Received the latest fundraising snail mail from the DNC yesterday. It was the standard "scare the hell out of you" boilerplate, but what struck me was the first thing on the list: "We have only ten years to save the planet".
Are the Democrats really going to run on that for 2020? Because if they do, they are going to get slaughtered.
It'll be interesting to see if the adults retake the reins of the party, or whether they continue their downward spiral Left.
As one should expect those "things" posted to YouTube. It's only mildly funny, but it's worth the few minutes it takes. What else are ya gonna do at this hour? Too late to eat. Too early to fuck.
We have mice from the Section 8 next door (yay Maryland, when the liberal state reps portioned out Section 8 zoning, they graciously excluded their own neighborhoods, so we got double!)
Anyways, wifey wants the mouse problem cotrolled but the wittle field mice are so cute awww she doesn't want them killed.
An aside, I was installing a new soundcard on my computer and left the case off overnight. The "cute" little buggers climbed in an gnawed ALL the interior wiring to shreds... Grrrrr.
But since IT HAS BEEN ORDAINED FROM HIGH that we are a no-kill shelter, I bought 3...oh why not 4 of these really cool habitats, with lots of tube pieces and a flywheel and 1 2 3 domes and ... Okay I got carried away.
So now I own 3 field mice I have to check and feed everyday. And I'm like that guy with the model train tracks, except its about 20 feet of plastic tunnels snaking in out and around 4 hamster habitats.
I'm thinking of running a tunnel up to the ceiling and branching out along the walls.
Top intelligence officials, both current and retired, also owe us an explanation: not just for their explosive statements—such as former CIA director John Brennan’s prediction earlier this month that a new round of conspiracy indictments was coming—but for their investigatory decisions from the start. That includes relying on the Steele dossier to seek a surveillance warrant against Trump’s former campaign adviser Carter Page, and to open a counterintelligence investigation on Trump himself, motivated in part by disagreement with his public embrace of Russia. Accountability on this front may well serve Trump’s self-promotional claims of a “witch hunt.” But it is vital that intelligence abuses be held to account as well, no matter the partisan consequences. A failure to do so could very well hurt progressives in the future, should overzealous intelligence officials put them in their sights.. - The Nation
Chicago is a 1-party town - all Democrat, all the time. Every Alderman, every Congressman, every state-wide official.
So, the Chicago police nailed this racial hoaxer - Jussie Smollett -for mail fraud, filing a false police report and a buncha other misdeeds, too.
And, yet, Democrat prosecutors have dismissed the charges and sealed the records.
Why is that?
Democrat elected officials had all sorts of comments when Smollett was "victimized" by racist, white, Trump-supporters. But now they're silent.
Why is that?
What does Democrat Governor Pritzer say about it? What does Democrat Senator Durbin say about it? President Obama is from Chicago, right? What does he say about it?
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Swalwel(D) says that it's illegal for Trump to joke about the Russians finding Hillary's deleted (bleachbitted and hammered) e-mails. Really. That's how far his head is up his ass."
How different is Swalwell from all the leftist LLR's we see everyday?
The bicycle with a new chain runs a little faster than before, an effect I always forget but notice again when a new chain goes on.
Chains stretch by wearing the holes the pins go through into larger holes, so there's slack when the chain is on the freewheel. As the links come off the top of the freewheel, they stretch suddenly to their worn state, and that little jerk turns pedal power into heat, and heat doesn't propel the bicycle. You capture the momentum of the chain but not the energy, as regards that little excess.
“The special counsel grand jury that investigated Russian collusion into the 2016 presidential election is “continuing robustly” despite the end of Robert Mueller’s probe, a federal prosecutor said in court Wednesday.
During a brief open hearing Wednesday, the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for D.C., Beryl Howell, pressed Goodhand to say whether the grand jury Mueller had been using in the case remained active.
“It is continuing,” the prosecutor replied. “It’s continuing robustly.”
The fact the grand jury is continuing its work adds a new wrinkle to the Mueller probe, which Attorney General William Barr announced on Friday was finished.“
I would have enjoyed the military years of my life so much more if we just had not had been asked to go to war,
I'm always struck by what incredibly better shape aircraft are in, when they are able to stay out of war zones. People often fail to see how hard wars are on war machines.
The Mueller probe may not be over just yet. Judge Andrew Napolitano said there positively "some" proof of Trump-Russia conspiracy and obstruction of justice in the 700 page report.
“In the 700 page summary of the 2 million pages of raw evidence there is undoubtedly some evidence of a conspiracy and some evidence of obstruction of justice,” he told FOX Business’ Neil Cavuto Opens a New Window. . “Just not enough evidence.”
“So once the 700 pages comes out, and this is my criticism of the Attorney General, he shouldn’t have even tipped his hands on this… the Democrats will have and other Trump opponents will have a field day with what is in there,” he said. “If there were no evidence of conspiracy and no evidence of obstruction the attorney general would have told us so—he didn’t.”
GOP lawmakers fear that President Trump has trampled all over what may have been the best week of his presidency by backing the complete overturn of ObamaCare.
On Monday, the Justice Department asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans to affirm last year's ruling by a Texas federal judge stating that the Affordable Care Act was no longer constitutional because the 2017 tax reform legislation eliminated the health care law’s penalty for not having health insurance.
Multiple congressional Republicans tell Fox News they are bothered by the timing of the Trump administration's intervention in the matter, which comes on the heels of a favorable outcome in the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller...
"He didn't have to do it now," said House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., the third-ranking Republican in that chamber.
“McCarthy told Trump over the phone that the decision made no sense — especially after Democrats killed Republicans in the midterms in part over the issue of pre-existing conditions, according to two sources familiar with their recent conversation. As Bloomberg's Sahil Kapur points out — health care was the top issue for 2018 midterm voters, and voters who cared most about health care favored Democrats over Republicans by more than 50 percentage points.
McCarthy is far from alone in his view. Multiple GOP sources — from the most conservative to the most moderate wing of the party — have told Axios that they can't fathom why the president would want to re-litigate an issue that has been a clear loser for Republicans.
A senior House Republican aide texted: "Members feel like [the Mueller report announcement] was great and Trump stepped all over that message with the Obamacare lawsuit announcement." They’re also exasperated about Trump’s substance-free declaration that Republicans will become "The Party of Healthcare.” Republicans aren’t united on health care, and they have been unable to advance a replacement for the ACA.“
What does Democrat Governor Pritzer say about it? What does Democrat Senator Durbin say about it? President Obama is from Chicago, right? What does he say about it?
Just learned that my current job is no longer mine on or about June 1. I've been at this company for 22 1/2 years and have produced consistently but the new boss is taking a hard line on under performance (that sales speak for missing one's budget or quota) and it's been a tough year. I'll be 62 in August so I've got to decide if I just retire to a different job in a different industry, or look for a new position. This is a young man's game and I expect it will be tough to find a place that will take me for the three more years I would like to work.
Truth is this feels better than I would have predicted. This has become a meat grinder of a job and work place. I'm actually looking forward to discovering what's next. Income from commenting here, if it were a bit higher, would make the decision easier.
Mystery: both Kelloggs All-Bran and Hodgson Mill's Oat Bran are unavailable in Kroger. "Temporaily Unavailable" marks the empty shelf space, the first time I can remember for either.
Closing the bran door after the horse has been stolen.
Did everyone forget about Harvey Weinstein? #MeToo!!! Is he in jail? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone think he'll be Smolletted? #MeToo!!!
Smollett (v.) To free from the legal consequences of committing illegal activities during the perpetuation of fraud in the name of a political cause. (Note: Personal gain or gratification in the course of the political act is of no consequence.)
Delusion’s final redoubt, the Washington Post’s impartial fact checkers claim that Hillary had nothing to do with the dossier.
Kessler slammed "Four Pinocchios" on Rep. Devin Nunes: “Finally, there is no evidence that Clinton was involved in Steele’s reports or worked with Russian entities to feed information to [Christopher]Steele. “
Wait: The Post broke the story on October 25, 2017 that Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias hired Fusion GPS, who hired Christopher Steele. Kessler admitted all this, but said you can't somehow connect that to Hillary: "it’s a huge leap to say Clinton colluded with Russians to do this. Instead, you have (a) the campaign hiring (b) a research firm that hired (c) a researcher who spoke (d) to Russian sources." Remember when Hillary misreported this payment to a foreign company as “legal expenses”? I am not sure it’s legal to pay a foreign company to do campaign work.
Insert your own snark here, I am beggared by choice. That’s the thin thread by which they convict trump of hundreds of lies. it’s astonishing the lengths to which the Washington Post will go to protect their proven false beliefs.
FBI Is 'Reviewing' Circumstances Surrounding Dismissal Of Criminal Charges Against Smollett, "Multiple law enforcement officials told a local ABC News reporter Rob Elgas on Wednesday that they are reviewing the circumstances surrounding the dismissal of criminal charges against Empire actor Jussie Smollett."
An interesting heading on MSN this morning: Which are the most "American" cars you can buy? Turns out it is Chrysler products - no surprise there - but then it is Hondas (including Acura) and C-class Mercedes-Benz. Who knew?
Mr. Steele briefed top political reporters during the campaign. Some wrote about the charges in stories picked up by the Clinton campaign, which issued press statements blasting Mr. Trump as colluding with Moscow.
That’s not any kind of tacit collusion because when Democrats use dirt provided by the spies of foreign governments....REASONS!
Just watched a few minutes of Morning Joe talking about the Smollet case. That led to a brief a discussion of Jeffrey Epstein getting off with the proverbial slap on the wrist. So who does Scar'Bro mention as a friend Epstein? Former Commander-in-Heat Bill Clinton? Nope, Donald Trump. The guy is sick.
A now apparent drawback to moderated comments: I (usually) take the trouble to make sure my brilliant, original reactions to a given topic haven't already been posted by 25 other people before me. Can't do that when comments go up in delayed batches. Annoying to comment on a fresh post with a "0 comments" count, only to find oneself the 25th tedious bore making same observation.
I know that sort of tiresome repetitiveness happens in unmoderated threads (there are always some people who just feel the need to "share their views" regardless), but lack of real-time commenting seems exacerbate it.
"MSNBC host Rachel Maddow lost half-a-million viewers in just one week after special counsel Robert Mueller’s report"
The article states indirectly that she is down to 2.5 million viewers from 3 million.
I'm trying to understand why they are bailing *now*. 1) They stayed in their seats when the flight crew stumbled in drunk 2) They expressed no concern when the pilot taxied the plane over to Hourly Parking 3) When both engines blew, they assumed the plane would just glide on in... for 2,000 miles 4) They assured themselves that air masks dropping from the overhead was a "malfunction" 5) And now that the plane has crashed in the swamp, with gators circling off the wing, NOW is the moment they decide to look around for parachutes?
What the hell is wrong with these people? At least the other 2.5 million can say they are too stupid or gullible or partisan to abandon what is now a slowly sinking ship. But these 500,000 morons... muttering that the Mueller report was the last straw? WTF?
I would have enjoyed the military years of my life so much more if we just had not had been asked to go to war.
We are at war. Enjoy the cheap gasoline while it lasts. This is not the oil companies' doing; they would prefer to produce less and keep the price up. It is the U.S. government telling them to drill and pump 24/7 and flood the world market with oil in order to beggar Putin's Russian power adventures and the Ayatollahs' war machine.
"Peak oil" will return, but not immediately. There are still large areas of the globe that has not been prospected and probably some contain oil. After that, we can "make" oil and gas from coal, of which America has a lot (and so does other countries) and maybe from frozen methane. That will take a lot of energy, but we can get that from nuclear power.
I'm happy to see you attribing your source for today's talking points.
And I'm oh so very concerned to hear that Trump is stepping on some Cuck's dick. Probably one of those "consultants" who whined that Trump would lose so badly to Hillary, the GOP would spend a decade rebuilding the party. He was right but for all the wrong reasons.
When are you going to stop trusting these "experts" ? They had Hillary at 90% to win and you swallowed it. They said none of these things could be done and then Trump did them all, and with an ease that humiliated Failure Theater RINOs like Romney and McCain (and did you hear we are getting the wall fully funded?). And now these same people yanked your chain for 2 years about non-existent collusion. They have made a fool of you 3 times over (at least) and yet you keep going back to them like you have battered housewife syndrome.
You got to pull up, stop doing this, stop falling for the clickbait. They are keeping you riled up in a false state of hysteria for their own reasons (ratings), not yours, and it's become a cancer that's eating your mind. And you are filled with hatred and rage and frustration, you come here to yell at strangers on the internet. Have you considered that your girls are probably having talks about you? Why do this to them, for Trump? You've allowed him to become a monster in your narrative, and its going to destroy you.
This is me being nice. I understand how feel, I went through it with Clinton. And I'm telling you the path you are on leads to ruin.
Best of luck to you. I faced a similar situation a few years ago. It comes with being older and costing your company more than the young guys.
A couple of thoughts.
If you really want to keep working, being 62 is not an insurmountable obstacle. If you want a job, you will find a job. You can thank Trump for the strong economy and job market, and Millenials for being such crappie workers. But you will find a job.
Second, if you decide not to go back to the kind of job you had before, now is a really good time to try something else. I went into teaching and some other part time kind of stuff just to keep busy.
Third, recognize that work is a big part of who you are. I left my "real job" 15 years ago and I still think about. In fact, last night I dreamed about being back at work. Wierd.
Even if you haven't made up your mind up, as someone who went through it, I would recommend looking for a new job. Make a real effort. It may surprise you what is out there. As time goes by, it will get tougher to latch on somewhere else. You don't want to lose this window of opportunity.
In my case, I really really really didn't want to go back to the kind of demanding, high pressure work I did before, and i did find other work that kept me busy. But now sometimes I wish I would have gone back for a few years.
Shall we recall all the many times Inga parroted Rachel Maddow - lecturing us on the importance of the Mueller report and the unparalleled fairness and purity of the god-Muller?
Smollett (v.) To free from the legal consequences of committing illegal activities during the perpetuation of fraud in the name of a political cause. (Note: Personal gain or gratification in the course of the political act is of no consequence.)
Updated July 2020 Smollett (v.) To beg the State to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law so that you are not found like actor Jussie Smollett.
Example Sentences: 1) "Samantha Powers smolletted the court in fear of vigilantge mobs" 2) "Hillary Clinton smolletted herself to protect her grand-daughter from retaliation by radiation survivors of her Uranium One deal with Russia.
I have about a thousand reasons to hate Twitter. Here is toady's reason, and it is one of the best I have encountered in a long time.
Julio Rosas writes at Mediaite about one of the "Empire" writers, someone named Cameron Johnson (who is not the NBA Cameron Johnson) trying to take some kind of victory lap over the Chaicago media in the wake of the inexplicable dismissal of state criminal charges against Jussie Smollet.
Johnson posted a Tweet in which he went after Rob Elgas of Chicago's local ABC affiliate: You reported a bunch of false information and never retracted it. Do your job, yes. But reporting on leaks that have been proven false is beneath you.
— Cameron Johnson (@cameronjawesome) March 26, 2019
Elgas Tweeted back the obvious question, which was the question of what exactly he got wrong.
The reply from Johnson was just emojis, followed by "WELP":
— Cameron Johnson (@cameronjawesome) March 26, 2019
— Cameron Johnson (@cameronjawesome) March 26, 2019
I don't know what the link is in that second reply Tweet; clicking on it takes you to Johnson's Twitter page which has been made private.
But this is the brain-dead world of Twitter. A question to the effect of, "You just published a claim that my reporting was wrong, and I am asking you what exactly I got wrong," is met with emojis and some sort of internet photo-meme.
I just hate it. I hate the medium. I hate Cameron Johnson's millennial culture. I hate the result in the Smollet case. I hate that Rob Elgas is now likely to back off. (As a hard-news investigative reporter, he won't -- and probably shouldn't -- get into a Twitter fight with someone like Cameron Johnson.)
Inga laughs at the Covington teen who was doxxed. A teenager who was maligned by the entire Rachel Moddow liar hack press - this makes her laugh. It makes her desperately search for 8 seconds of a clip that proves nothing other than some males at the National Mall (could be any group of kids/teens/males) can say and do dumb shit. No proof it was Covington .But according to Inga & her asshole desperadoes on Twitter - The Covington teens were the only teens on the mall that day. She had to prove that she and her leftwing liars were really on the up and up. She had the proof and she was digging for more. Inga- you are a laughable disgrace.
Inga is all for the harassment of a sitting president. Why? Inga cannot stand that Hillary lost. Inga was so excited about the first female crook. Inga laughs at the fake crime committed by Smolette because she thinks fake hate crimes are cool. and on and on. You you really are a vile creep, Inga.
gilbar---- "I would have enjoyed the military years of my life .... more .... if we had not been asked to go to war...." .... that quote is from a too-long comment I deleted b/c I unconsciously phrased part of the comment incorrectly to make it sound like I had been in the Marines for awhile when I never was! I was assigned to a Marine base for several years when in the USAFR .... which is different. Very different than being a Marine.
you are right about the aircraft, your observation is something that should be posted prominently at places where old military aircraft are exhibited
Been there, done that (almost). In my case, normal rhythm returned spontaneously after about 24 hours. I was very glad they didn't have to get out the paddles.
Inga quoting Axios: 'A senior House Republican aide texted: "Members feel like [the Mueller report announcement] was great and Trump stepped all over that message with the Obamacare lawsuit announcement." They’re also exasperated about Trump’s substance-free declaration that Republicans will become "The Party of Healthcare.” Republicans aren’t united on health care, and they have been unable to advance a replacement for the ACA.“'
Good link, Ing. Thanks.
Putting aside that terms like "substance-free" or "substantive" are here incorrectly and illiterately applied to a prediction of a future state ("...will be [not *are*] the party of healthcare"), this is another excellent example of why Republicans are the Stupid Party.
Let's follow the logic here: the Democrats have a winning issue in healthcare, so let's never talk about healthcare. We musn't criticize the unholy, unsustainable mess that is Obamacare and our existing healthcare system, and the #1 policy concern of huge numbers of citizens, because we're too fucking stupid and lazy and corruptly committed to the status quo to have been "[able] to advance a replacement for the ACA" in all the time we had when we controlled Congress. So the fact that we totally betrayed the people who gave us the House, and then lost the House after having done so, *largely on this issue, by our own lights*, means we can never, ever get our shit together on this winning issue, and can never be "the party of healthcare", and our smartiest smart tactic re healthcare is "don't mention the healthcare". And we're yet again all pissy with Trump because he yet again refuses to adhere to our preferred brilliant political strategies for winning elections.
The above of course assumes that they actually want to advance "conservative" policies (and win elections), in which case they'd acknowledge that they bloody well do need to become "the party of healthcare", coming up with sane reforms rather than just sitting with their thumbs up their butts while insisting "there's nothing we can do, everyone loves Obamacare, and hey, that AOC sure is a dumb commie, isn't she?!"
@Fen: I live in eastern MA, near Boston. Currently lead a sales team in the software & services industry, specifically SaaS/Cloud Services.
I am actively engaging with my network, I have many contacts, many are former coworkers, in this industry. I have to admit this nudge (push?) has so far been energizing.
The European Union has provisionally agreed to force every car sold in Europe starting in 2022 to include software designed to slow drivers down if they break the speed limit.
EU leaders on Monday agreed that every car, van, truck, and bus should be fitted with a feature called “Intelligent Speed Assistance” designed to slow them down if they go too fast.
I wonder why the Brits voted to leave?
I have a car with sign recognition cameras it gets confused sometimes. In Maryland, for instance, the highway signs look almost exactly like speed limit signs, Rt 85 Will make it think that the speed limit is 35. it ignores the time information and flashing lights on school zone signs and always says 25, even at three A.M. Some times the sign will say “End 35 MPH Speed” or “End School Zone” and the camera won’t figure it out and the car indicates that I am speeding.
Suppose you need to get to a hospital from some rural location where the ambulance is going to be too late...
Anyway, if the EU thought that they had a chance of heading off Brexit, Nope!
Sebastian quotes someone who said: ""cafes" under the new rules are worthless."
Have to agree that the cafes, and comments in general, are far less interesting and lively than before moderation was started.
May I suggest that rather than moderating and pre-vetting every single comment before it sees the light of day, our Hostess instead institute a "politeness/relevance" policy, severely enforced. No pre-moderation, but upon review, violators get one warning, the next violation and you're banned. Period.
The Hostess gets to decide what "polite" and "relevant" is. Fine with me. The comments that have been getting through, although not as fresh as before, still reflect the variety of styles and points of view here.
This paradigm works well for other discussion forums that I visit.
Our Hostess will run things as she sees fit and so be it, but I hope this idea will be considered. Or even tried.
A senior House Republican aide texted: "Members feel like [the Mueller report announcement] was great and Trump stepped all over that message with the Obamacare lawsuit announcement."
Yep, Tucker Carlson opened with Pelosi mentioning health care . Then he proved that statement was her orders to the MSM. Every single show on CNN switched from Mueller discussion to making health care the new most bestest important topic in the world.
@stevew, you are doing precisely right. I feel for you because a few years ago I came back from therapy for total knee replacement surgery to find that a reorg had eliminated one whole layer of management in the part of the corporation I where I worked, and, worse, the entire organization I belonged to had been eliminated. I was even older than you, and most other managers correctly believed that if they put me in one of their open slots they would need to refill it in a few years. I landed on my feet, thanks to friends, but it was close.
In your case, your 22 1/2 years gives you an institutional knowledge the company cannot easily replace. Also I imagine you are due a lot of severance. Do they want to pay that severance and get nothing for it? Or do they want to exploit what you know about the corporation and your customers? If I was the CEO I would put you on a task force to figure why you are losing the deals you are losing and change the product offering — or the infrastructure — to win those deals. But I’m not your CEO.
People often fail to see how hard wars are on war machines.
@gilbar, I don’t know if it’s still there, but the Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum near Dulles Airport used to have a Huey helicopter on display. You could easily see the small square patches riveted over the bullet holes. It’s a wonderful place to visit, and the exhibits include a Concorde, a Space Shuttle, and numerous other historically significant aircraft.
Sebastian quotes someone who said: ""cafes" under the new rules are worthless." ............... Have to agree that the cafes, and comments in general, are far less interesting and lively than before moderation was started.
May I suggest that rather than moderating and pre-vetting every single comment before it sees the light of day, our Hostess instead institute a "politeness/relevance" policy, severely enforced. No pre-moderation, but upon review, violators get one warning, the next violation and you're banned. Period.
All the suggestions for improving moderation bring to mind online recipes. You read a recipe for chili with beans. Comments are always "Loved the recipe, only change I made is to leave out the beans".
"Perfect recipe ! I substituted lemons for chile peppers"
" Great, I used mac and cheese instead of chile and beans "
Blogger Paco Wové said... "Cardioversion. Ever hear of it?"
"Been there, done that (almost). In my case, normal rhythm returned spontaneously after about 24 hours. I was very glad they didn't have to get out the paddles." Mine didn't.(In fact I thought I had pneumonia). The first time didn't take so I spent the last four days in the hospital. I'm on sotalol now, which helps moderate heart rhythm, and I'm almost back to my old self. Pretty scary.
I thought years ago they were closing in on better ability to "non-invasibly" freeze/cryo (with a probe) a specific spot in the heart to rectify the underlying AF problem. Did that not pan out?
This company is very large, and now running at low to zero YoY revenue growth. Currently transitioning customers to the cloud (from on premise) at barely replacement level. Top line is static so the only way to improve the bottom line (this is a public company) is to reduce cost, especially COS. No one has told me this, but the reality is they believe they can replace me with someone younger at about half or less the cost. My team sells to large, Fortune 500 companies. Our success depends on a few large deals annually - and a steady stream of smaller, expansion sized deals. My team has competed for and lost a couple of big deals this year (actually one loss and another pushed out past the end of our fiscal year). Add to the mix that there is a new senior leader installed above me that I have no history with and suddenly I'm an easy target for 'change'.
Thanks to those of you who have sympathized and offered, great, advice. Unexpected but very much appreciated.
Blogger walter said... I thought years ago they were closing in on better ability to "non-invasibly" freeze/cryo (with a probe) a specific spot in the heart to rectify the underlying AF problem. Did that not pan out?
It began as the The Maze Procedure, which, in the beginning, was open heart surgery.
The source of A fib is actually the pulmonary veins and just where they enter the left atrium. The Maze procedure makes scars to interrupt reentry circuits in which depolarization goes in circles of current.
Later the techniques evolved. This article mentions external scarring.
Radiofrequency ablation: The doctor uses catheters to send radiofrequency energy (similar to microwave heat) that creates circular scars around each vein or group of veins. Cryoablation: A single catheter sends a balloon tipped with a substance that freezes the tissues to cause a scar.
Most of the method I know about is all internal, trans venous. The left atrium needs to be reached.
Convergent procedure: This pairs catheter ablation with a mini maze. The doctor uses radio waves (radiofrequency ablation) in the pulmonary vein, and a surgeon makes a small cut under your breastbone to use radiofrequency energy on the outside of your heart.
After completion of the endoscopic epicardial ablation, as part of the same procedure, the electrophysiologist (EP), using standard transseptal catheters, is able to map the left atrium, confirm conduction block across the pulmonary vein antrum and fill in any gaps that exist in the epicardial pattern. These are typically found at the pericardial reflections and superior aspect of the left superior pulmonary vein (Picture 2).
As isolation of the pulmonary veins and posterior wall lesions are already nearly complete, the time spent on endocardial ablation is reduced dramatically, decreasing procedural risk to the patient and exposure to fluoroscopy. This also allows the EP to focus on triggers located outside the usual location and ablation of left atrial and right atrial isthmus if necessary, depending on the type of AF.
The problem is that long standing AF is more likely to recur.
Thanks doc. Mine is more like a flutter that my cardiologist tells me is more easily controlled with the medication and if and when that fails it responds better to ablation. We'll see. Since I'm not much of a drinker but I am overweight it is probably a combination of my weight and apnea. I'm having a sleep study done. Scary shit for somebody that pretty much has done whatever he wants to.
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७४ टिप्पण्या:
Haha! Trump the happy warrior:
Received the latest fundraising snail mail from the DNC yesterday. It was the standard "scare the hell out of you" boilerplate, but what struck me was the first thing on the list: "We have only ten years to save the planet".
Are the Democrats really going to run on that for 2020? Because if they do, they are going to get slaughtered.
It'll be interesting to see if the adults retake the reins of the party, or whether they continue their downward spiral Left.
As one should expect those "things" posted to YouTube. It's only mildly funny, but it's worth the few minutes it takes. What else are ya gonna do at this hour? Too late to eat. Too early to fuck.
We have mice from the Section 8 next door (yay Maryland, when the liberal state reps portioned out Section 8 zoning, they graciously excluded their own neighborhoods, so we got double!)
Anyways, wifey wants the mouse problem cotrolled but the wittle field mice are so cute awww she doesn't want them killed.
An aside, I was installing a new soundcard on my computer and left the case off overnight. The "cute" little buggers climbed in an gnawed ALL the interior wiring to shreds... Grrrrr.
But since IT HAS BEEN ORDAINED FROM HIGH that we are a no-kill shelter, I bought 3...oh why not 4 of these really cool habitats, with lots of tube pieces and a flywheel and 1 2 3 domes and ... Okay I got carried away.
So now I own 3 field mice I have to check and feed everyday. And I'm like that guy with the model train tracks, except its about 20 feet of plastic tunnels snaking in out and around 4 hamster habitats.
I'm thinking of running a tunnel up to the ceiling and branching out along the walls.
If you are reading this, please stop me before -
When The Nation starts making sense...
Top intelligence officials, both current and retired, also owe us an explanation: not just for their explosive statements—such as former CIA director John Brennan’s prediction earlier this month that a new round of conspiracy indictments was coming—but for their investigatory decisions from the start. That includes relying on the Steele dossier to seek a surveillance warrant against Trump’s former campaign adviser Carter Page, and to open a counterintelligence investigation on Trump himself, motivated in part by disagreement with his public embrace of Russia. Accountability on this front may well serve Trump’s self-promotional claims of a “witch hunt.” But it is vital that intelligence abuses be held to account as well, no matter the partisan consequences. A failure to do so could very well hurt progressives in the future, should overzealous intelligence officials put them in their sights.. - The Nation
Don’t read it Inga! It’s right wing trash I am sure!
PIERS MORGAN: An apology to Jussie Smollett: I’m sorry - you’re even more despicable than I thought you were, and so are the shameful prosecutors who let you off this repulsive fake hate-crime
Swalwel(D) says that it's illegal for Trump to joke about the Russians finding Hillary's deleted (bleachbitted and hammered) e-mails.
Really. That's how far his head is up his ass.
Chicago is a 1-party town - all Democrat, all the time. Every Alderman, every Congressman, every state-wide official.
So, the Chicago police nailed this racial hoaxer - Jussie Smollett -for mail fraud, filing a false police report and a buncha other misdeeds, too.
And, yet, Democrat prosecutors have dismissed the charges and sealed the records.
Why is that?
Democrat elected officials had all sorts of comments when Smollett was "victimized" by racist, white, Trump-supporters. But now they're silent.
Why is that?
What does Democrat Governor Pritzer say about it? What does Democrat Senator Durbin say about it? President Obama is from Chicago, right? What does he say about it?
The cat got a lotta political tongue, here.
Speak up!
Love it. That Mouse wants to go out dancing.
An appeals course reversed the pigheaded circuit county decision, from Dane county.
""cafes" under the new rules are worthless."
In these cafes, the saloon owners decide who gets to speak next.
Anyway, The Nation and Rolling Stone making sense, sobered up by Mueller? Even Piers Morgan making sense, showing some sort of prog contagion?
Now it can be said: thank you, Jeff Sessions.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Swalwel(D) says that it's illegal for Trump to joke about the Russians finding Hillary's deleted (bleachbitted and hammered) e-mails.
Really. That's how far his head is up his ass."
How different is Swalwell from all the leftist LLR's we see everyday?
Spoiler: Not an iota of difference.
The bicycle with a new chain runs a little faster than before, an effect I always forget but notice again when a new chain goes on.
Chains stretch by wearing the holes the pins go through into larger holes, so there's slack when the chain is on the freewheel. As the links come off the top of the freewheel, they stretch suddenly to their worn state, and that little jerk turns pedal power into heat, and heat doesn't propel the bicycle. You capture the momentum of the chain but not the energy, as regards that little excess.
Aaron mate has broken out of the groupthink for at least a year no surprise there.
I saw a piece of lost command (1966) about one of those wars Algeria with Anthony quinn and Alain delon, based on larteguys centurions
A midnight blue mouse. My favorite crayon color.
Swalwell is a poorer thinner version of Alan grayson,
Sorry I dubbed him swalley now, now it seem the 'red daughter' ocasio Cortez may actually have a worthy Republican opponent a miss papazian
“The special counsel grand jury that investigated Russian collusion into the 2016 presidential election is “continuing robustly” despite the end of Robert Mueller’s probe, a federal prosecutor said in court Wednesday.
During a brief open hearing Wednesday, the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for D.C., Beryl Howell, pressed Goodhand to say whether the grand jury Mueller had been using in the case remained active.
“It is continuing,” the prosecutor replied. “It’s continuing robustly.”
The fact the grand jury is continuing its work adds a new wrinkle to the Mueller probe, which Attorney General William Barr announced on Friday was finished.“
Kamala Harris involvement in Jussies Hoax
I would have enjoyed the military years of my life so much more if we just had not had been asked to go to war,
I'm always struck by what incredibly better shape aircraft are in, when they are able to stay out of war zones. People often fail to see how hard wars are on war machines.
How Qatar buys influence.
The Mueller probe may not be over just yet. Judge Andrew Napolitano said there positively "some" proof of Trump-Russia conspiracy and obstruction of justice in the 700 page report.
“In the 700 page summary of the 2 million pages of raw evidence there is undoubtedly some evidence of a conspiracy and some evidence of obstruction of justice,” he told FOX Business’ Neil Cavuto Opens a New Window. . “Just not enough evidence.”
“So once the 700 pages comes out, and this is my criticism of the Attorney General, he shouldn’t have even tipped his hands on this… the Democrats will have and other Trump opponents will have a field day with what is in there,” he said. “If there were no evidence of conspiracy and no evidence of obstruction the attorney general would have told us so—he didn’t.”
It's much like the British labour party in the 80s Michael foot, Tony benn they were rank stalinists or as with Corbyn trotskyites
Larteguy based his character raspeguy on marcel bigeard, a hero of the indochina war and later called into service in algeria.
GOP lawmakers fear that President Trump has trampled all over what may have been the best week of his presidency by backing the complete overturn of ObamaCare.
On Monday, the Justice Department asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans to affirm last year's ruling by a Texas federal judge stating that the Affordable Care Act was no longer constitutional because the 2017 tax reform legislation eliminated the health care law’s penalty for not having health insurance.
Multiple congressional Republicans tell Fox News they are bothered by the timing of the Trump administration's intervention in the matter, which comes on the heels of a favorable outcome in the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller...
"He didn't have to do it now," said House Republican Conference Chair Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., the third-ranking Republican in that chamber.
“McCarthy told Trump over the phone that the decision made no sense — especially after Democrats killed Republicans in the midterms in part over the issue of pre-existing conditions, according to two sources familiar with their recent conversation. As Bloomberg's Sahil Kapur points out — health care was the top issue for 2018 midterm voters, and voters who cared most about health care favored Democrats over Republicans by more than 50 percentage points.
McCarthy is far from alone in his view. Multiple GOP sources — from the most conservative to the most moderate wing of the party — have told Axios that they can't fathom why the president would want to re-litigate an issue that has been a clear loser for Republicans.
A senior House Republican aide texted: "Members feel like [the Mueller report announcement] was great and Trump stepped all over that message with the Obamacare lawsuit announcement."
They’re also exasperated about Trump’s substance-free declaration that Republicans will become "The Party of Healthcare.” Republicans aren’t united on health care, and they have been unable to advance a replacement for the ACA.“
What does Democrat Governor Pritzer say about it? What does Democrat Senator Durbin say about it? President Obama is from Chicago, right? What does he say about it?
Fuggeddaboudit Jake. It's ChiTown.
What do we have here:
Trump foils Mueller.
Watch for Inga's comments today. I predict she will inject "health care" into every thread she comments on... Just watch and take note.
Try Sonics for the mice.
Just learned that my current job is no longer mine on or about June 1. I've been at this company for 22 1/2 years and have produced consistently but the new boss is taking a hard line on under performance (that sales speak for missing one's budget or quota) and it's been a tough year. I'll be 62 in August so I've got to decide if I just retire to a different job in a different industry, or look for a new position. This is a young man's game and I expect it will be tough to find a place that will take me for the three more years I would like to work.
Truth is this feels better than I would have predicted. This has become a meat grinder of a job and work place. I'm actually looking forward to discovering what's next. Income from commenting here, if it were a bit higher, would make the decision easier.
Mystery: both Kelloggs All-Bran and Hodgson Mill's Oat Bran are unavailable in Kroger. "Temporaily Unavailable" marks the empty shelf space, the first time I can remember for either.
Closing the bran door after the horse has been stolen.
Did everyone forget about Harvey Weinstein? #MeToo!!! Is he in jail? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone think he'll be Smolletted? #MeToo!!!
Smollett (v.) To free from the legal consequences of committing illegal activities during the perpetuation of fraud in the name of a political cause. (Note: Personal gain or gratification in the course of the political act is of no consequence.)
Cardioversion. Ever hear of it?
It's a cafe. Right?
Delusion’s final redoubt, the Washington Post’s impartial fact checkers claim that Hillary had nothing to do with the dossier.
Kessler slammed "Four Pinocchios" on Rep. Devin Nunes: “Finally, there is no evidence that Clinton was involved in Steele’s reports or worked with Russian entities to feed information to [Christopher]Steele. “
Wait: The Post broke the story on October 25, 2017 that Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias hired Fusion GPS, who hired Christopher Steele. Kessler admitted all this, but said you can't somehow connect that to Hillary: "it’s a huge leap to say Clinton colluded with Russians to do this. Instead, you have (a) the campaign hiring (b) a research firm that hired (c) a researcher who spoke (d) to Russian sources." Remember when Hillary misreported this payment to a foreign company as “legal expenses”? I am not sure it’s legal to pay a foreign company to do campaign work.
Insert your own snark here, I am beggared by choice. That’s the thin thread by which they convict trump of hundreds of lies. it’s astonishing the lengths to which the Washington Post will go to protect their proven false beliefs.
Oh boy... via Ace
FBI Is 'Reviewing' Circumstances Surrounding Dismissal Of Criminal Charges Against Smollett,
"Multiple law enforcement officials told a local ABC News reporter Rob Elgas on Wednesday that they are reviewing the circumstances surrounding the dismissal of criminal charges against Empire actor Jussie Smollett."
The cafe' post comments are under grand jury seal and will not be released unless by court order or 9AM eastern time, whichever comes first.
Woke up last night at 3AM and thought I would settle in and read some amusing comments. Nope.
Is Ann a secret cat person? Her mouse is proportioned more like a cat.
Didn't the mouse first appear around the time of first cataract surgery?
An interesting heading on MSN this morning: Which are the most "American" cars you can buy?
Turns out it is Chrysler products - no surprise there - but then it is Hondas (including Acura) and C-class Mercedes-Benz. Who knew?
Mr. Steele briefed top political reporters during the campaign. Some wrote about the charges in stories picked up by the Clinton campaign, which issued press statements blasting Mr. Trump as colluding with Moscow.
That’s not any kind of tacit collusion because when Democrats use dirt provided by the spies of foreign governments....REASONS!
Just watched a few minutes of Morning Joe talking about the Smollet case. That led to a brief a discussion of Jeffrey Epstein getting off with the proverbial slap on the wrist. So who does Scar'Bro mention as a friend Epstein? Former Commander-in-Heat Bill Clinton? Nope, Donald Trump. The guy is sick.
A now apparent drawback to moderated comments: I (usually) take the trouble to make sure my brilliant, original reactions to a given topic haven't already been posted by 25 other people before me. Can't do that when comments go up in delayed batches. Annoying to comment on a fresh post with a "0 comments" count, only to find oneself the 25th tedious bore making same observation.
I know that sort of tiresome repetitiveness happens in unmoderated threads (there are always some people who just feel the need to "share their views" regardless), but lack of real-time commenting seems exacerbate it.
"MSNBC host Rachel Maddow lost half-a-million viewers in just one week after special counsel Robert Mueller’s report"
The article states indirectly that she is down to 2.5 million viewers from 3 million.
I'm trying to understand why they are bailing *now*.
1) They stayed in their seats when the flight crew stumbled in drunk
2) They expressed no concern when the pilot taxied the plane over to Hourly Parking
3) When both engines blew, they assumed the plane would just glide on in... for 2,000 miles
4) They assured themselves that air masks dropping from the overhead was a "malfunction"
5) And now that the plane has crashed in the swamp, with gators circling off the wing, NOW is the moment they decide to look around for parachutes?
What the hell is wrong with these people? At least the other 2.5 million can say they are too stupid or gullible or partisan to abandon what is now a slowly sinking ship. But these 500,000 morons... muttering that the Mueller report was the last straw? WTF?
No reed too slender for our Inga.
Why anyone would want the government to run the health care is beyond me. Haven't they paid attention to how other government agencies work?
There is plenty of simple, easy steps that could be done to improve health care. "Medicare for all" would destroy it.
I would have enjoyed the military years of my life so much more if we just had not had been asked to go to war.
We are at war.
Enjoy the cheap gasoline while it lasts. This is not the oil companies' doing; they would prefer to produce less and keep the price up. It is the U.S. government telling them to drill and pump 24/7 and flood the world market with oil in order to beggar Putin's Russian power adventures and the Ayatollahs' war machine.
"Peak oil" will return, but not immediately. There are still large areas of the globe that has not been prospected and probably some contain oil. After that, we can "make" oil and gas from coal, of which America has a lot (and so does other countries) and maybe from frozen methane. That will take a lot of energy, but we can get that from nuclear power.
I'm happy to see you attribing your source for today's talking points.
And I'm oh so very concerned to hear that Trump is stepping on some Cuck's dick.
Probably one of those "consultants" who whined that Trump would lose so badly to Hillary, the GOP would spend a decade rebuilding the party. He was right but for all the wrong reasons.
When are you going to stop trusting these "experts" ? They had Hillary at 90% to win and you swallowed it. They said none of these things could be done and then Trump did them all, and with an ease that humiliated Failure Theater RINOs like Romney and McCain (and did you hear we are getting the wall fully funded?). And now these same people yanked your chain for 2 years about non-existent collusion. They have made a fool of you 3 times over (at least) and yet you keep going back to them like you have battered housewife syndrome.
You got to pull up, stop doing this, stop falling for the clickbait. They are keeping you riled up in a false state of hysteria for their own reasons (ratings), not yours, and it's become a cancer that's eating your mind. And you are filled with hatred and rage and frustration, you come here to yell at strangers on the internet. Have you considered that your girls are probably having talks about you? Why do this to them, for Trump? You've allowed him to become a monster in your narrative, and its going to destroy you.
This is me being nice. I understand how feel, I went through it with Clinton. And I'm telling you the path you are on leads to ruin.
Best of luck to you. I faced a similar situation a few years ago. It comes with being older and costing your company more than the young guys.
A couple of thoughts.
If you really want to keep working, being 62 is not an insurmountable obstacle. If you want a job, you will find a job. You can thank Trump for the strong economy and job market, and Millenials for being such crappie workers. But you will find a job.
Second, if you decide not to go back to the kind of job you had before, now is a really good time to try something else. I went into teaching and some other part time kind of stuff just to keep busy.
Third, recognize that work is a big part of who you are. I left my "real job" 15 years ago and I still think about. In fact, last night I dreamed about being back at work. Wierd.
Even if you haven't made up your mind up, as someone who went through it, I would recommend looking for a new job. Make a real effort. It may surprise you what is out there. As time goes by, it will get tougher to latch on somewhere else. You don't want to lose this window of opportunity.
In my case, I really really really didn't want to go back to the kind of demanding, high pressure work I did before, and i did find other work that kept me busy. But now sometimes I wish I would have gone back for a few years.
Best of luck friend.
LOL - keep Hope alive desperate Inga.
Shall we recall all the many times Inga parroted Rachel Maddow - lecturing us on the importance of the Mueller report and the unparalleled fairness and purity of the god-Muller?
Smollett (v.) To free from the legal consequences of committing illegal activities during the perpetuation of fraud in the name of a political cause. (Note: Personal gain or gratification in the course of the political act is of no consequence.)
Updated July 2020
Smollett (v.) To beg the State to prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law so that you are not found like actor Jussie Smollett.
Example Sentences:
1) "Samantha Powers smolletted the court in fear of vigilantge mobs"
2) "Hillary Clinton smolletted herself to protect her grand-daughter from retaliation by radiation survivors of her Uranium One deal with Russia.
This is a young man's game and I expect it will be tough to find a place that will take me for the three more years I would like to work.
I'm so sorry. What city are you in? What kind of sales?
I have about a thousand reasons to hate Twitter. Here is toady's reason, and it is one of the best I have encountered in a long time.
Julio Rosas writes at Mediaite about one of the "Empire" writers, someone named Cameron Johnson (who is not the NBA Cameron Johnson) trying to take some kind of victory lap over the Chaicago media in the wake of the inexplicable dismissal of state criminal charges against Jussie Smollet.
Johnson posted a Tweet in which he went after Rob Elgas of Chicago's local ABC affiliate:
You reported a bunch of false information and never retracted it. Do your job, yes. But reporting on leaks that have been proven false is beneath you.
— Cameron Johnson (@cameronjawesome) March 26, 2019
Elgas Tweeted back the obvious question, which was the question of what exactly he got wrong.
The reply from Johnson was just emojis, followed by "WELP":
— Cameron Johnson (@cameronjawesome) March 26, 2019
— Cameron Johnson (@cameronjawesome) March 26, 2019
I don't know what the link is in that second reply Tweet; clicking on it takes you to Johnson's Twitter page which has been made private.
But this is the brain-dead world of Twitter. A question to the effect of, "You just published a claim that my reporting was wrong, and I am asking you what exactly I got wrong," is met with emojis and some sort of internet photo-meme.
I just hate it. I hate the medium. I hate Cameron Johnson's millennial culture. I hate the result in the Smollet case. I hate that Rob Elgas is now likely to back off. (As a hard-news investigative reporter, he won't -- and probably shouldn't -- get into a Twitter fight with someone like Cameron Johnson.)
Kroger is very poor at managing inventory. The produce section is often empty- like Soviet era supermarket empty.
( I typed ‘Kroger’ and an ad for Kroger opened up on another page, thanks to our comrades at the SnapFace, no doubt)
Inga laughs at the Covington teen who was doxxed. A teenager who was maligned by the entire Rachel Moddow liar hack press - this makes her laugh. It makes her desperately search for 8 seconds of a clip that proves nothing other than some males at the National Mall (could be any group of kids/teens/males) can say and do dumb shit. No proof it was Covington .But according to Inga & her asshole desperadoes on Twitter - The Covington teens were the only teens on the mall that day. She had to prove that she and her leftwing liars were really on the up and up. She had the proof and she was digging for more.
Inga- you are a laughable disgrace.
Inga is all for the harassment of a sitting president. Why? Inga cannot stand that Hillary lost. Inga was so excited about the first female crook.
Inga laughs at the fake crime committed by Smolette because she thinks fake hate crimes are cool. and on and on. You you really are a vile creep, Inga.
gilbar---- "I would have enjoyed the military years of my life .... more .... if we had not been asked to go to war...." ....
that quote is from a too-long comment I deleted
b/c I unconsciously phrased part of the comment incorrectly to make it sound like I had been in the Marines for awhile when I never was! I was assigned to a Marine base for several years when in the USAFR .... which is different. Very different than being a Marine.
you are right about the aircraft, your observation is something that should be posted prominently at places where old military aircraft are exhibited
"Cardioversion. Ever hear of it?"
Been there, done that (almost). In my case, normal rhythm returned spontaneously after about 24 hours. I was very glad they didn't have to get out the paddles.
Inga quoting Axios: 'A senior House Republican aide texted: "Members feel like [the Mueller report announcement] was great and Trump stepped all over that message with the Obamacare lawsuit announcement."
They’re also exasperated about Trump’s substance-free declaration that Republicans will become "The Party of Healthcare.” Republicans aren’t united on health care, and they have been unable to advance a replacement for the ACA.“'
Good link, Ing. Thanks.
Putting aside that terms like "substance-free" or "substantive" are here incorrectly and illiterately applied to a prediction of a future state ("...will be [not *are*] the party of healthcare"), this is another excellent example of why Republicans are the Stupid Party.
Let's follow the logic here: the Democrats have a winning issue in healthcare, so let's never talk about healthcare. We musn't criticize the unholy, unsustainable mess that is Obamacare and our existing healthcare system, and the #1 policy concern of huge numbers of citizens, because we're too fucking stupid and lazy and corruptly committed to the status quo to have been "[able] to advance a replacement for the ACA" in all the time we had when we controlled Congress. So the fact that we totally betrayed the people who gave us the House, and then lost the House after having done so, *largely on this issue, by our own lights*, means we can never, ever get our shit together on this winning issue, and can never be "the party of healthcare", and our smartiest smart tactic re healthcare is "don't mention the healthcare". And we're yet again all pissy with Trump because he yet again refuses to adhere to our preferred brilliant political strategies for winning elections.
The above of course assumes that they actually want to advance "conservative" policies (and win elections), in which case they'd acknowledge that they bloody well do need to become "the party of healthcare", coming up with sane reforms rather than just sitting with their thumbs up their butts while insisting "there's nothing we can do, everyone loves Obamacare, and hey, that AOC sure is a dumb commie, isn't she?!"
have about a thousand reasons to hate Twitter. Here is toady's reason
Always good to know what toady thinks!
Sorry Chuck, I couldn’t resist.
@Jersey Fled: Thank you, that is great advice.
@Fen: I live in eastern MA, near Boston. Currently lead a sales team in the software & services industry, specifically SaaS/Cloud Services.
I am actively engaging with my network, I have many contacts, many are former coworkers, in this industry. I have to admit this nudge (push?) has so far been energizing.
The European Union has provisionally agreed to force every car sold in Europe starting in 2022 to include software designed to slow drivers down if they break the speed limit.
EU leaders on Monday agreed that every car, van, truck, and bus should be fitted with a feature called “Intelligent Speed Assistance” designed to slow them down if they go too fast.
I wonder why the Brits voted to leave?
I have a car with sign recognition cameras it gets confused sometimes. In Maryland, for instance, the highway signs look almost exactly like speed limit signs, Rt 85 Will make it think that the speed limit is 35. it ignores the time information and flashing lights on school zone signs and always says 25, even at three A.M. Some times the sign will say “End 35 MPH Speed” or “End School Zone” and the camera won’t figure it out and the car indicates that I am speeding.
Suppose you need to get to a hospital from some rural location where the ambulance is going to be too late...
Anyway, if the EU thought that they had a chance of heading off Brexit, Nope!
Sebastian quotes someone who said: ""cafes" under the new rules are worthless."
Have to agree that the cafes, and comments in general, are far less interesting and lively than before moderation was started.
May I suggest that rather than moderating and pre-vetting every single comment before it sees the light of day, our Hostess instead institute a "politeness/relevance" policy, severely enforced. No pre-moderation, but upon review, violators get one warning, the next violation and you're banned. Period.
The Hostess gets to decide what "polite" and "relevant" is. Fine with me. The comments that have been getting through, although not as fresh as before, still reflect the variety of styles and points of view here.
This paradigm works well for other discussion forums that I visit.
Our Hostess will run things as she sees fit and so be it, but I hope this idea will be considered. Or even tried.
A senior House Republican aide texted: "Members feel like [the Mueller report announcement] was great and Trump stepped all over that message with the Obamacare lawsuit announcement."
Yep, Tucker Carlson opened with Pelosi mentioning health care . Then he proved that statement was her orders to the MSM. Every single show on CNN switched from Mueller discussion to making health care the new most bestest important topic in the world.
Useful idiots march in step. SAD!
Okey Dokey !
Jussies attackers were wearing white make up and talking with down home southern accents when they busted him upside the head with a cold chicken leg according to attorney on TV
@stevew, you are doing precisely right. I feel for you because a few years ago I came back from therapy for total knee replacement surgery to find that a reorg had eliminated one whole layer of management in the part of the corporation I where I worked, and, worse, the entire organization I belonged to had been eliminated. I was even older than you, and most other managers correctly believed that if they put me in one of their open slots they would need to refill it in a few years. I landed on my feet, thanks to friends, but it was close.
In your case, your 22 1/2 years gives you an institutional knowledge the company cannot easily replace. Also I imagine you are due a lot of severance. Do they want to pay that severance and get nothing for it? Or do they want to exploit what you know about the corporation and your customers? If I was the CEO I would put you on a task force to figure why you are losing the deals you are losing and change the product offering — or the infrastructure — to win those deals. But I’m not your CEO.
SaaS is a tough market. Good luck.
People often fail to see how hard wars are on war machines.
@gilbar, I don’t know if it’s still there, but the Udvar-Hazy Air & Space Museum near Dulles Airport used to have a Huey helicopter on display. You could easily see the small square patches riveted over the bullet holes. It’s a wonderful place to visit, and the exhibits include a Concorde, a Space Shuttle, and numerous other historically significant aircraft.
Rahmbo: Truuuuump created Smollett!
Sebastian quotes someone who said: ""cafes" under the new rules are worthless."
Have to agree that the cafes, and comments in general, are far less interesting and lively than before moderation was started.
May I suggest that rather than moderating and pre-vetting every single comment before it sees the light of day, our Hostess instead institute a "politeness/relevance" policy, severely enforced. No pre-moderation, but upon review, violators get one warning, the next violation and you're banned. Period.
All the suggestions for improving moderation bring to mind online recipes.
You read a recipe for chili with beans. Comments are always "Loved the recipe, only change I made is to leave out the beans".
"Perfect recipe ! I substituted lemons for chile peppers"
" Great, I used mac and cheese instead of chile and beans "
Blogger Paco Wové said...
"Cardioversion. Ever hear of it?"
"Been there, done that (almost). In my case, normal rhythm returned spontaneously after about 24 hours. I was very glad they didn't have to get out the paddles."
Mine didn't.(In fact I thought I had pneumonia). The first time didn't take so I spent the last four days in the hospital. I'm on sotalol now, which helps moderate heart rhythm, and I'm almost back to my old self. Pretty scary.
I thought years ago they were closing in on better ability to "non-invasibly" freeze/cryo (with a probe) a specific spot in the heart to rectify the underlying AF problem.
Did that not pan out?
Thanks Big Mike.
This company is very large, and now running at low to zero YoY revenue growth. Currently transitioning customers to the cloud (from on premise) at barely replacement level. Top line is static so the only way to improve the bottom line (this is a public company) is to reduce cost, especially COS. No one has told me this, but the reality is they believe they can replace me with someone younger at about half or less the cost. My team sells to large, Fortune 500 companies. Our success depends on a few large deals annually - and a steady stream of smaller, expansion sized deals. My team has competed for and lost a couple of big deals this year (actually one loss and another pushed out past the end of our fiscal year). Add to the mix that there is a new senior leader installed above me that I have no history with and suddenly I'm an easy target for 'change'.
Thanks to those of you who have sympathized and offered, great, advice. Unexpected but very much appreciated.
FullMoon: I like to cook, and I've always said that a recipe is a starting point, not a destination.
Follow recipes, and suggested modifications to same, at your own risk.
As Jacques Pepin says, "Season, taste, recover".
Blogger walter said...
I thought years ago they were closing in on better ability to "non-invasibly" freeze/cryo (with a probe) a specific spot in the heart to rectify the underlying AF problem.
Did that not pan out?
It began as the The Maze Procedure, which, in the beginning, was open heart surgery.
The source of A fib is actually the pulmonary veins and just where they enter the left atrium. The Maze procedure makes scars to interrupt reentry circuits in which depolarization goes in circles of current.
Later the techniques evolved. This article mentions external scarring.
Radiofrequency ablation: The doctor uses catheters to send radiofrequency energy (similar to microwave heat) that creates circular scars around each vein or group of veins.
Cryoablation: A single catheter sends a balloon tipped with a substance that freezes the tissues to cause a scar.
Most of the method I know about is all internal, trans venous. The left atrium needs to be reached.
Convergent procedure: This pairs catheter ablation with a mini maze. The doctor uses radio waves (radiofrequency ablation) in the pulmonary vein, and a surgeon makes a small cut under your breastbone to use radiofrequency energy on the outside of your heart.
I think that is still not the last word.
This is closer to state of the art.
After completion of the endoscopic epicardial ablation, as part of the same procedure, the electrophysiologist (EP), using standard transseptal catheters, is able to map the left atrium, confirm conduction block across the pulmonary vein antrum and fill in any gaps that exist in the epicardial pattern. These are typically found at the pericardial reflections and superior aspect of the left superior pulmonary vein (Picture 2).
As isolation of the pulmonary veins and posterior wall lesions are already nearly complete, the time spent on endocardial ablation is reduced dramatically, decreasing procedural risk to the patient and exposure to fluoroscopy. This also allows the EP to focus on triggers located outside the usual location and ablation of left atrial and right atrial isthmus if necessary, depending on the type of AF.
The problem is that long standing AF is more likely to recur.
Thanks doc. Mine is more like a flutter that my cardiologist tells me is more easily controlled with the medication and if and when that fails it responds better to ablation. We'll see. Since I'm not much of a drinker but I am overweight it is probably a combination of my weight and apnea. I'm having a sleep study done. Scary shit for somebody that pretty much has done whatever he wants to.
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