March 4, 2019

"I was complaining about how socialist men don’t date socialist women and it really bothers me."

Said Mindy Isser, 28, one of the creators of the dating platform Red Yenta, quoted in "Pinkos Have More Fun Socialism is AOC’s calling card, Trump’s latest rhetorical bludgeon, and a new way to date in Brooklyn" (New York Magazine).
An hour into the party... to promote Red Yenta...  Natasha Lennard, a columnist at the Intercept, [announces:] “There is a service — a communal service — that is better than a Tinder, or the last hurrahs of an OKCupid”... Who wants to slog through a few bad dates only “to find out that someone is a liberal?”...

At least in Brooklyn, and the spiritual Brooklyns of America, calling yourself a socialist sounds sexier than anything else out there, without necessarily advocating anything too risky.... The staid and uncool Democratic Establishment, by blowing a gimme election, had discredited itself... [The] enemy isn’t so much Trumpism as the gauzy liberal triumphalism — like the Broadway musical Hamilton — that papers over the indignities of American life.... 
ADDED: Apparently, people in Brooklyn feel they have to say they're socialists or they're just undateable. That's how I read it.


Henry said...

Ah, but what if they were good dates and then your red dream was crushed?

JohnAnnArbor said...

Is there any way to roll your eyes so far back that you injure yourself?

I'm trying to avoid that, is all.

mccullough said...

Beto is already married to an heiress. Bernie is a Millionaire. So the two wealthiest socialists are already taken.

Socialist women are gold diggers so this app has limited use.

gilbar said...
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elkh1 said...

Indignities of American life? We can always get the heck out and find our dignities somewhere else, in Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, China...

The world is bigger than America, get out of America for dignities.

Shouting Thomas said...

Taking pride in being Red is the same as taking pride in being a Nazi or in the Klan.

gilbar said...
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Achilles said...


The masks are off. The Republican party was taken back by it's voters and the Romney/Bush wing was cast out like the curs they are.

Now the democrat party is going through the same tribulations the republican party did. The voters are rising up against the machine.

But people who vote for democrats are dumb.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Mi̶l̶l̶i̶o̶n̶a̶i̶r̶e̶s̶ ̶&Billionaires!

Lucid-Ideas said...

From the comments...

"My God are there that many losers in New York? The picture gallery looks like a line up of human debris. Hopefully they will not breed more."


elkh1 said...

Mccullough: socialist women/men are lazy and ugly gold digging liars, e.g. Beto, Sanders.

Bay Area Guy said...

Red Yenta!

I love it!

Typically, socialist girls used to put out much easier than christian capitalist girls. Think of Barbra Streisand in The Way We Were.

But socialist and unattractive? Jeez, that's a mountain to high to climb for dating, sorry.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I remember reading an article about the single male:female ratio in various cities around the country. New York had the absolute worst ratio if you were a woman at about 1:2 (2 females for every male) with LA and SF having the best at exactly the opposite 2:1 (2 males for every female).

In other words, if you're a single girl either moving to or still living in NY you are effectively dooming yourself to a cat-ladyhood considering that ratio.

Incidentally I have direct experience with NY's singles ratio first-hand. I never got laid so easy as the times I've been in that city. Some of them even knew I was conservative just so long as it was kept on the DL...apparently horniness Trumps ideological purity!

Paddy O said...

Socialism is always attractive to those who consider themselves the elites. Because for those who get the privileges, it's great! Provides both social status and a sense of moral superiority. All the benefits of wealth without the guilt!

But socialism fails because it doesn't have a way of restricting narcissists or sociopaths. So, narcissists and sociopaths will always take power because they can manipulate the idealists, who want to help and want to give people power who say they will help.

Paul Zrimsek said...

I trust the site is ensuring that users contact according to their ability and are contacted according to their need.

Unknown said...

Is George Costanza taking out ads in The Daily Worker again?

gahrie said...

that papers over the indignities of American life....

The people trapped in the Socialist paradise of Venezuela long for the "indignities of American life".

As does most of the rest of the world.

Paul Zrimsek said...

A blessing on your head, mazel tov, mazel tov,
To know your date is Red, mazel tov, mazel tov.

Seeing Red said...

You’re always free to move to get away from the “indignities of American life.” We haven’t formally instituted the Chicom social scores yet.

stevew said...

I'm so old that when I was dating we didn't inquire or care about the political philosophies and leanings of the people we were trying to date. From what I've read though, I wouldn't want to date a socialist, they appear to be rather humorless and insufferable.

Oso Negro said...

My ex-wife was at one time President of Komsomol in her school. Our daughter is the most savage capitalist you would ever hope to meet.

RK said...

Isn't there some old Soviet dating app they could use?

stevew said...

"Isn't there some old Soviet dating app they could use?"

Socialists don't create anything silly, so, no.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Don't these Socialist women know they're supposed to be out working the street corners for the good of the State and not doing something as Capitalist as dating?

Rob said...

Dating one of these women would bear witness to the old joke. What's the best thing about receiving oral sex? Ten minutes of silence.

tcrosse said...
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Laslo Spatula said...

The best part about the app is that it pays for their dinner by taxing someone they don't know.

I am Laslo.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In NY and CA - isn't everyone a card carrying commie?

Big Mike said...

Looking at the pictures of the young socialists that were with the article, none would have turned me on back in the day, least of all the empty-eyed one flashing the tats on her boobs.

But what are the “indignities of American life”? Are they the idea that you are expected to work for a living? Or perhaps it’s the concept that if you are talentless and lazy you will not do as well as someone who combines talent with hard work? Enlighten us!

n.n said...

There can be only one.

Rick said...

Three months ago left wingers called people stupid for saying their preferences were socialist. Today leftists call their own preferences socialist and call others stupid for not realizing everything is socialist.

It will never occur to them to think about this inconsistency. After all everyone who disagrees with them is still stupid and isn't that the only relevant point?

tcrosse said...

If you're a socialist they let you seize them by the means of production.

Seeing Red said...

You’re always free to move to get away from the “indignities of American life.” We haven’t formally instituted the Chicom social scores yet.

Bay Area Guy said...

It's an amazing article. It's as if all these young socialist dimwits were born Yesterday.

Didn't we have two very big Socialist movements in the 20th Century: National Socialist Workers Party (Nazis) in Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in Russia? Not to mention China, North Korea, Cuba, North Vietnam.

How did all that work out?

I guess these hip Brooklynites would say, "Well, we want socialism in America, but not with all that genocide. We want it more like Sweden."

But America doesn't have a socialist pedigree. The only way to transform us into Sweden is a massive confiscation of private sector wealth and property, which will lead to upheaval and unrest, which will lead to civil war, which will lead to unpleasant body counts that looks something like genocide.

No thanks. I like private property, the rule of law, the profit incentive, etc, etc.

buwaya said...

This is a setup for the sort of chick flick where the city girl goes out west and meets a cowboy. Or a pirate. Or something like that.

Is that out of fashion?

Meade said...

Sexy Socialists of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your lonely Saturday nights!

PM said...

Why date someone who's two-seconds from #metoo-ing you?

buwaya said...

When I was dating, in another age, I called myself a royalist.
Never had a problem getting dates.
But maybe that has changed.

buwaya said...

"You’re always free to move to get away from the “indignities of American life.”

In my case, soon.

Rick said...

The podcaster and performer Katie Halper tells me she’s a fourth-generation socialist from the Upper West Side who used to attend a summer camp once affiliated with a communist organization called the International Workers Order.

Remember when you used to say we were just communists rebranded so we didn't have to admit to the mass graves? You were right!

Looking at the pictures of the young socialists that were with the article

What do you call people incapable of contributing to society who claim others not contributing on their behalf is "greedy" of them? Socialists.

“I was complaining about how socialist men don’t date socialist women and it really bothers me,”

How would it work to have both members of a couple refuse to work while demanding the other both work harder and respect their freedom? It doesn't seem like a good match.

Sebastian said...

"Apparently, people in Brooklyn feel they have to say they're socialists or they're just undateable."

But, as if we didn't know, men will say anything etc. etc.

Are the Brooklyn socialists advocating collective ownership of the means of reproduction? If not, why not?

Jack Klompus said...

Glad to see Brooklyn continues to be the epicenter of trendy one dimensional trust funded dupes and dullards.

Jaq said...

Sounds like they are doing Brooklyn’s liberals a massive mitzvah.

Bilwick said...

Guys who value liberty are SUCH jerks!

buwaya said...

Well, some are not THAT bad.
Great beauties they aren't, but even so.
I think I may have dated some of their mothers - 1, 3, 12 and 14 I think.
The prettiest girl I ever dated was a petite blue-eyed blonde with a page-boy haircut who claimed to be a lesbian. The relationship was ... uncertain, as I believe she was. She was a cracking financial analyst though. My own taste of "Tales of the City".
Dropped her for my wife.

Bill Peschel said...

My god, the men look pathetic. Man-bunned, pasty skin, and badly dressed. Throwing up the fist looks pretty dweeby, too.

I mean, I was never mistaken for [insert name of handsome man], but at least I have decent posture.

Meade said...

"I'm a sociablist. Wanna talk? Be friends? Go out?"

Skeptical Voter said...

Red Yenta. Whoo hah! Time for all young men to remember the advice their fathers gave them---Don't stick your tool in crazy.

dreams said...
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Ignorance is Bliss said...

Apparently, people in Brooklyn feel they have to say they're socialists or they're just undateable.

...But if you're not carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow...

FullMoon said...

More seriously, from the story:

Last year, Audrey Gelman of the women’s co-working space the Wing, and Lena Dunham of Girls — both Hillary Clinton backers in 2016 — held competing events for Ocasio-Cortez and millionaire actress Cynthia Nixon, who in her gubernatorial campaign against Andrew Cuomo declared herself a democratic socialist. People stuck red roses next to their Twitter avatars and started calling each other “comrade.” And while in theory socialism connoted a collectivist politics, in practice it ended up becoming a new identity category around which to rally.

DSA is still a sixth the size of the Rotary Club, and only two of its members are in Congress. But in a populist moment defined by an ever-widening income gap, its platform has tremendous currency. Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal has become a signature, if controversial, Democratic policy, and Sanders is considered a presidential front-runner even as Trump and the Breitbart right have settled on #socialism as their new bogeyman

Amadeus 48 said...

The Woke Losers Club is having a meeting and you are invited!

You can see what AOC and Ilhan Omar bring to the left. They are pretty, fresh, and hip. Unlike this crowd. It reminds me of the propaganda that the USSR used to put out (a franchise subsequently picked up by the New York Times) showing how sexy, liberated and socially aware Soviet girls were. Russia has done much better at promoting the sexy side since the wall fell and the USSR broke up.

These are people that missed the major themes of the 20th Century and are trying to practice necrophilia in the 21st.


NapLajoie1911 said...

I used to think Manhattan was the Wal-Mart of counterculture, it is shifted to Brooklyn over the years.

Gospace said...

cid-Ideas said...
I remember reading an article about the single male:female ratio in various cities around the country. New York had the absolute worst ratio if you were a woman at about 1:2 (2 females for every male) with LA and SF having the best at exactly the opposite 2:1 (2 males for every female).

Not as good as those numbers look in San Francisco. If you're a heterosexual woman finding an eligible heterosexual male is a big problem. A woman can find lots of male friends, but.... A heterosexual male in San Francisco can be picky about the women he dates.

In LA the numbers seem good. But how many of those men are Hollywood predators?

The numbers behind the numbers are important.

rehajm said...

Funny how important it is to name the hip and happening capitalist bars where they are all gathering.

New York’s hottest club is called...

rehajm said...

As if the article was a paid advertisement like those cruise ship stories in travel mags.

Michael said...

Another way to read it is: don't live in Brooklyn.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Would Myrna Minkoff have found her way from Brooklyn to New Orleans on Red Yenta?

hstad said...

AA's infatuation with anything coming out of that "Cesspool" culture called NYC is baffling. Liver in NYC for over 10 years. The Narcissistic culture of people like this idiot commenting about dating and socialism all in one breath is astounding. I like Madison a hell of a lot better, although I haven't been there in some 10 + years. What a bunch of bad "yentas" (gossipy) morons. Who reads this junk?

Lucid-Ideas said...


Yes that is very true of course. One of my favorite blogs - and definitely in the 'meninist' camp - is Chateau Heartiste. I love it mostly for the lulz but every once in a while they hit a nail on the head while also providing comic relief.

One such piece was talking about how - not in a few decades but right now - women are effectively in a de-facto polyamorous/polygamist society. Most women currently under 34 are likely in a relationship with a man that is not 'exclusive'. This is due to any number of factors but the biggest one being that through faults mostly their own their options have been shrinking for almost 20 years. Lots of guys just 'spin plates' because they can, especially in some of these markets where their singles ratio is so massively off-the-charts.

I myself was seeing 3 different women at one point just up until a few years ago when I found my current relationship and assessed it as worth keeping and worth maintaining as exclusive.

Philosophically and practically feminism has been a disaster for women. To paraphrase H.L. Mencken, "Feminism is the theory that women know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."

Meade said...

I'm married now but if I was single and interested in finding a sexual partner, I would only date women who have a RapidPass for giving blood donations at Red Cross. Hey, in fact, that could be our first date — Donation, Dinner and a Movie. So romantic!

gspencer said...

If you have money, and show you're willing to spend it, you're always date-able.

daskol said...

Socialist women need to date men in finance. Someone needs to earn enough to pay the bills, and the men get absolution for their careers. Of course they all give the fist salute every morning on the way out the door.

rehajm said...

The staid and uncool Democratic Establishment, by blowing a gimme election, had discredited itself.

CNN and NYT told you a million times Hillary was going to win because they were trying to improve the probability of making it so, not because it was true.

These people are making future plans based on faulty truths.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Back when democrats didn't want to be known as socialists and communists - Tim Russert, a moderate in the media, switched the colors. He wanted the Democrats to be blue instead of red, because of all the red-connections with socialism and communism.

I suggest we swap colors again. I have no connection to the color blue, but the left should absolutely be red.

The Vault Dweller said...

If a Brooklyn Liberal is too far right for you to be able to date, life must be very hard. I'm also interested in the instinct to try and exclude people from their in-group. The left does this a lot on social media in general. And I can totally understand to not want to date a conservative if you are a socialist and vice versa, but to extend that to Brooklyn liberals? I thought the left was supposed to be all about inclusion and different points of view.

SeanF said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home: Back when democrats didn't want to be known as socialists and communists - Tim Russert, a moderate in the media, switched the colors. He wanted the Democrats to be blue instead of red, because of all the red-connections with socialism and communism.

(Citation needed)

Freeman Hunt said...

Does anyone date socialist men? When I was a single socialist, I certainly didn't.

Freeman Hunt said...

Maybe guys who want to date socialist women could watch Ninotchka (1939) as a sort of how-to.

Rusty said...

The problem is socilist women look like socialist men. And act like them too. Much rather date a good looking, well groomed conservtive woman.

buwaya said...

"Maybe guys who want to date socialist women could watch Ninotchka (1939) as a sort of how-to."

I don't think Garbo was socialist.

buwaya said...

Garbo may however have been a lesbian, which is not always the same thing.
I have some experience in that line.

alanc709 said...

I don't date crazy women. Being socialist is the first clue.

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mikeski said...

The podcaster and performer Katie Halper tells me she’s a fourth-generation socialist from the Upper West Side who used to attend a summer camp once affiliated with a communist organization called the International Workers Order.

Allison: I'm in the midst of doing my thesis.

Alvy Singer: On what?
Allison: Political commitment in twentieth century literature.

Alvy Singer: You, you, you're like New York, Jewish, left-wing, liberal, intellectual, Central Park West, Brandeis University, the socialist summer camps and the, the father with the Ben Shahn drawings, right, and the really, y'know, strike-oriented kind of, red diaper, stop me before I make a complete imbecile of myself.

Allison: No, that was wonderful. I love being reduced to a cultural stereotype.

Alvy Singer: Right, I'm a bigot, I know, but for the left.

Annie Hall (1977)

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

So..."Your place, or Mine?" is out. right?

Darrell said...


Ambrose said...

Without a smidgin of irony, Mindy Isser offers a capitalist, free market based solution to a socialist problem.

JackWayne said...

It’s not my experience to see women giving blood at a donation center. When I used to work the semiannual blood drives drew some women but i’d say less than 20%.

James K said...

“In NY and CA - isn't everyone a card carrying commie?”

Only in public. There’s a vast underground of Trump-supporting right-wing Neanderthals. We just keep a low profile. On a good day we must be 15% of the population.

Bay Area Guy said...

Ocasio-Cortes is kind of a hot socialist. But she's not hot because she's a socialist, rather she is hot because she's young. Alas, the folks in the article with pictures were young too, but certainly not hot.

I doubt Bernie Sanders' wife is hot, although she is likely a socialist.

Katrina Vanden Heuvel of the Nation was hot decades ago, but now she is 60. She is definitely a socialist.

James K said...

Men only pretend to be Socialist to get laid. Women actually mean it.

William said...

Red Yenta. Is there a phrase least likely to charge a particle of erotic attraction?.......That said, when much younger, I knew a girl who was so extravagantly attractive that her political opinions were utterly beside the true point of her existence.

Mark said...

Meanwhile, to be cool in junior high or high school there is an explosion of boys saying they are now girls and vice versa.

narciso said...

Cortez chief of staff diverted a million dollars in campaign funds to his companies.

Vandenhevel is the granddaughter of the founder or universal and the daughter of the fellow who found diem in a Maryland church

narciso said...

Were becoming too popular:

gilbar said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Tim Russert, a moderate in the media, switched the colors.
On the October 30, 2000, episode of the Today show, Tim Russert coined the terms “red state” and “blue state.”

narciso said...

Well that's convenient

chillblaine said...

The website is called, "Red Yenta?" That's too fucking weird. I am single now, and what cultural cues do I get, to enter the dating scene. I can download an app. Terrific. You know, my family had an old auntie who was a real match-maker. This is something you approach with respect. Also, my father would tell how she would be on the phone for hours, twirling the phone cord, looking for matches. Meh.

bagoh20 said...

You might assume that such a woman would be low maintenance, but I'm betting they are not.

I wonder if a socialist woman is like a pot addiction - deadly to a man's ambition and drive, while leaving you truely famished at the end of the day.

daskol said...

Socialist men should date women of inherited means, either quite a bit older or quite a bit younger ones eventually.

daskol said...

Two socialists dating, I don’t know. Eventually you fully sharpen the dialectic.

bagoh20 said...

Dating is practice at socialism. You have fun until you run out of another person's money.

narciso said...

Hes not with them anymore:

Jaq said...

Who exactly does the phrase “yenta” get hot? Boys with mommy issues maybe?

n.n said...
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n.n said...

Marriage is a socialist institution, but it's voluntary. We're not kids anymore, choose wisely, lovingly, reconcile, and bid adieu to other casting couches and cats in pink hats.

Bay Area Guy said...

Socialist dating profiles: I'm thinking Pussy Hats or Che Guevara berets; holding little red books; unshaven armpits (women only).

Ken B said...

When I was dating it helped to say I was a Rockefeller.

Fen said...

Wealth gives you an interesting perspective on women. I had the luxury of dating women way out of my league. And they would let me do anything I could imagine to their bodies for the chance to marry my bank account, even let me grab them by the pussy (although that never occurred to me.. why would you?).

But I found it fair to use them while they were trying to use me.

Happy ending. All those whores taught me I should instead find and marry a woman with a pure heart. Took awhile but I finally did. Smartest decision I ever made. I have friends with trophy wives who are miserable.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

At least they don't reproduce.

nbks said...
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nbks said...

Hearing this news, I think it's for the best. A very distinct subset of humanity with quite exacting needs has self-selected themselves out of the general pop. They are now free to share their unique brand of humanity with like-minded cohorts. Best of luck to everyone. I'm sure much happiness will bloom within their ranks.

Qwinn said...

Char Char,

It's not good that they don't reproduce. If they did, they'd only infect their own kids with their idiocy. Instead, they have all the free time in the world to subvert the institutions and indoctrinate *our* kids. And boy. They do.

Bob Loblaw said...

The world is bigger than America, get out of America for dignities.

They would do well to get out of NYC for a spell. You don't need to make a million dollars to survive in the US.

AZMatt said...

Brooklyn's the place where dudes pay doctors to help them grown beards, right?

FIDO said...

Meh. I read it as: if you don't date your fellow socialists, you are letting the proletariat down. Socialists are sexy too!

At least if you date a socialist, you know the person is bat shit crazy and they say crazy sex it the best sex. Everything else is a shit show, but the sex is great...if they don't send you to Siberia.

Gunner said...
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Gunner said...
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Gunner said...

I will believe this when I see all the airhead hot women in Hollywood like Scarlet Johansson etc. ditching Limousine Liberalism for Socialism.

Fen said...

What does it say about the Socialist movement that Bernie Sanders has three houses?

How do they explain that? How does it not give them pause?

twgin said...

My daughter lives in NY and this is kind of her crowd... I'm just thanking my lucky stars she wasn't in that lineup...

Tom Grey said...

Ha Ha Ha -- the ads I'm seeing are ...
of Sexy Russian Women!

Looking to marry a green card providing American, over 50? over 60? over 70? over 80?

Why would a normal man want a radical US socialist feminist (fembot?) when he can pretty easily get a lovely, feminine non-American woman, who only wants to please (for at least 5 years or so)?

The biggest privilege most Americans have is ... being American. Any against privilege should be willing to that one up -- but the vast majority won't. At all. Because they're hypocrites.

Meade said...

“I’m attempting to destroy the capitalist system from within, and the only way I can do that is to make a shit-load of cash”—Titania McGrath

Well, if your book doesn't sell, Titania, you can always do it the old fashioned way—1. marry a rich radical intersectionalist vegan activist feminist capitalist,2. take half his money... 3. REVOLUTION!

Temujin said...

"Saddled with student debt and thrust into a shit post-2008 economy, millennials were overeducated, downwardly mobile, and financially insecure."

And here's the problem. They are not overeducated. They are over-degreed.

This is all too cliched. Being a millennial from Brooklyn is cliche enough. But being a Socialist from Brooklyn wearing the latest trendy labeled clothing, sipping craft beer in a trendy bar at a meeting to pound their sunken chests over their newest urgent calling is...well...cliche. That this was New York magazine giving us the inside on how to meet a good Socialist these days is perfect.

It's a small but sturdy bubble in which they reside.

Jaq said...

Blogger Fen said...
What does it say about the Socialist movement that Bernie Sanders has three houses?

Two houses and a dacha, please.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"Ha Ha Ha -- the ads I'm seeing are ...
of Sexy Russian Women!"

I'm getting Sexy Ukrainian Women! Google knows the subtle differences between us, apparently.

n.n said...

Hmm, a time and place for everything. That said, I prefer dates who are PFO.

Bilwick said...

"The two groups perceive different realities." Yes indeedy: the "liberal" reality is that contrary to what all history, especially modern history, shows us, the more we expand the power of the State, the better off we'll all be.

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