The manner in which this case was dismissed was abnormal and unfamiliar to those who practice law in criminal courthouses across the State. Prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges alike do not recognize the arrangement Mr. Smollett received. Even more problematic, the State’s Attorney and her representatives have fundamentally misled the public on the law and circumstances surrounding the dismissal...
When an elected State’s Attorney recuses herself from a prosecution, Illinois law provides that the court shall appoint a special prosecutor. See 55 ILCS 5/3-9008(a-15).... Here, the State’s Attorney kept the case within her office and thus never actually recused herself as a matter of law.
Additionally, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s office falsely informed the public that the uncontested sealing of the criminal court case was “mandatory” under Illinois law...
The appearance of impropriety here is compounded by the fact that this case was not on the regularly scheduled court call....
Lastly, the State’s Attorney has claimed this arrangement is “available to all defendants” and “not a new or unusual practice.”... Central to any diversion program, however, is that the defendant must accept responsibility....
२९ मार्च, २०१९
"The Illinois Prosecutors Bar Association issues statement condemning the Cook County State’s Attorney’s handling of the Jussie Smollett case."
Full text here. Excerpt (with boldface added):
१०५ टिप्पण्या:
Roaches, say hello to the kitchen light.
Never trust a State's Attorney with a pornstar name.
I would have thought the price for the "Ted Kennedy Special" in criminal proceedings would have gone up a lot more than it has. Either way I suppose you have to admire his defense counsel. She drove a heck of a bargin. $10K!
A couple of articles from City Journal (Part of a post in another thread):
When Prosecutorial Discretion Is Woke
"Throwing out charges against Jussie Smollett is consistent with the social-justice narrative that a hate hoax can be true in a deeper sense."
Here's more on how guys get probation for "armed home invasion" in Chicago.
Too corrupt for the Illinois Prosecutors Bar Association is a very high standard...
No enemies to the Left?
Other prosecutors have to face voters too.
I do not think Cook County prosecutors thought this through, fully.
A local crime story this is not.
It’s also abnormal and unfamiliar for a city to sue an alleged criminal for the cost of investigating their alleged crime.
Same old shit, different day...the Left behaves badly and no one is held accountable.
"...the defendant must accept responsibility..."
The little bitch and his lawyer are getting all mouthy.
The Foxx was guarding the hen house.
"Jay Vogt said...
Either way I suppose you have to admire his defense counsel."
This had nothing to do with her. It was all political pressure.
Unfortunately, many elected prosecutors are woefully ignorant of the laws they swear to uphold. This ignorance costs taxpayers millions, exposes communities to federal intervention, and promotes corruption.
The solution is an informed electorate. With the current atmosphere of organized ignorance, this will probably never happen.
Took a while, and it’s a high (or low?) standard to reach, but let’s see if the name Obama becomes even half as toxic as the name Clinton.
Does this condemnation mean anything from a legal perspective? Or is it just a meaningless censure?
Despite the illusion that everyone is equal under the law here in the United States, people who are sufficiently cynical have always damn well known that there are two sets of rules, one for the powerful, well connected elites and one for everyone else.
But up until recently, it was rare to have these two sets of rules revealed and played out so clearly. Over the past few years it seems like it has been demonstrated to us over and over again (stuff like Comey giving a press conference to "exonerate" Hillary). The Smollet affair is just the latest in a very long line of blatant miscarriages of justice played out for everyone to see. And it won't be the last.
The only question is: Do enough people care that justice is being subverted over and over again to actually do something about it? I can't answer that.
"Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?" - Johnny Rotten
Well. Unseal it. Undo it. If it's all illegal, stop pussy-footing around and fix this mess.
This is the product of the vast tentacles of George Soros and his many fellow travelers.
He's been pouring money into electing Secretary of States and States Attorneys to turn them into de-facto arms of the Democrat party, to impose their version of "justice" and to ensure that elections are won only by Democrats.
Follow the Money.
When you've lost the Illinois Prosecutors Bar Association....
Thank goodness the NAACP is there to pick up the slack!
It's low level corruption that's too obvious for the highler level corrupt people there.
Senator Kamala Harris and Senator Corey Booker have been advocating a proposed "anti-lynching" law that would give the Federal Government jurisdiction over any incident where two or more people are accused of attacking someone because of the victim's race or sexual orientation.
During the coming election campaigns, Harris, Booker and other Democrats will try to make a big issue about Republican opposition to the federalization of all such incidents. Republican opposition will be denounced as racist and homophobic.
Harris and Booker needed a real incident to justify the proposed law. Immediately after the Smollett incident happened, both Harris and Booker pounced on the incident as proof that the law is needed. Only the Federal Government, they argue, can deal with such incidents credibly.
That is why all charges against Smollett were dismissed.
Why did Smollett attempt this hoax?
"I do not think Cook County prosecutors thought this through, fully." Yeah. This has happened to me: someone sold me something and I wonder later how I could have been so stupid.
Since we often rate ‘apologies’ I thought I’d rate this statement/clarification:
It is the most direct, unapologetic, non-politicized, non-mealy mouthed, no pulled-punches statement I think I’ve ever seen. Talk about a take down. The only thing it doesn’t do is call her by name (instead it always says “the state’s attorney”), but I think that’s a feature not a bug.
Actually makes the statement even stronger. We all know who it’s talking about anyway.
So what does the commentariat think? The whole group were just too woke to allow any more punishment/shame to befall their progressive brother?
I have to say I knew (as I think we all knew or suspected) that shady/corrupt/sweetheart deals are done all the time at all levels of government for all kinds of reasons. But I used to think they were relatively rare/low level and they were done behind closed doors. Now what I see is actually staring to scare me. The left is doing this stuff right out in the open in the most visible cases, and waiving two giant middle fingers at the camera as they do it. No shame, no regret.
Meanwhile people who simply say something on twitter that the left thinks is verboten, lose their jobs and are excommunicated front the tribe.
This shit has to stop. We’re either a nation of laws or were not. We ought to all be able to agree that the handling of this case was wrong and should never happen again. But that’s the problem. No consequences. And that’s how you end up with Hollywood casting couch well known secrets and government corruption of the worst kinds.
Isn't Patrick Fitzgerald from Chicago. He LOVES playing special prosecutor.
If this was not done in accordance with accepted practice and with the public statement that the prosecutor recused does this mean that the preceding is invalid? The old players in the Chicago way used to do this thing much more smoothly. I guess this is just another example of how things have been fundamentally transformed
Hard to believe anything is too smelly for Cook County.
I want Congress to pass the Citizens Jusstice Act. 16 felony indictments waived and expunged for each and every American! Apply it retroactively! Clear the prisons.
If Jussie had the brains that God gave geese, he would have kept his mouth shut after he skated. Maybe he can explain why he didn't when he appears on Ellen.
Soros pulled this same stunt in Philadelphia. Poured massive amounts of money into the DA race to elect a far left former criminal defense attorney.
The Smollett hoax was a scandal, but the Cook County State's Attorney's office has poured gasoline on that fire.
As a former Chicagoan I am happy that the rest of the world can see how Cook County operates.
@Ferd - I guess armed home invasion is relatively safe for homeowners and crooks in Chicago as most victims will be legally disarmed.
Here in FL the numbers seem to show that any form of home invasion is rare. Which is probably the safest of all outcomes.
File ethics charges on Foxx.
Foxx's ties with Kamala are interesting.
Is there any institution leftism hasn't corrupted to the point of destruction?
I’m waiting for the solemn announcement that an otherwise unidentified straight white male kidnapped one of the DA’s. relatives at gunpoint and demanded this deal as ransom in an effort to stoke resentment against Mr. Smollett and undermine the rule of law..
Corruption covering up for Kamala Harris staged false flag lynching. Ho
No drama Obama never had a scandal.
That's great to read, Althouse. This type of news should be all over the media to bring back trust in our institutions. Alas, it doesn't support the media's narrative. I'm glad you have it.
At a certain level, I think an average person attempting a hoax like this would likely get a minor sentence or fine. So, I do think equal justice might support the Prosecutor. However, much of what the Prosecutor did here seems appropriate, and the Illinois Prosecutors Bar Association spells it out. Good for them. It is very offensive that Smollett is out there continuing the charade that this wasn't a hoax, and he did nothing wrong. That's a travesty of justice caused by the State's Attorney.
Search thru Mike Royko’s columns. There was a thug mobster who continually got away with beating up people. He almost killed a female police officer and skated.
Once again - only the most devoted leftists will buy that his faked crime was real. Like Ellen.
How pathetic.
So my friend and former colleague thinks that Kim Foxx is "a dangerous imbecile". I think she is a "moronic incompetent". Who is right? What difference does it make? She is still the Cook County State's Attorney. That used to be a job filled by able prosecutors or political powerhouses (excepting Edward Hanrahan). Now, we have a hack's hack with visions of Hollywood dancing in her empty head.
She didn't legally recuse herself, just colloquially. Who knew that recusal was Chicago street slang?
"Pay up, or I'll recuse your ass!"
Forget it Jake, it's Chicago.
When do we pass the Get Soros Corrupt dirty dark money out of politics law?
I am told the Democrat machine runs all of Northern Illinois. I cant say "I Know", because I don't know how voting for the unknown is more scary than holding your nose and voting for the candidate that doesn't get the corrupt Democrat endorsement.
When did experience in the job you are seeking become a liability. Foxx does not appear to have near enough experience to run the office she was elected to. These hipsters are too stupid to understand how little they know. God knows college didn't teach them anything.
"Soros pulled this same stunt in Philadelphia."
The Soros/Steyer machine isn't going anywhere. Their opponents better figure out what to do about it.
This is water.
Hes senior partner at skadden arps with the relieved Greg Craig and miss tschen.
And in orange county with the anti death penalty da who absolved everyone in the pulse matter.
I'm shocked that she could make a decision and it didn't have to be approved and I assume can't be undone. I didn't realize rogue prosecutors had so much power. Its like the Epstein case. One Fed Prosecutor decides to seal the records and give the Defendant a pass. And no one else has to sign off. Weird.
And how does everyone feel about immunity for prosecutors?
Seems like a clear case of abuse here and yet, on the State level there is nothing to be done..
Yes, it would lead to a flood of lawsuits until limitations are explored. But damn, the amount of lawfare going on, prosecutors lying, hiding evidence and more crops up far too often.
Oh yeah, why are we not hearing about the judge who went along with this?
Curious George said..."This had nothing to do with her. It was all political pressure."
It's like Vegas CG, They deal the cards, but if you know when to pick them up you're the winner.
I hope someone, the right someone, files an ethical complaint against Ms. Foxx with the State Bar. It appears she has done several things in this case that might warrant suspending her law licence. I'm sure that Bar would be under immense pressure to sweep her misdeeds under the rug. It would also be under immense pressure to NOT admit that it's fine and dandy for an attorney to intentionally mislead the public on a matter of public importance.
Shorter version: too corrupt even by Chicago standards.
Forget it, Jake. It's Chicago.
Here, the State’s Attorney kept the case within her office and thus never actually recused herself as a matter of law.
She said she recused herself, until she realized what the implications were, then she unrecused herself by saying she never properly recused herself in the first place.
The way to deal with all this is to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the whole thing, including Foxx's non-recusal recusal.
Interesting that her name doesn't even appear in this statement.
I wonder how much the DAs were paid to let Smollett go? I am sure they knew they would receive lots of flack over it.
Are the ivory towers in Madison so high you cannot smell the stench of Chicago politics from only 150 miles away? It takes something this egregious to get you to notice?
This is chickenshit.
Chicago is an ENTIRELY DEMOCRAT city.
President Obama's wife, Michelle, sent her flunk, Tina Tchen, to obstruct justice by telling dumbass Kim Foxx to stand down on the prosecution of Hollywood racial hoaxer, Jussie Smollett.
This is an impressive and blatant example of Democrat OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.
Why no interviews of Michelle Obama by CNN?
Central to any diversion program, however, is that the defendant must accept responsibility.
It's clear to me we're being set up here, given this statement along with the Mayor's.
1. Jussie gets off.
2. Public and officials outraged. "No acceptance of responsibility!"
3. Jussie accepts responsibility. No further penalties.
4. Public and officials pleased "justice" has been done.
Oh yeah, why are we not hearing about the judge who went along with this?
Perhaps they're currently tied up with FISA Court responsibilities?
"No drama Obama."
I can never remember which politician Kate McMillan at Small Dead Animals has christened "Sparklefarts". It is either Obama or Trudeau.
The exact point comes down to this: When a case is disposed in a diversionary program, the defendant ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY. I was not surprised that the prosecutor approved this case for their diversionary program; that's somewhat understandable. I was shocked that there was no admission of guilt and also shocked that the record was immediately sealed. That just doesn't happen! And where is the press on this?? There have been interviews with Foxx and with the prosecutor assigned to the case, but I did not see the reporters press them on this point. When these attorneys try to say that this case fits into the normal course of their diversionary programs, you have to pinpoint-press them on why there was no admission of guilt. Ask them point-blank if defendants are permitted to assert that they are completely innocent and still reap the benefit of the program. They'd have to LIE on the record if that question were asked.
This is all about the well-connected black Democrats, especially in Chicago, protecting their own, the laws be damned.
The black intelligentsia of Chicago has always had a nutjob edge to it. The Nation of Islam arose out of Chicago. The Black Panthers were active in Chicago in the late 60s. Rev. Wright's black liberation church may have sounded whacked out to outsiders, but, why did Obama want to join it? To network with the black upper class that filled its pews, which was the same reason that Rev Wright almost got Oprah Winfrey to join.
Remember, Jussi Smollett's mom was buddy-buddy with the likes of Angela Davis. Jussi Smollett was essentially red-diaper baby royalty in the far Left black community.
This is a simple, open-and-shut case of the Obamas clouting it to get Smollett, off the hook, through their fixer Tina Tchen. All the spinning in the world won't fool anybody with two functioning brain cells.
This does tell us, though, that Foxx's deputy who has been saying this was his decision after Foxx "recused" herself, is also lying. We knew that he was lying about the decision, but we now see that he was an accomplice in violating the law regarding what has to happen when a State's Atty recuses himself/herself.
Smollett + who "on the DL" is the key to this mess.
Something was definitely corrupt here. I doubt it was a bribe so much as a political favor to someone. That they thought they could do this quietly and get away with it suggests that Ms. Foxx has the IQ of about 90 or so.
Hah, too funny even for corrupt Chicago. You need to grease the correct palms and at a minimum take some responsibility and blame drugs and alcohol along with Trump. Looks like Jussie and the DA skipped a few steps.
I see Jussie Smollett has been nominated for an NAACP Image award. Yep, NAACP, Jussie Smollett is a really good image for you. I sure would like to get back the money I contributed to them over the years. Though to be fair they were an organization that did good things once upon a time.
Ho hum.
That's what Willie said.
Left Bank falsely claimed that people don't often have to pay for wasting police resources when they falsely divert those same police resources. That is not true.
Those sorts of lies should not stand.
Those talking points are lies.
The original crime was crazy, but the attempted cover up was even crazier. How did she think this would work? And then the NAACP nominates him for an Image Award. Are people this high up so far out of touch with popular sentiment? This is arrogance or stupidity beyond how we usually measure such things.......Well, Roman Polanski got an Academy Award AND a standing ovation and didn't go to jail. I guess it can be done, but this is really stupefying in its brazenness.
I'm shocked that she could make a decision and it didn't have to be approved and I assume can't be undone.>>>
As the elected state's attorney for Cook County, Foxx IS the final person who approves what charges are brought in state court. She has complete discretion to decide what cases are brought and their disposition. As far as "undoing" her decision, there's no way I can think of for a defendant who has received a disposition to have that case reopened. There are some cases where the Feds could bring their own charges but they would have to be based on a specific Federal crime (can't just re-activate the state-level prosecution). A higher authority such as the state prosecutor of Illinois could investigate Foxx re: the Smollet case, but the grounds would be limited to direct misconduct such as bribery, not her decisions as covered by her broad discretional authority. That's what happened to our last DA in Philadelphia county; he was taking money and favors and not reporting the money to the state ethics board and there was some evidence that he gave preferential treatment to a small number of defendants because of this. Crazy; he was a very good DA otherwise. And because he got indicted, Soros-supported Larry Krasner was able to run for election and win.
Kim Foxx is a perfect example of how the old Chicago Machine is starting to collapse through entropy. In the past nobody so incompetent would have been given a position of public responsibility.
The old machine politicians understood that they needed some confidence and trust of the people whom they are supposed to serve. If they also happened to let a neighbor go with a lighter sentence, hire some slightly useless family members, or padded a bit of money onto the contract... fine - as long as the work is done.
Always remember this simple rule... don't get greedy - pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.
For those who ask why people vote for the idiots from the Machine... there are no other choices. At this point the best case scenario for a 'choice' is when two wings of the old Chicago Machine engage in some internecine warfare.
These objections are clearly based on white privilege polluted concepts of jurisprudence...aka Raaaaaaciiissst!
Besides, "everyone knows" it's Truuuump!'s fault for creating such a hateful, divisive national climate.
And that includes the threat note with the white..WHITE! powder!!!
We must move past this and unite.
That begins with Subway reinstating the "You gotta fight! For your right! Suuuubwayyyyy!!" ad campaign.
RigelDog said...I was shocked that there was no admission of guilt and also shocked that the record was immediately sealed. That just doesn't happen! And where is the press on this??
While soon to depart Rahm is loudly feigning disgust, I haven't heard anything from the 2 mayoral candidates
Nothing to prevent a new prosecutor from charging him. Jeopardy has not attached
Perhaps this isn't as surprising as it seems, After all, isn't this essentially "downstate" taking a shot a Cook County? It's not like there's much love lost between the two of them.
Kim Foxx is a protege of Toni Preckwinkle who is a long time hack now running for Mayor.
The next Mayor will be a Black woman because the leading candidate is a Black lesbian woman whom I never heard of. I suspect that she is more tolerable to White liberals as Harold Washington was.
Foxx is trying to help Preckwincle get out the Angry Black vote (Bobby Rush, Nation of Islam, Obama Rev. followers). Gangs also have an increasingly powerful voice in Chicago politics.
This whole thing is about a split among Democrats with White liberals on one side, Black radicals on another and traditional Blacks on a third side.
At this point the best case scenario for a 'choice' is when two wings of the old Chicago Machine engage in some internecine warfare.
Chicago blacks are running out of competent people. They run the city, with the help of the gangs, but have to try to find a few blacks that are still on the right tail of the Bell Curve.
Racism is all the Democrats have in places like Detroit, Baltimore and Chicago.
I'm also unclear on the particulars. Wouldn't it have been the state's attorney that brought the charges in the first place? Why "overcharge" with 16 felony counts if you're going to let him walk?
Cuckservative's hardest hit. Don't care that Trump just sold Nuke tech to the perpetrators of 911. Straining gnats
Big Mike bemoans: I see Jussie Smollett has been nominated for an NAACP Image award. Yep, NAACP, Jussie Smollett is a really good image for you. I sure would like to get back the money I contributed to them over the years. Though to be fair they were an organization that did good things once upon a time.
Shouldn't they change their name now to NAAPOC?
“The NAACP was founded to help move America beyond our deeply racist past. Generations of men and women – both black and white – have dedicated their lives to that noble cause. It would be nothing short of a slap in the face to those civil rights heroes for the NAACP to now honor Smollett with an Image Award while he’s suspected of using symbols of racial barbarism – including a noose – to shamelessly advance and promote his career,” Project 21 member Jerome Hudson said in a statement.
If appointment as an Assistant Attorney General in Chicago requires a law license (it does, see below) why wouldn't the Attorney General in Chicago also be required to have one?
If the Bar Association pulls or suspends her law license for conduct unbecoming, logically Kim (not so)Foxx(y) will have to step down from her job:
Job Opening
Assistant Attorney General - Government Representation - General Law - Chicago
Title: Assistant Attorney General
Division: Government Representation
Bureau: General Law - Chicago
The General Law Bureau of the Illinois Attorney General’s Office is seeking attorneys with sound judgment and excellent research and writing skills..... Candidates must be licensed to practice law by the State of Illinois..."
2016: Trump will never get elected. He has no qualifications.
2019: Hey! I have almost no qualifications. So I can be the one to beat Trump!
As Charles Barkley would say: "You big dummy, don't write checks!" and might also add here, "you big dummies, don't sign your own names to the order, have a flunky do it!"
Foxes are smart, it is difficult to trick one. On the other hand, Ms. Foxxy, not so much. Her leg is in the trap past her knee, it will hurt so much. I need popcorn, anybody have some?
Read on the internet:
Two guys should mug Jussie Smollett because no one is going to believe him now.
The left ruin everything they touch. All these awards they hand each other - worthless.
The Pulizter stared off worthless - still is.
!!??She said she recused herself, until she realized what the implications were, then she unrecused herself by saying she never properly recused herself in the first place.??!!
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions >>>> meet a master of recusal but not recusal-recusal
I will be watching the NAAcp awards, for fun.
Meanwhile, apparently Jussie is demanding an apology.
I feel for the Nigerian brothers. Under pressure from rich, famous and connected.
> As the elected state's attorney for Cook County, Foxx IS the final person who approves what charges are brought in state court. She has complete discretion to decide what cases are brought and their disposition.
In Miller-Heiman sales, the "economic buyer".
The person who can say "no" when everyone else says "yes".
Don't bother talking to anyone else.
How about the flip side of discretion?
We saw Mueller Dems LOAD UP the charges, call the news for "guns drawn" raids, and put unconvicted defendants in solitary.
Strongly worded rebuke. Let’s hope that’s not the extent of the remedy here.
Do laws mean anything, or not?
The key here, at least to me, is the failure of the City to require Smollett to admit guilt and accept responsibility. If that had happened, I would have winced at the generosity and rolled on. But the failure of the City to make that a condition is inexcusable.
Might have gone smoothly, except Smollett didn't get the memo. He needed to say something like, I am so glad this nightmare is over. And that's all.
"Are the ivory towers in Madison so high you cannot smell the stench of Chicago politics from only 150 miles away? It takes something this egregious to get you to notice?"
There's enough foul funk in Madison. Take a look at DA Ozanne and his selective prosecutions, when he's not too lazy to do his job, the Major University and its proud tradition of suppressing free speech, and the Social Jussie Warriors fighting for the right of black kids (I almost said "students") to commit crimes in public schools. It's all at a much smaller scale than in the shithole city to the southeast, but it's still stinks.
"Are the ivory towers in Madison so high you cannot smell the stench of Chicago politics from only 150 miles away? It takes something this egregious to get you to notice?"
There's enough foul funk in Madison. Take a look at DA Ozanne and his selective prosecutions, when he's not too lazy to do his job, the Major University and its proud tradition of suppressing free speech, and the Social Jussie Warriors fighting for the right of black kids (I almost said "students") to commit crimes in public schools. It's all at a much smaller scale than in the shithole city to the southeast, but it's still stinks.
Well, here is the thing: I am no lawyer, but if he was not brought to trial, the DA still has a legitimate bite of the apple.
That being said, the FBI and the Postal Service might want to have a few words with him about faking a terrorist attack.
Just saying.
“The events of the past few days regarding the Cook County State’s Attorney’s handling of the Jussie Smollett case is not condoned by the IPBA, nor is it representative of the honest ethical work prosecutors provide to the citizens of the State of Illinois on a daily basis.”
I read this sentence from the very first paragraph of The Illinois Prosecutors Bar Association statement as damning Cook County State Attorney Foxx as being at the very least unethical to at most corrupt in handling this case. These are her peers politely stating that her actions are highly unethical in handling this case. The impression I got from the police is that after investigating this case that it was a slam dunk hoax on Smollet’s part. I would hope that the US Attorney in Chicago will investigate Miss Foxx’s actions in this case and if she did anything improper, prosecuted her; if convicter, seek to get her disbarred for life. The same applies to the judge. Both are elected officials who are hiding something from the public on sealing this decision without good reason.
Roman Polanski got an Oscar for making a good movie, not for having a good image. The colored-people advancers at the NAACP must think that Jussie adheres to their high standards. I agree with them.
Howard: " Don't care that Trump just sold Nuke tech to the perpetrators of 911."
Not possible. Obama personally killed them all including osama. All by himself.
We know this because thats what every one of you lefties told us, over and over....
.....unless...and stick with me here, you guys were actually lying about Our Earthbound "Messiahs" role....
...nah. You guys would never do that.
Birkel: "Left Bank falsely claimed that people don't often have to pay for wasting police resources when they falsely divert those same police resources. That is not true."
Yeah, Left Bank does that alot....
"Roman Polanski got an Oscar for making a good movie, not for having a good image."
No. He got an Oscar for two reasons. One for a good movie, and two, so Hollywood could give middle America the middle finger.
The Smollett Story involved Chicago and Hollywood. Two of the most corrupt places on earth.
As a former state's attorney in an Illinois county, I want to make three observations.
First == Elected State's Attorney's in Illinois have absolute and total discretion as to what cases to prosecute and what charges to pursue.
The Bar Association that issued the statement in regard to this matter is a private organization and has no oversight authority of any kind.
Any lawyer discipline in Illinois is handled by a state agency, the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission, which will only respond to legitimate complaints, and usually does not get involved in disciplinary matters, especially by elected officials.
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