৯ এপ্রিল, ২০১৯

The history of the effort to take down President Trump.

Entertainingly told by Victor Davis Hanson.

It's entertaining because it didn't work and because there are so many steps in this long-term effort, some of which I had forgotten. Like, do you remember Dr. Bandy X. Lee?

I was not a Trump supporter at the time of the election. (I wasn't a Hillary supporter either.) But the effort to take his victory away is something I have always opposed very strongly. America voted, and that was that as I see it. So I greatly enjoyed VDH's retelling of the grand story of Trump's survival.

VDH has 11 paragraphs that begin with the phrase "When that did not work...". And that's why it's funny, and not a horror story.

২৫০টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   250 এর 201 – থেকে 250
narciso বলেছেন...

Harsh more like the bulwark or culture 11, a niche product If ever there was one.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Blogger Paco Wové said...
I've been away most of the day... has Chuck* explained how the 2016 election was "hacked" (whatever he means by that word)?

What I meant was that Russian agents hacked into email accounts of American political actors and committed othe cyber crimes. There are federal indictments laying out that claim. Republicans and Democrats in the Senate, and all levels of our intelligence services all agree about that.

And I agree with all of that largely undisputed information.

Maybe it would help you to know what I am NOT claiming. I am not claiming that the Russians changed votes, or changed the result of the election. I am not claiming that the Trump campaign colluded with Russians. I am not claiming that there is good reason to think that the result of the 2016 election should be in doubt because of Russian “hacking.”

narciso বলেছেন...



narciso বলেছেন...

The exfil was more likely with cyberberkut which is a Ukrainian origin, the malware certainly is, apelbaums analytics certainly suggest that.

Chuck বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
stephen cooper বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Fen বলেছেন...

"We should DEFINITELY know the names of the judges who approved these faux warrants."

The names are a matter of public record. All you need to to do is to find the published FISA warrants- the judges' names are not redacted.

That's not my understanding. Please prove me wrong.

narciso বলেছেন...

Theres this one, Conway from Florida one from Texas


Fen বলেছেন...

Yancey: Sure, but the point was that the idea that wind farms might cause cancer isn't impossible. Stress has been shown to correlate with ill health, including cancer, and sound is definitely a factor in stress levels.

Agreed. Read about the 50s fad of painting your teeth with Radium to glow in the dark. These were our great-grandfathers. They liberated Europe and beat back the Fourth Reich. They were not stupid people.

I'm looking forward to the History Channel 2050 Special Edition: "...and I kid you not, people would take these cancer boxes and hold them up to their ears and face all day long. I'm surprised they didn't eat them. They had no idea what cell signals would do when placed next to the human brain so closely and for such extended periods of time".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I was not a Trump supporter at the time of the election. (I wasn't a Hillary supporter either.) But the effort to take his victory away is something I have always opposed very strongly.

What are you talking about? No one's proposing a "do-over." If our emotionally and legally challenged hairpiece in chief bumps up too aggressively against Article I, Section 2, that's his problem. The country doesn't want a corrupt president. The Constitution provides for removing a horrible chief exec, assuming his horrors meet what the politicians of the legislature view as "high crimes and misdemeanors." We don't have a judge-run impeachment process, but one run by the directly elected branch. If Trump or any of his defenders don't like it, too bad. He should get transparent and stop over-reaching his self-defined legal privileges - as was required of Clinton. If that means releasing his tax returns and the Mueller report, then he should do it.

He's digging his own political grave. That may be his choice, but one that only the most corrupt constitutional observers would dare seek to defend.

Hanson speaks too soon. That "history" has only just begun.

He's been trying to get people to "take him down" since the day he was born. He thrives on the drama of the conflict. He sets the bar for "acceptance" way too high - the height that only a malignant narcissist would set it at, and then complains that people are too mean to him. He's been doing it since he was sued for discriminating against his tenants in the 1970s. He's been doing it since he sought out Roy Cohn. The guy seeks drama and controversy and corruption. Well, he gets it. And it's no one's fault but his.

Fen বলেছেন...

Chuck: What I meant was that Russian agents hacked into email accounts of American political actors and committed othe cyber crimes.

Why so vague? Are you trying to avoid the ghost of Seth Rich?

There are federal indictments laying out that claim.

That doesn't mean what it use to.

I'm curious - when looking for an attorney with "principles", I would assume that person would be livid about what Trump's enemies have done to the Rule of Law in their pursuit of him. Even the most rabid feral Trump hater would feel an moral duty to put that aside and go after the men who raped Lady Justice. So why haven't you?

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

"What I meant was that Russian agents hacked into email accounts of American political actors and committed othe cyber crimes."

Ah, ok. Behavior that is hardly unique to Russia, or the 2016 election. I'm not sure why you feel this is important or unusual enough to single out.

Fen বলেছেন...

What are you talking about? No one's proposing a "do-over.

Snort. Go back to selling timeshares. Won't fly here.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“We should DEFINITELY know the names of the judges who approved these faux warrants."

“The names are a matter of public record. All you need to to do is to find the published FISA warrants- the judges' names are not redacted.”

“That's not my understanding. Please prove me wrong.”
You people are so poorly informed.

“But it is worth noting that—and as the Democrats previously pointed out—the judges who signed off on these four FISA applications were all appointed by Republican presidents, including one George H.W. Bush appointee (Anne Conway), two George W. Bush appointees (Rosemary Collyer and Michael Mosman) and one Reagan appointee (Raymond Dearie). I know some of those judges, and they certainly are not the types to let partisan politics affect their legal judgments.”


narciso বলেছেন...

Yet they dont they were misled so what good are they?

narciso বলেছেন...

Care they were mislead, that nearly a year of worthless surveillance yielded little.

narciso বলেছেন...

What is it about the puzzle palace, Schindler (who shut down comments on 2015) Hennessy wt al that drives people crazy.

narciso বলেছেন...

I guess enemy of the state, was predictive of how easy it would be for an ordinary citizen to be enmeshed in the surveillance net.

Rory বলেছেন...

"If Trump or any of his defenders don't like it, too bad."

Review the Constitution very closely for what it says about the People's role in the impeachment process.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Snort. Go back to selling timeshares. Won't fly here.

More efforts on the part of the self-appointed blog-captain - (who somehow can't figure out that he doesn't actually own the blog or why, let alone why he can't dictate terms to Ann and Meade) - to speak for the majority of the country that he's not a part of.

Presidential elections don't allow for "do-overs." But the constitution allows us to investigate his wrongdoings and to act on them accordingly. If you don't like that, go found a country where lawless bandits like yourself make all the rules. I'm sure it will last for about as long as it takes to learn that it can't make a currency for an economy of backwoods-dwelling, gun-toting, pantry-stocking, canned Spam-eaters. Lol!

And no, you can't create a Wall Street on the unpaved, gravel road on which you and your fellow revolutionaries congregate when playing National Overthrow. For one, it doesn't even show up on Google Maps. But I'm sure you'll create one hell of a trading floor on it. At least you can barter in gun cartridge commodities and deerskin leggings. Too funny.

Non-grownup alert.

Birkel বলেছেন...

If I were a fopdoodle alleging counterfactuals, I would pretend the Russians had been found to be spying on Democratics.
And I would especially pretend the lying of Brennan, Clapper, and Comey happened to be credible.

Maybe consider a new lie.
That might convince...

narciso বলেছেন...

Why they haven't been made accountable for their claims.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

What I meant was that Russian agents hacked into email accounts of American political actors and committed othe cyber crimes.

Also, probably, the Chinese, the North Koreans, GCHQ in the UK, Israel, and, doubtlessly, numerous other state agents. Every senior politician in the United States should, rightly, assume that they are an intelligence target for both countries that are allied as well as countries with which we have a more adversarial relationship. If anyone is failing to safeguard their Email accounts and personal files, then that's on them. Note that in 2014 our own CIA admitted to spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee.

There are federal indictments laying out that claim.


Republicans and Democrats in the Senate, and all levels of our intelligence services all agree about that.

Scarcely matters. The US intelligence agencies have been lying all over the place in a massive CYA exercise since before Trump's inauguration.

And I agree with all of that largely undisputed information.

Yawn again. Your support does not add a scintilla to the truth or falsity of the assertions. When I teach computer security I make sure everybody understands that they are targets for espionage, and I don't know why senators and important members of the House of Representatives would be surprised to be targets of espionage. Anyone who thinks Russia would be the only offender is lacking in perception.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Anyone who thinks Russia would be the only offender is lacking in perception.

Especially as the Pakistanis have been running the Democrats' IT system for years,

Michael K বলেছেন...

There are federal indictments laying out that claim

There are indictments of Russians who will NEVER be deposed, let alone arrested. Nobody knows who got Podesta to bite on a phishing email to give his password (the word "Password") to the phisher. Nobody should be that stupid. It could be the 12 year old kid down the block.

The emails and DNC files were stolen by Bernie Bro Seth Rich using a thumb drive.

The one Russian company that responded and hired a lawyer suddenly disappeared. I guess Mueller wasn't all that eager to go to court on those big bad indictments.

Sheesh !

Dave বলেছেন...

Consistent with your position on the email investigation when Hillary was the nominee: the people chose their representative.

narciso বলেছেন...

They were trying to get access to camels Geneva subsidiary

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR Chuck is desperate desperate DESPERATE that everyone line up and pretend Comey/Brennan/Clapper are straight arrows and would never ever ever mislead anyone about intelligence findings or law enforcement practices....

.....at precisely the same moment that the dems/left/lefty media are in Spin Overdrive as more and more info comes out showing massive dem corruption.


Gee Chuck, did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, your "True Conservative" pose would come off a tad more believable if you didnt slavishly follow every single left/far left talking point the second Team Left Headquarters issued it?

iowan2 বলেছেন...

I tried this several weeks ago. Asking for someone to name just one thing that would launch an investigation.
They come up with the "proof without a doubt the Russians hacked the DNC email. I countered with exactly what evidence existed they could take into a court room...crickets.

Seems Zero evidence exists that rises to the level of being actual evidence.
Seems the law requires facts, and having 10 people use each other as the evidence is not acceptable lawyering.

The left always repeat the lie, knowing its a lie. History is littered with events just like this. Some factoid everyone claims to be accepted truth, when in fact is has been proven a lie.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

The emails and DNC files were stolen by Bernie Bro Seth Rich using a thumb drive..

@Michael K., we don’t know for sure that it was Seth Rich. It could have been Imran Awan and his Pakistanis friends and family. Last July Sessions’s DOJ said no, but I would have been happier if the Secret Service had investigated and not Chris Wray’s FBI. Apparently the Pakistanis did have passwords to log onto DNC servers. It could even have a third party not yet identified. What we do know for sure is that the files could not have been downloaded across the Internet because the transfer rate was way too high for anything other than a removal thumb drive or external hard drive.

walter বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
walter বলেছেন...

"the constitution allows us to investigate his wrongdoings and to act on them accordingly."
Oh..this whole thing shows the well positioned and properly motivated can use a known to be "salacious and unverified" premise to search for crimes..or taxpayer funded oppo research.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Wow, Chuck, since when did bald assertions add up to "fact"? I asked you to prove it was a fact, and you give me the assertions of people who claim it is a fact without one shred of actual proof that the assertions themselves are true. This is pure argument from authority- a fallacy.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

This is probably why the Pastry Squad has such a low, low clearance rate.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Why did Mueller decline to prosecute the one Russian group he indicted that was willing to show up if he indicted them and had slam dunk evidence? That fact makes me very cautious about accepting those indictments as meaningful.

John henry বলেছেন...

I wonder what President Trumps tax returns. My guess would be fairly simple. Lots of w2 income from a bunch of corporations and llcs and such.

Lots of dividends etc

If I'm right, I think he should release his personal tax return just to fuck with folks like Inga a d and cookie.

John Henry

John henry বলেছেন...


When you say there are federal indoctments for Russian hacking, do you mean the Concord Group?

Seems like the only thing those indictments Indicate are Mueller's stupidity.

Have you been following the case at all?

If you have other indictments in MInd please share.

John Henry

Leland বলেছেন...

I don't know why senators and important members of the House of Representatives would be surprised to be targets of espionage. 

We already know of two cases, once with Debbie Wasserman-schultz and recently Sheila Jackson Lee, Democrat Representatives had staff that hacked other members data.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

I asked you to prove it was a fact, and you give me the assertions of people who claim it is a fact without one shred of actual proof that the assertions themselves are true.

This needs expanded on.

Chuck is a lawyer. This is a lawyer responding to a simple question. The word, evidence, and its usage is foreign to this self professed lawyer. I have called this behavior out before. Making some inane statement that fails spectacularly to address the simplest most basic structure of law, or constitution.

Just an observation from a non-lawyer.

Fen বলেছেন...

Used Car Salesman: More efforts on the part of the self-appointed blog-captain - (who somehow can't figure out that he doesn't actually own the blog or why, let alone why he can't dictate terms to Ann and Meade) - to speak for the majority of the country that he's not a part of.

No one needs to be appointed to call you out on your bullshit. Get over it.

Presidential elections don't allow for "do-overs." But the constitution allows us to investigate his wrongdoings and to act on them accordingly. If you don't like that, go found a country where lawless bandits like yourself make all the rules.

I never said that.

I'm sure it will last for about as long as it takes to learn that it can't make a currency for an economy of backwoods-dwelling, gun-toting, pantry-stocking, canned Spam-eaters. Lol!

Oh I see. You had to lie about what I said to set up your little cheap shot.

And no, you can't create a Wall Street on the unpaved, gravel road on which you and your fellow revolutionaries congregate when playing National Overthrow. For one, it doesn't even show up on Google Maps. But I'm sure you'll create one hell of a trading floor on it. At least you can barter in gun cartridge commodities and deerskin leggings. Too funny.

What the hell are you on about?

Non-grownup alert.

Take your meds.

Michael K বলেছেন...

What we do know for sure is that the files could not have been downloaded across the Internet because the transfer rate was way too high for anything other than a removal thumb drive or external hard drive.<

Good points. I don't know why the Pakis would want to hurt the DNC, which was, after all, a long term employer.

It could even be a Russian who worked at the DNC. The KGB/FSB has been very good at deep cover agents.

Chuck বলেছেন...

The federal indictments:


The bipartisan Senate report on Russian interference in the election:


Big Mike বলেছেন...

The indictments are exactly the ones put out fourteen months ago by Mueller’s less-than-intrepid team. One of the two companies named “Concord” was not in business in 2016 and could not have done anything to affect the election. The other hired a lawyer who showed up in front of the judge talking about discovery. That immediately ended these indictments. You are uncommonly gullible for someone who claims to be a practing attorney.

The bipartisan report is a summary of the since debunked January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment, which was just Clapper, Brennan, and Comey trying to put a cloud over Trump’s election — and they’ve been trying to cover their butts ever since.

Tell Reid Hoffman or whoever is providing you with talking points to up their game.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Good points. I don't know why the Pakis would want to hurt the DNC, which was, after all, a long term employer.


It could even be a Russian who worked at the DNC.

Certainly could. Or a Chinese national, or someone Jewish trying to protect Israel. A good spy is someone you never notice, never think of. As someone who should know put it, “I know there were twelve people at the dinner party, but I can only recall eleven of them.”

Big Mike বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Big Mike বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Birkel (9:00) , you sure called it.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Senator Burr repeated the lies of Brennan, Clapper, Yates, and Comey.
And with that circular reasoning facts have been established.

You'd be better served to stop digging, now.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Big Mike,
I did forget in that earlier comment to mention Sally Yates' portion of the blame for pushing lies on the US public.

So -1 for that error, I should think.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

When that didn't work , , , they went after Trump's tax returns.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   250 এর 201 – থেকে 250   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»