I waited too long for the cans of cashews to go on clearance at my local supermarket. (Post Christmas) Should have grabbed them in late Jan rather than dilly dally into mid Feb.
I rue that I eschewed the cashews On the day they became past due. As I enjoy a cashew - it's true I do. Screw right off with your walnuts.
It’s the case of “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”. Ya can make this stuff up, lol.
“Special counsel Robert Mueller notifies a federal judge about an Instagram post by President Donald Trump's friend Roger Stone that could be in violation of the judge's strict gag order on Stone.”
The filing by Mueller notes CNBC's story on Sunday detailing the post by Stone, which contained an image of him under the words "Who framed Roger Stone."
Stone, 66, is barred from commenting on Mueller's team of prosecutors under the gag order imposed by Judge Amy Berman Jackson in late February.”
Just back from San Antonio, where my nephew graduated from Air Force BMT at Lackland. I met him a few seconds after he was born, and that seems like just the other day.
“Special counsel Robert Mueller notifies a federal judge about an Instagram post by President Donald Trump's friend Roger Stone that could be in violation of the judge's strict gag order on Stone.”
Truly Mueller is our last sentinel.
With apologies to Group Captain Mandrake, Can you possibly imagine what would have happened to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, if the judge had remained unaware of Stone's Instagram post? Can you imagine?
With apologies to Group Captain Mandrake, Can you possibly imagine what would have happened to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, if the judge had remained unaware of Stone's Instagram post? Can you imagine?
“With apologies to Group Captain Mandrake, Can you possibly imagine what would have happened to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, if the judge had remained unaware of Stone's Instagram post? Can you imagine?”
That’s not the point. The point is that the Judge issued a gag order so Stone doesn’t influence a jury. Then he violates it with that target symbol and a picture of the judge with some derogatory comments. Judge Berman then gives him a second chance and not even 10 days later he violates the gag order again. How many of us could get away with that? Roger Stone is not above the law.
Arlington is among the country’s least politically open-minded counties, according to new polling published in The Atlantic. . . . The polling places Arlington County in the most “prejudiced” category of the map. Not only that, but the polling data ranked Arlington in the 100th percentile of most prejudiced counties — that’s higher than Alexandria (99th percentile), D.C. (98th percentile of most prejudiced), Prince William (81 percentile), and Fairfax (95 percentile.) . . . A subsequent poll showed that Arlington also ranked in the highest category for Democrats being dismissive of Republicans.
Inga said... Judge Berman then gives him a second chance and not even 10 days later he violates the gag order again. How many of us could get away with that? Roger Stone is not above the law.
Many said the same thing when Hillary deleted the emails and destroyed the devices that were under subpoena. You know, the whole "Lock her up!" thang.
And it's laughable that Stone's freedom to Instagram would taint the jury but the MSM's 24/7 anti-Trump news coverage won't?
Brie Larson doesn't want white men to go see Captain Marvel.
I'm disappointed that the new leader of the Avengers is both a racist and sexist. This is not the 21st century I was promised. Hoverboards.
The problem with decrying those lukewarm with Captain Marvel as sexist is that most of us only knew of her as Rogue's backstory. It's how Rogue got her flight, strength and invulnerability powers. Yes, that Rogue - one of the most popular FEMALE characters of the X-Men, adored by White Male Geeks around the world. Sexism - you're doing it wrong.
What's more interesting is that a gaggle of White Males haven't descended upon Disney studios in protest. No die ins. No dick hats. Just a collective rolling of the eyes. Why, it's almost as if White Men are so superior to the other races and genders that they can just shrug off discrimination.
Like the Olympic Sprinter who continues to smoke the field, no matter how many ankle weights you impose on him.
*(will Althouse frontpage me again with a blogpost dedicated to Fen's "bigotry" ?)
Inga: "How many of us could get away with that? Roger Stone is not above the law."
Do you not comprehend your own postings?
You linked “Special counsel Robert Mueller notifies a federal judge about an Instagram post by President Donald Trump's friend Roger Stone that could be in violation of the judge's strict gag order on Stone.”
"Interesting how Stone asks 'Who framed Roger Stone?' and Team Mueller automatically thinks Stone is talking about them!"
If you throw a rock over a fence, the dog that yelps is the one you hit. - Jonah Goldberg
(Jonah is an admitted plagiarist, his last victim being AceOfSpades. In that spirit, whenever you are unsure who to attrib a quote to, just go with Jonah. Make him famous)
There was an old woman who lived in eschew. She had so many commenters, she didn't know what to do. She gave them some cruelty with a little neutrality; And whipped them all soundly for their lack of conviviality.
I remember! Weird though, both shows were Sunday morning programming. As a kid I would dress up for Sunday School and then watch Capt Marvel and Isis while waiting for my parents to take us to church.
"We could pretend it's like that fantastic 4 film from 1994"
I hate the reboot fad. But a silver lining is that one day, we will toss out all the Kathleen Kennedy clusterfucks of Star Wars and do them right. For starters, we won't piss all over the old heroes. If the only way to make your new heroes look good is to "kill off the past" then you are not creative, you are destructive.
Takes a lot of nerve to claim sexism over a character you appropriated.
Shazam was a DC hero. He was originally called Captain Marvel. This is a Marvel superhero called Captain Marvel. There has been more than one version, and one of them was female.
"Shazam was a DC hero. He was originally called Captain Marvel. This is a Marvel superhero called Captain Marvel. There has been more than one version, and one of them was female"
Yes, I know all this. Additionally, the female Marvel version never gained traction, and had like 6 character reboots. Fans just never took to her. She became famous only as a plot device in Rogue's backstory, explaining how Rogue acquired her powers. And occasionally she would manifest and take over Rogue, who was struggling with a split personality crisis as a result of absorbing Captain Marvels psyche along with her powers.
Gahrie, do you remember how the female Captain Marvel came out? I seem to recall that it was similar to Green Lantern, alien male Marvel crashes on earth and, dying, bequeaths his powers to a worthy human. But I'm not certain.
"Captain Marvel" was originally superhero published by the now vanished Fawcett Comics. He had a red uniform with a lightning bolt on the front, and his character design was modeled on the ultra-friendly Fred McMurray. His adventures tended to be whimsical in a way that would never work today, and involved talking tigers and worms bent on world domination. His main enemy referred to Marvel as "The Big Red Cheese". His comics were wildly popular and outsold Superman.
Unfortunately, this irked DC Comics and they broung a lawsuit claiming that Captain Marvel was a knock-off of Superman and thus could not be published without DC's permission. Fawcett didn't think much of DC's arguments, and prepared a defense which, among other things, cited Popeye for doing all of Superman's feats years before Superman did them. While this was going on however, the bottom dropped out of the comics market, and Fawcett decided there was no point spending a lot of money to defend a depreciating assett. They dropped Captain Marvel (and maybe all their comics, I forget) before the suit ever came to court.
Some years down the line, Marvel Comics started, and as part of their expanding Universe, created two alien races called the Kree & the Skrull who were always at knife's point with each other. At some point they (I don't know if it were Lee or who at that point...) created a sympathetic Kree character called "Mar-Vel" and when he eventually became a superhero, the name "Captain Marvel" fit well with the company name, and the trademark from Fawcett had lapsed, so they picked it up. Well, eventualy "Mar-Vel" died a tragic death from something as simple as cancer, despite all the efforts of Reed Richards and the other Marvel heroes, and the title of "Captain Marvel" pased to a number of other heroes (I can only recall Monica Rambeau right now, though there may have been others) before landing on longtime Marvel heroine Carol Danvers (the former "Ms Marvel"). When I mostly dropped Marvel for DC she was well known, but not that big a deal. Apparently that has changed.
Meanwhile, DC Comics brought up all of Fawcetts's copyrights, including those for the original "Big Red Cheese" Captain Marvel. Unfortunately, they found they could not publish a comic called "Captain Marvel" because Marvel Comics now owned that trademark. They went along for years publishing comics with various titles still calling the character "Captain Marvel" in the actual stories. Recently they have given that up (probably because they couldn't really advertise his stories without violating Marvel's trademark) and now call the Big Red Cheeze "Shazam". This doesn't make a great deal of sense because originally "Shazam" was the wizard who gave Captain Marvel his powers (ie: a seperate character) and in fact, saying his name is what triggers the transformation of teen Billy Batson into The Big Red Cheese, so as far as I can tell, they have given him a name he can't say. (Plus, everyone thinks "Gomer Pyle!" when they see it..)
So it turns out there is a Shazam movie coming out too. A slightly different take on the hero than I remember.
DC has just rebooted the comic as "Shazam" to coincide with the movie. I've read the first two issues and I'm not bowled over though I will give it a longer chance. The movie trailer looks like fun.
"the head of marvel comics is a super woke Indian woman, who wants to crash the franchise."
But didn't we flock to the theaters for Infinity War to get Scarlett Johansson's take on gender roles? I know I did. The red hair and skin tight leather was a bug not a feature.
But I don't think it fair that female superhero's ALL get a set of Preliminary Powers:
1) Transparent Hair - no matter the length or volume, your mane never interferes in what you are doing
2) AntiGrav Boob Support - you no longer need to wear a bra, your boobs will forevermore frame perfectly in every shot, never spilling off your chest into your armpits, no matter how large, and will remain a minimum plump DD no matter how athletic your frame
3) Stiletto Nike - run, jump, even kickbox in high heels, your ankles are immune to physics
Permutation City is a fairly good novel which I read the first 40 or so pages of.
Similar novels: Finnegans Wake, really good. Just put in the effort to learn a little about Irish words and Irish place names. The vintage Agatha Christie novels - basically from the ones she wrote in the mid-1930s, when she finally understood what sex and jealousy really meant, and the late 1950s, when she still remembered what it means to be a selfish person, before she became an old lady writer - still a good writer, but nevertheless an old lady writer who had forgotten the interesting passions of youth - and if you like books about people who have comfortably forgotten the passions of youth, if that is what one wants, well, then God bless you - but those novels, the ones Agatha Christie wrote when she was young and full or passion, are as good or better than Permutation City, if you think about them not as stand-alone novels but as part of a cascade of attempts at understanding good and evil (for the record, understanding good wins, trying to understand evil only wins in a secondary way, and only for faith healers who know what it means to look an evil person in the eye and convince them that evil is wrong ... it is not a big deal,every once in a while a decent person, like young Miss Marple or young Poirot , are gonna have to do it, but they are not gonna make a big deal out of it ....trust me, all in all, evil persons are gonna figure out eventually anyway where they went wrong, at least that is what one prays for, night and day -----but it needs to be done, this kind looking into the eyes of evildoers and this effort to make them change their sad ways, or face punishment, that is why the vintage Christie novels are so readable). If the worst thing to happen is unnecessary war, then maybe after such a thing happens, someone will describe what went wrong ....and why it did not have to go wrong: Jane Austen wrote six novels, the best two or three describe how we avoid losing out on our best chances. Then there is the Pacific War, read Cyrptonomicon, but remember the author never spent a day in uniform, read the Caine Mutiny (the author was a competent officer on a destroyer in that long ago war) or watch the movie - Fred MacMurray did a good job at being someone without a clue - The Thin Red Line, Sledge, Leckie, and similar great writers .....
But in the long run good novels, good poetry, all that is nothing compared to your efforts to remember the brave moments in your own life, the times you were exactly who you and your pal God wanted you to be.
Put pen to paper, express what any of you felt at such moments.
No Stephenson had the tech overview of the war I believe he sourced David Kahn's the code braker, it's more of a picaresque in the early going the navy codebreaker the marine security escort and the McNamara like supervisor, which apparently have ancestors who engage in adventures in the baroque 17th century.
Okay I am completely wrong, not a Green Lantern type origin but:
"Ms. Marvel started out as a supporting character in Captain Marvel's series. In fact, as Carol Danvers, she dates back to its beginning, the December, 1967 issue of Marvel Super Heroes. In the 14th issue of Cap's comic (June, 1969), she was accidentally dosed with radiation from an advanced device created by the alien Kree race (of which Cap himself was a member), which, unknown to her at the time, gave her all of Cap's super powers (which mostly consisted of awesome strength, a reasonable level of invulnerability, and the ability to fly), plus a sort of super-intuition that they often give to female superheroes."
My memory of her must be from my alternate reality jump. It gets frustrating.
Manufacturing employment has risen for 18 straight months, the longest stretch of gains among nonsupervisory roles since the mid-1990s By Chip Cutter March 1, 2019 5:30 a.m. ET"
this kind looking into the eyes of evildoers Miss Marple (IIRC): I do not approve of murder. Miss Marple (I know) quoting Amos in Nemesis: Let justice roll down like the waters, and righteousness like an everlasting stream.
Where can I find the definitive Joan Hickson version online?
I forgot to mention that 1941's Adventures of Captain Marvel is regarded as the epitome of a good movie "serial".
Unfortunately when I tried to get my niece to watch it with me for movie night, the first ten minutes scared her too badly to continue, so I have still not yet seen it..
narciso ---- well yeah who can successfully write about the poor little Pacific War that nobody but me and a few other people who care about such things -remember all that well ---- well there are a lot of us, family members, and other people who care ----- remembers much, despite the fact that all around the country in every little town there are still many veterans of the Korean War and the Vietnam war who
who know
who know exactly how many brave young men died in the 40s (Pacific War, a certain number of tens and tens of thousands) and how many brave young men died in the 50s ( what they call the korean war, with a similarly large number of tens of thousands) and how many brave young men died in the long IndoChina War (what the hippies liked to call 'Nam as if they had any right to call it by a moniker, well, the brave young men who died in that war numbered a similarly large number of tens of thousands, and, to be fair, the hippies of yore are all old now and nobody would want to steal their elderly wives from them - I am not trying to be mean but I remember those days when the hippies and the guys who were not hippies both had beautiful wives, in part because they were brave and passionate, and were young- I remember)
I remember. Almost nobody else remembers, but I remember. For fucks sake, we live in a world with lots of people who deserve respect. Think about it.
When you are kind to someone they see in your face that you are not a phony. Everybody knows that.
Cats and dogs get lots of props for knowing that, but people know that too.
I am easily amused, for sure, but I remember, so that is not nothing.
I remember back in the 70s me and Joan Hickson used to talk all night long on the long distance telephone line about the good old times, about what we were doing about our hopes for the future.
Maybe the KGB recorded those calls, maybe the NSA. Probably not the NSA I have pals who used to work there they would have told me
Nobody tells me anything
They know that I don't care what they have to say
I have looked evildoers in the eye and seen that look they have when they are telling themselves
Were you army security agency, would you tell me if you were? The structure of crypgonomicon is about the legacy of the battles fought in the first half manifested in the second. Much is taken for granted for the descendants in the second half.
'There are more things dreamt on heaven and earth that are in your philosophy, Horatio' is that the gist of it. One wonders though not necessarily philosophically what was ths point, the Pacific war was fought to liberate south east and far east Asia, what was ths result in china,,not to mention vietnam?
i will tell you narciso my friend about the day to day
people talk about wwii a lot, they talk about Korea a little less, and they talk about Nam even less
I know something you don't know
I am several hundred years old because I know better than any of you that almost Every young man who died in WWII or in Korea or in Nam was the child of parents who grieved for them
I do not think of the WWII deaths as the deaths in a better war and the Korea and Vietnam deaths as deaths in wars that were not celebrated and that were not as good
I have gone through hell in order to look every one of those parents in the eye and say "I am so sorry your son died, I just do not know what to say" but I can say God loves your son and eternal life is available to us all
Regardless of whether the deaths were in the 40s or 50s or in the 60s-70s
sad thing is I know this too if I had died in one of those wars I,like a few thousand others, who nobody every cared much about, would not have been missed al that much.
Oh well God loves me, me and God are friends, even if nobody else cares much!
Like I said, I have looked evildoers in the eye and I have seen them repent of their evildoing Nobody who has seen that has lived a sad life Trust me on that I know what I am talking about
Probably in the big scheme of things, have you read the Griffin family of missionaries about their time in rhodesia (Zimbabwe) they relate how Mugabe's zanu and associates zana slaughtered many of their brethren but the west didnt care as Mugabe took over. At least a generation later one of the perpetrators came to them, and converted
Madame Curie's exposure to radiation did not lead to superpowers but rather to early death. Life is just so unfair. Is it any wonder that we seek solace in comic books.......I think superhero movies are aimed at twelve year old boys, i.e. most of the adult male population. Twelve year old boys seek to do brave deeds and save the princess. It messes up the whole dynamic if the princess is the one who saves the world, and the male hero is either the plucky sidekick or, worse, the macho asshole who screws up everything.
narciso - I know an awful lot about Rhodesia. And Anatolia, and Asia Minor, and France circa 1944. and lots of other places.
For the love of God don't ask me what I know about. Death is afraid of me because of my empathy, and I am not even a good person in the normal sense of the world, and if you knew what I knew Death would be afraid of you too, and as much as I would like you to be proud of that, I am not sure that you, even you, could be ... but if you were .....
That would be a good thing, but ......
I don't want to tell you all about what I know about you are a nice young man and you don't need to know.
But to be fair, when I said I have looked in the eyes of evildoers and I saw the fear they had looking in my eyes - the eyes of an average person, not much more than that ---- the simple fear of some poor loser who did not know, prior to that, that good people really want bad people to stop being bad .... when I said that I was describing something real.
It is easy to be kind. This world is not all that tragic or dramatic.
Just be a basic human being, with an average amount of love in your heart. Trust me.
I do not care about the ststus of the souls of anybody.
God loves us all.
Can you imagine how much more successful Christianity would be if Jesus had chosen, instead of Joseph and Mary as his parents, a couple of criminal losers, some awful woman who liked bad boys, and her fat selfish husband?
I can imagine,
And no I would not want poor baby Jesus to have been born in a home like that.
So maybe all the things that have gone wrong are my fault.
"Madame Curie's exposure to radiation did not lead to superpowers but rather to early death"
It makes me sad that at the mention of her name, I can't help but reserve some credulity - did this woman actually sacrifice to advance Science, or is she merely another female propped up to fit the current SJW narratives about gender roles.
I know that's false, I studied her in the 70s, but still, the reflex persists.
Just be a basic human being with an average amount of love in your heart and build on that.
The status of your soul means nothing to me because God loves you and because people who are loved by God know that what other people think about them, if God loves them,
what other people think about them if God loves them is infinitely small
The status of your soul means everything to me because there is nothing else t o do in this world but pray for other people and the status of their soul, but every once in a while, when you pray, you just say
God there is nothing I can do the success or failure of my prayers and of the sacrifices and the sufferings I have dedicated to others means nothing
I have seen evildoers repent I trust God The status of your soul is between you and God
I will pray for anybody who mocks me or who disdains me
but the status of their soul is between them and God
Trust God
It is so easy, God knows how much you have suffered
Is it not the status of ones soul that is the fundamental question, that ths deeds we do here no matter how great pale in comparison to the hereafter.
My life has been fairly uneventful compared to most of yours looking collectively Now jesus chose to be born into those circumstances because that would be the only way he would be acknowledged and yet many ignored the writing on the wall to this day.
Look I love Christmas as much as the next guy but I know this, baby Jesus was born to two wonderful parents (Mary and Joseph) and the status of his soul was never in question.
Let's talk about the poor sap, whose name none of us know, who was a kind person, even though his parents were less like Mary and Joseph than you, my young genius friend, can imagine.
Think about it, On the one hand there is Christmas, with all the lights and all the beauty and all the love and all the beautiful songs ....
and the lucky baby with two saintly parents ....
and then there is that poor sap whose mother was a whore and a slut and whose dad was too much of a scumbag even for the local MOTORCYCLE GANG.
AND THEN THERE IS ME, who knew, as you, my young friend narciso, never knew,
what God sees when God sees someone with an awful start in this world do something kind,
It is no small thing to be a friend to a creature who never had a friend in this world.
Sad to say, I know what I am talking about.
You want to know why Death is afraid of me? Because I have seen evildoers repent, and I know how hard life was for them, because they were not born within a million miles of Bethlehem.
Baseball season around the corner. 27 years in, I'm getting the feel of what it means to be a baseball fan (of the Rockies). Lost two solid players to the Yankees in the off-season, but we got Arenado signed to a long term deal. Will our young pitchers continue to dominate or will NL West hitters figure them out? Biggest hangover from last season, how to wake up the bats. Feeling hopeful but know how easy it is for things to go bad.
How are other folks feeling about their teams? (Other than Red Sox or Dodgers, that is).
"How are other folks feeling about their teams? (Other than Red Sox or Dodgers, that is)."
In my 10 years of following the Brewers, my expectations have never been this high. I'll be very disappointed if they don't make the playoffs. Watched MVP Christian Yelich stroke a spring training dinger over center field the other day. Manny Piña back to back. Shivers down my spine. Can barely wait to hear PLAY BALL.
https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=6329595&postID=1649578486676720653 "It's very clear that the president obstructed justice," Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler told ABC Sunday. "It's very clear — 1,100 times he referred to the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt, he tried to — he fired — he tried to protect Flynn from being investigated by the FBI. He fired Comey in order to stop the Russian thing, as he told NBC News. He — he's dangled part — he's threat — he's intimidated witnesses. In public."
he tried to — he fired — he tried Not only THAT! referred to the Mueller investigation, As A Witch Hunt! This is THE DEFINITION OF OBSTRUCTION!! Then Nadler says, "We don't have the facts yet,"
I think we can agree that the facts that they don't have (yet) are the facts of having 67 senate votes
The Pittsburgh Pirates and their cheapskate owner Bob Nutting will continue to develop terrific young players. And then trade them for over-the-hill mediocrity.
Nutting's spring prediction? The Buccos will be contenders. Which is why I have labelled him "Baghdad" Bob Nutting. Worst owner in baseball. I would say all of pro sports, but the NHL's Ottawa Senator's owner holds a wide lead.
The Nadler interview, reveals that the Democrats refuse to accept the results of the last Presidential election, and the Democrats are accusing Mueller of collusion with Trump by refusing to document criminal actions. If all the things the Democrat led committees are investigating were true. Mueller would have found the evidence and present it in his report. It is now evident, Mueller has leaked his report to the Democrat leadership.
The Democrats are determined to get Trump's tax returns:
“Every day the American people and Congress learn more about President Trump’s improprieties, from conflicts of interest to influence peddling, potential tax evasion and violations of the Constitution – all roads leading back to President Trump’s finances," Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne said in a statement. "These improprieties, and the lack of transparency around them, give the House legitimate legislative, oversight and legal reasons to review the President’s tax returns."
O.N. - that was what is called poetry. You might think it bad poetry, or good poetry. I am indifferent.
New topics were asked for by the blog hostess, and I supplied two.
Since you did not figure out what I was doing, let me help:
(a) I described walking in a military graveyard , and the thoughts that the walk brought to mind, and
(b) I described a recent experience with a dying friend, who has now died, and I believe is in Purgatory or Heaven.
Such experiences are common.
No LSD involved! What you experienced when reading my comments was a recognition of creativity - again, I am not claiming good creativity, just saying that it is what it is.
There are billions of words written on the internet every day, feel free to ignore my comments in the future. There won't be many more, as I tend to write my longest comments on a given platform when I am about to give up writing comments on that platform. I encourage you to feel free to ignore comments by people like me, there are plenty of 'Grateful Dead' and 'REM' lyrics for you to read and reread as you go through life.
“Every day the American people and Congress learn more about President Trump’s improprieties, from conflicts of interest to influence peddling, potential tax evasion and violations of the Constitution – all roads leading back to President Trump’s finances," Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne said in a statement."
Well what are they? Do tell. Oh wait, you have no evidence????
Brock said Sanders would be hard-pressed to unite the different wings of the Democratic Party, and his ability to raise vast sums of money through small donations could ultimately result in him staying in the race past the point when he can win - Politico
So is this supposed to make me not like him? Because the big money people don’t have a veto?
Every day the American people and Congress learn more about President Trump’s improprieties, from conflicts of interest to influence peddling, potential tax evasion and violations of the Constitution
I need some specific events and charges. I have seen zero credible evidence to have a warrant issued. This is a smart blog. Somebody has to have at least one actionable item.
The Democrats are determined to get Trump's tax returns
These are the same people who believe if a company has a loss from a previous reporting period that company 'doesn't pay taxes', that a Swiss bank account is a smoking gun of illicit activity, that tax rates don't impact GDP growth, that a change in tax rates from 35 to 39 percent is 'only' a four percent increase, that taxing corporations and rich people means free money for government to spend. I suspect they won't understand them when they see them and broadcast their ignorance for all to see. Rachel Maddow probably knows more about taxes than these twits do...
Never let the Universe know you have even a glimmer of hope
Back before Boston was tired of all the winning a local reporter of like mindset as this quote said of the Red Sox they win today because it will hurt more when they lose tomorrow.
"Kamala Harris, as black and female, trumps Cory Booker who is just black, who trumps Elizabeth Warren who is exposed as just female, who trumps Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders who are reverse threefers as white, male, and heterosexual." (Victor Davis Hanson)
The news says Trump announced he's going off script at CPAC.
Goffman said that he who says he is tearing up his prepared address to talk to you extemporaneously has torn up the wrong prepared address. (Forms of Talk, "The Lecture")
Back before Boston was tired of all the winning a local reporter of like mindset as this quote said of the Red Sox they win today because it will hurt more when they lose tomorrow."
Yes, is winning really worth it? It's a close call.
here's a DIRECT cut and paste from the Washington Post “A state called Michigan, where — by the way — where Fiat Chrysler just announced a four and a half billion dollar incredible expansion and new plant doubling their workforce. Many, many car companies have moved back to Michigan and are continuing to do so.”
Fiat Chrysler did announce this expansion in Michigan
I don't think the Supremes are going to let the Democrats subpoena Trump's tax returns on the mere hope of finding something in them to dispute.
The other thing, of course, is that they are going to find something to dispute. That is unavoidable, since tax returns on that level to start with are compromises previously agreed to between the taxpayer, his auditing consultants, and the IRS.
This one time; Trump said it was raining; but that was A LIE! it was pouring This one time; Trump said it was raining; but that was A LIE! it was only a light rain This one time; Trump said it was raining; but that was A LIE! it was raining, but it would stop soon This one time; Trump said it was raining; but that was A LIE! it was raining, but would change to snow That's the sort of LIAR Trump is!!
The evidence presented here will be quickly discounted by those who have been mindlessly indoctrinated to believe anything other than Foxnews is 'fake news'.
I know this is an exercise in futility, but it's so very amusing to watch all of Trump's supporters rushing to defend the indefensible. ;-)
The enormous Soviet film industry produced a vast number of war films from the 1940s-80s. Hundreds of them. In some ways it was quite as much a genre as US Westerns of the time. I don't think this was entirely a matter of state propaganda, though it was of course, but because it was also a way to handle the extreme trauma of WWII. It looks like Soviet citizens had a new war movie to look forward to every week or so.
And Russia continues to make them. There are quite a few from the 1990s-2000s. This sort of thing is a window on the state of mind of a people.
Anyway, these formerly inaccessible movies all seem to be on Youtube now, or so it seems by their numbers. The quality is mixed of course, but on the whole they are better productions, as in production quality, sets and props and costumes and explosions and casts of thousands, than US war movies. The Soviets spent tremendous resources on these things. They had all the real things of course, unlike US producers, they had genuine German tanks, some of them even in working order, and fleets of T34's, but they also cared more about getting details right than the Americans. Even when they were driven to use mockups they at least tried for realism, unlike the pathetic Hollywood paint jobs of Spanish M47s you often see.
Some differences in tropes - the disparate characters in the unit are typical as in US movies, but the types are different - there is usually a Central Asian and a grey-haired peasant full of pithy sayings. They feature the company cook, usually a colorful character, and the inevitable horse drawn field kitchen. And trenches, they loved trenches.
Suggestion - one of the better ones, "They Fought for the Land", Sergei Bondarchuk 1976, on a novel by Sholokhov.
Blogger jack said...The evidence presented here will be quickly discounted by those who have been mindlessly indoctrinated to believe anything other than Foxnews is 'fake news'. "
Last Wednesday MSNBC spent 132 minutes covering the Cohen testimony, 2 minutes covering the Trump/Kim summit. CNN; 141 minutes on Cohen, 1 minute 45 seconds on Trump/Kim. Fox; 66 and 85 minutes respectively. Similar numbers on Thursday.
jack said... In 773 days, President Trump has made 9,014 false or misleading claims
File this under: Things You Wouldn't Know About If You Get All Your News At Fox
Of course, you have to believe a biased fact-checker to get those numbers, but it's only propaganda when the other guy says it, right, Jack? What a moron.
"I need some specific events and charges. I have seen zero credible evidence to have a warrant issued. This is a smart blog. Somebody has to have at least one actionable item."
gilbar said... here's a DIRECT cut and paste from the Washington Post “A state called Michigan, where — by the way — where Fiat Chrysler just announced a four and a half billion dollar incredible expansion and new plant doubling their workforce. Many, many car companies have moved back to Michigan and are continuing to do so.”
Fiat Chrysler did announce this expansion in Michigan
so, this counts as one of the Ten Zillion lies
I'm not reading the Washington Post story as it's paywalled. If the Post got something wrong, I can't speak to it.
What I can say is that here in Detroit, everybody knows that Trump and Trumpism are a complete afterthought in the location of large assembly plants. Indeed, FCA was asked about their new Billion-dollar expansion and a spokeswoman said that all of the attendant decisions were completely independent of Trump policies. FCA's planning on the new project started in 2015.
In Detroit, there is one man who is hailed as the personal hero of this new initiative. That man is the late FCA Chairman Sergio Marchionne, who died suddenly last year.
In one respect, I think it is interesting to ask the question, "Is Trump really taking credit for things like this?" Trump always speaks in such vague pablums about how "we're doing great," and "we're winning," etc., and lots of people -- his fans mostly, but also Trump's most bitter enemies -- always seem to think that Trump is taking personal credit. Everything about Trump would sort of lead people of normal emotional intelligence to assume that, because Trump does it so routinely in other contexts.
But with the Detroit automakers, Trump never seems to speak in any specifics about what they are doing or not doing. For their part -- Ford, GM and FCA -- they all just keep doing whatever their product planners decide, and when Trump scolds them or praises them, they effectively just shrug and say, whatever.
Blogger David Begley said... “Hillary’s not running.”
Wonder what is going on there. Did her health get in the way of her greed? It is maybe the best thing that the Dems could have done for themselves, pushing the old hag off the road. But what is good for her party or the country has never been a high priority of hers.
Concerning Crooked Hillary in a comment in a Legal Insurrection post: Pasadena Phil | March 5, 2019 at 9:31 am “She is NOT taking herself out of the race. She just doesn’t want to be involved in the early carnage among the upstart communists. She, like Biden and a couple of others, want to be around the convention begins without a promising candidate. Eventually, most will be currying favor to her and Biden for their endorsement. Her strategy is be seen as often as possible to stay in the conversation as an alternative to the communists riot. As if she were the only adult in the room. As if.”
Chuck said: "What I can say is that here in Detroit, everybody knows that Trump and Trumpism are a complete afterthought in the location of large assembly plants."
Additionally, in what can only be described as another afterthought: "After years of job losses, U.S. manufacturing employment has risen for 18 straight months among those holding production or nonsupervisory jobs, the longest stretch of gains since the mid-1990s."(WSJ)
Yet. She is corrupt and evil and all that stuff but she's not stupid. Getting in the race now would derail the efforts to destruct the current crop of Democrat candidates.
I've put a placeholder in my calendar for late summer, Labor Day or so, for her announcement.
Hey narciso! What's a little child abuse among friends? And why wasn't the press on this? It isn't news that the new governor is okay with putting a child abuser in his cabinet? Or is it just that it is not news for Democrats to be child abusers?
Humperdink said... Chuck said: "What I can say is that here in Detroit, everybody knows that Trump and Trumpism are a complete afterthought in the location of large assembly plants."
Additionally, in what can only be described as another afterthought: "After years of job losses, U.S. manufacturing employment has risen for 18 straight months among those holding production or nonsupervisory jobs, the longest stretch of gains since the mid-1990s."(WSJ)
So unlike WaPo, I AM a Journal subscriber. I read the editorial you quoted. At the top of the page on the left is a graph of job growth for the last decades. It shows steady growth since 2010. The graph just to the right of that is a bit of statistical sleight of hand. It is a chart of job growth rates compared to the previous year, whatever that was.
The simple fact is that the broad rage of economic indicators have been rising since midway through the Obama presidency. Some might say, "Couldn't go anywhere but up!" But that is the fact. I don't know how the Trump Presidency gets credit for a job growth spurt that began before he was sworn in.
“Madame Curie's exposure to radiation did not lead to superpowers but rather to early death”
It makes me sad that at the mention of her name, I can't help but reserve some credulity — did this woman actually sacrifice to advance Science, or is she merely another female propped up to fit the current SJW narratives about gender roles.
I know that's false, I studied her in the 70s, but still, the reflex persists.
What's false about today's narrative about Dr. Marie Curie is the anti-nuclear “exposure to radiation” public mythology concerning her death — reputedly due to radiation sickness as a result of her decades of research into the ultra-radioactive element radium (about a million times more radioactive — a term she herself coined — than [e.g.] uranium). That, not her science — two hard science Nobel Prizes, one Physics, one Chemistry! — is what folks remember about Madame Curie today.
Yet we now know (due to Curie's remains being disintered during the 1990's prior to her reburial in France's national mausoleum, the Panthéon) that during her radium researches Curie was actually exposed to far less — only about 1/20th — of what is generally regarded as even a marginally dangerous (much less lethal!) dosage of the “radiant” element.
So, if it wasn't exposure to radium that killed Madame Curie, what was it? Though cancers can arise spontaneously, it's now believed it was Curie's subsequent investigations into X-rays during World War I — a time when the dangers of such ionizing X-radiation were not appreciated — that led (decades later) to her eventual leukemia and ultimate death at the age of 2/3rds of a century (a greater than average lifespan for Europe at the time, one might note).
As a result, if one were to take Curie's experience and conclude from it that one should fear “exposure to radiation,” the takeaway lesson would be that it's exposure to hard X-ray radiation which one ought to particularly avoid.
____ (Nature journal (Nature.com), Vol. 377, No. 6545 [14 September 1995], “X-rays, not radium, may have killed Curie,” p. 96)
Hump posted: "After years of job losses, U.S. manufacturing employment has risen for 18 straight months among those holding production or nonsupervisory jobs, the longest stretch of gains since the mid-1990s."(WSJ)
Chuck response (excerpted): "The simple fact is that the broad rage of economic indicators have been rising since midway through the Obama presidency."
Obama you say? Obama said the manufacturing jobs that I referenced above were never coming back.
Its more interesting as a % of working age population. The RATE of increase, 2017-2018, since increases pooped out 2015-2016 is the interesting bit, and most likely due to public policy changes affecting the business climate.
The unique thing about 2009-2016 is not that there was a recovery, but that the recovery was so very slow to the status quo prior to the recession.
... Obama you say? Obama said the manufacturing jobs that I referenced above were never coming back.
So too does the Journal editorial that you referenced. In which they observed, through a couple of quoted subjects, that we are now making more stuff than ever, with fewer people. Productivity increases, more than any offshoring.
Coming soon to a vacant lot near you - Barack Obama University.
“If we train them — if we give them skills, support, financing, media training, spotlights, then they’re the ones that are going to carry forward the solutions that we so desperately need,” Obama said.
“If we could form a network of those young leaders, not just in the United States, but around the world, then we got something,” he said, adding, “if we can train a million Baracks and Michelles who are running around thinking they can change the world” hope is achievable.
I never want to hear another effing word about Donald Trump's ego.
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१६१ टिप्पण्या:
A prohibition on sex?
I rolled a car once.
I am still waiting for Gillette to take their name off of Robert Kraft’s stadium. Or was that ad complete bullshit?
I waited too long for the cans of cashews to go on clearance at my local supermarket. (Post Christmas) Should have grabbed them in late Jan rather than dilly dally into mid Feb.
I rue that I eschewed the cashews
On the day they became past due.
As I enjoy a cashew - it's true I do.
Screw right off with your walnuts.
It’s the case of “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”. Ya can make this stuff up, lol.
“Special counsel Robert Mueller notifies a federal judge about an Instagram post by President Donald Trump's friend Roger Stone that could be in violation of the judge's strict gag order on Stone.”
The filing by Mueller notes CNBC's story on Sunday detailing the post by Stone, which contained an image of him under the words "Who framed Roger Stone."
Stone, 66, is barred from commenting on Mueller's team of prosecutors under the gag order imposed by Judge Amy Berman Jackson in late February.”
The Isis bride should just get her own damn self to the southern border and enter illegally like all the others.
WTF is an ecosexual?
Just back from San Antonio, where my nephew graduated from Air Force BMT at Lackland. I met him a few seconds after he was born, and that seems like just the other day.
Bless you, D2!
A prohibition on sex?
No way! Part of the new green deal thing?
“Special counsel Robert Mueller notifies a federal judge about an Instagram post by President Donald Trump's friend Roger Stone that could be in violation of the judge's strict gag order on Stone.”
Truly Mueller is our last sentinel.
With apologies to Group Captain Mandrake, Can you possibly imagine what would have happened to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, if the judge had remained unaware of Stone's Instagram post? Can you imagine?
Truly Mueller is our last sentinel.
With apologies to Group Captain Mandrake, Can you possibly imagine what would have happened to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, if the judge had remained unaware of Stone's Instagram post? Can you imagine?
Nights Watch, protecting us from White Walkers
“With apologies to Group Captain Mandrake, Can you possibly imagine what would have happened to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, if the judge had remained unaware of Stone's Instagram post? Can you imagine?”
That’s not the point. The point is that the Judge issued a gag order so Stone doesn’t influence a jury. Then he violates it with that target symbol and a picture of the judge with some derogatory comments. Judge Berman then gives him a second chance and not even 10 days later he violates the gag order again. How many of us could get away with that? Roger Stone is not above the law.
You're no fun anymore:
A vote of confidence in her pride and joy:
Arlington tops another list!!
New Polling Ranks Arlington Among Country’s Most Politically Intolerant Counties
Arlington is among the country’s least politically open-minded counties, according to new polling published in The Atlantic. . . . The polling places Arlington County in the most “prejudiced” category of the map. Not only that, but the polling data ranked Arlington in the 100th percentile of most prejudiced counties — that’s higher than Alexandria (99th percentile), D.C. (98th percentile of most prejudiced), Prince William (81 percentile), and Fairfax (95 percentile.) . . . A subsequent poll showed that Arlington also ranked in the highest category for Democrats being dismissive of Republicans.
Inga said...
Judge Berman then gives him a second chance and not even 10 days later he violates the gag order again. How many of us could get away with that? Roger Stone is not above the law.
Many said the same thing when Hillary deleted the emails and destroyed the devices that were under subpoena. You know, the whole "Lock her up!" thang.
And it's laughable that Stone's freedom to Instagram would taint the jury but the MSM's 24/7 anti-Trump news coverage won't?
Well compared to some second emails already under subpoenas that's small beer:
Brie Larson doesn't want white men to go see Captain Marvel.
I'm disappointed that the new leader of the Avengers is both a racist and sexist. This is not the 21st century I was promised. Hoverboards.
The problem with decrying those lukewarm with Captain Marvel as sexist is that most of us only knew of her as Rogue's backstory. It's how Rogue got her flight, strength and invulnerability powers. Yes, that Rogue - one of the most popular FEMALE characters of the X-Men, adored by White Male Geeks around the world. Sexism - you're doing it wrong.
What's more interesting is that a gaggle of White Males haven't descended upon Disney studios in protest. No die ins. No dick hats. Just a collective rolling of the eyes. Why, it's almost as if White Men are so superior to the other races and genders that they can just shrug off discrimination.
Like the Olympic Sprinter who continues to smoke the field, no matter how many ankle weights you impose on him.
*(will Althouse frontpage me again with a blogpost dedicated to Fen's "bigotry" ?)
Well the fact they didnt go with black widow (yes Johansens somewhat woke but I make allowances) as their first female star vehicle.
Inga: "How many of us could get away with that? Roger Stone is not above the law."
Do you not comprehend your own postings?
You linked “Special counsel Robert Mueller notifies a federal judge about an Instagram post by President Donald Trump's friend Roger Stone that could be in violation of the judge's strict gag order on Stone.”
So how is Stone getting away with that?
...does it hurt to be you?
I'm old enough to remember when captain marvel was a guy on Saturday morning tv.
Interesting how Stone asks "Who framed Roger Stone?" and Team Mueller automatically thinks Stone is talking about them!
Obadiah said...
WTF is an ecosexual?
someone who's into aural
AOC’s mom seems delightful.
"Interesting how Stone asks 'Who framed Roger Stone?' and Team Mueller automatically thinks Stone is talking about them!"
If you throw a rock over a fence, the dog that yelps is the one you hit. - Jonah Goldberg
(Jonah is an admitted plagiarist, his last victim being AceOfSpades. In that spirit, whenever you are unsure who to attrib a quote to, just go with Jonah. Make him famous)
Meanwhile nadler doesn't seem to realize most of the subpoenaed list has already been before a committee or even muellers grand jury.
"I'm old enough to remember when captain marvel was a guy on Saturday morning tv."
Takes a lot of nerve to claim sexism over a character you appropriated.
There was mighty ISIS, who was the counterpart, there was also a Peter parker who was about 30, but that was more of a week night thing.
Should we also eschew obfuscation?
"WTF is an ecosexual?"
Easy, someone who screws the environment. (Bernie Sanders flying on private jets, Al Gore's mansion).
We could pretend it's like that fantastic 4 film from 1994, or the nick fury project with David hasselhoff, unfortunately you cant cordon her off
The eschewed support Zappos.
There was an old woman who lived in eschew.
She had so many commenters, she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some cruelty with a little neutrality;
And whipped them all soundly for their lack of conviviality.
Oh that's interesting:
"There was mighty ISIS, who was the counterpart"
I remember! Weird though, both shows were Sunday morning programming. As a kid I would dress up for Sunday School and then watch Capt Marvel and Isis while waiting for my parents to take us to church.
"We could pretend it's like that fantastic 4 film from 1994"
I hate the reboot fad. But a silver lining is that one day, we will toss out all the Kathleen Kennedy clusterfucks of Star Wars and do them right. For starters, we won't piss all over the old heroes. If the only way to make your new heroes look good is to "kill off the past" then you are not creative, you are destructive.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM is on fire tonight!
Blogger narciso said...
Meanwhile nadler doesn't seem to realize most of the subpoenaed list has already been before a committee or even muellers grand jury.
That is how they concoct crimes. Witness contradicts prior unimportant testimony, get charged with lying to Congress.
Fox guest suggested every witness take the fifth.
Or, roll out "I don't recall"
With new vision, is Althouse more convertible?
"And eschew the “back and forth.”
Yep! There it is! the law prof wants us to eschew "back and forth", question and answer, even the Socratic Method!?
"What's more interesting is that a gaggle of White Males"
My bad. I'm told it's a conquest of White Males, not a gaggle.
Cause that's what they do. When they aren't inventing fire and democracy.
Nadler aims to keep hope alive...especially after being told his time is up.
Takes a lot of nerve to claim sexism over a character you appropriated.
Shazam was a DC hero. He was originally called Captain Marvel. This is a Marvel superhero called Captain Marvel. There has been more than one version, and one of them was female.
As usual, a good read from Richard Fernandez.
Yes, that Rogue - one of the most popular FEMALE characters of the X-Men, adored by White Male Geeks around the world
In Rogue's first appearance she was a villain....and a grandmother type. (Avenger's Annual #10)
Hillary goes away:
I'm not running.
"Shazam was a DC hero. He was originally called Captain Marvel. This is a Marvel superhero called Captain Marvel. There has been more than one version, and one of them was female"
Yes, I know all this. Additionally, the female Marvel version never gained traction, and had like 6 character reboots. Fans just never took to her. She became famous only as a plot device in Rogue's backstory, explaining how Rogue acquired her powers. And occasionally she would manifest and take over Rogue, who was struggling with a split personality crisis as a result of absorbing Captain Marvels psyche along with her powers.
"In Rogue's first appearance she was a villain....and a grandmother type."
Yes, which was how she got sent to take out Captain Marvel.
Here’s an interesting take on MMT from the left side. It’s a deep dive but well worth reading.
But the head of marvel comics is a super woke Indian woman, who wants to crash the franchise.
Growing up I dont remember the iron man animated series as much as hulk or captain america.
The original Marvel version of Capt Marvel, a male, was not popular either.
Gahrie, do you remember how the female Captain Marvel came out? I seem to recall that it was similar to Green Lantern, alien male Marvel crashes on earth and, dying, bequeaths his powers to a worthy human. But I'm not certain.
when we were kids growing up in Lascaux, we decorated our walls with our fave super-hero, Hand Silhouette
The Playlist: "Brie Larson Says Views The Upcoming ‘Captain Marvel’ As “My Form Of Activism”
Brie Larson: "I merely smiled at a TSA agent and he asked for my phone number. To live life as a woman is to live life on the defense."
Andy: "How is a guy supposed to win? He thought you were pretty and asked for your number. It's not an assault. Just politely say no and move on."
Brie Larson: "What you are saying is "I was asking for it" - a phrase that has disregarded a females experience for....the whole time."
...this is what passes for enlightenment amoung the SJW tribes.
But I'm too stupid to make a link (actually, too lazy) so here:
Apparently so:
"Captain Marvel" was originally superhero published by the now vanished Fawcett Comics. He had a red uniform with a lightning bolt on the front, and his character design was modeled on the ultra-friendly Fred McMurray. His adventures tended to be whimsical in a way that would never work today, and involved talking tigers and worms bent on world domination. His main enemy referred to Marvel as "The Big Red Cheese". His comics were wildly popular and outsold Superman.
Unfortunately, this irked DC Comics and they broung a lawsuit claiming that Captain Marvel was a knock-off of Superman and thus could not be published without DC's permission. Fawcett didn't think much of DC's arguments, and prepared a defense which, among other things, cited Popeye for doing all of Superman's feats years before Superman did them. While this was going on however, the bottom dropped out of the comics market, and Fawcett decided there was no point spending a lot of money to defend a depreciating assett. They dropped Captain Marvel (and maybe all their comics, I forget) before the suit ever came to court.
Some years down the line, Marvel Comics started, and as part of their expanding Universe, created two alien races called the Kree & the Skrull who were always at knife's point with each other. At some point they (I don't know if it were Lee or who at that point...) created a sympathetic Kree character called "Mar-Vel" and when he eventually became a superhero, the name "Captain Marvel" fit well with the company name, and the trademark from Fawcett had lapsed, so they picked it up. Well, eventualy "Mar-Vel" died a tragic death from something as simple as cancer, despite all the efforts of Reed Richards and the other Marvel heroes, and the title of "Captain Marvel" pased to a number of other heroes (I can only recall Monica Rambeau right now, though there may have been others) before landing on longtime Marvel heroine Carol Danvers (the former "Ms Marvel"). When I mostly dropped Marvel for DC she was well known, but not that big a deal. Apparently that has changed.
Meanwhile, DC Comics brought up all of Fawcetts's copyrights, including those for the original "Big Red Cheese" Captain Marvel. Unfortunately, they found they could not publish a comic called "Captain Marvel" because Marvel Comics now owned that trademark. They went along for years publishing comics with various titles still calling the character "Captain Marvel" in the actual stories. Recently they have given that up (probably because they couldn't really advertise his stories without violating Marvel's trademark) and now call the Big Red Cheeze "Shazam". This doesn't make a great deal of sense because originally "Shazam" was the wizard who gave Captain Marvel his powers (ie: a seperate character) and in fact, saying his name is what triggers the transformation of teen Billy Batson into The Big Red Cheese, so as far as I can tell, they have given him a name he can't say. (Plus, everyone thinks "Gomer Pyle!" when they see it..)
But them's the conditions what prevail..
So it turns out there is a Shazam movie coming out too. A slightly different take on the hero than I remember.
Why riff on comic book characters because the 'reality' they keep presenting to us is too fantastical.
So it turns out there is a Shazam movie coming out too. A slightly different take on the hero than I remember.
DC has just rebooted the comic as "Shazam" to coincide with the movie. I've read the first two issues and I'm not bowled over though I will give it a longer chance. The movie trailer looks like fun.
"the head of marvel comics is a super woke Indian woman, who wants to crash the franchise."
But didn't we flock to the theaters for Infinity War to get Scarlett Johansson's take on gender roles? I know I did. The red hair and skin tight leather was a bug not a feature.
But I don't think it fair that female superhero's ALL get a set of Preliminary Powers:
1) Transparent Hair - no matter the length or volume, your mane never interferes in what you are doing
2) AntiGrav Boob Support - you no longer need to wear a bra, your boobs will forevermore frame perfectly in every shot, never spilling off your chest into your armpits, no matter how large, and will remain a minimum plump DD no matter how athletic your frame
3) Stiletto Nike - run, jump, even kickbox in high heels, your ankles are immune to physics
Permutation City is a fairly good novel which I read the first 40 or so pages of.
Similar novels:
Finnegans Wake, really good. Just put in the effort to learn a little about Irish words and Irish place names.
The vintage Agatha Christie novels - basically from the ones she wrote in the mid-1930s, when she finally understood what sex and jealousy really meant, and the late 1950s, when she still remembered what it means to be a selfish person, before she became an old lady writer - still a good writer, but nevertheless an old lady writer who had forgotten the interesting passions of youth - and if you like books about people who have comfortably forgotten the passions of youth, if that is what one wants, well, then God bless you - but those novels, the ones Agatha Christie wrote when she was young and full or passion, are as good or better than Permutation City, if you think about them not as stand-alone novels but as part of a cascade of attempts at understanding good and evil (for the record, understanding good wins, trying to understand evil only wins in a secondary way, and only for faith healers who know what it means to look an evil person in the eye and convince them that evil is wrong ... it is not a big deal,every once in a while a decent person, like young Miss Marple or young Poirot , are gonna have to do it, but they are not gonna make a big deal out of it ....trust me, all in all, evil persons are gonna figure out eventually anyway where they went wrong, at least that is what one prays for, night and day -----but it needs to be done, this kind looking into the eyes of evildoers and this effort to make them change their sad ways, or face punishment, that is why the vintage Christie novels are so readable).
If the worst thing to happen is unnecessary war, then maybe after such a thing happens, someone will describe what went wrong ....and why it did not have to go wrong: Jane Austen wrote six novels, the best two or three describe how we avoid losing out on our best chances. Then there is the Pacific War, read Cyrptonomicon, but remember the author never spent a day in uniform, read the Caine Mutiny (the author was a competent officer on a destroyer in that long ago war) or watch the movie - Fred MacMurray did a good job at being someone without a clue - The Thin Red Line, Sledge, Leckie, and similar great writers .....
But in the long run good novels, good poetry, all that is nothing compared to your efforts to remember the brave moments in your own life, the times you were exactly who you and your pal God wanted you to be.
Put pen to paper, express what any of you felt at such moments.
When we were kids, my brother and I mashed Marvel with part of Max Shulman's Barefoot Boy with Cheek (very silly)[AltPort]:
Say it, Billy Batson! Say the magic word!
And you become sick on the rug, the World's Mightiest Bon-Bon.
Odd that I remember that 50 years later.
No Stephenson had the tech overview of the war I believe he sourced David Kahn's the code braker, it's more of a picaresque in the early going the navy codebreaker the marine security escort and the McNamara like supervisor, which apparently have ancestors who engage in adventures in the baroque 17th century.
Okay I am completely wrong, not a Green Lantern type origin but:
"Ms. Marvel started out as a supporting character in Captain Marvel's series. In fact, as Carol Danvers, she dates back to its beginning, the December, 1967 issue of Marvel Super Heroes. In the 14th issue of Cap's comic (June, 1969), she was accidentally dosed with radiation from an advanced device created by the alien Kree race (of which Cap himself was a member), which, unknown to her at the time, gave her all of Cap's super powers (which mostly consisted of awesome strength, a reasonable level of invulnerability, and the ability to fly), plus a sort of super-intuition that they often give to female superheroes."
My memory of her must be from my alternate reality jump. It gets frustrating.
Coincidence clearly:
More Americans Are Back at Work Making Stuff
Manufacturing employment has risen for 18 straight months, the longest stretch of
gains among nonsupervisory roles since the mid-1990s
By Chip Cutter
March 1, 2019 5:30 a.m. ET"
My gosh, what an absolute economic hellscape Trump has created....(so saith certain commenters on this blogsite)....
MacMurray was a weasel in the Caine Mutiny.
this kind looking into the eyes of evildoers
Miss Marple (IIRC): I do not approve of murder.
Miss Marple (I know) quoting Amos in Nemesis: Let justice roll down like the waters, and righteousness like an everlasting stream.
Where can I find the definitive Joan Hickson version online?
I forgot to mention that 1941's Adventures of Captain Marvel is regarded as the epitome of a good movie "serial".
Unfortunately when I tried to get my niece to watch it with me for movie night, the first ten minutes scared her too badly to continue, so I have still not yet seen it..
narciso ---- well yeah who can successfully write about the poor little Pacific War that nobody but me and a few other people who care about such things -remember all that well ---- well there are a lot of us, family members, and other people who care ----- remembers much, despite the fact that all around the country in every little town there are still many veterans of the Korean War and the Vietnam war who
who know
who know exactly how many brave young men died in the 40s (Pacific War, a certain number of tens and tens of thousands)
and how many brave young men died in the 50s ( what they call the korean war, with a similarly large number of tens of thousands)
and how many brave young men died in the long IndoChina War (what the hippies liked to call 'Nam as if they had any right to call it by a moniker, well, the brave young men who died in that war numbered a similarly large number of tens of thousands, and, to be fair, the hippies of yore are all old now and nobody would want to steal their elderly wives from them - I am not trying to be mean but I remember those days when the hippies and the guys who were not hippies both had beautiful wives, in part because they were brave and passionate, and were young- I remember)
I remember. Almost nobody else remembers, but I remember. For fucks sake, we live in a world with lots of people who deserve respect. Think about it.
When you are kind to someone they see in your face that you are not a phony.
Everybody knows that.
Cats and dogs get lots of props for knowing that, but people know that too.
I am easily amused, for sure, but I remember, so that is not nothing.
I remember back in the 70s me and Joan Hickson used to talk all night long on the long distance telephone line about the good old times, about what we were doing about our hopes for the future.
Maybe the KGB recorded those calls, maybe the NSA. Probably not the NSA I have pals who used to work there they would have told me
Nobody tells me anything
They know that I don't care what they have to say
I have looked evildoers in the eye and seen that look they have when they are telling themselves
hey this whole evil business is not worth much
With God all things are possible
God is a good Friend from that point of view
Were you army security agency, would you tell me if you were? The structure of crypgonomicon is about the legacy of the battles fought in the first half manifested in the second. Much is taken for granted for the descendants in the second half.
'There are more things dreamt on heaven and earth that are in your philosophy, Horatio' is that the gist of it. One wonders though not necessarily philosophically what was ths point, the Pacific war was fought to liberate south east and far east Asia, what was ths result in china,,not to mention vietnam?
I dont mean in the day to day that say Heller depicts in catch 22 (which naturally HBO is revisiting) which had little to do to with that war.
in fact, saying his name is what triggers the transformation of teen Billy Batson into The Big Red Cheese
My favorite take on the Captain Marvel thing is Alan Moore's "Marvelman" (Miracleman in the US for legal reasons mentioned further up the thread).
His great idea: What if someone was walking around who had been a superhero but had forgotten about it and his secret word?
In many ways, Moore may be the best comics writer of all time and what he did with that idea (and series) was close to genius.
But talk about legal HELL. It's been tried up for years and will probably never be finished.
PS. Will we ever see a new white male superhero again?
It could happen, with alter egos although presumably the universe would fall apart without their inference.
Maybe like with the incredibles it doesn't really have to go downhill.
i will tell you narciso my friend about the day to day
people talk about wwii a lot, they talk about Korea a little less, and they talk about Nam even less
I know something you don't know
I am several hundred years old because I know better than any of you that almost Every young man who died in WWII or in Korea or in Nam was the child of parents who grieved for them
I do not think of the WWII deaths as the deaths in a better war and the Korea and Vietnam deaths as deaths in wars that were not celebrated and that were not as good
I have gone through hell in order to look every one of those parents in the eye and say "I am so sorry your son died, I just do not know what to say" but I can say God loves your son and eternal life is available to us all
Regardless of whether the deaths were in the 40s or 50s or in the 60s-70s
sad thing is I know this too if I had died in one of those wars I,like a few thousand others, who nobody every cared much about, would not have been missed al that much.
Oh well God loves me, me and God are friends, even if nobody else cares much!
Like I said, I have looked evildoers in the eye and I have seen them repent of their evildoing
Nobody who has seen that has lived a sad life
Trust me on that I know what I am talking about
Probably in the big scheme of things, have you read the Griffin family of missionaries about their time in rhodesia (Zimbabwe) they relate how Mugabe's zanu and associates zana slaughtered many of their brethren but the west didnt care as Mugabe took over. At least a generation later one of the perpetrators came to them, and converted
But you would ask what was the status of their souls that is the bigger question.
Madame Curie's exposure to radiation did not lead to superpowers but rather to early death. Life is just so unfair. Is it any wonder that we seek solace in comic books.......I think superhero movies are aimed at twelve year old boys, i.e. most of the adult male population. Twelve year old boys seek to do brave deeds and save the princess. It messes up the whole dynamic if the princess is the one who saves the world, and the male hero is either the plucky sidekick or, worse, the macho asshole who screws up everything.
narciso - I know an awful lot about Rhodesia. And Anatolia, and Asia Minor, and France circa 1944. and lots of other places.
For the love of God don't ask me what I know about. Death is afraid of me because of my empathy, and I am not even a good person in the normal sense of the world, and if you knew what I knew Death would be afraid of you too, and as much as I would like you to be proud of that, I am not sure that you, even you, could be ... but if you were .....
That would be a good thing, but ......
I don't want to tell you all about what I know about you are a nice young man and you don't need to know.
But to be fair, when I said I have looked in the eyes of evildoers and I saw the fear they had looking in my eyes - the eyes of an average person, not much more than that ---- the simple fear of some poor loser who did not know, prior to that, that good people really want bad people to stop being bad ....
when I said that I was describing something real.
It is easy to be kind. This world is not all that tragic or dramatic.
Just be a basic human being, with an average amount of love in your heart.
Trust me.
I do not care about the ststus of the souls of anybody.
God loves us all.
Can you imagine how much more successful Christianity would be if Jesus had chosen, instead of Joseph and Mary as his parents, a couple of criminal losers, some awful woman who liked bad boys, and her fat selfish husband?
I can imagine,
And no I would not want poor baby Jesus to have been born in a home like that.
So maybe all the things that have gone wrong are my fault.
Thanks for reading.
"Madame Curie's exposure to radiation did not lead to superpowers but rather to early death"
It makes me sad that at the mention of her name, I can't help but reserve some credulity - did this woman actually sacrifice to advance Science, or is she merely another female propped up to fit the current SJW narratives about gender roles.
I know that's false, I studied her in the 70s, but still, the reflex persists.
Thanks you, Feminism.
Just be a basic human being with an average amount of love in your heart and build on that.
The status of your soul means nothing to me because God loves you and because people who are loved by God know that
what other people think about them, if God loves them,
what other people think about them if God loves them is infinitely small
The status of your soul means everything to me because there is nothing else t o do in this world but pray for other people and the status of their soul, but every once in a while, when you pray, you just say
God there is nothing I can do
the success or failure of my prayers and of the sacrifices and the sufferings I have dedicated to others means nothing
I have seen evildoers repent
I trust God
The status of your soul is between you and God
I will pray for anybody who mocks me
or who disdains me
but the status of their soul is between them and God
Trust God
It is so easy, God knows how much you have suffered
Is it not the status of ones soul that is the fundamental question, that ths deeds we do here no matter how great pale in comparison to the hereafter.
My life has been fairly uneventful compared to most of yours looking collectively
Now jesus chose to be born into those circumstances because that would be the only way he would be acknowledged and yet many ignored the writing on the wall to this day.
Narciso, with all due respect, you are wrong.
Look I love Christmas as much as the next guy but I know this, baby Jesus was born to two wonderful parents (Mary and Joseph) and the status of his soul was never in question.
Let's talk about the poor sap, whose name none of us know, who was a kind person, even though his parents were less like Mary and Joseph than you, my young genius friend, can imagine.
Think about it, On the one hand there is Christmas, with all the lights and all the beauty and all the love and all the beautiful songs ....
and the lucky baby with two saintly parents ....
and then there is that poor sap whose mother was a whore and a slut and whose dad was too much of a scumbag even for the local MOTORCYCLE GANG.
AND THEN THERE IS ME, who knew, as you, my young friend narciso, never knew,
what God sees when God sees someone with an awful start in this world do something kind,
It is no small thing to be a friend to a creature who never had a friend in this world.
Sad to say, I know what I am talking about.
You want to know why Death is afraid of me? Because I have seen evildoers repent, and I know how hard life was for them, because they were not born within a million miles of Bethlehem.
I remember.
or maybe you knew, narciso, I have no idea about the limits of your knowledge .....
but one more time
I have seen the eyes of a friend in that BLESSED moment when that friend finally repented of decades of evil
and it is difficult for me not to feel a little arrogant having seen such a spectacularly wonderful thing ....
God laughs at me but God was never an abandoned human like I was
(just kidding, I am not arrogant at all, I am just trying to communicate, friend to friend)
Honest contempt for the NYT from a confirmed Socialist.
Baseball season around the corner. 27 years in, I'm getting the feel of what it means to be a baseball fan (of the Rockies). Lost two solid players to the Yankees in the off-season, but we got Arenado signed to a long term deal. Will our young pitchers continue to dominate or will NL West hitters figure them out? Biggest hangover from last season, how to wake up the bats. Feeling hopeful but know how easy it is for things to go bad.
How are other folks feeling about their teams? (Other than Red Sox or Dodgers, that is).
@Stephen Cooper - was it just the one hit of blotter?
"How are other folks feeling about their teams? (Other than Red Sox or Dodgers, that is)."
In my 10 years of following the Brewers, my expectations have never been this high. I'll be very disappointed if they don't make the playoffs. Watched MVP Christian Yelich stroke a spring training dinger over center field the other day. Manny Piña back to back. Shivers down my spine. Can barely wait to hear PLAY BALL.
"It's very clear that the president obstructed justice," Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler told ABC Sunday. "It's very clear — 1,100 times he referred to the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt, he tried to — he fired — he tried to protect Flynn from being investigated by the FBI. He fired Comey in order to stop the Russian thing, as he told NBC News. He — he's dangled part — he's threat — he's intimidated witnesses. In public."
he tried to — he fired — he tried
Not only THAT! referred to the Mueller investigation, As A Witch Hunt! This is THE DEFINITION OF OBSTRUCTION!!
Then Nadler says, "We don't have the facts yet,"
I think we can agree that the facts that they don't have (yet) are the facts of having 67 senate votes
grrr! i meant to link to :
"Can barely wait to hear PLAY BALL!"
Yeah me too. Even when it's springtime in the Rockies.
The Pittsburgh Pirates and their cheapskate owner Bob Nutting will continue to develop terrific young players. And then trade them for over-the-hill mediocrity.
Nutting's spring prediction? The Buccos will be contenders. Which is why I have labelled him "Baghdad" Bob Nutting. Worst owner in baseball. I would say all of pro sports, but the NHL's Ottawa Senator's owner holds a wide lead.
https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1101579240250564608.html (An amusing read)
From gilbar's link, Nadler:
"that you're not just trying to steal the last — to reverse the results of the last election."
A Kinsley gaffe.
Blogger Humperdink said...
"WTF is an ecosexual?
Iowahawk thinks Mother Earth is the ultimate MILF, if you are looking for clues.
Hillary’s not running.
The Nadler interview, reveals that the Democrats refuse to accept the results of the last Presidential election, and the Democrats are accusing Mueller of collusion with Trump by refusing to document criminal actions. If all the things the Democrat led committees are investigating were true. Mueller would have found the evidence and present it in his report. It is now evident, Mueller has leaked his report to the Democrat leadership.
The Democrats are determined to get Trump's tax returns:
“Every day the American people and Congress learn more about President Trump’s improprieties, from conflicts of interest to influence peddling, potential tax evasion and violations of the Constitution – all roads leading back to President Trump’s finances," Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne said in a statement. "These improprieties, and the lack of transparency around them, give the House legitimate legislative, oversight and legal reasons to review the President’s tax returns."
Ding Dong
O.N. - that was what is called poetry. You might think it bad poetry, or good poetry. I am indifferent.
New topics were asked for by the blog hostess, and I supplied two.
Since you did not figure out what I was doing, let me help:
(a) I described walking in a military graveyard , and the thoughts that the walk brought to mind, and
(b) I described a recent experience with a dying friend, who has now died, and I believe is in Purgatory or Heaven.
Such experiences are common.
No LSD involved! What you experienced when reading my comments was a recognition of creativity - again, I am not claiming good creativity, just saying that it is what it is.
There are billions of words written on the internet every day, feel free to ignore my comments in the future. There won't be many more, as I tend to write my longest comments on a given platform when I am about to give up writing comments on that platform. I encourage you to feel free to ignore comments by people like me, there are plenty of 'Grateful Dead' and 'REM' lyrics for you to read and reread as you go through life.
Are they mad or just corrupt:
“Every day the American people and Congress learn more about President Trump’s improprieties, from conflicts of interest to influence peddling, potential tax evasion and violations of the Constitution – all roads leading back to President Trump’s finances," Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne said in a statement."
Well what are they? Do tell. Oh wait, you have no evidence????
Brock said Sanders would be hard-pressed to unite the different wings of the Democratic Party, and his ability to raise vast sums of money through small donations could ultimately result in him staying in the race past the point when he can win - Politico
So is this supposed to make me not like him? Because the big money people don’t have a veto?
Every day the American people and Congress learn more about President Trump’s improprieties, from conflicts of interest to influence peddling, potential tax evasion and violations of the Constitution
I need some specific events and charges. I have seen zero credible evidence to have a warrant issued. This is a smart blog. Somebody has to have at least one actionable item.
I like the word eschew.
Meade said..."In my 10 years of following the Brewers, my expectations have never been this high."
Well, now we know who to blame.
Never let the Universe know you have even a glimmer of hope.
The Democrats are determined to get Trump's tax returns
These are the same people who believe if a company has a loss from a previous reporting period that company 'doesn't pay taxes', that a Swiss bank account is a smoking gun of illicit activity, that tax rates don't impact GDP growth, that a change in tax rates from 35 to 39 percent is 'only' a four percent increase, that taxing corporations and rich people means free money for government to spend. I suspect they won't understand them when they see them and broadcast their ignorance for all to see. Rachel Maddow probably knows more about taxes than these twits do...
Never let the Universe know you have even a glimmer of hope
Back before Boston was tired of all the winning a local reporter of like mindset as this quote said of the Red Sox they win today because it will hurt more when they lose tomorrow.
"Kamala Harris, as black and female, trumps Cory Booker who is just black, who trumps Elizabeth Warren who is exposed as just female, who trumps Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders who are reverse threefers as white, male, and heterosexual." (Victor Davis Hanson)
Reverse threefers, a new political term.
In 773 days, President
Trump has made 9,014
false or misleading claims
File this under: Things You Wouldn't Know About If You Get All Your News At Fox
The news says Trump announced he's going off script at CPAC.
Goffman said that he who says he is tearing up his prepared address to talk to you extemporaneously has torn up the wrong prepared address. (Forms of Talk, "The Lecture")
Blogger Humperdink said...
"WTF is an ecosexual?
Aunty Trump responded: "Iowahawk thinks Mother Earth is the ultimate MILF, if you are looking for clues."
I drilled three oil wells on my property. Does that count?
Back before Boston was tired of all the winning a local reporter of like mindset as this quote said of the Red Sox they win today because it will hurt more when they lose tomorrow."
Yes, is winning really worth it? It's a close call.
here's a DIRECT cut and paste from the Washington Post
“A state called Michigan, where — by the way — where Fiat Chrysler just announced a four and a half billion dollar incredible expansion and new plant doubling their workforce. Many, many car companies have moved back to Michigan and are continuing to do so.”
Fiat Chrysler did announce this expansion in Michigan
so, this counts as one of the Ten Zillion lies
jack said "In 773 days, President
Trump has made 9,014
false or misleading claims"
With no evidence, I would label your assertion as a misleading claim.
I don't think the Supremes are going to let the Democrats subpoena Trump's tax returns on the mere hope of finding something in them to dispute.
The other thing, of course, is that they are going to find something to dispute. That is unavoidable, since tax returns on that level to start with are compromises previously agreed to between the taxpayer, his auditing consultants, and the IRS.
This one time; Trump said it was raining; but that was A LIE! it was pouring
This one time; Trump said it was raining; but that was A LIE! it was only a light rain
This one time; Trump said it was raining; but that was A LIE! it was raining, but it would stop soon
This one time; Trump said it was raining; but that was A LIE! it was raining, but would change to snow
That's the sort of LIAR Trump is!!
jack said...
In 773 days, President
Trump has made 9,014
false or misleading claims
Not close to a good faith response.
Pick one of those and try to get a judge to issue a warrant for documents, or subpoena to compel sworn testimony.
Yes, is winning really worth it? It's a close call.
I'd advise against it.
The evidence presented here will be quickly discounted by those who have been mindlessly indoctrinated to believe anything other than Foxnews is 'fake news'.
I know this is an exercise in futility, but it's so very amusing to watch all of Trump's supporters rushing to defend the indefensible. ;-)
"I'd advise against it."
Fortunately, it's not our decision to make. We're just along for the ride.
On Soviet movies.
The enormous Soviet film industry produced a vast number of war films from the 1940s-80s. Hundreds of them. In some ways it was quite as much a genre as US Westerns of the time. I don't think this was entirely a matter of state propaganda, though it was of course, but because it was also a way to handle the extreme trauma of WWII. It looks like Soviet citizens had a new war movie to look forward to every week or so.
And Russia continues to make them. There are quite a few from the 1990s-2000s. This sort of thing is a window on the state of mind of a people.
Anyway, these formerly inaccessible movies all seem to be on Youtube now, or so it seems by their numbers. The quality is mixed of course, but on the whole they are better productions, as in production quality, sets and props and costumes and explosions and casts of thousands, than US war movies. The Soviets spent tremendous resources on these things. They had all the real things of course, unlike US producers, they had genuine German tanks, some of them even in working order, and fleets of T34's, but they also cared more about getting details right than the Americans. Even when they were driven to use mockups they at least tried for realism, unlike the pathetic Hollywood paint jobs of Spanish M47s you often see.
Some differences in tropes - the disparate characters in the unit are typical as in US movies, but the types are different - there is usually a Central Asian and a grey-haired peasant full of pithy sayings. They feature the company cook, usually a colorful character, and the inevitable horse drawn field kitchen. And trenches, they loved trenches.
Suggestion - one of the better ones, "They Fought for the Land", Sergei Bondarchuk 1976, on a novel by Sholokhov.
Blogger jack said...The evidence presented here will be quickly discounted by those who have been mindlessly indoctrinated to believe anything other than Foxnews is 'fake news'. "
Last Wednesday MSNBC spent 132 minutes covering the Cohen testimony, 2 minutes covering the Trump/Kim summit. CNN; 141 minutes on Cohen, 1 minute 45 seconds on Trump/Kim. Fox; 66 and 85 minutes respectively. Similar numbers on Thursday.
jack said...
In 773 days, President
Trump has made 9,014
false or misleading claims
File this under: Things You Wouldn't Know About If You Get All Your News At Fox
Of course, you have to believe a biased fact-checker to get those numbers, but it's only propaganda when the other guy says it, right, Jack? What a moron.
It's official. At The Atlantic Caitlin Flanagan does a Hatchet Job on Amy Klobuchar
You know what’s indefensible? Arguing with a moron. If you already have your degree jack, you should go back and sue.
"I need some specific events and charges. I have seen zero credible evidence to have a warrant issued. This is a smart blog. Somebody has to have at least one actionable item."
I got nothin'
gilbar said...
here's a DIRECT cut and paste from the Washington Post
“A state called Michigan, where — by the way — where Fiat Chrysler just announced a four and a half billion dollar incredible expansion and new plant doubling their workforce. Many, many car companies have moved back to Michigan and are continuing to do so.”
Fiat Chrysler did announce this expansion in Michigan
so, this counts as one of the Ten Zillion lies
I'm not reading the Washington Post story as it's paywalled. If the Post got something wrong, I can't speak to it.
What I can say is that here in Detroit, everybody knows that Trump and Trumpism are a complete afterthought in the location of large assembly plants. Indeed, FCA was asked about their new Billion-dollar expansion and a spokeswoman said that all of the attendant decisions were completely independent of Trump policies. FCA's planning on the new project started in 2015.
In Detroit, there is one man who is hailed as the personal hero of this new initiative. That man is the late FCA Chairman Sergio Marchionne, who died suddenly last year.
In one respect, I think it is interesting to ask the question, "Is Trump really taking credit for things like this?" Trump always speaks in such vague pablums about how "we're doing great," and "we're winning," etc., and lots of people -- his fans mostly, but also Trump's most bitter enemies -- always seem to think that Trump is taking personal credit. Everything about Trump would sort of lead people of normal emotional intelligence to assume that, because Trump does it so routinely in other contexts.
But with the Detroit automakers, Trump never seems to speak in any specifics about what they are doing or not doing. For their part -- Ford, GM and FCA -- they all just keep doing whatever their product planners decide, and when Trump scolds them or praises them, they effectively just shrug and say, whatever.
The changes in Obama's CAFE overreach will have an impact, I hope, it just hasn't filtered down to actual vehicles yet.
Fortunately, it's not our decision to make. We're just along for the ride.
Only if you can get Meade to stiffle with all the hope talk in front of the Universe.
Voice of experience talking...
Blogger David Begley said...
“Hillary’s not running.”
Wonder what is going on there. Did her health get in the way of her greed? It is maybe the best thing that the Dems could have done for themselves, pushing the old hag off the road. But what is good for her party or the country has never been a high priority of hers.
Concerning Crooked Hillary in a comment in a Legal Insurrection post:
Pasadena Phil | March 5, 2019 at 9:31 am
“She is NOT taking herself out of the race. She just doesn’t want to be involved in the early carnage among the upstart communists. She, like Biden and a couple of others, want to be around the convention begins without a promising candidate. Eventually, most will be currying favor to her and Biden for their endorsement. Her strategy is be seen as often as possible to stay in the conversation as an alternative to the communists riot. As if she were the only adult in the room. As if.”
"Only if you can get Meade to stiffle with all the hope talk in front of the Universe.
Voice of experience talking..."
I don't think there's any muzzling Meade.
Chuck said: "What I can say is that here in Detroit, everybody knows that Trump and Trumpism are a complete afterthought in the location of large assembly plants."
Additionally, in what can only be described as another afterthought: "After years of job losses, U.S. manufacturing employment has risen for 18 straight months among those holding production or nonsupervisory jobs, the longest stretch of gains since the mid-1990s."(WSJ)
"Hillary's not running"
Yet. She is corrupt and evil and all that stuff but she's not stupid. Getting in the race now would derail the efforts to destruct the current crop of Democrat candidates.
I've put a placeholder in my calendar for late summer, Labor Day or so, for her announcement.
No LSD involved!
That is scary.
They really know how to pick them:
Hey narciso! What's a little child abuse among friends? And why wasn't the press on this? It isn't news that the new governor is okay with putting a child abuser in his cabinet? Or is it just that it is not news for Democrats to be child abusers?
Wait, is this about Adam Schiff again?
Can't be about Schitt because of the NDAs.
MMT is a neat theory.
Designs for perpetual motion machines always are.
"How are other folks feeling about their teams? (Other than Red Sox or Dodgers, that is)."
In a stupid move worthy of the Seattle Mariners, the Diamondbacks traded Paul Goldschmidt to St. Louis. I'm not optimistic.
Humperdink said...
Chuck said: "What I can say is that here in Detroit, everybody knows that Trump and Trumpism are a complete afterthought in the location of large assembly plants."
Additionally, in what can only be described as another afterthought: "After years of job losses, U.S. manufacturing employment has risen for 18 straight months among those holding production or nonsupervisory jobs, the longest stretch of gains since the mid-1990s."(WSJ)
So unlike WaPo, I AM a Journal subscriber. I read the editorial you quoted. At the top of the page on the left is a graph of job growth for the last decades. It shows steady growth since 2010. The graph just to the right of that is a bit of statistical sleight of hand. It is a chart of job growth rates compared to the previous year, whatever that was.
The simple fact is that the broad rage of economic indicators have been rising since midway through the Obama presidency. Some might say, "Couldn't go anywhere but up!" But that is the fact. I don't know how the Trump Presidency gets credit for a job growth spurt that began before he was sworn in.
"I don't know..."
Nobody here will argue that point.
“Madame Curie's exposure to radiation did not lead to superpowers but rather to early death”
It makes me sad that at the mention of her name, I can't help but reserve some credulity — did this woman actually sacrifice to advance Science, or is she merely another female propped up to fit the current SJW narratives about gender roles.
I know that's false, I studied her in the 70s, but still, the reflex persists.
What's false about today's narrative about Dr. Marie Curie is the anti-nuclear “exposure to radiation” public mythology concerning her death — reputedly due to radiation sickness as a result of her decades of research into the ultra-radioactive element radium (about a million times more radioactive — a term she herself coined — than [e.g.] uranium). That, not her science — two hard science Nobel Prizes, one Physics, one Chemistry! — is what folks remember about Madame Curie today.
Yet we now know (due to Curie's remains being disintered during the 1990's prior to her reburial in France's national mausoleum, the Panthéon) that during her radium researches Curie was actually exposed to far less — only about 1/20th — of what is generally regarded as even a marginally dangerous (much less lethal!) dosage of the “radiant” element.
So, if it wasn't exposure to radium that killed Madame Curie, what was it? Though cancers can arise spontaneously, it's now believed it was Curie's subsequent investigations into X-rays during World War I — a time when the dangers of such ionizing X-radiation were not appreciated — that led (decades later) to her eventual leukemia and ultimate death at the age of 2/3rds of a century (a greater than average lifespan for Europe at the time, one might note).
As a result, if one were to take Curie's experience and conclude from it that one should fear “exposure to radiation,” the takeaway lesson would be that it's exposure to hard X-ray radiation which one ought to particularly avoid.
(Nature journal (Nature.com), Vol. 377, No. 6545 [14 September 1995], “X-rays, not radium, may have killed Curie,” p. 96)
Hump posted: "After years of job losses, U.S. manufacturing employment has risen for 18 straight months among those holding production or nonsupervisory jobs, the longest stretch of gains since the mid-1990s."(WSJ)
Chuck response (excerpted): "The simple fact is that the broad rage of economic indicators have been rising since midway through the Obama presidency."
Obama you say? Obama said the manufacturing jobs that I referenced above were never coming back.
manufacturing employment -
Its more interesting as a % of working age population.
The RATE of increase, 2017-2018, since increases pooped out 2015-2016 is the interesting bit, and most likely due to public policy changes affecting the business climate.
The unique thing about 2009-2016 is not that there was a recovery, but that the recovery was so very slow to the status quo prior to the recession.
Obama you say? Obama said the manufacturing jobs that I referenced above were never coming back.
So too does the Journal editorial that you referenced. In which they observed, through a couple of quoted subjects, that we are now making more stuff than ever, with fewer people. Productivity increases, more than any offshoring.
Coming soon to a vacant lot near you - Barack Obama University.
“If we train them — if we give them skills, support, financing, media training, spotlights, then they’re the ones that are going to carry forward the solutions that we so desperately need,” Obama said.
“If we could form a network of those young leaders, not just in the United States, but around the world, then we got something,” he said, adding, “if we can train a million Baracks and Michelles who are running around thinking they can change the world” hope is achievable.
I never want to hear another effing word about Donald Trump's ego.
Let's all wish 'jack' a Happy 12th Birthday.
The factory investment has nothing to do with Trump.
Obama might deserve credit.
Statistics say Trump's presidency has seen a resurgence of manufacturing jobs.
Obama thought those jobs were gone forever.
Wall Street Journal. (Home of Fusion GPS founders)
I enjoy watching flailing.
That was great flail.
Will Smith hit with 'colorism' backlash after new role announced
Go blackface. Problem solved. -HXG
when they told me Mel Gibson was going to make a movie called Apocalypto I assumed it was going to be a comedy.
these wild and crazy guys are hard to figure out
Proverbs 8!, as they used to say in old Beulah Land
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