... you can talk all evening and into the night.
FROM THE COMMENTS: From Ingachuck'stoothlessARM: "Trump-like triphyllum ! look at that coif" (Ingachuck'stoothlessARM). Ha ha. We wondered if anyone would see it the way we did.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
१२९ टिप्पण्या:
that is a rude flower
because they were focused on this mifsud/downer games they missed this,
if they were able to fall on their swords at mi 6 and 5, but then they would have to possess a sense of shame, wouldn't they,
I love that flower. My parents have them at the farm in Lodi. Trilliums too.
Well now, that is a provocative plant. Jack, indeed.
Is This Intelligence Group Responsible For The QAnon Conspiracy Theory?
Of course, QAnon is Eric Trump, but this interesting article argues that QAnon is ...
... a loose network including an organization known as Joint Task Force – Make America Great Again (JTFMAGA) made up of intelligence whistleblowers, alternative media figures and individuals with a known history of virally spreading information online ....
chris blackburn, the british researcher who has cut his teeth on mifsud, points out his contacts at the emuni, indicate mifsud worked through the link campus, (I have sometimes said London campus, apologies) to promote the arab spring, something a Russian agent would not be doing,
binney and drake are obviously whistleblowers, they are affiliated with vips which was founded by ray close, a long time arabist company veteran, who went native ala st john Philby when he retired from the company, but their attitudes were clearly left in the 00s, ray mccgovern and wayne madsen were the initial frontmen,
they popped up in the plame matter, 15 years later, they are on the other side, john schindler particularly has an animus against binney, as I imagine officials of the black chamber had toward Herbert Yardley,
of course they would say that:
does liberman think these folks would give him a better deal,
I was driving way up nort' in Wisconsin last week, and the forest was just covered with Trillium in flower. I wanted a spade and some plastic bags. That's probably illegal though, to dig them up and move them down here. Beautiful scene though.
Jacks are all over our Garden. They do multiply. Lots of bright red seed pods every year.
The Media: OMG! Trump is going to prosecute Assange for violations of the Espionage Act! It's vital to a free press that we're able to publish secret government information!
Also the media: OMG! Trump is going to allow Barr to declassify secret government information! This is so dangerous!
Trump-like triphyllum !
look at that coif
Jill-In-The Pulpit!! They're Trans!
"While Jack-in-the-pulpit has both male and female plants, they can change gender from year to year".
My mom said it was illegal to pick trilliums on wisconson.
You know, I don’t remember seeing a jack-in-the-pulpit since moving away from the Midwest over fifty years ago. The USDA Forestry Service claims that their range is the whole eastern half of the continental US, but I don’t recollect ever seeing one when I lived in Maryland, nor when I lived in Virginia.
This is what I was referring to:
Jack all over in Vt and NH...
We have those in Massachusetts as well.
Eric observes: The Media: OMG! Trump is going to prosecute Assange for violations of the Espionage Act! It's vital to a free press that we're able to publish secret government information!
Also the media: OMG! Trump is going to allow Barr to declassify secret government information! This is so dangerous!
And why is it we never see polls about the media? Rhetorical question.
Blogger Big Mike said...
You know, I don’t remember seeing a jack-in-the-pulpit since moving away from the Midwest over fifty years ago. The USDA Forestry Service claims that their range is the whole eastern half of the continental US, but I don’t recollect ever seeing one when I lived in Maryland, nor when I lived in Virginia.
We have ‘me here in slower MD. They like wet spots.
We look for and find them while we do our weekly dog-hikes in North Carolina. I think they've all passed by for this season. They start early down here.
Can someone explain why the DC Court of Appeals is *still* sitting on Mann v. National Review?
My dad always told me that picking trilliums was illegal, but that was in Washington state.
Wiki says only illegal in Michigan and Minnesota, plus the red trillium in New York. But while legal in most places, it’s not nice.
DC Court of Appeals isn't sitting on Mann. It upheld ruling against dismissal and National Review is seeking a writ of certiorari (and fundraising off that). Link to the petition:
And why is it we never see polls about the media? Rhetorical question.
We do sort of have them in terms of ratings, readership, subscriptions, and advertising revenue.
Narciso puts it well. This is deep stuff with players with long records, and God knows what else they have been up to.
It goes back decades, and the connections are numerous and complex. This is the stuff of the great game. Unfortunately the game has long lost its point, and any legitimate objectives. And it’s left behind a great number of the sort of necessary people, in a certain situation, that are dangerous to leave undirected.
When people say our president is a loon they have tweets like this in mind:
'I was actually sticking up for Sleepy Joe Biden while on foreign soil. Kim Jong Un called him a “low IQ idiot,” and many other things, whereas I related the quote of Chairman Kim as a much softer “low IQ individual.” Who could possibly be upset with that?'
I know: satire, humor, Trump being Trump.
Or you could say it's the mark of loon.
No truth, in labeling, originally Biden was a mark on salt 2, believing the Soviets would abide, he believes in the nuclear freeze the integrity of the sandinistas but not as strongly as tools Sanders kerry and harkin
At the conclusion of his wars, Frederick the Great had a practice whereby he assembled those mercenaries, irregulars and scoundrels that had served him so well, under the guns of a fortress. There he had them disarmed and paid off, and told to depart his realms forthwith.
Something like that should have been done with the US/European intelligence agencies at the end of the Cold War.
Thanks, readering, too funny.
Well now, that is a provocative plant.
Sex AND religion, like the pagan temple prostitutes.
Saw lots of jack in the pulpit over by Catoctin Mountain in Virginia by a stream. And one in my front yard this year. No idea how he got there. Or is it she?
It's a very zen campaign:
Take Paul pillar he was originally at state, after his PhD from princeton but ended up in the company's analytical section after the cold war, where he drew snake eyes.
readering said...
Or you could say it's the mark of loon.
Is the loon the person that thinks Biden is a low IQ individual or the person who thinks Biden would be a good President?
Biden is dumb. Trump is clearly more intelligent than Biden.
retired CIA station chief gives his thoughts re: all points to Brennan
All's for the best in this best of all possible Trump worlds.
Rhetoric, modern style, subversive messaging.
Note that the “Biden is dumb” meme has now been repeated by everyone.
Especially every media outlet eager to make fun of Trump.
Now Biden is (more so) subject to a filter, in the back of people’s minds.
Trump appears as a clumsy boor, in this, but Biden?
Even by those who may support him, having been given the message by their own media.
That is Trumps jiujitsu.
Take nothing at face value.
Btw, this sort of thing was forever part of a statesmans education.
It was assumed that every statement was layered, and foreign ministers amused themselves unpacking them.
is PapaD correct that Italy has given up misfud?
to the US? where is he and how is he not dead?
Well he probably has safe houses in the kingdom the UK other places, and probably among deep state redoubts in the states
For a master-class in this rhetorical subversion, I refer you to Fitzroy Maclean, “Eastern Approaches”
He attended Bukharin’s show-trial in 1938.
Bukharin was of course a dead man standing, but...
When he was asked to answer charges he would readily confess, and expand, and add certain buts and quibbles.
That raised points, by implication, that made the court very nervous.
A small counterattack by a very clever man, with, one would think, no resources, in a hopeless position.
But he managed something.
Joe "I think I have a much higher IQ than you do" Biden
Yes by comparison pyatkov I learned this from sacred places, would Confess to crimes he hadn't even been accused of.
Yes that when his plagiarism was discovered by maureen Dowd of all people.
How about that:
This is an honest question. With all of these links, what point are you trying to make? And if you insist on doing the Glenn Reynolds bit, for the love of god at least embed your links in HTML tags.
Farmer observes: We do sort of have them in terms of ratings, readership, subscriptions, and advertising revenue.
Not the same thing at all. If pollsters ask what kind of job do you think President Trump is doing, etc., they should ask similar questions about the news media. And ratings are really only a statistical sample of, say TV watchers, which obviously excludes some, and doesn't include newspapers [or their online equivalent] or the news services themselves, e.g., AP, UPI, Reuters, BBC.
buwaya - 50 years on, if we care, Osprey Press has lots of good books about the Soviet war efforts, Kursk, Smolensk, that sort of thing, millions dead as civilian or military casualties ....
As much as we know that every single Communist was wrong, both as a matter of religion (God loves us and this world should be a place of joy and prayer and love, not a place of bossing people around) , and as a simple matter of classical economics, millions and millions of those who died - and Osprey Press only covers a small portion of the Apocalypse of Death the Russians and the Ukrainians and the Moldavians and Galicians and all the others, God remembers every single one of them as they looked in their last moment on earth, that is what God does for a living - as much as we know that every single Communist was wrong, I have to think, poor Bukharin was what we would now call bipolar, while he was being tried. He thought he said triumphant things when he was happy, he knew he was being set up to be murdered by his quondam Commie friends at other times.
Well American history is pretty bad too Lincoln was an "eloquent president" but hundreds of thousands of people , many of them very good people, better people than me, died who might have lived if he, poor Lincoln, had just stayed a "simple country lawyer" and if a better man than he had been given the opportunity for peace that Lincoln scorned
Narciso - have you been reading Shibumi lately?
Well the gist of the last link was clear 41 million dollars of tax payer funds have gone to Islamists. The previous link was what Blackburn realizes there is little about Russia with mifsud
“What point are you trying to make?”
Why does a space probe send back data?
We are obliged to take this information and fit it in our models of the universe, and adjust them if necessary.
An inquiry need not have a point, as a voyage of discovery need not have a goal.
Picked up trevanian's whole series including the main (set in Montreal) and the loo sanction, (set in London mostly)
If pollsters ask what kind of job do you think President Trump is doing, etc., they should ask similar questions about the news media.
They do. All the time.
Tim powers declare suggests the source of Soviet power was somewhat like the one of the infinity stones, supernatural and not if this earth. The former is indicated by all those who were fed into the faw between 1925 and 1953.
Well the gist of the last link was clear 41 million dollars of tax payer funds have gone to Islamists. The previous link was what Blackburn realizes there is little about Russia with mifsud
Okay, that's just what I wanted to clear up. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to view each of your little comments as part of some larger, more cohesive comment or as standalone statements.
I'm using guestimates but that's when the machinery of death really started revved up under stalin, it began under the cheka which arose in a very interesting place.
I splurged on Unfreedom of the Press by Mark Levin. It's a 6 hour Audible Book, but fortunately Levin is not the narrator other than a short Intro.To my pleasant surprise it's very well done and succinctly lays out a strong case.
jerry pournelle used to go on and on about his pal Trevanian, at "Chaos Manor"
I don;t really have a favorite prose author outside of the Bible and even in the Bible I am a little dubious about some of the Old Testament writers - Solomon and his ilk , for example ---- sorry, if you are an Israelite Prince, and then a kind, the least you can do is not be a strip club loser
All the New Testament authors are first rate though
That being said the Book of Revelation is tough going I find it easier just to google search
"inspiring quotations from Revelation" there are about one or two per chapter
when I was a traveling salesman sort of person, though I would often, after a long day, stuck in a sad hotel room, flip through the Gideon's Bible and many of the best parts are in the book of Revelation
I remember that, anyway, I remember
It's a 6 hour Audible Book,...
When I got to that part of the sentence, my eyes widened in horror. His success on the radio has always baffled me. Levin has one of the shrillest voices I've heard on a man.
I once had a really shameful collection of Ospreys, 100+ of them.
A collecting habit since I was a kid.
My big deal was pre-wwii, especially the sixteenth-nineteenth centuries. The uniform plates are glorious. But a packrat mind led me far astray.
I got rid of the lot recently, as with most of our books. They are very tough to haul around the world. The big losses were the huge bound set of Purnell's history of WWII, the Blair&Robertsons "Philippine Islands", and Morisons "United States Naval Operations in World War II". I am keeping the set of Oman's Penninsular War, and an antique Napiers.
Does Althouse have “King in trouble” tag?
I'm surprised you have that view of Solomon, much less David, people are imperfect even rulers chosen by God, sometimes it takes many generations to find true wisdom.
"Medicare for all" means Medicaid for Medicare recipients....Not every gay executive was as feckless as James Buchanan. Frederick the Great was said to be pretty shrewd.
Buttigieg should start touting the accomplishments of Frederick the Great. .....Here's the thing about Stalin's terror. Some of the old Bolshies he arrested were professional revolutionaries. They knew about fake passports and how to live underground, but they meekly awaited arrest and execution. True believers to the end. Ah well, Ann Boleyn praised Henry VIII just prior to execution and rape victims supported Hillary.
Questions for Meade: Did you grow that from seed?
My mother had one of those in Middleton. It was one of the few patches of soil she protected. She used that plant to teach me what a perennial was. I wonder if SoCal weather would kill one?
Why do you thing thise versus have served in good stead for thousands of years. Revelation had a somewhat different purpose one is hung up with the most cinematic passages that parallel Daniel and later 2 thessaloniams
narciso Tin Powers is smart, but he misses this -----
(and Gene Wolfe the great genius of his day, missed it too)
if you want to understand history you need to understand this.
Some saints knew exactly what they were doing (Joan of Arc, Mark Twain's favorite ,Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity, my favorite, and the supremely brave Bernadette of Soubirous, God's favorite) but most saints were not saints at all for most of their lives.
We cannot depend on each other, only God can make it right.
I guarantee you that most people reading this comment tonight cannot name even two or three out of the millions of saints who died under Communist persecution.
Millions. I understand big numbers, and when I say millions, I mean millions.
To be fair, even I could only name five or ten or twenty, which is a lot less than "millions"///////////////////////////
"Questions for Meade: Did you grow that from seed?"
Put in one jack, in 25 years you'll have hundreds. BIG ones.
On another website, long ago, I was criticized for saying that it is PRIDE to say that we are all going to die
I do not know if I want to die before the End Times ------
All of us ask ourself that question
That is why we love the Book of Revelation
maybe we will see those days, maybe not......
We are not all going to die, there are people alive today who will still be alive when the Lord does what old Saint John, in the last years of hie life, said God was going to do.
Maybe you saw them at the DMV or at Harris Teeter's, or maybe they were driving or sitting in the passenger seat in a car on the same highway your car was on ........
no, my friends, we are not al going to die before this earth is renewed as God wants it to be renewed.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Well he was trying to set a le carre tale with lovecraftian elements, remember part of the pre Islamic Arab culture came from the rub al khali 'the empty quarter's near the kingdom of sheba. How does one describe the horror of the terror to a sophisticated audience so called.
we like @narciso.
as we have said in the past-- he does the deep digging on the denizens of darkness and deceit, and deserves his due.
That's why we likened "his dance" (vs Theresa M.) to the "ballet's most difficult moves vid.
The digging and research are important steps to the process.
buwaya said...
At the conclusion of his wars, Frederick the Great had a practice ...
He Disbanded and dispersed the mercenaries.
Something like that should have been done with the US/European intelligence agencies at the end of the Cold War.
Q what happened on other side of Cold War Buwaya
Which death, physical or spiritual, the former has been true for a long time. The option of the latter has been for lesser periods
ICTA asserts: we like @narciso.
Yes. Yes, we do.
as long as after swinging on the Riviera one day, he doesnt end up in a Bombay alley the next
as for me no I do not try to describe horror to sophisticated people, that would be mean of me to do, if I could do it (I hope I couldn't but I have never thought about it) and as far as describing horror to people who are not sophisticated, the thought never entered my mind that any decent person could want to make their lives worse by describing horror.
"Horror authors" mostly crack me up, As if there were anything worse than being unkind to someone we loved!!!! and that is such an ordinary sin, your basic horror writer has no idea .....
God loves us all. One simple act of kindness can dissipate so many bad memories in an ordinary day, of course the real suffering of the world can only be redeemed by someone at the level of Jesus, so there's that. Well, I am wrong about a lot of things but I am right about that ----- what Jesus did is really impressive. I mean, I have made a few cats and dogs happy, and have made s few people glad that they knew me, but what Jesus did is light years beyond that.
...and @Mock
U Rock !
R U in Tok?
Recall some of the players like Dulles go back to the first world war, it's an apocryphal tale that the younger brother was too preoccupied with other matters to listen to Lenin before he took the Finland station.
Nearly 50 years later, he was still being cavalier with his respinsibilityes.
Well hes more of a fantasy and science fiction writer (the latter one of my professors called the mythology of the future) pirates of the Caribbean was based on one of his tales, loosely
Certainly the tale of lot and his wife was a account of horror, amidst judgement.
readering: "I know: satire, humor, Trump being Trump.
Or you could say it's the mark of loon."
Comments sych as these might have more credibility if only the left hadnt called every single republican for the last 60 years illiterate, a dunce, a lunatic who would get us all killed, a nazi fascist racist misogynistic murderer, etc.
Unfortunately for the left, most people are able to remember events that occurred prior to this morning so these lefty lies no longer carry any weight at all.
But its fun to read the lefties going to the only play in their playbook....again.
And again.
And again.
Not the "tale" of Lot and is Wife, the "account" of Lot and his wife
You do realize, don't you, that it really happened?
Not all that horrible, actually, I mean, Lot's wife was a lucky woman, she had a good husband, sure she made a small mistake (Orpheus and Eurydice) but who among us never makes a mistake? According to the Bible, she died without experiencing a moment of pain. Look I get it that Death seems scary but living a thousand years on this sinful earth would be scarier, can you imagine how foul and disgusting a creature a person like Napoleon would be today if, say, he was sitting in the European Parliament at the age of 240 or whatever ---- the question answers itself
How about the flood, of course a gnostic like arenovsky could never get his arms around it.
I was using one account in biblical history, despite this being the world's most well known book, (once upon a time) the world operates as in the time before. Men and women are cruel greedy lusting, quick to anger.
Famous gay generals and statesmen - would have to include Prince Eugene of Savoy.
Savior of the Habsburgs, co-commander with Marlborough on six battlefields, victor at Zenta, where he crushed the Turks for a generation.
The famous Austrian march - Prinz Eugen, der edle Ritter
The folksong, from which the march came -
From the perspective of the world, it looks different, yes a napoleon surfing this long would be a horror, some might say his soul lives in the European union.
R U in Tok?
Teslin Lake Campground tonight, Congden Creek tomorrow then Tok--Lord willing--on Thursday. Saw several herds of bison yesterday with the occasional 'grazing-to-a-different-drummer' types of loner bison and, sadly, today, a dead caribou. Totaled the truck of the guy who hit it [I came upon it just after it happened] but he was OK, had a sat radio and waved away those of us who pulled over to help. It was a small company truck and the whole front end was smashed in.
Todays Left: OMG Trump is trying to manuever us into impeaching him!!....(Lefties/LLR-lefties nod knowingly)
Also Todays Left: OMG Trump is pulling out all the stops to keep us from impeaching him!!.....(Lefties/LLR-lefties nod knowingly again)
Something like that should have been done with the US/European intelligence agencies at the end of the Cold War.
That is the real damage Osama bin Laden did to us. Bush revived all the Cold War dinosaur intel agencies.
Why he didn't fire Tenet after the Iraq has nukes fiasco suggests that Tenet had something on him.
The flood was bad.
look I am as ready as anybody else to feel sorry for those who died young I am way too old now to die young
but then I think of that winter evening in Oshkosh where I almost died as a BIG TRUCK slammed into my LITTLE PONTIAC at 55 miles an hour (the truck, that is, was going 55 my LITTLE PONTIAC was just sliding across an icy road,I guess at a mile or two per hour with respect to forward progress) and I REMEMBER that at the point where God asked me if I wanted to die or not God was kind enough to show me the angels and the saints who care about us when we live and when we are at the point of death
When you read those stories in the Bible where people are having troubles on this earth it is perhaps useful to remember that
many of us are not afraid of death because we hope that as we die and as our house is taken away from us there will be
"an angel peeping through the door"
I mean I am afraid of dying without repentance in my heart but that is different than being afraid of dying
That's probably true, pearl harbor was the excuse to try something new in the oss, under donovan's capable leadership, whereas tenet was a backroom Bureaucrat, who owed alot of his connections to the likes of prince bandar.
Something like the federal intelligence service of the late Charles mccarrys musings, which from the perspective of 1979 their middle east office was set in Beirut, Rio for south America, etc
people are imperfect even rulers chosen by God, sometimes it takes many generations to find true wisdom.
I've found that I don't really understand the true nature of sin until I've discovered it firsthand. I'm currently stuck on Sloth. Vanity too of course, as always.
But I can confirm that yes, as I was warned, the stove is very hot to touch.
If only we had a philosophy that conserved these generational lessons so we didn't have to keep repeating them over and over and over again? THAT is why people like David Hogg and AOC are stupid. They think they are the first ones who thought about how easy it would be to change the world if we only...
They have burned the tablets or worse yet cannot even read them, like chesterton they follow strange creatures like the skydragon who they offer others as sacrifice
James Comey: No ‘treason.’ No coup. Just lies — and dumb lies at that.
As of this writing 4.5K comments.
One of the better ones:
Comey: "...But go ahead, investigate the investigators, if you must. When those investigations are over, you will find the work was done appropriately and focused only on discerning the truth of very serious allegations."
What a crock. Remind's me of Nixon defending himself on national television by saying, "I am not a crook."
A 36 second clip:
Gabriel done brought in my chariot when the wind blew down the door (from an old Stuart Hamnblen song well worth your time to seek out and listen to)
Its funny.
I have always been a rather casual Catholic.
My mind is accustomed to religion, rather than obsessed with it.
I cant say I think of God very much, nor do I pray.
But I am not at all afraid of death. I know that because I think I am looking at it coming sooner than later. I suppose its because I feel I haven't left any loose ends, no outstanding obligations or half-forgotten debts.
It's not a dread, its a fact. I'm not quite at the point of putting it into my Outlook calendar, but I would if I could, it would seem rather like an appointment, and not half so troublesome as those with my dentist. And not a tenth as bad as our troubles with regulatory compliance. Your government(s) have ways to make a man wish for death.
Assuming it has the grace not to be messy about its work.
people are imperfect even rulers chosen by God, sometimes it takes many generations to find true wisdom.
"...but when the perfect comes, the imperfect passes away.
When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.
(THAT is why people like David Hogg and AOC are stupid.)
When I became a man, I set aside childish ways. Now we see but a dim reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
readering has never considered the PURPLE ELEPHANT situation.
readering is one dimensional.
buwaya that was eloquent.
and funny, too, thanks.
We have a patch of Jack-in-the-Pulpit in a corner of the garden. The previous owner told me it planted itself. It is multiplying in a way that I am quite happy about. I plan to let it take over one whole side of our screened in porch if it so wishes. The bright red berries it produces in the Fall are impressive.
Very wise buwaya, yes I've run into some with similar mindsets although some are more definitive.
Hebrews 9:27 KJV
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
Why is it illegal to move Jack-in-the-Pulpit ?
What happened to freedom of religion?
Or will that be forced conversion?
Good joke, Jah!
One of the things that I don't like about old folks is that they think that their own upcoming demise is mirrored by the world. The bad times and good times of the world ahead will not follow the arc of your life, dude.
Rock stars, groupies, pedophilia
Comey is bluffing knowledge he couldn't possibly possess- all he can know is his own motivations and actions- what he can't tell you is where the information he used to open an investigation came from. I mean, what is Comey going to say if all the information that lured him into opening Crossfire Hurricane was fabricated with the express purpose of getting James Comey to open an investigation into the Republican nominee for president? Is he still going to defend it?
Sam Philips tries to discuss theology with Jerry Lee Lewis
So Guardian says it has seen the docs from the Mueller team accusing Trump of obstructing justice.
It is to laugh.
Look at the qualifier. The Guardian does not say that they have the doc, they say that they have seen it. That means that they cannot produce the doc.
And, of course, you would have to believe that a person in possession of the bombshell doc would share it with Wolff instead of the NY Times or the Guardian directly.
Yes Mueller already denied it, which they ralky hate to do.
Yeah, that story sounds just like the story about how Cohen was testifying that Trump suborned perjury. Mueller's office denied that one, too, and yet the purveyors of the story refused to back down.
Great-grandma passed away early this morning. She was 100 years old. After being separated for 13 years she is finally reunited with her her husband of 58 years.
So sorry to hear that.
The older I get, the more dead people I know. It is becoming a very large crowd. I expect a large welcoming party. My brother, my son, mother, grandmother, so many others to welcome to eternity.
I think that is a major difference of young and old. The young think death happens to the old. The old, know it happens to all. If you know where you are going it is different. When all you know have passed over the river to the other side, you almost look forward to going.
For me now, God seems to still have a use for me on this side of the river. Yet, He has gone to prepare a place for me. A place of infinite Joy, a place of infinite Peace, a place of infinite Love. This is what we can look forward to. Do you know who I AM?
Comey is bluffing knowledge he couldn't possibly possess-
Standard tactic of con men trying to keep their head above water
1) There is proof that will show I was right
2) But I can't produce it because Reasons.
Look at the qualifier. The Guardian does not say that they have the doc, they say that they have seen it. That means that they cannot produce the doc. And, of course, you would have to believe that a person in possession of the bombshell doc would share it with Wolff instead of the NY Times or the Guardian directly.
They are doing it for ratings, for clicks for advertising $$. The media is hooked like a heroin addict. Remember when you could make an argument about journalistic integrity? Ha! Those were the days. Now you'll get laughed out of the room.
Even our hostess gets clickbaity on Amazon's behalf.
At our monthly Tinfoil Conspiracy Support Group, I always bring up that it's Madison Avenue who is really running the world. The Illuminati guys look at me like I'm nuts.
More lunacy from the C in C: "I'm ordering steam catapults on our carriers."
"Joe Biden has no public events scheduled." They're trying to keep him safe, legal and rare.
I read it as we’ll have the aging process licked in a few years. That woman at Harris Teeter will have the super genes procedure or something...
Speaking of...how are those derp state indictments coming along? While we’re young how ‘bout it.
But I am not at all afraid of death. I know that because I think I am looking at it coming sooner than later.
I have a different kind of diagnosis, which I consider a great gift now, but didn’t at first, of the possibility of sudden death on any given day, but it may not come for a decade or too, and after a period of great distress, it has now given me a kind of peace with death I never thought I would have. I can’t talk about his with anybody, of course, because any time I have tried, they simply don’t understand. I guess that’s why I broke my vow of silence to respond to a fellow understander.
If what you are saying is true, we will miss you.
Since I am breaking my own rule for a minute, here is a blog obituary of the physicist Gell-Mann, of the Gell-Mann effect, though it is never mentioned, but to be honest about it, few people ever got anything that he said right, let alone reporters, since very very few people were ever that smart.
Comey: "...But go ahead, investigate the investigators, if you must. When those investigations are over, you will find the work was done appropriately and focused only on discerning the truth of very serious allegations."
Well, then. He has nothing to worry about, does he? He just has to tell the truth to those government investigators--about why he stole that government property, and how he leaked it to the press. And how he conducted that investigation of the Hillary emails with the conclusion written before he even talked to her. And about who is telling the truth about the Hillary investigation...I mean "matter". There are a few other topics that I am sure he will "cover" with nothing but the truth.
No. He has nothing to worry about at all. He doesn't need a lawyer. He can just clear a few things up--help them with their investigation. That should work. It sure did with Gen. Flynn.
StephenFearby posted
My Interpretation
We weren't plotting against Trump, we were also plotting against Hillary and everyone else. Our goal was power over them all. But our plots seemed about to fail. We had to cut Hillary down to size; but then, while we maneuvered against her, unexpectedly Trump won. Of course, we had an insurance policy against him, so that swung into action. We formatted it as usual as an "investigation." But unexpectedly there was trouble getting his people to accept our lies. And he wouldn't give in. It was His fault that we had to ratchet up our attack so much. And if He wants to call our investigations and jailings and leakings a coup, it was a self-inflicted coup and also it didn't happen. Due to Him. We aren't to blame. We tried to "investigate", as we call it, Him into impotence. God knows how we tried; and so do Melania, Barron, Kelley Ann Conway, George Conway, General Flynn, his wife, his son, Papadopoulos, his fiance, Manafort, the members of his firm, Roger Stone, Sarah Sanders and assorted individuals fired for no reason except supporting Him against the "investigation". Nothing is my fault; they should have given in. They should give in now. Last chance. I am FBI.
I wonder if SoCal weather would kill one?
You betcha.
More lunacy from the C in C: "I'm ordering steam catapults on our carriers."
You mean he wants to replace the electromagnetic catapults on our new carrier(s) that haven't been made to work yet with the steam catapults currently on most of our carriers that uses technology that has worked for the last 80 years?
Impeach now!
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