March 15, 2019

"Why did I pay all this money for your education?"

ADDED: I realize some of you don't know who these people are. Please read the post from 3 days ago, "Olivia Jade Giannulli, 'Daughter of Lori Loughlin, Is Caught Up in College Admissions Scandal/Ms. Giannulli, an influencer with big audiences on YouTube and Instagram, posted sponsored content about being a student.'" I'll make tags for both names.


robother said...

Because there's no such thing as bad publicity in Southern Cal?

David Begley said...

I bet that OJ becomes the new Kardashian.

Wilbur said...

Does anyone know who this woman is? Please enlighten me.

Wince said...

"Why did I pay all this money for your education?"

Same reason Agustin Huneeus Jr. paid all that money to California Democrat politicians...


Darrell said...

Does anyone know who this woman is? Please enlighten me.

Look her up. Ask your two-year-old to show you how.

Hagar said...

Kellyanne Conway's tweet that she is afraid the kids are going to turn out to be just as stupid as their mothers seem to be on point.

CJinPA said...

Her daughter was a social media "influencer" who shared her life on YouTube with millions of strangers, as a teenager.

Paying for a fake college education is not the worst of this mother's poor decisions.

CJinPA said...

Does anyone know who this woman is? Please enlighten me.

I haven't been paying full attention. I think she's Tucker Carlson.

(Or Lori Loughlin. Hit the "Operation Varsity Blues" tag.)

Rory said...

"Does anyone know who this woman is?"

She was on the family show "Full House" back in the 90s. It seems that in this century she's carved out a career in made-for-cable movies.

Shouting Thomas said...

Her daughter was a social media "influencer" who shared her life on YouTube with millions of strangers, as a teenager.

Meet the contemporary stage mom.

180 million views on YouTube! About $180,000 in income.

William said...

Her daughter is strikingly beautiful. She vacations on hundred million dollar yachts. She interrupts her college studies to fly to Fiji for a week long modeling shoot. She makes a lot of money for her cosmetic endorsements on you-tube. Why indeed pay all that money for a college education? By every known metric she's fabulously successful and has nothing in particular to gain from a college education. She's not someone who can gain anything by studying Schopenhauer or reading Waiting for Godot. My life has been spent waiting for Godot. She's more into flying to Fiji.

Phil 314 said...

Now I’m wondering if the Kardashians went to college.

gilbar said...

Why indeed pay all that money for a college education? By every known metric she's fabulously successful and has nothing in particular to gain from a college education

simple, her sponsors would pay her more money if she was a co-ed. By being enrolled in Yale, she was More Valuable... Not that she would get anything from attending class (but, that's true for more people than you'd think)

"Ivy League schools have over time nurtured and developed an intricate network of alumni whose influence goes beyond reputation alone. The true value that an Ivy League school can provide"

CJinPA said...

She makes a lot of money for her cosmetic endorsements on you-tube. Why indeed pay all that money for a college education?

For status. That's really what college is for anymore, right? At least a place like USC or the Ivys.

And she has lost her endorsements. This will be really bad for this girl. Her reputation was her job, her only skill, and she has lost it.

Phil 314 said...

Looks like only one of the Kardashians graduated from college, Kourtney, and that was at U of A.

Well at least it wasn’t ASU!

gilbar said...

of the Super Successful people that don't have a college degree, how many of them WENT to ivy league schools, and majored in Networking? Bill Gates? Zuckingberg? All of them?

Virgil Hilts said...

Do people think this is going to hurt daughter's career. Release of the Kim Kardashian sex tape didn't ruin her life - it vaulted her into worldwide fame, despite no talent or accomplishments. Just another one of those people who are famous (and rich) for being famous. Also, does anyone think either parent is going to jail? Want to make a bet? Ultimately this is probably a great move for the daughter's future given current culture.

Unknown said...

FBI into rinky dink crimes

but big publicity

William said...

He mother is --or rather was--a big star on the Hallmark Channel. I don't watch their shows, but they apparently provide wholesome programming about plucky moms. She's definitely a plucky mom, but this is just exactly the wrong kind of scandal for her to be involved in. Bye-bye career.......Of all the people involved in the recent scandals, I can't say I've heard of any of them. I'm not even familiar with the genre they work in. Rap music, you-tube videos, Hallmark Channel. These platforms exist in a different world than the one I live in.....The one exception is Stormy Daniels. I'm familiar with porn. It's a branch of the entertainment industry that has enriched my life in too many eats to count. I was disappointed in her behavior, and I intend to continue my boycott of her movies and any product that she endorses.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here we have proof that we must raise the voting age to 21 and require a basic civics test first.
((Dems will hate it. They want an army of children voting for them. (After all, mommy, and all of pop culture, is a democrat.))

Then, we should lower the drinking age to 18, and legalize pot.

Kay said...


traditionalguy said...

The point is that these parents are spending their money proving their love and protection for their children. And the result is not the appreciation they expected. Kids either love and value their parents or they do not.

tim maguire said...

CJinPA said...And she has lost her endorsements. This will be really bad for this girl. Her reputation was her job, her only skill, and she has lost it.

And I wonder--is she a victim too? Granted, she's a "victim" born with a gold ingot in her mouth, but I'm betting the scene at home went something like this:

Spoiled Teen: Mommy, I want to go to an Ivy league school!

Mommy: Ok.

And now her whole lucrative image is up in smoke. Never to return. All that's left for her is to marry the son of some Wall Street tycoon and get soused every day in Connecticut while boinking the pool boy.

gilbar said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said... Here we have proof that we must raise the voting age to 21

The WHOLE PREMISE of lowering the voting age to 18 was: Old enough to fight, Old enough to vote.
Then once they passed that, they raised the drinking age to 21, raised the gambling age to 21; why? On Account of Because they said "Teens are too immature to be trusted with booze (or poker). Here's my Simple Solution.

Old enough to fight, Old enough to vote is still OBVIOUSLY true. But! the thing is; MOST teens that are old enough to fight, Don't. SO, a slight modification

Old enough to fight (and completed your term of enlistment), Old enough to vote.
Once we limit the franchise to Veterans, will see a LOT of improvement in a LOT of stuff.
Plus, it will help prepare us for the upcoming invasion of interstellar Bugs

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

SExting teens Nancy and her corruptocrats would like these kids to vote.

Amadeus 48 said...

No one around here watches the Hallmark Channel.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gilbar - I like.

I was thinking more along the lines of an exchange. Raise the voting age to 21.
Then, since 18 year olds can enlist, lower the drinking age to 18. 18 year olds who drink are drinking anyway. Add in a required basic civics test in order to register to vote.
Leftwingers hate basic civics.

h said...

The rich and famous don't just bequeath money to their children, they bequeath fame, or the ability, connections, and skills (??) to gain attention. I can't help thinking that a reasonably attractive young woman from a middle class or working class background, with equally interesting insights into the human condition would not gain millions of views on youtube, or an invitation to model in an exotic locale.

Static Ping said...

Perez Hilton is still a thing?

I suppose when you are horribly unlikeable, try to put the focus on other unlikeable people as a distraction.

tcrosse said...

Who does this kid think she is? Gwyneth Paltrow?

Nonapod said...

I wonder if this scandel will reduce or increase her (the daughter's) youtube subscriber base? Will it cost her any money, or will this scandal make her money? I suppose it depends on the ethics and morals of those who watch her. Since no doubt almost her entire subscriber base is most likely teenage girls, it might say a lot about whether the current crop of teenage girls have any decency. Or maybe I'm reading to much into it.

CJinPA said...

Do people think this is going to hurt daughter's career. Release of the Kim Kardashian sex tape didn't ruin her life - it vaulted her into worldwide fame, despite no talent or accomplishments. Just another one of those people who are famous (and rich) for being famous.

"Skank" was part of the Kardashian brand. The video supported that. The Loughlin gal, was known for being popular and influential. She's no longer popular and losing the endorsements that made her seem influential. Seems like her "career" is in jeopardy. Unless she starts dating famous guys ASAP.

Nonapod said...

I mean, I seem to recall that the various scandals didn't hurt that Logan Paul clown too much.

daskol said...

Hallmark already announced they've cut ties to Loughlin and ceased production of anything she's attached to. But this will probably make her daughter even more famous and successful, especially when the initial outrage dies down and we get to hear how hard this has all been for her. You can see the narrative forming even in the earliest reports, which take pains to point out that in many cases the kids weren't even aware of what their parents were up to (maybe in some cases, but come on). After some appropriate interval, we'll learn how terrible this has been for Olivia Jade, who will rise phoenix-like from the ashes to even higher heights than her mother.

daskol said...

She can add adversity to her resume, since she'll probably be kicked out of USC. She made it this far without even a compelling story, and now she's got that going for her too.

William said...

How should this morality play work out? Will the Furies be avenged if the young woman loses her career and any chance of a successful life? On the other hand, if the young woman moves on from this to further fame and fortune, then that will also teach the wrong moral. I just don't see any resolution of this drama that teaches a moral worth promulgating.

Nonapod said...

Will the Furies be avenged if the young woman loses her career and any chance of a successful life?

Personally I wouldn't say that she should be denied a career or a successful life due to this. Just maybe not a career as an "influencer". Cheaters shouldn't be rewarded or you'll just get more of them.

daskol said...

She's a beautiful young woman of means who will retain the former and likely enough of the latter that it won't much matter to her prospects. The Furies will have to do a lot worse to fuck up that kind of luck. But Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman and the other high-profile parents involved are going to get whacked, because this kind of thing is deeply embarrassing to their class of people and even more so the one they aspire to. The lesson here, I guess, is don't get caught.

daskol said...

Want to guarantee admission to your kid to a fancy school? Donate big and use the front door. The side door is for losers. Go big or go to state.

daskol said...

She didn't spend enough money--that's the takeaway. That's why she looks foolish in this clip.

Captain Curt said...

The funny thing is that up to a generation ago, USC was THE college for kids like that, who could get in legitimately. In the 1970s, the Stanford band famously spelled out the average SAT score of USC students with just 3 digits...

Earnest Prole said...

This scandal has everything to do with the mothers' desire for social status and little to do with their children's. It's simply unbearable for these women to think about being at a party and having to say "my daughter's doing community college until she figures out if she even wants to be a student."

madAsHell said...

After Chelsea Clinton, and Barack Obama, is this really news??

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gilbar said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Then, since 18 year olds can enlist, lower the drinking age to 18. 18 year olds who drink are drinking

oh, for drinking i have an EVEN SIMPLER SOLUTION
If you have a high school diploma, you can drink

* back when i was in school, they raised the limit to 19, on account of because they didn't want kids IN high school drinking. My plan takes care of that
* If you can't graduate until you're 20, you can't drink until you're 20
* If you can't graduate; YOU CAN'T DRINK

BOOM! i've just solved the teen drop out rate
BOOM! i've just solved the school discipline problem (WHO would risk expulsion)
BOOM! i've just solved teen literacy problems (school can be a LOT tougher, if kids WANT to graduate)

* If you're smart and mature enough to graduate at 16, you're smart and mature enough to drink. {Statistically, this is a non entity}

traditionalguy said...

Hallmark Channel is a continuous run of chick flicks. Actually well done plots...well they are all the same plot set in different locals. But this the place men can finally learn what Freud always wanted to know. Voila and Eureka. This is what women want.

AllenS said...

She's a good looking young woman. She can always do porn.

William said...

I don't know if this scandal is particularly illuminating, but it is entertaining. It terms of schadenfreude I would put it just below the Virginia scandals. Nothing that is hostile to Hollywood and academia is alien to me.......It is worth noting that the adults involved in the cheating scandal have suffered consequences. So far, this is not true of any of the pols in Virginia. There's your moral lesson about the wages of sin.

Michael K said...

the 1970s, the Stanford band famously spelled out the average SAT score of USC students with just 3 digits...

Stanford and SC were big rivals back in the 50s and 60s when I was at SC, We used to make fun of the Stanford students because they all wore jeans and tee shirts on campus. The intellectual side of Stanford is more recent and comes from Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett, Before them, Stanford was just a school for kids who didn't wear nice clothes. A friend of mine, a Stanford medical school graduate, lived camping out on the campus in medical school. During the day, he stowed his stuff in a tree. Then he married a stripper from San Francisco and moved in with her. They were married 50 years.

Blogger 6 failures so far,

Howard said...

No wonder we called it University of Spoiled Children back in the day

rehajm said...

But this the place men can finally learn what Freud always wanted to know. Voila and Eureka. This is what women want.

Yes, this. They also want HGTV.

Howard said...

Rehajm: exactly, then they make us pay for college and "help" them build a new deck

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Guilty as charged! I sentence you both to 5 years hard time making Women's Prison movies.

chillblaine said...

Olivia is going to be another Paris Hilton. Nothing sells like female entitlement.

Nonapod said...

Blogger's having a hard time today. Maybe there's a bunch of additional traffic on loads of blogs due to the New Zealand shooting?

Joe said...

In answer to Lori's question: you did it for your own status.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
No wonder we called it University of Spoiled Children back in the day

You sound like a UCLA grad, Howard. We used to have tee shirts that said in the front, "I used to go to UCLA," and in back "But then my father got a job."

Howard said...

Santa Barbara. Had to get out of the APCD. The spoiled children meme was floated in grammar school.

Yancey Ward said...

Just for those who don't know it, Loughlin appeared in the the "Serenity Now!" episode of Seinfeld.

Seeing Red said...

In white, the color of innocence....

Michael K said...

All in fun, Howard. I was a scholarship student but still enjoyed knowing people like Margie Thomas (before her nose job).

rehajm said...

Rehajm: exactly, then they make us pay for college and "help" them build a new deck

Heh. I wasn't fortunate enough to escape with just a deck...

PM said...

This scam isn't all about parents getting their kids into elite schools for the kid's sake. It's about them being able to tell their social circle: "He/she is going to Yale." These parents have been whacked out by "feeder-school-pressure" since their kids were three.

Richard Dillman said...

These are potemkin students analogous to potemkin villages in the Soviet Union.

Michael K said...

It's about them being able to tell their social circle: "He/she is going to Yale."

Good point. The mother of one was on TV bragging about her daughter,

It makes me wonder about some of the other famous types,. Brooke Shields, Jody Foster,

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

All of it wasted.

Howard said...

I never get tired of dropping the H-Bomb

Ken B said...

Michael K
Wondering or not, just thinking of Brooke Shields or Jody Foster is a pleasure. But, yeah.

Michael K said...

Now, Joe Montana is involved. It's like having your name and phone # in a madam's black book.

You'd think he'd have Stanford wired.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Why buy the prestige of a Yale degree when you can simply purchase a title of nobility online?

You can give $10,000 to an agency that will put in a good word to Queen Liz to grant you a knighthood, or you can buy lordly titles for up to £171,000. I'm not sure what that works out to in real money.

There are more affordable alternatives., of Milford Il can make you a Lord Knight of the First Order for $75, or a Squire for $25. Becoming a Lady of the Holy Church will set you back $50.

I personally insist on being called Char Char Binks, Esq., not because of the free legal advice I give online, but because it's my privilege as a gentleman.

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