Entertainingly told by Victor Davis Hanson.
It's entertaining because it didn't work and because there are so many steps in this long-term effort, some of which I had forgotten. Like, do you remember Dr. Bandy X. Lee?
I was not a Trump supporter at the time of the election. (I wasn't a Hillary supporter either.) But the effort to take his victory away is something I have always opposed very strongly. America voted, and that was that as I see it. So I greatly enjoyed VDH's retelling of the grand story of Trump's survival.
VDH has 11 paragraphs that begin with the phrase "When that did not work...". And that's why it's funny, and not a horror story.
२५० टिप्पण्या:
250 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»I just completed his book; The Case for Trump. It wasn't as entertaining. It is a good book, but he completed it just before the 2018 election, with an afterward before the vote counting was done. From that perspective; the effort worked well enough.
A kind of light hearted treatment of what could be one of the darkest chapters of our history. And a cautionary tale of what might continue to happen if we do not get to the bottom of this and put some people in jail.
It was like a Dave Barry End-of-Year article, just not as intentionally funny.
But the effort to take his victory away is something I have always opposed very strongly.
OUR victory, not his.
And this was an attempted coup. People should be hanged.
The fun part starts when investigations and prosecutions of Democrats involved in this start.
I came here to compare it to Dave Barry, but Xmas stole my thunder.
"that's why it's funny, and not a horror story." It's both. We are drifting close to losing our country's ability to have elections.
I find myself opposing these calls you hear for treason investigations and 'lock them up' even though it's completely justified.
Because of the god-awful incompetence on display. Looking deeper into this 'failed coup' is like looking at the kids in the back seat putting their hands on the other's 'side' and pulling hair. It wasn't even a good attempt. It was theater intended for their based with an IQ of 70 or less. Their covering of tracks was in essence a giant exercise in finger-pointing and musical chairs.
Should they be locked up? They deserve it of course. It is so much better to laugh at them.
They're not elite.
They're not sophisticated.
They're not 'winners'.
Look at them and laugh. Guffah. Trump hitting them on twitter completely and totally makes them lose their collective shit. They're pathetic.
Bad Orange man rude to everyone won it all. "Never Surrender" said Winston Churchill. And Winston said that after he was put into the office of PM for the sole purpose of surrendering to Hitler.
Trump actually ran as an independent who first had to do a strategic a hostile take over of the GOP.
But both Trump and Churchill had a secret card they played which was the American Tribe of Scots-Irish warriors clinging to guns and religion.
It's only funny because the entire scheme failed so vividly.
It's not funny because it is the largest civil rights violation in American history and it was perpetrated by the FBI, CIA, and the DOJ.
It's stunning when it's all laid out like that. I had forgotten many of these.
The funny thing is, all these efforts against Trump are having the opposite of their intended effect. Rather then driving his supporters away, it seems to have more tightly annealed them. Rather than convincing fence sitters and skeptics to join the resistance it has pushed them firmly into the Trump camp. The resistance is turning Trump into a folk hero. But it seems that the anti-Trump forces still haven't grasped this yet.
I think Trump is a disgrace as a person and president, but the attempts by anti-Trumpists from day one of his term to get him out of office betray a selfish inability to accept the results of our system of electing presidents, and a heedless disregard for the damage they're doing to our electoral process. Don't they realize they're making it incredibly more difficult for the next Democratic president who is elected to be able to do his or her job? (Rhetorical question: they're oblivious.)
The resistance is turning Trump into a folk hero. But it seems that the anti-Trump forces still haven't grasped this yet.
4/9/19, 10:36 AM
The idea that it is they who are the villains in this scenario is inconceivable to them.
Hanson forgets that the Acme Anvils and Giant Rubberbands sold at a blistering rate after November 8th 2016, and that serious head and body traumas increased at an alarming rate.
On the contrary, *that* is a horror story.
"Plan Eleven from Outer Space."
Great Scot!
Robbie Mook, Hillary's campaign advisor once said "How do we maximize Trump?"
The democratic media and the the Clinton campaign colluded to make Trump the nominee. Why? They thought he'd be easy to beat. They manipulated the system from within the media.
Then when that blew up in their corrupt faces - we get2+ years of Maddow-Mueller.
Then when that blew up - we get more bullshit. endless bullshit.
Now the left want to tear down the Electoral College and piss all over The Constitution.
The left will stop at nothing for ultimate power.
Whenever I read any article and it turns into an overwhelming encyclopedic list of facts, I always scroll back up to the author's name and confirm that it says Victor Davis Hanson. I always wonder if his brain really is that big or if his house has every surface covered in sticky pad notes. Or both.
It's only funny because the entire scheme failed so vividly.
No, that's disturbing in it's own right. Top men from America's FBI, CIA and DOJ failed miserably. And with the MSM playing as corrupt referees for them. Are they this incompetent when dealing with organized crime and terror cells too? Shiver.
VDH is a national treasure as a cool and real political writer.
The Democratic Party has no other message than "I do not know what to do with myself if I lose my office," which is why the crazies can run wild.
Fen said...And this was an attempted coup. People should be hanged.
I'll settle for long prison terms. But, yeah. We can only hope that Barr, Graham, Nunes, et al really are taking it as seriously as it deserves.
Time to retire the FISA court while we're at it. Free societies do not tolerate Star Chambers.
The German Queen of England now wants Trump to come over and help her celebrate the victory of the American tribe's soldiers sent over by Churchill's friend FDR to invade Fortress Europa at the Normandy coast of France on June,6, 1944.
DJT ought to reply that she first has to apologise for trying every trick in the Crown's book to destroy his Presidency.
...When that did not work, congressional committees and the left-wing mob next went after William Barr, Trump’s “hand-picked” attorney general (are not all AGs “hand-picked” by the president?). Barr’s crime was that he had followed the law to the letter. And so Barr spent a few days after the arrival of the exonerating Mueller collusion report to ensure first, before releasing it to the public, that it did not endanger national security or besmirch the reputations of innocent named individuals. If in a blink, “collusion” had died, soon in its death throes it birthed “obstruction”—as if Trump’s objections to vast resources wasted on chasing an imaginary non-crime of collusion was obstruction
When that did not work, congressional committees mobilized to sue and force Trump to release at least six years of his private income tax records, elements of which already in bits and pieces had been leaked.
and across the pond:
Brennan should be frog marched and shot for 4 treason. OK - imprisoned for the rest of his natural pathetic corrupt life.
Whenever I read any article and it turns into an overwhelming encyclopedic list of facts, I always scroll back up to the author's name and confirm that it says Victor Davis Hanson
Funny. I do the same thing whenever I read a Surrender Gracefully whine over at Powerline. I can tell its by Paul Mirengoff by the 3rd paragraph. It's sad, but he has come to exemplify my suspicion that timidity is a feature of Conservatism, not a bug. We always err on the side of caution. We never go for the ball, might incur a foul. I feel like we play a Prevent Defense for all 4 quarters of the game and lose 9-7 ever single time. It's so frustrating.
Never going back to that. No more McCain and Romeny's Failure Theater.
"It's entertaining because it didn't work"
You say that like it's over. The judges are still defying Trump. The borders are still undefended, and an unholy alliance of Muslims and "Christians" continues to help the UN pump poison into our nation's veins. The monster is still growing, and the Democrats still strive to destroy the Constitution. I am not entertained.
The sad thing is that most Americans have no idea what has and is still going down. But I'll bet they all caught American Idol last night!
Meanwhile, Dems have set afoot their effort to create a go-around the Electoral College, state by state. It'll be fine until the population of oh...lets say, Ohio, realize that they just had their vote invalidated by the popular vote of California and New York.
All of the Hanson books I've read have been excellent; I've read about seven. Best, I think, were "The Land Was Everything: Letters from an American Farmer", and "Fields Without Dreams: Defending the Agrarian Idea". He grows grapes and, I believe, almonds near Selma, CA. He's also written several good books on warfare, from Greece and Sparta to the present.
Time to retire the FISA court while we're at it. Free societies do not tolerate Star Chambers.
We should DEFINITELY know the names of the judges who approved these faux warrants. They should not be allowed to remain anonymous. They should be required to testify before Congress what they did and why. I think the fact that they are unaccountable is very dangerous to the Republic.
Bandy Lee is still at it. From his column last week in The New York Daily News:
Two years after organizing a conference at Yale about how mental health professionals could warn the public ethically and effectively, our predictions have borne out to be true: Donald Trump in the office of the presidency has proven more dangerous than people suspected, has grown more dangerous by the day, and, without proper treatment, is becoming increasingly uncontainable.
Even if he's gaining cash or cachet, Lee seems obsessed to me.
"When that did not work...". - Donald Trump, the Grigori Rasputin of American politicians.
Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!
You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout
Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks!
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...Brennan should be frog marched and shot for 4 treason. OK - imprisoned for the rest of his natural pathetic corrupt life.
Oh my..that perp walk of Scowlface would be worthy of looping.
bandy lee, reminds me of the creepy doctor in cannonball run,
Robert Cook said...
Don't they realize they're making it incredibly more difficult for the next Democratic president who is elected to be able to do his or her job?
I will never submit to a Democrat controlled federal government. I will never submit to a Romney/Bush GOPe run government. There is obviously a cabal of people in DC that are treasonous shitheads.
I don’t care if they get 60% of the popular vote. Most of those voters are illegals and felons anyway. We are not and never have been a democracy.
Eric “nuke gun owners” Swalwell is a Democrat presidential candidate. You cannot pass gun control by popular vote without destroying the constitution.
Trump is the last gasp of the republic. He will succeed in cleaning up the swamp or fuck you war.
This is not over until Obama and Hillary are sentenced for treason.
> Donald Trump, the Grigori Rasputin of American politicians.
well there is some dark humor,
@Althouse, I read it yesterday, and I enjoyed it too. Connects the dots very nicely, and the "When that did not work..." was a slice across the jugular for the anti-Trumpers.
Look at them and laugh. Guffah. Trump hitting them on twitter completely and totally makes them lose their collective shit. They're pathetic.
They are all getting 6/7 figure sinecures from there globalist corporate owners.
One thing that is missing in all of this discussion is that there is a not modest group of billionaires that are the real force behind this.
Executing their tools will not be enough to make sure this never happens again.
I think Trump is a disgrace as a person and president, but the attempts by anti-Trumpists from day one of his term to get him out of office
@Cookie, not from day one of his term, but from the morning after the election, when he was still ten weeks from inauguration.
Oh, and Cookie. In your opinion is he a disgrace as President of the United States despite or because his policies are diametrically opposed to yours, yet his are succeeding in providing jobs to people on the lower end of the wage scale?
What this whole sordid mess has caused me to realize is this: We need to go back to a full-blown spoils system. It should be assumed that anyone working for the executive branch of the federal government, in whatever capacity, is only employed until the next presidential election. If the next administration wants to keep them on, so be it; but the default should be that it's time to look for another job.
Noam Chomsky On Trump And Russia Collusion
Not a serious charge. Sees no quid pro quo and no effect on election. Points finger at Israel and Corporations instead.
None of this hanky-panky was going to make Hillary Clinton president, so there's that.
Hanson is an American treasure!
@Lucid-Ideas, I am opposed to your opposition, for the reasons Achilles points out at 11:16. The FISA judges who rubber-stamped the hokey surveillance requests need to be identified, humiliated, and fired, as a way to suggest to the rest of them -- and any other judge who takes a position on the FISA Court that there is a downside risk to the Washington, DC, mantra of "go along to get along." Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Holder, Lynch, and every one of their direct reports needs to be in jail. Hillary Clinton needs to be properly investigated, and if the facts are as have been stated, she needs to spend some time in federal prison, sans Chardonnay.
The only person I would let off is Obama. Let him go down in the history books as not merely the first black president, but also as presiding over the most corrupt administration since "Useless" Grant. I rank him as the second worst president, with only Buchanan ahead (make that "behind") of him. Took a lot of work and a second term to displace Jimmy Carter, but he persisted.
The dark side of all this, of course, is Hanson's question toward the end. If everything Obama's administrative state did to Trump's campaign and Presidency is laughed off as mere bumbling incompetency, but implicitly accepted as the new hardball way Presidential politics is done, then Democrats and MSM should see that Trump needs to order his FBI and CIA and campaign to do the same thing to, say, Biden.
In sports, in warfare, and in politics moral scruples cannot deny to one side what the other gets away with for long.
Robert Cook said...
"I think Trump is a disgrace as a person and president,..."
What exactly do you mean by this? I'm asking sincerely. I hear people say this kind of stuff, but when asked why, the specifics are always hazy, if not thoroughly debunked lies.
I'm not a fan of the man, as much as the results, but I don't see anything he's done as exceptionally disgraceful.
It might be funny if it was over. But it's not. The Trump deranged are still working as hard as ever to derail our system of government. Now they need his tax returns. They need to repeal the electoral college. They want felons and illegal aliens to vote.
It was never about Trump. He's just in their way.
But when unelected bureaucrats and the opposition party try to remove a duly elected President, that's not funny.
They all need to be indicted. Let's start with McCabe. He'll sing like a canary.
tcrosse said...
None of this hanky-panky was going to make Hillary Clinton president, so there's that.
The effort was to make Mike Pence president. They knew they could get Pence to resign just like they got Sessions to recuse.
Is there any difference between any of the Democrats and Hillary? Or many of the GOPe?
Haven’t you people noticed there is a machine behind all of this?
Repeating “Hillary will never be president” is just a cop out so you don’t have to defend Trump.
No matter how much of a skeeze Trump is personally he is the only reason we have a Republic right now.
Thank god Romney lost in 2012. He is just as bent on destroying our republic as the Democrats are.
no the goal was to delegitimate the 2016 election, as they are working over here with bibi,
When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever invoke the 25th Amendment. (apologies to J.H.)
There's a good chance that in 2020 a lot of voters will be convinced by an argument that goes: "With all their efforts to demonstrate that Trump is illegitimate, the Democrats haven't had any energy left to actually develop well thought out policies and programs that would illustrate why anyone should vote for them. Instead they advance bumper sticker mottos and appeals to selective groups of self-identified victims."
Don't they realize they're making it incredibly more difficult for the next Democratic president who is elected to be able to do his or her job? (Rhetorical question: they're oblivious.
It is not accurate to say the left is oblivious. They understand the left controls the bureaucracy and along with their media and academic allies will never subject a left wing President to the internal obstructionism Trump faces. Sure they will have proven they don't believe in their own principles but when has that ever mattered to a leftist?
" Points finger at Israel and Corporations instead."
I assume that foreign nations and corporations with a lot at stake, including their survival, would do what they can to affect elections around the world, and especially ours. I'm sure it happens every time, I'm sure the U.S. does it at least as much as anybody (Obama openly did it in Israel's elections), and I'm pretty sure that Chomsky would approve of it when it supports his ideology. Now what? I don't really see how foreign nations or corporations can do much about the outcome of American national elections, except for one type who do it a lot and very one-sidedly. Can we guess what type of corporations might those be? Do we think they pick sides? Do we think they have any influence?
Higher education is another culprit, but they are very open places with fair, open-minded discussion and staunch defenders of free speech.
Top men from America's FBI, CIA and DOJ failed miserably.
I'm reading "Beruit Rules," about the Hezbollah bombing of the Marine barracks and US embassy in Beruit and the kidnapping of Bill Buckley in 1984-85.
That whole episode was a monumental clusterfuck by CIA, which has not gotten any better. I have to put it down at times because it is so depressing to see the ineptitude of the elites that run our country and did, even when Reagan was president. He followed the post Watergate Democrat government, just as Trump follows the post Obama/Bush/Bush governments. They are good only at building bureaucratic empires and enriching themselves. They failed miserably at what they were supposed to be doing.
They knew they could get Pence to resign just like they got Sessions to recuse.
The Trump mania is designed to (a) give the idiots their bread and circuses and (b) warn other outsiders they can expect their life to be destroyed if they obstruct the left. Both these goals are advanced if Trump is impeached or convinced to resign.
But they have no expectation of getting a Dem into the Presidency before his term is up.
Robert Cook said...
"I think Trump is a disgrace as a person and president,..."
What exactly do you mean by this?
He's not a communist,.
"We should DEFINITELY know the names of the judges who approved these faux warrants."
The names are a matter of public record. All you need to to do is to find the published FISA warrants- the judges' names are not redacted.
"Rather then driving his supporters away, it seems to have more tightly annealed them. Rather than convincing fence sitters and skeptics to join the resistance it has pushed them firmly into the Trump camp."
I have it going the other way - it's broken whatever ties used to be owed to what was presumed a loyal opposition.
yes, that was definitely true, the top of the community was loath to acknowledge there was a proxy war in Lebanon, maybe they actually believed woodwards account of an organic Hezbollah,
there were intercepts that showed resources being relayed through the Iranian embassy in Damascus, they threw keith who used duress under the bus for trying to track the plotters,
the exfil may well have come from Ukrainian sources (cyber berkut) than any appreciably Russian party,
I see the whole episode as the worst attack on the Constitution in the nation's history, and it was done by a wide range of the American political class with support from millions of Americans who do not respect what is important about this nation, it's history, and it's law. What is additionally infuriating is that even with majorities in both houses the Republicans were feckless to stop it. Most infuriating of all was that the media, who exist to expose such treason, were instead the most powerful ally in the fraudulent, illegal, un American effort. I fear this click of the ratchet is one too far, that may permanently diminish this nation and the exceptional principles it has upheld reasonably well for two and half centuries, which is as close to a miracle as has ever been. We have lost so much so quickly.
So, some troll is masking as Nest Thermostats to tout the virtues of the competing Johnson Controls thermostat. Kind of like a troll posing as, say, a respected Republican/ Conservative who is "forced" to acknowledge the depravity of Trump and the superiority of any Democrat who could possibly replace him.
until the perpetrators are brought to justice,
Carter Wood at 11:03, quoting:
"Donald Trump in the office of the presidency has proven more dangerous than people suspected,"
Which is funny, since "people" told me he was going to annul major civil liberties and initiate a nuclear exchange in a fit of pique. That's a hard level of dangerous to exceed, but I'll have to go and read how he has done it.
Or maybe it just means, Has proven more conservative than people suspected - which is true enough of me.
I'm reading the Papadopoulus book. Funny and horrific. He says up front that he's just a schmuck trying to make his way. His mistake was signing on with Trump.
Maybe it'll be a movie some day...nah...
"They should be required to testify before Congress what they did and why. I think the fact that they are unaccountable is very dangerous to the Republic."
Did you recommend the same after Snowden's revelations were published?
Our Republic is effectively dead, and what remains is just a Disneyworld simulacrum.
"But the effort to take his victory away is something I have always opposed very strongly."
This is to your credit. But now take the next step: what does this effort tell you about the people trying to take away his victory, and why would you ever again support them or their political enablers?
bagoh20 said...
"I fear this click of the ratchet is one too far, that may permanently diminish this nation and the exceptional principles it has upheld reasonably well for two and half centuries, which is as close to a miracle as has ever been. We have lost so much so quickly."
Exactly. Even ten years ago, I could laugh at the Lefties. Now I'm buying guns and ammo.
@Big Mike
I think continuing to fight over 2016 will hurt Trump just as much as it will hurt Democrats. I have no hope for Democrats, who will - and all signs and evidence point to this - continue to fight 2016 in 2020.
Trump would do much better to focus on a vision for 2020 and beyond, something that Democrats clearly don't have now that the primary plan for 2020 - 'Collusion-gate' - is dead.
The Democrats are pigs. Trump would do well not to get in the mud with them. They'll both get dirty, and the 'pigs' like it.
@Cook: "Don't they realize they're making it incredibly more difficult for the next Democratic president who is elected to be able to do his or her job? (Rhetorical question: they're oblivious.)"
In a way, they are oblivious: nothing said by anyone on the right penetrates prog consciousness. But they also calculate: they assume that it is impossible for the Deep State to be mobilized against a Dem, and that the MSM would not play along, so that any future Dem is safe from a similar coup attempt and her job won't be any more difficult. I think that calculation is correct. Therefore, Dems are quite right to go all out in attacking Trump and trashing the system: the costs to them are minimal, and the potential gain--if not to get rid of Trump, at least to rile up their base--is potentially large.
"Will the Left nod and keep still, if Republicans attempt to remove an elected Democratic President before his tenure is up? Are appeals to impeachment, the 25th Amendment, the Emoluments Clause, the Logan Act, and a Special Counsel the now normal cargo of political opposition to any future elected president?
Is it now permissible in 2020 for Trump’s FBI director to insert an informant into the campaign of the Democratic presidential nominee? If Joe Biden is the 2020 nominee, will the Trump Justice Department seek FISA warrants to monitor the communications of Biden’s campaign team—in worries that Biden son’s business practices in the Ukraine had earlier compromised Biden who had intervened on his behalf by threatening to cut off aid to Ukraine? Will they investigate Biden’s propensity to hug and kiss under-aged girls? Will Trump’s CIA director contact foreign nationals to aid in spying on Biden’s aides? Will National Security Advisor John Bolton request that the names of surveilled Biden campaign officials become unmasked as a way of having them leaked to the media? Will Trump hire a British ex-spy to gather together rumors and gossip about Biden’s previous overseas trips and foreign contacts, especially in the Ukraine, and then see them seeded among the Trump CIA, FBI, Justice Department, and State Department? Is that the sort of country we have now?"
Exactly right. But most Democrats are dishonest and don't care. Anything to defeat or obstruct Trump, or better yet to remove him from office. If Republicans do even 1/100 of what the Democrats have done when we have a Democratic president, the Democrats will memory hole everything they did against Trump. The same dynamic played out w/r/t Nixon and Clinton, and no one apparently learned any lessons.
Congressman Doug Collins has lit a smoky fire to drive the rats out in the open.
The letter, which I can't copy, is excellent. Worth reading.
The Democrats are pigs. Trump would do well not to get in the mud with them. They'll both get dirty, and the 'pigs' like it.
They are traitors and so are their llr allies.
They have infinite money and resources behind them. You don’t just shrug your shoulders and move on. The people swarming over our borders to the south are funded and organized by the same people that fund and organized the traitors.
They are sending out hordes of shithead leftists to harangue anyone who supports Trump. The MAGA hat is the new Star of David.
If we don’t fight them as hard as they are fighting us and defeat them they will eventually win.
It is only a republic if you can keep it.
The horde is sharp:
"The Democrats are pigs. Trump would do well not to get in the mud with them. They'll both get dirty, and the 'pigs' like it."
The mud is Trump's natural element.
Cook: Our Republic is effectively dead, and what remains is just a Disneyworld simulacrum.
Most excellent phrasing, Robert. (Though we no doubt disagree on exactly where and by whom the fatal blows were struck.) Mind if I culturally appropriate it?
That Hanson column is a weird mixture of the completely unserious (his claims about the protests of B-list celebrities) and the serious (the attempt to reverse the outcome of a presidential election).
Since when do B-list celebrities get to reverse elections. Since when is it that a cadre of 50 or so members of a House minority caucus get to effectively overturn an election?
The Trump era has brought out the whiny pansy in Victor Davis Hanson, who outwardly appears to be such a mature, taciturn, tough-minded academic.
The Trump era has brought out the whiny pansy in Victor Davis Hanson,
Classic case of projection.
Only Trump Robert? Lololol
The "Get Trump" Squad is agitated and frustrated. They have been obstructed in their efforts to undo the "illegitimate" Presidency. Asked why they believe said presidency is illegitimate, they respond "Because those fucking polls told us Hillary would win!"
I'll be reading that one.
The cool kids have been trying to take down Trump his whole life. His greatest advantage there is that they always, always underestimate him. Their inflated, delusional self-regard makes it completely inevitable that they do so, even now.
Another strength is that he doesn't give the tiniest, teensiest, flying f*ck what they or anyone else thinks or says about him.
Say what you like, but you can know a man by the enemies he makes.
Payback time is coming, and it's going to be great.
Most entertaining administration ever!
The anti-Trumpers are all Vizzinis.
"Don't they realize they're making it incredibly more difficult for the next Democratic president who is elected to be able to do his or her job?"
Oh for Pete's sake. Nearly all of this is the result of the last Democrat's administration.
Our Republic is effectively dead, and what remains is just a Disneyworld simulacrum.
I appreciate your intellectual honesty about the Russian Hoax, although I completely disagree with you about whether Trump is any more disgraceful than Clinton's philandering, Obama's empty headed narcissism or Carter's basic incompetence. In any case, it is a moot point.
You seem depressed that Trump is becoming a successful POTUS, much to my surprise.
I suspect that Trump is successful because his predecessors were so bad at the job. (Note that I voted for Carter, both Bushes and did not vote against Clinton in 96, so I share some of the blame).
The Trump era has brought out the whiny pansy in Victor Davis Hanson, who outwardly appears to be such a mature, taciturn, tough-minded academic.
Poor Chuck. I'll bet you never fixed a water pump on your grandfather's farm in your life.
City boy calling a real man a "pansy." Have you ever fired a gun or changed a tire ?
Papadopoulos says after he went with Trump it was like something out of the Maltese Falcon. All these shady characters wanting to talk to him - "meet me in Tel Aviv" then "here's $10,000, we'll be in touch." LOL
He thinks now they were all spooks and their stringers.
Robert Cook said...
"They should be required to testify before Congress what they did and why. I think the fact that they are unaccountable is very dangerous to the Republic."
Did you recommend the same after Snowden's revelations were published?
I did.
I have been telling people the government is listening to every call, reading every text, and reading every email since sometime during the middle of the Bush years and this was fully weaponized by Obama.
And the Bush/Romney republicans are right there with the democrats. They have exactly the same view of republican voters that democrats have of democrat voters.
I know you are an enemy of freedom also. But I will grant you are more honest than democrats are.
City boy calling a real man a "pansy." Have you ever fired a gun or changed a tire ?
City boy?! Oooh, what an insult. And btw, didn't you grow up in Chicago and spend most of your adult life in L.A.?
"When that did not work...".
It's funny because it's true!
The Democrats are pigs. Trump would do well not to get in the mud with them. They'll both get dirty, and the 'pigs' like it.
That’s one of the things that I like best about Trump. He is perfectly willing to get down in the slime and the filth and the muck where the Democrats like Freder live, and beat them on their own ground. I am not alone in appreciating that aspect of Trump. And you’re wrong — the porcine Democrats do not enjoy being exposed as the pigs they are.
Trump has no business being president. He's dishonest, and wholly unqualified. He got elected with the help of Russian hackers, FBI Director James Comey, and redneck trailer trash. It was a grave catastrophe for the country and the world. Just like one's life can and will end in an instant, the planet can be wrecked in an nuclear holocaust in a few minutes after missile launch. With maladjusted, hotheaded Trump in charge of the nuclear codes, no living thing is safe. After ingesting the most divine chocolate cake, we are one gluten attack away from national suicide. So, he should be stopped by all means at our collective disposal.
Michael K I am willing to make you a very large wager that I have killed and gutted more deer than Victor Davis Hanson. What do you want to bet?
Stop trying to play moral arbiter.
You’re a self-declared Marxist. You swim in the deepest moral mud, shit and piggery.
You’re far too grave a sinner to be lecturing others. Try to find a way out of the shithole where you live.
Before you bet on deer killing, Chuck, could you provide the proof that the Russians hacked the elections to affect the result. You claimed it was a "fact", so I want to see you prove that fact.
I mean, this should be easy, right?
Trump’s reputation as a crazy bastard was manufactured by the conspirators. His offense was always that he told the truth and called out the plotters.
Achilles from your many comments you have made it very clear how much you hate the leadership of the Republican Party apart from the sole exception of Donald Trump.
Do you understand what sort of loathing you inspire in Republicans like me? Perhaps you do.
Now let’s see how that mutual hatred works out for future Republican majorities.
Sebastian is right, this behavior can only work one way, there is no fear of reciprocity in this form of abuse, because the American “right” does not have the power to do these things.
Chuck as usual is obtuse. All levers of power matter, culture (celebrities, etc.) no less than judges.
There are unwritten, undefined and unofficial forms of leverage. Historically these are even more important, in the right circumstances. Often the official system is just a public manifestation of that which is under the surface.
Yancey Ward I won’t do that because I didn’t write that the Russians provably affected the outcome of the 2016 election and I am not at all certain that they did.
What are you talking about?
I have been telling people the government is listening to every call, reading every text, and reading every email since sometime during the middle of the Bush years
Of course they do! Elementary logic tells us that once it became technologically feasible to vacuum up all the data transmissions in the entire world then it was inevitable that it would happen. It’s vastly easier to do so and retrospectively search for the transmissions of “persons of interest” than to identify and record only the transmissions of persons of interest.
and this was fully weaponized by Obama.
Probably just as inevitable.
VDH wrote a shameless piece of fake history, picking and choosing incidents, not Trump's underlying criminal behavior that continuously encouraged the Mueller investigation. The two years of investigation, along with the successful conviction of numerous Trump team members, and the ongoing investigation into Trump's misdeeds is way outside of VDH standards.
Nothing has changed except inside of whatever remains of Trump's mind and that of his obsequious followers.
Do you understand what sort of loathing you inspire in Republicans like me? Perhaps you do.
Chuck, do you have any idea how entertaining you are? There is a guy like you at Ricochet. Just clueless.
Funny thing about the President: he's an opportunist. If things had been slightly different, he would have stayed a Democrat and right now the left-wing trolls would be defending him from the right-wing trolls. If Obama hadn't won in 2008 we might have seen Trump running in the Dem primary. Think about that one. He was D until 2009.
If Trump had stayed a D and been elected, all the lefty trolls would be singing his praises. He went R when it was convenient to do so, after having identified an issue (immigration) which wasn't being addressed by either party and offered an opportunity to win the primary and the general election.
Do you understand what sort of loathing you inspire in Republicans like me? Perhaps you do.
Why should he care? I don’t see much difference between you and the limousine liberals that belong to the Democrats. He probably sees even less.
“The system is rigged against the little guy.” You’re one of the riggers. Of course you hate Trump.
Michael K I am willing to make you a very large wager that I have killed and gutted more deer than Victor Davis Hanson. What do you want to bet?
Roadkill doesn't count Chuck.
You are the one who called him a "pansy." You are just a parody.
Hillary Clinton was the moron that threatened to start war.
She incited a disastrous coup in Libya. Libya had been blocking mass immigration to Western Europe by African Muslims.
Throwing Libya into chaos to prove what a tough guy she was, Clinton played a Merkel like role, eliminating the final obstacle to mass Muslim invasion of Western Europe.
A miscalculation that, I think, will ultimately lead to war in Western Europe.
What you have is a cultural split, a separation of castes based on incompatible nature and interests.
This is impersonal and inevitable, the result of vast changes beyond control of any individual.
The split between Chuck and Achilles, and thier collective kind, is foreordained and inevitable.
As are all your other expanding splits.
Michael it is indeed good for me to hear you say how entertaining I am. Althouse hates “boring.”
He thinks now they were all spooks and their stringers.
And he is right. I see Field Marshall Freder is back bragging about his country life.
Freder, the weekend after Kennedy was shot, I spent pheasant hunting, a recreation I began at age 9. We were driving from one field to another when I heard Lee Harvey Oswald shot. Listening to the radio.
I went to medical school in Los Angeles, Freder.
Regale us with your outdoor experience. You and Chuck are real tough guys.
a separation of castes based on incompatible nature and interests.
One division is between lawyers and the rest of us,. I have two kids who are lawyers, too. Both lefties.
"Is it now permissible in 2020 for Trump’s FBI director to insert an informant into the campaign of the Democratic presidential nominee? "
Spying on and attacking the opposing candidate can be a new government department, a standard cabinet position from now on. Maybe the Senate can vote on the nominee to head the new Office the of Opposition Research. We could name it the Hillary Chair after the guy who climbed Everest.
And he is right. I see Field Marshall Freder is back bragging about his country life.
I don't know where I bragged about my "country life". I was raised in the suburbs and moved to the city.
"I was not a Trump supporter at the time of the election. (I wasn't a Hillary supporter either.)"
Describes me too. I left the presidential spot blank on my ballot. But Democrats (and the news media) have made me into a Trump voter.
The deep state, Italian French or Russian is a curious thing the former was involved in the strategy of tension, which was designed to prevent communist resurgence the French frustrated the pied noir and algerian veterans claims against degaulle they often employed men like pasqua who were buttinmen for corsican cairs like venturi, in Russia soltzhenisym blamed for sidelining proper leadership like stolypin.
I’m in the mood for some revenge on Hillary for perpetrating all this; I’m in a mood for some revenge on several commenters here who bought the bullshit all along. They know who they are.
Robert Cook said: "Our Republic is effectively dead, and what remains is just a Disneyworld simulacrum."
Actually, I actually felt that way myself towards the end of the second Obama administration. I skipped celebrating Independence Day a couple of years back then, I was so depressed about it. (I never stopped flying the flag in front of my house, though. It works like a charm to keep leftists away, sort of like waving a crucifix in front of a vampire.)
What the Trump administration has proved to me, at least, is that there is a great deal of common sense, pent-up anger, and can-do spirit in the American people. It was just hidden by the well-coordinated cabal of self-righteous know-it-alls in the government, media, and academic class, who, in their infinite wisdom, put their own interests above that of the nation, are proud of doing so, and woe unto any who dare to get in their way.
Although the process of reclaiming our Republic has just begun, that particular cat's out of the bag, and there ain't no putting it back in again.
Separately, has anyone ever mentioned to you that the self-portrait that you use as an avatar is wonderfully evocative of the special sort of rueful, world-weary ironic wit that you bring to this blog with your comments?
I left the presidential spot blank on my ballot. But Democrats (and the news media) have made me into a Trump voter.
I wrote in a name ... because my vote doesn't matter where I live. But I will most certainly vote for Trump in 2020 whether my vote matters or not.
Brian Stelter republican Chuck: "Do you understand what sort of loathing you inspire in Republicans like me? Perhaps you do."
There is no evidence you are now or ever have been a republican.
There is an avalanche of evidence available to all readers that you are a full operational and rhetorical ally of the far left.
I am confident that any loathing I might, happily, inspire in Chuck is loathing shared by Michael Moore, Joy Behar, Adam Schiff and the other members of the LLR Chuck Cast Of Thousands Of Far Left Amigos.
And I am quite good with that.
What criminal behavior is it that people think Trump engaged in? Playing hardball in New York real estate? getting Roy Cohn to lean on cement producers to be nice to him, when cement trucks were on strike?
Not sure that's criminal. In fact, sure that's not criminal.
We are certainly going to need 2016 reluctant Trump voters to vote Trump in 2020 because, you know, we will need to make up for any "lost votes" in 2020 from the LLR Chuck's.....
..............(wink wink)
Was it some other Chuck who wrote this:
"The "Russian hacking" is now an accepted fact, right? All intel services agree; there was bipartisan agreement on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; the Mueller report will confirm it. There was Russian "hacking" in the form of Russian agents hacking various actors in the 2016 elections.
So the story that was around at the time -- Russian "hacking" of the election has been carefully vetted and explored. Russians did not change any votes or vote totals. Russians did not "hack" any voting machines. But they did hack political actors for the purpose of interfering in the election. And that's a fact."
If that's a fact, prove it.
Phidippus writes: "Robert Cook said: 'Our Republic is effectively dead, and what remains is just a Disneyworld simulacrum.'
"Actually, I actually felt that way myself towards the end of the second Obama administration. I skipped celebrating Independence Day a couple of years back then, I was so depressed about it. (I never stopped flying the flag in front of my house, though. It works like a charm to keep leftists away, sort of like waving a crucifix in front of a vampire.)"
If you don't have a flag handy, try textbooks on economics and logic. That always makes "liberals" head for the hills. But seriously. . . .
Every July I wonder, "Do 'liberals' celebrate the Fourth--and if so, what on Earth are they celebrating? They're the New Tories." Are they celebrating a revolt, fueled by classical liberal (i.e., truly liberal, as opposed to statist pseudo liberal), anti-statist ideas? A revolt by tax rebels who grabbed their guns and opened fire when the redcoats tried to seize their arms? Shouldn't they be celebrating Che Guevars's birthday or something more in line with their beliefs?
And just to give you an idea of what Chuck does- the other day on a thread, he asked for citations from medical journals that support the idea that wind farms can plausibly be said to cause cancer. Several commenters did so in the following comments, and Chuck disappeared like a fart in the wind, acknowledging none of them.
hawkeyedjb said...
I left the presidential spot blank on my ballot. But Democrats (and the news media) have made me into a Trump voter.
Jim at said...
I wrote in a name ... because my vote doesn't matter where I live. But I will most certainly vote for Trump in 2020 whether my vote matters or not.
Same here - wrote in a name as well because here in Washington state, my vote wouldn’t make a difference.
I recently attended a Victor Davis Hansen talk at the Reagan Presidential Library and he went through the “and when that didn’t work. . . .” spiel – with no notes. The audience was NOT full of Trumpsters, but everyone laughed heartily because we understood Hansen’s point – we may not like Trump, but we are revolted at the brazen attempts to undermine a duly elected President.
Blogger Drago said...
I am confident that any loathing I might, happily, inspire in Chuck is loathing shared by Michael Moore, Joy Behar, Adam Schiff and the other members of the LLR Chuck Cast Of Thousands Of Far Left Amigos.
... Steve Hayes, Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, Charlie Sykes, George Conway, Ben Shapiro, George Will, Brent Bozell, Kevin Williamson, Dorothy Rabinowitz...
"But they did hack political actors for the purpose of interfering in the election. And that's a fact."
I do think it is a fact. It's just that the political actors involved were all Democrats, and the interference was to help Hillary. I don't think that's what Chuck meant though.
Looks like istaeli lawfare will fail as well:
“Every July I wonder, "Do 'liberals' celebrate the Fourth--and if so, what on Earth are they celebrating?”
What an ignorant comment. My liberal/Democrat Navy Chief daughter actually spent one July 4th the Marines at Camp Leatherneck in Afghanistan. What do you THINK liberals celebrate on July 4th? Do you even know any liberals?
I figure liberals are crazy America haters who refuse to accept the results of elections they don’t win, Inga.
“If Trump had stayed a D and been elected, all the lefty trolls would be singing his praises.”
If Trump had run as a Democrat he NEVER would’ve gotten the nomination. That’s the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
If you’re an example of what it is to be a liberal Democrat, Inga, the difference is that you’re unpatriotic and you hatch plots to try to overturn the results of elections.
What do you celebrate on the Fourth of July. Rigged primaries, rigged debates and plots to overthrow the president?
You lied on this board for 2-1/2 years about the Russia collusion hoax.
This about face you’ve affected, this pretense that your actions have been normal, is damned near psychotic.
Fake children for all occasions are the best type of children.
You just have to admire Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, who persists in his fantasies long after they were useful.
Those two comments are related, in fact, as the lies are similar.
Looks good for us and the Middle East. Obama failed the last time, too. I'll bet some of his stooges were over there this time, too.
... Steve Hayes, Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, Charlie Sykes, George Conway, Ben Shapiro, George Will, Brent Bozell, Kevin Williamson, Dorothy Rabinowitz....
Yes, I loathe all of them as they are deep staters. Future Democrat voters, too. Conway is nuts.
To think I spent good money to stay on ship board with some of them in 2008. At least I met Bing West and his wife and Bernard Lewis.
And Anne bashevsky sruck up for the huntress, according to attendees I know which went
Strongly approve 37%
Strongly disapprove 36%
53% positive overall
45% negative overall
LLRs and Democratics hardest hit.
I really don't understand what leftists celebrate about July 4th anyway. They are always raging about how evil America is and how the United States is the Great Satan, who along with Isreal are the sole sources of evil in the world. Lexington and Concord were fought over the British trying to enforce gun control. And we all know where liberals like Inga fall on that--there is zero doubt that Inga supported the British in that effort.
The British were the elites, the educated ones, the high class types. The Continental Army was filled with the deplorables and the peasantry--all those whom Inga and her fellow liberals hate. The Tea party; "No taxation without representation!"--directly opposed to liberalism. Washington was a big believer in prayer and God's hand actively involved in the Revolution. The liberals are actively appalled by such a notion.
Tell us, Inga... exactly what did the American revolution fight for that you and your fellow liberals actually support? They weren't fighting for gay rights or killing your children or endless perversity, which is the only " freedoms" that liberals advocate for anymore. Economic freedom? Freedom of speech, of religion, of property? You guys hate all of that with a fiery burning passion. Exactly what about the American Revolution do you support, Inga--if you had been alive back then, wouldn't you have been a Tory for sure?
"... Steve Hayes, Bill Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, Charlie Sykes, George Conway, Ben Shapiro, George Will, Brent Bozell, Kevin Williamson, Dorothy Rabinowitz..."
At least Shapiro is honest enough to give Trump credit when Trump does something good.
The rest of them are smarmy little crapweasels, frightened because their rice bowls have been upset and their dishonest game has been exposed. I have far more contempt for them (and you, chuck) than I do for leftists.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
And just to give you an idea of what Chuck does- the other day on a thread, he asked for citations from medical journals that support the idea that wind farms can plausibly be said to cause cancer. Several commenters did so in the following comments, and Chuck disappeared like a fart in the wind, acknowledging none of them.
They were too stupid to merit any serious discussion. One link was to a study of foreign wind turbine workers who showed higher levels of sleeplessness and stress. Another link was to a completely unrelated study indicating that some increases in stress may result in some increases in cancer rates. No one had anything like a study of Americans living within eyesight of wind turbines.
If Trump had run as a Democrat he NEVER would’ve gotten the nomination.
That's correct. You would've rigged it for Hillary. That’s the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
What do you THINK liberals celebrate on July 4th?
Deriding the constitution because it was written by dead white men, race preferences, and third trimester abortions.
Also, it's no surprise that Chuck lists as his influences and people he proudly stands with a long list of people who spend 95% of their time agreeing with the far left and bashing conservatives; making such arguments as "why socialism is not such a bad idea" and so forth.
Chuck finds them influential and appealing; I find them (and so should anyone who actually is a conservative) appalling.
Chuck said...
Achilles from your many comments you have made it very clear how much you hate the leadership of the Republican Party apart from the sole exception of Donald Trump.
Do you understand what sort of loathing you inspire in Republicans like me? Perhaps you do.
Now let’s see how that mutual hatred works out for future Republican majorities.
I will match your loathing x10.
There are maybe 1000 people that would still vote for Mitt Romney. After he turned full cuck traitor and attacked Trump after Trump won the nomination with 100 times the effort he used to attack Obama everyone saw who Mitt Romney really was.
It comes out now that Romney agrees with Obama on everything. Borders, trade, wars, healthcare, cap and trade. There is not a dimes difference between Obama and Romney. He has been lying to republican voters his entire life.
Mitt Romney is a piece of shit. He wrote Obamneycare. He has campaigned for cap and trade. Everyone knows he is open borders and he was obvious in his lies about it in 2012.
Do we need to get into the "accomplishments" of the Bush family? Or Paul Ryan?
Fuck the CoC and their cuck traitor pets.
Nobody cares about you Chuck. You are past history. It is laughable that you think you and your pathetic tribe will ever be a force in Republican leadership again. The voters have realized they are in control of the party. That ship has sailed. It will never go back.
This reminds me of the Chinese Fooooood scene in "Dude Where's My Car?"
"I'll have the Jill Stein recount please"
and then?
"Um, let's have a celebrity tantrum aimed at the Electors"
and then?
"Oh right, let's have a one order of impeachment!"
and then?
"Uhhhh, - you guys want some 25th amendment? - Yeah, we'll have the 25th amendment with a side order of Inspector Clouseau wearing a wire."
and then?
"and then, I'm going to have a special counsel cast an insanely wide dragnet - but that will be all because it's guaranteed to work just you wait!"
and then?
No and then! I refuse to play your childish #resist mind games!
Inga...Allie Oop said...
"What do you THINK liberals celebrate on July 4th? Do you even know any liberals?"
That's a good question. I mean, I used to know a few liberals, and some of them did celebrate the fourth. And I really can't figure what they were celebrating. But then, they celebrate Christmas, too.
This grand inquisitor Mueller reminds me of a character from Charles mcarrys Shelley's heart an arch progressive supreme court nominee who was picked to preside over the impeachment of the liberal president
I don't think Chuck understands that Republican voters have caught on the the lies that politicians who called themselves Republicans told to get votes. McCain is example #1. He campaigned in 2014s on :"Build the Wall" and "Repeal Obamacare." Guess what ? Once he was elected, those promises were quickly forgotten.
Ryan became Speaker of the House which finally had a GOP president who would sign all those bills they passed knowing that Obama would veto them. Guess what ? After the tax cut (donors were pleased), they retired. What else passed?
What else passed, Chuck?
It'll be fine until the population of oh...lets say, Ohio, realize that they just had their vote invalidated by the popular vote of California and New York.
And then some enterprising attorney will realize that half (or more) of Ohio has standing to sue and the mess will get overturned. That's the only reason I don't much care that they passed the same idiotic thing in Colorado.
Shouldn't this be in the Electoral College thread?
LLR Chuck and the rest of the left are certainly having a difficult time adjusting to the reality their little coup attempt, while extraordinarily disruptive and damaging to our nation and continuing via LLR Chuck's beloved congressional dems, has failed.
They are not reacting well to that at all.
Well, that and the complete exposure of the fake "conservatives" at the fake "conservative" publications like The Bulwark, The Cuckly Standard and 1/4th of The National Review crew who want to put the marxist left in full control.
The. Jig. Is. Up.
Do you even know any liberals?"
Yeah, I do. Two are my kids but my son has two kids and my daughtier is pregnant. She texted us the ultrasound.
Do you think she would vote for infanticide ?
My other daughter, the FBI agent, told me she would NOT vote for Hillary in September 2016.
What you are supporting are McGovern losers. Crazies.
The people who are supporting Biden should tell you something. The Bernie voters are mostly under 30 and looking for free stuff. They, and you, have no idea of economics. AOC is a bartender who answered a casting call. The rest are clowns.
Another strong "Republican" an LLR might cite:
Charlie Crist (D-FL)
Note how proudly LLR Chuck touts those "conservatives" who are actively calling for complete Democrat dominence at all levels.
I am certain its just coincidental...
"I’m in the mood for some revenge on Hillary for perpetrating all this...."
There's a part of me that wants to see the Clintons skate while all of the people who sold their souls to them get twenty to life each.
the author of Beirut rules, fred burton was a co founder of stratfor, with George friedman, whose company was hacked by anonymous or some other hacker collective, and contents transferred to Assange, who may or may not be expelled from the Ecuadorian embassy at this time,
seems like this project wasn't derailed as they thought either;
Democrats have no fear of Republicans playing by the rules they set up. Remember, Obama broke his promise about limited campaign funding while McCain stuck to his. Yet Obama never suffered for his craven abandonment of his promise while McCain's sticking to it was never really recognized.
Remember: Clinton's team can destroy evidence and get off for it; Trump's team go to jail even when the FBI thinks they told the truth. The left has no fear of Republicans playing the way they do.
Cynthia has really let herself go:
Matt Sablan said...
Remember: Clinton's team can destroy evidence and get off for it; Trump's team go to jail even when the FBI thinks they told the truth. The left has no fear of Republicans playing the way they do.
We all know the GOPe republicans are not really about supporting this country or the people in it. I agree democrats know they don't need to worry about their operational allies.
It is the average person in the US that is noticing how rich and wealthy people in DC got while they sold out the working class they should be worrying about.
Inga the State's Handmaid responds to my post with: "What do you THINK liberals celebrate on July 4th?"
That's what I'm asking, and I'm asking because I want to find out. I mean, these New Tories are people who hate everything the Whigs of 1776 stood for. So you tell me, Inga. You're about as brainwashed a State fellatrix as I've encountered, and I've encountered quite a few. What DO you celebrate on July 4th? Are you even remotely aware of the ideas people like Thomas Paine and the authors of the Cato letters espoused? If so, what kind of mental gymnastics do you go through to suddenly transform yourself on July 4th--and on that day alone--to celebrate an essentially anti-statist revolt, and then return to being the State's Handmaid the rest of the year?
Then she asks: "Do you know any liberals?" Let's put it this way: I grew up in NYC, and attended college there and lived in Manhattan for ten years. What do YOU think?
Do you even know any liberals?"
Hey I see on Fox it will be a Very Special VDH Edition of “Hannity!” tonight. No doubt a challenging and hard-hitting interview.
Hannity ain't no Al Sharpton
Rory said...There's a part of me that wants to see the Clintons skate while all of the people who sold their souls to them get twenty to life each.
Not me. The witch is out there today saying that MAGA hats are racist. How craven can she be? She's obviously still butthurt in a major way. She is like Romney, playing shadow candidate. She, like Romney (and Chuck), doesn't seem to care that there is no momentum behind them. So all they can do is do damage. Sad. Pathetic. Uninspiring.
the deep state can often be shallow:
this is who they had vouching for fidel, much of the Havana station, were proud fidelista supporters,
John Kasich
Verified account @JohnKasich
Mar 26
Democrats have the right to do their own investigations, but they better not forget the lessons from the midterm elections - ideas are the pathway to winning. If Republicans fail to find solutions and compete with new ideas they will lose in 2020.
If Trump had run as a Democrat he NEVER would’ve gotten the nomination. That’s the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
You must be talking about the Dem's Super Delegate system. The rigged Sanders/Clinton contest proved that the Dem candidate is chosen by elites rather than by voters. This is playing out right now before our eyes as Kamala Harris -- deeply unpopular at the national level is being foisted by Party elite.
walter said...
Hannity ain't no Al Sharpton
I rather thought that is precisely what Hannity is. A white grievance professional. Identity politics for low-information working class whites from the outer boroughs.
Both Hannity and Sharpton attended colleges in the New York area for a couple of years before dropping out.
Well..Hannity IS white.
So I can see how you might think that...
you would think this was old news, but this view of the castro brothers, surfaces in frank Olsen's nephew'a paul vidich, recent novel, and a recent travel writer, tony perottet,
Kasich is like the punchline for the deadliest joke for that python sketch, skydragons amnesty medicare expansion, like the wettest tory,
and mark steyn only attended Canadian public school, yet he's possibly the sharpest commenter, second to rush, on the real state of the world, heck even rick sanchez, now on rt, gets things more right than shep smith,
making will rogers point, about not belonging to any organized party, from the 40s through the 70s, the eastern establishment dominated the gop, Nixon was a crossover figure, bringing in white ethnics, southern voters and jews, into the party, the future Reagan democrats, then after Reagan, the party reverted to previous patterns and marginalized those groups, which left them vulnerable to democrat entreaties, or bribes,
Chuck wrote:
"They were too stupid to merit any serious discussion. One link was to a study of foreign wind turbine workers who showed higher levels of sleeplessness and stress. Another link was to a completely unrelated study indicating that some increases in stress may result in some increases in cancer rates. No one had anything like a study of Americans living within eyesight of wind turbines."
Sure, but the point was that the idea that wind farms might cause cancer isn't impossible. Stress has been shown to correlate with ill health, including cancer, and sound is definitely a factor in stress levels. You asked for a connection, and the commenters provided one, and you now dismiss it as I predicted you would.
Bibi despite his mit degree and sayaret background, is considered too ambitious, too sure of himself, not right enough, hence bennett and shaked's splinter unacceptable to the left,
John Kasich Retweeted
Taylor Knopf
Verified account @tayknopf
Mar 26
.@JohnKasich on #MedicaidExpansion: People kept saying to me "What a hard decision."
"We're talking about a six or 700,000 people getting healthcare. Giving them the help they need, so they're not living in jail or sleeping under a bridge."
"That's a hard decision!?" #ncpol
Maybe with a lowly BA from Ohio State, he's "low information".
I’ve got a bunch of Northeastern Democrats in the family, Boston buttoned-up superiority mixed with some activist zeal, and they are just moronically anti-Trump. I toggle between pity, mockery and good natured ribbing.
Trump’s a boor and a bit of a clown, but by God, he’s grabbing some serious pussy on the Commons.
Identity politics for low-information working class whites from the outer boroughs.
Hilarious. The wanna be elite Chuck dissing the guy who owns $42 million in real estate.
Although you my have more, Chuck. Pardon me if your fortune is more than $42 million,.
LLR Chuck going to bat for Al Sharpton
Who didnt see that coming?
I'm sure Yankel Rosenbaum's family will appreciate the "nuance" LLR Chuck brings to his obfuscating on behalf of his left/far left/dem allies while gleefully smearing conservatives.
You know, like any real LLR would do....
Meanwhile, Media Matters, which is sort of the LLR Chuck of media, is out smearing Larry Elder.
Similar to LLR Chuck's racist attack on Ben Carson!!
Can you believe that after being called out on that LLR Chuck attempted to put his racist words in Trumps mouth?!
Admitted smear merchants have to smear I suppose...
So you get that the company's ombudsmen relier on rauls future wife to assure them that Fidel was not a marxists, that's almost as crazy as that mcquaid dark comedy
Who I was referring to
Recycling tropes from our man in Havana is predictable
I've been away most of the day... has Chuck* explained how the 2016 election was "hacked" (whatever he means by that word)?
*I regret referencing commenters by name, I know Althouse frowns upon that sort of thing, but it seems the best way to refer back to specific comments/statements.
So exit polls in Israel were off as much as in the UK election and the one three years ago.
Paco Wové: "I've been away most of the day... has Chuck* explained how the 2016 election was "hacked" (whatever he means by that word)?"
None of the leftists like LLR Chuck can explain it, because its simply a lie they tell to undermine republicans and conservatives, which is precisely what LLR Chuck does everyday.
Blogger Drago said... Meanwhile, Media Matters, which is sort of the LLR Chuck of media, is out smearing Larry Elder.
I thought he retired from golf years ago
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