This turned out to be one of the most prescient and important (and creepy) statements of the Trump presidency: from Chuck Schumer to Rachel Maddow - in early January, 2017, before Trump was even inaugurated:— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 8, 2019
Maddow asks Schumer to respond to a Trump tweet that says, "The 'Intelligence' briefing on so-called 'Russian hacking' was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time needed to build a case. Very strange!"
Schumer leans in, and in a muttering, tough-guy voice says: "Look... yep... lemme tell ya, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at ya. So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he's being really dumb to do this... From what I'm told, they are very upset with how he has treated them."
७४ टिप्पण्या:
"From what I'm told, they are very upset with how he has treated them."
Ha! They ain't seen nothin' yet.
In the bad old days of the FBI, J. Edgar is said to have maintained files on politicians in order to get what he wanted. The intelligence community learned that lesson well. Time to clean house of the political operatives who failed so many times in doing their jobs.
He talks like this was to be expected and OK. Mess with the bull, get the horns. Drain the swamp.
So all those screenwriters weren't paranoid.
Why didn't Trump get the Profile in Courage award instead of Nasty Pelosi? What courageous thing has that entitled, lefty done?
How much doubt is there that the "intelligence sources" Maddow alludes to are the exact people who later went to work as paid commentators for MSNBC and CNN?
The MSM were part of the "six ways from Sunday of getting back at ya."
Nope, not at all like the Mafia. Perfectly normal to live in fear of your government.
Maybe Trump should have the DIA talk to MI6 and see of Steven Halper couldn't find his way onto the Bernie campaign. Just to have some intelligence in place in case some Chinese tries to influence the election. All very hush hush of course. (have the Ambassador to the UN start unmasking Americans swept up in daily capture of communications of American citizens.)
In case you were wondering who is really in charge of things, remember that Chuck Schumer is a very smart guy who wouldn't make that kind of mistake. He's the kind of guy who knows who is really in charge.
Unless things have changed. Have they? We shall see.
This is what's amazing to me. He sounds pleased with the idea.
No one should be OK with that. Not those on the left, who have traditionally so distrusted the FBI/CIA/OGA; not the anti-Trump right who have admired those agencies while disdaining or distrusting the president.
Schiff made his rep prosecuting a stupid bureau agent who fell for a Russian spy.
JPS: "This is what's amazing to me. He sounds pleased with the idea."
What lefty/LLR isn't pleased about this?
They all love it because they understand that it will never be done to them and the GOPe can be pushed to approve of it as well.
Downer was a director for Huawei, halper had siloviki ties.
Speaking as a former 'intelligence' professional, you can break them down into roughly 3 groups
1) MI (Military Intelligence) - Smart, honorable, not always 100% correct, but with their hearts in the right place with loyalty to both the nation, service, and their comrades. Tend to start out as low 'social pathology' people until....
...2) They get recruited into the 'bigger' leagues. NSA, CIA, FBI. These organizations are political but they can get broken into 2 groups, analysts (super smart people) and 'management'. Analysts are great folks. Management is what takes on the bureaucratic/administrative drudgery and also ends up dealing with the worst the world has to offer in people. 'Management' are decent too, it's just that they end up having to juggle too many competing interests as well as the ocean of scumbags both on your side and not, and it tends to make them jaded and combative.
3) The 'climbers' and the consultants. The truly evil. These are the outside professionals and lifers for whom the intelligence business is about power, manipulation, money, getting what you want and revenge on who you want. Mostly rivals but not always. Seldom come from MI, mostly beltway people from elite universities with impeccable resumes and no small amount of early groundwork in politics or the military industrial complex (companies like LockMart etc.). Not necessarily employed within the agencies themselves but boy oh boy do they make huge amounts as outside contractors.
This is a hugely broad generalization of course, but #3 is who you want to grow eyes in the back of your head for. 3'ers are psychopaths. 3'ers are who - with cooperation and support from the DNC - went after Trump.
That should be big news on all the majored DNC networks.
Brennan should be indicted for treason.
Fear the government
Fear the leftwing mob
Fear the fact that the democrat party and the press are colluding.
Schumer knew all about this sham. It was an attempted coup by the Deep State.
By rights, Brennan and Comey should get life in prison; not book deals and no-show jobs on NBC and CNN.
Since WWII The Deep State has been running the USA using the CIA's advantages of being a complete in itself State with its own Army , its own Navy, and its own Air Force run above the law. They have gotten used to using the President, the Congress and the Media as their governance tools for which they get their cut of the loot.
Ergo: Trump arrived in DC as the ONLY non corrupt player in the home of The World's only Super Power. The civil war in DC that Trump's election has incited is reaching a crisis this year. Slowly the corrupt are being exposed, fired and replaced.
They never should have cut down JFK in Dallas.
Schumer sounds like a co-conspirator. So Chuck, what did you know and when did you know it?
Maddow is an antagonistic creep.
consider walter Sheridan, he was the head of the dnc's plumbers, he was nsa, then was attached to Robert Kennedy's staff, then he headed intertel, a top security contractor that handled projects for among other the nfl, for every howard hunt, there's a 100 of these, then there's larry johson, an ex state department and company analyst, who was part of an outfit called paladin, which organized the front group vips, which was Valerie plame's cheering section,
"From what I'm told, they are very upset with how he has treated them."
They were. They staged a coup. They failed.
Trump intuited the "very strange" attack on him from the beginning. So did a few of us cynical deplorables. Now the world knows, at least the right and the sane lefties.
Hill colluded with foreign agents and Russians to stop Trump. The Deep State took over, first to prevent Trump's victory, then to insure that he wouldn't take or keep office. The MSM did their bidding, leaking fake news, giving a platform to the Brennan smears.
Schumer's tone is the tell: progs have no principles but power--all the decades of lefty criticism of intel operatives running wild disappeared pronto, when the Deep State turned out to be a Dem tool.
Of course the process did enormous damage, to Trump and to the system. But progs still miscalculated: they gambled that Trump would fold or that a tiny bit of dirt would suffice. But they had nothing, nothing of consequence. Brennan knew: he worked hard to run operatives at the camping to fabricate the dirt himself. So at least in the short run, the damage to the left is greater.
Mueller’s team has played dirty from the start. Contrary to the public narrative that the team was “leak-proof,” the opposite is actually true. As I recently wrote, “It has been three years of innuendo and leaks, leaks, leaks, leaks, and uncountable more examples of leaks dripping poison into the poison-addicted pens of the partisan media. The Mueller team has never had to prove anything involving Trump-Russian collusion to anyone because the special counsel needs no proof to function as a potent political weapon.”
To name two awful examples: the leak of the Cohen/Trump audio recording that appears to have been seized by the feds and the leak of the written questions to the president. Add to that list a new leak reported by the New York Times, “Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.”
Did you get that? Anonymous sources claiming to be familiar with other anonymous sources on the Mueller team are the source for the New York Times article. Double secret hearsay. My editor would laugh in my face if I tried to publish an article with such flimsy of sourcing. But no standard is too low in the pursuit of getting Trump.
It seems to me that this was an attempt to turn the US into a socialist state by a media / intelligence coup. The Six Ways From Sunday plot. And we're not out of the woods yet but we were in more danger when it seemed very unlikely that a former Secretary of State, the head of the FBI and the head of the CIA would conspire against the elected President, trying overthrow him by disinformation and leaks. And they don't really want socialism; they want the perks of socialism = absolute control of the economy so as to direct benefits to themselves. That explains what I found so mysterious - that while they talked about socialism they disregarded the plight of the workers resulting from the export of jobs. And they still don't care. There isn't one in the Dem 2020 clown car that even tries to explain how to get jobs in any other way than the way Trump is following. But identity clowns do know how to lose jobs and take from the poor to give to the rich - they support AOC who lost New York 10,000 jobs and they support the Raw Green Deal which will take away your car, your furnace and your air-conditioner but not their limo, their Caribbean trip and their swimming pool.
remember that Chuck Schumer is a very smart guy who wouldn't make that kind of mistake. He's the kind of guy who knows who is really in charge.
Which shows it is a classic example of a Kinsley gaffe
Rachel Maddow - butt kisser of the Deep State
Isn't this reason enough to re-elect Trump?
once you look past the blank pages,
The "Russian hacking" is now an accepted fact, right? All intel services agree; there was bipartisan agreement on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; the Mueller report will confirm it. There was Russian "hacking" in the form of Russian agents hacking various actors in the 2016 elections.
So the story that was around at the time -- Russian "hacking" of the election has been carefully vetted and explored. Russians did not change any votes or vote totals. Russians did not "hack" any voting machines. But they did hack political actors for the purpose of interfering in the election. And that's a fact.
It's also a fact, that Trump has said an amazing number of stupid things to and about the U.S. intelligence services. For a guy who picks a lot of fights and who habitually makes a lot of unfounded and scurrilous attacks on other people and institutions, Trump and his fans sure do seem like a bunch of snowflake-victims.
Since WWII The Deep State has been running the USA using the CIA's advantages of being a complete in itself State with its own Army , its own Navy, and its own Air Force run above the law
Fun Thoughts:
Eisenhower (who coined the word 'military industrial complex') was working on an "Open Skies Treaty' This was scrapped when the CIA sent a U-2 plane over areas they KNEW would result in a Russian response (without letting the President know).
Kennedy was working with Ngo Dinh Diem and the North Vietnamese to bring about peace in 1963; resulting the the CIA's assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem (and maybe other world leaders?)
There are, of course; LOTS MORE like these;
I'd like our readers to come up with ONE occasion where the CIA's actions HELPED american interests (as defined by the President, and NOT the CIA)????
traditionalguy said...
Since WWII The Deep State has been running the USA using the CIA's advantages of being a complete in itself State with its own Army , its own Navy, and its own Air Force run above the law. They have gotten used to using the President, the Congress and the Media as their governance tools for which they get their cut of the loot.
Ergo: Trump arrived in DC as the ONLY non corrupt player in the home of The World's only Super Power. The civil war in DC that Trump's election has incited is reaching a crisis this year. Slowly the corrupt are being exposed, fired and replaced.
They never should have cut down JFK in Dallas.
This is your commentariat, Althouse. Haha.
I'll say it again. In the late 1950's and early 1960's, one of Bill Buckley's biggest tasks was not simply creating the conservative movement; that was big enough. But Buckley also had to deal with the nuts in the John Birch Society who had accused half of the federal government including President Dwight D. Eisenhower of being communist sympathizers. Buckley had to draw a hard line between conservatives who would write for the nascent National Review and the Birchers. Buckley had to denounce the nuts. Only after that, could conservatism grow as a serious movement in American politics.
Obviously, Trumpism is the new Bircherism.
I'd like our Life Long Liberals to come up with ONE occasion where the CIA's actions HELPED american interests (as defined by the President, and NOT the CIA)????
"But they did hack political actors for the purpose of interfering in the election"
What does the verb in that sentence mean?
we learn from mark moyar, who pointedly max boot did not see fit to cite, that diem under lansdales tutelage, was pushing back against viet cong incursions, up until the fall of 63, but it was Halberstam and his gang's reporting that convinced harriman that he had to act, and his far east section of state, came in contact with Kansas born Corsican lucein conein, to gather the coup plotters, one might well say, that was the death knell of any future progress in 63, Charles mccarry set the kennedy assassination as a revenge plot, but it was nowhere as clear cut,
the truth is the same people who had mishandled the cuba project, harriman, bundy, vance et al, were put in charge of efforts in Vietnam,
I am grateful to Comrade LLR and the others who try to police the deplorables who comment here. They generously and openly parade the leftist mindset for all to see. In particular, our dear Comrade demonstrates the way projection works: "Obviously, Trumpism is the new Bircherism." This McCarthyite broad stroke is what he endlessly criticizes the President for, but notice how frequently he himself applies it. More generally, this is a psychodynamic one can observe in the most rabid of leftist propagandists.
Sad, but useful.
ironically, the u 2 project was why we knew there wasn't a missile gap, but that was compartmentalized info, just like Eisenhower's work on the brigade intervention, I do fault dulles for not insisting on Trinidad, near the vendee of the underground, the escambray mountanins, and letting the flotilla, come aground on fidel's second home,
Give the post an Adderall tag for Maddow's pressure of speech.
after that project fell apart, the company went over to the congo, to engage with Guevara's men, some of this is dramatized in William butterworth's army series, I went to school with the sons of at least one who flew planes in that engagement, along the way they picked up a defector from g 2, Richard 'the monkey' morales, he was at least a triple agent for the company, the bureau, the dea, his old masters and probably himself, I mentioned his part in framing the black legend around Orlando bosch and luis posada carriles,
An emotional political coup, with warlock hunts and trials for entertainment?
Throw the baby on the barbie, here's to progress.
hack 1 (hăk)
v. hacked, hack·ing, hacks
1. To cut or chop with repeated and irregular blows: hacked down the saplings.
2. To make or shape by hitting or chopping with a sharp implement: hacked a trail through the forest.
3. To break up the surface of (soil).
a. To alter (a computer program): hacked her text editor to read HTML.
b. To gain access to (a computer file or network) illegally or without authorization: hacked the firm's personnel database.
5. Slang To cut or mutilate as if by hacking: hacked millions off the budget.
6. Slang To cope with successfully; manage: couldn't hack a second job.
1. To chop or cut something by hacking.
a. To write or refine computer programs skillfully.
b. To use one's skill in computer programming to gain illegal or unauthorized access to a file or network: hacked into the company's intranet.
3. To cough roughly or harshly.
1. A rough, irregular cut made by hacking.
2. A tool, such as a hoe, used for hacking.
3. A blow made by hacking.
4. An attempt to hit a baseball; a swing of the bat.
a. An instance of gaining unauthorized access to a computer file or network.
b. A program that makes use of existing often proprietary software, adding new features to it.
c. A clever modification or improvement.
6. A rough, dry cough.
In what sense were "actors" "hacked"?
Chuck at 8:38 AM
The "Russian hacking" is now an accepted fact, right?
I don't accept "The Russian hacking" as fact.
Neither do The Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.
The public has received only assertions, not any proof.
In the documents that the US Intelligence Community has released to the public, all the "proof" is redacted.
The US Intelligence Community's leadership concocted evidence that George Papadopoulos and Carter Page were agents of Russian Intelligence. The evidence was concocted in order to justify FISA warrants to collect and study communications within Donald Trump's campaign staff and further throughout Trump's personal sphere.
The recorded communications would be used to leak to Trump-hating journalists -- in order to create a false impression throughout the public that Trump was colluding secretly with Russian Intelligence.
The US Intelligence Community developed an "insurance policy" for the possibility that Trump won an Electoral College majority by a narrow margin. In such a situation, the recorded communications would be used to convince Electoral College voters to switch their Electoral College votes from Trump to Clinton because he had won only because he colluded with Russia. That was the "insurance policy".
However, Trump's Electoral College margin was far too large to remove by convincing a few Electoral College voters to switch their votes.
and apelbaum whose analytics I trust reviewed that report, clearly the joint assessment largely based on crowdstrike's finding were seriously flawed,
it seems plausible along with every other revelation, seeing as Anthony kennedy was wobbling more than a dreidel, that was a likely prospect,
Mike Sylwester said...
The US Intelligence Community's leadership concocted evidence that George Papadopoulos and Carter Page were agents of Russian Intelligence. The evidence was concocted in order to justify FISA warrants to collect and study communications within Donald Trump's campaign staff and further throughout Trump's personal sphere.
I don't know how this doesn't frighten every voting American.
Let's ask all Democrats running for president if they agree to have their campaign communications collected by the Trump administration.
“And we're not out of the woods yet but we were in more danger when it seemed very unlikely that a former Secretary of State, the head of the FBI and the head of the CIA would conspire against the elected President, trying overthrow him by disinformation and leaks.”
To be fair, the level of involvement of FBI Dir Comey in the conspiracy is not clear. Was he a useful dunce, or active conspirator? On this flip side, his deputy, Andy McCabe was seriously on the inside of the conspiracy. A lot of the Russian Collusion hoax was playing tied at his $70k conference room table. One thing to keep in mind here is that McCabe and Strzok were the ones trying to run out the clock on the Weiner laptop, and Comey appeared to panic when he found out about it a month later through other sources. And you left out some of the key players, notably DNI Clapper, who appears to have been the brains of the operation, and very possibly NSA Susan Rice and UN Ambassador Powers, who appear to have been supplying the authorizations for their massive FISA unmasking operation. I think that it was also Rice who greatly broadened who had access to FISA information, and started putting unmasked intel on US Persons in Obama’s PDBs to get around privacy protections. I mentioned Strzok above. Don’t count him out as a key player. He did an amazing job at being at the center of every part of the various pieces, up until he was pushed out of the Mueller team with the exposure of his text messages with Lisa Page. Some have suggested that he was a CIA asset in the FBI. Clapper and Brennan seem to have been on a first name basis with him.
Lucid has suggested that there are three segments to the intelligence fence community, and that military intelligence (#1) tend to wear the white hats. We may be seeing the fight between the white hats (#1) and black hats (#3) playing out here. NSA Dir Adm Rogers blew up and exposed the rampant 702 FISA abuse by the FBI in April/May of 2016, and likely is the one who told Trump about being surveiled by their use of FISA warrants on at least Carter Page. And at least the first Carter Page warrant was rushed through the FISC a day or so before Rogers took the 702 abuse to the FISC. DNI Clapper then tried to get Adm Rogers fired by Obama as head of the NSA. And Gen Flynn was one of the golden boys in MI (#1). No one should be surprised that the black hats, led here by FBI DD McCabe, took him out, after having become Trump’s NSA. Trump seems well aligned with MI, esp with all of the flag officers in his early Administration. Finally, there is a strong belief that Q represents MI in this fight,
Something else of interest here. I noted that Strzok had his fingers in everything going on politically durin the last 2/3 of 2016 up through when he and his GF Lisa Page got removed from the Mueller investigation in summer of 2017. The publication of their redacted text messages began the unraveling of the entire conspiracy. Was that IG Horowitz acting alone, or was that MI operating against the black hats? Someone discovered their existence, knew of the central part played by Strzok and Page, and then staged the release or leak of their highly incriminating text messages.
I'm willing to believe it was the Russians who hacked Podesta's and the DNC's emails, but if Mueller was just reasserting the original assertions without actually doing an investigation, then I say GIGO.
Besides, it seems there would be many interested actors who want to see political emails, and perhaps especially the Podesta's, whom it seems are getting off lightly if they don't get the full Manafort treatment.
Bruce Hayden at 9:36 AM
The publication of their redacted text messages began the unraveling of the entire conspiracy. Was that IG Horowitz acting alone, or was that MI operating against the black hats?
The release of Strzok's and Page's text messages began on the day after the indictment of Michael Flynn was announced.
It's likely that two events were related. The indictment caused the release.
The relationship of these two events has been discussed in The Conservative Treehouse.
“The "Russian hacking" is now an accepted fact, right? All intel services agree; there was bipartisan agreement on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; the Mueller report will confirm it. There was Russian "hacking" in the form of Russian agents hacking various actors in the 2016 elections.
So the story that was around at the time -- Russian "hacking" of the election has been carefully vetted and explored. Russians did not change any votes or vote totals. Russians did not "hack" any voting machines. But they did hack political actors for the purpose of interfering in the election. And that's a fact.”
No - it isn’t an accepted fact. I think a much better case can be made that the actual source of the DNC emails was a disgruntled Bernie Bro on the inside, who copied them to a Flash drive, and delivered them to Wikileaks. This is supported by the file transfer times, as well as having been stored on a FAT device.
The IC determination that it was the result of Russian hacking is just too contrived. It was made almost entirely on the say so of CrowdStrike, Inc, a DNC contractor. No one outside CrowdStrike ever saw the actual servers, or even images of the servers. The IC report was orchestrated by DNI Clapper using only hand picked CIA and FBI analysts, the latter led by none other than the ubiquitous Peter Strzok. This was apparently completely out of the ordinary about how this sort of thing should have been done. The other agencies in the IC should have been involved. The servers should have been imaged, under subpoena, and the raw email hives looked at. The NSA should have been able to identify when the transfers were made, given their supposed speed and destination. That is part of what they do for a living. None of this was done. Instead, it came down to “CrowdStrike said it happened, and we have worked with them before”. Lucid talks about the climbers (#3) and contractors. Obviously where CrowdStrike falls, which puts them squarely in the camp of the black hats, along with Clapper, Brennan, McCade, and Strzok.
mueller was sure that Stephen hatfill was guilty, but 5.5 million dollars later, he still wasn't, and then again with bruce ivins, he did not take affirmative steps with the the four men who languished in prison for barboza's crime, his note taking was used to depose alberto Gonzalez after the fact, to protect comey and fitz, during the stellar wind matter,
Ah, that Schumer; always casually dropping official abuse of authority like it is no big deal. That should have scared Maddow, but she thinks it will always be abused against people she dislikes. Sort of like Amanpour asking why the former FBI Director didn't engage in squashing freedom of speech. Remember, these are the guys that think they need to run fact checking services against Trump.
casually dropping official abuse of authority like it is no big deal. That should have scared Maddow, but she thinks it will always be abused against people she dislikes
there's that saying about democrat projection; that the things they accuse the repubs of doing are the things that They are doing...
I think there is a corollary: Dem's NEVER think that Their government abuses could be used against Them
Conspiracy Theory Central, that is what these threads have become.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Conspiracy Theory Central, that is what these threads have become.
4/9/19, 10:18 AM
Says Mrs. Pee Pee Dossier.
Well it rarely is, name an example.
@Sylvester - yes, I am enough of a conspiracy nut to read CTH on a regular basis. But didn’t start doing so until after the text messages were already out there, so missed the timing. That timing, of course, suggests very strongly to be that the release or leak of the text messages was in direct retaliation, and that it was done by MI (#1) aimed at the Deep Stare IC (#3). Black hats took out one of their key assets (Gen Flynn), so they took out one of their enemy’s key agents (Peter Strzok).
For those who maybe don’t follow this as obsessively, here is a list of what Strzok was a key player in, from his slot as #2 in the Counterintelligence Division at the FBI (he routinely worked around his boss, Bill Priestap, keeping him in the dark, and out of key meetings, just as DD McCabe seemed to do with his boss, Comey):
- lead agent for MYE (Clinton email) non-investigation investigation
- lead agent for Crossfire Hurricane (Trump Russian collusion) investigation hoax
- lead agent in determination that DNC server was hacked by the Russians, apparently handpicked by DNI Clapper
- was the one who was trying to run out the clock investigating the Weiner laptop for Clinton emails. He was in charge of both investigations, and put CH as more important than MYE, and never asked for more manpower, given the importance of the laptop
- then told Comey (likely via McCabe) that they couldn’t analyze the emails on the laptop on time, then led team that pretended to do just that, lying to Comey that they had done so over a pizza fueled weekend, when they had only looked at a small fraction of the emails, not finding anything of interest, because they hadn’t really looked. This is part of why I suggested the useful dunce characterization of Comey (Strzok and McCabe ran him around in circles there).
- AAG Bruce Ohr met with Strzok and Steele in maybe August 2016 about the Steele Dossier. Strzok subordinate became Ohr’s FBI handler. Also Ohr subordinate Andrew Weissman, who would go on to be Mueller’s lead prosecutor.
- met with CIA Dir Brennan on multiple occasions, as well as other CIA people
- flew to London to get the intel that was formally used to open the investigation that resulted in the FISA applications on Carter Page.
- appears to have been involved in setting up Mueller independent counsel and possibly helping to pick the team.
Notably, taking out Strzok took out his supposed lover, Lisa Page too. She had a unique and anomalous position in the FBI as essentially DD McCabe’s personal attorney. She had both of their ears, and acted like a go between on a number of instances. She moved to the Mueller team about the same time as Strzok, and was pushed out similarly. She was allowed to voluntarily leave the FBI, while Strzok was fired for cause, suggesting that she was likely more forthcoming, and very much more so than her former boss, McCabe, according to the OIG report that got McCabe fired.
"From what I'm told, they are very upset with how he has treated them."
I do hope Trump makes them even more upset.
I'll chance another comment (I have submitted two recently, only one of which got posted).
On conspiracies: the human world is little more than a web of overlapping and competing conspiracies, some better hidden than others. The important question to be asked is,"What evidence is there that this particular conspiracy actually exists?"
So far, evidence of an anti-Trump conspiracy is much stronger than evidence that Trump conspired or colluded with the Russians. I don't expect that to change.
Pecan Pie Detective wrote:
"So the story that was around at the time -- Russian "hacking" of the election has been carefully vetted and explored. Russians did not change any votes or vote totals. Russians did not "hack" any voting machines. But they did hack political actors for the purpose of interfering in the election. And that's a fact."
I don't doubt the Russians, the Chinese, and others try to penetrate the intranets and computers of American political operations- we do the exact same thing to them, and rightly so, but there is literally no evidence that the published e-mails of the DNC and John Podesta came from the Russians. Literally no proof whatsoever. Provide us the us the proof, Chuck.
In short, what you need to prove is that Wikileaks got the material from the Russians. Do so if it is a fact as you write.
The Intelligence Community is very upset? Does Brennan consider himself the Shadow President?
Sounds like the need to be torn up by the roots and reformed. They are supposed to work for us, not launch coup attempts or engage in power struggles with the legitimately elected President of the United States.
Inga: Conspiracy Theory Central, that is what these threads have become.
прими лекарства!
Bill Buckley was a nasty person. He was a terrible father and his son refused to help raise the kid he fathered.
This is Bill Buckley’s legacy.
A man who fails as a father is a failure.
that is coming across from his ungrateful son, who has gone from somewhat amusing political thrillers to rather cloying tales, like his last about 17th century England,
Contra Chuck: The new Birchers are the progs, the wokers, the hate America illuminati. They are wrapped in and warped by their own conspiracy theories. They see enemies and deviants everywhere, including among the Democrat party old timers. And, like Eisenhower in 1952, the establishment D's cannot bring themselves to condemn their versions of McCarthy. Nor will the Nation or the New Republic. The far left will capture the nomination this time and the results will dwarf 1964 or 1972. No enemy on the left.
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, continues to believe the Brennan/Comey lie about Russian election interference even as all the other Brennan/Comey lies are exposed.
This sort of willful ignorance (even pretending at same) is amusing.
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. (Except when an LLR needs to believe a lie.)
Chuck can be safely ignored along with Inga and gadfly.
Now to serious matters, I have read CTH since the Trayvon Martin thing when they had the best coverage. I tend not to read the comments which are into conspiracy theories. Sundance, however does a great job,
Good comments, Bruce.
New evidence keeps popping up.
A senior member of Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s International Legal Cooperation Dept. told John Solomon that since last year, he’s been blocked from getting visas for himself and a team to go to the U.S. to deliver evidence of Democratic party wrongdoing during the 2016 election to the DOJ. The senior prosecutor Kostiantyn Kulyk never got an answer, and he says it’s because the visas were blocked by the U.S. Ambassador.
That ambassador was part of the whole "Russia Hoax" operation with taking down Manafort a high priority.
here is more on her.
Solomon says that Lutsenko and Kulyk have been trying for a year to present their evidence to officials at the Sessions/Rosenstein led DOJ, however, not a single official they’ve contacted has shone any interest in pursuing the claims.
The men then decided to travel to the U.S. to speak with new Attorney General William Barr directly about their findings.
However, their attempts to obtain visas have been thwarted repeatedly by U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, a highly partisan Democrat. Kulyk told Solomon, “We were supposed to share this information during a working trip to the United States. However, the [U.S.] ambassador blocked us from obtaining a visa. She didn’t explicitly deny our visa, but also didn’t give it to us.”
More Deep State. Obama appointed her in 2016 and she has acted as his agent in the Russia Hoax.
Looks like sane people up thread took care of pointing out the lie from our local pecan pie troll. But this is a point of contention to me I cant get over knowing repetition of the lie.
There is Zero evidence used by the Intell community to declare the Russians hacked The DNC or Podesta. Zero evidence.
I will gladly be proven wrong and eat crow. Just lay out the facts for me.
@Gilbar. Another one. The oil companies were working on a Law of the Sea treaty (maybe an amendment) covering the abandonment of offshore platforms in an ecological but less expensive way, i.e. let them tumble in place as fish site etc. Navy did like it and low and behold a sub hit one of the North Sea platforms noting how dangerous they were. LOL
There should be a Glenn Greenwald tag on this post.
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