April 21, 2019



MayBee said...

I thought conservatives weren't focusing on the popular vote.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ah yes - the popular vote. Also known as - The California vote.

Good thing the left want to remove smaller states voting rights and hand it all over the the CA-god of "popular"

MayBee said...

I think Mitt Romney was the Great Lost Opportunity. His loss made me believe Americans are unserious about our president, led by the ridiculousness of the press.

But I don't think he needed to chime in about Trump. The Republican Rush to Renounce is one of the reasons Trump is POTUS now. People tire of it.

Marty Keller said...

Romney, 206 EV; Trump 304. Another Never Trumper gnashes his teeth to no effect.

PJ said...

Is there a tag for "Mitt is like Hillary"?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mitt the crony capitalist wanted Hillary to win.

bagoh20 said...

Yet Trump was smart enough to make that a win while Mitt lost. I bet you could conceivably lose the popular vote by a lot more and still win the Electoral College. It's just like a football team that gets far more yards rushing and passing, but scores less touchdowns. You still lose, and there isn't even a consolation prize. Did Mitt and Hillary even get a participation trophy? That's really mean.

sinz52 said...

Whenever an incumbent President (Obama then, Trump now) runs for re-election, the election is ALWAYS a referendum on the President's job performance. It's never a choice between the President and the challenger.

The incumbent President's percentage of the popular vote tracks his approval rating quite closely. In 2012, Obama's approval rating hovered around 50%. Thus the best that Romney could hope for was to lose the popular vote but win the electoral vote. That was impossible given how the swing states behaved.

Similarly, Trump's current approval rating is around 45%. Trump cannot win re-election with that low an approval rating no matter what voters think of his eventual challenger. They will do what they've done before: Kick out the incumbent even if they have doubts about the challenger. (Examples: 1976, 1980, and 1992)

In politics, you need enough humility to realize that not every voter hates your political opponents as much as you do.

David Begley said...

What is wrong with Mitt? Why is he doing this?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump carried 30 States +plus ME2.
This is why the corrupt left demand the end to individual states voting rights.

bagoh20 said...

I voted for Mitt, and at the time thought he would be a good President, but since then I've learned that he would be just another ratchet pause until the next leftist move, I don't appreciate him much anymore. That said, I do agree that his loss made me see the American people in a bad light and realize we are not serious, thoughtful, informed voters. There are lots of Youtube videos that show Americans have no idea what the candidates actually stand for or what their records show while still being firmly in one camp or the other with great conviction. It's embarrassing and sad.

gspencer said...

He's not called Mittens for no reason.

Lyle said...

Some people still don't understand the game being played. Romney is Ned Stark, I guess.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

I voted for Mitt and I'm not glad that Obama won. But, if this makes any sense, I'm glad Mitt lost. He would have been better than Obama; Mitt is like having a microwaveable TV dinner instead of a shit sandwich. It's definitely an improvement. But Trump is like dining out at a steak house that knows what it's doing. So, so much better.

Darrell said...

Mitt and all the NeverTrumpers were telling people to vote for Hillary.
What did you expect?

Limited blogger said...

I voted for Romney. I voted for McCain. What was I supposed to do?

Amadeus 48 said...

Christian Schneider left out part of the story:

Obama 65.914 million-51.2%
Romney 60.933 million-47.3%
Johnson 1.276 million-1.0%

Clinton 65.853 million-48.2%
Trump 62.985 million-46.1%
Johnson 4.489 million-3.3%
Stein 1.457 million-1.1%

On the popular vote, Romney was a bigger loser than Trump. What is Schneider thinking?

Darrell said...

Mitt was always an asshole, like McCain and the other R(e).

It's just in the open now.

Bay Area Guy said...

Winning....The Presidency!

MBunge said...

That tweet kind of sums up the anti-Trump "Resistance."

He's trying to make a point without really understanding what it is. He just knows he has to say something because "Orange Man Bad." So he bleats out something that doesn't actually make any sense while smugly pleased with how clever he thinks he is. And most importantly, NOTHING that has happened the last 3 1/2 years has caused him to reexamine ANY of his convictions or assumptions.

It's entirely possible Trump could lose in 2020. But even if he does, things are not going to end well for the "Resistance." Reality always...ALWAYS...wins in the end and the harder you cling to denial, the worse the inevitable fall.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

2016 - The Hillary lost butt-hurt party is still raging. At what point will they pass-out in a pile of denial?


rhhardin said...

Playing the adult in the room isn't as easy as Romney thinks.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump didn't collude with Russia, but he's still guilty. So - there's that.

Obama had flexibility with the Russians and Hillary had a re-set button and a private server.
The left yawn.

paminwi said...

Darrell @ 9:17. You hit the nail on the head.

chuck said...

Romney attacked other Republicans hard in his run for the nomination and then he let Obama skate. I'm thinking that his goal is not defeating Democrats and their agenda, but trying to remake the Republican party. If so, I think he should just leave. A Republican that identifies as a Democrat should follow his heart.

Big Mike said...

DL got to Romney. “Can’t we just agree?” No we can’t.

Roughcoat said...

bagoh20, you are most definitely on my list of people I'd like to hang out and converse with at a pub. You've been on fire consistently over the past several months.

First round on me.

Fandor said...

I voted for Mitt Romney and touted what I believed to be his merits, right here, on your blog. I thought he should run again. I was wrong to think he could do it. Like those who projected virtues onto the candidates they liked, i.e. Obama, Hiliary & Bill, I did not see his feet of clay. He's in the pocket of the political establishment that represents BOTH parties. Romney's an attractive, articulate man, but a small one, a suit, for larger interests. I was not for Trump in the beginning when he announced. After the first debate against the other Republicans, I changed my mind. It was all down and dirty with Republicains and I knew it would be far worse with whoever had to face Hillary and the DNC. Trump convinced me he was a fighter, a Patriot and a fellow not in the pocket of "the establishment". Someone on your blog said he wondered how may people burned their Romney/Ryan after Mitt made his blistering speech against Trump in 2016. I burned mine! Paul Ryan was another phony. No, Donald Trump is the man for the times. No one else could deal with the neferious crap that has been thrown at him and is yet to come. I want the USA, the Constitution and our traditions to come out as the ultimate winner in the long term. In the meantime, I support Trump, now and in 2020. Romney should go home to his wife and kids. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!" Ironically, a quote attributed to Joseph P. Kennedy (the scumbag).

Birkel said...

"I will take 'Shit that does not Matter for $600, please, Alex.' "

narciso said...

That's the twit behind a sight called GOP 12, who flunked civics

chuck said...

> What is wrong with Mitt? Why is he doing this?

Pride. He needs to lose more often so he can learn how to deal with it. Cruz seems to have learned something from his experience, Romney not.

chuck said...

> Joseph P. Kennedy (the scumbag).

Yeah, but he was the brains of the family.

Fandor said...

Yes, Chuck. And we need to use the tactics of the Boston Machine and Alinsky to get our message over to all the brain dead young, fresh out of our colleges and all those wandering around like zombies after their inadequate high school "education". It took alot of work over the past 70 years or so to get us here and it is going to take alot more work to undo the carnage the Left has bombarded the American landscape with.

Achilles said...

I almost voted for Mitt. Obama was that bad.

But in the end I couldn’t vote for the person that wrote Obamacare.

We would have amnesty Obamacare and cap and trade by now if Mitt was president and Hillary would have beaten him.

Thank god he lost in 2012.

Achilles said...

Hillary Clinton is a more honest person than Mitt Romney.

Let that sink in.

Fandor said...

Achilles, your vulnerability is showing.

Drago said...

David Begley: "What is wrong with Mitt? Why is he doing this?"

I am of the opinion the Romney, like all the dem-lite cuck-surrender monkeys truly bought into all the left/LLR lies and smears about Trump.

Therefore, I surmise Mittens had fever-dream delusions that he could play a key role in the removal of the evil Trump, then potentially defeat a possible Pence campaign in 2020 and once again sit atop the republican 2020 nomination heap.

I think Romney bought into these all too obvious Left/LLR-left smears and lies, as did Ryan et al, because A) they are political morons and B) unprincipled cowards willing to lie repeatedly to their own base voters while simultaneously attacking those voters.

There exists ample evidence of both assumptions.

Tarrou said...

I lost at chess while capturing twelve pieces, but this idiot won while only capturing two!

That means I win!

Or something.

Bay Area Guy said...

Mitt should just shut up and go away. Why on earth is he Senator of Utah? Just leave!

BlueDragon said...

60,933,504 voted for Romney (2012)
62,984,828 voted for Trump (2016)

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Hillary Clinton is a more honest person than Mitt Romney.”

Dude, steady! More real perhaps. It’s always been obvious to me who HRC is, especially since she could barely be bothered to even attempt to hide it. Her contempt for her supporters is just that great. Mittwad has the same contempt but at least hasn’t hoovered tens of millions of bribes from the Russkies. That I know of.

Nichevo said...

HRC is the enemy but Romney is a traitor.

mccullough said...

Trump spent much less than Romney and spent it wisely.

Romney should run against Trump in the GOP Primary.

Romney can put his donors money where his mouth is. But I doubt those donors would flush their money down the Mitt Toilet again.

Mitt can self fund his campaign against Trump. Sell some of his houses and tell his five strpfird sons to get jobs because daddy can’t bankroll them anymore.

But Mitt won’t spend his own money to run against Trump.

Mitt is a pussy.

mccullough said...

Vampire Capitalism.

That name stuck to Mitt. Like his dad, he’s not well liked by his fellow Republicans.

What kind of pussy runs for Senate at age 71 after getting beat twice in running for President?

Go away. No one gives a shit what Mitt thinks. He’s for constant war even though neither he nor his five pussy sons would ever fight. They aren’t fighters. They are oussies.

Go put your dog on your car and drive off into the sunset with your five sons who couldn’t get a job without daddy’s help.

mccullough said...

Who names their kid Tagg? That’s a dog’s name.

mccullough said...

Maybe Romney can run as the Libertarian candidate this time. Johnson and Weld, two Social Justice douchebags, aren’t running as libertarians this fine.

Weld is going to take on Trump in the GOP primary. Johnson is smoking weed somewhere.

Achilles said...

Mittwad has the same contempt but at least hasn’t hoovered tens of millions of bribes from the Russkies. That I know of.

Mitt has the same goals as Hillary. His election would mean the same outcome for us.

Part of the issue is Democrat voters are so much more gullible and stupid than republican voters. She could get away with more and her voters would still support her.

But mostly Mitt had to portray himself in a totally different way than Hillary did. In the end they were on the same team and had the same goals. The difference is Hillary at least ran on those goals.

Mitt Romney pretended to have a completely different set of ideological principles than he actually had and he was trying to get votes from people he thought were below him and he hated. It is clear mitt likes Democrat voters more than he likes republican voters.

Mr. Majestyk said...

"Who names their kid Tagg?" Someone named Mitt. Willard Mitt, to be exact.

walter said...

David Begley said... What is wrong with Mitt? Why is he doing this?
Maybe to some degree the (car) elevator doesn't go to the top floor.
He must be trying to conserve conservatism.
Whatever he had as brand Romney is fading out.

Achilles said...

Nichevo said...
HRC is the enemy but Romney is a traitor.

Both are traitors but with different deflections.

Hillary betrayed the United States, but was somewhat honest and at least liked her voters even if she had no respect for them.

Mitt betrayed republican voters and hated republican voters. He never got a chance to betray the country in the same way Hillary did. He is now supporting the coup and seems to be filling out the rest of his bill of particulars.

There is obviously no law against betraying republican voters tough. There seems to be a hidden law requiring it in DC.

mccullough said...

Mitt tried to stop Trump in 2016.

Mitt the Statesman. The Private Equity Vampire Capitalist.

Trump steamrolled him. Like Obama did.

Mitt is a Loser. He should have invested in golf courses.

mccullough said...

Mitt is a fop.

Gk1 said...

Its always incredibly amusing to see the media/democrats decide Mitt is the kind of republican that they could do business with after calling him a cancer causing, dog abuser, venture capitalist vulture. While at the same time any approval from Mitt is the kiss of death in the republican party now that Trump is running the show. His tut-tuting of Trump only increases his irreverence with the rank and file of the republican party. Yer' dead to us, Mittens!

Yancey Ward said...

That is some pretty weak shit. Trump won his election, Romney didn't. What kind of fool would be willing to make a tweet that ridiculous?

Narayanan said...

Mittens is totally beta.
He could be gif for ...

1. smile in an affectedly coy or ingratiating manner.

Yancey Ward said...

Tarrou wrote:

"I lost at chess while capturing twelve pieces, but this idiot won while only capturing two!"

As a chess player, I considered making exactly this kind of comment. Glad to see I am not the only one.

Yancey Ward said...

"What kind of pussy runs for Senate at age 71 after getting beat twice in running for President?"

I think there is great validity to Drago's comment that Romney ran for the Senate for only one reason- he planned to be the Republican who fought for impeachment of Trump. I think the comment yesterday is pretty much proof that Drago was right, but the comment also said to me that Romney knows he wasted his time running for office- there isn't a Republican in the Senate that will follow him onto that battlefield now. He sounded defeated and exasperated to me- Trump won again.

rcocean said...

The name of the game is electoral Votes not popular votes. In any case, Romney got a higher percentage because he lost California by 3 million votes. And Trump lost California by 4.5 million. That extra 1.5 votes is the difference. So, lets give Romney some props he was only hated a little by California voters while Trump was hated by a lot.

The other big difference? Mitt won 72% of Utah and Trump got 45%. And Trump got 33% in Massachusetts while Mitt got 38%%. BTW, think about that for a second. Mitt was an EX-GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS. Yet, he still couldn't get 40% of MASS voteres when in ran for POTUS. That's pathetic.

rcocean said...

Mitt Romney is a fucking liar. And he's a RINO that only gets vicious and angry at those on his right. Toward the Left he's little Lord Fauntleroy. Go read about his RINO Father George Romney. The apple doesn't fall far from the Tree.

Bob Boyd said...

A clip of Mitt dealing with Trump's success

Mr. Majestyk said...

Mitt criticizes Trump before the election, interviews with him for the SOS position, doesn't get the job, decides to run for the Senate, seeks and accepts Trump's support for his successful Senate bid, the begins criticizing Trump from Day 1 of his time on the Senate. What a guy!

traditionalguy said...

The Mormon high leaders are the definition of a secret cult that went Globalist from the beginning. Mitt was born and bred one. Ergo Trump is their worst enemy.

rcocean said...

Trump won the popular vote outside of California. And God knows how many Illegals or Ghosts voted in California. No one cares, because California is now a 1 Party state completely dominated by the Democrats. Politically, its Massachusetts West.

Why? Because of illegal immigration. Which Mitt Romney supports. Look at his vote against the border wall.

Achilles said...

David Begley said...
What is wrong with Mitt? Why is he doing this?

I think you are well intentioned. But you are a terrible judge of character.

I remember the Powerline blog in 2012. They even post your stuff there sometimes.

Powerline was of course all in on Mitt. I told them I would rather have Obama than Mitt. Especially after Mitt and the CoC went scorched earth on Gingrich in Florida. Gingrich, who gave this country it's only balanced budget in decades, was excoriated in DC by both democrats and republicans for it and they all gave the credit to Clinton. DC republicans are just pieces of shit.

We out here knew Mitt was a fraud. He is not even a coward. He has been on the other side from the start.

I watched as republicans torched Newt for his character issues and held the author of obamacare up on a pedestal. Gingrich was one of the people that fought for us. Trump fights for us.

Many of the people in the army who go out and fight have "low character" as you prissy jerks would define it. We were a unit of functioning alcoholics who spent most nights at home trying to pick up fat chicks at the bar.

But each one of those men and women is an infinitely better person than Mitt Romney. Everyone in the world knows who they would rather have on their team when it matters.

You people value the wrong things are are terrible judges of character.

rcocean said...

Unlike others, I never liked Mitt and didn't care whether he won or loss in 2012. I assumed the R's would keep the House of Reps and prevent Obama from doing anything crazy, and I knew Mitt was a RINO traitor who would give us Amnesty and Globalism x10.

What shocked me was the Republican voters giving us Trump in 2016. I assumed they were stuck on stupid, and that after giving us 'winners' like Dole, Bush I, McCain, and Mitt they were going for Yeb! - and another loss. Make no mistake, about 40% of the Republcian party are complete idiots who would vote for Romney in 2020, if Trump decided not to run (which isn't true).

Leora said...

So you're saying if he was smart enough to camptaign in the right places he would have won?

Browndog said...

rcocean said...

Trump won the popular vote outside of California

Trump won the popular vote outside 5 counties in California.

Achilles said...

Fandor said...
Achilles, your vulnerability is showing.

My vulnerability is that I care about the principles this country was founded on, and the concomitant realization that there just aren't very many people who will actually fight for those principles.

Almost everyone here for example would surrender to a democrat in 2020 knowing that person will crank the police state up.

If Harris won the presidency I would give her 50/50 odds in successfully removing Kavanaugh and you people would do nothing about it.

The left fights for it's principles.

The right has someone else fight for their principles for them.

After 2012 and 2016 I object to the "chickenhawk" descriptor much less than I once did.

Darrell said...

I heard that Mitt had Seamus's old rooftop car carrier converted into his luxury mobile cuckshed, so that he can always keep an eye on Democrats slamming his wife. He's even contemplating going Big Love so that more Democrats have the opportunity to humiliate him while he watches. Ann isn't as young as she once was afterall.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I know it's 6 long years - but who is going to primary Mitt the preening moralist?
Someone good, I hope.

Yancey Ward said...

"I know it's 6 long years - but who is going to primary Mitt the preening moralist?"

Romney won't run for a second term, so it won't matter. Additionally, if Trump is reelected, I think Romney will resign and leave office early.

walter said...

"Almost everyone here for example would surrender to a democrat in 2020 knowing that person will crank the police state up.

If Harris won the presidency I would give her 50/50 odds in successfully removing Kavanaugh and you people would do nothing about it."
"surrender"? Are you suggesting armed insurrection?

Achilles said...

Darrell said...
I heard that Mitt had Seamus's old rooftop car carrier converted into his luxury mobile cuckshed, so that he can always keep an eye on Democrats slamming his wife. He's even contemplating going Big Love so that more Democrats have the opportunity to humiliate him while he watches. Ann isn't as young as she once was afterall.

Mitt and the democrats have the same goals. They are friends. They may share wives from time to time and it may only go one way but there is an understanding there.

The cucks are the republican voters that supported Mitt Romney. And Bush. And Bush. And McCain. And Dole. And Ford. And Nixon. And Ryan. And McConell.

Republican voters are the group that has been getting fucked over for decades.

And to be honest I see many of them have not really learned any lessons.

Fritz said...

I voted for Mitt, and at the time thought he would be a good President, but since then I've learned that he would be just another ratchet pause until the next leftist move . . .

And that's not nothing, compared to BO, but it's not enough.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"The Secret Life of Willard Mitty"

Joe said...

Romney was and is spineless.

Had he won, he would have been a mediocre president who would have been utterly destroyed by the press and the deep state. Hillary would have won in 2016 and that would have been an even bigger disaster.

walter said...

You'd think 2016 would make folks feel a bit less clairvoyant.

rehajm said...

Yes, Trump got about 2 Million more votes than Mitt. More popular.

rcocean said...

"I know it's 6 long years - but who is going to primary Mitt the preening moralist?
Someone good, I hope."

You need to remember how Utah works. They only primary Senators over the age of 90. Otherwise, they keep electing them year after year no matter what. They're like a Republican NJ.

rehajm said...

There's more Bain candidates waiting in the wings. But Joe Kennedy is running- the Joe Kennedy that looks like Conan O'Brien, not the Joe For Oil/I loved Venezuela Before it Was Cool Joe Kennedy. Bain guys are too afraid to run against Kennedys, but they'll show up eventually.

Sorry, America...

rcocean said...

Is Mitt on the Judiciary Committee? I hope not, because he'll be another Flake. I can just see his Terror-stricken face when a 5 foot leftist confronts him.

rcocean said...

Many of the people in the army who go out and fight have "low character" as you prissy jerks would define it. We were a unit of functioning alcoholics who spent most nights at home trying to pick up fat chicks at the bar.

I resent this - its a lie. I'm a dysfunctional alcoholic.

doctrev said...

Blogger Lyle said...
Some people still don't understand the game being played. Romney is Ned Stark, I guess.

4/21/19, 9:13 AM'

First off, Happy Easter to you all.

Secondly, Ned Stark did not suffer an excess of honor. If he had too much honor, like Stannis Baratheon, he would- and should- have executed Tommen and Myrcella personally, no matter how cute and innocent they were. As bastard abominations, their existence was a mortal insult to his friend and his king. For prizing niceness above honor, duty, morality, common sense, and practicality, Ned Stark lost everything. His position, his castle, his family, his lands, his life.

We are not Ned Stark.

doctrev said...

Oh, and thirdly, Mitt Romney can't wait to stab his supposed allies in the back, all while praising his "enemies" and dealing softly with them. He's Wormtongue or Reek, not a Stark.

Leland said...

Add to everyone else:

2012 Republican Primary, Mitt Romney: 10,031,336
2016 Republican Primary, Donald Trump: 14,010,177

Alex said...

So Mitt Romney is 100000% better human being than Donald J. Trump, yet only got 1.1% more popular vote. Being 'nice' and running for POTUS is not synonymous. In fact, as highlighted in Sri Lanka today being 'nice' can be downright suicidal. The average Joe in Wisconsin can feel that in his gut and that's why they voted for DJT in 2016 and probably will again in 2020.

Browndog said...

You're going to see the NeverTrumper's in the Senate become more forceful, out in the open.

They have no choice now the Mueller 'let Trump off the hook'. The ram-rod behind the operation is one Mitch McConnell.

Alex said...

Also I know for a fact that up to 2 million Republicans did not vote in 2016 out of spite because of hatred for DJT. That would have given him more % of popular vote than Mittens. These are the 'never Trumpers' who think they have the luxury of being picky when it's Trump vs Hitlery.

Alex said...

Browndog - let me guess. Susan Collins is going to agitate for endless investigations into Russia-gate.

narciso said...

magic eightball suggests that, in California, there was no republican senate candidate to vote for, there was for governor, but he was woefully underfunded, he did about as well as with the two previous candidate, Whitman and kashkari

David in Cal said...

This comment supports Trump's contention that Romney could have won. I was a big fan of Romney. Comments like this one make him sound like and envious child.

Browndog said...

Alex said...

Not exactly. NeverTrump candidates promoted and financed for 2020, limited appointees confirmed, and absolutely nothing MAGA related gets passed in the Senate.

Lurker21 said...

It's hard to defend Romney. He has some real problems. I don't think he really connects with other people and their experiences. It's part the rich guy thing, part the complacency of somebody who grew up thinking of himself as a moral model, and part the cluelessness of those with mathematical or analytical minds when they enter politics, a field with requires great people skills that they don't have. Think Carter or Hoover.

But it's way too easy to attack Romney. Some things he did deserve criticism, but not every insult is justified. The attackers expect too much from politics, politicians and ideologies. No Republican who can get elected in Massachusetts is ever going to satisfy hard-conservatives. It's also not the case that more conservative Republicans automatically win elections (their not getting the nomination may be a sign of their failings) or that they are automatically going to be more qualified presidents than those who are more centrist. And of course, if Gingrich or Perry or Paul or Cain had gotten the nomination they wouldn't have done better than Romney and would be subjected to many of the same criticisms.

I'm not saying the critics are wrong. There are serious questions about Mitt's character and behavior, but some of the stuff one has to wade through on the Internet is hard to take.

narciso said...

one of the little known keys to the 2000 election and it resonated to 2016, among other things ryan was anti embargo, like jeff flake,


Mark said...

What is wrong with Mitt? Why is he doing this?

Because he's Mitt Romney. That's why.

Anonymous said...

The concept of Mitt running again is comparable to John Kerry running again: laughable.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

The President lied repeatedly and he asked his subordinates to lie repeatedly. Romney said that was wrong.

Subtract Trump from this and tell me what he, Romney, said/did was wrong? Insert Clinton or Obama for Trump. And try that.

It's not just the Trump haters who suffer from derangement. His supporters (some) suffer from it too.

Alex said...

Steve... all Presidents lied and instructed their subordinates to lie. It's all just a matter of degree. The real question that I ask myself - 'Is Trump more or less aligned with my policy objectives and is not actively violating my natural rights?'? That's how I decide whether or not I support any politician, local, state or federal. I don't feel I have the luxury of wanting a 'perfect' person as a politician, never going to happen.

Drago said...

Steve M. Galbraith: "The President lied repeatedly and he asked his subordinates to lie repeatedly. Romney said that was wrong."

The entirety of the federal govt was weaponized to shield Hillary Clinton and other democrats while simultaneously the entirety of the US intelligence and law enforcement community actively conspired with foreign powers, including Russia, to frame a domestic political opponent and then attempt a coup to remove that duly elected President based on horrifically weaponized hoaxes and lies which literally represent a mortal threat to our constitutional republic.

Screw you and the rest of you Coup-enabler East German Stasi wannabes.

Browndog said...

Tell me how many other Presidents had a coup staged against them, initiated even before he was elected.

So spare me the "Trump lied" bullshit.

rcocean said...

People keep talking about what a "decent man" Romney is. I guess it depends on what you mean by "decent" or "honorable". Mitt's the sort of man who goes to Church on Sunday and cheats in Business Monday through Friday. The sort of guy who "believes in Jesus and loves his family" but can't be trusted in a poker game. He'll smile and pat your back during the Corporate social functions and then lie to your Boss to get a promotion.

Romney lied about all his Republican competitors in 2008 and 2012. He lied about Trump in 2016. He's CONSTANTLY lied to the voters about his political positions. He was for abortion before he was against it. He's against Amnesty when he's campaigning and for it the rest of the time. And so it goes..

Evidently,the fact that Mitt goes to church on Sunday and is a "Good Mormon" means its OK for him to lie the rest the time. Not to me.

Drago said...

Lurker21: "No Republican who can get elected in Massachusetts is ever going to satisfy hard-conservatives."

Dont over-complicate this: Romney is providing cover, just like Galbraith above, to the very people who attempted to overthrow the will of the American people through a lie/hoax-filled Coup with the assistance of foreign powers.

Any discussion beyond that simply and conclusively demonstrates complicity with that action.

The very same criminal dems/LLR's who allowed obama and his team to spy on domestic political opponents writ large and attack conservatives with the IRS and other agencies.

I can see the usual suspects have zero curiosity about how all this came about and how it started and when and who was involved.

They want a rapid impeachment....BEFORE the truth can fully emerge.

And they think we dont notice this....

Fen said...

Schneider: Donald Trump got 46.1% of the popular vote. Mitt Romney got 47.2%.

So how come Mitt didn't win?

Maybe a classmate will loan you their notes.

Lyle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

Mitt softpedaled this:


Drago said...

Think of how many lies by omission Mueller and his team of dem hacks perpetrated in their Weissman-led one-sided report.

On the Trump tower meeting they left out every FusionGPS/Dem contact/weird "coincidence"/pre- and post-meeting with Glenn Simpson. Thats in addition to never addressing how it is that Veselnitskaya was allowed, via very very special process, to reenter the US for this meeting. As though it doesnt scream "setup".

And dont get me started on the continued lie/smearing of Carter Page by Stephen Galbraiths approved Coup-sters in this report.

Fen said...

His supporters (some) suffer from it too.

No. It's just that we are on to your game now.

You want to hold Trump to a standard you would not hold another President to. Sure, you may hand-waive about how Obama lied when he said we could keep our insurance plans, but you never would have given momentum to have him removed from office for that. Show me where you have ever supported impeachment because the President lied. Trump wasn't even under oath.

But Clinton lied under oath. Several times. And the most the Left could muster was Censure and Move On. That's was MoveOn.org's original masthead, by the way. Censure.

You find the President's behavior substandard? Fine, so do I. How about we censure and move on? Why is impeachment even on the table? Do you honestly (be careful Mr Clean!)...do you honestly believe that if the GOP went to Pelosi and agreed to censure Trump that the Left would stop barking about impeachment and removal from office?

So please, stop insulting our intelligence with your "decency" bullshit. This is not about your principles, this is not about (vague allegations of) Trump's improper behavior, this is not about (second-hand unsupported assertions) about Trump's "lies". The Mueller Report doesn't even carry the weight of a legal decision - it's a very expensive op-ed, that's it, the OPINION of some very hyper-partisan and biased Deep Staters covering for a failed coup attempt to remove the duly elected President of the United States.

And you are wasting breath on "Trump may have lied" ???


BTW, not a single Trump critic here at Althouse has ever raised the idea of censure. I'll bet the same tell is revealed around the net. Very interesting...

Fen said...

Ooooh. I'm embarrassed by the phrase "very hyper-partisan", don't look at that.

Alex said...

Fen... it's about virtue signaling. The Never-Trumpers think that by calling the POTUS names that is somehow 'correcting the universe' or something. Very sad.

Fen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

Think of how many lies by omission Mueller and his team of dem hacks perpetrated in their Weissman-led one-sided report.

And this is part of the problem - the reason why we simply don't care what they say.

We could spend hours of time and energy detailing all the fouls Mueller committed and brushing up on every intricacy of every fact that Mueller dishonestly omitted from his report. But to what end? This is what Fen's Law is all about: - the Left does not really believe in any of the arguments they are making, they would hang their panties on whatever bedpost was readily available to handicap or remove Trump from office. We cannot change their mind about something they never believed in to begin with. Waste of resources.

The proper response is not a 15 point carefully documented rebuttal.

The proper response is "go fuck yourself"

Bay Area Guy said...

Mitt could use a good pussy grabbin'. Most likely, he would be the grabee, not the grabber.

narciso said...

That's why you only point out one example, most people who not automatically dismiss the kutursmog

rehajm said...

Mitt's the sort of man who goes to Church on Sunday and cheats in Business Monday through Friday

Mitt doesn't cheat in business. He doesn't have to.

narciso said...

No he crushes them under tons of debt. Its tmrather striking this ruthless business practices vs his partisan political activity.

daskol said...

It’s entirely possible that Mitt is not as duplicitous as his detractors claim, and that his revulsion at DJT is genuine rather than knowingly part of a cynical plot to remove DJT before he exposes the perfidy of the deep staters who’ve been trying to take him out. Maybe Mitt really is that genteel and out of touch with our politics. That’s a bit hard to believe, but I’ve met a few very successful and high powered people who seem to fit this bill (unless they snookered me).

rehajm said...

There's plenty of reasons to dislike Mitt politically, either because you hate his goofy/stupid political moves and alignments, or because you're butt hurt because you supported him and are disappointed in him, but don't just make shit up about him because you're hurting. It makes you more like a leftie...

mccullough said...

Everybody lies. Everybody.

Not everybody is a selfish sellout like Romney.

Mitt spends a lot of time talking about integrity and honor. That’s what cowards do. Mitt is trying to justify his bullshit wealth and his status. Mitt Romney and his family are scumbags. They are out for themselves.

Mitt has the moral authority of a scarecrow.

He’s a sniveling, groveling, piece of shit.

He should have avoided Trump in 2012 and not groveled for a job from him in 2016 if he had the integrity he thinks he has.

His an idiot. He is the most absurd public figure in the United States. He’ll be sucking Trump’s dick again when he needs something.

That’s who Mitt Romney is.

daskol said...

Of course the gentlemen I’ve met while successful in business had no direct exposure to electoral politics.

daskol said...

Whatever else he is, Mitt is a bluenose and a snob, and seems to take proper manners very seriously.

narciso said...

I would cut Romney some slack if he wasnt always taking the left or even the gope right on Moore on tariffs on Russia etc, the only lesson he learned was to denounce first.

mccullough said...

Who is making anything up about Mitt. True fact: Mitt was a member of a church that specifically excluded blacks until Mitt was 39.

10 years after MLK’s assaunstiin Mitt Bellinger ti a church that specifically excluded blacks and he said nothing because he has no honor.

Mitt Romney is about making money and creating status for Mitt Romney.

He’s a piece of shit.

rehajm said...

You don't have to be exceptionally moral to loathe the way Trump has conducted himself in his business ventures. Not that that means Trump's a shady dealer but there's a long list of VCs and PEs who would never engage with him. I get the impression he'd be better than Adelson but not by much. Mitt's just part of the crowd in that sense.

rehajm said...

mccullough said...Mitt Romney is about making money and creating status for Mitt Romney. He’s a piece of shit.

You're in the butt-hurt category.

mccullough said...

Why didn’t Romney fight in Vietnam?

He’s a man of honor. Just ask him. He’ll tell you. I am a man of honor.

Mitt has sacrificed nothing. Nothing.

His kids have sacrificed nothing. Mitt made money. And pretends to give a shit about the country.

Bullshit. Why didn’t Tagg fight in the wars that daddy wanted other Americans to get killed in?

Fucking rich loser. A coward. A spineless, selfish, racist piece of shit.

daskol said...

It’s hard out there for a Rockefeller Republican.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as the popular vote. It does not exist. It is a myth.

There is only one vote and it is at the electoral college.

When a candidate has won a state beyond the amount of absentee and provisional ballots, the state will not count those votes. Why should they? That means those votes cannot be added to the "popular vote." That is why there is not such thing.

Who "keeps" the "popular vote." The Associated Press tallies it. It is unofficial. There is no federal agency that calculates the "popular vote."

Are we going to let the Associated Press pick out president (any more than they already do)?

mccullough said...

How am I butthurt? I didn’t vote for this piece of shit?

I didn’t even watch the 2002 Winter Olymoics that Mitt “saved.”

The guy is a coward. He talks about honor but didn’t go to Vietnam. He takes Trump’s money and endorsement in 2012. Where’s the integrity?

He rips into Trump in the 2016 primaries, calls him a fraud and a phony.

Then when Trump wins, Mitt goes and asks to work for him.

What kind of low life piece of shit talks about honor and honesty and integrity and does this?

What kind of piece of shit advocates for wars when he was too much of a coward to fight in them and do are his sons?

Mitt Romney is the last person in the US to lecture anyone on anything. Yet he’s Mr. Public Morality.

The only one butt hurt is Mitt. He got trounced by Obama and Trump.

Gk1 said...

"Think of how many lies by omission Mueller and his team of dem hacks perpetrated in their Weissman-led one-sided report."
Months ago this was precisely why Alan Dershowitz said the AG needed to create their own counter point document because by nature the Mueller report would just be a one sided document that would allow scurrilous accusations to be laundered in public since more normal prosecutor work prodcut would never see the light of day, so a substantive rebuttal was needed. But lets be honest its the democrats/medias ball to run with now and they are wasting precious time running up the middle for little or no gain. They are already down 21-0 and need to start their passing game if they want to topple Orange Man Bad.

mccullough said...

Why did it Romney’s sons fight in Iraq or Afghanistan?

Were they just selfish cowards like their dad?

Was it more important to make money by investing in for profit colleges than fighting the wars that Daddy advocates but was too much of a coward to fight in?

mccullough said...

Why didn’t Romney quit the Mormon Church since they didn’t allow blacks until 1978?

Mitt cried when his church finally let in blacks. He didn’t lead the charge. He was very busy with their things. Too busy to quit a racist church as an honorable man would have done.

Mitt cried. If you believe him. That’s what he said. Mitt cried. Mitt is an honorable man. Just ask him. Or his sons.

rehajm said...

If you want to criticize him for his lack of service that's fair. My understanding is he received both student and ministerial deferments and fine if you want to criticize that, fine.

When you just talk out of your ass about his business practices you're acting out like the jerkoffs on the left. You're free to do that but I'd suggest you reconsider...

mccullough said...

Why did Romney ask Trump for a job?

What kind of honorable man with any integrity would do that?

If service to country is so important, why didn’t Mitt fight in Vietnam?

narciso said...

One could write a minority report that was the Nunes and Graham memos, put which particulars they were going to include is something else entirely.

mccullough said...

I’m criticizing him because he is an unctuous hypocrite. As is clear to anyone who is familiar with Mitt’s public record.

He talks about honor and integrity and service to country.

But he didn’t fight in Vietnam like other men who served their country but don’t lecture others about honor and service and integrity.

He talks about what a fraud Trump is but then turns around and begs him for s job in the administration?

Who does that? What kind of man is he?

A better man would have just shut the fuck uo.

Jeff said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jeff said...

Similarly, Trump's current approval rating is around 45%. Trump cannot win re-election with that low an approval rating no matter what voters think of his eventual challenger. They will do what they've done before: Kick out the incumbent even if they have doubts about the challenger.

Approval ratings don't mean what they used to mean. The proliferation of news sources, including forums like this one, has lowered approval ratings across the board for just about every party, institution, and politician. It's not just Trump. Congress, the Courts, organized religion, the Democrats and Republicans, the mainstream media -- they're all at record or near-record low approval ratings. So while it may have been true a decade or two ago that you needed better than 50 percent approval to get reelected, it's not true any more.

There are many people who didn't vote for Trump in 2016 who will vote for him in 2020. I haven't heard any Trump 2016 voter say they won't vote for him in 2020. There's just no buyers remorse out there. Without that, how can Trump lose?

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Romney always plays PVT Upham to his party


narciso said...

most presidents of the last 25 years, certainly were more in the grover Cleveland vein than a grant or even a McKinley, that discussion is for another day, romney just refuses to stay silent lest others remove all doubt,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fen @ 3:35

Ken B said...

David Begley asks a good question, why is Romney doing this? I fear he has succumbed to the prevailing mental disorder, the need for the approval of the overclass. I thought him the best candidate of either party since Reagan, but he really had no chance against Obama.

n.n said...

[Romney] really had no chance against Obama

People expected him to be the adult in the room. Unfortunately, he chose to kneel, when he should have stood his ground.

narciso said...

one of romney's key backers is paul singer of Elliot management, which funded fusion gps's first wave through the free beacon, this is an extension of a shadow campaign, that goes back to 2015, it's not personal just business,

Phil 314 said...

“Almost everyone here for example would surrender to a democrat in 2020 knowing that person will crank the police state up.

If Harris won the presidency I would give her 50/50 odds in successfully removing Kavanaugh and you people would do nothing about it.”

Achilles, you are so brave. We are not worthy.

eric said...

Blogger Marty Keller said...
Romney, 206 EV; Trump 304. Another Never Trumper gnashes his teeth to no effect.

4/21/19, 9:03 AM

Trump got almost 63 million votes.

Romney got almost 61 million votes.

In other words Trump got about 2 million votes more than Romney.

So what? Trump won. Romney lost.

This stupid tweet is like complaining you had the ball for longer but didn't score as many points.

Birkel said...

I avoided Romney when he ran. I knew he was a big government Republican and no conservative.

I was worried Trump would be the same but his policies have been conservative. So I support Trump. And Romney continues to get no kind words from me.

Policies matter. Results matter.

narciso said...

I was for Guiliani (even then Romney didn't inspire) then Newt and Cruz, two generations down the likes of chris buckley, whose patriarch was a texas wildcatter, and romney, who was a missionary who ended up in mexico, seems to escape them,

Clyde said...

Romney isn't trying to play the "adult in the room." He's auditioning for the part of the cultured white guy in the reboot of "The Jeffersons." Seems like the guy had a Brit accent, but I'm sure that Mitt could feign that as well as he's feigned conservatism.

Yeah, he's movin' on up.

Achilles said...

Jeff said...

There are many people who didn't vote for Trump in 2016 who will vote for him in 2020. I haven't heard any Trump 2016 voter say they won't vote for him in 2020. There's just no buyers remorse out there. Without that, how can Trump lose?

Vote harvesting.

Same day registration and No ID required to vote.

Achilles said...

Phil 3:14 said...
“Almost everyone here for example would surrender to a democrat in 2020 knowing that person will crank the police state up.

If Harris won the presidency I would give her 50/50 odds in successfully removing Kavanaugh and you people would do nothing about it.”

Achilles, you are so brave. We are not worthy.

I know you are trying to be snide but at least you are honest.

Kneelers hate it pointed out to them that they are kneelers.

Don't worry, someone else will keep you free.


Achilles said...

rehajm said...
There's plenty of reasons to dislike Mitt politically, either because you hate his goofy/stupid political moves and alignments, or because you're butt hurt because you supported him and are disappointed in him, but don't just make shit up about him because you're hurting. It makes you more like a leftie...


Cap and Trade.

"Free" Trade.

Open Borders.

Please explain how Mitt is not a completely dishonest person lying to republican voters and trying to get them to vote for him.

Please explain how he should even be allowed to call himself a Republican.

We would be better off with a democrat representing Utah.

Dad29 said...

we are not serious, thoughtful, informed voters.

The choice between Obama and Romney was not serious, thoughtful, or informed, either. On the one hand you get someone determined to rip this country in quarters. On the other hand, you have a Vulture Capitalist who did a very good job of throwing his fellow citizens out of work.

Serious and thoughtful people voted for Trump because Trump actually favors the ideals of the Western nation-state: sovereignty, fair trade, and "country first."

The other one? Be serious, friend. Or at least thoughtful.

Dad29 said...

And oh, yes, Christian Schneider: another guy whose career dropped dead when Trump won, like Charlie Sykes and Billy Kristol.

Norm Podhoretz gets it, but some others are apparently too damn dense.

ken in tx said...

The President is not elected by popular vote. No more than the Prime Minister of the UK is elected by popular vote.

Narayanan said...

Whatever else he is, Mitt is a bluenose and a snob, and seems to take proper manners very seriously.

IOW Barbara Bush in drag.

Narayanan said...

Not that that means Trump's a shady dealer but there's a long list of VCs and PEs who would never engage with him.

I'm curious about the stratigraphic differences in political peddling between real estate and Wall Street adventures.

Narayanan said...

He got trounced by Obama and Trump.

Hold on now. He could not get past Candy.

I'm trying to imagine Trump in such pickle.

DavidUW said...

Would a Romney term have been any different than the second obama term?
I posit not.
In fact, it is probably worse as I'm certain he would have cemented Obamacare in the original format rather than Trump hollowing it out.
We'd definitely have some kind of mass amnesty by now.
No tax cut.
No regulations cut, in fact, probably a massive new set of emissions regulations.
Probably be in a recession due to all of those points.
And we'd be looking at president Sanders in 2020. Or perhaps more likely Hilary.

readering said...

Althouse commenters a strange group: Republicans who hate Bush, Romney and McCain, and worship the subject of the Mueller Report.

Narayanan said...

The way I see it:

To Real Estate developer Government is 800 lb monster to placate.

For Wall Street firms Government is to be trained and aimed.

narciso said...

And they probably dealt with Theranos with their eyes closed, any criminal proceedings against mf global, not on your life.

Michael K said...

Blogger readering said...
Althouse commenters a strange group: Republicans who hate Bush, Romney and McCain, and worship the subject of the Mueller Report.

Easy to see why you don't understand. We like winners who keep promises,.

narciso said...

We've experienced much, some of us have just read widely I remember when they went after Bush sr for the s&ls and bcci (when it was al largely democratic endeavour) Romney we know how his bain projects were flayed not once but twice 94 and 12,

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, readering doesn't want to talk about the Russian Collusion story any longer. Big surprise there!

Drago said...

readering: "Althouse commenters a strange group: Republicans who hate Bush, Romney and McCain, and worship the subject of the Mueller Report."


readering is still trying to figure out just who invaded who in WW2 and for what reason so I dont expect him/her to figure out the most basic fundamentals of this dem/lefty/LLR failed anti-constitutional coup attempt for at least another 50 years or so.

Ray - SoCal said...

Trump seems to be making an example of Romney, by carpet bombing him.

Wonder what this will do?

Will it mKe LLR’s more or less outspoken?

readering said...

We'll be talking about the Mueller Report long after the Steele dossier hysteria on this site has died down.

Jaq said...

Steele dossier hysteria on this site has died down

Right. The fables made up by the Clinton campaign have served their purpose and you guys will forget that the whole thing was a smear operating paid for by the Democrats, or simply continue your denial, and continue to maintain your position in the face of all evidence that Obama did not misuse the Patriot Act to spy on a political enemy.

Obama considered himself President of the Democrats, and you see him the same way, which is why you consider him a “great man.” He was never president of the entire US and never took responsiblity to ensure that the powers of the government were not abused for political purposes.

Birches said...

Googled Schneider's name, looked at every tag featuring him on Althouse and cannot figure out why so many commenters think this tweet is an official Romney response. I'm not sure how it could be construed as an unofficial response. This guy seems to have nothing to do with Romney.

Drago said...

readering: "We'll be talking about the Mueller Report long after the Steele dossier hysteria on this site has died down."

From a Trump re-election campaign perspective, we certainly hope so.

And fear not, soon we'll be adding lots and lots of declassification info to the story.

Naturally I am looking forward to hearing alot more about Muellers and Rosensteins roles in the Uranium 1 sale of US uranium to Putin's buddies.

I am also looking forward to hearing about the many contacts between Andrew Weissman and Fusion GPS before joining Muellers team.

It will also be fun to hear from Mueller and Weissman about precisely when they knew this entire exercise was based on a lie...you see, Andrew Weissman was told specifically that the hoax dossier was completely unverified...before being assigned to the team.

Trust me, everyone would like to hear lots more about that....even better if it occurs during the campaign!

Stacy Jo said...

That doesn't matter. Romney lost and Trump won. Apparently Romney's team didn't focus enough on getting the votes where they needed them...doesn't surprise me though. A lot of the Republican consultants are closet Democrats sabotaging Republican campaigns. Niccole Wallace is an example of one. She didn't even vote for the McCain ticket that she worked on b/c she didn't like Palin. She sabotaged the entire campaign because she didn't like Palin.

rcocean said...

Mitt is the new McCain. Republicans criticize him. Democrats and liberals rush to defend him.

Rusty said...

Since you can't have one without the other I think they'll both be here awhile.(In response to readering)

jg said...

Mormons excluded blacks from their Priesthood, i.e., the PFC level in their hierarchy . Until 1979. An entirely different thing than excluding them from the church, which they never did.

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