He retweets his 2 tweets from yesterday morning, putting the delightful "Good Morning, Have A Great Day!" at the top. The other one is, "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN."
He retweets his short and sweet reaction to Barr's letter, "No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!"
Then there's a quote from Brett Baier: "'No matter your ideologies or your loyalties, this is a good day for America. No American conspired to cooperate with Russia in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 election, according to Robert Mueller, and that is good.' @BretBaier @FoxNews"
A headline from MSNBC: "Breaking News: Mueller Report Finds No Trump-Russia Conspiracy."
And the key line from Barr's letter: "The Special Counsel did not find that the Trump Campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian Government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump Campaign."
He's not gloating, he's not accusing, he's not angry, he's not running off at the mouth like that imaginary Trump of media fever dreams. He's upbeat and succinct, making America happy again.
And shame on you if it doesn't make you happy that the President of the United States isn't a Putin puppet!
१२५ टिप्पण्या:
Walter Mead from 2017 (via Instapundit):
If Trump were the Manchurian candidate that people keep wanting to believe that he is, here are some of the things he’d be doing:
Limiting fracking as much as he possibly could
Blocking oil and gas pipelines
Opening negotiations for major nuclear arms reductions
Cutting U.S. military spending
Trying to tamp down tensions with Russia’s ally Iran
That Trump is planning to do precisely the opposite of these things may or may not be good policy for the United States, but anybody who thinks this is a Russia appeasement policy has been drinking way too much joy juice.
Obama actually did all of these things, and none of the liberal media now up in arms about Trump ever called Obama a Russian puppet; instead, they preferred to see a brave, farsighted and courageous statesman. Trump does none of these things and has embarked on a course that will inexorably weaken Russia’s position in the world, and the media, suddenly flushing eight years of Russia dovishness down the memory hole, now sounds the warning that Trump’s Russia policy is treasonously soft.
I'm happy. Even popped a bottle of champagne last night with the Mrs.
Why I love Brett Baier; in his careful phrasing, he acknowledges the Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election (and I think the seriousness of that issue), but clarifies that he is relieved (and all should be relieved) that no one from the Trump campaign conspired in those efforts.
In contrast to Trump. Who, when asked about that subject, Trump defended Putin and his "very strong" denial that Russia was involved in the effort.
Scott Adams yesterday watching CNN and MSNBC: This is almost as good as election night.
If he's actually innocent, why is he so relieved?
"And shame on you if it doesn't make you happy that the President of the United States isn't a Putin puppet! "
100% however you have to 'have shame' to 'feel shame'. They don't and they can't. Also, "they'll" never be happy. EVER.
The multiple offers to share "Russian information" were perpetrated by US Intelligence assets.
Entrapment attempts are fun for boys and girls.
He should tweet "Have a great day!" every day. Drive the sourpusses crazy.
And shame on you if it doesn't make you happy that the President of the United States isn't a Putin puppet!
I never thought he was, although the "Bernie Bro" coloring book nearly had me convinced.
Someone here pointed out that this witch-hunt, and Kavanaugh's, indicated the end of the "peaceful transfer of power". I hope not.
No American conspired to cooperate with Russia
More accurately, no Trump people did. It's my understanding that Fusion GPS got some of the Dossier from Russian agents. I'm hoping Trump's good mood means something will be done about that soon, now that the SC is done.
These are grounded people:
Dems need better poker players. Bluffing only works if your opponent can’t afford your high stakes and has a history of folding rather than calling, especially if he knows what’s in your hand and you don’t
I view the Mueller “report” as a whitewash of Obama, Hillary et al. Just like the Benghazi whitewash. So I’m not happy. Half the country expected Mueller to find nothing about Trump so the results are kind of Ho Hum. Hat tip to Trump for knowing precisely how to get under Democrat skin.
Probably from levchenko who was on a non prosecute list, milian Waldman were among others who had ties to both party bosses both here and in moskva.
Notice the difference:
No American conspired to cooperate with Russia in its efforts to interfere with the 2016 election, according to Robert Mueller, and that is good.' @BretBaier @FoxNews"
Did Mueller actually look at all Americans? Trump seems to recognize the distinction.
The Special Counsel did not find that the Trump Campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian Government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump Campaign.
Trump limits the exoneration to his own team. And how many of these “Russian-affiliated individuals” who made these “offers” were on the other team? Stay tuned.
The Russians attacking us is a grade B false flag run out of the British Crown Government that wants its American lands back. They need to find a way to rule over us because Muslims are taking over jolly ole England. But first the need to eliminate Trump. He is our modern Andrew Jackson. Watch him win his Battle of New Orleans over the bloody British.
Common sense told anyone with a brain that there would be no way in the world Trump could conspire with the Russians in order to win the election. What could the Russians possibly do to help him?
I saw it with my own eyes: Trump outworked Hillary.
Today on MSNBC they were playing tape from the day Nixon resigned. I kid you not! Their fantasy did not come true.
Happy????? Pure propaganda by Ann. We should be outraged that in our nation a rogue group of people in cahoots with the press spent millions of our dollars on a hoax. It is an abuse of our justice system that should never happen again. Happy, my arse.
There is another way to look at all this. America’s bright day is a dark day ... for Dems. Pitch black. They put all their chips on the table and lost. And it’s even worse for the media — including Fox, who played footsie with the Trump is a traitor meme all along — who egged on everyone.
I don’t think this view has sunk in quite enough yet but it will. Dems will lose again in 2020, the House will go with it, they will lose more senate seats maybe all the way to 60, and the Supreme Court will truly become a conservative court. And this time culture will be downstream of politics. We are about to enter a conservative era.
I am not overstating what a significant moment this is.
I am eagerly awaiting the next episode of the "Anti-Trump Traveling Circus and Freak Show". What rake will they step on next? The anticipation is killing me.
Not so fast. Professor Laurence Tribe (D-Harvard) has told me repeatedly that President Trump has violated the Emoluments.Clause of Article 1 of the Constitution:
No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
There are several pending lawsuits filed against Trump by concerned law professors to defend and protect the Emoluments clause.
Emoluments now and forever!
It's really no wonder at all that the public distrusts the media when they have been going on about "Russian Collusion" for over two years based on no evidence whatsoever, and publishing completely false stories like Manafort meeting with Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, or Trump receiving advance notice of hacked Democratic emails. Now when Trump says the media are the "enemy of the people" or calls them "Fake News" he actually has quite a bit of ammunition to back that up. Thank you "journalists"!
Trump has been very fortunate in how his opponents in the media have comported themselves since he was elected. It's hard to make a billionaire president look like an underdog but they have managed to accomplish that.
Some Russians were charged with crimes, but their "interference" in the 2016 election amounted to about $100k in Facebook ads. As opposed to the hundreds of millions of dollars spent by the Clinton and Trump campaigns. There is no evidence whatsoever that anyone in the Trump organization had anything to do with it.
Are the Russians so devious and ingenious that they can influence significant numbers of American voters with a small amount of disinformation, as opposed to the huge amounts of information and disinformation put out by the very well funded major political organizations in the US? I realize that you don't think highly of Trump supporters intelligence and discernment, but still...
Oops I copied and pasted this from a FB comment, I can revise, as I realize that Althouse has a lot of respect for Trump voters, even though she disagrees with them frequently.
Wonder why Trump never went to the FBI after one of the multiple offers by the Russians to assist his campaign
Wonder why Trump had to lie throughout 2016 about his ongoing dealings to build a tower in Moscow, thereby placing himself in a position to be blackmailed by Putin, who knew the truth.
Speaking of SHAME
Rewind: Watch the Media Spend Two Years Hyping a Now-Debunked Story
The entire democratic media industrial complex and most elite democratics in power - should be heaped with shame. and re-called.
Now comes the investigation of the conspiracy to overthrow a president.
Lindsey Graham said it best. Comey tweeted, "Still Many Questions." Graham tweeted, "agree completely. See you soon."
I want to see everything not Grand Jury material disclosed, especially the 302s and FISA warrants,
Trump Derangement Syndrome, like Global Warming, is the new religion for those who have abandoned traditional churches. They relies entirely upon faith, facts are not important.
The "struggle" will continue.
"bombshell," "tipping point," "the beginning of the end"
The left can not be happy unless they are making everyone else miserable
And shame on you if it doesn't make you happy that the President of the United States isn't a Putin puppet!
Someone needs to scold the Democrats about their efforts to reinvigorate the Cold War. I dunno, perhaps former President Barack Obama would have the gravitas to be able to do that? Perhaps he could tell them that it’s not the 1980s anymore?
As for myself, it never crossed my mind that he was Putin’s stooge. You’d have to be pretty stupid to believe that. Likewise you’d have to be pretty stupid to think he’s a racist.
If you rode Prump-Tutin to best ratings your network has ever achieved and a $10 million per year contract, would you shut it all down for policy wonk discussions of marginal tax rates and Green New Deal? I don't think so!
You move on...to how the Russians compromised Mueller. The Mueller Report itself is the smoking gun of obstruction. What's Mueller trying to signal with his eye- blinks? OMG, the sheet pissers are everywhere!
Jonathan Alter just used the term "treason" when discussing Trump's Russian involvement.
That happened on Stephanie Ruhle's show. No other guest objected to the characterization.
Trump has broken them.
Wonder when Trump is going to apologize to Mueller and his "angry democrats" for dragging them through the mud for the past two years.
DOJ/FBI obtained the FISA warrant against Carter Page -- and against whom else? -- in order to collect and analyze communications within Donald Trump's sphere of associates.
The public should be informed about the scope of this effort.
* The communications of how many people were collected and analyzed?
* What were the names of all those people?
* Exactly which DOJ/FBI employees collected and analyzed the communications?
* What did those employees to -- or attempt to do -- with that information?
* If this collection and analysis has ended, when and why did it end?
* What is the current status of the information that was collected.
The notion that Trump was a Putin puppet was also absurd on its face. So monomaniacal has the mainstream press been on the issue that they've failed to actually see all the ways that Trump has been helping damage the US-Russia relationship, over issues like Ukraine, New START, and the abandonment of the INF treaty, yet more of John Bolton's destructive idiocy abetted by Trump's cluelessness.
Katie Hill (D - CA) paraphrased and then quoted:
Just because there wasn't enough evidence to declare Trump guilty of collusion "doesn't mean it didn't happen."
Also "no apology is needed" (for overreaching on the collusion coup).
Chuck said...
Why I love Brett Baier; ...he is relieved (and all should be relieved) that no one from the Trump campaign conspired in those efforts.
I am relieved by this in the same sense that I am relieved each morning when the sun rises.
Is it shameful that I am happier that the media — a small number of multinational corporations— has been exposed?
The whole thing is too ridiculous. I have mocked collusion theories from the start. It was too stupid to take seriously, yet so many did.
The real shame now is those who deny this ever happened. Stelter is exhibit one this morning, but we haven’t heard from Maddow yet.
It’s wonderful, watching the self styled elite fail a simple character test right in front of us.
Murray Gell-Mann amnesia effect!
It doesn't make me happy because the very premise was ridiculous to begin with.
It makes me sad that it took two years and that prominent Democrats still insist there is collusion.
This is leadership. He's putting on a clinic. We should all be taking notes.
Savannah Guthrie was grilling Sarah Sanders on the Today show this morning; certainly there's GOT to be something here!
How terribly disappointing for everyone. All that promise and potential and POOF! LOL.
And Sanders was so cool. Heartless, I say.
The US Constitution declares "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures".
The searches and seizures of the communications of Carter Page were not reasonable. The justification was that some British dude claimed that he had been told by Russian Intelligence insiders that Page was a secret agent. These insiders were identified by the British dude as:
* Source A
* Source B
* Source C
* Source D
* Source E
The British dude had been a British MI-6 employee stationed in the Soviet Union during 1990-1993, when he was in his twenties. The British dude left MI-6 in 2009 and has not been in Russia since then.
The British dude supposedly provided the FBI useful information about Russian involvement in an international soccer scandal. Not one Russian ever has been indicted as a result of the British dude's information about that scandal.
Apparently, DOJ/FBI considered this British dude's dossier to be reasonable grounds to search and seize all the communications of Carter Page, an official advisor to Donald Trump's campaign staff. Page was a Russian expert, and so his communications were likely to include much communication about Russia throughout Trump's sphere of associates.
DOJ/FBI should explain to the public its reasoning that the search and seizure of all of Carter Page's communications during 2016 and 2017 were reasonable.
The public should be allowed to read the entire FISA warrant against Page that justified this search and seizure.
In contrast to Trump. Who, when asked about that subject, Trump defended Putin and his "very strong" denial that Russia was involved in the effort.
Don't the Democrat apparats ever tire of spinning such a mendacious statement?
The President of the United States is the sole definer and implementer of the foreign policy of the United States. How he does that is his business. You can disagree all you like, work to vote him out of office, but it in no way does the President violate some undefinable parameter of 'proper' behavior. The President can treat foreign leaders anyway he wishes in his plan to advance the best interests of the United States. If that means he refuses to squeeze Putin in public on the world stage, so be it. That you think its possible to use the President's strategy as a cudgel to beat the President for political advantage, go for it.
Just stop the stupid spin about how it somehow is an impeachable offense. It's not.
"If he's actually innocent, why is he so relieved?"
Glenda Gardenia Parks: If you're innocent, they'll never send you to jail.
Nick Gardenia: Is that how it works, Chester?
Chester: Not in my neighborhood.
('Seems Like Old Times,' 1980)
It's really no wonder at all that the public distrusts the media when they have been going on about "Russian Collusion" for over two years based on no evidence whatsoever, and publishing completely false stories like Manafort meeting with Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, or Trump receiving advance notice of hacked Democratic emails. Now when Trump says the media are the "enemy of the people" or calls them "Fake News" he actually has quite a bit of ammunition to back that up. Thank you "journalists"!
Trump has been very fortunate in how his opponents in the media have comported themselves since he was elected. It's hard to make a billionaire president look like an underdog but they have managed to accomplish that.
Some Russians were charged with crimes, but their "interference" in the 2016 election amounted to about $100k in Facebook ads. As opposed to the hundreds of millions of dollars spent by the Clinton and Trump campaigns. There is no evidence whatsoever that anyone in the Trump organization had anything to do with it.
Are the Russians so devious and ingenious that they can influence significant numbers of American voters with a small amount of disinformation, as opposed to the huge amounts of information and disinformation put out by the very well funded major political organizations in the US? I realize that many don't think highly of Trump supporters intelligence and discernment, but still...
Ralph L,
Could we agree if we said "No Investigated-American conspired..."?
In this case the hyphenated American is a subset of the Democratic Party.
And since they weren't investigated, the SC found none of them conspired.
In contrast to Trump. Who, when asked about that subject, Trump defended Putin and his "very strong" denial that Russia was involved in the effort.
I don't know if we'll ever know the answer to this, but I am curious whether Mueller just relied on the investigation done by the DNC, or if they were able to investigate the DNC themselves. I don't care about the Facebook ads. That's less "interference" than has been done by Brennan et al. I do want to know if the Russia email "hack" was just received wisdom on their part.
Wonder when a single Althouse commentator will apologize to Mueller for dragging him through the mud and questioning his objectivity.
I think it's certainly possible that Trump IS a Putin puppet and that there was no collusion to sway the election. Finding no evidence of collusion is not the same thing as finding that Trump isn't a Putin puppet. Not that I think he is, I don't. But I do think I shouldn't be embarrassed because I'm not wildly happy that our long national nightmare is finally over. It seems there is institutionalized rot in our government, particularly in the FBI but presumably other agencies as well, and I don't see where this investigation has done anything to correct that. In this Trump is correct, there should be an investigation into all that. But there probably won't be.
Could someone help me? Who is the individual who said "Tell Vladimir that I will have more flexibility after the election"?
Sounds like collusion to me. Does it sound like collusion to you? Sounds like it to me.
Shorter Comrade LLR (unexpectedly in line with the rest of the MSM clerisy): "Yes, but Trump!"
Someone here pointed out that this witch-hunt, and Kavanaugh's, indicated the end of the "peaceful transfer of power". I hope not.
If it means an end to the bipartisan wink-and-a-nod agreement to overlook each other’s graft while in office, I’m all for that. But this is something altogether different. This was the CIA, FBI, and FISA court putting out a hit on a duly elected president, because they didn’t like the choice the public made, and thought their own preferences should prevail.
Bring the pain to the Deep State, Mr. President. Drop the hammer.
What is most amazing is how all the left wing and LLR hacks went completely into the tank on the obviously fake collusion and the remainder of the "objective" press, like Brett Baier, who should know better, attempted to maintain his relationship with potential future employability with lefty networks, ended up playing along with the democrats and LLR's Collusion Truthers by pretending this insane lefty/LLR conspiracy theory had to be treated objectively with ZERO evidence and when ALL of Trumps outstanding policies are putting the hurt on Russia across the board.
In the end analysis, what is now undeniable, is the leftists and dems and fake conservative LLR's allowed themselves, thru their astonishing combination of arrogance and stupidity, to become Putins literal pawns to sow discord amongst the US population.
The morons in the MSM and fake conservative Weekly standard/Bulwark crews became active tools of Putin. Bad enough. But to do it knowingly as they did and still do in an attempt to overturn an American election is now par for the course for these hacks.
Not a single one of these clear, and some self-admitted smear merchants, has been held to account...yet.
I do think I shouldn't be embarrassed because I'm not wildly happy that our long national nightmare is finally over.
Remedial Reading for some Never Trumpers and unhappy partisans
These same hacks had no issue with Obama telling Poot's Poodle that 'he'd have more flexibility after he won the election.' An election Obama won.
Did the Russians help Obama and Hillary win? After all, Hillary and Bill went on to pocket millions from the Russians.
Just asking.
steve uhr: "Wonder when a single Althouse commentator will apologize to Mueller for dragging him through the mud and questioning his objectivity."
Mueller again violated DOJ rules when he included the BS line about "not exonerating" Trump....which is something no investigation by prosecutors ever do nor can be done (since you cant prove a negative).
You either indict or not indict.
If Mueller really had something he would have gone to the Grand Jury to compel testimony and taken it to the Supreme Court.
But he didnt..because he had nothing...so he didnt.
It is not surprising in the least that Uhr and the rest of Putins henchmen on the Left/LLR crew slither seamlessly from one lie to the next, easily, as if it is in their very DNA and nature.
He's upbeat and succinct, making America happy again.
Uh, no. He's mouthing the same mindless mantras as before. I suppose that makes some people happy.
And shame on you if it doesn't make you happy that the President of the United States isn't a Putin puppet!
Lol! And at a cost of what? And how many months and resources? Not being a puppet is a basic expectation, not something we should have had to investigate. And all he had to do would have been release his tax returns and then Mueller wouldn't have been needed.
Only a Republican can gloat this heavily about this great a waste of time and resources. All completely unnecessary if he'd simply done what the last ten presidents have done. BS'er!
Trump is much more calculating and self-controlled than he is given credit for. These tweets are a good example of that.
The media mooks were revealed to be fools election night. They won’t ever forgive Trump for that. By Wednesday next they’ll be off on another Trump bashing subject. There are people here who deserve to lose their jobs. If we let them off the hook they’ll do it again at their first opportunity. We have spent 50+ years trying to build a consequence free society. You can’t.
Omaha1: "Trump has been very fortunate in how his opponents in the media have comported themselves since he was elected"
The transparency created by Trumps election and his personal strength and fortitude in standing up to the lefty/LLR coup attempt is nothing short of incredible.
The exposure of the fake conservative LLR alignment with the far left is a genie that will never go back into the bottle.
It will be fun to again have this little cadre of dem suckups in the "LLR Left" (yes, thats really a thing now) align with the dems even more completely in 2020 since it will force the few remaining NeverTrumpers to choose between their more natural far left inclinations or some nominal residual "republican-y" stance.
Rich Lowry is one I am watching as a bell cow for those few remaining non-full-blown-leftist types (like Kristol, Li'l Boy Boot, David French, Steve Hayes, etc)
Wonder when a single Althouse commentator will apologize to Mueller for dragging him through the mud and questioning his objectivity
Because he didn’t make a case for collusion up from whole cloth? That’s a pretty low bar. Then this nonsense about handing off the decision on obstruction with the statement that he just can’t prove that Trump is innocent was a sop to the liberal media and a slap to the American ideas of justice. The Democrat media went all in on Russia and would have been left with nothing to drive their ratings, and his report is a sop to the House that can now embark on impeachment based on that incredibly thin reed. It’s enough to keep the bitter clingers drooling and watching their “Gorilla Channels,” CNN and MSNBC. Mueller has proved himself a partisan hack.
What you dont believe in spectral evidence, courtesy of crowdstrike and fusion gps.
The so called intelligence assessment was a big pr brochure for Russian tv.
Democrats affected worst. BUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-MER.
Trump is clearly upbeat as his policies are working in ways the self-satisfied dopes on the lefty/LLR side said was impossible and that fact has now sunk into the consciousness of the republican base (93% approval), midwest dems who voted for Trump and are no longer so repulsed by the hapless and pathetic establishment/LLR republicans that they ignore the republican President, and the clear majority of moderates.
This has the dems/left/LLR's (a now homogenous clustering of schmucks) in a panic mode. Thus, they cannot walk away from their proven 3 year stretch of lies and smears. Its all they have left.
To respond: Mueller’s “objectivity” was a very limited commodity. Under the rubric of “following” his instructions to investigate Trump collusion with Russia, he found nothing but other “crimes”. The real point of his “objectivity” was to protect Obama, Hillary, DOJ, State and FBI. His past actions with organized crime, his history at trials all point to a man very much compromised by the people he served. I owe him no apology nor do I have any respect for Mueller:
Glenn Greenwald is definitely taking a victory lap due to his skepticism on the "Russian collusion" narrative.
Glenn Greenwald on Twitter
Yes this is a good day to show that the American justice system can work when headed by an impartial and careful person. So there was extensive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election but no direct collusion between Trump and and Russians, and I am relieved by that, although I still don't understand Trumps posture and comments towards Putin.
In light of all of the personal bashing of me on the lack of any indictable "collusion," I have tried twice, both times without any success (my comments being apparently blocked by Althouse herself) to post comments which observe that almost a year ago, I stated very plainly that I had not seen any evidence of "collusion" and that I believed it unlikely that there would be any indictments by Mueller on that issue (if one can even call it an issue).
This was my comment from April 27, 2018.
Exactly jw, unlike Sydney Powell's clients at Arthur Andersen, there hasn't been irreversible malpractice.
"Wonder when a single Althouse commentator will apologize to Mueller for dragging him through the mud and questioning his objectivity."
What objectivity? He happily went along with a laughably transparent smear job. If he could have found anything that had a prayer of sticking, he damn well would have used it. A large chunk of the Left's unbridled Russia! hysteria is down to the fact that they know Mueller's their tool.
It seems to me that if there was a way to ask the Top Russians who they "wanted" to win the election, they would say Crooked Hillary. After all, everyone should know by now that both of the Clintons can be bought.
"thru their astonishing combination of arrogance and stupidity"
I would say it's more a combination of duplicity and stupidity. We need a graph for them, like the "hot crazy" graph.
steve uhr at 9:40 AM
Wonder when a single Althouse commentator will apologize to Mueller for dragging him through the mud and questioning his objectivity.
I am proud to say that I have enjoyed dragging Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller through the mud and questioning his objectivity.
I have not stopped doing so. I look forward to doing so in the future some more.
roesch/voltaire at 10:45 AM
So there was extensive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election
The public has not been provided any evidence about that.
The public has received only assertions and redacted texts.
R/V--Did you understand Bush 43 or Obama's posture and comments towards Putin--or Hillary's reset button? Trump was trying to do the same thing. Everyone comes into office thinking, "THIS time it will be different with Putin." And then they find it isn't different at all. Merkel is about to find the same thing with Nordstream II.
You can take the boy out of the KGB, but you can't take the KGB out of the boy.
A job well done by Mueller and his “13 angry Democrats”.
Yes this is a good day to show that the American justice system can work when headed by an impartial and careful person. So there was extensive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election but no direct collusion between Trump and and Russians, and I am relieved by that, although I still don't understand Trumps posture and comments towards Putin.
3/25/19, 10:45 AM
Perfect! Never change.
For those commenting yesterday and today about Trump's simple, cheerful tweets, and remarking that perhaps he "got some," I offer as, if not evidence, a suggestion that that's true, the following Breitbart fashion article about Melania's shoes--
The most striking thing isn't her shoes (which are nice, yes), but the looks on their faces. They look very pleased with themselves and with each other.
I wonder why Trump believed Putin over his own US Intelligence.
“I don't see any reason why it would be" Russia. President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today."
Donald Trump
D'oh I must have messed up the link to Glenn Greenwald on Twitter. I'm sorry! If you just google Glenn Greenwald you will see his most recent opinions. It is hard to do links in Blogger comments and I am not an html expert LOL.
The Democrat media went all in on Russia and would have been left with nothing to drive their ratings, and his report is a sop to the House that can now embark on impeachment based on that incredibly thin reed. It’s enough to keep the bitter clingers drooling and watching their “Gorilla Channels,” CNN and MSNBC. Mueller has proved himself a partisan hack.
What has more of an effect on dividing America, a few facebooks ads paid for by Russia, or the politicians and media constantly attacking truth, justice and the American way?
No doubt in my mind that many, if not most, of these naysayers are colluding with Russia to destroy the America we all know and love. Whether through blackmail, bribery or malice, Mr. Vladimir Putin controls these useful idiots
If any here can prove that is not the case, do not hesitate to do so.
Would you mind explaining Obama's "greater flexibility after the election" because I am having a hard time understanding Obama's "posture and comments towards Putin."
Thanks in advance.
DOJ/FBI obtained the FISA warrant against Carter Page -- and against whom else? -- in order to collect and analyze communications within Donald Trump's sphere of associates.
Who needs "plumbers" to break into a Watergate hotel room, when you have the DOJ, FBI, and the State department doing your spying for you before the election, and then treasonously undermining the President after the election, all at taxpayer's expense? That's the real scandal here. This is Watergate times a thousand.
And all he had to do would have been release his tax returns and then Mueller wouldn't have been needed.
A decade of trolling and hijacking, tens of thousands of imaginative contrarian comments, and this is the best you can come up with?
"I wonder why Trump believed Putin over his own US Intelligence."
Clapper, Brennan, and Comey. But then, you knew that. You're one of the ones more interested in hurting Trump than in America being successful.
Hmmm... with Brennan in charge of US intelligence and Comey in charge of the FBI, why indeed did Trump not just believe them?? A mystery for the ages!!!!
"I wonder why Trump believed Putin over his own US Intelligence."
1. Do you think Trump or any president sometimes says things he doesn't believe?
2. Maybe Trump got a good look at James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Susan Rice, John Brennan and James Clapper, and formed some opinions about the honesty and intelligence of the organs of state security in the US.
“...upbeat and circumspect.”
“President Donald Trump warned that unspecified “people” who prompted Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation would be investigated, and said he wouldn’t object if the special counsel’s report is publicly released. Unnamed people had done “treasonous things,” Trump said. “Those people will certainly be looked at. They lied to Congress. It was a false narrative.”
“No American conspired to cooperate with Russia”
“More accurately, no Trump people did. It's my understanding that Fusion GPS got some of the Dossier from Russian agents. I'm hoping Trump's good mood means something will be done about that soon, now that the SC is done.”
Actually, we don’t know where Fusion and Steele got their information. Some from public sources, which could be verified by reference to those same public sources. That was Fusion’s claim to fame up until the Steele Dossier - the pulling together of opposition research from public sources. This is what Nellie Ohr claimed to have been doing for them. It is everything else that is questionable. Anything that supposedly came from Russian intelligence. Given the likelypaucity of Steele’s Kremlin connections, after all these years, I would suspect that much of his Russian intel was either invented after smoking pot one night, or was originally gleaned by Fusion people performing illegal FISA Title VII database searches up through maybe April of 2016, then laundered through Steele to make it appear to have come from a legitimate source. (We don’t know for sure yet if Fusion was one of the FBI contractors allowed illegal access to NSA databases, since the list of contractors was redacted in the publicly available FISC opinion disclosing the misuse). The best explanation that I have seen yet for the false claim that Cohen went to Prague was just that - a name search of ICE databases (through FBI provided FISA 702 searching) that popped the wrong Michael Cohen. And, of course we know now, for sure, that it was a false claim, because Mueller’s prosecutors had a chance to get him to state that he had been there, under oath, in his plea deal, and didn’t, but instead continued to publicly claim that he had never been there.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
I wonder why Trump believed Putin over his own US Intelligence.
Because he caught them lying to him repeatedly.
We have also caught them lying to the FISC to get a FISA warrant in a conspiracy with a political party to spy on another political party.
Everyone in the DNC and GOP who participated in this coup attempt must face consequences for their traitorous actions.
Jail is too good for them.
People like Inga who support one political party spying on another political party using the federal intelligence agencies do not deserve the freedom other people died to give them.
I wonder who was that commenter that always used to refer to Mueller as “Mueller the FBI Whitewasher”. He might have to find a new nickname for Mueller now, lol. I recall reading here numerous times how Mueller wasn’t an honorable man, etc etc etc.
This AM when asked if Mueller did a good job, Trump said “yes”. How funny, just a few days ago he was still demonizing him.
We know the Hillary campaign colluded with Russian and English and Australian foreign agents.
It is time for a midnight raid on the offices of Perkins and Coie.
I think Trump is mad at Comey, Brennan, Clapper,Rice over this.
No collusion!
A lot of you seem to think Mueller did a good job and Trump was wrong to criticize him. Wrong! Mueller was told to investigate a murder which never occurred: no body, no weapon, no nothing. He should have finished it in a month. The fact that he took two years and $30 million and left an Easter egg in his report (Exonerate) is pitiful. The only report he could have come up with is No Collusion, no nothing. The fact that he reported just that shows zero integrity, zero anything of value. It’s like honoring an umpire who called a runner safe when the catcher didn’t even have the ball.
Also, to those praising the spineless Brett Baier, spare me, He’s the weakest man in journalism. He’s terrified of not being accepted by the rest of the media. His mantra of “Fair, balanced, and unafraid” should be “Unfair, imbalanced, and terrified (please like me!)”
R/V: "So there was extensive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election ...."
Legties and LLR's eamlessly moving from one lie to the next.
“Hmmm... with Brennan in charge of US intelligence and Comey in charge of the FBI, why indeed did Trump not just believe them?? A mystery for the ages!!!!”
Hmmmm... with the daily lies told by Trump for years now, why do people not believe a word he says?? With Trump’s behavior toward Putin, why did people suspect him?? A mystery for the ages!!!!
So there was extensive Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election
$95,000 spent on Facebook ads that, apparently, hardly anyone read might qualify as “extensive” in a race for state senator. In a national campaign for President of the United States, where multiple billions of dollars were spent, $95,000 is less than a rounding error and stretches the adjective “extensive” beyond all meaning.
Again, I’m going to repeat…. The same investigators who initiated the Trump operation in late 2015, through spygate, and into Crossfire Hurricane (July 2016), were the same investigators in May 2017 when Mueller became their boss. That’s three years of active electronic surveillance, intercepts and extraction. Think about it.
Lotsa trolls "wondering", "what if ing", scrambling around blowing spit bubbles along with their flaccid theories. To this I reply I fucking told you so! All I hear is the lamentations of the women. Sweet sweet music!
Inga...Allie Oop at 12:16 PM
I wonder who was that commenter that always used to refer to Mueller as “Mueller the FBI Whitewasher”.
I continue to call him Robert "The FBI Whitewasher" Mueller.
I do so because he continues to whitewash the FBI.
Redacted said:
"A mystery for the ages!!!!"
Elvis says:
Oh yeah, ever since the world began
A hard headed woman been
A thorn in the side of man.
I wonder who was that commenter that always used to refer to Mueller as “Mueller the FBI Whitewasher”. He might have to find a new nickname for Mueller now, lol. I recall reading here numerous times how Mueller wasn’t an honorable man, etc etc etc.
This AM when asked if Mueller did a good job, Trump said “yes”. How funny, just a few days ago he was still demonizing him.
Mueller is a whitewasher. He had factual evidence within 60 days on the job that no credible accusation existed to launch an investigation. If he were an honorable man, he would have sent a report to Rosenstein outlining those facts. Facts that Rosenstein already knew, because he was instrumental in creating the lies.
I have been down this road dozens of times. I ask for anyone to identify even one credible accusation that could launch an investigation. I get the same all the time. ZERO events exist that could launch this investigation. ZERO. Mueller is a conspirator in the silent coup we have been living since the day after the election of President Trump.
You are right. Trump telling Putin he wants a reset of policy and he’ll be more flexible after his re-election showed him to be a real Putin stooge
Once again, you'd think this would be the perfect opportunity for some people to admit they were wrong and stfu.
I do wish to express my relief that Trey Gowdy seems to have been right about Mueller after all. After sending 29 FBI agents in body armor (and a CNN van) to arrest Roger Stone, I had my doubts.
Inga has crafted a fantasy reality to live in, one where Trump lies DAILY and Barry "I'll have more flexibility after the election" Obama was harsher on Russia than Trump.
We need to institutionalize these people.
And can you imagine if Trump was caught on a hot mic saying "I'll have more flexibility after the election" ?
“We know the Hillary campaign colluded with Russian and English and Australian foreign agents.
It is time for a midnight raid on the offices of Perkins and Coie.”
Hillary Derangement Syndrome.
"Wonder when a single Althouse commentator will apologize to Mueller for dragging him through the mud and questioning his objectivity."
Are you high? Mueller coerced a false confession from Flynn by threatening to ruin his son's life.
He should hang.
He should get on his knees before a judge and beg to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Because he has two daughters. And he just went after someone else's kid.
Beg to be punished under the Rule of Law. Because if you are above the law, you are outside the law, and the law can't protect you. People forget that our Rule of Law exists not only to protect the innocent, but to also protect the guilty from mob violence.
"When the responsible authorities fail to act, other forms of authority will assert themselves. They may not behave responsibly but they WILL act" - Glen Reynolds
What could the Russians possibly do to help him?
I never heard this important and obvious question even asked in the media. Perhaps they're hung up on his finding missing emails joke. It hard to tell whether they're being stupid or evil.
And it says alot about your intellectual integrity that you assume we owe Mueller some courtesy for not indicting the President. As a quid pro quo simply for doing his job. How corrupt are you?
Mueller is a partisan hack who STILL couldn't find enough dirt to stack the deck against Trump. He was the instrument of a failed coup attempt. We owe him nothing but contempt.
which stage of grief is that, bargaining,
And it is within the obstruction nonsense where anger over this fiasco really starts to settle in and there’s absolutely NO ROOM to consider Robert Mueller and/or Rod Rosenstein anything except complicit with the sedition team.
I wonder who Inga thinks is more trustworthy: Brennan and Clapper, or Vladimir Putin?
Clearly Putin, as you know where Putin is coming from: Make Putin and Russia great again. Brennan and Clapper lie, lie, lie... they claim to be American but do the bidding of Hillary.
The fact that Inga still thinks her credibility survived the Mueller report is funny though. She kept telling us Trump was a puppet, had colluded, and that Mueller would prove her right.
Has she apologized or admitted she was wrong yet? Has Steve Uhr? Or are they shamelessly rewriting history?
Lol! And at a cost of what? And how many months and resources? Not being a puppet is a basic expectation, not something we should have had to investigate. And all he had to do would have been release his tax returns and then Mueller wouldn't have been needed.
Only a Republican can gloat this heavily about this great a waste of time and resources. All completely unnecessary if he'd simply done what the last ten presidents have done. BS'er!
This is more or less the tack my highly intelligent Trump-hating Democrat friend has been taking for over a year. He's too smart and averse to utter bullshit to have believed "Russia collusion," but at the same time he had to hold Trump responsible. If Trump had not been such an idiot and hired compromised people like Carter Page and dopes like Papadopoulos, if his son and associates hadn't been so slimy as to engage that Russian lawyer for dirt on Clinton, if Trump himself hadn't acted so suspiciously with respect to Putin, this would never have happened. Trump brought this upon himself, and the investigators are honest men left with no choice but to take extraordinary good faith measures to protect us, including FISA wire surveillance, using cutouts to surveil/ensnare aides because Trump's blundering ways introduced Russian moles like Page into a presidential campaign's inner circle.
For the longest time, I was sure he was putting me on. Each time more substance was revealed, such as the lack of Carter Page's culpability or the timing of the surveillance, or the intelligence connections of a Mifsud or Halper, I'd check in with him: he had a new rationalization, which was generally a recent example of something awful Trump had done. He was completely sincere, I think. That's why it really is a derangement, or as someone else put it: Extremely smart people can be unusually stupid about their stupidities.
I have had a little time to think about this and it is really awful. I only voted for Trump because I thought Hillary would be worse, I don't like him, I think he is basically a horrible person.
But the media has disgraced themselves so much with this "Russia Collusion" story, anytime now that Trump says "enemy of the people" or "Fake News" they have given him plenty of ammunition.
I'm sure Trump is guilty of many crimes, dishonesty, and corruption, as are most politicians, but thanks to the media making fools of themselves people will now have more reason to believe Trump and less reason to believe the media. Thanks "journalists"! Too bad your hatred for this one person caused you to completely abandon all of your sacred standards.
It is amazing that after the full force of the US Intelligence apparatus was turned on a man (likely in violation of the 4th Amendment, by the way) for 22 months and nothing has been found, a random internet commenter would type "I'm sure Trump is guilty of many crimes, dishonesty, and corruption..." without a trace of self-awareness.
Do you people not understand the legal colonoscopy that President Trump has suffered? Determined investigators, Democratics all, could find nothing. Guys with everything to gain professionally for being the guy who got Trump... crapped out. They pretty much confirmed that he's the cleanest president of our lifetimes.
It has proven that the Dems are Party first, Party always, Party only. In Short the T word, Traitors as the PARTY comes before Country; very Soviet.
Wonder when Trump is going to apologize to Mueller and his "angry democrats" for dragging them through the mud for the past two years.
According to AG Barr, part of Mueller's report was a failure to conclude if there was obstruction of justice on the part of Trump or his Administration. If Mueller was indeed investigating potential obstruction of justice, particularly in relation t firing Comey; Mueller should have recused himself due to his close personal relationship with Comey. Mueller had far greater conflicts of interest than Sessions.
As for the "angry Democrats", many of them were called out by the DOJ IG for failing to disclose conflicts of interest and being less than candid (lying) to other members of the FBI.
Other than doing their job for far longer than it should have taken and spending (mostly collecting as a paycheck) $40 million of taxpayer money; why do you think they need an apology? Honestly, I don't think an apology from them is sufficient at this time. They need to hope at least half the American people decide to let them to retire peacefully. I'm for it, but they need to become humble and real quick.
They pretty much confirmed that he's the cleanest president of our lifetimes.
Yeah, that is an unexpected bonus.
I had to explain to my sister tonight what a "shadenboner" was.
Cite a single time I questioned Mueller's integrity.
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