I'm blogging this morning in a public place, so although I've put up 2 posts about Biden's announcement video, I had not yet listened to it. I finally got out my headphones out so I could listen, but I could not get through to the end, because I became so angry at the LIE and the continued music and montage became torture to me.
In the part that I did see, we were shown images from the Charlottesville march — replete with the "Jews will not replace us" chant and swastikas — and then Biden's blandly earnest face asserted that Trump said some of them "are fine people." But Trump did not say that! It's absolutely established that Trump excluded those people explicitly before saying that there were some fine people on both sides of the question of keeping Confederate statues. (At the time of the fine people remark, Trump said, "I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.")
How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?! The hypocrisy of offering to bring us together and embrace lofty values when he is either repulsively ignorant or just plain lying!
I could not finish watching that video. I tried, but I couldn't force myself. It's utterly toxic bilge.
If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President.
1 – 200 of 439 Newer› Newest»Okay, Joe, now you've pissed of Ann. Nice work.
But Joe is simply carrying on a tradition of grounding all his races on demonstrable lies.
The collective left get a lot of millage out of false narratives and lies. Sadly, the Rachel Maddow- SNL youth, buy it all, wholesale.
Sunday, August 12, 2018
A Year After Charlottesville Mob Warfare
Yes, it has been a year since two gangs of tyrannical thugs fought on the streets of Charlottesville (Virginia) with some pathological excitement-seekers and, on both sides, some "good people" who foolishly did not expect such violence.
One person was killed/murdered during that treasonous riot.
I must wonder, since that one death, how many:
1. Blacks have been illegally killed (ie Murdered) by Whites; And,
2. Whites have been illegally killed (ie Murdered) by Blacks.
Thank you Althouse!
How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?!
Because that's the way his party rolls. They can't even recognize when they're lying.
When you've lost Althouse ...
When you've lost Althouse...
I hear an echo!
It's a standard lie, and the audience likes it. Like the MSM, the ad is aimed at the entertainment desires of the audience.
Soap opera women, mostly. The dem base.
They like to live in fiction, as a choice.
It's absolutely sickening that the MSM will cover for old Joe. After all, Joe got his false narrative from the MSM(D).
Biden is just not that smart.
They are gaslighting you. They know it’s a lie.
Biden is reminding our country's Blacks that the Republicans want to put them back in chains.
When the Russian collusion collapses, ya go back to Charlottesville.
Toxic bilge of this sort is normal. It is ubiquitous.
It is the substance of your K-12 and your college curricula.
With enough experience of it, and enough knowledge of the entire subject, it cannot escape notice.
Your kids are all being programmed with it, in a million flavors.
Some will reject some of it, but they are few.
This is why I despair of you Americans.
Lke the Russia narrative, they are far too invested in this lie to back off now.
Well, remember, this is the guy who told African-Americans that Mitt Romney would put them back in chains. Apparently, nothing is beneath him.
Remember the Maine!
"It's utterly toxic bilge."
Unlike the nontoxic bilge the other Dems spew.
"If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President"
Uh-oh. Harsh, coming from someone who considered O qualified. There goes Joe's strategy of getting the gettable non-progs. But it also exposes the Dem fault line: even Joe has to kowtow to the left with the kind of toxic bilge they like and expect, but the obvious lies and the hatred that motivates it may turn off the few remaining "moderates" that could swing the swing states.
OK, so Althouse now tells us that Joe is disqualified if he persists in the pernicious lie. One of the few times, as far as I recall, she actually draws a line. But of course, all the other Dems would be happy to support the same lie. Is Joe's little lie accomplishing something that the multi-year coup attempt aimed at destroying Trump and the system of government with a much bigger lie could not accomplish--to trigger Althouse's sense of rectitude so much that she considers the Dems themselves toxic?
Are there any videos of Joe Biden pawing Black girls and sniffing their hair?
If not, then why not?
People will hear what they want to hear. Biden is just emulating the MSM. No lie is so outlandish that their audience won't believe it so long as it fits the narrative.
I don’t blame Biden or the Dems for this.
Politicians lie and distort.
Trump is better at it than any politician. He can defend himself here and then take his turn at the plate.
It’s pointless to get upset at lies.
Make Biden and the Dems defend Omar and the Muslims who run down people in the streets.
Demagogue and distort. Hit low then hit lower. But don’t whine about unfairness.
Sorry if I repeated more or less what others have said. I reacted before reading the comments.
That is one odd the strongest, blatant messages I've seen from Althouse about a politician. But I could bet my retirement that Biden won't retract that ad. Besides the blatant lie of Biden's, there is the implication that his voters won't notice or care about the lie. As President, that would give Biden a lot of freedom.
Playing the race card upfront shows he has nothing worthwhile to say.
Fortunately, The Washington Post will fact-check Biden's statements and will grade them with several Pinocchios.
After all, The Washington Post is inspired by its motto that Democracy Dies in Darkness!
but I could not get through to the end, because I became so angry at the LIE that the continued music and montage became torture to me.
That's the reaction I had. I couldn't watch it. I was so offended by the deep, destructive cynicism of pushing that toxic slander, not just against his opponent, but against the half of the US population that supports him. So revolting. I had to shut it off.
My expectations for Biden are not high, but even so, I'm disappointed. The video made me very sad and discouraged for the future of the country. The opposite of what you'd think would be the desired reaction.
Previously-submitted as a comment to AAA's first Biden post but since she also couldn't bear to listen to all of the drivel, here it is again:
Another example of Biden putting his foot in his mouth.
I couldn't bear to listen to all of his swarmy campaign ad, but the Daily Caller did:
'Former Vice President Joe Biden endorsed Antifa in a video announcing his presidential bid Thursday, characterizing the group as “courageous” and saying it’s wrong to draw a moral equivalence between white nationalist groups and those opposing them.
The violent methods of Antifa are well documented. The nebulous group often uses these violent means against peaceful conservative speakers, benign free speech advocates, and even journalists.
In a retelling of the events at a 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., Biden describes the white nationalists as having “crazed faces, illuminated by torches, veins bulging and baring the fangs of racism,” but describes the Antifa members who engaged violently with them as “a courageous group of Americans.”'
'...At rallies in D.C. last year, an Antifa protester repeatedly punched a man in the face, and others threw water bottles and launched fireworks at police officers. (RELATED: Five Times The Establishment Media Excused Antifa Violence)
They started fires with Molotov cocktails during a protest of a planned Milo Yiannopoulos event at Berkeley. More recently, Antifa members showed up at Tucker Carlson’s house and hurled threats, while one of them slammed into his front door.
The Daily Caller News Foundation’s reporting led to the arrest of two Antifa leaders who accosted and assaulted two Marines in Philadelphia. The perpetrators attacked the Marines, both Hispanic, while shouting about white nationalism.'
Truth is a speed bump on the road to the one true narrative. Believe, or be designated as part of the other.
I can't see this working, either. I also couldn't see Trump getting himself elected.
I know what I know, but I could be wrong. Stay tuned, as always.
Your kids are growing up in a marinade of this toxic bilge.
It is the life-blood of all your institutions.
Hardin is an old man, childless, and a fool. Out of touch, as so many of you are.
This is not about “soap opera women”.
This is about almost all of you, with ever fewer exceptions, today.
And all of you tomorrow.
By this standard, Althouse, all of the Dem candidates are unqualified for the presidency (which is, of course, true). Yeah, maybe they didn't all launch their campaign on this particular lie, but they all echo it. Or have I missed some of them pointing out the lie that it is?
Yes it's a lie, the left has successfully turned into a piece of history that will never get corrected.
This is just one item on the long list of actions by the left, The Democrat Part should never be allowed any power at any level.
Lindsey Graham speech at the Kavanaugh hearings laid that it clearly. The Speech by Senator Collins supporting her decision to vote in favor Kavanaugh is another great example why Republicans are sane and grounded, as compared to the temper tantrum being thrown by Democrats since November 9th of 2016
I know you guys will never believe this, but the above hate crimes turned out to be a hoax.
Notice that you never see “allegedly” in the first story, as in “alleged hate crime” but in the second! It was “apparently staged."
Trump has made the Fake News term stick to the media. Calling them Enemy of the People.
And they keep falling for it by doing stupid shit like obsessing over Russian Collusion and making White Power into some kind of extinction level threat.
But Americans know it’s radical Islam that is a danger. And radical Islam will continue to strike.
And Omar is now the face of radical Islam in the US. Trump has made her into the Grand Mufti of the US.
How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?
Uhm..because the Democrats have been doing the same thing going back at least as far as Ronald Reagan? And if you disregard the racial aspects, all the way back to Goldwater and the Daisy ad.
If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President."
That was evident when he first ran for president. Remember Plugs The Plagiarist?
Biden has been doing this since 1972. He won’t come clean now.
Die deutsche Wochenshau is available on youtube, for weekly rallies that are actually impressive. Local white supremacy marches are kid stuff.
I just read the update below. May I say it is refreshing to see someone unequivocally condemn something like this. It is why I prefer to get my news from blogs than from traditional media.
> It's utterly toxic bilge.
That's Biden in a nutshell.
If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President.
Every Democrat in the last fifty years has done exactly the same thing...why are you upset now?
ZZZZ...Wake up Sleepy Joe, wake up. The Charlottesville hoax is already dead except among among a few extreme partisans. Trump will eat his lunch, winning more Black and Hispanic voters than Sleepy Joe and any token running mate.
CNN gave Sleepy Joe 30 minutes uninterrupted to broadcast his prepared
video speech, breathlessly pretending the free propaganda piece is "Breaking News."
"Are there any videos of Joe Biden pawing Black girls and sniffing their hair?
If not, then why not?"
Now THAT was funny!
Yeah, Joe, you must be a racist because you don't grope the Black girls!
@ Mike Sylwester:
Are there any videos of Joe Biden pawing Black girls and sniffing their hair?
If not, then why not?
Because Biden is a discriminatory racist when it comes to molesting girls?
Someone should throw down the gauntlet - If Biden can't produce pictures/videos, the charge stands.
The Dems talk about Charlottesville but not New York City on Halloween 2017.
They scream about a guy killing 49 people in a mosque in New Zealand.
But are quiet about a jihadist killing 49 gays in a nightclub in Orlando.
This will be pointed out.
Omar is the face of the Dems.
As one of my old bosses used to say, "It's not a lie if you get away with it."
He said the same thing about cheating.
This is just par for the course for Biden. Remember when he said that Romney would put you all back in chains.
He's desperate, for leverage.
Biden kicking off with a lie is nothing more than continuing a time-honored tradition.
About the video - I won't watch it, but I did heard some of it on the radio and I have to say that the music was particularly annoying. Music is supposed to be played under the person talking, that is, at a low volume, and not play over the person talking. Mostly what I heard was the music and some mumbled mash of words.
Thank you, Ann. Truly.
Biden kicking off with lie?
Yes, yes, yes, but was it his lie?
Biden's rollout out has been a Chinese fire drill. Announce, delayed, moved, corrected, in short, an example of the Obama administration.
Biden had planned to announce in Charlottesville. But the City told him to take a hike. They are tired of only being known as a place of violence, and refused to be used by slow Joe for his own aggrandizement.
How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie
what else can he do? Besides, at least this time he didnt plagiarize it
Ann, you should Read this, from a conservative who lives in the Charlottesville area:
I hope your readers can handle this interesting piece by Conrad Black:
ps: Biden is an empty suit.
Biden’s strategy of waiting until all the contenders and pretenders joined the race was a good strategy. He gets to see the lay of the land and craft his strategy after they have jumped in.
But Biden’s strategy is dumb like he is. He has nothing to run on. The Oba a years were stagnant economically. They weren’t as bad war wise since Obama didn’t invade any country and try and rebuild it. But foreign policy sucked.
Is Biden going to talk about bringing back the Iran Deal and shitting down fracking so we can ruin our economy while China warms the planet?
He’s got nothing to run on policy wise. Personality wise, he’s out of step with his party. He needs a primary strategy and has none. He’s not going to out Woke Mayor Pete or Kamala. He’s not going to offer more Free Shit than Bernie and Warren.
Biden can’t win the nomination. A candidate who stuck mostly to Trump’s policies but promised to be better mannered could beat Trump.
But running on ruining the economy and telling people to suck it up with illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism is t going to get it done in the general election.
Trump is an odd guy and offputting to a lot of people. But the economy is doing good and illegal immigration and Islanic terrorism are problems.
The Dem policies are insane. And Trump is not as odd or ofgputting as Sanders.
Just heard WLS "news" break play a huge chunk of his video, the Charlottesville part.
But everyone left of center, and some at the center, really believe Trump said what Biden says.
George Orwell, 1984:
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
“THE past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth.”
Your kids are growing up in a marinade of this toxic bilge.
Have you seen the new AP History textbook ?
I learn that, beginning in 2020, many Advanced Placement students will be using an American History textbook that suggests President Trump is mentally ill and that depicts him and many of his supporters as racists. The book asserts that “[Trump’s] not very-hidden racism connected with a significant number of primary voters.”
What connected with a significant number of primary voters was Trump’s strong opposition to illegal immigration and his concern over terrorists entering the U.S. The textbook effectively characterizes these concerns as “not very-hidden racism” and those who share them as racists. This is controversial, to say the least. I consider it slanderous.
The textbook goes further. It says that Hillary Clinton supporters “worried about the mental stability of the president-elect.”
mccullough said...Is Biden going to talk about bringing back the Iran Deal and shitting down fracking so we can ruin our economy while China warms the planet?
But..it's "who we are".
Trump has made the Fake News term stick to the media. Calling them Enemy of the People.
semantical correction. President Trump calls fake news, the enemy of the people. Not the media. Just the fake news presented by the media.(Hate the sin, love the sinner)
I put this in the same category of President Trump attacking people on twitter. President Trump only defends himself, he never starts the spat. Some person may set out to just tweek the President. But President Trump is going to come back at them with both barrels. A massively disproportional response for sure, but he's not the one that started it.
Trying to figure out if Althouse is just now noticing the blatant lies, or if this one was just the last straw.
Obama didn’t invade any country and try and rebuild it.
Yeah, they just torched Libya and watched it burn. Along with the ambassador.
"Ann, you should Read this, from a conservative who lives in the Charlottesville area:
The Bulwark is, of course, the remaining bastion of former conservatives who hate Donald Trump more than they care about what used to be their values.
But enough ad hominem, the article is anyhow another attempt to mislead. Instead of letting the author of the article show you snippets in an order that he likes, just read a transcript of what Trump said. He made about four statements on the topic. It's pretty obvious that he explicitly denied that neo-Nazis are fine people.
This is one of those cases that you can use to decide if a source can be trusted. The Bulwark just failed. Don't you fail.
He never had the brain power. That's why Obama chose him. He was the perfect insurance policy. No one would risk taking Obama out and making slow Joe president.
Is Althouse surprised? I'm confused by the surprise. She's been listening to the Dilbert guy talk about how there are two movies running in the USA. Both groups have their reality and both are ALL-IN on that reality.
The Debate about Trump's Speaking Style: Trump talks in a distinctive manner. There is a debate about how he talks. Some say believe he speaks clearly and without potential confusion. Other people believe he speaks in a confusing manner.
AND: Some people who listen to Trump believe he is saying X. Some people listen to Trump, and believe he is saying Y. Both groups are sincere in their beliefs; neither are "lying."
If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President.
Why would he retract and apologize? The Lickspittle Media(TM) have never called him on his lies in the past, and they aren't about to start now.
Omar is who the Dems are.
Trump has tagged her as the face of the Dem Party. And the Dems either agree with her or are afraid of her. Trump adjusts better than any politician. He doesn’t waste time on consultants and campaign strategy. The Rapid Response Teams of the other campaigns are slow. They run everything through committee. Want to poll test it first. Trump tweets while he’s taking a shit.
The Dems have bad instincts. They then run through committee these bad instincts.
So they have Omar as the face of the party. Trump knows AOC is an airhead. She’s not a useful foil.
Omar is. Bernie is defending her.
Chuck, you're not fooling anyone, you know.
Gonna put y'all in chains!
Candace Owens
Verified account @RealCandaceO
1h1 hour ago
So Joe Biden jumps into the race claiming that white supremacy made him realize our nation was at stake.
I am SICK to my stomach that they are going to try to use us AGAIN to gain power.
I'm reminded of this:
National Review: The Most Disturbing Thing About Joe Biden.
Humans are capable of believing anything.
IMO Joe is not running to win it. He is only running to create the appearance of being an oppressed political candidate when the day comes that he is arrested for the cash bribes from Foreign Countries that he and his son shared in while Joe was serving in the Obama Gang.
Libya was a shitshow and a bad idea. But it wasn’t as bad as Iraq. That was terrible. Obama at least learned something from W’s colossal fuck up.
He also followed W’s stupidity of increasing Muslim immigration.
They were both terrible presidents. Just fucking awful.
@Begonia: The Bulwark? Really? Ahoy. 
Biden’s Son isn’t getting charged with anything. That’s not how it works.
It’s the lower level crooks like Manafort that get charged.
The bigger crooks like the Biden Family and the Clintons skate.
Joe Biden, lying? Breaking news from 1988!
Almost everything he says here is a lie. The scholarship, the awards, the honors, the degrees...
Lie after lie after lie.
AA: How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?! The hypocrisy of offering to bring us together and embrace lofty values when he is either repulsively ignorant or just plain lying!
Another reason we love Althouse -- she's debunking the Charlottesville lie, just as she debunked the "grab 'em by the pussy lie."
Trump or some noted allies should address this lie. The charge of "racism" in modern day America is toxic. It ruins reputations, it gets you fired, it might get you killed.
Start with Trump's ACTUAL QUOTE: (yes, it is long and rambling.
TRUMP: Go ahead.
QUESTION: Do you think that the -- what you call the alt-left is the same as neo-Nazis?
TRUMP: Those people -- all of those people -- excuse me. I've condemned neo-Nazis. I've condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists, by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue, Robert E. Lee. So -- excuse me. And you take a look at some of the groups and you see -- and you'd know it if you were honest reporters, which in many cases you're not, but many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. So this week it's Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson's coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you all -- you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop? But they were there to protest -- excuse me. You take a look, the night before, they were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. Infrastructure question, go ahead.
* * *
QUESTION: You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are…
TRUMP: Well, I do think there's blame -- yes, I think there's blame on both sides. You look at -- you look at both sides. I think there's blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either.
How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie? Hillary did. Obama did. G.H.W. Bush did. So what's new?
But when Dems lie, it's for your own good.
Biden's announcement coincides with the anniversary of the start of the Muslim slaughter of 1.5 million Armenian Orthodox Christians, much like mayor Pete's announcement coincides with the start of the Notre Dame fire.
″The first year in law school I decided I didn’t want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay and went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class,″ he went on.
But last week Biden released his law school records showing he had graduated 76th in a law school class of 85. The law school transcript also showed he made little progress in class standing through the three-year course, ranking 80 out of 100 in the first semester of the first year, and 79th out of 87 the second semester of his second year.
Biden has been deviled about questions in the last 10 days about his law school career and his use of others’ words in his speeches without credit. He revealed last week that he committed plagiarism in law school and took a course over to make up for the error.
In the videotape, Biden went on to say, ″I went to (Syracuse) law school on a full academic scholarship.″
The records he released last week indicated he had a $800 scholarship from the school out of a total tuition of $1,620 as well as $1,000 in room and board from his work as a residence adviser in a dorm and student loans.
From the AP
″I won the international moot-court competition. ... I was the outstanding student in the poitical science department (as an undergraduate). ... I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school ... And I’d be delighted to sit back and compare my IQ to yours if you’d like, Frank,″ Biden told the questioner.
The tape was aired April 10 and 12 as part of the network’s ″Road to the White House″ series, C-SPAN spokeswoman Nan Gibson said.
Newsweek magazine said Biden does not mention the moot court competition on his resume, and did not win the political science award at University of Delaware, where he received a single B.A. in political science and history.
This disgusting piece of work sums up the man perfectly.
One further point of analysis: Biden is trying to position himself as the front runner with his announcement.
We will see, very soon, if Biden rises in the polls or drops. As the putative "front runner" Biden will not try to get attention with rando, elaborate policy proposals (Warren.) He is not introducing himself to the public. (Beto/ Butiggegig or whatever his name is). He's positioning as a general election candidate, in opposition against Trump. That's unlike the rest of the candidates, who are, for now, looking at each other, not Trump, as the ones to beat.
We will see if Biden is the front runner, or if he drops. If he drops, I predict it'll be a fast drop in the polls. This shakes out in the next six months. Early yet to know what will happen, blah blah blah, everyone knows that. But will be interesting to see if Biden is a front runner, or if he sinks fast.
What age were you when you first realized Democrats routinely both lie AND accuse opponents of doing what they are doing?
a bald-faced lie, but with hair plugs
Your routine naivety would be charming if it weren't about politics, but something like how sausage is made.
"How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?!"
But, but, that's the way of Democrats. Glad to see you catching on to what the Democrat Party - the party of Jim Crow and the KKK - has always been.
I became a "recovering liberal Democrat" a little over 35 years ago. Maybe Althouse is on the same road.
We had the Kavanaugh Hearings, the Russian Collusion Hoax and the Charlottesville Lie to illustrate the extreme lack of integrity on the part of the Democrats. There is a lot more that I have let slip down the memory hole.
How can well meaning liberals identify as Democrats? guess that they not paying much attention and the MSM constantly distorts information to feed int their biases.
So Joe-B Wan throws his hoodie into the ring!
But Emperor Trumpaltine remains strong, even after the rout of his forces by Commander Mueller and the D-ewoks . . .
Next: Episode XVII The Hyper-Dems Assemble
If you knew nothing about this Trump guy, but only judged him by the long list of terrible things he's done and said according to the Democrats, a fair intelligent analysis would conclude that he must be an amazingly good guy, becuase nearly all the charges are debunked to some degree from unfair mischaracterizing to hypocritical to outright falsehood. You would ask yourself: "is this guy so squeaky clean that his enimies have to make shit up to attack him?" They don't of course, but they can't help it.
when it comes to lies, Joe puts the DEMON in 'demonstrable'
I agree. Why do the Democrats keep on LYING about Trump supporting Neo-Nazis or saying they were "fine people"? Just because you lie a 1,000 times in a row, doesn't make it the truth.
Charlottsville was a fake event. A manufactured drama for the TV cameras. A handful of violent Antifa communists and violent neo_nazis fighting each other, and completely drowning out the decent people on both sides who wanted to protest/or counter protest keeping the Gen. Lee statue.
Poor Trump, tried to tell the truth when asked about it, and be a decent person. But it was just a trap (like asking him 100 times to disavow the KKK), by the dishonest reporters.
He won't retract it or apologize for it, and his party won't concern themselves with it - because as far as they're concerned it's not a lie.
In their worldview, it means nothing to say that he was talking about people who oppose tearing down the Civil War statues and not talking about white supremacists. The people who oppose tearing down the Civil War statues are all white supremacists, by definition. Being a white supremacist is the only possible reason to oppose tearing down those statues.
Biden is basically saying everyone who supports Trump is a Neo-nazi. Does it matter if he actually believes the lie or just is willing to use it to get elected?
Regarding Charlottesville:
1. There is a statue of General Robert E. Lee, a military leader of the Confederacy.
2. Group A wants to remove the statue
3. Group B does not want the statue removed.
4. Group A and Group B hold public demonstrations and clash over the statue.
5. Group A has, in its midst, ANTIFA thugs.
6. Group B has, in its midst, Neo-Nazis and Klansmen
7. During the clash, a member of Group B recklessly drives a car, killing a member of Group A.
8. Said killer is prosecuted, nobody defends his actions.
9. Political allies of Group A wants to politicize the clash and murder, and wants to call Group B racists.
That tinkling sound you hear is the scales falling from AA's eyes.
The Left always lies. Always. It's all they have.
Ms. Althouse is correct, but that line is the one line that will get him platitudes from the media talking heads. I think that matters more to Biden than does all the Ms. Althouses of the world, and perhaps he is smart to think this.
I don't get why people think it's a lie? Dilbert guy explicates all of this for the public: There are TWO different movies. They are running at the same time. Both sides sincerely believe in the reality they are watching on that movie screen.
Trump's style of speaking is Trump's Style of Speaking. We can debate if he is confusing or not in his speaking style. But there is No Doubt people end up on different pages because of that style of speaking. You may call it confusion, but I wouldn't call it a lie. Both groups listen to the same speech and hear something different.
I don't know if the story were true or not, but it has been said the last day that Biden wanted to announce in Charlottesville, Virginia, but was told not to. Now, I don't believe that story at first, but it is out there- did it come out before the video was released, or after?
Joe Biden: more likable than Hillary, not nearly as smart as Bill.
While it wasn't as consequential, the MFM peddled the "plastic turkey" lie for about a decade after it was summarily refuted. They are shameless.
When asked if he regretted lobbing baseless accusations, he scoffed at the question and said ‘it worked, didn’t it?
Shorter wwww- Biden doesn't know the story is untrue.
First of all, Joe Biden is a liar. He lied about Bork and Thomas. And he plagiarized his campaign speech in 1988, and lied about it, until he was caught. So, its not like Joey "hands" Biden is an honest pol. And he's always been contemptuous of his opponents. Remember the nasty way he behaved in the 2000 and 2012 VP debates? And of course, Biden has said a lot of racist things over his 47 year political career. He's just an empty suit, a man of zero character. And he shouldn't be running anyway. He's too fucking old. We DO NOT need an 82 y/o President. That's crazy!
@Althouse, if it wasn't for gullible fools would the Democrats have any voters at all?
Your pattern of posts suggests you and Meade are on the road. If so, I hope you are enjoying your trip.
This is unfortunately a cute semantic game that Trump supporters are playing here. Because some of the golf-club wielding right-wing rioters were not formal members of a neo-Nazi, white supremacist group, those people were "very fine people" If they were such "very fine people," what were they doing there, chanting anti-Semitic slogans?
Leaving aside the semantic games by which the right seeks to exonerate Trump, what message was Trump sending by saying what he said? Certainly the white supremacist groups took it as a signal of support. That's what Biden and others are condemning, rightly, and what is being bizarrely defended here.
Biden is right, the Trump Marching and Chowder Society is wrong. Biden owes nobody an apology.
yes it was dingy harry, but le nuit, tous les chats sont gris
Obama at least learned something from W’s colossal fuck up.
Not so sure the Syrians or the Libyans would agree with that.
It seems to me the Dems and Neocon Republicans don't disagree that we should go and overthrow dictators. They just disagree on how to go about it. Dems thought they could do it all with the CIA and Special Forces, as opposed to invasion and occupation.
The Dem approach resulted in less US military casualties, at least in the short term. Who knows what will happen down the road as a result of the mess that was made? But Iraq is in better shape today than Syria or Libya and arguably would have been better still if Obama hadn't pulled out the troops out when he did. Also, Iraq didn't result in a huge wave of displaced people invading Europe.
If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President.
Women are given to demands.
The Left always lies. Always. It's all they have
They do always lie, but they have much more than that. They have the universities, the media and Hollywood, and the Democrat Party to push and promote the lies.
wwww: "I don't get why people think it's a lie?"
Is this really the best you've got?
The Democrats and the liberals support the violent Communists called Antifa. They were beating up Trump supporters all through the campaign. They even attacked people marching for "Free Speech"!
Yet liberals - like Biden - refuse to disavow them. They are fakes and assholes trying to divide us and rule us by fear and violence.
The statue of Robert E. Lee that Trump defended as part of history was built in 1924, not 1865. 1924 happens to be a peak year of KKK activity in the South. The Democratic Party (still, at that time, the party of Jim Crow) nearly nominated a Klansman as its presidential candidate. And that's the year Donald Trump's father marched in a KKK rally in New York and was arrested for his involvement.
The history that the "very fine people" Trump extolled was trying to defend was the history of Jim Crow and the KKK's influence in Virginia -- not the history of Lee and the Confederate Army.
The semantic game the right is playing here -- condemning the rioters who had membership cards in the KKK or a neo-Nazi group, and praising all the rest of these golf-club wielding thugs as if they were merely history buffs -- is transparent and foolish. No one bought it. Hence there will be no pressure on Biden to apologize, because Trump is guilty as charged.
It would be pretty funny if the Biden campaign's first move was to release this video, and its second move was to retract it.
Per my social media, where i avoid politics but my friends do not, there is no hoax. Everyone KNOWS Trump said neo-Nazis are great guys.
Sadly I think it's a majority view and is continuing to be brought forth in mass media.
I consider this one of my litmus tests for how open people are to opposing views.
Charlottsville was a litmus test for me and political Pundits. Any pundit that called Trump (and by extension his supporters like me) Neo-Nazi or racist and LIED about what Trump said, I've dropped completely. That even includes someone like Jonah Goldberg. You don't get to LIE and make false accusations. Its not "just politics".
Ms. Althouse: You make a fair point. Biden said something material that was untrue. He should be condemned for that, and you offer a reasonable form of condemnation: he is disqualified from serving as President. Do you apply the same principle to the current President? That is, were he to say something materially and demonstrably untrue, would you regard him as similarly disqualified?
The best romcoms start with a similar demand and dismissal but somehow the guy turns out to be a nice guy and the demand softens over time.
I see, John Stodder. Trump manifestly did not say what they say he said, but because of when a statue of Robert E. Lee was built, and because Trump's father (who was 19 in 1924) supposedly marched in a KKK rally, Trump is "guilty as charged."
Got it. Thanks.
I don't care about Robert E. Lee's statue. Every President - before Obama - thought Lee was a Great American. You don't get to suddenly wake up in 2016, and decide everyone who thought differently for the last 50 years is a RACIST.
Reasonable people can differ. Scumbags just behave like lying scumbags.
@John Stodder 'If they were such "very fine people," what were they doing there, chanting anti-Semitic slogans?'
That isn't such a hard question. The answer is, They weren't chanting anti-Semitic slogans. There are interviews with some of those people, who were not marching with the neo-nazis, not chanting, etc.
It's amazing how people get trapped in their own narrative, and end up just making things up.
"what message was Trump sending by saying what he said?" That depends. What he actually said, or what people have twisted and chopped up his words to say? Do you actually expect him to have to defend the lies made up by his enemies?
Don't double down on lies. Find out what he actually said - all of not, not what some agitprop article quotes him as saying. Then reconsider. You've been used. It's time you said Enough.
"what message was Trump sending by saying what he said? Certainly the white supremacist groups took it as a signal of support. "
Are you as dishonest as Biden or just unable to read what he actually said? It's right here in the post. He clearly denounced them, so they and anybody else who is honest would not see any support. Of course we all know that he could personally shoot a Nazi on Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get called anti-semitic for it by the same people who call daily for Israel to commit suicide.
Biden does not have the character or brains to be president.
It is interesting that Althouse couldn’t make herself finish the video.
She is the sort of voter the Dems need to win in 2020.
"That is, were he to say something materially and demonstrably untrue, would you regard him as similarly disqualified?"
Oh, its the "oh, they all lie defense". Sorry, we can do better than that.
Lawyers in a new role as disadvocates.
Anyone who calls Trump and his supporters "Racist" or "Nazis" based on a "dog whistle" or a "signal" is a lying piece of shit.
Everyone KNOWS Trump said neo-Nazis are great guys.
Everyone KNOWS Trump ADMITTED assaulting and RAPING HUNDREDS of women
Everyone KNOWS Trump WORKED for the Russians
Everyone KNOWS Trump IS HITLER!
Everyone knows A LOT! Everyone doesn't let little things like 'facts' stop them from KNOWING!
And of course they pretty much all do lie, at least from time to time. But there are lies, and then there are vile lies. This is one of the latter.
"That is, were he to say something materially and demonstrably untrue, would you regard him as similarly disqualified?"
It depends on what the lie is. Calling half the nation racist, and basing your whole reason for running for President on that lie is pretty important. Has Trump done anything like that?
N.B. I have not bothered to register, so any post appearing from Anonymous that lacks my
distinctive valediction, is not from
Yr. obt. svt.
Biden was the one potential Dem candidate whom I thought might possibly be an acceptable alternative to Trump, if he had a sane running mate, emphasized the working class and a responsible national defense, and kept the identity politics and TDS down to just a low roar.
Well, that only lasted about 1 minute into his campaign.
My God, has my country really come to this? (That's a rhetorical question, b/c it obviously has.)
"Fake, But Accurate".
Pseudo-Truth, the ProgLibDem's stock and trade
Its nice that a "reasonable" open-minded liberal like Althouse is upset about this. But I wish Conservatives would stop being so "reasonable". The Left hates you, they call you Neo-nazis, and being "defensive" and writing big long essays about how "No one hates Nazi's more than me" is going to get them to stop - never.
Just as a rhetorical technique, just demonstrate the truth. It's counterproductive to accuse the opponent of a lie.
Leave open the possibility he just got it wrong.
Countless advantages.
Don't despair, Martin. We'll just keep making America great again. It'll all be good.
Biden was the one potential Dem candidate whom I thought might possibly be an acceptable alternative
Is this really the best you've got?
It's a sincere question.
Yeah, it's the "best I've got" in that I am genuinely confused by she is surprised. My goal is to understand (1) Why Althouse is surprised AND (2) Why Althouse thinks Biden, and others like Larry Sabato, are lying. She KNOWS people are watching 2 different movies. She HAS to know that Trump is a confusing speaker for a LOT of people in his round-about-way of speaking. Or, does she not know that?
My confusion is dissipating by reading the comments. People genuinely believe that the 60 million people who disagree w/ them are Lying rather then Hearing Something Different from a unconventional and, I would suggest, Sometimes Confusing Speaker. Perhaps Trump's speech is so CLEAR to her, that she cannot imagine others getting a different message.
Writing it out: That's my working assumption. She is so sure Trump is Clear in his Speech, and his clarity is universal, that Althouse cannot imagine that others would interpret his speech different. So, to her, they MUST be lying. & 60 million people in the country are lying for political purposes, rather then have a different interpretation of his speech. But, I know the population is politically polarized -- so that kind of thinking would be consistent with a politically polarized mindset.
I'm having a dickens of a time with captcha today. Are railroad crossing signal lights "traffic lights?"
It will be interesting to see if anyone asks Biden about his lie at a press conference or a town hall.
Seems like you can run, but you can't hide forever.
Boy, if this one doesn't resurface Inga, gonna be a lot of protest signs in Green Bay.
Maybe a bunch of "progressive", piecemeal message signs along an entry highway.
Probably Biden will stay clear of grab them by the pussy.
Are railroad crossing signal lights "traffic lights?"
not sure-- but dont stand there too long trying to figure it out ;-)
I would also say that telling the entire nation that they can keep their doctor, their plan, and cut their costs by $2500 a year when you know damn well you are lying is also disqualifying, but too late. We lost our healthcare as it was, and the bills went through the roof. The architect admitted they knew they were lying, but thought it was OK since in their opinion Americans are stupid enough to buy it. Millions of American were damaged through that lie, and that is disqualifying.
What is the Trump lie that compares?
Gotta love him reportedly asking Obama not to endorse him. Way to head that one off at the pass.
John Stodder said...in 1924,The Democratic Party (still, at that time, the party of Jim Crow) nearly nominated a Klansman as its presidential candidate.
In 1976, Robert Byrd* was the "favorite son" Presidential candidate in West Virginia's primary. His easy victory gave him control of the delegation to the Democratic National Convention.
Here's a fun list of KKK members in politics, how many of them are democrat icons?
KKK members in politics
Byrd* the top officer (Exalted Cyclops) in the local Klan unit
oh, I see what's happening now. It's political polarization. Althouse forgot that there are 2 different movies running.
To be fair to Biden, he plagiarized the claim from the media. It's kinda his thing.
I'm blogging this morning in a public place,
"Please scream quietly."
Previously-submitted as a comment
Well, thanks, that's a good enough reason:
Biden's mama always said "Life is like a box of lies. You never know what you’re gonna say."
Stodder is being disingenuous, of course.
Implying the "meaning" of these monuments.
Assigning them a meaning he can argue against, asserting that is their true nature and the true meaning to those of the community that supports them.
This is an evil argument, and an evil attitude.
That argument can be made about anything, to justify anything, and to overrule any community or culture.
The Taliban had a similar approach in justifying their destruction of the monuments at Bamiyan.
If there's one thing I've learned in the era of Trump, politicians and journalists think most voters are idiots and easily manipulable and it's perfectly acceptable to lie to them because no one is held accountable for lying to voters. Obviously Trump is guilty of a lot of dishonesty. But he bullshits in the familiar blowhard way that says, "don't take what I'm saying too literally because I'm just speaking extemporaneously in a speculative way and exaggerating."
The way the journalists and politicians deceive is way more calculated and devious. Whether it's misleading headline (when they know most people don't read the article) or phony "fact checks," the default mode now is dishonesty. The Biden lie is pretty much par for the course when it comes to Democratic talking points: Trump speaks carelessly, so take what he says and distort it in the worst possible way to make him look bad, and then repeat the lie constantly until a huge segment of the country believes it. It's devious and it works.
To be fair, US culture at its highest levels are overrun with Stodders, servants of the enemy, possessed souls.
And they teach your children.
Which is why I am leaving this country. It is quickly becoming dead in spirit.
when you wear Godwin's Goggles while assessing Trump/supporters,
eventually everything will somehow appear Hitlerian
The Trump Haters still think Bush stole two elections. They are idiots who can't understand that they believe bald faced lies.
You’ve gone “Full Scott Adams,” Althouse.
Never go “Full Scott Adams.”
I am not going to argue against the embarrassing hysteria that you have demonstrated in this blog post. I am going to let Robert Tracinski do it for me at The Bulwark. The “Charlottesville Hoax” Hoax:
The Charlottesville Hoax Hoax is a whole lot like Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome.
Here's a meme for you: Starship Tropers.
Well Biden has never had much of any brain power.
put some clothes on that eel!!
Blogger bagoh20 said...
"what message was Trump sending by saying what he said? Certainly the white supremacist groups took it as a signal of support. "
Are you as dishonest as Biden or just unable to read what he actually said? It's right here in the post. He clearly denounced them, so they and anybody else who is honest would not see any support...
Indeed. It's actually the left which is sucking the neo-nazis out of the woodwork, by repeatedly calling trump a Nazi, anti-semite (!), racist, and so on.
Anecdotally, a Jewish college undergrad is literally afraid of Trump and the Right, and that she is a target! Based simply on the hatred and lies spewed by the left.
"Althouse forgot that there are 2 different movies running."
Except one is raw footage and the other is highly edited. Half of what he said is missing completely. That is not two equal sides. One is a lie, plain and simple. Equating them as both justified is also a lie. The truth is always the one without anything missing or added. Watch that movie and judge fairly.
"Perhaps Trump's speech is so CLEAR to her, that she cannot imagine others getting a different message."
What Bullshit. More LIES. "oh, its so confusing, oh its so grey. Oh, reasonable people can differ" Bullshit.
Biden and Liberals say Trump supported Neo-Nazis at Charlottsville. That's a Lie. Trump Condemned racists/Neo-nazis. He said it specifically. And you know that too. So, you're just lying. Just like Joe Biden. You'd better have a clear, direct statement when you call the POTUS a supporter of neo-nazis.
Its not just a "Misunderstanding".
"We can't forget about Charlottesville."
aka "We need this!!!"
"He does not have the character or brain power to be President."
Well, this has always been true. Biden seems like an affable chap, an old-style glad-handing politician. A real "glue guy" who builds relationships across the aisle and keeps things loose and generally civil. I kinda wish we had more guys like him in Congress.
But he's a doofus.
Everytime I see one of this "Hate has no home here" signs in front of a house, I chuckle because I know a hateful SOB lives inside that house [they just think it is normal to hate Trump, or Repubs or Southerners or white males etc]. And I am a hater too..I hate the saying "That is not who we are" which was one of Obama's favorite lies.
Ok, I will try again- shorter wwww- Trump confused Biden so badly that Biden repeated a lie told by others who truly believe the lie, so no one is lying.
I think it's interesting that Althouse and Candace Owens had about the same response - sickened by this attempt to shackle a great unfinished cause, civil rights, to a vicious, dangerous, divisive lie. To claim that the President, half the Senate, half the House of Representatives, half the Supreme Court and half the nation are neo-Nazi-Klan supporters is outrageous and not mainstream at all. And then notice, Althouse's son sees the ad as "negative and depressing" so perhaps it doesn't appeal to Millennials either, though it strikes them in a different way.
For myself what I noticed was that the artwork was Hillary-like. It was "Jo", not "H" but it was red, white and blue with a name, not an idea. Like an ice-cream truck, tinkling and singing along. And then this political campaign tries to takeover the message of a great and unforgettable cause because it doesn't have one of its own. Talk about cultural appropriation.
I think Joe hesitated because he knew he isn't the right one (if the Dems have a right one this year). And others Dems desperate for a candidate with mainstream creds pushed him in. And soon he'll be out like Jeb Bush and for the same reason, he doesn't want to do this. And then Dems will have a Mardi Gras campaign with weird floats and drunkenness followed by a Lenten election night.
"Which is why I am leaving this country."
Are you and your wife really ok with moving away from your children and future grandbabies? Are you quite serious? Not just said in a moment of emotion, on a blog? Isn't politics just politics, in the end? Aren't other aspects of life, like spending time with family, much more important?
What is going on with the politics, that is so horrible, so awful to one's daily life, that one would want to move away from children and grandchildren? This is something else I don't get. Why is the political polarization effecting people like this? I understand escaping the Soviet Union, but you need to leave your kids because of what(?) is so bad you need to leave your kids and grandkids?
In other words, you need to apologize, Ms. Althouse because your ability to understand language is white privilege incarnate.
Regardless of whether he retracts, Biden doesn't have the brainpower to be president.
“Utterly toxic bilge”
So then I can take it you’ll be voting for him?
The Day of Buttigeig's anointing cometh. Butt Day will go down in history. Biden is an illusion.
Commenters interacting with my comments: I hear you. That is your understanding of the situation. I get how you see the situation. I appreciate you explaining it to me.
Sorry Ann, I'm filling this post under civility Bull-shit
Butt Day will go down in history.
Break The Binary! -- no more "Ladies & Gentlemen"--
it will be "Butts & Buttresses" !!
a rumpus will be raised, and there will be buttresses flying round about
Althouse: How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?!
Yes, and how dare he falsely tar people as racists to shut them down.
Nov 2012: "Fen’s run at Althouse may be at an end now as Althouse has recently become a racist telepath, no, a telepathic racist- no,that’s not it… darn it, well regardless, she is now able to detect racism without using any of the usual sensory channels.
So far, the results have been limited to detecting only those of the non-Left, but then that seems to be the case for all others with this ability as well. That should, in no way, be seen as a concern."
If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends...
You've come a long way baby! Welcome to our world. We set aside a table for you right off the main stage, near the band. Your waiter will be along shortly, order whatever you like, it's on the house.
Of course, the n-word is not tolerated here. But neither are bigoted expressions directed at Latinos, Anglo-Saxons, Italians, Irish, etc. Equal protection, a concept you know better than us.
A pithy summation: Joe Biden is Obama without Hope.
The money quote: "Biden’s defects are more obvious than any rationale for his candidacy. ... Biden is meant to be charming, but he never succeeded in charming national voters in 1988 or 2008, and the charm he’s exhibited with any woman he’s been able to lay hands on is more than a little unseemly in the post-Weinstein era."
"He does not have the character or brain power to be President."
He doesn't, I've never understood how people could take this guy seriously.
They are gaslighting you. They know it’s a lie.
I don't think left wingers know it's a lie. It's completely irrelevant to them whether the statement is a truth or a lie so they never cared enough to find out.
"My colleagues seem prepared to dispute our own network’s correct contemporaneous reporting and the very clear transcripts of the now-infamous Trump Tower presser on the tragic events of Charlottesville. Here are the unambiguous actual words of President Trump:
“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”
After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:
“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”
As a man charged with publicly explaining Donald Trump’s often meandering and colloquial vernacular in highly adversarial TV settings, I appreciate more than most the sometimes-murky nature of his off-script commentaries. But these Charlottesville statements leave little room for interpretation. For any honest person, therefore, to conclude that the president somehow praised the very people he actually derided, reveals a blatant and blinding level of bias.
Trump Didn't Call Neo-Nazis 'Fine People.' Here's Proof.
I'd like to see Candace Owens, Ann Althouse, Ben Carson and Tim Scott hold a joint press conference condemning Biden for making FALSE charges of racism.
A general discussion on how America has made so much progress on racial issues over the past 5 decades, how well the Trump economy has been for blacks and other minorities, how important it is to have stable families and good jobs in the black community, and how often the Democrat Party play the FALSE racial card to gin up animosity and strife to con black voters into supporting them.
Something like that.
I can dream, right?
Althouse forgot that there are 2 different movies running.
You are projecting. Althouse didn't forget. She called it despicable precisely because she knows others are watching the other screen and will believe Biden's lie despite it being debunked as a lie.
And if it works for Biden, he'll know that he can continue to lie and those watching the other screen will continue to believe him.
Well, remember, this is the guy who told African-Americans that Mitt Romney would put them back in chains.
That prediction is rated: "Mostly true". Because it turned out that Trump would put Mexicans back in tin foil, as though they were burritos from a roadside stand. And also Romney didn't get elected, so we'll never really know.
put some clothes on that eel!!
The eel wears what I wear when I'm online.
speaking of Charmin'
the charm he’s exhibited with any woman he’s been able to lay hands on is more than a little unseemly
He's the creepy, hair-sniffing Mr. Whipple, and he treats women like rolls of toilet paper
The Democrats whole schtick is based on lies - that includes Obama, Hillary, all everyone since.
Yet according to the polls, Biden is crushing the Dem field and Trump on Day 1 of his campaign. He's doing it while pushing the Charlottesville hoax and praising antifa. I'm smelling the fear already from conservatives.
I think Charles Barkley got it right about the statues,“I’ve always ignored them. I’m 54 years old; I’ve never thought about those statues a day in my life. I think if you ask most black people, to be honest, they haven’t thought a day in their life about those stupid statues.” The only reason they have become a concern is white people reaching for political power. For sane people they are just scenery.
Lower-Case chuck-- we luv U ;-)
Ha! Forgot about Mr. Whipple.
When no one knew about TP eating ..Xylophagia
and remember those bulky marimbas we carried around before the XyloPhone came out?
"Are you and your wife really ok with moving away from your children and future grandbabies? "
And moving funds, etc., to create an overseas refuge.
The best crisis preparation is to have another passport, another home, somewhere to flee.
Its the best legacy you can set up for your kids and grandkids. Somewhere to go.
This is not about politics as such. Call it culture, if you like. Yours is deteriorating at a tremendous pace. Politics is just a symptom. There will be a crash, politico-cultural-social-economic, and it will be huge.
Sleepy Joe (Trump's moniker for Biden) rhymes with Creepy Joe. Coincidence? I think not!
And if Biden was a non-lying Democrat, he'd be a white crow. Just sayin'.
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