April 25, 2019

Biden's announcement video is anchored in a demonstrable lie.

I'm blogging this morning in a public place, so although I've put up 2 posts about Biden's announcement video, I had not yet listened to it. I finally got out my headphones out so I could  listen, but I could not get through to the end, because I became so angry at the LIE and the continued music and montage became torture to me.

In the part that I did see, we were shown images from the Charlottesville march — replete with the "Jews will not replace us" chant and swastikas — and then Biden's blandly earnest face asserted that Trump said some of them "are fine people." But Trump did not say that! It's absolutely established that Trump excluded those people explicitly before saying that there were some fine people on both sides of the question of keeping Confederate statues. (At the time of the fine people remark, Trump said, "I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.")

How dare Biden rest his campaign on a blatant lie — a lie that has been used to stir up fear and racial discord?! The hypocrisy of offering to bring us together and embrace lofty values when he is either repulsively ignorant or just plain lying!

I could not finish watching that video. I tried, but I couldn't force myself. It's utterly toxic bilge.

If Biden does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President.


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Ann Althouse said...

"The author states that KNOWS there was no separate portion of people who were only concerned with the statue because he lives there and he himself is a member of those who protest the taking-down of statues."

What matters is Trump's state of mind. If all of the people favoring keeping the statues were neo-Nazis and white supremacists, then he excluded everyone without realizing it and called an empty set "fine people." Rewatch Biden while holding that thought in your head and Biden seems evil/stupid/crazy.

Hanoi Paris Hilton said...

Don't keep it all bottled up inside, Prof. Althouse, strangulated and toxicating. Tell us what you really think of our ex-Obamazoidal Veep!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But go ahead and trot out your peculiar self-loathing of anything and anyone white from "The South" for us to see once again. You are predictable in that regard and never disappoint.

I'm less enamored with appeals to privilege than you are.

chuck said...

> I remember hearing the story of a man who saw WW2 coming, so he moved to a peaceful South Sea Island. Guadalcanal

My father saw WWII coming and joined the army in 1941 to avoid the draft :)

Sebastian said...

"Rewatch Biden while holding that thought in your head and Biden seems evil/stupid/crazy"

Watch any Dem while holding in your head the thought that s/he would say and think exactly the same, and s/he seems evil/stupid/crazy.

Really, which Dem challenges prog insanity in any way? And which Dem has acknowledged the bigger lie of the collusion narrative?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What matters is Trump's state of mind.

Lol. Maybe to his lawyer!

The rest of us already know his mind has no determinable status.

If all of the people favoring keeping the statues were neo-Nazis and white supremacists,

What's incontrovertible is that they favor venerating those who ardently believed in and fought for their white supremacy.

The great majority of the statues were erected once enough time had passed for the Lost Cause proponents to exploit the passage of time and loss of historical memory that had taken place since losing the war, and could safely rewrite history from the vantage point of that distancing. It was also, not coincidentally, around this very time that the very racist movie The Birth of a Nation was released.

Is it remarkable how little history surrounding the circumstances in which these statues were erected their defenders actually know? Ironic?

Or just predictable. Sad and satirical, but predictable.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Evil/Stupid/Crazy is right in the leftwinger fascist wheelhouse.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm aware of proud appeals to one's ethnic or national origins - because those are the groups of people who have collectively determined a rational identity around which to ground their advancement and cultural achievements.

The only people who believe that similarly distinguished groups can ground themselves in something as ridiculous and arbitrary as a complexion, however, are idiots and racists.

Even Europe itself can't assemble a continent-wide political union in defiance of the various nations or tribes which it encompasses and that divide it. So the idea that a political or identitarian cause or sense of pride could exist around something as broad and vague as skin color itself is especially stupid - the most asinine idiocy ever invented.

But chicken little swallows it whole, unsurprisingly. I guess a simple pride in whatever remains distinct or interesting or noble about his German-ness alone is not enough. White Peoples of the World, Unite! Not.

What a bunch of bogus bunk.

readering said...

Althouse bends over backwards to attribute to Trump a pure state of mind while calling Biden evil/stupid/crazy. Empty set! Just nuts.

Hanoi Paris Hilton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hanoi Paris Hilton said...

"they just torched Libya and watched it burn"

Well considering that the Duck of Death brought the whole thing crashing down as a proportionate, rational response his vicious Coptic Islamophobic video, he so totally deserved to suffer execution by buggery!

But wait, didn't Hillary at least express some heartfelt noble sentiments out on the Andrews AFB tarmac over Colonel Khaddafi's flag-draped aluminum coffin?

Anonymous said...

Historical fact: in the leadup to both German Wars, the most consistently anti-German and pro-Allied region of the country was the South. Make of that what you will.

But then, when the shooting started, D's and R's, North and South, white and black, foreign- and native-born, men and women, dogs and ponies (OK nix that)-- everyone was on the same side.

I have even heard rumors that some Republicans died on Omaha Beach, but someone may know better.

Just sayin'

readering said...

Like I said, I don't want Biden to run. I won't vote for him if he gets the nomination. But here's a more realistic appraisal of him today:


mockturtle said...

Jesus said of the Pharisees in John 8:44: "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

Just as lying is Satan's native language, so it is of the Democrats.

wwww said...
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Bird_Dog said...

I'm not a Biden fan and will never vote for him, but it's no lie. There wasn't this other group out there protesting the statue removals but for neo-Nazis and white supremacists on that Friday and Saturday. This Charlottesville resident would know.
"What if there really was another group of protesters there that day, and that’s who Trump was referring to? Well, there’s the problem. No such group exists. This mythical second group of protesters is like the “second shooter” in conspiracy theories about the Kennedy assassination. I’ve found people who insist to me that such a group was there because the “Charlottesville Hoax” mythology requires it to exist—but I haven’t found a single shred of actual confirmation. It’s almost as if they have adopted a false memory.
"That’s what originally set me off about this Trump claim. I live in the Charlottesville area, and I know very fine people who oppose the removal of the monuments based on high-minded notions about preserving history. I’m one of them. So I know that we weren’t there that night. Only the white nationalists were there."

If you're in that crowd and chanting "blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us!", you're not a fine person.

daskol said...

Believe the chant was “you will not replace us.” Also saying there were no fine people there still does not mean Trump praised now-Nazis, or that Biden is not basing his announcement on a lie. Trump explicitly condemned mri-Nazis and Biden is saying he did the opposite.

Ann Althouse said...

Trump gets many things wrong and speaks carelessly at times, and he is susceptible to attacks because of this. That’s why his strongest adversary is someone honest and accurate. Don’t put up a liar against him! That surrenders the high ground.

Narayanan said...

AA said ... Don’t put up a liar against him! That surrenders the high ground.

What if Biden and Dem unspoken but inside know better liars win?

Where is the high ground then?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Satan's native language? Is that something that's taught in Scientific Sunday School?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Truth? I thought Trump's proponents believe we're living in a "post-truth world?"

mockturtle said...

That surrenders the high ground.

As if the Dems had any high ground to surrender.

Gahrie said...

It was also, not coincidentally, around this very time that the very racist movie The Birth of a Nation was released.

You mean the movie that the then Democratic/Progressive president of the United States gave a special showing of in the White House making it the first movie ever to be shown in the White House?

Kirk Parker said...


Regarding your question to buwaya: he's given his own answer, but your questions in turn prompt me to ask you: can't you smell civil war coming? You really really really can't???


I think you present a valid analysis/criticism of buwaya, but I also think you miss the point with it. Neither you nor I need anyone to tell us about the "fierce determinism which still glows..."; we not only see it, we live it.

However, the other side has a nearly equal determinism to rule over us; when push comes to shove they aren't all going to just silently melt away.

DeepRunner said...

Sleepy, Creepy Uncle Joe (sounds like a title of a parody song in the making), just not gonna do it. He hires someone who said we don't need white men leading the Democratic Party (not sure her views "evolved" on the subject so much as it was being paid to help a white guy lead the Democratic Party). All the "touching" ads, and I don't mean appealing, are ready for the drop. Trump taunting him on intellect won the tweet wars for the day.

Chuck said...

Ann Althouse said...
"The author states that KNOWS there was no separate portion of people who were only concerned with the statue because he lives there and he himself is a member of those who protest the taking-down of statues."

What matters is Trump's state of mind. If all of the people favoring keeping the statues were neo-Nazis and white supremacists, then he excluded everyone without realizing it and called an empty set "fine people." Rewatch Biden while holding that thought in your head and Biden seems evil/stupid/crazy.

... And just like that, the Althouse blog post based on the "Charlottesville Hoax" hoax collapses.

As Robert Tracinski pointed out, Trump was referring to "very fine people... in that group [of protesters]." But Althouse wants (and now NEEDS) us to accept some notion that in Trump's own mind -- despite his words to the contrary -- he was referring to "very fine people" who (like me, I must say) oppose the wholesale removal of Confederate war memorials. That despite Tracinski's painstaking elimination of any actual support for Trump's pronouncement that among the on-scene pro-monument protesters, there were "very fine people" and Trump knew it.

Tracinski's death-blow to Althouse's echoing the Charlottesville Hoax Hoax was this:

At this point, the only argument in Trump’s defense is one that I would regard as fairly plausible: Trump was, once again, blustering about a subject he didn’t understand, while insisting that he knew it better than anyone else. (You can see why this defense is not widely employed, because it doesn’t serve the purpose of making people feel more comfortable about the man in the White House.)

There’s also the fact that Trump repeatedly insisted in his Trump Tower press conference that he had painstakingly gathered the facts. “When I make a statement, I like to be correct. I want the facts.” He repeated, “unlike you and unlike the media, before I make a statement, I like to know the facts.”

But what really gives the game away is when Trump insists that the “very fine people” who were there to protest “had a permit.” There was only one protest permit issued that weekend, and it was well documented because there was a court battle over it. That wasn’t for the Friday night’s tiki-torch Nuremberg, which was unannounced, but for the “Unite the Right” rally on Saturday. So were there “fine people on both sides” of the permitted rally? Let’s take a look at which parts of the “right” this rally was supposed to unite. One source describes them as “the alt-right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and various militias”—in other words, different variations on the theme of white nationalism. If you think that’s an unfair summary, check out the poster for the event and notice that the headline speaker was prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer.

JamesB.BKK said...

Ann, how could you allow for any action that could un-disqualify him following this deceit to sow further discord? Are you just trying to be Wisconsin nice?

stlcdr said...

Unfortunately, and sadly, too many people believe the same of Trump - and those that support him - as Biden has stated.

People who believe this lie are no better than a chimp scrolling through Instagram.

Chuck said...

"If _______ does not come forward and retract this video and apologize and commit himself to making amends, I consider him disqualified. He does not have the character or brain power to be President."

iowan2 said...

Sent PI's to Hawaiia?

I've been listening to the left now for a week. Unless you have some proof that PI's were not sent, it is obvious that the were sent.

monika love said...

I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kids to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this email address Driyayi48hourslovespell@gmail.com, have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 2 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks To Dr IYAYI. His email: Driyayi48hourslovespell@gmail.com and His WhatsApp Number: +23480054613715

Chuck said...

iowan2 said...
Sent PI's to Hawaiia?

I've been listening to the left now for a week. Unless you have some proof that PI's were not sent, it is obvious that the were sent.

Advanced Trumpism. Trump sent investigators to Hawaii (!?), and they were finding "things they can't believe" (there's a phrase for you), and yet Trump never told us what those things were. No "investigators" have ever been identified. And now that Trump confesses that Obama was in fact born in Hawaii (something that modestly intelligent observers all agreed on from the outset), no one has any idea what it may have been, that Trump was talking about. Things that his investigators purportedly could not believe.

PaulaH said...

Amen! A liar is a liar is a liar. And if his campaign staff wrote the speech, they are liars and Joe Biden is disqualified for hiring them.

Paco Wové said...

"I know very fine people who oppose the removal of the monuments based on high-minded notions about preserving history."

Sounds like the people Trump was talking about.

Bird_Dog said...

Believe the chant was “you will not replace us.”
They not only said "Jews will not replace", they also chanted "The blacks will not replace us! Immigrants will not replace us!” and "White lives matter!", all while toting "tiki torches, swastikas and semi-automatic rifles". There were no "very fine people" there at all. They're the worst of the worst Americans.

chickelit said...

It was also, not coincidentally, around this very time that the very racist movie The Birth of a Nation was released.

DW Griffith's film is still lauded for its technical brilliance and the way it changed filmmaking at that point in time. I've never watched it in its entirety -- it's 3 hours -- but one can still read positive things about it which admittedly are all technical points. The film reminds me of Leni Riefenstahl's work, particularly her "Olympia" which I have watched. That film was another groundbreaker, technically speaking. But by all means Ritmo, go after the art work like statues and films. Your side likes to blame films for errors iand lapses in judgement.

One more thing: Your linked CNN article regarding the "timeline of racism" completely ignores the point that 1915 and 1965 coincided with the semi- and centennial of the end of the war.

Chuck said...

Paco Wové said...
"I know very fine people who oppose the removal of the monuments based on high-minded notions about preserving history."

Sounds like the people Trump was talking about.

No. It must be repeated; Trump -- taken at his own word -- was talking about the protesters who were in the park on Friday night, and on the streets Saturday. And also -- this is again taking Trump at his word -- Trump was talking about "the very fine people" who "had a permit." But the permit was in fact applied for by the white supremacists. Not the moderate/historian supporters of the monument.

Time and time again on this fake "Hoax" meme, it is Trump's own words that confound any other understanding.

chickelit said...

Who is this "Chuck" commenter (big C) and does he have any credibility for treating Trump impartially?

John Clifford said...

Come on, Ann. As an educated person, you especially should recognize that Democrats base their politics on lies, whether it's about healthcare, taxes, foreign policy, etc. They use The Big Lie to create outrage over a false premise in order to harness the emotional response of unintelligent or unthinking people. Biden is just repeating the same approach that has worked for Democrats in the past.

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