Neither are the mother and grandmother of the black 11-year-old girl who was supposedly manhandled by that white Madison educator. For different reasons.We talked about this incident a week ago, here.
In a press conference closed to all but accredited news media, Ozanne stated: “I am aware of public narratives about this incident. Some members of our community have coupled this information with their own experience, drawing conclusions that are simply wrong.”...
Afterwards, mother and grandmother told the assembled news media and this blog that Ozanne’s decision was just another cover-up of white racism in Madison, even though the district attorney himself is of mixed race....
Blaska is running for a seat on the school board, and his main issue is maintaining order in the schools. As a citizen trying to speak at school board meetings, he's been shouted down by protesters who characterize him as a racist.
Here's another Blaska post from a couple days ago:
I do pity Jennifer Cheatham, superintendent of Madison schools. Try as she might, she will never be able to bow and scrape low enough to satisfy the social justice warriors.
In the wake of a disciplinary incident at Whitehorse middle school that may well have gotten out of hand, Ms. Cheatham announced a new round of racism re-education camps and a report-your-teacher racism hotline, among other burnt offerings to the goddesses of identity politics....
५४ टिप्पण्या:
Blast em Blaska!
The faculty members of Whitehorse middle school are as racist as -- maybe even more racist than -- ICE officials, who are like KKK members.
Is that girl the only Black pupil in the school?
If there are other Black pupils, are they too being manhandled?
If other Black pupils are not being manhandled, then why is this one particular Black girl being manhandled?
Is the pattern that Black pupils are being manhandled -- or is the pattern that this one Black girl is a trouble-maker?
It's getting out of control. Like the "Mayor" in South Carolina who called the police about a Hate Crime. She and her hubby left their cars out of the garage, and somebody "painted" them with a substance. It turned out to be POLLEN!!! She is still claiming hate because there's a history of hate in Lamar...her town. Turns out, back in the 70's...crosses were burned in her yard. IN THE 70's. This will not end pretty. Maybe Charlie Manson was on to something when he said there was going to be a race war?/SNARK
If Madison Wisconsin is full of angry white racists, then what will the southern states ever do to get an equal treatment for setting their own Voting Districts?
'positive behavior coach'??!!! WTF?
"And yet she persisted"
Such is Obama's legacy.
Lesson: never interfere. If a child starts swearing, smashing windows, throwing chairs just walk away. Do not call the cops either.
We are so out of control. It's all birthed in the schools. I read with interest your earlier article about the over-50 guy who went back to school and loved it. I've thought about that a lot when considering retirement (ha- like I'll ever actually retire). But if I did retire, I'd love to go back to school. However, there's this vision I have of a totally Orwellian atmosphere where no one wants to hear a conflicting thought and we're told who we can look at, how we can look at them (no smirks), and how we can address them. Where a person introducing themselves to you first lets you know what PRONOUN to use in referring to them. Where an old white guy would just be dismissed based on his being...old and white.
After a few decades in both the corporate world and as an entrepreneur, I doubt that I'd have much patience for social justice verbiage when trying to learn Art History just for the sheer pleasure of it.
... the black 11-year-old girl who was supposedly manhandled by that white Madison educator.
The whole concept of "manhandling" is sexist!
Larry David: "The Manhand-lah! "
In college, I volunteered in an after-school program at a local church. In a group gathering, a couple students mistakenly identified me as someone who tried to run them down in a car in the school yard days earlier. They started making a scene so the pastor had us go to his office so he could understand the situation.
Weirdly, the situation they described sounded to me much like one recounted by a schoolmate to one of my housemates a day or two earlier. The schoolmate had been washing his car in a nearby parking lot when some kids started throwing stuff at him and his car. Enraged, he jumped in his car and chased them around the school flag pole.
They continued to be belligerent and refused to cooperate with the pastor and eventually tried to leave the room. The pastor, probably not wanting them to create a scene, asked me to hold the door which I did for a few seconds before thinking it probably wasn't helping matters to have them thinking that they were being restrained by the person they believed tried to run them over despite my attempts to explain things.
They then ran home and their mother and brother returned, shouting angrily. I told the pastor I'd talk to the police about what I knew but wasn't going to discuss it with them and then left.
Later, the pastor contacted the principal of the school who set up a meeting with the mother where we tried to contact a detective she had filed a complaint with earlier, but the detective never returned the call to hear my report.
Even if the behavior coach didn't handle things quite perfectly, he deserves plenty of leeway for making decisions in tense situation.
I taught at an alternative high school and a regular high school before teaching at UW and the only time I can recall the need to touch a student was to break up a fight between two students in the cafeteria. Usually giving a disruptive student some space and time to redirect their focus works. I read all the documents linked by the article and it appears from video and testaments that pushing out the door and falling to the floor in a pile did happen. While there was no body slamming, as claimed, there seems to be no explanation for how the braids were pulled out. Over all it strikes me as an extreme reaction on both sides.
This ain't your grandfather's racism.
No, it's not. This is diversity. This is a racket. This is leverage.
The children in this school, run according to the principles Prof. Althouse has spent her life espousing, will never be able to compete with white and Asian children. Good work.
Ozanne dies a little inside every time he has to do this.
Let me state the obvious: The student behaved in a disruptive and inappropriate manner and refused to settle down. Whatever actually happened was a downstream byproduct of the student's behavior.
It is also obvious that the cries of racism are hollow in hypersensitive Madison, Wisconsin. Madison's school board is learning that no good deed goes unpunished. Don't expect appreciation or thanks from professional victims, particularly the victims you nourished and fostered.
Finally, it is obvious the child's mother is taking little or no responsibility for the child's behavior.
"not surprised"
Me neither.
White evil-doers who brutalize black babies and rip out their little baby-braids always wear MAGA hats.
Some kids assisted by helicopter parents have been pushing adults in authority around while in school. The problem is widespread. When kids turn 18 and enter the workforce then they have to behave like adults. Is this expectation of sharp behavior change a great idea?
While there was no body slamming, as claimed, there seems to be no explanation for how the braids were pulled out. Over all it strikes me as an extreme reaction on both sides.
It is still not clear to me how the teacher/coach had an extreme reaction.
The smart (self-protective) thing to do would be to call the principal who would then call the Police in order to avoid touching this little girl.
I wonder if Mom would complain of racism if the cops were called to deal with her daughter.
I'm so old that when I got into trouble at school (7-10 grade, mostly) and my parents were informed, my sainted mother's first reaction was to turn to me and say something like, "what did you do to cause this?".
These parents are treating the school system as if it is a babysitting or daycare service.
I'm liking this Blaska character, but I live in eastern MA so I don't get a vote.
My sympathies are entirely with the kids who are trying to learn something, and with the parents who pay taxes that fund schools and then send their children off in the misguided expectation that the kids will actually get an education.
"Usually giving a disruptive student some space and time to redirect their focus works." My children attended majority-minority schools growing up. This smarmy comment would never have worked in the schools my kids attended.
There's a Whitehorse high-school in Utah run by white racists who hate 99% of the students and discriminate against them. The naughty white people increase the amount of available racism per student by providing far more than the state average of racist teachers and racist counselors per student.
It turned out to be POLLEN!!!
Sex crime! Since pollen is basically sperm cells.
My sympathies are entirely with the kids who are trying to learn something, and with the parents who pay taxes that fund schools and then send their children off in the misguided expectation that the kids will actually get an education.
The white kids at Whitehorse Middle School do slightly better than state average.
Oh the horror.
The children in this school, run according to the principles Prof. Althouse has spent her life espousing, will never be able to compete with white and Asian children.
51% of the students are white, and they're doing OK.
Hint: the school isn't the problem. The school is almost never the problem.
But the white horses at Whitekid Middle School can't jump.
Positive Behavior Coach.
A politically correct Orwellian job description that could well have been in 1984.
But, no problem. The American Left (crazed wing) has their own Newspeak dictionary.
About the only good thing I ansay about getting old is that I’m glad I’ll be dead when the SJW types finally get full contrl of society. I cear we are beading for a new Cultural Revolution.
I fear we are heading for....^^^^^^^
On the other hand, I'd be willing to bet that Madison is one of the leading cities for caring about racism.
It does not matter how racist one actually is or how little one does about it as long as one cares about it.
On the other hand, it doesn't matter how non-racist one is or how much one does to combat racism. If one doesn't care(tm) about it, one is racist.
On Wisconsin! On Madison?
John Henry
"...accredited news media...."
It means they have agreed to stick to the government's carefully proscribed official narrative.
Madison, vote Blaska, early and often. PLEASE!
Moralizing: in this case narrative played as morality.
Socialist Worker. OK.
You can trust SW to ignore the pesky Asians since the pesky Asians, by going to jail less often and making more money than the naughty racist white people, disrupt The Narrative.
Highest Average Salaries by Race & Ethnicity (Dane County)
1. Alaska Native $65,493 ± $0
2. Asian $54,823 ± $5,662
3. White $46,641 ± $676
I liked how Blaska ended his blog post:
Reeves Smith: What are you going to do after you lose the election?
David Blaska for Safer Schools: Pour myself a nice glass of cabernet sauvignon and watch more parents leave the school district, I suppose. You?
Fernandistein, what do you make of this article? I must admit, I was surprised when I read it, since when I think of Nigerians email scammers and Jussie Smolett's "attackers" come to mind:
Genetically, the Nigerians are no different from American blacks. Culturally, it looks like they are worlds apart. Is it simply because Nigeria had a brain drain and their best and brightest are here?
That line “Alaska Native $65,493 ± $0” is disturbing. You don’t need an advanced degree in statistics to deduce that there is only one individual in Dane County in that box and once we know who he or she is, we know that person’s salary. For that reason there are laws prohibiting publishing data where it is possible to infer personal, protected information.
I want to be clear that I am not blaming Fernandistein; the fault lies with the compendium he linked to. When you collect data, and slice and dice it for public consumption, you’re supposed to know the law.
Genetically, the Nigerians are no different from American blacks.
Not true. The average American black has a large dollop of European genes.
"positive behavior coach"
They were called "hall monitors" back in the day. Just need to change the name again.
“Madison, vote Blaska, early and often. PLEASE!”
Don’t hold your breath.
@Exiled on Main Street - it may be observed that Nigerian immigrants descended from the winning tribes in that part of Africa. Black Americans of slave stock descended from the losing tribes. It shouldn’t necessarily make them the all-time losers, but the victim business remains a growth industry.
They always use the children. Teach them young to report their parents to the authorities for thought crimes.
It all feels natural after that. Plus no pesky family ties left to compete with fealty to the state.
Bill Ayers describes these strategies in his several books on pedagogy. Openly. And the historically illiterate, sub-intelligent, virtue-vicious drop-waist dress wearing buffoons who teach most children in America actually elected the terrorist and cop-killer Ayers to head up the powerful curricula committee for AERA, the largest education research association in the United States, for ten years running. Every principal and school administrator and superintendent belongs to this organization, as do all teaching professors and many teachers.
So it's not hard to understand why K-12 is the vanguard for the revolution. It was planned that way. None of this is isolated, or accidental.
That line “Alaska Native $65,493 ± $0” is disturbing.
It's obviously some sort of anomaly, but I went with it because it's not easy to find information about Asians in Dane county; it's very easy to find information about black crime and arrests and poverty because those are supposedly the fault of racist whites, but nobody seems to blame Asians' high income and low arrest rates on racist whites (IIRC, in one year there was *one* Asian guy arrested), so normally Asians are not mentioned at all in MSM discussions about Dane county racism. Both groups are about 7% of the population.
Fernandistein, what do you make of this article?
Nigeria has a brain drain, as do many other countries.
Nigerians in the US *don't* have unusually high rates of education:
Country % with graduate degree or higher
India 44.0%
Taiwan 39.7%
France 36.5%
Russia 36.4%
Bulgaria 33.1%
Spain 32.1%
Turkey 31.7%
China 29.5%
Malaysia 29.2%
Iran 28.7%
Nigeria 27.9%
and have lower incomes than immigrants from e.g. neighboring Ghana.
Parents no longer coach positive behavior so now it is a civil service unionized job. Progress!
Who is that crazy rich Eskimo?
Compare and contrast:
Davidson County (TN) teachers are complaining about chaos in the classroom due to lack of discipline. In Williamson County (TN) just to the south our school superintendent showed up with the first responders to an incident at a high school and personally removed the student who was having a "psychotic episode." The mother tried to get him prosecuted but the charges were dismissed.
I think most cultures around the world would be shocked at the crap behavior and lack of discipline we allow in classrooms in this country.
"That line “Alaska Native $65,493 ± $0” is disturbing."
A good point, but in reading about how the Census Bureau protects identities with what they call "top coding," I think its likely the individual was not "Native Alaskan" but some other unique ethnicity and "Native Alaskan" was used as a front to protect his true identity.
"The smart (self-protective) thing to do would be to call the principal who would then call the Police in order to avoid touching this little girl."
The self-protective thing for the cop to do would be to pretend there's some emergency that keeps him away.
"BUMBLE BEE said...Such is Obama's legacy. 3/5/19, 3:53 PM"
Nope. This far pre-dates Obama. Tom Wolfe documented it in Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers in 1970. Even then, he was just pointing out a process that had been going on for some time. Not as much fun as Bonfire, but very instructive if you want to understand how we got here.
Obama was product not the source of this mess. I had some small hope when he was elected that we might be taking some baby steps back from the ledge, but that expectation turned out to be hollow.
These are your people, Ann Althouse. Your friends, your colleagues. And the people you voted for.
You own all of this.
We told you. You called us names.
This is all yours.
Nothing good ever results from an incident involving a hyphenated name.
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