This wasn't the usual chaos, I suppose. Now, it's UTTER!!! chaos. Yawn.
The writer is CNN Political Analyst Julian Zelizer. He begins:
Many political observers are struggling to figure out what the President's game plan is for 2020, and no wonder: This week was hard to believe....Just because you can't figure out what someone is doing behind the scenes and inside his head doesn't mean there's chaos. It might mean you don't know or you can't understand.
Is this just another column on how Trump talked about health care when he could have just kept talking about the Mueller report? That's a pretty dull topic. Zelizer has a couple other things — Trump for no apparent reason said his father was born in Germany and Trump — for reasons I discussed here* — said some people think wind turbines might cause cancer.
Ah, but Zelizer does give Trump some credit:
The President intends to use his mastery of the media cycle to totally control the agenda throughout the next two years.... At some level there is a logic to such a plan.Method to the madness.
After all, Democrats are on strong ground when it comes to a large number of policies.... But if they get drowned out by coverage of Trump, that's better for the President.... Trump will do everything possible to keep Democrats out of the media other than in the light he wants to paint them. As he has done since day one in the Oval Office, Trump will continually blitz the nation with controversy, inanity, outrage and fierce polemical attacks so that in each minute of the day reporters, producers, editors, bloggers and tweeters can't resist offering some kind of response.Which is, in turn, what the media do to him.
Trump's chaos will make the media playing field rough for Democrats. They will need to figure out a way to cut through the President's noise and to steal attention away from the shiny object that is the President of the United States.Orange man shiny.
It's also said that Trump will get respite from media attacks because the media will have to put out a lot of material about the Democratic Party candidates. But they might be too dull. America needs a shiny object.
* You can see my ideas about why Trump said "They say the [wind turbine] noise causes cancer" in the poll I put up — click to enlarge and clarify — which produced these results:
I thought of an additional reason later and put it in the comments: "To create a bond with the kind of people who have fears and resistance to what experts say about science."
This post makes me think of another reason: To trick the media into talking about something other than the policies Democrats want to forefront.
Zelitzer was quoted..." After all, Democrats are on strong ground when it comes to a large number of policies..."
Say what? The Green Raw Deal?, Medicare for all?, and so on. Gimme a break, assclown.
Sorry for the t in what's his name. Howitzer?
his father was born in Germany
My grandfather died in a concentration camp during the Holocaust.
After all, Democrats are on strong ground when it comes to a large number of policies..
Speaking of chaos and delusions. Green New Deal, or "Green Nude Eel" as Steve Hayward calls it.
Abolish ICE. The world ends in 12 years unless we stop all use fo fossil fuel.
Yes, lots of good issues to run on,.
He got drunk and fell out of the machine-gun tower.
The only thing worse for Democrats then the media not talking about the policies Democrats want to forefront is talking about the policies Democrats want to forefront.
It’s utter chaos for them since the coup failed.
My portfolio isn’t in chaos. It’s been a good week.
"Trump will do everything possible to keep Democrats out of the media other than in the light he wants to paint them."
I'm not a professional writer, though I've watched Scott Adams video to improve my writing, but that is one crappy sentence, and mixed metaphor.
What are the Democrats strong policies?
That’s bullshit. They are all about Open Borders and the Green New Deal.
They are Socialists while Venezuela is collapsing.
The media need to thank Trump. He keeps things lively for them. That tweet making fun of Biden was great. Jefferson would have done that to Adams.
Althouse, don't tell us that you described the "reasons" that Trump made the wildly, laughably unsupportable claim that wind turbines cause cancer. You didn't say why Trump said it. And you didn't write about what the White House Communications office said in response to questions about Trump's statement.
Trump could offer "reasons" for having said it. He hasn't. White House staff could offer "reasons" for Trump's having said it. They haven't.
And in your polling, only one of your listed responses gave any lip service at all to the possibility that what Trump said was, uh, true. And that response got the second-lowest number of choices. Nowhere did you offer any "reasons" apart from the general notion that the statement was of course untrue, but Trump put it out there for some purpose other than making a true statement.
I'd say that it was a fantastically dumb poll, except that the poll was very valuable on one dimension; showing the world the state of mind of your commentariat as a group. "Trump Cult" is the only phrase that I think adequately describes it.
And everybody -- do Althouse and Meade a favor today please. Do this for them, and not me. If you are outraged by what I just wrote and want to attack me personally, just save it. Type it up, get it out of your system, and then print it to look at yourself. And then throw it away.
If you really want to respond on this substantively, give us some links to science that shows a risk between the sound of wind turbines, and cancer. Otherwise, please be assured that I don't care and you are just creating clutter for Althouse.
" After all, Democrats are on strong ground when it comes to a large number of policies..."
The entire purpose of the left's race baiting and Handmaid's Tale lunacy is keeping the non-politically engaged from understanding their policies. Since that's roughly 96.8% of their campaigning we can see how popular they think their policy preferences are.
The poll response tracks a nearly perfect normal distribution curve, though there were a few more geniuses than idiots. (Within expectations given the greater genius appeal of the Althouse blog over your typical web-dreck.)
No, not in Venezuela where inflation is 1000% and people are starving. But in the minds of junior varsity Incells who write for the Washington Post!
It's Chaos!
After all, Democrats are on strong ground when it comes to a large number of policies..
CNN must hire analysts based on their cultural isolation.
Obama steps out of AF1 and shoots a rainbow out of his palm. Trump steps out of AF1 and has his umbrella destroyed. But there is no editorial bias.
Still, I give them credit for juxtaposing Trump's making fun of wind turbines with Trump in a windstorm. That was funny.
Campaign issue of 2018 midterms: Pre-existing conditions.
Therefore press will cover pre-existing conditions:
-women demanding equality.
"Julian Zelizer is a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University, and author, with Kevin Kruse, of the new book "Fault Lines: A History of the United States Since 1974.
Chapter One: Nixon deposed by the forces of the light and then nothing happened until this morning.
The Fake News Media was so utterly discredited in their Russia Collusion Hoax that they are utterly unable to report on anything other than Trump hoping to utterly destroy him.
some Life Long Liberal said...
, give us some links to science that shows a risk between the sound of wind turbines, and cancer.
Every day, our bodies are exposed to cancer-causing agents in the air, food and water we’re exposed to. Typically, our immune system recognizes those abnormal cells and kills them before they produce a tumor. There are three important things that can happen to prevent cancer from developing — the immune system can prevent the agents from invading in the first place, DNA can repair the abnormal cells or killer T-cells can kill off cancer cells.
Research has shown that stress can lower the body’s ability to do each of those things, according to Dr. Lorenzo Cohen, Ph.D
That BAD Orangeman is inside the Dems' and their media's heads like a worm, eating their brainssssssssssssssssssssss.
Heh, heh, heh...
Reparations is the issue getting traction with dems now. I do wonder how a reparations plank would do with the black community and whether it would be outweighed by the negatives from whites.
Everything causes cancer. nYears ago, I read a paper in which a nickel was implanted in the bellies of mice. Many of them mdeveloped cancer at the site,
Money causes cancer but, if you give me yours, I will see that it does not occur.
"After all, Democrats are on strong ground when it comes to a large number of policies...."
Good Lord {shakes head}
"The Week in Pictures" has some hilarious stuff this week.
Sometimes I wonder how any sane person can watch CNN.
Then I realized that few sane persons do.
“I thought of an additional reason later and put it in the comments: ‘To create a bond with the kind of people who have fears and resistance to what experts say about science.‘ “
I’m with the people who have resistance to what self-proclaimed experts say about what they try to pass off as science; I’ll stick with Trump over the Democrats.
Money causes cancer but, if you give me yours, I will see that it does not occur.
I'm sure there is a causal relationship between doctors, and cancer.
Of ALL the people that you know with cancer, how many of them first found out about it shortly after having been exposed to a doctor? All of them? Or, just nearly All of them?
how many of them first found out about it shortly after having been exposed to a doctor?
Good point. I also like that "most health care expense is in the last 6 months of life ?"
Well, for chrissakes tell me so I don't spend all that money !
Has anyone had the first attempt at a comment accepted by Blogger today yet ?
When Trump said, "they say" I took it as him as simply mocking the media's ability to support whatever theory they want to promote with a reference to "they say".
Yet in the following academic journal about noise and cancer, they basically say -- in reference to epidemiological research -- "they say".
And not just cancer, but breast cancer specifically.
Scand J Work Environ Health 2017
Environmental noise and breast cancer risk?
by Hansen J
Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer among women especially in the Western world where, despite improved survival, it is one of the leading causes of death....
It has recently been suggested that exposure to ambient noise may also be involved in breast cancer risk. Noise is defined as unwanted and unpleasant sounds, and apparently evolution has programmed humans and animals to be aware of high sounds as possible sources of danger. Thus, traffic noise from aircrafts, cars, railways and trains are relatively new environmental pollutants, which have expanded after World War II and are now widespread especially in urban areas and around airports. It is well documented that loud noise can cause hearing loss. It is also well known that nocturnal noise disturbs both the length and quality of sleep. The evidence supporting the long-term non-auditorial effects from noise, however, remains to be established...
Melatonin is a strong antioxidant and may also have other oncostatic effects, and marginally decreased melatonin levels are observed among women during night shift work. Low melatonin due to decreased sleep among people exposed to nocturnal noise exposure has been suggested as a potential mechanism for breast cancer, but this effect may be minimal, if at all, because decreased melatonin is caused by ill-timed light exposure and not by short sleep duration or noise. Further, melatonin has anti-estrogenic effects and inhibits the proliferation of ER+ breast cancer cells, which is why it should be expected that primarily this subtype of breast cancer should be elevated, thus in contrast to the observations in the Danish and recent German studies. Further, it has recently been indicated that short sleep duration has no effect on circadian disruption, which is suggested as a main pathway between nightwork and breast cancer (22). Stress may also follow noise exposure and has also been suggested as a risk factor for breast cancer, but perceived stress and low levels of estrogens have been associated with decreased breast cancer risk in Denmark...
Investigation of noise and breast cancer is at an early phase. There are only few studies, including somewhat inconsistent results both regarding type of noise exposure and breast cancer subtypes, and results have not been adjusted for the potential effect of exposure to traffic exhaust or light-at-night. Moreover, proposed biological mechanisms, such as short sleep or low levels of melatonin are not supported by epidemiologic results for breast cancer. Therefore, the current evidence for noise exposure and breast cancer appears inadequate. However, because exposure to ambient traffic noise is widespread and breast cancer is a frequent disease, new well-designed studies on this issue, including better adjustment for potential confounders, should be considered.
"And everybody -- do Althouse and Meade a favor today please. Do this for them, and not me. If you are outraged by what I just wrote and want to attack me personally, just save it. Type it up, get it out of your system, and then print it to look at yourself. And then throw it away."
Looks like this house, divided, stands tall. I appreciate Chuck's acknowledgment of such.
No doubt it was not easy.
the Democrat media complex has spent two plus years convinced that they would reverse the results of 2016 election. Any moment now, Trump and his family will be frog marched out of the White House and the natural order of things will return, i.e. the Democrat media complex will run things again. Meanwhile the economy expanded, we are withdrawing from fruitless wars, negotiating with North Korea, getting better judges etc.
By engaging in that strategy, they ceded the policy field to the crackpots. Green New Deal? Reparations? Late term abortion and infanticide? Anti-Semiticism? Really, these are your policy proposals? Now the crackpots are coming after Democrats who they deem insufficiently woke. By making an obsessive Trump hate the centerpiece of their party, the Democratic media complex created the crackpots and will pay the price.
Research on windmills and circadian sleep disruption.
Research on circadian sleep disruption and cancer risks.
By making an obsessive Trump hate the centerpiece of their party, the Democratic media complex created the crackpots and will pay the price.
Hillary's campaign was light on policy and long on what an asshole Trump was, with no little help from clips of Himself in action. Thus the campaign became a contest of Who's More Awful, not a debate about issues.
Zealotzer probably lives on the Upper West Side near some construction.
Pecan Pie Detective wrote:
"Althouse, don't tell us that you described the "reasons" that Trump made the wildly, laughably unsupportable claim that wind turbines cause cancer."
He did it, Chuck, to distract from the looming scandal of his golfing game and the brewing controversy about his speech to the Boy Scouts. It is stable genius at work- he even gave me tips for OTB betting.
CNN is not in the news business. CNN is in the business of telling (what is left of) it's viewers what they want to hear. The more moderate viewers they lose (and they lost many after the Russian collusion hoax collapsed) the more they need to move left to satisfy those who remain. (And of course, the Democratic candidates all have the same problem during the primary.)
If you imagine the country distributed on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being most conservative and 10 being most liberal, CNN has gone from a customer base in the 5-10 range to one in the 9-10 range. How do they keep those who remain? Fox has the opposite situation, they have gone from serving the 1-5 to serving the 1-7 crowd, which explains why they are willing to occasionally criticize Trump; they need to do this because their audience is becoming more politically diverse and they actually do need to be more balanced. At this point, Fox's prime-time audience if four times the size of CNN's.
Michael K asked:
Has anyone had the first attempt at a comment accepted by Blogger today yet ?
It isn't just me, I see. I have had a lot of trouble all morning.
It may turn out to be true for some reason, but it was obvious that Trump was using the claim of others, not himself, as a prop, which is what people are doing when they say" "people say". This is so obvious that it takes TDS to make you think otherwise. We have all done it many times, often as a joke. We say stuff like: "people say that Richard Gere had to have a gerbil removed from his butt." It is specifically said like that to indicate that the speaker is not claiming it.
There are so many things like this attached to Trump that are easily debunked becuase people suspend their honesty in service to Trump hate. There is a new one every time he speaks. If he said "some people believe the moon is made of cheese", that would be a meme forever about how dumb Trump is, and it would be repeated daily, but it just shows your dishonesty.
As I said at the time, Trump's record with this stuff suggests that a link will be found between cancer and windmills, whether he knows about it or not.
If you really want to respond on this substantively, give us some links to science that shows a risk between the sound of wind turbines, and cancer. Otherwise, please be assured that I don't care and you are just creating clutter for Althouse.
Here is a quick test for Althouse readers. Being so intensely literal minded is a sign of :
1. Stupidity
2. Obsessiveness
3. Narcissism
4. All of the above
People say Chuck is bright and interesting.
5. Being named Chuck.
I was listen to Beto trying to link Trump to Hitler AGAIN yesterday, and I thought that if I was a Beto supporter, I'd be insulted by that stuff. Do you really think I'm that stupid that you need to go there to convince me I don't want to vote for Trump? I'm at your rally, I'm obviously already in your camp. Do you have so little to offer me that you need to make your opponent into a mass murderer to assure my vote? There are lots of reasons to not want Trump, but him being a mass murderer? Are you expecting me to buy that he will put illegal immigrants in gas chambers? Why not just say "Hey moron, vote for me." It would be more respectful.
Trump has some imaginative attacks on his opponents sometimes too, but when they are ridiculous he's obvious with the humour. The Dems are not joking about this crazy shit, and say it with all manner of serious concern. They insult their voters with most of their rhetoric. They call them helpless, weak, dependent and fearful, and claim to be their only salvation from the unfairness and challenges of life.
The Clinton Lost ButtHurt Media writes the bombshell headlines. Yawn indeed.
That thing with "people say" is what Trump does to make himself sound informed when he is not. It allows Trump to simultaneously claim status as a kind of insider, possessed of special information, but also deniability if it is untrue. It is a despicable rhetorical device.
It is why I don't ever want to hear a word from Trump unless he is under oath and being cross-examined. Which is like a different person, from those few rare transcripts where Trump has been so captured.
Francisco, is this literal-mindedness possibly an Aspergers symptom?
I think this may be the case, but I raise the question to a professional for an educated opinion.
"After all, Democrats are on strong ground when it comes to a large number of policies.... But if they get drowned out by coverage of Trump, that's better for the President.... Trump will do everything possible to keep Democrats out of the media other than in the light he wants to paint them."
This is all very mysterious. If it is true that Democrats have the "strong ground", then all that should required here is for the media branch of the Democratic Party (aka the msm) to put away childish things, develop some self-control, and start reporting the news like responsible, professional adults.
But instead they just won't give up the crack and prefer to make up nutty, self-excusing stories for why the product they put out is so embarrassingly stupid and crazy, and why it's so easy for Trump to manipulate them. It's something "out there" that controls the news cycle, and Trump controls that! Not the people who, ya know, produce the news. If only the msm could wrest the control of that thing "out there" from Trump, the people could be informed of the Democrats' most excellent policy plans!
It doesn't really matter if there's an ounce of truth to the meth-head theory of media behavior bruited here recently. They're exhibiting all the behavioral stigmata - excuse-making, self-deception, blame-shifting, self-pity - of addicts.
let me try again:
he's like colonel flagg, from the old mash episodes, the actor played an air force investigation on project bluebook in the 70s,
"After all, Democrats are on strong ground when it comes to a large number of policies"
Like the tax policy that came from Ron Wyden this week, to tax the unrealized capital gains of everyone's investments? I hear about this and I wonder how anyone so incredibly stupid can become the ranking member on the Senate Finance Committee. So crashing the equity and bond markets, destroying everyone's 401(K) and IRA accounts, their real estate investments, etc. is "strong ground"?
There is not one - NOT ONE - of the policies espoused to this point by any of the Democrat candidates or their colleagues in the Congress that make any sense at all. Every one makes any of the "lies" told by Trump look like absolute genius by comparison.
Like Glenn, this is definitely the worst political class in American history. Not just bad policies but a level of ignorance and stupidity never before seen among American politicians.
Trump, like Caesar and Churchill, speaks rhetorically, using words as weapons.
As do all real politicians. Politics is a constant contest of lies and liars. Even those who seem simple and sincere are merely using a well-proven tactical approach, described in ancient literature. Before men learned to make swords, they were dueling with words.
And of course it is, as it is inherent in human nature.
To appreciate the interplay one must learn the music and the dance. Some people are handicapped as they cannot dance, and are tone-deaf.
buwaya said...
Francisco, is this literal-mindedness possibly an Aspergers symptom?
I think this may be the case, but I raise the question to a professional for an educated opinion.
Hey, congrats to you on raising the autism issue here. In honor of your malicious post, let's all remember that Trump just this week honored "Autism Awareness Day" with a Tweet. Which was special, in light of Trump's having falsely claimed that childhood vaccines cause autism.
Someday, it will be really interesting to learn (from some insiders' biography, or perhaps some other news) why Trump ever took an interest in such an obscure topic at a time when he was a real estate developer and not an autism researcher or a public health official. Trump's own database of empirical knowledge about autism would make for a good subject of a future Trump interview.
Just because you can't figure out what someone is doing behind the scenes and inside his head doesn't mean there's chaos. It might mean you don't know or you can't understand.
Julian Zelizer is a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University and a New America fellow.
Not a good look for America's cognitive elite who are more than happy to position themselves as our moral and intellectual superiors.
On the other hand, people like Zelitzer probably understand everything perfectly well, and are just being disingenuous, in service of their political purpose.
As, also, the case of Chuck. Perhaps this is a deliberate construct.
If an engineered persona it is a commendable literary achievement.
Francisco, is this literal-mindedness possibly an Aspergers symptom?
Autism spectrum disorders have to do with how someone processes and understands social communications. It is possible that someone who insists on a particular point of view (to the point of ridiculous literal mindedness) has a mild form of the disorder. It would have been noticeable in childhood.
The inability to see things in other contexts (e.g., humor, sarcasm) may reflect neurodevelopment issues that give the appearance of highly rigid thinking and an inability to adapt to social feedback.
The competing diagnosis is Asshole NOS. In other words, some people are just jerks. It can be a very tough thing to distinguish one diagnosis from the other.
Someday, it will be really interesting to learn (from some insiders' biography, or perhaps some other news) why Trump ever took an interest in such an obscure topic at a time when he was a real estate developer and not an autism researcher or a public health official.
Buwaya, I think you set off something like a reflex but deeper in the cerebrum. It's possible that an AI run amok is responsible but there are lawyers that do have these tunnel-like thought cenegtres.
A bit like Genetic Canalizations.
This varies with particular traits: under various kinds of stress, you would expect natural selection to particularly favor canalization of traits that are important to fitness. Maybe intelligence is more important to fitness than height?
Shared environment generally has little effect on adult intelligence. Canalization? Or consider Stuart Ritchie’s work suggesting that extra years of school increases intelligence: considering canalization, I doubt it.
What would contribute to the fitness of a trial lawyer? Impervious to evidence?
After all, Democrats are on strong ground when it comes to a large number of policies
Name one. Just one.
He delved deep into nuclear disarmament with Ron Rosenbaum admitted I was dismissive when he had his political debut thirty some years ago.
Its not just "chaos" its Udder Chaos. Ever tried to milk cows out of order?
They are unoriginal
Orange man out of control. Orange man commits gaffe. Walls are closing in on Orange man. Aides sad over Orange man. Congressional Republicans disagree with Orange man. Fact checkers prove Orange man lied. Orange man very unpopular. Experts say Orange man will lose in 2020. Orange man will blow up world. Orange man is weak and will let Country X conquer the world. Allies hate Orange. Etc.
92% Negative coverage since Jan 2017.
"They say", "some say" and "People say" is standard political rhetoric. Usually, "They" are saying something cowardly, idiotic, or selfish that the pol can push back against. As in Nixon's checkers speech:
And our little girl Tricia, the six year old, named it "Checkers." And you know, the kids, like all kids, love the dog, and I just want to say this, right now, that regardless of what they say about it , we're gonna keep it.
How many Chuckles can Chuck
Chuckle, if Chuck-no-Chuckle can make Chuck Chuckle.
Asking for friends of Chuck who can Chuckle.
So crashing the equity and bond markets, destroying everyone's 401(K) and IRA accounts, their real estate investments, etc. is "strong ground"?
Think of it as flexing muscles before bout or dose of reality for irrational exuberance!
Here's a thought about noise, stress, cancer and reparations.
So these Australians measured infrasound from wind farms and found it was similar to that of an urban environment or "other engineered noise sources."
"The measured level of infrasound within the wind farms is well below the audibility threshold and is similar to that of urban and coastal environments and near other engineered noise sources."*
So wind farms were just like city noise, in other words, nothing. But that was 2012.
But here's the deal. There's an effort going on in 2019 to say that urban environments create stress, especially by noise. And to say that this stress has damaged people living in the inner city. And to say that members of one race disproportionately live in the inner city due to racism so that the members of that race deserve reparations for the damage caused by the stress caused by urban noise. The damage is shown by cancer levels**, poor results in school, high levels of crimes committed.
See where this is going? If cities are causing stress, then wind farms are. But Trump said wind farms cause stress. Oooh, Trump said something about noise and stress and he's always wrong, so it's wrong, wrong, wrong to say noise causes stress. So now the TDS Brigade, the Dem Common Rotten Core, has gone on record that wind farms do not cause stress, cancer or anything else. Consequently neither does city noise. Meaning that ...
I leave it there.
Acoustics Australia Vol. 40, No. 1, April 2012 - 45
Chris Turnbull1, Jason Turner1 and Daniel Walsh2
1Sonus Pty Ltd, 17 Ruthven Avenue, Adelaide, South Australia 5000
2 Pacific Hydro Level 11, 474 Flinders Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Anstract: Infrasound is generated by a range of natural and engineered sources. The measurement of infrasound at low levels requires a specific methodology, as it is readily affected by even light surface breezes on the microphone. Such a methodology, based on measurements below the ground surface in a test chamber, has been developed to measure infrasound at two Australian wind farms and also in the vicinity of a beach, a coastal cliff, the city of Adelaide and a power station. The measured levels have been compared between each source and against the infrasound audibility threshold of 85 dB(G). The measured level of infrasound within the wind farms is well below the audibility threshold and is similar to that of urban and coastal environments and near other engineered noise sources"
Example of sound, stress and cancer being related. There are many others.
Published online 2018 Oct 5.
** Long-term exposure to road traffic noise and incidence of breast cancer: a cohort study. Breast Cancer Res. 2018; 20: 119.
Exposure to road traffic noise was associated with increased risk of estrogen receptor (ER)-negative (ER-) breast cancer in a previous cohort study, but not with overall or ER-positive (ER+) breast cancer, or breast cancer prognosis. We examined the association between long-term exposure to road traffic noise and incidence of breast cancer, overall and by ER and progesterone receptor (PR) status.
Exposure to road traffic noise was associated with increased risk of estrogen receptor (ER)-negative (ER-) breast cancer
Probably an example of confounding,. An example, Leisure World retirement community in Orange County CA has a much high incidence of breast and uterine cancer than the av ergo population. Why?
Is ti the water?
No, people who retire to retirement communities tend to be childless. Not all but a significant difference from the rest not the population. They also are more prosperous, which probably does have something to do with fewer children.
Women who have not had children have an increased incidence of Breast and Uterine cancer. Back when there were enough nuns for a study, 25% of nuns got breast cancer,.
Traffic noise may select for women who work and drive or who can afford to be driven in noisy areas. City dwellers.
" It is a despicable rhetorical device."
Oh, my god, you're right! I never expected that from a politician, or anyone else for that matter. There needs to be law against slandering windmills?
Are there no mirrors in your glass house?
I suppose Trump could have said "studies suggest.." or "some scientists say..." which would be totally accurate, but who cares about the validity of what he said, or why he said it. What matters is: how can I see it to feed the demands of my TDS? It's like a drug addiction this stuff.
Why I no longer read Patterico:
Sure, it’s unprecedented, but so is not providing your tax returns as President, lying about the reason you won’t do it, the endless opportunities for foreign bribery of a President who maintains a financial interest in his companies, and a lot of other stuff. The point is, unless there is a mystery decision out there saying the language doesn’t mean what it appears to mean, the Democrats can do this.
And I think it’s great.
Let Trump and his fans howl. I don’t care. I think he’s a criminal and I think his tax returns are one of the keys to the box. As the old-time adventure video games would have said:
Obtain key. Use key. Open box.
Another Chuck. It's too bad he used to be a nice guy,
He thinks Ways and Means could do this in executive session. How long before the returns, or at least anything negative, were leaked to a WaLPOoo reporter ? 5 minutes ?
I see no mention of the leaked 1995 return that Maddow got and which showed he paid $25 million that year.
This might be another brier patch.
"To trick the media into talking about something other than the policies Democrats want to forefront."
This may be a mistake. Reparations and GND and higher taxes should be "forefronted."
" Democrats are on strong ground when it comes to a large number of policies...."
Name one.
"I thought that if I was a Beto supporter, I'd be insulted by that stuff."
But you aren't, and they aren't. Really, they aren't. Trump is Hitler. Like Bush. They eat it up.
I think he’s a criminal and I think his tax returns are one of the keys to the box
Hey everybody! We’re going fishing!
to tax the unrealized capital gains of everyone's
You’re not thinking, everybody can just take the equivalent of home equity loans on their investments to pay the taxes. Stocks never go down so the banks will have nothing to worry about. What could go wrong?
Is anyone else enjoying the hilarious LLR-approved "brilliant" Maddow Meltdown as much as me?
Talk about chaos!
Can you imagine what her production meetings are like these days?
Imagine a room full of insane lefty allies like Rosie O'Donnell, LLR Chuck and Al Sharpton pooling their collective "brain"-power to identify that days ever more convoluted and intricate conspiracy theories and the lies it will take to keep pushing their lefty narratives further!
I tell you, its Pecan Pies all the way down!!
This week was a mega-week for Trump. His speeches are suddenly twice as powerful as they once were. His speeches are bonding with a love to the blacks , the Jews and the Hispanics. And these are cross overs that will not leave him.
The Dem owned Media is wasting their time. That ship has sailed.
yes, the so called resistance, is very weak minded, it takes great skill to see through the cave wall, as for patterico, it must not be easy to be a professing Christian in the city of angels, furthermore to be attacked by a cult leader's minion, with much of the legal establishment apparently silent, why he choses to project his rage on trump supporters, is kind of a mystery,
this is independent from apelbaum's investigations, but it shows how crowdstrike is all wet, and Bryce should know better since he operated in romania
The one serious concern I have about Patterico is that he is an LA County prosecutor.
I would not want to be a Trump supporter in his court room. Or the victim of one.
compare that with an actual confirmed Russian hack:
the dnc hack was as with a screw driver, no sophisticated tools,
one of the few worthy links in the journal,
The only thing Trumps tax returns will prove is that he pays taxes.
Why do people think that tax returns will show some sort of criminal activity?
Patterico occaisionally shoed up on 'Protien Wisdom' blog. He wasn't very impressive then either. Much like another so called lawyer.
Leisure World retirement community in Orange County CA
My Cub Den marched through there 50 years ago. They already had tiki-torches.
Patterico occaisionally shoed up on 'Protien Wisdom' blog. He wasn't very impressive then either. Much like another so called lawyer.
I think he was booted off Red State. They weret trying to get back in rational territory after a bad spell of TDS,
Ended up at pajamas media and quilliette, among others also arc digital.
Do they learn any lessoms:
Trump files his taxes yearly, as required, no one has ever argued or suggested he hasn't. I wouldn't be surprised if his returns are reviewed by the IRS, a government agency, in some out of the ordinary way every year. So far as we know there is no history of anything inappropriate. Indeed, given his public persona and profile it would be extremely foolish to report anything the least bit shady.
This call for release of his returns is purely political, intended to be used for attacks on Trump. There is no legitimate legal justification for Congress to access Trump's returns.
"Leisure World retirement community in Orange County CA"
As teenagers, we'd call it seizure world.
Seemed funny at the time. Hah hah hah!
But now? Not so much;)
When I read headlines like this from CNN---or any of a dozen similar headlines in the Los Angeles Times on any given day, I'm reminded of the tee shirts that were popular in the black community a few years ago. They read "It's a black thing. You wouldn't understand."
On these "journalists" reports on what is very much their alternate reality, Trump supporters are likely to say, "It's a Trump thing. You wouldn't understand."
As for me, I'm left with Groucho's remark, "Are you going to believe what's written in the Los Angeles Times---or your own lying eyes?" I'll go with my eyes.
I originally voted for "We will never know the oranges", which had at least the merit of being obviously true. (I don't know the bok choy either, even though I bought some today, and intend to eat it by and by. Well there's no point in getting its expectations up for nothing.)
But your later option is even better, especially if we understand that given Trump's sloppiness with facts and details, he's probably never given windmill noise 5 seconds of thought in his life. If he did, he would probably restrain himself from saying anything about it. So his carelessness with mundane facts is a kind of strength; it lets him connect with the many irretrievably fact-challenged folks who nonetheless rightly sense that they've been hosed by the government class.
"Trump files his taxes yearly, as required, no one has ever argued or suggested he hasn't. I wouldn't be surprised if his returns are reviewed by the IRS, a government agency, in some out of the ordinary way every year"
He's audited every year. If you don't know what that entails then thank god, because every entry is gone over and you better have the paperwork to back everything up.
I wonder what CNN's true viewership is. I know they are found running non-stop in most airports (the drive by trade) but how many demented households are there in the US?
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