"Recalling the 'caging of kids' at the U.S.-Mexico border and the 'droning of countries around the world' on Obama’s watch, she argues that the Democratic president operated within the same fundamentally broken framework as his Republican successor. 'We can’t be only upset with Trump. … His policies are bad, but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. They just were more polished than he was,' Omar says. 'And that’s not what we should be looking for anymore. We don’t want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.'"
From "The Democrats’ Dilemma/What Ilhan Omar and Dean Phillips tell us about the future of the Democratic Party" (Politico).
१११ टिप्पण्या:
She's right about recognizing the actual policies.
We're barely eight weeks into this new Democrat-dominated House and the internecine madness is already red hot.
Trump will waltz into his second term.
Why you are more confident than you should be.
Not like you couldn't have seen that coming.
The Dems made this bed. They encouraged all this. They can't be surprised that she's lashing out at the Sainted Obama. When you let the barbarians in, you can't be surprised when they start tearing down your idols.
Hoo boy, always fun to watch the Children of the Revolution devour their own!
Not sure if I have enough popcorn stocked to watch this unfold in the months ahead.
She is certainly right regarding the mirage surrounding Obama's presidency. He combined the horrible duality of Bill Clinton at home and George W Bush abroad. I used to be amused at commenters on the right referring to Obama as some kind of radical leftists president when he was in fact a Clintonite corporatist and centrist to his bones.
they need to ask her if she considers Barry to be an Apostate
After all, his Dad was a muslim; that means that he is
She's right about Obama. As for Trump, she's right he's not as polished as he could be; I'll expect him to improve his polish in his second term.
I wish I could take joy in Omar taking a shot at Obama but cant. She seeks the destruction of the republic.
Checked CNN website to see have any coverage of this. Nope. You can bet none of the MSM will have her on their Sunday morning talk shows and their sure as heck not going to ask her if Israel has the right to exist or if she's an antisemitic
This shoe-on-head retard is the gift that keeps on giving.
Holy cow. Keep it coming Omar. Next thing you know she's going to be sniping at 2020 candidates in real time. No one shut her up!
Omar is a crazed, leftwinger.
If she and her ilk ever got power in this country, man, watch out.
Let's see what we have here...
A political party whose base is upset by the lack of "fight" in their establishment; the members of that political "base" have now found their fighters, who are willing to say questionable things to the media (getting them an outsized amount of media play) and who maintain an aggressive posture on Twitter.
This describes:
A. The Omar/Tlaib/Ocasio-Cortez Democrats
B. The Trump Republicans
C. Both
I am laughing my ass off. The policies that have put money in the pockets of the working men and women of the United States are Trump’s policies, not hers. She is right though, about Obama being polished, but otherwise an empty suit.
O was a lazy leftist who likes golf and couldn't be bothered to pick up the phone and round up votes. The presidency was a line on his CV, to be marketed for a better book and movie deal.
But Omar is forcing the contradictions on the left: sorta-libs vs. standard progs vs. the (pro-)Muslim left.
Or is this yet another case of Omar having a “different experience in the use of words,” as Pelosi put it condescendingly?
Checked CNN website to see have any coverage of this. Nope. You can bet none of the MSM will have her on their Sunday morning talk shows
The good news is it isn't 2005 and there are more outlets for news.
I used to be amused at commenters on the right referring to Obama as some kind of radical leftists president when he was in fact a Clintonite corporatist and centrist to his bones.
Tells me how far to the left of true center you think the center is.
This is a reasonable criticism and skepticism that is clearly not limited to a single administration, and allows us to infer overlapping and converging interests between parties, a persistent underlying framework, the malleability of data when it is politically convenient, the significance of perception and preconceptions, etc.
Quaestor: "We're barely eight weeks into this new Democrat-dominated House and the internecine madness is already red hot."
This is why the Bat Signal went out for all LLR and NeverTrump fake conservatives to throw any remaining restraint in open support of lefty/dem policies out the window.
Brooks is all in on reparations, Tom Nichols thinks the open dem antisemitism is no big deal, LLR Chuck came out swinging hard in support of Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi, the entirety of the cuckservatives is now in open support of infanticide, etc. It goes on and on.
Chuck and his lefty pals know we are entering the home stretch of permanent lefty/stalinist show trials and they are desperate to have those succeed in order to cover up rampant dem spying on Americans and dem corruption, which they support.
I read in Powerline that Minnesota is a nesting place for Somali's. So that's what we can expect. Omar will be re-elected and maybe eventually, become Speaker of the House, if our nation lasts that long.
I wish I could take joy in Omar taking a shot at Obama but cant. She seeks the destruction of the republic.
Maybe. There is certainly a risk of throwing the baby (i.e. We the People and our Posterity) out with the bathwater, not limited to excessive and illegal immigration, and the planned parenthood protocol. Time will tell her... their true intentions.
If we have learned anything by this Year of Our Lord 2019, it is that criticism of Obama brands you a racist. So Ilhan Omar is not only anti-Semitic, which is forgivable, but racist, which is not.
@Big Mike:
Tells me how far to the left of true center you think the center is.
I have no idea what "true center" is. These terms are always going to be relative to a degree. The way the Establishment generally works is that it defines permissible boundaries to the left and to the right, and permits a great deal of debate and disagreement within those boundaries while ostracizing most everything outside those boundaries. HW Bush, Clinton, Bush II, and Obama were all well within the acceptable boundaries of the neoliberal agenda, which is why under their presidencies, the Establishment continued getting everything it wanted: more immigration, more "free" trade, and more intervention.
This will hurt her more than her other comments.
"This describes:
A. The Omar/Tlaib/Ocasio-Cortez Democrats
B. The Trump Republicans
C. Both"
‘Tout le monde à la bataille’
- Ferdinand Foch
So much for that hopey changey thing.
"The Dems made this bed. They encouraged all this. They can't be surprised that she's lashing out at the Sainted Obama. When you let the barbarians in, you can't be surprised when they start tearing down your idols."
Why is she a barbarian? Or are you using the term ironically? She is exactly right about Obama.
I have a sneaking feeling that these latest comments from her will enjoin little to no response from the Democrats. After they refused to call her out for her anit-semitism, they really cannot call her out for her racism towards the 'light giver' Barack Hussein Obama.
So will Ms. Pelosi explain these latest remarks as more miss-understanding of her words and her ignorance of how they hurt?
"O was a lazy leftist...."
He was no such thing.
Now watch the Democrats run a resolution specifically condemning her speech.
She attacked President Precious.
Obama was attacked by the Muslim Brotherhood for killing jihadis.
There is nothing "democrat" about Omar or Talib. They serve Allah and only Allah.
Linda Sarsour is their "handler".
"I have a sneaking feeling that these latest comments from her will enjoin little to no response from the Democrats."
Yes. She is emboldened by that farce of a resolution the Democrats put forward and passed.
Jim at said...
Now watch the Democrats run a resolution specifically condemning her speech.
She attacked President Precious.
3/8/19, 3:57 PM
No, they'll ignore it.
Remember, they are all about power. Omar has political power now, Obama does not.
And Omar ranks higher on the Victimhood Scale than Obama, since she's a female POC.
Up with the new boss, same as the old,
No, they'll ignore it.
Oh, to be sure. My comment was slightly sarcastic.
She's just begging for Pelosi to stand firm and speak clearly.
'caging of kids'
A wall that enforces a quarantine and assessment would reduce the incentive for predators and traffickers.
'droning of countries around the world'
People remember Iraq, Somalia, etc., and for better and worse have grown tolerant of immigration reform forced by unsecured interventions, and conflicts without reported American casualties.
"We want to recognize the actual policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile"
So she says with zero self-awareness.
I am waiting to hear the DNC talking points on Representative Omar's criticism of Obama.
Are you out there? What is the word?
Islam is both a religion and an ideology (caliphate). Omar's allegiance is first to Islam the religion, then to Islam the ideology and finally to the USA. In a political sense she has dual loyalties with her religion guiding that duality.
Her presence in Congress is a blessing in that it provides an uncommonly clear view into the beliefs of America's Muslims.
A pretty smile doesn't help..
Vision and Policy Priorities
Reform our inhumane immigration system
Abolish ICE, and end all inhumane deportation and detention programs
Prosecute federal officials who have been accused of physical and sexual assault of people in their detention
Oppose all efforts to further militarize our border and any attempt to expand the border wall along the southern border
Protect Sanctuary Cities and Counties by preventing Trump’s administration from withholding federal funding
Fight back against the criminalization of immigration and crossing the border
Establish a Just Immigration System
Create a fair and accessible pathway to legal status and citizenship for all undocumented people living in the United States
Pass a clean DREAM Act that also creates a pathway to permanent status for “DREAMers” and their families
Fight to extend Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure for all countries currently listed, and create a mechanism for them to receive permanent status and citizenship
Expand the number of refugee and asylum-seekers admitted to the United States
When Obama left office, Omar tweeted about how proud she was that he'd been her president. She may still have been reacting against Trump's election back then. One wonders what her motivation may be now. It doesn't seem like attacking Obama is going to get her anything. Is she indulging some self-destructive tendency? Or is she finally saying something she's been suppressing for a long time?
Everybody who gets a major party's presidential nomination is in some sense a centrist (at least since Goldwater and McGovern). You don't rise that high by being on the fringe and appealing only to the fringe. But anybody who gets to the top of a major party is bound to have connections and actions and utterances that the other party can see or portray as radical or fringe. Parties use what's available and latch on to it. Even milquetoast Mitt Romney was painted by Democrats as dangerous. So yes, Obama had radical connections and things in his past that one can latch onto, but the hard left was never that comfortable with him.
She's "a maverick"!
He was no such thing.
And Stalin wasn't a communist.
I would call Obama feckless since shiftless is right out.
At least he didn't have to be on TV everyday like Slick.
Omar is anti-American.The Democrat tent has always sheltered anti-Americans,which is why Omar and company have found cover with the party.
have found cover with the party
Based on her clout over the last week she's now a leader within the party.
And Stalin wasn't a communist.
@Quaestor, that’s because true communism has never really been tried. And socialism in Venezuela isn’t true socialism, either.
Q: What did socialists use before candles?
A: Electric light bulbs
Ritmo is pretty pro-Israel (his only redeeming quality).
Has he made an appearance on any of these Omar threads?
Opponents of Obama Library in Chicago should definitely put her on witness list.
She's backtracking.
Oh, this is rich. Omar is trying to walk back her remarks about Obama. But ...
“Exhibit A of how reporters distort words. I’m an Obama fan! I was saying how [President] Trump is different from Obama, and why we should focus on policy not politics,” she tweeted, referring to an interview published earlier in the day by Politico Magazine.
She included a nearly two-minute recording of her interview. But the audio clip essentially confirmed that her quotes, though edited, were accurate.”
(My emphasis.)
I know she's a member of Congress but I can't believe it really matters that much what this person has to say about much of anything. She's been there all of 10 minutes or so. But I suppose it's good that she's spending her time spouting off about stuff instead of actually trying to pass any legislation.
Poor Nancy. She thought she could finesse it with the little Jew hater. Only a day later, and the fanatic turns and sticks it to all the hope and change Democrats. They made their bed with her, now they get to lie in it. Did they think she'd just go away?
There’s a Democratic civil war shaping up that will prove even nastier than the Republican one. Nancy Pelosi thought she could get a quick anti-Semitism resolution through the House and then go back to the Democratic agenda. She had her head handed to her by the far Left side of her party.
But I suppose it's good that she's spending her time spouting off about stuff instead of actually trying to pass any legislation.
The legislation will come, and sooner than you may think.
Omar is pretending she is a critic of .Obama . She wants to use the Muslim Umma that Obama imported here to take over the Dem party to. Make Jew and Christian killing sharia the law. So far only Trump has said no to her.
Tommy Duncan hits the nail. Omar is a Muslim first, second and third. She does not want to adapt to "western values". I think that our exposure to Muslim intolerance through Omar and Tlaib will be a good learning experience for those willing to learn.
She had her head handed to her by the far Left side of her party.
Power and the prospect of acquiring more of it are too alluring to keep Pelosi loyal to her principles. (Whatever they may be, poor anemic things they undoubtedly are.) Look for the Speaker to out-Omar Omar in the near future.
Has any reporter asked Rep. Omar, "Do you believe that the State of Israel has a right to exist?"
The Democratic Party has become one of frank annihilationists.
Omar is now a pariah. Now maybe the US Attorney will indict her for immigration fraud.
So, Nancy, what do you really think of these Muslim lefties?
They say that history doesn't repeat itself but it's interesting to watch historical similarities appear. The modern Mensheviks (Pelosi Dems) are now having to deal with the modern Bolsheviks (Omar, et al). Pelosi thinks she's got the upper hand but then, so did Julius Martov. Pass the popcorn...
2020 is shaping up to be a good year for the GOP and Trump.
I've written and backspaced over a couple of comments about Rep. Omar. Suffice it to say that I find her odious and the Minnesotas who elected her to be a pack of fools at best.
One might an example from patterns of force, when john gill was replaced by melakon,
there doesn't seem much focus on the gang of justice democrats out of Tennessee though,
Clyde, I have some sympathy for the 74k Minnesota voters who cast their ballots for the Republican in the fifth congressional district in the 2018 general election. They are now and forever frakked.
Omar is now backtracking.
Not wise to upset the Boss (Obama).
“Exhibit A of how reporters distort words. I’m an Obama fan! I was saying how [President] Trump is different from Obama, and why we should focus on policy not politics,” she tweeted, referring to an interview published earlier in the day by Politico Magazine."
She's a crafty little lying weasel, ain't she? A little al-Taqiyya: (deception; the islamic word for concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies.)
J. Farmer said... I have no idea what "true center" is
Truer words have Never been spoken
A pretty good description of today's Democrats.
The Party and the left place little or no value on tradition, the Constitution, the sanctity of life, borders, private property rights, voting-law enforcement, election outcomes, standards of behavior, or free speech. These are all fundamentally different kinds of rules or systems of rules. The left does not like rules (at least not for themselves).
If you do not like rules, you do not like order, and the alternative to order is chaos. The Democrat Party is attempting to lead the country into chaos. Once you recognize that the Democrat Party is nihilistic it becomes easier to understand why they think and act as they do.
They do seem to embrace a certain amount of anarchy, do they not? I think they believe that once they tear it all down, they will get to rebuild it back in their vision of utopia or whatever their vison really is.
Except by that time, there won;t be anything to build back. It will all be a pile of shit, with no pony underneath it all waiting to be discovered by the faithful.
It makes you want to drink a lot. Or maybe laugh, as it hurts too much to cry and it won't do any good anyway.
The Somalis and the Kenyans share a history--like centuries of slave raiders attacking Kenyan villages. Obama's grandmother had good reason to be afraid of Omar's grandfather.......Omar should take note of this history and profusely apologize for all the crimes that Somalis have committed against Kenyans. This obtuse statement does not further the healing process. I just hope the Minnesotan Somalis don't revert to their old traditions and start forming slaving parties in Minnesota.
The Congressional Black Caucus is going to be pissed at her now.
I like her honesty.
Obama’s drone program was fairly robust. And he did have “the cages.”
If he had done drone strikes on Israelis or “caged” some Jewish children, Omar would be ecstatic.
But drone strikes against Muslims offends Allah.
Omar keeps taking and Pelosi will bring the Muslim ban legislation to the floor of the House.
Omar is not going to stop talking, and I doubt Pelosi is going to do anythig substantive at all. I suspect something on the order of a non-condemndation condemnation statement, with a strong note to follow.
No, the Democrats have created this monster. They have sown the wind, now they (and the rest of us) get to reap the whirlwind.
This will not end well for anyone.
I thought that was more an oman thing, yes the tradition of the zanj is fairly well known there, it's like the twist in captain marvel, the skrulls are not the bad guys, holy confusion batman,
There are times when the shrill politics of our aging country make me wish I were a billionaire with a bolt-hole in New Zealand.
This is starting to feel like one of those times.
The logic of the "progress" ideology -- you must continually condemn and denigrate the past, no matter how extreme, as being backward and oppressive. Thus, it is always in a state of constant transformative change and revolution, moving ever leftward and over the cliff.
referring to Obama as some kind of radical leftists president when he was in fact a Clintonite corporatist
Leftism has become thoroughly corporatist -- and corporation have become thoroughly leftist.
So, if she was “exactly right on Obama” is she still now exactly right saying she actually meant she likes Obama?
Yesterday, it was legislation that would essentially ban any sort of election integrity laws at the state level, in the name of combatting the sort of voter suppression that they are always whining about, but never finding any evidence that would support their claims. They would also implement DoJ preapproval for any voting changes by certain, now Republican, states in the south. Supreme Court had thrown it out, after a half century, on the grounds that the evidence showing discrimination was a half century old. The legislation could best be described as The Dem Party Incumbent Protection Act of 2019. The Republican Senate leader averred that he didn’t expect that it would ever be brought to a vote in the Senate. This was followed today with legislation imposing single payer health “insurance” on the country. Essentially, AOL’s Medicare For All. No provision though was made to provide the couple trillion dollars a year that it would cost. This wraps up a week that included condemning anyone that the SPLC defines to be a “hater”m essentially flipping a resolution that started out to decry antisemitism to one protecting the anti Semitics in the House. Also expect them to pass universal (kitchen table) gun background checks, magazine limits, and probably even a revised Assault Weapons Ban (in the face of NJ failing last month in keeping AR-15 manufacturing design files secret - thousands of copies are already out in the public allowing any good computer driven machine tool company to automatically build the firearms). Etc. Already off to the races.
"J. Farmer said... 'I have no idea what "true center" is'
"Truer words have Never been spoken"
Can anyone define "true center" (sic)? Can you?
Is there a true center?
"There are times when the shrill politics of our aging country make me wish I were a billionaire with a bolt-hole in New Zealand.
This is starting to feel like one of those times."
There are places besides New Zealand, and NZ is getting quite tired of being treated as a bolt-hole. And you do not need to be a billionaire. Though properly speaking it takes a bit more trouble than just retiring somewhere. You have to move your assets, or much of them, and a significant part of your source of income. You need to purchase foreign revenue-producing assets. This can be quite involved.
Sheridan: "They say that history doesn't repeat itself but it's interesting to watch historical similarities appear. The modern Mensheviks (Pelosi Dems) are now having to deal with the modern Bolsheviks (Omar, et al)."
What's even more interesting is how the LLR/NeverTrumpers are aligning completely with today's Bolshevik dems over the Menshevik dems.
Open Borders? NeverTrumpers/LLR's: Check
Infanticide? NeverTrumpers/LLR's: Check
Anti-semitism by the left? NeverTrumpers/LLR's: Totes Cool
Socialism? NeverTrumpers/LLR's: Deserves a chance
The surest way to tell if a LLR/NeverTrumper has gone Full Left is whether or not they try to resurrect historical slurs against all conservatives/republican/Trump voters such as they are the KKK or modern day John Birchers.
If you ever read any supposed "conservative" making such a charge you can safely assume they are simply leftists trying to help the dems.
You need to purchase foreign revenue-producing assets. This can be quite involved
I can help you with that.
Earnest Prole said...Nancy Pelosi thought she could get a quick anti-Semitism resolution through the House and then go back to the Democratic agenda. She had her head handed to her..
You just had to go there ;)
People keep calling her a POC.
Probably a autocorrect for what she really is: POS.
having scrolled thru these comments i find them all based in the present. omar is not looking at the present, omar is focused on her eternal reward which will be greater the more people she can prove she showed the law of sharia. her election elevated her to never before seen heights of public reach for her love of her deity. her best bet to preserve this new height? i doubt it is loyalty anything here in this life.
Liza..previous comment ties into your sentiment:
Bay Area Guy said...(s)he's a crafty little lying weasel, ain't she? A little al-Taqiyya: (deception; the islamic word for concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies.)
Until that Neenah, WI Muslim gadfly Zhudi Jasser manages to "Reform this", gonna be problems.
There are places besides New Zealand, and NZ is getting quite tired of being treated as a bolt-hole
Well, you can’t go to Australia — everything in Australia tries to kill you.
Blogger mccullough said...
But drone strikes against Muslims offends Allah.
Unless they are US citizens?
Or teenage children of American citizens?
John Henry
Blogger Big Mike said...
Well, you can’t go to Australia — everything in Australia tries to kill you.
Actually, for all the bad press Australia gets for it's poisonous and hazardous wildlife, there are not that many deaths. Horses are more deadly between 2001 and 2013.
Horses killed more people in Australia in recent years than all venomous animals combined, research has shown.
The University of Melbourne's Dr Ronelle Welton examined hospital admissions data and coronial records.
From 2000 to 2013, horses were responsible for 74 deaths.
Bees and other stinging insects were the next most dangerous, causing 27 deaths, followed by snakes, which also claimed 27 lives but landed fewer people in hospital.
Spiders were not responsible for any deaths during that time, the research showed.
I was planning to emigrate to Australia in 67 but I joined the Navy to dodge the draft. I was still planning to go in 74 when I got out. I wound up getting married instead and have been in Puerto Rico ever since. (Best thing that could have happened to me)
I still have Australia on my bucket list and I'm getting closer:
Flip to page 38
John Henry
One of my very favorite books is "A Town Like Alice" (Alice being Alice Springs)
I've probably read it more than 30 times over the past 40 years. Most recently a couple years ago. It never gets old
The Masterpiece Theatre miniseries with Helen Morse and Bryan Brown is terrific too.
John Henry
"Actually, for all the bad press Australia gets for it's poisonous and hazardous wildlife, there are not that many deaths."
Yeah? What about the Drop Bears?
Thanks for the bolt-hole advice, guys. I'm thinking 2020 is going to be a long, long year.
Robert Cook said...
"J. Farmer said... 'I have no idea what "true center" is'
"Truer words have Never been spoken"
Can anyone define "true center" (sic)? Can you?
Is there a true center?
The consent is derived by the same people who own Obama and Hillary and the Bushes and Romney and the rest. A big fight between the right and left as if the Democrats and Republicans were different.
It was a sham from the start. The goal was to hide the two side were always the aristocracy and the citizens.
They want their serfs back and them in control is the center.
The masks are all off now.
A Town Called Alice... written by Nevil Shute, author of at least 30 or so novels, a few of which were made into movies (No Highway, On the Beach, others). An aeronautical engineer during WWII, a real interesting character, and a great writer. I think I have all his books save one or two. In one of his novels (In the Wet ?) he postulates a system whereby a citizen can have as many as 5 votes... everyone gets one , military service gets you another, proficiency in a foreign language, a college degree, and a fifth which can be bestowed by the Queen for some particularly meritorious act (don't quote me here, it's been a while since I read the book !). Anyway, he ended up in Australia toward the end of his life. These days it's tough to get in there, they actually seem to take their borders seriously.
"Omar's allegiance is first to Islam the religion, then to Islam the ideology and finally to the USA"
That's absurd. What evidence do you have that she has any allegiance whatsoever to the USA?
We definitely want to recognize the policies that are behind the pretty face and the smile.
I don’t beleve that Omar approves of Jews, based on her statements.
Greetings fellow Norwegian!
(As we fans of Nevil Shute Norway call ourselves)
For more info check out the Nevil Shute Foundation (formerly the Nevil Shute Society est 1996)
John Henry
Cong. Omar wants to be the Donald Trump of the Democratic Party: trash norms, insult past and present party leaders, blow dog whistles to extremists. She gets publicity, excites the far left of the party, it's all good. I don't think the Pelosi/Schumer Democrats realize what's happening.
William: I just hope the Minnesotan Somalis don't revert to their old traditions and start forming slaving parties in Minnesota.
Well, that would be unfortunate, but the idea of well-meaning but naïve upper Midwestern Scandihoovian liberals encountering a bit of "cultural revivalism" among certain of their more recently arrived neighbors does suggest a theme for a darkly hilarious dystopian novel.
Drago said:
Anti-semitism by the left? NeverTrumpers/LLR's: Totes Cool
I have no clue what an "LLR" is, but if you are talking about the best known "NeverTrumpers" that statement is obviously false.
Socialism? NeverTrumpers/LLR's: Deserves a chance
That one is also very unlikely to be true.
Lurker21: on blogger since Feb of 2019.
"I don’t believe that Omar approves of Jews, based on her statements."
Does criticism of Israel's behavior by definition equal hatred of Jews?
Does criticism of American politicians who take AIPAC's money to do favors by definition equal hatred of Jews?
That's what politicians do. They take money from deep-pocketed contributors and they respond with votes on legislation or policies favorable to those contributors. We, the ordinary voters without deep pockets are mostly ignored, as a Princeton study showed a few years ago. Our representative republic is now a plutocracy (and mostly always has been).
It was also a lie.
Drago said...
Lurker21: on blogger since Feb of 2019.
Not exactly a refutation. If you are seriously thinking that antisemitism in the Democratic Party is "Totes Cool" with Kristol or Frum or Boot or the Bushes any of the National Review crew you need to unplug for a while and meditate.
My comment stands: her statements indicate that she does not approve of Jews because she repeats old tropes about Jews hypnotizing the world and buying influence with “the Benjamins”, plus I note that Benjamin is one of the tribes of Israel. Does she hate Jews? I don’t know, and I never said she did. Does she approve of Jews? Clearly not.
In her case, I am confident that we’ll get to the hating part eventually.
She probably doesn’t approve of Christians, either.
"If you are seriously thinking that antisemitism in the Democratic Party is "Totes Cool" with Kristol or Frum or Boot or the Bushes any of the National Review crew you need to unplug for a while and meditate."
I think the Kristol's and the Frum's and the Boot's (who just publicly renounced all any and all of his "conservatism" (BTW, that's how you know who the "real conservatives" are, they are the one's renouncing conservatism, both in the past and today)) will go along with whatever their lefty-billionaire backers tell them to go along with.
Which is why Kristol and his "Ahoy!!" Bulwark crew were happy to send a rabid pro-infanticide far left whack job "journalist" to cover a pro-life conference and then to insult those pro-life folks.
Our Lurker pal thinks these things are of no notice to anyone.
And Tom Nichols has done a bang up job explaining why AOC's and Tlaib's and Omar's anti-semitism doesn't bother him in the slightest.
Again, the jig is up and all the fake conservatives remain completely exposed.
We are never going to go back to the time when these fake whackjobs have any real influence on the conservative side. Once a 5th columnist has been exposed, their "usefulness" to their real friends becomes nil.
Lets see how long these lefty billionaires continue to back these fake conservatives.
Drago said:
I think the Kristol's and the Frum's and the Boot's (who just publicly renounced all any and all of his "conservatism" (BTW, that's how you know who the "real conservatives" are, they are the one's renouncing conservatism, both in the past and today)) will go along with whatever their lefty-billionaire backers tell them to go along with.
Very possibly. Time will tell. But right now, it's nonsense to say that Kristol supports antisemitism.
I get that you hate these guys, and I don't like them much myself, but you can't just throw up unfounded claims because you think they sound good or because you're on some manic roll.
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