My father was an avid turkey hunter here in Tennessee, but his observation was that he would see dozens of them out season, and the day before hunting season started, they disappeared.
Yancey Ward said... My father was an avid turkey hunter here in Tennessee, but his observation was that he would see dozens of them out season, and the day before hunting season started, they disappeared.
What do you do If someone grabs away your property, OR there is a breach of agreement of sale OR You are planning to buy a property and you wish to know if there is a claim or objection to the said land, Of course you approach an advocate. As per the situation demands he may sometimes ask you to Public Notice Ad in Newspaper. Now what do you do? you don’t want to spend thousands of rupees on Newspaper ads just for placing a legal notice but at the sometime you also want to fulfil the formality. How do we help you?
We could talk about politics, but we always do that, and Althouse finds much of it either boring or click-bait.
We could talk about religion -- generally, in the West, religion has been a force for good. Islam? Not so much. Buddhism? Well, a little esoteric.....
We could talk sports.
We could talk science.
We could talk philosophy -- I'm still reading this "Trial of Socrates" by IF Stone (likely a Commie). In essence, Socrates used to wander around the streets of Athens, irritating people and asking questions, like, "How do you really know that?" He didn't write anything himself, which, to me, makes him suspect. Maybe, Plato is creating the image of Socrates in a way, Plato perceived him, not as Socrates actually was.
We could talk real estate. It's very expensive in the Bay Area. If you own a home, you are de facto rich. If you don't own a home, well, you may be a lifetime renter, not a rentier.
We could talk law - but superfluity does not vitiate.
If there wasn't sex, Trump really needs to get that $130K back. That is quite an over-payment. Avenatti probably took half. Cohen probably got a cut too.
Yancey Ward remembers: My father was an avid turkey hunter here in Tennessee, but his observation was that he would see dozens of them out season, and the day before hunting season started, they disappeared.
Animals aren't stupid. When we had a large acreage in the mountains, deer would know when hunting season was starting and they would hang out in our yard. It was a 'sanctuary city'. I'm certainly not against hunting but we didn't hunt and the deer must have known it.
Okay. Well, okay, politics sports. Well, okay, okay, politics in sports news, really, but it's juicy. ESPN takes a knee- fans do not want us to cover politics
These are the same kinds of people who don't understand why we voted for Trump. They are thick beyond measure.
Okay. Well, okay, politics sports. Well, okay, okay, politics in sports news, really, but it's juicy. ESPN takes a knee- fans do not want us to cover politics
Well, seriously though; Who COULD HAVE EVER predicted that? I mean, If half the people in the country didn't vote; and half of those that did vote, voted for Trump... wouldn't you just ASSUME That WHAT sports fans Wanted; was to have ex-jocks talk about how much they hated Trump? That isn't what people were looking for? Who knew?
They are and they aren't. Sure, they don't really understand why we voted for Trump, nor do they care. But the execs knew very well that we despise their politics, and the politicization of sports on ESPN. But the deplorables still have a bit or market power.
OK, I took my walk. It dropped from 90 to 65 overnight after a short T-storm, and it was much nicer than yesterday. Today we have a brisk wind, blue skies and lower humidity. Yesterday, the Siberian was struggling on the beach, and today she was pretty happy to go a couple of miles up and back. Not the best day for picking up shark's teeth though, I only found 15.
Last thread Freeman Hunt used the expression "yelling into a hole".
I've always assumed what it meant by the context surrounding it, but I wanted a precise definition to be sure my response was relevant, and my GoogleFu failed me.
All I got was this and alot of people talking about golf (get in the hole!).
Lil help?
Also, anyone noticed that Google has been broken for a few years? There was a time I could search "campy fantasy movie with dumb x-sword" and get 30 precise hits. Now all I get is an Amazon advert for a blender and 30 completely unrelated suggestions.
CBS was roundly [and justifiably] criticized for showing a post-round interview rather than the pivotal shot Koepka had to make to save his round for the win. Who'da thunk that, when we tune into a major golf tournament, we'd rather see GOLF than INTERVIEWS!
ICTA asks: btw-- did you cross the border legally? How's the trip?
Will be crossing into Canada tomorrow. Got my vehicle serviced today and will have my firearm shipped to Tok so I can pick it up as soon as I hit Alaska. Weather has been wet and cold for the most part but the trip is fine otherwise.
The Woman wanted to do an experiment to see if tin-foil helmets would prevent us from reading each others' minds, until I showed her this article about how the government uses tin-foil helmets to spy on people.
You guys remember that dumb sword, right? It was like two blades welded together to form an X shape and he could shoot one of them off the sword for a ranged attack.
“So apparently Adam Shiff wants to impeach Trump so he can figure out why he did it.”
The answer there is $$$$$$$$. I saw this earlier today. Might have been here, and if it was, I apologize in advance to those whom this bores. The Dems, from Speaker Palsi are stuck right now between a rock and a hard place. Their fringe wacko moneybags, like Tom Steyer and George Soros bought the last election through a combination of massive advertising and a lot of cheating, facilitated by Soros having bought election officials by the bushel around the country. They hate Trump with a white hot passion. They are demanding Impeachment probably only because drawing, quartering, flaying, and implement are currently not quite acceptable, yet, in this country. And the biggest recipients of that largess, those bribes, are the committee chairs looking into ways to impeach Trump, led by Pencil Neck Schiff himself. My memory is that he raked in almost $7 million in campaign contributions last year. They are going after Trump with an unholy vengeance, because that is what they were paid, and paid handsomely, to do.
Those deep pockets bought Palsi her new, no doubt oversized, Speaker’s gavel. But she got it by the Dems electing a lot of Trump district freshman Dems to Congress. If they impeach before they have anything that the broad American public would see as High Crimes and Misdemeanors, the Dems can probably say goodbye to their House majority, and probably the Presidency next year.
They recently have cranked up their subpoena machine requesting mountains of documents and large numbers of interviews under their oversight authority. But they have several problems there. First and foremost, much of what they are requesting has little if anything to do with legitimate oversight. Instead, it is aimed at finding crimes purportedly committed by Trump and his family. Which is not oversight, but a fishing expedition, which is not a legitimate Congressional purpose. And then Trump has ordered that a lot of what they want is covered by Executive Privilege. Sure, some will be pried loose through litigation, but it is going to be slow going. Very slow.
The wackos who bought this House majority want action now, and that means impeachment before probable cause of wrongdoing has been obtained. It would, maybe make discovery by the House easier because the rules for impeachment investigations are broader than for oversight investigations. But with it comes the argument by Trump and the Republicans that it was a fishing expedition, but also that the Dems are cheating. Part of our Anglo/American jurisprudence model is that probable cause comes first. Moreover, they are the ones who refused to allow an orderly transition of power after Trump won, and now essentially demanding a do over, based solely, it seems, on OrangeManBad. Americans don’t like cheaters, esp when it means negating their ballots. But it doesn’t appear that Palsi has the power to prevent what she surely knows will doom her to a one term Speakership, while almost guaranteeing Trump a second term.
Wow! You got the first pic of the Dem's 23rd Candidate.
Read an interesting article that the Dems had already written 2020 off.
Biden will be the sacrificial lamb to keep down-ticket races from getting swamped, and the other 23 dwarves are only in it to increase their speaking fees as a "former Presidential candidate" and get name recognition for 2024.
But it doesn’t appear that Palsi has the power to prevent what she surely knows will doom her to a one term Speakership, while almost guaranteeing Trump a second term.
How can the GOP not capitalize on the Dem's not doing the people's work and flip the House back?
I'm still reading this "Trial of Socrates" by IF Stone
I read that 30 years ago, and all I remember is that Stone was horrified that Socrates didn't care for democracy, per Plato, and wondered if people would still revere him if they knew that.
I’ve noticed that also about search engines. Amazon’s is absolutely the worst. Search for a men’s black belt, 32 inches and you get 12,000 results and half are not belts. Of the half that’s left 99% don’t meet the search criteria. I’ve started using another search engine to get results on amazon and use that.
My mother is an avid genealogist. She is a very old lady now, but very sharp and she has developed some interesting contacts - such as in the Spanish Ministry of Defense. Granted, our tribe has some colorful cases, so this hobby has amused her.
A couple of weeks ago she turned up something truly odd. Now, we have thought for some time that one branch (on my mothers side) was descended from a Turk. This was my late great uncles pet theory. This, it turns out, is true, in spades.
It seems we are descendants of the prophet Mohammed, sayyids, by way of the House of Ali, by way of a family of noble Turks granted military fiefdoms (timars), by way of a Turkish general and a sometime Pasha of Smyrna, killed holding an Ottoman fortress in what is now Moldavia against Catherine the Great, in 1770.
His son was born of a Spanish lady captured by the Turks and eventually deposited in the Pashas sergalio (the theme of a thousand romance novels and that opera by Mozart). Eventually the boy and his cousin, disaffected by Islam, decamped for Marseilles, and took service with the Bourbon monarchies of France and Spain. Both converted to Christianity and seem to have prospered and found favor.
The information comes by way of a petition, dated 1806, to the Emperor Napoleon, asking for intervention in a French lawsuit on behalf of the ex-Turk, concerning an inheritance, which contains a summarized personal history.
Granted, it is possible that this account is a bit over-egged. And there is no shortage of sayyids, syeds, saids. Its funny though to think of even a very distant kinship with, say, Sayyid Qutb.
The December, 2017 testimony from disgraced FBI agent Andrew McCabe has been released. It's full of contradictions. The guy was really too full of himself.
He should have eaten his barrel. In fact, I'm kinda surprised none of these agents have been suicided.
They recently have cranked up their subpoena machine requesting mountains of documents and large numbers of interviews under their oversight authority. But they have several problems there
When the Dems have dug themselves a deeper hole, President Trump is going to "buckle." By "buckle" I mean he will unleash his people to appear. By then President Trump will have had time to work with Republicans on the committee to corordinate their questions. (shh,big secret, Republicans get to ask questions) Those question will be directed at the witnesses concerning the collusion of all the govt actors participating in the soft coup. Think of the theater of Hope Hicks explaining the evidence the President has seen proving Obama was leading the agencies to spy on his campaign. Hicks laying out the foreign intel agencies involved, and why the Italian intel agency had a resignation of 6 of their top management chiefs.
Why has Mueller dropped out of the Democrat Talking points? Nadler figured out Republicans are going to corner him to an exact time he knew the conspiracy with Russia was a frame up. (Weeks not years) The Republicans are going to grill him on Mifsud, and why Mueller claims he was working with the Russians, when he works with Britain all the time. Republicans have a lot more information they want from Mueller.
@mocktortoise Will be crossing into Canada tomorrow.
Sneak in! If you get caught, say you are a refugee, or better yet, a celebrity who promised to move to Canada if Trump got elected. Let us know how that goes;-)
...In an interview conducted on Sunday morning, Deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek opined that if only her party had more time to explain to the various groups how much they’d all benefit from Labor’s plans, Australians would have realized how fortunate they’d be with a Labor government, and Shorten would’ve become Prime Minister. Such attitudes are patronizing, for they implicitly serve to place blame at the feet of voters, who apparently are too ignorant to know what’s good for them....
"You've never tasted what a mushroom is supposed to taste like until you tasted a morel mushroom."
I worked on a neighbor's farm as a kid. They invited me to a Sunday morning brunch featuring scrambled eggs, sausage and butter fried morels. Best brunch ever.
In the 60s there was an airline pilot rebuilding his SeaBee (amphibious airplane) where I flew out of. Lots of weekend pilots and loiterers milling around. He had a large cardboard box set up, with the magic marker legend, "Suggestions, Questions, Advice: Speak into Box"
It seems we are descendants of the prophet Mohammed
That's nuthin'!! I've recently learned that I'm a genetic carrier for hemochromatosis. The Celtic Curse.
"So what!", you say??
To this day, the only cure for the Celtic Curse is blood-letting. We've all seen the paintings of blood-letting. The red-n-white pole in front of barber shop down the street is a representation of blood-letting.
I've always wondered why someone would believe that blood-letting was a good idea. I just didn't know that the answer was looking at me in the mirror.
It’s the hunters who can’t read the calendar, early bird gets the worm, as they say. I sometimes hear the discrete report of a pre-season gunshot around here.
Once I remember when a light snow fell, first of the season, in the late after noon, and then bang, after deer season was over. I just figured the snow made finding that buck pretty easy all of a sudden. If it were up to me the season on deer would never close.
Daniel Greenfield AKA Sultan Knish, pointed this out. Schiff fundraising in 2016 = below $1 million, in 2018 = $6.25 million. Swalwell 2016 $1.9 million to $3 million. Mad Max Waters $729,ooo in 2012 to $1.5 million. Squeaky wheels getting grea$ed. A feed merchant in the turkey zone we hunted said the turkeys would take corn from a rattled coffee can by a fellow we saw doing so, with his terrier sitting on an adjacent woodpile not 10 feet away, but would not show up around anyone wearing camo. The hunted get educated quick.
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, subpoenaed former White House communications director Hope Hicks and an aide to former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify before the panel.
The subpoenas direct Hicks to turn over documents by June 4 and testify on June 19.
It is 35 pages, written as a series of 1 or 2 pages observations ("Summary" then "Detail"), with all this phony, baloney spy-lingo, jargon gobbledygook.
1. None of it signed by the supposed author ("Chris Steele") 2. It has 6 anonymous sources (Source A - Source G), sprinkled amidst all these Russian names. 3. It has double and triple hearsay. "Source A said that Ivan Romanov said that Boris Nokitoff said that..." 4. It elevates Michael Cohen as some mastermind plotter, who engineered secret meetings with Russian oligarchs in Prague -- a demonstrated lie. 5. It claims Carter Page had these secret meetings with Russian spies, although Page was exonerated by Mueller. 6. It mentions Manafort, who was nailed for several things, but nothing to do with Russian collusion. 7. It suggests not only that Russian whores peed on a hotel bed, but that there were tapes of the event (which have never surfaced.).
In sum, no sane person reading this would give it any credence. It is one man's spy novel fantasy of all these events and people, most of which are unprovable, some have which have been proven false. Think of the ending of The Usual Suspects with Kaiser Sosay. A made-up story.
And yet it was used by Comey's FBI to con a Judge into authorizing a warrant to spy on US citizens and the Trump campaign.
The kavalec memo says Steele relied on surkov and truibnikov, the first wouldn't give a burnt spy the time of day, the other was helpers associate which raises it's own issues.
Kavalec as pointed out was stationed in Moscow at the same time as Steele. Steele along with his future associate burrows and superior Charles farr, were all burned by Tomlinson
Further reflections on GoT: Emilia Clarke said she prepped for her big speech to the massed soldiers by studying Hitler's speeches. Why does every dictator have to be Hitler? Why can't some dictators be modelled on Lenin or even Napoleon? I think in some ways Dany is closer to Napoleon than to Hitler. Napoleon thought he was a neo-Charlemagne when he was in fact a proto-Mussolini. Morever, Napoleon convinced many of the leading intellectual lights of his time that his bloody wars were fought for high moral purpose. Making Daenerys into a Hitler figure overly simplified the ambiguity of her motivvation. Also, I think to dramatize how seductive her power was, she should have worn a see through white gown instead of that black leather thing. As a matter of fact, that should have been her trade mark garment.
More like Darth Vader or admiral hux of the first order (Benioff and Weiss, are moving next on to star wars, more to the point nenioff wrote a novel based on the siege of leningrad, based on a novel by kurzio malaparte kaputt.
memorize that phrase, from my pal Georges Bernanos, if you plan to spend any significant amount of time with aging older baby boomers. It is a good phrase to use around the not-quite religious who are not so far gone as to not want to hear about the POWER OF PRAYER.
right now, the 1940s cohort, with some exceptions like Trump, and I guess a few lucky hundreds of thousands - maybe, if we are being generous, a million or so - of other lucky older people, feels, most days, very old and they need the kindness that the young should show to the old - for example, they remember the phrase "the hostess with the mostest", or other phrases no longer current, and they wonder- where did those days go ---- why do those days seem so long ago - ????
and the people who are even older than that - the people who are older than people born in the late 40s - also need lots of concern and care from those of us still blessed with youth and energy. !!!!
if you are one of those people who avoid old people because they depress you:
Wake up!
Also, go to church, and participate in the public praise of our Lord. It is not easy to understand other people, and such an action on your part will help you understand.
you know this if you know poor people ---- anyone who owns a staircase, or who gets to spend time at a place with a staircase, is lucky.
That is one example of why Martin Luther King was a great speaker, he knew that.
if you were poor you know this: only rich people or people who are charging lots of coin to visit their establishments have stairs. Poor people just ain't wanted in places that are hoity toity ,or at least kind of hoity toity, anyway, with stairs and staircases.
The spezzatura of the Southern preachers of yesteryear is amazing. I remember. A forgotten art for many, but not forgotten by all of us.
Faith is like good food after years of binging on Fritos and Coke.
Good old Chesterton. I think the fact that people will believe in anything is amply proven by religion itself, so the cleverness is more apparent than real--as so often with GKC.
And of course, it's just lazy thinking to elide not believing the claims of revealed religion with not believing "in something." Forex, I believe in my own intelligence and rationality, more than I believe anything anyone else has ever told me . . . I have empirical evidence of my own intelligence and rationality.
It appears that the Remainer Torys have digested the polls and are beginning to walk away from May towards a No Deal Brexit. Farage’s statement that he could no longer trust Boris has precipitated a rout in the Tory party. It looks like they know they will lose on Thursday and have shifted their attention to the next general election. They probably hope to blunt Farage’s momentum and, a la McCain, pretend to be something they are not to hold onto power. Quelle surprise!
1.come to have or hold (something); receive. "I got the impression that she wasn't happy" synonyms: acquire, obtain, come by, come to have, come into possession of, receive, gain, earn, win, come into, come in for, take possession of, take receipt of, be given; More
2. succeed in attaining, achieving, or experiencing; obtain. "I need all the sleep I can get"
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has put up just 1.7 miles of fencing with the $1.57 billion that Congress appropriated last [fiscal] year for President Donald Trump’s wall along the Mexican border, a federal judge was told.
1,300 miles of border wall yet to be built will therefore cost $923,500,000 per mile or $1.2 trillion (I think) for the entire wall, not counting inflation - over the the next 765 years. I guess this building project is tougher than Trump's infamous rebuild of a Central Park ice skating rink 33 years ago.
And us oldtimers were appalled by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's $437 hammers. $37 screws, $640 toilet seats and $7,622 coffee makers which seemed a bit high in 1983.
I have empirical evidence of my own intelligence and rationality.
Then why do you misunderstand Chesterton? People have spiritual needs, a hunger to be satiated, like any other appetite. If they try to suppress that appetite it will simply manifest in other ways, often more dangerous. Look at how many atheists worship Marxism or Climatology. Or their mirrors.
Organized religion has it's flaws, certainly. But the ones who think they are smart and rational enough to go their own way usually wind up caught up in something culty. Getting conned while smirking at everyone else "for being marks".
Althouse: I'm deleting all comments about the paywall. I know there's a paywall. We all do.
No, we don't. Nowhere do you warn us your link leads to a paywall. How about extending the courtesy of a warning so you don't waste OUR time. Or do you even think about people other than yourself?
Now, say something interesting and relevant. Don't be boring!!
When did you become such a censorous Nazi. Deleting 3 posts because we are "not allowed" to complain about an article being behind a paywall? Go fuck yourself.
I think the fact that people will believe in anything is amply proven by religion itself, so the cleverness is more apparent than real--as so often with GKC.
I’m an atheist and I think that Chesterson had a solid point. Better to believe in something that has worked over the years to provide a decent society.
When did you become such a censorous Nazi. Deleting 3 posts because we are "not allowed" to complain about an article being behind a paywall? Go fuck yourself.
I’d rather occasionally have a comment deleted for a clearly defined reason related to an editorial perspective than the POV deletions that you see so many places.
Definition of a "first world problem": visiting an article via a link on a blog, and finding out that it's behind a paywall.
Yes, that is painful, but there's far greater suffering in the world. Count your blessings.
Incidentally, sometimes you can get past a paywall by going to the article via the link, and quickly doing a Ctrl-A and then Ctrl-C before the paywall covering appears. Then paste the content in a Word document.
Another option is to read a synopsis or analysis of the article by a blogger and her commenters, while expressing gratitude for the free service.
Forex, I believe in my own intelligence and rationality, more than I believe anything anyone else has ever told me . . . I have empirical evidence of my own intelligence and rationality.
There was a large peacock strolling up the center of the street yesterday when I took the beagle out for her 6 a.m. constitutional. The beagle was fascinated and a little intimidated. Wish I’d had my camera ready!
Nope, Narr is short for narrledudh. And the German word has an irony I like.
Do you think "you're a narcissist!" and "everyone longs for some spiritual something or other!" or "be careful, you'll end up in a cult, like my cousin Ina's boy!" are effective arguments FOR religious faith? (Paraphrasis for time.)
FYI I find lefties in general and Marxists in particular to be fairly cretinous in mind and person. I try to pick my company carefully, and I like most of the commenters here, even some of those who are, at the moment, most determined to put me in my place (how's that for an apt possessive?)
BTW, Holland's Shadow of the Sword/Crescent(maybe there was an American and a British title?) is really excellent on that Middle Eastern sorting-out, I'm glad someone else has read it.
There was a large peacock strolling up the center of the street yesterday when I took the beagle out for her 6 a.m. constitutional. The beagle was fascinated and a little intimidated. Wish I’d had my camera ready!
Peacocks are intimidating. My sister had a bunch of them for years. They were beautiful but noisy and they pecked compulsively at windows. Overall, a real PITA.
Peacocks are LOUD. There's a small pride(?) in an enclosure on a small business campus a few blocks away, but when the wind is right they can be heard a long way; we have at least two species of owl that call loudly in the evenings, and a few years ago--
I'll never forget (it was like a spiritual experience!) walking late one damp autumn evening, when I realized that I was literally right under an enormous flock of ducks or geese heading south; I finished my walk and stood outside listening to the thrumming rustling roar maybe 150 feet above my head for another half-hour, and they were still going over when I went inside.
I always put "NYT" or "WaPo" in parens or elsewhere near any link to these places. Who doesn't know that means you'll be dealing with a paywall? The warning is there. If you don't realize "NYT" or "WaPo" are sites that make money through subscriptions, why would you be reading this blog? 1. I link to these sites just about every day (at least), 2. It's basic common knowledge that you'd have to be out of it to find surprising, 3. This blog is hard enough to read that I presume all readers are intelligent.
So I think the underlying idea is really: I think you should link to trashier places. But that's not the Althouse blog.
So I just don't think you like this blog, and that makes me interpret posts taking up the reader's attention with talk of the paywall to be trolling. Trolling, as I define it, and as I regard as deletable, is an effort at hurting this blog. The continued attacks and butthurt bitching about the paywall and my deletions is more self-identification as someone who doesn't like this blog and wants to undermine it. I weed that out for the benefit of readers who want to read what I am interested in providing.
Look at it this way OM. They both take a leap of faith. Just wen you think you've got it all figured out something comes alond and lays waste to all our dearly held beliefs. Ya ne ver know. So whatever is in charge has a perverse sense of humor. Or not. Depending.
I know Atheists who are not political left. And certainly not all lefty Atheists are Christian hating Marxists.
These are generalizations. Certainly most Atheists who are on the political left, have a deep seated hatred and resentment of Christians and they buy into all the stereotypes.
I have great sympathy and respect for Christians. I was raised Christian. I just couldn't make myself believe. It's requires faith and I'm not big on faith. The story sounds absurd and I see no evidence. How that has a connection to my political beliefs is beyond me.
Back in the old days, when O'Hair was still around and publishing "The American Atheist" they went out of their way to find conservative and non-lefty writers (though of course she was a nasty old pinko herself). (Pinka?)
I recall one lady who liked to quote one of her Catholic school teachers: Miss Soandso is impervious equally to the truths of revealed religion and higher mathematics. (Sounds like someone I know.)
Now, global warming/climate change/whatever. Whatever the cause and whatever the consequence, if a global change is taking place (I think it is) there's NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO but be prepared (or not) for the sort of catastrophe our writers and moviemakers have so carefully imagined for us in the last 120 years or so.
Narr Well, we might throw money and power at politicians who sport 'D's . . . I have every faith in them
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१४७ टिप्पण्या:
Or a trot.
Nice shot at bird-level.
Wild turkeys have completed invaded Omaha. Flocks of them all over.
Is that a Tom, a Jake, or a hen? Discuss.
Dang, I would have sworn that was a photo of a turkey named Slow Joe.
Good looking shot though--wild critters abound these days.
My father was an avid turkey hunter here in Tennessee, but his observation was that he would see dozens of them out season, and the day before hunting season started, they disappeared.
Remember, remember,
The last Thursday of November!
Nice picture of Schiff.
Nice picture of Schiff.
either that, or Pelosi's plastic surgeon really fucked up this time
Yancey - Exactly. I have been going afield at 4:30 and nary a bird to be seen. Last trip, however, there was a deer and fisher so not in vain.
Yancey Ward said...
My father was an avid turkey hunter here in Tennessee, but his observation was that he would see dozens of them out season, and the day before hunting season started, they disappeared.
I can personally attest to that phenomenon.
Nice shot at bird-level.
Nice bird at shot level!!
RIP Niki Lauda.
Tennessee turkeys can read calendars.
Killing turkeys causes winter
I am happy to support the shooting of wild turkey's, IF it doesnt turn them into martyrs.
Is that a Tom, a Jake, or a hen? Discuss.
You're a jerk.
So apparently Adam Shiff wants to impeach Trump so he can figure out why he did it.
As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could walk!
What do you do If someone grabs away your property, OR there is a breach of agreement of sale OR You are planning to buy a property and you wish to know if there is a claim or objection to the said land, Of course you approach an advocate. As per the situation demands he may sometimes ask you to Public Notice Ad in Newspaper. Now what do you do? you don’t want to spend thousands of rupees on Newspaper ads just for placing a legal notice but at the sometime you also want to fulfil the formality. How do we help you?
Neither rain, nor snow, nor turkeys
Two days ago I found out that you attract orioles with orange slices and feed them with grape jelly. Always something new.
Wow! You got the first pic of the Dem's 23rd Candidate.
@madAsHell, considering that by all rights he should have died on August 1. 1976, or in the hospital the next day, Laura had one Hell of a run.
We could talk about politics, but we always do that, and Althouse finds much of it either boring or click-bait.
We could talk about religion -- generally, in the West, religion has been a force for good. Islam? Not so much. Buddhism? Well, a little esoteric.....
We could talk sports.
We could talk science.
We could talk philosophy -- I'm still reading this "Trial of Socrates" by IF Stone (likely a Commie). In essence, Socrates used to wander around the streets of Athens, irritating people and asking questions, like, "How do you really know that?" He didn't write anything himself, which, to me, makes him suspect. Maybe, Plato is creating the image of Socrates in
a way, Plato perceived him, not as Socrates actually was.
We could talk real estate. It's very expensive in the Bay Area. If you own a home, you are de facto rich. If you don't own a home, well, you may be a lifetime renter, not a rentier.
We could talk law - but superfluity does not vitiate.
We could talk romance -- did Stormy Daniels actually have sex with Trump, or maybe he just played with her large, artificial gozangas for 5 minutes?
If there wasn't sex, Trump really needs to get that $130K back. That is quite an over-payment. Avenatti probably took half. Cohen probably got a cut too.
Yancey Ward remembers: My father was an avid turkey hunter here in Tennessee, but his observation was that he would see dozens of them out season, and the day before hunting season started, they disappeared.
Animals aren't stupid. When we had a large acreage in the mountains, deer would know when hunting season was starting and they would hang out in our yard. It was a 'sanctuary city'. I'm certainly not against hunting but we didn't hunt and the deer must have known it.
We could talk sports.
Okay. Well, okay, politics sports. Well, okay, okay, politics in sports news, really, but it's juicy. ESPN takes a knee- fans do not want us to cover politics
An own goal schadenboner!
Okay. Well, okay, politics sports. Well, okay, okay, politics in sports news, really, but it's juicy. ESPN takes a knee- fans do not want us to cover politics
These are the same kinds of people who don't understand why we voted for Trump. They are thick beyond measure.
When I would side glance at ESPN as if it were an eclipse I would see the lovely Sage Steele. The change comes too late for her, perhaps...
Okay. Well, okay, politics sports. Well, okay, okay, politics in sports news, really, but it's juicy. ESPN takes a knee- fans do not want us to cover politics
Well, seriously though; Who COULD HAVE EVER predicted that?
I mean, If half the people in the country didn't vote; and half of those that did vote, voted for Trump... wouldn't you just ASSUME That WHAT sports fans Wanted; was to have ex-jocks talk about how much they hated Trump?
That isn't what people were looking for? Who knew?
None at all:
"They are thick beyond measure."
They are and they aren't. Sure, they don't really understand why we voted for Trump, nor do they care. But the execs knew very well that we despise their politics, and the politicization of sports on ESPN. But the deplorables still have a bit or market power.
I was just on the site and they have an article with a picture showing a Coors Field in Denver today, covered in snow. Climate change, baby. 🥶
@mockturtle said:
"They are thick beyond measure."
oops-- thought you were talking about Hill's ankles.
btw-- did you cross the border legally? How's the trip?
OK, I took my walk. It dropped from 90 to 65 overnight after a short T-storm, and it was much nicer than yesterday. Today we have a brisk wind, blue skies and lower humidity. Yesterday, the Siberian was struggling on the beach, and today she was pretty happy to go a couple of miles up and back. Not the best day for picking up shark's teeth though, I only found 15.
Last thread Freeman Hunt used the expression "yelling into a hole".
I've always assumed what it meant by the context surrounding it, but I wanted a precise definition to be sure my response was relevant, and my GoogleFu failed me.
All I got was this and alot of people talking about golf (get in the hole!).
Lil help?
Also, anyone noticed that Google has been broken for a few years? There was a time I could search "campy fantasy movie with dumb x-sword" and get 30 precise hits. Now all I get is an Amazon advert for a blender and 30 completely unrelated suggestions.
CBS was roundly [and justifiably] criticized for showing a post-round interview rather than the pivotal shot Koepka had to make to save his round for the win. Who'da thunk that, when we tune into a major golf tournament, we'd rather see GOLF than INTERVIEWS!
ICTA asks: btw-- did you cross the border legally? How's the trip?
Will be crossing into Canada tomorrow. Got my vehicle serviced today and will have my firearm shipped to Tok so I can pick it up as soon as I hit Alaska. Weather has been wet and cold for the most part but the trip is fine otherwise.
The most responsive and cost effective government is local.
A one size fits all approach to public policy will never be effective in a nation of 320 million people spread over 3.7 square miles.
ESPN takes a knee- fans do not want us to cover politics
No. Needs more lamentation of their women and a dash of heads on pikes.
The Woman wanted to do an experiment to see if tin-foil helmets would prevent us from reading each others' minds, until I showed her this article about how the government uses tin-foil helmets to spy on people.
It's, so you can trust it.
You guys remember that dumb sword, right? It was like two blades welded together to form an X shape and he could shoot one of them off the sword for a ranged attack.
Went mushroom hunting; nothing. It's been too dry or too cold for what, a month now?
You've never tasted what a mushroom is supposed to taste like until you tasted a morel mushroom.
“So apparently Adam Shiff wants to impeach Trump so he can figure out why he did it.”
The answer there is $$$$$$$$. I saw this earlier today. Might have been here, and if it was, I apologize in advance to those whom this bores. The Dems, from Speaker Palsi are stuck right now between a rock and a hard place. Their fringe wacko moneybags, like Tom Steyer and George Soros bought the last election through a combination of massive advertising and a lot of cheating, facilitated by Soros having bought election officials by the bushel around the country. They hate Trump with a white hot passion. They are demanding Impeachment probably only because drawing, quartering, flaying, and implement are currently not quite acceptable, yet, in this country. And the biggest recipients of that largess, those bribes, are the committee chairs looking into ways to impeach Trump, led by Pencil Neck Schiff himself. My memory is that he raked in almost $7 million in campaign contributions last year. They are going after Trump with an unholy vengeance, because that is what they were paid, and paid handsomely, to do.
Those deep pockets bought Palsi her new, no doubt oversized, Speaker’s gavel. But she got it by the Dems electing a lot of Trump district freshman Dems to Congress. If they impeach before they have anything that the broad American public would see as High Crimes and Misdemeanors, the Dems can probably say goodbye to their House majority, and probably the Presidency next year.
They recently have cranked up their subpoena machine requesting mountains of documents and large numbers of interviews under their oversight authority. But they have several problems there. First and foremost, much of what they are requesting has little if anything to do with legitimate oversight. Instead, it is aimed at finding crimes purportedly committed by Trump and his family. Which is not oversight, but a fishing expedition, which is not a legitimate Congressional purpose. And then Trump has ordered that a lot of what they want is covered by Executive Privilege. Sure, some will be pried loose through litigation, but it is going to be slow going. Very slow.
The wackos who bought this House majority want action now, and that means impeachment before probable cause of wrongdoing has been obtained. It would, maybe make discovery by the House easier because the rules for impeachment investigations are broader than for oversight investigations. But with it comes the argument by Trump and the Republicans that it was a fishing expedition, but also that the Dems are cheating. Part of our Anglo/American jurisprudence model is that probable cause comes first. Moreover, they are the ones who refused to allow an orderly transition of power after Trump won, and now essentially demanding a do over, based solely, it seems, on OrangeManBad. Americans don’t like cheaters, esp when it means negating their ballots. But it doesn’t appear that Palsi has the power to prevent what she surely knows will doom her to a one term Speakership, while almost guaranteeing Trump a second term.
Wow! You got the first pic of the Dem's 23rd Candidate.
Read an interesting article that the Dems had already written 2020 off.
Biden will be the sacrificial lamb to keep down-ticket races from getting swamped, and the other 23 dwarves are only in it to increase their speaking fees as a "former Presidential candidate" and get name recognition for 2024.
But it doesn’t appear that Palsi has the power to prevent what she surely knows will doom her to a one term Speakership, while almost guaranteeing Trump a second term.
How can the GOP not capitalize on the Dem's not doing the people's work and flip the House back?
Nicely summarized Bruce Hayden.
The bird in the picture appears to have a long beard, which identifies it as a Tom (mature male).
Last winter seems to have been kind to the turkey population.
I'm still reading this "Trial of Socrates" by IF Stone
I read that 30 years ago, and all I remember is that Stone was horrified that Socrates didn't care for democracy, per Plato, and wondered if people would still revere him if they knew that.
What kind of turkey is a racist Smear Merchant and known fopdoodle?
Around here we call it a Cuck.
should have died on August 1. 1976,
I think he was resuscitated at least once, and then went back to racing 40 days later.
I will never carry his stones!!
I’ve noticed that also about search engines. Amazon’s is absolutely the worst. Search for a men’s black belt, 32 inches and you get 12,000 results and half are not belts. Of the half that’s left 99% don’t meet the search criteria. I’ve started using another search engine to get results on amazon and use that.
My mother is an avid genealogist. She is a very old lady now, but very sharp and she has developed some interesting contacts - such as in the Spanish Ministry of Defense. Granted, our tribe has some colorful cases, so this hobby has amused her.
A couple of weeks ago she turned up something truly odd. Now, we have thought for some time that one branch (on my mothers side) was descended from a Turk. This was my late great uncles pet theory. This, it turns out, is true, in spades.
It seems we are descendants of the prophet Mohammed, sayyids, by way of the House of Ali, by way of a family of noble Turks granted military fiefdoms (timars), by way of a Turkish general and a sometime Pasha of Smyrna, killed holding an Ottoman fortress in what is now Moldavia against Catherine the Great, in 1770.
His son was born of a Spanish lady captured by the Turks and eventually deposited in the Pashas sergalio (the theme of a thousand romance novels and that opera by Mozart). Eventually the boy and his cousin, disaffected by Islam, decamped for Marseilles, and took service with the Bourbon monarchies of France and Spain. Both converted to Christianity and seem to have prospered and found favor.
The information comes by way of a petition, dated 1806, to the Emperor Napoleon, asking for intervention in a French lawsuit on behalf of the ex-Turk, concerning an inheritance, which contains a summarized personal history.
Granted, it is possible that this account is a bit over-egged. And there is no shortage of sayyids, syeds, saids. Its funny though to think of even a very distant kinship with, say, Sayyid Qutb.
The December, 2017 testimony from disgraced FBI agent Andrew McCabe has been released. It's full of contradictions. The guy was really too full of himself.
He should have eaten his barrel. In fact, I'm kinda surprised none of these agents have been suicided.
They recently have cranked up their subpoena machine requesting mountains of documents and large numbers of interviews under their oversight authority. But they have several problems there
When the Dems have dug themselves a deeper hole, President Trump is going to "buckle."
By "buckle" I mean he will unleash his people to appear. By then President Trump will have had time to work with Republicans on the committee to corordinate their questions. (shh,big secret, Republicans get to ask questions) Those question will be directed at the witnesses concerning the collusion of all the govt actors participating in the soft coup. Think of the theater of Hope Hicks explaining the evidence the President has seen proving Obama was leading the agencies to spy on his campaign. Hicks laying out the foreign intel agencies involved, and why the Italian intel agency had a resignation of 6 of their top management chiefs.
Why has Mueller dropped out of the Democrat Talking points? Nadler figured out Republicans are going to corner him to an exact time he knew the conspiracy with Russia was a frame up. (Weeks not years) The Republicans are going to grill him on Mifsud, and why Mueller claims he was working with the Russians, when he works with Britain all the time.
Republicans have a lot more information they want from Mueller.
Animals aren't stupid.
No kidding. Currently at The FenWife's No Kill Preserve the count is
Mice: 3
Fen: 2
"Build a better mousetrap" has become an Odyssian Quest. Plus, I'm stupid.
Will be crossing into Canada tomorrow.
Sneak in! If you get caught, say you are a refugee, or better yet, a celebrity who promised to move to Canada if Trump got elected.
Let us know how that goes;-)
...In an interview conducted on Sunday morning, Deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek opined that if only her party had more time to explain to the various groups how much they’d all benefit from Labor’s plans, Australians would have realized how fortunate they’d be with a Labor government, and Shorten would’ve become Prime Minister. Such attitudes are patronizing, for they implicitly serve to place blame at the feet of voters, who apparently are too ignorant to know what’s good for them....
Always the same. If only....
I walked 3.46 miles at work today. Speaking of walking.
Blogger Browndog said...
"You've never tasted what a mushroom is supposed to taste like until you tasted a morel mushroom."
I worked on a neighbor's farm as a kid. They invited me to a Sunday morning brunch featuring scrambled eggs, sausage and butter fried morels. Best brunch ever.
In the 60s there was an airline pilot rebuilding his SeaBee (amphibious airplane) where I flew out of. Lots of weekend pilots and loiterers milling around. He had a large cardboard box set up, with the magic marker legend, "Suggestions, Questions, Advice: Speak into Box"
Illegal alien serial killer murders 11 elderly Texans.
It seems we are descendants of the prophet Mohammed
That's nuthin'!! I've recently learned that I'm a genetic carrier for hemochromatosis. The Celtic Curse.
"So what!", you say??
To this day, the only cure for the Celtic Curse is blood-letting. We've all seen the paintings of blood-letting. The red-n-white pole in front of barber shop down the street is a representation of blood-letting.
I've always wondered why someone would believe that blood-letting was a good idea. I just didn't know that the answer was looking at me in the mirror.
Fen: There are actually 24 now.
"and the day before hunting season started, they disappeared."
Oh, they know when hunting season is about to start!!
in front of barber shop front of THE barber shop.....
Fen said...
How can the GOP not capitalize on the Dem's not doing the people's work and flip the House back?
By their fecklessness that knows no bounds.
I'm kinda surprised none of these agents have been suicided.
Just wait until they start getting close to Hillary. Seth Rich knows what happens then.
I've always wondered why someone would believe that blood-letting was a good idea. I just didn't know that the answer was looking at me in the mirror.
It was also used to lower blood pressure by reducing volume.
@madAsHell, just so you didn’t write “my barbershop.”
Fen: There are actually 24 now.
Oh, candidates. For a moment I thought you extrapolated that there must be 24 mice by now.
I'm kinda surprised none of these agents have been suicided.
It's not too late!
Posted over at Maggies, attributed to Anon:
"While we recognize that the subject did not actually steal any horses, he is obviously guilty of trying to resist being hanged for it."
@madAsHell, just so you didn’t write “my barbershop.”
I'm not THAT fucking old!!
It’s the hunters who can’t read the calendar, early bird gets the worm, as they say. I sometimes hear the discrete report of a pre-season gunshot around here.
Once I remember when a light snow fell, first of the season, in the late after noon, and then bang, after deer season was over. I just figured the snow made finding that buck pretty easy all of a sudden. If it were up to me the season on deer would never close.
Mueller refusing to testify publicly. Because he doesn’t want to be drawn into a political fight.....
Daniel Greenfield AKA Sultan Knish, pointed this out. Schiff fundraising in 2016 = below $1 million, in 2018 = $6.25 million. Swalwell 2016 $1.9 million to $3 million. Mad Max Waters $729,ooo in 2012 to $1.5 million. Squeaky wheels getting grea$ed.
A feed merchant in the turkey zone we hunted said the turkeys would take corn from a rattled coffee can by a fellow we saw doing so, with his terrier sitting on an adjacent woodpile not 10 feet away, but would not show up around anyone wearing camo. The hunted get educated quick.
Includes hilarious "White Supremacy Culture" poster/picture for free!
City Department of Education brass are targeting a “white-supremacy culture” among school administrators — by disparaging ideas like “individualism,” “objectivity” and “worship of the written word,” The Post has learned.
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, subpoenaed former White House communications director Hope Hicks and an aide to former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify before the panel.
The subpoenas direct Hicks to turn over documents by June 4 and testify on June 19.
The subpoenas direct Hicks to turn over documents by June 4 and testify on June 19.
Nadler is obviously raking in the dough from Soros, et al.
I wonder if the subpoenas for McCabe and Comey and Nellie Ohr and Bruce, will affect his enthusiasm?
To paraphrase an old aphorism, "Barr is coming and boy is he pissed !"
'm not THAT fucking old!!
I am. The weekend after Kennedy was shot was the opening weekend of Pheasant season. Do you think we stated home to watch TV ?
My wife was glued to the TV while I got my limit of pheasants. I did hear Oswald shot on the radio going from one field to another.
Good times.
Those are hunger game elimination rules:
I encourage anyone with a brain to read the actual Steele Dossier -at the bottom of this link.
It is a piece of shit.
It is 35 pages, written as a series of 1 or 2 pages observations ("Summary" then "Detail"), with all this phony, baloney spy-lingo, jargon gobbledygook.
1. None of it signed by the supposed author ("Chris Steele")
2. It has 6 anonymous sources (Source A - Source G), sprinkled amidst all these Russian names.
3. It has double and triple hearsay. "Source A said that Ivan Romanov said that Boris Nokitoff said that..."
4. It elevates Michael Cohen as some mastermind plotter, who engineered secret meetings with Russian oligarchs in Prague -- a demonstrated lie.
5. It claims Carter Page had these secret meetings with Russian spies, although Page was exonerated by Mueller.
6. It mentions Manafort, who was nailed for several things, but nothing to do with Russian collusion.
7. It suggests not only that Russian whores peed on a hotel bed, but that there were tapes of the event (which have never surfaced.).
In sum, no sane person reading this would give it any credence. It is one man's spy novel fantasy of all these events and people, most of which are unprovable, some have which have been proven false. Think of the ending of The Usual Suspects with Kaiser Sosay. A made-up story.
And yet it was used by Comey's FBI to con a Judge into authorizing a warrant to spy on US citizens and the Trump campaign.
What a joke. And a piece of shit.
The kavalec memo says Steele relied on surkov and truibnikov, the first wouldn't give a burnt spy the time of day, the other was helpers associate which raises it's own issues.
But Bay Area Guy, much of it hasn't been disproven yet. Or so I've heard.
Kavalec as pointed out was stationed in Moscow at the same time as Steele. Steele along with his future associate burrows and superior Charles farr, were all burned by Tomlinson
Further reflections on GoT: Emilia Clarke said she prepped for her big speech to the massed soldiers by studying Hitler's speeches. Why does every dictator have to be Hitler? Why can't some dictators be modelled on Lenin or even Napoleon? I think in some ways Dany is closer to Napoleon than to Hitler. Napoleon thought he was a neo-Charlemagne when he was in fact a proto-Mussolini. Morever, Napoleon convinced many of the leading intellectual lights of his time that his bloody wars were fought for high moral purpose. Making Daenerys into a Hitler figure overly simplified the ambiguity of her motivvation. Also, I think to dramatize how seductive her power was, she should have worn a see through white gown instead of that black leather thing. As a matter of fact, that should have been her trade mark garment.
More like Darth Vader or admiral hux of the first order (Benioff and Weiss, are moving next on to star wars, more to the point nenioff wrote a novel based on the siege of leningrad, based on a novel by kurzio malaparte kaputt.
Do they Hunt turkey with bow?
Adam Shiff wants to impeach Trump because Trump keeps drinking Schiffs milkshake.
In poing of fact:
"the wish to pray is a prayer in itself"
memorize that phrase, from my pal Georges Bernanos, if you plan to spend any significant amount of time with aging older baby boomers. It is a good phrase to use around the not-quite religious who are not so far gone as to not want to hear about the POWER OF PRAYER.
right now, the 1940s cohort, with some exceptions like Trump, and I guess a few lucky hundreds of thousands - maybe, if we are being generous, a million or so - of other lucky older people, feels, most days, very old and they need the kindness that the young should show to the old - for example, they remember the phrase "the hostess with the mostest", or other phrases no longer current, and they wonder- where did those days go ---- why do those days seem so long ago - ????
and the people who are even older than that - the people who are older than people born in the late 40s - also need lots of concern and care from those of us still blessed with youth and energy. !!!!
if you are one of those people who avoid old people because they depress you:
Wake up!
Also, go to church, and participate in the public praise of our Lord. It is not easy to understand other people, and such an action on your part will help you understand.
Not a sermon, just a thought.
Yes, with a bow as well.
We are commended to pray unceasingly Stephen cooper, so intent is the first step.
"take the first step in faith. you don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step"
Martin Luther King II, the uncle of Alveda King, one of my favorite people, said that.
Indeed Stephen cooper, but many see faith as a luxury if not an inconvenience
you know this if you know poor people ---- anyone who owns a staircase, or who gets to spend time at a place with a staircase, is lucky.
That is one example of why Martin Luther King was a great speaker, he knew that.
if you were poor you know this: only rich people or people who are charging lots of coin to visit their establishments have stairs. Poor people just ain't wanted in places that are hoity toity ,or at least kind of hoity toity, anyway, with stairs and staircases.
The spezzatura of the Southern preachers of yesteryear is amazing. I remember. A forgotten art for many, but not forgotten by all of us.
Faith is like good food after years of binging on Fritos and Coke.
Wasnt it chesterton who said if you dont believe in something you'll fall for anything
for S's & G's
Good old Chesterton. I think the fact that people will believe in anything is amply proven by religion itself, so the cleverness is more apparent than real--as so often with GKC.
And of course, it's just lazy thinking to elide not believing the claims of revealed religion with not believing "in something." Forex, I believe in my own intelligence and rationality, more than I believe anything anyone else has ever told me . . . I have empirical evidence of my own intelligence and rationality.
Other peoples', not so much
People find traditional western religion too taxing so they'll fall for anything but. Buddhism Islam taoism
Only if they're looking for religion, narciso.
Funny you should use the term taxing, though (with apologies to A. Bierce):
By ancient analogy we are told,
How first the church became the fold--
The sheep into the fold are steered,
Protected from the wolf,
And sheared.
Of course, one of the factors in the early expansion of Islam was that converts to Islam were taxed less than their stubborn neighbors.
And converting that rundown slum of a pagan shithole, Mecca, into a major must-see attraction for the rubes was just apeing earlier propheteers
It appears that the Remainer Torys have digested the polls and are beginning to walk away from May towards a No Deal Brexit. Farage’s statement that he could no longer trust Boris has precipitated a rout in the Tory party. It looks like they know they will lose on Thursday and have shifted their attention to the next general election. They probably hope to blunt Farage’s momentum and, a la McCain, pretend to be something they are not to hold onto power. Quelle surprise!
I meant it metaphorically but yes, in the shadow of the crescent illuminates the first clashes between Mohammed and byzantine forces notably in persia
Looks like a wild turkey. Hell of a lot tougher to get than a domestic. Just the opposite with humans.
1.come to have or hold (something); receive.
"I got the impression that she wasn't happy"
synonyms: acquire, obtain, come by, come to have, come into possession of, receive, gain, earn, win, come into, come in for, take possession of, take receipt of, be given; More
2. succeed in attaining, achieving, or experiencing; obtain.
"I need all the sleep I can get"
If you like avante-garde classical, let me recommend Daniel Lentz's 'Wild Turkeys' although his The Crack In The Bell is even better.
(You may remember him from the 80s when his On The Leopard Altar album was sort of popular with the hipsters even though it was good).
Bloomberg reports:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has put up just 1.7 miles of fencing with the $1.57 billion that Congress appropriated last [fiscal] year for President Donald Trump’s wall along the Mexican border, a federal judge was told.
1,300 miles of border wall yet to be built will therefore cost $923,500,000 per mile or $1.2 trillion (I think) for the entire wall, not counting inflation - over the the next 765 years. I guess this building project is tougher than Trump's infamous rebuild of a Central Park ice skating rink 33 years ago.
And us oldtimers were appalled by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's $437 hammers. $37 screws, $640 toilet seats and $7,622 coffee makers which seemed a bit high in 1983.
Gee, extrapolation off biased and unlinked source. Yah I think you're full of shit.
I have empirical evidence of my own intelligence and rationality.
Then why do you misunderstand Chesterton? People have spiritual needs, a hunger to be satiated, like any other appetite. If they try to suppress that appetite it will simply manifest in other ways, often more dangerous. Look at how many atheists worship Marxism or Climatology. Or their mirrors.
Organized religion has it's flaws, certainly. But the ones who think they are smart and rational enough to go their own way usually wind up caught up in something culty. Getting conned while smirking at everyone else "for being marks".
I've seen it happen a thousand times.
1,300 miles of border wall yet to be built will therefore cost $923,500,000 per mile or $1.2 trillion
Yes, that’s how it works, that’s how TDS destroys a brain.
Althouse: I'm deleting all comments about the paywall. I know there's a paywall. We all do.
No, we don't. Nowhere do you warn us your link leads to a paywall. How about extending the courtesy of a warning so you don't waste OUR time. Or do you even think about people other than yourself?
Now, say something interesting and relevant. Don't be boring!!
When did you become such a censorous Nazi. Deleting 3 posts because we are "not allowed" to complain about an article being behind a paywall? Go fuck yourself.
I think the fact that people will believe in anything is amply proven by religion itself, so the cleverness is more apparent than real--as so often with GKC.
I’m an atheist and I think that Chesterson had a solid point. Better to believe in something that has worked over the years to provide a decent society.
When did you become such a censorous Nazi. Deleting 3 posts because we are "not allowed" to complain about an article being behind a paywall? Go fuck yourself.
Who knew this blog was a public utility?
Look at how many people there are who, against all evidence, and on faith alone, believe in communism?
Who knew this blog was a public utility?
Who knew that constructive criticism was anathema to blog-owners?
I’d rather occasionally have a comment deleted for a clearly defined reason related to an editorial perspective than the POV deletions that you see so many places.
Definition of a "first world problem": visiting an article via a link on a blog, and finding out that it's behind a paywall.
Yes, that is painful, but there's far greater suffering in the world. Count your blessings.
Incidentally, sometimes you can get past a paywall by going to the article via the link, and quickly doing a Ctrl-A and then Ctrl-C before the paywall covering appears. Then paste the content in a Word document.
Another option is to read a synopsis or analysis of the article by a blogger and her commenters, while expressing gratitude for the free service.
Now that Comey’s back in the limelight, I can’t wait for every report to mention he’s a Republican.
Time to throw the blame his way and pretend he was an interloper in the Obama Administration.
Man's Search for meaning... from the Death Camps of National Socialists to your door!
Refresher, the article mentions how they were both proteges of Eric Holder. Typical LLR, that Comey.
Fen said... When did you become such a censorous Nazi.
When did you become a such half-witted cry baby?
Hint: it wasn't recently.
Sprezzatura: “a certain nonchalance” “studied carelessness”.
Bonobo moms help their grown sons but not their daughters.
They're probably racists, too.
Now, say something interesting and relevant. Don't be boring!!
Fen? Boring?
Forex, I believe in my own intelligence and rationality, more than I believe anything anyone else has ever told me . . . I have empirical evidence of my own intelligence and rationality.
So Narr is short for narcissist?
Fen asks: Then why do you misunderstand Chesterton? People have spiritual needs, a hunger to be satiated, like any other appetite.
Or, as Pascal put it, 'a God-shaped vacuum'.
If James loses on Jeopardy! tonight Tom Brady will eat a strawberry. I’m a James fan but now I’m conflicted...
Fen @ 4:34
"Look at how many atheists worship Marxism or Climatology. Or their mirrors."
Facebook Singled Out Candace Owens for Scrutiny, Potential Ban, Internal Document Indicates
FAcebook is shit. Total leftwing Nazi cocksucking racist shit.
There was a large peacock strolling up the center of the street yesterday when I took the beagle out for her 6 a.m. constitutional. The beagle was fascinated and a little intimidated. Wish I’d had my camera ready!
Nope, Narr is short for narrledudh. And the German word has an irony I like.
Do you think "you're a narcissist!" and "everyone longs for some spiritual something or other!" or "be careful, you'll end up in a cult, like my cousin Ina's boy!" are effective
arguments FOR religious faith? (Paraphrasis for time.)
FYI I find lefties in general and Marxists in particular to be fairly cretinous in mind and person. I try to pick my company carefully, and I like most of the commenters here, even some of those who are, at the moment, most determined to put me in my place (how's that for an apt possessive?)
BTW, Holland's Shadow of the Sword/Crescent(maybe there was an American and a British title?) is really excellent on that Middle Eastern sorting-out, I'm glad someone else has read it.
secular right libertarian
Is that a jive turkry?
There was a large peacock strolling up the center of the street yesterday when I took the beagle out for her 6 a.m. constitutional. The beagle was fascinated and a little intimidated. Wish I’d had my camera ready!
Peacocks are intimidating. My sister had a bunch of them for years. They were beautiful but noisy and they pecked compulsively at windows. Overall, a real PITA.
Fen @ 4:34
"Look at how many atheists worship Marxism or Climatology. Or their mirrors."
Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...Indeed.
It's amusing/annoying (depending on the day) when non-atheists are telling me, an atheist, what I think and always getting it wrong.
Peacocks are LOUD. There's a small pride(?) in an enclosure on a small business campus a few blocks away, but when the wind is right they can be heard a long way; we have at least two species of owl that call loudly in the evenings, and a few years ago--
I'll never forget (it was like a spiritual experience!) walking late one damp autumn evening, when I realized that I was literally right under an enormous flock of ducks or geese heading south; I finished my walk and stood outside listening to the thrumming rustling roar maybe 150 feet above my head for another half-hour, and they were still going over when I went inside.
Awesome to live right along the major flyway
Original Mike at 935: ain't it the truth?
(flashes quick "OK" gesture)
I always put "NYT" or "WaPo" in parens or elsewhere near any link to these places. Who doesn't know that means you'll be dealing with a paywall? The warning is there. If you don't realize "NYT" or "WaPo" are sites that make money through subscriptions, why would you be reading this blog? 1. I link to these sites just about every day (at least), 2. It's basic common knowledge that you'd have to be out of it to find surprising, 3. This blog is hard enough to read that I presume all readers are intelligent.
So I think the underlying idea is really: I think you should link to trashier places. But that's not the Althouse blog.
So I just don't think you like this blog, and that makes me interpret posts taking up the reader's attention with talk of the paywall to be trolling. Trolling, as I define it, and as I regard as deletable, is an effort at hurting this blog. The continued attacks and butthurt bitching about the paywall and my deletions is more self-identification as someone who doesn't like this blog and wants to undermine it. I weed that out for the benefit of readers who want to read what I am interested in providing.
Look at it this way OM. They both take a leap of faith. Just wen you think you've got it all figured out something comes alond and lays waste to all our dearly held beliefs. Ya ne ver know.
So whatever is in charge has a perverse sense of humor.
Or not.
Original Mike -
Totally fair.
I would clarify - "Atheist Christian hating leftists" who worship Marxism, Climate Change or their own mirrors.
I know Atheists who are not political left. And certainly not all lefty Atheists are Christian hating Marxists.
These are generalizations. Certainly most Atheists who are on the political left, have a deep seated hatred and resentment of Christians and they buy into all the stereotypes.
I have great sympathy and respect for Christians. I was raised Christian. I just couldn't make myself believe. It's requires faith and I'm not big on faith. The story sounds absurd and I see no evidence. How that has a connection to my political beliefs is beyond me.
You know what else requires faith? Believing in man-made global warming.
I think it is a mark of my respect for honest religious faith that I don't pretend to have any, so there.
Admiring the humility merit badges so common here ;-)
Back in the old days, when O'Hair was still around and publishing "The American Atheist" they went out of their way to find conservative and non-lefty writers (though of course she was a nasty old pinko herself). (Pinka?)
I recall one lady who liked to quote one of her Catholic school teachers: Miss Soandso is impervious equally to the truths of revealed religion and higher mathematics. (Sounds like someone I know.)
Now, global warming/climate change/whatever. Whatever the cause and whatever the consequence, if a global change is taking place (I think it is) there's NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO but be prepared (or not) for the sort of catastrophe our writers and moviemakers have so carefully imagined for us in the last 120 years or so.
Well, we might throw money and power at politicians who sport 'D's . . . I have every faith in them
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