Trump said he had not seen a manifesto, purportedly from one of the attackers, that named him as an inspiration for white identity ideology.... The alleged shooter wrote that he was a supporter of Trump in one sense but not completely: “As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policymaker and leader? Dear god no.” In the document, the man also stated that he was following the example of notorious right-wing extremists, including Dylann Roof, who killed nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., in 2015.
१५ मार्च, २०१९
"'I don’t really,' Trump said when asked... whether white nationalists were a growing global threat. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems. It’s certainly a terrible thing.'"
WaPo reports.
१८४ टिप्पण्या:
If Hillary had been elected, this guy would have loved the Muslims in New Zealand, because of her rhetoric.
Everything is Trump's fault, and nothing he can say can make that go away.
Another display of common sense from Donald Trump. No wonder the Democrats, and too many alleged Republicans, find him incomprehensible!
Trump is beginning to sound like the only sane person in the room. Scott Adams takes a different tack, and blames CNN for lying about Trump being a racist and spreading that propaganda around the world.
There are psychotic killers who gain sustenance and support from the white supremacy movement. There are psychotic killers who gain sustenance and support from their religion. In this century there are far more in the latter group........Every time someone like this comes along, white people are asked to examine their soul and reflect on how supporting Trump inexorably leads to such tragedies.. Every time some Islamic killer comes along, white people are asked to reflect how the atrocity is not truly representative of people with the Islamic faith.
I was flipping channels and saw CNN had a chyron about this, "Trump says white nationalism isn't rising after mosque shooting". How is Trump responsible for New Zealand? Is he supposed to have the pulse of the people in New Zealand?
CNN's own hate is just sad.
I doubt that the shooter’s ravings offer deep insight or even accurate perceptions of reality. He said he was heavily influenced by Candace Owens. Really? What does she say except think for yourself?
We are dealing with someone who wants to start a civil war in the US over gun rights by shooting scores of people in New Zealand. Well, that’s a plan! We are making a mistake if we debate the shooter’s views on anything.
He, he, he..he's one of those "INSPIRATORS"!
If by "small group of people" he means the male percentage of the 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, those Muslims who take Surah 9:5* quite seriously, then perhaps he has a point.
* "Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters [viz., non-Muslims] wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish [Islamic] worship and pay the poor-due [Zakat, Sadaqa], then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Everything is Trump's fault, and nothing he can say can make that go away."
Everything used to be W's fault.
Before that everything was HW's fault. (remember how the lefties ran with the idea that it was the Bush family specifically that funded the rise of Hitler?)
Before that everything was Reagan's fault.
The lefties desperately want everyone to believe that Trump poses some sort of unprecedented danger and horror....but to believe that you have to literally forget everything the left has been saying about every other republican over the last 70 years.
In other words, to achieve narrative success, the left/LLR's literally need you to truly believe history began 15 minutes ago.
I forget. What state is New Zealand in?
Did this shooter really name Trump "as an inspiration for white identity ideology", as the WaPo reports?
No. For some time now the WaPo has shown really no compunction inserting its own words in the narrative to smear Trump.
Turning to what this guy actually said, and as I told Inga, it's the left that has made Trump into a "symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose" because of the left's unrelenting identity politics and attacks on Trump based upon that.
"As a policymaker and leader? Dear god no."
He likes China more than Trump anyway,
The killer was a racist bigot and eco-fascist. Al Gore is to blame.
The noxious pathology of the bubble. Can you imagine the smell when it bursts? Not looking forward to that.
Candace Owens
Verified account @RealCandaceO
20h20 hours ago
To be clear:
We played the “Candace is Hitler” game.
We played the “Candace is anti-rape victims” game.
If the media attempts this “Candace inspired a mosque shooting in New Zealand” bit—they better all lawyer the f*ck up.
I will go full Covington Catholic lawsuit.
Try me.
Selective reporting. Gotta love it.
Diversity politics.
List of White Nationalist Organizations Worldwide
Not exactly “a smal group of people”.
Ah, so the bullshit already begins. In Medialand, racist or fascist = right. Nevermind that the guy isn't into capitalism or conservatism or individual liberty, that China is his idea of a model country, and that he is especially concerned with environmentalism. He's right wing because he's an ethno nationalist, which we all agree is bad, and all the "best" people think right wingers are bad too, so ethno nationalists must be right wingers too. Suddenly we switch to the European left right spectrum.
Give me a break.
This kind of garbage is why so many people hate the media.
Color judgments, including, race, sex, gender, etc. are low information attributes.
Diversity breeds adversity. #HateLovesAbortion
“Turning to what this guy actually said, and as I told Inga, it's the left that has made Trump into a "symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose" because of the left's unrelenting identity politics and attacks on Trump based upon that.
"As a policymaker and leader? Dear god no."”
Apparently while he likes Trump as a “symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose”, even he thinks Trump is incompetent.
When did Nationalist become a bad thing?
I've been busy and so know almost nothing about this incident. Were any of the shooters captured or escaped and are being hunted? Or are they all dead and we can't get any answers except what Facebook says they posted on Facebook?
Inga: "even he thinks Trump is incompetent."
Sounds like you two share a similar outlook.
He was especially concerned with keeping the “white identity” of New Zelanders.
If you want to lay blame for this nut's act on someone far away, just ask who made him so mad and frustrated that he felt compelled to act out like this? Did Trump make him mad? The asshole did this because he was mad about some shit, and I don't think it was Trump pissing him off. The violent rhetoric is all coming from the left. The name calling, the bullying, the refusal to care about the impact some policies have on citizens in their own countries who try to do the right thing, but are made out to be villains. It's going to make the nut jobs violent.
Inga: "Not exactly “a smal group of people”."
Now do islamic supremacists.
....dont worry. We know you wont.
He was a trainer, so I'd say steroids
The National Socialists were ethno nationalists, who pursued social progress, wallowed in a concept of "Jew privilege" (justifying redistributive change and other punitive measures), and had a policy of selective-Jew (i.e. Pro-Choice) or life deemed unworthy of life. The Democratic Socialists have similar concepts that deny equal justice, discriminate by "color", and a selective/cannibalized-child similar to the Nazis and Maoists. In principle, the Dezi bear a close philosophy and pragmatic resemblance to their Nazi counterparts.
“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” Steve King asked.
I wouldn't hate the media if they didn't hate me first. Enemy of the people. Even if you like their bias, they are still lying to you, and they know it.
Blogger narciso said...
He was a trainer, so I'd say steroids
Worth a look, actually..given some of the meds in the loop of loopy shooters.
“Now do islamic supremacists.”
“...dont worry. We know you wont.”
The topic of this blogpost is what Trump said about White Nationalism. If you want to demonize Muslims, go right ahread, but don’t expect me to do your work for you.
So, is "Western Civilization" offensive? Is Black Nationalism, La Raza, The Black Panthers, The NAACP, Black Lives Matter? Asking for friend who feels marginalized by them.
When did Nationalist become a bad thing?
Through close association a la New York Times with the color "white" and a global slander campaign to paint people and their posterity as deplorable. However, the underlying principles of color supremacists is notably left-wing. The Nazis also pursued social justice without borders, which is, in fact, what brought world attention to their actions and ethics.
Did Donald Trump inspire Dylan Roof?
Inga clearly afraid to engage on the number of radicalized islamic supremacists across the globe.
As Sam Harris pointed out accurately, there are huge numbers if self-loathing liberals and leftists who cannot bring themselves to criticise militant islam for any reason....because as leftists they deeply believe the West is worse.
Donald Trump should call white ethnographies-nationalists "The JV".
Inga: "The topic of this blogpost is what Trump said about White Nationalism. If you want to demonize Muslims, go right ahread, but don’t expect me to do your work for you."
Inga continues, proudly, her 100% failure to criticize islamic supremacism on any issue at any time over the years.
Literally, not a single word of criticism.
For any reason.
Somewhere in New Guinea right now a guy is shrinking someone's head and cooking him over a fire, becuase of Trump.
You would think that islamists burning gays alive in cages might elicit at least a mild rebuke from Inga.
Or perhaps the mass sexual enslavement of young girls might elicit such a rebuke.
You would be wrong.
Radio silence fron Inga and the left.
Radio. Silence.
“Inga continues, proudly, her 100% failure to criticize islamic supremacism on any issue at any time over the years.”
Liar. Also why are you continuously mentioning my name and doing exactly what Althouse specifically asked us all not to do? Why don’t you try really hard to contribute to the discussion at hand.
“But here's something I need you to do...DON'T NAME ANOTHER COMMENTER WHEN YOU'RE DISAGREEING WITH HIM... It looks like a pointless, childish game. If you seriously want to argue on the substance, quote the person and disagree with the material posted. Don't make it about the person.”
Ann Althouse
I dont know if you noticed it or not, but pointing out factually that islamists burning gays alive in cages us now categorized as demoning islamists.
I'm sure that makes the burned alive gays feel great.
And that Inga comment comes after 12 straight hours of Inga holding every Trump supporter responsible for NZ.
She cant help herself.
Why can't Inga be more like Freeman?
@ Inga
Be fair.
Because the last time they captured a crazy cat lady on the other side of the world, nobody here said it was your fault.
The shooter had been to Turkey, apparently it didnt trigger a rampage.
“I dont know if you noticed it or not, but pointing out factually that islamists burning gays alive in cages us now categorized as demoning islamists.
I'm sure that makes the burned alive gays feel great.
And that Inga comment comes after 12 straight hours of Inga holding every Trump supporter responsible for NZ.
She cant help herself.”
“But here's something I need you to do...DON'T NAME ANOTHER COMMENTER WHEN YOU'RE DISAGREEING WITH HIM... It looks like a pointless, childish game. If you seriously want to argue on the substance, quote the person and disagree with the material posted. Don't make it about the person.
Ann Althouse”
Inga: "Liar."
All it would take is a single link to a single comment from you over the years criticizing islamic extremists for violence to prove me wrong.
Think about that.
Just a single comment from you criticizing islamic supremacists would prove me wrong.....but we all know it doesnt exist, dont we?
Which makes you the liar.
And a self-loathing lefty according to Sam Harris.
Just a single link a single criticism of islamic extremists...over all these years...using any of your sockpuppets!
Its. Just. Not. There.
Nor will it ever be.
The killer called himself an "eco-fascist" and railed against overpopulation (by non-whites). Why not blame environmentalists for inspiring him?
He admires the Chinese Communists, hates capitalism, thinks gun control will start a race war in the U.S. and so on. It's a very long manifesto.
“Why can't Inga be more like Freeman?”
Ann Althouse said...
“But here's something I need you to do, including iowan2 (at 6:29): DON'T NAME ANOTHER COMMENTER WHEN YOU'RE DISAGREEING WITH HIM, ESPECIALLY IF THE NAME IS CHUCK OR INGA. I do not want to see these 2 names repeated over and over again. It looks like a pointless, childish game. If you seriously want to argue on the substance, quote the person and disagree with the material posted. Don't make it about the person.
I'm not banning all name calling, but I am vigilant about any name that gets repeated in back-and-forth fashion, as happens with Inga and Chuck. I don't care WHY it happens with those 2 names and I don't want to talk about it. I'm just saying I don't want to see it any more.”
3/4/19, 6:37 AM
"White Nationalists" certainly are a problem.
Because in a state of general tribal war everyone is someones problem, unless they are content to suffer in silence.
The sad part is that this could easily be avoided. At its root, the white tribe is not a single thing, it is at least two white tribes in the US (where this most matters, and where there are no ethnic nationalisms), of which one, less numerous but more powerful, is making politico-cultural war against the other. They could stop, and the reaction ("white nationalism") would stop.
There is some unity among the tribes across the Anglosphere. In many ways the proponents of Brexit have a great deal in common with the American deplorables and other such general social classes in the other English speaking countries.
Just a single link.
A single one.
Just one.
What are the odds that given whats happened over the years that Inga inadvertantly offered at least a mild criticism of islamic mass murder?
The answer: ZERO
Looks like an armed mosque goer, prevented greater fatalities at the second sight.
Most of us have been trying to honor Althouse wishes. I wonder why some here feel they don’t even need to try and are exempt. Reminds of of the Varsity Blues scandal in that some just thought they could scam the system and get away with it, while everyone els is at least tying to do the right thing.
“Just a single link a single criticism of islamic extremists...over all these years...using any of your sockpuppets!
Its. Just. Not. There.
Nor will it ever be.
Ann Althouse said...
“But here's something I need you to do, including iowan2 (at 6:29): DON'T NAME ANOTHER COMMENTER WHEN YOU'RE DISAGREEING WITH HIM, ESPECIALLY IF THE NAME IS CHUCK OR INGA. I do not want to see these 2 names repeated over and over again. It looks like a pointless, childish game. If you seriously want to argue on the substance, quote the person and disagree with the material posted. Don't make it about the person.
I'm not banning all name calling, but I am vigilant about any name that gets repeated in back-and-forth fashion, as happens with Inga and Chuck. I don't care WHY it happens with those 2 names and I don't want to talk about it. I'm just saying I don't want to see it any more. And don't start up again with the topic of sockpuppets, which was repeated over and over in comments I deleted.”
3/4/19, 6:37 AM
I have posted this link here at least five times over the years. It's the link from Esquire magazine in 6/2008 where three out of four white racists prefer Barack Obama for President over John McCain & one black nationalist who preferred John McCain.
These people don't think like liberals or conservatives think they do. They're at the point where right & left double back on each other, and like little kids, they just say the darndest things!
Funny how no one ever asked Barack Obama why 3 out of 4 white racist leaders supported him.
The History Reset Button was triggered about 15 minutes ago so Inga forgot she had spent the entire day blaming Trump and every supporter of Trump for the NZ attack....before arguing that you shouldnt tar all muslims because of the actions of some.
This is categorized as another day ending in "Y".
Media matters went after Dana loesch for citing that story from the New Zealand herald
Inga, after pronouncing Trump and every Trump supporter guilty of mass murder would now like everyone to cease using names in their posts.
“The History Reset Button was triggered about 15 minutes ago so Inga forgot she had spent the entire day blaming Trump and every supporter of Trump for the NZ attack....before arguing that you shouldnt tar all muslims because of the actions of some.
This is categorized as another day ending in "Y".”
Ann Althouse said...
“But here's something I need you to do, including iowan2 (at 6:29): DON'T NAME ANOTHER COMMENTER WHEN YOU'RE DISAGREEING WITH HIM, ESPECIALLY IF THE NAME IS CHUCK OR INGA. I do not want to see these 2 names repeated over and over again. It looks like a pointless, childish game. If you seriously want to argue on the substance, quote the person and disagree with the material posted. Don't make it about the person.
I'm not banning all name calling, but I am vigilant about any name that gets repeated in back-and-forth fashion, as happens with Inga and Chuck. I don't care WHY it happens with those 2 names and I don't want to talk about it. I'm just saying I don't want to see it any more. And don't start up again with the topic of sockpuppets, which was repeated over and over in comments I deleted.”
3/4/19, 6:37 AM
Inga, like all leftists and LLR's, would very much like to construct a set of rules where the lefties go wild with accusations seek refuge in the Marquis of Queensbury rules when fire is directed toward them.
“Inga, after pronouncing Trump and every Trump supporter guilty of mass murder would now like everyone to cease using names in their posts.”
I try to do as Althouse asks. I’m at least trying to use a quotation and then respond to it’s substance as she suggests. Why don’t you try to do the same?
You have pronounced Trump supporters guilty of mass murder.
You get what you get.
"He's right wing because he's an ethno nationalist, which we all agree is bad"
Which you actually don't agree about. Europe is full of ethno-nationalists, and they are both "right" and "left" politically in their local context. Its one reason so many people tour Europe, this is the basis for its variety.
This is a symptom of an ethno-nationalist revival - this is just one little thing that was deliberately fostered by ethnic activists, as was, of more importance, the Galician language.
Galician bagpipes
Now, imagine a cultural movement towards a revival of "white" American customs and myths. Cowboys and pioneers and square dancing and whatever else suits, and education and, of course, language. All this is a statement of "we are us, and not you".
He claimed he was in contact with Anders Breivik’s followers before he went on his rampage.
The shooting was meant as a media event, not anything in particular about muslims.
Let's you two fight, was the plan.
Absent the promise of media coverage and the predictable narratives, there'd be no motivation to shoot anybody. 60 muslims don't matter a hill of beans to these guys.
But coverage, that's the thing.
The media is a business and can't help themselves. Pols are free-riding.
Inga: "He claimed he was in contact with Anders Breivik’s followers before he went on his rampage."
Major Hassan was in long time communication with radical anti-American cleric al-awlaki...which the obama intelligence services knew about...and they did this islamic radical murdered 13 American soldiers on Ft Hood and wounded 40 others.
The lefties wouldnt even call it terrorism for 3 years.
Many still wont.
“Researchers told NBC News that they had raised concerns about online extremism both in conversations and in published research papers, but said their warnings and ideas to help prevent online radicalization have been largely ignored. Lewis published a report in September that detailed how YouTube influencers and far-right extremists gamed YouTube’s algorithm to push radicalization messages and turn a profit.
Lewis and other online extremism researchers are now hoping the shooting could be a wake-up call to companies like Facebook and YouTube, which they hope will be more transparent and proactive in scuttling white supremacist and extremist content.
Lewis said, however, that she is not particularly optimistic.
“Where I get pessimistic about it is that these problems didn’t start with the tech companies,” Lewis said. “They’ve just been very profitable for them.”
Facebook and YouTube did not immediately respond to a request for comment.”
As opposed to the shadow banning and outright deletions of center right populist figures, too many to name.
The lefties called Major Hassan a "lone wolf"...despite the massive communications with middle eastern terrorists.
"On December 2, 2015, 14 people were killed and 22 others were seriously injured in a terrorist attack consisting of a mass shooting and an attempted bombing at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California. The perpetrators, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married couple living in the city of Redlands, targeted a San Bernardino County Department of Public Health training event and Christmas party of about 80 employees in a rented banquet room. Farook was a U.S.-born citizen of Pakistani descent, who worked as a health department employee. Malik was a Pakistani-born lawful permanent resident of the United States."
Both Syed and Tashfeen had traveled to Saudi Arabia.
The lefties called them "lone wolves" as well.
FYI, you do not suppress this stuff by shutting down public speech.
That is how you get the ETA. You may now actually have an international "white" ETA.
You shut it down by appeasing the complainers. This works.
The most important thing is to permit or create cultural space.
The worst grievances are symbolic.
Looks like the anti-white, anti-male, anti-Christian, anti-straight propaganda is beginning to have an effect on people.
All that continual hate is bound to have an effect on some people. Apparently this gut and his friends are fed up
“FYI, you do not suppress this stuff by shutting down public speech.”
Facebook, Twitter, You Tube are private companies ( not owned or run by the government). They are withiin their legal rights to prohibit this extremist stuff on their platforms.
Yes, Trump's policies are "incompetent" from the standpoint of a deranged eco-fascist...(and..oh I can't say her name.)
And yes, Trump voters approve that.
"He calls himself an “Eco-fascist,” one who combines environmentalism, racism and authoritarianism into one repulsive package. In his mind the world is dying from over-population, but over-population of the “wrong” kind. He hates capitalism, free markets, and free trade but he loves the Communist Chinese government and fascism."
"He says global warming and immigration:
…Are the same issue, the environment is being destroyed by over population, we Europeans are one of the groups that are not over populating the world. The invaders are the ones over populating the world. Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation and by doing so save the environment."
Inga: "Facebook, Twitter, You Tube are private companies ( not owned or run by the government). They are withiin their legal rights to prohibit this extremist stuff on their platforms."
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are completely aligned with the dems/left.
Right now there are islamic militant recruiting videos and videos of islamic executions and call to Jihad on each of those platforms.
Because OF COURSE they are.
Of course.
The political alliance between the Western left and radical islam continues apace.
“Right now there are islamic militant recruiting videos and videos of islamic executions and call to Jihad on each of those platforms.”
So certain commentators have spent 12 hours calling every conservative, every Trump supporter, and Donald Trump himself a mass murderer. They have ignored that this guy was a ecoterrorist, always on the left. That he praises Communist China as the closest to his political goals. That he openly stated that he wanted to cause the left to blame Trump and the right.
And now said commentator, having ignored all of that, and gleefully calling for the right to be stripped of their rights, is now trying to take refuge behind the host?
Please. Grow a pair and just admit you love Stalin, you little freak.
Ritual denunciation, ritually done. Trump should have added that the Communist Party and Antifa were also a "threats".
Inga: "And they SHOULD NOT BE."
Left there by leftists.
Leftists who suppress average conservative posters and groups.
Because that is the left.
No different than the horrifically anti-semitic leadership of the Women's March.
No different than the broad lefty academic attack, across the entire west, against the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel.
Because OF COURSE the western left hates Israel.
Of course.
Does this all strike you as "coincidental"?
Would now be an appropriate time to link to the obama happy/smiling picture with Louis Farrakhan?
Why won't the LA Times release the obama/Khalidi tape that has been kept under wraps for over 10 years now? Something tells me there is something there that someone is desperate to keep hidden from us....
“A study released Tuesday by a nongovernmental organization monitoring terrorist groups and their supporters indicates YouTube, in particular, has made progress in stemming the flood of uploaded extremist content. But the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) also notes terrorists are still finding a big audience on Google’s video-sharing network. ISIS members and supporters uploaded 1,348 YouTube videos garnering 163,391 views between March and June, according to CEP. “That’s a lot eyes on those videos,” says Hany Farid, a senior CEP adviser and the study’s lead researcher. Twenty-four percent of those videos remained on YouTube for at least two hours—long enough to be copied and disseminated on Facebook, Twitter and other popular social platforms, even when YouTube could find and delete them.
The videos CEP tracked were posted by 278 different accounts, 60 percent of which were allowed to remain on the platform even after having videos deleted by YouTube. “It’s discouraging that accounts caught posting terrorist material are allowed to continue uploading videos even after they’ve had their videos removed for violating YouTube’s terms of service,” says Farid, who is also a Dartmouth College computer science professor. “We know these videos are being created for propaganda purposes to incite and encourage violence, and I find those videos dangerous in a very real way.”
Well, I see this thread has already come unraveled.
The left is aligned with radical islam because they share some Phase 1 objectives: the complete tear down of the West and its institutions.
For the left, this is supposed to set up the left to completely transform the west.....and the lefties believe they can "chat" their way to peace with their islamic radical temporary allies.
For the islamists, this is an opportunity to tear down the west.....with sharia sweeping across the plain....and the islamists know they won't fall victim to the sweet sweet musings of their temporary lefty allies......but the lefties don't know the islamists think that.
What a big surprise is in store for them, eh?
“The left is aligned with radical islam because they share some Phase 1 objectives: the complete tear down of the West and its institutions.”
White Nationalist rhetoric.
Boom there it is.
Typical MSM Response:
White nationalist Terror Attack: "OMG,the world's coming to an end"
All other terrorist attacks: "Just a lone nut. Nothing to see here, just move along"
Fizzle, what a stretch.
Let's you two fight, was the plan
Worked like a charm.
Of course its becomes unraveled. After declaring "isn't that terrible." there's nothing left for intelligent people to say. How many people live in NZ?
So the usual suspects come out and say stupid things. Adios.
So, whose up for banning the Quran? I mean it's clearly an incitement to violence.
It's what was discovered in the moslem brotherhood document, revealed in the cair documents of Saif al adels atrategy.
“The left is aligned with radical islam because they share some Phase 1 objectives: the complete tear down of the West and its institutions.”
Inga: "White Nationalist rhetoric."
The left doesn't want to transform western society? Strange, they say they do. Openly.
The left isn't aligned with radical islam? Read a newspaper. Each day if you can.
Islamic radicals don't want to destroy the west and replace it with Sharia? Strange, they say they do.
But you have to remember, Inga is the one who called communist mass murder in the 20th century "propaganda".
She also called discussions of the democrat infanticide bills "propaganda".
She also called calling the leaders of the Womens March anti-semitic "propaganda".
She also called calling out the lefties hate speech laws on campus "propaganda".
See a pattern?
Some details here:
“Inga is the one who called communist mass murder in the 20th century "propaganda".
“She also called discussions of the democrat infanticide bills "propaganda".”
“She also called calling the leaders of the Womens March anti-semitic "propaganda".”
“She also called calling out the lefties hate speech laws on campus "propaganda".”
“See a pattern?”
I blame the left. The collective hate filled liar left.
@ Freeman
Ah, so the bullshit already begins. In Medialand, racist or fascist = right. Nevermind that the guy isn't into capitalism or conservatism or individual liberty, that China is his idea of a model country, and that he is especially concerned with environmentalism. He's right wing because he's an ethno nationalist, which we all agree is bad, and all the "best" people think right wingers are bad too, so ethno nationalists must be right wingers too. Suddenly we switch to the European left right spectrum.
Give me a break.
This kind of garbage is why so many people hate the media.
I wonder if the news calls it "white nationalism" instead of "ethno nationalism" because they don't want anyone noticing that a lot of identity politics talk has a similar flavor.
The left must boil stuff down to the narrative. Any square facts that don't pound into their round narrative hole are discarded for the simplistic narrative.
"They are within their legal rights to prohibit this extremist stuff on their platforms"
True, but that makes them publishers and subject to libel laws, would it not?
“The common language of white nationalism and white supremacy
Modern white nationalism has a common history and a common language that transcends borders. The Christchurch shooter’s manifesto uses it, as do others who have either committed or attempted to commit mass violence in the name of white nationalism.
While it has its own American history, white nationalism is an inherently global movement. As researcher J.M. Berger detailed in a paper on the impact of the white nationalist screed The Turner Diaries on the movement:
Most extremist movements believe their waking reality has already become dystopian and they are participants in what Mark Juergensmeyer calls a “cosmic war”. For jihadist groups like al Qaeda and ISIS, this belief is articulated as a global “war on Islam”. In the case of white nationalism, the “white race” is threatened with extinction due to widespread miscegenation and the erosion of white supremacist social norms.
And the Christchurch shooter notes this in his manifesto, describing himself as European by blood because Australia is “simply an off-shoot of the European people” right alongside his discussions of eco-fascism. The Coast Guard lieutenant who planned to kill politicians and media personalities felt very much the same. In a deleted email recovered from his computer, he wrote:
Liberalist/globalist ideology is destroying traditional peoples esp white. No way to counteract without violence. It should push for more crack down bringing more people to our side. Much blood will have to be spilled to get whitey off the couch. For some no amount of blood will be enough. They will die as will the traitors who actively work toward our demise. Looking to Russia with hopeful eyes or any land that despises the west’s liberalism. Excluding of course the muslim scum. Who rightfully despise the west’s liberal degeneracy.
It is clear that the author is not thinking of himself as an American citizen but as a white person, united with all other white people against everyone else.”
I take it the manifesto is further evidence that foreigners want to meddle in our elections?
Can the narrative accommodate that?
Or is that like some people pointing out that there might be illegal aliens voting in our "sacred" elections?
No go zone.
The folks who told us all about the mythical "Gaza Bridge"!!
Did you hear about this?
Oh yes. There is a 30 mile bridge across Gaza into Israel that those dastardly Israeli's won't let the Palestinian's use!!
The only problem?
The bridge, obviously to any 2nd grader, does not exist!!
But it fooled the entire staff at Vox!!
Inga's newest "go to source" for, like, true stuff...or something....
“On Friday morning, I spoke with Kathleen Belew, a University of Chicago historian and author of Bring the War Home, which traces the white supremacist movement’s relationship with the Vietnam War. She told me about how white nationalist groups like Aryan Nations sent their materials around the world, and how groups like Wotansvolk and the World Church of the Creator set up chapters in dozens of countries — mainly those with large white populations, including Canada, France, and yes, New Zealand.
“As you can see,” Belew said, “these places map on to an idea of whiteness that transcends national boundaries, which is part of why I argue for calling this “white power” rather than white nationalism. The nation in white nationalism is the Aryan nation, not the US or New Zealand.”
She added, “Scholars have documented how these flows took materials, propaganda, training, language, and weapons to other countries, often those, like New Zealand, considered by the movement to be part of a white world that could be salvaged from racial others.”
The common language of white nationalism is rife throughout the Christchurch shooter’s manifesto. For example, alongside Nazi imagery, the Christchurch shooter made frequent reference to the concept of “white genocide,” writing of immigration as an “assault on the European people” and adding, “This is ethnic replacement. This is cultural replacement. This is racial replacement. This is WHITE GENOCIDE.””
Here is Inga's (missing)link:
Note the absence of discussion of CAGW/eco fascist driver.
I mean..did he think fighting CAGW is akin to WWII?
That kind of threat could drive a guy to pick up arms.
“David Lane, a white supremacist responsible for the murder of a Jewish radio host in 1984, wrote the “White Genocide Manifesto” while in prison, arguing that “‘racial integration’ is only a euphemism for genocide.” He later shortened his three-page manifesto to 14 words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” Three decades later, the term “white genocide” is the single most popular hashtag used by white nationalists on Twitter.
The 14 words? Also of apparent importance to the Christchurch shooter, who recites them in his manifesto and reportedly posted images of a gun with the number 14 drawn on it on Twitter.”
More Vox!!!
More "truth" from the juiceboxers who have yet to recruit a single established "journalist" to their ranks after years and years of trying.
Want to know why?
No one takes them seriously and no serious journalist wants to gamble their reputation by going to such a child-like moronic outfit!
But its the newest Fountain of Truth for Inga....and some assorted 3rd graders over there by the slide!
More and More Vox!!
What is Vox's motto?
Well, let Mathew Iglesias spell it out for you:
“Fighting dishonesty with dishonesty is sometimes the right thing for advocates to do, yes,” said Yglesias.
Google it.
Mathew, who believes strongly that deception is often called for.
You know, I'd be hard pressed to come up with a more perfect "source" for Inga than Vox.
It's absolutely perfect.
Will Brown: " about going back and reading what Steve King actually said rather than what CNN reported that he said."
No way dude!!
Like her new favorite heroes at Vox(!!), Inga knows that deception in service to the left is A-OK!
“ about going back and reading what Steve King actually said rather than what CNN reported that he said.”
Feel free to post it. I’d like to read it.
“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” King asked the paper. “Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”
In his statement Monday, King insisted his use of "that language" was referring "ONLY to Western Civilization and NOT to any previously stated evil ideology ALL of which I have denounced.
"My record as a vocal advocate for Western Civilization is nearly as full as my record in defense of Freedom of Speech," King concluded. " ... I will continue to point out the truth and work with all the vigor that I have to represent 4th District Iowans for at least the next two years.”
So how is this any better?
You defend western civilization and you are denounced, you attack Israel and they bring up everything but the words of ilhan omar, including the dreyfus case and the internments
My most favoritist Vox story of all?
Well, before these idiots went to Vox Media to start Vox news, they were a bunch of cats working at the Washington Post.
And they had this great idea for a publication that was even more lunatic lefty than Bezo's Post.
So they pitched their $10M idea to Jeff Bezos himself. The whole shmear.
It took Bezos about 37 seconds to think about it and told them to take a hike, even if it meant they all quit!!
So these losers walk across the street to Vox Media which had alot of actually interesting web properties but not a news crew, so they told these juice-boxers to come on in and set up shop.
That was quite a few years ago...and no one with any skill or talent will go there.
Needless to say, it's the perfect Inga information source.
Absolutely perfect.
But only absolutely.
Inga is proving precisely what was pointed out.
Anyone, anywhere, who stands up for the values of Western Civilization, will be denounced and driven from the public square.
Islamic supremacists absolutely love that....because they feel the same way.
Precisely the same way.
The goal is the destruction of western civilization.
As we see every single day in academia and the lefties in govt.
Sarah Jeong came from an offshoot of vox didnt she, yglesias came thing regress, Fisher ended up at the times
“The goal is the destruction of western civilization.
As we see every single day in academia and the lefties in govt.”
Spoken like a good White Nationalist.
The lord of the flies over there is ezra Klein although Sarah 'only a local crime story' kliff, re gosnell is like the Oracle of this injustice league
When Jesse Jackson chanted 'western cultures got to Go' In 1988, was that a figment?
“When Jesse Jackson chanted 'western cultures got to Go' In 1988, was that a figment?”
“The quote reads: “The Rev. Jesse Jackson leads some 500 Stanford U. students on a march chanting, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Culture’s got to go!”… Whoever wrote this — derived from copious news reports over the years — was not there, of course. I was there, but I was not chanting. Neither, actually, was Jesse Jackson, though the wording suggests that he was. Clearly the 500 students were chanting this phrase. Was Jesse Jackson, in leading the march, also chanting? The logic of the grammar literally reads that he did, though perhaps one can imagine that he was just leading the march, while the students behind him were doing the chant.
What actually happened was more interesting, and too subtle for a two-sentence notice like this. Jackson was in the Bay Area and made a detour to come to Stanford. When he heard the students chant, he objected to it. He said, “No, we don’t want to get rid of Western Culture. We want to expand it and bring in new voices.” That was somewhat controversial then but would not be at all today.
The story was accurately reported by Bob Beyers, a friend of mine, director of the Stanford News Service. While he was alive, he vigorously tried to fight the false version, as have I.
It’s a small point of memory now. It’s just that we so easily fall into what we imagine someone could have said that we don’t do the homework to find out what they actually said.”
Jon Reider
San Francisco
OMG ! Inga again !
Yes, shes the gladys Kravitz here.
Inga: "Spoken like a good White Nationalist."
Inga is now pretending that the left are not moving at breakneck speed to "de-center" western civilization.
Western Civilization is a set of core values and beliefs that belongs to no one race.
These ideas, values and beliefs transcend human biological differences and are available to all.
But Western values place high emphasis of the individual. And that idea must be crushed by the lefty identity politics types so they can create their next Workers Paradise.
“OMG ! Inga again !”
OMG, a liberal is posting on Althouse! Egads! Horrors!
Inga: "OMG, a liberal is posting on Althouse! Egads! Horrors!"
Not liberal.
"Western Civ Fights Back"
"In recent decades, intellectuals have looked with suspicion on encyclopedic summae and comprehensive narratives. At the same time, the idea of Western civilization has been attacked as an ideological fiction enlisted in the service of evils like white supremacy. It was not that long ago that a contender for the Democratic Presidential nomination, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, joined students at Stanford in chanting, ''Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go!'' Nothing, therefore, could appear to be more untimely, and in some quarters unwelcome, than the synoptic overview of the history of Western religion and philosophy that Daniel J. Boorstin provides in ''The Seekers,'' the third volume of an ambitious trilogy that includes a history of Western science, ''The Discoverers,'' and of Western art, ''The Creators.''
But it may be that Boorstin represents the wave of the future rather than the receding past. By now most intelligent liberals have joined conservatives in the reaction against the excesses of multiculturalism. One may debate the definition of Western civilization, but no one can dispute that postclassical Euro-American societies share traditions that they do not share with Middle Eastern, South Asian, African or East Asian nations. ''Unmasking'' and ''deconstructing'' all concepts leads to paranoia and solipsism. Societies cannot function without grand narratives any more than individuals can function without memory and foresight."
White Nationalist, propagandist.
Inga now asserting the left isn't into identity politics.
Spoken like a good White Nationalist.
Spoken as if you are no longer white.
“And that idea must be crushed by the lefty identity politics types so they can create their next Workers Paradise.”
Meh, more propaganda...yawn.
I’m going to bed Michael K, feel free to comment.
it makes perfect sense that Inga, the beneficiary of thousands of years of Western Culture and thought and advancement, now sneers at the very mention of that which delivered all of this to her very doorstep.
Heinlein could not have been more correct.
"“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.
This is known as "bad luck.”
But then again, Heinlein is a product of the West and so, like all the rest of the DWEM's, he can safely be discarded.
Inga will rest comfortably tonight.
Why not?
She isn't a gay person living in an islamic land......
....but remember: there are no differences between cultures....except for all the ways the West is worse.
I’m going to be Michael K, feel free to comment.
“But here's something I need you to do...DON'T NAME ANOTHER COMMENTER WHEN YOU'RE DISAGREEING WITH HIM... It looks like a pointless, childish game. If you seriously want to argue on the substance, quote the person and disagree with the material posted. Don't make it about the person.
Ann Althouse”
“Western Culture” spoken from the mouths of White Nationalists defiles it.
The left are really into speech policing. It's frightening.
Inga - the good ugly leftwing totalitarian, is on the case for her corrupt fascist masters.
And this where they end up:
The "white nationalist" thing is now the story de jour.
I forget. How well are Muslims accepted in China and Japan ?
Inga: "“Western Culture” spoken from the mouths of White Nationalists defiles it."
Spoken with the leftist religious fervor of a Maoist.
Inga: "“Western Culture” spoken from the mouths of White Nationalists defiles it."
Hey hey ho ho Western Civ has got to go.....said every leftist everywhere....while deflecting for their islamic radical allies.
Inga literally links to an article describing hundreds of leftists chanting "hey hey ho ho Western Civ has got to go"....and then she attacks those who disagree with the University leftists....all the while claiming the leftists don't want Western Civ to go!!
What you must believe to be an Inga-foot soldier/Red Guard in America today.
Its easy to see now why obama had no problem with paling around with Louis Farrakhan.
And he was all smiles doing it too....
Why are we hearing nothing about the other three who were arrested in the mosque shooting? Maybe they're racially diverse, which would spoil the entire narrative.
The shooter is a loser who shot and killed innocent lives. If he wanted to battle radical Islam, he should take up arms and hit ISIS in the ME. What he did was cowardly and inhuman.
8chan is full crazy nutjobs who shitpost.
Trolling to get an emotional response. It's beyond twisted, and yes the ironic part is that he really is a white supremacist of sorts, but he smears the wrong people - just like the American left do.
Another Inga thread.
This is getting really tiresome. I mean seriously tiresome. She is driving people away.
Althouse, can you order up some better leftist trolls? You did teach at a Law School.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "The shooter is a loser who shot and killed innocent lives. If he wanted to battle radical Islam, he should take up arms and hit ISIS in the ME. What he did was cowardly and inhuman."
There are some astonishing stories of Kurdish women who have taken up arms against Inga's beloved islamic supremacists and fighting against them on the front lines in Syria and Iraq.
What makes them even more courageous is what happens to them if they are captured. Then, Inga's "let them all in!!" islamic pals do exactly the sorts of things to them that you think they do.
I doubt Hollywood will ever give them the "you go grrrrrrrrlll"/"Be Fierce!!" treatment because, well, obviously, they are fighting against the lefts allies on the islamic supremacist side.
Some interesting volunteers with combat experience in the US also went over to simply fight the islamic supremacist/leftist allies as well. These guys are an incredible group.
The leftists will no doubt charge them with war crimes later.
Kurdish women who have taken up arms against Inga's beloved islamic supremacists
Kurdish women must be white nationalists. According to the hivemine collective.
Rather perceptive:
mockturtle said...
Why are we hearing nothing about the other three who were arrested in the mosque shooting? Maybe they're racially diverse, which would spoil the entire narrative.
One has been reported as Toxic Masculinity might be off the hook here.
The media has mastered Johnny Cochrane messaging: if it does not fit, you must forgit.
All honor and praise to those who actually read the ravings of this deluded nutbag. There is nothing there that fits into the preformed story that the media are telling.
Kurdish women must be white nationalists. According to the hivemine collective.
The Kurdish language is Indo-European, thus “Aryan” — so yes!
White nationalism is nothing more than Intersectionality for white guys.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "The shooter is a loser who shot and killed innocent lives. If he wanted to battle radical Islam, he should take up arms and hit ISIS in the ME. What he did was cowardly and inhuman."
Here's the weird part. In 2018 he traveled to Pakistan. You'd think that would have given him the perfect opportunity to kill some Muslims.
Six months after his travel to Pakistan, he's quoted on some guys twitter (This is still in 2018) as recommending Pakistan for travel for tourism and that the country ought to make it easier for tourists to get visas.
Doesn't make sense.
Doesn’t make sense.
Truer words were never written. So why is the global media complex blowing fuses to make it fit into a preformed story?
The guy is nuts.
Why does Inga keep crying ‘mommy!’ When someone criticizes what she wrote? Seems very childish to me. Always trying to blame Trump for everything: keep decrying trump as a racist, Nazi, and so on. It’s just nastiness, hypocracy and all round hatred. Mainstream media and social networks (with no evidence), it isn’t supeising that these worms come out of the woodwork - because CNN said so.
Meanwhile there are thousands of kids around the globe not watching Bert and Ernie, but field stripping AKs, pouring over RPGs, waiting for their shot at the "Satans". Dinner time on the Kalahari. Never will see that on the View.
Yes many Kurdish women certainly do understand.
Blogger Francisco D said...
"Another Inga thread.
This is getting really tiresome. I mean seriously tiresome. She is driving people away.
Althouse, can you order up some better leftist trolls? You did teach at a Law School."
Just roll right by.I do. There are enough intelligant comments to outwiegh the mediocrity of the usual suspects.
I have no intention to waste my time by reading the shooters manifesto. He doesn't deserve the attention. Who cares what he said? The only thing that matters is if he is a member of an organization which is preparing other attacks. If not, then what he says is selfserving drivel meant to draw attention to himself and should be ignored.
The reason leftist commentators jump on an event like this is because violence that can be characterized as White Nationalism or right wing is so rare when compared to the daily violence committed by the radical racist Left and their beloved Islamists head choppers.
I would suggest that the folks here take a moment to peruse the comments at Breitbart reading the NZ murders. If you can stomach them. They make the commenters at the NYT seem sane, since at least most of the time, the NYT crazies aren't praising mass murderers. I think that Trump is doing a pretty good job as president, but when I look at the folks on the far right supporting him, I don't know if I can make common cause with them. That might leave me where I was in 2016 with no one to vote for.
*regarding the NZ murders.
Here is the problem: it is impossible to scale things properly on the internet. One person at a time talks. Are there a lot of people like the nutcase commenters on the right or on the left? Or are there a few? Are the crazy commenters at Brietbart a few or many in our population? How many hardcore Antifa are there? My impression is that the numbers in a population of 330 million are microscopic. So it is a mistake to do anything other than evaluate the quality of the ideas. The quantities that the commenters represent in the population are completely uknown. But I sure run into more nutty lefties than crazy righties in my life.
"I think that Trump is doing a pretty good job as president, but when I look at the folks on the far right supporting him, I don't know if I can make common cause with them."
The left are using this event to double down on their desire to sanctify Islam and to impose Islam on everyone else. Even Chelsea Clinton is being attacked for criticizing our new female Islamic Supremists in the House of Representatives. Personally, I worry about people who have actual power to use government power to enforce their opinions than someone posting anonymously on the internet. If we aren't careful the left will do to our country what they did to Iran where they took a modern facing country and cooperated with Islamists to turn it into an Islamic hellhole. A shitty country if you please or if you don't please it is still a shitty country.
Blogger Douglas said...
"I would suggest that the folks here take a moment to peruse the comments at Breitbart reading the NZ murders. If you can stomach them. They make the commenters at the NYT seem sane, since at least most of the time, the NYT crazies aren't praising mass murderers. I think that Trump is doing a pretty good job as president, but when I look at the folks on the far right supporting him, I don't know if I can make common cause with them. That might leave me where I was in 2016 with no one to vote for."
I read a good sampling of the comments at Brietbart. They were pretty tame so I don't know what you're referring to. It has been my experience that the commentors on democrat webb sites are much more offensive.
If you like what Trump is doing then don't let the opinions of others sway you. Your common cause should be the rule of law and smaller government.
I find the easiest thing is to "collapse comments" and then just skip over the the tedious Inga/Drago shitshow and click on people (e.g., buwaya) who can be counted on to have something interesting and pertinent to say.
It's a complete waste of time to argue with people who believe that "white supremacism"is any kind of useful political or sociological category (outside of its use as a marker either of gullibility to crude propaganda, or of the invested purveyors of the propaganda themselves). is at least two white tribes in the US (where this most matters, and where there are no ethnic nationalisms), of which one, less numerous but more powerful, is making politico-cultural war against the other. They could stop, and the reaction ("white nationalism") would stop.
I don't know about "could". No longer being able to see, let alone follow, the prudent, obvious path is SOP for a governing caste that has lost its ability to carry out the task of governing at least somewhat competently.
Douglas: I think that Trump is doing a pretty good job as president, but when I look at the folks on the far right supporting him, I don't know if I can make common cause with them. That might leave me where I was in 2016 with no one to vote for.
How does voting for someone you think is doing a pretty good job "make common cause with them"? (Assuming you're not just being a concern troll here.)
Whoever is elected will be "guilty by association" with some unseemly group or another. By your own faulty logic your vestal virgin act would just mean that you're making common cause with the unseemly lot that supports somebody you don't want in office.
Freeman Hunt: He's right wing because he's an ethno nationalist, which we all agree is bad...
Huh? As buwaya points out, ethnic nationalism doesn't apply to the U.S., but I certainly don't agree that ethnonationalism is inherently bad. You can have rigid, inhuman ethnonationalism, based on tribal hatred and irrational obsessions with "purity", just as you can have rigid, highly destructive internationalism or anti-nationalism, based on ideological abstractions. (And the latter can themselves be vehicles for getting your tribal hatred on, pragmatically camouflaged by the fancy talk.)
If you think the formation of interest groups based on shared culture and descent (sometimes known as "nations") are inherently evil, you may as well nuke the whole human race right now, because that sort of thing isn't going anywhere.
Trump is right. Small group of very sick individuals. Very warped minds.
Blogger Drago said...
Inga: "He claimed he was in contact with Anders Breivik’s followers before he went on his rampage."
Major Hassan was in long time communication with radical anti-American cleric al-awlaki...which the obama intelligence services knew about...and they did this islamic radical murdered 13 American soldiers on Ft Hood and wounded 40 others.
The lefties wouldnt even call it terrorism for 3 years.
Many still wont.
And that piece of shit still breathes.
It's really quite the trick.
The left has managed to blame white conservatives in the United States for an Australian shooting up a mosque in New Zealand.
And they're proud of it.
When you compare White Nationalists, in numbers and influence, to the international "Hive" of statists, the former certainly is insignificant.
AA, I'm sorry, but this is the kind of "false reporting" you get when your sources are limited to the Northeast Media. Did they report this fact, from the mouth/published public posts of a killer - Tarrant declares that the “nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.”
No in the rush to reporting, facts are few and far apart. Political narratives rule - just look at "Inga's" comments. Truly amazing how such a person lives with herself.
when I look at the folks on the far right supporting him, I don't know if I can make common cause with them. That might leave me where I was in 2016 with no one to vote for.
Remember when Churchill and Roosevelt were allies with Stalin ? Churchill was criticized in Parliament and replied "If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill.
"Supporting" someone does not give you the right to tell them what to do. David Duke likes Omar. Both hate Jews.
"OMG, a liberal is posting on Althouse! Egads! Horrors!"
People don't have contempt for you because you are a liberal. In fact, I don't even think of you as a liberal - you never post any ideas, you just attack people from the other tribe to assuage some defect you have.
Althouse once had some very intelligent and interesting liberal commenters. Issues were debated in fierce but civil tones, people learned many new ideas from each other, and even a few stubborn minds were changed. It was a great era.
And then they were replaced by people like you.
I tried to post a few things on Breitbart but my comments were apparently censored. This is what I attempted to post in response to comments defending the Christchurch perp:
"What's wrong with you? What did the people worshiping in their mosque do to deserve being murdered? Multiculturalism has nothing to do with these murders. Murder is murder is murder."
"Actually, the worst thing about these events are people excusing cold blooded mass murder as if it were nothing."
Draw your own conclusions.
The worst thing about these events is that 49 innocent people were shot at prayer for no reason.
Who can think otherwise? Yet, you tried to say that the worst thing is people excusing mass murder murder as if it were nothing. That is a stupid thing to say. It may be morally wrong, but it pales next to the murders themselves.
@Amadeus- That’s a good point.
The thesis of the manifesto is rather simple. Namely that within a couple decades, Muslims will be in the majority throughout the bulk of Europe. This is due to the declining birthrate among native (white) Europeans and the high birthrate among the Muslim population as augmented by immigration. Brenton Tarrant thinks this is not good since the basic identity of the various European countries will be displaced by a culture that is significantly different than the existing cultures in those countries The same will eventually happen in Canada and the US though it will take a longer timescale.
It is estimated that the US Muslim population will be 8 million by 2050. That prediction is based on a simple linear extrapolation of existing Muslim population data. Growth in Muslim population will, however, be exponential to some degree dependent on birth rate, new immigration, immigration of family members, and conversions. So about 20 million is a better estimate in 2050. Could use additional data.
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