This is his second shot at Jack. Cause so many folks fussed about the first conversation.
After that he had Harris on to jabber about how folks were fussing re Jack.
And he had Pool on (alone) to jabber about how folks were fussing re Jack.
Anywho, Sam Harris was way more of a suck-up than Joe was (re Joe re the first time, I dunno about this new one, yet) when Harris had Jack on his show. IMHO.
Will never cease, yet I shouldn't be a part of the, dugh dugh dugh muinualumally weak damn-near voiceless, can ou believe it ! with all these damn voices out here. and shit.
Say anywaysm, you gotta start paying for the content.
Dignitay, if you know anyting about anythin, is tyh leawt u gonnay [ay. The Rubin Report Scheduled for Mar 6, 2019 Tim Pool joins Dave to discuss his appearance on Joe Rogan yesterday addressing censorship concerns with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.
Every time you mention cows, you need to understand that one quarter of the cattle in the US are dairy cattle. As long as they are producing milk, they live (and fart). When they stop producing, they become the cheap meat that allows you to but a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese at McDonalds for $4.79 or a regular cheeseburger with 1/5 of a pound of meat for $1.00. Wall Street Journal reports "While food and packaging costs just 45 cents for a double cheese burger, franchisees also have to pay for rent, labor and utilities. In total, a promotional price of just $1 leaves store operators with a measly 6 cents of profit". Assuming that half of that is the 2/5th of a pound of meat, the meat at McDonald's goes for about $1.00 per pound. Can't and won't buy that at the supermarket!
Before they make it to McDonald's they provide all the milk, cheese, butter, custard, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt (can't live without yogurt) and any recipe that uses milk, butter, etc that you eat. This includes some breads, cookies (!), and New England clam chowder. Google recipes with milk and add your own.
Ironically, in order to do away with the McDonald's fast food meat that everyone loves to condemn, you would have to do away with the entire list of dairy products.
So the reviews of captain marvel are in, and ots underwhelming, the bright star is probably Ben mendelson who has had roles in dark knight rises and most recently rogue one.
In case all don't clumsily copy/paste via phone narciso's vague links:
He inherited a policy that aided and abetted North Korea's acquisition and development not only of nukes but ICBMs as well.
The previous 28 years of four presidencies failed. Only The Donald had the temerity, tenacity and testosterone to meet with North Korea's leader.
Experts clucked their tongues. Why, he was giving Kim Jong Un legitimacy.
Really? Who then in their eyes is the legitimate leader of North Korea? Dennis Rodman?
Bumbling is not a diplomatic word, by the way. I expect an expert on international relations to be less careless in both his tone and his accuracy. Far from bumbling U.S. policy, President Trump saved it. And anyone with even a passing knowledge of The Donald should know that he is a Master Dealmaker.
Meanwhile in Korea, peace continues to emerge.
The Yonhap News Agency reported, "North Korea stopped the operation of its 5-megawatt reactor at its mainstay nuclear complex in Yongbyon, north of Pyongyang, late last year with no signs of reprocessing activities there, South Korea's spy agency said Tuesday.
"During a briefing to the National Assembly's intelligence committee, the National Intelligence Service also said that the underground tunnels of the North's nuclear test site in Punggye-ri remain shut down and unattended since their destruction in May last year, according to lawmakers of the committee."
Wait a second. Isn't that what President Trump asked for?
Alexander L. Vuving, a professor at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, wrote in The Diplomat, "The crux of the negotiation involved North Korea’s nuclear weapons facilities and the sanctions imposed on North Korea. North Korea offered to dismantle the Yongbyon complex, the biggest of its nuclear weapons sites, but was inconsistent about an exact definition of the facility. In return, North Korea asked for the lifting of all sanctions imposed since March 2016, except for those directly targeting their weapons of mass destruction programs."
So Kim offered to dismantle the Yongbyon complex, which he already has shut down.
And if South Korean intelligence knew this, then President Trump did because South Korea's spies told legislators, "The U.S. information is the same as ours."
But not all the news is happy.
Yonhap also wrote in its report, "On a jarring note, the NIS said that it detected signs of the North restoring part of the Dongchang-ri missile launch site it tore down."
Maybe President Trump and Chairman Kim already have a deal but Kim has to sway public opinion. Yes, dictators have public relations problems.
For 70 years, the Family Kim has indoctrinated North Koreans in the belief that the USA is evil and the crux of all its problems. The Kims also have made acquiring nukes the national goal on the level of America landing on the moon.
Suddenly he flips this?
NPR reported, "As President Trump headed home dealless from Vietnam following his aborted summit with Kim Jong Un, North Korean officials held an impromptu middle-of-the-night news conference at a Hanoi hotel, offering an account about the failed talks that differed from Trump's."
The deal seems to have been cut but Kim Jong Un has to prepare his nation to accept the deal.
What we are witnessing may be only a paper moon, sailin' over a cardboard sea.
At any rate, the news is North Korea's nuclear program is either dead or in a hospice. If that is bungling and bumbling, let's have more.
I've come to the conclusion that asking for cover letters on online job applications is stupid.
Why am I passionate about working for your company?
Well, I'm passionate about having an income stream. I'm passionate about eating and having a roof over my head. Other than that, I've never been passionate about *any* job. I have certain skills that I will apply in good faith to your company's needs.
@Althouse, regarding your car search, here is a list of accessories I would be sure to get if I was buying a new car right now:
Automatic transmission with at least one overdrive gear and the ability to toggle into clutchless manual shifting. Having this feature on my old Dodge Intrepid helped me get home during a surprise snowstorm that left many, many drivers trapped on the road. I toggled into manual shifting, put it into second, and pulled away smoothly despite my wide tires (it was the R/T model). This is a good place to mention that Washington area drivers are the world's worst when there's snow coming out of the sky.
All wheel drive. Like the fire extinguisher we keep near the kitchen, if you ever really need it, you will really, really need it bad.
Heated leather seats. Ideally I'd get seats that were also cooled by the air conditioner if the seats are black or, at any rate, dark-colored.
My preference is to steer clear of turbos and go with a larger block but naturally aspirated engine, if possible, though one of my sons has the Ford 2.0 L turbo I4 and loves it.
Now that I have a car with a back up camera, how did I drive for fifty years without one??? Well, I did once back into a tree on a dark night, but I was only 17 then, and still learning.
My wife's car has blind spot warning lights. My Mustang has a wide angle mirror embedded in the two side-view mirrors. I prefer my mirror-in-mirror because there are some situations with lane changers that her system reacts slowly to while the offending vehicles are visible in my wide-angle mirror-in-mirror.
Memory seats. Wife and I are very different in height and preferred driving position, and it saves minutes when we change who's driving the car.
Hands-free phone capability. Ford calls the one in my Mustang by the trade name of SYNC. Other manufacturers probably have a similar feature.
Factory navigation system. People have a hard time stealing your dash-mounted GPS navigation system if it is integrated into the car's electronics.
Automatic headlights. Ours go on when it's dark or when it rains, and the latter is important in Virginia because the law is that when your wipers are on, your lights have to be on, too.
Tire pressure warning light.
Something I was surprised to discover I could do without: Satellite radio
I was watching the Mark Levin TV show the other night and he was interviewing Brandon Straka, the founder of the Walk Away movement. Straka described in detail his journey from gay liberal to gay conservative, primarily driven by his discovery that the media he trusted had been lying so much to him. He made a point that struck me as very poignant, which I'll paraphrase and expand on:
He said that if not for our current political warfare, Americans could be in a period of exceptional exuberance and satisfaction with our nation, our principles, and ourselves. We are living in a rare time of American dominance, peace, prosperity, and success. We may have never been so lucky, or may never be again, but we are there now. Almost everything about our nation is exceptionally fortunate right now, except for our political divides. Our fortunes will almost certainly get worse as cycles always insure, but we seem incapable of enjoying this rare gift as we look for what is wrong with everything even when it is demonstrably great by any historical standard. In short, we are wasting the opportunity of a lifetime to simply be happy and grateful for our good fortune, our good works, and the grace of God, if that is what it is. We should smell the roses with a deep long draw. They don't bloom like this often.
I thought Trump said it was wrong to announce military decisions. How much danger has he just put those troops in, in Syria, with his announcement?
“Before he won the presidency, Trump liked to criticize then-President Obama for announcing potential military decisions before they happened. Trump has maintained this line during his presidency, saying in April 2017 that “militarily, I don’t like to say where I’m going and what I’m doing.” But just recently, he did — announcing his plan to withdraw US troops from Syria well in advance.
CBS’s Margaret Brennan asked Trump about this contradiction in the interview, pointing out that “you’re telegraphing your retreat” from Syria. Here’s Trump’s full answer to Brennan’s challenge. I have omitted nothing:
I’m not telegraphing anything. No, no, no. There’s a difference. When President Obama pulled out of Iraq in theory we had Iraq. In other words, we had Iraq. We never had Syria because President Obama never wanted to violate the red line in the sand. So we never had Syria. I was the one that actually violated the red line when I hit Syria with 59 Tomahawk missiles, if you remember. But President Obama chose not to do that. When he chose not to do that, he showed tremendous weakness. But we didn’t have Syria whereas we had Iraq. So when he did what he did in Iraq, which was a mistake. Being in Iraq was a mistake. Okay. Being in Iraq — it was a big mistake to go — one of the greatest mistakes going into the Middle East that our country has ever made. One of the greatest mistakes that we’ve ever made.”
Note the date, also the location it faces China not japan
We has 150,000 troops in Iraq are peak strength we had 2 000 in Syria now.
It's too easy sometimes now I dont think having 200 troops really constitute much of a threat, the bombing in manbij happened in Kurdish territory much like the attack on the commissary in Mosul in 2005.
Between Inga pretending to understand military strategy and the insane victoria asserting today, literally and amazingly, probability distributions are BOTH sexist AND racist as well as the entirety of the democrat party slate of candidates going Full Khmer Rouge with the GND all on top of anti-semitism breaking out across the dems in the US and the Labor Party in Britain, its been a fun week and its only Tuesday.
I believe back up cameras and tire pressure sensors are now required equipment in the US.
Newer auto trans have up to 10 gears, which improves both economy (usually 2 overdrive) and performance (very low 1st) at the cost of a lot of gear changing. I don't think any manual has more than 6 or any recent auto less than 6.
Border at ‘Breaking Point’ as Over 76,000 Migrants Cross in a Month For the fourth time in five months, the number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has broken records, the authorities said. They warned that government facilities were full and that agents were overwhelmed. 4h ago
Big Mike said: "Now that I have a car with a back up camera, how did I drive for fifty years without one??? "
Amen to that. When I was looking for a replacement (used) 3/4 ton pick-up truck, backup camera was the top accessory requirement, followed by remote start, as the big rig won't fit in my garage.
Tire pressure warning systems work great until they don't. Buy a full size spare and install, go to the dealer for system update. Put a set of winter tires on, go to the dealer for an update. Spring comes? Rinse, repeat.
Am I imagining something? Seem NYT and WAPO are publishing more stories about stuff they previously suppressed. Reporting a "border crisis" of sorts is a new leaf. When do they get to the Fentanyl trafficking network I wonder? Just more dems killin dems, but numbers are gettin huge!
Lots of cheapo air fill stations in my area. I lost one tire stem for filling at one. Cost me $60 as I recall. Buy a good tire fill compressor, avoid the whole thing!
Tire pressure warning systems work great until they don't I had a loose sensor that would set off alarms and lights when I floored it to pass on a two lane. Scared me half to death the first time.
For those who don't know, the Minneapolis Star (MN) newspaper is about the most liberal newspaper around. One would assume that with the election of the Somalia woman, that Minneapolis residents and readers of the Star would be all for any kind of immigration. Couldn't believe my eyes reading the comments to this article --
I have to rent vehicles often and I've considered carrying one of those little tire pumps when I travel. Fifteen minutes from the airport- Tire Pressure Warning! Is it because Hertz isn't watching the inflation pressures and/or because the ambient temperature dropped fifteen degrees last night? Some cars tell you what the current pressure is, some don't. Good luck finding a gas station with an operating air pump when you need it...
Is it because Hertz isn't watching the inflation pressures and/or because the ambient temperature dropped fifteen degrees last night?
I had the pressure light go on last week. The tire guys said to raise pressure in winter when it is cold in Tucson and lower it in summer when it is hot. Twice it has gone on and indicated a problem. This time it was cold nights.
rehajm, I have a 2011 Jeep Wrangler, and every time it gets down to -20º, my low tire light comes on. Very frustrating. To get it to go off, I add a little air to each tire. Pain in the ass to have to start the compressor up, and drag the hose out side to do it.
Thank God I have one of those service stations within a mile of my house that offers full-service gas (they check all your tires, oil, refill washer fluid and do front and back windows in a proficient manner). Yes, it is much more expensive (about 70 cents more a gallon) but I go once a month or when my tire pressure light came on. It would cost $1.25 for me to run the air pressure machine at my local convenience store -- IF it worked.
They also do all my repairs. No need to drive and spend at least a half a day at the local Honda dealership and get hit with packaged repair costs.
Robert Cook jokingly said... There is no invasion.
Can we assume that you Didn't read the link? Here's what the Red StarTribune said... Border at 'breaking point' as more than 76,000 migrants cross in a month
I have one of those service stations within a mile of my house
I have one about a hundred yards away. Unfortunately, they don't have to ask my name when I take my car or Dad's in for service, but they don't seem to mind if I stop at the full service for air after self-fill ups. I'm still using the juice glasses my grandmother got from them with every fill up 50 years ago.
“Tire pressure warning systems work great until they don't”
Replaced the sensors in both my older Tahoe and newer Audi in the last year, and the replacement sensors cost twice as much in the Audi. Part of it is their sophistication - the Audi transmits the actual pressure to the car, and reads to the pound. If the tire tech has the right tool with him, he can do a more accurate tire pressure check by checking the sensors, which transmit pressure down to the pound, instead of using a tire gauge, which is good for a couple pounds accuracy. Then, when you get the tire to the pressure you like, you just reset the sensor system in the vehicle settings screen for the internal computer system.
“I had the pressure light go on last week. The tire guys said to raise pressure in winter when it is cold in Tucson and lower it in summer when it is hot. Twice it has gone on and indicated a problem. This time it was cold nights.”
You also have to worry about elevation. I really had problems when we were spending a lot of time with my Tahoe when we were spending time in the winter in Summit County, CO, a ski resort area running mostly from 9,000 feet on up. I would just drive around with the tire sesnsor idiot light on until I got the tires warmed up enough - at the latest when spring arrived. I would just reset the tire pressure sensor limits in the Audi’s control center when I knew this was going on. As for elevation, we were driving up to MT last spring, and stopped in a tire place in, I believe, SLC, UT, and had to have them tweak the pressure of the tires because they originally set them for maybe 4500 feet, and our MT House is just over half that (and PHX half of that).
Exciting times in the Russia collusion front over night. First, the RICO lawsuit by the DNC against the Trump campaign, his family, Assange, Wikileaks, and the Russians looks sillier and sillier. The Trump campaign just filed apparently their third pre-Answer response, asking for dismissal based on the DNC failing to state a legally adequate claim (in response to the DNC’s second amended Complaint). Even if the court accepts everything the DNC alleges as true, they don’t really have any of the elements required for a RICO claim, except maybe multiple defendants. They don’t have the same purpose (the Russians wanted to screw up our election, the Trump campaign wanted to meet), the defendants were never shown to have all met, some of the actions were taken before most of the defendants even knew about the subject of the conspiracy, the purpose for most of the defendants was perfectly legal (winning the election) and was at the core of our 1st Amdt protections, etc. the big question is whether the DNC will be given a third opportunity to amend its Complaint.
The other interesting thing that happened is that the Trump Administration has suggested that since the Obama Administration essentially denied pretty much every Congressional request for information involving the White House, that they will likely stone wall Nadler, Schiff, etc the same way.
"the Audi transmits the actual pressure to the car, and reads to the pound"
My Mercedes does that too, for each tire. My wife's Lexus RX just has an idiot light, no indication of the actual pressure nor which is the offending tire.
I can reset the TMPS system on our Golf Sportwagen by scrollng through the menus. Had the tech show me a couple weeks ago when one went off incorrectly. Maybe that VW Beetle is the same.
“I can reset the TMPS system on our Golf Sportwagen by scrollng through the menus. Had the tech show me a couple weeks ago when one went off incorrectly. Maybe that VW Beetle is the same.”
Wouldn’t be surprised. Audi and VW are essentially the same company.
“I had the pressure light go on last week. The tire guys said to raise pressure in winter when it is cold in Tucson and lower it in summer when it is hot. Twice it has gone on and indicated a problem. This time it was cold nights.” .......................................
Hot air expands, raising pressures. Cold air deflates, the "Tom Brady effect"
I drive an older car and I visually check the tires before I drive and check the tire pressure periodically, usually when I fill up the tank. I use a tire gauge, never thought the process was that much of a big deal. Seeing all these comments about tire sensors and how often they are inaccurate and going off unnecessarily and have to be reset I thought how beneficial are they and more importantly, why do people feel this is something they need? Does it make you feel better seeing the tire pressure displayed in real time, like you are some kind of race car driver? Likewise, backward facing cameras -- does it make people feel better because they don't have to turn their heads or look around? Interesting.
Likewise, backward facing cameras -- does it make people feel better because they don't have to turn their heads or look around? Interesting.
Thanks to modern automotive designers the C pillars are often wide and restrict vision behind the car. If you ever have a child run behind your car while you’re In reverse, you’ll be glad of a backup camera.
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८६ टिप्पण्या:
Rogan has Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey (and an underling) going up against Tim Pool. I haven't checked it out yet but I expect they're going to get into it about the unequal treatment of conservatives on the platform.
Watching Leaving Neverland
I was pretty disconnected from popular culture in the 80s but I did politely but snobbishly dislike Michael Jackson. For which I amthankful.
I never knew that piece of shit Johnny Cochran was his lawyer too. If the boy doesn’t fit you must acquit.
This is his second shot at Jack. Cause so many folks fussed about the first conversation.
After that he had Harris on to jabber about how folks were fussing re Jack.
And he had Pool on (alone) to jabber about how folks were fussing re Jack.
Anywho, Sam Harris was way more of a suck-up than Joe was (re Joe re the first time, I dunno about this new one, yet) when Harris had Jack on his show. IMHO.
Anyone else think we’re seeing a preference cascade on our southern border? The word is out that Uncle Sissy is weak.
My buddy goo and I have faith and faiath it will all work itslef and tflefi and itself out.
"I never knew that piece of shit Johnny Cochran was his lawyer too."
How about Dershowitz? OJ and Epstein and this would be a triple. IMHO.
How could any honest observer...
Will never cease, yet I shouldn't be a part of the, dugh dugh dugh muinualumally weak damn-near voiceless, can ou believe it ! with all these damn voices out here. and shit.
Say anywaysm, you gotta start paying for the content.
Dignitay, if you know anyting about anythin, is tyh leawt u gonnay [ay.
Apparently can't google. Sad.
The Rubin Report
Scheduled for Mar 6, 2019
Tim Pool joins Dave to discuss his appearance on Joe Rogan yesterday addressing censorship concerns with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.
Re: AOC's war on cows - I did a little research.
Every time you mention cows, you need to understand that one quarter of the cattle in the US are dairy cattle. As long as they are producing milk, they live (and fart). When they stop producing, they become the cheap meat that allows you to but a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese at McDonalds for $4.79 or a regular cheeseburger with 1/5 of a pound of meat for $1.00. Wall Street Journal reports "While food and packaging costs just 45 cents for a double cheese burger, franchisees also have to pay for rent, labor and utilities. In total, a promotional price of just $1 leaves store operators with a measly 6 cents of profit". Assuming that half of that is the 2/5th of a pound of meat, the meat at McDonald's goes for about $1.00 per pound. Can't and won't buy that at the supermarket!
Before they make it to McDonald's they provide all the milk, cheese, butter, custard, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt (can't live without yogurt) and any recipe that uses milk, butter, etc that you eat. This includes some breads, cookies (!), and New England clam chowder. Google recipes with milk and add your own.
In 2016 the dairy sector contributed 5.7 billion pounds (22.7%) of beef through cull cows and finished dairy steers and heifers to the U.S. beef supply chain
Ironically, in order to do away with the McDonald's fast food meat that everyone loves to condemn, you would have to do away with the entire list of dairy products.
With perfect track record of misjudgement:
So the reviews of captain marvel are in, and ots underwhelming, the bright star is probably Ben mendelson who has had roles in dark knight rises and most recently rogue one.
Less than 1% of the addicts on the street got their start with prescription opioids. And chronic pain patients rarely die of overdoses.
And hes technically the villain, so that shows you how bland larsons character is, scarlet could phone in a better effort.
Is it my imagination or have the Captchas become more finicky?
You forgot to mention the 1.4 Billion pounds of cheese the government stores underground. To keep prices up.
If you have an account, with Google for example, you don’t need to do Captcha.
In case all don't clumsily copy/paste via phone narciso's vague links:
He inherited a policy that aided and abetted North Korea's acquisition and development not only of nukes but ICBMs as well.
The previous 28 years of four presidencies failed. Only The Donald had the temerity, tenacity and testosterone to meet with North Korea's leader.
Experts clucked their tongues. Why, he was giving Kim Jong Un legitimacy.
Really? Who then in their eyes is the legitimate leader of North Korea? Dennis Rodman?
Bumbling is not a diplomatic word, by the way. I expect an expert on international relations to be less careless in both his tone and his accuracy. Far from bumbling U.S. policy, President Trump saved it. And anyone with even a passing knowledge of The Donald should know that he is a Master Dealmaker.
Meanwhile in Korea, peace continues to emerge.
The Yonhap News Agency reported, "North Korea stopped the operation of its 5-megawatt reactor at its mainstay nuclear complex in Yongbyon, north of Pyongyang, late last year with no signs of reprocessing activities there, South Korea's spy agency said Tuesday.
"During a briefing to the National Assembly's intelligence committee, the National Intelligence Service also said that the underground tunnels of the North's nuclear test site in Punggye-ri remain shut down and unattended since their destruction in May last year, according to lawmakers of the committee."
Wait a second. Isn't that what President Trump asked for?
Alexander L. Vuving, a professor at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, wrote in The Diplomat, "The crux of the negotiation involved North Korea’s nuclear weapons facilities and the sanctions imposed on North Korea. North Korea offered to dismantle the Yongbyon complex, the biggest of its nuclear weapons sites, but was inconsistent about an exact definition of the facility. In return, North Korea asked for the lifting of all sanctions imposed since March 2016, except for those directly targeting their weapons of mass destruction programs."
So Kim offered to dismantle the Yongbyon complex, which he already has shut down.
And if South Korean intelligence knew this, then President Trump did because South Korea's spies told legislators, "The U.S. information is the same as ours."
But not all the news is happy.
Yonhap also wrote in its report, "On a jarring note, the NIS said that it detected signs of the North restoring part of the Dongchang-ri missile launch site it tore down."
Maybe President Trump and Chairman Kim already have a deal but Kim has to sway public opinion. Yes, dictators have public relations problems.
For 70 years, the Family Kim has indoctrinated North Koreans in the belief that the USA is evil and the crux of all its problems. The Kims also have made acquiring nukes the national goal on the level of America landing on the moon.
Suddenly he flips this?
NPR reported, "As President Trump headed home dealless from Vietnam following his aborted summit with Kim Jong Un, North Korean officials held an impromptu middle-of-the-night news conference at a Hanoi hotel, offering an account about the failed talks that differed from Trump's."
The deal seems to have been cut but Kim Jong Un has to prepare his nation to accept the deal.
What we are witnessing may be only a paper moon, sailin' over a cardboard sea.
At any rate, the news is North Korea's nuclear program is either dead or in a hospice. If that is bungling and bumbling, let's have more.
I've come to the conclusion that asking for cover letters on online job applications is stupid.
Why am I passionate about working for your company?
Well, I'm passionate about having an income stream. I'm passionate about eating and having a roof over my head. Other than that, I've never been passionate about *any* job. I have certain skills that I will apply in good faith to your company's needs.
But now I have to make up some lie.
I fill lucky for be order to your post comment. nu masters final year result 2019
The inconcievabliesness is naught.
Everyone alsways says Hink when it's hick...\\oo
@Althouse, regarding your car search, here is a list of accessories I would be sure to get if I was buying a new car right now:
Automatic transmission with at least one overdrive gear and the ability to toggle into clutchless manual shifting. Having this feature on my old Dodge Intrepid helped me get home during a surprise snowstorm that left many, many drivers trapped on the road. I toggled into manual shifting, put it into second, and pulled away smoothly despite my wide tires (it was the R/T model). This is a good place to mention that Washington area drivers are the world's worst when there's snow coming out of the sky.
All wheel drive. Like the fire extinguisher we keep near the kitchen, if you ever really need it, you will really, really need it bad.
Heated leather seats. Ideally I'd get seats that were also cooled by the air conditioner if the seats are black or, at any rate, dark-colored.
My preference is to steer clear of turbos and go with a larger block but naturally aspirated engine, if possible, though one of my sons has the Ford 2.0 L turbo I4 and loves it.
Now that I have a car with a back up camera, how did I drive for fifty years without one??? Well, I did once back into a tree on a dark night, but I was only 17 then, and still learning.
My wife's car has blind spot warning lights. My Mustang has a wide angle mirror embedded in the two side-view mirrors. I prefer my mirror-in-mirror because there are some situations with lane changers that her system reacts slowly to while the offending vehicles are visible in my wide-angle mirror-in-mirror.
Memory seats. Wife and I are very different in height and preferred driving position, and it saves minutes when we change who's driving the car.
Hands-free phone capability. Ford calls the one in my Mustang by the trade name of SYNC. Other manufacturers probably have a similar feature.
Factory navigation system. People have a hard time stealing your dash-mounted GPS navigation system if it is integrated into the car's electronics.
Automatic headlights. Ours go on when it's dark or when it rains, and the latter is important in Virginia because the law is that when your wipers are on, your lights have to be on, too.
Tire pressure warning light.
Something I was surprised to discover I could do without: Satellite radio
No crisis!
Farve got 'em to accept it, after he turned total turncoat traitor the weak Wisconsonites just let him off.
No pentalty for Farva in Minnesottta and al those coke and meth and evil whores and poimpos i MN,
WHy they neer one one.
They aib;t neverm wib ibe,
Just an fyi: Many "features" of convenience pose repair issues...down the road.
"They aib;t neverm wib ibe,"
I couldn't agree more..or less.
The code cracked oughtn't auto-make rejoycinglys.
Yeah yeah yah you code cracked ya some.
Good job.
Now figure out code from Odin.
Fat Tuesday fucks around, hard.
"Automatic transmission with at least one overdrive gear and the ability to toggle into clutchless manual shifting."
Lame. Get a real manual.
Kim Jong Un already busy building long range missle site. Summit success!
Yeah..I love the manual shift purists when they get a lower extremity injury.
I always drive manual, but, yes, it was pure pain for a long while after my hernia operation.
@Original, are there any American manuals with an overdrive gear? If you’re going a long distance on the Interstates then an overdrive gear saves gas.
Inga vs Narciso.
“Inga vs Narciso.
Sorry, I don’t speak Narciso’s unique language.
Trump vowed to leave Syria, now he vows to stay.
There is a possibly a once shuttered facility may be reopened, Kim expected he would be rewarded for his deception, like the framework
I was watching the Mark Levin TV show the other night and he was interviewing Brandon Straka, the founder of the Walk Away movement. Straka described in detail his journey from gay liberal to gay conservative, primarily driven by his discovery that the media he trusted had been lying so much to him. He made a point that struck me as very poignant, which I'll paraphrase and expand on:
He said that if not for our current political warfare, Americans could be in a period of exceptional exuberance and satisfaction with our nation, our principles, and ourselves. We are living in a rare time of American dominance, peace, prosperity, and success. We may have never been so lucky, or may never be again, but we are there now. Almost everything about our nation is exceptionally fortunate right now, except for our political divides. Our fortunes will almost certainly get worse as cycles always insure, but we seem incapable of enjoying this rare gift as we look for what is wrong with everything even when it is demonstrably great by any historical standard. In short, we are wasting the opportunity of a lifetime to simply be happy and grateful for our good fortune, our good works, and the grace of God, if that is what it is. We should smell the roses with a deep long draw. They don't bloom like this often.
Shorter Straka - The only way forward is down?
I thought Trump said it was wrong to announce military decisions. How much danger has he just put those troops in, in Syria, with his announcement?
“Before he won the presidency, Trump liked to criticize then-President Obama for announcing potential military decisions before they happened. Trump has maintained this line during his presidency, saying in April 2017 that “militarily, I don’t like to say where I’m going and what I’m doing.” But just recently, he did — announcing his plan to withdraw US troops from Syria well in advance.
CBS’s Margaret Brennan asked Trump about this contradiction in the interview, pointing out that “you’re telegraphing your retreat” from Syria. Here’s Trump’s full answer to Brennan’s challenge. I have omitted nothing:
I’m not telegraphing anything. No, no, no. There’s a difference. When President Obama pulled out of Iraq in theory we had Iraq. In other words, we had Iraq. We never had Syria because President Obama never wanted to violate the red line in the sand. So we never had Syria. I was the one that actually violated the red line when I hit Syria with 59 Tomahawk missiles, if you remember. But President Obama chose not to do that. When he chose not to do that, he showed tremendous weakness. But we didn’t have Syria whereas we had Iraq. So when he did what he did in Iraq, which was a mistake. Being in Iraq was a mistake. Okay. Being in Iraq — it was a big mistake to go — one of the greatest mistakes going into the Middle East that our country has ever made. One of the greatest mistakes that we’ve ever made.”
Hahahahaha, what gobbledegook.
Inga: "Trump vowed to leave Syria, now he vows to stay."
So you are happy about that, right?
Original, are there any American manuals with an overdrive gear? If you’re going a long distance on the Interstates then an overdrive gear saves gas.
My (modern) VW Beetle has a 5th gear that is designed to save gas at high speed.
Inga: "Kim Jong Un already busy building long range missle site. Summit success!"
What was the extent of NK missile site development under obama?
Note the date, also the location it faces China not japan
We has 150,000 troops in Iraq are peak strength we had 2 000 in Syria now.
Well be watching:
Its actually the sohae missile facility, I guess similar to vandenberg
Deep Military Historian and Strategist Nurse Inga: "Hahahahaha, what gobbledegook."
What is the relative strength of ISIS in Syria and Iraq today vs during the obama screwups?
What is the current disposition and capabilities of the Kurdish forces vis a vus ISIS now vs during obama's screwup?
Poor Static Thinking Inga. She doesnt know how the correlation of forces in the ground has changed in 4 years!
This is similar to when Inga pretended to understand systems-based military exercises and embarrassed herself hilariously re: the NK negotiations.
That was as funny as The Lefty Magical Mystery Energy thread where Inga pretended to understand power generation and distribution.
A true classic!
It's too easy sometimes now I dont think having 200 troops really constitute much of a threat, the bombing in manbij happened in Kurdish territory much like the attack on the commissary in Mosul in 2005.
Between Inga pretending to understand military strategy and the insane victoria asserting today, literally and amazingly, probability distributions are BOTH sexist AND racist as well as the entirety of the democrat party slate of candidates going Full Khmer Rouge with the GND all on top of anti-semitism breaking out across the dems in the US and the Labor Party in Britain, its been a fun week and its only Tuesday.
Of course Rumsfeld warned about the sohae facility and others like in 1999, a few years later Bolton was one of the few paying attention.
Yes the labour party is not only anti western but virulently anti Israel
Oh that's all:
I believe back up cameras and tire pressure sensors are now required equipment in the US.
Newer auto trans have up to 10 gears, which improves both economy (usually 2 overdrive) and performance (very low 1st) at the cost of a lot of gear changing. I don't think any manual has more than 6 or any recent auto less than 6.
From the NYT overnight:
Border at ‘Breaking Point’ as Over 76,000 Migrants Cross in a Month
For the fourth time in five months, the number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has broken records, the authorities said.
They warned that government facilities were full and that agents were overwhelmed.
4h ago
Sounds like an emergency to me.
Don't wait for the Wall, it's time for some warning shots.
Is it my imagination or have the Captchas become more finicky?
Hate to be the one to tell you this- you’re a robot in need of a firmware update.
Big Mike said: "Now that I have a car with a back up camera, how did I drive for fifty years without one??? "
Amen to that. When I was looking for a replacement (used) 3/4 ton pick-up truck, backup camera was the top accessory requirement, followed by remote start, as the big rig won't fit in my garage.
Tire pressure warning systems work great until they don't. Buy a full size spare and install, go to the dealer for system update. Put a set of winter tires on, go to the dealer for an update. Spring comes? Rinse, repeat.
Am I imagining something? Seem NYT and WAPO are publishing more stories about stuff they previously suppressed. Reporting a "border crisis" of sorts is a new leaf. When do they get to the Fentanyl trafficking network I wonder? Just more dems killin dems, but numbers are gettin huge!
Lots of cheapo air fill stations in my area. I lost one tire stem for filling at one. Cost me $60 as I recall. Buy a good tire fill compressor, avoid the whole thing!
Tire pressure warning systems work great until they don't
I had a loose sensor that would set off alarms and lights when I floored it to pass on a two lane. Scared me half to death the first time.
It must be a year since I needed to use captcha.
For those who don't know, the Minneapolis Star (MN) newspaper is about the most liberal newspaper around. One would assume that with the election of the Somalia woman, that Minneapolis residents and readers of the Star would be all for any kind of immigration. Couldn't believe my eyes reading the comments to this article --
Build that wall, Trump, most people want it built and this invasion stopped.
I have to rent vehicles often and I've considered carrying one of those little tire pumps when I travel. Fifteen minutes from the airport- Tire Pressure Warning! Is it because Hertz isn't watching the inflation pressures and/or because the ambient temperature dropped fifteen degrees last night? Some cars tell you what the current pressure is, some don't. Good luck finding a gas station with an operating air pump when you need it...
Is it because Hertz isn't watching the inflation pressures and/or because the ambient temperature dropped fifteen degrees last night?
I had the pressure light go on last week. The tire guys said to raise pressure in winter when it is cold in Tucson and lower it in summer when it is hot. Twice it has gone on and indicated a problem. This time it was cold nights.
With rental cars though, it's hard to tell.
rehajm, I have a 2011 Jeep Wrangler, and every time it gets down to -20º, my low tire light comes on. Very frustrating. To get it to go off, I add a little air to each tire. Pain in the ass to have to start the compressor up, and drag the hose out side to do it.
"Build that wall, Trump, most people want it built and this invasion stopped."
There is no invasion.
Thank God I have one of those service stations within a mile of my house that offers full-service gas (they check all your tires, oil, refill washer fluid and do front and back windows in a proficient manner). Yes, it is much more expensive (about 70 cents more a gallon) but I go once a month or when my tire pressure light came on. It would cost $1.25 for me to run the air pressure machine at my local convenience store -- IF it worked.
They also do all my repairs. No need to drive and spend at least a half a day at the local Honda dealership and get hit with packaged repair costs.
Robert Cook jokingly said... There is no invasion.
Can we assume that you Didn't read the link? Here's what the Red StarTribune said...
Border at 'breaking point' as more than 76,000 migrants cross in a month
Sounds like an Invasion to me!
I have one of those service stations within a mile of my house
I have one about a hundred yards away. Unfortunately, they don't have to ask my name when I take my car or Dad's in for service, but they don't seem to mind if I stop at the full service for air after self-fill ups. I'm still using the juice glasses my grandmother got from them with every fill up 50 years ago.
Anyone remember S&H Green Stamps when you filled up your vehicle with gas?
Our kitchen chairs were bought with those in '67 (my first grade). I think there's still one in the storage shed, last used as a step stool.
“Tire pressure warning systems work great until they don't”
Replaced the sensors in both my older Tahoe and newer Audi in the last year, and the replacement sensors cost twice as much in the Audi. Part of it is their sophistication - the Audi transmits the actual pressure to the car, and reads to the pound. If the tire tech has the right tool with him, he can do a more accurate tire pressure check by checking the sensors, which transmit pressure down to the pound, instead of using a tire gauge, which is good for a couple pounds accuracy. Then, when you get the tire to the pressure you like, you just reset the sensor system in the vehicle settings screen for the internal computer system.
“I had the pressure light go on last week. The tire guys said to raise pressure in winter when it is cold in Tucson and lower it in summer when it is hot. Twice it has gone on and indicated a problem. This time it was cold nights.”
You also have to worry about elevation. I really had problems when we were spending a lot of time with my Tahoe when we were spending time in the winter in Summit County, CO, a ski resort area running mostly from 9,000 feet on up. I would just drive around with the tire sesnsor idiot light on until I got the tires warmed up enough - at the latest when spring arrived. I would just reset the tire pressure sensor limits in the Audi’s control center when I knew this was going on. As for elevation, we were driving up to MT last spring, and stopped in a tire place in, I believe, SLC, UT, and had to have them tweak the pressure of the tires because they originally set them for maybe 4500 feet, and our MT House is just over half that (and PHX half of that).
Exciting times in the Russia collusion front over night. First, the RICO lawsuit by the DNC against the Trump campaign, his family, Assange, Wikileaks, and the Russians looks sillier and sillier. The Trump campaign just filed apparently their third pre-Answer response, asking for dismissal based on the DNC failing to state a legally adequate claim (in response to the DNC’s second amended Complaint). Even if the court accepts everything the DNC alleges as true, they don’t really have any of the elements required for a RICO claim, except maybe multiple defendants. They don’t have the same purpose (the Russians wanted to screw up our election, the Trump campaign wanted to meet), the defendants were never shown to have all met, some of the actions were taken before most of the defendants even knew about the subject of the conspiracy, the purpose for most of the defendants was perfectly legal (winning the election) and was at the core of our 1st Amdt protections, etc. the big question is whether the DNC will be given a third opportunity to amend its Complaint.
The other interesting thing that happened is that the Trump Administration has suggested that since the Obama Administration essentially denied pretty much every Congressional request for information involving the White House, that they will likely stone wall Nadler, Schiff, etc the same way.
the Audi transmits the actual pressure to the car, and reads to the pound
My current and previous Cadillacs do that, too, and they were less than $20 per IIRC.
"the Audi transmits the actual pressure to the car, and reads to the pound"
My Mercedes does that too, for each tire. My wife's Lexus RX just has an idiot light, no indication of the actual pressure nor which is the offending tire.
I can reset the TMPS system on our Golf Sportwagen by scrollng through the menus. Had the tech show me a couple weeks ago when one went off incorrectly. Maybe that VW Beetle is the same.
“I can reset the TMPS system on our Golf Sportwagen by scrollng through the menus. Had the tech show me a couple weeks ago when one went off incorrectly. Maybe that VW Beetle is the same.”
Wouldn’t be surprised. Audi and VW are essentially the same company.
“I had the pressure light go on last week. The tire guys said to raise pressure in winter when it is cold in Tucson and lower it in summer when it is hot. Twice it has gone on and indicated a problem. This time it was cold nights.”
Hot air expands, raising pressures.
Cold air deflates, the "Tom Brady effect"
Blogger JaimeRoberto said...
Is it my imagination or have the Captchas become more finicky?
Yes! I thought it was just me.
Blogger AllenS said...
Anyone remember S&H Green Stamps when you filled up your vehicle with gas?
I remember! Also remember sitting at the kitchen table sticking them into the books.
Blogger Ralph L said...
the Audi transmits the actual pressure to the car, and reads to the pound
My current and previous Cadillacs do that, too, and they were less than $20 per IIRC.
My 2015 Ford Mustang does that, too. I don’t know how much they cost (never had to replace one), but I’m guessing it’s less than in the Audi.
I drive an older car and I visually check the tires before I drive and check the tire pressure periodically, usually when I fill up the tank. I use a tire gauge, never thought the process was that much of a big deal. Seeing all these comments about tire sensors and how often they are inaccurate and going off unnecessarily and have to be reset I thought how beneficial are they and more importantly, why do people feel this is something they need? Does it make you feel better seeing the tire pressure displayed in real time, like you are some kind of race car driver? Likewise, backward facing cameras -- does it make people feel better because they don't have to turn their heads or look around? Interesting.
Likewise, backward facing cameras -- does it make people feel better because they don't have to turn their heads or look around? Interesting.
Thanks to modern automotive designers the C pillars are often wide and restrict vision behind the car. If you ever have a child run behind your car while you’re In reverse, you’ll be glad of a backup camera.
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