реиреж рдПрдк्рд░िрд▓, реирежрезреп


ренрей рдЯिрдк्рдкрдг्рдпा:

David Begley рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Note the eyes and eye lashes; especially on Pete. A combination of Disney big eyes and feminized lashes.

Shouting Thomas рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Red diaper baby.

Marxist professor father.

Could be pretending the gaydom for political gain. A lot of them are.

tcrosse рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Let's spoonerize it: Mayor Pete Jiggy-Butt.

Laslo Spatula рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...
рд╣ी рдЯिрдк्рдкрдгी рд▓ेрдЦрдХाрдиा рд╣рд▓рд╡िрд▓ी рдЖрд╣े.
Laslo Spatula рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I hope he knows to hard-boil them before sticking them up his ass.

This also made me think of this: Pink Flamingoes and the Importance of Eggs.

I am Laslo.

Charlie рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

This guy is starting to get on my nerves.

Birkel рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Can kindergarteners singing his praises be far away?

Birkel рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Family Guy name:
Pete Booty-giggity.

Bob Boyd рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

The next thing you know, he'll be running afoul of the hatch act.

Sebastian рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

It's the Dems' play for the Althouse vote. Of which Althouse is aware but to which she is not immune.

Fernandinande рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

afoul of the hatch act.


Ken B рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

This a cafe? It's just a picture so I apply the cafe rule: it is.

Swalwell basically told Dana Loesch, sit down and shut up I want to talk to the man in charge. What Republicans could say that to a woman and get away with it?

walter рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Egg citing..and sighting.
Then the hen sits on them.
Actually Pete looks a bit Liza Minelli here.

walter рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

That would really be "taking one for the team".

nbks рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Again with the deification of their political crushes. The Democrats seem like obsesive creepy loners.

tommyesq рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Buttigieg didn't make those himself, did he?

Darrell рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Buttigieg didn't make those himself, did he?

Why? Are they sucked out?

walter рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...
рд╣ी рдЯिрдк्рдкрдгी рд▓ेрдЦрдХाрдиा рд╣рд▓рд╡िрд▓ी рдЖрд╣े.
rehajm рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

That's not how you say it...

madAsHell рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Why do so many homosexuals have girlie eyes?? You know, the come-kiss-me-behind-the-bleachers look? It will just be our little secret! They even captured the look on the Easter egg.

The art work makes me wonder if there is some ratio of eye surface area to face that says.......GAAAYYYYY!!!

mccullough рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

So Mayor Pete’s husband took his last name? His last name must have been impossible for others to pronounce .

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

More of the left's "come worship your Castro-esque leaders" theme.

tcrosse рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

So Mayor Pete's husband wears lipstick? How adorable.

chickelit рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

My gay neighbors are my political barometer of the Left. They festoon their property with slogans and signs, but only in places where it can be seen. Strangely, they haven't signaled support for Mayor Pete, preferring (apparently) Julian Castro. Why is no one talking about Julian Castro? Is he the dark horse candidate of the Left?

Nichevo рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Oh look, there on the left, I know that face. It's Chucky!

Not to be confused with LLR Chuck (though you never know).

chickelit рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Sorry, I meant to write Juli├бn Castro. Omitting the critical diacritical is not a grave error, but is acutely offensive to some on the Left.

walter рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Pronounced Yoolian, of course.

tcrosse рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

But seriously, folks, props to Mayor Pete for being out and proud. My gay stepson has a very highly developed gaydar, and is skeptical about Booker's new boo. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Yancey Ward рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"So Mayor Pete’s husband took his last name? His last name must have been impossible for others to pronounce."

I have been trying to determine what the proper usage in this particular case. I have seen male gay couples routinely use the normal wife/husband designations- it actually seems common rather than uncommon- one of each. In the Buttuvwxyz case, I see the "first spouse" described as the "husband", so is Pete the "wife", or is it two husbands? As far as I can determine, no one has asked the question- will Pete be the first "wife" to win the White House?

Yancey Ward рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Booker is probably kicking himself watching Buttuvwxyz's favorable press coverage- he had a chance to come out of the closet and get that "first gay candidate for president" label all to himself.

chickelit рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Pronounced Yoolian, of course.

Almost there! It's pronounced Yoo-lee-AN. The accent is there to remind us of the stress involved. Rather like KAH-meh-la. Get it wrong at your own peril, and be prepared to be corrected.

mccullough рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Booker’s problem isn’t that he’s gay. It’s that he’s single.

We haven’t had a bachelor in the White House in a long time.

chickelit рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

The bland, white world of easy-to-pronounce-names is a thing of the past. Yet another reason Trump prevails.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Well, there’s gay and there’s guy-yaaay! These eggs are decidedly the latter. As a newly-out friend of my son said when his boyfriend gushed about their two-month anniversary on Facebook, “Don’t be a fucking faggot”.

chuck рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Over egged.

walter рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Booker has that bathroom assault thingy err..out..there.
Much distance required.

mccullough рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Mayor Pete’s problem is going to be he has no kids. That’s a problem for Kamala and Booker, as well.

Trump is going to point this out.

Trumpit рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...
рд╣ी рдЯिрдк्рдкрдгी рд▓ेрдЦрдХाрдиा рд╣рд▓рд╡िрд▓ी рдЖрд╣े.
Tomcc рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I'm not a twitter user. Can someone translate the "@firstdogssb" for me?

Trumpit рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I'm sick of all of Althouse's rightist trolls, and their not-so-subtle homophobia and bigotry. Their lame attempt at butt jokes have finally hit bottom. The only good troll is a steamrolled troll.

Shouting Thomas рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Their lame attempt at butt jokes have finally hit bottom.

That’s too funny. I hope it was intentional!

Yancey Ward рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Who was the last President with no children at inauguration? James K. Polk in 1844.

Yancey Ward рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Trumpit, that was fucking brilliant!

Yancey Ward рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Maybe Pete has his eyes on a 16 year old Korean boy he can adopt.

Yancey Ward рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

At least Clinton didn't have to adopt Chelsea- it was just assumed for legal purposes that she was his.

walter рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Polk, "Often referred to as the first “dark horse” President"

walter рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

They could "adopt a migrant"

tcrosse рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Their lame attempt at butt jokes have finally hit bottom.

Trumpit offers a stern rebuke.

robother рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Trumpit provides the perfect example of how a troll self-steamrolls. Hoist on his own petard. Bending over to kiss his own ass goodbye.

Birches рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Actually Pete looks a bit Liza Minelli here

Can't unsee it now.

chickelit рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Trumpit offers a stern rebuke.

More of a stern rebuttal.

chickelit рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Laugh all you want at the man's unfortunate name, but I am reminded of Major Archie Butt -- a true hero who was whitewashed out of Titanic history (cf. James Cameron), merely because he was white, southern, gay, and in uniform. Butt that was 1912.

Bob Boyd рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I worked for a guy long time ago who went out with a guide and some hounds and shot himself a mountain lion out of a tree. He got it stuffed by the lowest bidder. The resemblance to Liza Minelli was uncanny.

walter рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Every time I drive to Chicago I encounter a sign along the highway pointing the way to "Bong recreation area", in honor of Richard "Dick" Bong.

Clyde рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Super, thanks for asking.

Clyde рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Referring to this classic from South Park, of course:

Big Gay Al- I'm Super, Thanks for Asking

Tomcc рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

So I clicked on the link "firstdogssb" and discovered that it's a twitter account for their dogs. I weep for the future of this society.

~ Gordon Pasha рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Dave Beiter is ready to kill himself. Liberal Mayor (Boise) in a conservative state (Idaho) - has one of the top 10 places to live. Successful legislator before mayor. Speaks Basque! - try to learn that. RC in a liberal parish, but he's heterosexual. Alas.

Heartless Aztec рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

@Chicklit: Well that's done. Gallantry is officially passe. From now on it's a fight for the boat seat.

Michael K рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

trumpit finally posted something funny.

And here I thought you were a humorless creep.

cubanbob рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

chickelit said...
Sorry, I meant to write Juli├бn Castro. Omitting the critical diacritical is not a grave error, but is acutely offensive to some on the Left.

4/20/19, 11:14 AM
walter said...
Pronounced Yoolian, of course."

If you don't speak Spanish like this Castro, its Julian.

walter рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

As long as there's an effort to avoid an English pronunciation, that will signal the right Left folk.

Lydia рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Mayor Pete’s problem is going to be he has no kids.

"2020 hopeful Pete Buttigieg says he and husband planning to have a child soon"

walter рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

For example: It's not Burr-lynn. It's Be-ahck-lean.

Crazy World рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

How sweet!

nbks рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

This reminds me of this fanatic I went to Catholic School with. He had a home made altar in his basement. That was weird and so is this.

walter рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...


Michael K рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Mayor Pete’s problem is going to be he has no kids.

"2020 hopeful Pete Buttigieg says he and husband planning to have a child soon"

Whose ut ? Or will it be decanted?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

@Dr K
"did you just say 'yute'?"

Bunkypotatohead рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

We're doomed.

рдЕрдиाрдоिрдд рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

No, the Democrat party is not a cult....

gadfly рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"Boot-Eggs-Eggs", "Boot-Edge-Edge", "Boot-A-Judge", "Buddha Judge" and "Mayor Pete." With or without "2020" added. All because his name doesn't spell like it sounds.

Sometimes simplicity is the best answer and a "PETE 2020" bumper sticker says all that needs to be said - much as "I Like Ike" worked for Eisenhower. Lyndon Johnson didn't have an unpronounceable name but "LBJ" worked wonders.

рдЯिрдк्рдкрдгी рдкोрд╕्рдЯ рдХрд░ा

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