CNN's Sam Vinograd: Yes, Obama also separated families at the border, but when he did it, it was "for their own protection."
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 9, 2019
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
CNN's Sam Vinograd: Yes, Obama also separated families at the border, but when he did it, it was "for their own protection."
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 9, 2019
१२४ टिप्पण्या:
I admit, that’s funny.
When my children were toddlers, they both tried to eat cat poop. When my son tried it, my daughter, who is a year and a half older began mocking him. My wife pointed out that, when she was his age, she'd eaten cat poop too. She replied: "But I was very careful."
You see a lot of people across the web say, "These people must not be able to hear themselves speak...."
Close. They hear just fine. They just don't think well.
I thought based on Tank's comment she might have been joking somehow.
I think these people are just terrible and stupid.
Trust me, this is for your own good.
Yes, Obama's subordinates spied on the Trump campaign, but when he did it, it was for their own protection.
The Left has no standard by which to judge actions. The only standard is Trump bad, Obama good.
she actually worked for Obama's nsc, ponder that consideration,
If you let the families sit still for a few days the children will rise to the top and you can skim them off with a large spoon or backhoe and then wrap them in foil.
She replied: "But I was very careful."
From Dave Barry
In chapter 7 of ‘Lessons from Lucy’ you mention some challenging cases where it may be quite difficult to tell the truth, such as when your children ask you if you ever did drugs. I personally find it best to be completely honest in this kind of situation. I always say, "Yes, but I was drunk at the time."
It's either a belated or forward-looking April Fools gesture of that is funny.
Who built the cages? Trump?
Thank God for the benign authoritarianism of our betters.
Obama was a deity, people.
Obama blamed everything on Bush for 8 years.
That’s different because shut up.
We read the comments of Ritmo, Inga, Freder, and Howard and we think, surely there must be an intelligent Democrat somewhere.
What if there's not?
To paraphrase Detective Mills from Se7en, I am curious whether Sam Vinograd ever stops after saying something like that and says, "Wow! It is amazing what a shameless hack I really am!" Yeah. Do you guys ever do that?
Obama did it for their own protection, but Trump systematized it. Not only that, he kept meticulous records of the atrocity.
Was that a smirk I saw Wolf Blitzer trying to suppress?
The chief meme here is to recognize simply that the Democrat Party wants open borders.
They don't mind if 150,000 illegal immigrants from Mexico/Honduras/Guatemala flood the border in El Paso, Tex.
The Democrat elites certainly don't live in El Paso, Texas or in the border towns.
In general, the Dems like hordes of illegal immigrants because of the chaos and disruption they cause.
In particular, though, they really, really like converting these illegals into Democrat votes which worked in California, but hasn't (yet) worked in Texas.
And, there are some Republican chamber of commerce factions who like "cheap labor" and who enable and assist the Dems in orchestrating these type of soft invasions.
Anyone disagree with this? Speak up.
Did you hear how she screwed up the narrative there?
She said, "When Obama separated children from their families, adults, Wolf..."
So Obama separated children from adults for their own protection. Trump separated children from their families needlessly.
Scott Adams is right. The thing to do is to call these Obama cages. Trump is continuing to put kids in Obama cages.
When Democrats do it - it's fine. dandy.
When any R does the exact same thing - it's EVIL AND WRONG!
Thank you DNC hack press.
& f you DNC hack press.
Big Mike said...
"We read the comments of Ritmo, Inga, Freder, and Howard and we think, surely there must be an intelligent Democrat somewhere.
What if there's not?"
It's rather more dispiriting than that. The professions that require high intelligence are so crap-thick with Democrats and Communists that the Dems think conservatives must all be stupid, because there aren't any of us in those professions. They think we are all coal-miners, or tractor-driving fentanyl addicts. So, the question is, how can so many seemingly intelligent people think that destroying the country they live in is a good idea, or at least, a necessary evil? I work with a lot of them, and they constantly amaze me. Intelligence is a tool, and it only solves the problems it is applied to.
That is some Grade A, extra strength, industrial use, high potency, responsibly sourced, sustainably grown, Fair Trade cognitive dissonance right there.
There is a correct anti-Trump answer to the problem.
When Obama's administration did it, they did it because they were overwhelmed and reactive.
When Trump's administration did it, they did it proactively, as if the Obama administration hadn't already screwed up the exact same scenario.
This is how I come down on a lot of Trump madness. Not "worst thing ever" but "why are you making the same mistakes?"
"Trump can't use Obama's separations as an excuse. Two wrongs don't make a right. But again, Obama wasn't wrong."
So, if Obama wasn't wrong, then Obama was right. Two rights don't make a right, either?
Why didn't anyone stand up and say, "Oh, for fuck's sake. What a load of bullshit!"
Oh, right... civility.
seeing as only 20% of the children, have genetic ties to the so called parents, tell us another way the 2014 wave was due to the inducements of daca and dapa,
"The professions that require high intelligence are so crap-thick with Democrats and Communists that the Dems think conservatives must all be stupid, because there aren't any of us in those professions."
They also lose the ability to step back and examine their assumptions critically, because these are so self-evident only the stupid would challenge them.
"So, the question is, how can so many seemingly intelligent people think that destroying the country they live in is a good idea, or at least, a necessary evil?"
But here - with respect - you're doing what they do. You are assuming they share key premises of yours. They don't think destroying the country is a good idea or even a necessary evil; they think they're helping or even saving this country.
That I find that belief somewhere between arguable and insane doesn't change the fact that they mostly believe it.
"Intelligence is a tool, and it only solves the problems it is applied to."
That's it. That explains a lot.
Then again, "Stupid is as stupid does."
When Obama did it, it must have been for saintly and divine reasons. Because shut up!
When that evil orange ogre did it, he must've wanted to cook and eat the children. Also because shut up!
on a similar note:
it's for our own good:
We need to stop with the equivalency and just start referring to the "Obama ages"
"President Trump is putting kids in Obama ages. We need to stop this. Only way to do it is stop them coming"
H/t Scott adams
John Henry
Marina Abramovic as a connoisseurs of small children always prefers the cage free children.
CNN's Sam Vinograd: Yes, Obama also separated families at the border, but when he did it, it was "for their own protection."
Did it even occur to her that Trump is doing it for our protection, you know, the citizens he's sworn to protect?
If CNN was being pipe into the airports in the US it would have virtually no viewers, other than the criminally insane. Obama jailed journalists and the media said nothing.
Big Mike said...
We read the comments of Ritmo, Inga, Freder, and Howard and we think, surely there must be an intelligent Democrat somewhere.
George Soros, Tim Cook, basically anyone in Silicon Valley with an 8 or 9 figure salary. Most Democrats in congress, who amass 8 or 9 figure fortunes on 5 or 6 figure salaries.
Some Democrats know where it's at.
How about a new tag: "It's Different When Trump Does It Because Shut Up"
Let me get this straight: Trump systemized something that Obama did which wasn't wrong.
This is CNN.
@ Henry
Was the policy a mistake? Or was it a necessary safety measure that got politicized?
It seems to me ICE set up a system under Obama to separate minors from adults for their own protection and ICE just kept using that system and facility until activists fed the media a narrative and created a controversy.
Why should the new, incoming Trump administration be expected to have perceived this system in a way that the Obama administration is not?
This reminds me of my favorite C.S. Lewis quote;
Of all the tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under the omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber barons cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
Holder says today they didn't say on Trump as Barr claimed. He tweeted, it's not called spying when it's legal. It's called an investigation.
See? When they do it, they are doing it with the approval of their own conscience.
We should be glad our betters are in power and are doing right by us.
Praise them!
"Did it even occur to her that Trump is doing it for our protection, you know, the citizens he's sworn to protect?"
1. We are not in any particular danger from the people trying to cross the border. Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans.
2. We're certainly not in danger if families detained at the border are kept together in detention rather than being separated.
Just what the country needs, more measles.
Bob Boyd said...
Was the policy a mistake? Or was it a necessary safety measure that got politicized?
Excellent question. Outside of the question of whether the policy was necessary and/or humane, my answer is that if the politicization of the policy made the policy impossible to implement, then the policy is a failure.
Political policies must map to political viability otherwise they will always fail.
I do think calling them Obama Cages would be interesting. It would cause so many head explosions. He might not want to be so intemperate towards a former President, however, although that courtesy will not be extended to him by any future Democrat President.
Here's a hypothesis. A TV studio set is a cocoon, a cloistered space, a safe space where, as you see on CNN and other networks, the participants are generally not subject to hostile interrogations of their expressed thoughts. You are surrounded, for the most part, by like thinking people who desperately want to demonstrate their own brilliance or insight by expressing ideas that are slightly different or better than their co-panelists. But there's no real hostility between those people because they're all on the same team. And also because there is no one else on the set, either on camera or behind the camera (production staff)who disagrees with what's being said. And because most everyone has an earbud, the speakers run little risk of really going off the rails because the voices in their head (uh, the producers not their own consciences)will pull them up short if need be. The atmosphere of a closed set is totally different than a hostile one-on-one interview or a public meeting where a "contributor" may be alone or otherwise outnumbered. A completely different venue is the late night show (like Colbert) where not only the host is on your side but the entire audience is being frenzy-whipped by the producers holding cue cards that say things like "scream" or "applaud" so as to convey the impression to the viewing audience that the "guest" is saying things that are so right and so obvious that only imbecilic deplorables (the "othering" that goes on in politics)could disagree.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
1. We are not in any particular danger from the people trying to cross the border. Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans.
2. We're certainly not in danger if families detained at the border are kept together in detention rather than being separated.
1) I believe you are thinking of the stats for *legal* immigrants. Illegals do commit more crimes than native borns.
2) How do you determine familial relationships without good paperwork, especially when bringing a kid (however obained) with you is a "get into the US free" card?
When Obama opposed gay marriage in 2008, he did it for the LGTB's own good: trying to save them from the old ball and chain.
I enjoyed the comment "Also when Obama droned people, it was for their own protection"
RC, "Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans."
Think you. might need to tighten up the internal logic of this statement
People in airports all over America just shake their heads at the sound of CNN. If only there was a way to cut it off at the airports...Just cut it off. Click! Ahhh...
The Great Liberal Lie: Illegal Aliens Commit Fewer Crimes
Robert Cook said...
"1. We are not in any particular danger from the people trying to cross the border. Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans."
The same could certainly be said for people who illegally enter your house, Cookie. They probably commit fewer crimes than you do. Certainly, they did not steal the house from aborigines that they murdered, like you did. By what right do you continue to occupy that house? How can you live with yourself? Let me guess, you lock your doors for the protection of the people outside.
Robert Cook,
"Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans."
If illegals commit crimes at any nonzero rate, you have more crime at higher rates of illegal immigration than at lower rates. In a sense, any crime committed by someone here illegally is one we didn't need to have.
"2. We're certainly not in danger if families detained at the border are kept together in detention rather than being separated."
We don't separate them for OUR protection. Isn't that pretty obvious? It was under Obama.
Every single illegal immigrant commits a crime. It's right there in the name.
Ok, whether or not ILLEGAL immigrants commit greater or fewer crimes than ordinary Americans is a secondary consideration.
The primary consideration is whether ILLEGAL immigrants enhance our country or detract from it. Small amounts of cheap labor is ok; 150,000 member caravan to become Dem voters? Probably bad.
If one is clueless on this issue, but honest, one might want to examine how Muslim immigration has impacted England, or France, or Denmark or Sweden.
Of course, unfettered immigration of hispanic catholics is much preferred to unfettered immigration of Sharia supporting Muslims, but the principle still holds.
A country that allows the unimpeded entrance of foreigners ceases to remain a country.
Some people are coy about their support of this aim.
Still no appearance here by the Very Learned Inga, who just yesterday took time out from smearing herself with feces to tell us that Obama never put children in cages.
Both Obama and Trump are right to separate children from adults until the status of the latter can be verified. The argument for crimes is a straw clown. Each jurisdiction is responsible for the criminals, abortionists, diversitists, etc. in their midst. We should neither export nor import this class of people. Also, it is to the benefit of people at both ends of the bridge and throughout, in order to mitigate collateral damage, to pursue emigration reform rather than immigration reform and similar policies of redistribution and avoidance.
JPS said...
"You are assuming they share key premises of yours. They don't think destroying the country is a good idea or even a necessary evil; they think they're helping or even saving this country."
I'm not so sure. Take Cookie here, for example. I think Cookie does recognize that there is a downside to allowing millions of violent, ignorant savages to move into a modern welfare state. But he also believes that it would mark him as morally lacking if he were to express a willingness to act on that belief. I also think that he manages to convince himself, not that we will somehow escape destruction, but that he will.
Maybe they don't have kids, or think someone else's kids will pay the price of their virtue-signaling. But believe me, they know. They don't move into those neighborhoods, virtuously imagining that those grateful immigrants will make good neighbors. They protect themselves from what they think is good enough for you and me.
In politics it is normal for to promise things to the people.
Democrats are promising higher minimum wages and "free" health care.
Why doesn't the RNC point out that when you limit immigration legal and illegal, wages go up.
Think of the talking points.
D. "Ice are Nazis" R."ICE raises wages"...
Democrat, "You want to build a wall cause you hate brown people" Rep response, "I hate cheap labor"
D. "Without illegals who do xxx" R. "There is no job done by an illegal immigrant for $10.00 per hour that cannot be done by a neck and face tatted ex convict, legal worker for $20.00 per hour." (What is the D response to that?)
Go on offense using the very concerns the D's profess, want to help the worker? Limit new labor...
Maybe it's as simple as this; they have been taught that tribal allegiance is atavistic and irrational, and they believe it, manging to overlook that everything they have, was provided by other members of their tribe. They think their is a big factory somewhere, that we stole from the Indians, and it produces all this stuff. Why not share it? There's plenty more where that came from.
All the people killed on our roads by people who are here illegally - just ignore all of that.
Whatever it is that Cook and his ilk do for a living needs a good dose of open borders: You’re a lawyer? open the flood gates. You’re an accountant? open the flood gates. Open border supporters also need more upward pressure on their housing costs and more downward pressure on their wages. It’s only fair.
Do as dog lovers do... call them crates never cages.
“This is how I come down on a lot of Trump madness. Not "worst thing ever" but "why are you making the same mistakes?"l
Because when they do it they are doing it out of spite.
“Still no appearance here by the Very Learned Inga, who just yesterday took time out from smearing herself with feces to tell us that Obama never put children in cages.”
Liar. Go find where I said Obama “never put children in cages”. Why do you people lie so much? You can’t make a point without lying? How pathetic and you don’t like it when we on the left think you’re stupid and dishonest, especially YOU.
Bay Area Guy said...
Yes, Obama's subordinates spied on the Trump campaign, but when he did it, it was for their own protection.
Something I've brought up here before (I think) and on Facebook and other places. If you think someone is infiltrating someone's company, command, campaign, or whatever, and you want to stop it- you tell the person at the top. Then you can seed people in who can help fight it. You don't insert people totally covertly and try to entrap people in the company, command, campaign, whatever. AG Barr actually mentioned that in passing on a talk show the other day. Nothing the FBI did was designed to STOP any foreign influence.
"Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans." I'd like to see the data on that, thank you in advance.
It's not that illegal immigrants are committing the crimes Americans won't do, they're actually adding their efforts to crimes by our own native lumpen proletariat, increasing the whole number.
Re: A high proportion of illegals are criminals. Wrong? Ask yourself where you'd like to do property crime, in L.A. or Guadalajara?
I actually finally agree with something Inga said. If Trump would have ran as a dem, there is no way he would have received the nomination.
100% correct.
It was fixed from the start for the Hilldebeast. Thank God for that. Bernie may have won.
“Inga said...
A "law to separate families" was enacted prior to April 2018, and the federal government is powerless not to enforce it.”
“There is no federal law that stipulates that children and parents be separated at the border, no matter how families entered the United States.
An increase in child detainees separated from parents stemmed directly from a change in enforcement policy repeatedly announced by Sessions in April and May 2018, under which adults (with or without children) are criminally prosecuted for attempting to enter the United StatesThe “zero-tolerance” policy he announced [in May 2018] sees adults who try to cross the border, many planning to seek asylum, being placed in custody and facing criminal prosecution for illegal entry.
The rumors correctly suggested that “family detention” as a whole came before the Trump administration, but as of August 2015 intact families at the border were rarely separated. Other iterations of the rumor held that the Obama administration separated more children from their parents than the Trump administration, a claim stemming from an inaccurate retelling of the fact that an influx of unaccompanied minors from Latin America crossed the border in from 2014 onward. In those instances, minor children primarily traveled without their parents.
Claims that the “law to separate families” was passed in 1997, those claims originated with a February 2018 Department of Homeland Security statement referencing “[l]egal loopholes [that] are exploited by minors, family units, and human smugglers.” The DHS statement claimed existing immigration policies “create a pull factor that invites more illegal immigration and encourages parents to pay and entrust their children to criminal organizations.”
However, neither the 1997 Flores settlement nor a 2008 human trafficking law cited in that release in any way stipulated that the government separate children from their parents.”
4/8/19, 5:49 PM “
I knew Snopes decided to get into the newspaper-style "fact check," but this is ridiculous.
The rumors correctly suggested
Henry to Bob Boyd:
"Was the policy a mistake? Or was it a necessary safety measure that got politicized?"
Excellent question. Outside of the question of whether the policy was necessary and/or humane, my answer is that if the politicization of the policy made the policy impossible to implement, then the policy is a failure. Political policies must map to political viability otherwise they will always fail.
We are the point where *any* effective policy to curtail illegal immigration will be politicized, and [be made to] fail. At which point reciting truisms about policy viability and policy failure is just so much vapid cant.
"The rumors correctly suggested.."
Unfortunately, none of the children separated from parents at the border during the Obama Spy-Fest Regime were named Heather Heyer, therefore not only do they not count, we neednt even recognuze they existed.
"How pathetic and you don’t like it when we on the left think you’re stupid and dishonest, especially YOU."
Tell us more Hoax dossier gal, tell us more....
Milwaukie guy said...
"Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans." I'd like to see the data on that, thank you in advance.
In an absolute sense, that's likely true. Because there's a lot more native born Americans than illegal immigrants. 20% of federal inmates according to recent headlines are illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants are nowhere near 20% of the population.
Well, then there's the uncomfortable for some fact that 100% of illegal immigrants are committing a crime- hence the term illegal immigrant. So each and every one of them is, by definition- a criminal. Even those carried across the border in their mother's arms.
In Southern Mexico, kidnapping is very common. People are kidnapped for a few hundred dollars. Or they are kidnapped, taken to a safe house and tortured for a few days, then killed and discarded.
In the United States, kidnapping has traditionally been taken very seriously. It was a death penalty crime, back when we took things seriously. But along the Southern Rim it is becoming more and more common, as the narcotraficantes and MS-13 become entrenched. So the question of whether illegal immigrants commit more crimes than Igna is kind of irrelevant. I will say this for Igna, I don't think she kidnaps people and tortures them for days. Probably she has a child in the Zetas who does, we'll be hearing about him at Thanksgiving.
It was Scott Adams who suggested calling them Obama Cages.
20% of the US Prison Population, 36,889 Inmates, Are Criminal Illegal Aliens Are 20% of the the US population illegal aliens? I don't think so. The DHS estimate of 12 million illegal aliens out of the US population of 329 million is 3.6%
Something I've brought up here before (I think) and on Facebook and other places. If you think someone is infiltrating someone's company, command, campaign, or whatever, and you want to stop it- you tell the person at the top. Then you can seed people in who can help fight it. You don't insert people totally covertly and try to entrap people in the company, command, campaign, whatever. AG Barr actually mentioned that in passing on a talk show the other day. Nothing the FBI did was designed to STOP any foreign influence.
Exactly right. The high-level "Get Trump" squad seeded folks into the periphery of the Trump campaign (Halper, Misfud, Veselnitskaya) to vex, entrap, capture the smaller Trump fish first, and then use it against the bigger Trump fish (by leaking salacious stuff to the press).
If you read the James Baker transcript, after Comey was fired, these FBI idiots seriously talked about a 25th Amendment removal of Trump (apparently 2 unnamed Cabinet members were on board).
1. We are not in any particular danger from the people trying to cross the border. Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans.
Illegal immigrants commit a crime just by being illegal immigrants. They should be arrested, detained, put on trial, and punished if convicted just like any other criminal.
2. We're certainly not in danger if families detained at the border are kept together in detention rather than being separated.
Families are not separated. Illegals carry no documents that prove identity or relationship. This is a deliberate tactic intended to disrupt and prolong the deportation process. Showing up without valid ID should be grounds for immediate and unconditional deportation. If someone is genuinely deserving of political asylum they should take the time to pack valid ID along with the other stuff migrants tend to carry.
Thanks, Chatt. Robert Cook's rhetorical balloon needs deflation by someone with facts at hand virtually every time he shows up.
"1. We are not in any particular danger from the people trying to cross the border."
Particular danger #1. The finacial costs due to illegal immigration are over the top. Particular danger #2. The people illegally crossing the southern border are a clear and present danger to a civil society.
"Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans."
Do you just regurgitate talking points? You might want to do some fact checking. (Hint-convictions)
"2. We're certainly not in danger if families detained at the border are kept together in detention rather than being separated."
See point #1. You do have some knowledge of the "families" crossing, as well as the present state of the facilities and adjucation time frames right?
Talking Points aren't going to cut the mustard anymore dude. Do some research. The wave of illegal immigration is with all certainty a clear and present danger to both our finances and our civil society. But whatever.
To others. The underlying reason, but not the only, illegals are supported by Dem areas is that they are counted in the census which garners more money and representation for Dem areas. Dems squeal like stuck pigs when the issue of who to count in the census is brought up.
Obama was killing them with kindness, but Trump was just killing them.
What if there's not?
Don't lose any sleep over it. There isn't. Definitely not in the group you mentioned...
Liar. Go find where I said Obama “never put children in cages”.
You spent an entire thread blaming Trump for family separation being on par with internment camps while ignoring Obama did the same, fucking thing.
“There is no federal law that stipulates that children and parents be separated at the border, no matter how families entered the United States.
9gth Circuit decision, dope. What it means, for the stupid.
n 2015, the plaintiff class in Janet Reno v. Flores moved to enforce the Flores Consent Decree of 1997 after the government asserted in 2014 that the decree only required the removal of unaccompanied minors from detention facilities as quickly as possible. The court, in Flores v. Loretta Lynch, sided with the plaintiff and held that the decree required the government to remove both accompanied and unaccompanied minors from detention facilities within a short period, which is now considered 72 hours
Hee, hee,hee.
Bay Area Guy: A country that allows the unimpeded entrance of foreigners ceases to remain a country.
Some people are coy about their support of this aim.
Some are, but most "anti-anti-open-borders" cavilers (like Cook) are just typical examples of that perennial ideological mindset that never, ever sees the longer-term effects of policies. Also, they see the different aspects of an issue only as unrelated fragments, that can be dismissed by carping about how inconsequential this or that fragment is.
Thus one can always rely on Cook showing up to autistically point out that "none of these people are any danger to us", as if anybody here actually thought they were in any kind of proximate "danger" from any particular small batch of illegal immigrants.
It's a childish mindset, yes, but not in most cases consciously malevolent. Not that there aren't genuinely malevolent types out there among the open-borders crowd.
@Michael K,
Stop picking on Fredo! I mean Inga.
She is really doing the best she can in disseminating DNC talking points without reading or understanding them.
She is really doing the best she can in disseminating DNC talking points without reading or understanding them.
She just needs to read her links before posting them.
Ah, they don't mention the crime rate. It's those little lies. I'm sure that legal immigrants have a lower crime rate as native born Americans. It's interesting that the Feds actually have no statistics to support any premise.
My parents lived in Puebla for ten years and I've been down to Mexico well over a dozen times. My daughter has lived half time in Mexico for the last eight years and it scares me some.
“Some activists and Democrats have shared photos from 2014 of migrant children being held in cage-like structures to denounce Mr. Trump's "zero tolerance" policy despite the fact that the pictures predated his administration. But the president's claim that he ended a policy of separating migrant children instituted by Mr. Obama is false.
While some migrant families were separated during the Obama and Bush administrations when immigration officials determined parents posed a risk to their children, there was no government policy of systematically separating children from their parents.
Under the discontinued "zero tolerance" policy of increased prosecution for those who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally, the Trump administration forcibly separated more than 2,600 migrant children from their families near the southern border and designated them as unaccompanied minors.
After massive public outcry, including from many Republicans, Mr. Trump was forced to sign an executive order in June 2018 to rescind the policy crafted and implemented by his administration.
Despite Mr. Trump's denials on Tuesday, multiple administration officials have told CBS News both the president and his senior adviser Stephen Miller have advocated for the policy's revival as part of their "tougher" approach to immigration — which led to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's resignation and a purge of the agency's leadership.”
“You spent an entire thread blaming Trump for family separation being on par with internment camps while ignoring Obama did the same, fucking thing.”
Another stupid lying liar...yawn. If it’s not the nutballs, the extremists, the Trump Cultists/ sycophants, it’s the conspiracy theorists and then you have the retarded like Jim here. I posted at least two excerpts that spoke of this happening under Obama. You were so stupid you even said it was “a law from 1997”.
A "law to separate families" was enacted prior to April 2018, and the federal government is powerless not to enforce it.”
“There is no federal law that stipulates that children and parents be separated at the border, no matter how families entered the United States.
Claims that the “law to separate families” was passed in 1997, those claims originated with a February 2018 Department of Homeland Security statement referencing “[l]egal loopholes [that] are exploited by minors, family units, and human smugglers.” The DHS statement claimed existing immigration policies “create a pull factor that invites more illegal immigration and encourages parents to pay and entrust their children to criminal organizations.”
However, neither the 1997 Flores settlement nor a 2008 human trafficking law cited in that release in any way stipulated that the government separate children from their parents.”
Liberals have the accountability of 3 year olds, with a slightly better grasp of language.
Interesting thought. I sincerley wonder if the media had reported on what Obama was doing then could he have won over more Republican voters?
She just needs to read her links before posting them.
I am pretty sure she reads the first sentence or two. She may read the whole thing, but it's painfully clear that comprehension is not her strong suit.
I am still hoping for a better class of trolls here. The usual suspects do an extremely poor job of arguing a coherent point of view. There is no challenge or purpose in debating them. If that typifies today's Democrat Party, we are in a heap of trouble because they will take power one day.
Luckily, I am 66 and not 26.
Henry said...if the politicization of the policy made the policy impossible to implement, then the policy is a failure.
And didn't Trump suspend when that happened?
However, neither the 1997 Flores settlement nor a 2008 human trafficking law cited in that release in any way stipulated that the government separate children from their parents.”
This is industrial strength stupidity. I tried to help you, Inga, You are now on your own.
What they do doesn't matter, why they do it is all that matters. Good intentions Trump poor actions and outcomes.
I think the situation under Obama was different because it was only done in instances where one or more of the family members were considered dangerous to the other family members. Plus, I think we're talking about about less than twenty families altogether and the backdrop was a general policy of keeping families together.
I think we're talking about about less than twenty families altogether and the backdrop was a general policy of keeping families together.
You might want to check your figures, there.
In fiscal year 2014, nearly 57,500 children traveling without their parents or guardians (referred to as unaccompanied children) were apprehended by federal immigration officers and transferred to the care of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Most of these children were from Central America.
That's 90,000 children, pal.
The Uniparty has nothing policy wise.
Nobody likes their policy of open borders. Their position is as popular as herpes.
So they have to be dishonest shitheads to get what they want. They can't honestly say what they are doing. They can't take responsibility for what they have done.
What they do have is a bunch of billionaires who want open borders, the media they own, a bunch of paid for politicians in both parties, and a bunch of really stupid voters who can't think for themselves.
Maxine Waters (D-Insane) grilled the bank executives today on what they were doing to address the student loan crisis.
No, not kidding.
But when Obama did it...
Children crossing the border without parents and housing them seems to be different than separating children from parents they are traveling and housing them or do the Trumpers purposely confuse the two?
Trump threw away all of Obama's gentle cages and replaced them with cruel, mean cages.
yeah - I heard it on maddow.
Obama separated children from families. It's part of the protocol.
“Children crossing the border without parents and housing them seems to be different than separating children from parents they are traveling and housing them or do the Trumpers purposely confuse the two?”
Yes, they do. Anything to make Trump look as if he wasn’t all in on the zero tolerance policy until he was forced to back off of it. Dishonest or just plain ignorant, or both in some cases.
No Inga- once again you are wrong. The protocol at the border is/was the same during both Obama and Trump. The leftwing hack media are out to make sure everyone buys the very lies and BS you like to push around here.
Is Maddow on? you should shove off and go watch. She's your type.
Peaceful warrior said...
I think the situation under Obama was different because it was only done in instances where one or more of the family members were considered dangerous to the other family members. Plus, I think we're talking about about less than twenty families altogether and the backdrop was a general policy of keeping families together.
Complete and utter garbage. Thousands of families were broken up.
The families were separated because the 9th circuit put a limit on how long you could detain children but not the adults.
Their goal was to force the entire family to be released but the law does not allow that. So the kids were released and the parents were held.
You people keep trying to make things up. It is awful.
Any of the usual suspects want to explain how to tell the difference between biological parents and adults who claim to be parents but are really just child sex traffickers?
Let's assume for a second that Trump starts droning American citizens. Does anyone at all doubt that the left would scream "murder" all the day long, while saying "When Obama did it it was different because...!'
That's the thing: nothing is ever, ever bad when a leftist does it. If Obama had sent 50 million Americans into death camps due to "bad thought" we would still have Inga and R/V and the rest telling us that it wasn't really genocide or mass murder because shut up and how dare you besmirch the Deity Obama, who healed the planet in his own words.
And then they would say that Trump is literally worse than Hitler. Without shame.
“The protocol at the border is/was the same during both Obama and Trump.”
Because I have such great respect for your impressive intelligence, I’ll believe you.
Of course the really smart ones here won’t speak about the Zero Tolerance Policy, but at least they know about it.
Ignore the 9th Circus.
Royal ass Inga does.
Bob Boyd said...
And didn't Trump suspend when that happened?
Exactly. My point being that he took a failed policy, tried it again, and it failed again. It was no more palatable politically under a Trump administration than it was under the Obama administration.
In the bigger scheme of things it represents a failure of anything resembling a bigger strategy.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Children crossing the border without parents and housing them seems to be different than separating children from parents they are traveling and housing them or do the Trumpers purposely confuse the two?”
Yes, they do. Anything to make Trump look as if he wasn’t all in on the zero tolerance policy until he was forced to back off of it. Dishonest or just plain ignorant, or both in some cases.
4/10/19, 7:55 PM
This will go down as one of the biggest mistakes of his presidency.
He should reverse this decision yesterday and start putting them all behind bars or sending them all back. No exceptions.
Borders closed.
Here is the thing: there is good evidence that many of these are not "families" at all, that children are being used as tools to get adults into the country.
Maxine Waters (D-Insane) grilled the bank executives today on what they were doing to address the student loan crisis.
Mr. Chairman, we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and in particular at Fannie Mae
Waters is a political ouroboros.
They are paid to say what they are told to say, as well as they can.
These are all professionals, making an excellent living at their profession, because they reliably do as they are told.
1. We are not in any particular danger from the people trying to cross the border. Illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans.
So are these "fewer crimes" victimless crimes? If illegal aliens are committing crimes in America, how can you say Americans are not in any danger?
Kinda pretzeled yourself there, Marxist scum.
BTW, does being raped and murdered by an illegal count as "particular danger" ? What about a drunk illegal who runs over your kid?
Something I haven't seen mentioned yet. There's a fair percentage of "unaccompanied minors" who when dental development and other body development are examined are well into their 20s. If they have no identity papers, how are they verified? Should we take the word or a criminal for who they are and how old they are? Because entering the U.S. illegal does make them criminals. I tend not to believe criminals when they talk about anything, as they are usually lying, for that's what they do.
Henry said...It was no more palatable politically under a Trump administration than it was under the Obama administration.
It wasn't palatable or unpalatable under Obama. It wasn't an issue. Nobody even knew about it. And if they had, it would have been fine. Just like in the clip. Obama would have been protecting the kids.
You said your problem with Trump was he repeated Obama's mistake, but there was no "Obama mistake" until after the fact. There was just an ICE policy that was in place for minors.
After the media firestorm, the administration has been dealing both with the politics and the facts on the ground. Could they have done better? I don't know. I don't know what all they are up against in terms of the facts on the ground. There are still kids that need protecting and sheltering with limited resources, a lot of uncertainty as to who is who and more coming every day.
In the bigger scheme of things it represents a failure of anything resembling a bigger strategy.
To change the subject a little, what would you like to see, short term and long term from the Trump Administration immigration policy-wise?
It's a good thing there's no more trafficking, and therefore no longer any need to separate children from adults.
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