Colorism will Smith but there are other black actors for this role
— Clarence Hill Jr (@clarencehilljr) March 5, 2019
Via "Will Smith 'casting as Richard Williams' sparks colourism debate" (BBC).
Colourism is a form of discrimination against dark-skinned people in favour of those with lighter skin from the same race.
It can lead to a lack of representation in film, TV and fashion, particularly in Hollywood and Bollywood, as well as discrimination at work or on dating sites, and even to serious health problems from skin bleaching creams.
९३ टिप्पण्या:
Will should beef up and play Serena.
Save Will for the Jerek Deter story.
A little shoe polish works wonders--so I've been told.
Ridiculous. As bad as that Mayor in South Carolina who thinks pollen on her car was painted on by a HATER!!!
How about they replace Will Smith with Mithun Chakraborty?
We really are past the point where actors are needed, right? It can all be done by animation?
Most sane folks don't care too much about colorism. Why are Leftwing Hollywood casting directors so prejudiced against dark skins?
Will could play Earl Woods.
The actor Steven Williams somewhat resembles Richard Williams. He’s a good actor. But Will Smith like Tom Cruise consistently brings in viewers.
The color that matters most is green.
Spike Lee will play the part of the uniformed bus driver.
So maybe Wkll Smigh could use makeup to look more like Mr. Williams.
Yes, I just suggested a perfectly PC use of blackface.
Where do I go to collect my Nobel Prize?
Smith passes the paper bag test. Colorism has a long history in black culture.
People obsess over the silliest things.
Clarence Thomas is much darker than Obama. Since colorist matters Clarence Thomas must understand black issues better.
And so the Cultural Revolution V. 2, American Edition, continues... with the revolutionaries continuing to turn on each other.
Will Smith could use blackface for the role.
The Twitter writer is a journalist who covers...the Dallas Cowboys.
Maybe there is some merit to his claim, but one sure thing is that weighing in on racial matters unrelated to your job can ruin your career if you're not the right color. #FightColorism
Is Denzel's kid black enough? He's great in everything.
Further to Rob's comment:
As bad as that Mayor in South Carolina who thinks pollen on her car was painted on by a HATER!!!
I must say if you've never experienced pollen season in the lowcountry- you need to plow that shit off the streets like it was snow.
Oh for heaven's sake. These folks can't help themselves.
Mr. T could play the role. Hell, he could play father and daughter.
Black couples. The man is darker in, oh, maybe 75% of the pictures, the woman is darker in about 10% of the pics.
Cameras don't work easily with deep black faces. You see eyes and teeth.
When Will doesn't win the Oscar for Concussion, it's because he's too black.
When Will doesn't get the role of Serena's dad, it's because he's too white.
Will is nothing more than a tool for the progressives to use as they see fit.
So in conclusion, we are supposed to see the color of Richard Willians skin and not the content of his character.
There is an easy way to for us to determine if Will is black enough for the role.
He should tour the Governor's Mansion in Virginia and see if the first lady gives him cotton.
Will Smith had the right look to play Muhammad Ali. Unfortunately, it was shortly after 9/11, and moviegoers weren't eager to be preached at by an angry Muslim.
So is this being run by the national news organizations, or is it just one guy on twitter who who should have given his thumbs a 5 minute break and not sent/posted this tweet?
Sometimes I think the media is obsessed with color/race and sometimes I think it’s the blogosphere/twitterverse that has the problem.
For bloggers, and journos apparently, twitter must be like the encyclopedia brittanica to a Middle School student writing a paper last minute. They need a reference or starting point for something they need to write, and like the encyclopedia brittanica, twitter will always deliver something.
Anyone else totally disinterested in a movie about Serena Williams?
Colorism is big in Mexico, also. Just look at Mexican tv shows. They all look like Spaniards, or French. They sure don't look like the people I see at the local Mexican markets, or the gardeners.
Battlespace prep for FAA Kamala Harris.
FAA = Fake African-American
John Henry
mccullough said... Clarence Thomas is much darker than Obama
The last three Democrat leading candidates for President that the Democrats called "Black"
Billie Clinton (not very dark)
Barry Soetoro (not very dark), half Kenya half Kansas
Kamela Harris (not very dark), half Tamil half Jamaican
oh, and then there's
Cork (Spartacus) Booker, (not very dark), half IBM half Dr. Steven Brown from Louisiana
The Demos are Super into having a Black person be President; as long as that 'black' person doesn't have much slave stock in them
I suppose it’s too much to hope that Clarence Hill, Jr. is the illegitimate son of Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill.
this reminds me of the old SNL skit from the 70s
We have to make those paper bags darker. For the children.
"Anyone else totally disinterested in a movie about Serena Williams?"
Yes, me. But I have to add that I'm especially not interested in biopics of living people.
Diversity breeds adversity.
A little shoe polish works wonders
A coal miner's dust accomplishes the same without a pretense.
A latent Hutu-Tutsi conflict in progress.
"Charlie Currie said...
Colorism is big in Mexico, also. Just look at Mexican tv shows. They all look like Spaniards, or French. They sure don't look like the people I see at the local Mexican markets, or the gardeners."
That's not colorism. Mexico is comprised of Spaniards, and indigenous people. That's a racial preference.
BTW, look at Mexico's presidents....
FAA = Fake African-American
African-American vs black American vs simply American, excluding brown, white, yellow, orange Africans (and Americans), and select babies obfuscated as fetuses or a term of art under the planned parenthood protocol.
The Gipper Lives said...Spike Lee will play the part of the uniformed bus driver.
When I saw "Spike" in that outfit, I pictured him as a trolley operator.
Perhaps the actor's union should come up with rules about what skin tones each actor is allowed to take on, and what skin tone of historical person an actor is allowed to portray. Then a color chart showing that range will be attached to each actor's resume and perhaps IMDB profile.
You know, just to avoid misunderstandings.
Will Spanish people that tan easily be banned from playing Irishmen?
Blogger Curious George said...
"Charlie Currie said...
Colorism is big in Mexico, also. Just look at Mexican tv shows. They all look like Spaniards, or French. They sure don't look like the people I see at the local Mexican markets, or the gardeners."
That's not colorism. Mexico is comprised of Spaniards, and indigenous people. That's a racial preference
A distinction without a difference.
I'd have to read the tweeted opinions of the Yazidi sex slaves before commenting on this important issue.
Are these people gonna fuss about Will Smith being in blueface for the new Aladdin movie?
Old SNL Skit: Julian Bond and Garrett Morris discussing whether white people are smarter than black people. They both agree that they are not. When the discussion is ended, and at the end of the skit, Julian Bond says, " However it is a well known fact that light skinned blacks are smarter than dark skinned blacks."
Curious George said...
Mr. T could play the role. Hell, he could play father and daughter.
Hilarious and true!!!
All roles should be cast with albinos. That's how you show the acting ability.
Jeepers. It never ends.
Old SNL Skit: Julian Bond and Garrett Morris discussing whether white people are smarter than black people. They both agree that they are not. When the discussion is ended, and at the end of the skit, Julian Bond says, " However it is a well known fact that light skinned blacks are smarter than dark skinned blacks."
Here it is. The deadpan delivery of both guys sells it.
This a unique spin on "color correction".
What mccullough wrote at 9:21
What do colored peopl...ahem...i mean, people of color, do when they aren't busy bitching about bullshit?
Is that when they sleep?
Any transgender woman has taken Scarlet Johansson's role after she was hounded out of the role?
There may be a darker skin black man for Williams, but is he well-known enough and has a big fan base to make the movie a money-maker?
But then, Hollywood is often funny when it is eaten by progressives. Bring the popcorn.
Ralph L said...
A little shoe polish works wonders--so I've been told.
Justin Fairfax: Sure, Governor, raping women works wonder too.
What do colored peopl...ahem...i mean, people of color, do when they aren't busy bitching about bullshit?
Don't generalize. Most people of all persuasions just go about their daily business not caring about such things.
Doc g, sdharms, JohnAnnArbor:
First thing I thought of! Thanks - especially John for the link.
Leftist autophagy at its best
What's the Venn diagram catagory called at the intersection ofpeople that would publicly complain of "colorism" and people that bitch about gentrification?
"I suppose it’s too much to hope that Clarence Hill, Jr. is the illegitimate son of Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill."
Why would you hope for something as stupid as that? Clarence Thomas is a known reactionary idiot on the Supreme court. Anita Hill was a victim of his sexual harassment while at the EEOC. Thomas was more interested in pornography than in the law.
They couldn't cast Brie Larson in the role?
Blogger Charlie Currie said...
Colorism is big in Mexico, also.
It used to be in Puerto Rico too. The lighter the skin, the better the person. Not so much anymore.
Back in the 70's if you wanted to compliment a woman on her new baby you could say "Ahh, que blanquito!" (Oh, how white) or "mejorando la raza!" (Improving the race) Race being Puerto Rican. Both referred to the baby having a lighter skin tone. Sometimes actually having a lighter tone. Other times, just saying it to make the mother feel good.
Just look at Mexican tv shows. They all look like Spaniards, or French.
A show my wife watches all the time is a soap opera, dubbed in Spanish, pretending to be in Spain but that was originally made in Turkey, using Turkish actors speaking Turkish.
Llegaste Tu is the name. When I went to Bing it to find the name, I find that Turkish soap operas are apparently a thing. Not just this one but dozens of them dubbed in all languages are popular all over the world.
This one is pretty dreadful, though very popular here. Perhaps it is a woman thing and a man just can't understand.
John Henry
They sure don't look like the people I see at the local Mexican markets, or the gardeners.
Blogger johnhenry100 said...
The lighter the skin, the better the person.
That just sounds WRONG. What I meant was that the perception of a lighter skin person was that they were "better" on a number of levels.
Side note on "latin" America, most people think it was colonized by Spaniards. In reality, there were relatively few Spaniards in South America. It was mostly colonized by Irish, Germans, Italians. In the case of Peru a lot of Japanese. In the 16th century mostly Irish, many of whom rose to high positions like Bernardo O'Higgin's father. Born in Ireland he became Viceroy of the southern and western half of South America.
In the late 1800s early 1900s there were hundreds of thousands of Italians and Germans who emigrated there, mainly to Argentina. So many Italians that Argentine's speak Spanish with a very distinctive lilt that even non Spanish speakers pick up on. Lots of Poles after WWI too.
And of course pretty much no Spaniards at all in Brazil.
Speaking in terms of numbers of people, not necessarily control or ownership.
John Henry
I've seen a lot of those telenovelas, and most of the people in them do look Mediterranean, Germanic, or other European, except for those who actually play gardeners or maids. Many of the actors have gringo names.
Some of the Turkish actors in Llegaste Tu look Asian, in a Minor way.
Seriously? it's called make-up, or these days, pixel adjustments on the computer. if this guy is the perfect actor for whatever reason, whatever level of color, part of the cinema these days is the transformation of an actor into something new.
everybody relax and go for it.
Maybe it is geographic, but colorism was very big in these parts, as was speaking "ghetto". Growing up, my Catholic grade school was like a bag of M&Ms. All were well spoken, but out in the street it was ghetto. Black girl used to call me a "hunk o' bohunk". Pretty funny I thought.
I think we are headed for a time when an actor will only be able to play himself. At least that's the logical end of the now constant argument that actor A can't play part B if they aren't matching the character's ethnic background, etc. Since all acting involves the actor pretending to be someone he's not, they should just go ahead and call for a ban on all acting.
"Colorism matters." Perhaps, but, if entire black-and-white movies can be converted to color, I'd assume similar post-processing could easily make Will Smith's image darker.
If anyone both cared and dared to do that, of course.
Dutch group the Beau Hunks takin it way way back
What if the skin darkness meets the desired requisite, but the actor's nose is much too narrow?
Is the appropriately dark actor allowed to wear prosthetics to widen the nose for camera, or is that 'blackface' for noses?
Next thing someone will tell me is that Marky Mark's cock in "Boogie Nights" was fake, and the role should've went to an actor who had an authentically long cock.
I am Laslo.
Smith isn't really all that light, as Blacks go, just slightly darker than Muhammad Ali.
Anyway, put him out in the sun at a tennis tournament for a few days and he'll be black enough to play any or all of the Williams family.
Any professional portrait photographer (or me, who's just a guy) will tell you, dark skinned African Americans are much more difficult to photograph than those with lighter skin.
It's not prejudice, it's photography.
Who could have ever predicted the Revolution would eat its own?
This is what Leftists have wrought.
Own the insanity.
A twit and his tweet are never parted.
Blogger tommyesq said...
Anyone else totally disinterested in a movie about Serena Williams?
I’m with you, Tommy. I couldn’t care less.
And I think we may actually have reached peak insanity.
It is a movie. He is an actor. He is black. But apparently, not black enough.
We need a rolling eye emoji for comments - though I bet I could do it with html if I really wanted to.
Diversity is a low information attribute. We need to end the Hutu-Tutsi cycles of redistributive, retributive, and abortive change. So monotonic.
He is an actor. He is black. But apparently, not black enough.
Smith is conservative black. A color and condition known as diffused diversity, that engenders Jew... White... Black privilege, popularized as "too many white girls next door" (hat tip: Hope Solo, The Guardian) that stunts social progress. A generational dose of liberalism dictates a need for blacker than black, or progressive (i.e. monotonic) black, which is in principle unqualified, and follows the prevailing currents of political congruence.
I'm surprised Laslo didn't say it: Will Smith can portray Richard Williams in blackface.
"Colourism is... discrimination against dark-skinned people in favour of those with lighter skin...." Who is being discriminated against?
Hell, it seems everybody is encouraged to hate white people. The hate is simply moving into other hues.
Well I seem to remember some interesting data from around the civil war era concerning certain persons and their rating certain other persons by how dark or light skinned they were - rather like a heirarchy of darkness. The lighter skin tones were supposedly higher up in the heirarchy.
Oh - white people were not part of this cultural rating scheme.
Everybody at EEOC hated Anita Hill because she was such a bitch, and only kept her job because she had followed Thomas there from another job. Nobody wanted to upset Thomas by firing her. She never complained to anyone about treatment by him and followed Thomas to a third job. Like last summer, it was only in the last days of the committee hearings on Thomas that someone finally drugged her enough-- I mean, bribed her. I mean urged her to "testify" to the committee that anyone outside DC heard of Anita Hill. Her perjury was for not because Thomas was confirmed rather easily compared to today's fights. She did get the book deal and movie made about her, as per the bribery scheme, but never attained the fame or husband (Thomas) she really wanted. Another DNC-Media smear campaign that failed to move the masses, although several hundred remain convinced the liar was right and Thomas was wrong.
Like little brass trumpit on here.
There was similar controversy over Zoe Saldan being cast as Nina Simone. Not only was her skin too light, her nose was too thin. Her and Smith both pass the brown paper bag test, though. Of course, colorism is rampant (and enforced) within the black community, not to mention a desire for straight hair and endless gossip over one's hair is natural or not. White people are really superfluous to these issues.
"It’s just like when you’ve got some coffee that’s too black, which means it’s too strong. What do you do? You integrate it with cream, you make it weak. But if you pour too much cream in it, you won’t even know you ever had coffee. It used to be hot, it becomes cool. It used to be strong, it becomes weak. It used to wake you up, now it puts you to sleep."
Malcolm X
Ahh niggardly Clarence strikes again
"Everybody at EEOC hated Anita Hill because she was such a bitch, and only kept her job because she had followed Thomas there from another job. Nobody wanted to upset Thomas by firing her."
I'd like to know where you get your information from. It sounds apocryphal to me.
Char Char Binks said...
Smith isn't really all that light, as Blacks go, just slightly darker than Muhammad Ali.
He even played Muhammad Ali once.
This is going to add a complicating variable to reparations calculations.
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