So, eugenics mentioned by Justice Thomas and a comment mentioned by Althouse, in one 24 hour span. As Jimmy Cliff sang, "You can get it if you really want it." Finishing the whiskey, looking at the crab apple.
I read an excerpt from a piece by Tom Cotton about Arlington National Cemetery, it’s history and the Old Guard assigned there.
It occurred to me as I was reading that millennials and college snowflakes would likely not be familiar with the names and events described because they have no history, only Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Perhaps they have no future either.
Imagine non-binary Seals or fighter pilots. Imagine those in need of “therapy horses” before finals on the bridge of a destroyer. Imagine Antifa thugs in a marine recon platoon.
BTW, Edmund Morris the author of the Awful "Dutch" the authorized biography of Reagan has died. His appointment as "Official Biographer" was another one of Michael Devers and Nancy Reagan's bonehead moves.
Morris was some sort of Englishman who wrote a good Biography of TR, so Nancy hired him. Trouble was, as a middle-class Limey from Rhodesia, Morris had zero interest in American Domestic Politics, wasn't a Conservative, didn't care about Hollywood, and had no feeling or understanding of California or the Midwest, or average Americans.
Which of course, was a problem. Since Reagan was an average guy from the Midwest, who lived in California for almost his entire life, was a Hollywood actor, and obsessed with American domestic politics.
The result, was a terrible, weird biography that would've been turned down by every publisher in the country, except someone had signed Morris to write the book. Anyway, Morris seems to have struck gold with TR, otherwise he was completely forgettable. Which is why, I'm probably the only one who will write about him.
Mueller launches a final hand grenade at Bill Barr AFTER speaking his 'last words' revealing memo criticizing AG for his press conference on day of report's release
-Special Counsel Robert Mueller spoke to the media about his Russia investigation He said he hoped it would be his only public statement about it
-An aide also distributed a memo that included Attorney General Bill Barr's answers to questions, along with what Mueller would say
"...But despite his statement, and his statement that he does not intend to offer anything beyond its findings if he were to testify before Congress, Mueller's office distributed a memo during his press conference that highlighted the split with Barr."
"...MSNBC reported that a special counsel official distributed the memo to reporters at Mueller's dramatic press statement, describing it as a draft of how Mueller would have responded."
The WSJ now reporting that president Snow flake’s Whitehouse asked that the John McCain navy ship be kept from his sight while visiting Japan. Nothing one makes up about his frail ego can’t beat the reality.
“I see he has the little treason,” I heard myself say when I looked out the window and saw my neighbor had planted the trees that had been delivered earlier.
Trump should sell the USS McCain to Mexico or Guatemala. A fitting end. BTW, the USS McCain is a small frigate destroyer based in Yokosuka City. Given that, I'm sure it didn't take much to "keep it out of sight".
Beta O'Rourke says that, IF 'we' don't impeach (and presumably convict Trump; it will mean "the end of our democracy and we cannot allow that to happen."
Since leaving a constitutionally elected Republican President in office is "the end of our democracy" and since "we cannot allow that to happen", what will be their next step after their failure to remove, and/or Trump's reelection?
My question is: Will it take Trump's reelection for the democrats to start Openly calling for armed responses; or will they just start sooner?
Our second home was essentially zero lot line. Our master bedroom windows were about six feet from our neighbors’ master bedroom windows. I felt so bad for our neighbors because our son had night terrors. More often than not I would be rocking him in the middle of the night while he screamed. I’d see them getting in their cars in the morning looking wrecked.
I haven’t seen purple Lily of the Nile before, if that’s what they are. We have blue.
Why do I see the hand of Andrew Weissmann behind this unseemly business?
What I see, even more than the Clinton team Mueller hired, is a touch of treason as Democrats work to paralyze the Trump administration as it negotiates with China (Diane Feinstein on the payroll.), Iran (Obama on the payroll) and Russia (Biden on two payrolls, China and Ukraine).
The USS John S McCain is named for Sr and Jr when commissioned long ago and not for the III. After his death, Cindi got a ceremony to add the traitors name on the list.
Yes McCain senior was cincpac in Vietnam his father was a high Ranking officer in the leyte gulf campaign
Does Mead do a garden blog? He should! I want to know: How close together does he plant those allium? And does he use different varieties? Also, how does he camouflage (if he does) the yellowing allium foliage? Also, does his allium come back year after year, or does he add to the allium stock each fall?
Does Mead do a garden blog? He should! I want to know: How close together does he plant those allium? And does he use different varieties? Also, how does he camouflage (if he does) the yellowing allium foliage? Also, does his allium come back year after year, or does he add to the allium stock each fall?
Does Mead do a garden blog? He should! I want to know: How close together does he plant those allium? And does he use different varieties? Also, how does he camouflage (if he does) the yellowing allium foliage? Also, does his allium come back year after year, or does he add to the allium stock each fall?
Looks like allium? I don't care for it but my hubby-the-gardener planted some this year under the apple trees in our orchard. But he won't let me weed whack underneath so it's mostly a jungle of weeds with a few purple flowers poking up above.
If Meade ever makes it to the Seattle area, he could teach my husband a few things about "landscaping". However, when it comes to the raised beds with vegetables and 20+ dahlias, hubby has everyone beat.
In Closing: Mueller is an egotistical hack - not a partisan hack, just an egotistical hack who is furious that Barr out-smarted him in the Washington DC "spin" game.
I like living with visible neighbors on all sides. It’s safer and it’s friendly. I’m not looking into their house, just their yard. There’s a nice degree of separation. It’s early suburbia — the way suburbia was laid out in the 1920s. It makes for great walks and the gardens are really well done.
Trump had a real opportunity for a "Nixon goes to China" moment on Iran, but he has let his own misguided and foolish anti-Iran hysteria blind him from better, more pragmatic solutions. He has appointed dangerous ideologues like Pompeo and Bolton in important foreign policy positions. Bolton is doing his damndest to stoke confrontation and brinkmanship with Iran all in pursuit of yet another foolish regime change policy. Here's a much better policy that would cost less and actually increase American security: renounce regime change against Iran, accept the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic, and moved towards normalization of relations.
he has let his own misguided and foolish anti-Iran hysteria blind him from better, more pragmatic solutions.
Read the Podhoretz interview on why he does not like Buchanan, which seem to be your guiding star. I like Buchanan but mostly disagree. He does have good arguments, unlike many here.
Suburbia was first invented by commuter Railroads 10 to 20 miles outside town and were designed to sell lots to builders and had large parklands/forests either side of the tracks down the center. Then Henry Ford came along, and then the paved roads appeared next and the trains to town were left for more than 20 miles outside of the town where everyone worked.
We have a midcentury modern ranch, one owner before we got here in 2006. She planted white everything--azaleas (which are bigger than quonset huts--oops), magnolia trees, white irises and/or lilies (I'm no gardener), dogwoods, and blooming right now one huge . . . gardenia (no memory for plant names).
I guess she was into the aroma, more than vivid colors--right now the magnolias and gardenia make me want to linger outside although it's already too darn hot.
“Yes McCain senior was cincpac in Vietnam his father was a high Ranking officer in the leyte gulf campaign”
That was Jr. John “Slew” McCain, Sr was a two and three star Admiral during the Pacific campaign. One of the most aggressive carrier task force commanders, he helped lead the way across the Pacific. However, he was involved, as chief of staff of Halsey’s Third Fleet, near the end of the war, in not protecting their ships from a major typhoon, which resulted in the loss of 3 destroyers and 800 men. He was relieved of command, but was brought back to stand in the front line at the surrender in Tokyo Bay. He returned to the States right after that, and died 4 days later, earning his fourth star posthumously. Sr and Jr were the first father son combo ever to both earn four stars. Captain John McCain III was offered a star (rear admiral), but went into politics instead.
Our Dumbest President, who never got elected, has an Aircraft Carrier named after him. The USS Gerald Ford. Maybe we need to revisit our Ship naming policy. I don't want to see the USS Barrack Obama on the High Seas.
Yes that wasnt his finest hour, I think the youngest McCain was limited cause of his injuries he couldn't make cag and hence get a ship captaincy so he segued into liasson work. Of course liasson with Jim Hensley daughter didnt hurt either.
Various Liberal Websites and Newspapers are all aflutter about the Navy "Hiding" the USS McCain. OMG - it worse than watergate!
Usually I don't celebrate a man's death. But can you imagine how fucked up the news coverage would be if McCain had stayed healthy and was still on every TV show giving us his opinion on Trump, Iraq, Iran, etc?
Since he refused to retire, I can only say: I'm glad he's dead.
What made him dumb, he started out in the America first movement at yale law he segued toward generally moderate republicanism although he had a brief fling with impeaching earl Warren
Yeah, Bacevich is a good choice. He thinks Trump does nothing but lie. I’m sure they’d get along just swell. Zini is retired military. I think Trump’s had enough of that. Webb? Ha.
narciso: "Yes that wasnt his finest hour, I think the youngest McCain was limited cause of his injuries he couldn't make cag and hence get a ship captaincy so he segued into liasson work."
FYI, generally speaking, the Carrier Air Group Commander (CAG (O6-Capt)) and Ships Captain (O6-Capt) are alternate Aviation career paths and dont overlap.
Blogger rcocean said... Our Dumbest President, who never got elected, has an Aircraft Carrier named after him. The USS Gerald Ford. Gerald Ford is my forth cousin, twice removed, meaning we share great-great-great grandparents. Good Lord, that man was a genius! Are you sure that you are not thinking of Chevy Chase?
"What made him dumb, he started out in the America first movement at yale law he segued toward generally moderate republicanism although he had a brief fling with impeaching earl Warren"
No what made him dumb was "liberating Eastern Europe" during a debate with James Earl Carter. And then refusing to take back his remarks for almost a week. His "brilliant' remark to Chenny/Rumsfield was that "if people misunderstood him, that was there problem" - this from someone running for President. What a dumbshit!
Blogger ngtrains said... Suburbs were started by street car and interurban companies. I think that it is important to remember that in-city living did not match well with post WW2 expectations. The housing stock was old by the 1940s and 1950s. The lots were small, parking was awful, the public schools were relics built around the time of the First World War. I have lived in some of those houses. The houses were laid out weird (bathroom off of the kitchen), and in some cases incomprehensible to modern eyes ("Oh. This floor was the servants' quarters. That explains the small bedrooms and the small kitchen shoehorned into a closet"). Commonly there were sash windows that no longer worked -- you had to heave up the window and jab a book under it to keep it from closing. In one house I remember, the insulation consisted of old newspapers jammed into the space between the inner and outer walls. No air conditioning and the heat came from radiators that looked like they had been designed by Victorians.
However, he was involved, as chief of staff of Halsey’s Third Fleet, near the end of the war, in not protecting their ships from a major typhoon, which resulted in the loss of 3 destroyers and 800 men. He was relieved of command, but was brought back to stand in the front line at the surrender in Tokyo Bay.
Halsey was protected from two serious mistakes that would have had anyone else relieved. First was the Leyte Gulf battle in which Ziggy Sprague saved Halsey's bacon in the Taffy Three combat that cost American lives.
The other was the typhoon that McCain took the blame for. The Navy did not believe they could lose the PR value of Halsey. He was excused from his gross errors because of Guadalcanal. Spruance won Midway and he is almost anonymous.
"Morris was some sort of Englishman who wrote a good Biography of TR, so Nancy hired him. Trouble was, as a middle-class Limey from Rhodesia, Morris had zero interest in American Domestic Politics, wasn't a Conservative, didn't care about Hollywood, and had no feeling or understanding of California or the Midwest, or average Americans."
Ha ha ha.
The "who wrote a good biography of TR" part is a real hole.
Not to mention how the other fussy stuff would (in the relative context) be a big dump on Tocqueville.
Anywho, if folks want hagiography re the man I saw waving and smiling from a limo at a blank wall with no people (in 1990) cause his brain was mush. There's plenty of that.
roesch/voltaire said... The WSJ now reporting that president Snow flake’s Whitehouse asked that the John McCain navy ship be kept from his sight while visiting Japan. Nothing one makes up about his frail ego can’t beat the reality.
I call bullshit to the nth power. That ship was originally named after McCain's grandfather and father.
"The ship, which was commissioned in 1994, is the second Navy ship to bear the name John McCain, and it named after the senator’s grandfather and father, respectively. The ship was re-dedicated in 2018, so that its name **also** honored the late senator as well, now bearing the name of three John McCains." :
HOW THE FUCK would Trump know the ship was there
WHY THE FUCK, aside from anonymous claims, would Trump object to that ship being there, and
HOW THE FUCK would he be able to see the aft of the ship with that name?
"According to an email reviewed by the Wall Street Journal." Another anonymous source that cannot be examined for authenticity. What bullshit. Who believes this crap? Oh yeah, stupid people.
rcocean said... Our Dumbest President, who never got elected, has an Aircraft Carrier named after him. The USS Gerald Ford. Maybe we need to revisit our Ship naming policy. I don't want to see the USS Barrack Obama on the High Seas. ******************
Hey, fuckwit: read this:
"Ford graduated from Michigan in 1935 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics. He turned down offers from the Detroit Lions and Green Bay Packers of the National Football League. Instead, he took a job in September 1935 as the boxing coach and assistant varsity football coach at Yale University[19] and applied to its law school.[20]
Ford hoped to attend Yale Law School beginning in 1935. Yale officials at first denied his admission to the law school because of his full-time coaching responsibilities. He spent the summer of 1937 as a student at the University of Michigan Law School[21] and was eventually admitted in the spring of 1938 to Yale Law School.[22] Ford earned his LL.B. degree in 1941 (later amended to Juris Doctor),***** graduating in the top 25 percent of his class.*** ... Ford graduated from law school in 1941 and was admitted to the Michigan bar shortly thereafter. ************ Time to come to Jesus, rocean: what law schoold did YOU graduate from? And what bar are/were you ever a member of? What high elected office did YOU ever hold??????????????????????
Face it: you're a nullity. Something people like Ford had to distastefully scrape off their shoe now and then.
I like to take an expansive view, if one were charitable one might say Ford was trying to d EA scribe the state of east German states during detente and Helsinki accords
In ken greenwoods rewind the protagonists jaunt back to the 60s and knowledge of ths events in the 80s, creates a very dystopian new timeline where qadaffi is dead, Reagan is the one who faces the ayatollah.
No what made him dumb was "liberating Eastern Europe" during a debate with James Earl Carter. And then refusing to take back his remarks for almost a week. His "brilliant' remark to Chenny/Rumsfield was that "if people misunderstood him, that was there problem" - this from someone running for President. What a dumbshit! So, you persist in calling my fourth cousin twice removed America's dumbest president? Gerald R. Ford was one of our greatest presidents, somewhere between Richard M. Nixon and James. E. Carter. Do you deny this? Was Ford more or less conservative than Nixon? More or less conservative than Carter? Ford was more conservative than either Nixon or Carter.
The Mueller presser today. The Clinton cabal is going to fight tooth and nail until 2020, trying to wait out the clock, and well beyond. They are being accused of possible treason.
pacwest said... The Mueller presser today. The Clinton cabal is going to fight tooth and nail until 2020, trying to wait out the clock, and well beyond. They are being accused of possible treason. *********** Whatever it is, it AIN'T Treason, which is specifically defined in the Constitution. Go look it up.
ewis Wetzel said... No what made him dumb was "liberating Eastern Europe" during a debate with James Earl Carter. And then refusing to take back his remarks for almost a week. ************
No. A person is not "dumb" because he is wrong on a particular subject.
If that were the test, then Obama's "you can keep your can keep your doctor"...makes him the dumbest POTUS ever.
Sean Davis Verified account @seanmdav 11h11 hours ago Mueller proved today that he is a corrupt hack with no interest in the rule of law. He violated multiple DOJ guidelines and regs, as well as ABA rules governing prosecutors, by holding a press conference just to smear someone he refused to charge. Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law
Minimum Two acre zoning in the place where I reside. It's a suburb by some definitions. I'm within a 25 mile radius of the largest area city. Most of the lots here are deeper than they are wide so we can see and hear neighbors when they are outside. House lots are generally separated by trees, which lowers visibility and filters sounds. Nice place.
Since when does an investigator and prosecutor exonerate a target of their investigation? They either bring charges and proceed to try to convict, or they don't. Mueller didn't bring charges, indeed he didn't even recommend that the AG prosecute Trump.
Pelosi, Nadler, et al (and including Amash) are spell casting with their talk of impeachment. Enemies of the republic and the people says me.
In the American tradition ships are referred to as "she" and "her".
The Sullivan brothers, were 5 brothers from Waterloo; that ALL signed up for the same ship (USS Juneau), and when it went down; all five were lost (along with 683 others) .
The navy named a ship after them, a Fletcher-class destroyer, USS The Sullivans (DD-537). {then, later a NEW ship, an Arleigh Burke-class USS The Sullivans (DDG-68)}
DD-537, was referred to as her; or the USS The Sullivans (or the The Sullivans) {DDG-68, was referred to as her; or the USS The Sullivans (or the The Sullivans)
If you wanted to talk about BOTH, you'd say them; or the USS The Sullivans' (or the The Sullivans')
Oh, jeez, now I do. A sort of pun, I guess? First time through I noticed but thought it was an AUTOCORRECT incident. Good one. A little too clever for me at 5:30am though... :-(
I know its the next day and no one will read this comment, but I have to say, I think your neighborhood looks wonderful. In the various shots of it that you've offered over the years, it looks like a beautiful area. If it wasn't for winter in Wisconsin...
In my neighborhood the houses are so close I can ask my neighbor to pass the mustard.
Many got it (a joke? Did that even rise to "pun?"), but perhaps we thought it kindest to let it go, it being so tiny and feeble. When you catch it again, be sure to pop it back into the oven for the remaining 50% of its baking time.
"'Mike Pence's recent, bizarre remarks at a West Point commencement are as clear an endorsement for permanent forever war as you could ask for.'
"As Douglas MacArthur said: Only the dead have seen the end of war."
There is a big difference between achieving a state of forever peace and carrying on a policy of permanent forever war. Or do you advocate the latter because the former may be impossible?
(There's also the fact that our policy of forever war is our choice, serves no legitimate self-defense purpose, and is therefore a criminal enterprise.)
Here's a much better policy that would cost less and actually increase American security: renounce regime change against Iran, accept the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic, and moved towards normalization of relations.
Explain please how you are not an Iran booster. Also, first, please explain why. Justify your assertion, which I find to be calling black, white.
"Until today, I have defended Mueller against the accusations that he is a partisan. I did not believe that he personally favored either the Democrats or the Republicans, or had a point of view on whether President Trump should be impeached. But I have now changed my mind. "
"That determination of guilt or innocence requires a full adversarial trial with a zealous defense attorney, vigorous cross examination, exclusionary rules of evidence, and other due process safeguards. Such safeguards were not present in this investigation, and so the suggestion by Mueller that Trump might well be guilty deserves no credence. His statement, so inconsistent with his long history, will be used to partisan advantage by Democrats, especially all those radicals who are seeking impeachment.
No prosecutor should ever say or do anything for the purpose of helping one party or the other. I cannot imagine a plausible reason why Mueller went beyond his report and gratuitously suggested that President Trump might be guilty, except to help Democrats in Congress and to encourage impeachment talk and action. Shame on Mueller for abusing his position of trust and for allowing himself to be used for such partisan advantage."
Explain please, why advocating the termination of regime change policies--illegal, by the way--make one a "booster" of the regime(s) the US wants to overthrow.
Re: getting treason. In an area of Arizona, farmers at the lowest elevations had problems of frequent flash flooding, so the seeds/seedlings would wash away. They turned to aquaculture as a solution. It remains true to this day that the lowest farms of Yuma are ponds.
Explain please, why advocating the termination of regime change policies--illegal, by the way--make one a "booster" of the regime(s) the US wants to overthrow.
Cookie will next explain why we went to war with Hitler, who had not attacked us. Roosevelt was amazingly lucky that Hitler declared war on us.
"Cookie will next explain why we went to war with Hitler, who had not attacked us. Roosevelt was amazingly lucky that Hitler declared war on us."
He had not attacked us, but, as you point out, he had declared war on the U.S. Moreover, Hitler was on a campaign of multiple regime changes, you might say, and he was expanding his campaigns to cover the whole of Europe. We joined in as allies with nations who were actually fighting in defense of themselves, to ensure that Germany did not succeed in conquering all of Europe and then move on to us.
Robert Cook said... "Explain please how you are not an Iran booster."
Explain please, why advocating the termination of regime change policies--illegal, by the way--make one a "booster" of the regime(s) the US wants to overthrow.
5/30/19, 9:31 AM
Explain please why you think I was talking to you, when I had not, I believe, quoted or addressed you.
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OMG My joy and happiness has been so much so I just want to testify of what Magic Dr has done for me . All hope was gone; I didn’t believe when a friend told me Dr Godwin can help me get my ex lover back and he really did. I just want to thank him so much for helping me in my situation he is a great spell caster. I believe he can help anybody with relationship problems . You can contact him with this. whatsApp him on +2348054615060 Thanks Dr Godwin you can also has well contact him on Gmail
best spell caster 2020 is Dr Godwin Love Spell And Lotto Spell the great wizard from African I want to use this medium to thank him for bringing my my ex lover back to me he only told me to provide the items needed for the spell and which I did and he told me that after he got the items in 24 hours I will start seeing the result and truly is a man of his words contact him today and get your problem solve WhatsApp (+2348054615060)
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So, eugenics mentioned by Justice Thomas and a comment mentioned by Althouse, in one 24 hour span. As Jimmy Cliff sang, "You can get it if you really want it." Finishing the whiskey, looking at the crab apple.
I read an excerpt from a piece by Tom Cotton about Arlington National Cemetery, it’s history and the Old Guard assigned there.
It occurred to me as I was reading that millennials and college snowflakes would likely not be familiar with the names and events described because they have no history, only Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Perhaps they have no future either.
Imagine non-binary Seals or fighter pilots. Imagine those in need of “therapy horses” before finals on the bridge of a destroyer. Imagine Antifa thugs in a marine recon platoon.
BTW, Edmund Morris the author of the Awful "Dutch" the authorized biography of Reagan has died. His appointment as "Official Biographer" was another one of Michael Devers and Nancy Reagan's bonehead moves.
Morris was some sort of Englishman who wrote a good Biography of TR, so Nancy hired him. Trouble was, as a middle-class Limey from Rhodesia, Morris had zero interest in American Domestic Politics, wasn't a Conservative, didn't care about Hollywood, and had no feeling or understanding of California or the Midwest, or average Americans.
Which of course, was a problem. Since Reagan was an average guy from the Midwest, who lived in California for almost his entire life, was a Hollywood actor, and obsessed with American domestic politics.
The result, was a terrible, weird biography that would've been turned down by every publisher in the country, except someone had signed Morris to write the book. Anyway, Morris seems to have struck gold with TR, otherwise he was completely forgettable. Which is why, I'm probably the only one who will write about him.
Daily Mail
Mueller launches a final hand grenade at Bill Barr AFTER speaking his 'last words' revealing memo criticizing AG for his press conference on day of report's release
-Special Counsel Robert Mueller spoke to the media about his Russia investigation
He said he hoped it would be his only public statement about it
-An aide also distributed a memo that included Attorney General Bill Barr's answers to questions, along with what Mueller would say
"...But despite his statement, and his statement that he does not intend to offer anything beyond its findings if he were to testify before Congress, Mueller's office distributed a memo during his press conference that highlighted the split with Barr."
"...MSNBC reported that a special counsel official distributed the memo to reporters at Mueller's dramatic press statement, describing it as a draft of how Mueller would have responded."
Why do I see the hand of Andrew Weissmann behind this unseemly business?
Perhaps he may be related to Sidney Blumenthal.
The WSJ now reporting that president Snow flake’s Whitehouse asked that the John McCain navy ship be kept from his sight while visiting Japan. Nothing one makes up about his frail ego can’t beat the reality.
“I see he has the little treason,” I heard myself say when I looked out the window and saw my neighbor had planted the trees that had been delivered earlier.
I don’t think I could ever live anywhere where I could look out my window and see my neighbor.
"the pride of madison wisconsin" is playing for one of the teams fighting for the Stanley Cup tonight.
The announcers are doing a great job and the score is tied, in case you want to tune in
Trump should sell the USS McCain to Mexico or Guatemala. A fitting end. BTW, the USS McCain is a small frigate destroyer based in Yokosuka City. Given that, I'm sure it didn't take much to "keep it out of sight".
Mike, Pierre and Eddie are announcing
"I don’t think I could ever live anywhere where I could look out my window and see my neighbor."
Why? What are you hiding?
"I don’t think I could ever live anywhere where I could look out my window and see my neighbor."
"Why? What are you hiding?"
My neighbor, of course. :)
Nothing one makes up about his frail ego can’t beat the reality.
Agreed, McCain is an egotistical asshole. He threw a fit when the Navy declined to name a Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier after him.
Although I think USS Trump has a nice ring to it.
Beta O'Rourke says that, IF 'we' don't impeach (and presumably convict Trump; it will mean "the end of our democracy and we cannot allow that to happen."
Since leaving a constitutionally elected Republican President in office is "the end of our democracy" and since "we cannot allow that to happen", what will be their next step after their failure to remove, and/or Trump's reelection?
My question is: Will it take Trump's reelection for the democrats to start Openly calling for armed responses; or will they just start sooner?
Our second home was essentially zero lot line. Our master bedroom windows were about six feet from our neighbors’ master bedroom windows. I felt so bad for our neighbors because our son had night terrors. More often than not I would be rocking him in the middle of the night while he screamed. I’d see them getting in their cars in the morning looking wrecked.
I haven’t seen purple Lily of the Nile before, if that’s what they are. We have blue.
Why do I see the hand of Andrew Weissmann behind this unseemly business?
What I see, even more than the Clinton team Mueller hired, is a touch of treason as Democrats work to paralyze the Trump administration as it negotiates with China (Diane Feinstein on the payroll.), Iran (Obama on the payroll) and Russia (Biden on two payrolls, China and Ukraine).
I winder how much money has changed hands ?
My question is: Will it take Trump's reelection for the democrats to start Openly calling for armed responses; or will they just start sooner?
Have you read any of Kurt Schlicter's novels yet? "Peoples' Republic," written when he thought Hillary would win, is a good place to start,
The USS John S McCain is named for Sr and Jr when commissioned long ago and not for the III. After his death, Cindi got a ceremony to add the traitors name on the list.
watch the Mona Lisa talk-- fascinatingly...creepy
Samsung's Creepy New AI Can Generate Talking Deepfakes From a Single Image
I take the media's decision to focus on the "USS John McCain" story as a tacit admission that the Mueller press conference amounted to nothing.
Has Mueller indicted Don Jr for the Trump Tower meeting yet?
He hasn't?!!?
I was told that Don Jr was going to jail. Perhaps, I've been misinformed.
Yes McCain senior was cincpac in Vietnam his father was a high Ranking officer in the leyte gulf campaign
Makes you wonder who's pulling his strings:
Does Mead do a garden blog? He should! I want to know: How close together does he plant those allium? And does he use different varieties? Also, how does he camouflage (if he does) the yellowing allium foliage? Also, does his allium come back year after year, or does he add to the allium stock each fall?
Does Mead do a garden blog? He should! I want to know: How close together does he plant those allium? And does he use different varieties? Also, how does he camouflage (if he does) the yellowing allium foliage? Also, does his allium come back year after year, or does he add to the allium stock each fall?
Does Mead do a garden blog? He should! I want to know: How close together does he plant those allium? And does he use different varieties? Also, how does he camouflage (if he does) the yellowing allium foliage? Also, does his allium come back year after year, or does he add to the allium stock each fall?
You can say that again.
AA@8:09-- nice one (neighbor: I think I'm a target of domestic spying)
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.".
...maybe the treason need of refreshing?
Looks like allium? I don't care for it but my hubby-the-gardener planted some this year under the apple trees in our orchard. But he won't let me weed whack underneath so it's mostly a jungle of weeds with a few purple flowers poking up above.
If Meade ever makes it to the Seattle area, he could teach my husband a few things about "landscaping". However, when it comes to the raised beds with vegetables and 20+ dahlias, hubby has everyone beat.
In Closing: Mueller is an egotistical hack - not a partisan hack, just an egotistical hack who is furious that Barr out-smarted him in the Washington DC "spin" game.
I was going to ask if the foliage died back in the summer, but Lucy answered by asking.
I'm surprised the adding of the name to the ship wasn't part of the funeral extravaganza.
Yeah, Meade should write a landscaping book.
I like living with visible neighbors on all sides. It’s safer and it’s friendly. I’m not looking into their house, just their yard. There’s a nice degree of separation. It’s early suburbia — the way suburbia was laid out in the 1920s. It makes for great walks and the gardens are really well done.
I think that instead of calling him Mayor Pete, we should call him Burgermeister Buttygig.
who is furious that Barr out-smarted him in the Washington DC "spin" game.
Yeah, that is what he is furious about.
"Although I think USS Trump has a nice ring to it."
I thought you deplored egotistical assholes.
I like living with visible neighbors on all sides.
I do, too but it's nice I can't hear them. All the houses here are on one acre lots.
Trump had a real opportunity for a "Nixon goes to China" moment on Iran, but he has let his own misguided and foolish anti-Iran hysteria blind him from better, more pragmatic solutions. He has appointed dangerous ideologues like Pompeo and Bolton in important foreign policy positions. Bolton is doing his damndest to stoke confrontation and brinkmanship with Iran all in pursuit of yet another foolish regime change policy. Here's a much better policy that would cost less and actually increase American security: renounce regime change against Iran, accept the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic, and moved towards normalization of relations.
he has let his own misguided and foolish anti-Iran hysteria blind him from better, more pragmatic solutions.
Read the Podhoretz interview on why he does not like Buchanan, which seem to be your guiding star. I like Buchanan but mostly disagree. He does have good arguments, unlike many here.
I thought you deplored egotistical assholes.<
WE love you,.Cookie.
We beg to differ james:
Re neighbors, Rand Paul has no comment.
Yes they can when urked crush your thorax
And who would you have in place of Pompeo and Bolton?
Suburbia was first invented by commuter Railroads 10 to 20 miles outside town and were designed to sell lots to builders and had large parklands/forests either side of the tracks down the center. Then Henry Ford came along, and then the paved roads appeared next and the trains to town were left for more than 20 miles outside of the town where everyone worked.
We have a midcentury modern ranch, one owner before we got here in 2006. She planted white everything--azaleas (which are bigger than quonset huts--oops), magnolia trees, white irises and/or lilies (I'm no gardener), dogwoods, and blooming right now one huge . . . gardenia (no memory for plant names).
I guess she was into the aroma, more than vivid colors--right now the magnolias and gardenia make me want to linger outside although it's already too darn hot.
Summer is icumen in, all sing goddam!
And who would you have in place of Pompeo and Bolton?
Jim Webb, Anthony Zini, Andrew Bacevich are a few off the top of my head.
Mike Pence's recent, bizarre remarks at a West Point commencement are as clear an endorsement for permanent forever war as you could ask for.
“Yes McCain senior was cincpac in Vietnam his father was a high Ranking officer in the leyte gulf campaign”
That was Jr. John “Slew” McCain, Sr was a two and three star Admiral during the Pacific campaign. One of the most aggressive carrier task force commanders, he helped lead the way across the Pacific. However, he was involved, as chief of staff of Halsey’s Third Fleet, near the end of the war, in not protecting their ships from a major typhoon, which resulted in the loss of 3 destroyers and 800 men. He was relieved of command, but was brought back to stand in the front line at the surrender in Tokyo Bay. He returned to the States right after that, and died 4 days later, earning his fourth star posthumously. Sr and Jr were the first father son combo ever to both earn four stars. Captain John McCain III was offered a star (rear admiral), but went into politics instead.
Neighbors should be seen but not heard.
Our Dumbest President, who never got elected, has an Aircraft Carrier named after him. The USS Gerald Ford. Maybe we need to revisit our Ship naming policy. I don't want to see the USS Barrack Obama on the High Seas.
Yes that wasnt his finest hour, I think the youngest McCain was limited cause of his injuries he couldn't make cag and hence get a ship captaincy so he segued into liasson work. Of course liasson with Jim Hensley daughter didnt hurt either.
Various Liberal Websites and Newspapers are all aflutter about the Navy "Hiding" the USS McCain. OMG - it worse than watergate!
Usually I don't celebrate a man's death. But can you imagine how fucked up the news coverage would be if McCain had stayed healthy and was still on every TV show giving us his opinion on Trump, Iraq, Iran, etc?
Since he refused to retire, I can only say: I'm glad he's dead.
Suburbs were started by street car and interurban companies.
What made him dumb, he started out in the America first movement at yale law he segued toward generally moderate republicanism although he had a brief fling with impeaching earl Warren
"Mike Pence's recent, bizarre remarks at a West Point commencement are as clear an endorsement for permanent forever war as you could ask for."
As Douglas MacArthur said: Only the dead have seen the end of war.
They have the USS Eldridge stealth technology how do you hide a carrier?
Yeah, Bacevich is a good choice. He thinks Trump does nothing but lie. I’m sure they’d get along just swell. Zini is retired military. I think Trump’s had enough of that. Webb? Ha.
narciso: "Yes that wasnt his finest hour, I think the youngest McCain was limited cause of his injuries he couldn't make cag and hence get a ship captaincy so he segued into liasson work."
FYI, generally speaking, the Carrier Air Group Commander (CAG (O6-Capt)) and Ships Captain (O6-Capt) are alternate Aviation career paths and dont overlap.
Its one or the other.
Blogger rcocean said...
Our Dumbest President, who never got elected, has an Aircraft Carrier named after him. The USS Gerald Ford.
Gerald Ford is my forth cousin, twice removed, meaning we share great-great-great grandparents. Good Lord, that man was a genius! Are you sure that you are not thinking of Chevy Chase?
Bacevich when he was on the armed services wanted us to stop supporting the salvadoran regime, this was at the height of thr cold war
"What made him dumb, he started out in the America first movement at yale law he segued toward generally moderate republicanism although he had a brief fling with impeaching earl Warren"
No what made him dumb was "liberating Eastern Europe" during a debate with James Earl Carter. And then refusing to take back his remarks for almost a week. His "brilliant' remark to Chenny/Rumsfield was that "if people misunderstood him, that was there problem" - this from someone running for President. What a dumbshit!
Yes that was foolish, but look at the ignoramus that replaced him. I dont care he was familiar with nuclear science.
After practically drooling Joe Biden, I dont want any aspersions about GOP candidates
Note he focus Dems are putting on the Russian interference element of Snoop Bob's statement.
Of course an unprovable assertion, this conclusion is based on crowdstrike faulty analytics
Narciso, I think you read this.
Blogger ngtrains said...
Suburbs were started by street car and interurban companies.
I think that it is important to remember that in-city living did not match well with post WW2 expectations. The housing stock was old by the 1940s and 1950s. The lots were small, parking was awful, the public schools were relics built around the time of the First World War. I have lived in some of those houses. The houses were laid out weird (bathroom off of the kitchen), and in some cases incomprehensible to modern eyes ("Oh. This floor was the servants' quarters. That explains the small bedrooms and the small kitchen shoehorned into a closet"). Commonly there were sash windows that no longer worked -- you had to heave up the window and jab a book under it to keep it from closing. In one house I remember, the insulation consisted of old newspapers jammed into the space between the inner and outer walls. No air conditioning and the heat came from radiators that looked like they had been designed by Victorians.
Well if you dont hear from me in a few days...
In one novelization of the famous eugenics wars, it was a shadow war occurring in remote corners of the world
"I don’t think I could ever live anywhere where I could look out my window and see my neighbor."
If I was gonna let me mind run wild, I think I'd fuss more about sleeping on a bed where tons of other folks have slopped their cum.
But regardless of having a lot of dough, such that getting what ya want is what is, I can't ask a hotel to bring in a new bed and linens.
Don't wanna seem like a psycho.
Anywho, better to own places in a lot of places = my two sense.
However, he was involved, as chief of staff of Halsey’s Third Fleet, near the end of the war, in not protecting their ships from a major typhoon, which resulted in the loss of 3 destroyers and 800 men. He was relieved of command, but was brought back to stand in the front line at the surrender in Tokyo Bay.
Halsey was protected from two serious mistakes that would have had anyone else relieved. First was the Leyte Gulf battle in which Ziggy Sprague saved Halsey's bacon in the Taffy Three combat that cost American lives.
The other was the typhoon that McCain took the blame for. The Navy did not believe they could lose the PR value of Halsey. He was excused from his gross errors because of Guadalcanal. Spruance won Midway and he is almost anonymous.
They went plastic Turkey with the mccain:
"Morris was some sort of Englishman who wrote a good Biography of TR, so Nancy hired him. Trouble was, as a middle-class Limey from Rhodesia, Morris had zero interest in American Domestic Politics, wasn't a Conservative, didn't care about Hollywood, and had no feeling or understanding of California or the Midwest, or average Americans."
Ha ha ha.
The "who wrote a good biography of TR" part is a real hole.
Not to mention how the other fussy stuff would (in the relative context) be a big dump on Tocqueville.
Anywho, if folks want hagiography re the man I saw waving and smiling from a limo at a blank wall with no people (in 1990) cause his brain was mush. There's plenty of that.
And, sheesh.
Seeing that tr died some 65 years before Morris's bio, what was his excuse
roesch/voltaire said...
The WSJ now reporting that president Snow flake’s Whitehouse asked that the John McCain navy ship be kept from his sight while visiting Japan. Nothing one makes up about his frail ego can’t beat the reality.
I call bullshit to the nth power. That ship was originally named after McCain's grandfather and father.
"The ship, which was commissioned in 1994, is the second Navy ship to bear the name John McCain, and it named after the senator’s grandfather and father, respectively. The ship was re-dedicated in 2018, so that its name **also** honored the late senator as well, now bearing the name of three John McCains."
HOW THE FUCK would Trump know the ship was there
WHY THE FUCK, aside from anonymous claims, would Trump object to that ship being there, and
HOW THE FUCK would he be able to see the aft of the ship with that name?
Bullshit to the nth power.
Go on: give it a shot.
"According to an email reviewed by the Wall Street Journal."
Another anonymous source that cannot be examined for authenticity. What bullshit. Who believes this crap? Oh yeah, stupid people.
rcocean said...
Our Dumbest President, who never got elected, has an Aircraft Carrier named after him. The USS Gerald Ford. Maybe we need to revisit our Ship naming policy. I don't want to see the USS Barrack Obama on the High Seas.
Hey, fuckwit: read this:
"Ford graduated from Michigan in 1935 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics. He turned down offers from the Detroit Lions and Green Bay Packers of the National Football League. Instead, he took a job in September 1935 as the boxing coach and assistant varsity football coach at Yale University[19] and applied to its law school.[20]
Ford hoped to attend Yale Law School beginning in 1935. Yale officials at first denied his admission to the law school because of his full-time coaching responsibilities. He spent the summer of 1937 as a student at the University of Michigan Law School[21] and was eventually admitted in the spring of 1938 to Yale Law School.[22] Ford earned his LL.B. degree in 1941 (later amended to Juris Doctor),***** graduating in the top 25 percent of his class.***
Ford graduated from law school in 1941 and was admitted to the Michigan bar shortly thereafter.
Time to come to Jesus, rocean: what law schoold did YOU graduate from? And what bar are/were you ever a member of? What high elected office did YOU ever hold??????????????????????
Face it: you're a nullity. Something people like Ford had to distastefully scrape off their shoe now and then.
Kiron skinner, now the head of state department planning wrote two excellent books on Reagan based on his letters and notes
I like to take an expansive view, if one were charitable one might say Ford was trying to d EA scribe the state of east German states during detente and Helsinki accords
In ken greenwoods rewind the protagonists jaunt back to the 60s and knowledge of ths events in the 80s, creates a very dystopian new timeline where qadaffi is dead, Reagan is the one who faces the ayatollah.
No what made him dumb was "liberating Eastern Europe" during a debate with James Earl Carter. And then refusing to take back his remarks for almost a week. His "brilliant' remark to Chenny/Rumsfield was that "if people misunderstood him, that was there problem" - this from someone running for President. What a dumbshit!
So, you persist in calling my fourth cousin twice removed America's dumbest president? Gerald R. Ford was one of our greatest presidents, somewhere between Richard M. Nixon and James. E. Carter. Do you deny this? Was Ford more or less conservative than Nixon? More or less conservative than Carter? Ford was more conservative than either Nixon or Carter.
There was more or less a continuity between the Nixon and Ford administration one can fault him for being to open with the democrats
A lesson Rumsfeld and Cheney took to heart, 20 some years later.
The Mueller presser today. The Clinton cabal is going to fight tooth and nail until 2020, trying to wait out the clock, and well beyond. They are being accused of possible treason.
pacwest said...
The Mueller presser today. The Clinton cabal is going to fight tooth and nail until 2020, trying to wait out the clock, and well beyond. They are being accused of possible treason.
Whatever it is, it AIN'T Treason, which is specifically defined in the Constitution. Go look it up.
But Sedition? It's Sedition, straight up.
But as richielieu I think put it 'treason (or deotion is not sedition if it doth prosper'
ewis Wetzel said...
No what made him dumb was "liberating Eastern Europe" during a debate with James Earl Carter. And then refusing to take back his remarks for almost a week.
No. A person is not "dumb" because he is wrong on a particular subject.
If that were the test, then Obama's "you can keep your can keep your doctor"...makes him the dumbest POTUS ever.
Are you down with that, Lewis?
Sean Davis
Verified account @seanmdav
11h11 hours ago
Mueller proved today that he is a corrupt hack with no interest in the rule of law. He violated multiple DOJ guidelines and regs, as well as ABA rules governing prosecutors, by holding a press conference just to smear someone he refused to charge.
Mueller Just Proved His Entire Operation Was A Political Hit Job That Trampled The Rule Of Law
I was quoting another commenter, wholelotofsplainin'. Gerald R. Ford was my fourth cousin, twice removed. I will not say a hard word against him.
I think the story about the McCain is almost surely a hoax, but idiots will believe anything you tell them, I guess.
In any case, if they did hide the McCain, they probably parked it behind a garbage barge where no one could see it.
Clarify please
Are there three ships named McCain or
one ship with three names?
What pronoun for the ship?
Clarify please
Are there three ships named McCain or
one ship with three names?
One ship that was initially named for John McCain Sr. and John McCain Jr. Later, after his death, the ship was also dedicated to John McCain III.
What pronoun for the ship?
In the American tradition ships are referred to as "she" and "her".
Gerald R. Ford was my fourth cousin, twice removed. I will not say a hard word against him.
George Washington was my (non-geriatric possessive) fourth cousin, 6 times removed. Same here.
After they'd moved to Vail, I delivered a Meal on Wheel to the Ford's next door neighbor. Good times on Seminary Hill....
Minimum Two acre zoning in the place where I reside. It's a suburb by some definitions. I'm within a 25 mile radius of the largest area city. Most of the lots here are deeper than they are wide so we can see and hear neighbors when they are outside. House lots are generally separated by trees, which lowers visibility and filters sounds. Nice place.
Since when does an investigator and prosecutor exonerate a target of their investigation? They either bring charges and proceed to try to convict, or they don't. Mueller didn't bring charges, indeed he didn't even recommend that the AG prosecute Trump.
Pelosi, Nadler, et al (and including Amash) are spell casting with their talk of impeachment. Enemies of the republic and the people says me.
What pronoun for the ship?
In the American tradition ships are referred to as "she" and "her".
Because they're so finicky and expensive.
Gerald Ford makes one mistake and is labelled for life. Same with Dan Quayle. Imagine my surprise to see they are both R's.
Meanwhile, the human gaffamatic Joe Biden, marches on to the nomination.
What pronoun for the ship?
In the American tradition ships are referred to as "she" and "her".
The Sullivan brothers, were 5 brothers from Waterloo; that ALL signed up for the same ship (USS Juneau), and when it went down; all five were lost (along with 683 others) .
The navy named a ship after them, a Fletcher-class destroyer, USS The Sullivans (DD-537).
{then, later a NEW ship, an Arleigh Burke-class USS The Sullivans (DDG-68)}
DD-537, was referred to as her; or the USS The Sullivans (or the The Sullivans)
{DDG-68, was referred to as her; or the USS The Sullivans (or the The Sullivans)
If you wanted to talk about BOTH, you'd say them; or the USS The Sullivans' (or the The Sullivans')
Did no one get my joke?
Oh, jeez, now I do. A sort of pun, I guess? First time through I noticed but thought it was an AUTOCORRECT incident. Good one. A little too clever for me at 5:30am though... :-(
What, you didn't see my eyes roll, althouse?
'Tis the season for treeson.
"In the American tradition ships are referred to as "she" and "her"."
"Because it costs so much to keep them in paint and powder." Adm Chester Nimitz
I know its the next day and no one will read this comment, but I have to say, I think your neighborhood looks wonderful. In the various shots of it that you've offered over the years, it looks like a beautiful area. If it wasn't for winter in Wisconsin...
In my neighborhood the houses are so close I can ask my neighbor to pass the mustard.
Pardon me, Temujin, but do you have any Grey Poupon?
Beta O'Rourke: "the end of our democracy and we cannot allow that to happen."
Well good luck with that, considering we have a Republic, not a Democracy.
Ann Althouse said...
Did no one get my joke?
Many got it (a joke? Did that even rise to "pun?"), but perhaps we thought it kindest to let it go, it being so tiny and feeble. When you catch it again, be sure to pop it back into the oven for the remaining 50% of its baking time.
Did no one get my joke?
Puns are underappreciated.
"'And who would you have in place of Pompeo and Bolton?'
"Jim Webb, Anthony Zini, Andrew Bacevich are a few off the top of my head."
Bacevich, absolutely!
"'Mike Pence's recent, bizarre remarks at a West Point commencement are as clear an endorsement for permanent forever war as you could ask for.'
"As Douglas MacArthur said: Only the dead have seen the end of war."
There is a big difference between achieving a state of forever peace and carrying on a policy of permanent forever war. Or do you advocate the latter because the former may be impossible?
(There's also the fact that our policy of forever war is our choice, serves no legitimate self-defense purpose, and is therefore a criminal enterprise.)
Finishing the whiskey, looking at the crab apple.
Wildswan, huh?
Here's a much better policy that would cost less and actually increase American security: renounce regime change against Iran, accept the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic, and moved towards normalization of relations.
Explain please how you are not an Iran booster. Also, first, please explain why. Justify your assertion, which I find to be calling black, white.
Why is the Iranian republic legitimate, why are only tools of frita parsi acceptable?
Dershowitz: Shame on Robert Mueller for exceeding his role
"Until today, I have defended Mueller against the accusations that he is a partisan. I did not believe that he personally favored either the Democrats or the Republicans, or had a point of view on whether President Trump should be impeached. But I have now changed my mind. "
"That determination of guilt or innocence requires a full adversarial trial with a zealous defense attorney, vigorous cross examination, exclusionary rules of evidence, and other due process safeguards. Such safeguards were not present in this investigation, and so the suggestion by Mueller that Trump might well be guilty deserves no credence. His statement, so inconsistent with his long history, will be used to partisan advantage by Democrats, especially all those radicals who are seeking impeachment.
No prosecutor should ever say or do anything for the purpose of helping one party or the other. I cannot imagine a plausible reason why Mueller went beyond his report and gratuitously suggested that President Trump might be guilty, except to help Democrats in Congress and to encourage impeachment talk and action. Shame on Mueller for abusing his position of trust and for allowing himself to be used for such partisan advantage."
"Explain please how you are not an Iran booster."
Explain please, why advocating the termination of regime change policies--illegal, by the way--make one a "booster" of the regime(s) the US wants to overthrow.
So, does Meade have a gardening blog?
Re: getting treason. In an area of Arizona, farmers at the lowest elevations had problems of frequent flash flooding, so the seeds/seedlings would wash away. They turned to aquaculture as a solution. It remains true to this day that the lowest farms of Yuma are ponds.
Robert Cook wrote:
"illegal, by the way"
Such concern for the laws crafted by the rich and powerful to protect themselves from justice!
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM yesterday at 9:11 pm got AA's pun, I think.
Explain please, why advocating the termination of regime change policies--illegal, by the way--make one a "booster" of the regime(s) the US wants to overthrow.
Cookie will next explain why we went to war with Hitler, who had not attacked us. Roosevelt was amazingly lucky that Hitler declared war on us.
"Robert Cook wrote:
'illegal, by the way'
"Such concern for the laws crafted by the rich and powerful to protect themselves from justice!"
I don't even understand what you're trying to say here.
"Cookie will next explain why we went to war with Hitler, who had not attacked us. Roosevelt was amazingly lucky that Hitler declared war on us."
He had not attacked us, but, as you point out, he had declared war on the U.S. Moreover, Hitler was on a campaign of multiple regime changes, you might say, and he was expanding his campaigns to cover the whole of Europe. We joined in as allies with nations who were actually fighting in defense of themselves, to ensure that Germany did not succeed in conquering all of Europe and then move on to us.
Robert Cook said...
"Explain please how you are not an Iran booster."
Explain please, why advocating the termination of regime change policies--illegal, by the way--make one a "booster" of the regime(s) the US wants to overthrow.
5/30/19, 9:31 AM
Explain please why you think I was talking to you, when I had not, I believe, quoted or addressed you.
Thanks- we think she misread our post, (2x!) and that we hinted she's a "Mrs. Kravitz",
so now guess who's in the doghouse-- yup. Us.
Jim Webb, maybe.
But Bacevich? The fact that we don't currently have him is proof that God is still looking out for the USA.
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