"...against her headmaster.... Nusrat, who was 19, was from Feni, a small town 100 miles (160km) south of Dhaka. She was studying at a madrassa, or Islamic school. On 27 March, she said the headmaster called her into his office and repeatedly touched her in an inappropriate manner. Before things could go any further she ran out... At the local police station she gave a statement. She should have been provided with a safe environment to recall her traumatic experiences. Instead she was filmed by the officer in charge on his phone as she described the ordeal. In the video Nusrat is visibly distressed and tries to hide her face with her hands. The policeman is heard calling the complaint 'no big deal' and telling her to move her hands from her face. The video was later leaked to local media. According to a statement given by Nusrat, a fellow female student took her to the roof of the school, saying one of her friends was being beaten up. When Nusrat reached the rooftop four or five people, wearing burqas, surrounded her and allegedly pressured her to withdraw the case against the headmaster. When she refused, they set her on fire. Police Bureau of Investigation chief Banaj Kumar Majumder said the killers wanted 'to make it look like a suicide'. Their plan failed when Nusrat was rescued after they fled the scene.... 'One of the killers was holding her head down with his hands, so kerosene wasn't poured there and that's why her head wasn't burned'... In the ambulance, fearing she might not survive, she recorded a statement on her brother's mobile phone. 'The teacher touched me, I will fight this crime till my last breath,' you can hear her say."
BBC reports.
७८ टिप्पण्या:
i wonder what the moral minds of the US House, like Ilhan Omar will have to say about this?
There's No Way that they could let this slide....
Is There?
The religion of peace.
The obvious solution is to shut down the school, and confiscate the property to be resold on the market. It is obviously an unsafe and hostile facility in the community. You don't need to wait for a trial to know it's a bad place.
Islam - the left's favorite cult.
This is the religion that the DemCong love so much. Remember.
"When Nusrat reached the rooftop four or five people, wearing burqas, surrounded her and allegedly pressured her to withdraw the case against the headmaster. When she refused, they set her on fire. Police Bureau of Investigation chief Banaj Kumar Majumder said the killers wanted 'to make it look like a suicide'."
This doesn't make sense. If they wanted to make it look like suicide, wouldn't they have just thrown her off the roof?
This is what "obstruction" looks like.
Murdering a witness, destroying evidence under subpoena with BleachBit and hammers.
Ah yes. The religion of peace. Sharia law to be imposed upon the unbelievers in the 'godless' United States. And the Dimmi Democrats welcome this in the name of virtue signalling or....something....
Islam is incompatible with rational human thought and with the freedoms that the useful idiots in the West are so anxious to throw away. And we are letting them get away with this.
I greatly fear for the futures of my granddaughter and grandson.
Muslim and Indian women once touched - their fault or not - outside sanction by their families, marriage, or the some other kind of approval, immediately become unclean. It's a concept a lot of us simply don't understand. And it gets worse...
Once she gains this stigma, men in these countries immediately view her as a whore and she can't go back. Furthermore, they are wildly 'turned on' by it because the family protections against the woman being viewed this way are so intense.
They really do view the female world as bifurcated, 'whores' and those that are not, and all a woman has to do to travel between these worlds is for her to become unclean - her fault or not.
This is why muslim and indian families take these prohibitions on 'viewing' women, or traveling/escorting women so seriously. If they fail in their protection or she fails in securing her own virtue, she's essentially done for.
These are the people that now occupy large swaths of Europe and elsewhere, but hey, tolerance etc.
Let's import these people into the United States. Diversity is our strength.
"This doesn't make sense. If they wanted to make it look like suicide, wouldn't they have just thrown her off the roof?"
Maybe suicide by self-immolation is a thing over there?
Or maybe they wanted to disfigure her and make her suffer before killing her, that is, maybe their desire to punish her overwhelmed their intent to make it appear a suicide.
"Islam is incompatible with rational human thought...."
So is every religion that posits a supernatural entity who created and/or watches over humans from a spiritual realm.
That's courage.
And they say Islam isn't compatible with Western values.
Lucid ideas observes: Muslim and Indian women once touched - their fault or not - outside sanction by their families, marriage, or the some other kind of approval, immediately become unclean. It's a concept a lot of us simply don't understand. And it gets worse...
An Egyptian friend [her husband, also Egyptian, was my husband's closest friend] confided to me that she was sexually assaulted by a group of thugs on her way to her car after work. This is a highly educated, 'modern' Muslim couple and she was an airline executive. She refused to report the assault to the police, would not tell her husband and swore me to secrecy. She was literally shaking when she told me of the incident. It's sad that these cultural/religious stigmas persist. But, under the circumstances, I would never have interfered other than offering her what personal comfort I could. It is worth mentioning that the husband was a very kind man. Doesn't matter.
"This doesn't make sense. If they wanted to make it look like suicide, wouldn't they have just thrown her off the roof?"
That's more of a gay thing.
The Poles are smart to keep these goat fuckers out. Most of Europe is a lost cause.
I greatly fear for the futures of my granddaughter and grandson.
Two words: Rifle Range.
I, for one, look forward to the Muslim remake of such classic films as "The Quiet Man," which was on TCM last night. The woman desired by the strong male lead could become the disgrace of her family for daring to speak to him, then burned to death by her coreligionists and family members, and then the male lead could marry some other burqa-clad woman selected & approved by his parents. With a supporting cast of merry Islamic villagers.
Incidentally, the film "YOL" from 1982 depicts an honor killing that is worth seeing to understand the concept better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrxlXrSc4hA
It’s worth noting that the people who lured her to the roof and set her on fire were women.
Maybe suicide by self-immolation is a thing over there?
" Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
Lord Napier.
But then the British left and took civilization with them.
Robert Cook said: "So is every religion that posits a supernatural entity who created and/or watches over humans from a spiritual realm."
No, Cook. Every major religion except Islam has made their peace with rational thought and secular authority.
One does not have to be a religious believer of any kind to recognize this obvious fact.
We know you have a lot of strange thoughts, Robert. But this is well into self-parody territory.
AOC and the other GND crazies want to impose their eco crazy to keep global warming from causing the sea level rising and putting Bangladesh underwater. After reading about this poor woman, why would we want to keep the seal level from rising?
This doesn't make sense. If they wanted to make it look like suicide, wouldn't they have just thrown her off the roof?
She wasn't gay.
That wonderful Religion of Peace strikes again. I doubt that terrorist cunt Talib will be commenting on this. These savages need to be purged from the planet.
"robinintn said...
It’s worth noting that the people who lured her to the roof and set her on fire were women."
Muslim women.
What President-Mom-Jeans said.
Robert Cook said... So is every religion that posits a supernatural entity
You see, to Robert, there is (as he Explicitly Stated,) Absolutely NO difference between going to Church on Sunday, and singing hymns; and torturing young women to death for being raped.
You're a sick motherf*cker Robert
The phrase “shithole countries” comes to mind.
Its an understandable situation.
A mullah operating a religious school would be the breadwinner for several women, and as a man of local influence would also control the rice-bowls of others, including the households of government employees and minor officials.
So she was a direct threat to their livelihoods.
Consider it a case of a very small scale "deep state".
Diversity is our strength. Remember all cultures are equal because... except ours, it is permanently fouled by the original sin of slavery, which we ended in 1865, but continues under various names around the world. There it is just local cultural practices. Sharia is the solution.
Some people did some stuff?
Amiright? Amiright?
1. The roof thing? Maybe it was a 1 story building
2. The women did it thing? One girl lured her to the roof. The Burka people? Could be males. at least the one holding her head with "his" hands was. Women in these countries are too cowed to take initiative like this.
This story is confusing.
Was there a guy wearing a burqa?
She is one of the bravest women that I have heard of.
Our brave women here feel "violated" by someone who said something they didn't like. Over there, the women fight and likely die for their life and dignities.
I agree with “Unknown.” Some people did something.
@Althouse, you realize that you’re a rare American feminist to actually care in the slightest about your sisters in Islamic countries. You and Paglia, and after that who?
Okay, there are people within the Catholic Church who are capable of sexually abusing the people in their charge, and, moreover, those people have superiors who are willing to cover up for them. (This is also true of people within Penn State, the BBC, Hollywood studios, the White House, et al.). I do not, however, think that the people capable of committing or covering up such crimes would be capable of burning their victims alive. That's quite a quantum jump into the horrendous. That kind of evil is not on the spectrum.....There's some tiny inkling of hope in that there is widespread outrage and revulsion against this crime in Bangladesh. The girl involved, even by the medieval standards of her community, behaved with honor and courage. How does it come to pass that they conspired to not only kill her but to kill her in the most horrible way imaginable. This is evil beyond the ways in which evil is ordinarily defined. If I wanted to burn someone to death, I don't knowa singe person with whom I could conspire, much less fifteen....,,By tomorrow, in the west at least, this story will be willfully ignored. The kind of hatred that was directed against the Covington kids will not be directed against the perps of this horrible crime,
@Cookie, speaking as an atheist, I think your best move is to man up and apologize.
Beautiful girl. I hope that's an 'after' photo.
But. . . .but. . . . .Mike Pence is opposed to. . . . . something gay!
Coming to a US city soon, compliments of the Democratic Party and the Medi a(But I repeat myself)
Further thoughts on civilization and barbarity: I don't think there are a lot of people in America who would wish to burn a rape victim to death. On the other hand, there aren't a lot of students in Bangladesh who want to shoot up their schools.......The crime against this girl was repugnant, even in Bangladesh. I don't think there are other schools and other students there who wish to imitate the crime. Contrast this with Columbine. That horrendous crime was more seductive than repugnant. Other psychos study it and wish to emulate it.......The human race seems to have a recessive gene capable of horrendous evil, and different societies and cultures have different ways of manifesting this evil.
Forgot name of Documentary on Netflix about Indian (?)woman whose father and uncle attempted to murder her. Beat her and tossed her in river to drown. Survived, pressed charges. Pressured by community to forgive and forget.
Father and uncle released and are heroes in community for protecting family honor.
the collective knee jerk left: "But Christianity" or "But Crusades!"
or something.
No one in modern Christianity would even consider such a horrific crime. But that will never stop the left from their Islamic supremacy exception.
As of this comment, the only leftist who has commented has been Robert Cook, and his comment was essentially "Who cares? All religion is stupid and evil! Those lovely ladies serving soup at the soup kitchen are no different than these Muslims!"
Inga and Howard and Chuck, etc, haven't shown up yet to defend their "Let's import hundreds of millions of these people and give them whatever they want!" stance. Chuck will complain that he doesn't want that, but then call you bigoted for opposing it.
That said, this girl is very brave and I am sure she is with her Father in Heaven now.
Robert Cook said...
"Islam is incompatible with rational human thought...."
So is every religion that posits a supernatural entity who created and/or watches over humans from a spiritual realm.
Atheists are the most prolific murderers in modern history by orders of magnitude.
You can apologize any time you want for your stupid attempts to appear "rational."
Further thoughts on civilization and barbarity: although this capacity for evil is part of all people and all cultures, certain cultures seem to have more of a knack for activating this evil. Radical Marxist and fundamental Muslim societies are quite proficient at bringing out the worst in human nature.
Further thoughts on civilization and barbarity: although there are any number of horrendous crimes committed in the west, for the most part these crimes are committed by psychos and loners. In Muslim and Marxist societies, some of the most God-awful crimes are committed by pillars of the communities.....I suppose you can make a circular argument and claim that only bourgoise, capitalist societies are capable of generating such psycho losers. Nonetheless, the horrendous crimes here are idiosyncratic and not part institutionalized idiocy.
"The teacher touched me, I will fight this crime till my last breath,"
If the touch was a pat on the shoulder or some such - BBC doesn't say otherwise - then is Nusrat also a barbarian? A barbarian who got cooties from being touched?
@Robinintn: it is quite ethically gymnastic to take a story about a brave, violated, oppressed, tortured and murdered young woman and make it about your pissiness.
Big Mike, viz feminists opposing Islamic brutality there is Phyllis Chesler, who has written several books on the subject. An American Bride in Kabul is her memoir. I can't recommend it enough. Anyone wanting to know how Islam's extreme gender oppression warps everyone it touches couldn't find a better story. Reads like a thriller. Of course Chesler is shunned by feminists today for her writing, but there are many feminists of her age who did fight Islam.
Fund for Feminist Majority did pretty much all the lobbying on the issue 30 years ago, when nobody else, male or female, left or right, cared. While still a Democrat, which I am pointedly not now, I helped pass the first anti-FGM bill in any state. I also sponsored the sole protest against Iran's inclusion at the 1996 Olympics, on behalf of the Homa Darabi Society. Darabi, an American trained doctor, went back to Iran after the revolution at great personal risk to help women and girls and set herself on fire outside the Ayatollah's palace to protest the torture and rape of females.
After our protest, Iranian undercover agents in Bond-villain Eurotrash suits followed me from the Olympics Stadium to my southside shotgun house, where they stood outside trying to scare me by taking photos of me. My cheerful redneck neighbor came over and mooned them and threw beer cans at them. Other neighbors joined in. The Iranian thugs bitchily folded themselves into their black car and drove away, pelted with PBR. I like to think of that as a feminist moment with beer. I won't defend the current crop of feminists.
Of course, our soldiers, male and female, do the hard lifting against Islamic gender oppression. I'm sure some of them consider themselves feminist, or some similar word. If you are a soldier, I'll thank you.
There is a tag missing. Five letters, rhymes with clam.
William, the difference between your example and this is that we're talking about cultural norms. And there have been more than a few 'honor killings' by Muslims here in the US. I don't think that shooting up a school has yet become acceptable practice.
Is William under the impression there are no mass shootings in Pakistan? Including at schools? Or other mass killings?
A search of CNN returns no results. So does a search of MSNBC and NBC. I guess they didn’t use Trump brand kerosene.
Ah.... the 'Religion of Peace' strikes again.
@Althouse, you realize that you’re a rare American feminist to actually care in the slightest about your sisters in Islamic countries. You and Paglia, and after that who?
My sister Suzie, who's undergrad was Women's Studies.
This is why we should have a no-fly list with Bangladesh on it. Terrorism against their own people.
Culture matters. And this is just one illustration of many why ours is superior to most of the rest of the world.
I have been repeatedly told, by the highest sources from entertainment, that Christians pose more of a threat to gays than Muslims.
So we know this woman was not a lesbian.
I suppose if she WERE a lesbian they would have thrown her off the roof while she burned.
Yeah, just like the local Methodist gang.
You can count me as one of those bigots who consider America a better place to live than Bangladesh. That said, America is quite capable of generating its own atrocities. After such atrocities, all fair minded pundits and Hollywood celebrities use their powers of analysis to determine the cause of such atrocities. There's some debate as to whether the cause of all evil in America is the 2nd amendment, the Christian fath, or the Republican Party, but the important thing is that they're willing to examine these root causes before finally blaming Trump. I don't think any of the Bangladesh intellectuals and Bollywood stars are quite as willing to address the design flaws in their own society.
When we get out of Afghanistan, the big losers will not be us, nor even our allies there. The big losers will be the women of Afghanistan. Does anyone know of any feminist who praised our involvement and wants it to continue?
William, I haven't heard of Afghan women begging us to stay, have you?
mockturtle said...
William, I haven't heard of Afghan women begging us to stay, have you?
They would if they could.
But the only way to free the women of Afghanistan would be to kill every male over the age of 17.
A lot fewer children would get raped too.
The left loves Islam because it makes no apologies about its use of any means necessary to keep its adherents in line and in its pursuit of total, world domination. It’s a chauvinistic cult that also has self-appointed “elites” who run the culture and cult, with no apparently qualifications except a willingness to exploit people. Just like Hollywood.
Really, outside of the weird, you know, “god” stuff, Islam has all the qualities Lefitsts adore, emulate and espouse.
I posed a question regarding American feminists, and received two names. No more than that?
What does that say about American feminists?
Well, at least they weren’t as bad as Kavanaugh.
Clearly the US response should be to find the people responsible and bring them to America. Once here we can grant them race preferences to get them into schools where we can teach them everything they've done wrong is America's fault.
Then we can elect them to congress and conclude anyone who criticizes them is racist.
Looks like Nusrat love
I'm saddened to see that so many of the commenters here have jumped to the conclusion that this ghastly crime had something to do with Islam. Hardly. If you look at this with unblinkered eyes, you can see how this crime is directly attributable to Trump's rancid rhetoric against women. Bangladesh is geographically closer to the USA than New Zealand. If his rhetoric can inspire a mass murder in New Zealand, there's no reason to doubt his ability to inspire a single murder in Bangladesh. These sorts of things never happened when Obama was President.
"So fucking funny, I forgot to laugh.
The standards of masculinity have really fallen, even here at home, ehj?"
Dark humor is like kerosene.
Of course, our soldiers, male and female, do the hard lifting against Islamic gender oppression. I'm sure some of them consider themselves feminist, or some similar word. If you are a soldier, I'll thank you.
In 8 years of service, I've never run across anyone in the military who identifies as feminist. We think feminism is a cancer.
As do the majority of women in America. You let it get hijacked by Marxists, and now it's about pitching men and women at each other, toxic and divisive, instead of lifting women up. Women should have been more vigilant.
The entire screed has become counter-productive. Consider Patriarchy Theory. If men have easily oppressed women for 5000 years in row, they certainly aren't equal. But that's what feminism messages. The current wave of feminism portrays women as victims that need to be propped up with set asides and discriminatory hiring practices. To the extent that even women who rise up on merit are suspected of being incompetent diversity quotas. Feminism is no longer about empowering women, it is about cleaving women away from men and enslaving them to the Sugar Daddy State. Yay Socialism.
But I did find it cool and courageous how you stood up to islamic thugs. Do more of that. These days, it's hard to even find a man with the stones to do that. Bravo Zulu.
Robert Cook: "Islam is incompatible with rational human thought...." but let's try Socialism one more time.
Or maybe they wanted to disfigure her and make her suffer before killing her, that is, maybe their desire to punish her overwhelmed their intent to make it appear a suicide.
No, the mindset is to create a living horror to remind others what will happen to them.
@Fen, @ Big Mike: There are a few more names I could offer but Phyllis Chesler is the ur-text anti-Islamic feminist. And she did pay for her position on Islam and other things by being purged (as I was).
I no longer consider myself a feminist. I am a paleo-conservative sane-equality-supporting Person of Lady Parts.
I do know two women who served honorably who do, though also not using the term. One is a Puerto Rican Navy veteran TEA Party organizer, the other a lesbian Republican Army vet. The lesbian army vet will tell you she cannot come out of the closet ... as a Republican.
Then she laughs.
"Further thoughts on civilization and barbarity: although there are any number of horrendous crimes committed in the west, for the most part these crimes are committed by psychos and loners."
Or they're perpetrated by the American state prosecuting pointless and illegal wars in other countries.
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