April 10, 2019

"Kim Kardashian has revealed she plans on taking the bar exam in 2022."

"In an interview with Vogue magazine, the reality star, 38, said she was inspired to pursue law after working to grant Alice Marie Johnson clemency last year. Kim began a four year long apprenticeship at a San Francisco law firm last summer in order to prepare for the exam, and now studies 18 hours a week with two practicing attorneys. Though Kim did not attend college or law school, she is able to pursue her dream through an alternative path. 'Reading the law' allows people to take the bar by apprenticing through a practicing lawyer or judge.... 'First year of law school, you have to cover three subjects: criminal law, torts, and contracts. To me, torts is the most confusing, contracts the most boring, and crim law I can do in my sleep. Took my first test, I got a 100. Super easy for me. The reading is what really gets me. It’s so time-consuming. The concepts I grasp in two seconds,' she said."

The Daily Mail reports this very nice news.


daskol said...

That's an excellent second act. Third act, I guess, if you consider public motherhood her second.

Greg Hlatky said...

Maybe she thought it was the bra exam.

daskol said...

Not nearly as titillating as her first act, of course.

Nonapod said...

Well, her father was a big time Hollywood lawyer.

tcrosse said...

Won't Dad be proud.

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

Good for her! That’s how Lincoln did it.


Tomcc said...

If she does, my opinion of her will be markedly better. Since the inception of their "show", I've thought Robert Kardashian deserved better from his offspring.

Freeman Hunt said...

I didn't know that you didn't have to graduate from college and law school to be a lawyer. I knew that was true at one point, but I thought that path had been regulated away. Nice!

DanTheMan said...

>>Good for her! That’s how Lincoln did it.

LBJ, too.

Rae said...

Honestly, this raises my opinion of her quite a few notches. It's not like she needs the money, and i'm sure a lot of people need their cases revisited.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

She'll be a simple country lawyer, and will no doubt have the outfit to match, maybe with a string tie and a white bustier.

Mr Wibble said...

If the universe is kind, she'll end up defending one of O.J. Simpson's kids.

DanTheMan said...

>>If the universe is kind, she'll end up defending one of O.J. Simpson's kids.

If the Universe were just, she would spend her life apologizing to the Goldmans.

I mean, when she wasn't looking for the "real killers".

Bay Area Guy said...

Definitely a good thing. She's got the bod, and now she's going for the brains.

In the long run, the bod fades and sags, but the brains march on!

Ken B said...

Good for her.

I Callahan said...

Good for her, and I'm glad fellow commenters feel the same.

WK said...

Perhaps she’ll start a legal blog.....

Michael K said...

I knew of a secretary to a guy who taught a bar review course. She sat in the course for about five years, then took the Bar and passed.

Amadeus 48 said...

Maybe she can help OJ put the real killer away.

If Judge Ito is still alive, maybe she can do a reality show--Ye, Ito and Me.

Francisco D said...

I wonder if she will do better than Hillary and Kamala Harris.

Both failed the first time.

rehajm said...

I appreciate her as a pioneer on the internet. I hope she succeeds in law as well...

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

I'm happy for her. Even if she doesn't pass, the thrill of learning beats getting laughed at for bad photoshop jobs.

A lot of what we learn is boring until we need it. I hope she sticks with it.

rhhardin said...

I myself picked up physics outside of formal channels. If you can't do physics in your head, avoid the field.

Fernandinande said...

My favorite scamster wasn't even a politician or government employee:

"While posing as Pan Am First Officer "Robert Black", Abagnale forged a Harvard University law transcript, passed the Louisiana bar exam, and got a job at the Louisiana State Attorney General's office at the age of nineteen."

mockturtle said...
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mockturtle said...

Good for her! That’s how Lincoln did it.

And Andy Jackson.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

It would have been awesome if she could have taken the D.C. exam, passed, and then asked why she's not considered more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be president.

Apparently you can only read law in California, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming, and in NY with at least a year of law school.

Oh well!

gspencer said...

California, Virginia, Vermont, and Washington — allow would-be lawyers to take the bar exam without going to law school. Instead, they are given the option to apprentice with a practicing attorney or judge.

Years and years ago all the states allowed "readers of the law" to "pass the bar" and be admitted to the area immediately before the judge's bench/desk. As regulatory fever began its boa constrictor grip on all facets of our lives becoming a lawyer fell prey to the guild system.

Sebastian said...

"It’s so time-consuming. The concepts I grasp in two seconds,' she said."

It is one of the easier subjects. No reason to make it postgraduate training. Law school should be a vocational-school alternative to college, and every state should allow bar passage through independent study.

Jupiter said...

It's a test. If she passes ...

wild chicken said...

LBJ, too.

LBJ wasn't a lawyer. He was a teacher.

Yancey Ward said...

Good for her. I hope she makes it.

Mark O said...

She will never pass the California bar exam.

DanTheMan said...

>>LBJ wasn't a lawyer. He was a teacher.

True, but I thought he apprenticed with a law firm in Nevada? I thought I remembered that from Caro's first book, but I might well be mistaken.

svlc said...

I liked contracts. Good thing since I write a lot of them.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Well, AOC passed it, why not her? Our nation can always use another Board Certified Mixologist (or "bootician", if you prefer Mencken's term for the guild).

chillblaine said...

Here Come The Judge all rise the honorable judge Kim presiding. She could be a Supreme Court Justice! Awesome.

Unknown said...

A regular Babe Lincoln.

Kay said...

This is awesome, I approve wholeheartedly.

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

Supreme Court Justice Stanley F. Reed went to law school but did not graduate. He is from my home county, and had a house less than a mile from mine. I knocked on his door once to sell magazines, or band popcorn, or something, but he wasn’t home. There is a tiny street next to the courthouse in Maysville, Kentucky, that is named for him. Rosemary Clooney Street might be shorter, but she’s got a longer sign.

John henry said...

"It [Yale] was okay. Nobody there knew what the fuck I was talking about.” Tawkin. “You might as well be from Afghanistan as Sunnyside, Queens. But I liked it. It’s a nice place. It’s easy, as law schools go. They don’t try to bury you in details. They give you the scholarly view, the overview. You get the grand design. They’re very good at giving you that. Yale is terrific for anything you wanna do, so long as it don’t involve people with sneakers, guns, dope, lust, or sloth.”"

Tommy Killian
Bonfire of the Vanities

Anyway, as several others have said, good on her.

In Puerto Rico it used to be that one could fulfill some experience and practice requirements, get recommended by some board members of the Colegio de Ingenieros, take the us national pe exam and become a licensed Professional Engineer.

I was encouraged to do it but when I looked into it, I just didn't feel like putting in the work. It might be nice to have pe after my name but it would have probably limited what I've wound up doing professionally.

I think there are other states where one can, or could, do this.

John Henry

John henry said...

OTOH, I did used to be a Fellow of the Royal Society.

Unfortunately, the Royal Society for Arts and Manufactures, not The Royal Society of Newton et al.

I figured most Americans wouldn't know the difference. Unfortunately, most Americans have never heard of either.

John Henry

MadisonMan said...

Good for her. Learning is a way to stay young.

bagoh20 said...

Someone should probably explain to her the meaning of "bar" in this usage.

Gahrie said...

There was a time when this was the norm. Abe Lincoln was a lawyer and never went to law school.

Birches said...

I hope she does it. It would shut a lot of people up.

AZ Bob said...

This makes no sense. She is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Being an attorney will not give her any more clout than she already has. There are many ways she can accomplish her goals in the justice system. She can create a public interest law firm or low cost legal clinic.

Law school should not be avoided. It develops skills for analysis and argument. I found it to be fun. (I'm serious here.)

My doubts for her pulling this off were raised when I read that she bragged that studying law was "super easy for me. The reading is what really gets me. It’s so time-consuming. The concepts I grasp in two seconds."

This not what I remember first-year law school to be.

TomHynes said...

I bet the average starting salary of the Kim Karadashian Law School puts her pretty high up in the USNWR rankings. Zero student loans, 100% employment, 100% bar pass rate.

H said...

I am conflicted about my attitudes toward the Kardashian(Jenner) clan. On the one hand, they seem to have a fixation on being famous that to my mind has seemed like a mental illness. (For example, I wondered if Bruce Jenner had a sex change operation in a desperate effort to regain his sagging television ratings, and if Kim(?) had plastic surgery to enhance her butt size to make herself a more desirable model for magazine covers). But on the other hand they have what appears to be a genius for identifying goods and services people will pay for. (For example, a Kardashian sister has become one of the richest women in the world selling, I think, perfume with her name on it; and they have all made millions from their reality TV shows.) The two are probably interrelated -- a person can make a lot of money by exposing his/her mental illnesses to the public. But the "genius" part of the equation means that I won't be at all surprised if we see a new Lawyer Kardashian in court within a few years.

Quaestor said...

In this case, it's a low-bar exam.

Robert Cook said...

"If the Universe were just, she would spend her life apologizing to the Goldmans.

"I mean, when she wasn't looking for the 'real killers.'"

Kim Kardashian never promised to look for the "real killers." That was O.J., wasn't it?

Also, why why should she, or her father if he were alive, apologize to the Goldmans? Defense attorneys serve a necessary function in our legal system. No matter the person or the crime of which he or she is accused, everyone is entitled to a defense. If you were ever arrested and charged with a crime, I'm sure you would be intensely interested in obtaining a good defense lawyer, especially if you were innocent of the crime, but also if you were guilty.

I respect defense attorneys more than I do most prosecutors.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Seems to me her dad was doing his job trying to get OJ off. Kim had nothing to do with it.

Nichevo said...

John Lynch said...
Seems to me her dad was doing his job trying to get OJ off. Kim had nothing to do with it.

4/11/19, 7:34 AM

Isn't Kim claim to fame getting guys off?