৩১ মার্চ, ২০১৯

Trained a bot...

৫০টি মন্তব্য:

rehajm বলেছেন...

It's Kennedy via Clinton via Obama

Lawrence Person বলেছেন...

Let's face it: It's a lot more viable strategy to run for President of the United States than to ape the far left's latest crazy policy positions.

Whoever wins will have taken so many far-left positions that it will be all but impossible to walk them back fro the general election, and suddenly Donald Trump looks like the sane, sober, normal adult in he room...

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Congressman O'Rourke is not a deep man. Congressman O'Rourke has definitely made a superficial impact on Democrat voters, though.

When you look at his past, though, Congressman O'Rourke seems kinda weird.

chuck বলেছেন...

Whose sacrifices? Our sacrifices! I want to know what Beto plans to sacrifice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

No joke and no butts or bots - JFK was a champion of the Electoral College.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

LBJ once said that he at least knew the difference between chicken shit and chicken salad. Who will play LBJ to Beto's JFK?

Jake বলেছেন...

Word salad.

Karen of Texas বলেছেন...

Robert Francis is about to find out that tabletop surfing, skateboarding, and looking like a Kennedy do not negate the deficit of his white skin.

The long knives are out for white B number two - the replies on that tweet are epic.

Mayor Pete will be dispatched next, I think, but I predict it will be done in a much gentler way.

Bernie? I think those orchestrating the take downs of the white men may be underestimating the delusional Bernie Bros. That battle will require more popcorn.

Limited blogger বলেছেন...

Beto Bot is definitely set to 'Trite' mode.

Anchovy1214 বলেছেন...

I do not think Beto and a whole host of other candidates really understand the job they are campaigning for. This is not a job where you get to dress up and have fancy dinners with a lot of famous people. This is the job where you have to make a decision about what to do if Russia tries to gain a foot hold in Latin America and how far you will have to go. It is a job where thousands and tens of thousands are impacted by your decisions. There is far more responsibility than glamor but I just don't think the Beto's understand that and that is terrifying.

Expat(ish) বলেছেন...

If that were the modern Trudeau we could at least awfully pun about the "eh I."

But we will have to stick with "Vanilla Obama" jokes.


robother বলেছেন...

So, it should be Roboto O'Rourke? "Boto" for short.

etbass বলেছেন...

What kind of an ego does a guy have to have to really believe that he deserves to be president of the United States having done no more than this guy has done?

Craig বলেছেন...

Scott Adams has called Trump "our last human president". There's a lot of truth to that.

Craig বলেছেন...

Scott Adams has called Trump "our last human president". There's a lot of truth to that.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

First thought: Who is Max Kennedy. Then I saw I misread his name.

Let me be clear/Let us be clear is followed by trite treacle when spoken by a politician.

Not Sure বলেছেন...

Old and busted: The Green New Deal

New hotness: The Green New Frontier

Narayanan বলেছেন...

From someone who was not there.

Rally had more people watching than Trump's inauguration.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Anybody ever watch Succession where an extremely wealthy family tries to make one of their own President? That was just one of the plots. Not sure why Beto would make me think of that.

There was another series Billionaire where a prosecutor has nothing and makes feint after feint to force an overreaction in order to whip up an obstruction charge.

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

Beto is sorta like parts of those rivers in the western Great Plains (the Platte and part of the Rio Grande among others) that can occasionally be described as "a mile wide and an inch deep". Once you get past the flim flam and dig deep into a Beto speech, all you find is a bushel of banalities.

In that regard, his speeches are a lot like Obama's. To the great irritation of my late San Francisco sister, I once dissected Obama's "greatest speech on race relations ever". Just what did it mean? My professional life as a lawyer drafting documents and arguments was no help for my sister. Pointing out the airy nothings in that speech was, according to her, "just a cheap lawyer trick". Well she was wrong--in my day I was expensive.

CWJ বলেছেন...

Now that was funny. +1 tO Max Kennerly!

FullMoon বলেছেন...

No need to remind all here that more native born Texans voted for Beto than for Cruz, right? Transplants voted for Cruz. I assume the California, Oregon and Washington transplants voted for Cruz and the young brainwashed Texan natives voted for Beto.

Same as other states, your sons and your daughters are beyond your command. Decent, honest and forthright old time cowboys have lost the young ones to the barrage of media and educational propaganda. Young people are ignorant and malleable i.e.leftist. Generally, life experiance and common sense is required to vote against the racist, semi socialist left.

While common sense may forever elude most on the left, the wisdom that comes to many with age and the experience of paying never ending , always increasing taxes while being lied to as to the disposition of said theft, helps to educate and influence the babes as they grow.

Make Texas Great Again.

James Sarver বলেছেন...

Have to pour something, anything into that suit. May as well be recycled JFK.

(with apologies to Dr. Suess)

Well, I was at a focus group
And I heard nothing scary.
For I have never been afraid of politics, not very.

But then they did a dreadful thing
And didn't try to hide it.
They trotted out a pale green suit with nobody inside it.

It blabbered tired platitudes
With wild gesticulation
And suggested on that basis
It be hired to lead the nation.

I yelled for help. I screamed. I shrieked.
I howled. I yowled. I cried,

The Godfather বলেছেন...

Lower case chuck asks "I want to know what Beto plans to sacrifice." I ask WHO?

TrespassersW বলেছেন...

As my eldest daughter said of Obama, "He talks a lot but he never says anything." Bobby O'Rourke is that all over again.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Ted Sorenson used to churn this sort of stuff out for JFK, then for LBJ for a while. It was hilarious to hear old Uncle Cornpone utter those same high-flown phrases.

walter বলেছেন...

Tear down those walls!

Jim at বলেছেন...

This is not a job where you get to dress up and have fancy dinners with a lot of famous people.

Really? Because from 2009-2017, that's exactly what it was. And that's all it was.

rcocean বলেছেন...

We will not negotiate out of fear, but we will not fear to negotiate.

When I was in Grade school we were fed the Gettysburg Address and JFK's Inaugural as "Great American Speeches". I suspect they were chosen because they're incredibly short. And free of political jargon.

Many have tried JFK's rhetorical pattern of speech, but it was only good for JFK and his times. We don't need a 21st Century JFK. Live to the Beto of your own Generation - R-Fork.

Sheridan বলেছেন...

OMG Beto wears shorts (I have no idea if that's true or not)! Well, that's the end of his candidacy! However, if he's the political reincarnation of JFK, maybe he can get away with the shorts. Do they sail boats in El Paso?

rcocean বলেছেন...

Why you should vote for Beto:

All of that is happening during this administration. That can either define
us for the generations to come, or what we choose to do now, at this
defining midterm election, that might be how we are known for the people of
the future, the kids, the grandkids, those kids and grandkids of
generations yet unborn, who will read about us, the people of 2018.

And they will say, in the face of all this smallness, and all this fear,
and all this paranoia, these people stood up, they were counted, they did
the right thing at the moment that history was calling for them.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

And they will say, in the face of all this smallness, and all this fear,
and all this paranoia, these people stood up, they were counted, they did
the right thing at the moment that history was calling for them.

What fear? Paranoia?

Beth B বলেছেন...

"What was the middle thing?"


Big Mike বলেছেন...

Technically there's not much challenge to this sort of machine learning. To my knowledge it was in the laboratory in the early 1980s, and transitioned out of AI laboratories decades ago.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Beto's speechwriters took Ted Sorensen, figuratively and literally, and put him on spin cycle.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

As my eldest daughter said of Obama, "He talks a lot but he never says anything."

It got him and Bill Clinton elected twice each. The voters are bots, too.

rcocean বলেছেন...

i Shall fight Trump on the beaches, I shall fight Trump in the Hills and in the Cities. I shall never surrender. And if the USA shall last for a 1,000 years, they will say: This was Beto O Rourke's finest hour.

And they will also say: I'm so fucking proud of him.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

“We will not be defined ... by the smallness of our differences.” I think this means that the fact that our differences are minimal, we don’ want that to get in the way. Perhaps of hating each other?

Howard বলেছেন...

He couldn't possibly do worse than President Cunt Neck

Breezy বলেছেন...

So how do they differentiate themselves? Be above it?, in the trenches?, not like Trump?, like Trump? Will be interesting to see....

Trump connects with his voters using their language form, which I think is genuine. This stuff from Beto seems to be reaching.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

I fear that Beto is going to violate Althouse's Rule #1. He is becoming boring.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

rcocean: So we should vote for Beto because he really knows how to sling the ol' fecal matter?

Kevin বলেছেন...

Ask not who taxes you for your country, ask who your country can tax for you.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Good article today in the WSJ: <a href="https://www.wsj.com/articles/youve-told-that-story-100-times-please-stop-11553950801?mod=djemwhatsnews>You’ve Told That Story 100 Times. Please Stop.</a>

It reminded me why Trump goes off teleprompter so regularly and why it's so effective: you never know what he's going to say next.

In this season of stump speeches and carefully-worded policy positions repeated ad nauseam, Trump is not only constantly testing new ideas in his rallies and tweets, but he seems to work the best bits into any interaction at any time.

Yes, it's grating to the NYT crowd that he can't stay "on message", but in doing so he's really playing at another level -- that of being listened to, heard, and remembered. It's something that a machine politician doesn't need to do, but is crucial for an independent or outsider to succeed.

gadfly বলেছেন...

@chuck said...
Whose sacrifices? Our sacrifices! I want to know what Beto plans to sacrifice.

Lots of action words in that Beto quote - "resolve, creativity, service and sacrifice." So I am unsure why "sacrifice" is emphasized when it could be anything as simple as giving up daily exercise or less time on the Althouse blog.

But I have personally googled what Beto wrote and I am reminded of Andy Griffith and I apologize to Sheriff Andy in advance:

I don’t know, friends, to this day what it was that they was a-doin’ down there [in the West Texas town of El Paso where Beto fell in love with a beautiful girl], but I have studied about it. I think it was that it’s some kindly of a contest where they see which bunch-full of them [candidates can] ... run from one end of [the country] to the other without gettin’ knocked down or steppin’ in somethin’.

What it was that Robert Francis O'Rourke was talkin' about is likely like group-grope problem-solving through brainstorming. Y'all welcome.

walter বলেছেন...

Oh..but who will Gadfly deem worthy of dirtying his precious little hands FOR...

Wince বলেছেন...

Max Kennedy, like Max Headroom, is a great name for a bot that speaks like JFK.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

Shorter Beto:

Make America Great Again!

Martin বলেছেন...

Content-free pap that sounded good worked for Obama...

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...

tradguy @ 8:50pm,

Becoming boring? Snort!