He also says something like "bow-o-detty" for (I think) "Allegheny." "Fum us" for "for instance." "Hudge" for "hedge." "Extredable" for "incredible." Sometimes whole words drop out and you can't tell what he meant to say. "The same standariving" for "the same standard of living." He says "How can a person dimitty be maintained?" for "How can a person's dignity be maintained?" And "Why they do that?" for "Why did they do that?" "Con-fur" for "conquer." Even when he gets the syllables right, they sound run together recklessly, meaninglessly.
I found that video via Drudge...

... which pairs Biden's slurring through a speech with his surging in polls. The "surging" link goes to The Hill, "Biden surges in primary polls":
A CNN poll released Tuesday found Biden jumping 11 points to 39 percent support, a 24-point lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is at 15 percent support. ...Interestingly, Biden's greatest strength, according to these polls, is with nonwhite voters.
And a Morning Consult survey released Tuesday found Biden with 36 percent support, followed by Sanders at 22 percent. That’s a 6-point bounce for Biden from the same survey released earlier this month, while Sanders has fallen by 2 points...
A Suffolk University survey released Tuesday found the former Delaware senator in the lead in New Hampshire with 20 percent support, followed by Sanders and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg at 12 percent. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is in fourth place at 8 percent. If Biden were to win New Hampshire it would be a massive blow to Sanders and Warren, who come from nearby states and are seen as having a home-field advantage in the Northeast....
११६ टिप्पण्या:
He sounds like Chris Matthews on a bender. No, thanks.
It will be interesting to see how Biden holds up over the next 18 months of campaigning (supposing he wins the Democratic party nomination). A campaign like that is a grind for even a young man, let alone a 76 year old. Looking back on it, I realize that I've never seen President Trump appear tired. He seems to thrive on the energy of campaigning. Maybe that is why.
Senator Bernard Sanders is just the man to fight back against this nefarious malapropism machine!
Go Bernie Go!
He's an old 76, only two years older than me, and will be 78 years old in Jan. 2021 but that doesn't really matter because he isn't getting elected.
These polls are meaningless.
Lets see what happens when it comes out Biden was discussing spying on the Trump campaign with Yates and Brennan.
Biden surges with nonwhite voters who might bother to show up relative to the other candidates. He isn't getting Obama's nonwhite turnout. That will hurt him.
We'll keep hearing about how well Biden's polling with nonwhites ad nauseam. It's important. Dems really need Obama's turnout.
I haven't listened to Biden's speech patterns very closely over the years. I mean, I generally know of some of his sillier quotes ("Put y'all in chains!" & "Stand up, Chuck!"), but I don't have the patience to listen to his nonsense very closely. Is this slurring a new phenomenon or has he always spoken this way?
Joe is finding that you are never the same "Once the Air Hits your Brain.
Two craniotomies.
Did he say covfefe?
Too many face lifts and too much Botox. He can't move his mouth properly to pronounce words correctly.
Well Biden had brain surgery years ago and he is retarded to start with so.
Why are the Democrats supporting an old, straight, white, male, who voted for the Iraq War, supported the Clinton Crime Bill that put many blacks in jail, and dissed Anita Hill?
Hope Trump can keep this guy afloat long enough to run against him.
Trump v. Biden would be a wild and fun-filled escapade, tailor-made for Trump's style of campaigning and Scott Adams' unique form of deconstruction. But even the Dems aren't that dim -- or are they? We'll know soon enough.
Joe has one gift: Self-confidence. It is supreme and it is without without justification but you can’t deny that he has it. I had several students over the years with this kind of baseless self-confidence. I never was quite sure where it came from but I know it had a slight sociopathic element to it. There was a social disconnect which actually served them well. Trump also has a tinge of sociopathy. Maybe leaders need it. But Biden’s is really based on nothing. He’s wrong about everything.
Maybe he’s sleepy.
You want me to make fun of Biden along with Trump? Lemme think about that. Okay I thought about it. Fine with me. Have at it.
Now back to Trump's pronunciation stylings.
"Joe is finding that you are never the same "Once the Air Hits your Brain."
I bought that book and enjoyed reading it.
It's okay, the slurs are not racial.
I long ago gave up ETFs for Extredable Hudge funds. Best decision ever. My prufits have never been greater, best ritarn-on-anvustmunt ever!!!
The nonwhite voters don't like the women. They haven't been cowed like white people.
Here's some Biden's greatest hits:
(Speaking of Obama) “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
(Biden extolling the wisdom of the Orient) “I stopped in Singapore to meet with a guy named Lee Kuan Yew, who most foreign policy experts around the world say is the wisest man in the Orient.”
“you cannot go to a 7-eleven or a Dunkin donuts [in Delaware] unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”
“it’s easy being Vice President – you don’t have to do anything.”
Dictatorships are more comfortable for aged politicians. The plebs don't get to see what a wreck their leaders have become, and if they do, there's not much they can do about it. Countries like East Germany, with its geriatric leader, Erich Honecker were a great example.
But in an electoral democracy, ya gotta get out there & get out in front of the people & even the best of handlers can only do so much. Certain sorts, like JFK, can hide their illnesses, but HRC, even with a phalanx of handlers & friendly press, got tripped up by some clown on the street with a cell phone who recorded her collapse.
Ultimately, I think we as a people have go to admit -- many of our leaders are getting too old for the job. I put Bernie, Biden, HRC in this category for certain. Let's see how Trump does for 2020. He may be moving on up in age, too.
What's with the yellow shirts?
He will most definitely go down over Burisma scandal. Large Ukrainian gas company. Guess what? Hunter Biden is on the Board of Directors. Biden tells a fabulous story about how he threatened to withhold 1 Billion US money unless Poroshenko fired a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma. And whaddya know "son of a bitch" says Biden the prosecutor was fired by the time he boarded the plane back to US.
It's on videotape. See Epoch Times.
Say "oranges" for "hospitals" and you're really too old.
And people made fun of Bush. Bet the major media will be kinder to Biden.
There won't be any "race" until this time next year.
In the meantime, how about reporting on some news from around the world? Some things that matter?
Seems confused. Same old Joe, or something worse?
My all time fav - Biden argues with reporter at press conference over who has a higher IQ
Not just slurring. Confusion. Groping for words.
Old man? Or was he always this way?
Haven't listened to him since 2008.
Trump has the strength. "Tremendous energy, folks. I have tremendous energy"
Not sure that Biden can keep up.
Hillary certainly didn't, relying on the MSM and the Deep State to do her dirty work and drag her across the finish line.
Disrespect and mock are not exact twins
Joe Biden ran for President in 1987 - 32 years ago. He lost the Dem primary to Michael Dukakis, whom nobody has heard from since.
If I may paraphrase Bob Dylan - I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.
rcocean said...
Not just slurring. Confusion. Groping for words.
Old man? Or was he always this way?
Barrack Obama isn't old.
You want me to make fun of Biden along with Trump? Lemme think about that. Okay I thought about it. Fine with me. Have at it.
I would rather make fun of you, LLR Moby.
How many drinks so far today?
Chuck said...
You want me to make fun of Biden along with Trump? Lemme think about that. Okay I thought about it. Fine with me. Have at it.
Now back to Trump's pronunciation stylings.
And there is this idiot again pretending he is a republican.
He probably pretends to be a woman too to get into the cleaner bathrooms and be unwanted there too.
"Even when he gets the syllables right, they sound run together recklessly, meaninglessly"
No worries - Biden prolly just needs a quick dip in the pool to clear his head.
The yellow shirts are union shirts at a union rally.
Which brings up another thing not often mentioned - there is no "Big Labor" any more.
When I arrived in this country, 65 years+ ago, about 35% of the industrial labor force was unionized and there were no AFSCME or teacher unions. Today, less than 5% of the industrial labor force is unionized and even constitute a minority in the AFL-CIO.
Biden is basically a tired old man. Watch his apology video again. I think he's determined, probably correctly, that the DNC and the media/political establishment will tip the scales for him to get the nomination. Once nominated, he'll continue to coast believing his blue collar reputation will do enough damage to Trump in the rust belt. His running mate will much younger and a sop to the woke brigade. Probably Mayor Pete from the Midwest.
That's the plan.
"If you've mocked Trump for saying 'oranges' for 'origins,' give equal disrespect to Biden for saying 'hostiles' for "hospitals.'"
Here's an Althouse thought experiment. What if this were a headline at the Althouse blog?
If you've mocked Biden for saying "hostiles" for "hospitals," give equal disrespect to Trump for saying "oranges" for "origins."
How would that go over?
You can even hear slurring in Biden's campaign VIDEO. It's definitely a thing. Is this guy really the best person the Dems have?
Chuck said...
How would that go over?
Maybe he can't read the teleprompter quickly enough. And, honestly, improper pronunciation may be viewed positively by some segments of the non-white populace.
Trump has the Ukrainian deets. Why do you think he wants Biden to be the guy?
Trump will destroy him. There is no passion for Biden, he's a lousy campaigner, and since everyone on all sides wants "change", who the hell wants this living fossil?
Run Joe Run!!!
"He probably pretends to be a woman too to get into the cleaner bathrooms and be unwanted there too."
My wife's description of them suggests to me that they are anything but cleaner.
"If you've mocked Biden for saying "hostiles" for "hospitals," give equal disrespect to Trump for saying "oranges" for "origins."
How would that go over?"
Chuck, watch the video. Is there anything like that of Trump? Biden will do more of this kind of thing this week than Trump will his entire term.
Craig said...
You can even hear slurring in Biden's campaign VIDEO. It's definitely a thing. Is this guy really the best person the Dems have?
None of their politicians currently running could pull it off other than maybe Buttigieg.
Schultz is their best bet at this point to be honest.
Oprah has the presence to be on the same stage as Trump. But she fed several young women to Harvey Weinstein and they are not going quietly.
Everyone else currently in the race could only win against a cuck like Mitt who wouldn't make them look like the empty suits they are. Kamala Harris for example would have to explain how she got her start in politics.
Biden/Buttigieg will end Democrat dominance of the black voting block. It will not happen.
It's all part of setting up Bittigeig's heroic run to become our first self avowed practicing Gay President. The Polls will find Biden ahead until Bernie sells out again and then Biden's support will wither away like grass on a housetop. And sweet Pete talks so very well.
If a Dem has to win, I'd prefer Biden, but I think many others would do better, even with their crazy-ass policy ideas. People will vote for crazy, corrupt, dishonest, or inexperienced, but they won't vote for anyone who comes across as even a little mentally incapacitated if they can see it with their own eyes.
Using the standards applied to Trump under John Brennan's 25th Amendment Coup, Biden needs to be taken out now.
bagoh20 said...
"If you've mocked Biden for saying "hostiles" for "hospitals," give equal disrespect to Trump for saying "oranges" for "origins."
How would that go over?"
Chuck, watch the video. Is there anything like that of Trump? Biden will do more of this kind of thing this week than Trump will his entire term.
I would post a hyperlink to video for you, but I already did that. Further up the page.
Buttigieg would cost the Dems a lot of Black and Hispanic votes. You just have to face it: Whites are the least bigoted of any racial group. Problem is that the Dems already have those voters. They will gain nothing from sacrificing the Black and Hispanic votes.
Chuck, I would prefer that the lefty MSM report Bidens slurring at least 3/4 as much as Trumps.
"I would post a hyperlink to video for you, but I already did that. Further up the page."
Not even close.
1) Those are collected over many speeches, which if done with anyone, including you, would produce similar missteps.
2) All those Trump mispronunciation were understandable. Most were so slight you would never notice unless looking for it. Some were immediately acknowledged and restated.
3) Trumps didn't sound at all like incapacity, but rather what we all do with mispronunciations.
4) The Biden video was just one speech, so my point is reinforced by your link. Thanks.
Huffing hairspray causes slurred speech
“Neal Smith, an old butt buddy,” Biden said. “Are you here, Neal? Neal, I miss you, man. I miss you.”
Chuck: But Truuuuuuump!!!
If you thought LLR Chuck was going to allow criticism of one of his beloved dems without putting upna fight, then you dont know our LLR-lefty Chuck very well at all.
Have you seen Biden on The View? Completely incoherent rambling. Barely even English. This is now going to be the main defining characteristic for him, and there is nothing he can do about it, it will be like a zit on the end of his nose. Nobody will hear anything he says. They will only hear how he says it.
I'm not happy about this. I want him to be the nominee. He is the least crazy Democrat, and Trump will defeat him easily.
Bernie fights back against Biden -- on the merits.
But I think when people take a look at my record versus Vice President Biden's record, I helped lead the fight against NAFTA. He voted for NAFTA. I helped lead the fight against PNTR with China. He voted for it.
I strongly opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He supported it. I voted against the war in Iraq. He voted for it.
So I think what I hope, Anderson, what this campaign is about -- and I have to tell you, I like Joe Biden. Joe is a friend of mine. But I think what we need to do with all of the candidates, have an issue- oriented campaign, not personal attacks, but talk about what we have done in our political lives, what we want to do as president, and how we're going to transform our economy so that it works for all of us and not just the 1 percent.
bagoh: "The Biden video was just one speech, so my point is reinforced by your link. Thanks."
Careful. Calling out LLR Chuck's lefty smears usually results in his launching profanity laced tirades and physically threatening adults and children.
It can escalate quickly with our Antifa-republican Chuck.
Interestingly, Biden's greatest strength, according to these polls, is with nonwhite voters.
Of course. If it wasn't for Obama/Biden, black people would be in chains.
But no is dumber than Dan Quayle, who misspelled potatoe. A Democrat can't beat that.
It also appears that Biden's cosmetic surgeon was working off an old photo of Joe Lieberman.
“Are you here, Neal? Neal, I miss you, man. I miss you.”
A guy my age, 61, shouldn't use that particular locution, 'man', never mind a guy of Biden's advanced age. That sounds like an older man trying to sound like a younger one. Sad.
Joe ought to lay off the booze, especially before a speaking engagement.
I didn't watch the various clips, just taking everyone's word for it, but does he say "nukular" for nuclear? That was GW's downfall.
Maybe he's got a new set of choppers.
The polls are easy to explain. Slurred, mashed, and incomprehensible is better than what the other Democrats are saying.
But no is dumber than Dan Quayle, who misspelled potatoe. A Democrat can't beat that
Another lie the left started that is still alive, decades later.
I will reiterate my one major political statement:
If the Dems want to win 2020, they will do two things:
1. Embrace Biden (flaws and all)
2. Drop the Impeachment nonsense.
There were 66 Million Hillary voters in 2016. Only a small fraction are the rabid, noisy, leftwing, twitter yappers. True, they have the largest bullhorn - but they are small in actual numbers. The "middle of the road" types have large numbers. They are basically nice people, who vote stupidly. I know these people. I live among them. I have many in my family.
If the Dems start ganging up on Biden, or going woke on him, while also having Nadler push for stupid-ass impeachment hearings, well, then you know they aren't serious about winning, and will lose bigly. It will be McGovern 2.0 (he lost 49 states to Nixon in '72).
But no is dumber than Dan Quayle, who misspelled potatoe. A Democrat can't beat that.
Wrong. Obama said, "The problem is is that" hundreds of times, and still does.
Suffering succotash, sounds like Biden's dentures came unglued.
I like the fact that Biden is pretty sure that he's not a pedophile.
Bay Area Guy said...
If the Dems want to win 2020, they will do two things:
1. Embrace Biden (flaws and all)
2. Drop the Impeachment nonsense.
I agree completely. Joe and Bernie lead in the Dem polls in part because they are not running exclusively as Not-Trump candidates, which is what all the others in the Democrat Clown Car of Candidates are doing. Sure, they bash Trump but are also articulating ideas and a vision for America that Democrat voters can embrace and believe in.
“Smart boy, got a mind like a steel trap – full of mice”
Joe Biden...a proud gradjoomet from the Nancy Pelosi School Of Enuncimation.
Even Biden won’t embrace Biden. He is already apologizing for white culture. He is apologizing for not believing Anita Hill, who was not believable. He is apologizing for completely innocuous touches. He will apologize for anything you tell him he once said or did.
Since I read Drudge often enough to know he is untrustworthy, I always look for independent confirmation of whatever nonsense he is peddling. The Biden "slurring" is the latest example. If one listens to the entire speech on Youtube, one gets a very different sense of Biden's speech. The acoustics are not ideal and there is background noise, but Biden sounds clear enough and is frequently eloquent in describing what ails America.
The video Ann has posted here seems to be doctored, hurried up, to make Biden sound worse.
But no is dumber than Dan Quayle, who misspelled potatoe. A Democrat can't beat that.
Heh! I remember that vividly. That was late 80s, pre-internet, right when CNN was getting started.
The media flooded the zone, lambasting poor, hapless Quayle. Totally wrecked his reputation and political career -- all because in judging a school spelling bee contest, he was handed an answer card with the misprint "potatoe" as the answer and decided to follow the card.
From then on, Quayle was deemed "stupid" by the NYTimes, WasPost, ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN -- and there was no rebuttal.
"potatoes" as a plural, does have that pesky little "e".
Totally trivial, but sorry, Dan, ya gotta fight back.
Blogger John Stuart Mill said...
Since I read Drudge often enough to know he is untrustworthy, I always look for independent confirmation of whatever nonsense he is peddling. The Biden "slurring" is the latest example. If one listens to the entire speech on Youtube, one gets a very different sense of Biden's speech. The acoustics are not ideal and there is background noise, but Biden sounds clear enough and is frequently eloquent in describing what ails America.
The video Ann has posted here seems to be doctored, hurried up, to make Biden sound worse.
4/30/19, 3:27 PM
Are you saying Drudge is untrustworthy? In what way? he doesn't report anything and frequently links to other sources from a wide spectrum of news (sic) outlets.
And what had Biden stated in any shape or form the ailments of America - apart from republicans, that is.
Biden has been enough in the media to demonstrate he is quite clueless about the realities of America and the American people, and wants to foist a political agenda on people who don't want it, thank you very much.
Blogger Nonapod said...
“it’s easy being Vice President – you don’t have to do anything.”
Which is why only 2 VPs have managed to get elected (Nixon & Bush) since 1836. A number have tried and failed.
The 6-8 who have gotten into office via death or resignation have consistently proven to be duds.
With 1 exception: Coolidge, who had a lot of executive experience.
Possibly TR, also had some exec experience.
John Henry
In 1965 or so, I took a course in Nuclear Physics at MIT. The lecturer, known to us hot tickets as "C@+t Face Cochran" because he had a dark bushy full beard, was a Canadian. He said "nukular" for nuclear. Apparently, it is a Canuckism.
Was Sleepy using a teleprompter? It sounds like he was and could not read it.
Al Sharpton is a master at misreading teleprompters. Search YouTube for Sharpton vs the teleprompter and you get a lot of hits like this:
Similar kinds of mistakes.
John Henry
Joe Biden ran for President in 1987 - 32 years ago. He lost the Dem primary to Michael Dukakis, whom nobody has heard from since.
If I may paraphrase Bob Dylan - I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.
Not only is he Younger than that now; Plugs has got A LOT more hair now!
This is fairly typical of the 70+ year old men I have known- words can't be recalled during extemporaneous speech, planned talks fall apart as words are forgotten, elided, misplaced, and slurred over as the speech centers don't work properly. If Biden is this bad today, it won't improve and is likely to get much, much worse. I think what has been missed is this- he hasn't really been out in public in unrehearsed situations for about 6 years, and even in 2012, he was having some minor issues. The problem here for Biden is that it is Warren and Sanders who are going to make it obvious that Biden is too old for this. Debates are going to be a disaster for him.
As for the polling, Biden has probably got the support of some of the polling organizations, and they juiced up his numbers a bit on his rollout. It will fade as we get into Summer.
As Bay Area Guy pointed out, McGovern only managed to carry a single state plus DC
Let's also remember Walter Onestate who also managed to lose 49 states carrying one state plus DC.
Shorter Joe Biden: "Hold my beer. Watch me lose all 50 states."
John Henry
From then on, Quayle was deemed "stupid" by the NYTimes, WasPost, ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN -- and there was no rebuttal.
He was the wrong pick but I always thought that GHW Bush picked him so he would not show him up.
I was astounded that he was picked. That was the year that I was seriously thinking of voting for Perot. Until he went nutso.
That was the year that I was seriously thinking of voting for Perot. Until he went nutso.
Just so. But I voted for nutso four years later rather than pull the lever for either the grifter or the tax collector for the welfare state.
"all because in judging a school spelling bee contest, he was handed an answer card with the misprint "potatoe" as the answer and decided to follow the card."
No republican anywhere should accept anything given to them for public presentation purposes from any lefty, liberal or LLR-lefty.
And always record your full interviews.
And never speak with an FBI or DOJ rep without an attorney present.
If I have to read from a teleprompter, I am horrible. If I have to read from notes, I am even worse.
I routinely talk for days at a time (1-3 day workshops) with nothing but PowerPoint slides, mostly pictures. I can do fairly well at that.
Or, when I was teaching, for a 3 hour class, I would have 10 pages of notes in outline form just to keep me on track.
14 point type, triple spaced, 2 inch margins.
I'd love to see what is on the teleprompter when President Trump speaks. I know he is not speaking completely extemporaneously but I'll bet that all he has on the teleprompter is the broad outlines of what he wants to say.
I think this is what makes him such an unusually great public speaker.
John Henry
This is shaping up really well.
It makes one wonder how many takes that announcement video took before they got it right.
If he was using a teleprompter in this speech, and it looks like he was, that is even worse. It suggests he is having trouble actually reading- this is a sign of dementia.
Orange (sic) you glad that corpsemen (sic) don't drink covfefe (sic).
No surprise that Chuck is in here defending Biden and attacking Trump.
Just what any Republican would do.
"The Hill" says Biden has 47% of the Black Female vote. If so, Biden will be the Black persons candidate and he's a shoe-in. All primaries get down to this:
1) who is the establishment candidate.
2) who is the anti-establishment candidate.
If Biden is the establishment candidate AND has the black vote. He's in - like Flynn.
I don't give a shit what "chuck" says about anything.
I'm 5 months younger than Joe Biden. I can speak the language without embarrasment. I have about as much hair on my head as he had in 1988 -- less than he has now, and it's gray rather than white. I thought Anita Hill was a nut case from the beginning. There are folks I'd love to threaten to "put into chains". I only hug people I've been introduced to.
So, Demo's, give me a call. I'm available.
"Hunter Biden — Biden’s second son — secured $1 billion in financing from the Bank of China — an arm of the Chinese government — for a private equity firm founded by himself and Christopher Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry. That private equity firm was named Bohai-Harvest RST (BHR)."
"all because in judging a school spelling bee contest, he was handed an answer card with the misprint "potatoe" as the answer and decided to follow the card."
Not a misprint. Teacher was drilling students with cards, they had to call out which ones werent spelled correctly.
stevew said...
Bay Area Guy said...
If the Dems want to win 2020, they will do two things:
1. Embrace Biden (flaws and all)
The problem is Joe Biden may drop dead by then. Look at him. When was it in the 80s that two or three Russian leaders dropped dead in a row? We don't like that here.
No, I still say Sanders is it. He's old but apparently vigorous. And I don't think he's taking no for an answer this time. He's got all the muscle. All the bomb throwers and bike lock guys. James T Hodgkinson was one of his. Althouse thought it was a threat to get baseballs in her yard? See what his opponents get. Nobody's going to jail or killing anybody for Kamala Harris or Peter Buttgag.
Chuck: "How would that go over?"
Golly gee, Mr Moby. You sure spend a lot of time and energy promoting the enemy's point of view.
You ever going to apply those fancy standards to yourself? Or whine more about how no one respects a traitor?
Joe "decaffeinated" Biden.
So the non-entity Biden is the right-wing's newest flavor of the month? How quaint.
This guy is in politics today for one reason. He presented better "optics" to make the black presidential candidate seem less "scary" to old, working class, cocky white guys like himself - and then got the 2nd-in-command spot for 8 years because of it.
But let's forget about his other failed presidential runs.
It's amazing how much the right exposes their own superficial obsession with images as if reality, or policies, don't matter.
But they do, and the rest of the country has no use for bringing out the nice old hands-on white grampa to go against the mean old hands-on grampa.
What is Ritmo going to do when McD's goes to kiosks?
What is comedy going to do when Michael K becomes worm food?
Every time you revert to your one-joke you reveal how old, senile and boring you are.
Robots will soon be outsourcing truckers and radiologist - but go on and keep your classist smears. Just because I didn't grow up as you did with an absentee country club mom and a wet nurse doesn't mean I'm not successful. In fact, unlike you, I worked my way up to it.
You just resent it when people refuse to kiss your old decrepit butt. Which can't be embalmed and entombed soon enough.
You are so old you never even got the memo that no one cares about that trustafarian upbringing and elitism of yours that you invest so much pride in.
Isn't it a shame that Ritmo never got into medical school and has to work fast food?
Isn't it a shame that even medical school couldn't make Michael K Swango intelligent, decent or honest?
You know I don't work in fast food. Just because you have no effective attack against me doesn't mean you have to say stupid things, things that reveal how much hate you have for any American who isn't well-off or a rich douchebag.
I do advise you to persuade your Republican party however to campaign on your anti-working class sentiments, though. Please do that.
Great news!!
Hunter Biden, fresh off years of getting high on cocaine and having daddy use his VP office to press foreign govts to give him lucrative contracts, has decided that now would be a terrific time to cease screwing his dead brothers wudow, with whom he had an affair!!
Just in time for daddys campaign!!
What a coincidence!
Cant wait to hear more about all those Ukrainian officials with lots of contacts with the Clinton gang and the Biden family...and PUTIN!!
Not a moment too soon I'd say.
"Isn't it a shame that Ritmo never got into medical school and has to work fast food?"
That does it! I am never eating fast food again.
Isn't it a shame that Ritmo never got into medical school and has to work fast food?
Hehe. It's kinda funny watching Ritmo failing at insults. He's like a dog in a cone of shame who can't figure out how to lick his own butt.
Ironically, Biden is neither clean nor articulate.
No Biden is a paid up minion of the subprime cartel that khuzaimi last seen going after Paul Manafort didnt touch.
Interestingly, Biden's greatest strength, according to these polls, is with nonwhite voters.
Well, of course!
1: It's white leftists who are the big SJW nutcases
2: The non-white voters who are died in the wool racists won't vote for Biden in the primary. That still leaves a lot of people, when a "huge lead" is 39% of the electorate
3: The general election is over 18 months away. Primaries don't start for at least another 8 months. Poll number now are really pretty meaningless
If Biden had run in 2016, and the Obama DoJ had been willing to enforce the law against Hillary, Biden would be President.
But Trump will have 4 years of actually governing conservatively, rather than just shooting his mouth off, and Biden is a child and adult female molester. So while I somewhat doubt Biden can win the Dem primary, I strongly doubt he can beat Trump
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