced he was going to stop screwing his dead brothers wife who he was having an affair with after his brother died but while he was still married.
Yep. We could sure use some improved "morality" in the White House.
No word yet on whether or not Biden would continue to inflict his naked-ness on female Secret Service agents if elected.
Shorter leftwing machine:
Hillary gets to be a criminal without consequences.
WE get to call Trump one in return.
BTW, Mifsud has acted as a long time trainer for CIA types in Europe.
You'd think Brennan and Comey and Clapper and Obama and Lynch and Yates et al would be smarter than to use a direct CIA/MI6 asset in this way.
But you would be wrong.
They are that stupid. And incompetent.
No wonder Putin wants the dems in power. The dems are willing to sell the US down the river in every way for a little pocket cash.
And now we are beginning to find out just how in the bag for the Chinese Biden has been and is.
Why, did you know that China is not even a "competitor" of ours?!
Biden helpfully told us that in the last 48 hours. And they certainly don't present any geo-political challenges. Heavens no.
And if you claim otherwise, why Biden and his minions will laugh and tell you the 90's called and wants its foreign policy back!!
How do you spell "Reset" in Mandarin?
It’s terrifying everything that is being thrown against Trump, his business, and his family.
From NY AG investigating his business, to Nadler, to the spying, to the mud the MSM is spewing...
I hope this over reaction causes a backlash, as happened to McCarthy.
Josh Marshall is the guy who accidentally tweeted out the porn he was watching to everyone, so maybe he's not actually all that smart.
How is Jerry Nadler gonna enforce the subpoena that hasn't, but might one day be served on Barr??
Bay Area guy points out that Barr agreed to appear voluntarily so there is no contempt for changing his mind with the House. After the Senate performance of Dems, can you blame him? But at least Barr was able to handle the feeble senators one-on-one.
Here's the gripe that the Dems and media are pushing:
William Barr “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the Mueller report by failing to give emphasis to the so called 10 areas of investigation that didn’t warrant formal prosecution. As Scott Adams said in a tweet:
“In 2019, if Dems are right about everything they believe, Trump might have almost impeded a witch hunt but didn’t.”
The push back against Barr is really about softening the sound of the other shoe that is about to drop. Namely that is about the corrupt prosecutors and cops that engineered the lying FISA warrants and used the instruments of the justice system for their own political gain.
Samantha Powers created so much suspicion with her unmasking that she eventually had to say others did it and put her name on it. Who are these others? And shouldn't they be held accountable? It demonstrates that the entire operation was done for political purposes with a media actively participating as co-conspirators.
I’m shocked Mifsud can’t be found.
Per one report he has a new identity.
His inability to be found says a lot. Stuff I thought only happened in fiction.
Very strange and troubling.
Sounds like there were multiple intel agencies involved against Trump
May be Greek
In the Democrats' America you are guilty of obstruction of justice if you defend yourself against false charges and lies. You are guilty by exercising your constitutional rights. Mao and Stalin would be mainstream Democrats today.
My understanding is that AG Bar was never subpoenaed to appear Thursday, so how can he be held in contempt? He volunteered to come and cancelled after the format changed.
Perhaps bnd remember panam 103 and the Libyans who transited tthrough Malta, his associate Stephen roh wrote a recent memoir that Lee Smith referred to.
Certainly they have bureau contacts
Paging Eric Holder.
And Pelosi looks bad.
Seeing Red: "And Pelosi looks bad."
According to the LLR's, she has never looked so dreamily magnificent.
We need to start an Althouse dead pool betting game where we pick which and when the soft coup organizers and players lawyer up, or should it be indicted. This will be fun when AG Barr starts his rat fuck orgy on these despicable pieces of shit.
There was a trick like this in the series the company based on the Robert littell book Angleton played by Keaton is counting on a certain asset which he suspects is a double agent in due course the asset ends up dead a f he is reportedly discredited some 15 years later. He discovers his colleague
Actually the associate of another Leo krinsky is the actual mole then theres the departed which was fiction because no dared run an asset into bulger's organization. But the undercover costigan Is burned by bulger's mole Sullivan (based on connelly)
TICS: "The fact of the matter is you have no legal limit or limiting principle in mind that you'd assert against his own powers.."
Why yes, yes we do. They're called (1) the entirety of Article II of the U.S. Constitution", which defines (and therefore limits) presidential powers, and (2) Congress's
power to impeach and remove the POTUS for "high crimes and misdemeanors", which may or may not include violation of his Constitutional authority.
Now, it's your turn: tell what *your* legal limit or limiting principal you have in mind that Congress has that would apply to their hounding Trump and actively seeking to bring him down.
As we've seen, Congress is only too happy to invent and yammer on about wild conspiracy theories that have turned out be unsubstantiated. e.g. Collusion with Russia.They have sought to have Barr break the law by releasing the Mueller Report in its entirety---even though they had no right to see it at all. Any of it. They have sought to have the IRS violate its own rules by demanding that Trump's tax returns be given to them---even though there is no legislative basis for those demands.
C'mon, tell us: where in the Constitution does it grant Congress the power to do any damn thing it wants??
"Josh Marshall is the guy who accidentally tweeted out the porn he was watching to everyone, so maybe he's not actually all that smart."
Gosh, I missed that. Maybe he was just sharing. Good lefties are like that.
It appears that he was following up a mocking tweet regarding Kellyanne Conway.
OK. He always was an idiot. My bad.
Napoleonic law. Not good.
From Insta:
SEEN ON FACEBOOK: “Barr is investigating Democrats. Democrats call for Barr to resign. According to Nadler, that’s obstruction of justice!”
Trumpit is way off his meds again, I see. He used to be at least slightly in touch with reality for a while, but he's off the deep end again.
“I’m shocked Mifsud can’t be found.
Per one report he has a new identity.
His inability to be found says a lot. Stuff I thought only happened in fiction”
My memory is that he showed up in Italy, I believe, a month or so ago, after having disappeared for two years, supposedly fearing for his life. That always sounded a bit odd. Why would he be fearing for his life, while no one else, and esp his buddies Downer and Halper were fearing for theirs?
I think that the answer to that question is that Mifsud was being sold as a Russian asset, while everyone knows that the other two are western intelligence agency assets. The plot wouldn’t have worked if they couldn’t have sold Mifsud as a Russian asset, since he was the one who supposedly told the Papadopoulos that the Russians had Crooked Hillary’s bleach bitted emails. It wouldn’t have worked if, for example, he had been touted as working for MI6. By the time that Downer stepped in, it was safe to use western intelligence assets, since he and his female assistant were just innocently asking the Papadopoulos what he knew.
The problem though is that Mifsud just has way too many ties to western intelligence, maybe even teaching western block spies, including our own. And photos of him with Downer, Halper, and numerous other European intelligence assets. And if it can be shown that he was not Russian, but instead mostly worked for some NATO country, top officials in both the DoJ and FBI lied not just by omission (what they left out), but also by commission to the FISA court to get the Carter Page FISA warrants. Overt lying like that is easier to prove, since lying by omission allows the defense of immateriality.
A light went off awhile back while reading an involved document that used facial recognition to tie a bunch of people together, ranging from Nellie Ohr and Glen Simpson at Fusion GPS to Halper, Mifsud, and Downer, that there was a significant likelihood that this was a push/pull operation with Mifsud giving Papadopoulos the email information, and Downer reeling him in, getting him to admit to it. Voila, instant collusion between Trump and Russia, invented out of thin air by the western IC, which means that it was a CIA operation. This is how spies operate, not criminal investigators.
Interestingly, it looks like it was Pencil Neck himself, Adam Schiff, who first disclosed that Mifsud was a Russian spy, by leaking parts of the classified Carter Page FISA warrant application to the MSM.
"Note to erstwhile liberals: Any attempt to assert your rights against demands from the government will be regarded as a crime in itself."
So, erstwhile liberal law prof emerita, what do your former fellow liberals have to do for you to revile them once and for all, to reject any of their nice-gay-couple-on-the-cover overtures, to keep them out of power henceforth?
The guy who tweeted the porn, that was someone else wasn't it? Tentacle porn. The same guy who accused someone of attempted murder because a gif they linked sent him into convulsions. I think Ace used to mock the guy for awhile.
it's like a Ludlum tale, not some of the latter ones that lustbader came up with. although the one set partially in Qatar was on point, it was written before Islamic state got officially underway, the villain was an Iranian, who ran an outfit called the tomorrow people, the head of counter terrorism for the qataris was an enabler of the group, much like some of the fundraisers for nusra front, who worked for their ministries of defense and interior,
kurt eichenwald, Michael tracey who is rather merciless on his fate, another prog who hasn't any love for the deep state, is the one you're speaking of,
narciso said...
Now were cooking with gas:
Not if radical environmentalists/Democrats have their way. Ann posted about it the other day- cooking with gas is bad for the environment.
Something else to consider whenever Obstruction of Justice is discussed is that the Mueller investigation was intentionally set up and run in order to delay investigations into DoJ and FBI wrongdoings, and it worked. While it was running, the IG investigation into spygate/FISAgate was frozen (which is probably why OIG reports that were scheduled for last August are now scheduled for May/June of this year). Moreover, whenever anyone who was, or had been, working for the FBI testified before Congress, they had an attorney minder sitting at their elbow, preventing them from discussing related to Russian collusion. Every one of them. You read enough transcripts, and it becomes apparent that everyone knew that Russian collusion was off the table, due to an ongoing investigation- the Mueller investigation.
BUT well before all those Congressional interviews last fall, the Mueller investigators knew, with a certainty, that there had never been any collusion between the Trump team and the Russians. The Mueller team was preventing investigation into anything Russian collusion related by claiming to be investigating it themselves, long after they knew that there hadn’t been. And since investigating Russian collusion was the formal excuse given for much of the wrongdoings in the FBI and DoJ, the Mueller team were intentionally preventing investigation of that FBI/DoJ wrongdoing. Why isn’t that Obstruction of Justice? - esp since it is highly likely that they delayed investigations that are going to result in felony indictments, as well as stipulated admissions of guilt.
Of course, Obstruction of Justice was almost assuredly the primary purpose of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation in the first place, as well as the ensuing Mueller investigation. Top people in the DoJ and FBI had committed felonies. Which would have been fine if Crooked Hillary had been elected. All would have been forgotten, since they had done it for her benefit, and they obvious had enough dirt on her to make her life difficult (the FBI was essentially built by J Edgar Hoover through political blackmail). But she lost, and the felonies had been committed trying to make that not happen. Hence Crossfire Hurricane and the Mueller investigation.
Asians Harassed in D.C. for Wearing MAGA Hats Were North Korean Defectors
Mueller is most likely not going to appear to answer questions publicly. It is just too easy to make him look really bad in public. I think it was all a bluff by the Democrats- they don't really want him appearing either.
I hate to admit that I know this (thanks, Google), but both Eichenwald (tentacle porn) and Marshall (a sapphic duo) tweeted out stuff that showed that they had been looking at porn. Marshall said he was surprised from the reaction that so few Twitter users looked at online porn. NTTIAWWT.
I think, in hindsight, it is obvious what the plan was- get a special counsel, hire a bunch of rabid Clinton supporters to run it, and get Mueller and the team fired in the Summer of 2017. It is the only rational explanation for Mueller's tactics and staffing decisions- he wanted to get fired. As the Administration continued to hand over documents without a fight, and as Mueller and his team continued to not be fired, the tactics were ramped up, ultimately culminating in that pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone for the crime of lying to Congress to hide how much full of shit he had been the entire election season of 2016. When that didn't get Mueller fired, he closed up shop with the new AG coming to town.
it's tmi granted, but marshall has let his forum for trig denialism, going back further he thought porter goss was going to jail, re the whole randy Cunningham/dusty foggo matter, eichenwald has been dissembling since the big Texaco human resources story in 1996, and he covered for islamists, in his war and piece sized tome re 9/11. so karma does prevail,
"Samantha Powers created so much suspicion with her unmasking that she eventually had to say others did it and put her name on it. Who are these others? And shouldn't they be held accountable? "
How can they be held accountable if we aren't willing to hold Samantha Powers accountable?
Why are we even buying that excuse? "Hey Secret Service, someone else sent tbose threatening letters from my computer, not me"
they've pulled this trick since Watergate, they have some brahmin or mere wasp mandarin, Archibald cox, Lawrence walsh, Robert meuller, they hire like minded staff kreindler, (who my friend clarice defeated on appeal) toobin, who has gone on to creepier things, and the assorted outriders, Weissman, zebley, etc, and it's all kosher,
Bruce has it summed up nicely.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Submit to the eternal Hillary lost embarrassment revenge show.
That is wrong.
This goes so far past Hillary losing. The Obama administration committed treason and sedition a dozen times over. What is publicly known at this point in undeniable.
They literally worked with foreign agents to unseat a legally elected president. Steele is a foreign agent. Hillary paid him money. The FBI paid him money. There are a half dozen foreign agents listed on the FBI payroll. They worked with four contractors to spy on and incriminate a political opponent. They gave these contractors access to NSA surveillance material.
They know the proper punishment for what Obama and Hillary and all their minions did is hanging by the kneck until dead.
I imagine getting Mifsud to DC to testify is going to a bit like the movie "The Gauntlet"
YW: "Mueller and his team continued to not be fired, the tactics were ramped up, ultimately culminating in that pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone for the crime of lying to Congress to hide how much full of shit
he had been the entire election season of 2016. When that didn't get Mueller fired, he closed up shop with the new AG coming to town."
There are reports that Weismann and his henchman were setting up a scenario where every conceivable FUTURE LEGAL action by Trump for the duration of his Presidency could be characterized as obstruction of justice under the Mueller/Weismann bastardization and weaponization of the law.
Further, Weismann apoarently had every intention of going after Don Jr, Don Jrs ex-wife, Ivanka and Jared, Eric Trunp and his wife for made up violations in front of friendly obama judges.
I have no doubt at all Rosenstein would have let it happen.
But instead, Barr shows up, turns on the real oversight light and sent those lefty cockroaches scrambling.
there was an episode of airwolf along those lines, g Gordon liddy played the congressman who was trying to stop the witness from testifying,
Democrats probably don’t have time to wreck the economy. All they have left is sedition and calumny.
Barr will be the particular target of Democrat calumny because he has their lying asses in his sights and because they never tire of poking the bear. Ride on, Bill. Please!
worst self-selected Elite ruling class Ever,
worst women's movement leadership ever,
Best Economy since ever,
Loveliest WhiteHouse women since ever,
I continue twirlin in my parade, and this toots up the horns nicely, like perhaps all the posts this morning.
Amadeus 48- Thank you for your clarification. Keeping tabs on Democrat party members who are perverted degenerates can be confusing and time consuming.
Toxic leftism
If they could the Dems would subpoena the economy to slow it down, and then charge it with colluding with Trump to influence the 2020 election.
Except the legislative branch doesn't "do" justice--it's not their function. Further, I'm not convinced they have power of subpoena under the constitution.
"Note to erstwhile liberals: Any attempt to assert your rights against demands from the government will be regarded as a crime in itself." Sounds like our hostess is finally getting the nature of statist pseudo-liberalism.
I'd like to hear what Chuck and Inga think about this?
Could the two of you please respond with your opinions?
Or, Could you as soon as they get delivered to you?
One way, or the other; I'd like to hear what you two have to say
They are not liberals.
They are Leftist Collectivists.
And the goal is power for power's sake, BAMN.
Never forget that.
And I am not a capitalist.
Karl Marx cannot define me from beyond the grave.
I favor free markets and free people.
I am a liberal, therefore.
even Andrew Sullivan thought he was crazy:
“There are reports that Weismann and his henchman were setting up a scenario where every conceivable FUTURE LEGAL action by Trump for the duration of his Presidency could be characterized as obstruction of justice under the Mueller/Weismann bastardization and weaponization of the law.”
This is the Weissman/Wittes Obstruction interpretation that Mueller’s prosecutors were so butt hurt wasn’t put out in front, along with the bottom line that there was no Russian collaboration nor Obstruction of Justice. This was in the 20 pages that were in the 600 page report, but not the 4 page summary. They didn’t like that AG Barr had not deigned to see fit to use their executive summaries. Too bad. So sad. They are lucky that they got what they got out of Barr. He would have been within his rights to have just deleted those 20 pages, as irrelevant, since the DoJ had adopted Barr’s mainstream interpretation.
As I said earlier, how do the Mueller prosecutors get to utilize that interpretation, when under their own interpretation (and even more mainstream interpretations), they are the ones Obstructing Justice by keeping their investigation open well beyond its useful life just to protect DoJ and esp FBI executives from being investigated for their FISA related crimes. Why do they get to pick who gets to interpret the Obstruction statutes aggressively, and who doesn’t? They weren’t elected. They are, at best, mid level DoJ employees, not even given significant discretion that they would have had as principal officers, which they are not. The hypocrisy is deafening.
Curiously, so far Trump has not ignored any supoenas compared to Obama who's admin ignored a shit-ton.
Erstwhile liberals live in a world where everything is relative and there is no required logical connection between propositions if such connection contradicts what is believed.
If Donald Trump and Barack Obama did the exact same things under the same circumstances, they would have no problem at all asserting that the former did something criminal while the latter was justified and correct. Repeat ad nauseam between any persons or groups the left likes versus those it does not. It is a very complete system of thought, but it is inconsistent, inconstant, and insane.
Pelosi, in that video still, looks like a waxwork. When are some of these people going to pay the piper?
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